#Friday night funkin hex
zerosocialskillz · 1 year
Considering their connection with IRIS, I’m surprised nobody shipped Hex and Tricky.
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hexagonmoment · 2 years
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kimberlygbart · 2 years
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Very old art from last year, but basketball anime episode or whatever we need 🙌
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burntuakrisp · 2 years
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cringenamehere · 2 years
Hex: Wow... people... cared for me?
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indecisive-v · 3 years
this is so nice and chill oh my god
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provoiceactor1 · 3 years
A Friday night funkin comic dub with my impression of tabi and hex just being themselves I hope you all enjoy ^^
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stationerykid · 3 years
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Hexagon my Beloved
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the-lovely-shelly · 3 years
Headcanons de Hex!
Bueno supongo que aquí subire más que nada headcanons y cosas para leer, no esperen nada genial o del otro mundo, disfruten
*Hex sin duda sería un dulce y cariñoso novio siempre dándote afecto físico, así que preparate para ser ahogada de abrazos o besos todo el día
*Èl te presentará a sus amigos (Whitty, Carol y Boyfriend) y tu los tuyos (si es que tienes, lol) para así pasarla bien en grupo
*Te invitará a jugar basketball, si no sabes te enseñaria y si no estás interesada lo verás en la esquina jugando o anotando canastas dedicadas a ti
*Hex siempre estará energético por lo que querrá hacer muchas cosas contigo, mala suerte para ti si eres muy floja
*Si sabes rapear ambos tendría una amistosa pelea de rap, aunque probablemente termine en un rap de amor
*No te preocupes si no tienes dinero, Hex te dará y comprará lo que quieras (claro sin abusar)
*Aunque sea un robot, Hex sorprendetemente te preparará comida y lo mejor es que sabe deliciosa
*Hex en las citas puede estar en dos modos, modo animado y divertido o modo tímido y torpe
*Èl es muy inocente en todo esto del romance y como se maneja una relación así que se gentil con él
*Adora demasiado a Hatsune Miku (tanto que la tuvo como waifu) pero al conocerte a ti dejo su amor casi obsesión por Miku para así tu volverte en su waifu Suprema y amarte mucho más
*Hex en los momentos muy intimos siempre tendras que dominar o ser la que se encargue de todo, él es demasiado inocente y tímido para hacerlo por si mismo
Bueno eso ha sido todo por el momento, gracias por leer si es que alguien leyó esto ^^"
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cloud-paws · 3 years
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_(:3 」∠)_
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hexagonmoment · 2 years
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ive improved a bit and maybe when I get back to the ask blog I'll have some pieces coloured who knows
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kimberlygbart · 3 years
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"Do you blame yourself?" "...What?" "Well it's quite common in this situation for a patient to feel a kind of.... Guilt." "What situation?" "The accident."
Once people asked about Hex existence in the Swap AU and I'm glad to say he's still very much Whitmore's (only) friend
He doesn't work for the TGG but he constantly visits and help Whitmore around the place - which means still following the dress code so yay Hex in the suit!
Hex has been an old friend of his for a long time, he is the only one who knows all of Whitmore's story and the only one who has his trust.
[DISC.] Reblogs are very much appreciated! Don't repost my art without credits
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spooky-children · 3 years
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I draw this because Iam bored
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xyuniconnijix · 3 years
I have been lazy this day have a Hex
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Hex is my favorite mod character and he is soo precios and pure
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sephioux · 3 years
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sweetstarart · 3 years
For some odd reason, I love the idea of Pico and Hex being best friends (Its probably because of Recd's video on Hex which you should totally check out!) So I made this and I might make it a whole mod! Also here are some headcanons:
🤖🏀. Hex found Pico smoking on the sidewalk and somehow it turned into a basketball game. While Pico may be short, his amazing agility and high speeds make him a worthy opponent (But Hex still won)
💥🔫. Pico feels oddly comfortable around Hex (Which is why hes so sleepy in the picture below) and wont let anyone touch him
🤖🏀. When Hex gets tired, Pico carries him to his house and lets him sleep in his bed
💥🔫. When Pico gets tired, Hex will stay in place until he wakes up
🏀🔫. Hex has never seen Pico cry
🤖💥. Pico has hurt and killed people who've tried to bully Hex
🔫💥. When Pico gets sick, Hex (and Boyfriend, assuming they're friends) Is always the first to know and he'll stay by his side no matter what. Once he feels better, he'll bake a big chocolate cake for him (I saw a Pico Day picture of Nene giving him a cake so I assume he likes chocolate cake with strawberry frosting)
🤖🏀. Hex Tried to teach Pico how to bake but they ended up going to the hospital because Pico put too much sugar and salt into the cookies
💥🔫. Once Pico baked hex a tray of cupcakes to thank him for being a good friend. He left them at the front door and ran away. The next morning, Pico came to the sad realization that Hex couldn't eat food
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