#one state solution
sayruq · 3 months
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nabulsi · 10 months
I am asking this 100% seriously, not to be facetious.
I agree that Palestinians should be given land back as part of a larger reparations from Israel. Like, a lot of land. New olive trees. Etc.
But... All the land? How would that work? From a pragmatic standpoint, in a fantasy world where the Israeli government has been totally reformed and is eager to help.
You don't have to take the time and energy to answer in full yourself, I don't mind being pointed towards articles and books to read.
Hey, I'm sorry it took me a minute to get back to you.
Honestly, I'd check out the reading list put together by DecolonizePalestine. They have a few books which discuss the one-state solution
But to quote you "a fantasy world where the Israeli government has been totally reformed and is eager to help." that will never exist. Israel as an entity was established upon a foundation of colonialism, imperialism, and racism. Which means there is no such thing as an Israel that can exist without that at its core. And if it is impossible for Israel to exist without colonialism then it should not exist at all. Israel should be abolished. It should cease to exist.
I hope that answers your question.
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The anti-antisemitic objection to this slogan is essentially this: calls for a free Palestine in the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea necessarily entail an end to the Israeli state; this entails the elimination of Jews from Palestine; thus, to call for killing Jews or expelling them from Israel is to call for genocide; it is therefore an instance of anti-Jewish hate speech. 
It is true that a state of Palestine would entail the end of Israel as a Jewish ethnic-national state. But as many Palestinian and Israeli intellectuals (and others) have noted: replacing Israel with a Palestinian state need not result in genocide or the ethnic cleansing of Jews. Proponents of the one-state solution, for instance, have thought a lot about such a future and have developed various scenarios for securing a vibrant Jewish presence alongside a vibrant Palestinian one in various versions of a future Palestine, from a bi-national, secular polity to a federation. 
These debates over the one-state solution are clearly at the heart of the contemporary furor over the slogan. 
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keepscrollinghun · 5 months
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briteredoctober · 6 months
Per the Red Crescent (Palestinian branch of the Red Cross), IDF Snipers are targeting Al-Quds hospital. This is a war crime, and the international community must get involved immediately. There have been 28 injuries and one martyr, the majority of which are children.
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xclowniex · 3 months
Something that I can never grasp is those who use holocaust inversion when speaking about the I/P war who also want a one state solution of Palestine.
Like it shows how uneducated they are in the holocaust in both aspects, one being how the holocaust differs from other genocides and what a genocide actually is and the other being why and how the holocaust started.
It also shows that they do not understand what Hamas and the PA think about jews.
Like jews didn't just start being hated because Hitler hated jews. You can't start a whole ass genocide which industrialized the murder of jews because one man hated jews. There has to be the systematic oppression and hate of jews to exist before hand.
And the systematic hate and oppression of jews is not a nazi specific thing. Jews have been hated and treated as a scapegoat for centuries and still are today.
Hamas and the PA are not fighting Israel just because Israel exists. If that was the case, then jews who did not want to live in Israel and were committed to being Palestinian civilians would be allowed in gaza. But that is not the case.
All jews are banned from Gaza. They cannot live, work or visit Gaza.
Hamas has also said multiple times that they want all jews dead.
The PA, whilst not as murderous, are also not fans of jews existing in Southern Levant.
If a one state solution of Palestine was to exist, jews would be killed en masse for being jewish so genocided and/or be forced out of Palestine and cause a massive refugee crisis. This would also affect the countries outside of Southern Levant as there are millions of jews in Israel who would now have to be redistributed to other countries where they don't have the infrastructure, so housing, food supply or jobs for the sheer amount of refugees they would have to take in.
And we all know that refugees get blamed for things such as "stealing jobs from nation born people" and "taking homes away from nation born people" which is crazy as it implies that they are less deserving of housing and jobs. It also causes more hate for said ethnic group.
In what world is causing another genocide of jews okay???
But of course I forget that people don't care about Jewish lives until we are dead.
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Okay I have a proposed solution for the Israel situation.
I call it the One State Solution.
That State? Florida.
Relocate ALL Israeli citizens to Florida. Kick the non-Jewish Floridians out of Florida, or put them on a Floridian reservation in the Everglades. Florida is now the sovereign Jewish Homeland.
Please explain to me how this is any worse than what Israel is doing right now. Is kicking Floridians out of their home and putting them in an uninhabitable reservation bad??? Are you saying it's bad to steal people's land and relocate them to an uninhabitable surveillance state???
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germiyahu · 3 months
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I was in a silly goofy mood and I thought: what flag would a One State Solution have? Obviously a One State that isn't just Israel's annexation or Palestine's takeover. A One State that was a true combination, if you will. Both countries peacefully merging.
The most basic option: a tricolor representing peace between two communities, very much modeled after Ireland's flag, blue representing Jews and green representing Arabs/Muslims. The six pointed star sitting in the crescent is also supposed to emulate the two religious communities coexisting, but this might be offensive. Gold was chosen as a complementary third color.
Next is a flag that represents more than just Jews and Muslims, pretend it's not shitty clipart that's of a uniform stylized design and also properly formatted. Again, putting the Druze Star in the Muslim Crescent looks cool to me, but could be deeply problematic.
And if religious symbols are a no-go, which I assume they would be for many people, I chose a somewhat secular symbol to represent something that all the communities of Israel and Palestine value on a cultural level: the olive tree. This also has the bonus of being a counterpart/foil to Lebanon's cedar tree.
Taking the secular design further and abandoning the idea of a peace tricolor, I tried to represent that land itself, a blue stripe for the Mediterranean on one end, another stripe to represent the Jordan, two triangles on each vertical end to represent the Galilee and Dead seas. A green bar on top for the fields and forests of the North and a gold bar on bottom for the desert of the South, and then I just slapped on another olive tree because the center of the flag was looking kind of empty.
I'm not a real vexillographer, do not take me seriously!
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fayeirypoliticsxoxo · 4 months
because it’s the start of a new year i should probably lay out some of my key beliefs because i do have loads of controversial opinions
gender critical 🚹🚺
pro gay rights 🏳️‍🌈
pro-one state solution 🇮🇱🇵🇸
religious critical 🔯✝️☪️☯️✡️🕎🕉️
marxist (i’m still learning more about it)
feminist ally ♀
uhh yeah that’s pretty much it but if these change i’ll update them
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pencopanko · 6 months
Not a single Israeli politician nor Israeli soldier that I have seen have kind eyes. None of them. Their eyes are dark, soulless, and demonic. They are terrifying to me, but I know that they will get what is coming to them.
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alieisntdead · 5 months
Zionism calls for a Jewish state as the answer to how to ensure Jewish people are protected from violence and discrimination. The establishment of a Jewish state, when there aren't currently any majority Jewish regions other than in occupied Palestine (through zionism), would require the disenfranchisement, displacement, or destruction of non-Jewish populations in that area. This is what we're seeing in Palestine now. Establishing a Jewish state would require violence and oppression, and cannot be the answer to protecting Jewish people. It must come through religious protection within a secular state.
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186-3 · 6 months
i've been having a lot of internal conflicts about whether we need a two state solution or a one state solution
on the one hand, in an ideal world, a one state solution would probably be best. a place where everyone gets to be in their ancestral homes, and where jews have a place they can go to flee antisemitism. but hey, if we're already in an ideal world, why don't we just say we've managed to reduce global antisemitism enough to the point where it's a nonissue. and while we're at it, we don't even need one state - how about a no state solution, where there are no borders and everyone can live peace and harmony together and there are puppies and rainbows galore and
okay i think you get the point
a one-state solution is only remotely feasible if two gigantic things happen:
firstly, the israelis and palestinians have to stop wanting to kill each other. given that the israeli government currently has a policy that taking palestinian land for fun is a-ok and that the leader of the palestinian authority says the holocaust wasn't antisemitic, i think we're very, very far away from that
second, both sides actually have to be willing to merge. given that jews everywhere seem to overwhelmingly want to keep israel as a majority-jewish state, and that the both sides would really like it if the other just went away, this also seems completely unrealistic
neither of these things are close to happening. so how do we make these things happen? well, we'd need to make israelis and palestinians view each other as equals. so we make them live together? yeah, being forced to live with someone you hate always ends well for both sides.
so we have to keep them apart, at least until they stop hating each other. maybe, many, many years down the line, these people will be comfortable enough with each other that they'd want to be roommates again. but for now? we need a two state solution
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nabulsi · 1 year
Genuinely asking, where do you want the Jews of Israel to go then? You want a Palestinian state instead of Israel correct? No two states solution for you. So... what about them?
Im assuming you're someone who is skeptical of the single Palestinian state but asking in good faith, so given that:
I'd rather not say Jews and say "Israeli Citizens/Colonizers" here. I understand that Israeli citizens are mostly Jews, but there are also Jews amongst the Palestinians so it only confuses things. Also this is not Jews vs Arabs, but rather Israeli colonizers vs Palestinians, so let us be clear on that first.
I, personally, am not concerned with what happens with the Israeli Citizens. The goal is, as you said, for a single state under the sovereignty of the Palestinians as it was before the colonisation of the zionists.
What happens to the ex Israeli citizens in that situation is up to them really. If they accept sovereignty of the Palestinians, they can either choose to integrate into the Palestinian state as citizens of Palestine or leave and go wherever they came from originally if they prefer. If they oppose the Palestinian state they can definitely leave and I really don't care what happens to them.
This is really a very simplistic version of what could happen. And others have put forth more nuanced answers than this. But, honestly, I think I'm just not a fan of being asked this. I think Palestinians are constantly expected to have extensive and nuanced knowledge in their own political ideology beyond just "I want the colonisers off my land please", and and there are rarely other communities who are forced to be knowledgeable in that way.
And though I have gone ahead and assumed good faith, questions like this can easily be bait so we slip up and zionists can leverage that to further villainize us and justify our genocide to everyone else.
So anyway, if you have genuinely come in good faith, I wish you a good day and hope you got what you were looking for.
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Some scholars and activists are calling for a decolonized state for all of those between the river and the sea.  However, this would necessitate that Zionists relinquish their ideology of ethnic supremacy. This is hardly a new or radical position, such an entity was suggested by the Arab states as a counter-proposal to the 1947 partition plan. Naturally, this was rejected by the Zionists. That we barely ever hear about the offers that the Yishuv/Israel rejected should be an indicator of the nature of mainstream discussions on Palestine and the silencing of Palestinian voices. The Palestinian Liberation Organization also called for establishing a secular, democratic unitary state for all its citizens. Naturally, none of these proposals included genocide, ethnic cleansing or mass murder. These anxieties are not unique to Jewish Israelis, settlers in many different colonies throughout history have echoed these same sentiments. If we were to take a look at the narrative surrounding anti-Apartheid South Africa activism and boycotts, we would find eerily similar projections and arguments. For example, In an article for the Globe and Mail under the title “The good side of white South Africa” Kenneth Walker argued that ending the Apartheid system and giving everyone an equal vote would be a “a recipe for slaughter in South Africa”. Others, such as Shingler, echoed similar claims, saying that anti-racist activists were actually not interested in ending Apartheid as a policy, but in South Africa as a society. Others came out to claim these activists were actually motivated by “anti-white racism”, fueled by “Black imperialism”. Political comics displayed a giant soviet bear, bearing down on South Africa declaring “We shall drive South Africa into the Sea!” Sound familiar?
Regardless of your ideological leanings, the reality is that we are already living under a de facto one-state reality. Israeli politicians proudly boast about never allowing a Palestinian state to materialize. Israeli school books already erase the green line. Israel already rules the lives of everyone there. Palestinians calling for the dissolution of this naked colonialism is legitimate and just.
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a-typical · 4 months
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— On Palestine: Noam Chomsky, Ilan Pappé (2015)
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briteredoctober · 6 months
Civilian deaths in Palestine at the hands of the Zionist entity have now surpassed those of the Bosnian Genocide.
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