#For unto us a son is given
watercress-words · 10 months
Advent-Christmas is coming
The season of Advent, which comes from the Latin word adventus meaning “coming” or “visit," begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends on Christmas Eve. Today is the second Sunday in Advent.
The season of Advent, from the Latin word adventus meaning “coming” or “visit”, begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends on Christmas Eve. Advent is the beginning of the liturgical year for Christians. (Liturgical, from liturgy, which means the forms and functions of public worship.) What is Christmas? Christmas is both a secular and religious holiday. For those who observe its spiritual…
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wiirocku · 2 years
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Isaiah 9:6 (NKJV) - For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
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lordansketil · 6 months
Is it even Easter if you turn on Concert FM and they're not playing a Handel oratorio?
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ennaih · 10 months
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Every Film I Watch In 2023:
241. A Christmas Horror Story (2015)
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"Et quod signum erit, quando haec omnia incipent consummari?" / “Tell us, when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that they are all about to be fulfilled?” Mark 13:4
"1. Mystacoceti! The whale displaces ocean where she goes; The blue whale sweeps the sea, piling the element before her, Drawing long green lines like ribbons down her body, Lines of the crushing of sunlight, the rimming of marine-light, green, Lines latitudinal (she bends the Capricorn to make her passage) Water-lines that swoop her face and close behind her flukes. . . . And can the krill not know what bulk approaches? Does no fore-shock warn their myriad rocking economies, No radiating wave, no surge precede, Impacting them then sucking them apart in liquid rhythm, Causing them a cold excitement at the advent? God is coming! God is coming! All the element we swim in, this existence, Echoes ahead the advent. God is coming! Can't you feel it?" http://walterwangerinjr.org/new_web/pdf/excerpt/ex_Mangerdone.doc.pdf
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thewordfortheday · 10 months
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“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given…” —Isaiah 9:6
Before Jesus was born, Isaiah prophesied of His birth. Isaiah lived about 700 years before Christ. This prophecy was fulfilled in the most amazing way. This glorious King, the Messiah, came as a little child: to us a child is born. He who was for eternity, the Son of God, was given to us as a little Baby in Bethlehem. As we worship Him this Christmas, may our celebrations be filled with joy and wonder at the fullness of what it means -  our heavenly Father has given us His only begotten Son, and whoever believes in Him will have eternal life. 
Father, thank You for not just sending, but giving Your Son to us. He is the most wonderful gift of all!
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loveerran · 22 days
The 99 (plus 1)
On September 9th, President Russell M. Nelson, prophet and leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, will turn 100 years old. His has been a full life, dedicated to service and a desire to improve the lives of others.
As part of that ministry, the prophet has invited us to help celebrate his birthday by reaching "out to 'the one' in need", "'the one' in our lives who may be feeling lost or alone". This invitation references the parable of the lost sheep (Matthew 18 and Luke 15), which emphasizes the value of one that is lost.
This is interesting to me as a transgender disciple of Christ. Transgender individuals generally make up no more than 1% of the overall population, making us (in some very real ways) 'the one'. If a typical ward has 100-200 active members, then there should be approximately 1 transgender individual in every congregation of the church. It is sad there are far, far fewer than that. Most leave. They feel alone, lost, isolated and discriminated against despite the council President Nelson has given.
There will be a special broadcast commemorating the prophet's 100th birthday. During the broadcast, "Examples of what people around the world have done over the past 100 days to commemorate his birthday will be shared through stories from people who were 'the one.'"
Throughout his ministry, I see the Savior ministering to those who felt lost or alone, forgotten or marginalized. I imagine that the broadcast will show outreach efforts that look familiar to us. When I think about the people the Savior ministered to, I often think on those who were rejected or discriminated against by the society around him, including:
Those who may have been considered enemies, like the Samaritans - including the good Samaritan of the parable or the woman at the well,
Those who may have been considered outsiders, like the centurion's servant - or tax collectors and sinners like Levi and others,
Those who may have been considered unclean, like lepers (at least one of whom was another Samaritan) and the woman with the issue of blood,
Those who may have been considered sinners, like the woman taken in adultery or the woman who washed his feet, and others.
We also read of several times where Jesus' followers didn't want him to interact or minister with a certain class of people, from the blind man who called after him "Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me" to the little children he instructed should be suffered to come unto him.
I am grateful for the church's emphasis on (and exercise of) ministry and outreach, and for the good that it will bring to the world. I am grateful for those who try to make the world a better place, as President Nelson has. I hope someday we will see inclusion of LGBT people in our outreach narratives, including stories of truly sensitive, kind, compassionate and Christlike ministry - even when some in our society may consider us to be enemies, outsiders, unclean and sinners.
Love, Erran
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prolifeproliberty · 9 months
”In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.“
‭‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭14‬ ‭KJV‬‬
”Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness of me. But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one.“
‭‭John‬ ‭10‬:‭25‬-‭30‬ ‭KJV‬‬
”For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.“
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭9‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭KJV‬‬
”Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God. And who, as I, shall call, and shall declare it, and set it in order for me, since I appointed the ancient people? and the things that are coming, and shall come, let them shew unto them. Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any.“
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭44‬:‭6‬-‭8‬ ‭KJV‬‬
”Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.“
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28‬:‭19‬-‭20‬ ‭KJV‬‬
”In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.“
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭KJV‬‬
”And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.“
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1‬:‭26‬-‭27‬ ‭KJV‬‬
”He said unto them, But whom say ye that I am? Peter answering said, The Christ of God. And he straitly charged them, and commanded them to tell no man that thing; saying, The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be slain, and be raised the third day.“
‭‭Luke‬ ‭9‬:‭20‬-‭22‬ ‭KJV‬‬
”Then he took unto him the twelve, and said unto them, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished. For he shall be delivered unto the Gentiles, and shall be mocked, and spitefully entreated, and spitted on: and they shall scourge him, and put him to death: and the third day he shall rise again.“
‭‭Luke‬ ‭18‬:‭31‬-‭33‬ ‭KJV‬‬
”Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection: knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin. Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him: knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him. For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.“
‭‭Romans‬ ‭6‬:‭3‬-‭11‬ ‭KJV‬‬
The doctrine of the Trinity is in the Bible. Jesus’ divinity is in the Bible. Jesus’ atonement for sins on the cross is in the Bible. If you believe the Bible but think you can “follow Jesus” while rejecting what He says about Himself, you are not actually following Jesus.
I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible;
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, begotten of his Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father; by whom all things were made; who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; he suffered and was buried; and the third day he rose again according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father; and he shall come again, with glory, to judge both the living and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.
And I believe in the Holy Ghost the Lord, the Giver of Life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the Prophets. And I believe one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church; I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.
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queers-gambit · 2 years
One Sunrise at a Time
prompt: you have news for your husband.
pairing: Daemon Targaryen x female!reader
fandom masterlist: House of the Dragon
word count: 7.4k+
note: last in the series, my heart. got a thing for making 'bad boys' simps for their ladies - that's great shit right there. author has had too much coffee and can feel her heartbeat in her eyes.
warnings: cursing, mild angst, Daemon's a shitty husband and a dumb boy, but he's also a simp so super OC!Daemon, um, more baby-making smut, talk of difficult fertility journey, let's all run away from our problems.
previous: part five: Bright Light
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Three years after your wedding night, and you still had not given your husband an heir; leaving a small divide between you both. You knew it stung at his pride that his seed will not take, and you grew worried that you were past your prime to bare children; where you both felt an obligation each month to couple, wait for results, and speak little.
By every God did it drive you insane. You wanted to be close to him, but Dameon busied himself while you took up post as 'Master of Whispers' for the King.
After 'the incident' that followed rumor of her virginity, he took your ear often to speak worries to you. And the young servants and orphans of the city passed word to you of their findings, dubbing them your Little Birds that like to tweet in your ear. You filtered what passed unto the King, wanting to take your Lord husband's ear, but was scarce in his appearance, and little did you get to his counsel.
However, you remained in Kings Landing for those three years, and you could tell it was wearing at Daemon's already limited patience. You passed time with Princess Rhaenyra, who you became quite close to in your time, and during court season, you still sponsored your step-sons; adamant on finding them suitable wives.
This season was going favorably, and Kase was courting Lord Stark's second daughter while Jamie was courting the young, but beautiful, (only) Lady Caldwell. You heard nothing from the Ladies Aline and Jocey, but you worried not for them, because Kase gave you every update possible. He liked taking afternoon teas with you, and you knew you'd miss him most.
"Mother!" Kase grinned, finding you in the gardens. "I've been looking everywhere for you!"
"Oh, whatever for, my dear boy?" you asked gently, knowing damn well what the lad wanted.
"Might you... Accompany me?"
"Into the city," he nodded with a growing grin, bouncing on his toes to swish his long, dark hair around his face. "I need to visit the jeweler."
"I'm going to propose," he grinned, making you giggle and clap your hands.
"Oh, my boy! This is so exciting!"
"Oh! Isn't it!" He beamed with you, taking your hands tightly in his. "And I need your help picking a ring, mother."
"Of course," you nodded, "just let me stop off at my chambers, I will get money for the ring."
"No, I've plenty - "
"No, no, you're going to let me pay, and we're not going to let expense be a barrier. Please, I will do the same for Jamie," you whined. "'S no fun being a Princess if I can't spoil you."
Kase nodded, "Let us go now, I want to be back by sunset."
"When are you doing it? When are you asking?"
"I'm asking her father for permission tonight, I want to show Lord Stark the ring first. You know, show I can provide for his beloved daughter," he explained, making you nod with understanding. His arm was then offered to you as escort, whisking you away to your chambers, and when you both burst through the door in a fit of giggles, he straightened up first.
Your eyes cut over to see Daemon idling by a table, the Grand Maester at his side. "Oh, right," you breathed, turning to Kase, "love, go to the foyer, I'll meet you there in a few moments."
"Are you sure?"
"I forgot, but this is a prior commitment," you smiled, giving his forearm a squeeze. "Go on, I'll be right there."
"I'll wait with the guards," he nodded with assurance, offering a nod to the Grand Maester. Then, "Prince Daemon," and he was bowing out of the room, closing it behind him.
You sighed gently, nearing the pair with your fingers twiddling nervously. "Is there any change?" You asked diplomatically to the Maester.
His old eyes shot between both you and your husband, "Well, I ran the tests, just as I usually do..."
"Is there any change?" You repeated firmly.
"No, Princess. Not this month, apparently..."
"Right," you nodded, waving him off, "then we are adjourned. Something is... Wrong with my womb," you hesitated to admit, feeling jarred by the notion as Daemon would not meet your eyes. So, you stared at the quivering Maester.
"Well, we could try other methods," the Grand Maester explained, making your throat bob. "I can bring a list of options later, or we can go over them now, if either of you are prepared to hear them?"
"No, later will be fine," you assured, sniffling after, and clearing your throat. "Thank you, Grand Maester, again... That will be all, thank you," You moved for the door, opening it with meaning; the old man glancing at your husband, who remained quiet, and did not look up from the table's top.
"My Prince," the Grand Maester nodded, shuffling out of the room, "Princess."
"Thank you," you whispered again, the door shutting firmly after. You did not look at Daemon as you moved for the safe you kept, drawing a velvet draw-string bag of Gold Dragons to your possession as Daemon remained stoically still.
"Where are you going with that?" He asked, eyeing you wearily.
"We agreed to pay for Kase and Jamie's engagement rings, did we not?" You asked gently.
"Right," he nodded. "Kase is ready then, is he?"
"He is."
You paused before deciding on changing your shoes, finally bucking up the courage to speak as you did so, "I'm sorry, you know."
"What for?"
"For being unable to give you a child," you admitted meekly, staring at the laces you did up tightly. "I did not - if I knew, I would not have - I would not have married you."
"No," you answered definitively, tying off the laces of your boots before standing and settling your purse to your person. "I will understand if you do not wish to continue this marriage with me, as you were anticipating a healthy, functioning wife."
Your bitter, vile words marred your face as you hastened for the door, but his hands were like a stranger's grabbing your upper arm. You gasped lightly as you turned almost in shock, back against the door as he looked down at you with something akin to anger.
"Why do you speak such words?" He asked in High Valyrian.
"Because it's true, isn't it?"
"You are deeply mistaken," he shook his head, "because nothing about your ability to bare me children has ever influenced my want to marry you."
"That is laughable, for you fuck me like it's a chore, barely share my bed, only half-way look at me, and have been avoiding me like-like-like the plague, or something! As if I have Grey Scale!" You emotions tipped and tears filled your eyes, cascading past your waterline. "As if your mind is far from your body, and Gods only know where that is!"
"Sweetheart - "
"No, I needed you!" You sobbed. "I needed my husband, and it was like you couldn't even look at me! Be in a room with me! Share my bed - hold me in your arms! My God, Daemon, when was the last time you told me you loved me?"
His mouth opened before his brows furrowed, expression falling, "I fear I do not know."
"See?" You sniffled. "It's like I am not here, like we are not truly married, and my heart hurts, Daemon. I do not want this for us, so, if this is the grounds you use, being that I am barren, then use it, and cut us both free. I'm sorry. I really am, Daemon, please, I did not intend for this to happen. I did not know."
"Please, do not apologize to me, and let me offer my own," he shook his head, shame taking his features. "I have no excuse for myself - "
"Are you here now?" You begged.
"Yes," he swore.
"Then come with us to pick a ring, spend the day with me, please. I miss you so much, I am so fucking sad and by Gods, do I feel so alone."
"No, I am here now, pet," he promised. "I'm so sorry I was absent, but I'm here, I'm with you. I'm so sorry. Fuck, my dove, I'm sorry you feel alone."
"I'm sorry I'm not pregnant," you whispered, your hands moving to press to your empty womb; his hands laying over yours.
"No matter what is to pass, you are everything I need, and more. Everything I need, all I have ever wanted. Look at me, please," he asked quietly, forehead resting on yours as your eyes slowly rose - forcing them apart. "I have loved you everyday I've known you, and nothing will change that. No child will make me care more or less for you, because you're perfect for me, poppet."
"I don't want to be alone..."
"We will never be alone," he promised, kissing your forehead. "The Grand Maester will bring us options..."
"I want to give you a natural child," you whimpered.
"The Gods will decide, but for now... I could stand taking my duties as husband a little more seriously. You have felt unloved and I took vows to never let you go a day like that - I will resolve this."
You nodded, lifting your hands to pet over his chest, "Please just stay with me today. I feel like a fucking failure - not only as a wife, but as a woman."
"You are fare from a failure," he swore, switching back to the Common Tongue to prove how serious his words were.
"Then why can I not give you a child?"
"Because the Gods have not deemed it so," he sighed. "I am disappointed, yes, but nothing makes me love you less. I'm sorry I've neglected you."
"Be with me now, maybe buy me something pretty, and all is forgiven."
"Deal," he agreed with a small chuckle, sliding his hand over your cheek. "I love you. Fuck, dove, I love you so much."
You nodded, tears still falling, "I love you, too. So much so, Daemon, that being away from you hurts. As annoying and pathetic as that might be."
"Hey, no," he hushed you gently. "Never again will you know that pain for I will not be the cause of it any longer," he promised, pressing a searing-hot kiss to your salty wet lips. "Now, when is Jamie proposing?"
"I don't know yet, we're worrying about Kase today," you nodded, nuzzling your nose to his.
So lead to Daemon preparing for your day, lacing your fingers together as he escorted you to the foyer. Kase was waiting patiently, smirking when he saw the pair of you approach, "Ha! I knew it."
"That he would be joining us," Kase grinned now. "Everything's good now?"
"Yes, we are resolved," you assured. "And we're dedicated to finding you a ring, so, shall we?"
He sighed, "She deserves something pretty. You know?"
"Pretty is a great start," you smirked, Daemon's hand tightening. "It's what Daemon's going for today, too."
"Yeah? You're in the market?" Kase wondered.
"For anything my wife wants," Daemon nodded, leading the way out of the Red Keep. "She's been without something new for far too long."
"I want to be able to do that," Kase sighed. "Like, my wife's sad? I can just up and buy her a new ring, or necklace, or whatever, and she's okay."
"In all honesty, I'd be happy with flowers from the gardens," you chuckled, "but my husband is dramatic, Kase, and likes to spend money."
"Only on you," he assured, tugging you in closer. "So, Kase, any idea where to start?"
"Something shiny?"
"Oh, he's helpless," your husband teased, to the enjoyment of your step-son.
"So, tell me," Kase muttered when you finally stepped off castle grounds - half a dozen Gold Cloaks at your flank, "what news did the Maester bring?"
"I am not pregnant," you admitted with indignation, trying to remain passive - as if this whole situation didn't cause your skin to crawl.
"Yet," Daemon tacked on with encouragement, "because in truth, lad," he told Kase, "I have not been as diligent in my duties as a husband as I should be."
"We don't fuck nearly enough - but that is set to change," he eased with a smirk; you hand smacking his stomach playfully.
"Well, you actually don't spend any time with me," you pointed out, feeling silly admitting it aloud. "Might we... I don't know, move along to another subject? How are matters with the Lady Stark, Kase?"
"Well, Jamie and I spoke of it, and if the Ladies agreed to it, have a duel wedding here with you before we return home. My Lady's father gifted her a small stead near Winterfell... I think we might move there after the ceremony."
"And Jamie?"
"Would still be Lord, only, married, and no longer in the capital," Kase paused to consider, "with very little reason to return to this city."
Pointing that out seemed to set you off some, though you did not let it show. The idea was that both lads were to marry this season, and Daemon was antsy to escape Kings Landing for across the Narrow Sea seemed like a terribly convenient coincidence. Daemon's been more than gracious to let you linger as you did, but now that the truth was tangibly verbalized about your boys leaving and not returning, Gods, did it sting!
Daemon and Kase asked one another a few questions back and forth in further effort to know one another, your feet and lower back starting to ache. Perhaps you were to start your cycle soon...
Time through the city drug only because it was evident Kase was 'forcing' time between you and your husband by going the long routes through market stalls. By the time you arrived at the jewelers, all 6 Gold Cloaks were holding items bought because you had so simply as 'gazed fondly at it.'
And he was even worse in the jeweler, though you talked him down to only one item - be it a ring, or heavy necklace, so solid gem broach... With reluctance, Dameon agreed, and the pair of you focused on helping Kase make his decisions. Your husband advised he simply go with whatever spoke to his heart, but it was evident the lad was becoming overwhelmed.
So, you stepped up, and together, pieced together what he thought would be suitable for his bride-to-be. Daemon watched with a smirk, gazing over other options for anything he found intriguing for you, but paused when Kase exclaimed, "AH-HA! YES!"
"Kase!" You scolded.
"Sorry, sorry," he winced, looking from you, to the jeweler, then to Daemon, "sorry. I just... I think I found the one!"
"Let's see it, lad," Daemon nodded, clasping the young Lord's shoulder and looking at what he held. "Befitting for a young woman so beautiful as your bride. It will do nicely - yes, we'll take it," he assured the salesman.
"Gems are imported from Qaarth."
"Where before?" You wondered.
"No idea," the man admitted. "But it's real nice, yeah?"
"It is, please, set it aside for us," you nodded to the man, then pointed to a pretty, solid gold necklace that held a plaque that looked as if it could be carved into. "And might I see that, please?"
"Course," the man mumbled, and the necklace was produced for your hands to examine.
"If I gave you script, could you engrave this for me?"
"Anything you'd like, Princess," he nodded in agreement.
"I'll send the instructions with a lad later," you smiled. "We'd like those two items - might we settle the debt now?"
"If you'd like, of course."
"I'd like to, yes," you nodded from the salesman to your Lord husband. "Daemon? Love?"
"Right," he sighed, pulling the money pouch from his belt after fearing that if you carried it, it would encourage violence against you. "What's the number then?"
As the two talked price, Kase was beaming as he examined his ring choice - glancing at you, and making you prompt, "She'll be blown away."
"Mhm," you assured. "It's a beautiful selection, she's going to just die when she sees it. And her father will not think you lowly, but capable of providing for his daughter."
"But what if... What if I can't?" Kase mumbled, turning to you. "What if I screw up so bad, it can't be fixed, and she leaves me - or whatever have you!? I fear I am only a second son and hold no land or titles, but that my brother does, and so long as he draws breath, I have nothing..."
"No, no, just that I want to be with the Lady Stark - even on her homestead, if it means being away from you all... But what if I ruin it?"
"You won't," you spoke with assurance.
"So quick to - "
"I know you, Kase, get out of your head," you advised as Daemon paid that debt owed. Kase sighed and thanked the jeweler, following Daemon from the shop, after you.
The entire walk back through town, Kase worried he wasn't good enough for Lady Stark - and Daemon was far too amused when the boy asked him for help. Daemon's solution? To take the lad to a tavern, but you weren't sure.
"C'mon, Mum, it'll cap off a great day," Kase encouraged. "And we can get drunk! It's a win-win!"
You chuckled, "You're aware of what we've on our person?"
"Yes, yes, but no one would dare cross the Prince of the City!"
Heaving a sigh, you glanced around to the Gold Cloaks. "Can we trust you to bring this all back to our chamber and lock the door?" You asked them, handing over the engagement ring but Kase lunged for it.
"Oh, hell no," you snapped, taking the ring and pointing a warning finger, "I've been to enough taverns in my life to watch men gamble away whatever be in their pockets - and I will not jeopardize this ring! It's going to our room to be locked up, hmm?"
"Well," he looked nervous.
"I trust these men," Daemon nodded, "and if they choose to steal from us, or to vary from whatever my wife asks, they know the extent to which I will take to punish them."
"Oh, Daemon," you swatted at him, "you do not need to threaten everyone!"
"How would they know I'm serious?"
You sighed, handing the ring over. "Please?"
"Of course, Princess," one of the guardsman assured. "You've a key?"
"Yes, you can lock it, I've a way in for us," you smiled lightly, nodding as they took their leave. "Are we sure?" You asked Kase and Daemon.
"About the tavern? Yes - c'mon," Kase groaned, tugging you forward as Daemon quickly swooped in behind you. The tavern was relatively lively for the middle of the afternoon, but you were not one to offer judgement as Daemon was greeted calmly, happily...
Like you would a friend.
Your hand found his quickly out of nervousness, lacing together as Kase went for the bar to open a tab and Daemon secured a table by shooing off the residents of the back corner booth.
"Look here, position is everything," he mumbled, guiding you into a seat with him beside you; stuck like glue, "and from here we've the advantage."
"Should we even be here?"
"We're all right," he assured softly. "But if you are uncomfortable, my dove, we will leave."
"No," you sighed, peering around him to the bar, spying Kase talking with animation to the bartender, "he looks excited. But do you frequent this bar?"
"I do," he nodded. "'S why I brought us here, the security is under my payment right now... But I wanted to talk to you about something."
"What would that be?"
His fingers gently pinched your chin, sighing almost sadly, "How would you feel about leaving Westeros?"
"Not just Kings Landing?"
He nodded, "I'd take us across the Narrow Sea."
"Oh," you breathed, nodding slowly. "Well, that's something... When do you want to leave?"
"After the lads are married, so, the end of the season?"
You worried slightly, "Is that enough time?"
"We've three months, dove," he nodded, petting down your cheek, "and in truth, we've no more attachments here... Let us leave," he breathed against your lips, puckering his to kiss you. "Let us be done, we'll get away from the city."
"See the world?" You smirked some.
"I'll take you wherever you want to go," he nodded. "Maybe getting away from the city will give us the stress-free environment we'll need to conceive a child."
"You think that's our issue?" You sighed, lacing your hand with his to lean your chin on his shoulder. His own head tilted to caress your forehead.
"Perhaps," he alluded, "but we still have to hear the Maester out."
"Come on, pet, there's hope still," he nodded, kissing your forehead. "And perhaps we see the world instead," he chuckled some, "I don't think I'd mind that. Traveling the world with you?"
"What if we have children?"
"Wouldn't you want your children to have dragon eggs?"
He sighed, "We can talk logistics later, but yes, I would... It is their birth right," one of his arms was around your back, the other flattening his palm to your stomach. "The Gods will bless us one day."
"But no harm in practicing?" You teased, leaning up to peck his lips quickly. "I fear it's been too long since I've loved you properly, husband."
"Make that my burden," he shook his head, glancing up as his hips shifted when one of your hands laid on his thigh, "and I will make it up to you when we get back - ah!" He hissed when you boldly palmed his crotch before casually settling your arms at his hips when Kase returned to the table, carrying two jugs of ale and three cups stacked on his head. "Devilish woman," he mocked in your ear.
"Here, here!" Kase laughed, setting the jugs down as he dodged around to keep the cups on his head.
"Kase - good Gods!" You laughed, helping him.
"C'mon, we're here for a good time," he laughed in return.
"Are you drunk already?" Daemon perked a stoic brow, but you saw the mischief stretch across his face as a smirk.
"Yes," Kase nodded rapidly, pouring the ale for you all. "The lads at the bar were happy to hear of my impending engagement!"
"Oh, sweetheart," you chuckled lightly, giving Daemon's thigh a squeeze - making him jolt a bit - but Kase didn't notice because you asked, "sure they weren't hitting on you?"
"Really? On me?" He gaped, taking his seat finally, gulping his ale. "No, no, no, it was... No, it was harmless!"
"Mhm," you smirked.
"They were kindly!"
"Okay, okay!" You relented, "So, we are celebrating this afternoon. Is there something you want to talk about?"
"Yes," he slurred, "why won't her father give his permission?"
"Wait," you perked up, "did you already ask?"
"Mhm, weeks ago," he waved off between gulps of mind-numbing-ale. "But he said no, but let me continue to court her... So, I thought the ring would show I am the man for her!"
"Oh, wow," you nodded from under Daemon's arm now tossed around your shoulders, "well, that's, uh... Wow..."
"Lad, you've nothing to worry over," Daemon assured, "because there is no other for his daughter, hey? Obviously it is a love-match, and she is adamant on her end that he's not been able to force her to court others. He will not limit his daughter's happiness, yet I would argue you were smart in thinking the ring would help."
"You think it will?"
"Yes," Daemon nodded.
"Hmm," he considered, skulling his drink in full. Daemon chuckled in your ear, nuzzling into your neck, as if three years of slowly drifting apart hadn't been overcome in an afternoon at the jewelers. Your mind began to drift with ideas of how to get him back, and as Kase was enraptured with telling a story, you started to slowly palm Daemon's growing bulge. You felt his thighs tighten, but his throat bobbed to keep his cool - eyes set on Kase's overly animated storytelling movements.
"Dove," Daemon warned under his breath when you pulled the strings of his trousers loose.
"Sh," you cooed, sliding your fingers along his girth to reposition and give a few slow tugs with the table being the only cover between his bare cock and prying eyes.
His breathing shifted but he kept his cool, your hand needing to keep at an angle to protect his cock from the under belly of the table. Kase had shifted his attention half to those who would listen, Daemon's jaw steeling - hips sinking into the seat to keep from bucking. "Oh, fuck," he whispered, stifling a groan.
"Good boy," you purred, giving his shaft a squeeze as his tip leaked. "Always a good boy for me, hmm?"
"Yes," he panted, head bowed to yours again - and to anyone looking over, they would think twice about bothering you. "Just for you."
"Don't cum, save it for my cunt," you switched your tongue to High Valyrian. "Hold it, my Prince."
"Enough," he growled, literally smacking your hand away and instantly tucking himself back into his trousers. Nobody paid you any mind as he stood and gathered you from the booth, then hoisting Kase's arm over his shoulders. "Come on," he told you, "hold onto me."
Your hand latched onto his belt as he had full-hold of Kase. The tavern had grown in patron numbers, forcing a part in the crowd for you as you moved. On the street, Kase started singing, and Daemon kept a wobbly hold on him. When you return to the Keep, luckily, you didn't run into anyone important on your way to deposit the Lord in his chambers - you returning to your chambers, and finding the door locked and all the shopping left in the room.
Good, everything was where it should be.
You were sorting through the day's shopping when Daemon returned, who was then instantly on you with his mouth open to your neck; hands bunching up your skirts as his swollen cock was rutted into the round of your arse.
"Daemon," you gasped, hands bracing on the mattress of your bed as he finally gained access to your cunt, groaning in satisfaction when his fingers met your wet hole.
"I need this," he panted, yanking his cock free to run up and down your slick, and then push in. You both gasped in relief, your chest falling to the bed as his pressed to your back; humping into you as you let him take you as he wanted. "Wanted you in my mouth first but fuck - I couldn't wait."
"Harder, Daddy," you begged, clutching your sheets with desperation.
"Yeah, that's right, fucking beg for me," he encouraged, lifting off of your to piston his hips almost painfully. "Yes, my dove, fuck, take it all. Make me a Daddy, please, please, dove. Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck - "
"Fucking cum in me, please," you begged, "I need it - I need to be full."
"Keep talking."
"Let me make you a Daddy, please," you yelped, whining into the sheets before yelping when his hand slapped over your arse cheek. "Fuck me harder, please, I need it so bad!"
"Take it then," He barked, one foot up on the mattress for leverage, hands wrapped around your neck and into your hair. You whined wantonly as he grit his teeth and jack-hammered forward into you with desperation. "FUCK!"
He came with a shout, coming to a standstill as his balls emptied into you; leaving him to rut boyishly into you as his lungs stuttered for air. You were panting as well, letting one elbow hold you up as the other reached up to pet over his cheek. "Someone can't last like before, hey?"
"Oh, you wicked woman," he laughed lightly, breath fanning across the back of your neck before his face was nuzzling there. "Got me worked up in public - I'm surprised I lasted that long." You laughed in return, your legs shaking slightly. "On the bed, pet. I don't want you off it for the next few days."
"Daemon," you whined when he pulled out of you suddenly, legs giving way with a small whoop of surprise.
"I got you," he rushed, catching your body; arms tight around your waist to gently pull you up with him. "Easy," he smirked, "if you're feeling it now, you're in for a long weekend, my dove."
"Gods," you laughed, pulling yourself onto the mattress. "You know, we're going to have to talk..." He sighed when you turned to face him, his fists propping him up on either side of your hips. "Can't just hump our way through this."
"We can't?"
"I know," he sighed, dropping his forehead to the crook of your neck. "But what is there to say? Besides I am sorry..."
"I fear that if we leave, you will become distracted. My love, we do not have allies outside the Capital City, and I could not bare your same behavior in strange lands."
He sighed, pausing to pull back and pull the rest of his clothes off; stepping out of his boots, too, before reaching for you. He focused on pulling your dress and boots off, almost weakly palming your bare breast before speaking, "I have not been a very good husband, and I know that now, and I cannot apologize enough. But I can try to rectify the situation, and to do that, I suppose I could try harder to prove I love you."
"I know you do," you sighed, leaning back to your pillows, guiding him with you as you took under the covers. "But what happened to us?"
He sighed, deflating into the pillows beside you and pulling you into his chest. "In truth, pet... I fear it is me who is the problem of our infertility..."
"What?" You wondered, looking up at him, confusion knitting your brows together.
He sighed, "Ah, my dove... There are written accounts that sometimes, fertility issues do not fall upon the woman only. Sometimes... It can be the man who struggles to sire an heir."
"Oh," you breathed, pushing further into his embrace. "No, my love, I do not think it's you."
"No - "
"Love, look at me," you frowned, titling his head down towards you. "Sometimes, when a woman takes Moon Tea for an extended period of time, it can... I don't know, alter the state of her womb."
Daemon winced, "If I waited, you wouldn't ever have had need to take the tea..."
"Okay, are we going to go in circles about who's fault this is? Or accept it for reality?" You sighed. "What're we going to do if we don't have a family - and what if we do?"
"It's to be figured out as we go," he sighed against your forehead; cradling you closer. "I just want us gone from the City, my dove."
You sighed, "Then swear to me that you will not put me through this again."
"I'm going to show you I can be the man who deserves you," he swore, leaning in to nuzzle your nose. "No talk of dramatic means; I am yours, and you are mine."
"Would you be honest with me?"
"Of course."
"Have you been visiting the taverns and brothels?"
"Only the taverns," he frowned. "There's been many a night I find myself waking in the stable after drinking far too much."
"Ah, sweetheart..."
"I know," He groaned lightly, readjusting. "Come, nap with me."
You pouted lightly, "You don't want to fuck me again?"
His head, which was settling on your chest, shot up in shock as he eyed you almost wearily. "Really?"
"Fuck," he whispered, leaning up to latch his mouth onto your own - leading into another frenzied baby-making session.
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Months later, you had married both of your step-sons off, and within days, Daemon had approached you regarding your departure.
He made no move to explain to his family where he was heading, choosing to instead latch your shared belongings to Caraxes' saddle as if to just disappear. But as fate would have it, when you approached him with confidence to hand off the last of your rucksacks, you were startled when Caraxes swung his head around to look at you with a great, heaving, cocking-with-curiosity head.
"D-Daemon?" You worried, hands held up in defense as the dragon's muzzle neared you; giving a great heave against your stomach. "Daemon, what is happening? What's he doin', love? Oh, this feels strange, what do I do!?"
"It's all right, you're all right," Daemon soothed, coming behind you to pose as a backboard as the scaly beast nuzzled into you. The power behind the movements jostled you some, but against your husband's chest, you were better secured.
"What's he doing?" You wondered again with greater fear.
Daemon's hands moved to hold over your hips, peering over your shoulder to watch the great beast breath against your belly. "Dove?"
"Hmm?" Your hands were still held up in defense.
"Have you bled this month?"
You paused, glancing up at him slowly, "Not to my knowledge."
"Last month?"
"No... I don't think I remember my last cycle," you admitted, looking up at him with widened eyes. "Does this mean what I think?"
"He's protective of you," he pointed out, sighing after. "No use in getting our hopes up right now. You've been to the Maester, yes?"
"Yes," you nodded, Caraxes growling when Daemon tried to pull you back. "O-Oh, okay," you sighed, gently holding his head to placate the beast, "okay, all right. Shh, shh. Okay, there yah go."
Daemon finished tacking the saddle, watching the pair of you for a moment longer than he would've usually allowed. Something stirred in his gut, and for some reason, he pondered, "What if we left in the morning?"
"Daemon," you sighed, "a single night makes no difference. We want to cross the Sea before night fall, yes?"
He nodded, "One last night here..."
"What are you hoping to achieve?"
Daemon again neared you, glancing up at Caraxes, whilst the beast purred. "There is a feeling I cannot shake."
"What feeling?"
"That we are missing something."
"Not per se," you sighed, patting the underside of the dragon's chin. "What do you think we're missing, love?"
Your eyes closed when Daemon's forehead met your temple, a beat passing, before he admitted, "An egg..." His hand slid across your lower belly to cradle it, "for the babe?"
"Daemon, you just - I'm not - look," you sighed through your nose, feeling frustrated, "it's been over three years, and it's not happened. Perhaps we just let nature take course, yes? Stop trying so bloody hard?"
He sighed, dare you say it, sadly.
"Give us tonight... Let me search for any eggs Syrax might be hoarding..."
You sighed, shifting on your feet. "Everything's packed already."
"We'll make do for the night," he tried.
"If I agree, might I go nap? Or do you want me with you?"
"No, you go rest," he nodded, pressing a kiss to your temple. Yet when he let go, Caraxes whined and had to be held at bay while you made your way back to the Keep. Though, while Demon descended into the Dragon's Lair, you rushed for the Maester's chambers to pound rapidly.
"Princess!" He gasped when he opened the door to your tearful face.
"I-I need another test, Maester..."
"My Lady, it has been months since our last exam - "
"Hence why I need one now," you frowned, wiping your cheeks of tears. "Please."
"Of course, come in, come in," he ushered you, moving about his chambers to prepare his tools and herbs. You gave urine, blood, and spit; waiting impatiently as the Maester prodded around your stomach, ran his tests...
And by the end, he was blinking in near shock. "Well?" You demanded, exhausted by the long day of tests - but you knew Daemon would not be back for hours more.
How wrong you were - but first, the Maester turned with tears in his aged eyes. "M-My Princess... You are with child - without a doubt. I'd wager some eight or nine weeks in? Perhaps ten," he nodded, consulting his exam results. "Yes, just shy of three months, probably when we stopped our exams, yes, yes... Have you had symptoms?"
"I don't... Know?"
"All right," he sighed, "your blood?"
"I cannot remember my last cycle," you admitted with a nod.
"Some," you shrugged.
"Mood swings?"
"Well, perhaps no more than usual..."
"And have you any pain in your breasts?"
Sighing, you shrugged, "They are tender, yes, but that's not..."
"It is," he nodded softly. "But I'd wager you're ten weeks in, you'll start to notice your belly swelling soon."
You blinked a few times, "You're sure?"
"I'm sure."
"I'm pregnant...?"
"You are."
"I'm gonna have a baby?"
"Finally," he teased gently, smiling brightly at you. "What joyous news, Princess."
"Well... I... I do not know what to say," you whispered, feeling panic swell in your chest. "M-Might you send for my handmaiden? H-Her name's Mary, please, Maester, I am feeling overwhelmed."
"Just breathe," he nodded, moving for the door to send for Mary. As you waited, he lead you through breathing exercises; trying to quell your worry before Mary was bursting through the door.
"What's this?" She worried, rushing forward.
"I-I am pregnant," you told her, taking her hands tightly, "an-and I fear I am panicking."
"Do you want me to get your husband?"
"He's in the Dragon's Lair."
"No? I swore I saw him making for your room," she cocked her head, squeezing your hands. "Why are you panicking?"
"B-Because I am not - I do not - for fuck's sake, I don't know in full, but I am scared."
"Of what - "
"Of the birth!" You yelped, tears filling your eyes. "My Gods, they whisper about the Targaryen Curse but I thought it was just me - and that I could not bare children. But now... Fuck's sake."
"Okay, breathe," the Grand Maester advised. "This stress is not good for the baby, you'll have to take that into account the next few months, as you grow the babe."
"Fuck's sake," you snapped as you wept, latching onto Mary as she shot a glare at the Maester.
"Yes, okay, thank you!" She snapped, waving him off. "My Lady, listen to me," she sighed softly, caressing you in comfort, "you are not of Targaryen blood, and that can yet work in your favor when carrying a Targaryen child. Ease your mind, my Lady, you are not doing yourself favors with this stress."
You tried to calm down, but she was still petting your hair as you wept. But then, something in your mind snapped in place, "D-Did you say you saw my husband?"
"Yes, on my way here," she nodded.
"All right," you sniffled and wiped your face, "I-I need to go to him."
"Go," she encouraged, "but allow me to be the first to say - holy fucking shit! You're pregnant! Oh, my Gods, I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!"
You giggled lightly and hugged her tightly, letting her yank you off the exam table to lightly hop around in an excited hug. "I am blessed," you whispered into the hug. "Thank you, my friend."
"Truly!" She squealed. "Oh, no, but does this mean you're still leaving?"
"Let's find out," you breathed, squeezing her hands and moving for the door after. She held your hand as you moved for your chambers, but before you got there, she let go and insisted you talk to your husband alone. With tears in your eyes, you pushed the door to your chambers open, calling, "Daemon?"
"Dove?" He answered from the chair resting at the table's edge, his wrist flourishing as he wrote on parchment, almost sighing with relief. "Where have you been?" He glanced at you. "Thought you were napping, and I come here, you're not in bed."
"I've been - "
"Never mind that! Why are you crying!? Who did it?" He demanded, jumping to his feet and trying to take your face in his hands.
"Why're your hands covered in ash?" You dodged, holding his wrists, easing him back into the chair. "Did you find an egg, my love?"
"I did," he breathed, grinning shyly.
"Good," you nodded while blinking rapidly down at him, gently caressing the side of his cheek to pull his gaze up to meet yours, "because it will lie in our child's crib, finally."
His gaze met yours slowly before realization coated his features, almost gaping at you, "Truly?"
"Daemon," you spoke slowly, taking either of his hands in your own to pull them to rest on your waist, "we're going to have a baby."
"You're pregnant?"
"I'd like to think we are, but yes, I am pregnant."
"Finally," he breathed, leaning forward to caress your stomach with a grin, laughing some after. "Oh, thank the Gods - well, no, thank you, my beautiful wife."
You smiled and caressed his head, keeping him close as he leaned back a little; arms tight round you, legs spreading, and keeping you set between them. He sighed deeply, nuzzling your belly.
"A blessing, is it not?"
"It is," you whispered, petting down his neck. "See what happens when we don't try so hard?"
He chuckled, his breath felt across your lower tummy. "Oh, my sweet wife... How I celebrate you."
"How I celebrate us," you smirked.
He gave a gentle nibble to your belly before lifting his gaze; chin laid to your stomach with his arms tightly around your hips to keep you in place. "I love you, thank you for this. I-I don't know what else to say."
"We've a long way to go, you might not be thanking me yet," you chuckled nervously, but Daemon saw through you. He sighed and leaned back more, guiding you to his lap to sit.
"What is it, sweet girl? Hmm? What's on your pretty little mind?"
You frowned a bit, leaning into his shoulder to caress his cheek and jaw; lowering your voice to mumble into his skin, "I am afraid."
"The birthing..."
"Ah," he sighed, tightening his hold on you. "I see... I will ensure the best midwives and Maesters are at your chambers."
"I need only one promise from you."
"You need only ask it."
"You'll be there with me. In the room, even. You will not leave me to do this alone..."
Daemon tightened his grip on you, pressing a kiss to the column of your neck. "You will not be alone, pet. Never in this. I am here with you, and I will be here until the end. You will not be apart from me, and I will not leave you alone in this."
"Thank you," you whispered, holding onto him tightly. He sighed lightly, nuzzling into your neck as tears surfaced. "I'm scared, Daemon."
"I've got you," he assured, tightening his hold. "You're not alone, dove. Not now or ever, I'm so sorry, pet, for how I was before. But it's gonna be different," he whispered, kissing at your jaw after, "I do swear this to you, my sweet wife, 's all gonna be so different."
You nodded, petting through his hair, "All right... All right, so, how about we go share the good news? Have one last dinner with family? And in the morning, we make for Pentos? Or Essos?"
He smirked, "It's a surprise first."
You sighed lightly, "Of course it is. What do you say?"
He sighed, nodding mutely. "A fantastic idea, dove, but let me bask in this moment first." Readjusting in his lap, you easily curled under his chin and let your eyes close. "I love you."
With a smile matching his, you swore, "I love you, too."
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🍒 fin
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Midnight Calls masterlist
requesting rules and masterlist
HOTD masterlist
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beebopboom · 7 months
Messages from Above
Witch or Prophet? Both?
Both is Good.
In part 1 we covered all the prophecies and images I could find in The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter book
and now we can jump into some analysis and theories about Agnes Nutter - starting with where the hell they came from
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Now I’m sure we have all wondered how Agnes got her prophecies. Where they came from? How did she manage make the only completely true prophetic work in history? And predict her death? Well that one may be getting ahead of ourselves.
As for the rest of it though - well she shows us
In the artworks included in her book two that really stood out were ones depicting John and Ezekiel.
In each of these stories they are given a scroll to devour that will taste like honey in their mouth. They are then told to go speak these words/prophesies to others, even if they shall not listen.
But just to summarize what these stories are about - Ezekiel deals with warning people of the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple as God’s punishment but with a promise of a New Beginning and Temple - John is dealing with the Second Coming, of the angels going through the seals, the blaring of trumpets, and just note that the scroll sits as bitterness in his stomach because of the judgements that are meant to come.
Sensing some running themes here
Agnes Nutter was a women that had a little more agency than these two men though
On the desk when her son-in-law and daughter are going through her things there is a upside down piece of scrap work paper that gives us a little more detail into this
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although I do not have everything on this paper figured out, as some things are still a little iffy - I still think it’s enough to include
(and big thanks to @gallup24 @thesherrinfordfacility @archangelween for all the help)
So from what I could put together from all that the top reads as -
To Speak to Saints
Call the names
and say thus. I conjure you by His
Legs and Arm come to me in this
xxx xxx and send unto me a saint named
xxxx. fulfill my command and
understand my word
So while I may not have those names it’s very clear a summoning was happening.
combined with the rest of the paper - which features a pretty similar set up to a certain bookshop, angel and alchemy symbols, and various words such as “Chants, Robes, and Armageddon” - and I believe that this is just kind of like a scrap/work paper which would explain why it’s a bit more messy and unorganized than anything else
So what the hell is going on here? Well it may not be perfect but just to throw some things out there
Some saint/angel - yknow what maybe even God herself(I promise that’s not just a throw away comment but wait and see!) - comes to Agnes
Agnes has a way for a human to get in contact with Upstairs
Agnes produces the first and only work of completely correct prophecies of events that lead to Armageddon 
I think we can fill in the blanks with saying she received her prophecies from some Divine Being and continued to be visited - maybe even visiting on her own
There is a reason her title is on the front of Good Omens after all
Alright that’s all folks - for this part at least. Next time we will dive into her death, the death of her work, and what she leaves behind -> right here
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orthodoxadventure · 7 months
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Grace is not freely given to the person who has experienced spiritual arousal, who knows and senses what life in Christ is, and who has fallen into sin again. He must give something himself first. He must still be worthy and beseech. it is not enough merely to wish; he must work on himself in order to attract spiritual arousal by grace. Such a person, in recollecting his previous sojourn in the virtuous Christian way, often desires it again, but has no power over himself. He would like to turn over a new leaf, but is unable to gain self-mastery and conquer himself. He has abandoned himself to helpless despair because he previously abandoned the gift and reproached and trodden underfoot the Son of God. . .and hath done despite unto the Spirit of Grace (Heb. 10:29). Now he is allowed to perceive that this power of grace is so great that it will not be granted immediately. Seek and labor, and learn to appreciate how difficult it is to acquire.
Such a person is in a somewhat agonizing condition: He thirsts but is not given drink, hungers but is not fed, seeks but does not find, exerts himself but does not receive. Sometimes a person is left in this condition for a very long time, to the point where he feels divine reproach, as if God had forgotten him, turned away and betrayed His promise. He feels like the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it. . .but. . .which beareth thorns and briers (Heb. 6:7-8). But this slow touching of grace to the heart of the seeker is only a trial. He goes through the period of trial, and thanks to his labors and agonizing search, the spirit of arousal once again descends on him as it descends on others as a gift. This course of action of salvific grace shows us two things: First, the special actions of divine grace in arousing a sinner; second, the usual way of acquiring the gift of arousing grace.
-- Saint Theophan the Recluse: Path to Salvation; A Manual of Spiritual Transformation
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the-first-heretic · 1 year
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“From the fires of Betrayal unto the blood of revenge we bring the name of Lorgar, the Bearer of the Word, the favored Son of Chaos, all praise be given to him. From those that would not heed we offer praise to those who do, that they might turn their gaze our way and gift us with the Boon of Pain, to turn the Galaxy red with the blood, and feed the hunger of the Gods.”
Passage from The Book of Lorgar.
Artist: Jeriel Glenn, Ruslan Korovkin, Warhammer Gallery.
Faces of the Gal Vorbak of the Word Bearers (meaning The Blessed Sons in Colchison, also called The Unburdened) are an elite formation of Chaos Space Marines who allowed their bodies to be possessed by daemons.
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wiirocku · 2 years
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Isaiah 9:6 (NKJV) - For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
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Morning and Evening
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by Charles Spurgeon
"Let not one of them escape." – 1 Kings 18:40
When the prophet Elijah had received the answer to his prayer, and the fire from heaven had consumed the sacrifice in the presence of all the people, he called upon the assembled Israelites to take the priests of Baal, and sternly cried, "Let not one of them escape." He took them all down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there. So must it be with our sins--they are all doomed, not one must be preserved. Our darling sin must die. Spare it not for its much crying. Strike, though it be as dear as an Isaac. Strike, for God struck at sin when it was laid upon his own Son. With stern unflinching purpose must you condemn to death that sin which was once the idol of your heart. Do you ask how you are to accomplish this? Jesus will be your power. You have grace to overcome sin given you in the covenant of grace; you have strength to win the victory in the crusade against inward lusts, because Christ Jesus has promised to be with you even unto the end. If you would triumph over darkness, set yourself in the presence of the Sun of Righteousness. There is no place so well adapted for the discovery of sin, and recovery from its power and guilt, as the immediate presence of God. Job never knew how to get rid of sin half so well as he did when his eye of faith rested upon God, and then he abhorred himself, and repented in dust and ashes. The fine gold of the Christian is oft becoming dim. We need the sacred fire to consume the dross. Let us fly to our God, he is a consuming fire; he will not consume our spirit, but our sins. Let the goodness of God excite us to a sacred jealousy, and to a holy revenge against those iniquities which are hateful in his sight. Go forth to battle with Amalek, in his strength, and utterly destroy the accursed crew: let not one of them escape.
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ride-thedragon · 3 months
You know, I'm glad they did not give Nettles' story to Rhaena.
Truth is, even if Show! Velaryons are black and therefore Laena's daughters are black, they still take part in an elitist society and part of a race considered the most beautiful and most powerful of the world that used to have an empire that took part in the Conquest of Westeros; and the Velaryons are also considered to have magical Valyrian blood like the Targaryens.
And even if Rhaena is not a princess because her relation to King Jaehaerys is that of a great-granddaughter/great-great-granddaughter through her father and mother; Rhaena is still a lady of House Targaryen, the most powerful family in the world.
Rhaena has lived with her stepmother, stepbrothers and half-brothers for so long she knows a lot about dragons and because of that she would never have to retort to herself slitting the throat of a sheep and would never get to sleep in dirty alleys and have so many scars from encounters with merchants.
Not even Baela, who is a tomboy, has the narrative of sleeping near commoners nor having a thief scar on her nose.
Rhaena has the privilege of the highborns and most specifically the privilege of being a Targaryen; whereas Nettles is a commoner girl who has had to adapt to live as a thief to survive and whose only proof she's a dragonseed is that she claimed Sheepstealer, and even then, her method is not exactly common among the current dragonriders even if the original ones did it that way.
Personally I dislike the theory of Nettles being Daemon's daughter, Daemon is explicitly described as fond and preferring of Valyrian maidens, and given Nettles' looks it's obvious her mother was not Valyrian; and if Nettles was his daughter we have to remember that's the only form of incest the Targaryens never ever had.
In my own headcanons, Nettles has more possibilities of being a descendant of Aegon the Uncrowned who was known for entertaining many maidens, or Maegor Targaryen, and she could even be a descendant of Daemon Velaryon the brother of Queen Alyssa Velaryon as they themselves had Targaryen blood.
I agree mostly. It's not a narrative that makes sense for Rhaena. No matter how they try to position her. Even if we look at her show characterization thus far, it would be unfortunate to give her another plot. I see a lot of people saying they're glad rhaena has something to do, but it's a disservice to her character. As though the show couldn't think of a role where she isn't head first in war even though she's such an important character towards the end of the dance. They just have to get a Vale plot, which could simply be her teaching the boys as best as she can and looking over dragon eggs. But they didn't give her morning.
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I have no idea what their plan is. What I do know is that if it happens, it doesn't make sense. Nettles' story is important, and seeing as the fans have found a way to push her specific arcs unto every character that breathes when Nettles isn't on screen, it's more difficult to replace her in the story. It's a disservice to them both.
Nettles isn't Daemon's daughter 100%. He's a weirdo, but he isn't insane. He'd groom 100 teens, but he wouldn't sleep with his daughter. We know that because he largely ignores them in the show.
Lastly, I do see the Nettles is a bastard of theories as a waste of time. They don't make sense why George would go through all the trouble of her appearance and story just to be like she she great grand child of Aenys through a bastard that ended up on Driftmark. It's odd. But if I had to guess, I could see Aegon the auncrowned potentially, maybe even Jaehaerys or one of his sons. Perhaps a Baratheon. Who knows.
Overall, now we just wait and see. I, for one, won't be tuning in as much if she isn't included. (Rhaena and Baela scenepack folks, you'll have my subscription). They seem to have forgotten Alysanne and Sabitha as well. I do think if she is included, her arc will be different, but that's another thing I just will hold off on until she's announced. And if she isn't, it's been fun. As for Nettles' theories, my personal HC is that if she is a bastard, it's from Jaehaerys onward, and if she is, I hope it's from her mother's side.
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
I was liveblogging episode 10 of Bad Buddy last night in desperate fury, and one of my posts honed in on Dissaya talking about "saving face".
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As what ALWAYS HAPPENS whenever I'm watching and/or thinking about Bad Buddy, I had a further realization (this time while showering).
That hiding and saving face that Dissaya is talking about here....
"Saving face" is an automatic given, a structural social component of Asian life. I don't know an Asian culture that isn't at least partly centered on its citizens "saving face" at any given moment of time. "Saving face" is how Asian families stay together through the absolute worst of familial trauma (the news and the shame, say, of having a child run away from home would likely be hidden from friends and extended family so that a nuclear family could "save face"). Saving face is why Japanese and South Korean business workers show little to no emotion in the workplace -- it would be an embarrassment for them, AND for the company, if outbursts were to happen. Saving face is a modicum by which collectivist societies can maintain control over behavioral outbursts that may disrupt a general flow of life. (Filial piety is another example of an automatic social given.)
When Ming and Dissaya were in high school and dating, and Ming stole Dissaya's scholarship -- Dissaya had to figure out how to save face from the embarrassment of losing the scholarship, and her opportunity to go to university.
Ming stole the scholarship, because he had to save face for himself, AND for his father (AND, ostensibly, for his entire nuclear family), as it would have been a honor unto his family for Ming to go to university.
So those are the layers of saving face for Pat's and Pran's parental generation.
How does intergenerational trauma work? Those demands for saving face aren't just passed ONTO the children -- onto Pat and Pran.
Pat and Pran are expected to embody those same responsibilities. That's why Ming continually gets angry with Pat throughout the series about lying, about the secrets, about the architecture play and about rugby practice. And Dissaya says as much to Pran before her confrontation with Ming -- how could Pran date Pat? How could Pran forget "to save [Dissaya's] reputation?"
But most importantly to me, what Dissaya says above -- what really guts me as both an Asian child, and as an Asian parent...
... is that the hiding and saving face that Dissaya is referring to above?
She's also talking about the information that Ming and Dissaya have hidden from Pat and Pran themselves.
PAT AND PRAN'S OWN PARENTS were saving THEIR faces TO THEIR SONS. So that their OWN CHILDREN would respect them.
Ming and Dissaya needed to lie and to save face to Pat and Pran, so that Pat and Pran wouldn't stray from their loyalties to their families. Pat and Pran's OWN BEHAVIOR needed to be CONTROLLED by their families, so that Pat and Pran wouldn't bring embarrassment or disrespect to Ming and Dissaya -- so that THEN, Ming and Dissaya could keep up the façade of their family battle to save themselves from the individual embarrassment they had brought upon themselves and each other in high school. We don't even know if Ming's father had known that Ming stole the scholarship. What if Grandfather Jindapat knew that Ming had stolen the scholarship? Would that have brought shame to the family? Likely.
Episode 10 is SO heart-wrenching and painful for so many reasons. But especially to see the guys continue to hear, in conversation after conversation, from Uncle Chai to their high school teacher, the TRUTH of the hatred between Ming and Dissaya, and how Pat's and Pran's childhood understanding of the battle was based on lie after lie -- you could see the confusion, trauma, and anger building. The anger that bubbled out as Pat stormed out of his house. And the trauma that flowed out from Pran on the rooftop before the boys ran away.
The boys were used as pawns in a family fight that never needed to go as far as it did. The boys realized that.
"I had to hate Pran... because of you?"
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It was because Ming and Dissaya were far more concerned about saving face than about the happiness of their sons.
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