#Frey Kan and he will
bluefulgensita · 1 year
Frey Kan è un bambino curioso
Frey Kan è un bambino curioso.
I genitori sono sempre molto fieri di lui. Rispetta tutte le regole, senza mai fare i capricci. Specialmente quando si tratta di andare a letto: sempre alle nove, anche se il resto dei bambini della sua classe sono svegli fino alle dieci per guardare i cartoni. Lui non si lamenta, anche se l'indomani non è un giorno di scuola. In fondo, gli piace.
Frey sa dormire. Sembra tutto al contrario quando si dorme. Di giorno lavora, studia e si stanca a compiere tutte le sue faccende; di notte si riposa, come il papà quando lascia perdere il lavoro e parla di leggi fisiche. Di giorno c'è tanto chiasso a cui badare attenzione, tutt'attorno a lui; di notte è tutto calmo e silenzioso, come la domenica in chiesa subito dopo la comunione. Di giorno deve mantenere gli occhi bene aperti e, se proprio necessario, usare la sua mano per coprirli dalla luce fastidiosa del sole; di notte può chiudere gli occhi, ed è il turno della mano di nascondersi sotto le coperte.
Frey sa fare sogni lucidi. Lo ha imparato tanto tempo fa, così tanto che neanche si ricorda di alcunissimo sogno non lucido. Ma non fa niente, perché non serve a nulla ricordare quando puoi creare tutto quello che vuoi. A dire il vero la base è già tutta pronta quando Frey capisce di essere in un sogno. Un villaggio medievaleggiante, con bastoncini di zucchero al posto di alberi e strade di carbone edibile...
«Sì,» dichiara ad alta voce Frey, «è già successo questo dicembre. Sono in un sogno a tema Natale. Forse perché abbiamo fatto altri lavoretti a scuola stamattina.»
«Che bel bambino, vuoi forse una caramella all'arancia? Ha tanta vitamina C!», gli chiede un torreggiante elfo verde abbassandosi alla sua altezza, imperturbato, come se non avesse sentito le precedenti parole di Frey.
Frey sa parlare. Molto bene, a dirla tutta. Una volta inciampava tra le parole perché doveva essere il più veloce di tutti, ma da quando ha scoperto la dizione ha capito che è più veloce se cerca di fare, molto lentamente, attenzione ad ogni sillaba. Sa anche essere molto molto educato. A scuola gli fanno sempre i complimenti, a parte i compagni invidiosi ovviamente. Le sue maestre gli hanno fatto fare bella figura coi genitori all'incontro scuola-famiglia del primo quadrimestre, e per questo gli hanno regalato un farfallino del suo colore preferito, giallo. Frey nota di averlo addosso proprio in quel momento. Gonfia le sue guance, poi cammina via.
Frey sa andare in bici. Non ha mai imparato, perché non può sporcarsi o sbucciarsi le ginocchia, farsi male è sbagliato perché fa la bua e fa preoccupare la mamma. Quindi non può assolutamente provare, perché se prova rischia di sbagliare. Però sa andarci lo stesso, nei sogni. Frey non fa mai rumore perché non è giusto disturbare i vicini anziani che dormono o la maestra che spiega. Stacca il suo farfallino blu e lo attacca alla bici a mo' di clacson, e con un "poti poti", attraversa la parete di una casa come se non ci fosse, uscendo così dai confini del sogno così com'era.
Frey sa orientarsi. Sa seguire le indicazioni, sa leggere una bussola, sa tradurre una mappa. Conosce il significato di tutti i cartelli stradali, anche se è piccolo. Sa dettagliarti come arrivare ad ogni via della sua città, una volta con un turista ha persino fatto stupire il papà. Chiedigli una nazione, lui ti saprà dire la capitale. Sarà per questo, forse, che quel nero era per Frey una strada. È circondato di stelle mentre corre veloce con la sua bici. Riconosce la Stella Polare, ma non è nella sua direzione che sta andando- no, è altrove. Il villaggio del Natale si fa sempre più piccolo, fino a diventare un'altra stella tra le tante. Frey sa di aver già oltrepassato il confine quando vede, piccola, una figura incappucciata con degli strani baffi a forma di freccia. Non è lui ad averla creata. Farà parte della base?
Frey sa. Sa fare tante, tante cose. Non sa, però, non fare le cose.
«Ciao, Frey. Il mio nome è Uber.»
Il mondo tutto a sinistra di Frey diventa, all'improvviso, un verde sentiero, tutto prato e lontane foreste di frutti. Nel cielo c'è un coloratissimo sole, e si respira una deliziosa aria di campagna, come un misto tra erba spezzata e pecorino appena tagliato dalla forma. A destra, la notte rimane tale.
«Uber, sei parte del sogno?»
«So esserlo.»
«Che intendi?», chiede Frey, un po' spaventato.
«Io sono qui per insegnarti a scegliere, Frey.» La figura alza il suo braccio sinistro, e seguendo la sua mano, ora libera dalle lunghe maniche grigie di Uber, lo sguardo di Frey si ferma sullo spazio dietro di lei. «Per guidarti verso la scelta giusta.»
«Di quale scelta si tratta, Uber?»
Frey sa desiderare.
All'improvviso, alla sinistra di Frey brillano tra le stelle centinaia di fotogrammi in successione. Frey non ha nemmeno il tempo di percepirli, ma sa capirli. Sa pesarne il significato, sa apprezzarne il valore.
«Questa è la tua vita futura, Frey, se sceglierai questa strada. Ti ricordi cos'hai chiesto a Babbo Natale quest'anno che i tuoi genitori ti hanno rivelato che non esiste?, un nuovo robot da cucina, così che la mamma ti possa cucinare la tua torta preferita, la crostata ai frutti di bosco. Qui te l'ha fatta. Vedi?, ha tanta crema, come piace a te. Ti ha anche dato la fetta più grande.
«E la bambina di cui ti sei innamorato, che abita vicino la scuola? Eccovi lì, con i vostri tre figli - oh, eccovi lì di nuovo, anziani, con i vostri nipoti. La mamma e il papà sono così felici con i tuoi figli. Tutti sorridono. È un ritratto davvero idilliaco, ti ricordi la parola?, in questo contesto significa più o meno "senza pensieri".
«E cos'è quello in secondo piano?, ah, già, un pianoforte a mezza coda. Ti è stato comprato in sostituzione della tastiera. Hai continuato a suonare, perché ti piace tanto suonare, giusto?, e allora il papà ha pensato di comprarti un pianoforte a parete per praticare un po' e entrare in conservatorio, poi a mezza coda per continuare. La casa è grande e spaziosa e per gli anni del liceo ci hai invitato gli amici per suonare assieme o discutere di matematica.
«Ecco, la matematica. Ti sei trasferito a Roma per il liceo, giusto per fare qualcosa che sia più alla tua altezza. Hai studiato tanto e ti sei diplomato a pieni voti. In realtà, nel mentre, ti sei anche divertito molto vincendo alcune gare di matematica. Alcuni erano invidiosi di te, ma sei riuscito a trasformarla in ispirazione con le tue parole gentili. Specialmente dopo la tua laurea, quando sei diventato un ricercatore e hai dato il nome a ben tre diversi teoremi. Alcuni giornali ti hanno chiamato il nuovo Einstein.
«In poche parole,» termina Uber, «scegli la strada a sinistra e otterrai tutto quello che hai sempre desiderato.»
Frey sa brillare. I suoi occhi sicuramente scintillano più di tutte le miriadi di stelle sotto e dietro di lui.
«E per quanto riguarda la strada a destra?», chiede.
«Non lo so.» risponde Uber, riponendo le sue mani nelle maniche.
Frey Kan è un bambino curioso.
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clusterrunes · 2 years
[ @kamurocho-dreams / Tsuki and Miyuna Sakuraba ]
The excited pair stepped out of the Karaoke-kan, a spring to their steps. They were humming the same song, Otomeiru My Life.
"Daddy! You sing so well!" The younger girl excited speaks as she takes his hand. He responds to her with a soft laugh, a large grin on his face. His hair is pulled out of it's silly bun, resting neatly on his shoulders. His terrible hair bleaching was now on full display, with odd patches showing up in the long parts of his hair.
"No! You're like a little idol." He excitedly replied, gently lifting her up off the ground to carry her proudly. She puts her arms around his neck as they walk down the streets of Kamurocho, the neon lights shining brighter. "Can I get your autograph Miss Sakuraba? My lovely little idol!" She can only giggle with joy as she rests her head onto the top of Tsuki's shoulders.
The pair were now heading to dinner at a cute Sushi Train, one of Miyuna's favourite places to eat.
In the middle of the streets, there are two people, namely, Doug and Forte, who look very confused about the place they're in. After all, to the outsiders, they could be cosplayers who dress up as their favorite character while to them they're the real deal.
30 minutes earlier, Doug was drinking Lipton tea as he wonders how long does it take for the Narrator to come back when Forte just cough to get his attention. "Doug, this Narrator person you speak of hasn't arrived yet. Are you positive you aren't making this up?"
"Look, I'm not even joking about this! The fact you came here before me and assume that the sech empire is back for Frey killing their leader is something I didn't expect, because I thought you were going to know what's a narrator."
"And yet, you'll never be going to tell me about Kiel. Unless...something has happened to Kiel...Doug?"
Doug kept quiet about that. He can't just tell her about the situation of Kiel being a corrupt employee nor the fact that Kokichi has corrupted him by accident, so Forte's reaction is 50/50 on either good or bad. "Nope, nothing has happened to Kiel." He lied.
"Then, how did you got separated from him?"
"We follow the line." He lied.
"Then why you two follow the line?"
"Cause the Narrator said so." He lied
At this point, Doug just drinking some tea when the wind came out of nowhere from door 427, which causes his drink to spill over the carpet. "Oh come on! I just got it out of the vending machine!"
Doug gets up and tries to close the door when Forte charges too hard that not only they got the door closed, but they also got out of the office and fall into the figurative rabbit hole.
Back to the present, Doug just groans. "Dammit, now we're in a place that is not an office building. Plus, why did you charge?! You know I can just walk towards the door and close it!"
"Well, what do you expect me to do? Just stand there while the wind keeps blowing at you?"
"Yes." He tells her, bluntly.
At this point, Forte just sighs grabs Doug's hand, and looks around for any sort of transport to get back to the office until she spotted a place. "Doug, look! There's the transport place called the sushi train!"
Doug looks at the place that Forte spotted and said "You sure this place you're looking at is a transport of sorts? It looks like a cutesy food place."
"Yes, I believe it's the way to get us back to this...office building you and Kiel were located in..."
With that being said, Forte runs towards the place while Doug has to keep up. "Hey, Forte! Can you slow down?! You're going to bump into someone if you keep running you knight nut!"
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of cherries, marble, and kingly priorities
One of my favourites from the correspondence between Frederick and his boyfriend valet Fredersdorf is the one mentioning some outrageously expensive cherries. Just how expensive? Well...
(Source I’m using is the correspondence book. The rest under the cut as a courtesy because I got a little carried away with going on about 18th c Prussian food prices and translating the follow-up as well. It got long.)
Ich habe gestern Weißzeug gekriegt; da mache ich nur die gewöhnlichen Präsente [Geschenke davon]. Du wirst schmälen, ich glaube, daß gestern für hundert-achtzig Thaler Kirschen gegessen worden; ich werde mir eine liederliche Reputation machen. 
Es freut mich recht sehr, daß es mit Dihr gut gehet; und hoffe ich nun, daß es von Dauer sein wird.
Man saget in Berlin, die Astrua wäre wieder rappelköpisch; sie hat aber ihren Accord [Vertrag] und den muß sie einmal halten. Gott bewahre!
Die Opern-Leute sind solche Canaillen-Bagage, daß ich sie tausendmal müde bin.
Rough translation:
I received the white stuff yesterday; I make only the usual presents of it. You will scoff, I suppose, that yesterday, 180 thalers worth of cherries got eaten; I will develop a dissolute reputation.
I am very glad indeed that you are well; and can only hope it will last.
It is said in Berlin, that Astrua has gone mad again; but she has her contract and she has to abide by it for once. Godspeed!
The opera people are such rabble that I am a thousand times tired of them.
(White stuff meaning canvas and Astrua meaning the primadonna.)
If you wonder just how much 180 thaler is, in an earlier part of the correspondence book, it says that 1 thaler = 24 groschen and 1 groschen = 12 pfenningen and lists some prices of common food items. A pound of beef or mutton cost 1g. 6p., veal 1g. 9p., ham, suet, and butter cost 3g., bacon cost 3g. 6p., a dozen eggs cost 2g., lemons were 1g. a piece, almonds 4g.6p. a pound, and cane sugar 4g.9p.
So, to do the math, for 180 thaler, the same price Fritz paid for an unknown but definitely too expensive quantity of early cherries, one could get 4320 lemons or 25920 eggs. Damn.
There is only part of the follow-up letter (176.) by Fredersdorf to the king published for some reason, after paraphrasing that Fredersdorf said that he found a cheaper offer for marble and urging the king to simply overturn the previous contract and talked about the singer Loria who had been wanting to leave, it cites:
Ew. Königl Maj. seindt nicht Liederlich, dieses dient zu Ew. Königl. Maj. Kost-Bahren [kostbarer] Gesundheit.
Or, to translate:
Yr. Roy Maj. is not dissolute, this only serves Yr. Roy. Maj. precious health.
Reassuring him about the cherries. Nice. (Though what can you even say to the king in Fredersdorf’s position? Yes you got ripped off you idiot? I don’t think so...)
Then there is another apparent omission, followed by citing the conclusion to his letter, which is (as usual for the vast majority of their correspondence) talking about his shit health:
10. April 1754
. . . Mit mihr gehet es recht gut; und ob mir gleich die Füße wie Butter-Fässer sein, so hoffe [ich], wie auch [Dr.] Cothenius saget, daß es ein Nach-Laß von der langen Krankheit is, welches Nichts zu sagen hatt. ich bin gantz vergnügt und ruhig; und warte Nur Auf den May, ausgehen zu Konen, um Meine demüthige Danksagung Ew. K. Maj. zu machen. Unser Her-Gott Vergelt Ew. K. Maj. alle Wohlthaten, so Sie mir er-Zeigt, und [daß Sie mir] Mein lehben er-halten haben!
ich Ersterbe
Ewr. Königl. Majesté Untherthänigster treuer Knecht Fredersdorf
P. d 10 April 1754, den tag von der Molvitzer Battallé [Schlacht bei Mollwitz am 10. April 1741, Friedrich’s erster Sieg]
Which would translate as:
April 10 1754
. . . I am doing very well and even though my feet are currently like butter churns, I hope that, as [Dr.] Cothenius says, it is a consequence of the long illness that means nothing. i am completely happy and calm; and only waiting for May to come, to give my humble thanks to Yr. R. Maj. Our Lord God repay Yr. R. Maj. all the favours You showed me and with which You preserved my life.
i shall die as
Yr. Roy. Majesty’s Most obediently devoted servant Fredersdorf
P.S. April 10 1754, the day of the Mollwitz battle [Frederick’s first victory]
I have to say I really love the contrast between Fritz’s simple “godspeed, Frch” and Fredersdorf’s ✨dramatically extra✨ formal sign-off, a constant in most of the preserved letters.
The king also wrote a marginal note to Fredersdorf’s letter:
was ich vohr 3 tahler haben Kan [nämlich den Marmor], werde ich nicht mit 6 betzahlen, also lasse nuhr einen anderen accord [Vertrag] gleich machen.
Wann Madam Loria den abscheit [Abschied] haben wil, So stehet es ihr frei; und Mus man nuhr richtigkeit mit Ihr machen. Wohr [Falls] Was über bleibet von unßere Schuldt, So mus Man Tropen [Drop] seine 8000 Thaler damit Completieren [auffüllen]. im übrigens freüe ich mihr über deine gesundtheit; und mit die Fühse wollen wier Wohl fertig werden!
...but his German is doing me in, so to summarize rather than translate, if he can have the marble for 3t. he won’t pay 6t. (so, save on marble, indulge in cherries. Fritz logic.), Loria is free to leave if she wishes, then something about how if there’s anything left over of their debt they should use it to pay the goldmaker/alchemist (not too sure of that bit), ending with how glad he is Fredersdorf is doing well.
This whole letter exchange is fairly typical of...honestly all of their published correspondence I saw so far, part business, part Fritz’s worries over Fredersdorf’s eternally shit health (he only trusted his own doctor to take care of him!).
Anyway, I forget what the point of the post was anymore, but if you made it to the end, I hope you enjoyed!
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marianne-stuff · 3 years
Llueve sobre mi
Llueve sobre mi,
Porque he estado anhelando ser libre.
Perdido en mi mundo, innecesariamente.
Llueve sobre mi,
Porque estoy demasiado cansado y necesito dormir.
Este mundo es un rebaño y yo no puedo ser sus ovejas.
Llueve sobre mi,
Y muéstrame el camino.
Este lugar está vacío y no puedo quedarme.
Llueve sobre mi,
Ha pasado demasiado tiempo.
Estoy harto y cansado de fingir ser fuerte.
Llueve sobre mi,
Quiero ver el rayo atravesar el cielo.
Mientras el trueno ruge y las nubes vuelan.
Llueve sobre mi,
Deja que los vientos lleven mi mente a otra tierra.
Nadie necesita saber y nadie necesita entender.
Regen op mij
Regen op mij
Want ik heb ernaar verlangd vrij te zijn.
Onnodig verloren in mijn wereld.
Regen op mij
Want ik ben te moe en ik heb slaap nodig.
Deze wereld is een kudde en ik kan haar schapen niet zijn.
Regen op mij
En mij de weg wijzen.
Deze plaats is leeg en ik kan niet blijven.
Regen op mij
Het is te lang geleden.
Ik ben het zat om te doen alsof ik sterk ben.
Regen op mij
Ik wil de bliksem de lucht zien doorboren.
Terwijl de donder brult en de wolken vliegen.
Regen op mij
Laat de wind mijn gedachten naar een ander land leiden.
Niemand hoeft het te weten en niemand hoeft het te begrijpen.
Regne auf mich
Regne auf mich,
Denn ich habe mich danach gesehnt, frei zu sein.
Unnötig in meiner Welt verloren.
Regne auf mich,
Denn ich bin zu müde und brauche Schlaf.
Diese Welt ist eine Herde und ich kann nicht ihre Schafe sein.
Regne auf mich,
Und zeig mir den Weg.
Dieser Ort ist leer und ich kann nicht bleiben.
Regne auf mich,
Es ist zu lange her.
Ich bin es leid, so zu tun, als wäre ich stark.
Regne auf mich,
Ich möchte sehen, wie der Blitz den Himmel durchbohrt.
Während der Donner brüllt und die Wolken fliegen.
Regne auf mich,
Lass die Winde mich in ein anderes Land führen.
Niemand muss es wissen und niemand muss es verstehen.
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petervc88 · 4 years
Cappelle Calling - TV special - 9 april 2020 - ValleiRadio
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Omdat het Paasweekend voor de spreekwoordelijke deur staat, maar we met z'n allen binnen moeten bijven, draaide ik als serietips voor het komende weekend nummers die in tv series zijn gebruikt. Wederom weer mede dankzij jullie input. Ook besteedde ik aandacht aan twee legendes die afgelopen week zijn overleden: Bill Withers en John Prine.
Terug luisteren kan hier.
Dit was de playlist:
Uur 1:
Alabama 3 - Woke up this morning (1999, The Sopranos) Cecilia Krull - My Life Is Going On (2017, La Casa de Papel) America - A Horse With No Name (1973, Breaking Bad) Cheap Trick - That 70's Song (1999, That 70's Show) (DisCovered) Waylon Jennings - Theme from "The Dukes of Hazzard" (Good Ol' Boys) (1978) Dark Dark Dark - In Your Dreams (2010, Thirteen Of Paradise) U2 - With or Without You (1987, Friends) Bill Withers - Who Is He (And What Is He To You)? (1972) (Filmplaat - uit 'Jackie Brown') Janne Schra & Torre Florim - Reap What We Have Sown (2014, Hollands Hoop) John Prine - Angel From Montgomery (1971, Mr. Robot) The Clash - Should I Stay Or Should I Go (1982, Stranger Things) Lord Huron - The Night We Met (2015, 13 Reasons Why) Julee Cruise - Falling (1989, Twin Peaks)
Uur 2:
The Rembrandts - I'll Be There For You (1995, Friends) Regina Spektor - You've Got Time (2013, Orange Is The New Black) Big Star - In The Street (1972) (DisCovered) Kevin Morby - I Have Been to the Mountain (2016, Wild Wild Country) David Bowie - Fame (1975, Lucifer) Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is (1984, Orange Is The New Black) (Guilty Pleasure) Elton John - Rocket Man (1972, After Life & Californication) Glenn Frey - You Belong To The City (1985, Miami Vice) Stereophonics - Handbags And Gladrags (2001, The Office UK) Mama Cass - Make Youre Own Kind Of Music (1970, Lost & Dexter) Arcade Fire - Wake Up (2004, La Casa De Papel) Badfinger - Baby Blue (1971, Breaking Bad) Journey - Don't Stop Believin' (1981, The Sopranos)
Volgende week donderdagavond van 20:00 t/m 22:00 is er weer een nieuwe uitzending van Cappelle Calling op ValleiRadio.nl. Verzoekplaten of suggesties voor DisCovered, De Filmplaat of de Guilty Pleasure zijn welkom via de Facebookpagina van het programma.
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farvelshell · 4 years
#12. Dua Hari Untuk Selamanya
Sesampai di Denmark, Frey ngasih kabar, dan kirim2 gambar kalo mereka udh sampe. dia sempet kirim2 gambar juga surat dan sisa snack yg gua kasih. sisa snack yg gua kasih itu sampe sekarang belom dimakan, tau tuh buat di pajang doang kali.                                                                                                                kembali lagi ke hari-hari sblm traveling, menjalani rutinitas ngantor, masak,jualan, main game,nonton movies, latihan bola,ke rumah orangtuanya. haha sampe apal gua kegiatannya. but not really. sampe saat inipun gua masih nanya kegiatannya kok tiap hari. ucapan godmorgen (morning) dan godnat (malam) adalah kata yg ga pernah lewat setiap harinya.                                                              Datanglah hari dimana ada hari random. randomnya tiba2 dia mau ngasih gua hadiah, dia bilang itu buat hadiah balasan karena gua udh pernah kasih dia hadiah ketika mereka ke Bali. udah gitu lucunya gua disuruh pilih. alamak. gua tuh ga biasa begini, gua orngnya bakal pake apapun pemberian orng sebenernya. jadi bingung jawabnya, akhirnya Frey ngasih gua waktu buat nyari apa yg gua butuhin, tapi nyebelinnya gua ga ngasih tau tuh lama.mungkin sekitar 1-2 mingguan deh gua lupa. akhirnya dia nanya lagi, nanyain udh nemu apa belom. trs dia sendiri yg berasumsi “kayaknya kamu ga butuh apa2 deh, gimana kalo aku ngirim kamu duit aja buat usaha kamu atau beli apapun yg kamu butuhin nanti” gua tolak mentah2 dong, krn gua anti banget dapet uang dari cowo yg istilahnya belom jadi siapa2 gua pula. perdebatan makin panjang krn gua juga ga bisa nerima uang begitu aja untuk bisnis gua, krn bisnis gua itu bareng orang lain, kurang personal juga menurut gua. dan akhirnya gua memilih untuk dibeliin dompet aja, krn gua lagi butuh dompet yg bisa nyimpen cards lebih banyak. akhirnya belilah sudah, eh pake drama lagi! barang yg mau gua beli di website shopping online itu ga bisa dong dibayar pake kartu apapun yg Frey punya. akhirnya dia beneran ngirimin duit itu ke gua. hadeh........                                                              setelah duit itu kekirim dalam 2 hari, gua langsung beli dompetnya dari website yg kemaren udh gua liat. dan dompetnya akan sampe sekitar 1-2mingguan!
November 26,
Ulangtahun Frey! kalian tau kah apa yg gua lakukan? gua buat kue ulangtahun buat dia, dan buat bendera Denmark & Indo di atasnya. jujur, gua tuh gatau mau kasih apalagi dan mau kayak gimana, sempet kepikiran inituh berlebihan apa justru kurang ya. tapi ini semua gua buat hasil dari pemikiran gua sendiri kok, pure gua yg emng mau buat dan kasih surprise ini. yups! gua kasih surprise, di jam 12 malem sono, yg artinya disini jam 6 pagi. gua sengaja bangun jam 5 pagi disana jam 11 trs ngajak dia ngobrol sampe jam 12. TADINYA sekitar jam 11.45 gitu dia udh bilang bakal mau tidur. akhirnya gua suruh dia jangan tidur dulu sampe jam 12 disana! gua akhirnya bilang kalo gua punya sesuatu buat dia, tapi gaboleh tidur sampe jam 12.                                                        JAM 12 TENG! gua video call! gua udh nyalain semua lilinnya dan siap untuk surprise. dan dia menjawab video call gua dan terjadilah gua  nanyi2 hepi besdey to u. wkwk dengan muka gua abis bangun tidur masih pake baju tidur. dan dia reaksinya tuh seneng! manis banget Ya Tuhan ciptaanmu satu ini ketika senyum. udh gitu tiba2 emak gua lewat, trs emak gua ikutan ngucapin hepi bedey sama good morning. ahahahah ini lucu banget, gua yg kaget malahan. tiba2 emak begitu. seumur2 mana pernah nyokap mau video callan sama temen,pacar,gebetan,mantan(?). setelah itu sudah... gua membiarkan dia tidur krn dia mesti kerja kan jam 8 pagi. 
“That’s was so nice of you! Thank you so much for the cake. terima kasih sayang (emot cium) Godnat for me and have a great day for you” he said
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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RNC pledges support for Trump 2020; state leaders consider canceling caucuses
Republican leaders held sensitive meetings to discuss differing strategies for the 2020 election, moving forward with a step to support President Donald Trump‘s reelection campaign as some state Republican officials separately considered canceling their party’s primaries and caucuses.
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The 2020 election may be more than 600 days away but amid fallout from the government shutdown and growing concern over special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, Republican leaders amplified their support for Trump at the Republican National Committee’s winter meeting in New Mexico this week.
The Republican National Committee passed an unprecedented pledge on Friday to give Trump its “undivided support” before he’s the party’s official nominee.
Charlie Riedel/AP
President Donald Trump addresses the crowd during a campaign rally, Oct. 6, 2018, in Topeka, Kan.
“The members just wanted to underscore, underline, highlight that we are here to reelect President Trump and Republicans up and down the ballot,” the RNC’s national press secretary, Cassie Smedile, said.
The step could serve to discourage a potential Republican challenger from running against the president — a stark contrast to the already-crowded Democratic field.
“He is the most qualified candidate in either party to continue to serve the American people,” Smedile continued.
But the party stopped short of considering a resolution that would endorse the president as the Republican nominee in 2020.
Republican leaders did not consider a competing resolution endorsing Trump’s re-nomination and re-election. It was backed by RNC member Jevon Williams, who received a letter of gratitude from Trump for his support.
But his resolution died in committee and was never voted on.
The rules for the 2020 Republican primary and nomination process were finalized in 2016 and still allow for a Republican challenger to be considered for the nomination if that person garners enough support from state parties.
George Frey/Getty Images, FILE
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a rally on Oct. 18, 2016, in Grand Junction, Colo.
However, state parties, which set their own rules for primaries and caucuses, could change them to prevent a challenger. Kansas Republican leaders are among some states who are leaning toward canceling caucuses or primaries.
“Historically, the KSGOP has not held a caucus with an incumbent president and used other party election methods to select a delegate,” Kelly Arnold, chairman for the Kansas Republican Party, told ABC News.
The Kansas Republican Party will start the process this spring to determine how it will officially handle the delegate selection.
RNC members also voted unanimously today to re-elect Ronna McDaniel as party chair. McDaniel, Mitt Romney’s niece, has been a strong supporter of Trump and even criticized her uncle for his critical op-ed of the president earlier this month. Tommy Hicks was elected as co-chair of the party.
The RNC’s winter meeting served as a rallying ground for the president’s re-election campaign as the party looks to expand on the success of the 2016 election and grow from the 2018 midterms, in which Democrats flipped key Republican seats to take control of the House.
“We’ve got our marching orders of how we’re going to corral our volunteers and our teams within the states to go out there and go above and beyond of what we did in 2016 and 2018,” Smedile said.
Still, some state leaders say more needs to be done. Former Republican Congressman Steve Pearce, who was defeated in New Mexico’s governor’s race in November, attributed the loss in part to growing “anti-Trump” sentiment in the state.
Now serving as New Mexico’s chairman of the Republican Party, he’s calling on the Trump administration to show up in states where Republicans are the minority.
“Our job is to sell to the broader population, and that’s the reason I would like support from the White House,” he said. “Get people out here. Show what you’re doing. Let them ask you questions.”
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Sporting KC's Shelton aiming to get in on goals, but team sharing the load
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April 16, 20184:04PM EDT
KANSAS CITY, Kan. — Sporting Kansas City have had no trouble scoring goals this season, but what’s potentially the most intriguing part about their early success, is that despite scoring at a solid rate, they’ve done it without much from their strikers.
They’ve already bagged 14 goals on the season, and it’s just taken them seven matches. Only one of those goals came from the striker position, and it wasn’t the man who has started in the forward’s role since the second match of the year, newcomer Khiry Shelton.
Sporting head coach Peter Vermes doesn’t think this is a concern going forward though.
“He does so much for us in the game,” Vermes said. “Yeah, I’d like to see him score, I think he wants to score, I think everyone wants him to score, sure. But there is a lot of other things in the game that he’s doing, that’s really helping the team, and that’s really important.
“We’re getting results with him on the field as well. So you can’t deny that too,” Vermes added.
The manager installed Shelton as the starting striker in their 4-3 win against the Chicago Fire back on March 10. Since then, he’s had four shots on goal in six matches. Notably, he has notched two assists.
Shelton has had his chances to get on the scoresheet, most notably in the first half against Seattle on Sunday when he was unable to get his left-footed shot past Stefan Frei.
That Khiry chance had an xG value of .59. It’s obvious, but gotta bury those. #SKCvSEA
— Ben Baer (@BenBaer89) April 15, 2018
If Sporting KC weren’t scoring plenty of goals from elsewhere on the field, this might be of bigger concern moving forward. But Sporting have “spread the wealth” thus far.
“It is good to spread it around,” Vermes said. “Because I think as much as you want to make sure you have someone who is counted on to be your goalscorer, it’s also good to be able to make sure it can be done by a committee as well. You have to be able to do it in different ways as well, set pieces, all kinds of ways.”
With seven players scoring so far this season, fullbacks Graham Zusi and Jimmy Medranda tripling the production of the strikers is probably something Vermes didn’t see coming. But with nine goals from the midfield and the wingers, they’ve had enough to cover for the lack of goals from up top.
For Shelton, his contributions are still a work in progress, and he knows there are things to improve on going forward.
“Right now I’m still trying to figure out how to throw defenders off in certain ways,” Shelton said. “Tactically I think I’m sound there. But just running in behind, being a menace up top. But, I feel like at the end of the day, I created chances for not only myself, but for other people.”
But that still doesn’t mean that his chances won’t come.
“That’s what Peter has expressed towards the forwards, is to hold the ball up, create chances for ourselves, work hard,” Shelton said. “We’re going to get our opportunities as strikers to score. I’ve had a couple so far and haven’t scored yet, but I’ve just got to be patient. But I’m trying to get one. I’m trying to get one.”
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MLSsoccer.com News
Sporting KC's Shelton aiming to get in on goals, but team sharing the load was originally published on 365 Football
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duaneodavila · 6 years
The SWATting Death of Andy Finch
We know what the cops thought. We know because they’re still alive to tell us, and the 911 call that brought them to the house made abundantly clear that they were about to confront a killer who still held hostages. They went in with the idea that there could very well be more death to come, and they surely had no plan of making their wife a widow that night.
What Andrew Finch was thinking is another matter. Police lights outside his home brought him to the door, to look outside to see what was happening. A perfectly normal thing to do, since he couldn’t possibly have a clue why cops were on his street, outside his home. He was a good guy. He had no reason to suspect as he opened the door to his home they were there for him.
“Officers gave him several verbal commands to put his hands up and walk towards them. The male complied for a very short time and then put his hands back down to his waist. The officers continued to give him verbal commands to put his hands up, and he lowered them again.
“The male then turned towards the officers on the east side of the residence, lowered his hands to the waistband again, then suddenly pulled them back up towards those officers at the east.
“The officers on the north side of the street feared the male pulled a weapon from his waistband, retrieved a gun and was in the process of pointing it at the officers to the east. Fearing for those officers’ safety, the officer on the north side fired one round.”
There’s body cam video of the shooting, but the cops were a good distance away from Finch and the video provides little insight. You can hear a cop yell “show you hands, walk this way.” To the cop, who knows why he’s taking charge, his commands make sense. To a good guy, who couldn’t possibly conceive of why a distant cop was yelling at him, it makes no sense.
There is a good chance he wasn’t sure they were yelling at him, and he was looking around to see who else they might be screaming at. The idea that police would command him to “show his hands,” not the clearest phrase to a good guy to begin with, must have seemed absurd. Why would a cop tell him to show his hands? He was in his home, with his family, having an ordinary evening.
Finch was unarmed. He didn’t have any object in his hand that might have been mistaken for a gun, even though there would have been nothing wrong, nothing even unusual, if he had. The cops saw no glint of steal. They weren’t open and exposed, but distant and protected. But the cops had it in their head that he was a killer, and so they saw his every move as a killer’s move.
When the police mindset is that they’re confronting a killer, two things go through their head. The First Rule of Policing, obviously. But also that this is a man who reduced the value of his own life by his own actions. Killing a killer isn’t the sort of thing that will bring a tear to one’s eye. Some people need killing, and a killer would be that kind of guy. So if it happened that he gave police reason, even slight cause, to take him down, they wouldn’t hesitate. This was a guy who needed killing.
From the police perspective, how would they know it was all a hoax?
A 25-year-old man was arrested in South Los Angeles on Friday night in connection with an alleged “swatting” prank that resulted in a police-involved fatal shooting in Kansas, police said.
Authorities identified the suspect as Tyler Barriss of Los Angeles, KABC-TV reported. They say Barriss is suspected of making a hoax phone call to police in Wichita, Kan., that resulted in the death of an innocent 28-year-old man.
A fight between Call of Duty gamers, apparently over a small bet, started the snowball rolling.
On Twitter, a user whose account has been suspended, claimed credit for making the swatting call, writing “that kids house I swatted is on the news” and later “I DIDNT GET ANYONE KILLED BECAUSE I DIDNT DISCHARGE A WEAPON AND BEING A SWAT MEMBER ISNT MY PROFESSION.” The user who made the call was fighting with another COD player who gave him a fake address — Finch’s — which was how the police wound up at the wrong house. “Someone tried to swat me and got an innocent man killed,” tweeted a user claiming to be the other person involved. The fight between the two users was reportedly over a small bet between $1 and $2, Dexerto reports.
Did Barriss have any grasp of what he set in motion? Like so many online, these reflects a disconnect between the bizarre things the lulz of a digital idiot and its real world analogue. His gaming adversary gave a phony address, likely without a thought that it was only phony to him, not to Andy Finch. Did he seriously believe that anyone would be crazy enough to actually call in the SWAT team?
SWATting became very real to law bloggers after it happened to Patterico, Patrick Frey. He survived, but it seemed certain that if this “prank” continued, it would eventually take someone’s life. It took Andy Finch’s life. He left behind two children, ages 7 and 2.
Who knows what Andrew Finch’s wife was thinking about when she woke up that morning? Certainly it wasn’t what suit she would pick out for his funeral, what she would tell her children when they asked why the police killed their daddy. What she would do with the rest of her life now that her husband was dead.
The officer who took down a good guy, unaware of why the police would be yelling at him to show his hands, will suffer regret, probably depression, for having made the decision to pull the trigger. Others will tell him he had no choice, he couldn’t have known that this wasn’t a killer, that if he didn’t shoot, a cop might die.
The officer fired too soon, but that’s a line cross regularly and with the understanding that as long as he believed there was a possibility of deadly force, however remote, it was his duty to kill. Call of duty.
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