#Foxes and badgers
bonefall · 1 year
bonefall, you've replaced a lot of the fox and badger encounters with boars instead (which makes sense) - but now what are clan cat's relationships with foxes and badgers? sorry if you've already stated this somewhere else
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[ID: Stock photo of a European badger and a cat. They're about the same size.]
Badgers are pretty simple; they're a major, but not insurmountable problem for Clan cats. They're like a BIG, strong rogue. There's actually plenty of them on Clan territory, they don't get "chased out" like canon.
EXCEPT in WindClan, back when Tunneling was a practice. Badgers will leave you alone if you leave their burrows alone, but had a habit of moving into WindClan's tunnels and raiding rabbit warrens. WindClan specifically would chase them out in-mass.
BB!Badger facts;
Use in a name invokes strength, or construction ability.
Badgers are respected for their ability to dig setts.
In a one-on-one fight, a badger poses a serious danger to all but the strongest warriors. You want two or three cats if you're going to take on a badger; two is usually more than enough.
Bluestar had to kill a badger alone once, when Cricketkit and Darkkit wandered off one snowy night. That was pretty early in her leadership. She lost a life.
They're grumpy, but will leave you alone if you respect their space. Usually a badger that's attacking was pissed off for some other reason, or is defending cubs.
ShadowClan will eat them, insisting that they just need to be spiced up and it's a lot of meat to waste.
Badgers are generally considered "less dangerous" than foxes.
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[ID: A fox and a black cat. The fox is considerably taller and larger.]
This is wildlife that needs to be treated with caution. Foxes can get pretty big, and are notoriously quite intelligent. A weakened warrior or a wayward apprentice could be killed by an opportunistic fox, though it's rare that a fox will put itself in danger against a healthy adult cat.
Clan cats have three words for various types of foxes which are uniquely dealt with. Vixen, Fox, and Todd. These don't actually have anything to do with the sex of the animal, unlike English.
a TODD is a young, roving fox who has no territory.
In Clanmew, they're called Ka'ak, based on the clicking challenge call between two foxes. They tend to bother each other more than they bother Clan cats.
Todds are associated with aimless mischief. They wander in, cause problems, and then usually move on as if they're bored. Occasionally though, they will unseat the local foxes and vixens, in terms of dominance or even in terms of winning territory!
When used in a name, it implies general troublemaking just for the sake of it. It's almost playful.
a FOX is a fox that lives in some kind of group.
This usually refers to a vixen's kits, or the local dog foxes. In Clanmew, these are called Aowao, based off the close-contact call foxes make when they're communicating.
A fox in a group is a pack full of trouble. This is where the insult "foxheart" starts to get its bite. Groups of foxes get bold and curious, and a cat is a sizeable meal to them, if they could manage to pick one off.
When used in a name, it implies cleverness or scheming. It's much more social than either of the other two uses, as well.
a VIXEN is an established, mature animal that rules a territory.
Vixens consistently get named by Clan cats, because those names have a use. Whitespot, the Valley Fox, Big Ginger; and their territories are noted by the Head of Hunting. Any changes in 'ownership' are a point of concern, because the vixen you know is better than the one you don't.
And rest assured, if you DID happen to chase off one vixen, there would surely be a todd looking to take the space. Clan cats learned long ago that you can't chase off all the foxes in the forest, it's best to simply select for the least troublesome vixens.
The Clanmew word for vixens, Bwaayr, comes from the haunting screech of a fox during the mating season, which sounds like a person being murdered.
This, when used in an insult, implies active malice. Vixens cause trouble that they know they can get away with, and know their territories very well. A vixen is an older animal, probably raising little fox groups of their own. They're minded cautiously.
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tomiyeee · 2 months
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babyanimalgifs · 5 months
For those of you who read the book "The fantastic Mr Fox" here's a video of a fox and a badger sharing a meal together
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antirepurp · 6 months
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revisited the old "they descended from ancients + shadow was made by them" concept and put more thought into the markings this time, that and i took cues from their concept arts as a treat for myself. no chaos forms this time bc if this has to sit on my hard drive any longer im going to start running up the walls hee hoo
(old art + original concept for the curious i suppose)
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chalkrub · 5 months
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been doodling some bri'ish wildlife - love seeing these guys. because they are the classics aren't they?
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canines-crown · 3 months
My mom said we can go dig a den in the forest together if that's okay with your mom
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some therian userboxes i made!! 🐾🫶
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feel free to reblog/download and use on your profile but keep my username visible ty! :)
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theserlingbucket · 2 years
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multiisketch · 17 days
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SONIC BOOM: Revisited | Issue 1 | Title Page
So... been having ideas--LOTS of ideas--for a comic that sorta... does a lot of the stuff I would have loved to see Sonic Boom do? Like... mainline stuff but a bit more comical? Basically I got... 3 Arcs planned out, each lasting about 3 issues with 20 pages each. So that's about 9 issues with more to come after that. Issue 1 is in the coloring phase. Wanted to post this as a teaser for that. My goal with this is just gonna be to have some fun with art things and playing around in Sonic's World :)
I won't spoil the plot, but if you've seen my other post where I talked about some concepts I've had in the works, you'll have a general idea!
Open to questions about the project as well!
Logo-less version under cut:
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Sonic as Vines - Part 1/?
Feel free to submit suggestions for future Sonic Vine animatics!
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eye-candy-film-enjoyer · 11 months
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Wes Anderson Movies + textpost part 11/11 (I didn’t give up)
Fantastic Mr Fox Edition
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rabosa-al-forn · 1 year
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essycogany · 1 year
Rare But Not So Rare Sonic Moments. Character Analysis.
A weird topic I’m more then happy to discuss.
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Mandate: “Sonic’s not allowed to get overly emotional.”
I’m starting to think the mandates do break in a few instances. This one specifically is something I’m quite interested in because this is probably one of the rarest emotions Sonic displays. Getting sad/emotional.
Hopefully this essay will be a positive outlook on the mandate.
(Despite being a discussion about negative emotions.)
Examples Of Sonic Getting Emotional
I might not include everything, but the examples I have knowledge of will be stated. If you have anymore examples, I’d love to see them.
SATAM: Sonic cried when he and the Freedomfighters had to leave his Uncle Chuck in Robotnik’s lab.
Archie: The times Sonic cried/teared up was when the weight of a situation got to him, when something tragic occurred and all hope was lost, or when he was filled with joy after those instances ended. Those moments like others, didn’t go too far. (For the most part)
Pretty sure he never out right sobbed.
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Underground: I think Sonic only cried when he was a little kid.
Correct me if I’m wrong.
X: In episode 52 Sonic allowed his tears to shed with his head turned away from us. He and Chris ran one last time before Sonic left through a portal to go home forever. It obviously crushed him even if we didn’t see his face.
Boom: Sonic cried/teared up in two episodes of the show. First when Tails was reminiscing about the Tornado and noticed Sonic wiping his eyes. Sonic replied, “What?” Then he, Knuckles, and Tails all cried when they thought the baby they took care of was gone. Also, in Archie when Stick’s rock friend broke or “Died,” everyone in team Boom morned it. Sonic included.
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IDW: Sonic shed tears in the Scrapnick Island Issue. Even if it was “Mecha Sonic’s” tears I’ll count it anyways because it’s a good loophole and it came out of Sonic’s eyes.
Movie 1: It’s implied he indeed cried during the baseball scene. The sources being a deleted scene and story-board of the film.
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Prime: This doesn’t really count, but Sonic teared up in the first episode when he was held captive by the Chaos Council and had light blasted in his eyes, when he was in darkness. Then Sonic actually cried in episode 7 when he ate a seadog. Either because he was home-sick or starving.
(In the last episode of season two it’s implied he might cry in the next episode. Especially with the shot of him looking on the verge of tears and then covered his eyes in the background of the last shot, but we’ll see.)
By the way. You can see the instant improvement from episode 1 to 7 of the tears animation. Just thought I’d say that.
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My Overall Thoughts
Hold on because this is going to be a long ride.
First thing I’d like to discuss is the mandate itself.
I personally don’t believe it means, “Sonic shouldn’t cry.”
(Which has been stated a bunch)
If that were the case, I don’t think this majority of moments (specifically the recent ones) would’ve happened. I think the mandate meant Sonic couldn’t and or shouldn’t go too far with his emotions. I don’t think the mandate existing makes any since, but I won’t get into that.
My point is, Sonic can cry, just not in an overly dramatized way unless it’s done for comedic purposes.
(I say that because of Sonic Boom and the 7th episode of Prime examples. Which are obviously not meant to be taken seriously)
My opinions on Sonic crying.
It’s not necessarily needed, but I don’t mind if it’s done well. I do believe Sonic shouldn’t go too far unless the situation does.
One Issue in Archie when Sonic’s entire life was basically ruined, is a good example. If you’re going to have such calamities happen to him, especially since he has zero ego or mask to hold onto, I think it’s a fair enough scenario for him to react as drastic as his misfortune.
But I believe if he were to cry in something like the Metal Virus. (Just for an example) it could be like how Espio teared up after Vector’s sacrifice.
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Crazy idea. Let’s talk about Shadow for a minute.
Shadow is one of the most stoic characters in the entire franchise. He barely smiles, gets excited, or displays any overly positive emotions. While Sonic rarely cries, gets angry, or shows any harsh negative emotions. Shadow and Sonic are opposites because of that.
Sonic’s overall a positive and outgoing guy who wants to keep moving forward. Whenever he has the time to worry, he runs. Faces his problems head on. Sonic only let’s a small amount of his true emotions out when helping someone else. In general Sonic’s a pretty optimistic character.
Shadow on the other hand is a reserved and serious guy. Who wants what’s best for the world too, but in a more calculated and planned out manner. But for some reason, in Sonic Adventure 2 after Amy encouraged Shadow to save the world, (Which reminded him of Maria’s real wish) He sheds a tear.
I repeat. Shadow is the most stoic character in the entire franchise. Who rarely shows his emotions. And yet he cries.
Why can’t Sonic? To be fair, Sonic usually doesn’t have time to think, let alone worry about how he feels. But if Shadow himself can have a short moment of releasing his emotional baggage, why can’t the blue blur?
Is Sonic even as happy as he let’s on?
I’d say he’s genuinely happy half of the time. Then the other half Sonic’s internalizing everything negative in him. Everyone knows Sonic’s overall upbeat, but we’ve seen plenty of times (In the Metal Virus specifically) when he’s thinking, or enduring the chaos around him, he doubts himself. Sonic has these insecurities and emotions he barely let’s anyone see.
Besides Issue #24
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Even in Sonic Prime while Sonic shows the most guilt, sincerity, anger, fear, and sadness in the show. He sometimes still puts on a front and acts like everything’s fine.
Sonic Unleashed I’m pretty sure was the first and only time we’ve seen him mope for a minute. All because Amy didn’t know who he was. So, he does have some level of insecurities lingering every once in a while.
Can Sonic crying even work?
How I interpret him crying is when he’s alone. Some people theorize in certain instances like SA2 and Unleashed with Shadow and Chip’s sacrifices, he cried a little. I’m fascinated by this idea. I believe it’s the most in character way to let him cry. Maybe even something like X when his face isn’t shown, but you know how he’s feeling.
Even if we do see Sonic’s face, him crying or tearing up could be shown without being over the top. Normalize it in a way that doesn’t fly off the handle. His expression could have a hint of frustration, anger, or exhaustion. Crying is normal and I don’t see Sonic crying as out of character because it’s been done plenty of times.
It’d be nice if it happened in order to make Sonic feel more believable and sympathetic. As long as the dude’s not on the floor whaling, I’m sure it can work.
Final Thoughts
There are other ways to show Sonic’s emotions. Again, crying doesn’t have to happen, but it does help the writing feel less unnecessarily limited of what kind of emotions can be displayed on this character.
Though there are benefits too. Like finding fun loopholes or small animated details like in IDW and Prime. Sonic not crying so much makes the times he does (or may do in the future) feel earned and impactful. The examples before prove it can be done without taking away what makes Sonic who he is. It just needs to be subtle, quiet, and quick. (Or humorous) Depends on what you think.
At the end of it all, Sonic’s a tough hedgehog. Him shedding a few tears won’t ever change that.
Stay Creative! 💜
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taxonomytournament · 5 months
Taxonomy Tournament: Mammals
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Chiroptera. This order is made up of bats, the only mammals capable of self-powered flight. It is the second-most speciose order of mammals, with over 1400 species.
Caniformia. This suborder of Carnivora contains dogs, foxes, bears, otters, badgers, raccoons, skunks, seals, and walruses.
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The Hedgerow A4 Illustration Print by LambLittleShop
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canines-crown · 12 days
Went horseback riding with my mom yesterday and it was such an amazing experience... We always go to this huge forest, and this time we explored for a really long time, and suddenly everything felt so quiet?
We stopped... The silence was almost deafening. The forest made noise, yes, but there were no man made sounds. It felt as if we were miles and miles away from civilization-
It was also raining, the air tasted cold and wet, I could feel it refreshing my lungs... I was cold, but it felt so natural...
I started galloping a bit and while I was stabilizing myself on the horses neck with one hand, I just let go with the other... I could feel the wind between my fingers... We were so fast!
I didn't feel shifty, but being in that forest just makes me feel like... Idk. Myself
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