#I know you love pruame
royaltea000 · 3 months
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teutemp is so funny cuz it’s Gil’s healthiest relationship but only cuz they’re both dead
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the-heaminator · 5 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
I'll be fine, don't you worry - Pruk fluff ft Ludwig, Matt and Alfred, Arthur is desperately pathetic and i want to finish fucking him up so i can make Gilbert try and fix him, and also i love the kids so much please read it please leave comment i will kiss you.
Project;: Plain old vanilla Ruseng spy au that has been driving me howl and the insane for damn near a year now, i don't fully know how to describe it but it is literally just proper middle-aged ruseng yaoi, ft so many characters. Plus pruame but they're like 14 year old boys so they're operating on its not gay when its with the homies timing. Read it i don't think i can describe it well.
Have they even half a mind of their own - Character study kind of on mainly Arthur and Rhys (wales) i had fun writing all the murder and cannibalism and insanity, twas fun just perhaps mind the tags
A belly is a belly regardless of what's in it - FraPru breeding and weight gain kink, gil will get fat and bred and milky, that's kind of it i was horny. mind the tags ofc
the milky way. - lmao I was just horny it's England x various so please requestttfttt
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council-of-beetroot · 6 months
Other than Alfred, what other American nations would u see the LietPruPo gang (we need a group name for them 🫠) interacting with?
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I need to stop opening up links on Tumblr when writing answers smh.
I need to explore more of Latin Hetalia because it seems remarkably well put together for not being technically canon. If anyone has any basic run down information on LATAM Hetalia character like personality wise let me know. (I speak Spanish so it is fine if it's in Spanish)
I want Cuba/Poland because I love size differences and I can totally see Feliks during the PRL period saying I'm going to go to Cuba because communist reasons but really it's winter in Poland and he misses the sun. Listen, I just think Cuba would find Feliks entertaining.
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🇨🇱Chile 🇨🇱
I will be honest I know zilch about PruAme however, Chile intrigues me from what I've read on him, Manu right? From what I'm reading on the live journal page on him Manu appears to have a very intriguing personality that compliments Gilbert in a way judging from his work ethic and surprising conformity for lack of a better word
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This is fascinating to me (for those that don't speak Spanish the person says they wish the profile discussed Chile's relationship with Gil as Prussia had a large influence on the structure of Chile and it's military doctrine
There's actually a large polish population in Brazil and Argentina so perhaps Feliks has been there before and knows Luciano and Martín a bit. Apparently around 2.5% of the Brazilian population has Polish ancestry and Curitiba has the second largest polish city population after Chicago outside of Poland
I wish I could give you more but I need to learn more first
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ara270904 · 2 years
So I was thinking about that I like, love SuFin okay? I like it
It's only my opinion.
But if you put me some Alpha Sweden x Omega Finland or Sweden x NyoFinland I'm not reading that. Why? I don't know It just doesn't appeal to me, I see it and my brain goes "Nope"
The rest is fine with me, Normal SuFin? Yes, FinSu? Perfect
NyoSuFin? Yes please
Finland x NyoSweden? A very big yes, give that big women
Alpha Finland x Omega Sweden? Perfect, yes yes yes. I'm reading that thing more than 20 times
Omega Sweden x Omega Finland? Yes
Once I read a PruAme only because they appeared in the final chapter and were vaguely mentioned in some chapters.
Alpha Finland x Alpha Sweden? I have never read anything about this but I would certainly read it.
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xenolithium · 4 years
PruAme for the ship meme thing, you like PruAme, right? 🥺
Who reaches out to new neighbors?
They're both very sociable people, who have a lot to say to those around them. I suppose out of the two, Gil might be less likely to greet new neighbors, but only by the smallest of margins. He's a lot older than Alfred and not as big on being amazed by everything the world has to offer; so he's a lot less like a big dog who'd rush over wagging his tail, ready to talk to some new faces much like Alfred would.
Who remembers to buy healthy food?
Neither, they're both pretty shitty at this. Usually it takes a hot second for them to realize they only have cheese puffs and beer for dinner, before they're both like, yeah maybe we should've visited the produce section of our nearest grocery store for a bit longer than usual.
Who remembers to buy junk food?
Alfred. Alfred is usually the one buying everything they need. But he also buys everything they don't need as well. Gil picks out the booze.
Who fixes the oven when it breaks?
They'll work on it together. They're both pretty handy when it comes to fixing things. If one's not around, the other will do it, simple as that. It doesn't take them very long, maybe a couple minutes to figure things out and then they're back to burning the house down.
Who waters the plants/feeds their pets?
Alfred because Gilbert couldn't be bothered. They're all Alfred's any way, besides Gilbird. But he's usually looking after him too, especially since Gil loves to nap and sleep a lot. Or lounge around like the old fart he is.
Gil: "Did you just call me old?!"
Al: "No~"
Gil, picking up a decorative pillow: "Say that to my face!"
Who wakes up earlier?
It depends. Sometimes Gil will get up first if he's feeling particularly energetic, but otherwise they both sleep like the dead until Al gets himself out of bed, drags Gilbert with him and they go on their daily jog together.
Who makes the bed?
Gil, he's a complete and utter neat freak. Sometimes he cleans simply to calm his frazzled nerves. Meanwhile, Al isn't necessarily a slob, but he'll throw things around and tell himself that he'll get it later. This sort of annoys his boyfriend, who can't stand having clutter everywhere. Even if he handles it with a sense of humor by chucking Al's dirty underwear at his head while he's busy doing something.
Who makes the coffee?
Alfred, because Gil can't be bothered and why make it himself when his boyfriend does it without being asked? Problem solved.
Who burns breakfast?
Gilbert, he couldn't cook if he tried. He usually is only good at quick, simple things with limited ingredients, like something you'd eat if food was scarcely available. But otherwise, he has no idea what he's doing. Alfred, on the other hand, can at least cook something edible (when he wants to, that is.)
How do they let each other know they're leaving the house?
Sorry, what was that? Gilbert had to let Al know? Nah, he just leaves. He's fairly loud while doing it though and that's gotta count for something, right?
Al would kiss Gil awake, mumble what he was doing into his ear and get either swatted at or pulled into bed, by a horny, half awake, confused Gil who thinks it's time to get it on. Otherwise he'll announce it, or text Gil as he leaves so he can read it on his phone later.
How do they greet each other when one of them gets home?
Al will sneak up behind him, though Gil knows he's coming whether he wants him to or not. He just chooses not to react as he gets off his shoes and ends up with arms wrapped around his midsection. He'd kick Al playfully at this point, which usually starts up an assault of kisses on Al's end.
Gil will get up and greet Al in due time. Unless he's already at the door for some reason, he'll roll around on the couch like a turtle stuck on it's back before finally getting his ass up to act like a little shit and start hanging off Al, pinching him, kicking him in the shins, stealing his belongings and generally being a nuisance until they end up wrestling in Al's annoyance over his boyfriend's fight for attention.
Who brings home little gifts more often?
Alfred, pretty much always Alfred. He buys whatever games him and Gil wanna play together, he buys Gil random snacks he knows he likes or thinks he might like, clothes that would look good on him, stuff for Gilbird, whatever catches his eye and reminds him of his boyfriend.
Who picks the movie for movie night?
Gil because if Gil doesn't pick it and he doesn't like it, he has the attention span of a goldfish, so he'll turn to Al for amusement instead. Which usually causes Al to get fed up, because he just wanted to watch a movie, so in the end Gil always picks.
Their favorite kind of movie to watch?
Action/Adventure without any romance elements. They like to watch the cool fight scenes and explosions. They're both big kids, I swear.
Who first suggests a pillow fort?
Gilbert, mostly so he has another excuse to nap next to Al. Which Al doesn't mind, because it's a nice quiet moment between them which they fill with heartfelt chatter.
Who builds the pillow fort?
Al, he's practically a pro at it since he used to do it all the time with Matthew. Gil is good at destroying the fort though, for anyone interested in watching him ram into it like an idiot and knock blankets and pillows all over himself.
Who falls asleep first?
Gilbert, his head hits the pillow and he's snoring...loudly. But that's fine, Al's very similar. Their room sounds like two jet engines starting up simultaneously the moment they fall asleep.
Who's the big spoon/little spoon?
They switch it up, sometimes Gil wants to be cuddled from behind and sometimes he wants to do the cuddling and vice versa. They don't really favour either-or.
Correction anon, I love PruAme. Anyways, thanks for the ask, this was a lot of fun for me. Here's the original if any of you wanna ask for more!
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thatsamericano · 4 years
Here all the nations I ship America with is a lot
North Italy
Estonia because I don't why I ship America and Estonia
Kinda Prussia after I read a fanfic of Prussia being America first crush at the time of the American revolution
This list may be longee since more nations are hopefully coming in the manga
Those countries have interesting dynamics with America, and I could see why you ship them. With the exception of Romano, I see all of those dynamics as platonic in nature. I don’t have a solid reason for shipping Romerica above everything else, honestly. It just lights up my brain in a way those other ships don’t.
You didn’t ask for this, but here are my thoughts on the ships with people who aren’t Romano, and how well I see these people working or not working in an OT3 relationship with Romerica.
—Russia: RusAme have some cute/funny moments in canon (Chapter 53 of Heta World Stars and the Halloween strips where they appear together), but they also have some tense moments reflecting the real life Cold War. This is an extrapolation from canon, but I think America might also have issues with Russia controlling/abusing Lithuania, who was his close canon friend during the Outsourcing Series. @lluviadinoche has done some stuff with Rusmano and Rusamericano if those are ships you would be interested in.
—North Italy: I love their canon moments together, but I can’t ship AmeIta at all because I ship Romerica too much. Irrationally, I consider America Romano’s boyfriend and prefer to ship Veneziano with other people. I can’t do a poly V ship with America in the middle because it’s squicky and comes way too close to inc*st for me. I have a sister, and I would never in a billion years want to share a romantic partner with her. Plus, having to compete in any way for romantic attention with Veneziano would be extremely unhealthy for Romano and exacerbate Romano’s pre-existing insecurity issues with his little brother. For me, America and Veneziano are in-laws, never romantically involved.
—Taiwan: I liked the one strip in Heta World Stars she had with America and found it kind of cute. That said, I strongly headcanon Taiwan as a lesbian. I would genderbend America and Romano if I wanted to ship her with them.
—Japan: America’s canon friendship with Japan is really cute. Romano and Japan don’t interact much in canon, but Hima has stated they’d get along well. @hetarehetalia and their @ask-romeripan ask blog have made me intrigued by the idea of them as an OT3.
—Estonia: The strip where America tried to fix Estonia’s blog after it got hacked was cute. I could see them being friends and bonding over a shared interest in technology. I’m not sure how he’d work in an OT3 with Romerica, but I’m not opposed to the idea.
—Lithuania: I adore the Outsourcing Series, and I think Lithuania is probably the best person to include in an OT3 with Romerica. Because they all lived together at the same time, there’s a comfort level to these three as a platonic trio that could translate well into a polyamorous triad. Romano and Lithuania’s relationship hasn’t been explored in canon, but @urmomsstuntdouble has written some fic and meta about Romano/Lithuania. At the very least, I think Romano and Lithuania probably became good friends while they were living together at America’s house.
—Prussia: I think I read the same fanfic you did, and I find that headcanon interesting even if I personally headcanon Romano as America’s first (and only) crush. I wouldn’t ship PruAme during the Revolutionary War, but it could work in the modern day when America is fully grown up. I think Prussia and America would bounce off each other in a fun, chaotic way. I find Prussia’s canon interactions with Romano entertaining, and Prumano is shippable to me, if not as shippable as Romerica. These three would be funny as an OT3 or a trio, and they’re my second favorite Romerica OT3 after Amelietmano.
—South Korea: They’re are some indications in canon that America and South Korea are friends. A lot of the canon material Hima made for South Korea is problematic, and I need to get a better grasp on his character before I know how he’d be romantically with America or Romerica. I’m not opposed to having him be part of an OT3 with them, but I’m not clear on how that would work.
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hey heres al being pretty,
The USA goes into isolation for many years, then one day a few kids are in the world meeting ready to greet the nations. Now, certain Nations are being allowed within the US's border and are in for more then just a shock. Not only is the US much more advanced but Alfred lets them in on his little secret.
State oc story! I will make the canon america ship (Pruame/ Prussia x America) skip able so there is no need to worry about a ship with Alfred
Links to elsewhere to read it
WattPad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/222120798-usa-reopened
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23822452/chapters/57240190
Chapter one: Isolation
 “What do you mean by isolation?” England asked America as he stood at the podium.
“My new president, Ms Angela Gracia, is going to be isolating the US for a minimum of 15 years. I will send letters and limited photos but other than that I will not be allowed to go out of my country, but I can still text, call and stuff!” Alfred smiled at the last part. 
“Alfred,” Brazil asked, “What about trades?” they asked, many were anxious about that topic. 
“We’ll continue to buy things we can’t grow in the US! But many other things we will slowly stop buying, But a few months after we stop buying we will give you money for no product for the sake of ensuring countries can find new trading partners.” Alfred explained.
“Debt aru?” China asked.
“Continued to be paid”
“Game imports?” Japan asked.
“Will continued to be imported”
“Exports?” Korea asked, 
“Only certain things will continue”
“Puerto Rico?” Cuba asked, tapping his figures on the table. 
“Depending if they want to join as a state,”
“If they don’t?” Cuba pressed annoyed.
“I will personally escort her right to you” Alfred said clearly. Cuba seemed satisfied.
“Any other questions?” Alfred asked. 
There were no further questions
A month passed and now the USA was in official isolation. 
The next world meeting was very strange. Cuba and Spain were talking fast paced spanish with a little girl on Cuba’s laptop.
“Ve~ Who’s a she?” Italy asked, leaning to see the screen. 
The little girl gasped and turned yelling something to someone off screen, there was a fast reply in a southern accent but it was also in a language they didn’t know. 
“Puerto Rico, she's with Alfred but I can still call her.” Cuba explained with a grumble. 
“Hello hello hello” She repeated with a few giggles, “I’m Alondra!” 
“Ohh! Caoi Alondra!” Northern Italy smiled cheerily.
Matthew surprisingly has his feet on the table, Bear in his lap and was staring intently at his phone in a very serious text conversation with his brother. 
England was going on a rant about Canada’s manners and France was trying to get him off of Matthew’s back. 
Little was done that meeting. 
“Hey Mattie!” Alfred greeted over the phone.
“Hey Al,” Mathew said a smile shining threw his voice.
“Long time no talk? It’s been what? 3 months? Ya been busy?” Alfred asked joyfully. 
“Yeah, it’s been a bit more difficult with your ships out of the water but everything’s fine” Matthew said with the sound of a keyboard in the background.
“Yeah, it’ll be hard for a while but I promise it will be ok in the long run. I won’t let you get hurt in all of this” Alfred explained chipperily. 
“I trust you Alfie, I just wish I could visit and see what’s happening over there” Matthew sighed.
“I wish I could tell you, and bring you over here,” Alfred sighed thinking to himself.
“Describe it.” “What?” “Describe the advancements, not how it’s happening just how it is.” Matthew explained. 
“Oh. Hmmm.” Alfred looked out the window at the rolling hills, trees and cleaner air.
“You can smell the trees in the middle of time square. The grass is a beautiful green. It really is beautiful Mattie,” Alfred sighed. 
Matthew smiled seeing the image in his mind, “I need to go Alfred, thank you,” Matthew said.
“Ok, I’ll talk to you later Mattie” They hung up with smiles. 
“Hey Molossia!” Sealand greeted.
“Do you realize what fucking time of day it is Peter?” Micheal grumbled, rubbing his eyes looking at the red numbers on his bedside clock.
“Uhhh, a time?”
“6 am” Micheal muttered glaring at the clock. 
“Oh! Well do you want to play or not? Dad let me on the computer all day because I’ve been good all week and he said he and Papa have to clean the house,” Peter explained with a shrug. 
“Just give me a minute, who else is on?” Micheal yawned. 
“Seborga, Ladonia, Wy, River Hutt, oh! And Kugelmugel is joining after their piano lessons.” Peter explained briefly. 
“Alright, let me find my mouse,” Micheal sighed. He grabbed his laptop and mouse and flopped back onto his bed and turned on discord and grabbed his headset from his lamp on his bed. He got onto discord. “I’ll get on Discord” Micheal hung up as he connected his headphones. He joyed the call.
“Ciao! Micheal! How’s isolation?” Seborga asked with his joy shining through his voice.
“Good, hope ya’ll don’t burn down the meeting house while i’m fucking gone.” Micheal sighed as he logged onto their server. 
“We won’t! You think so lowly of us” Wy huffed annoyed. 
“Yes Alferd?” “Is this the right thing to do?”
“But people are suffering Kenny” “I know Alfred, but think about it. We can do much more good once we get clean power. He can close the gap” 
“Ofcourse, you have my word and heart of my first land of Vinland”
“Don’t cry Alfred, I promise this will all get better, ok?” Kennth promised, Alfred just silently nodded an ok. 
///Small  not so much hinted- Hinted Pruame//
“Come on, why don’t you call Gilbert? I’m sure he’ll be overjoyed.” Kenneth suggested. Alfred smiled, wiping his tears away. “Ok” Alfred murmured as he went to grab his phone. 
Alfred sat on his bed calling Gilbert, he kicked his feet as he waited for Gilbert to pick up. 
“Hello?” Gilbert asked.
“Hey Gil,” Alfred said a smile already shining threw his voice. But Gilbert knew Alfred better than that.
“You’ve been crying, Liebling” Gilbert said bluntly.
“I don’t think I can get through this isolation thing, Gil,” Alfred hiccuped. 
Gilbert slowly walked, Alfred through calming down. It was a slow process but Alfred had calmed down after a while, he was curled under the sheets with Gilbert’s hoodie on, it was too big for him but made Alfred feel safe. 
“I’ll stay on the line until you get to sleep alright?” Gilbert asked, he himself was in bed with Gilbird nesting in an old pillow on the nightstand as his old cat purred at his side. 
“Ok Gil.” Alfred yawned, he was tired after his crying.
“Ich liebe dich Liebling” Gilbert said with the most loving voice Alfred could hear,
“Love you too Gilbert.” Alfred yawned, his voice drifting.
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feuilledrabbles · 7 years
Main Pairing: PruAme
Alfred narrowed his eyes at his reflection. Mathias was in the hospital, so it was just him and Gilbert for a few days. Of course, this was not good on his… well, his unhealthy crush on his best friend. They were going to do all of the things they usually did as a trio, but they were going to do it… alone.
When Alfred complained to his brother about it, Matthew told him he was being melodramatic and to suck it up.
After running his hands carefully through his hair one last time (it would undoubtedly get mussed within minutes), he straightened his clothes. He shoved his phone in his pocket and jumped down the stairs, nearly tripping on the last two but catching himself on the railing.
“Mattie!” Alfred called to his brother with a broad grin on his face. Matthew turned to him with a raised eyebrow, the little smartass.
“Yes, Al?” He questioned, making it obvious he did not care one bit about what Alfred was about to say.
“I’m chilling with Gil in ten.” He plopped himself down on the couch next to his brother, staring at the TV blankly.
“Why in ten minutes? Why aren’t you leaving now?” Matthew suggested.
Alfred snorted. “Your girlfriends are coming over, aren’t they? Chill, I’m not gonna be here for long. Because he has to do something with his brother.”
Matthew narrowed his eyes at his brother, studying his posture. Then he leaned forwards and tapped him on the shoulder. “Al?”
“Yeah Mattie?” Alfred shot his brother a weak side smile and Matthew’s eyebrows furrowed even further.
“Are you okay?”
“Uh… fine, why?”
Matthew tapped on his lips in thought. “No, you’re not. Is this about… oh my god, is this about your crush?”
Alfred froze. “Uh-”
“Al,” Matthew warned.
“Yeah… yeah, it is. I just…” Alfred ran his fingers through his hair, a nervous habit he could never rid himself of. His hair was, once again, untidy.
“Al, I didn’t know-” Matthew sighed and moved closer to his brother, pressing against his arm comfortingly. “I didn’t know you were so insecure about this.”
Alfred shot him a helpless glance.
Matthew steeled himself. “If it’s this bad, you should probably tell him-”
“No!” Alfred shouted on impulse, startling Matthew away from him. “No,” he continued softer. “It would completely ruin our friendship. Can you imagine? We wouldn’t be able to hang out anymore… and do you know what that would do to Mathias? He would be devastated that his best friends weren’t best friends anymore… and you know I can’t do that to Mathias of all people, he’s had enough heartbreak to last a lifetime.”
Matthew shifted his hand so he was rubbing Alfred’s back, something their mother used to do to comfort them. “Okay,” he started in his naturally soft voice. “You don’t have to tell him yet. But Al, make sure you aren’t hurting anyone by keeping quiet, okay?”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
Matthew thought for a moment. “Sometimes you get so wrapped up in yourself that you forget about those around you.”
Alfred turned away and nodded sagely. He knew that his brother was being intentionally hurtful, but it still stung hearing that sometimes he was so selfish that he couldn’t see past his own ego.
“You aren’t selfish, Al.” Matthew bit his lip as he said so- he knew it wasn’t completely true, but his brother needed a pick-me-up. “You just get so worried about hurting other people that you don’t realize that- oh, maple, I’m not helping any, am I?”
Alfred laughed. “Nah, you’re fine. Thanks anyway, bro. I’m feelings lots better!” He plastered an obviously fake grin on his face, beaming at nothing.
“Relax, Al.” Matthew receded back to his former position. “Just relax.”
Alfred drew a shaky breath and smiled, this one smaller but more genuine. “I’ll try.” He pushed himself to his feet. “Well, I better get going! Have fun with your girls!”
Matthew snorted. “If they stop arguing for three seconds I just might. See you later.”
“Bye!” Alfred shoved his shoes on and bounded out the door, breathing in the cool air. He walked with a spring in his step all the way to Gil’s house. He tried to door and found it locked. He didn’t hesitate to pound on his best friend’s door, shoving his hands in his pockets and shifting while he waited.
When the door finally opened he opened his mouth to jokingly complain about how “Man, took you long enough!” when he realized it wasn’t his favorite albino.
“Oh, hey Ludwig! Long time no see, how’s it hangin?” his smile was different than the one that was to be directed at Gilbert, more of a side grin, like it was hanging off of his face by one hinge.
“Alfred. Gilbert said you would be coming. He’s in the shower, I forced him to take one before anything else…” Ludwig sighed in a way that made Alfred question if he really was the younger brother. “Come in, make yourself at home… avoid the kitchen for now, though.”
“‘Kay!” Alfred flounced into the house and ignored Ludwig’s latter warning, curiosity forcing him to peek in the kitchen. It looked like a tornado had flown through while all of the ingredients for baking were out. There were eggs dropping to the floor, milk puddling on the counters, and dry powder covering nearly every cabinet and surface.
“Woah,” he breathed, leaning around the doorway. “What happened?”
“Gilbert happened,” Ludwig brushed by him and Alfred smelled the fresh scent of soap, leading him to believe that Ludwig had also just showered, most likely as a result of the trashed kitchen. Ludwig started the lengthy process of cleaning and Alfred fidgeted at the doorway.
After a few seconds of deliberation he stepped into the kitchen and picked up a rag, starting to wipe the cabinets down. It took a solid minute before Ludwig even noticed he was still there, but once he did, he protested instantly.
“This isn’t your house nor your mess, you don’t have to help--”
“Nah, it’s all good! I’d be bored anyway,” Alfred said reassuringly, carefully avoiding an egg on the floor. “Where are your mops?”
Ludwig reluctantly told him where the cleaning supplies are, and Alfred cheerfully grabbed them. The two of them have made a notable dent in the mess by the time Gilbert comes down.
“Yo, Alfie! When’d you get here?” His hair was still wet and his t-shirt was sticking to his body.
Alfred swallowed and turned his gaze to the counter, where he was wiping some milk up. “A couple minutes ago.”
“He’s been here for a solid ten minutes at least, Gilbert, what took you so long?” Ludwig eyed him scrutinizingly and Alfred winced slightly.
“Ahah, sorry, man.” Gilbert then took in what was actually going on and he narrowed his eyes. “Luddy, bro, you’re making him clean?”
“No!” Alfred interjected before Ludwig could get a word in edgewise. “I decided to help, ‘cause I would be bored otherwise.”
Gilbert blinked at him. “You’re weird.”
Alfred snorted, putting the rag down. “You just figured that out?”
Gilbert cracked a smile and walked over, taking the rag from his hands and chucking it at Ludwig, who just barely caught it. Ludwig glared at Gilbert, who didn’t notice and threw his arms around Alfred, pulling him away from the kitchen.
“Oh-kay, now that we’re away from that lameness.” They stopped in the living room and Gilbert removed his arm (much to Alfred’s chagrin). “What do you want to do?”
Alfred shrugged. “We could try to freak out the convenience store owner again.”
“Nah,” Gilbert snickered but denied him. “I don’t think we can top the lighters and bug spray while wearing scorched clothes.”
“True, true…” Alfred pretended to stroke his non-existent beard. “Hmm. I got nothing.”
“I know!” Gilbert exclaimed. “Let’s go swimming in the lake!”
“Dude.” Alfred stared at him. “It’s like, 40 degrees outside.”
“40 degre…?” Gilbert blinked at him before laughing. “Oh! Alfred, you’re so american!”
He realized his mistake and rolled his eyes, ignored the heat that he felt rush to his face. “Shut up! I meant, four degrees or whatever the hell it is you europeans say!”
Gilbert laughed. “Anyway,” he said, quieting somewhat. “So what?”
Alfred thought about it for a second before shrugging. “Meh. Let’s go, we’ll stop by my house to grab a suit. We’re going to that hidden spot, right? With the swing!” Alfred ended his sentence with a yell as Gilbert rushed off to find his own swimsuit.
Gilbert yelled an affirmative back at him and Alfred swung his arms, trying not to think about how they would be shirtless and very, very alone.
And cold and wet. That too.
You could warm each other up-- he shut that thought down before it got anywhere, not wanting to get his hopes up.
Too late, he touched his face and felt the warmth of his cheeks on his fingers. Shit.
“Ready? Let’s go!” Gilbert jumped down the last two stairs and pushed the front door open, donned in a swimsuit and the same tight cotton shirt from before. Alfred followed, hesitating only slightly.
They sprinted to Alfred’s house and scared the living hell out of Arthur, his cousin, before bolting to the lake. A few years back Mathias, Gilbert, and Alfred had found a hidden alcove with a small cliff to jump off of (into deep water, it was completely safe and also not the cliff that Mathias had broken a bone on) and trees to attach ropes to. Ropes and swings.
They had to slow down to cross a street, and once they had crossed it, Gilbert yelled, “Race you to the hideout!”
Alfred won. He was a former track prodigy, and was the best sprinter in the county (maybe even country). Of course, that was when they lived in Italy for a few years, when before that they had been in America… and Canada…
“Damn…” Gilbert panted, leaning on his knees. Alfred had his shoulder leaning on a tree and was breathing heavily, staring at the canopy. “Damn, Alfred… you’re… fast…”
A smile brushed by his lips but he said nothing, eyes still pointed at the sky. He risked a glance at Gilbert and instantly loved and regretted it. Gilbert’s face was red with exertion and he was heaving deep breaths of air, his chest moving with each inhale and exhale. He had taken his shirt off at some point and his pale skin gleamed in the speckled light through the leaves of the trees.
Alfred forced his gaze to the sky again, blinking to try to get the image of Gilbert out of his mind. Shit, shit…
“Woo… wow, I did not know you were that fast! Awesome!” Gilbert laughed, straightening. Alfred snickered with him and made a few snide comments while taking his shirt off, to which Gilbert responded accordingly.
“Jumping off that cliff’s gonna be cold as fuck,” Alfred said, a mix of hesitation, annoyance, and regret in his voice.
“Bet,” Gilbert said challengingly.
Alfred glared at him. “Fuck you.”
“Are you taking it, or not?” Gilbert raised his eyebrows, obviously mocking him.
“I never said I wasn’t,” Alfred muttered in annoyance. He eyed the cliff, noting Gilbert making chicken noises behind him. He shot Gilbert one last glare before running to the cliff, building up his momentum and leaping. He flipped Gilbert the bird midair, and he heard the albino’s cackle before he was engulfed in water.
Instantly his muscles froze up and he could barely even think. The only thing his brain could do was scream cold! Cold! Holy shit! This is not normal! Shit! The shock was too much for his system to handle, and his movement shut down, causing him to start to sink.
The need to breathe started pushing past the freezing feeling he had and he pushed to the surface frantically, the frigid water not making it any easier to swim. His fingers breached the surface and his head followed shortly after. He heaved air into his lungs, his eyes bright and clear.
“Shit! Alfred!” Gilbert was at the edge of the water, at the base of the cliff. His eyes were wide. “Dude!”
Alfred tried to say something but choked on water. He instead focused his effort on swimming over to the edge, where Gilbert stood. Upon reaching it, he flopped onto the rock with Gilbert’s help and took deep breaths. Gilbert’s hands were flitting around him and he was letting out a high pitch humming noise, which betrayed his genuine nervousness and worry.
“Holy shit that’s cold,” Alfred said quickly, turning to his back and facing upwards. He had a shit-eating grin on his face and Gilbert kicked him.
“I thought you died!” he said, a hint of hysteria in his voice. The german took a deep breath to calm himself, then settled a glare on Alfred. “What the hell, man? Not awesome, okay?”
A bubble of laughter started in his chest and spilled out of his lips, and Alfred started laughing so hard his stomach hurt. Gilbert looked at him with concern and Alfred’s giggles slowly started dissipating.
“Gil…” Alfred said, a few giggles still escaping him. “I felt like I almost died.”
“And you’re laughing about that?” Gilbert exclaimed, his former hysteria coming back.
“No, no!” Alfred sat up and waved his hands, shivering slightly. “It’s just… this whole situation…” he tried to make a point with obscure hand gestures. “It’s crazy.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not jumping off that cliff,” Gilbert said, narrowing his eyes at the offending piece of rock.
“You’re getting in the water, though,” Alfred said, dipping his toe in again. It seemed warmer than before and he started sliding back in when Gilbert grabbed his arm.
“You literally almost drowned and you’re going back in?”
The incredulous tone of his voice made Alfred snicker. “I didn’t almost drown, ya drama queen. I’m fine. Get in, the water’s fine!” He slid all the way back in and shivered. While it seemed warmer, he still felt the cold seeping into his bones.
Gilbert tapped the water with his foot and withdrawed it swiftly. “Shit, no! That water’s cold as ice!”
“This was your idea, shithead,” Alfred reminded him. He tried treading water and, when he didn’t want to die instantly (though it was pretty close), pushed further away from the edge. Gilbert tested the water again and scowled at it.
“C’mon, coward, just get in the water!” Alfred taunted. Gilbert glared at him and he smiled cheekily.
“Ohhh shit. Jesus Christ save me now,” Gilbert bemoaned as he sat down and stuck his legs in. He hesitated on getting the rest of his body submerged, so Alfred slide over and grabbed his arm, pulling him in.
Gilbert let out a pterodactyl screech and flailed his arms. He smacked Alfred in the face with his askew arms, but it barely hurt, and Alfred felt proud and successful when he finished dragging Gilbert into the water.
His best friend’s head popped back up and he gasped. His eyes were wide with the shock of the water and he floundered for a few seconds before finding his footing on the edge.
“You fucker!” he exclaimed, gasping. Gilbert tried to pull himself out of the water, but Alfred wrapped his arms around the lanky german’s middle and pulled him back in.
He laughed loudly as Gilbert thrashed and cursed his name to the winds. His laughter was cut off when Gilbert shoved his face underwater, and they scuffled as best they could while swimming. Their hands were sliding against skin and it was difficult to get purchase, but they managed to dunk each other a good amount of times before they were both too tired to continue.
“I’m done,” Alfred chattered, making his way to the edge slowly.
“Your lips are blue,” Gilbert said humorously. “Looks like you can’t handle the cold, loser.”
Alfred looked back at him and said, “Your lips are blue too, moron.”
“Aw damnit, really?” Gilbert touched his lips with his frozen fingers. “Shit.”
The two of them climbed out of the water and sat on the rocks shivering. They pulled their shirts on but mournfully realized that they had neglected to bring towels.
“It’s col-l-ld,” Alfred muttered, wrapping his arms around himself. “We sh-should get ba-a-ack.”
“I think I’m warming up okay…” Gilbert murmured, rubbing at his arms. Alfred shot him a glance. “It’s my awesome prussian blood,” he joked.
Alfred snorted. “I was b-born in Fl… Florida.”
“Ha!” Gilbert laughed loudly and jeered, “Weeeeaaak.”
“Shut up!” Alfred muttered, rubbing faster at his arms. They sat in silence for a few more moments. Alfred felt Gilbert’s scrutinizing gaze on him.
“We should hang at my place. Have you seen I am Legend before?” he said suddenly. “It’s got that one famous black dude in it.”
Alfred sniffed. “No. Morgan Freeman?”
“No, he’s younger… uh, Will-”
“Will Smith?” Alfred interrupted.
“Yeah,” Gilbert nodded absentmindedly. “You’ll like it. It’s an american film, got the whole zombie thing going and everything.”
“It’s a zombie movie? Those are so generic,” Alfred said. He hated how whiny his voice sounded, but he was cold and wet and frankly felt like he had a right to complain.
“Well, sort-of. It’s different than just ‘zombies’, uh… you’ll just have to wait and see.” Gilbert started tugging him along. “C’mon, I’m not dragging you there.”
Alfred made a dramatic noise in the back of his throat and followed him stiffly, feeling like cold molasses. It was slow going, much slower than when they came, and they were both getting annoyed with how unreactive their limbs were.
“Oh my god we’re here,” Gilbert sighed in a ‘finally’ tone. They stumbled through the threshold and collapsed into a pile on the doormat, both groaning. Ludwig looked up from his place on the couch, one eyebrow raised. He wordlessly stood with his laptop and disappeared up the stairway.
The two untangled themselves to move from the floor to the couch. Gilbert slouched into the cushions and Alfred slumped right next to him. He told himself that it was for body warmth.
They were pressed right up against each other.
“Jesus, you’re cold,” Gilbert murmured. After a moment he wrapped his arms around Alfred and pulled the american closer. “Gotta warm you up.”
Alfred sputtered and felt himself turning red. “I-!” Gilbert cocked his head.
“Y’know…” he started, leaning in closer to Alfred, a playful smile on his face. “Your lips are still blue.”
“They are?” Alfred asked, puzzled. He reached up and touched his lips, and they weren’t ice, by any means.
“Yeah,” Gilbert got closer to his face and Alfred froze like a deer in headlights. His gaze flickered from Gilbert’s eyes to his lips and back again. “I’d better… warm them up…” he breathed, the warm puff of air brushing Alfred’s cheeks.
Alfred’s mind started running a mile a minute, trying to figure out the situation, when he felt a pair of lips press against his own. They were soft, like velvet, and comfortingly warm.
His brain short-circuited and he sat rigid, unmoving.
Holy shit, Gilbert’s kissing me!
Eventually Gilbert pulled away, obviously disappointed or upset that Alfred hadn’t moved. A flash of regret swept through the albino’s face and he leaned back.
“Uh… I guess I read that wrong…” Gilbert muttered, averting his gaze. “Damn… sorry, I gue--”
Before he could finish his sentence Alfred jumped forward, grasped Gilbert’s face between his hands, and smushed his lips against Gilbert’s. Less than a second later Gilbert reciprocated. Their mouths moved against one another in synchrony, and Alfred’s hands tangled into Gilbert’s hair. Gilbert was pushing them closer together by Alfred’s shoulders, as close as they could get.
Alfred almost forgot about a certain thing called breathing, and when they broke apart they were both panting. Alfred leaned forwards and pressed his forehead against Gilbert’s, staring into his red eyes.
Gilbert’s face shifted into a smirk. “Do you feel warmer now?”
“Yeah,” Alfred laughed softly, then moved to burrow his face in the crook of Gilbert’s shoulder, like he had dreamed of doing for quite some time. “But I’ll be even warmer if you cuddle with me during the movie.”
“I dream of doing nothing else,” Gilbert said, reaching over Alfred’s shoulder to grab the remote. Then his eyes sparkled mischievously and he said, “Well, I do dream of something else, but that’s for a later date.”
Alfred let out a puff of amused laughter and tried to cuddle further into Gilbert’s embrace. “Pervert.”
“Pervert?” Gilbert snickered. “Do you want to see how much of a pervert I can--”
“Shut up,” Alfred said, laughter in his words. He moved his hand to cover Gilbert’s mouth. “Turn the tv on and cuddle with me.”
Gilbert kissed Alfred’s hand and did as he was told, smiling as his unusually romantic action caused Alfred’s face to turn pink. In a spur of the moment decision he leaned forwards and placed another kiss on Alfred’s cheek, causing him to flush darker. “As you wish.”
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Accepted Prussia App
Accepted! Please have a blog up within the next week, and send the URL to this blog so we can add you to the members page. @olliebennet
Name: Oliver Pronouns: he/him/his Contact URL: olliebennet.tumblr.com Character Wanted: Prussia Activity Level: 7 Timezone: -6 CST Password: accepted Members Page Icon: http://www.hetarchive.net/images/index.php?level=picture&id=490 (official art) Extra: Trans man, will change main blog if i get the part
Full Name: Gilbert Dietrich Beilschmidt
Age / Year: 21; year 3 Gender / Pronouns: trans man, he/him
Appearance: Gilbert has pale skin and icy blue eyes. His hair is just barely blond, and his eyelashes barely show up, but he is known to occasionally wear mascara. He wears a chest binder and is completely pre-op, but is three years on Testosterone. He has a very angled jaw and bony limbs, standing at 5'9".  
Personality: Gilbert is a fun-loving individual with a somewhat snarky personality that he uses to hide any insecurities from the general public. He is a bright personality, and is great friend to those that can get past his haughty exterior.
Skills: Gilbert can play the flute obscenely well, but he isn’t in any kind of music class; His grandfather taught him to play when he was young. He can also play the cello, but not nearly as well. Gilbert is also exceptionally good at maths, though he hates to admit it.
Flaws: Gilbert hates to admit weakness, which is a weakness in itself. He doesn’t like to ask for help and thinks that he knows the best way every time. He also tends to come off as a huge ass. 
Backstory: Gilbert came from a broken home. At the age of 16, his world turned upside down when his father died of lymphoma. His mother had never been around, and so he was forced to take on a paternal role for his little brother, Ludwig. 
When Gilbert was 17, he came across the term “transgender” online and realised that the term applied to him. After months of struggling with his newfound identity, he was offered a scholarship for impoverished LGBT students. He immediately flew himself and his brother to the United states. Gilbert has been in New York ever since, and he couldn’t be happier with his new life.
Headcanons: -Gilbert is trans and pan -He smokes weed somewhat often.   
Major(s): History Minors: Anthropology
OTP(s): PruCan, PruAus, PruAme, btt (or any two), etc.
NOTP(s): PruHun, RusPrus
Writing sample: Gilbert finally understood the term ‘don’t judge a book by its cover.’ As he stepped out of the airport, bags in tow, he couldn’t help but realise that New York wasn’t just broadway and singing orphans. From each bodega on the corners of the streets to even the large theatres and their signs, New York city wasn’t what he’d been led to believe, and he loved it! He couldn’t wait to learn his way around this huge, bustling metropolitan world. He hoped that the college campus would be just as alive as the city streets. His gaze fell upon an uber matching the description he was looking for, and he quickly threw his things in the back, hopping into the seat, knee bouncing in excitement for what was to come.
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rusame · 7 years
A Shipper’s Life Cycle
Btw I’m sorry beforehand if this could be considered crosstagging but I’m just curious to know about other shippers’ opinion about this. (If you’re a non-shipper I think this post is irrelevant for you)
Y’know after doing a bit of thinking after being in fandoms for years, I observed that usually a shipper could multiship pairings that centered on their most fave chara (even when maybe just actually shipping 1 pairing and ironically shipping others as one sided pairing / side dysfunctional pairing / friends with benefits thing only). 
America’s fans typically multiship USUK, RusAme, Ameripan, FrUS, AmeCan, PruAme, GerMerica, etc. 
For Russia’s fans: RusAme, RoChu, RusEng, RusPru, FRussia, etc.  
England’s fans : USUK, FrUK, Asakiku, RusEng, etc. 
France’s fans: FrUK, FrUssia, FrUS, FraNada, etc. 
Japan’s fans: AmeriPan, AsaKiku, RusPan, NiChu, etc. 
China’s fans: RoChu, AmeChu, IggyChu, etc.
After discovering that pattern, I realize that this is the most typical route a shipper could go through:
1. Having the most fave chara in a fandom
2. Begin to observe that their fave chara’s interaction with this particular chara is / would be interesting.
3. Realizing they want to see MORE of that pairing from step 2 and begin to explore fandom for more fanworks of the said pairing. Maybe even contributing fanfics/arts/hcs for the said pairing.
4. After some times, they begin to get bored of the pairing, and may ship their most fave chara with other charas. Or maybe they will move on to other fandom. 
But as for me, I usually don’t have any most fave chara at first and skip to step 2. Like for RusAme, I actually fell in love with their interaction / dynamics first (thanks to amazing RA fanfics), and then begin to love the characters of the ship (in my case it’s Ivan since I could relate to him more).
But still, even when I later discover fondness of the chara, I still love the interaction of both charas more than I love the chara themselves.
Like for me, RusAme > My Fondness for Ivan > My Fondness for Alfred, other charas, and pairings that doesn't conflict with RusAme. And this is why I find it hard to multiship pairing (unless it’s ironically shipping) that conflicts with RusAme since I’ve still yet to find ship that’s more versatile than RusAme (I’m really a helpless RusAme shipper at this point).
So I’m just curious, What about you guys? Are you guys in the 1st category (love the chara more than the pairing) or like me(love the pairing more than the chara)? Or maybe you guys went through different shipper’s lifecycle?
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ask-merman-mattie · 7 years
Prusame idk if that's the ship name but Prussia and America also DenNor
(( Aaaaaaaaagh I think PruAme is really cute I'll give it a 7And DenNor is also great I have a friend who used to fucking love them and she dragged me into DenNor hell ( you know who you are ) so I'll give that a 9 ))
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State Files
Part one: https://ask-hetalia-jones-family.tumblr.com/post/616428156481683456/state-files-hey-heres-al-being-pretty-summary
WattPad: https://www.wattpad.com/879747477-usa-reopened-little-updates
Story under the cut :)
“Austin, update?” Alfred asked looking past the protective shield.
“Beautifully running,” Austin smiled.
Hydrologic engines, only byproduct was water. Beautiful. 
“You’ve done well Austin, and only in a month! This is incredible!” Alfred cheered.
“Thanks pop, I’m head of the head scientist of the entire nation. I better know what I’m doing,” Austin said quietly. 
“Well you're doing great Aussie, how is the air purifier?” 
“Testing underway, it’s set up in New York at the moment you might want to ask yorkie how he’s breathing since it affects him” Austin explained.
“I’ll get on that, thank you Austin”
“No problemo pop” 
Days to months to years to decades.  
“How do you feel, York?” America asked his son, they stood on the new Empire State Building. 
York took a deep breath and let it out, he smiled feeling the rising sun on his face. “Great, thank you so much dad.” Leonardo smiled.
“It’s no problem Leo, I’m glad you can enjoy this all” Alfred sighed and smiled.
“Hey dad?”
“What's that color?” He pointed to the sky as it turned a Cotton Candy pink. 
“Don’t mess with me, you can see?” Alfred asked.
“I think so, is that the sunrise? It’s so… pretty.” Leonardo smiled.
“Leo, Leonardo Hamilton Rogers-Jones you can see the sunrise?” Alfred asked, turning his son to look him in the eye, Olive green eyes to deep blue.
“I guess I can… but you are very… weird looking. Not like how to feel.” 
“You need glasses” Alfred laughed hugging Leo, “you can see, my beautiful boy can see”  Alfred murmured while kissing his hair. 
“Yeah, I guess I can,” Leo smiled as he was crushed in a hug from his overjoyed father.
 “How's the oceans and coral?” 
Hawai’i turned to look at Alfred, over the many years she accepted the fact she was stuck in the union but in more recent years, since Isolation, she had managed to gain much more control of her state. That was what the isolation was for, putting the personifications in charge.
“They are recovering nicely, so are my beaches.” Hawai’i smiled. The oceans behind her sparkles in the sun’s light. “The prices have gone down since there aren’t as many tourists. We are adjusting to that and we are more self-sufficient when it comes to money, how are the distribution of the rich?” 
“Going well, going well, the people are doing just fine with money. How’s your education system?” 
“Very well, much more focused on what needs to be taught, and no sugar coating. Well, a little for the younger children but they for their mental wellbeing.” Hawai’i explained.
“That’s for the best,” Alfred nodded. 
Kalani nodded, “I assume you are here  to visit the islands?” 
“Them, and you as well, you are their older sister, that makes you my child to some extent. So I’m glad you’re doing ok,” Alfred smiled. 
 Hawai’i nodded. “I’ll be with the islands, but remember the 4th of July party is coming soon!” Alfred smiled and headed away from the beach as Kalani grabbed her surfboard and walked closer to the ocean with her surfboard and ore. 
Vermont, the republic, stood on a watch tower looking over the forest. 
“Mable, you see ‘hat road over ‘here?” 
“Ah? Oh yes, I think.” 
“Only road in this entire country that isn’t coated with solar panels, do you know why?”
“Umm, no. Too cold? Bears?” Vermont state asked.
“Not bears, but because it’s too close to the Canadian border. Do you know why the Canadian border is so unpro’ected?” Mary asked her younger sister. 
Mable thought for a moment, “Because it has been for 100s of years, and the Canadians haven’t harmed, invaded or threatened us, civilian or Military since 1812?” 
“Correc!” Mary smiled, handing her a pair of binoculars while she pulled out her own. 
“Our forests go into Quebec, us Vermonters are the very few who can go over borders.” Mary said proudly. 
“I know” Mable smiled.
“Are we going to reopen the borders one day?” Mable asked, looking at her older sister. 
“One day, but we have our goals to meet beforehand, why? Missing traveling already?” Mary teased.
“No, just miss Pop.” 
“Ah, well.” Mary sighed, it was a common feeling amongst the states, they missed their father’s lover. “Maybe a letter? A group letter of New England all in one envelope?” Mary suggested.
“Not the same MayMay,” Mable sighed heavily.
“It’ll end eventually, eventually.”
Alfred stood looking out from his balcony, he held a solemn face. His hoodie was one of his lover’s hoodies he had left many years ago.
“Damn, how long has it been since isolation?” He looked down at his phone, “28 years…” his voice trailed off, “we’re not even halfway done. How much longer is this going to have to last?” he asked himself. He looked at his home screen. It was a photo of himself and Prussia. Gilbert had taken it when Alfred was asleep on his lap. He honestly missed Gilbert, he was his boyfriend after all. 
Suddenly his screen changed, “speak of the devil and he will appear,” Alfred laughed emptily and picked up. 
“Hey Gil~” He smiled chipperly. 
“Morning Liebing.” Gilbert smiled, still mostly asleep and Gilbird could be heard chirping in the background 
Gilbert had been feeling the same as Alfred, he missed being able to come over and not leave for a month. To be able to sneak kisses during meetings and drag him off to a supply closet to keep Alfred’s loud mouth occupied. To sneak into Alfred’s hotel room and greet him upon his return to give him a bit of a mood boost in more ways than one. 
They talked a while as Gilbert went about doing his share of his brother’s work. 
Alfred looked out on his land, he and Gilbert had gotten onto the topic of land. “Clear sky’s and beautiful tall trees” Alfred said looking at his backyard. 
Gilbert hummed before an idea came to mind, “definitely not as beautiful as you are when I have you-” “GILBERT!” Alfred screamed over Gilbert as his face was easily compared to a tomato.
“Kesesese, Ich liebe dich auch Liebling” Gilbert laughed. Alfred still was blushing, “love you too, Gil.”
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rusame · 7 years
hetalia America fanfic (Off Hiatus)
hetalia America fanfic (Off Hiatus) by Larachan44
Just know that I just thought id do some fan fiction of Hetalia, where Alfred F. jones (America) will be the main character. If you don't like the ships that are portrayed, then don't read. The human names will be used. There will be several pairings that will be introduced, but only one will fit the bill. The ending shipping depends on the reader's opinions!, so be sure to comment!
Id: 31382057 - Fandoms: 19 - Rated: T - twd/romance/hate/amerussia/ivan/tragic/prussia/rusame/kiku/america/hetalia/amerus/russia/love/japan/heta/fanfiction/aph/alfred/gilbert - Chapters: 5 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 34 - View count: 973 - Published: 2016-04-03 21:50:19 - Updated: 2016-11-27 06:28:46 - Ongoing
So uh..this one is a multishipping fanfics, with Alfred as the center of the shipping. Pairings so far are RusAme,AmeriPan, and PruAme, so if you dig multishipping Alfred, this fic could be your reading choice.
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