helltalia-inc · 3 years
I ship romanada (romano x canada) so hard x_x
First time seeing it! Would you like to share more of it Anon?
How would be their interactions? 😋 How did it start? Who confessed first? Is there an AU specially made for them?
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celosia-starfall · 5 years
@amoxesyoew , I present to you the finally finished RomaCan fanfic! Based off of THIS POST like a month ago.
This took me absolutely forever to finish because it was originally only going to be a one-shot until it took on a life of its own and started getting so much longer...but it’s finally done! All 20 chapters of it!!!
I’m definitely super proud of it, and I hope everyone enjoys!
Also tagging @no-titty-waifu @thealmightytema @weeb-meister because I saw you guys reblog the asks.
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[APH] Comedy Fanfic Recs
This list will be for fanfiction I’ve read (a LONG time ago) and think y’all might find humorous too. Warning: Any and all pairings may be listed below, whether shipping is the primary focus of the plot or not. Besides that, some unfinished works may be included due to how interesting the premise / execution is. Please, however, try to keep an open mind for such details.
First up, Loop De Loop by Mitsuki Horenake. For a simple little dose of crack revolving around the consequences of taking off the Italy bros. curls in a silly, lighthearted way, you won’t regret reading. [Finished one-shot]
Next, Inappropriate Bedtime Stories: As Told By Denmark by Rantzilla. If the title is anything to read into, the story told in Denmark’s POV is ridiculous as one would come to expect from the former Viking. Read to find out why! [Finished one-shot]
Oh God, Get Me Out! by Triangular Prism is a hilarious multi-chapter fic where England, Russia, Prussia, Japan and N. Italy find themselves stuck in a malfunctioning elevator together. Sound uneventful? I wouldn’t say so... [Unfinished]
Operation: Sweet & Sour by Thing2BK is a slow burn Romanada (Romano X Canada) story with a cliche enough idea, Elizaveta getting the two to go out together from a high school meddler’s desire to see what’d happen. But, to discount the heart and humor within each of its 36 chapters would be doing it injustice. [Finished]
Prince’s Hand And Half of the Kingdom by marinoa shows us FrUK in a fairytale setting in which Arthur is forced to marry a very special frog, both very unwilling to go through with the process. Whatever shall a desperate prince do to evade the slimy frog’s existence? [Finished]
Child’s Play & Wildlife Encounter by GlitterTrails are only two of MANY delightfully charming stories produced by this author. Both stories tell of SuFin-related funtimes. Child’s Play being the tale of the two as children first meeting in a human AU and Wildlife Encounter showcases Tino as a TV animal expert (akin to Steve Irwin but goofier and scared) becoming spooked by the newest of creatures, the future love of his life.
How To Get Recognized by Mama May-Eye is a rare story about the micronations Sealand and Ladonia asserting their nation status to one flabbergasted Sweden, strengthening the two boys’ bond all the while. My description isn’t doing the humor within any justice, so read for that yourself. [Finished]
Do It Right by Arlia’Devi is a GerIta and Spamano tale of Germany’s attempt to give Italy the proper proposal and Roma not taking this sitting down. I read it from the kink meme first and lemme tell ya, it had me laughing like a crazy person. [Finished]
Childs Play by pupeez4eva is a side-splitting journey from the accidental transformation of America and Germany into kids because of Prussia’s mistake. Even without a concrete ending provided, there’s enough chapters of the story to get lost in. [Unfinished]
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eurazba · 5 years
Shipping Game
Pick your top 10 ships without reading the questions. [or if you’re a one ship dedicated blog, feel free to answer all of them for just that one, or do all the ships from one fandom, this is just for fun].
Tagged by: @somethingscarlet13 thanks!!!
1. Hammerhunter (Joby)
2. Jlaireby
3. Ruscan
4. Vegamarch
5. Rintori
6. FinnPoe
7. Adrialyanetteno
8. Alyanette
9. Romanada
10. Spiritassassin
Do you remember the episode/chapter/scene where you first started shipping 6? Finnpoe
jkfjlhsfjklgdk, Literally the first scene when Finn takes off his mask and faces Poe I literally went “haha, I ship them” in the theater not really aware of how their stories would progress or that they were main characters (I went into the new Star Wars completely blind). And then it was all downhill from there, the jacket scene was a definite no going back moment.
What’s your favorite fanfiction for 4? Vegamarch I’ll admit, I haven’t really read any Dream Daddy fanfic (despite having 2 fic ideas (both Vegamarch) that I want to write. Of those two though, my fav is the Prince and Royal Adviser AU. Damien is a royal prince who likes to sneak out and was heavily involved in a gang (??? I don’t have all my notes), until he had a son with the leader and hand to give him up in order to something soemthign. Hugo is his royal adviser and sneaks out to join underground fights for extra money to support his son who he is not allowed to actually have as a royal adviser. He’s also desperately trying to stop his son from joining the gang that Damien was involved in and that Lucien is now the heir to.
What’s your favorite fan art/picture for 2? Jlaireby Uhhh there isn’t much art for this ship (rip) but I do love this collection of pics by Winterwithers, especially the 3rd one where Jim is carrying Claire and Toby.
What’s your favorite headcanon for 1? Hammerhunter Uhhhh that’s a hard one since I have so many and never actually write down my headcanons, but uhh, one that I have is even though Toby can’t really cook human food, troll food and troll recipes are a lot easier to make so he’s learned to make that. Jim prefers to make Human food ‘cause the recipes are more complex and troll recipes are often “too boring” for him, so Jim and Toby cook for each other. 
What do you like most about the dynamic between the people of 7? Adrialyanetteno They’re 2 pairs of best friends coming together in a cacophony of ripping on each other and supporting the fuck out of each other. 
When 9 have sex is it more giggly or more serious? Romanada  Uhhhh, I haven’t really thought much about that, but at the beginning of their relationship it’s rather serious but as they get to know each other better and relax it becomes more giggly, particularly on Canada’s part who has a more relaxed view on sex.
Out of all the ships who do you think have the best chemistry?
Uuuuhhhhh, that’s a hard one (obviously) but probably Spiritassassin, they have this great trust in each other and the way they interact (like an old married couple) really shows that.
Which ship has the strongest bond? 
Probably Spiritassassin again ‘cause they’ve known each other the longest (in proportion to their lives, ignore the hetalian immortality) and just understand each other and watch other each other as well as having literal bond in The Force.
Which ship do you spend the most time reading fanfiction for/talking/writing about? 
This is a difficult one ‘cause all of these ships come in waves for me as I go from fandom to fandom over time, (they also vary on size and that makes for an unfair tilt). I honestly cannot say.
Which one was your first ship? 
Ruscan definitely, it was the ship that got me into fanfiction and eventually fandom to begin with (the first fic I EVER read was a 300k+ Ruscan fic that sealed them in my heart forever).
If 6 were to break up, how would it happen? FinnPoe Not to be dramatic, but I can’t actually think of a way of them to break up unless one were to die.
Between 3 and 8, who would last the longest if they were in a zombie apocalypse? Ruscan & Alyanette
Alya and Marinette have the miraculous, but they’re both still kinda limited in their abilities and would be rather self sacrificing for each other and their loved ones. Russia and Canada are semi-immortal beings whose strength is tied to their countries, so long as their entier country isn’t wiped out (and both of them have isolated populations that would be difficult for a zombie apocalypse to reach) they’d probably last the longest.
Does 7 hide their relationship, and if so, why? Adrialyanettno A bit at first, Adrien is really famous and once word gets out that he’s no longer available, all of his partners are potential to be targeted and harassed. They try really hard to hid their relationship as their superhero selves for obvious reasons, but Alya, Nino, and Adrien are all too gushy.
What is 9′s favorite date to go on? Romanada Anytime they go out, something goes wrong, their favorite “dates” are when they stay in together.
What’s your favorite canon moment between 10? Spiritassassin All of them (except when they die akhljkldsfak) No uh
“Good luck.”
“I don’t need luck, I have you.”
*begrudgingly follows after Chirrut*
What do 5 argue most about? Rintori Hhhhhhhh, capability probably, Ai has this mix of thinking he’s capable in certain situations and under capable in others, Rin usually is the one who has to keeps him level.
If you had to pick an OTP which would you chose? PICK FOR WHAT??? TOP PAIRING??? TRUE ONE TRUE PAIRING???
Oh, Also, no. I’m a mulitishipper, there is no such thing as a true otp for me.
What’s the biggest kink that 1 shares? Hammerhunter kjhgafsjsdflahknms Teeth/biting
Do 8 want children? Alyanette Definitely, at first they both were in agreement that they wanted a bunch of kids but after getting their first they panicked, and decided that maybe two would be just enough for them. 
Between 10 and 4, which would you rather become canon? Vegamarch & Spiritassassin
gjgkdjsdlhfk BOTH OF THESE ARE CANON, fhlaj Vegamarch has a canon ending and you cannot convince me that Spiritassassin is not canon.
Does 2 do much PDA? And does it annoy their friends? Jlaireby They each vary, Toby has no qualms about PDA, Jim is more cautious about it,and Claire is either or. Their friends don’t have much issue with it, and the trolls don’t notice it since trolls show affection in different ways from humans.
Which of the ships would you say is the most romantic with each other? 
Vegamarch and Alyanette would probably be the most romantic with each other. Vegamarch with their little interactions and going out as much as they can, they listen to each other and do things that reflect their partners’ interests. Alyanette would be the couple constantly surprising each other with romantic gifts.
How would the proposal between 5 go? Rintori Quiet and between each other, Rin tries to plan it all out but Ai springs it on him suddenly. No one really knows or even has a suspicion on a proposal until they announce their engagement, which Aii does the moment it’s done.
Who cooks more often in 3? Ruscan Canada, he has a more loving relationship with food and likes cooking for those he loves.
I tag: uhh @elizabethemerald @shipping-monstah @seagullandcroissant @autumnalfallingleaves @emmy-puff @im-the-king-of-the-ocean and anyone else who wants to do this idk man
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aphlamp · 6 years
Here's my gift for the APH Rarepair Secret Santa (@aphsecretsanta)! This fic is for @abananaisaweapon who asked for Romanada and Flower Shop/Tattoo Studio AU. I hope you're having a wondeful holiday!
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littlebigplanet · 6 years
my only mission rn is shipping my rarepairs
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aphsea · 6 years
Hello friends! 
I really need some more blogs to follow so if you post/reblog any of the following please like/rb so I can check out your blog!
☆ Hetalia                           ☆ prucan ☆ romanada/romacan ☆ aph canada ♡ ♡ ☆ aph prussia ☆ aph south italy ☆ okay basically all hetalia i just love it and my dash is dry. above are just my favs ♡
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My latest drawings
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artistsandetective · 7 years
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Let’s kick off summer with a romacan doodle!
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katherine1753 · 4 years
Oh geez. I was the first author of romanada, that I am aware of at least, though it will not appear that way on ff because of the way the order comes in with chapter updates and edits and whatnot. I did check for fics before I wrote it because I wanted to know and there were 0. Some reviewers called me captain of the ship. It was very cute. And honestly it had just come out of a little joke with a couple of my friends and I was like hey what if I wrote this for real and then I did and then it happened so yeah. 
I was also a very very early writer of auscan (not sure if first or just extremely early I can’t remember anymore it’s been like 10 years nonny ok)
and not the first, but early into the art making for romerica or w/e it’s called
I shipped anything and everything ok, mainstream ships, rarepairs, whatever, the anime wasn’t even done yet, it’s old I’m old 
thank you for the nostalgia nonny hahaha
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aphcanada-inactive · 6 years
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this is the art i  made for that romanada exchange and omg, it’s old... like, 2013 old. and i deleted it somehow, so sorry @ whoever i originally made this for ;7;
i might redraw this hmm
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celosia-starfall · 5 years
A Chance Encounter (Part 1)
This is part of a multi-chapter fanfic that I’m going to be working on! But I just wanted to post this first part of it for the second day of the Hetalia Extravaganza by @weekofhetalia !!!
AU: Futuristic Fantasy
Pairing: Romano x Canada
Summary: In a world where magic and technology are at odds with each other, Lovino is a fire faery that has escaped from an American laboratory that had been holding him captive in order to experiment on him. After escaping, he managed to flee across the border into Canada, where Matthew finds him nearly unconscious in the cold and carries him home in order for Lovino to heal.
This world… It has the potential to be such a beautiful place, Matthew. I only wish that you would be able to see and experience all of it to the fullest… But there are dangers. Dangers that I hope you never have to face. And with these dangers, there are rules that you need to follow. Rules within the constraints of human society that you have to follow so that you don’t get hurt.
What rules, Maman? Why would someone try to hurt us?
Oh, Matthew… That’s just the way things are. People can be needlessly cruel, especially humans, and they’ll shun or hurt or use anyone that they see as different from them, even if it’s other humans.
But that’s not right!
I know, mon coeur, I know…
...Maman… You keep talking about humans as if humans aren’t the only other beings around…
Because they aren’t, Matthew. Humans have never been the only ones that live on this planet, even when they had always wanted to believe it as such… Fairies and other magical creatures exist, and now that their existence has been exposed to society, they are hunted down for various reasons by humans and tend to have to pretend to be humans as a necessity to their survival.
Does that mean magic is real!?
Yes, magic is very real. With the exceptions of mages, humans don’t have magic, which just gives another reason for humans to hunt down the creatures to exploit them for their magical qualities: mermaids for their scales to give humans the ability to breathe underwater, fairies for fairy dust, dragons for their tough hides… The list could go on forever…
But why would they do that? Why would humans be that mean!? It’s not fair!
No… It’s not… They do it because they see magical creatures as lesser beings, refusing them the same rights as humans and often using them as slaves or for the advancements of...science. That’s why it’s so important for the Fae to stay concealed, because otherwise, if a human finds out about their true nature, then their life may as well be over. And with the advancements made in technology, it’s only become that much easier for humans to discover Fae that are in hiding. Do you know how, Matthew?
It’s...because of all of the iron, right?
Yes. Iron in any amount will make the Fae feel sick; prolonged skin contact with iron can cause rashes and burns; and if it gets mixed into their blood stream, then in many cases, it can prove to be fatal… That’s why mages have it easier than other magical creatures. It’s because they aren’t affected by iron, since they’re still technically human.
But, Maman, what about technology? Wouldn’t it be able to detect if someone has magic?
No, technology and magic are polar opposites. Those who believe that science is key see magic as an unnatural ability and something that shouldn’t exist in this world. Because of this, followers of science see anything of magical origin as a bane to society. Though likewise, most of the magically gifted see technology as a dangerous thing. Magical beings still manage to survive in this tech-advanced world, but they’re suffering because of it…
...What do you mean? Maman, what’s happening to them?
I told you that humans will hunt down magical beings for trying to gain their magical abilities, but it’s not just that. Scientists will often capture Fae to study them in an effort to scientifically explain the phenomenon that is magic. Other scientists will use them as lab rats because they’re able to handle a greater amount of physical stress than a simple human can. They’re denied equal rights to humans, and there are many scientists that end up going overboard and using...unethical methods. Many magical beings have been subjected to the equivalent of torture as a result.
But… But why? They haven’t done anything to deserve that!
It’s what humans do all in the name of Science and Progress.
That’s terrible… But why are you telling me this now?
Oh, Matthew… My darling… I need you to know all of this, so that you know how to be safe and how to take care of yourself. The world is a big, dangerous place… For as many beauties there are, there are just as many dangers. And I’m not always going to be able to be around to protect you. Something big is going to be happening. I don’t know what it is or when, but I can feel it, and I need you to be prepared. Just in case… Do you understand?
Yes, Maman. I understand. I’ll… I’ll try my best.
I know you will. And just remember, I’ll always love you, Matthew.
I love you too, Maman.
Chapter 1
Lovino had finally managed to escape the lab, but he had paid dearly for it. The dark-haired Italian fae had just enough energy left to hide his wings and pointed ears before he collapsed into a shivering heap beside some waste bins just off one of the main streets.
It was cold out, and being a fire fairy, cold was the last thing he needed. Sadly, no one in this God forsaken town, aside from a trash collection machine or maybe a few cats, would probably ever glance in the direction of the bins where he was.
Matthew let out a deep breath as he walked down the street, watching his breath form in the cold air. He always preferred taking these walks instead of driving. It made him feel more connected to the actual earth somehow. He enjoyed being outside more than most people thought was natural considering all of the so-called luxuries that were provided by the technology of this era.
Sighing, he kicked a rock along, accidentally hitting it too hard one time and sending it into one of the side areas that held waste bins. Watching the rock hit the wall, his attention became focused on something that was on the ground near the bins. His eyes widened when he realized that it was a body, immediately rushing over and kneeling down next to the person, realizing how bad of shape they were in on closer inspection.
"Oh...oh mon dieu..." He hesitantly reached out a hand to place it on the dark-haired male's arm, but he stopped himself. "U-Umm...pardon, monsieur?" he asked quietly, concern filling his voice.
There was a soft groan heard as Lovino barely managed to crack his hazel eyes open to peer up at the human that was leaning over him. His first instinct was to run, to get the hell as far from the dangerous being as possible, but he wasn't in any shape to move.
He slowly blinked once before giving up on trying to stay awake. It was too fucking cold and he'd been though too much pain, suffering, and stress to be able to do more than stare up at the man briefly, his mind not quite functioning properly. His eyes slipped back shut and he went limp as his consciousness left him.
When he saw the male's body go limp, Matthew struggled not to panic, taking in deep breaths of cold air to calm his nerves. Reaching out, he placed his fingers against the side of the dark-haired male's throat, breathing out a sigh of relief when he felt a pulse. "Thank dieu," he murmured, taking off his coat.
Biting his lip to keep his teeth from chattering at the sudden loss of warmth, he moved the other male into a sitting position in order to put the coat on him. Taking a deep breath, he put one arm under his knees, the other behind his back, and lifted the male up before carrying him down the street as fast as he could without jostling the stranger too much, heading toward the Canadian's home.
Lovino instinctively curled into the sense of warmth the Canadian offered. It was only natural that he seek out warmth. It was vital to his survival as a fire fairy, after all. He started shivering slightly as his body tried to make its own warmth. His breath was a bit shallow, but still showed slightly on the cold air as he was carried to somewhere he didn't know.
Matthew shifted the other in his arms, pulling the male closer against him in order to share his body heat. He had no clue how long the other male had been out in the cold, but it must of been for quite a while. Swallowing thickly, he let out a sigh of relief when he saw his home coming up, causing him to pick up his pace. He was panting by the time he reached the front door, the cold air making his chest ache as he sniffled slightly, stepping inside the building when the door opened.
The Canadian let out a sigh as warmth washed over him, the door closing behind him. He immediately carried the dark-haired male to the bedroom, laying him down gently on the bed before walking over to the closet and pulling out several heavy, warm blankets that he placed atop of the male. Matthew bit his lip as he looked down at him, his eyebrows furrowing in concern before going and sitting in the chair at his desk to wait for the male to wake up.
Lovino continued to shiver for a bit under the blankets until he was once again warm enough to relax into the warmth of the bed. After a bit more time, he groaned and shifted under the blankets a bit before blinking awake. As he realized he was in an unfamiliar place, he started to fight against the heaps of blankets on him in an attempt to escape whatever was restraining him. He was frantic to escape, still caught in the nightmare he had actually lived for some time before escaping from the lab.
Matthew had nearly fallen asleep in his chair before he heard movement coming from the bed. His head shot up when he realized that the other male must be awake. He quickly got out of the chair, approaching the bedside hesitantly as he held his hands up in front of himself in what he hoped seemed like an unthreatening fashion.
"U-Umm... H-Hey... Don't move around like that. You'll get hurt more than you already are. You're safe here, okay? I'm… I found you outside and you were cold and hurt, s-so I carried you to my house...umm..." He bit his lip, worried about the dark-haired male's reaction when he woke up. "I-I don't know what happened to you, but I promise I won't hurt you, alright?" he murmured, taking a tentative step towards the male.
Lovino's breath was a bit ragged and there was a bit of a feral glint to his unusually bright hazel eyes. At the sound of the Canadian man's voice, he froze and turned his eyes on the blonde. He met violet eyes with hazel before visibly relaxing slightly. "Why? Why are you helping me?" There was a hint of distrust in the Italian's voice. In his personal experience the only reason a human would show interest in him was if they expected something in return.
Matthew blinked in surprise. "Why wouldn't I? You were hurt and cold. I couldn't just leave you out in the cold to possibly die," he murmured, furrowing his eyebrows in concern as he tucked a few strands of his blonde hair behind his ear. "It was the right thing to do. There are such things as morals, you know..." He trailed off, biting his lip as he looked away from the man's hazel eyes. "I'm sorry. Umm...my name's Matthew, by the way..."
Lovino arched an eyebrow as he listened to the blonde's explanation. He knew of morals; he just didn't realize that any humans still considered them all that important. He paused for a moment before divulging just a small bit of information to the seemingly harmless and rather nervous-looking blonde. "You can call me Lovino." He started to try and sit up again only to be held back by the damnable heap of blankets. "Let me up," he half-way growled.
Matthew nodded, moving over to him and helping pull the blankets off. "Sorry about that, Lovino. I wasn't...really sure what to do..." he murmured softly when he got the last blanket off of him, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly as he took a couple steps away from the bed. "Umm...I could show you to the bathroom if you want to take a hot shower or bath, while I make some food and get a first-aid kit or something..." He bit his lip as he fiddled with the edge of his shirt.
Lovino hesitantly sat up before nodding. "A hot bath sounds nice." The thought of soaking in almost boiling water sounded almost heavenly to the still slightly-chilled fae. It would give him a chance to take stock of his injuries and wash away the fine layer of dirt that covered him and his badly tattered clothing. He rubbed his wrists lightly where there were red marks. "Maybe the first aid kit after..."
"Of course. And you can borrow some of my clothing too, since we're probably about the same size..." he murmured, looking over the male slightly before biting his lip and turning around to the closet, taking a couple of the blankets with him to return to the closet before taking out a couple of sets of warm clothing.
He turned back to Lovino. "Umm...if you could follow me...I'll show you to the bathroom," he murmured. "The first-aid kit is under the sink. And umm..." he hesitated before continuing. "If you need any help with taking care of any of your wounds, just call for me..."
Lovino shakily stood up from the bed. He swayed slightly at the light-headedness that assaulted him briefly, but he gritted his teeth and pushed through it. He cautiously approached the blonde. "Umm. Grazie..." He mumbled before huffing softly. "Well, lead the way."
Matthew simply nodded, concern filling his eyes as he led the other down the hallway and stopping in front of a door that he promptly opened. Stepping inside, he placed the clothes on the counter by the sink before opening the cabinet underneath and pulling out the first-aid kit which he also placed on the counter. He turned to Lovino. "I'll just leave you to it, I guess..." he murmured, heading to the door. However, the blonde paused for a moment before looking back over his shoulder. "Is there any type of food in particular that you would like?" he asked softly.
Lovino shrugged. "Nothing with meat in it..." He moved slowly to inspect how the bath worked. It was a bit more advanced than the standard clawfooted tub he had been hoping for. He managed to figure out the contraption before turning the water on and filling the tub with steaming hot water that would make most people flinch back and add ice to it.
As soon as the blonde shut the door, he stripped off the rags he was wearing and sank with a groan into scalding water, savoring the way the heat seemed to invigorate his body. He sank down into the bathwater up to his neck as he soaked a bit, almost dozing off at the comforting sensation.
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rusame · 6 years
Shipping Shorts
Shipping Shorts by BadKitty17
A collection of one-shots revolving around Hetalia pairings! Multiple pairs will be involved, including SpUk, GerIta, LietBel, PruMano, RomAnada, RussAme, 2p FrUK, LietPol, BelgUkr, and SuFin *REQUESTS ARE CLOSED*
Id: 11450741 - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 10 - Words: 3688 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 6 - Published: 08/16/2015 - Updated: 08/29/2015 - Characters: Published: 8/16/2015 - Complete
I only read the only rusame chapter here and maann. I really love the bittersweet and profound feelings they have here!
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Send me a ship and I'll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
I like it but not as much as other ships
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littlebigplanet · 6 years
*falls back into the void that is prucanmano*
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aphsea · 6 years
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Down The Rabbit Hole: Chapter one: Down, Down, Down
Summary: "I’ve gone mad.” Matthew said softly, staring at Lovino’s large rabbit ears.
Lovino hummed and shook his head, “Unfortunately not, but you are running out of time.” He tapped his stop watch for emphasis. “Your new Queen will be arriving soon and you don’t want to keep her waiting, do you?”
“I’m not marrying her.” Matthew said, still in disbelief. 
A large smirk crossed Lovino’s face and he held out a gloved hand. “Then we better run away, shouldn’t we?”
Warning/tags: arranged marriage, period-typical homophobia, Alice in Wonderland AU
Wordcount: 1802
Ship: romanada/romacan, mentions of belarus/canada and nyo!france/england
Wattpad: [ ♡ ]
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