#Football oneshot
selyeji · 3 months
joão félix x reader (requested)
summary : falling inlove with someone you barely knew wasn’t on your list, especially when a simple search could be done.
(based on “a dream with a baseball player” by faye webster)
warnings : none
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friday afternoon, the park was quiet and almost empty. people still working their shift and high school students still not released from their classes. the only sound that could be heard were footsteps and gushes of wind.
you sat on a wooden bench, legs crossed, with your book on your hand. the tree that stood near provided shade, protecting you from the sun. your mind consuming each word typed out on the pages, eyes darting from line to line.
bark. bark.
snapping back to reality from your reading session, you turn your head to see a short brown dog standing beside you, the little bell on its collar ringing. the dog walks up to your lap, circling around.
a bit surprised, you started to pet him. scratching his chin, based on his expression, it seems that was his favorite spot. before you could move him, you heard gasping and footsteps.
“floki… sorry for disturbing you, accidentally let him go and he ran.” a young man approached “may i?” he asked, gesturing to the empty spot next to you. you nod.
carrying the dog, who is floki, to the mans hands. his paws started to reach out for you. “seems like he likes you alot.” the man pats flokis head while giggling.
“he runs fast for a small dog.” you mumbled, showing a cheeky grin. “i forgot to introduce myself, sorry, my name is joão félix.” he said, handing out his palm. his thick accent slipping out, you assume he wasn’t from around here.
“y/n, nice to meet you.” you responded. his soft moist skin meeting yours as you shook his hand gently.
“are you from around here?” you ask, once your hands separate from each other. “no actually, here for work reason.” he responded.
“oh, that makes sense.”
“how’d you guess?”
“the accent im pretty sure.” you giggle off.
before you knew it, the conversation kept on going. your book long forgotten and floki being ignored. you both leave when the sun was no longer in sight.
you sat in the bathtub, the hot water surrounding your body. you were thinking about the entire day, you couldn’t stop thinking about the man you met, he was handsome and was a nice person to talk to. his hair was a nice shade of brown, although he wore a cap the entire time. he had a nice bright smile, you could recognize it from miles away.
you splashed some water in your face, trying to bring yourself back to reality. there was no way you could meet him again, it’s more likely this would be the first and last time you’ll ever meet. you couldn’t fall inlove with a stranger, you barely knew him.
once you dried up, did you skincare and laid in bed. you shut down those feelings from earlier. you never expected yourself to like someone so easily, it was best to never have high expectations. you wrap yourself under the blanket, slowly drifting to sleep.
saturday lunch, you were in the bookstore, organizing the new stock. working here wasn’t all bad, most customers were quiet and humble, not too much problems aside from people not properly returning books in the right shelf. the job didn’t pay well nor bad, it helped you get through your last year of college.
the door bells chime, indicating someone entering. you still continue with your work, most people didn’t really want employees talk to them unless they approach first. you respected this privacy until you felt a small tap on your shoulder.
there it was, that white and straight teeth smile. “joão? i didn’t expect to see you here.” you said, disregarding the books you still didn’t place back.
“same here, i was actually hoping to see you later, the same spot.” he said, hands in pocket continuing to smile. he had his hood on, still covering his head. you were surprised especially with todays weather. you shrugged it off, continuing the conversation.
“and i was hoping to see floki, poor boy must miss me alooott…” you said, acting dramatic and sad for the dog. wiping away your fake and non-existent tears.
“hey im still here…” joao pouted and brows curved.
“you’re not a cute dog, but close enough.” you shrug, keeping your smile on. “no but seriously, joao can i help you with anything? i need to get back to work.”
“just need to buy this book actually…” he said, showing a picture on his phone. you immediately recognize it, it was one of the books you restocked.
“heres a magic trick actually,” you said pulling out the book without moving a step. your face showing a cheeky grin as you raise your eyebrows, before the both of you giggle quietly.
“thanks.” he said, leaving you to go up to the cashier. you quietly continued with your work, humming while joao walks pass. “i’ll meet you later?” he yelled once his hand held the door handle.
you hummed but loud enough for him to hear. he soon left, the bells still chiming. you guessed he heard your response. before going to the back for more stock, your co-worker elbowed you.
“ow… what was that for?” you said, annoyed. “i definitely did not expect you to actually fall in love with someone.” he said.
“i don’t like him like that, plus we just met.” you replied. ignoring his comments, it was always like this during work. both you and him gossiped about university, helping in removing weight from your thoughts.
hours passed, your shift ended. meeting at your new usual spot, he was already there waiting for you. you quietly sat down beside him. leaning your back relaxingly. this time you saw floki but sat between you too.
“you brought floki?” you said with a smile across your cheeks. petting the dog as he jumped to your arms. patting the brown skin and massaging his cheeks.
“of course. he likes you alot after all.”
the conversation passed, words exchanged and before you knew it, it was already late. even street lights started to turn on. illuminate a yellow light across the neutral blue sky.
you went back home, changing clothes and researching on some papers. but it felt like you couldn’t intake any information at all, no matter how many times you repeat it in your head.
it felt impossible when the only thing you could think of was the next time you met joao. you thought about what you two would talk about. would it be about food? music? art? sports? who knew.
you started to think about your co-workers words from earlier. perhaps he was right, you were inlove. but you kept how, there was so many things to unpack about him and how could you even fall inlove?
days passed, each and every day was the same spot, same time, and same person. each word that came out was filled with genuine emotions and truth. you two were each others personal journal, instead of writing it down.
wednesday, your co-worker invited you to a football match. it was hosted in the stadium nearby so you gladly accepted. you barely knew anything about it aside from the world cup and ultras seen walking in the streets.
you two sat near the field, getting a closer view of the match. at first you didn’t pay attention to the players, just watching the ball whether it went in the net or not.
the crowd cheered, goal scored for barcelona. the name felix was yelled around, that name rung a bell. there was no way, i mean, it couldn’t hurt to check? and you were horribly wrong, joao felix the same guy you talked to everyday celebrating. hugging his teammates and yelling.
you two locked eyes, you of course gave a mad confused look to him. he responded back with a wink and a smile. you rolled your eyes at him, until your co-worker looked at you.
“did he just wink at you?” he screamed through the crowds screams. “that fucker…” you sighed out.
“he was the guy yesterday!?” he kept yelling even more.
“i thought you knew what he looked like?”
“i wasn’t even wearing my glasses!”
you just laid back to your seat, covering your face with your hoodie. contemplating about every single word you said to him, how embarrassing it was. you didn’t even search his name just to find his instagram.
the match ended, people started to find their way out the stadium. the both of you sat still, waiting for lesser people in the exits so you could go out smoothly.
“hey! y/n!” a voice yelled. you raise your head to see joao leaning towards the railing.
“joaoo… you didn’t tell me you were a professional football player…” you whined out while walking towards him.
“i guess i told you everything about me except that.” he laughed it off.
joao took off his jersey, his hair wet from sweat and his arm muscles defined by the lights. he took out a marker and signed the jersey. wrapping the shirt around your neck.
“keep it for me.” he said, running off before you could say a single word.
“holy shit. y/n l/n with the joao felix. do not fumble that man.” your co-worker said, holding on both of your shoulders.
you walked out the stadium, still thinking about what happened. the two of you walk your separate ways, once you arrived home, you threw yourself on the couch.
unfolding the jersey, flipping it to see the back. joao felix, 14, his signature… and his phone number. you were wondering the past days whether you would exchange phone numbers, you immediately took your phone and typed in the numbers. texting with a simple hey.
you decided to take a shower, not expecting a response right away. after all he’s probably busy celebrating. the entire time in the shower, you thought about his message, aswell as your response. ready for any possible message.
once you got out, you laid in bed. reading his message and replying back. this went on for hours, quickly typing back as your phones brightness glowed in the dark room, lighting up his message. still wearing his name on your back. this was just the start of a prospering relationship.
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daily click to help palestine
a/n : 2 jamal fics and a fermin fic coming up… im doing the requests i swear im just reaaaallly slow 😭😭
i’ll probably make a part2 of this but based off another song
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hamiltonaf · 7 months
Texts w/ Jude Bellingham
A/N: That spitting image did something to me so I had to write something 🤭 also, that second image… shoutout to @jude5bellingham for the inspo. Enjoy ! Xx
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digitaldiarystuff · 9 months
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summary: You and Jude go on a late night drive when he gives you a present and you freak out
pairing: Jude Bellingham x Y/N
genre: angst/ fluff
When Jude had to bail on your dinner date you were pretty bummed. You realized his schedule was hectic and you couldn’t meet everyday but tonight you put so much effort in your looks and felt sad. You didn’t even bother changing your dress and went straight to depression mode bringing out ice cream as dinner. You were halfway into the rom-com you were watching until your phone started buzzing.
“Hey baby.” you said a little sleepy.
“Hey love, are you at home?”
“Where else would I be Jude, of course I’m at home.” you sarcastically said.
“Okay then come out.”
“Are you here?” you exclaimed ecstatic about meeting your boyfriend. You missed him so much and desperately needed him to hold you.
“Yes Y/N just come out here.”
“But where are we going, all the restaurants are closed.” you said realizing it’s well past 2 a.m.
“Just come to me.” he said and hung up. Rude, you thought but the excitement to see him was too much that you grabbed your coat and skipped like a little girl to his car.
“I missed you so much.” you said as soon as you were seated and reached out to his side to hug him. He always brought comfort to you.
“Oh my god baby you look unreal.” he said as he’s eyeing you without shame. “And I’m here looking like a homeless man”
You chuckled “I don’t think homeless people wear Prada.”
“Some of them do, no seriously I saw one of them the other day full on rocking Givenchy.” he said and you felt all your stress lifting. Jude always made your mood go up immediately.
After that he reached for the back seat and grabbed some takeout.
“I know you skipped dinner so I brought you some.” he said and you smiled seeing how well he knew you.
“You’re the best.” you said as he started driving to a spot where you could overlook the city and eat in peace. Even though Jude’s career and his social life was a little much sometimes, these calm moments were your favorites. Just you two enjoying each other’s company with no distractions.
As soon as he pulled up, you grabbed the Chinese food from the packages and gave him his chopsticks. You ate and talked about your day and the things that bothered you since you were both drama queens. This was a fun conversation you had everyday, you told each other everyone who made you mad and gossiped about them.
“And then he said I should eat less because I gained 0.5% fat.”
“Oh no he didn’t.” you fake gasped and laughed. Jude was so extra sometimes.
You spoke for a few more minutes until you remembered something.
“Oh god, what am I even gonna get your mum for her birthday? What if I choose something hideous?” you panicked and Jude calmed you down saying how much his mum loves you and would love anything from you.
“But since we’re on the subject of presents.” he said and opened the console in front of you.
“I got you a little something.”
You noticed the blue bag immediately. It was Tiffany, and small. You felt your heart beating and started panicking. Your friends made some jokes about you being already married with Jude since your relationship was going on for 2 years and strong but you always avoided the subject. Coming from a broken household, with separated parents, you were always afraid of marriage from a young age. Jude knew that and respected your ideas though he always said he wanted to spend eternity with you.
But seeing a small box in a Tiffany bag has made you anxious, surely Jude wouldn’t propose to you right? You knew that but you couldn’t hide your horrified expression as his burrows furrowed.
“You don’t wanna open it?” he asked.
“Jude, what’s in the box?” you asked warily.
“Baby, open it and see.” he was confused about your reaction.
“Jude I need you to tell me what’s inside it. Please.” you begged getting more and more agitated.
“Y/N what’s going on? It’s just a gift, I saw it in the store and thought you’d love it.”
“What is it?”
“Y/N what are you so pressed about? This isn’t a complex situation, you grab the bag open it and thank me. Why are you acting weird love?”
When you said nothing, he snatched the bag from you and opened it himself.
“It’s just a fucking necklace, I’m not proposing to you.” he laughed a little trying to lighten the mood until he saw your face.
“Y/N I”
“I’m sorry Jude, I’m so sorry.” you started sobbing from guilt. You freaked out about nothing and have been rude to Jude. He immediately realized what’s going on and you could see his eyes fill with guilt as well.
“Baby, shh it’s okay. It’s not your fault I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry.”
“No no it’s my fault, I freaked out on you. I’m sorry, I’m just a weirdo who doesn’t appreciate you enough.” he held you against his body and helped you calm down. After your sniffles stopped he leaned back and held your cheeks to make you look up at him.
“Y/N you don’t owe me any explanation, I love you with all your weirdness and flaws just like you love me. I want to spend my life with you, you’re it for me with or without a big commitment and ceremony. I want you next to me but would never push you, I’ll always be with you.”
You smiled at him and realized you’re the luckiest girlfriend ever.
“Thank you Jude, for everything and for the record I want to spend my life with you too.”
He kissed you with love and you happily reciprocated.
“I can’t believe you thought I’d propose like this. You really don’t even know me at all.” he said looking offended and you giggled.
“Now let’s see this necklace, do you want to put it on me?” you said and turned your back to him as he pulled it and clasped the back. It was the most beautiful piece of jewelry you’ve ever laid eyes on.
“But you do know me.”
“Of course I do.” he said and kissed your temple after seeing the pendant on your neck.
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xndrexcruz · 2 months
A Birthday Surprise to Remember
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✮- pairing: pablo gavi x fem!reader
✮- summary: you surprise gavi with a room full of balloons and 20 gifts for his birthday, creating a night filled with love and unforgettable memories
✮- warnings: just really fluffy
✮- author’s note: happy late birthday to our golden boy pablo gavi, i know this is late and his birthday was the 5th but better late than never
The anticipation in the air was almost touchable as you moved around the room, finishing the final touches on Gavi’s birthday surprise you’ve arranged. The space had been transformed, every corner of the room filled with decorations. Red and blue balloons floated against the ceiling, while golden balloons that spelled out ‘Feliz Cumpleaños’ (‘Happy Birthday’) shimmered in the lighting. It was a burst of colors, vibrant and full of life, just like he was. And on the bed, neatly arranged and waiting to be opened, were 20 carefully wrapped gifts, each one a symbol of the love and thought you’d poured into this night.
You couldn’t help but smile as you surveyed the decorated room. It looked perfect-exactly how you had imagined it would look. All that had been left was to keep Pablo out of the house for a little while longer, and for that, you had recruited Pedri and Fermín.
Pedri had been more than willing to help you with your plan, taking Pablo out for the evening with the promise of some friendly competition at an arcade near by. Fermín, he had been equally eager to play his part, Fermín tagged along to ensure that Pablo stayed occupied for the required time you needed. With the two of them, you were confident and trusted that they’d keep him distracted without Gavi getting suspicious.
As you finished blowing up balloons your phone buzzed, pulling you away from what you had been doing.
[23:32] arcade games are in full swing
[23:32] how’s everything going on your end
[23:32] it’s coming together
[23:33] just need a little more time, thanks for doing this Pedri
[23:33] anything for you and Gavi
[23:33] i’ll keep him busy
[23:33] don’t worry about anything i got it
You could practically hear the mischief in Pedri’s voice through the scream, imagining the lengths he and Fermín have been doing ti distract your boyfriend Pablo. Knowing the two of them, Pablo probably didn’t have a clue on what was actually going on.
As time start ticking closer to midnight, you turned off the overhead lights in the room, letting the soft glow of the string lights you had hung around the room cast a nice warm, golden hue. The balloons swayed gently with the movement of the air conditioning, adding to the atmosphere she had created to celebrate in. Everything was set perfectly.
As you pulled out your phone to check the time another buzz could be heard from your phone breaking the silence in the room.
[24:45] we’re heading back now
[24:45] be ready 😎
Your heart raced as you read the message, quickly tucking yourself into a hiding spot, trying to calm down the swarm of butterflies in your stomach. The house had once again fallen into silence, except from the occasional rustle of the balloons that flew above you. The anticipation built with each passing second, and you couldn’t help but wonder how Pablo would react to your surprise.
The clock had just struck midnight, and you could hear the front door creak open. Signaling that Gavi had just arrived.
“Y/n?” Pablo voice echoed through the house, a hint of confusion lacing his words. He had gotten used to you always greeting him the moment he stepped into your shared home, so the quiet house must’ve really thrown him off.
His footsteps had grown louder as he walked closer to the bedroom, the soft thud of his sneakers against the floor sending your heart into overdrive with all the anticipation.
“Y/n?” he called again, this time sounding more concerned then before.
You held your breath, clutching the edge of your hiding spot as you watched him reach for the light switch once he entered. The room was suddenly flooded with light, and before he could even try and process what he had just seen, you leaped out from your hiding spot with a confetti popper.
“¡Feliz cumpleaños, amor!” (“Happy birthday, love!”) you excitedly screamed, popping the confetti popper.
For a split second, he just stood there, too stunned to speak. His eyes widen as he finally took in the sight before him-the room filled with red and blue balloons, the golden letters spelling out ‘Feliz Cumpleaños’ (‘Happy Birthday’), the gifts neatly arranged onto the bed. And then, a big smile slowly spread across his face, wide and genuine.
“¡Dios mío! No lo puedo creer.” (“My god! I can’t believe it.”) He laughed, running his hands through his hair as he looked around the room. “This is…. amazing! How did you….?”
His voice trailed off as he took a few more steps further into the room, still in awe of what you had done for him. You couldn’t help but feel proud of yourself for pulling this off, watching as your boyfriend took in every detail of the room.
“So…. did you like it?” you asked, your voice was soft but it was filled with excitement.
“Like it?” he repeated, turning to you with his big bright doe eyes. “I absolutely love it! I can’t believe you would do all this for me preciosa.” (precious)
You only shrugged at his words, trying to play it cool, but the cheeky grin on your face betrayed you. “I just wanted to make it special, you know?”
He finally approached you, his expression softening as he pulled you into his embrace. “You didn’t have to go through all this trouble,” he murmured against your hair, his voice sounded thick probably from all the emotions. “Though, I’m really glad that you did.”
When he finally pulled away, his gaze landed on the like of gifts spread onto the bed. “What’s all this?”
You followed his gaze, a playful smile tugging at your lips. “They’re your birthday presents.”
He looked at each one, touched by your gesture. “Twenty gifts?”
You nodded, wrapping your hands from behind his waist. “One for every year. And yes, they’re numbered, so you have to open them in order.”
His eyes let up with excitement as he rescued over for the gift number ‘1’. “You thought of everything, didn’t you?”
“Of course I did,” you replied, pulling your arms away, watching as he begun to unwrap the first present. “Everything had to be perfect for your surprise.”
Each gift he opened brought a new wave of joy, one after the other. There were the personal, heartfelt gifts, like a framed photo of the two of you from one of your favorite memories together from you both’s anniversary date-and then there weee the small, thoughtful gifts-like his favorite snacks and a new pair of training socks. With every unwrapped box, Gavi’s smile grew wider and wider, his appreciation evident in the way he would look at you between each gift.
As he reached for the final gift, he paused, looking at you with a mixture of affection yet disbelief. Carefully, he unwrapped the box to reveal a sleek personalized gold watch-engraved with his initials and a date that held a special meaning to not just him but you as well.
His breath caught in his throat as he turned the watch over in his hands, his fingers tracing the engraving in it. “This is…. wow, Y/n. I just don’t know what to say, I can’t explain it.”
You stepped closer, wrapping you arms around him and resting your chin on his chest. “You don’t have to say anything. I just wanted you to have something to always remember today by.”
He leaned his head down slightly, pressing a kiss to your temple. “This is the best birthday I’ve ever had,” he said softly. “Not only because of all the gifts, or the decorations-though those were amazing-but because you went out of your way to do lo of this just for me.”
You could feel the sincerity in his words, the way his voice slightly wavered as he spoke. “I just wanted to make you happy,” you whispered, your heart swelling with love for the boy that stood in front of you “You deserve it.”
He cupped your face into his hands as he looked into your eyes. “You make me happier than I ever thought would be possible,” he murmured, leaning in to kiss you gently. The kiss was sweet and lingering, filled with so many unspoken promises for the future and the warmth of a love than would last forever.
When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, a smile playing on his kissed lips. “So, is this the real reason why Pedri and Fermín dragged me out with them tonight?”
You laughed, nodding as you remembered all the lengths they went to keep him occupied. “They had been in on it. I needed time to set this up.”
He chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “I should’ve known. Those two had been acting suspicious after all.”
You both laughed together, the moment light yet full with happiness and love. As the laughter slowly died down, Pablo’s expression turned serious, his voice softening as he spoke.
“Thank you, Y/n. For everything. This was more than I could’ve ever imagined. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you with me.”
“You don’t have to thank me Pablo,” you replied, your voice equally as soft as his had been. “I love you, Pablo Gavira. I just wanted to make you feel extra special on your special day.”
He kissed him again, his lips warm and soft but puffy against yours, from your shared kiss from earlier. When he pulled back, he whispered against your lips, “I love you too, Y/n L/n. More than you could ever imagine.”
With that, the both of you got into bed, the balloons still swaying gently above you both, the room had been bathed in the soft glow of the string lights you had put up. As you cuddled up together, wrapped in each other’s warm embrace, you knew that this night-this birthday would be one that neither of you would ever forget in the years to come. Because it wasn’t just about the decorations or the gifts; it was the love you two shared, the memories you were creating with one another, and that no matter what you’d always have each other to depend on.
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judebelle · 10 months
Hey I have a gavi request with him getting glasses, and he's all pouty abt it and its just pure fluff
i'm not cute, i'm sexy! - p.g. x reader
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a/n : this req is so cutsie wtf
cw : js super fluffy
pairing : pablo gavi x fem!reader
wc : 800 (sorry this is short lol)
you were sat in the passenger seat of the car, fingers swiping over your phone screen. you had been waiting for around 15 minutes for your boyfriend to come out of the glasses store.
pablo had went to the optometrist about a week ago for a check up, and also because he was having trouble seeing things from far away.
he was told that he needed glasses, and boy was pablo upset. he liked how he looked and was worried that glasses would make him look like a “nerd”.
you reassured him and told him that that wasn’t true. you tried to tell him he would look handsome with and without them.
he also needed to pick up contacts since he can’t wear glasses during training and games. but the optometrist told him to only wear them when he wasn't able to wear his glasses.
he was all quiet during the drive to the store. whenever he was in a bad mood, he would usually blast his music. you thought hell had frozen over when the whole car ride was silent.
finally after a few more minutes of waiting, pablo walked out of the shop with a paper bag in his hand. he wasn’t wearing any glasses walking out of the store, so you assumed they were in the bag.
he finally reached the car and opened the door before sitting in the drivers seat. he turned to you with a sigh. “i hate my life.”
you giggled at his dramatics. “put them on, i wanna see.” you bit your lip in anticipation.
“i would but… i’m.. hungry. what do you wanna eat?”
your eyebrows furrowed. what did hunger have to do with his glasses? “stop with the excuses, pablo.” your hand grasped his bicep. “i wanna seeee!” you whined.
your begging had finally convinced mr. stubborn to give in. “fine.”
you squealed in excitement and planted a kiss on his cheek. he fished through the bad and pulled out a leather glasses case.
he turned over to face the window away from you as he put them on. “don’t laugh!”
“i wont, i promise. just turn!”
he slowly turned over with his head looking down at his lap. after a deep breath, he looked up at you.
he had picked out clear full rimmed glasses. they sat low on his nose before he pushed them up gently with his finger. a rosy blush crept up on his cheeks while he tried to bite back his embarrassed smile.
you smiled softly to ease pablo's nerves.
“you look good baby! they look.. cute.”
pablo’s is smiled dropped at your choice of words. “cute?”
you nodded before pushing the front of his hair back admiringly.
“i’m not cute, i’m sexy! this isn’t fair!” he complained before his hands dropped into his lap hopelessly. “my life is over.”
this man.
you laughed at his overdramatic reaction. “you still look sexy, pablito, but you also look cute! there’s nothing wrong with that.” you hand cupped his jaw, thumb stroking his cheek before you quickly planted a kiss on his cheek in hopes of cheering him up.
he still didn’t listen to your reassurances. i told you he was stubborn.
he pouted and turned the key in the ignition. “let’s just go get some food.”
you two had driven off to a drive through to get some wraps and sandwiches. pablo pulled up to the speaker and told the employee both of your orders' since you visited here often. .
as he spoke, his glasses would slide down his nose, so he would have to keep pushing them up. he looked adorable, you couldn’t lie.
once you drove up to the window to pick up the food, pablo let out hushed curses at his glasses while he pushed them up his nose aggressively. “¡estas cosas estúpidas no se quedarán despiertas, dios!” (these stupid things won’t stay up, god!)
you chuckled at his frustration before the drive through window opened, the lady handing him your food.
you thanked her and drove off. after continuing to push up the glasses, pablo gave up and took them off. “i can’t do this, seriously.” you turned to him with wide eyes. “not on the road, pablo! put them back on!”
he, once again, didn’t listen to you and kept driving. his eyes kept squinting at different street signs and lights.
it took him almost hitting a squirrel for him to give up and put them back on with a angry huff.
you two had finally reached home. you plated your food and sat at the dining table. you sat across from pablo. his mood had eventually fixed itself as he ate. he must’ve been really hungry.
he was speaking passionately, excited to tell you a story. the whole duration of lunch pablo had kept pushing his glasses up his nose, but he had become accustomed to it now.
“i told pedro to call me later about it, because i dont want him doing anything stup-“
his words were cut short when his glasses finally slid off his face and into the sandwich on his plate, right into a puddle sauce.
you couldn’t help but laugh loudly at your boyfriend who was left pouting and staring at his plate and new mortal enemy.
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luvneymar · 2 years
princess treatment pt.3? with mbappé, richarlison, and erling haaland? :)
# PRINCESS TREATMENT 3! — footballers! (final!)
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— SUMMARY: you show off the princess treatment you get from your footballers boyfriends! (part 1) (part 2)
CONTENT: fluff, footballers being simps, light jealousy, sensual themes, just cute stuff overall!
PARINGS: earling haaland x fem!reader, richarlison x fem!reader, oliver giroud x fem!reader
NOTE: someone asked for giroud content so I combined it with this lol! any examples of this do not represent of the body type, race or ethnicity of the reader! tysm for reading! 💕
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Recently you saw a trend on TikTok where girls would hold their hands out to their boyfriends, friends, brothers or literally anybody to see what they would do.
Richarlison was currently playing video games with his friends on FaceTime but fortunately you placed your camera in the room before he went in & you’ve been recording ever since.
You were holding your phone camera in your hand as discreetly as possible to not alert your boyfriend about the challenge your trying on him. “Baby? are you in here?” You peaked into his gaming room spotting him on his chair as he shouted at Neymar for something in among us.
Hearing your voice his head whipped around and he opened his arms signalling you to come over, you shuffled over giving him a hug as his head was pressed onto your stomach & hands were wrapped around your ass.
Once you both pulled away your challenge had begun as you stuck out your palm standing there with a bright smile, at first he hadn’t noticed anything as he turned back to the computer screen.
Until you were standing there for a good 30 seconds & he spun his head around to look at you quickly before looking back at the screen, he took his hand off the mouse taking your hand flipping it over to the backside of your hand & giving it a kiss.
He turned back to the screen until he realized you were still standing there; cheeky smile on your face palm still stuck out in-front of you, he chuckled as he dug through his pants pulling out his wallet.
“Richarlison? Are you still there?” Neymar called at alerting him that the new round had started.
“Yeah I’m here hold on.” He replied back as he fished through his wallet grabbing a huge stack of cashing & placing it in your hand along with his black card. “Happy?” He asked looking up at your face which was filled with surprise.
You hadn’t expected him to give you this much money let alone any at all as you assumed he’d just take your hand & place it on his private parts. You scoffed happily curling your fingers over the stack. “Definitely, but what will I even do with this much money?”
“Whatever you’d like baby, it’s all yours.” He answered turning his head back to the screen & unmuting himself on face-time. You gave him a quick kiss pulling his face towards you before walking away checking your phone to see if the footage was recorded.
You edited the video a little before posting it captioning it with: “HE’S SO SWEET 😭😭” Seconds later likes, comments & replies came flooding in about how Richarlison was the perfect boyfriend.
OLIVER GIROUD — first class!
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“You’re so excited baby have you never flown out of the country?” Oliver chuckled watching you practically fly out of the valet car that was escorting you to the airport tarmac.
Ever since you complained about how you haven’t gone on a vacation in a while that very day Oliver booked your dream vacation paying for unnecessary expenses like tour guides & other things; as-long as it made you happy he thought.
“I have! I’ve never been to the Mal Dives though.” You answered pulling his arm to get him out of the car, you both didn’t need to worry about your luggage since Oliver paid for it to be flown before-hand.
“I’m coming babe hold on, you’re gonna rip my arm off.” Oliver laughed as he stepped out of the car turning his head to look at what you were staring at all starry eyed.
“Look, it’s a private jet. Just for the two of us.” You rambled on about the jet standing in-front of you both, you were used to Oliver spending a fortune on you whether it was cars, jewellery or even 1000 roses but a whole jet was much different.
“I know, do you like it?” He asked as he placed his hands in his pockets leaning back and forth between his heels and his toes. “Are you kidding? Who wouldn’t like this.” You laughed in disbelief.
“I’m glad you like it, c’mon baby let’s board the plane before they leave without us.” Oliver took your hand into his as he directed you towards the plane, you greeted the flight attendant who was waiting for you at the entrance as she guiding you both to your seats.
Once you both were settled in your chairs chatting happily about your upcoming adventures a flight attendant had came around with a cart filled with expensive looking drinks & desserts. “Champagne or Club Soda?” She asked with a smile.
“Champagne please, babe what about you?” You turned to look at your boyfriend who was staring at the window as he unconsciously caressed your knuckles with his thumb, you squeezed your hand bringing his attention back to you.
“Hmm? Oh, I’ll have whatever your having.” He leaned into kiss you on your cheek before turning to stare out the window again continuing to stroke your knuckles, you smiled turning back to the attendant,“2 Champagnes please.”
As the flight attended walked away Oliver noticed that you had a particularly slummed look on your face, you were just jumping around in joy so seeing you down worried him.“Are you okay?”
“Yep! Just thinking of what we’re gonna do when we get there.” You sent your signature “i’m fine” smile his way continuing you tap your feet against the empty seat right in-front of you as you looked back down to face your feet.
“You look worried though.” He let go of your hand using his freed hand to pull your face towards his forcing you to face him, seeing his eyes filled with concern made you sigh before continuing, “Yeah it’s just, how much was this trip?”
His face soften hearing what you we’re concerned about, you both had fight’s about money in the past & about how Oliver spent way to much money on pointless things,“Oh, don’t worry about that baby.”
“I have too, you can’t go broke because you wanna please me. I’ll be fine with whatever you provide.” You admitted in a quiet voice turning your head to face the window across from your aisle. “With my profession I’ll go broke the day you go bald.”
“What if I go Bald tomorrow?” You wanted to laugh at his joke but it was quite hard knowing you really could go bald tomorrow & Oliver could become broke, after all nobody knows what could happen.
“You wouldn’t, what I’m trying to say is. I spend this money to make you smile, whether it’s a large purchase or small it’s for you. In this case; a private jet just for my princess.”
Hearing your boyfriend be so adamant about you spending his money & not thinking of you as a sugar baby or a gold digger relieved you greatly. Yes, you both were dating but you weren’t a mind reader, for all you know he could be planning to kill you.
“Alright then, on that note; I could get used to this. Fast.” You pushed your insecure thoughts to the side as you settled into your seat properly reclining the seat, feeling in all the luxuries to the max. He chuckled at your childishness as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder pulling you in.
“Get used to it baby, you’re stuck with me, my jet & my money forever.”
ERLING HAALAND — giant teddybear!
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“I told you not to eat so many sweets before went on the ride, no wonder you almost threw up.” Your boyfriend reminded you as he leaned over helping you walk throughout the winter carnival without collapsing.
Seeing that his good friend Jude had gone recently to the Winter Wonderland you decided it be good for the both of you to go as well, until it wasn’t. It was either Erling was too tall for some of the rides or you chickened out just looking at it.
But seeing as you were low-key being a party pooper for your boyfriend who you basically forced to come to the attraction you decided to go onto the wildest ride there was available; bad, bad idea.
Erling had bought you almost every single foot item you looked at for to long filling your stomach much faster than you’d like, by the 4th taco you ate you were ready to unbutton your pants & burst.
“It was fun wasn’t it though?” You groaned out patting the shoulder of your boyfriend signalling him to slow down as you felt as if you were going to barf, he slowed down waiting for you to gain your composure.
Seeing as you took a little longer than usual he bent down pulling your body on his back giving you a piggyback ride, you on the other hand smirked into his back tucking your legs around his waist. “All apart of my plan.” You muttered into his neck taking in his scent.
“Did you say something?” Erling asked as he begun to walk passing by multiple food-stalls that just the smell of the food made you sick, you wrapped your arms around his neck & placed your head in the crook of his collarbone.
“Nope! Nothing! Don’t worry about it baby.” You whispered into his ear closing your eyes in the process, as Erling walked past multiple stalls you closed your eyes feeling peaceful almost falling asleep till you jolted up after feeling as if you were falling.
As you opened your eyes you looked around seeing that the entrance was just a few miles away, something also caught your eye; a stand with gigantic teddy bears. “Baby?”
“Hmm?” he hummed, waiting for you to say what you needed.
“Can you win that for me before we leave?” You asked him patting his shoulder to get him to slow down so he didn’t walk right by the stand.“Win what?”
“The giant teddy bear.” You slid down his back and turned towards the stall pointing to the humongous teddy bears.
“You’re such a child, fine.” Erling walked towards the stand grabbing a few of the tennis balls on the desk as he backed away throwing them at the targets scoring on each one of them.
The man at the stall handed him a giant pink bear almost the size of you leaving Erling to walk back to you giant big bear in hand stupid grin on his face, you took the bear out of his hand giving it a big squeeze. “Thanks baby.”
“What should I name him?” You asked as you both continued to walked towards the exits hand in hand, hearing that Erling turned to you looking at you weirdly, “You name your teddy bears?”
“Of course! Since you won him for me I’ll name him, Erlie.” You smiled at him squeezing his hand, Erling chuckled at your ridiculous as he bent down to give you a kiss on your forehead.
“You’re too cute, but Erlie is a horrible nickname love. Makes him sound like an old man.”
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zoyasribbon · 11 months
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ೃ࿐ summary : The moments spent with your family, they are the most precious in your life, a pure delight that bring solace to your soul. And on this specific Sunday afternoon, this one, you are poised to savor every bit of it.
ೃ࿐ words : 0,7k.
ೃ࿐ genre : mature. fluff. suggestive.
ೃ࿐ warning : cute daughter-father moments, sexual tension.
ೃ࿐ author's note : Despite my deep disdain for Man City (while I do acknowledge Pep's genius football philosophy), I must confess—I find myself particularly attracted to some players... and a certain 6’2 Portuguese center-back has managed to steal my heart. Ugh, what can I sayyyyy, what can I sayyyyy.
You were drawn by the soft, deep chuckles emitted by your husband, guiding you towards the entrance of the living room, where you discreetly pushed the door ajar. 
There he was.
Dressed in his black Puma sweatpants and a simple, white undershirt, he was doing push-ups with your little daughter perched on his broad, muscular back. Her cheerful, high-pitched voice counted his progress as he effortlessly raised and lowered his body multiple times. You observed them tenderly: the pure joy and trust of your child blending with Rúben's extraordinary strength and patience. Home.
If he noticed you leaning against the doorframe, he said nothing... and you couldn’t help but admire his new three-day stubble beard, a bit more developed than usual, complementing his charming face. 
Suddenly, he twisted to one side, landing on the floor while effortlessly lifting your excited little girl with his sturdy arms before gently placing her on his firm stomach. A timid chuckle escaped your lips at this heartwarming sight. But this gesture didn't deter him from maintaining a somewhat intense gaze that met yours, igniting a fire within you.
"Go play in the garden, princesa. I'll do a few more and then join you," he murmured, planting a tender kiss on her forehead. As his words prompted her to dash out of the room, flashing you a mischievous smile in passing, the room fell into an almost oppressive silence. Only Rúben's erratic breathing and the sudden accelerated beats of your heart seemed to animate the space. 
He eventually raised himself from the floor, taking his sweet time to stand, his brown eyes never leaving your burning gaze for a second. 
Rúben's smile took on a different shade as he crossed the room to approach you, leaving only a few brief inches between you. His arms, marked by the effort, found support on the wooden doorframe, not far from your head, asserting his dominance in height. 
In the depth of his gaze, you discerned the glint of a tantalizing promise.
"You didn't have to stop, you know?" you innocently scolded, letting your right hand wander from his neck, to his left flank and to his hip. You made sure your nails lightly grazed his skin through the thin white fabric, intending for him to feel your provocation. As you did, you sensed a trickle of sweat dampening his shirt, clinging to his still-toned abs, evidence of his numerous push-ups. 
In just a few seconds, his body responded. Engulfed in goosebumps that hinted at desire, Rúben's eyelids trembled, and his Adam's apple bobbed. Though your line of sight didn't reveal it, you were certain that his fingers fervently clutched the doorframe, evidenced by the emerging veins on his glistening shoulders. 
He was on the verge of losing control. The mere thought elevated the corner of your lips into a sly smile, concealing the pleasure you took in this little teasing game. You must admit, you were very in the mood to play today. After all, Rúben simply had no business being so sexy on this delightful spring afternoon. 
Your right hand, still placed on his hip, dared to venture even further beneath the fabric of his black tracksuit to bring him even more closer to you and explore the skin of his lower back and his firm bottom, leading him to open his mouth slightly, letting out a timid gasp. 
Unable to resist the excruciating slowness of your caresses, he leaned forward, daring “Why? Do you want to keep watching?” he managed to inquire with an innocent tone, though mischief lingered within. 
His alluring, plump lips so close to yours beckoned, yet you resisted the temptation they promised... at least for the moment. You knew what he expected from you at this moment, but you just wouldn't comply. You were far too determined to win this battle. 
Nevertheless, the warm breath escaping his mouth was enough to slightly distract you. In that moment, you even forgot your somewhat disheveled appearance—your hair was in a messy bun, and you still had your apron on, still warm from the breath of the oven you had opened to check the crumb-topped salmon you were preparing. 
This seemed not to bother Rúben, whose gaze remained just as fiery and thirsty. His fingers sought revenge, gently sweeping aside a loose strand of hair that had fallen during your observation, trailing across your cheek, your neck, before finally resting on your nape. Then his entire hand delicately settled upon it. Your eyes were nearly completely mesmerized by the movement of his lips. Ruben's voice became huskier and smoother. “Or maybe you want a turn too."
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highdreaming · 2 years
Eyes off her
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💢 All the works are pure fictions, for entertainment purposes only so please, read it at your own will.
Summary: Your boyfriend gets jealous when someone flirts with you and a fight follows.
Find more at: Masterlist
Gavi x (female) reader
AN: Please like, reblog and give me feedback!
You twist your hands with nervousness as you wait for Gavi in the corridor.
The whole stadium vibrates with the loud cheers of the fans, everyone is excited for tonight’s big game and you feel the same way, wishing Gavi’s team to win. You wait for your boyfriend to show up, wanting to wish him good luck before the game. 
And he finally appears, pulling you towards him for a hug, a huge grin decorating his face.
“Hey. Good luck, babe. I hope you guys win.” you say, kissing his cheek. Gavi’s arm suddenly tightens around you and as you struggle to pull away, you notice the sudden tense expression on his face as he looks to the front.
You turn your head, catching a glimpse of a tall man from the other team staring at you, more specifically at your lower back with a cocky smirk on his face.
Your eyes meet his for a second and he provocatively winks at you before turning around and walking away. 
That explains Gavi’s reaction. You hold back a sigh, knowing how riled up your boyfriend gets, especially during games. 
“Babe, just ignore him.” you mutter, placing a hand on Gavi’s arm. Your words don’t seem to convince him but he gives you a rushed kiss before leaving to join the other boys for the game. 
You only hope he doesn’t let jealousy get the best of him. 
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The game is dominated by Barcelona, your boyfriend’s team clearly being the best and it shows as they’re the ones leading, marking several goals. 
Your hands constantly pick the material of your Barcelona’s number 30 jersey, the excitement and nervousness of the game giving you a hard time.
Especially when Gavi keeps committing fouls, all of them directed towards the player that had checked you out earlier. The referee keeps showing him yellow cards and you’re already dreading the moment Gavi gets a red card.
Just as that thought crosses your mind, whistles erupt wildly across the stadium with everyone pointing towards a commotion on the field. 
Your eyes widen with horror when you notice that Gavi is in the center of it, violently pushing the other player. Both teams and its players get in the middle, attempting to stop it, but they’re unable to prevent Gavi from punching him in the face. 
You gasp in horror, your heart crazily beating as the referee pulls out a red card, showing it towards Gavi. His face is contorted in an angry frown, face glistening with sweat.
He stomps the grass, leaving the field under intense boos. You hurry up leaving the stands, running towards the inside of the building. 
Once you get to the locker room, you push the door open. Inside Gavi is sitting on a stool, throwing his shirt to the floor with a violent movement. 
You hesitate for a moment, seeing him so angry but slowly take small steps towards him. 
“Hey, are you okay?” you whisper, letting your hand stroke his hair. His shoulders slump and he looks at you, fury and jealousy burning in his gaze. 
“He was fucking talking about you! Like you were a piece of meat, like you weren’t my girlfriend.” he growls, brown hair falling down to his eyes as he literally vibrates with anger.
You hold back a sigh, already knowing that the player only did so to upset Gavi. Everyone knows that your boyfriend easily loses his cool. 
“He did that to make you upset, Gavi. You shouldn’t have listened to him. Now you’ve got a red card.” you say with a sad smile. 
Gavi meets your eyes, intently looking at you, brows furrowed. 
“So I was just supposed to let him talk like that about you? That wasn’t gonna happen.” he blurts out, hand reaching to grab your own, pulling you against him.
He wraps his arms around your waist, face pressed against your stomach. You take the chance to keep touching his hair, massaging his scalp as he takes deep frustrated breaths. 
You're not sure how long you remain in this position, but Gavi eventually gets calmer, his breathing getting steady. 
“I just love you too much.” he quietly whispers, pushing his face upwards. You meet his stare, his beautiful brown eyes holding an array of emotions. 
“And I love you back.”
AN: I also think I'm gonna start writing for Haaland, what do you think?
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lover-222 · 11 months
Birthday Boy (JF)
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warning: smut 18+
y/n had everything planned, she had went earlier in the day to victoria secret. she had found a perfect white lingerie set that she knew joão would love. it was his birthday so she wanted him to feel special. she set lit candles in their room and dimmed the lights.
she took a shower and lathered on her strawberry scented shampoo, she knew that joão secretly loved it. after her shower she dried and styled her hair. y/n already had her lingerie laid out on the bed, all she had to do was put on a little bit of makeup.
she sat down in font of her vanity and started her makeup. she did a simple small wing liner, waterproof mascara, highlighter, and lipstick. after that she changed into her lingerie set, it was a bit cold in their house so she also put on one of joão's white dress shirts that fit her big. she fixed their room since she knew joão was about to come home from training.
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she lit the last candle, then heard the door open. he wore grey sweatpants and a white hoodie, his hair was messily done. joão looked beautiful as ever. he looked for y/n, until he spotted her in the entrance of their bedroom.
"hi my angel, what a pretty set you have on" he smirked as he looked her up and down; he wanted to devour her whole.
he wrapped his arms around her body and played with one of her long strands of hair.
"i heard it was a special boys' birthday today" she told him while looking up at his doe eyes. his brown eyes were a deeper shade of brown, lust filled his eyes. she took his hand and led him to their bed, she lightly pushed him on the bed, making him sit down.
joão took off his hoodie, leaving him completely shirtless. he reached out to y/n but she stopped him.
"no no no, not yet." she said as she started to teasingly take of the white dress shirt.
she looked absolutely beautiful to joão, her long black hair was flowy and soft. the white lingerie set hugged her figure, she looked like a doll; small and delicate.
y/n got on top of him making sure to give him small kisses on his abdomen, earning whines from the boy. she trailed kisses all the way to his collarbones, she bit him not too hard but enough to leave a mark. y/n kissed his neck while also leaving a couple of hickey's. joão was a mess under, his eyes were closed and he whined from the simple pleasure.
he was growing hard under her, "fuck my love you're teasing me".
"no i'm taking my time with you pretty boy, i like the way you moan for me" she teased him as she slightly grinded on his hard clothed cock.
y/n attacked his lips, she started making out with him. joão's hands trailed all over body but they settled on her ass. while y/n played and pulled his hair, making him groan.
she pulled away and looked at him, his cheeks were scarlet red and his lips were plump; the most beautiful sight ever. joão sat straight and leaned back on the headboard. he watched y/n's every move, she moved down and pulled down his sweatpants along with his boxers.
she kissed his thighs along with his cock, y/n looked up at him. he'd shut his eyes with the amount of teasing that y/n was doing.
"baby please please" joão whined.
"patience my love" she answered.
she took his cock in her hand and started licking it slowly. she kitty licked his tip and then would slowly twirl her tongue over his slit, that was already covered with precum. she took him into her mouth, while joão reached down to her head and grabbed her hair making a ponytail. he bobbed her head up and down, making her deepthroat him. her eyes were teary eyed but joão loved watching her taking him all in her mouth.
joão felt euphoric in her mouth, he was so close to his climax. the way she gagged on him and continued to spit and suck on his cock turned him on even more. she never lost the eye contact with him, her big eyes looked up at him. watching him come undone and watching him cum was incredibly hot.
he came in her mouth, he took her hand and pulled her up, so she was sitting on top of him. joão's cum was on the corner of her mouth. he reached out and wiped it off with his thumb, then made her open her mouth. she then sucked off his cum off of his thumb while gently sucking on it. y/n looked at the boy who was paying close attention to what she was doing.
at this point y/n's lingerie was on the floor, he was taking her all in. she was divine to him, she was a goddess to him and would do anything to worship her; and that's exactly what he did. he gently bit one of her breast yet still sucking on it, and then would massage the other. he desired her so bad, he was eager to have her.
"tonight's about you baby, my birthday boy" she told him then kissed him again.
she sat on his cock, and started to ride him. he was in pure bliss, he loved every second of it. she looked absolutely beautiful on top of him. the way her moans would synch with his would raised the sexual tension. every thrust into her was filled with so much pleasure.
y/n was reaching her climax as was joão, he swiftly grabbed her and was now topping her. his thrust became sloppier as they were both reaching their high. they came together, and laid next to each other.
"fuck that was amazing babe, i love you" joão said as he kissed her.
"you're welcome birthday boy" she replied then smiled.
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pablitosgf · 1 year
𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 — jb05 !
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ! — jude bellingham x fem!bestfriend!reader
𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎 ! — in which an old lady mistakes you and jude as a married couple, leaving you with many thoughts.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ! — nothing!!
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ! — no because this took me 3 days to write… anyways… Y/N/N means your nickname <3
𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐓 ! — writing
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You lay in your bed, bored, to say the least. Today, you had no plans at all, and all your friends were busy. Including your best friend, Jude. Apparently, he was going to be babysitting his nieces, you knew he was good with kids but told him:
“If you need help just tell me, okay?”
You were no stranger to his nieces, after all, you were like family to the Bellinghams. Knowing his aunts, grandparents, cousins, and nieces and nephews. They treated you as family and you reciprocated that.
Of course, when Jude heard you say that he instantly replied with an “I don't need help, I'm good with kids.”
You laughed it off, knowing he’ll need help at least at one point, but you didn't say that to him. So now, you still lay there bored as ever. Watching as the warm sun seeps into your window, casting an orange hue on your body as you look at the window. You could hear the low voices of your phone lightly exuding music from its speakers, making the surroundings more tranquil. You observed as people walked around your neighborhood, immediately thinking that you should too.
And just as you were going to go on a walk, a vibration came on your phone. Inside, you hoped it was Jude so you can prove him wrong, saying that he did need help from his best friend. A smile played on your face as you thought about it, you extended your hand for the buzzing phone, producing noise as its laying on your sheets. Instantly your eyes darted to the contact name, you smiled even harder.
A silly nickname you called Jude, eventually making it his contact name after he mentioned it. You brought your phone to your ear as you press the green button, and his voice bleeds from the phone's speakers. Some unidentified shuffling came through and some giggles and laughs. A grin tints your face.
“Okay, you were right I do need help…” Jude sighs.
Your chuckle fills the whole call, “Of course you do. Send me the location.”
He says a quick okay, ending the call fast. You flitted to grab your car & house keys before strolling out the door. The fresh breeze wafts into your nose as you inhale, making you feel serenity. You made your way to your car, clambering inside as you wait for it to start.
And when it starts you make your way through windy roads and scenic views. England wasn't always thought of as the most beautiful, but it definitely had pretty sceneries.
You eventually made your way, moving toward the entrance of the house. It was for sure one of the prettier neighborhoods around here, not to say your neighborhood was the worst, but this one was definitely better. Your arm extended, folding into a fist as you knock on the black wooden door.
Patiently you waited for your best friend to open the door. You heard some noises from inside the house and footsteps gradually become louder and louder like a crescendo. Click! Was the sound the door made as it opened ajar. A toddler peeking through the black door. Immediately, you recognized who it was.
“Hi Nalia, where’s Uncle Jude?” you asked, tilting your head. She looked back, and Jude came into view as he scrambled to the door with another baby, who you also recognized. You chuckled, seeing as the other baby, Jazelle, was wrapped around his waist. Sweat beads fall down his face.
“I’m right… Here,” he said, panting.
“You look…” you began, looking at him up and down. His shirt was off, revealing his muscles, and overall he looked disheveled. But somehow he still looked perfect as ever. “Like a mess.”
He chuckled, “I know, anyways come inside. The girls want to go to the park.” he gestured for you to enter, closing the door after you did.
“I'm gonna go shower and change, take care of these two, please.” he put Jazelle down after planting a kiss on Jazelle and Nalia, running off to what you assumed was the bathroom.
You nodded and kneeled down to the two of them with a warm smile, “Do you, girls want to play while we wait for Uncle Jude?”
The girls responded with an excited “Yes!” jumping up and down. A cordial smile rolled down your lips as Jazelle and Nalia dashed to their playroom. You watched as Nalia passed by Jazelle, and you let out a chortle. Everything is a competition if you have siblings.
You finally made it to the playroom, and damn it was very nice. Nicer than whatever you had in your childhood. The playroom was littered with toys, some that you recognized, some that you didn't.
You look at the kids, playing Barbies with each other. You rest your head on your hand with a smile adorning your face as you sat down on a little chair. Their little voices and giggles overwhelm your ears and the smile that once adorned your face was even more brighter. Some day, you wanted a husband and a happy family. But for right now, you were fine being alone.
If you were going to be honest, watching Jazelle and Nalia play Barbies together made your baby–fever rise. You’ve always dreamt of kids and honestly, you didn't mind having a baby currently. You didn't get how people resented children because all you wanted to do was hug them and hold them in your arms for hours.
You were too stuck in your thoughts to realize Jude finished getting ready, “Hey, we should go to the park now.”
You nodded as you watched Jude playfully tickle the kids and pick them up. Your heart was beating faster than normal… Something you’ve never felt with Jude. Deep inside you knew what these feelings were, you knew it all too well. Maybe, it's just a one–time thing. The next time you hang out with him it’ll be all back to normal.
“Hey, Y/N/N ready to go?”
Your head whizzed in his direction, and both of the girls were strapped on his hips. A blush tinted your cheeks, he was wearing a goddamn compression shirt.
“Y–yeah! Let's go ladies and gentlemen!” you chuckled, getting up and walking towards the entrance.
Walking out of the house, you all advanced to the cars. “We should probably use your car… It has the booster seat things, right?”
Jude nodded, “Can you take my keys and open the car?”
You reach into his pocket, searching for the keys. As soon as the car keys meet your hand you take them and unlock the car.
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You settled down on a bench, watching as Jazelle and Nalia play on the playground. You monitor them carefully, you didn't want their parents blaming you and Jude for getting their babies hurt.
And just as you were about chat with Jude an old lady walked up to the both of you. “You guys are a really cute couple! I remember me and my husband at this exact playground watching our kids. Are those two cuties yours?” she pointed to Jazelle and Nalia.
“Yeah! They are.” Jude smiled, slinging his arm around your waist which struck an uneasy feeling to settle in your stomach.
It wasn't like the bad uneasy though, it was the uneasy where you had so many butterflies in your stomach to the point you just wanted to kiss them in the face. Like… Like a crush.
“They really do look like Dad don't they?” the grandma chucled, glancing over at the sisters.
You chuckled along with her, “They really do! I was hoping that they looked like me, but as soon as I saw her the first time out of my womb I was like ‘Uh oh, she doesn't look like me!’”
You all erupt in laughter, “I get that… All my children look like my husband it's crazy!” the grandma said.
You both awkwardly smile at her, “Anyway, you two have the cutest little family. I wish you two a successful marriage and a happy family!”
You both let out a thank you and as soon as she walks away you both look at each other, exploding in laughter.
But one thing you didn't notice, was how he kept his arm around your waist, and you didn't say a single word about it.
And one thing is for sure, you went to bed thinking about Jude.
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thatsdemko · 6 months
the culer- j.bellingham
masterlist | pairing: Jude Bellingham x gavi!fem!reader. summary: with the pressure of the match at hand, Jude makes an error that’ll cost him. warnings: fluff + angst + the following events in this fic are completely fictional and are not based on real life events. a/n: I dislike Real Madrid but I love Jude because he played for Borussia Dortmund.. he’ll always have a place in my heart I fear
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It’s not like the words “Pablo gavis sister” were plastered against your forehead, so how was he supposed to know? it wasn’t the worst thing to happen to him, but it certainly wasn’t best when he rounded the corner and hear your soft laugh ring his ears. it was even ten times worse when his breakfast threatened to come up seeing your brothers arm around your shoulders.
you’re squished in between culers, your brothers jersey clung tight against your chest that serves as a major distraction to him. yet, he can’t actually see you. glimpses of you from the tunnel replay in his mind, the ball against his feet should be in the back of the net right now, but he’s stalling.
if he scores, your brother and his team lose. why does it matter to him anyway? this should be an exciting moment here in Barcelona with the crowd booing his name and boosting his adrenaline, so why does he care so much about you?
you’d never had more than just sex. an occasional cuddle and maybe a late night movie cozied up in his bed, but that was it. so you’re unsure why he’s playing with the ball when he’s got a 90% chance of scoring.
“just shoot the damn ball, Jude.” you mutter to yourself. the quicker he gets this over, the sooner the dread and anxiety bubbling in your stomach will fizzle out, and the sooner this is over the better chances your brother or his teammate have in evening the score.
yet there he still stands, unable to decide to shoot or to pass and the crowd wasn’t having it. Jude was usually so quick with his mind, football came easy yet this shot was the hardest one. he knows if he shoots this into the back of the net all chances with you end tonight on this pitch. he knows if he passes, all chances of his team advancing into the next round, end here.
why did it have to be him to decide the fate?
as if on cue, pablo takes the stab. he pulls Jude from his mind games, and decides to end the misery for himself and the crowd. Jude didn’t have much of a reaction time, in fact, he didn’t even put up a fight as the ball was swept from his feet.
“what the fuck man?!” his teammates shout frustrated in his inability to play the damn game.
your nails dig into your palms, watching your brother and his teammate play keep away from the Real Madrid defenders before taking the shot on net and ending the tie once in for all.
Real Madrid lost and wouldn’t advance to the next round.
a smile couldn’t form to your lips. watching Jude’s head hang low, you feel guilty. knowing he’d been riding the highs of the past couple of wins, he should be proud of the fight the team put up today. but those three minutes of torture would haunt him for the rest of his career for every time he saw you.
his head picks up, eyes scanning the mass of fans the sea of red and blue all mesh together. faces booing and others cheering become a blur, but he’s sure you’re out there celebrating. you always expressed how important family was to you, and he was sure your family couldn’t of been happier.
you shouldn’t be here. not this late. the match ended hours ago and Jude most likely wasn’t even home yet, but it didn’t stop you from pounding your knuckles against the wood door in hopes he was there. you’re the last person he probably ever wants to chat with, but you needed to check on him. you needed to make sure he wasn’t beating himself up.
you hear the lock click, the door slowly creeps open revealing his dark brown eyes scanning your body. you’d changed into sweatpants in a sweatshirt, a more casual fit than what you were used to wearing to see Jude.
“what are you doing here this late?” his posh accent floods your eardrums, your heart can’t help but thump faster as you move closer to the small crack of the door to find any signs of concern across his face.
“I came to see you.”
“I don’t want to see you.” his bitter words make your heart come to a screeching halt. it’s just the game, you tell yourself, he doesn’t mean these words he’s clearly just upset.
“you played well, ba—Jude. please don’t beat yourself up.”
the door opens up more, like he couldn’t resist. seeing your concern for him mixed his feelings about you. at first, he was done with you. said it was for the best to move on, but seeing you here? with your doe-like brown eyes staring into his, he couldn’t resist.
“I’m the laughingstock of the team now. all because I couldn’t shoot the damn ball.”
“why didn’t you?” the words come rolling off your tongue before you can even process. you’d been asking yourself the question ever since the game ended. why didn’t he just shoot the damn ball? what was stopping him? you couldn’t press the questions in your mind any further when you knew what was stopping him: you. its silly and cliche but it’s the truest that’s been gnawing at him. you were the reason he couldn’t bare to see his own rivals lose.
“I don’t want to discuss this.” his shoulders slumped. he hardly notices you’d pushed the door further and allowed yourself in. he knew your care taking tendencies couldn’t bare to see him this down.
“come on,” you guide him into his bedroom, the curtains are drawn and a Spanish soap-opera plays quietly in the corner of his room. you crawl into his bed and allow him to rest against your body. your nails rake across his skin, careful not to put too much pressure on the black forming bruises.
“you really shouldn’t be here.” he mumbles feeling his shoulders and body sink further into the depths of touch. he hates himself for this, he knows he shouldn’t be falling at the hands of his rivals sister, but yet he can’t stop himself.
“I know,” you say peppering kisses to his throbbing temple, like you knew there was too much pressure there, “I’ll deal with that tomorrow, right now I’m here to deal with you.”
“you’re the better gavi, did you know that?” Jude lifts his gaze to meet yours, your lips briefly touch enough to ghost his.
“I did know that actually.”
he may have lost the game, but one things for sure, he didn’t lose you.
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selyeji · 4 months
nouvelle vague
joão felix x reader
summary : you were simply an intern and he was on loan, you’ll blame the full moon.
warnings : not proofread, angst, joao is toxic and stupid, m*gui…
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you stood on the elevator, holding onto your bag with both your hands. legs crossing while you lean against the railing, your gaze lowered to the floor. it was your first day as an intern, helping in the clubs social media and journalism.
the chimes of the door open, from your gaze you saw white sneakers, black pants and a pair of football cleats. dangling from his index and middle finger to carry it around. assuming he was a player for the club, you raise your head looking at his face. the bright lights of the elevator made his brown hair glow, his eyes were hooded and dark, ears busy listening to music.
softly sending a smile and a nod towards him, to show proper respect. he smiles back as he places his focus on pressing the buttons for his floor. you started to scrape off a hangnail on a finger of yours, it was a bad habit if yours. you did it to distract yourself or whenever you felt nervous.
the football player arrived on his floor first, footsteps echoed through the empty hallways once he exited the elevator. as you went up, you fixed your posture, eating a mint and fixing your hair. nervous for the new work space.
the moment you entered the office, your boss guided you around to introduce you. arriving to your own table, you started to place your things down. arranging a few files, pens and your laptop.
deciding to check on the photographers kn the training ground, you walk outside to the field. immediately facing the blue sky and green grass. jogging over to the area where most staff sat, creating small talk. until you saw those familiar boots again, white with cuts of grass under its heel.
the brown haired man from earlier, his hair messed up and the sun creating light highlights on his curls. it wasn’t until now you had a good look at him. he was handsome, perfect smile. your pupils darting up and down to look at his muscular but slim form.
the day started to pass by, the sun rays peeping out the pink blue clouds. you started to gather the necessities back in your bag, greeting you co-workers on your way out. you waited for the elevator once again to reach your floor, the doors slide open.
the player from earlier, met again. you were surprised, majority already went home. he was still in the building while you were expecting to get back alone. you shrugged it off, it was your first day either way. you wouldn’t know their schedule, maybe you were the one getting into their usual routine. he softly greeted you, recognizing you from earlier that day.
in the next days of the week, getting into the same elevator and seeing the same face. this became a daily routine of seeing other. you two got closer and closer, introducing each other and usually creating small talk. it was nice to get closer to someone aside from the people in the shared office.
it was after a long day of work, sun already set as the purple sky blended. you decided to visit a nearby music shop, it was your go-to shop whenever searching for vinyls or cds. the cashier already recognizes your face from the amount of times you visited.
pushing the glass door, entering the warm room. you already had your earphones on walking over to the cd section. looking over the new albums released, the arrangement wasn’t really organized by genre.
your peace was disturbed with a male voice, removing one of your earbuds. you look up to see joão, he smiled at you, showing his straight white teeth.
“i love the smiths” he said, referring to the album you were holding. you were a bit taken back, of course they’re known worldwide but here? not as much. “The Queen Is Dead is my personal favorite album. what about you?” he continued and asked you.
“Louder Than Bombs.” you grin sweetly at him, a bit of pink tint on your cheeks. he still stood on the opposite side, you two separated by the racks of cds on your side while vinyls on his. joão starts to look through the vinyl albums.
“you prefer vinyls over cds?” you ask him. continue to looking for yours. “of course, the albums are big enough to flex your music taste to people.” he joked. you chuckle, “im more of a cd person, you could listen to it everywhere.”
you two continued to talk, wasting the time in the store. recommending albums to each other, you two shared a passion for music, whether it was rap, r&b, jazz, pop or whatever. the two of you said your goodbyes once he left the store. you stood on the counter, deciding to buy the albums he recommended.
you rushed back home, your smile did not leave your face at all even after he left. quickly taking a warm shower, feeding your cat before going over to your desk.
turning on your lamp and cd player, before taking out the cd from the case and putting it on the player. you look at track-list while listening. based from the titles, you were expecting more love songs. you listen through the entire album, it was more of soft songs but it was for sure a great album. turning off the light, deciding to go to sleep.
you woke up early as usual, doing your daily routine before going off to work. you usually brought your own burnt cd with your custom playlist, but deciding to bring the other album you bought. deciding to listen to it on the way with your portable cd player.
once you arrived, elevator with him again. you both smile at each other. joao notices the music you were listening to, grinning to himself. but decided not to disturb you as usual.
you arrive to your office, quietly working on your own until you realize you finish the entire tracklist already. deciding to check up on the photographers on the field once again.
joao kept looking at you more than usual, smiling more until you noticed. once it got repetitive you just gave a lazy confused face, making him laugh. you went back to the office continuing your work.
the day ended, stretching your back while walking to the elevator. joao was already there as usual, he raises your brow at you while smiling. giving him a confused look you asked “what?”
“how was the album i gave you? didn’t think you would actually listen to my recommendations.” you connected the dots realizing he heard it blasting too loud earlier.
“surprisingly good from you. both albums were pretty great. plus whats the point of recommending if you’re not gonna listen anyways?” you raise your chin, smiling.
“hey wait surprisingly? what does that mean?” he asks, acting offended.
“nothing, if you heard it earlier, why didn’t you ask beforehand?” you chuckle. “i don’t wanna disturb you while listening to ethereal music. especially coming from me.” he says in a sassy tone. you laugh it off with him.
ever since then the two of you got close, always striking a conversation whenever you saw each other. whether it was on the field or not. the two of you definitely shared a lot of interests. it made you way more comfortable in your work space.
the sky was pitch midnight, the glowing of night life clubs became a source or light. you walk around the neon lights finding a specific bar. a friend of yours was performing tonight. they weren’t a big hit band but they still performed gigs often.
you walked in with a large crowd already waiting, the band was already preparing their instruments onstage. deciding to go the bar next to it, ordering a juice. you definitely did not want to deal with a headache in the morning.
before you knew it, the drummer started counting and the performance started. you still sat on the stool, taking sips every so often.
you felt a tap behind your shoulder, you turned your head, checking behind you. joao looking down on you smiling, he wore a white hoodie and black pants.
“mind if i sit next to you?” he asked, his head nodding to the side to the empty seat next to you. you smiled softly and said sure.
“didn’t know you went to these kinds of places.” joao yelled through the loud music and guitar. “im only here to support my friend actually, she’s the bass player over there.” you yelled back, pointing to your friend on the stage.
looking back to joao, the blue and purple lights that spread throughout the room, hitting his face. his eyes were already staring into yours, reflecting the bright lights in the room but kept it on yours.
your faces got closer, elbow leaning on the counter. your eyes going back and forth from his eyes to his full lips. before your lips could even collide, you two were distracted by the sudden yell of the crowd. a impressive guitar solo started playing, the room filled with cheers and claps. you laughed at joaos face while clapping, your romantic session ended.
leaning near to his neck you whisper, “let’s continue this later…” saying in a playful tone. you maintain eye contact as you smile.
once the performance ended, you greeted your friend goodbye after creating small talk. you walk out, already seeing joao waiting for you. he looks up from his phone, smirking. “let’s go, i know a spot.” he said, his hand out inviting you to hold hands.
grabbing his palm, intertwining hands. he walks you to the beach, it had a way nicer view of the ocean, you haven’t discovered this place before. he sat on the sand, tapping the empty spot beside him insisting you sit down.
you sat on the grainy sand, looking up to the night sky. it was a full moon, stars behind it but still shining in their own way. bringing your legs to your chest, you look beside you to see joao. his hands behind to lean on the ground.
moonlight reflected to his defined cheekbones, he raised his hand up to your jaw. dark pupils staring into your eyes, tucking a hair strand behind your ear before kissing you. your body started leaning against his, pushing the kiss further and further.
once you two separated, catching your breath. your head rested on his shoulder, refusing to look him on the face. too embarrassed on what would happen now. joao broke the silence through his giggle, picking you up while your legs hugged around his waist and your arms snake around his neck.
he carried you over to his car, which was surprisingly parked just nearby the beach. putting you down on the passenger seat, kissing your forehead in the process. once he got to the drivers seat, immediately leaning to rest his back.
“open up the compartment.” joao said, smirking as his hands rise up to the back of his head. you raise a brow while pouting your lips, wondering what he was talking about, your muscles immediately soften. the compartment was filled with cd cases.
“woah… i thought you were a vinyl person…” you said, still amazed looking at the different music you still haven’t listened to.
“can’t play them in a car no?” he laughs it off. you look over to him, the muscles in his arm clearly defined and showing. his white teeth showing through his perfect smile. you blush, admiring his features.
since that night, you and joao have gotten way closer than before. more than friends, but you weren’t even sure what was going on between you two.
he’d often let you stay at his house, play video games, cook, eat, shower together, make love. you two were like a couple, not publicly.
you laid down on joaos couch, waiting for him to get back home. scrolling through the internet finding something to entertain yourself with, you come across an interview. it was pretty recent from twitter, you play it to see joao.
smiling to yourself until the interview asked, “are you currently in a relationship? seeing someone?”
“no, im not seeing anyone right now.”
“so you’re available?”
his answer echoed in your head, repeating and repeating. sure you were fine with being private, especially with pressure in social media, but this?
publicly saying you’re available, acting like a person wasn’t waiting for you back home. you were tipped off, pissed even. did he not consider you worthy? were you just a replacement until he found someone new?
you turned off your phone, hand hanging off the side of the couch as you grip onto your device. staring onto the blank ceiling, the white light bulb still lighting up the room. the door creaks open, you raise your head to see joao entering the house. removing his shoes before stepping in. he walked over to you as you stood up, embracing you into a hug.
“hey babyy…” he mumbled. he was soft with you, in the field he’s fiery and aggressive but now he’s just soft and sweet. you heart warmed up, forgetting about the interview, passing it off as wanting to keep things more private and secured.
“let’s just take a shower can we… scrub my back for me?” he asked, using his dark puppy eyes again to get what he wants, his cheeks pouting. “fine…” you smiled, before leading him into the bathroom.
you forgot about that day, what happened. well you tried, you kept getting reminded about it. you were paranoid if he was out with someone else. you never showed it to him or anyone else. you acted unbothered.
you were at your office, getting off your seat for lunch break. you decide to go out to eat, forgetting to pack your own lunch. you walked to a nearby cafe, it was a local shop, not much customers around this time. you ordered a coffee and pasta. you sat down waiting for your order, scrolling in tiktok until you come across and familiar face, with another one.
you look closer to find joao, sat with magui in a restaurant. he only got back from international break a few days ago. you were heartbroken, everything inside you shattered to pieces.
scrolling through the comments on how he doesn’t learn his lesson and never move on. they were always right, he never made an effort to move on. your name was called, you order was already ready. turning off your phone to clear your thoughts and to bring back your tray.
you began eating your food, staring out the cafes glass window. blankly staring as people walked pass, going on with their day. you were finished with him, he was an asshole from the start.
after you finished your food, you went back to work. letting the hours pass by. but your thoughts never left, your legs bounced the whole time, you couldn’t focus properly.
your shift ended, you quickly grabbed your bag and things. going onto the elevator, unfortunately he was already there. you kept the gaze of your eyes lowered, not getting even a view of his face. quickly just wanting to get out.
you had your earphones on, nothing played. you just wanted joao to get off your back for now, once the doors opened. you rushed out, quickly running out the building. unfortunately joao caught up, he knew something happened to you.
he grabbed your wrist, making you turn to him. you stopped on your tracks, facing him, your eyes filled with hatred. joao was taken back.
“what happened baby?” he asked, his tone filled with pure sweetness.
this time you didn’t soften, you were done with him.
“seriously you’re gonna act nothing happened? with magui?” you took your hand back.
he was shock, his eyes widened. he didn’t expect her to find out, nor anyone.
“please i can explain darling-“ his face turned into a worry look.
“oh so you can call me a pet name but can’t even place a label between us?” you cut him off. “us? you really think friends would do anything like we do? after everything? don’t try to establish a relationship you don’t want.” you continued. tears started to build up in your eyes.
you ran off, before anyone could see you. getting into your apartment before breaking down. everything felt heavy, like the world was against you. your bedsheets stained with tears that will last.
it’s been weeks since then, you decide to walk over to the shore. its late at night, you couldn’t sleep from all the energy drinks you consumed from wanting to study longer. the moon was bright as ever.
you saw that same spot again, where everything started. you internship has ended while joaos loan contract wasn’t extended. you were glad you didn’t get to see him anymore. he’s back at portugal, but you also knew he would get to see magui again.
there was nothing you could do now, joao was cruel and deep like the ocean. but it would make sense if magui was the moon, affecting him like the ocean depended on her. you were simply a star, something you look for when the moon is not at sight.
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daily click to help palestine
a/n : w2e save me… please save me w2e if you can hear me please😭😭 sorry but every good romcom mentions the smiths therefore it needs a place here
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clov3sr · 2 years
Wholly | j. bellingham
. a/a — I. love. the. idea. of. mean. couples. Like oh my fucking. BRO.
. c/t w(s) — fem!reader, little spicy nothing crazy chill out, very haphazardly proofread so no promises
. ♫ — make me better; Fabolous, Ne-Yo
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ 2:22 ─────ㅇ─── 4:13
—— "the right when I'm wrong, so I never slip; show me how to move, that's why I never trip."
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𓆩♱𓆪 THE BAR WAS crowded, riddled with drunk patrons attempting to flag down the bartenders. Jude much preferred the solitude of his private section, but from the bar he could watch you tap the pads of your fingers against your exposed thigh, teasingly looking down at him with that sly smirk that he's beyond proud to say came from him. He's used to hearing dire threats of a man's ego mutilating into fatal hubris, but he can't relate it to being your man; There can only be good that stems from knowing he's the only one who gets to inch his hand up your little dress, dragging his teeth across the sensitive skin of your neck. He's the only one who knows how much more overwhelmingly intoxicating your perfume is compared to the drinks he's getting for the two of you. and you're the only one who gets to scratch lightly at the base of his neck and grip his bicep, a warning of your very public location. There's not much else he can say looks as good on you as pure confidence and trust in him.
So much trust that when girls inevitably approach him, he watches as that coy smile widens eagerly, and his eyes don't — can't — leave yours.
He wholly belongs to you.
The hand that slaps his own is rougher than the usual groupies because it's not one. Instead, he glances momentarily to see another man leaning back against the bar counter with him, one who's not even looking at Jude, but straight upwards at you.
"Pretty as hell," is all he leadingly mumbles, and Jude scoffs a bit in annoyance, but it's lost on the former male.
"Yep." He spits in response. Your eyebrows lower slightly in confused amusement. Jude tilts his head up disapprovingly and shakes his head slowly; he adores the silent communication the two of you have developed naturally.
"What're the chances I can bag that?" the anonymous male chuckles, and Jude can feel the thin thread of his patience shearing by the millisecond.
This earns him an entertained grin, and Jude wants to throw his head back in exasperation right then and there. He's heard enough of your stories to know where this is going,
"That a challenge, man?"
It's so infuriating that he can't disprove you when you proclaim that men are trash.
"It was not." His eyes are still on yours, and by the way they degrade in brilliance with every word, you can tell he's not enjoying whatever conversation he's having. Unlike Jude, you find it extremely amusing, covering your mouth as you giggle. His expression is always so telling, and this guy is apparently so dense that he can't tell. That, or it's because the stranger's eyes haven't left you either, so he probably just hasn't seen it yet.
"Dressed like that? All alone in a section? Those types are easy. Just need a bit of attention."
Jude can feel the familiar heat of boiling anger bubble in his chest, but he quells it just barely. He could make his PR team hate their job tonight, but he won't be able to stop himself from rolling his eyes if he has to hear Hendo's fatherly scolding about it. He won't act in the way he desperately wants to, but he does need this guy to shut the hell up immediately.
"She's a woman, not a rescue dog. Watch your fucking mouth."
The man looks over in offense, obviously just now realizing that Jude is not the random bonding type of guy. He shakes his head, as if deciding to let Jude off easy, and pushes himself off the counter. While he begins to strut over to your section, he fixes his posture and pulls his shirt down in an attempt to neaten it.
Just after he takes his leave, the bartender makes it to Jude with a hurried apology, which he assures is unnecessary, and asks for the bottle you both prefer. Two in hand, he's seconds behind the stranger on the way toward you.
"Hello, beautiful."
The prior playfulness that you wore on your face was immediately infected with aversion, your eyes finally leaving Jude to look up at the guy standing over you. Oh, he doesn't know. Shame.
"Hi?" you pull your crossed legs in towards yourself, tilting your body direction anywhere but towards him. He won't get the hint, you've been through too many situations like this to believe he will, but it still makes you feel slightly less revolted regardless.
"You're too hot to be sittin' up here alone, yeah?" He's slurring his words, and you're sure if you were closer you could smell the stench of alcohol and cheap cologne, but the thought of being that close makes you shudder uncomfortably. To your satisfaction, you see Jude emerge with your favorite drink in both hands, and he provokingly sits them on the glass table with a purposeful clink.
"Hmm," your fingertip taps your bottom lip ironically, and for a brief second, you wonder where this side of you came from. There is just something about Jude's conviction that you're his that makes any attempt at you criminally insolent. You'll make sure anybody who tries to get at you or Jude, and everybody around them, know never to try moronic shit like this again, "I am, aren't I?"
Jude frustratingly collapses at your side, practically on top of you, and automatically resumes his position kissing fervidly down your jawline. Occasionally, he'll spend longer on a particular spot, accompanying it with a taunting squeeze of his large hand around your smooth thigh, even as it inches farther up by the second. He's still aware enough, however, to allow you to lean forward a little and grab the neck of your bottle and your glass. He smiles for the first time since this altercation when he hears your breath hitch in pleasure, legs tensing slightly in seek of friction.
As you somehow manage to pour the drink into your glass without spilling it, your eyes dart back up coldly to the man who's still standing there like a deer in headlights. You almost feel bad, but Jude's fingers begin digging into your thigh again, and any mercy you had is stripped away instantaneously. Maybe he's a bad influence in this way, but it's a thrill you wouldn't give up for anything. Your eyebrows furrow in judgment, your nose scrunching up just to seal the look of pure disgust.
Jude's hand leaves your thigh, and you sigh disappointingly at the loss of warmth and pressure. The displeasure is soon sidelined, though, when that hand flicks twice towards the man, a blatant fuck you, shoo, and then returns to rubbing up and down your side. It's like Jude knows just how to spur you on, how to weed out that twinge of evil that you're sure originates from your mother's side. Right now, you decide you want to reward him for giving you that spirit, reciprocally assure him you wholly belong to him, and it's that conviction that laces your spitting tongue with a ruinous venom,
"Why're you still here, freak?"
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. a/pn(s) — Mean. Couples. ahehehaha.
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digitaldiarystuff · 9 months
For Better, For Worse
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summary: Pablo was having possibly the worst week of his life, first he broke up with his girlfriend to focus on his career and then he got injured during a spain game possibly needing a surgery. What do you do when you find out?
pairing: Pablo Gavi x Y/N
genre: angst/ fluff
warnings: mentions of injury and surgery
When your phone started ringing at this late hour, you knew this couldn’t be good. It was 2 a.m. and your heart sunk as you read the name ‘Aurora’ on it.
“Hey.” you said concerned.
“Hi Y/N were you asleep?” she asked and her voice was pretty upset.
“No it’s okay.” you lied. “Is everything okay?”
“I know this is selfish and I’m sorry but-“ she trailed off. “It’s Pablo, he’s injured and not in good shape. I know you guys broke up but I don’t know what I can do to make this better for him he’s been crying for hours now and they say he may need a surgery as soon as possible.” she started crying which would’ve broke your heart but your mind went blank as soon as you heard Pablo’s injury. You knew spain had a game against georgia today but didn’t watch it knowing it would only upset you more.
Pablo broke up with you the week prior to focus on his career and you were in complete shock ever since, your schedules were hard to keep up with but you were willing to work on it, he wasn’t and now learning he was going to need surgery broke your heart so much.
“Are you guys at his place? I’m on my way.” you said and she thanked you over and over again.
Although you were pretty upset with him, there was no way you’d leave him in this state. You knew Pablo wouldn’t probably want to talk to anyone but you needed to be there for him at his worst. You still loved him so much. You didn’t realize you had tears falling from your eyes in the taxi, worried sick. You opened twitter and saw all the videos of him being escorted out of the pitch with pain written all over his face. It was incredibly painful to watch and you couldn’t even imagine what he’s going through.
As soon as you paid the driver you got out and practically ran to the gate of his house, calling Aurora to tell her you’re there. It was pretty late you didn’t want to bother if anyone’s sleeping though it’s highly unlikely.
She came to the door with puffy eyes and hugged you tight.
“Thank you so much for coming.”
“Of course” you said. “Where’s he?”
“He’s in his room but won’t open the door.” she answered and you ran up the stairs not even bothering taking your jacket off.
You knocked a couple of times before he replied.
“Go away I don’t want anyone.”
You knocked again but he didn’t respond this time.
“Pablo, it’s me.” you said slowly hoping this would work.
You heard wheels inside the room and he finally unlocked it allowing you to see him in a wheelchair.
Your eyes immediately watered seeing his state and it’s obvious he was also crying for hours. You kneeled down and looked up at him, he looked like a baby right now with bloodshot eyes and trembling lips. You held his hands and hugged him avoiding his legs and he held you tight, crying into your hair. He didn’t even ask you anything just enjoyed your touch and affection.
He finally wheeled himself into the room and you followed after. Pablo carefully sat on the bed while you sat on the armchair next to it. You asked him what happened and he explained everything down to the possibility of the surgery and not playing for the season. You tried your best to console him and after an hour, his tears dried and he calmed down a little.
“So, did Aurora call you?” he asked
“Yes, I hope that’s okay.” you said
“Okay? That’s the only thing that could calm me tonight. I owe her a thank you.” he chuckled and this was a first for tonight. Your heart fluttered seeing his smile and suddenly realized you were supposed to be broken up even though it doesn’t feel like it.
“I’ll be with you every step of the way” you said “Of course if you’ll let me.”
“I’m an idiot. I’m an idiot to do this to you and here you are.”
“Don’t say that”
“But I am.” he said defeated.
“You kind of are.” you said earning yourself another chuckle.
“I missed your laugh.” he confessed.
“So did I. But you need to rest now.”
“Will you stay with me?” he asked like a child and you knew there isn’t anything in the whole world you wouldn’t do for him.
“If you want me to.” you said “I can sleep on the couch.” you said.
“No.” he pouted “I need to hold you.”
“Pablo there’s no way I’m getting in a bed with you, I could hurt your leg.” you said and he thought for a moment.
“Just till I fall asleep” he bargained and you didn’t protest. You needed him as much as he needed you. You sat against the headboard as his face was on your neck, you held him with your arms, he looked so sleepy.
“Will you be here when I wake up?” he asked groggily.
“I’ll always be here, for better or worse.” you answered as his eyes closed.
Pablo fell asleep like that in your arms as you watched his face. He looked like an angel from this angle. You smiled to yourself, tried to put his head on a pillow and wiggle out of the bed without waking him up making yourself comfortable on the couch. You soon felt sleepy as your eyes closed.
After you fell asleep Aurora wanted to check in on you guys and opened the door slowly finding you both asleep, smiling to herself she left the room.
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blueaetherr · 2 years
Can i request richarlison where he spoils her so much xx🫠
in thought of you
pairing: richarlison x fem!reader [she/her]
warning(s): none
summary: the one where richarlison spoils the reader in more ways than one
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Richarlison has always been a giving person. It was something in his nature, in his person, something naturally of custom to him. And he enjoyed it—the giving part of things—because he knew he wouldn't be letting go of it any time soon seeing as he loved it so much. He associated giving with two kinds of people: those in need and those he loved the most. And Y/N, his partner, was just one of those people he loved the most.
And this part of Richarlison was most prominent in their relationship, towards Y/N, appearing in a few ways.
At first it came through as rather materialistic. He had the money, the resources and everything else one needed, why would he not cash out on her? He bought her the world: they spent their time searching for her choice of clothes, he was open yet careful when picking out her jewellery, so much so that she was soon drowning in luxury and prestige.
"They reminded me of you," he would say, every time he brought back the finest necklace, every time the two passed by an item and Richarlison knew he had to get it for his partner, every time his mom spoke highly about a certain item of clothing or jewellery. And he would say it all with the kindest smile one would ever see.
And Y/N would return the smile and say, "Thank you," because she was grateful. For how he chose to spend on her, for how he always had her in mind even when he went out shopping for himself. For how he let her feel herself in such glamorous wear, for his efforts to make her happy. For that, she was grateful. But it became too much for her; too flashy and far out of her comfort zone sometimes, so he had to switch it up.
Then there came the flowers; the gift offering simple presence and kindness. Richarlison gave them to Y/N whenever he could, the ones his mom kept in her assorted garden or the ones he always noticed walking past the local florist. Whenever they went out and he saw a flower, laying perfect and pretty, he would pick it up and personally hand it to Y/N. When he knew he would be gone for a few days for a match, he would have flowers, far delicate and dressed, delivered to their place.
"These reminded me of you," he would say or message, every time he brought back a bouquet or two home, every time he picked up that random flower off the side of the street, every time he had her favourite flowers, in her favourite colour too, delivered home. And he would say it with a smile, one rather favouring his nerves, considering that offering flowers wasn't his initial way of giving.
And she would say, "Thank you," nonetheless. She always loved the flowers, personally. For their pretty appearance, for their delightful smell, and for how Richarlison associated them with her. For how determined he was to get a flower even if it was really out of reach; he always made the effort for her, regardless of the challenge that came with it. She remained grateful for his will to give. But, soon enough, it became too much for both of them.
Not enough room in the house to place the flowers, not enough space in the garden to plant them. Not enough space in the kitchen or rooms to place them, bringing in too many insects and causing her allergies to act up. This one, Richarlison was reluctant to switch up—flowers grew to be his favourite item to give his partner. But for their best interests, he chose to switch it up.
Finally, there was the quality time. Now this one, when he could, Richarlison spoilt her with a lot of this and so much more. The mornings spent in bed, the afternoons cleaning the house together with spirits and music high. The evenings playing football in the backyard for the thrill and fun of it all, the days he would wait on her until she came back from a late night out.
And Y/N would say, "Thank you." In fact, she had more to present than just a thank you (even though Richarlison thought it was more than enough). She would hug him, kiss him and do everything she had to offer him (how could she not when he always managed to give her the world)? For the times he pulled her back into bed, for the times when they were belting song lyrics on their off days. For the times he waited up for her after a night out, for the times he chose to hang out with her over his friends. And there was no criticism to any of it; in simple, she was grateful.
In her eyes, in all ways was Richarlison spoiling her, gifting her, giving to her. Through the materials, through the flowers, through the quality time. And she loved them, she appreciated it all equally. Because whether he chose to spoil her in one way or another, at the end of the day, they reminded me of you, these reminded me of you, this reminded me of you—he did everything in thought of her, and that was enough for Y/N to be reassured in their relationship.
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judebelle · 9 months
Tomorrow is Kylian birthday can you write something about waking him up with blowie?
happy birthday - k.m. x fem!reader
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authors note : i'm kinda in the middle of changing the layout of my fics so bare w me, also happy birthday kylian!
warning : smut, oral (m!receiving), a tinge of fluff, no distinct words of the consent in the beginning, but they're both consenting <3 dont read if you may feel uncomfortable
pairing : kylian mbappe x fem!reader
word count : 1k
you took a quick peak at the alarm beside your side of the bed.
8:17 am.
a smirk played on your lips before you began pulling down your boyfriends sweats and boxers. you were careful not to wake him, only pulling them enough that his cock would come out.
you licked the smirk off your lips as you took his length in your hands. even when he was asleep his body still responded to your touch. his cock twitched softly in your palms as you stroked it gently.
your eyes darted up to kylian, who was in deep slumber above you. without wasting more time, your soft, warm lips wrapped around him.
your mouth was soft and wet as you moved it on his shaft. you kept your eyes on him when you bobbed your head up and down, agonizingly slow.
you felt him grow hard in your mouth. his eyebrows furrowed and his breath quickened. you saw him swallow sharply, his chest heaving as you continued moving along him.
he was now rock hard in your mouth, and you could taste the precum dripping from him. you focused your mouth on his tip, sucking softly because you knew he liked it.
after a few moments, you heard him slurring a few words which you couldn't understand. you could tell his skin was slick with a thin layer of sweat. finally, his eyes fluttered open.
his eyes adjusted to the very dim light peeking through his curtains. he suddenly looked down at you, his eyes wide. you gave him a wink, not stopping.
"y/n- what's going- ohhh my god.."
his head lolled back onto the soft pillows when your tongue trailed along his slit, the words leaving his lips in short breaths.
he panted out words of encouragement, "god, don't stop.." his voice was raspy and tired. his hand reached down to softly grab at your hair, trying to urge you down further.
"please, don't be a tease.." you gave into his pleas and took him deeper. after all, it was his special day.
your warm lips travelled down the burning skin of his cock, pushing as far as your could. you couldn't reach the bottom , already feeling his tip prodding the back of your throat.
but kylian had other plans. he slowly pushed you down further. your nose made contact with his pelvis, coughs and gags erupting from your throat.
"that's a good girl, taking me so well.. just like that." you could feel the strain in his voice before his hand loosened it's force on your skull. you lifted your mouth off of him to catch a breath before engulfing him again. his hand began to reach for your hair out of pure habit but you swatted it away.
you saw him immediately give up and resort to clenching the sheets, struggling to keep quiet with the pleasure he was feeling.
you mouth began bobbing up and down again at a much faster pace. your hands slid over his muscular thighs. you kneaded his flesh as your mouth kept working on him.
mewls and whimpers left his mouth when you would stop bouncing you head and focused on sucking his tip dry. your hands rushed to softly stroke along his cock.
"mon dieu, vous êtes incroyable!" (my god, you're incredible). you moaned onto him at the praise, the vibrations travelling up your throat and onto his tip.
he grunted as you left his tip to continue bobbing up and down, wanting to finish him off.
one of your hands snuck up to massage his balls. kylian's eyes rolled into his skull at that. he groaned out in ecstasy while his hands fisted the sheets, his knuckles shifting white.
"don't stop, 'm gonna cum- jesus.."
you sucked faster, slightly twisting your head as your pace increased. you felt him twitch again in your mouth, and you knew he was on the edge.
"god- i'm cumming, i'm cumming!" he warned. usually at this point, you would let him cum on your tits, or on your face. sometimes he would finish himself off with his hand, but you wanted to give him a little present.
you pushed your mouth down as far as you could, nose digging into his pelvis. the familiar feeling sent tingles between your legs. you felt him in the back of your throat, pulsing with fervor. his eyes shot open when you didn't pull off of him.
it seems that seeing his cock stuffed in your mouth when he was already teetering over the edge sent him flying over it. he bit his lip hard enough to draw blood before he craned his neck back, crying out in a rasp.
"ah hah- fuck!"
he bucked his hips up into your warm mouth. you coughed around him before he came with a sharp moan, shooting everything he had down your throat. his warm, bitter seed filled your mouth. some dripped out the sides of it and down his cock.
his hips were trembling before he collapsed flat onto the mattress. you slowly lifted your mouth from him, wiping any remnants of him with the back of your hand. you licked off any drips of seed from his sensitive shaft before crawling over his spent form.
he pried his eyes open, glazed over with the force of his orgasm. a soft smile fought its way onto his face, and you gave into the urge to kiss it.
he returned it, his weak hand cupping your cheek that was full barely a minute ago.
you broke the kiss, leaving you both panting softly. you placed another on the tip of his nose before whispering against it.
"happy birthday."
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