#Florida spring wildflowers
whatnext10 · 6 months
It’s the First Day of Spring
Spring Vibrations Today is officially the first day of spring for 2024. Here in central Florida signs of spring started about a month ago with some early blooming wildflowers and the occasional clouded sulfur butterfly. By now our iconic spring flowers, the Drummond’s phlox (Phlox drummondii), are popping up everywhere that there is open ground and plenty of sun. It always makes me happy to see…
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rum-138 · 1 year
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Springs and nature seen kayaking North Florida
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kadoore · 2 years
I really wish we'd teach about seasons based on where the kid lives and not on this midwestern/northeastern ideal of spring/summer/fall/winter.
My kiddo is learning about leaves changing color and falling off trees while she lives in Florida. She asked us when the leaves would fall here and I had to break it to her: never.
What I wished she'd learn instead, and which she will:
Autumn isn't falling leaves in Florida -- it's hurricanes and wildflowers. We tend to the monarch butterflies passing through and don't clear out the brush lest we clear out their chrysalises. We reclaim the evenings from summer's last grasps and await every cold front.
Winter isn't snow and ice here -- it's enjoying the beauty around us, exploring the woods, going outside without risking exsanguination by mosquito. Winter is our season of bounty, of relief. And sometimes, yes, we have to cover the plants to protect them from frost and we leave footprints on the grass in the morning. Here is our season of abundance, of frost-kissed oranges and lemons, of strawberries picked with your breath clouding your hands, of blueberries gathered in skirts. Kale and lettuce, beets and greens, it's all here for us in winter.
Spring isn't the season of hope it is up North. It's an end, a swelling of heat so sudden you swear by it. Florida kids need to know it's lovebug season and every bug season, it's gator baby season, it's beach before tourists season, and it's also fire season. The air is sticky but the trees are dry and an early thunderstorm could ignite it all, so be careful. Be careful.
Summer is our winter and it's shit. You step outside and you melt. It's hurricane season, but not really. More like hurricane preparatory season. They should teach kids here to check their supplies and how to chart a hurricane's movement. Summer is about wearing a jacket inside, because everywhere has the a/c cranked up. Kids need to learn how to cover themselves head to toe in insect repellant and sunscreen.
Instead of learning all that, my kid's gonna come home this week sad again that we don't have snow.
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roanofarcc · 5 days
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pairing: boone x fem!reader
summary: years spent in the a mediocre relationship with your “highschool sweetheart” comes to an abrupt end. instead of the heart break you thought would consume you, you feel free. and that freedom leads you right to boone’s front door. 
warnings: sad boone, relationship issues, unrequited love (or so one thinks!), a curse word or two, mentions of drinking (brief). I am a firm believer of buying boys flowers :)
word count. 2.7k || masterlist
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“Welcome, everyone, to my humble abode,” Boone said, dramatically gesturing to the small house at the end of a dirt road. The place was decorated in a very Boone-like fashion with odd scraps of metal loitering the side yard, junk cars they oftened used for scrap parts when any of their vehicles broke down, and some wildflowers that his mother had sprinkled around the front steps when he first moved in a couple years post-high school. 
His road consisted of three other houses, miles away from anything besides corn fields. The houses had all changed, but Boone kept his the same considering he wasn’t there for much of the spring and summer months, and he spent the winter holidays in Florida with his retired mother and father. 
“Thanks for letting us crash at your place,” Kate said, rubbing the back of her neck. “I don’t think I could’ve slept in one more motel.” 
Javi nodded. “I’m still scarred from the roaches.” The last couple of places they’ve stayed had been less than ideal. They were grimy and bug-infested. All of the Wranglers were excited to stay at an actual home for once. 
They all hopped out of the truck, meeting up with the rest of the crew who pulled in right behind them. Boone enjoyed his home more when there were others inside of it. He didn’t like the quiet and he hated his clear view of his neighbor's home.  
The darling little blue house had stood there since Boone had moved in. The porch had been painted and the landscaping changed a hundred and two times, but the house was still sky blue and always decorated for the seasons. 
He made the mistake of looking at the house for a beat too long. It was like the universe was looking down at him, laughing and serving up some karma alongside his arrival. The front door swung open, and you walked out. He should have looked away and followed his friends inside, pretending like he never saw you, but he couldn’t. You looked up after locking your door and your gaze fell right on him. For a moment you looked at each other from across the street before a smile broke out on your face and you hurried across your front yard, right towards him. 
“Oh, man,” Boone muttered under his breath, hands reaching to fix his hair and smooth out his wrinkled cutoff. 
“Boone?” Tyler said, clapping his shoulder before his eyes fell upon you. “Oh.” Tyler didn’t need to say more than that. He knew about Boone’s stupid crush on you since the moment he moved in. And as many times as he tried to shake it, you made it impossible to let it go. 
You’d been in a long-standing relationship, not married nor even engaged, but dating for as long as Boone could remember. It was awful of him to like someone who was already dating someone else, but there was something about you that made it impossible to rid his brain of it. Every time he saw you, it only made it worse because you were the epitome of neighborly. You baked him cookies and remembered his birthday. You offered to water his flowers and mow his lawn when he was away. You waved at him from the mailbox and told him stories and invited him over for coffee. You always asked about his storm-chasing adventures and listened with so much intent it drove him crazy. 
It was a pathic thing, he knew that, pining after a taken woman, but he couldn’t help it. And he’d never act on it, despite how much he loathed your boyfriend. Boone didn’t find himself around your boyfriend that often, for many reasons. But the times he had, he noticed how lackluster he was in comparison to you. Bland and boring with a touch of douchy-ness that rubbed Boone the wrong way. He knew most of his opinion was formed in jealousy, but the rest of it was the little tidbits of information you offered up to him. You didn’t necessarily complain but rather vented. Like the time he forgot your anniversary and tried to apologize with some lousy dinner at his friend's bar. Or all of the times he brushed off your excitement for certain things. The biggest thing though, that you had only admitted to Boone once on a winter’s night after you had wandered over after drinking a couple glasses of wine, was how he never wanted to talk about marriage. Every time you brought it up, he shut you down and left you waiting for some kind of sign of forever. 
Boone was pretty sure you didn’t remember telling him that, but he did. He couldn’t imagine someone being with you and not wanting to settle for forever. And sure, not everyone wanted to get married, but it was clear that you did and were waiting for some kind of initiation from him that never seemed to come. 
“Boone!” you shouted from the edge of his driveway, a bright smile on your face that twisted his gut into knots. He waved and walked forward just as you gave him a hug. You were always warm and smelled sweet, and you never failed to hug him when you caught him returning home. 
“I didn’t know you were due back yet?” you said, pulling away but staying close. 
Boone cleared his throat and shoved his hands into his pockets. “Y-Yeah, it was a spur-of-the-moment thing; no one wanted to stay another night at a motel.” 
“Can’t blame ‘ya there.” Your eyes sparkled in the sunlight, captivating. “Why don’t y’all come over tonight for some drinks?” 
Dani and Lily cheered from behind Boone and everyone aside from Tyler nodded their heads. 
Boone couldn’t say no; he had no reason to other than spending time with you was certainly going to make his affection worse. Tyler looked at him, unsure and sympathetic, but Boone ignored him and offered you a lopsided smile. “Sure thing.” 
You clapped your hands and bid them a good afternoon as you strolled back to your home. It wasn’t until Boone turned around that he dropped his head in his hands. 
Tyler whistled, slinging an arm around Boone’s shoulder as they all headed towards his house. “You’ve still got it bad, huh?” 
Kate turned around, curious. “Got what bad?” 
Boone said nothing as he unlocked the door and ushered everyone inside. Tyler answered for him as he pulled off his boots in the entryway. “A bad crush on the neighbor.” 
A gasp sounded from Lily. “No way! I didn’t know you had a hometown honey!” 
“I don’t,” Boone sighed, plopping down on the couch that was a little dusty from lack of use. “She’s got a boyfriend.” 
“Oh, man,” Javi said with a slight wince. “That’s rough.” 
“You’re tellin’ me.” 
Later that night, Boone shook off his nerves as he led the group of Wranglers over to your house. It was an uncomfortable mix of feelings that twisted around inside his gut. He always liked seeing you and catching up with you, but at the same time, he always found himself flustered and hit with the brick of guilt for liking you. He thought about moving to avoid his achy heart, but that seemed a bit extreme considering he was hardly home anyway. And he wasn’t sure he could give up seeing you, even in passing. You were a friendly face above all else, a calmness to his otherwise chaotic life. 
He knocked on your door, and you opened it with a wide smile, ushering everyone into your backyard. In the dim light of the evening, a fire was cracking in the pit and different beverages were resting in a small cooler. 
Boone ended up sitting beside you, your knees knocking against his. He fiddled with the tab of his beer and worked up the courage to ask, “What’s James up to tonight?” 
You seemed to hesitate before answering, “He’s out for a work thing.” 
There was an itch for him to ask more, but he decided against it and resorted to sipping his beer and listening to his friends start to recant their chasing stories to you. It all was in good fun, a nice night despite the close proximity to you. The fire crackled and smoke danced upwards, melting with the deep blue sky peppered with stars. 
The conversations flowed like you had been a part of the Wranglers since they started. You were easy to get along with, sweet and talkative. Boone wasn’t even sure what the time was before the group started stifling yawns. Finally, Tyler made the decision to head back, prompting everyone to tiredly agree. 
They offered you a mix of hugs and handshakes, a nice goodbye while you offered them a ‘come around any time.’ Boone lingered behind, picking up trash while you smothered in the fire. 
“Your friends are nice,” you said. 
Boone smiled lightly. “Yeah, they’re pretty great.” 
You grabbed a couple discarded cans and hugged them to your chest as you double-checked that everything was picked up. Pressing your lips into a thin line, you looked conflicted. A crease sat between your brows, something worry-filled or upsetting, he couldn’t quite tell. Maybe he wasn’t as close with you as he was with the Wranglers, but his ever-growing feelings led to him becoming extra observant whenever he was around you. Subtleties in your actions were as big as wild gestures in his mind. 
“Are you okay?” he asked gently, not wanting to pry or overstep. 
You met his gaze for a second before you sighed. “I’m…I don’t really know.” 
He made a bold step forward, lessening the gap between you just slightly. “Do you wanna talk about it?” 
“You asked about James earlier,” you started, suddenly fascinated by the grass under your feet. “I lied.” 
“About what?” he scrunched his face in slight confusion. 
“He’s not out for work. We…we got into a fight, actually. A big one. He said he needed to cool off but…that was three days ago.” 
The confession caught Boone off guard. He nearly lost his balance. “O-Oh,” was all he could mutter. 
You let out a shaky laugh, but not a humorous one. “I don’t know why I’m telling you this,” you continued. “It’s just…I haven’t really talked to anyone about it. And then you showed up and I…Well, I like talking to you.” 
Boone tried not to think about your words too hard, but his heart beat a little quicker inside his chest. He couldn’t muster up the right words before you started talking again. “You know the worst part about it? I’m not even that upset. I should be, right? If we were so in love, I should be upset that he walked out without even trying to talk things through. But I’m not. I should feel different, but I don’t. I don’t even miss him.” 
You groaned loudly and dropped down onto the old log that had been fashioned into a bench. You let the cans tumble into a pile on the grass as you held your head in your hands. “I’m sorry,” you rushed out. 
“Don’t be sorry,” Boone said, slowly lowering himself beside you. “You can’t really help how ‘ya feel, or so I’ve been told.” 
“We’ve been together for ages,” you sighed. “It should hurt but it doesn’t. I think we’ve just been, like, stuck and too scared to admit that things don’t feel the way they did back when we first got together.” 
Boone felt like he was treading into dangerous territory without proper equipment. Like he was barreling right into a twister without anything to keep him grounded. But he knew he couldn’t think of himself, he had to think of you. You were upset; he didn’t like that. He couldn’t fix it, but maybe he could offer some generic, Hallmark advice and it would be okay. 
“Maybe he does just need time to cool off,” Boone suggested. “Space isn’t always a bad thing, right?” 
You shrugged. “We’ve fought before, but this felt different. And if I’m being honest, I don’t know if I want him to come back.” 
Boone let out some air from his cheeks, unsure of what to say and unsure of what you wanted him to say. Luckily, you spoke before he had to come up with something. 
“Gosh, I’m sorry, again. You should get back to your friends. I’m just rambling.” You laughed nervously, standing up once more and recomposing yourself. But he noticed the way you brushed your hand under your eyes and ducked your head. 
“You should do whatever makes you happy,” Boone said, quietly. “If you're not happy with him then…you know…” 
You smiled softly and nodded, and Boone took that as his moment to leave. He hurried back to his home, his heart racing inside his chest underneath the moonlight. 
You chewed on your nails nervously, pacing your kitchen for what felt like the millionth time that morning. After sleeping on your split feelings to Boone, you felt a weight grow heavier and heavier on your chest, a crushing feeling that tried to break your bones every time you saw the storm chaser on his brief visits home. It was wrong, you knew that, to feel something towards someone else while in a committed relationship. You’d never act on them while dating your boyfriend, but you subconsciously found yourself thinking of Boone. 
For a while, you thought maybe it was just a rush of intense friendship that you hadn’t felt in ages, and you confused that with romantic feelings. But the less and less you and your boyfriend felt like a real couple, the more you started to think about Boone beyond the bounds of friendship. It was all fantasy, something to keep your heart occupied while your boyfriend drifted further from you each time you desperately tried to pull him back in. 
The truth was you weren’t working anymore. Whatever spark you’d both been trying to fan for years finally gave way and left you both cold. But for some reason, you both were scared to end the first real relationship you’d ever known. 
After your fight, the absence of your boyfriend didn’t make you miss him, it made you comfortable in the quietness of your home and your freedom. So, you made the call. After trying and failing to bring your relationship back from the dead, you called it off and he agreed with a heavy sigh full of relief. 
Your heart was still tender and jumping into another relationship right away wasn’t what you wanted, and spring was still young. Boone left with his team to finish out the rest of the season chasing, and you worked on yourself until you found yourself in a place much better and brighter than you’d ever been in before. You felt lighter, a newfound sense of life in your veins. 
Once the months started to turn into crisp breezes and shorter days, you found yourself on the front porch of Boone the day after he returned home. 
He swung open the door with a smile and polite, “Hey.” 
“Hi,” you greeted, pulling out something from behind your back. It was a small bouquet of flowers picked from the patch in your backyard. “These are for you.” 
He blinked in surprise. “For me?” Boone chuckled and took him with a carefulness, like he was scared the breeze would take them. “Why in the world are you bringin’ me flowers?” 
You couldn’t stop grinning; your cheeks hurt. “I came to ask you a real important question.” 
He looked beyond confused but nodded for you to continue. 
“Would you want to go on a date with me?” 
Boone looked like he had short-circuited, eyes bulging out of his head and body frozen for a stretch of time that made you start to second guess your bold proposal. It took several moments for him to shake himself loose and ask, “Are you serious?” 
You nodded, heart beating nervously against your chest. His face broke out in a grin almost as wide as yours had been and he lurched forward, picking you up by the waist and spinning you around in front porch light. You threw your head back laughing, nerves subsiding in a moment of bliss. 
He sat you down but kept his hands on your hips, a little breathless and shinning. “Hell yeah I wanna,” he replied, as if his reaction didn’t tell you everything you needed to know.
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bigpappahope · 6 months
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Four edible plants native to Florida.
Salvia Lyrata, or Lyreleaf sage, a plant historically used by natives for medical purposes, is used for teas mainly. I haven't tried it but the whole plant is edible.
Stachys Floridana, or Florida Betony is a beautiful wildflower that produces white tubers that look a bit like grubs but taste almost like radishes, crispy and fresh.
Sambucus Nigra, or Elderberry /Elderflower depending on what stage it's in, is used for a nice tea in the flowering stage and syrups and jellies are made from the berries. They're also nice to look at.
Smilax auriculata, or Earleaf Greenbrier is pictured here, but all species are edible and have the same basic look. These are considered a nuisance by a lot of gardeners but they're my favorite from this list. The soft new growth at the end of vines look like asparagus and taste just as good in my opinion, which is where one common name, wild asparagus, comes from. In the spring you can eat whole meals of this stuff right off the plant just walking down a hiking trail, all you have to do is snap it off right where it wants to and chow down
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
If tpfy characters were from America, which state would represent them the best? For example, I see Hermione as a New Yorker, and I'm torn between Florida, Arizona, and Texas for Draco, Harry would be from California or Hawaii, Luna would be from Oregon, Pansy would be from Utah, Neville is from Washington, and I'm confused about the Weasley's... I want to say Texas, but they don't fit Texas. I don't really know much about Theo, so let's throw him into Alaska.
LOL this is the silliest thing we've ever done. i'm going to try and leave politics out of it as much as possible?
Harry: Colorado. laid back, a little bit of everything. it's got mountains, and farms, and desert. it's got big cities and small towns, which speaks to his adaptability and his overall lack of self sometimes. there's harsh landscape but made it's beautiful because of it's severity.
Ginny: Nevada. don't let the red rock mountains and the dessert fool you, this is a lush environment if you look beyond the surface which is a bit like ginny's front that she puts up for everyone else. at first glance she's vegas, but get to know her and she's the spring mountains. also wild horses live here
Hermione: I like New York for her! but a borough? maybe brooklyn? she's the lifetime new yorker who is a bit desensitized to all the batshit things going on in her own head. like the bodega rats and the guy dancing on the street corners to no music. that's just new york! she's got a crazy schedule, and she never sleeps, but that's only because there's so much that she needs to get DONE!
Draco: Connecticut. full stop. but like the blue blood, children of the revolution, ivy league legacy, kind of connecticut. He's got a yacht and a beach house and he actively talks shit about the families from Massachusetts who infiltrate the town in the summer time.
Ron: North Carolina. traditional with lots of history, but also up for anything. He can go big city without losing his rural roots. family is always a priority. the best fucking beaches around.
Padma: Virginia. actually a commonwealth, the state belongs to the people, not the state government (that's a very simplistic definition but this is a very silly game so i'm not getting into it) virginia is supposed to value democracy (their ideals) above all else. also richmond is a v cool town.
Neville: Nebraska. quiet and unassuming, minds his own business but sticks to his principles when it matters. hard working, and agriculture based, seems pretty boring until you get to know him and realize all that boring is actually *really* admirable.
Pansy: Illinois. the glitz and glam and cool factor of chicago is fun, but it's also a little morally bankrupt (lol). She's learning to appreciate the quiet, more steady parts of her.
Luna: I went back and forth on this one for a while, but i think you are right. i have to go with Oregon. Keep Portland Weird and all that. she definitely brings the special brownies to the potluck.
Theo: Montana. quiet and bit of a leave me the fuck alone attitude. appreciates solitary walks through the mountains. likes animals more than people. so sick of the grind. let him lay in a field of wildflowers and think about the universe for a few days.
i think the weasleys as a whole would be Iowa. hardworking, rural, they have enough money to get by, they're willing to try new things (like wind energy), they always try to stand up for what is right, but at the same time they value their tight knit communities.
and since i've now spent a full hour on this, i'm calling it done LOL
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rhinokck · 8 months
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Side by side of two wheat beers from Florida. First up was Passion Wheat from JDUB’S Brewing Co out of Sarasota. I really liked this one. Brewed with passion fruit & mango this was a smooth drinking fruit explosion. Tropical & citrusy through out, the mango really stood out in the front & the passion fruit came through in the finish. Next up was Orange Crush from Hidden Springs Ale Works out of Tampa. An American Wheat Beer with wildflower honey & sweet orange peel, this had a nice citrusy flavor up front but a bit of bitterness in the finish.
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fleursparmia · 2 months
Bridal Bouquets in Florida: A Touch of Elegance and Local Charm
Florida's natural beauty and diverse floral options are reflected in bridal bouquets. They are important aspects of wedding elegance in the state. In Florida, bridal bouquets offer various styles, features and flower types. Bridal bouquets in Florida are unique for their specific characteristics that make them especially suitable for a day of remembrance.
Features of Bridal Bouquets in Florida
Tropical Blooms
A popular option for bridal bouquets is tropical blooms which are favored because Florida has a vast number of exotic flowers due to its tropical climate; hence most brides choose it. Blooms like orchids, hibiscus or bird of paradise are therefore incorporated as they have a state's natural touch in them. Vibrant, unusual and perfect for beachside or outdoor weddings; they bring such freshness into the bride’s attire with color.
Seasonal Selections
Bridal bouquets from Florida usually have seasonal flowers which peak during every month over the year. Local florists create designs for Floridian bridal bouquets which feature the finest blooms of every season, starting from delicate peonies and calla lilies in the spring to rich dahlias and sunflowers in the fall. The seasonal arrangements not only provide the freshest flowers possible but are also in tune with the time of the year, thus adding to the general theme of the wedding.
Customization and Personalization
Florida bridal bouquets are known for having a high level of customization. It is understood that local florists cooperate with the brides in order to develop unique setups that can express their inner selves alongside the type of wedding held. Florida’s floristry professionals can make this bouquet in such a way that you can opt for the traditional white rose bunches, contemporary blends or even wildflower-like fantasies.
Coastal and Beach Themes
Florida has a very long coast. Thus, most of the bridal bouquets in the area are linked in one way, or another with the coast and beach. This ranges from use of seashells, driftwoods, and pearls among other sea-inspired elements that rhyme so well with the seasides. In most cases, florists usually come up with bouquets that have a nautical touch since their choice of colors are usually pastel and light. Thus, these arrangements reflect on how quiet and lovely Florida’s beaches can be.
Professional Florist Expertise
Professionalism is key to the making of bridal bouquets by the state of Florida florists. They have regular consultations with clients to assist them in choosing appropriate flowers, colors and styles. Their knowledge guarantees that each bouquet is both pretty and at the same time aptly responding to the needs of the bride and represents the general theme of marriage celebrations.
Bridal bouquets in Florida are known for their lively and exotic flowers, availability based on season and ability to be personalized. The primary aim is to mirror the beauty and peculiarities of Florida by either focusing on coastal ideas or letting them appear highly elegant. Bridal Bouquets in Florida by professional florists will grant anyone with a unique experience by making available their expert guidance and personal advice during the day.
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Discover the Peaceful Charm of Lithia Springs Park in Brandon, Florida
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Lithia Springs Park in Brandon, Florida, offers a serene escape for nature lovers and those looking to unwind from the hustle of city life. Nestled within Brandon, this park combines natural beauty, recreational activities, and historical value, creating a harmonious retreat.
A Natural Haven in Brandon
Lithia Springs Park is famous for its natural spring, the highlight of this scenic location. With its crystal-clear waters, the spring provides a refreshing spot perfect for swimming on a warm day. The park's pristine environment, along with the calming sounds of flowing water, offers a unique peacefulness that's rare in Brandon.
The park's diverse flora showcases Florida's rich biodiversity. Majestic oaks, delicate ferns, and vibrant wildflowers create a vivid display of the region's natural beauty. Walking along the well-maintained trails immerses visitors in the tranquil atmosphere that defines Lithia Springs Park. The varied ecosystem supports wildlife such as squirrels and colorful birds, making each visit distinct.
Activities for Everyone
Lithia Springs Park offers numerous recreational activities for all ages. The picnic areas, equipped with tables and grills, are ideal for family gatherings and relaxing afternoons. Expansive lawns provide space for games and leisure, making it a perfect spot for a day out.
For adventure seekers, the park’s hiking trails are a must-see. These trails wind through different terrains, offering a chance to explore the park’s diverse landscapes and find hidden tranquil spots. Fishing enthusiasts can enjoy the well-stocked waters, promising a peaceful and rewarding experience.
Historical Importance and Community Involvement
Lithia Springs Park holds historical significance for the Brandon community. Dating back to the early 20th century, the spring was a crucial water source for the area. Today, it stands as a reminder of the region's heritage, seamlessly blending the past with the present.
The park also hosts community events and educational programs. Seasonal events, nature walks, and wildlife observation activities enhance the park's appeal, fostering a deeper connection between visitors and nature. Participating in these events highlights the importance of preserving such sanctuaries for future generations.
Lithia Springs Park in Brandon, Florida, is more than just a park; it is a refuge where nature's calmness and community spirit unite. Each visit deepens the appreciation for this serene haven in Brandon's heart. Whether for leisure, adventure, or historical exploration, Lithia Springs Park offers an experience that captivates and rejuvenates the spirit.
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iffoundreturntosea · 4 months
May 19, Day 139/140
Day 139 2015
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Set my glasses down and thought it looked cool.
#picoftheday #project365 #day139
Day 140 2016
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My niece is headed to kindergarten!!!
#gettingsobig #niece #graduation #prek #smile #beautiful #brights #colors #blue #shadesoftherainbow #may #picoftheday #project365 #day140
And soon she'll be starting 8th grade!!! 😭
Day 139 2017
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What's New Pussycat
#niece #cat #snapchat #toocute #whatsnewpussycat #whoawhoawhoa #tomjones #song #music #may #picoftheday #project365 #day139
Day 139 2018
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I don’t need anyone! I can put refrigerant in my car all by myself! 💪🏻
#create #imagine #patterns #car #underthehood #ac #becauseitfeelslikesummer #ididit #kaleidoscope #may #picoftheday #project365 #day139
Day 139 2019
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Just enjoying a beautiful day.
#texas #spring #beautiful #blueskies #wildflowers #field #fieldofflowers #flowers #sunny #rays #nature #outdoors #nationalmayrayday #may #may19 #2019 #nationalday #nationaldaycalendar #picoftheday #project365 #day139
Day 140 2020
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Such a Sweet Sunrise
#florida #coast #water #ocean #gulfofmexico #tropical #sunrise #sky #clouds #color #boat #placesidratherbe #may #may19 #2020 #picoftheday #project365 #day140
Day 139 2021
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Love into the light.
#texas #spring #nature #outdoors #sun #sunrays #leaf #leafveins #green #may #may19 #2021 #picoftheday #project365 #day139
Day 139 2022
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I came across this gem today tucked in a picture frame.
#gonebutneverforgotten #love #unexpected #may #may19 #2022 #picoftheday #project365 #day139
Day 139 2023
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Seemore just sneezed, I think.
#nature #flower #beachmorningglory #getoutside #may #may19 #2023 #picoftheday #project365 #day139
Day 140 2024
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Some may call me a hoarder but I love my pens 😝
#inmycup #dailytheme #color #pens #markers #may #may19 #2024 #picoftheday #project365 #day140
My coworker called me a hoarder because I've been holding on to some rite in the rain pens since 2011...if she only knew how long I've had some of these gels pens!!
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The Housing Conundrum in the Sunshine and Lone Star States: A Surplus of Homes with No Takers
In the wake of the pandemic, Florida and Texas witnessed a construction boom, with new neighborhoods springing up like wildflowers. Yet, these freshly minted homes are now echoes of anticipation, as a surplus floods the market, leaving price growth stagnant and buyers scarce. A Glut of Homes in the Sunbelt Post-pandemic, the allure of sunnier skies and tax-friendly havens spurred a migration to…
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whatnext10 · 6 months
Beautiful Spring Flowers are Everywhere
Fleabane Duo Spring is most definitely here in Florida. The official beginning of spring isn’t for almost a week, but for the past couple of weeks our spring flowers have been popping up everywhere. There are beautiful patches of Drummond’s phlox lining our roadways now. They’ll get thicker before they begin to fade away, but already, you can’t miss them. There are also plenty of lyreleaf sage…
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concreteangels24 · 5 months
Spring Survey
* What would it be if you had to pick just one favorite thing about spring? Oh wow, there are so many amazing things so great about spring but my all-time favorite is the weather. It isn't too cold but yet not too hot so I could wear a jacket or even go topless and be fine.
* Since spring often signifies a “new beginning,” what new beginning might you try this season? My new beginning would be to try to get out there more and show people who i really am instead of hiding in the shadows.
* Does your character pick wildflowers when they see them? The only time he would pick them is if he was with someone and he wanted to give them to that special someone but since he is single he hasn't done that.
* What’s one song that reminds you of Spring? Come In With The Rain By Taylor Swift
* Is your birthday in the spring? No, his birthday is not. He is more of a Summer baby.
* What’s your favourite drink to have in the Spring time? Sweet Tea is a good Spring Drink.
* What was the last thing you wore that was yellow? I had a Yellow suit that i had worn.
* “April showers bring May flowers.” What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day? My favorite thing to do is cuddle up with someone and watch a movie with the window open so you can smell the rain.
* What is your favorite type of flower to smell? Roses
* What is your favorite spring break memory? When I went to Florida and went to the Spring Break event that they were holding. Got a little too drunk with my friends and did some crazy things.
* Who is the Greek goddess of Spring and nature? Persephone
* What is your favorite spring activity? Hiking is my all-time favorite thing to do.
* What’s one country you wish you could visit in the spring? Italy sounds like an amazing place to visit
* What’s your go-to spring color to wear from your wardrobe? The color i like to wear is Sky Blue, Bryn tries to find anything in that color to wear around Spring time.
​​​​* What’s the most surprising thing you’ve ever found while spring cleaning? Some old photos that he had taken when he was younger that he didn't remember doing.
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diazmaria123 · 7 months
Harmony of Nature: A Visual Journey
Introduction: In photography, the natural world is an endless wellspring of inspiration. From cascading waterfalls to tranquil ocean vistas, the elements of nature captivate our senses and stir our souls. This photo collection, "Harmony of Nature," celebrates the beauty and serenity found within the Earth's landscapes. Through a series of smartphone snapshots, I aim to convey the profound connection between humanity and the environment, highlighting the importance of preserving and appreciating the wonders of nature.
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Photo 1: "Majestic Waterfalls" A powerful cascade of water plunges down rocky cliffs, creating a mesmerizing display of energy and motion. Surrounded by lush green foliage and misty spray, the waterfall symbolizes nature's raw power and untamed beauty. Kaaterskill Falls Trails Haines, NY
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Photo 2: "Sunrise Over Open Waters" The horizon is ablaze with hues of orange and pink as the sun rises over the open expanse of the ocean. Golden rays dance upon the water's surface, casting a warm glow that illuminates the tranquil scene. This image captures the promise of a new day and the serenity of dawn breaking over the endless sea. Sunrise @ 6:59 A.M Punta Rassa, Florida
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Photo 3: "Colorado Rocky Mountains" Towering peaks stretch towards the sky, their rugged silhouettes etched against a backdrop of azure skies. Snow-capped summits glisten in the sunlight, while alpine meadows below burst forth with vibrant wildflowers. This photo embodies the majestic grandeur and timeless beauty of the Rocky Mountains. Rocky Mountains Denver, CO
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Photo 4: "Enchanting Natural Springs"Crystal-clear waters bubble forth from the earth, forming pristine pools surrounded by moss-covered rocks and towering trees. Sunlight filters through the canopy above, casting dappled shadows upon the tranquil oasis. The natural springs beckon visitors to immerse themselves in the healing waters and connect with the earth's rejuvenating energy. Ginnie Springs, High Springs, Florida
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Photo 5: "Calm Morning Ocean" The ocean lies still and serene under the soft light of early morning. Gentle waves lap against the shore, creating a soothing rhythm that lulls the soul into peaceful contemplation. This image invites viewers to embrace the quietude and tranquility of the ocean at rest, a moment of harmony between land and sea. Bonita Springs, Florida 6:43 A.M
Conclusion: I thoroughly enjoyed completing this assignment as it allowed me to combine my passion for nature and photography. "Harmony of Nature" offers viewers a captivating visual journey through the varied landscapes of our planet, where water, earth, and sky intertwine to create a vibrant tapestry of color and light. Amidst a world often fraught with chaos and uncertainty, may these images serve as a poignant reminder of nature's timeless beauty and unwavering resilience. Let them inspire us to safeguard and treasure the natural world, ensuring its preservation for future generations to cherish.
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jdgo51 · 11 months
Water, Weed, Wait
By Patricia Kinner Kelly (Florida, USA)
"Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains."
"My yard was nothing but grass when I started to fill it with native trees, shrubs, and wildflowers. These new plants are small and rather spindly now; some have seed heads but no flowers. But from past experience, I know what is to come. The trees will fill out, the shrubs will send off new shoots, and the wildflowers will reseed and bloom. After I put the plants in the earth to help establish their roots, I keep them watered, remove the weeds, and wait. This process takes time, but I approach it with patience and excitement.
In contrast, when I was anxiously praying for an important situation to be resolved and I heard God tell me to wait, my first reaction was frustration. I had to remind myself of past experiences when God answered my prayers in ways that exceeded my expectations. And I had to do my part to stay rooted in my faith: absorbing God’s promises, weeding out my doubts, and waiting with assured and joyful anticipation.
God’s words of love and salvation are plentiful in scripture. In the midst of past crises, I have learned by heart some scripture passages that bring me peace and comfort and keep me grounded so that waiting can be a process not of frustration or disappointment but of hope."
"Dear God, help us remember that you are always with us. We wait for you with hope and joyful anticipation." Amen.
Ephesians 3:14-2
"14 This is why I kneel before the Father. 15 Every ethnic group in heaven or on earth is recognized by him. 16 I ask that he will strengthen you in your inner selves from the riches of his glory through the Spirit. 17 I ask that Christ will live in your hearts through faith. As a result of having strong roots in love, 18 I ask that you’ll have the power to grasp love’s width and length, height and depth, together with all believers. 19 I ask that you’ll know the love of Christ that is beyond knowledge so that you will be filled entirely with the fullness of God. 20 Glory to God, who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask or imagine by his power at work within us; 21 glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus for all generations, forever and always. Amen." Be strong and grounded in love. Feel Christ's love in everything and be filled by His presence. God blesses us always! Joe
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johnkittrell · 1 year
Wild Boar ATV Parts - Riding With The Fam
Riding ATVs can be an exhilarating bonding experience for the whole family. Exploring scenic trails and embracing the great outdoors together create lifelong memories. With some preparation and planning, you can make ATV adventures a cherished family tradition.
One of the best parts of family ATVing is watching your kids develop new skills and independence in the fresh air and sunshine. Start them young with child-sized "quads" and adult supervision. As they grow, consider larger youth models with safety features like speed limiters. Stress the importance of protective gear, even for short rides around your property. Lead by example - always wear your own helmet and riding gear.
Plan beginner-friendly trail rides to build confidence. Look for wide, flat trails without steep inclines or mud holes. Go slow and take frequent breaks. Consider a "follow the leader" formation, with adults fore and aft. Stop to point out scenic views and interesting nature sights. Pack a picnic or trailside snacks to make it a full day of family fun.
Involve the kids in pre-ride preparations like reading trail maps and checking tire pressure. Teach them basic maintenance like cleaning air filters and lubricating cables. Have them help pick out fun decals to customize their ATVs. The more invested they are, the more eager they'll be to participate. John Kittrell
As skills progress, you can tackle more advanced trails together. But always put safety first - avoid risky riding and insist on protective equipment, even for teens. Refresher courses and practice riding help instill good habits. Consider two-way radios to communicate if you get separated on the trails. And never indulge in riding while impaired - set a good example.
ATVing is a year-round activity. Bundle up for brisk fall and winter rides through snow-covered forests. Come home to hot chocolate by the fire. In spring and summer, carry sunscreen and plenty of water to stay safe. Let the kids invite friends along to create a whole crew of young ATV enthusiasts.
When the leaves start changing color, take the ATVs out to enjoy the fall foliage. Ride through rustic backroads and wooded trails to see vibrant hues of red, orange and yellow. Stop to snap photos of your kids playing in piles of leaves. End the day with some hearty chili back home.
Once snow blankets the landscape, switch to snow-compatible ATV tires and tread carefully on snow-packed trails. See who can make the first "snow angel" when you stop. Grab a sled or tube to tow behind an ATV for some downhill fun. End your winter adventures with mugs of hot apple cider.
As temperatures warm, explore trails lined with spring wildflowers. Pack a lunch and have a picnic surrounded by nature's beauty. Bring kites and a Frisbee to take advantage of windy meadows. Head home tired and happy after a full day of family fun. Wild Boar ATV Parts
When summer arrives, hit the trails early before the midday heat. Take frequent water breaks to stay hydrated. Cool off at a swimming hole or stream along your route. Bring bikes for the kids so they can ride ahead or fall behind at their own pace. End your summer ride with juicy watermelon slices.
The changing seasons provide endless opportunities for year-round family adventures on ATVs. Enjoy nature's transformation on scenic trails. Make memories that will be treasured for years to come.
With the right approach, ATV outings can build family bonds for a lifetime. Children gain confidence, learn responsibility and develop a passion for an active hobby. Time together away from electronics strengthens communication and relationships. And exploring the outdoors fosters an appreciation for nature.
Molino, Florida's Wild Boar ATV provides the gear, parts and accessories to make ATVing a family affair. Their extensive inventory includes youth-sized models, safety equipment, winches, lighting packages and more from trusted brands like Warn, Gorilla and ITP. Owned by avid riders, Wild Boar understands the ATV lifestyle.
They aim to deliver excellent customer service and the lowest prices nationwide.
"When Wild Boar didn’t have the tires we ordered in stock, Courtney went above and beyond to ensure we were still able to get some comparable tires for our SxS quickly. There were multiple texts and phone calls made on her end to make sure we got what we needed and that we were happy with what we ordered. Her customer service was top-notch and we appreciated it so much!" says satisfied customer Kim Pickens.
Michael Roberto, another happy customer, raves "Wild Boar is really holding it down on the Tire/Wheel kits, best 20” mud tires with best 20” chrome rims, very fast delivery and excellent customer service and support every day!”
Grateful customer Jill S shares, "I knew I couldn't buy the radiator relocation kit with light bar online with two separate forms of payment so I called and spoke with Blaze. SHE WAS AMAZING!! She placed the order for him using two pre-paid gift cards with kindness and in less than an HOUR, UPS sent me shipping information! Amazing company, amazing employees and one happy country boy and his big boy toy!”
So gather the family and head for the open trails. Start slowly, prioritize safety, and make each ride a new adventure. Stop often to take in beautiful vistas and let the kids look for wildlife. Pack a camera to capture special moments. With some thoughtful preparation, ATVs can provide hours of wholesome outdoor family fun. The experiences and memories will last long after the ride is over.
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