#For resisting Durge Gale is an incredible romance
When Gods Listen
Ship: Astarion Ancunin x female!Durge/reader
Summary: Astarion is hit by a memory spell mid-combat. You fear what will happen to him, but Astarion only knows he woke with the answer to his prayers looking down at him.
Word Count: 6,162 words
Warnings: post Astarion's first romance scene, descriptions of battle, Astarion's past, typical Durge thoughts, temporary memory loss, temporary amnesia, Gale being helpful, vampire feeding, a cliche 'oh. oh.' moment, kissing, unspoken confession
Note: Reader is based on my drow half-ef Durge, Nixu, but remains from the second-person perspective with only brief & vague mention of her appearance. My first time writing Durge (resisting), so let me know what you think!
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☟ Continue below the fold ☟
How long had you been fighting? Ten minutes? An hour? Gods, you didn't know. You couldn't focus on anything other than the weapon in your hand, the number of arrows in your quiver, and the spells you had prepared. Letting your focus stray to your companions had already cost you, proven by the blood running down your arm and the claws that had torn your pants to shreds.
Need new armor, you thought as you slammed a dagger into a goblin's throat. The creature gurgled and clawed at your hands, leaving behind red scratches, until you yanked out the blade. The goblin fell to the blood-soaked ground with a wet thud.
Shadowheart screamed behind you. You heard the snarl of a wolf and turned to find one lunging for her, the cleric frozen in fear. You reached for your bow; Gale was faster, sending a Fire Bolt at the wolf. It snarled and turned on Gale.
You strung an arrow to your bow. You had four left, including this one. Your shot would have to be incredibly precise if you didn't want to get any closer to the wolf; you didn't have enough arrows for do-overs.
Taking aim, you drew back your string, taking a deep breath. Easy does it, you told yourself.
The wolf's body tensed. It sat back on its haunches, ready to lunge for Gale. He was in the middle of preparing a spell; it wouldn't be ready by the time the wolf's jaws were around his throat.
An arrow flew directly into the wolf's jugular. You blinked. Had you loosed your arrow? No. It remained in your fingers, notched to your bowstring.
Your eyes sought out the arrow's source and landed on a pair of red eyes creeping out of the shadows. Astarion slipped out of hiding, his face stony. He held his own bow. He stared down the wolf until it collapsed with a pitiful whine.
Both Gale and Shadowheart turned to other enemies, knives flashing and spells meeting their targets.
There was a horrid howl from somewhere on the battlefield. You whirled toward the sound and found an irate human hurrying down the rocky hill. You guessed the howl had been the wolf's name, then, and this was its owner.
"Astarion!" you shouted. "Behind you!" You pointed in the direction of the approaching human—a wizard, by the looks of her.
Astarion turned and dropped into a crouch. She began summoning a spell; you recognized it as a memory spell. Temporary, but all-encompassing. Before Astarion could hide, the spell hit him square in the chest.
Dread coiled in your stomach. Astarion stumbled backwards, a hand coming to touch his chest. Then his body went rigid. You weren't close enough to see it, but you knew his eyes had glazed over.
Astarion glanced around, clearly confused as to how he had ended up in a battle.
"Shit," you muttered.
He'd be easy to kill in this state, you thought. All too easy to stab in the brain and watch the blood run into his eyes. Ugly desire curled through your stomach, a desperate need to gut him from the inside out settling in your chest.
You blinked and the urge was gone. You glanced around you, expecting your butler, but he was nowhere to be seen.
Gods, why can't the urges be something simple, like wanting him whimpering beneath me again?
You started toward Astarion. Goblins swarmed you. You cast a poison spray across them and cut them down as quickly as you could. You looked up to find the wizard whispering in Astarion's ear. He turned toward Gale and Shadowheart, expressed pulled into confusion.
A goblin clawed at you, trying to climb your legs. You shook it off and slammed your knee into its face. You looked up again and found Astarion with an arrow pointed at Shadowheart's back. You shouted a warning.
"What the hells is he doing?!" she shouted.
Gale frowned at Astarion. "Amnesia," he said. "She messed with his memory."
All eyes widened in horror as the woman gave Astarion an order: "Kill." He loosed his arrow and Shadowheart just narrowly dodged it. Astarion readied another.
"He's under her command," Gale said.
You jumped to a higher vantage point. "Can we stop the spell?"
"Not the memory spell, that will take time to fade," he reasoned, "but if we kill her, she can't command him to kill us."
"Great," you said. "Now I have a plan."
The wizard shrieked with laughter. She turned around, her hands spread, a sneer on her face. "You'll never kill me," she snarled. "I'm far more powerful than—"
She fell with a thud, your arrow buried in her heart. You jumped to the ground and looked down at her where she lay, gurgling and glaring at you. You cocked your head. "You should know better than to expose yourself to attack, wizard. Now I will make your head a statement piece."
Without thinking, you drew your knife. Yet you froze when you heard Gale give a shout. You looked up and found an arrow—one of Astarion's—in his shoulder. The wizard could make no more orders, but her last command was still standing. He was still attacking the others.
"No time for that now," you said to the corpse. You left it where it lay and ran toward Astarion. As you got closer, you realized he looked incredibly confused about having shot Gale.
Gravel crunched under your feet, sliding out from underneath you. You slipped to a halt in front of him. "Astarion? You okay?"
He flinched as your hand came to rest on his shoulder. He shrugged off your touch. "Who the hell are you?" he demanded.
"I'm..." The words died on your lips. What were the two of you? Gods knew there wasn't really a label for whatever it was the two of you had. Would he even believe it if you tried to explain it, while the memory spell lasted? "I'm your friend. We met on the road. We stuck together with Gale and Shadowheart here and the others back at camp to get rid of the tadpoles."
Astarion looked at you, studying you with a gaze as guarded as it had been when you'd first met him. "I don't..."
"You've been hit by a memory spell, a very powerful one," you told him, resisting the urge to grab his hand. "It's given you temporary amnesia."
"Why are we fighting?" he rasped. "I... I don't know who to... She told me to fight you." He glanced back at the body. He seemed to be panicking a little now. "But then you killed her and now I... I don't want to kill you anymore."
"You don't have to," you promised. "You don't have kill us, Astarion, we're your friends."
"No, not them," he said. "Just you."
He raised his bow, an arrow already prepared and aimed for Gale's heart. You grabbed the bow, wrenching it from his hands and throwing it to the ground. He growled, deep and animalistic. His eyes flashed a brighter red and his lip pulled back from his fangs. They dripped with saliva.
Such a pretty monster, you thought. It will be a shame to rip out his heart.
But you didn't follow your urge. Instead, you slammed the pommel of your dagger into the side of his head. His eyes rolled back into his head and he crumpled to the ground.
Gale shouted at you, utterly horrified. "What was that for?"
"He was going to kill you," you said. "I don't think there's anything we could have said that would stop him." You glared across the battlefield. "Let's deal with the rest of this and get him back to camp."
Shadowheart yanked the arrow out of Gale's shoulder and healed him quickly. You watched his skin knit back together with a strange fascination that tingled beneath your own skin, like you'd felt it before...
The rest of the goblins and wolves felt like they took no time at all. You were aware, of course, that your sense of time was disrupted by your worry; every so often, you cast a look toward Astarion's crumpled body, passed out but corpse-like for his lack of breathing. A discomforting desire shuddered through you at the sight.
He is my friend, you told the need in your gut that told you to kill him twice over. He trusts me. I will not hurt him.
Yet you weren't so sure you could trust yourself to keep that promise.
When enemies finally stopped swarming, you went back to the wizard's corpse. You dug through her pockets for anything useful. You found several amulets imbued with powerful magic and plenty of scrolls. You took her weapons without much thought; you could inspect them later, but you had more important matters to begin with.
"Is he alright?" Gale asked as you knelt beside Astarion.
"He should be," you said. "I didn't hit him that hard."
"Something tells me he won't be too pleased about that when he wakes up," Shadowheart said.
"If he remembers it, that is," Gale said. The wizard sounded the most worried you'd ever heard him. "That was a powerful memory adjustment spell."
You frowned. "It is temporary, isn't it?"
"I certainly hope so. For his sake and for ours," Gale replied. "Here. Let's get him back to camp. It's too dangerous to continue on with him like this."
Gale cast a levitation spell and Astarion's body rose. His face was obscenely peaceful and it dawned on you just how tortured he usually looked when he tranced. You cocked your head, wondering just how deep that memory spell was going.
A hand fell on your arm. "Is everything alright?" Shadowheart asked.
"I'm fine," you said. "Just thinking." You cleared your throat, tearing your eyes away from Astarion's slack face. "Come on. We've got a lot of ground to cover, and not a lot of daylight left."
Astarion felt like he was...swimming? Maybe. Everything was fuzzy. His mind felt bizarrely empty and way too full at the same time. He saw nothing through his heavy, closed eyelids. Try as he might, he couldn't get them to open.
A sense of urgency was sitting in his chest. He had something to do, didn't he? He'd been...
The feeling of whatever it was, of holding something light and curved, of pulling his arm back and letting go, disappeared back into the murk.
Frustration bloomed in Astarion's mind. What was going on? Was this a trick of Cazador's?
Oh, there! That was...something. A person? Yes, an unpleasant person. Someone he was rather upset to have remembered, even if it meant at least there was something in this useless head of his.
A vile taste filled Astarion's mouth, like rat's blood and salty bodily fluids. Somehow, Astarion knew it was because of the person he despised so completely. Yet how?
Sudden hunger curled through Astarion's stomach. He groaned, clutching at his stomach. I have to hunt, he thought, but he still couldn't get his eyes open. Trying only pushed him further into the thick, liquid blackness that surrounded him.
Help, Astarion tried to say. His mouth remained closed. Someone help, someone get me out of here. Gods, please, get me out!
The silence of his mind answered him.
Astarion whimpered, curling into a ball. I'm so hungry, Master, he whined, but only one rough word came out, nearly lost in his throat. Once again, he was dragged back into darkness.
"Astarion's not doing so hot."
Karlach's voice roused you from the thoughts swimming in your head. You sat back on your haunches, somewhat surprised to see the weapons you'd been sorting through from today's battles still in front of you in a heap. Had you gotten so lost in your thoughts you'd stopped working?
Never mind that, tend to the pretty corpse, you told yourself. You stood up, ignoring the saliva gathering on your tongue. "How so?"
"He's tossing and turning, groaning in his sleep," she said, chewing on her nails, glancing in the direction of the trancing elf.
"I'll check on him," you said.
You walked across camp toward Astarion's tent. When you'd gotten back to camp, Shadowheart had thought it wisest to keep him in view of everyone, just in case something went wrong, so Astarion currently lay on your own bedroll in front of his tent.
You could see Astarion's sleep had become fitful. He had tossed and turned so much that he'd thrown off the blanket he took everywhere that you'd put over him. His hair was beyond messy. His eyebrows were pinched together and he was panting unnecessarily.
A soft groan slipped past his lips as he rolled to one side, desperately hugging his arms to his stomach. You cocked your head. Was his hunger causing him to stir?
"At least we know I didn't kill him knocking him out," you said.
Karlach opened her mouth but was interrupted by Astarion's whimper. The two of you both looked at him again, concerned. "Master," he rasped.
Your body stiffened. You had a sudden need to keep Karlach away, sure these babblings were not something Astarion would want anyone to hear.
Why are you not also leaving him be? you asked yourself. You decided against answering that question.
"I'll keep an eye on him," you promised her.
Karlach gave you a curious look, then nodded. She turned away and headed back across camp.
You sat down beside Astarion. You peered down at him, his face fixed into an expression of pain.
Poor creature, you thought.
Astarion gave another whine of hunger, curling into the fetal position. Your own face pinched into an expression of sympathy. You took your dagger from its sheath and pricked your finger on it. With your free hand, you held open Astarion's mouth, then hovered your bleeding finger over it.
Achingly slowly, the blood dripped into Astarion's mouth.
A sharp, iron tang filled his senses. He could smell it, so close he was sure if he could just convince his body to move through the sluggish black around him that he would be able to taste it—
Blood hit his tongue, the taste of a single droplet bringing saliva that coated his jaws. Another drop followed. One after the other, droplets of blood collected on his tongue. Somehow, he found it within himself to swallow.
Astarion knew this blood. The taste was oddly familiar, though it wasn't part of his regular diet. No, this was not the blood of bugs and rats—this was the blood of a thinking creature. One he'd feasted from before.
Master will torture me for this, he thought. Master will write more poetry on my skin.
But Astarion no longer found it in him to care. As more blood dripped into his mouth, he swallowed it down with enthusiasm.
Strength returned to his limbs. The hunger that plagued him constantly began to subside, easing into something bearable. Old aches and pains disappeared.
There you go, Astarion, a female voice said. She sounded close—and worried. Just drink. It will help.
Astarion obeyed on instinct. He knew this voice. It was uncannily familiar, the kind of voice he'd listen to for hours just to keep hearing it. Yet...where had he heard it? Was this a victim, coming back to haunt his memories? It certainly wasn't one of his sisters...
With a full belly, restlessness took over. Astarion quickly grew bored of the dark surrounding him. He shifted, the movement slowly bringing him back into his body. He huffed impatiently.
Are you coming back to me? the voice asked, accompanied by a soft touch on his cheek. A brief moment of silence followed, then— You're scaring the others, Little Star.
Astarion tensed. That name. No one called him that. His siblings knew better and his victims never got close enough, so...
A hand slipped into his hair. Panic took over. Astarion's scalp tingled. He anticipated pain to follow.
Something within him snapped—
Astarion's eyes opened the same time the thread within him grew too taut. He lurched upward, a snarl on his lips. He bared his teeth, prepared to rip out the throat of whomever had touched him—
"Easy!" It was the same voice. The hand left his hair and pushed him back to the ground. A figure appeared over him. "It's just me!"
The voice stopped him. Astarion let himself be pushed back down—surprisingly gently, with only one hand on his shoulder. He focused on the figure above him and slowly your features come into focus.
You're...beautiful. Your hair has been pulled out of the way, leaving the concern and worry on your face clear to his eyes. Your eyes were wide, but you didn't seem to be afraid of him. In fact, the look on your face suggested you know his dangers all too well.
You were the answer to every prayer he'd always been too scared to voice.
Slowly, Astarion relaxed. You looked instantly relieved.
"It's me," you said again, calmer now. "Do you remember me yet?"
You lifted your hand to his cheek. Astarion could smell the blood on it—the same blood he'd just tasted. He turned toward it and saw the small slice in your finger.
"You fed me?" he asked.
You nodded. "Of course I did, Astarion."
Astarion flinched. "How do you know my name?"
Disappointment flickered in your eyes. "I'll take that as a no," you sighed. Only then did Astarion realize you'd asked him a question. "We travel together, Star. With our friends. So that we can get the tadpoles out of our heads?" You spoke slowly, trying to give him time to catch up.
But Astarion didn't recognize anything—except for the smell of your blood, which seemed so innate to him, beyond the taste of it on his tongue.
"I— I'm sorry, I don't know," he whispered.
"Nothing sounds familiar?" you asked. When he shook his head again, your disappointment showed on your face for a moment. You hid it quickly with your next breath, but Astarion saw it. "That's alright. It'll come back to you."
Fear suddenly wrapped its claws around his heart. "Will it?"
"Yes," you said firmly. "It will. I promise, Star." You took his hand in yours and squeezed gently. "And I'll be with you until you do remember."
A thousand questions swirled in his mind. Who were you? What had he done to deserve your kindness? How could you be so certain that he would recover?
Deep in his heart, he wondered if he even wanted to recover. The bits and pieces floating around inside his head... They were not pleasant. And yet, all he could think to ask was, "Why?"
You smiled softly at him, almost regretfully. You were silent for a long time, avoiding his gaze. Your hair just barely covered your eyes; Astarion could not make out your expression. At last, you raised your head toward him. "If you were in your right mind, you'd know." The muscle in your jaw feathered. In a hushed voice, you added, "Honestly, that scares me more than this."
Astarion's eyes narrowed. He felt like he was missing something, something obvious. You were hiding something, but he couldn't fathom what or why...
You turned away from his intense, questioning gaze. "Rest. I'll be here when you wake up." You pulled a knife from its sheath on your boot and a rag from your pocket. You began polishing it.
Astarion watched you for some time, entranced by the methodic way you cleaned your weapons, pausing to inspect the shine of the blade. It did not take long for the drowsy blackness to seep into the edges of his consciousness, taking over with every blink. Soon, there was nothing left but...
You weren't entirely certain when Astarion had dozed off, just that you had suddenly felt the loss of his gaze. You glanced at him, his body still on your bedroll.
A few moments passed while you watched him. Once you were certain he was deep in his trance, you left his side to collect a handful of herbs and a water flask.
You measured out the herbs and tied them off in a mesh pouch. You steeped them in the cold water and watched the color change achingly slowly. Only when it had reached a greenish-yellow color did you gently reopen the bloody spot on your finger, hissing as the skin split again, and let your blood drip into the mixture.
You stared down at it, watching the blood sink to the bottom of the bowl. The herbs, meant to help improve memory, ought to do something for his memory loss... Or so you hoped.
With Astarion still trancing, you left the herbs to steep. You returned to your own tent briefly to retrieve a book to read while you waited for him to wake.
The evening passed surprisingly slowly. You got through several chapters before you were interrupted by a gentle tap on your shoulder. You looked up to find Gale offering you a plate of food.
"Thank you, Gale," you said, accepting it after you'd put your book down. "How's the arm?"
"You're welcome. All healed up, thanks to Shadowheart," he said. He glanced at your mixture. "Is that for Astarion?"
You nodded. "It's a bunch of herbs to help improve memory. I was thinking it might speed up the 'temporary' part of the wizard's spell."
He thought for a moment. "I have a few spells that might help," he said. "Pass me the bowl."
You did so and watched curiously as Gale muttered a few quiet incantations over the mixture. When he passed the bowl back to you, the water faintly glowed lavender.
"That should help," he said.
"What did you do?" you asked, frowning. You hadn't recognized any of his mutterings.
Gale bit back a smile. "Those spells should increase the herbs' potency. It will strengthen the potion, and our elf's ability to retain his memory."
For a moment, you just stared at him. Then you said, "You have to teach me those spells."
Gale smiled. "Anytime," he promised. He nodded to the plate he'd given you. "Eat. You need your strength, too."
You nodded and ate quickly. Astarion shifted in his trance, mumbling quietly. You glanced at him and heaved a sigh when you realized he was, once again, clutching his stomach.
"You are a pain to feed when you can't bite me," you said to him before once again opening your finger and letting your blood drip into his mouth. Yet you weren't nearly as annoyed as you sounded; you honestly didn't mind caring for the elf. Gods knew he deserved it.
You returned to your book until night fell. The others came to check on you and Astarion before they retired. Wyll put out the campfire and you looked at the vampire still knocked out on your bedroll.
"Guess we're sharing again," you murmured to him and wriggled into your bedroll. You got cozy, comforted by his presence, despite everything. You rolled to put your back to him, but whispered over your shoulder, "Good night, Astarion."
Astarion woke up very suddenly, a scream in his throat. He covered his mouth with a hand before it could come out. He lay that way for several moments, trying to calm the sense of panic in him from yet another nightmare of his master, before he realized he was not in his tent. Or any tent.
His head rolled to the right, toward the heat next to him and the scent of you. You had curled up beside him, your back to him, some distance between the two of you. For some reason, his heart sank. Why hadn't you cuddled up close to him?
Bits and pieces of memory hit him with a pounding headache: something slamming into his chest, loosing an arrow from his bow into Gale's shoulder, waking up and lunging for you, watching you sharpen your knives...
Gods, what had happened over the past few days. When had they left that battlefield?
Astarion glanced at your sleeping form again. A deep ache sat in his chest; he wanted... Gods, did he really? He wanted to hold you. He wanted you in his arms.
For her heat, he told himself as he rolled onto his side and closer to you, draping his arm over your middle. He ignored the fact that his explanation did not cover the little kiss he pressed to the nape of your neck.
You stirred in your sleep. "Little Star?" you murmured, pushing back against his chest.
"Don't wake up," he murmured. "I'm here."
He watched a sweet, sleepy smile cross your face. "It worked," you mumbled. You hand came up to slide into his and squeeze gently.
Astarion frowned. "What worked?"
You rolled to face him, even though your eyes remained closed. "I'll tell you in the morning," you said. You yawned and nuzzled your face in his chest, apparently happy to hide in the fabric of his shirt and his scent. You hummed. "My pretty little death."
There you were with your strange little sayings. Astarion raised his eyebrow, assuming you'd caught a whiff of his (albeit faint) odor of death. "Do I need more perfume?"
"No," you said, quite adamantly. "Smells good."
Astarion bit back a giddy, boyish smile. "If you say so." He put his hand into your hair, fingers scratching your scalp gently. You hummed contentedly and, within seconds, fell back asleep against him.
He wrapped his other arm around you as well, pressing you close to him. A twinge of hunger passed through him, but he ignored it; while you had told him plenty of times he could feed while you slept, he'd rather wait until the morning than risk waking you again.
Too alert to fall back to sleep, Astarion looked down at you. He brushed a few strands of your hair from your face, reveling in the softness of your hair and skin. He brushed his thumb across your cheekbone, content to admire you until his eyes got tired of you. Truthfully, he wasn't sure that day would ever come.
"Oh, you," he murmured. He kissed the top of your head and you lifted your head toward him while you slept, turning your face toward him. Like a sunflower seeking the sun, he thought, a very old distant memory surfacing—his tiny hand in a bigger one, belonging to someone telling him to look at the big yellow flowers in front of him...
He was your sun. And you were...his.
Something in his chest stirred. It wasn't quite a heartbeat, but it was very close: a fluttering in his heart, truly awakening for the first time. A shuddering breath escaped Astarion's lips.
Through the fuzz of the past few hours, Astarion dimly remembered you smiling at him, soft and sad and unsure, sorrow in your voice as you said, If you were in your right mind, you'd know. Honestly, that scares me more than this.
And Astarion did know. He did.
"My darling," Astarion murmured, shifting to curl his body around yours. You responded in your sleep, clinging tightly to him. He kissed your cheek and then rested his head against yours, watching the sky and patiently waiting for the sun to rise.
For the first time in two hundred years, the gods had finally listened.
Your body registered the warmth of the sun before you fully woke. It spread through you, spreading a lazy comfort through you. You slipped between peaceful sleep and fuzzy wakefulness for some time before lips roused you completely.
Tiny kisses covered your cheeks and nose. A hand cupped your cheek. "Wake up, my love," a soft voice said. Your heart warmed and your eyes flickered open. Astarion!
His crimson eyes crinkled with a smile when you looked at him. "There she is," he whispered, fonder than you had ever heard him.
"You're back," you murmured, overjoyed to be his love again but desperately tamping the feeling down. He would certainly see it now if you were not careful to hide your heart.
"What happened?" he asked. "I remember fighting goblins, but nothing else until I woke up to you avoiding me in your sleep." His tone was teasing, but there was something else there—some little bit of vulnerability. Your heart began to beat faster in your chest.
You propped your head up on your hand. "It's a long story, Star."
"Tell it to me while I feed," he suggested, already shifting to perform your morning ritual.
You rolled onto your opposite side and exposed your neck to him, sweeping your hair out of the way. "Alright," you said, barely suppressing a shudder as his lips brushed your skin, leaving a soft, yearning kiss.
What has gotten into him today? you wondered.
Astarion finally sunk his teeth into your neck. You let him take one, two, three swallows of your blood before you began talking. You spared no details, telling him what had happened since he'd been hit with a memory spell as steadily as you could with him sucking at your neck.
When he was finished, Astarion licked over the holes in your neck until they stopped bleeding.
"Thank you," he said, uncharacteristically quiet. "For the meal and for staying with me. I can't imagine it was easy work."
You looked up at him, entranced by the flush on his cheeks. You reached up to cup his face, admiring him for a moment before snapping out of your daze. "No, it...it was fine. It was..." You.
A smile twitched at the corners of his lips. Your heart sank into your stomach. He knows. Gods, he knows how I feel.
Astarion took your chin in his hand and lifted your head. He brushed his thumb over your bottom lip. He looked at you with that sweet, fond look in his eyes for a moment. Then they fluttered shut as he leaned down, pressing his lips against yours.
Your surprise melted quickly into content as his thumb stroked your jaw instead. He tasted vaguely of iron; arousal fluttered through you, your urge only growing more powerful at the taste of your lifeblood on his tongue. Yet it slipped away as Astarion cuddled closer to you, sheltering within your arms, his lips never leaving yours. His soft, barely audible moans, were like an epic poem, his kiss a balm to the worry that had been building in your chest.
He feels it, too.
You broke away for a moment of air. "Astarion," you whispered and he let out a feral growl, chasing your lips eagerly. But for all his eagerness, it was not the kisses he gave you before he ravaged you. He was softer, slower. You felt the promise he was making you in that moment.
The kiss went on. The dynamic changed slowly; his fangs scraped across your lips—his tongue slipped into your mouth—your tongue into his—he suckled on your lower lip—you gently held his lip between your teeth—your fingers curled in his hair—his hand on your neck.
You let Astarion decide when he was done, happy to kiss him slowly. Your hand fell to his chest and rested above his unbeating heart. He hummed into your mouth.
When he did finally pull away, his cheeks were delightfully red, the tips of his ears pink. His eyes fluttered. A slow, content smile formed on his lips.
You kissed his forehead. He turned a deeper shade of red. "Thank you, my Star."
Astarion nuzzled into you. "Darling..." He dropped his mouth to your neck, once again kissing his feeding place. "I don't want to stop."
You smiled. "So don't."
Astarion was kissing you again in an instant, his hands cupping your face, cradling you close. You melted into him, giving control over to your pretty corpse.
You were interrupted by a throat clearing above you just as a shadow fell over the two you. Your lips parted from Astarion's as you both looked up, somewhat guiltily.
Lae'zel stood above you, already ready to move on. "Unstick your maws," she ordered with a snort. "We must go." She left as quickly as she had arrived, but watching after her made it clear the rest of camp had also been watching the two of you.
"Maws," Astarion mused.
"She's right," you said, sitting up. "We should get ready."
Astarion caught your hand and pressed a tender kiss to your fingers. "Alright, my love."
The two of you slipped out of the bedroll. You helped Astarion fix his hair, mussed by sleep and your hands, and then the two of you packed up your belongings quickly to catch up with the others. You hadn't realized just how much time had passed while you got lost with him.
"Good morning!" Gale said cheerily, striding over, a twinkle in his eye. "I see Astarion's regained his memory!"
You glanced up in time to see Astarion blush and give Gale the universal look that meant 'shut up' and realized Gale had known all along. When had the two of them gotten close enough for that? Or was Gale just very good at reading people?
"I have," Astarion said coolly, recovering. "Our lovely leader here has filled me in on what happened while I was...indisposed." He looked awkward for a moment, then continued, "I apologize for shooting you, wizard."
"Apology accepted," Gale said matter-of-factly. He lifted his arm to prove it had healed. "No harm done!"
You finished up with your packing. "Where are we off to today?" you asked Gale. "Have the others decided?"
He pulled a face. "Everyone's got their own ideas," he said tactfully. "I think it'd be best if you decided what we handled first."
You sighed. "You mean that Shadowheart and Lae'zel are trying to kill each other, and I have to stop them and take the heat from whoever I piss off more."
Gale winced. "Yes, something like that."
"Alright. I'll be right there."
Gale nodded and started back toward where the others were gathered. You watched him go with a sigh.
"Is that why Lae'zel interrupted us?" Astarion asked. "Because if she thinks that's a way to gain favor, she's most certainly wrong."
You giggled at him. "Did someone want to keep kissing?"
He tried to hold your gaze, but looked away as his ears turned pink again. "Maybe," he muttered.
You kissed his cheek. "Later," you promised. You offered him your hand. "Come on. Let's get this sorted."
"Alright, my love," he said—a new phrase of his, it seemed—and took your hand. For a moment, he just looked at you, like there was something he wanted to say. You paused.
"What is it?" you asked.
He shook his head, a tiny smile on his lips now. "Nothing." You raised your eyebrow. "We'll talk about it later."
You nodded. "Alright."
You walked toward your bickering companions. Lae'zel was muttering about the creche, Shadowheart adamantly refusing not to go, with Wyll and Karlach trying to placate them both. At least those two weren't still at each other's throats.
The minute Shadowheart saw you, she darted over. "We have to get to the Temple of Shar," she started. "We made so much progress before we reached the goblins—"
"Chk! Our top priority should be the creche—"
Shadowheart glared at the githyanki. "We are not going to the creche!"
"We are going to neither place just yet, and you are both staying here in camp until you learn to get along," you said sharply. You saw Astarion smirk out of the corner of your eye. "Gale, Karlach, you'll come with me and Astarion. We'll see how far we can get and make a decision from there."
Karlach pulled a face. "Are you two going to kiss all day?" she complained.
You rolled your eyes. "That depends on how much you annoy me. Now, come on. I'd like to get going. And for the love of all, can we please avoid memory spells?"
Gale bit back a smile. "Are you certain? It seems to me you've gotten something rather good out of it." He glanced down at your fingers, still twined with Astarion's.
You glanced at Astarion. "Yes," you agreed. "And he is enough for me." You kissed his cheek again. For only his ears, you whispered, "I mean that, you know."
He smiled at you. "I know."
"Good," you said. You kissed him quickly.
You waited for Gale and Karlach to get what they needed with your head resting on Astarion's shoulder. You knew as well as any that you were far from steady; you still had much to talk about. You looked up at Astarion and found a far-off look in his eyes, one that looked a little too much like sorrow for your liking.
Astarion's "nothing" was looking an awful lot like "something."
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[Image Caption: I do not give permission to repost, translate, or publish my work on any other site or app by anyone except myself. I do not give permission for my work to be fed into AI (for audio, art, or writing).]
Baldur's Gate 3 // Astarion Ancunin
Taglist: {comment and let me know if you'd like to be added to the Astarion taglist!} @wayward-hel@cheeslyy@ofmyth-andmagicart@neetheslayer@whispering-depths@freesidexjunkie@lightsinmycity@the0ldmann@gobbodoggo@oooof-ifellforyou@beeblisss@fangboner@aquaarietes@fiercest-eigengrau-skies@niqhtfell@call-me-nyxx@lueji-m@ceres-xiv@tricksy-trinity@graynstairs@rosa-rubus@ynisthatyou@thegoodwitchs-blog@catching-fire-in-the-wind @kiyastrf94 @vincemachina @silverfangmarks @ravenswritingroom @hinata7346 @hellethil @makepastanotwar13 @caramel-hufflepuff @beemiilk @mypainischronicbutmyassisiconic @starwatch77 @julianmarie @sadexistentialism @supernaturallover15 @writinghound @frankie-mercury @kindadolly @infernalrusalka
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alicelufenia · 6 months
would you recommend pursuing a minthara romance with her current state?
and follow-up questions—can a resisting durge still work with minthara? will she hate us? do you have to go all or nothing?
Despite every Minthara fan's protestations she is literally the most stable and accessible ever right now.
Her romance dialogue works, as little as it is (you "only" need external tools to access one set of dialogue, whereas before it was two or more, but even then it wasn't a big deal). Her kisses from patch 6 are 🔥🔥FIRE🔥🔥 and have a chance to trigger an easter egg dialogue where you feel strange after one of your kisses. Pretty sure that's unique to her, so that's cool.
Knocking her out in a "side with the Grove" run is as simple as using non-lethal damage on the last blow. She has banter with and comments on every other companion (except Halsin; they used to be mutually exclusive so they'll just ignore each other. Honestly preferable to them remaining exclusive)
As usual the most reliable way to recruit her is still to side with the goblins which is not everyone's cup of tea. If you can though, it is EASILY the best experience; her act 1 romance is incredible and ties in beautifully with her recruitment in act 2 (hint: enter her mind rather than fighting the guards first)
It's also recommended cause she still doesn't have an act 3 romance scene. The quest to retrieve Orin's Netherstone effectively becomes her companion quest, which is okay. Romancing her without her act 1 scene is still totally possible, get ready to say and do some questionable things (not too bad tho: my Tav is Oath of Devotion and I have 89 approval in act 3 without breaking my oath)
Resisting Durge CAN still romance Minthara, they have an epilogue scene together and everything. Telling her you intend to resist will earn you a warning that she'll end the relationship, but nothing happens if you do. The only thing that will end your relationship is cheating on her. On the upside, that means lots of reactions to everything you can do by end game.
Hotfix 21 added dialogue where she claims to break up with Redeemed Durge after rejecting Bhaal, then hotfix 22 removed it (it didn't actually end the relationship so Larian only knows why) Minthara fans have STRONG opinions one way or the other as to whether this addition/removal was good or bad (my opinion is that no reaction is less satisfying than SOME reaction, but especially with Larian's announcement that they will end creating new content for bg3 soon, we can't realistically expect anything more here either way)
Bottom line: you can romance her in any playthrough, you just need the approval. She has by far the least romance content out of all the companions except maybe Halsin, but if you enjoy her dialogue and like to headcanon-fill in the blanks you will still have a good time (I certainly have!)
Every Origin character has special lines and epilogues with her too. Fan favorites seem to be Karlach and Gale (don't know anything about the others personally)
Thanks for your question, hope that helped!
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powdermelonkeg · 8 months
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First drawing of Crowdsourced Durge, aka Daggerroot. It's been AWHILE since I last picked up a tablet in proper, but I think this is a decent drawing to start with (also thank you to @too-many-blorbos for helping me with posing)
Details below the cut:
In-game appearance
Crowd-decided details:
I am romancing Gale
This is a Resisting Dark Urge playthrough
They're a middle-aged, nonbinary, deep gnome Way of Shadows monk
On top of their Durge skills (Intimidation/Medicine), they're also proficient in Insight and Stealth
Chaotic Neutral-Good Alignment: Impulsive, acts in the interest of friends only, can be easily persuaded to do the right thing by said friends, but seldom ever the wrong thing. Doesn't care what friends get up to unless it negatively impacts other friends. Strong sense of wanting to rectify past mistakes, but refuses to be told the "correct" way to do so. Thinks stealing from/killing/spiting evil characters is justified because "they deserved it."
Flaws: Blunt/has no filter, contrary for the sake of being contrary, weirdly prejudiced against elves (due to repressed Ketheric spite)
Good Qualities: Loves animals, unfailingly loyal, good at bartering and haggling
Quirks: Takes a trophy from each memorable kill, incredibly horny, will try anything (potions, strange food, licking the spider, Loviatar's blessing) at least once
Memory Loss Side Effects: Thinks everyone else has the Urge but Durge is just bad at controlling it, doesn't know cannibalism isn't normal, doesn't know what sex is
STR 9/DEX 17/CON 12/INT 10/WIS 12/CHA 15
Imposed rule: Short rest after every fight, and long rest when out of short rests
Additional fun facts:
Their name is Daggerroot. They picked their name as they were combing the beach for supplies, recognized a single sprig of it, and the lore around it came to mind: "Known as 'the executioner's garnish', this herb flourishes in blood-fed soil and has flavoured countless final meals." For some reason, the description brought them amusement. Both "Dagger" and "Root" are acceptable nicknames, though most people tend towards the former.
They're the group medic. This is why they're in charge. Because they have such a good medical knowledge due to struck out Dark Urge memories, they've assumed "surgeon" was their profession before being tadpoled. And, I mean, they're not wrong...
There's something just not-quite-right about them, visually. They LOOK a lot like a deep gnome, and to someone who doesn't know deep gnomes well, they are one. But to deep gnomes, they have a very uncanny valley effect to them.
Their dream guardian is identical to them. This is going to do LEAGUES for their trust in this person, with a fair share of existential crises on top of it. "If you're not what's causing the urges...that means I am. I'll listen to whatever you say, because you're clearly my better half."
Monk class backstory:
They killed their foster family as a young child before Sceleritas found them. Because they were out of control then, and now had the eyes of everyone in the Bhaal temple on them, they adopted monastic tendencies (gifted kid + fear)
That deep-seated fear of loss of control still persists in current form Durge (based on the canon origin monologue: "Injured beyond repair, I know nothing besides this: I must resist the Dark Urge, lest is consume my mind.") and leads to sticking with Monk as their class at the start of BG3
Bonus points, they gained admiration from peers in the temple for killing people bare-handed
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crossdressingdeath · 8 months
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Gale: All of this... It must feel like a betrayal. Say the word, and we'll part ways. Kyvir: We've come this far together and we'll continue on together. That is how it will be. Gale: That is - a great relief. Oh, a great relief indeed! You truly are a soul that steels my own. From all my new-rallied heart I thank you. I thank you all. I understand if you stand against me. I'm humbled if you stand with me. Either way, I will do my best not to let you down. I stand at a precipice, but if you do not give up hope, neither shall I. I'll fight, I'll resist - as long as I can.
Kyvir, meanwhile, is barely resisting the urge (haha) to be incredibly horny on main at the idea of being able to blow up a city the size of Waterdeep in a single stroke. If he can save Gale (who he legitimately is quite fond of), excellent! If he can't and Gale blows up a city... also excellent! Kyvir's not romancing Gale, but that doesn't mean he's immune to his wizardly charms or his ability to blow up a city. Actually I do kind of wish there was an option for Durge to respond to the "If the orb overwhelms me it'll create an explosion large enough to destroy Waterdeep" reveal with "That's hot", it'd be fitting and kind of hilarious. Gale is like "If I lose control I could blow up a city" and without missing a beat Kyvir responds with "You are devastatingly attractive right now."
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vole-mon-amour · 11 months
Going with Minthara and her plan is truly something else.
My Durge broke a Vengeance oat as soon as I pointed the grove on her map.
Wyll left immediately, wasn't even at the camp when I came back.
Karlach left as soon as I entered the goblin's party (and Dammon was killed by Minthara, which is another yikes moment.)
Gale hates me and himself and wanted to leave, but I convinced him not to. Gale going "...and I participated" like... Yeah? You did? You could've left? Or does the mechanics of the game do not allow the character to leave if they're in your party? Either way, he blames my DUrge.
I haven't saved Halsin and haven't even met him. I just didn't enter the prison room and went straight for the slaughter, so Halsin hasn't appeared just yet. Maybe later, I don't know, but I fucking miss him and his voice.
Minthara's sex scene is very nice and horny (she literally sits on a dragonborns' face), but then she tries to kill you just like Lae'zel (btw, in this run I saved her but didn't invite her to the camp. So no idea where she is.)
Shadowheart is simply drunk and doesn't really care and thinks that the ambush was meh and that a child could've done it.
Astarion rejected my DUrge with "I'm flattered, but I think not. I have standards." The approval was negatively neutral. Like? He seems in the elevated mood because the wine is way better and he really doesn't mind the killing, but what's the point when there's no Astarion romance? Maybe I should've went full into killing and doing everything to earn his approval, IDK. At the beginning I still tried to help the tieflings and look where that got me. (Sure, on my first playthrough I spent WAY more time exploring the map before the party happened & I was still struggling getting Astarion's approval until I figured it out and the romance happened. But to have that approval for the romance without exploring the map much? Yeah, I should have probably went full on with killings, hmm.) UPD: Oh, and Astarion hasn't tried to bite me even ONCE, which I find incredibly weird. I can't use his bite either cause its not showing.
Zevlor screaming that I betrayed them and watching all those spiders and goblins attacking the tieflings... :/
And all the time I was forcing myself to choose all those options that come with Minthara bc I'm curious what all fuss is about, but I don't think I enjoy it very much. The tieflings were frightened and didn't fight back. It really IS like slaughtering children (Shadowheart's words) & I felt awful about it.
It's obvious that Larian wants you to go with the good path. Sure, they give you the option to go this path, but the consequences are awful.
And to play the entire game just to see what comes out of romancing Minthara and from trusting the Absolute? I'm sure that nothing good. I'm surprised the sun is still shining tbh. With the slaughter and the betrayal that happened at the grove, the shadowcurse should just spread on those lands, too.
Like, going with the same choices (Saving Halsin, helping Karlach, Wyll etc) is boring, but going with this path? Yiiiikes. Maybe I'll just look it up on YouTube. I want new achievements, but I'm not ready to explore the map all over again & I'm not sure if there are any for the choices you make with Minthara.
Oh, AND the game offers you the dragonborn for DUrge by default, yet many options as you answer Minthara are, "There was no honor in this" or "I did not enjoy that." So they want you to resist the urge? And kill Minthara and save everybody?
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elspethdekarios · 4 months
For the Tav Ask (if you wanna do it)
Elspeth - 13 and 30
Sable - 11 and 14
Phaer'na - 15 and 18
Eeee yay thanks!!! 💜
Left to right: Elspeth, Sable, Phaer'na
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(high half-elf, cleric)
13. What are their thoughts on killing? Is it a necessary evil or do they enjoy it?
She definitely doesn’t enjoy it. Even when the party came upon the mindflayer at the crash site, she couldn’t bring herself to kill it, and instead left it to die. The first few days of adventuring and having to kill enemies was rough for her. Eventually she realizes it’s a necessary evil.
30. What’s your favorite thing about your tav?
This is hard! I love so many things about Elspeth. If I had to narrow it down to one word, it’s her duality. She’s proper and noble and kind, but she’s also fierce and intimidating when she needs to be. I love that she almost always has resting bitch face, but once you get to know her, you realize she truly has a heart of gold and wants to help anyone who needs it. She’s selfless, often taking a smaller portion at dinner so the other companions can have more, or giving Gale the only magical item she had at the time–the amulet of lost voices–when he revealed his condition to her. Even though it would have been incredibly useful, she didn’t hesitate to hand it over if it meant easing his suffering. I just love her so much.
Sable (resist Durge)
(wood half-elf, circle of the land druid, gloomstalker ranger)
I’ve only briefly mentioned Sable a couple times, so here’s a short backstory:
Sable is a Bhaalspawn and was adopted by half-elf parents when she was a baby. When she was a child–probably around 8 or 9–she was traveling with her family when the carriage was destroyed by a freak accident. They were on a dirt road with no one else around, and Sable crawled out of the wreckage screaming for help, only to realize her mother, father, and the horseman of the carriage were dead. She mourned, she grieved, she ran her hands through their blood and felt something awaken in her. She shook it off, unshackled the horse from its bearings, and retreated to the woods, where she lived, alone but with many animal companions, until her Urge took over and she mindlessly wandered to Baldur’s Gate, driven only by insatiable bloodlust and whatever thing had control over her.
11. Weapon of choice?
Sable is a bow and arrow girl for sure. When she was Bhaal’s chosen before the events of the game, I’m sure she enjoyed watching someone squirm under the sharp edge of a dagger, but resist!Durge Sable prefers to strike from the shadows.
14. What hobbies does your tav have?
Pre-Bhaal activating her Urge, Sable spent most of her time foraging in nature, tending to the animals, and mixing up tinctures and potions from the ingredients she found. She also enjoyed cooking and target practice.
Post-game, I think Sable has to figure out what her new hobbies are. She still finds cooking enjoyable, but feels selfish when she cooks only for herself and not Astarion. He’ll taste it, of course, but he takes no pleasure out of food, and has no need to actually eat. She still loves nature and animals, and spends as much time as she can in the forest. With Astarion unable to go out in the sun, they’ve started taking walks through the forest at night, and she has a good time seeing her familiar surroundings in the dark, noticing the nocturnal life that she normally doesn’t get to see.
(seldarine drow, college of swords bard)
Phaer’na is my newest tav and I don’t know a lot about her yet! She’s a Seldarine Drow (worships Eilistraee), a bard, loves to dance, and she’s romancing Wyll.
15. What NPCs do they like? Which ones do they dislike?
Phaer’na is my only tav who likes Volo. Elspeth finds him annoying and Sable finds him just absolutely insufferable. I, personally, fall somewhere in between the two of them. But Phaer’na freaking loves Volo. She knew exactly who he was and was so excited when he joined them at camp.
18. What would your tav be doing if they weren’t kidnapped on the Nautiloid?
So I haven’t figured out yet where Phaer’na is from or how she got kidnapped, but she worked as a tailor/seamstress/fashion designer in her mother’s clothing shop before the events of the game. She enjoys it, but she’s always wanted to branch out and be an adventurer, so she would probably be either still working or on an adventure of her own. 
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mosses-gate-3 · 5 months
Introduce me to your OCs because ice been scrolling too long to find them and i wanna know im nosy 😭
OKOK so all the posts i've made with them are under #bg3 tav and #moss says things and they also have individual tags you can search too-- #salix, #reneeginald, #andis, #monty, and #cesair.
but i can do a formal introduction as well if you'd like :D (also tagging @haterofastarion as per request)
Andis is my first proper tav oc and probably the one I put the most of myself into. He's a spore circle druid whose body, due to a series of medical mishaps, is now being slowly overtaken and replaced by this magical fungus. Basically he's turning into a myconid but retaining all the cognitive function. (can you tell I really like body horror...) He's around 27 ish and has been living in Baldur's Gate for the past several years after having escaped from the lab that had been running experiments on him post-fungal encounter. Currently he works as a waiter and plays drums in a small local band. Despite all the medical trauma he's probably the most well-adjusted of all of them. He's in a polycule with Wyll and Karlach.
Salix is my beloved psychic damage bard. She's a siren who was kidnapped from her birthplace and raised by an elven noble. She was married off to a man named Lord Helrien who had a ring made to suppress her magic, basically keeping her as a decoration for entertainment in his court. After about sixty years of marriage, she snapped and killed him. She's currently on the run from both the Fist and Helrien's more illicit associates. None of this is to say she's a particularly good person-- she's mean, manipulative, deliberately cruel at times and pushes people away on purpose. I call her my Vicious Mockery bard for a reason lol. Her relationship with Astarion is very interesting because of this since they both need something from each other (protection) and feed off each other's worst energy in the process but I won't get super into it because there's A LOT of lore.
Ren or Reneeginald is a half-drow artificer who's most definitely being haunted. Their ghost's name is Juniper Stormaven and she's a long-dead pirate captain who's trying to convince Ren to resurrect her. Juniper's death, or in this case lack of one, is tied very closely to the disappearance of Ren's twin sister Marcella a few years before the start of the game. There is incredibly complicated lore for this and I have a whole companion quest written out for how these things play out as well as multiple AUs including a TMA one so I won't get super into it but that's the gist. Ren can come off as pragmatic and stony-faced, but they're deeply creative and enjoy creating and building beautiful things. They're romancing Gale (and I have a lot of notes on their romance but again I won't get into it).
Monty is my favorite (and only) Durge! He's a dragonborn and very much cowboy-themed, he's one of my favorite character archetypes of "hot roguish traveling fighter with an alcoholism problem and a deeply rooted anger and pain just past the happy-go-lucky mask." Prior to the events of the game, he wandered around, fighting in cages and tournaments to try and sate the Bhaalspawn bloodlust. This earned him the title of the Man Mal Fet, or the Ill-Made Man- Arthurian legend reference!! Monty's theory is that it's better to give in to the urges while he's conscious and can choose who to kill than to try to resist and end up killing indiscriminately. I have a companion quest written out in which he's not a Bhaalspawn but a normal guy who's been cursed and/or has entered a pact that forces him to kill a certain amount of people in order to retain his free will because I like making original backstories for my characters.
Cesair is the bard I made for my multiplayer runthrough with my beloved ex wife @doomedpuppetyuri . He's a lying, conniving little bitch, or at least he used to be. He grew up an orphan on the streets of Baldur's Gate and learned to play music to feed himself and his siblings. He was hired to become a jester in the court of an evil king. For years he was in love with his new boss, but something horrible happened and he was exiled forever. Now he's attempting to be a good person out of spite for his ex. This is also why he doesn't listen to the Emperor; in any other circumstances he'd love to consume the tadpoles but his dream guardian looks too much like the evil king so he refuses to listen to them.
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lunarreverb · 11 months
Funny thing happened with Astarion today while playing my Durge
She’s a sugar sweet Resist Durge, and trying to romance Gale, so I haven’t had Astarion in my party as regularly. SO, I had him swapped in for a minute today, when I remembered I had been meaning to make him read The Necromancy of Thay before I forgot about it again.
He whips out the book and passes all his saving throws (the last one with a crit!). I decided to talk to him right after to see if he had anything to say about the book, and THAT’S when he decided to start flirting with my Durge. What incredible timing, apparently the evil necromancy book puts him in a certain frame of mind…
ALSO ALSO, I hadn’t paid it much mind before, because when HAVEN’T I wanted to flirt with Astarion? But, apparently if you pick “Leave” in the middle of that dialogue he says “What? Was it something I said?” Lol, lmao
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powdermelonkeg · 8 months
Decided facts:
I am romancing Gale (I am weak and cannot not romance him)
This is a Resisting Dark Urge playthrough
They're nonbinary (they/them)
They're a deep gnome
They're a Way of Shadows monk
They have scars, freckles, and vitiligo
They're middle aged
On top of their Durge skills (Intimidation/Medicine), they're also proficient in Insight and Stealth
Chaotic Neutral-Good Alignment: Impulsive, acts in the interest of friends only, can be easily persuaded to do the right thing by said friends, but seldom ever the wrong thing. Doesn't care what friends get up to unless it negatively impacts other friends. Strong sense of wanting to rectify past mistakes, but refuses to be told the "correct" way to do so. Thinks stealing from/killing/spiting evil characters is justified because "they deserved it."
Flaws: Blunt/has no filter, contrary for the sake of being contrary, weirdly prejudiced against elves (due to repressed Ketheric spite)
Good Qualities: Loves animals, unfailingly loyal, good at bartering and haggling
Quirks: Takes a trophy from each memorable kill, incredibly horny, will try anything (potions, strange food, licking the spider, Loviatar's blessing) at least once
Memory Loss Side Effects: Thinks everyone else has the Urge but Durge is just bad at controlling it, doesn't know cannibalism isn't normal, doesn't know what sex is
STR 9/DEX 17/CON 12/INT 10/WIS 12/CHA 15
This is sort of a test for me to make a compelling character while curbing my indecisiveness. Polls will get more complicated as things are decided. Yes I will draw and introduce them when done.
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powdermelonkeg · 8 months
Decided facts:
I am romancing Gale (I am weak and cannot not romance him)
This is a Resisting Dark Urge playthrough
They're nonbinary (they/them)
They're a deep gnome
They're a Way of Shadows monk
They have scars, freckles, and vitiligo
They're middle aged
On top of their Durge skills (Intimidation/Medicine), they're also proficient in Insight and Stealth
Chaotic Neutral-Good Alignment: Impulsive, acts in the interest of friends only, can be easily persuaded to do the right thing by said friends, but seldom ever the wrong thing. Doesn't care what friends get up to unless it negatively impacts other friends. Strong sense of wanting to rectify past mistakes, but refuses to be told the "correct" way to do so. Thinks stealing from/killing/spiting evil characters is justified because "they deserved it."
Flaws: Blunt/has no filter, contrary for the sake of being contrary, weirdly prejudiced against elves (due to repressed Ketheric spite)
Good Qualities: Loves animals, unfailingly loyal, good at bartering and haggling
Quirks: Takes a trophy from each memorable kill, incredibly horny, will try anything (potions, strange food, licking the spider, Loviatar's blessing) at least once
Memory Loss Side Effects: Thinks everyone else has the Urge but Durge is just bad at controlling it, doesn't know cannibalism isn't normal, doesn't know what sex is
STR 9/DEX 17/CON 12/INT 10/WIS 12/CHA 15
This is sort of a test for me to make a compelling character while curbing my indecisiveness. Polls will get more complicated as things are decided. Yes I will draw and introduce them when done.
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powdermelonkeg · 8 months
Decided facts:
I am romancing Gale (I am weak and cannot not romance him)
This is a Resisting Dark Urge playthrough
They're nonbinary (they/them)
They're a deep gnome
They're a Way of Shadows monk
On top of their Durge skills (Intimidation/Medicine), they're also proficient in Insight and Stealth
Chaotic Neutral-Good Alignment: Impulsive, acts in the interest of friends only, can be easily persuaded to do the right thing by said friends, but seldom ever the wrong thing. Doesn't care what friends get up to unless it negatively impacts other friends. Strong sense of wanting to rectify past mistakes, but refuses to be told the "correct" way to do so. Thinks stealing from/killing/spiting evil characters is justified because "they deserved it."
Flaws: Blunt/has no filter, contrary for the sake of being contrary, weirdly prejudiced against elves (due to repressed Ketheric spite)
Good Qualities: Loves animals, unfailingly loyal, good at bartering and haggling
Quirks: Takes a trophy from each memorable kill, incredibly horny, will try anything (potions, strange food, licking the spider, Loviatar's blessing) at least once
Memory Loss Side Effects: Thinks everyone else has the Urge but Durge is just bad at controlling it, doesn't know cannibalism isn't normal, doesn't know what sex is
STR 9/DEX 17/CON 12/INT 10/WIS 12/CHA 15
This is sort of a test for me to make a compelling character while curbing my indecisiveness. Polls will get more complicated as things are decided. Yes I will draw and introduce them when done.
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powdermelonkeg · 8 months
Decided facts:
I am romancing Gale (I am weak and cannot not romance him)
This is a Resisting Dark Urge playthrough
They're nonbinary (they/them)
They're a deep gnome
They're a Way of Shadows monk
On top of their Durge skills (Intimidation/Medicine), they're also proficient in Insight and Stealth
Chaotic Neutral-Good Alignment: Impulsive, acts in the interest of friends only, can be easily persuaded to do the right thing by said friends, but seldom ever the wrong thing. Doesn't care what friends get up to unless it negatively impacts other friends. Strong sense of wanting to rectify past mistakes, but refuses to be told the "correct" way to do so. Thinks stealing from/killing/spiting evil characters is justified because "they deserved it."
Flaws: Blunt/has no filter, contrary for the sake of being contrary, weirdly prejudiced against elves (due to repressed Ketheric spite)
Good Qualities: Loves animals, unfailingly loyal, good at bartering and haggling
Quirks: Takes a trophy from each memorable kill, incredibly horny, will try anything (potions, strange food, licking the spider, Loviatar's blessing) at least once
Memory Loss Side Effects: Thinks everyone else has the Urge but Durge is just bad at controlling it, doesn't know cannibalism isn't normal, doesn't know what sex is
STR 9/DEX 17/CON 12/INT 10/WIS 12/CHA 15
This is sort of a test for me to make a compelling character while curbing my indecisiveness. Polls will get more complicated as things are decided. Yes I will draw and introduce them when done.
8 notes · View notes
powdermelonkeg · 8 months
Decided facts:
I am romancing Gale (I am weak and cannot not romance him)
This is a Resisting Dark Urge playthrough
They're nonbinary (they/them)
They're a deep gnome
They're a Way of Shadows monk
They have scars, freckles, and vitiligo
They're middle aged
On top of their Durge skills (Intimidation/Medicine), they're also proficient in Insight and Stealth
Chaotic Neutral-Good Alignment: Impulsive, acts in the interest of friends only, can be easily persuaded to do the right thing by said friends, but seldom ever the wrong thing. Doesn't care what friends get up to unless it negatively impacts other friends. Strong sense of wanting to rectify past mistakes, but refuses to be told the "correct" way to do so. Thinks stealing from/killing/spiting evil characters is justified because "they deserved it."
Flaws: Blunt/has no filter, contrary for the sake of being contrary, weirdly prejudiced against elves (due to repressed Ketheric spite)
Good Qualities: Loves animals, unfailingly loyal, good at bartering and haggling
Quirks: Takes a trophy from each memorable kill, incredibly horny, will try anything (potions, strange food, licking the spider, Loviatar's blessing) at least once
Memory Loss Side Effects: Thinks everyone else has the Urge but Durge is just bad at controlling it, doesn't know cannibalism isn't normal, doesn't know what sex is
STR 9/DEX 17/CON 12/INT 10/WIS 12/CHA 15
This is sort of a test for me to make a compelling character while curbing my indecisiveness. Polls will get more complicated as things are decided. Yes I will draw and introduce them when done.
7 notes · View notes
powdermelonkeg · 8 months
Decided facts:
I am romancing Gale (I am weak and cannot not romance him)
This is a Resisting Dark Urge playthrough
They're nonbinary (they/them)
They're a deep gnome
They're a Way of Shadows monk
They have scars, freckles, and vitiligo
They're middle aged
On top of their Durge skills (Intimidation/Medicine), they're also proficient in Insight and Stealth
Chaotic Neutral-Good Alignment: Impulsive, acts in the interest of friends only, can be easily persuaded to do the right thing by said friends, but seldom ever the wrong thing. Doesn't care what friends get up to unless it negatively impacts other friends. Strong sense of wanting to rectify past mistakes, but refuses to be told the "correct" way to do so. Thinks stealing from/killing/spiting evil characters is justified because "they deserved it."
Flaws: Blunt/has no filter, contrary for the sake of being contrary, weirdly prejudiced against elves (due to repressed Ketheric spite)
Good Qualities: Loves animals, unfailingly loyal, good at bartering and haggling
Quirks: Takes a trophy from each memorable kill, incredibly horny, will try anything (potions, strange food, licking the spider, Loviatar's blessing) at least once
Memory Loss Side Effects: Thinks everyone else has the Urge but Durge is just bad at controlling it, doesn't know cannibalism isn't normal, doesn't know what sex is
STR 9/DEX 17/CON 12/INT 10/WIS 12/CHA 15
This is sort of a test for me to make a compelling character while curbing my indecisiveness. Polls will get more complicated as things are decided. Yes I will draw and introduce them when done.
7 notes · View notes
powdermelonkeg · 8 months
Decided facts:
I am romancing Gale (I am weak and cannot not romance him)
This is a Resisting Dark Urge playthrough
They're nonbinary (they/them)
They're a deep gnome
They're a Way of Shadows monk
On top of their Durge skills (Intimidation/Medicine), they're also proficient in Insight and Stealth
Chaotic Neutral-Good Alignment: Impulsive, acts in the interest of friends only, can be easily persuaded to do the right thing by said friends, but seldom ever the wrong thing. Doesn't care what friends get up to unless it negatively impacts other friends. Strong sense of wanting to rectify past mistakes, but refuses to be told the "correct" way to do so. Thinks stealing from/killing/spiting evil characters is justified because "they deserved it."
Flaws: Blunt/has no filter, contrary for the sake of being contrary, weirdly prejudiced against elves (due to repressed Ketheric spite)
Good Qualities: Loves animals, unfailingly loyal, good at bartering and haggling
Quirks: Takes a trophy from each memorable kill, incredibly horny, will try anything (potions, strange food, licking the spider, Loviatar's blessing) at least once
Memory Loss Side Effects: Thinks everyone else has the Urge but Durge is just bad at controlling it, doesn't know cannibalism isn't normal, doesn't know what sex is
STR 9/DEX 17/CON 12/INT 10/WIS 12/CHA 15
This is sort of a test for me to make a compelling character while curbing my indecisiveness. Polls will get more complicated as things are decided. Yes I will draw and introduce them when done.
6 notes · View notes
powdermelonkeg · 8 months
Decided facts:
I am romancing Gale (I am weak and cannot not romance him)
This is a Resisting Dark Urge playthrough
They're nonbinary (they/them)
They're a deep gnome
They're a Way of Shadows monk
They have scars, freckles, and vitiligo
They're middle aged
On top of their Durge skills (Intimidation/Medicine), they're also proficient in Insight and Stealth
Chaotic Neutral-Good Alignment: Impulsive, acts in the interest of friends only, can be easily persuaded to do the right thing by said friends, but seldom ever the wrong thing. Doesn't care what friends get up to unless it negatively impacts other friends. Strong sense of wanting to rectify past mistakes, but refuses to be told the "correct" way to do so. Thinks stealing from/killing/spiting evil characters is justified because "they deserved it."
Flaws: Blunt/has no filter, contrary for the sake of being contrary, weirdly prejudiced against elves (due to repressed Ketheric spite)
Good Qualities: Loves animals, unfailingly loyal, good at bartering and haggling
Quirks: Takes a trophy from each memorable kill, incredibly horny, will try anything (potions, strange food, licking the spider, Loviatar's blessing) at least once
Memory Loss Side Effects: Thinks everyone else has the Urge but Durge is just bad at controlling it, doesn't know cannibalism isn't normal, doesn't know what sex is
STR 9/DEX 17/CON 12/INT 10/WIS 12/CHA 15
This is sort of a test for me to make a compelling character while curbing my indecisiveness. Polls will get more complicated as things are decided. Yes I will draw and introduce them when done.
6 notes · View notes