#Franada and Prumano
Non rare pairs
Ships including any version (1p, 2p, nyos, ect) of these ships aren't considered rare pairs and cannot be included in your submissions.
Thanks to @hwsrarepairweek2022 for the list.
2024-07-30: New ship list. Based on these criteria: 300+ fics in ao3, 500+ arts in pixiv and if there i a ship week. The reason i choose pixiv is because they give me a number of art contrary to tumblr, instagram or twitter (x).
2024-07-16: starting next year, (2025) nation x real person (historical or not) ships aren't allowed anymore. Nation OCs x Nations are fine. Nation x real person ships won't be reblogged.
If you already created something with a banned ship with the new list for rarepair week 2024, it's ok. you don't need to redo it. you can still submit.
HRE / Chibitalia
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gurotalia · 4 years
wht ur fave popular hetalia ship says ab you but fr pt2
ameripan—you’re moronsexual and love aph america for being a dumbass, and you like doting relationships
giripan—your ideal date is movies and a nap and you like the romance of trusting your partner completely
prumano—you like characters that hide behind a façade and love slow burn with intense emotions
sufin—you like the headcanon that aph finland is really the one in control and like ships with a stoic character that only cracks around their partner
lietpol—you like bestfriends since childhood fics and think dependency/loyalty is an important trait
franada—your version of aph canada is much different than canon, you believe that romance isn’t dead, and you ship usuk
turgre—you’re a masochist, love enemies to lovers, and weren’t satisfied with giripan
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merrymayakitty · 5 years
Got sucked into the Hetalia fandom again....and not regretting it 😀!
School got SUPER busy this semester hooray 😭 I miss drawing so I hope I get more time over the summer 😊 Maybe I'll draw for more fandoms too if I feel up to it!
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16. Are there any ships you just can’t/don’t understand? What are they?
franada, usuk, and spamano are big ones- not in the whole my incest stance but if I ignored that I just don't understand the draw cause you can get that same dynamic without the weird mentor student/caregiver caregivee dynamic
gereng is a popular one I kind of get but mostly dont, and at this point I dont want to. prumano too
prusrus was one I never got, but then again it was always written hella abusively and seemed to be catering to the writers clinginess and violence kink a lot of times so I just never got very deep with it cause that isnt my thing-- only in like very very very specific circumstances
and engita was one i never honestly got it seemed out of left field which is hypocritical from me in rare pair hell i get that but I just was like 'this is a thing?'
I think that's it- thats all I can think of right now
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hariible · 4 years
You could argue that literally any two nations are related. Also the same person pissy about usuk will ship GerIta and Prumano and RomexGermania... Buddy... They’re all related. 😂 I hate this fandom-
Ships that get spammed by antis in the main tag: usuk
Ships that don't: spamano, caname, franada
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what ships do you sail?
Just gonna go out on a limb here Anon when I assume you mean Hetalia ships?
I mean- I don't really discriminate against any of them, but I'm not super passionate about any either?
I've kind of gotten attached to England/2P Germany and Spain/Nyo Prussia after this one roleplay I was in, with just a hint of Veneziano/Ireland sprinkled in for good measure.
I'm not super comfortable with USUK, Spamano, Franada, etc. because of the whole parent/child vibe I've always gotten from them. It just- No. I could see the appeal perhaps in Human AUs where they meet in say college or something, but not so much in canon.
If you stalk my main blogs tags, you'll mostly see me shipping England with... anyone really. There was a RusEng post a while back where I kind of joked that any ship in this fandom has some sort of historical content I could use as justification.
Mostly a lot of Prumano, PrUK, FrUK, SpUK, and AsaKiku, but really anything goes.
I'm more about family dynamics anyway; gimme more squabling siblings and Nerf Wars.
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tauremornalome · 4 years
IM ABOUT TO DESTROY YOUR WHOLE CAREER hetalia for the ask meme...
dhfagjdshdfsgs THANKS ANON.
important note: i have erased most memories of canon hetalia from my mind so the following is based almost entirely on my hcs and fanon
the first character i ever fell in love with: Prussia, England 
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: England, Hungary
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: PruCan
my ultimate favorite character™: France
prettiest character: also France :) aaand Turkey
my most hated character: Holy Roman Empire, America, aph Jeanne d’Arc xd also I hate Austria but in the ‘’he is a very interesting character but I would fuckin murder him if I ever met him’’ way, the same with Hungary
my OTP: France/Poland, FrUK, Poland/Turkey, male!Czech/Saxony, France/Pauline Bonaparte, France/tsar Alexander I :3
my NOTP: USUK, AusHun, SuFin, Franada
favorite episode: 
saddest death: Prussia died and you cannot convince me otherwise. Not really sad but yeah
favorite season: 
least favorite season: 
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: America, North Italy
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: well... France? Prussia?
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: every character deserves better than what canon Hetalia did to them
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: uhmmmm. France/tsar Alexander I. also PrusPol.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: PolHun, LietPol, France/Russia, Russia/Austria, Prussia/Saxony, Prussia/male!Czech, DenNor, female!Germany/North Italy, Prumano
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hetaliaweekinreview · 6 years
Ships that will be tracked today, even though we’re currently a bit behind schedule:
PruCan PruAus PruHun PruMano UsUK FrUK GerIta SpaMano SpaUK AsaKiku RusAme RoChu NiChu DenNor SuFin FraIn NorFin DenSu AusHun SuNor Nyo AsaKiku Franada FrUS FrEychelles DenFin SweAme NedDen HongIce Lietpol PruNor RusCan TurkeyPan RomBela RusPrus RomBul LuxBul OZNZ BelaLiech HunUkr IggyChu SpaAus GerAme PortSpa Germano RomAnia HunMania SwissAus AmeriPan CanUkr EstFin GiriPan IceSey NedPan PruDen GerSwe NedNor PruAusHun AmeChu FraScot America/Nyo Japan Romania/Canada
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alyfa · 7 years
14 n 15!! :D
14:  What popular ship do you not like? - i don’t like usuk and idk if these are popular but franada, nichu, prucan, aushun, pruaus and prurus (with don’t like i don’t mean hate... just i prefer other pairings ;3 )
15:  What unpopular ship do you like? - PAKCHINA! and idk if these are unpopular but amechu, amebela, india x thailand, prumano, swissaus(i can’t think of others rn but there are a lot of rare pair i like... rip my brain xD)
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What are your OTPS and NOTPS?
Rocksalt: HOOOOO boy. I really love NorNyoDen and DenNor (Not much of a fan for DenNyoNor tho idk ), Spamano, PruNyoMano. My NOTP is UsUk and PruCan. Like naaaah mate. Naaah. Kosher: Ameripan is my one true soul and strength. Other than that I like FrUK (hah, talk about mainstream) and also really got into GerAme? For least fave, I’m not a biig fan of the USUK, Spamano and Franada dynamics. To each their own, tho!Smoked:I reaaally like EngBelg (there are some great fanfics man) but idk I don’t really ship that much. Notp is any kind of Prumano and Ruspru(hows that even called)Iodized: LietBela is my current favorite, but DenNor is endgame!!! (winks @rocksalt) Tbh I’m not much of an USUK fan too, and I really don’t like SuNor.
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askthehetaliaships · 10 years
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Guess who's back.
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askthehetaliaships · 11 years
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F: Romanada and I aren't... friends... exactly... 
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askthehetaliaships · 11 years
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((I find it funny to portray Prumano this way because I've never seen his following pick this many fights. I guess this calls for a disclaimer:
Gund's actions and views do not necessarily reflect that of the admin or Prumano fans. ...Same goes for Florence and Lia Pip.))
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askthehetaliaships · 11 years
Oh, THAT F.A.C.E. ship
((Be careful past the READ MORE. There's nothing bad, but the word "sex" pops up. Dun DUn DUUUUUUUUN.))
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((Prumano's does it, actually. With a few different ships. He just sort of kind of forgot the guy he has a crush on watches gay porn with other guys and it broke his brain a little.
This whole thing is my fault. It took me quite a while to realize that "the FACE ship" didn't mean FACE orgies but FrUK and AmeCan. Sorry to rope you into my misunderstanding and force you to bring up one of your secrets, Franada. VwV)) 
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askthehetaliaships · 11 years
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P: Not before we've had a very long talk with Miss Pruhun about how inappropriate her behavior was!!!!
F: A-And Lia Pip understands that this isn't okay!
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