#Fox flux deluxe
stopscammingartists · 3 months
Your Eevee receipts post has a problem. The twitter thread where Eevee talked abt wincing at segregating minors from horny spaces has the context of Eevee venting abt her shitty sexual experiences from when she was 16 and *right after it* she says "i don't have a solution here. i certainly don't want minors in /my/ horny spaces, or to be responsible for replacing their parents who are too fucking embarrassed to talk to them for twenty minutes. wish there were... something for them, though" and the 2020 bit was referring to the Earn It Act
You have *real evidence* for why Eevee is bad, so I don't like defending her. But "she hates a bad bill and was venting, let me take her words out of context to make her come across as a predator" comes across as needlessly petty and cruel
You go on and on and on about context, all while not only ignoring the context of the very post you're complaining about, but ignoring the context of the things Eevee has done entirely.
The context that the very same woman who claimed she "doesn't have a solution" to the question on if minors should be segregated from NSFW spaces; not only had a solution to the very same problem a decade earlier. But that she felt so strongly about this solution that she tried to act on it by using her then employment at furaffinity to push for policy change that would allow kids on the site easier access to porn on the platform. (This testimony is from 2009, well before Eevee came out.)
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The context that this is the very same woman who tried to argue that child porn that was made by abusing actual children shouldn't be illegal because "an image of a crime shouldn't be illegal".
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The context that this is the same woman who over half a decade after arguing the child porn should be legal, found it "curious priorities" to ban a racist transphobe off furaffinity for creating and uploading child porn on the platform. Because "it was only the 16 year olds moans and she's now an adult and married to the guy".
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The context that this is a woman who is, right now, developing a fetish game and is actively advertising it to communities with kids in it and is giving it a general rating because the fetish isn't obviously NSFW.
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The context that this is a woman who has a leadership position of a community that has enabled and protected sexual predators, including pedophiles, multiple times, and someone who has specifically taken part in enabling and protecting those pedophiles within said community, multiple times. Just looking at Marl and Iz alone without going into other predators I haven't even made posts about like Twee.
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Which, by the way, since Marl has since been definitively revealed to be both a pedophile and a zoophile, and talked to kids in exactly the same way Lain described years before this was proven combined with the fact Eevee had access to the IRC logs as the IRC admin here, and she even makes a point of that fact to defend Marl from Lains accusations & slander Lain only leads to one of two conclusions. That either Eevee is wildly incompetent and didn't or couldn't check the DMs between Marl and Lain, or that Eevee was sitting on chat logs of Marl being a zoophile and pedophile and made the active, informed decision to withhold that evidence, not call the cops on her then pedophile roommate, and protect that zoophile and pedophile while slandering the at the time 14 year old child, despite the 14 year old asking Eevee specifically to get logs.
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The context that this is a woman who still to this day, slanders two children who came forward about Marl as "just kiwi farmers". All while knowing that Marl tried to produce dog porn of one of them when she was 16, and the other one who Eevee again personally slandered when she was just 14 for daring to speak up about the pedophile sending her photos of dog dicks.
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Here is an archive of the post she's talking about, by the way.
The context that this is a woman who has been accused of soliciting and obtaining nudes of someone when they were a fucking minor.
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In case you still don't get it: there is a pattern here. That's what my post was pointing at.
The pattern in it of itself recontextualizes Eevees motives to the tweet. Much like how Glip making porn of their self insert and their cats self insert was just "weird" until it came out they let that very same cat perform oral sex on them.
The context that Eevee has historically been fairly pro-child porn, pro-children-in-nsfw-spaces, pro-specific-pedophiles-grooming-kids-she-doesn't-like, anti-victims-of-pedophilia-speaking-out-about-their-abusers and allegedly has solicited and obtained child pornography herself all establishes the fact that Eevee's own personal trauma and the poorly written Earn It Act were probably not her only reasons for wording those tweets as she did.
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fox-flux · 1 year
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after many bumps in the road there is at long last a
fox flux DELUXE free demo
which has been described as "longer than i expected" and "how the fuck do i get that heart??" and "am i supposed to be able to do this"
this is my little puzzle-platformer about turning into things and collecting candy. i've been working on it for a long time and it's still not done but i hope you enjoy what there is so far! especially because one day it will be done and it would be cool if you bought it
until then you can get intermittent builds and early screenshots and stuff via patreon. if you're especially daring you can get in my dev discord and see me complain about how pixel rounding breaks pushing things in some cases or whatever! exciting
— eevee (@lexyeevee)
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wrecking · 9 months
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august!! god i need to get back into listening to new music. but at least this month had some good stuff eh? names below the cut as usual ^_^
istg the intent was NOT to listen to so little new music... the releases this month were DRY dry. been kinda falling out of listening to new stuff as much these last few months and it's hard to get back on the routine
gonna put little parenthesis notes on each one this time to switch it up!
rina sawayama - hold the girl (proper cover, not a coward edition)
halsey - if i can't have love i want power (idk the subtle sneak)
carly rae jepsen - the loveliest time (also the loneliest time, but loveliest >)
rajie - heart to heart (randomly getting back into city pop and this one is so underrated)
carly rae jepsen - emotion (istg i didn't plan this i've just been finally revisiting emotion after a long time)
willow - copingmechanism (will this ever leave the chart)
cafune - perspective (and demise, both singles)
anohni - my back was a bridge for you to cross
poppy - flux (aging very well)
roar - i can't handle change (christmas kids kinda haunting me)
hiroshi yoshimura - green (been doing calls more for reasons i can't talk about yet, and this has been the soundtrack)
poppy - knockoff (so excited for zig tbh)
foxes - the kick (one of the best pop albums of the last decade, so slept on. forgive yourself is so good)
the japanese house - in the end it always does (subtle but god damn is it growing on me)
tove lo - dirt femme (she never misses and this was the clearest example, the deluxe tracks are insane)
frost children - spiral (just evergreen on this list at this point for harp+pony alone but this month i've been going back to the deep cuts more)
olivia rodrigo - bad idea right (and vampire, sorry but i'm so excited for guts it's gonna be good actually)
joanna sternberg - i've got me (people are toys to you kinda just stuck in my head this month, love her vibe)
remi wolf - juno (a classic, no misses)
100 gecs - 10000 gecs (still excellent idgaf)
no predictions again but sept has actual releases so let's pray i listen to something new for once!! yippee!!
clairo - sling (when isn't this on here... but also like bambi and management and harbor still get stuck in my mind a lot so)
marina - electra heart (weirdly on my mind this month? not rly super duper listened to but imo it deserves)
boygenius - the record (deep cuts are sneaking up on me... satanist i'm looking at you)
hitsujibungaku - our hope (just so excellent it deserves more love)
billie eilish - happier than ever (idk why getting older has been hitting as of late)
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girlgamesnetwork · 1 year
Girl Games Network #2 (31/5/23)
Welcome back to the Girl Games Network Newsletter, a weekly roundup of games industry news and releases aiming to highlight the female and non-binary people working in games.
Summer Games Done Quick Returns!
From the 28th May to 4th June, 2023 the annual speedrunning fundraiser Summer Games Done Quick is back on Twitch raising money for Doctors Without Borders. Many of the runs are taking place at the Hilton Minneapolis, Minnesota for in-person attendees and VOD recordings of the runs can be found on GDQ's YouTube page afterwards.
Some runs and runners of note this time include :
31/5 Shadow the Hedgehog - Gamecube by MetalMedB (Glitchless Bidwar)
1/6 Golf It! - PC by Nichole Goodnight & Bathinjan (Classic First 5 Maps 100% Race)
1/6 Give Me Toilet Paper! - Switch by Asuka424 (Hand%)
2/6 VVVVV - PC by Metroid Crime (Any% Glitchless)
2/6 Pokémon Colosseum - Gamecube by Swiftalu and Sparkle (Any% Race)
3/6 Fire Emblem Engage - Switch by Claris (Any%)
4/6 Super Mario Maker 2 - Switch by TheRileyC, Aurateur, PangaeaPanga, TanukiDan, Shoujo, Caspur189, LilKirbs and Thabeast721 (Relay Race)
In addition to SGDQ, GDQ hosts charity speedruns throughout the year and gives a spotlight to female and non-binary runners in their Frame Fatale events. On-site and remote volunteer registration for the next FF event  "Flame Fatales'' will be open from the 9th-17th of June if this week's show inspires viewers to contribute.
As with every GDQ event for the last six years, programmer and artist lexyeevee (Fox Flux Deluxe) is hosting a game jam concurrently on itch.io, this time called "Games Made QVIICK??? HD REMIX", which will be running until the 5th of June.
Super Free Games Faces Gender Discrimination Lawsuit
Former Super Free Games (Word Collect) employee Haley Bowman (Sonos) filed a lawsuit in the San Francisco Superior Court on the 11th of May, 2023 against the company for gender discrimination, unequal pay and being terminated while pregnant.
Super Free Games, formerly known as Super Lucky Games is a word and trivia game developer owned by the Stillfront Group and based in California with global remote employees, mostly across America. Although their careers page boasts a "flat management model" and insists on valuing a work-life balance, Bowman's case alleges "cronyistic" hiring practices, backed up by an anonymous former employee's review on Glassdoor.
In 2022, a Marketing Department Reduction in Force Committee was established at SFG and asked Bowman to leave her managerial marketing position for a position with a 20-26% pay cut in production on the grounds that she "had poor communication issues and created a level of mistrust with UA [the User Acquisition Team]". In her case, Bowman has said that there were no issues between her and UA. When she refused to take the cut and role change, she was terminated two months into a pregnancy she alleges SFG knew about and that her firing was falsely presented as a workforce reduction externally.
In addition to this, the lawsuit alleges an "unmistakable bias" against women, who make up less than a third of SFG, often being excluded from important meetings and social opportunities. Bowman also was not consulted on the marketing decisions that were key to her role in the Marketing division. SFG have not made any statements regarding the case as of two weeks after the filing.
News of Note :
Excellent fan-art of a new Zelda NPC https://www.tumblr.com/koyoriin/718151838948573184/so-she-might-not-be-a-major-character-but-violynne
Bandcamp United formed after a 31-7 vote by eligible Epic Games-owned Bandcamp employees https://linktr.ee/bandcampunited & https://blog.bandcamp.com/2023/05/19/bandcamp-and-bandcamp-united-release-joint-statement-on-union-vote/  
Layoffs at Brace Yourself Games (Crypt of the NecroDancer) https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/report-brace-yourself-games-lays-off-half-its-staff and Deck Nine Games (Life is Strange : True Colours) https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/life-is-strange-dev-deck-nine-games-hit-with-staff-layoffs
Gizmodo interviewed Patricia Summersett, Zelda's English Voice Actor https://gizmodo.com/zelda-tears-of-kingdom-patricia-summersett-interview-1850440189
A reminder of how easily companies can scrub out the name of some of their biggest contributors https://twitter.com/WeAreJoel/status/1661172665980276737
Playstation enters a partnership with the Women's National Basketball Association https://sonyinteractive.com/en/press-releases/2023/playstation-and-wnba-announce-multi-year-partnership/
COO of board game publisher Alderac makes sexist comments after designer Elizabeth Hargrave pointed out the gender disparity of the industry https://kotaku.com/board-game-sexism-women-designers-representation-1850472739
"Get in the Car, Loser!" lead developer Christine Love is getting back into streaming https://www.twitch.tv/christine_love
Guild Esports and Sky UK (TV broadcaster) launch their No Room For Abuse campaign to prevent women being harassed when playing online https://www.gamesindustry.biz/guild-and-sky-uk-launches-no-room-for-abuse-campaign
Marvelous Showcase announces two new Story of Seasons and Rune Factory game in development https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMa-Aj3yF4g
Actor Grace Van Dien joins esports group FaZe Clan https://twitter.com/FaZeClan/status/1661809830221283347
Coming attractions :
Summer Games Fest returns online and in-person at the YouTube Theater, Los Angeles 8/6 https://www.summergamefest.com/
15/6 deadline to apply to the Canada Media Fund for up to $450,000 CAD for VR and AR projects https://cmf-fmc.ca/news/canada-and-france-launch-new-joint-incentive-for-virtual-and-augmented-reality-projects/
GDC Showcase 27-29/6 (book tickets before June to save $40) https://gdconf.com/
Thanks for reading this week's instalment and thank you for your patience - I'm not entirely settled on publishing these on Sundays yet as I find my feet with this. Also I'd initially wanted to write about the internal controversy that's come up from Grace Van Dien joining FaZe Clan, so I'd delayed this a little to try to do it justice, but the story's still developing, so look forward to a report on it next time!
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Coming This November
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Back to the Future Revised & Expanded Edition: The Ultimate Visual History by Michael Klastorin with Randal Atamaniuk
Great Scott! Go Back to the Future with Doc Brown and Marty McFly and celebrate the film's 35th anniversary with this visually stunning look at the creation of one of the most beloved movie trilogies of all time. This revised and expanded edition with officially licensed content goes behind the scenes to tell the complete story of the making of these hugely popular movies and how the adventures of Marty McFly and Doc Brown became an international phenomenon. This is a stunning journey into the creation of this beloved time-traveling saga and features hundreds of never-before-seen images from all three movies, along with rare concept art, storyboards, and other visual treasures, as well as exclusive interviews with key cast and crew members
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Few films have made an impact on popular culture like the Back to the Future trilogy. This deluxe, officially licensed book goes behind the scenes to tell the complete story of the making of these hugely popular movies and how the adventures of Marty McFly and Doc Brown became an international phenomenon.
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Back to the Future: The Ultimate Visual History is a stunning journey into the creation of this beloved time-traveling saga and features hundreds of never-before-seen images from all three movies, along with rare concept art, storyboards, and other visual treasures.
The book also features exclusive interviews with key cast and crew members--including Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, Robert Zemeckis, Bob Gale, Steven Spielberg, Frank Marshall, Kathleen Kennedy, and more--and tells the complete story of the production of the movies, from the initial concept to the staging of iconic
Few films have made an impact on popular culture like the Back to the Future trilogy. This deluxe, officially licensed book goes behind the scenes to tell the complete story of the making of these hugely popular movies and how the adventures of Marty McFly and Doc Brown became an international phenomenon.
Back to the Future: The Ultimate Visual History is a stunning journey into the creation of this beloved time-traveling saga and features hundreds of never-before-seen images from all three movies, along with rare concept art, storyboards, and other visual treasures.
The book also features exclusive interviews with key cast and crew members--including Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, Robert Zemeckis, Bob Gale, Steven Spielberg, Frank Marshall, Kathleen Kennedy, and more--and tells the complete story of the production of the movies, from the initial concept to the staging of iconic scenes such as the "Enchantment Under the Sea" dance and the hoverboard sequence. The book also delves into the wider Back to the Future universe, exploring the animated television show and Back to the Future: The Ride.
Written by Michael Klastorin--the production publicist on the second and third movies--with Back to the Future expert Randal Atamaniuk, this book delivers a range of surprises from the Universal Pictures archives and also includes a wealth of special removable items.
Comprehensive, compelling, and definitive, Back to the Future: The Ultimate Visual History is the book that fans have been waiting for.
Featured prop replica inserts include:
• Hill Valley High School Tardy Slip (from Back to the Future)
• Security pass (from Back to the Future: The Ride)
• Save the Clocktower leaflet (from Back to the Future)
• Sepia picture of Marty and Doc (from Back to the Future Part III)
• Marty's note to Doc w/envelope (from Back to the Future)
• George McFly's book (from Back to the Future Part II)
• Jaws 19 movie poster (from Back to the Future Part II)
• George and Lorraine prom photo (from Back to the Future)
• Doc's flux capacitor sketch (from Back to the Future)
• Doc's note to Marty from 1885 (from Back to the Future Part II / Part III)
• Biff one dollar bill (from Back to the Future Part II)
• "Blast from the Past" receipt (from Back to the Future Part II)
• Lenticular version of the iconic McFly family photo (from Back to the Future)
• USA Today front page insert (from Back to the Future Part II)
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thestrippershateyou · 5 years
Why do radfems not understand how words work?
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Completely ignoring the idiotic transphobia because explaining why they’re wrong about that is like explaining why fire is hot....
Also..Affix. Annex. Anorexia. Anthrax. Apex. Approximate. Apraxia. Asexual. Asphyxiation. Auxiliary. Axe. Axel. Axial. Axis. Axolotl.
Bauxite. Beeswax. Box. Buxom. 
Calyx. Cervix (of course a radfem couldn’t be expected to know this one). Climax. Coax. Coccyx. Codex. Coexist. Complex. Context. Covex. Cowpox. Crux. 
Deluxe. Detox. Dioxide. Doxy. Duplex.
Earwax. Editrix. Elixir. Epoxy. Equinox. Exacted. Exactly. Examination. Excel. Excellent. Excellency. Excerpt. Excise. Excitement. Exclamation. Exclusionary (as in “trans exclusionary radical feminist”). Excuses. Execution. Exertion. Exhaust. Exhibit. Exhume. Exile. Exist. Existence. Exit. Exotic. Expansion. Expectations. Expel. Expend. Expensive. Expiration. Explanation. Exploration. Explosion. Exodus. Expo. Expose. Expository. Expound. Express. Expunge. Extinction. Extra. Extreme.
Fax. Fixation. Fixed. Flaxen. Flexible. Flummox. Flux. Fox. 
Galaxy. Gearbox.
Helix. Hex. Hexagon. Hoax. Homosexual. Hypoxia. 
Ibex. Inbox. Index. Inexact.
Jinx. Jukebox. 
Larynx. Latex. Lax. Lexicon. Lox. Luxury. 
Matrix. Maximum. Minx. Mixers. Mixture. Moxie. 
Naloxone. Next. Nexus. Nix. Noxious. 
Oxbow. Oxen. Oxford. Oxide. Oxidisation. Oxygen. 
Peroxide. Perplexing. Phalanx. Phoenix. Pickaxe. Pixel. Pixie. Poleaxe. Pox. Praxis. Prefix. Pretext. Proximity. Proxy. 
Reflexive. Reflux. Relaxation. Remix. 
Saxophone. Sexism. Sextant. Sexpot. Sexy (there’s literally no reason why any radfem would be familiar with this concept though). Six. Sixty. Skybox. Solarplexius. Sphynx. Subtax. Suffix. Surtax. Syntax.
Taxation. Taxi. Taxonomy. Texas. Text. Thorax. Toxic. Toxin. Tuxedo. 
Unbox. Unisex. Unmixed. 
Vernix. Vexing. Vixen. Vortex.
Non English Bonus round!: Bijoux. Faux. Mexico. Oaxaca. Pax. Quixote. Roux. Xie xie.
Anyway, I could go on since I skipped a shit ton of E words. In fact, almost every time a X sounds like a Z in an English word is not when it is in the middle of the word. It is when it is at the beginning of the word (except X-ray). And Lexico only has 120 words in the English language that start with X.
“Woxxn” would be pronounced “WOX-ehn”.
You’re wrong. Again.
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coppolafrancis · 5 years
Gucci Moves Its Fine Jewelry Line Upmarket
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MILAN — These are flush times for Gucci, the 96-year-old house that in recent years has become fashion’s all-conquering luxury brand. And amid booming sales, Alessandro Michele, Gucci’s creative director since 2015, has introduced the brand’s first high-end fine jewelry line, a series of extravagant styles that present the designer’s florid evocations of flea market finds as gem-encrusted treasures.
Talking of the nostalgic inspiration behind many of his creations, Mr. Michele said, “I’ve dressed a number of women in things that were gathering dust in vintage archives — they no longer existed.”
“That includes jewelry as well,” he added. “It’s beautiful to bring them back to life and give them importance once again.”
At the Gucci Hub, a former aeronautical factory here where the brand opened its headquarters last year, the jewelry showroom reflects Mr. Michele’s opulent touch: red velvet-covered walls, red velvet room dividers, red velvet-topped tooled wood tables around a densely floral Oriental rug, and bright-toned velvet coffers lined in silk to showcase the designer’s well-established motifs rendered as precious jewels.
Tigers, snakes, lions and foxes form necklaces, bracelets and rings, mirroring earlier versions that Mr. Michele created for both the costume and the mid-market fine jewelry lines at Gucci. But the new higher-end collection — which has no specific name — is more elaborate, its 25 design styles accented with a range of gemstones.
The Gucci lion-head ring, introduced in 2015 in plated metal and Swarovski crystals, is now available in 18-karat gold with a diamond-studded mane. The double-headed tiger bracelet now comes in diamond pavé; a deluxe version of the leonine earring drips with fire opals, aquamarines, rhodolites and more. The new line appears to expand the reach of Mr. Michele’s remarkably successful universe for his most ardent and wealthy collectors. It’s Gucci style for Cartier spenders — at a time when Gucci has pledged to go fur-free, eliminating what had been the brand’s biggest-ticket items.
Mr. Michele, who calls himself “a passionate student of antique jewelry,” has resurrected animalier styles, like those of the midcentury American jewelry designer David Webb, and for this new collection he has employed some vintage techniques like the intricate hand engraving used to create the animals’ faces, skipping the rhodium plating now common on white gold so it retains a yellowish cast, and the use of old-fashioned raised settings for the tiny diamonds spangled across the fishtail of a ring.
“When you see the way I combine things with each other, you perceive everything together as a new language,” he said, referring to his fashion aesthetic that mashes up the animal motifs with Chinese silks and Mexican embroideries, Renaissance gowns, Victoriana, disco drama, high ’80s glam, shades of Elton John and Dapper Dan, and more. “There’s a complete fusion of ideas. This ‘disruption’ that everyone’s talking about is found in the dialogue between these elements.”
From the new collection, Marco Bizzarri, the chief executive of Gucci, wears a woven gold bracelet with black diamonds that is embossed with the phrase “Blind for Love” in capital letters across the top. Mr. Michele himself has a gold ring with a fox’s head, a large brown diamond set between its ears. Though the pieces look like styles that, in their antique forms, were made for women, in the Gucci context, anyone can wear them. 
“Clothes, like jewelry, don’t have very revolutionary roots, meaning that what’s revolutionary is the way you wear a piece of jewelry,” the designer said. 
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So far the collection, with prices that mostly range from 15,000 euros to 70,000 euros ($17,900 to $83,500), has been offered only to favorite clients through private sales in Japan, China and the United States and private appointments that began in July.
Gucci refers to the pieces, which are not high jewelry (typically starting in the $100,000 range and going into the millions), as “medium-high,” or as “unique pieces” when it repeats designs using different gems. However, the brand says it is considering a move into the bigger stones and larger price tags of true high jewelry for its next collection.
Gucci is not the first fashion house to enter the upper echelons of jewelry. Chanel, Dior and Louis Vuitton have all made it big business, as the high jewelry market has flourished through and beyond the economic downturn of the last decade. 
And the brand’s fortunes have been growing at a clip that has shocked industry watchers. Kering, its parent group, reported that Gucci’s revenue soared 42 percent to €1.5 billion in the three months to the end of September. And its biggest boost has been coming from millennials, who, Kering says, account for at least half of its 2017 sales thus far.
“The new generation is going to want a more modern jeweler,” said Maurizio Pisanu, the house’s director of jewelry merchandising. “So it’s up to the brand that realizes that first, and Gucci already had the right intuition two years ago — to break the rules.”
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Details of the collection pieces — the invisible clasps, the smooth spring hinges on bracelets, the hand-sawed honeycomb patterns that bring light to the pavé petals of the Flora styles — already reflect some of the precision craftsmanship of high jewelry.
Gucci has hired its first staff gemologist to search for stones worldwide and maintains a jewelry workshop with about 30 goldsmiths and stone-setters near Milan. All of the brand’s existing fine jewelry and now most of its high-end fine jewelry pieces are made there, with some help from an external atelier in Valenza, a center of Italian jewelry fabrication about 60 miles to the south.
According to the brand, sales of the initial pieces have been brisk (although it won’t provide specifics).
So if the collection does expand, Mr. Michele’s antique-tinged, everything-is-precious aesthetic might disrupt the higher stratospheres of the jewelry sector in the way that he has already reset Gucci and the fashion desires of a vast public.
The collection has arrived at a moment when the codes of high jewelry are in flux — important stones are becoming more difficult to find, and a new generation of customers is more interested in showing off wearable (and possibly recognizably branded) design than owning the special occasion gem-encrusted parures of the past.
Mr. Pisanu said design-driven jewelry customers “benefit a brand like Gucci, where jewelry isn’t our core business but we have the ability to make high-quality jewelry like the other brands — and with a different aesthetic that’s much more innovative than what a classic brand would ever dare to make.”
If you are in search of gold rings for women then please contact us and send your queries.
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stopscammingartists · 11 months
Recently, Glip banned a user who just departed the server for personal reasons because the user might....rejoin a community they thought showed sympathy to them and “““self harm”““ by reading messages sent by people they thought cared for them shit talking them
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So this user is going through some personal problems, and vented about it in the general public chat, apparently also bringing up NSFW topics while pretty clearly not being in a sound state of mind. They even mention that they suffer from paranoia.
The initial response of telling the user that this topic is not appropriate for the channel, and that the NSFW topic especially wasn’t appropriate & removing it was the correct response. I am not criticizing Glip + Razca for that. (Ok I might criticize Razca for kinda implying that spoiled NSFW content is ok in the general chat with minors around.)
The issues begin with Razca being a pedantic asshole to this user, because they are mentally distressed and not directly answering the questions asked.
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The user then leaves. ‘Cool. Problem solved, the topic can be dropped in the public general channel’ Is what a reasonable person would think. Glip on the other hand, decides to be petty for no reason to someone they do not feel empathy for, and brings up the ‘issue’ of the user using an emote on their departure.
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Whatever this weird fucking thing is
Then the weird Greek chorus of everyone else immediately validating Glip’s pressing problem of the user - who is currently going through substantial personal problems and is no longer even in the server using an emote incorrectly. This public group digging over emote usage is beyond walking on egg shells, casual floraverse fans are fucking walking on broken glass.
It then devolves into fucking everyone shit talking and psycho-analyzing the user.
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These aren’t randos shit talking this user, this is Glip, Pengo, and others who are in positions of authority in the overall community. They are picking apart the user’s intentions, forcing a negative spin on it, and airing it out in the servers public general channel. The person they are talking about is someone who is currently going through some heavy personal problems and struggles with paranoia, and aren’t even in the server anymore to defend themselves. It’s just cruelty.
Previously, everyone here has only ever treated this user with kindness.
This is Glip and their friends / partners making an example out of the user for other members, to discourage stepping out of line. It does not matter if you think you are in good standing in the community, if you think these people are sympathetic or care about you. They don’t. And they will all be happy to stab you in the back while you are at your lowest for a small gain of intimidating other casual members.
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'This user who just left our server for personal reasons might return and read us shit talking them in the public general chat. We gotta ban them so we don’t face consequences from them for shit talking them they don’t "self harm".  ‘
They do a cute trick here. Notice when they’re picking apart the users′s intentions, their mental state is never a consideration? They’re ‘playing games’, ‘They’re trying to extract sympathy’, ‘they’re blaming the server for their problems’, not a single thing about how the person is just fucking going through it and may not be thinking their actions through at this exact point in time.
Then when they realize the user may return, they ban them. Not because of the rule they broke previously, but because the user ‘will self harm by reading us saying these awful things about them’.
If Glip is worried that the behavior they allowed is going to cause Self-Harm by simply reading the words that are said in their public community, maybe it's time to look at the behaviors and manners they allow to fester in their spaces. 
This is just co-opting talk of self care to mask the fact that they’re just plain old fucking bullies.
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stopscammingartists · 4 months
webcomic relief posted part 2 of that floraverse review: /watch?v=Ss20Q3ZC0N8
co-mod here! remember to support projects you care about by leaving a like and maybe a comment! it really helps out creators who want to get ahead 💖💖🥰
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Hey, so, I'm Hex's partner and I check in on this blog irregularly. One of my biggest regrets in hindsight is not really understanding the full context of how fucked up Flora was and how they treated her, because as a mostly outside perspective who was only let into their spaces as a glorified plus one, I could just *feel* something was off with their "scenes" and they way they all talked in general.
And in regards to all the people involved in that little talk about shoving her into a corner or isolating her for funzies? I fucking WISH you had the balls to talk to me now, I'd lay the fuck into you and no amount of emotional theatre grandstanding would save you.
Co-mod here, hi there hex’s partner! One of our main purposes with the blog (and by extension the site) is to give people enough resources to recognize how they are being mistreated, it’s hard enough to convince yourself that you were mistreated, let alone other people if you don’t have the resources to explain what happened. We’re really happy to have helped! What hex went through was inexcusable and we hope to platform her and others stories so it’s harder for glip and co to keep getting away with it.
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stopscammingartists · 11 months
I noticed you removed all discussions mentioning Boxley, why?
Did it make you look really bad when you were repeatedly telling them they didn't understand their own feelings because they didn't agree with you?
Do you think people shouldn't be held to account for everything they've ever said in the past or something? or just you?
You Dont seem to have any shame in displaying Boxley's cherrypicked words on your website where you continue to speculate on him not understanding his own feelings, only this time in a place you can fully control the narrative.
Actually, I think you just can't search for shit
Here's a post about Boxley
Here's a post about Boxley
Here's a post about Boxley
Here's a post about Boxley
Here's a post about Boxley
Here's a post about Boxley
Here's a post about Boxley
Here's a post about Boxley
Here's a post about Boxley
If we're talking about accountability, surely you seen my two recent posts about how Opa sexually assaulted Jolly and how Glip + Iz directly knowingly lied about Iz getting rape art made about Rina. I think that if we want to talk about accountability that we should talk about those things too.
Did it make you look really bad when you were repeatedly telling them they didn't understand their own feelings because they didn't agree with you?
Abuse can and does happen without the victim recognizing it as abuse. Often. Do you think Marl was only abusive to Glip when Glip realized they where being abused? That the years of abuse Marl inflected on Glip weren't actually abusive behavior until Glip recognized it as such? Abuse victims often struggle to recognize their own abuse. It is why people struggle to leave their abusers.
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And this is fucking abusive. End of sentence.
Your argument that people can only be abused if they recognize it as abuse only serves to protect abusers. I guess hey, if nothing else you guys are at least consistent about being pro-abuse.
Do you think people shouldn't be held to account for everything they've ever said in the past or something? or just you?
Well, considering that you where wrong about the Boxley posts being deleted, the hypocrisy argument goes out the door.
But you don't really get it, do you?
This isn't about something stupid Glip said one time years ago. This is about two different documented patterns of behavior of Glip protecting abusive individuals in their community and using their roleplay projects to groom children for their fucking grooming fetish. Glip has engaged in both patterns for years over the span of the last decade. And are still doing both. Right now. At this moment.
Years ago, Lain spoke up about Marl exposing her to dog porn. Even though Glip fucking knew that Marl was using their pet dog in porn, Glip decided to use their platform to slander Lain. Called her some atrocious things. Anything to protect Marl.
But who cares, it was years ago. Glip even said they fucked u-
Recently, Rina spoke up about Iz sexually abusing her. Even though Glip fucking knew that Iz had written a rape VN about Rina and commissioned rape art to project onto her, Glip decided to use their platform and outright lied about Rina's claims. Even though Glip had screenshots of Iz admitting that it made those pieces of rape art thinking about Rina. Anything to protect Iz.
Recently, Jolly spoke out about what the Floraverse community and specifically Opa exploited them. It's obvious from the basic facts of the story that Opa was the one with the power in the situation. Jolly was 19-20, Opa was nearly 40, they had sexual relations. Glip decided to use their platform to actively wish that Jolly fucking died when they attempted suicide because of the abuse inflicted by them by Opa. Anything to protect Opa.
Years ago, Glip ran a roleplay group about Pokemon. Glip was the DM in this roleplay group, and allowed children to partake. Glip decided to include sexual, inappropriate elements into the story of this roleplay group despite the fact the roleplay group allowed for children to partake. Glip may have tired to separate this sexual content from the main content, but did so extremely poorly in an ineffective way. This lead to very young kids being introduced to things they where not ready for, and has negatively impacted their perception of sex growing up.
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.....But who cares, it was years ago. Glip even said they fucked u-
Glip, today runs a roleplay group and webcomic called Floraverse. Glip is essentially the DM in this roleplay group, and allows children to partake. Glip includes sexual, inappropriate elements into the story of this roleplay group despite the fact the roleplay group allows for children to partake. Glip may have tired to separate this sexual content from the main content, but did so extremely poorly in an ineffective way. This lead to very young kids being introduced to things they where not ready for, and has negatively impacted their perception of sex growing up - and is still doing so today. Right now. There is literally fucking vore in the latest VN.
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You Dont seem to have any shame in displaying Boxley's cherrypicked words on your website where you continue to speculate on him not understanding his own feelings, only this time in a place you can fully control the narrative.
You're right. I don't, and everyone should go read this page if if they want to learn how you guys are a cult and this page if they want to learn a more detailed history of how Glip has enabled + protected abusers within their community.
If there's anything fake or incorrect on our site, let me know with the evidence! We care about the truth, which is why there are a lot of sources to the documented behavior of the Floraverse community on there- because we believe your abhorrent behavior largely speaks for itself.
We'll be happy to make any corrections that may be necessary :)
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stopscammingartists · 11 months
man glip and co. sure have practiced the art of weaponizing therapy-speak huh. it's all "i feel this, i feel that" and of course, feelings are the highest priority. (only theirs though, not anyone else's!)
I started to call it HR speak because I feel like it gets the point across about how they only care about what benefits them and the soulless, inherently cruel nature of it.
Like a therapist will probably give a shit if you where sexually assaulted by your friend or coworker. These people not only don't, but will do what they can to protect the sexual assaulter if Iz or Opa are anything to go by. Like a true HR employee!
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stopscammingartists · 11 months
i used to be in flora discord but i got kicked out a couple montbs ago for being openly suicidal in the chat and that was like "harmful" to the people i guess like they were saying i was dangerous to be around cause i said i wanted to kill myself
Being suicidal does not make you harmful
Being suicidal does not make you dangerous
Holy fuck anon, I hope you're doing okay right now. What a cruel thing to do to someone going through that. It makes sense to tell a person who is suicidal in chat to stop discussing it in chat, but you don't fucking kick them while they're down and call them 'harmful' while doing it.
You point them in the direction on where to get help.
In my server we have a bot command that pulls up various crisis hotlines to call for support.
Between this ask, Jolly, and this clusterfuck, I think Glip just genuinely fucking hates people who are mentally / emotionally struggling.
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stopscammingartists · 11 months
I don’t understand where anon is getting ‘humiliation’ from? It’s screenshots from a public chat in a public server; it’s not like it’s anything hidden. And Boxley’s been defending their treatment as perfectly reasonable in their book. So who’s supposedly being humiliated here?
Let's be honest, it's Glip whose being humiliated.
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You'd deadass never see my face online again if screenshots of me saying this shit so needlessly cruel to someone surfaced.
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stopscammingartists · 11 months
i notice there's quite the heavy emphasis on the feelings of floraverse members (esp the higher-ups like glip, pengo, eevee, etc) which is framed in such a way as to make their feelings absolute highest priority. e.g: how dare you post screencaps of publicly available discord messages, that's disrespecting my privacy and hurting my feelings, you're so horrible. how dare you use boxley's abuse as an example of the highly abusive nature of scenes, you didn't get boxley's permission, you don't care about them you're so hurtful etc. this might be a tough pill to swallow, but claims of 'hurt feelings' do not automatically take priority over other very significant factors, such as the potential safety of other victims. if we all collectively operated on the policy that 'hurt feelings are the highest priority always', we'd never get anything done as a society lmfao.
It's such a subtle trick to reframe entire situations - but it also shows how fucking selfish they are.
Could you imagine if Marl whined about his feelings being hurt?
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stopscammingartists · 11 months
God I'm reading through some of the discord logs and holy shit why can't any of them just like. Talk like normal people? "I don't understand why you would compare love to a bullet. That seems violent." Your experiences are not universal!!! Hope this helps!!!!! What the fuck!!!!! Terrifying!!!!
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