#Fred Schuler
film-compost · 1 year
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"The King of Comedy" (1982)
Directed by Martin Scorsese
Cinematography by Fred Schuler
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Robert De Niro in The King of Comedy (Martin Scorsese, 1982)
Cast: Robert De Niro, Jerry Lewis, Sandra Bernhard, Dianne Abbott, Shelley Hack, Margo Winkler, Kim Chan, Frederick De Cordova, Edgar Sherick. Screenplay: Paul D. Zimmerman. Cinematography: Fred Schuler. Production design: Boris Leven. Film editing: Thelma Schoonmaker. Music: Robbie Robertson.
Is there anything scarier than Robert De Niro's smile? It's what makes his bad guys, like Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver (Martin Scorsese, 1976) or Max Cady in Cape Fear (Scorsese, 1991), so unnerving, and it's what keeps us on the edge of our seats throughout The King of Comedy. Rupert Pupkin isn't up to anything so murderous as Travis or Max, but who knows what restrains him from becoming like them? As a satire on the nature of celebrity in our times, Paul D. Zimmerman's screenplay doesn't break any new ground. But what keeps the movie from slumping into predictability are the high-wire, live-wire performances of De Niro and Sandra Bernhard as obsessive fans and the marvelously restrained one of Jerry Lewis as late night talk-show host Jerry Langford, the object of their adulation. And, of course, Scorsese's ability to keep us guessing about what we're actually seeing: Is this scene taking place in real life, or is it a product of Rupert's deranged imagination? That extends to the movie's ending, in which Rupert, having kidnapped Langford and engineered a debut on network television, is released from prison and becomes a celebrity himself. Are we to take this as the film's comment on fame, like the phenomenon of Howard Beale in Network (Sidney Lumet, 1976) and any number of people (many of them named Kardashian) who have become famous for mysterious reasons? (Incidentally, the odd thing about Rupert's standup routine is not that it's bad, but that it's exactly the sort of thing that one might have sat through while watching a late night show in 1982.) I prefer to think that we are still in Rupert's head at film's end -- it seems less formulaic that way. I don't know of a movie that stays more unbalanced and itchy from scene to scene.
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biblioklept · 1 year
24 frames from Martin Scorsese's The King of Comedy
From The King of Comedy, 1982. Directed by Martin Scorsese. Cinematography by Fred Schuler. Stills via Film Grab.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"FORGED CHEQUE, FRANK LANDERS WAS SENTENCED," Hamilton Spectator. October 2, 1933. Page 7. --- Local Man Goes Down for Three Years --- Signed Father's Name to Bank Slip ---- Accused Has a Lengthy Court Record ---- Pleading guilty to a charge of forgery and uttering a cheque for $10, Frank Landers, no address, was this morning sentenced to three years in Kingston penitentiary by Deputy Magistrate McKay, in city police court.
Detective Witthun stated that the accused had forged his father's name to the cheque and had presented it at the bank and cashed it.
Landers is now serving a term in jail for possession of cocaine. He asked the deputy magistrate this morning to allow his penitentiary term to run concurrently with his present jail sentence and to date it from September 7, the date of his arrest. The deputy magistrate agreed.
Landers is the possessor of a police court record dating back many years. This morning's conviction makes his 26th.
After glancing at the card upon which the convictions were marked down, Deputy Magistrate McKay said: "I see you have already served a term of two years for the same offense. Forgery is a very serious thing. Prison does not seem to do you much good, but you will serve three years in the penitentiary for this offense."
At the request of Cecil Robinson, defending, a charge of theft of about $300 from his employers, an uptown store, Fred Drage, 105 Gerrard street, Toronto, was remanded until Thursday. Facing a similar charge, which involved about $900, Thomas McDonald, St. Catharines, was remanded until the same date at the request of his counsel, Herman Rogers, St. Catharines.
John Schuler, 16½ John street north, faced a charge of obtaining board by fraud, and, at the request of Cecil Robinson, his counsel, was remanded until Thursday. He is also charged with possessing a gun without a license, being an alien, and this case was also laid over until Thursday. Bail was set at $200 or two sureties of $250 each.
The case of Albert Fowler, Campbell avenue, charged with criminal negligence arising out of an accident at the corner of Barton street and Fraser avenue, came up for judgment to-day. When the deputy magistrate stated that he would permit the crown to bring in further evidence to the effect that the accused was the drivér of the car at the time of the accident, the case was laid over until Wednesday.
William Schreiber is appearing for the defense.
[Landers was also known Frank Saunders, Frank Murphy, and Joseph Launders. He was 39, a widower, listed as an inebriate and an 'addict' in his prison record, and worked as a tile-setter, brick-layerer and plasterer - a construction worker, in short. He had a long record, including a term at the Guelph Reformatory, the Mimico Briuck and Title Plant, and at Kingston Penitentiary back in 1920 as #H-242. This time around he was convict #3191 and worked in a construction crew. He was reported five times for infractions, and was released September 1935.]
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erla-film · 10 months
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timthemovieman · 1 year
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The King of Comedy
Directed by Martin Scorsese
Photographed by Fred Schuler
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scenesandscreens · 3 years
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The King of Comedy (1982)
Director - Martin Scorsese, Cinematography - Fred Schuler
"Better to be king for a night than schmuck for a lifetime."
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movierx · 4 years
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Gena Rowlands in Gloria (1980) dir. John Cassavetes
Cinematography by Fred Schuler
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lifejustgotawkward · 5 years
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Sandra Bernhard (with Jerry Lewis)
The King of Comedy (1982) - dir. Martin Scorsese
DP: Fred Schuler
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The King of Comedy   1982
Director  |  Martin Scorsese Cinematographer  |  Fred Schuler
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distort251 · 7 years
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The King of Comedy (1982) / Cinematography by Fred Schuler
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ferretfyre · 7 years
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The Cinematography of Martin Scorsese:
8. The King of Comedy
Year: 1983
Cinematographer: Fred Schuler
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
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secret-san · 8 years
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Favourite Shot(s) From:
The King of Comedy, 1982. Dir. Martin Scorsese. DP. Fred Schuler.
“Better to be king for a night than schmuck for a lifetime.”
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edwardalbee · 2 years
do you ever invent a side character that will never show up or make an impact in the plot of the thing you are working on but you’re incredibly sad and emotionally invested in him regardless and also his name is Fred Schuler trained dancer and natural clown and the comedy partner of the antagonist who walked away because he was more talented and saw the writing on the wall and is also gay obviously. pain
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"PORTSMOUTH HAS ITS ATTRACTIONS, COURT INFORMED," Hamilton Spectator. October 20, 1933. Page 7. --- Withers Would Sooner Go There Than Burwash ---- Asked the Magistrate to Change His Sentence ---- And the Bench Willingly Obliged ---- "I would appreciate it if your worship could make it a penitentiary term instead of at Burwash," James B. Withers, Toronto, charged with forging and uttering a cheque for $25, told Magistrate Burbidge in police court this morning. "I have never learned anything in the reformatory, but I can learn a trade at Kingston."
The magistrate obliged the accused and imposed a term of two years in Kingston. He had previously imposed a sentence of two years less one day definite, plus one year indefinite in the Ontario reformatory. He had been convicted in Toronto for a number of similar offenses in the past.
It was testified that the accused had made out a cheque on a typewriter and had signed the name of his previous employers, a Toronto firm.
On Probation Appearing for sentence on charges of theft of $300 and $900, respectively, from their employers, Fred Drage, Toronto, and Thomas McDonald, St. Catharines, were placed on probation for terms of four years. Very stringent terms of probation were ordered by the magistrate. Both men must put up personal bonds of $1,000, while Drage must find two sureties of $250 each or one of $500, and McDonald must find two sureties of $400 each, or one of $800. McDonald must also sign the pledge and surrender his liquor permit. It was stated that Drage took the money to send his wife, a victim of tuberculosis, to the Old Country. Cecil Robinson appeared for Drage and McDonald was represented by Herman Rogers, St. Catharines.
John Schuler, charged with obtaining board by false pretenses and illegal possession of firearms, appeared for sentence and was placed on suspended sentence for two years when Cecil Robinson, defending, submitted that arrangements for restitution had been made.
Faces Stern Punishment In order that a medical examination to see if his physical condition is such that his punishment might include the lash, George McWade, convicted of assaulting a nine-year-old girl, was remanded until Tuesday for sentence.
On request of A. A. Marck, defending, Frank Jedruszak, 51 Robert street, charged with forgery and attempted uttering of a cheque for $5, was remanded for a week. Bail was set at $1,000.
Pleading guilty to a charge of keeping a common betting house, William Depew, 276 Hughson street north, was fined $25 or 21 days. Only a small sum and a few betting slips, were found in his possession. At the request of Constable Bailey, of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, adjournments for one week were allowed in the cases of George Alaska and John Godava, charged with possession of spirits of unlawful manufacture.
Was Acquitted Steve Sobkowich, Earl street, charged with obtaining city relief to the amount of $14.76 by false pretenses, was acquitted when the magistrate held that no evidence of false pretenses had been placed before him.
[Withers was 25, an electrician by trade, sickly, married, and from Hamilton. He had been in the Guelph Reformatory before. He was convict #3212 at Kingston Penitentiary, but was transferred January 1934 to Collin's Bay Penitentiary and released in December 1934.]
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List of some Modern-day False Teachers
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"But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies... " - 2 Peter 2:1
Here is a list of of the more obvious heretics/false teachers to be marked & avoided: (not exhaustive)
Angley, Ernest [Word of Faith]
Armstrong, Karen [Progressive]
Arnott, John [leader Toronto “Blessing”, Latter Rain]
Bakker, Jamie [Emergent Church]
Bakker, Jay  [Emergent Church, neo-liberal]
Bakker, Jim [Prosperity Theology]
Bell, Rob [Progressive Christian, Emergent Church]
Borg, Marcus J . [Liberal Christian]
Burke, Spencer [Emergent Church]
Boyd, Gregory A. [Open Theist]
Camping, Harold [false prophet]
Campolo, Tony [Progressive Christian]
Chalke, Steve [rejects penal substitution and biblical Inerrancy; supports same sex unions]
Cho, Paul or David Yonggi [Word of Faith, pastor of largest church in the world]
Claiborne, Shane [Progressive Christian]
Clement, Kim [New Apostolic Reformation]
Copeland, Kenneth and Gloria [Word of Faith]
John Dominic Crossan [Liberal Theology]
Crouch, Paul Jr. [promotes Prosperity heresies via TBN]
Crouch, Paul Sr. [Properity Teacher, TBN founder]
Crowder, John [New Mystics, Sons of Thunder]
Deere, Jack [Latter Rain, Wimberite]
Dollar, Creflo [Prosperity Teacher]
Dowd, Michael [Progressive Christian]
Eddy, Mary Baker [“Christian” Science; mind sciences]
Evans, Rachel Held [Progressive "Christian", Political Idolatry]
Furtick, Steven [ narcissistic "gospel" devoid of much Biblical truth]
Hagee, John [False Prophet, Uber-Pentecostal, Ultra-Dispensationalist]
Hagin, Kenneth Jr./Sr. [Prosperity]
Hatmaker, Jen [works righteousness, progressive, affirms same-sex marriage]
Hick, John [Progressive Christian]
Hinn, Benny [Prosperity Teacher, Uber Charismatic]
Hollis, Rachel [self-help, self-care, self-love. prosperity]
Hybels, Bill [Seeker Sensitive]Jacobs, Cindy [Prosperity]
Jakes, TD [Oneness Pentecostalism]
John Pavlovitz [Progressive activist; witholds gospel from persons identifying as LGBTQ]
Johnson, Bill [New Apostolic Reformation, Kenosis, Word of Faith] -
Kimball, Dan [Emergent Church]
Lane Craig, William [Trinitarian Errors, Partialism, Neo-Apollinarianism, Molinism]
Long, Bishop Eddie [Prosperity Uber Charismatic]
McClure, Joel [Emergent Church]
Mclaren, Brian [Emergent Church]
McManus, Erwin [Mystic Contemplative Prayer Movement]
Merritt, Jonathan [Pelagian, Progressive Christian]
Merton, Thomas [Trappist monk and Catholic mystic]
Micah, Jory [denies inerrancy, Feminist, Christological heresy, ambiguous about acsended Jesus having physical body, Jesus is genderless]
Miller, Donald [Progressive Christian]
Meyer, Joyce [Prosperity Preacher]
Nouwen, Henry [Contemplative Mysticism, Emerging Church]
Osteen, Joel [cotton candy theology, bible compromiser, name it & claim it, soft moralism]
Pagitt, Doug [Emergent Church]
Peale, Norman Vincent [positive confession liberal]
Pearson, Carlton [Universalism]
Popes, all [idolaters, antiChrists]
Price, Fred KC [Prosperity Preacher, Name it & claim it]
Prince, Joseph [Prosperity, Antinomianism]
Roberts, Oral [deceased, false prophet]
Robertson, Pat [divination, false prophet, TBN]
Rohr, Richard [Progressive Christian]
Roth, Sid [mystic, NAR]
Russell, Charles Taze [founder Jehovah’s Witnesses]
Rutherford, Judge [past president of Jehovah’s Witnesses]
Scandrette, Mark [Emergent Church]
Schuler, Robert [Peale clone, liberal theology]
Spong, John Shelby (1931–)
Stanley, Andy [Marcionite, carnal Christianity]
Sweet, Leonard [Emergent Church]
Tenney, Tommy [Oneness Pentecostalism, Charismatic]
Vines, Matthew [Liberal]
Wallis, Jim [Progressive Christian, Left-Wing Political idolatry]
Warren, Rick [Emergent Purpose Driven]
Webber, Nadia Bolz [Progressive Christianity]
White, Ellen G. [founder False Prophet Seventh Day Advents]
White, Paula [prosperity theology, NAR]
White, Todd [Read himself into bible, False prophet, False healing, prosperity Gospel]
White, Tom [Latter Rain; spiritual war network]
Wimber, John [deceased, Kansas City Prophets/Latter Rain]
Womack, Andrew [Prosperity]
Wright, Jeremiah [Liberation Theology, Bible denier]
Young, William Paul [Progressive Christian]
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