#Fortitude is Special Defence and Wit is the Speed stat for Special attacks and Support moves
science-rpg · 1 year
Hello! Welcome to the Tumblr Science RPG Blog! This isn't an official product or run by a team of dedicated people but by one kinda-guy who daydreams about making art while studying undergrad science.
Send in your science post / articles, or direct me to post on Tumblr, and I'll see if I can write a mini RPG summary about it! Big or small subjects don't matter! And don't be afraid to info dump!
Health = Hit points
Strength = Physical Attack
Endurance = Physical Defence
Intelligence = Special Attack
Fortitude = Special Defence
Stamina = Physical Speed
Wit = Special Speed
* for those wondering how speed works for now. Which ever speed stat is higher goes first. Wit acounts for both Special Attacking moves and support moves that do no damage. More working out later.
I've had the idea for an RPG based on a fantastical science setting for a while, but I only just thought to turn it into a Tumblr gimmick blog. I have a few mechanics in mind, but most of what I write here is off the cuff (so if anything seems wildly un-balanced or vague, it's because I'm not checking in-depth).
Please note that I'm just an undergrad with very limited exposure to the wider academic sphere, so if there's an easy joke or reference I miss, please keep that in mind. Or add to it in the post! I also find it a bit harder to be more caring about subjects outside my fields of interest (Geology , Biology , Earth Systems , Ecology , Palaeontology), so any added context is appreciated. What would be even better is any passionate info dumping to get me fired up, so don't worry about if it's bothering me or if I'm not interested or not. Any sign of love for this universe we share is welcome. I just may have a slower time getting around to writing about it (* ^ー゜)ノ.
As a student, I'm not super confident I'll be able to keep this blog regularly updated, so if you folks want to run wild with the idea, feel free. I just want people to have fun with science and spread enthusiasm!
My main Tumblr blog is here for anyone who wanted more information into who I am.
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