#Freminet is next . He better run
opikiquu · 10 months
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yandere-daydreams · 3 months
Title: Mesmerized.
Pairing: Yandere!Lyney x Reader (Genshin).
Word Count: 0.8k.
TW: Hypnosis, Unhealthy Relationships, General Lose of Autonomy, Implied Kidnapping, Implied Stalking, and Obsessive Behavior.
[Commissioned piece. Donate to Palestinians in Gaza here.]
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“You’re getting crueler, brother.”
Lynette watched you stir at the sound of her voice, nearly identical to that of your dearly beloved, but you slackened as soon as you realized it was only his sister, melting back into place against Lyney’s side. Your expression was one of vacant bliss; all glassy eyes and careless smiles, worry only visible in the dark circles laced under your eyes, the pained creases folded into either corner of your mouth. A poor imitation, altogether. You looked more like yourself when you were angry.
Lyney hummed, resting his head on your shoulder. As if trained to, you cooed softly and raised a hand, carding your fingers through his hair as he spoke, self-satisfaction heavy in his voice. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean. Is it cruel to want to spend time with one’s dearly cherished?”
“Father said not to let the public see them until—”
“—until we’ve fallen in love,” Lyney finished. It was a clipped summary, to say the least. In reality, Lord Arlecchino’s order had played more closely to the tune of ‘until you’ve collared your pet properly’, but admittedly, Lynette might’ve missed something. She and Freminet had been listening from the other side of a steel door, and Lyney hadn’t been eager to discuss their conversation after her lecture ended. “And I’m sure, if you bothered to ask, you’d already know that we’re quite in love. Aren’t we, beautiful?”
“Quite in love,” you parroted. There was something strange about your inflection, as if you were trying to speak in a language you hadn’t yet mastered, but Lynette chose not to dwell on it.
“And I’d hardly call this the public,” Lyney went on, when Lynette made it clear that she had yet to be impressed. He made a quick, sweeping gesture to the rest of the backstage area – as if the technicians and stage-hands rushing between lighting rigs and half-assembled props were no more real than the silhouetted figures painted onto the set dressing they were hauling into place. “Think of it as… a trial run, to see how much we’ve improved. If everything goes well tonight, perhaps we’ll be able to attend Father’s next banquet together, too. I’ve been dying to introduce them to the rest of our family – preferably without all the screaming and biting, this time.”
That, Lynette could admit, would probably be for the best. She still had a bruise in the shape of your teeth on her left wrist from the day she’d met you, but Lyney still claimed it’d been one of your better first impressions.
“I’ve always wanted to see one of your shows.” You were cupping Lyney’s face, now, using your thumb to draw tender circles into his cheek. “I’ve always loved the opera. You’re playing the male lead, right?”
Lynette pursed her lips, her eyes widening slightly as she turned her attention pointedly towards her brother. He looked away. “I’m still working out the kinks. By this time next week, it should all be right as rain.”
Reluctantly, Lynette let her attention shift back to you. Your sleeves were long, dense with lace and tulle, but a patch of reddened, raw skin where the shackle had been wrapped around your wrist was just barely visible underneath the frivolous material. There was a slight tremble in your stiff shoulders, and when she looked closely, she could see that you were swaying; your legs weak from disuse, barely able to hold your own weight. Her brother, on the other hand – she could remember the last time she’d seen him smiling so widely. He been in a state of pure, untethered euphoria since the moment you were dragged, kicking and swearing, into one of the Fatui’s lesser-used underground holding facilities, and she rarely saw him without a glint in his eye and a light flush painted over her cheeks. It was almost upsetting, to see a face so much like her own so distorted. If she hadn’t been so used to his sudden flurries of passion, she might’ve been disturbed.
“It can’t last.” Lyney straightened, but she didn’t give him a chance to cut in. “The—the trance, I mean. You’re a magician, not a hypnotist. It’s going to wear off, eventually.”
“I’ve always hated stage magic,” you muttered, dreamily. “I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it. I hate feeling like I’m the only person who doesn’t know what’s going on.”
“It doesn’t need to last forever, just long enough.” This time, it was Lyney who caught your chin in his hand, pulling you just close enough for a quick, shallow kiss. Lynette looked away before she could be forced to endure yet another unabashed show of affection, but she could still hear him far too clearly when he spoke seconds later, his voice now nearly distant as your own.
“Until we both manage to forget how we could ever live apart.”
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ashhh-14 · 8 months
Tropes? Tropes but make it good
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Characters- Diluc, Kaeya, Bennett, Albedo, Razor, Venti, Zhongli, Xiao, Baizhu, Xingqui, Chongyun, Tartaglia, Heizou, Ayato, Gorou, Thoma, Itto, Scaramouce, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Cyno, Tighnari, Neuvillette, Lyney, Wriothesley, Freminet,
Warning- suggestive in chongyun's (dw he's aged up here bubs)
Note- All characters are aged, a dot '.' Meaning scene change , font meaning past memory.
A/n- hope you enjoy!
Doctor patient dynamic
Gentle hands rubbing your back constantly as your coughing fit seemed endless once again. "I-I don't think I'll be able to watch the next lantern right with you like I promised doctor Baizhu." You smiled through the pain, the said man sighing, "Stop doubting my abilities as a Doctor (Y/n). You'll get better." Running his hand through your hair as you layed down, exhaustion making your eyes droop close. "I'll make sure of it, my Little Violet."
Childhood friends to lovers
"Look what I made!" He looked up as you placed something on his head, one hand coming up to touch it, " A flower crown?" "Mhm. Just for you!" He blushed.
"I got you something Kaveh~" He turned to you from where he was writing his thesis, "(Y/n) how many times do I have to say you don't have to buy me art supplies. Um let me buy you lunch as repayment." He looked into your eyes with a gentle gaze as you hopped on the desk beside his papers, placing a box. "Too bad. I already made some for the both of us." "(Y/-" his words got cut short as you gently placed your finger on his lips, "shush Kaveh."
Al haitham
Academic rivals to lovers
"Ugh not again." You muttered under your breath as you looked at the list of top scorers. "Try harder. Maybe you'll be able to get a little better if you work on your gold fish attention span." A voice came as someone passed by, knowing very well who this person was as you sighed in irritation.
Soft clicks of shoes were the only echos in the house of daena as Al haitham made his way towards a bookshelf, his eyes falling onto a figure. He placed his book on the table gently, rounding the table, he placed the pen down from your hand as he placed his cloak on your shoulders, covering you to keep you warm as he pushed the hair away from your face. "Stop pushing yourself so hard."
Grumpy x Sunshine
"Oh c'mon would it kill you to come with me?" You pleaded as your partner kept ignoring your request, "There's no point in me going with you-" "I think you should go with them. It'll broaden your spectrum and give you a new way of looking at things." A gentle voice came as your eyes sparkled at the person. "See?! Even Lesser Lord Kusunali agrees with me!" "NOT YOU TOO " He yelled, grumbling. You pout, crossing your arms over your chest as you stood up, "I'll be leaving Lord Kusunali, since he doesn't want to go, I'll go and ask Cyno. I heard there's a new card back released there too, he'll be happy to come with me." Nahida blinked up at you as you started walking, observing how your frown turned into a sly smirk as soon as a hand gripped your wrist. "Not happening. I'm coming with you."
Co workers to lovers
"Hmm how long do you think this water will last us here Cyno?" You eyed the big bag of water in your hand as you kept walking on the flaming sand in the middle of the desert, "It should last us till tonight. Don't worry, there's a village nearby, we can restock our supplies and get some well desserved rest." You looked at Cyno, unamused "Get it? It's because we're in a dese-" For the first time he cut himself from his explanation, you sighing as if the heavens saved you as he told you to stay put, going to converse with a group of eremites that were closeby. You took a seat in the shade of a giant rock. 'Wait, why is he coming back with a-' "Get on it. Your feet aren't used to the hot sand of the desert, they're already red from the external temperature, it'd be bad if they get blisters. I borrowed us this Sumpter Beast, we'll return this on our way back." Your face started getting warmer, whether it was because of the temperature of desert or your general Mahamatra, you didn't know.
Student teacher dynamic
"Ow!" A book came in contact with your head as you sat on the chair listening to your master's unending lecture. "So the next time I see you head into a withering zone all on your own, I'll be cutting down your sweets that you love so much." Your eyes widened at that, not your sweets! "What did my sweets ever do to you! Plus, I had it covered in the whithering zone!" Smack "Ouch! Stop hitting me-!" Your breath got caught in your throat as Tighnari placed his book under your chin, tilting it upwards as he brought his face close to yours, looking into your eyes, "Next time you won't be doing something so reckless. Okay my Lotus?"
Undercover agent(you) to lovers
[ (C/n) -> cover name]
"I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going!" You apologised to the young looking male. "Oh it's totally fine. Don't worry about it" He smiled, asking what your name was. "(C/n)" You replied, your smile widening when he asked if you'd like to go get a cup of coffee with him.
"Can you actually be serious for once Heizou?" You rolled your eyes as you kept walking through Chinju forest, sighing at your companion's carefree nature. He chuckled, " You want me to be serious huh?" You nodded," yes! It'd be- wa-!" Your sentence was cut off as your back hit a tree bark, your eyes leveling with none other than Heizou's himself. You shifted as he gazed at you in silence, noticing how he got much closer as each moment passed. His lips barely apart from your ear, he whispered, "Is this serious enough for you?.....(Y/n)."
Eternal acquaintances to lovers
"You guys just loveee drawing on his face while he's sleeping don't you" you chuckled, feeling the cool breeze as other 4 yakshas drew little shapes on the face of the one sleeping. "Oh you know his expression is priceless whenever he finds out what we did!" Bosacius laughed.
"Do you ever know when to take a break?!" You were used to scolding him, and he was used to hearing it. A little too used to it. "Don't you smile when I'm here telling you to take care of yourself!"
Your eyes opened slowly, sounds of fireworks and a hand stroking your hair waking you up. You rubbed the haze out of your eyes, "Did they already start?" You pushed yourself up from what you thought to be ground, but lifting your head up you realised it was, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-" He shushed you, gazing down at you gently as his thumb stroked your cheek. Your face grew warm as you sat up to avoid his stare, only to be turned around, feeling his head on your shoulder, his breath on your neck sending shivers down your spine. "S-Shouldn't you watch the fireworks as well?" You stuttered out, not able to focus on the display yourself. He just sighed, tightening his grip around you.
Newly shifted neighbours to lovers
He was in the middle of pouring himself some freshly brewed tea when a knock landed on his door. Your head tilted upwards to look at the tall male. You didn't know what you expected your neighbour to look like but you certainly didn't think of this. He looked... ethereal. "Umm I just shifted here and please take this." You handed him a paper bag. He looked at it and then at you, smiling, "Grace me with your company over some tea?"
"You really don't have to stay up this late for me." You said apologetically to the man sitting beside you, helping you with your thesis you had to write last minute. "It's totally okay. So as I was saying, this part of Liyue------" this went on for hours until he saw you rubbing your eyes. He chuckled," Is Liyue's history that boring?" "Wha- no of course not! It's interesting. I've never thought Liyue had so much to it." You smiled. A large hand came up to cup your cheek, making you look at him, and suddenly you realised how close you two were sitting for all this time. "Sleep's evident in your eyes" he noted as your eyes became hazy with sleep, "I'll take you to bed. My little dove."
Klee's babysitter to lovers
"Klee no bombing the fishes again!!" You said to the little girl, so done with her shenanigans for this week. The little girl pouted, looking down until an idea popped into her head, "Lets go see Albedo then!" She smiled.
The little ball of sunshine was sleeping peacefully in the corner of Albedo's lab wrapped in two blankets while you laid beside her, trying to fall asleep as well because you had nothing to do and there was nothing Albedo needed help with, but the cold was making it too difficult. Were you actually jealous of a little girl's pyro vision? Absolutely not. You don't know when you fell asleep, or rather, passed out.
'Oh. They're both sleeping peacefully.' He walked up to the two of you, quickly noting how your face looked a little pale. His fingertips touched your skin 'Cold' he thought.
The little girl was the first one awake," Albedo! I had this dre-" she cut herself short when she noticed her brother sleeping too...while holding you close to his chest. "Maybe Klee should sleep some more~!"
Pack members to lovers
The chase of two little pups continued in wolvendom until they reached Andreas, where they started their chase back to their destination, their minds on the piece of juicy meat the winner will get.
Some things never really change, like you and Razor having a game of chase. The difference is, however, he's chasing you this time and you two's size differences now that you've all grown up. You landed on the ground with a soft thud, your back hitting the soft grass as you saw Razor on top of you, his skin glistening in sweat as he gave you a cheery smile, "I won again (n/n)!" You playfully rolled your eyes, "Yeah yeah I get you're faster than m- eep-! Razor-!" You giggled, trying to move away as he started licking your face and neck. His hands tightened around your wrists," No running far anymore" He whined.
Strangers to lovers
"But I asked for that popsicle first!"
"And I saw it first!"
"I'm their regular customer!"
"Not like I have them once a year!"
You bit off a little chunk of Chongun's icy popsicle," Hey what did I say about no having my popsicle!" You laughed, getting closer to him all of a sudden," Well if you don't want to share this popsicle, I can always make do with the other one you have~" thump
Yes he fainted.
[Childhood known] Bartender-owner relationship to lovers
"If you'd like, you can work at my tavern. I can use the help and you can use the money." A kind offer he made to his childhood neighbour when you came back from sumeru and needed a job, not wanting to stay away from your homeland.
A soft cry left your lips when a broken glass shard pricked your hand, you continued picking up the glass pieces the customer accidentally broke, ignoring the bleeding hand 'I'd have to mop the floor anyway.' A strong yet gentle grip pulled you up and towards the sink to wash and dress your wound, "Why'd you ignore it?" You bit your lip, not knowing how to answer. "Be careful next time." He sighed.
The number of people were relatively less today, maybe because of the windbloom festival, giving you an opportunity to relax and unwind with a drink yourself. The door opened as you turned your head to see who it was. "Ah master Diluc! Let me go get you some grape juice-" You were about to stand up when two arms caged you against the counter, leaning towards you," Stop calling me that. It's Diluc for you. Just Diluc."
Contract marriage
'To stay with party A's family and take care of party A's siblings, treat A like a husband in front of A's family. The contract shall last for three years.'
Signed, (Y/n)
It's been 2 years since you signed that contract, staying with Childe's family wasn't bad, they all treated you very nicely and that a corner of your heart knew that your family was now out of bankruptcy because of this, you were content....for the most part anyway.
"Look who's home~!" A very excited Childe emerged through the main door, his servants taking away the bags he was carrying as he picked up Teucer. "I brought you Mr. Cyclopes figurine Teucer!" You smiled to yourself as you watched each of his sibling hug their older brother, used to watching the scene from afar at this point. What you didn't expect was him making his way up to you, his height towering over yours as you looked up at him confused, your face flushing as he pulled you closer to him by your waist, kissing your forehead, "How have you been my love?"
"G-Good." You stuttered out. All his siblings left the living room to give you two some privacy, happy to see the sight. He brushed the strands away from your face, looking into your eyes," Sorry about that. But I missed you. I don't know why, maybe because I look forward to seeing you now." Your eyes widened, "And... I want to take you with me the next time I leave. If you'll join me."
'Because It's not just a contract to me anymore (Y/n).' He thought.
Library crushes to lovers
Your eyes peeked over the book to look at the blue haired male, quickly hiding behind it again as his eyes fell on you. "Oh god please tell me he didn't see me." You muttered to yourself.
"The realm of humans was known as the Zhongzhou, while the gods reside in Shenxiao. At the end of-------" he kept explaining the plot of his favourite book, not like you weren't listening, but half your focus was on looking at him.
"Umm (Y/n). There's this new book shop that opened in north Liyue. Will you join me tomorrow?" Both your faces were warm when he said the words as you nodded shyly.
Oni dynamic
"Haha I won again! Take that (Y/n)!" The little oni jumped up as he came out victorious again. "Alright alright no need to rub it in the face Mr. Onikabuto."
"Do you really have to leave (Y/n)?" You nodded as tears pricked your eyes, hearing the sad tone from your oni friend who you've always heard cheery no matter the situation.
"As my great partner (Y/n) came back after years of staying in Natlan, they'll be joining the one and oni Arataki gang! Isn't that great!?" The said oni swung an arm around your shoulder as you ducked, "Your arm's heavy Itto!" "Of course it is I'm an Oni you know! You don't expect me to weigh like a twing do you?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "But boss should we trust them? I mean-" "Well of course! I know (Y/n) for agesss do you think I'll take just anyone into the great Arataki gang huh!?" He pointed smugly to himself as you sighed. Yup, he'll never change, and you won't have him any other way.
Kamisato ayato
Arrange marriage
Your eyes faced the floor of komore teahouse during the whole conversation of your father and the head of Kamisato Clan, accompanied with his sister and their most trusted servant. You saw the two Clan heads shaking hands from the corner of your eyes, knowing everything is sealed. You never even saw what your to-be husband looked like.
"Wouldn't you look at me even now (Y/n)?" Gentle voice of your soon to-be husband spoke as he held both your hands in his significantly bigger ones as the priest made preparations to start the wedding rituals. You swallowed nervously as you slowly looked up, your eyes falling on the mesmerizing lilac ones.
An arm wrapped around your waist from behind while the other one took away the hairbrush in your hand, placing it on the dresser as kisses were placed on your neck," My gorgeous wife." You closed your eyes, leaning your head back against his shoulder," Says the man who gave that word a meaning."
Adventurer-medic to lovers
"Yup, bad luck again." You sighed as you bandaged his knee again. "I'm sorry (Y/n), for troubling you so much. I try to be careful but..." he rubbed the back of his head. "I know Benny, not your fault, just your luck." He nodded, giving you a thumbs up and a cheery smile as you finished bandaging his wound. "Butttt" you intergected when he was about to say something, "Nothing some tasty Chicken-Mushroom Skewers can't solve!" His eyes started sparkling the moment you said those words, making you giggle. "Yay let's go!"
Crew mates to lovers
"Wait up please!" You yelled to the ship that was about to leave the docks of Inazuma. You ran as fast as you could against the wooden planks 'Bad day to be wearing a Kimono damn it.' Apparently your voice wasn't loud enough for the Captain of The Crux to hear and your heart already started grimacing the loss of boarding the ship just a foot away as it started leaving. A sudden gust of wind lifted you up as your eyes closed shut in terror, the next time you opened them, you were on the ship, with nothing but a maple leaf in your hand.
You were leaning against the railing of the ship, looking at the vast ocean in fasination until a strong gust of wind passed, swaying your footing, almost tumbling you over but a hand to your wrist pulled you back just in time before it could happen. Your breath was caught in the throat due to the event, and because of the stranger with platinum hair and ruby eyes that saved your life. He was.... breathtaking. "Careful, the wind can be flickering unexpectedly once in a while. It's a vast ocean after all." He smiled.
Troublemaker and muse
You raised an eyebrow as your beer fell off the table, a person climbing on it instead. You looked up to see who it was, silently grimacing over your spilled beer. "Are you gonna pay for my beer or not" you said looking up at him while he ran his fingers along the lyre, "I'll pay you back with my wonderful performance~!" You sighed in irritation.
Your form busted through the tavern's door in the middle of the night, scanning over your surroundings before your eyes landed on the mop of green you were looking for. You swiftly made your way over, carrying the windy bard over your shoulder like a potato sack as you slid a pouch of mora in master Diluc's direction with an apologetic smile. "Put me downnnn I wanna kiss you!!" He whined on your shoulder as your face matched Master Diluc's hair.
Ayaka's best friend
"Here let me help you with that." He took the heavy looking bags from your hand just as you entered the Kamisato estate. "Ah thank you Thoma." You smiled at him.
"I'm also inviting (Y/n)." Ayaka spoke to her brother over supper and Thoma couldn't help but chime in," If they're coming, It'd be great if I can make their favourite dish." Ayaka and Ayato gave each other knowing looks as Thoma looked between them, confused, "Did I say something wrong?"
"I'm sure (Y/n) could use some help for this event. I hand this task to you Thoma." Said Ayaka as she gently pushed him into a room and slid the door closed so he couldn't escape. "Thoma it's you-!" You squeaked, surprised by the sudden entrance. "Y-Yes Lady (Y/n). Lady Ayaka said I should help you if you were to face any difficulties. So do you need any assistance?" He scratched the back of his head. Your eyes fell onto the kimono belt in your head and then at him, your cheeks warming, "N-No it's fine." He wordlessly came towards you, taking the fabric from your hand, silently waiting for you to turn around as permission. You did, your breath getting caught in your throat as you felt his hands do their work, his hot breath hitting the back of your neck. A few moments passed, your head becoming lightheaded with each second until he did the final knot, whispering in your ear, "It's done, my princess."
Subordinates to lovers
"Bear with it" you said as you poured the disinfectant over your commander's bleeding gash. He suppressed a hiss as you blowed on the wound in hopes to make it feel less burning. "Can you be more careful Gorou? There was no reason for you to come in front of me to stop that arrow!" You glared at him. "Your mother entrusted you to me (Y/n)" he tried reasoning. "As if Lady Kokomi didn't tell me to bring you back safe and sound!" He just chuckled at that.
You were laying down on the make shift infirmary's bed when a very happy Gorou emerged through the door, out of breath as if he ran all this way (yes he did) "(Y/n)! We did it! The war's over!" He ran over to you and hugged you tightly, you noticing how his tail was swaying back and forth. You chuckled. "I'm so happy (Y/n)! I can finally ask your mother for your hand in marri-" Your eyes widened.
"Oh god i shouldn't have said it like that- (Y/n)? (Y/n)?! Oh god don't faint-!"
Mhm, franatic Gorou is pretty cutee~
Fake dating
"Oh~, who is this pretty person beside you Kaeya?" Lisa ask, intrigued. "My partner." Kaeya smiled.
That was five months ago.
You two sawyed from side to side to the silent beat of the music as you looked at him, "So when is your 'target' arriving Kaeya? It's been 4 hours." "Oh don't worry. He'll be here soon enough. My brother can be a little late. He is returning to Mondstadt after months after all." He replied, looking into your eyes just as the venue's door opened to reveal the said man. In the blink of an eye, Kaeya's face was buried in the crook of your neck, " The hell are you doing?!" You whisper yelled at the man, not knowing what he was up to now. If you knew something about Kaeya, it was his unpredictable mind. "Just making sure my brother believes this of course. He has very keen eyes for lies you see. I want to prove to him that I can infact find an adequate partner for myself." "You sure it's not because of that 5 dozen wine bottles he put at stake." "That's just an added bonus!" He smirked as he rose up to his full height, taking your chin in between his finger and thumb, bringing your face closer to his, " Plus, Who knows? I might actually persue it to make it real."
Second chance [mates][immortal reader- non specified species]
"I'll wait for you" said the man you loved so dearly with a solemn look in his eyes. "Don't" was all you said before you departed to the underworld, having not done anything wrong yet having no choice.
A hundred years passed since your own lover sealed your verdict, your heart wrenching with pain each time you think of it. 'He had his reasons. It's for the sake of fontaine.' Your heart longed for the hydro dragon, but you've made your heart think that 'He must have wanted this.'
The day finally came when you reached the surface again, and what you didn't expect was to see him waiting at the entrance. "Neuvillette...." You whispered, your eyes trying to drink back the tears they started producing on their own. The said man walked towards you in slow strides, his mind detached from his surroundings except you. Strong arms engulfed you in a delicate embrace, cradling you against his chest as if you were made of porcelain. And as much as your mind told you to pull away, your hands only gripped him tighter, crying against him. A few moments passed when you looked up at him, " Where's your partner?" Your heart broke as you asked that question, but you needed to know. "Right in front of me." He whispered. It was hard for you to believe him, you expected him to move on. "Did you forget.." he started, his lips placing a delicate kiss on the corner of your lips," That dragons mate for life?"
Classic Husband x Wife
As soon as you stepped foot into your husband's office, the door being shut behind you, you heard fumbling noise. You made your way up the rounded stairs, crossing your arms over your chest as you made your way over to him, "Don't tell me you're drinking tea again Wriothesley." You narrowed your eyes at him. "No of course not. Why would I drink more when you set a boundary of 7 per day" he chuckled. "Oh?" You raised an eyebrow, leaning against his desk as you wiped the corner of his lips," What's this then?" You showed him the sugar powder on your fingertip. He chuckled nervously, "You see-"
Gentle kisses across your face is what woke you up, your hand tightening against the fabric....wait. You looked up and around you, realising you're in Wriothesley's office and in his lap, clutching onto his shirt. He softly kissed your forehead," Morning sunshine. Ready to go to the surface today?"
Opposites attract
"Well someone looks a little out of it on a fine day like this." Your footsteps came to a halt as a guy stopped in front of you. His hand came up and passed by the side of your hair," Let me make it a little better" he chuckled as he pulled a rose 'out of your hair.' It was pretty, you thought taking it from him and giving him a small smile,"Thank you."
You pulled him along with you by his ear gently while he tried keeping up with your pace," I was just entertaining them!" He reasoned as you continued walking," You were clearly still there when they told you they didn't wanna see your tricks." "But it looked like they could use some help!" He whined. "Not everyone deserves you lifting up their spirits Lyney." You sighed. "Well, I can always lift your spirits up. If you know what I mean." Bonk
Fated divers
Your hands splashed the water around you as oxygen depleted at a fast rate from your body, you tried tugging on the vines tightly wrapped around your foot in hopes to break them but they won't let up. You extended your arms up in an attempt to swim back to the surface but it was becoming harder by the second. It wasn't long before black dots started covering your vision and you started sinking further down.
Your eyes open with a start, the endless water still surrounding you but there was a stranger, with his lips on yours.
"Hey there Freminet~!"
"Oh hi (Y/n)" he gave you a small smile, looking up from where he was tinkering with clockwork. "I got you Seabird Sojourn!" You smiled as you sat beside him, looking closely at the details of his doing. You took his hand into yours, making his freckled cheeks blush a pink hue," Let's eat first before it gets cold."
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Written by Yours truly
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cat-toess · 9 months
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Summary ✄: In which, Lyney finally decides to do something about his massive crush on you with the encouragement of his siblings.
✄ Part one here!: Lovesick part 1
Tags ✄: fluff, friends to lovers, mid-length (sort of) gn!reader (intended, I sincerely apologize if not, please message me if you find any mistakes in terms of this topic! I will do my best to improve my writing :D)
✄ Notes: This was so delayed 💀 And for once in my life my delulu brain had no more delusions to feed my stories with, so I was stuck for a while on the plot... But it turned out good in the end (?) LYNEY IS SUCH A SIMP. AND I'M NEVER LETTING THAT IDEA GO OUT OF MY HEAD
If you want you can listen to any Laufey song while reading this! (That's what I was listening to while creating this-)
P.S: I will be revising this even after this has been published, so if you find any grammatical errors then it might be fixed the next time you check <3 might even add paragraphs- so if you want, make sure to check in regularly!
✄ Ft. Lynette and Freminet's pain and suffering
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It’s been precisely a week since the very memorable encounter at the café with Lyney. And honestly Lynette thinks she can’t take another millisecond of her brother's endless rambles about how you ‘gently pulled him up, like he was fragile glass.’ And how ‘you two were about to kiss’ 
This had been going on for around 7 days, 20 minutes and 15 seconds. A good test of her patience, Lynette thinks to herself. 
Now even gentle and ever calm Freminet was staring to run away as soon a Lyney came anywhere from 2 to 5 meters near him. Just so he could avoid getting another earful about how ‘your presence could light up the whole of Fontaine”
It was getting unbearable for both Lynette and Freminet. They both constantly ate dinner in terror, and carefully selected their words, making sure to not make even the slightest gesture that could remind Lyney of your encounter with him. 
One time Lynette made the awful mistake of brining up Cafe Lucerene at the dinner table. 
Lynette was only half-way through finishing her sentence but Lyney was already talking. 
“Oh I could never forget that cafe, it’s the place where me and my darling Y/N met, who knows maybe we’ll get married there!” Lyney dreamily sighs, resting his chin on the palm of his hand. 
Lynette could only look apologetically to Freminet, who was close to a mental breakdown. And truth be told, Lynette was too. All the (sane) siblings could do was pray that this ramble ended short. 
They were sorely mistaken if they thought Lyney’s conversations about you would ever end short. 
Lyney ended up filling up 2 notebooks, full of wedding plans. All while he forced Lynette and Freminet to stay and discuss the flowers, the design of the wedding clothes, guests and even the date on which your wedding would take place. (He said February 14th, because what better day to be wed than the day of romance and love?)
“I don’t think I can take all this ranting for much longer” Lynette groans, rubbing her forehead, trying to relive the pounding headache she had from losing too much sleep, due to Lyney keeping her up to vent all his delusions to her. Lucky Freminet, she thought to no one in particular, he was able to avoid Lyney last night. (Not like he was in any better shape though) 
“Me too, maybe there’s a solution to this?” Poor Freminet, he looked like  a walking corpse. His movements dull and his mouth hanging open, like his soul was going to pop out of it and accend to celestia any minute now. 
“Yeah, and some how make Lyney shut up about ‘the love of his life’ for one second? Fat chance” Lynette grumbled. 
Freminet stared at his sister, trying to think of someway to solve their problems. All while Lyney angrily stirred a cup of tea. 
“Wait, if Lyney likes Y/N then wouldn’t all his ranting stop if he dates them?” Freminet says, deep in thought. 
“Huh? Wouldn’t that just increase the topics he can use to torment us with?” Lynette questions, finishing her tea in one violent gulp. 
“Well, maybe if they started dating, he would focus on complimenting them directly instead of picking us as his unfortunate victims? It’s worth a shot right?” 
“I suppose… though the chance of them reciprocating his feelings are close to none, at least he talks to them often…” Lynette scoffs as she adds a sugar cube to her custom design deep turquoise tea cup. 
“Right, we should try to convince him to ask Y/N on a date at dinner today. Maybe that’ll give us enough time to get some rest…” Freminet mumbles rubbing his nose bridge.
Poor Y/N, thought Lynette. Her spine exploding with shivers the moment she thought about what you would have to deal with if you got together with that brother of hers. 
Oh well, maybe you’d like it? 
It was dinner, the atmosphere was stiff and tense. Like someone had to say something (which was true) The only thing that could be heard was the small clinks of cutlery on plates. 
Freminet nods at Lynette to signal the start of their plan. Lynette gives a small thumbs up to Freimiet as he gets ready to confront his older brother to hopefully stop the endless rambling. 
”So Lyney, we wanted to talk about Y/N-“ Freminet nervously says. 
“Oh? Why didn’t you say so earlier? I caught a glimpse of them today in the opera house, and they were as stunning as ever-“ If he wasn’t cut off by Lynette, who knows how long he would have went on for? 
“Oh for crying out loud Lyney! We’re here to talk about when you’re going to ask them out!”  Lynette yells out while violently stabbing the meat steak on her plate. Her final string of sanity snapping. Her usually tranquil self no where to be seen. Perhaps it was because the hours of lost sleep.
“What Lynette means to say, is that we encourage you to ask them out.”  Freminet corrects while coughing into his fist. Praying that the rest of their plan would go smoothly. 
“Huh? Really? You think they’ll say yes?” Lyney says, voice barely above a whisper. The mere thought of you and him being an item makes his heart rapidly beat against his ribcage, his hands fidgeting and mind restless. 
Now if usually if Lynette saw her brother in a state like this, then new blackmail material would be collected. No questions asked. 
But under these circumstances Lynette couldn’t care less about black mail. Not with her sanity (and Freminet’s) on the line. 
“Then if I may ask , could you two help me to-“ Lyney says 
“No!” Freminet shouts, jumping up from his seat. Lyney surprised to see his brother like this quirks a brow at him, as if to silently ask if anything was wrong. 
“I mean, we think that it would be better if you planned it on your own. That way it’ll be more heartfelt because you did it yourself, right Lynette?”  He Hurriedly says as Lynette furiously shakes her head up and down. 
“I suppose so…thank you for always supporting me Lynette, Fremi, I don’t know what I would do without you two.” (I’m convinced that Lyney calls Freminet “Fremi” Fight me) Lyney beamed as he started to clean up the dishes and put them into the sink (do they have sinks in Fontaine? ) “Well I’m going to head up first and plan the date, after all, it has to be absolutely perfect!” Lyney gushed as he darted up the stairs, but then he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. “Oh I forgot to say but, I’ll leave the dishes to you Lynette!” He called, as he started running up the stairs again. 
“But it’s your turn to wash the dishes…” Lynette voice dies down in the middle as she realizes her brother is already gone, probably blushing and kicking his feet while planning whatever strange plan he was going to use to wiggle into your heart. Though Lynette doubted he could, not with that face. With a heavy sigh she goes to the kitchen to do the dishes, wishing that the dishes would magically be already be done by the time she arrived to the sink. No such luck. 
If he pulled this sort of stunt again, Lynette was more than happy to tell you that her brother had two moles and a scar on his left butt cheek that resembled a smiley face. 
Lyney had been thinking about ways to ask you out all night. The result? A bunch of crumbled pieces of paper overflowing his rooms trash can and a pair of heavy dark circles under his eyes. 
Inviting you to a romantic candle lit dinner and make it rain red roses? “No, too corny” he thinks as he shakes his head. Maybe you’d like it if he simply sent you a letter with a confession in it? No that was too basic, at least for Lyney’s liking. 
A groan escapes his lips, as he scratches out the possibility of the other ideas being successful. 
He tries to recall every time you’ve talked to each other. But all he can remember was you describing a dream where you went on a date with some mystery guy in a field of marcotte’s on top of a cliff where you could clearly see the sea. He also vividly recalls you saying how much you would love to go on a date like that… 
Wait! He could use that dream!
He silently scolds himself in his mind, wondering how he hand’t thought of this before. 
Well if this didn’t work he’ll always have plan 235XI-2A to back him up!
(Or his third personal favorite, 682BS-5J)
Now all he had to do was ask you out. He was deep in thought, trying to come up with a place you might be. He’s checked the Opera house and the shopping district. Where else could you possibly be?
Until suddenly he feels a soft tap on his shoulder. 
“Gha!” Lyney screeches, jumping back, almost like a surprised cat. (You know, when the cats suddenly see a cucumber behind them while they’re eating and just like 2 meters.) 
“Sorry, did I give you a scare?” You chuckle as you hold your hand to your mouth, desperately trying to suppress the laugh in your throat. 
The magician looks composed now on the outside but really, he’s convinced that his heart is beating at a 100 miles per hour. 
“Well, if it isn’t the ever charming Y/N” he tries to play it off cool, and succeeds but if you listen closely enough you could hear the slight waver in his voice. 
“Oh drop the compliments, we’re close enough to address each other casually right?” You dramatically sight, feigning hurt as you put your hand up to your forehead. Like a lead actor about to faint. 
“But anyway, what brings you here?” You say switching your tone to a firmer one.
“I actually came here to find you.” He says, taking in a deep breath to hopefully calm his nerves.
“Really? Whatever did I do to deserve the audience of the great magician of Fontaine.”  You joke, clapping your hands together. “Is it Lynette? Did she want more tea-“
“Iacctuallywantedtoaskyouonadate-“ His rushed words go through your left ear and fall right through your right ear. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Lyney slow down. I couldn’t grasp a single word you just said.”  You tell him, his earlier sentence sounding more like a cursed language more than anything.  
You notice that his face is flushed in a deep shade of crimson out of embarrassment.
“I’m sorry, what I meant to say is, I was wondering if you were free this afternoon?” He says coughing into his fist, finally mustering up the courage to say something to cover up his mistake.
Now it’s your turn to get flustered, because as soon as he says that you’re getting butterflies in your stomach. Your mind blanks out for a second, all rational thoughts exiting your brain. The only thing you can hear at the moment is the loud thumping of your heart.
You somehow get a response out of your mouth, mirraculaously you didn’t stumble over your words! 
“Sure, dose 4 sound good to you?” You inquire, pulling out your pocket sized planner, double checking if you had any other plans for the evening. 
“Sounds good to me. I’ll pick you up at your house?” Lyney says timidly. Thanking all of the gods above and their grandmothers that you had accepted his date offer. 
“Mhm, I’m all right with that. See you then I guess?” You say as you start to head back, craining your neck backwards a little to give a small wave to Lyney. 
“Yeah.” Lyney says, standing there and waving at you like a fool. Slightly dazed still processing the fact that his long time crush, the person that he was hopelessly in love with was going on a date with him in 3 hours. 
The sun was setting, and you were in your room, waiting for a certain blonde to knock on your door. The ticking of your clock seems to be mocking your eagerness. 
It had just turned 4, and as if right on cue you hear a soft know on your brich door. 
Practically sprinting towards the door, you skid through the halls of your home and swing the door open. 
Lyney was, dressed in a plain ruffled dress shirt, paired with a harness made of black leather. His pants of course, were black too, simple with no designs in it. Topped off with simple black laced boots. It was weird to see him without his signature hat. Of course, it goes without saying Lyney looked good in his usual magician attire, but change is always welcome. 
“Ready to go?” He asks, snapping you out of your thoughts. 
“Yeah, It’s just that seeing you without your hat is a little odd, but nice odd. You know?” You muse, trailing your eyes over his figure. 
In response to that Lyney lets out a merry chuckle. 
“Before we go, can you put this blindfold on?” He asks, holding up a blindfold.
You look at the magician suspiciously and quirk a brow at him. “You’re not going to kidnap me right?” Slightly nervous about the whole surprise thing.
“Of course not! I just want to keep the inaction a surprise.” He says giving you a little comforting pat on the shoulder.
“Well, I suppose it’s all right. But I’m running away at the first sign of danger okay?” You sigh, reluctantly letting Lyney’s slender fingers tie the black silky blindfold over your eyes. 
“No peaking, okay?” He purrs as he tugs on your arm.
After a while of walking and talking Lyney halts to a stop. 
“We’re here.” He hums as he slowly unties the blindfold. 
It takes you a moment to adjust to your surroundings, since you had been blindfolded for like, what? 6 minutes? 
But as soon as your surroundings come into focus, the scene in front of you literally steals your breathe away. 
“You did all this for me” You gasp, looking around the venue which Lyney had guided you too. “Ta-da.” He sheepishly says, while softly scratching the back of his head. You two were in a felid of marcotte’s, the grass sways with every soft caress of the wind. Soon you noticed the meadow was located on a cliff, and below was the deep and ever beautiful ocean of Fontaine. The tidalga’s littered benethe made the ocean’s surface appear as if thousands of blue lights were iluminating the area. 
The wind was strong but not too strong, the mixed scent of the salty sea and the sweet aroma of the marcotte flowers smelled heavenly. You looked up to the Colbat blue sky. You could clearly see the stars, each star shining with a brilliant yellow. Under the delicate light of the moonlight, Lyney though you never looked more dreamy. For a moment you stood their in disbelief, it was as if this date was pulled straight from your dreams. The dream that you had told Lyney about. It was perfect. 
“I don’t even know what to say… It’s remarkable Lyney. I can’t believe that you remember me talking about my dream” You gush, as you feel the uncontrollable smile etching itself on your lips. 
“What’s a magician without his fair share of surprises?” Lyney chuckles as he hops over to you. 
A comfortable silence envelopes the two of you. The waves splashing quietly in the background. 
“You know, I actually invited you here to confess something to you…” Lyney bashfully says, his body restless as he prays to the heavens that this would go well. 
“Really? What is it” You say, as you tilt your head to the side. 
Why was his voice stuck in his throat? What was he doing? He practiced his lines millions if not billions of times in front of the mirror, so why couldn’t he do it now? 
You stare at him with a perplexed expression while leaning forward. As if you were eager to hear his confession. 
Oh screw the script, this magician’s improvising. 
“When I first met you, I was enamored by your laugh, your voice and no matter how much I thought on how to confess to you, no words could come close to describing how I truly feel for you.” Lyney paused for a moment to put together his thoughts for one moment. Trying to think of a worthy phrase to describe his undying adoration for you. He takes a deep breath in as he continues “If I had a flower for every time I had thought of you, I would only have one. Because not once have I stopped thinking about you since the day we met. I understand if you don’t reciprocate my feelings, yet my mind keeps lingering back to the thoughts of you and me together.” The words from his mouth spill over like a waterfall, genuine and poetic language flying towards you left and right. 
 “So, Y/N L/N, will you please accept my feelings?” He imagined the confession to be smooth and romantic, he promised himself to be calm and cool. Yet, here he was, face flushed and breathing irregular. Eagerly waiting for an answer. He curses himself for looking like an absolute idiot around you. 
In reality, it’s only been a few seconds, but to Lyney it felt like an eternity. His pupils flying on ever direction, his plans already clammy from the anxiety. 
“I would be delighted to” You beam, taking his hand in yours. 
“Really?” He says, eyes practically turning into stars, you could swear that they turned all glittery for one second. 
“Yes really” You smile, laughing at the usually suave and confident magician's expression. An expression you’ll probably remember for the rest of your life. 
You could audibly hear the loud sigh of relief he let out when you confirmed your answer. 
The two of you continue to stare at each other for a good minute. Then all of a sudden Lyney lets out a little snort. Then you chuckle a little. Before you know it, the meadow is filled with lively laughter. The two of you chasing each other over the rolling green grass, like a pair of idiots. Twirling each other around like one would in a royal ball. Giggles and snickers flowing through the surrounding area. 
Even better, the two of you acted out multiple of your favorite scenes in operas. One of them being the all-time famous Titanic pose (pretend titanic exists for the sake of my heart) Only problem being you nearly falling off the edge of the cliff and letting out a blood-curdling scream that sent the birds in the area desperately flapping their wings to find someplace that was maybe… less chaotic. 
Time flies when you’re with someone you like they say, turns out that old saying is true. Because by the time you both knew it, it was already 10PM
Exhausted, you both flop on the grass, face up to the shimmering stars. Intertwining fingers together both of you deicide to rest a little. 
“You know, you remind me of the moon.” Lyney suddenly says as he points to the glowing moon, breaking the silence. 
“Mhm, why is that?” You question, looking at Lyney with curious eyes. 
“If you're the moon, then I’ll gladly be your tide, for I will forever flow under your command. Following your ever wish and will. For you are my purpose, are you not?” Lyney hums, you hate how he can say something so… romantic (?) so casually. 
“You’re so corny.”  You sarcastically sigh, rolling your eyes. 
“But you love this corny guy right?” 
How could you say no to that face? 
Now by the time the cackling had settled down, the suns light was long gone and instead a pitch black darkness had replaced it. 
So being the gentleman Lyney is, he offered to walk you home. 
The two of you started talking about 
“Ah, we’re here now.” You say, a small amount of sadness laced in your voice. "Well I have to go now, have a safe trip back home." You sigh disappointed that the date had already ended.
“Oh! Before I forget.. here.” Lyney magically makes a marcotte flower appear in his hands with a snap of his fingers. 
“Think of it like a souvenir of our first date.” He giggled, twirling his hair. He seems somehow happier then you, even though you’re the one receiving the flower (?) 
Well that’s Lyney for you, I guess. 
“Lyney, is this from the field that we went to? “ You say happily, spinning the vermilion and yellow colored flower between your fingers. 
“Maybe.” He says while throwing in a playful wink.
You slowly open your door and just as about you’re about to go inside you look back. 
“I’ll be looking forward to our next date pretty boy.” You say pulling him in for a little peck on the cheek. (Y/N mega rizzler arc coming soon?!)
Just a moment ago you were the one being all shy, now Lyney’s here too stunned to speak. The combination of your lips on his cheek and that pet name? He swears you’ll be the death of him one day. 
You give him a little wave, before closing the door behind you with a click. 
Now if it were any normal person, they would just go home and celebrate their successful date. Celebrate the fact that they didn’t get brutally rejected. 
But no, this is Lyney. 
He ended up standing in front of your door for 15 minutes, just stroking the place where you had kissed him. 
He makes a mental note to put a bag over his cheek for the next few days. 
Call him unhygienic but hey, love can make one blind right? 
“Hey mom, look! There’s a guy standing in front of Y/N’s house!” A child passing by shouts, pointing at Lyney. 
“Shhh! Don’t look! We’ll report it to the melusines later…” The mother whispers as she ushers her son away from Lyney. 
Yeah, he should probably head home soon before anyone else mistakes him for a creepy stalker. 
Lyney walks home with a dopey little grin on his face, he opens the door to his house and swings the door open. Kicking his shoes off, he hurriedly runs to the living room where his siblings were most likely having dinner, feet practically skidding to a halt when he reaches to his destination. 
“Hey guess what-“  Lyney says his voice bubbling with excitement to tell his siblings about the successful confession (that he had spent days planning) 
“I’m sorry” Lynette says without looking up from her food. 
“What?” Lyney stands still for a few seconds as he tilts his head owlishly. 
“They rejected you right?” Lynette says as she takes a bite out of her mashed potatoes. 
“Uh no?” Lyney says visibly confused. 
“See I told you, that’s 50,000 mora Lynette.” Freminet sighs, standing up from the dinner table and trudging away to his room. 
“Damn it… I was so sure…” Lynette mutters as her cat tail droops down. Standing up and obviously looking disappointed, she puts her dishes away, walking back up stairs. 
“Wait? Lynnette? Fremi? 50,000 mora? Your eldest demands an explanation! Hey answer me!” Lyney says as he franticly looks around, only to be met with silence…
That is until Lynette pops her head from the stair case  with a devilish expression her face. 
“I’ll leave the dishes to you Lyney” She snickers as she hurries away,leaving Lyney to himself grumbling about how “he isn’t respected enough in this household”  and that “it was Lynettes turn to do the dishes” But he finds himself a blushing mess all over again when he recalls the events of tonight. 
Yeah, you probably shouldn’t tell him that you made the marcotte he gave you into a dry flower. Or else he might combust…
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❀ a/n: GARRHHHH, this took so long. I apologize for the wait! Thank you so much for your support in part 1! I hope you enjoy this as much as you enjoyed part 1! Heads up to those who want to request anything please check my navigation to find my requests page!
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Some of my other posts with Lyney...
❁ Lyney Hcs
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❀ Taglist: @alisstaa,@a-traveling-void-human,@agentaspect,@chuu-o3o, @literaryhomos, @canuleavelol, @rebeccawinters, @just-a-ghost-named-echo, @angelofdarkness2, @emburning, @sketcheeee, @toramune, @kithewanderingme, @w9vyy, @karma-gisa, @mizokowashere, @azharyy,@auspicious-lilana, @n8mareee, @sammybeefangirls
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@cat-toess 2023 please do not plagiarize or copy on other sites <3 Reblogs are appreciated, but please give credit :D if you have feedback please refrain from being offensive <3
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730 notes · View notes
merakiui · 6 months
Yandere Lyney but it’s literally a repeat of the archon quest EXCEPT it was a private show so no one knows that’s when you disappeared. He even had a sibling who vaguely resembles you go in public for the next few days. By the time anyone notices you missing, Lyney already has you hidden away (probably in Snezhnaya with his Father’s protection)
You’re given your own little house, courtesy of Father’s goodwill. You struggle a lot, so your freedom is limited only to the house itself. The chain allows you to traverse anywhere within, from room to room, but it’s pulled taut when you attempt to step through the door. For that reason, authentic freedom is always just out of reach. You occupy yourself with writing in the notebooks provided for your own mental stimulation. It’s not exactly torturous. But then anything would be better than your current predicament, so reading and writing helps keep your sanity mostly intact.
Lyney comes to visit once everything has settled down within Fontaine and he and his siblings have come to report any new information in person to Father. Lynette and Freminet can handle that; it’s Lyney who sneaks away to meet with you. He regales you with everything that’s happened thus far, apologizing for taking so long to finally visit, and completely ignores any of your protests or pleas to be freed.
You’ll fall into a routine eventually. He’ll come to visit when time allows or when it’s most convenient, stay a few nights, and be on his way. It truly does hurt him to leave you. He’d stay forever if he listened to his heart’s desires. But he has to make you dependent on him—has to break you down and build you back up so that the next time he shows up you won’t be threatening him, spitting at him, swatting at him whenever he comes close. Instead, you’ll heave a great sigh of relief because, after so long, after endless nights of loneliness, your only contact with the outside world has arrived. And soon he’ll become less of just that and more of your savior. The one who comes to pull you out of dark thoughts—the same thoughts he induces by leaving you to your solitude.
And eventually he can bring you back to Fontaine. And you won’t resist or try to run away because you’ll love him and he’ll love you. If your heart falters, Father’s offered to step in and give you a more…permanent reminder of what happens to ungrateful children who disobey. But that won’t come to pass. Lyney’s certain of it.
209 notes · View notes
swannieluv · 5 months
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。゚・The Bold Mendacity – 𝟓. First friend
✦⸼࣪⸳ 𝐆.𝐈 𝐕𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 (𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜) 𝐱 𝐆𝐍!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 <3
✦⸼࣪⸳ 𝐖𝐜: 2,6k
✦⸼࣪⸳ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆!!: Mentions of drowning and almost death.
✦⸼࣪⸳𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨: ♡
✦⸼࣪⸳ A/N: Hii! I hope you guys enjoy this fluffy chapter. And yes this is the longest one until now because I definitely wanted to give you all some happiness 😊 /hj
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Your lungs ached as if they were burning from the inside, which was ironic because the only thing leaving them was water. Being able to breathe freely was liberating. The worst part of drowning wasn't "dying", but the pain of breathing water.
"H-Hm... do you want me to call someone?" The blond boy tried to help you, patting you lightly on the back. Nothing came of it, but the intention had been good.
You decided to stay lying down, the pain in your body oscillating between mild and sharp stabs. The horrible sensation of wet clothes sticking to your body and a gigantic tiredness made you close your eyes once more, only to open them again with a strong jolt.
"D-Don't die, please!" The boy looked a little desperate, thinking that your final moments were happening right in front of him.
"I won't die... I think."
With his help, you carefully sat up. The boy seemed very kind and had probably been the one to save you, which was strange as you remembered sinking into an abyss. In any case, it would have been impolite not to thank him.
"Did you help me? Thank you."
"It was...no big deal, the lake is shallow." he pointed to the body of water next to you. It was so shallow that the deepest part would probably reach an adult's shoulders.
'How did I drown in such a stupid thing?'
Your perplexed gaze stared into the lake. Your jaw dropped at the revelation that you had sunk into a lake less than two meters deep. Was it all just an illusion and you had just fainted because of the water? Well, something certainly wasn't right about that.
"Well, I should introduce myself..." You gave him a nice smile and extended a hand towards him so that he could shake your hand. "I'm [Name]."
He shook your hand carefully, as if you were made of glass. He really didn't want to end up hurting you somehow.
"My name is Freminet..."
For the first time, his lips curved upwards into a calm smile. You finally knew his name.
"Why did you run when I saw you inside?"
"I was embarrassed, I thought you'd come to talk to me and I wouldn't know how to answer... you know... I'm sorry." His smile closed, replaced by an embarrassed face and a lot of fidgeting with his fingers. Freminet was clearly embarrassed, but he didn't want to admit it like that.
"No, no, no, no," shaking your hands and head rapidly in denial, you contradicted him. "I'm the one who should apologize, I made you sad... and now you're all wet and might get sick."
You had to find a way to take the blame off him. It wasn't nice to see someone shy like him blaming himself for things that weren't in his control, especially someone as young as him. It brought back memories of dark times when you were afraid to show up for the crowds during festivals.
"You should smile more and act like you really like it. Do you think people would love a 'Child of Prophecy' who can't even grace them with their presence?" Your former nanny pointed a finger at your face, a slightly annoyed expression on her face.
"I-I'm sorry-"
"If you were really sorry, you'd do better at your job."
You really liked that nanny, she ended up dying trying to protect you from the charges when they took you to court. So why were you questioning her attitudes now? Maybe it was the ungrateful part of you speaking a little louder.
"All right... oh, wait..." His eyes slightly widened. Freminet quickly reached into his pockets and started pulling out various mechanical parts.
"What are these? And how can so much fit into such a small pocket?"
The parts were soaked, they would most likely have to be discarded as they would rust due to the state they were in. They consisted of a few screws, chains and even a thin copper wire.
"They're my mending equipment. Mom always brings nice things when she gets home from work, but they're always broken..."
"So you fix them." You looked at him with a proud look, hoping you'd got it right.
"Yes... but I never know where they'll end up."
A calm wind blew over you. Even though it was warm, it made you both shiver because of being soaked from head to toe.
An awkward silence hung in the air after Freminet's reply, neither of you had anything to talk about at the moment. His hands carried those little pieces, which he stared at. Taking advantage of the silence, you stopped to think about everything that had just happened.
'I need to find something, but what? I couldn't hear anything in the end. Besides, what was that place? It was the center of Fontaine, but a little different from how I remember it, even if I didn't leave the temple much... Nine years have passed since I died, so I'm sure what I saw was in the present.'
Something even more disturbing was troubling you. When you were near the fountain, your reflection was no longer your own. What did that mean? You had never seen that child before in your entire life.
'That wasn't me. What kind of connection do I have with that person? Why did that place show me like her? How did she manipulate Hydro without a vision? Why-'
You were interrupted by a hand on your shoulder. Freminet was pulling another of his trinkets out of his pocket.
"You're sad, aren't you?"
"A little..." your hands hugged your knees, helping you feel a little warmer. "But what's that?"
You pointed to the object in his hands, which he placed closer to you. It was like a little machine in the shape of a dog. It was cute, but it was a bit wet and would probably need to be in the sun for a while before it would turn on.
"It's... something I fixed recently. I didn't give it a name."
He put the little machine down, pressing a button to test it. The puppy took three steps before falling to the side and turning off.
"It's broken." You looked pityingly at the object's failure, wondering if Freminet would be hurt by it.
However, Freminet just picked it up and gave it a few light slaps before turning it on again. This time, the puppy was able to walk forward by moving its mechanical paws.
"Can we..." He turned red with embarrassment and turned his head away. "Can we be... friends?"
You blinked twice when you heard his question. No one had ever asked you that before, absolutely never. Was that how people formed friendships? Wasn't it too direct? But for some reason, you couldn't help but smile.
"Of course!" You grabbed one of his hands and looked at him with starry eyes "Now I'm your new friend, [Name], and you're my first friend!"
Maybe it wouldn't hurt to be friends with someone your own age. It wasn't as if Freminet had the power to condemn you to death or anything. A friendship was something you'd never had before, so you were excited to form one with Freminet.
"So as a gift of friendship, I'll give you this." He placed the puppy in the palm of your hand.
"For me, really?! Thank you!" You hugged him tightly, basically throwing yourself on top of the poor thing, who was unresponsive and then very embarrassed.
"You're welcome... it's a... gift from a friend."
You smiled at each other. Was it so strange to make friends with a child you'd only met a few minutes ago? Well, they say children are quick with that sort of thing.
It didn't last long, because when you realized what you'd done, you quickly separated in a way that didn't look like you were running away from him. Mentally, you couldn't help wishing that you would grow up soon. These habits that your mind had created, because it was that of a child, ended up putting you in many situations that were normal for children, yet shameful.
'Damn childish impulses.'
"You could give him a name."
A name... a few ideas crossed your mind. One in particular was very tempting, maybe it would work.
"Then I'll name it Furina."
"Fu...rina?" He looked at you with a confused face. This was not a name commonly used, nor even allowed in the nation of Fontaine, as it was disrespectful to the name of the Archon. "Isn't that... isn't that forbidden? They say we can't name animals like that."
"Yes, but you won't tell anyone. Right, Freminet?"
He looked like a sad puppy begging for more snacks. It was the first law you'd broken in your life, apart from the ideological falsehood that decorated your criminal record in the past, since you were supposedly "impersonating the child of the prophecy".
"I'm not going." Freminet scratched the back of his head. He didn't look like a child who liked lying to others or hiding secrets. "But why did you choose that name?"
'Damn, I forgot to think of an excuse-'
"Well, it's because I really admire Lady Furina. I want to honor her in this way!" Your hands fiddled with the little mechanisms of the robotic animal.
"But are you sure you want to leave it to me? I'm not very good at looking after pets."
Your eyes met his. You needed to make sure it was really yours before you did whatever you wanted with it.
"Mhm... Mom always brings new trinkets, so I can always make more. She comes to pick up food from time to time, but this time she didn't want to leave me home alone."
He really seemed to know what he was doing, maybe one day you could ask him to fix your closet door that has come apart. Since Clorinde wasn't very good at this sort of thing, a loose screw turned into a dismantled door.
"Isn't it strange to walk around with that?" It just slipped out of your mouth without thinking, and then the consequences came.
He seemed to be a little hurt by what you said. His eyes glistened a little with unshed tears. He was a bit offended by the statement but didn't want to speak.
"T-That's not what I meant." You waved your arms in front of him, trying to clear up the misunderstanding. "I've never seen anything like that before..."
Your bad habit of saying things without thinking every now and then was something you urgently needed to fix.
"Will you pardon me? I'm really sorry..."
He shook his head and wiped his eyes with his hands. His clothes were almost dry, which was good, as it would prevent him from catching a cold.
You looked out at the lake again. But this time a wave of nausea hit you as soon as your eyes came into contact with it. Your head turned quickly in another direction, as if you were running away from it.
'Hm... I don't think I'm going to want to go near it any time soon.'
"Are you coming back to visit me more often, Freminet?" You fiddled with the present once more, caressing the robotic pet's head.
"I don't know, this is the first time I've come..."
His face paled completely. His eyes widened and he stood up instantly.
"I-I split up with Mom. She must be worried."
He looked at you with those glassy eyes, as if asking for help. This was the time to repay him for what he had done for you.
"Don't worry, I know the way back to where she is. Come with me!" You held out a hand to him, which he held while you guided him. His mother must probably be desperately looking for her missing son.
"I shouldn't have gone away from her... I'm seven years old now, but I still give mom a hard time like this."
Freminet was almost in tears. With his head down and his voice weak, he felt very guilty for worrying his mother.
"Oh, you're the same age as me then. I turned seven a while ago."
"Hm? You're only seven? Then why do you talk like an adult?"
You froze, was it really that obvious? Sister Dora and Clorinde never commented on it, although Clorinde was a mature child in her own right.
"I-I don't talk like an adult! I'm quite a child, you know!" You stuck your tongue out at him in the hope of disguising your behavior.
You walked for a while until you finally reached Freminet's mother, a pretty woman with blonde hair like his, who was in a corner being consoled by other women. She seemed very shaken by his disappearance, using a tissue to wipe away her tears.
"I should have paid more attention to him. I-"
Her eyes finally stopped on the two of you. The woman got up and ran over to Freminet, hugging him tightly as if she didn't want to lose him again.
"Freminet! You scared your poor mother. Where were you? Are you hurt?!"
She put a hand on his cheek, her face a faint smile of relief.
'Hm...' You stood in the corner, watching the scene unfold before you. Could this be how Sister Dora felt when you disappeared into the temple?
"Sorry... I got distracted and wandered off, but I made a friend." He looked at you, causing his mother to turn her head in your direction too. She was a little embarrassed to be seen like this by one of her son's friends.
"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." She smiled gently at you and wiped her tearstained face with her handkerchief, trying to look more presentable. "It's nice to meet you, hm...?"
"[Name], just [Name]."
"[Name]... It suits you. Thank you for being Freminet's friend..."
She got up and took the monthly food offered by the temple. She seemed to be getting ready to leave, after everything that had happened. Freminet's mother whispered something in his ear, which seemed to put him off a little.
"We'll have to leave now, say goodbye to your friend."
She patted his head, pushing him slightly forward. Freminet didn't seem happy about having to leave.
"Goodbye, [Name]. Don't forget me... please."
"I won't, don't worry."
You hugged him one last time before he left. The scene was seen by the women who were with his mother earlier and by some of the temple volunteers, and would surely have reached the ears of Clorinde or Sister Dora. And so you waved goodbye to him, while watching through the window their silhouettes moving away as the sun set.
Passing through the corridors, you decided to go back to your room to finally rest after everything that had happened. Freminet's gift in your hands reflected the sunlight that hit it.
For some reason, as you walked, you felt the urge to cough. The only thing that came out of your incessant coughing was... water. And that's how you realized:
You couldn't breathe anymore.
Along with this, a strong dizziness caused you to lean on a nearby pillar. And with the agonizing pain in your lungs returning, you fell to the ground.
Your eyes frantically searched for anyone around, finding no one. Despair seized your veins as oxygen failed to reach you.
At the end of the corridor, a figure hidden by shadow gave you the shivers. As if you were facing the somber face of death itself again.
'How many times will I have to die in the same day, damn you!-'
You were cut short out of your thoughts by that voice again. The same voice you heard when that monochromatic Fontaine collapsed.
"˙ƃuıʞɔıʇ sı ʞɔoןɔ ǝɥ⊥"
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wistfulwilds · 9 months
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SETTING: you're an orphan apart of the hotel bouffes d'ete group. normally, you sleep with stuffed animals at night — something your siblings weren't aware of until they came looking for you. [ requested ]
RELATIONSHIPS: lynette & gn!reader, lyney & gn!reader, freminet & gn!reader
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lynette pauses in your doorway, hands tucked in front of her while lavender eyes glance over the scene before her. she had no idea of your collection of plushes, though when lyney comes to see what the hold up is, she's quick to shoo him away so as to not disturb the scene.
standing there, the young woman is thoughtful. finally, she leaves to retrieve something.
when you wake up, you feel something warm and fuzzy moving on you. your first thought is one of your plushes came to life, which is debunked when you hear a soft meow. opening up sleep-filled eyes, your blurry vision sets sight on one of lynette's kittens crawling all over you.
you barely have time to process as lynette picks up the kitten by the middle to hold it, petting it.
"i won't tell lyney if you carry the cat food back home," she tells you, and you can feel your face paling as you manage a meek nod. your brother wouldn't let you hear the end of it.
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lyney knows better than to barge into someone's room when they're sleeping — so, his entrance is quiet, one hand braced against the door frame while the other turns the doorknob and pushes the door open. leaning into the dark room, he spots your sleeping figure amongst a mountain of stuffed animals.
the sight makes him pull back with a thoughtful pause.
still, he had to get you up, so he does as he was instructed to do without much fuss. it's what happens after that makes you more embarrassed and exasperated he found out.
"ma puce," he calls out, holding up a plush from the stall he's at in the commercial district. "do you have this one yet? i can get it for you if you don't!"
you hold up a hand to block him from your vision, turning your body and beginning to walk away as the onlookers look between the famous magician and you. at your lack of response, lyney calls out and runs after you, lack of plush in hand.
"i was just teasing!" he says, huffing as he catches up. "i'll find one you don't have yet and get you one! it'll be a great trick!"
an "uh-huh" is only offered to sate him before he starts pouting.
[ * ma puce stands for my flea. it's a term of endearment that can be used for friends, lovers, and family. ]
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freminet cracks open your door to look through the small opening, making sure he isn't overstepping anything going on. when he confirms you're just asleep, he finally pushes the door fully open as light from the hallway floods into a narrow opening that illuminates the scene in front of him.
you'd always shown interest in pers whenever he had it out, something that freminet had taken note of. upon seeing the mountain of plushes you've had hidden away in your room, he understands now why you were so drawn to his little penguin companion.
while he's an individual of little word, he is one of action.
closing the door to your bedroom, freminet sets off to work.
the next time you go to bed, you're thankful for a decent rest after a long day. kicking your feet up, you lay back, and your head collides with some sort of metallic object covered in a plush texture that is just similar enough to your plushes that it could be easy to miss.
when you fish the object out, you realize it's a lookalike of freminet's pers with a note attached to it.
the note is a fast read in small but recognizable handwriting: "please take care of it."
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freminism · 9 months
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Freminet’s mood hasn’t been the best lately, so he goes to his older brother, expecting the usual list of errands Lyney makes him run, but Lyney has different plans.
Lee!Freminet / Ler!Lyney (platonic/familial)
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Freminet’s fingers tapped the window softly as he watched the raindrops trickle down. Nothing made him feel as gloomy as a rain storm did. Usually, when bad memories came back to him, he would busy himself with tasks for his siblings, or spending time with the Tidalga deep down Fontaine’s sea. But it was getting dark, and diving in the dark is dangerous, even for a professional like Freminet, and Lyney and Lynette weren't home yet, probably busy entertaining children somewhere in the Court of Fontaine.
Freminet let out a soft sigh, turning the key on his clockwork penguin, Pers', back. A clicking sound was heard, and soon his little feet began moving upside down. Freminet smiled, and placed his friend down in the window sill before him.
"At least you're here with me, Pers," he said under his breath. Just as he started thinking of ways to upgrade Pers' clockwork system, he heard the front door click. Freminet took Pers back into his lap, and looked at the doorframe to the living area expectantly. Soon, he heard his brother's voice. "I'm home, Fremi! Are you here?"
"I'm here, Lyney," Freminet said, just loud enough for Lyney to hear from the hallway. Although he was bored a moment ago, he immediately missed the peace and quiet from before every time his brother spoke. Don't misunderstand, Freminet loved Lyney lots, it was just hard to get used to the way his voice and energy lit up any room he entered, even after all those years. "Little brother! What a nice surprise, I suspected you'd still be diving around this time," Lyney said, placing his hat on a table.
Freminet didn't say anything, but he shook his head no, opting to staring out the window again. By the way his eyebrows were furrowed in the slightest, and his eyes looked gloomier then usual, Lyney could tell something was bothering his younger brother. His head tilted, and he sat down on the couch next to him. Freminet didn't react to the cushion shifting. Instead, he looked down at his hands, and at Pers. "What's the matter, Fremi? You're not usually this quiet. You'd be telling me all about the otters and the aberrants by now. Is it the rain?" Lyney asked, his voice soft, full with love and care, which is how he usually talked to his little brother.
Freminet shrugged. "I guess. I would've liked to stay out longer today, but it started to rain as soon as I went out to dive. So I stayed in today." Lyney didn't say anything, giving Freminet the space to continue talking, even though he didn't want to. But the silence was worse, so he decided to just be open about his feelings to his brother. "I've been thinking of... the past, as well. It's hard not to when I have nothing else to keep my mind occupated with."
Lyney nodded in understanding. The magician was great at concealing his feelings with his extroverted facade, unlike Freminet. But deep down, he struggled with memories of his past of betrayal as well. "Then we'll have to distract you, won't we? It's no good to dwell on the past, Fremi," Lyney said, back to his usual cheerful self. Freminet looked up at him. "You're gonna give me a task? I'll do it, even though it's raining..."
Lyney chuckled. "I wouldn't send you out into the rain like that, little brother." Freminet's head tilted. "No, Lynette's already getting all the groceries we need for dinner. I have an even better idea!" Freminet jumped when he suddenly felt his brother's hands latch onto his sides, gently. "L-Lyney-!" he called, unable to think of anything to say to change his brother's mind. This hadn't been the first time Lyney had used this method to cheer Freminet's mood up, and though Freminet would never admit it, it usually worked.
"It's been a while since I've seen you smile, Fremi, I think it's about time~!" Lyney sang, teasing by tapping his fingers against his little brother's sides repeatedly. This made Freminet squirm, nervous shivers running through his body. "You don't have to, Lyney, I f-feel fine!" he protested, trying his absolute hardest to keep his facial expression stoic, but failing when Lyney pushed him against the side of the couch and poked his stomach a few times. A slight smile crept up on his face, and he quickly snatched a pillow to hide his face into. Lyney laughed. Whether it be a pillow, his hands, or Pers, Freminet would always find a way to hide his face from Lyney's eyes. "P-Please..", Freminet said, his voice shaky from held back giggles.
"If anything, you were asking for it Fremi, looking so sad, staring out the window like that... I couldn't just not tickle you!" As soon as Lyney said that, his fingers started spidering all over Freminet's tummy. Soon, giggles were heard from behind the pillow, and Freminet squirmed underneath Lyney. His hands determinedly stayed on the pillow covering his face. "Cut it ohohout Lynehehey!" Freminet said through his giggles. "Cut it out? But I've only just started! After all, I still haven't seen your smile Fremi! Maybe I should tickle you some more, hm?"
Lyney chuckled. Ignoring his little brother's pleas, his hands moved to Freminet's sides, where they squeezed over and over again until the diver's body was moving side to side, trying and failing to avoid the magician's fingers. At this point, Freminet's arms started twitching, his body telling him to push his brother away or cover his waist with his arms, while his mind was telling him to keep the pillow in place. Just thinking about his brother indulging in the look on Freminet's face while he was being tickled to death made his cheeks turn as pink as a marcotte flower. Lyney noticed this of course, as he had every other time Freminet needed cheering up in this way. He knew exactly how to make the boy give in, and he would get to it eventually. First, he just wanted him to have fun.
"Come on Fremi, show me that pretty smile of yours~" Lyney plead, momentarily reducing his tickling to occasional pokes to Freminet's sides. "N-Never, it's too embarassing..." the diver stammered, slightly peeking over the pillow to look at his brother. His disheveled made Lyney laugh softly. "Alright then, I guess I'll have to change it up once again..."
"Cohohom on!" Freminet giggled, even though Lyney hadn't really started yet, he knew exactly what was coming. Lyney simply smirked as his hands moved up to Freminet's ribs, all ten of his fingers digging in, prodding and poking and counting every single rib.
"L-Lynehehey I- Pleahahase!" Freminet laughed, his arms shaking now. His body twisted, doing anything he could to keep the tickly sensations to a minimum, but it was no use. "What will you do, Fremi~? I'm not gonna stop!" Lyney sang.
It didn't take very long for Freminet to give in. He had good endurance, but when Lyney attacked one of his worst spots like that... There was no way he would've been able to hold his arms up for any longer. His hands flailed, trying to protect his own body and trying to push Lyney's hands away both at once. His squirming soon made the pillow fall off his face, revealing a bright smile, accompanied by a fuly pink face, slight tears dwelling up in the corners of Freminet's eyes. "I f-feel behehetter! Please, enohohough!" Freminet begged through his laughs. Lyney couldn't help but smile himself as well. It felt amazing seeing his little brother laugh and smile again, so much that he almost forgot he had completed his goal of seeing Freminet smile and kept tickling him for a bit longer than necessary. He stopped before Freminet would actually cry from being tickled too much, though the diver wouldn't stop giggling for a minute or two after.
"T-that.. was so.. unnecessary!" Freminet complained, glaring at his brother. Lyney laughed. "No need to hide your true feelings, Fremi, I've known you long enough to know you loved it~" Lyney winked, gently combed his fingers through Freminet's hair for a second to undo the mess the squirming made. Freminet blushed, not saying a thing, though he tried to hide a small smile behind his hand. Soon the front door clicked again, and Lynette's voice was heard through the house. Lyney left the living room to make dinner, and Freminet looked down at Pers, who was lying abandoned on the living room floor.
"Sorry, Pers..."
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a/n: let's pretend i didn't disappear for months <3 anyways LEE!FREMINET!! i got lyney a few days ago and i got freminet today! i'm so happy, they are both so cute and i'm so weak for ler!lyney (tho lee!lyney is adorable as well). fontaine is so pretty and amazing and i love the archon quest so far. please let me know your headcanons if you have any!!
p.s. i didn't proofread and im using a new keyboard so please forgive me for any spelling mistakes but feel free to point them out
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lynettetricks · 10 months
I thought about the siblings travelling, so now you must hear my thoughts like you would a madman's
I think of Lynette being very meticulous while packing bags. Preparing only what they 'need' for the days they're away and being extremely thorough on the clothes being properly folded ("We aren't going to iron these when we get there. Better do it correctly") and overall the fastest while packing. Very calm while in the trip, usually brings headphones and plays a podcast he downloaded ahead of time or, unironically, the lofi beats to study to girl. Maybe even asmr is they're feeling daring, tbh.
Lyney has to get reminded that, no, Lyney, you are not going to wear the same thing every day. Washing the clothes every day isn't valid. Pack the damn bag now. Overall sort of messy and spends, like, five hours deciding the clothes she's going to put in the bag only to end up not putting enough. Brings card games and plays them with random strangers if the three are on a plane, or with Freminet if they're on a car ride (it's Uno. They all get very salty over it if the three play together)
Freminet overpacks. Ends up sharing with Lyney (runs out of clean clothes) and Lynette (in the off case an accident happens and they need spare clothes) but probably the only one that isn't insane about travelling. Stares at the void during the trip itself, but talks to Lyney a lot during it if they're sat next to each other
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