#Freezer corpse Simon
chronicbeans · 1 year
I've been imagining this stupid idea where Fionna and Cake are living a sitcom style life next door to Simon. Simon, as in, OG Simon, Winter King, and Freezer Simon. They're all living in an apartment complex, with Fionna and Cake being next door neighbors to the three Simons. Each day is chaotic, yet, mundane shenanigans.
Idk why but I feel the need to doodle this.
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spookyspeks · 1 year
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I just think he's neat
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neowinestainedress · 3 years
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prev⏐  chapter five ⏐ next ⏐ masterpost
warnings:  none for this chapter
genre: fantasy au, royal au, super powers au
word count: 3.329k
summary: The apparent calm that reigns in Neo City breaks into million pieces when some members of the Neos find an outsider laying unconscious in the wood. After that, everything they know stops making sense. Menace from the past come back, while they have to rule on their city knowing that the menace of Simon's dictatorial power is closer day by day. The past they never dared to face will wash over them like impetuous waves. The present is filled with doubts, regrets and the mystery of the lost memories of the nameless girl. The future is even more uncertain.
Can you break the chain with your past even if it's running in your bloodstream?
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“A tattoo?” Ten was standing in front of the new girl. He was surprised when at noon he heard a knock on the door, usually, they were all having lunch or sleeping if they had night shifts. But what surprised him, even more, was the person standing behind the door. 
“Why didn’t you tell us before?” The most shocking thing out of all –alongside the fact that she had informed him that the fighters decided to call her Bambi –was that she came to tell him that she had a strange tattoo on her hip. 
“I didn’t know it,” she said, biting the side of her cheek. “I saw my naked body for the first time in ages yesterday, Ten. I lived like a corpse in a freezer, it’s not my fault,” Bambi justified herself reminding him that she didn’t have a normal life. 
Ten nodded, and mouthed ‘Yeah, of course. Sorry.’ Just to move to the side and let her come inside the room, closing the door behind them. 
“Can I see it?” Ten asked. 
The girl bit her lower lip, she knew he had to if she –they– wanted to know more about the people who held her prisoner, but it wasn’t easy for her to show her body to a stranger, even if it was just a bit. 
She had spent one hour crying the other day while her eyes scanned over her bruised, burned and marked skin. She just wanted to rip the skin off of her and let it bleed. 
“It’s okay if you don’t want to,” Ten whispered, getting her point even if she never said it out loud.
She shook her head. She had to do it, she had to be strong. 
“Just,” she sighed. “Please don’t be disgusted, it’s not the best sight to see,” she confessed, looking at him in the eyes. Ten was the one that scared her the most the day before, but at the same time, she thought that his eyes already saw deep into her soul, and there was no way he could get scared of her body. A shell somebody else ruined. 
“I won’t, Bambi,” he answered. 
She nodded and then slowly started to lift the big sweater up on her chest, leaving uncovered the piece of skin on her right hips, she then pulled down the waistband of the pants, finally revealing the tattoo. 
Ten mouth sprung open, his breath stuck in his throat and for a moment Bambi thought it was due to her body. But when Ten moved closer, reaching out for the tattoo with his hands, she got that it wasn’t for that.
Ten was right about everything. 
“Is it that bad? You’re scaring me.” 
Ten shook his head and then moved away from her. 
He didn’t answer her question as he wandered around the room looking for something. 
It couldn’t be it, it couldn’t. He kept telling in his mind. 
“Ten?” She called for him, the way he acted was starting to give her anxiety. “Isn’t that just the symbol of infinity?” 
“No, Bambi, it’s not,” he whispered, his gaze falling to the ground. Then he moved closer to the opposite wall, where a holographic screen appeared. And started to draw horizontally.
“S,” he mumbled, doing the first half, “and S,” he repeated, completing the figure, forming the same symbol of her tattoo. 
She furrowed, she knew just like before.  
“Infinity,” he finished.
“I don’t understand,” the girl whispered, she felt stupid but if there was any meaning behind that two letters she didn’t have the information to get it.
Ten turned around, and let out a loud breath. 
“Simon Says, this game will never end.”
 The room was filled with silence. The four people sitting in a circle across the table simply stared awkwardly at each other. Somebody had to break the ice, but nobody seemed to feel brave enough. 
Ten had called Taeyong and Doyoung soon after he decrypted her the meaning of the sign she had on her body. Hell no, there was no way he was going to go through the whole talk by himself. But his two left men seemed to have no intention to help him out, too shocked about what they had just found out. 
“So, will at least one of you explain what’s the matter with Simon or are we just going to play the stare game for another hour?” Bambi snapped, getting tired of not knowing a thing about the whole situation. She knew what Simon did to her for years, but she had no idea why and when it all started, and maybe, but just saying, getting their help would’ve been appreciated. 
The three boys shared a look, silently asking who had to start talking. 
Taeyong sighed, and then moved the chair closer to the table. 
“Fine, if something’s triggers you just stop us, ‘kay?” He ordered and the girl nodded. 
Taeyong opened his mouth but then closed it again, he had no idea where to start. It was a terrible page of world history, but it also burned the pages of their lives. It was something they would’ve loved to take and put in a closet, without having to open it again. Yet, there they were. His game never ended, and they were going to pay another price, again. 
“Okay, I’ll explain it to you. You might not get everything, since you don’t remember anything. I guess you know nothing about history, too, right?” Ten spurred out. It was taking too long for his liking, postponing it wouldn’t have made it better. 
“Yes...” The outsider whispered, all of that was so embarrassing, she felt like a child at times, but she wasn’t, and it was frustrating. 
“Well, his story starts 90 years ago. The world was a complete disaster, chaos ruled over everything, it was like a game of survival. The stronger makes it out alive, the weak get eaten.” Ten's voice and the way he used to pronounce every word made a shiver run down Bambi’s spine. 
“Survival needs? Maybe, but there’s not only that. Humans,” he huffed, running his fingers through his hair, “just beasts thinking they’re so much better than animals.” 
“At some point, it wasn’t living but surviving. It was pure madness, humans’ deepest instincts coming out.  And when everyone is losing track of mind, time and space, when everyone is losing everything, there’s always going to be someone who’s in complete control of their state of mind. They’re the worst, beasts seeking power, worship and a need to be seen as heroes. They don’t kill, they’ll never do that.” He smiled, but there was anger hidden behind it, or maybe even disgust, Bambi couldn't quite tell. 
“They need to be seen as good, they need to be on the right side of history. And when in a world of fucked up, who would do anything to feel humans again, you’re the only sane one, manipulating them it’s way too easy.” 
The outsider was listening carefully, her eyes wandered on the other men’s faces. She had never seen them like that, mad, sad and empty of any form of light. 
“And there the game started,” Ten let out a sigh. “Creating a better world, a place where nothing bad could ever happen again. Empty promises for empty bodies.” 
“It’s easy to lead a game when the other players are nothing but automatons. It’s easy to gain the trust of somebody when you make them feel part of something important, when people become one they feel powerful, they feel worth it. And Simon had it all.” Ten stopped for a second to take a long breath. He turned around, glancing at the other men to see their lost gazes and then looked back at the girl, completely immersed in his storytelling. 
“He had sanity, he had greed, he had empty shells to fill with his stupid needs.” 
“A fucking play,” Ten raised his voice, his fist clutching on itself. “A fucking play with queens and kings, marching band playing feast songs, lights so bright to blind you.” A chuckle escaped his lips. It was absurd to him how easy it was to play people, to manipulate them. A few glitters to cover rotten things and far promises and you had everyone at your feet. No matter how many times in history it had already happened, humans were always going to fall into the same traps. 
“But it was paradise. It is paradise if all you used to see were corpses laying on the cold ground and mothers killing sons and daughters to have something to eat. And you decide that being brainwashed is the little price you have to pay to make it through a day, a week or your whole life. Becoming an automaton is okay if your player showers you with safety, is okay if you belong to somebody else. It's okay because somebody else is drawing a path you can’t step off and you’re sure that your flaws as a human being won’t make you fail again, you won’t tear the earth apart if you are forced into a trail that is already tracked.” A short pause followed and Bambi shifted uncomfortably in her seat, the story didn't seem foreign to her, but she couldn't grasp what, and why, seemed familiar to her. 
“And so it works. You’re the biggest of them all, you have them crawling at your feet, they worship you. You own them their life, it’s their only debt with you, but it may cost it all.” Ten raised his eyes from the table, where he was playing with the angles of some papers, to look at the girl in front of them. “But glory doesn’t last forever, Bambi. It’s like colours in autumn, so bright just before they burn into ashes, fading in the wind.” 
Ten had a grin on his face, it always made him feel good to know that the bad ones always fall, it takes time but eventually, people will wake up, and once that happens all the love they have turns into hate. 
“And one day somebody will open their eyes. Nobody can kill curious minds, nobody can kill a functioning brain. And the lies start to come to life, the mask on your face is full of cracks, you can’t keep it together anymore either.” 
The outsider shifted in her seat again; was this the part about them? Were they the curious minds? Did they save the world from that hell? 
Her hype died as soon as her eyes landed on Taeyong’s face, she wasn’t sure but she would’ve sworn she had seen a tear roll down his cheek. 
“You’re rolling fake dice. Your orders are always the same, Simon says this, Simon says that. You’re playing a stupid game and you’re winning stupid prizes. And at some point, you’re not Simon anymore. You lost control.” Ten’s eyes met hers, she was speechless, completely carried away. But there was so much more that she needed to know, who did that? And how? 
“You know, when few people start to make fusses you have to keep them quiet, their voices can’t be heard because they’re the truth. It’s like a shepherd when he loses even just one sheep, he goes looking out for her, leaving the other at their own control. Everything starts to slip from your fingers, the sheep had lost their path and making them follow it again won’t be easier like before. And this time, they’re not bruised, they are the resultants of the robots you created, ready to destroy you.” Bambi opened her mouth to ask questions but Ten was faster at going on with the story so she let her back fall again against the chair. 
“And they do that, they fight you. They riot, they know you better than you do yourself because they never stopped only at the good, they went deeper. The Rebels finally take over you, and the only thing left for you to do is to give in.” 
He stopped, taking a deep breath. 
“Simon falls.” 
A barely audible gasp left the woman's lips, and she moved her body closer to the desk again, eager to know more. 
“The bad guy finally falls. After days and nights waiting for that moment. After you spent months and years counting every second to see it come true, it happens. That stupid game that nullified you, stole your identity, your soul and your mind, is over. And you come out of it as a winner.” Ten smiled briefly, wetting his lips with his tongue. 
“You are on the right side of the story, and Simon is on the bad side of it, where he always belonged to.” 
Silence fell on the room as the girl tried to process everything, she felt tears at the corner of her eyes, for the story itself, for sure, but mostly for the way Ten told it. His voice let slip out every emotion he felt and they stroked straight to her heart. 
“Were you...” She mumbled, torn between the curiosity that was killing her and the fear of asking something wrong. “Were you the rebels who did that?” 
Doyoung shook his head, before looking at his hands that were resting on the table. 
“No.” But the one who answered her was always Ten. “We weren’t born yet.” 
“Our parents did that,” Ten whispered, almost as if he couldn't pronounce those words. “The REBELS.” 
Taeyong groaned, he bit his lower lip and looked at the outsider. She met his eyes but couldn’t understand his sudden change. 
“And? What happened then? What happened to you? Where are the– ”
“Enough.” Taeyong abruptly stood up, his chair falling to the ground with a loud sound. His fists clenched tightly at his side, his face red and now she could clearly see that his cheeks were wet. His tone and his behaviour made her jump on the spot.
“You know what you need to know. That’s enough,” he asserted, leaving the room without looking back, the door slamming shut behind him. 
Doyoung ran after him, without saying a word. 
“Excuse them,” Ten slurred, smiling at her and she simply shook her head. 
She clearly had crossed a line she wasn’t supposed to cross, but why? Wasn’t that a story with a happy ending? 
“Can I come in?” Taeyong knocked on the door of Liv’s bedroom. 
“Yong?” A redhead peaked at the door, she wasn’t used to seeing him in her room. 
“Wanna lull me to sleep like you used to do when I was three?” She asked, scrunching her nose. 
Taeyong let out a silent laugh. “Don’t be silly,” he said in a light tone. 
“I was looking for Bambi.” 
Liv’s lip formed a perfect ‘O’ before she turned around, staring at the girl who was sitting on the big armchair looking out of the window. She had been silent since she came back from Ten’s meeting, Liv didn’t understand why she went there in the first place but she didn’t investigate any further. 
“Come in,” she said, moving to the side, making room for him. 
Taeyong cleared his throat and the curly-headed turned around. 
“Taeyong?” She whispered. Why was he there? He wasn’t mad at her, was he? Was he going to punish her? 
“Can we talk?” He asked with a smile on his face. “Alone,” he added, turning to the door. 
Liv mouthed a ‘What’s going on?’ at Bambi but she simply raised her hand in the air to tell her she had no idea and followed the man out the door. 
They had been walking side to side silently for at least five minutes now. The outsider had no idea where they were going but followed him anyway. The corridors looked a little bit less scary than the day before. The moon was piercing through the massive windows and painted the atmosphere blue, it felt like floating in the water. 
And the moonlight sweetened Taeyong’s features. His eyelashes looked particularly long as they moved slowly up and down. His nose had a perfect shape and divided his beautiful face in two perfect parts. His jaw was relaxed, making him look younger. 
He was indeed handsome. But what pulled her closer was the aura he had around him. She just wanted to get to know him, more than anybody else she met these days. 
It was strange to think but she saw herself in him. Maybe if she got to know him, she would’ve found a little bit of herself too. 
“I’m sorry.” His voice woke her from her thoughts. 
“Uh?” She asked, not hearing what he had just said. 
“I said, I’m sorry,” he repeated, his voice was calm, melodic. 
“For the way I reacted before,” he explained as he opened the garden door. A chill breeze blowing over them as the silence of the city calmed their senses. 
“Oh,” Bambi murmured following him out in the garden. It wasn’t that cold and the night was quiet. “Don’t worry, it’s my fault.” 
“No, you couldn’t know it,” he assured her. “Come take a seat,” he proposed, patting the space next to him on a bench near the wall. 
“I know that you’re curious,” he started to say, “but I think it’s better for you to take it slow.” 
He stopped to meet her gaze, trying to understand what she was thinking. 
“It’s really a lot, Bambi. And I don’t know how good it is for you to take the weight of a story that isn’t even yours.” 
She nodded and then pressed her lips together. 
“It wasn’t that,” she said and Taeyong furrowed. “It wasn’t that the reason why you reacted like this,” she stated firmly, holding eye contact. 
Taeyong raised an eyebrow and then gave up. “Damn, you’re smart, aren’t you?” 
She shrugged, trying to suppress a small smile that was forming on her face. 
“It wasn’t only that, okay,” the red-haired admitted. 
“And what was, then?” She asked, her face softening. 
He sighed and rolled his head back, leaning against the wall behind them. 
“I don’t...” Taeyong murmured closing his eyes as he inhaled deeply. “I simply thought that it was better to stop there, for tonight. That was the best part of the story and I don’t like to hear the rest. Trust me, you wouldn’t have liked it either.” 
“But,” she said, just to stop soon after, she couldn’t understand. “It was about your parents. Doesn’t that make you proud to be a child of the rebellion?” She asked enthusiastically. If her parents did something like that she would’ve never stopped bragging about it. They were the good ones. 
They were the resistance.
Taeyong smiled fondly at her. Oh sweet child, how he used to think the same. Just before the pride he felt for his parent turned into poison that was killing him day by day. 
“You’re made of the same substance of the braves who dared to beat Simon,” she stated, looking at him intensely, trying to decipher his expression.  
Taeyong stood up, he was standing right in front of her. 
“Oh Bambi,” he said. He didn’t sound mad like before but there was a strange emotion in his tone that she couldn’t get, she would’ve dared to say disgust but wouldn’t bet on it.  
“I’m not like them. We’re not like them,” he affirmed and then gave her his back as he started to make his way to the door. 
A sad expression painted on her face, why would he say that? 
“Then who are you?” She asked, making him stop on his track. She wanted to know, she needed to know. At least who they were, screw their parents, she wasn’t dealing with the rebels but with them.
He turned his head around, looking straight into her eyes. Then a smirk crept on his face. 
“Simon says we’re the vibe killer.” 
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CC4 - second thoughts
Something FINALLY happens in this one (I think)
“Tonight, gentle reader, I played the hero.”
Side-note:  Gentle Reader should be capitalised.  Simon’s using it as a naming word for his readers, ie, a proper noun.
Anyway, something is going to happen in this chapter.  We’re finally getting some plot.  I don’t know what the point of the previous chapter was, aside from making a joke about monsters being the one percent.  Unless we’re going to meet that kid later on, it should have been cut entirely.
Simon could have explained what brought him into this situation in a sentence or two.  “I was on my way home from the cinema”, for example.
Instead, he feels the need to backtrack and explain why he was at the cinema, once again telling his readers what they should think about it.  “Yes I know it seems strange for a creature like me…”  Do you, Simon? I personally think even very old monsters probably crave entertainment from time to time.  Even slipping a maybe into that sentence would make it less grating.
Of course, most of this exposition is merely indulgence so that the author can have a dig at people with beliefs.  Any beliefs, it doesn’t matter which, make you stupid according to Simon.
Unsurprisingly, he’s culturally Christian.
An invisible friend in the sky who refuses to help but insists upon obedience makes me wonder about the quality of your brains
I’m going to be generous and say the action begins about halfway down the page, with Simon’s description of his neighbourhood.  There is one thing about his description that stands out to me immediately, that there are “numerous garbage heaps and abandoned pieces of furniture” along the tree line in what’s basically a gentrified industrial area.  That doesn’t ring true to me.  
Reclaimed warehouse apartments cost millions, and I don’t think the type of people who live there – or let’s be real, invest in them – would be cool with garbage just being abandoned around the neighbourhood to bring down their real estate prices.
I feel like this is the author’s attempt to reconcile the signifiers of Simon’s wealth with the need to get the story underway.  Despite how much Simon professes to hate vampires on his blog it feels like it’s inspired by the Discworld vampires who are able to amass wealth simply by never dying. Most of the Disc’s vampires are nobility or at least gentry, but he may have missed that part.
Anyway, its a problem that could easily have been overcome by just making Simon live more modestly, or even by having the confrontation not happen near his house.
I’m going to skip over Simon’s description of the fight except to note a couple of things.  If someone is being attacked, and you halt to think, that’s too long.  That person is already being assaulted.  Especially if you take the time to take off your jacket and “lay it gently” over a sofa.
Simon has also already abandoned all semblance of humanity when he springs across to attack the dude.  His claws are extended, etc.  So why is he fighting like a human?  Why doesn’t he just disembowel the guy, or slice through his tendons?
That’s a wasted opportunity to emphasise his inhumanity.
Instead the only reference to his monstrous ways is biting into the throat, because by now Simon is hungry, and tearing skin and muscle.  I get the impression that Simon’s writer doesn’t know much about anatomy because even if you’re a very strong monster, it’s still more efficient to slice through that with your claws (I’m also preeeety sure he’d have to slice through the fat to get to muscle but I could be wrong).
After all this we get back to the point, because the point of all this is for Simon and Rebecca to meet.
I don’t think this is the best choice for how it could have happened.  If you’re going to include an attempted rape scene in a book, you need to be sure it’s needed, and I don’t think this is.
Usually when you write a rape or an attempted rape scene, its to emphasise what kind of danger the victim is in, and to evoke empathy for them. This scene isn’t written to do that.  It’s pretty evident the writer doesn’t care about Rebecca during the attack.
This is written to show how impressive Simon is, how brutal he is when he hunts, and why everyone needs to be scared of him.  I actually think it fails at that too.
Rebecca could probably have stumbled upon Simon while he was hunting or something.  I don’t think there was any reason for it to be an attempted rape, other than the writer thinks its edgy.
If I move at all, I will frighten her into some kind of seizure, and it is very important that she remain calm
Now I know that Simon’s writer will say that this is his archaic ideas, but that’s not an excuse of being ableist.  That’s what I meant when I said he wrote that disclaimer so that he didn’t have to edit the content.  There are plenty of words you could put here instead of seizure, especially if you know better in hindsight.  Panic attack springs to mind.  I’m pretty sure he means panic attack anyway.
So there’s a little conversation that I won’t bore you with, it’s mainly about Rebecca realising Simon isn’t human.
I am tempted to demand she assist me in disposing of the corpse, since her altercation has inconvenienced me completely.
It’s nice to see the book version of Simon is as unable to take responsibility for his own choices as the blogging version.
“Throw it away. There is no place in my freezer for that thing.”
I really hope Simon doesn’t mean just throw it away.  But then, he does think forests are full of mouldering corpses.  Maybe this is why.  
...oh, okay he’s going to be cut into pieces.
OMG Simon just killed this guy while wearing Armani. I presume he means a suit, because you don’t iron jeans.  But who wears a motorcycle jacket with a suit?  I think this choice is weirder than the monster thing.
Think about it, Simon doesn’t care about humans, we’re just a meal to him.  But he decided to play the hero on a night when he was wearing an Armani suit?  He could have just walked by and not ruined his clothes.  If I was a monster I would honestly be more pissed about having ruined my expensive clothes than having to dispose of the body.
Rebecca just casually pointing out where she lives right after she almost got raped.  Totally believable.  I think this is supposed to be a depiction of her being in shock.  It’s not very good.
OMG he really does just dump people in forests.  Simon, learn about pigs.
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kaijuboarcreations · 3 years
Ok, I am in love with Ace Attorney Investigations 2 great characters and character arcs but I couldn't help but be very bothered by one of the game's major plot points. That being the effects of freezing on a corpse. In the case of President Huang they seriously thought he was freshly dead, but there is no way he would have kept that appearance for over a decade after being frozen and thawed, in a conventional walk in freezer nonetheless. For one thing something like a walk in freezer is very much a less than ideal place for storing human tissues with the intention of keeping them fresh. The temperature would not get cold enough and would fluctuate every time the door is opened. Storage of tissues for salvage is best done with cryopreservation through use of liquid nitrogen. But even then, storing a whole human body won't allow you to maintain its integrity as if the body was fresh. When preserving a body or any cells through cryopreservation certain fluids like blood need to be removed and replaced with an antifreezing agent to prevent damage from the formation of ice crystals (aka freezerburn), even with this agent there will likely still be some damage. So either the body will have severe freezerburn or there would be no blood which would not only alter the complexion of the skin, but also tip off forensics right away. In addition a body that was frozen would obviously stay cold for a while and decompose much slower while thawing. These are both factors that forensic investigators look at when arriving at the scene of death. This is just saying if Simon Keyes actually went the extra mile to preserve the president which he did not.
As I said he kept him in a conventional walk in freezer. There's a reason that morgues refrigerate bodies, not freeze them. You can keep a body looking relatively fresh for a few days to prep it for a funeral, but storing a body in a freezer creates ice crystals which rupture cells and dry the body out, warping it's appearance quite a bit essentially mummifing it. I don't know about you but I've seen pictures of mummies and none of them look fresh.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Fionna meeting OG Simon, Winter King, and Freezer Simon in that Apartment AU probable went something like this:
Fionna, pointing at each Simon, while Winter King is texting on his phone: He's Simon, he's Simon, you're Simon - I'M SIMON! Are there any other Simons I should know about?!
Marcy and Simon's Simon Petrikov (aka that oddball down the hall), bursting through the door while in his Ice King persona and violently waving his phone about: SOMEBODY TOLD ME THERE'S A PRINCESS HERE?!
Fionna: *silently looks between M&S Simon and OG Simon*
Fionna: ... I'm outta here.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Y'all I'm back at it again with the silly goofy Adventure Time/Fionna and Cake AU ideas-
AU where the Land of Ooo is an afterlife for those who died in "peculiar ways" (basically, think unsolved crimes or freak accidents) to cope, but nobody knows it and just thinks that things have "always been this way". Finn and Fionna are the only living people who've gotten stuck in the afterlife, and are now tasked with letting everybody know how they died in order to help them move on from what happened.
Is this just an excuse for me to draw Freezer Simon? Maybe... has this become an extremely in-depth concept with way too much thought put into it? Definitely. Do I literally only have an idea for how Simon died and why he is that universe's Ice King? HELL YEAH I DO-
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chronicbeans · 1 year
My ADHD Brain: Okay, I got another idea for Adventure Time/Fionna and Cake, but as a horror series-
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spookyspeks · 1 year
Going insane over Freezer Simon rn
If I have to be the Freezer Simon guy I guess I will (I wanna make him his own character and give him some sweet lore/relation to the real simon)
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chronicbeans · 11 months
How tf am I supposed to explain my crushes in Adventure Time/Fionna and Cake/Marcy and Simon? Like, so I just go "I love Simon Petrikov, Simon Petrikov, The Winter King (who is also Simon Petrikov), and Simon Petrikov (who is also the Ice King)"? Or do I go "I love Simon Petrikov. All four of him"?
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Ok, for the Apartment Complex AU, hear me out:
Costume party turned murder mystery after someone gets "stabbed" (stabbed in quotation marks because the whole thing is probably staged). Cue OG Simon getting to be a detective for a bid, anddd Winter King being the main suspect for a lil while
Everybody is going to be fighting for such a long time. Fionna is probably the one to get "stabbed", since she mainly just wants to watch the chaos go down.
OG Simon is thrilled to be detective, running around and finding clues while dressed as Sherlock Holmes. Winter King is the main suspect for a long while, since he puts on this whole "I am going to be the flamboyantly rude character" for a long while, until he begins to get genuinely annoyed by OG Simon's questioning, and breaks character. After he's no longer the main suspect, it immediately goes to Freezer Simon.
Freezer Simon isn't wearing any costume, mostly because he sees himself as the costume. He's probably walking around on all fours, looking like some sort of creature from the underworld due to his disjointed and broken limbs. He's way too excited to be drinking the fruit punch, though, to actually be paying attention. He tends to answer all of OG Simon's questions with "I was stuck in the freezer for a while. I have no clue what is going on." (Which, to be honest, he was actually stuck in the freezer for an hour...). At some point he gets sad that he's the main suspect, and crawls back into the freezer Exorcist style.
M&S Simon is probably standing in the corner, talking to Ice King, like "Did you do it?" "Maybe." "THAT'S NOT AN ANSWER I NEED TO KNOW FOR THIS PARTY!" "A wizard never tells his secrets, nerd!"
Every Simon is suspecting that it is one of the other Simons that is the killer. It turns into a whole argument. There may or may not be a fist fight at some point. Fionna has probably fallen asleep at this point.
Meanwhile, Ice Marcy is standing in the corner, thinking to herself. "I did it. She refused to give me candy corn, saying that I couldn't eat it, so I pretended to stab her. I didn't expect this to happen, but I at least have candy corn."
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chronicbeans · 1 year
I think WK and M&S Ice King would be friends in the Apartment Complex AU:
M&S Simon (as Ice King): *standing on a table to be slightly taller than Winter King* "HERE COMES THE SNOW!"
Winter King: ...
M&S Simon (as Ice King): ...
M&S Simon (as Ice King): *whispering* "You've got to imagine it coming out of my fingertips, wherein I am an almighty wizard."
Winter King: "OH! Ok, currently imagining that...Hm, not bad! Not bad at all."
They totally would tbh! Though, whenever M&S Simon is Simon, he'd probably prefer the company of OG Simon. Or maybe Freezer Simon, because, to his surprise, Freezer Simon is actually pretty nice once you get to know him! He always lends a listening ear.
M&S Simon: I don't know what to do, Freezo. I keep scaring people whenever I switch up!
Freezer Simon: I scare people either way, but... You know me! I'm a nice guy!
M&S Simon: ... Thanks.
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