#Frank Solutions
collapseintonever · 1 month
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my chemical romance in rockzone, december 2010. source: https://leathermouthspain.blogspot.com/2010/11/portada-n65-rockzone-dic2010.html
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reanimationstation · 1 year
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i was having trouble deciding what ship i wanted to draw last night, so i figured, why choose? ive been wanting draw a parody of the "Go for it, Nakamura!" manga cover for a while now anyways
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krasytoonz · 1 year
how do you manage to pump out so much art... i'm impressed but also frankly quite scared of you... (/j!)
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I usually just convert my energy of drawing beaglepillar to something else (for some reason it works before but this time the power is too strong ahiwmsms)
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Hey, so for the Human Au, how do think Julie would go about her life? Considering her personality in the website, I would think that he takes up different part-time jobs, but mainly likes working at the community center, mainly for the summer/after school programs where they can come up with and host fun activities for the kids!
no yeah that's pretty much what i was thinking! she bounces from job to job - she probably has a roster of seasonal ones that she rotates between. Julie really does seem like an every-gal yk? doing just one thing all the time would be soooo boring
i like the idea of summer / after school programs a lot actually! since canon Julie is big on games and fun, i'm sure she'd be a great choice for those sorts of things. i bet she works a seasonal summer camp in their county!
#also it would be a cute frank-julie bestie thing#cause frank is a university professor#so then julie being in the education system as a camp counselor / school programs person whatever brains not braining rn#I Just Think It Would Be Sweet! and Fitting!#part of me wants to change Frank from university professor to like a uhhh elementary school teacher#but nah. but lets just say the local schools will have field trips and uh. idk a 'bug day'#yk how kindergartens and elementary schools would sometimes have a giant snake brought in or whatever#well i imagine that in this au frank keeps insects as 'pets'#(not pets as in companion animal but. he has a lot of arthropod tanks in his house lol)#so maybe a couple times a year he gets to interact with kids and julie's probably there too!#ohhhh maybe sometimes he'll go to the summer camp for like. education day or whatever#to talk about insects and animal safety or somethn#he's out there with a tarantula chilling on his head...#most of the kids are disinterested but one or two are so Intrigued and its. adorable. anyway this is about julie#rambles from the bog#wh modern human au#i like to think that both julie and barnaby have seasonal jobs at the county fair#it just lasts a few weeks but they have a good time! barnaby can put his clowning degree to Use!#but im having a great time picturing julie coming up with games and stuff and putting it to good use!#i bet she'd be great at finding compromises and solutions to those Schoolyard Problems yk#i said schoolyard problems and flashbacked to the multiple bad injuries at my elementary. & the seizure in hs...#hm. i saw a lot of serious shit. anyhow not the point#i bet julie is that one guy where whenever someone brings up an odd job she's like 'yeah ive done that'#slingin ice cream? catering? florist delivery? doughnut baker? budtender? running bingo night? Yes To It All!#i bet that in a way... howdy is jealous...
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augusteofarles · 1 year
Preview behind the scenes of Chapter 10
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jt1674 · 11 months
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Current hair situation
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pollencoveredwoman · 1 year
Y’all S16 is so elite idk what to do with all this serotonin.
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a-typical · 8 months
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— On Palestine: Noam Chomsky, Ilan Pappé (2015)
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ransomnote · 9 months
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how it feels to look at the fic i left in a cliffhangy place months ago that was supposed to be my magnum opus that i haven't touched cause i lowkey do not want to write for one of the characters anymore
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anarkissm · 2 years
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following the canon timeline for the legion, frank is 19 in 1996 (year of the murder and abduction by the entity), implying he was born in 1977. he was 6 years old when he was taken from his home in calgary (alberta’s largest city, the third largest city in canada) and tossed around foster homes across alberta. implying he was separated from his parents in 1983; this would have occurred during one of the worst recessions in global history; wages for low-wage workers rapidly declined, and the world price of oil collapsed. alberta’s economy plunged into a deep recession. oil companies, which were in massive debt due to years of exploration with no profit, filed for bankruptcy and curtailed, or abandoned operations in alberta altogether. by 1992, 25% of calgary’s population were living under the standard poverty line.
frank grew up in a densely populated, expensive city. when the recession reached calgary, his parents could not afford their apartment and were driven into houselesness, living out of their car. social services processed frank and separated him from his biological family. for days. then the days bled into weeks. into months. into years. his foster parents received fat checks to keep frank fed and sheltered. nothing else. in 1984, his parents froze to death in their minivan when the heater stopped working.  the local government took his survivor benefits and stored it in state coffers. frank never saw or spent it.
for the first five years, he screamed and cried and fought and repeatedly tried to run away. raging against the unfairness. spent two birthdays in a juvenile detention center for physically attacking a foster parent.
74% of all children in alberta’s foster care system are indigenous. first nation children make up 82% of canada’s permanent wards. the older wards used to call it the new residential schools. frank was a foster brother to many aboriginal foster kids, and he was often mistaken as one of them because of his features. when he was 15, frank attempted to contact his hualapai relatives in arizona; an effort to finally escape the cycle of foster homes. but frank’s efforts to reconnect with his estranged family were ultimately in vain. the legalities of immigration and blood quantum did not favor frank’s unique circumstances.
frank learned that no one was coming to save him. by design. so, fuck it. fuck them. and all the stupid fucking rules that stopped him from getting what he wanted.
frank’s trauma within the foster care system cultivated his overt/antagonistic narcissism and antisocial or “anti-society” personality. arrogance and aggression became a protective shield that cushioned the worst of his experiences, becoming vital to his survival and inseparable from his core self. with authority (police, foster parents, social workers, bullies), frank learned to watch for certain body languages, vocal tones. tells. their habits. their interests. their insecurities. he learned to use his intense observation skills to lie, manipulate, cheat, etc.. people were objects or assets, forgettable faces he would never see again as he constantly moved around foster homes.
for every town or city he was bussed to, frank would get a tattoo. to keep him focused. to remember. as a rule, his rule, frank only sticks around until the skin cools and the ink dries.
ormond, and the legion, became the only exception.
frank lived in ormond for three years, which implies he was 16 years old when he moved into the trailer park with clive andrews. in those three years, frank nurtured his obsession with julie, joey, and susie.
frank views the other members of the legion as tools. weapons. his favorite weapons. extensions of himself, like body parts. and, like his body, he protects them. appealing to their interests. infiltrating their darkest secrets, their insecurities. enabling their worst instincts. julie’s boredom. joey’s rejection sensitivity. susie’s loneliness. and frank’s anger, bleeding into them like a virus.
when the entity takes its killers, it makes an offer. if the offer is refused, the entity takes them anyway, and forces them to become its killers through supernatural torture. frank was offered an eternity with the only people he has ever cared about. no rules. no turbulent future. no way to separate them. together, forever.
he did not reject the offer.
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sodalitefully · 8 months
just realized that smkc and wvh are touring together in europe this year… sharing custody of frank sidoris
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lesbians4armand · 1 year
“is she your ride or die bitch? does she know im tattooed onto your heart” is so billy russo no i will not take criticism
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Can organic architecture be the key to a better sustainable future?
Perhaps the most ambiguous concept in all of Frank Lloyd Wright’s work is the notion of “organic architecture,” something he struggled to define (and redefine) throughout his entire lifetime. The term organic architecture was first coined by the eminent architect “Frank Lloyd Wright”. He wrote that “the ideal of an organic architecture …… is a sentient, rational building that would owe its ‘style’ to the integrity with which it was individually fashioned to serve its particular purpose—a ‘thinking’ as well as ’feeling’ process.“
            But to understand all this one must first understand the phrase organic architecture.  Organic architecture is a type of architectural design where built forms are inspired by, built around, and blend in with their natural surroundings such as in mountains, dessert, forest, water etc. An organic architecture refers to its relationship with nature and its simplistic use of styles and natural materials that create a cohesive whole. One of the defining principles of organic architecture is achieving a harmonious balance among shells (built structures) , Anthropos and nature.  Few of notable organic architectural structures among us are :
Falling water by Frank Lloyd wright
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Casa Milà by Antonio Gaudi
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The Audette House by Peter Muller
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Sustainability is a word that, like organic, is used nonchalantly quite often. A sustainable ecosystem is one where nature, the built environment, and human life, and their component coexist as a family without having a negative impact on their other self. Sustainability is colossal term meaning ,meeting our own needs without compromising on the future generation. Sustainable architecture is architecture methodology with a conscious state of mind. Sustainable architecture must fulfill all the needs required in today's growing world, while working on sustainable architecture one must think about the correct approach into the materials, technique, Space and the environment in one has to work. Sustainability usually becomes difficult while trying to maintain a balance in the project as it is quite an unique arena.
But in a world prominent for urbanization, gentrification and deforestation, organic architecture may offer a sustainable solution to the everlasting battle between mankind and nature. It may help to reconcile our continuously expanding cities and mass constructions with nature and our biosphere. People define organic architecture in today’s world by the connection between interior and exterior in their surrounding environment or the practice of abstracted plant geometries,  a form of architecture embedded in nature’s forms and principles. Some people believe  it relies on the juxtaposition of natural and modern materials, while few feel it  follow Wright’s vision of characterizing contrasts and volumes.
Organic architecture does priorities a type of local or regional construction, using traditional materials and resources from the area where the building is located. It is closely related to its context and is aware of the specific geographic features and cultural aspects of its surroundings, being strongly influenced by them. For this reason, they are unique to different places in the world, becoming even a means of advocating a sustainable identity. While organic architecture itself alone wont solve the world problem of sustainability when plunged deeper into it, vernacular architecture might. Given that vernacular architecture is a subpart of it.  Today, many of the buildings throughout the world are made in organic architecture style as it  influences those looking to build homes made from sustainable materials and congruent with their environments.
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Wilkinson Residence by Robert Harvey Oshatz
note : pictures aren't my own
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stackthedeck · 2 years
Thinking about how the themes and philosophy of daredevil are anti cop but pro prison it boggles the mind like y’all are so close to getting it
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bethrnoora · 1 year
lesbian laurie strode is an especially important headcanon even tho in the context of halloween 2018 (knowing she was not the best mother she could have been to karen and has two failed marriages behind her) is a bit of a bittersweet one. but i like to think that somewhere along the way in the reboot trilogy she comes to better understand that part of herself
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