#Fruits Basket x Reader
chalkscene · 7 months
can i request fruba’s reaction to the first time they hug you when the curse is broken without you knowing? like it’s a complete surprise and you’re so happy? thank you so much!
IM SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG BUT HERE IT IS!!! i don’t usually take requests to take the pressure of writing off of me but i just loved this prompt sm i couldn’t say no 😭
ft. kyo sohma, yuki sohma, hatori sohma & shigure sohma (separate)
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after witnessing your failed attempts at making one rice ball, KYO suddenly decides to join you in the kitchen, “pay attention. i’ll only teach you once.” you fight back a smile because you know he’ll keep teaching you as long as you keep asking but you don’t point that out lest he change his mind. you expect kyo to grab a handful of rice. instead, he stands right behind you and cages you in his arms, putting his hands over yours to help you mold the clump of rice you already have in your palms. when you’re reminded of his curse, you quickly spin on your heels and push him away, dropping your rice ball in the process. to your surprise, kyo doesn’t seem remotely offended by your action. he’s more focused on the clusters of rice now scattered around your feet. a click of his tongue hits your ears before you hear him say, “you just wasted a good rice ball.” however, the expression on his face is free of disappointment—a small smile slowly curls on his lips as he waits for a realization to dawn on you and eventually, it does. “you’re…” you mutter in disbelief, caressing his face as if to convince yourself you’re not dreaming, “you’re not a cat…” at your reaction, kyo’s chuckles cuts through the momentary silence before he holds you in his arms, pressing a soft kiss on the top of your head in wordless confirmation—this is real. and you immediately return his affection, not wanting to wait another second to bask in his touch. you don’t know which higher power to thank but you still find yourself silently expressing your gratitude like a prayer now that kyo’s curse is lifted. when you pull away, he reaches for the bowl of rice behind you. “this isn’t enough for the two of us,” he deadpans as if a life-changing moment didn’t just happen. you’re itching to ask him when he knew but you deem it a conversation for another time when a suggestion suddenly pops in your head. “we can go out and celebrate instead,” you say cheekily, “i’ve always wanted to try this cat café.” kyo rolls his eyes and you can’t help but laugh. “what?” you defensively exclaim in between giggles, “cats won’t cling to you anymore.”
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ever since YUKI went away for college, the only time you’ve really had with each other is when he comes home to visit. you usually have an itinerary prepared but this time, yuki decides to ditch all that. “you have a surprise for me?” you teased him once on video call. yuki simply shrugged, laughing. you tried to coax it out of him but he didn’t budge. “if i told you then it wouldn’t be a surprise,” he countered and when you gave him a pout, he added, “i’ll just see you at home, okay? i love you.” so here you are now, sat in your living room while you wait for yuki to arrive. thankfully, it’s not long before you hear a click from the lock of your front door. “yuki!” you beam at the sight of him and he immediately mirrors your expression. you’re about to take his bags when he swings them out of your reach, carelessly dropping his things to the floor before he snakes his arms around your middle. in a panic, you freeze in his touch and soon, you’re attempting to shove him off of you. “yuki, your curse!” you cry but he only snuggles further into your body. and that’s when it hits you. the boy you love hasn’t turned into a rodent which can only mean one thing—there’s no more curse. you don’t know when or how and as hard as you try, you’re unable to form words to ask yuki about it with your emotions beginning to take over you. yuki only chuckles at your lack of response, “surprise.”
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snap. HATORI immediately stops in his tracks upon the sudden sensation, “did you feel that?” “huh?” hatori is almost sure what he felt but he decides to brush it off at your confusion. “tori, you okay?” you ask, raising your hands to cradle his face but he involuntarily flinches at the closeness in case it triggers the curse. “sorry,” you quickly add. he shakes his head, declining your apology, “it’s fine.” you don’t talk about it any further on the rest of the way home but you’ve already reached your doorstep and he still seems distracted. you don’t want to part ways like this so you try again, “are you sure you’re feeling okay?” he doesn’t answer. “hatori?” “can i…” he starts before trailing off hesitantly. he doesn’t finish the rest of his sentence. without a word, he steps closer until there’s barely an inch between you then he wraps you in his embrace. “hatori, no!” you try to push him away in panic but you catch yourself in that same instant when you realize he hasn’t turned into a seahorse. holding your breaths, you both wait in silence for the curse to take effect but the next thing you feel is hatori’s arms tightening around you, making it clear he’s not planning on letting you go anytime soon. before your emotions can get the better of you, a chuckle is bubbling past your lips in relief, releasing any tension that has filled the air. “you have a lot of cuddles to make up for,” you tease hatori but your voice comes out weakly as you keep your tears at bay. and with you in his arms, hatori has never felt so grateful, “then let’s stay like this for a little while.”
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“hi,” you beam at SHIGURE the moment he enters your home, “how was your day?” he doesn’t answer right away as if to ponder your question. “it was…” he momentarily trails off before adding, “interesting.” your eyebrows knot in confusion and that’s when you notice something’s off about him but before you can pose another question, shigure leans closer until he’s almost just about your eye level. “can i have a kiss?” he asks before he’s pouting his lips, sporting an effective pair of puppy eyes as you would expect from the dog incarnate. but all that effort only earns him a dubious look from you which elicits a dramatic sigh out of his mouth, “you know i’ve had a long day.” you can’t help but snort at his sulking but you eventually grant him his request. you’re careful to maintain a distance to avoid triggering the curse but in a swift and sudden motion, shigure pulls you flush against him as he kisses you with more fervor. your poor attempt to push him away does little to nothing against his strong arms that he can’t help but smirk against your lips. soon, he’s pulling away, his visage looking brazen as ever, “what’s wrong?” completely stunned and stupefied, you struggle to form the words on your tongue but a single thought plays in your mind—the curse is broken. when your eyes begin to well up, shigure’s cocky grin is immediately replaced with a smile so sincere that it’s such a striking contrast to the words that come out of his mouth, “we can do whatever we want.” then he’s kissing you again.
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ph4ngz · 2 years
Wanna know the best bonus that comes with dating him?
He pulls your hair without you having to ask.
He does it when you’re making out, leaning you onto the wall with his fingers combing through your locks so soothingly to then yank on a handful, evoking a muffled and panicked moan from your mouth to sound against his needy lips whilst his body is heavy against yours.
He does it when you’re fucking, bringing your back closer into his chest and using the hold on your tangled, messy strands to keep your top half upright as you’re slowly forced forward by his sharp thrusts whilst he’s taking you from behind, yelping involuntarily, so sweetly each time his tugging grip gets tighter.
He does it to tilt your head back when he quickly kisses you goodbye before work, your mouth hardly opening at the calming pulling sensation before his tongue darts in and swipes against your own, just once, to keep you thinking only of him from the moment he lets go, right up until he returns home.
He's dying to tease you about it but he stays quiet, acts like it's not his fist in your hair that's always making you whine for him, for he's afraid you'll try holding back the next time he wants to hear your irresistible voice.
Izuku Midoriya, Koshi Sugawara, Yuki Sohma, Megumi Fushiguro, Katsuki Bakugo, Kaeya Alberich, Denki Kaminari, Al-Haitham, Yuta Okkotsu, Shigure Sohma, Toru Oikawa
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animeyanderelover · 5 months
Can I request Fyodor, Jōno, Sigma, Tetchō, Yuki, and Kyo with a darling that enjoys solidarity? Pls and thank you❤️
Glad that I asked you before publishing this. For everyone’s information, it was meant to say that the darling enjoys solitude.
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, manipulation, abduction, isolation
Tags: @shumidehiro @leveyani @izanami78 @flaming-vulpix
Darling enjoys solitude
Fyodor Dostoevsky
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🍎​Everything in life has its good and its bad aspects about it and the same concept applies to your preferences for solitude. On the positive side, it is quite delightful to have you already self-isolating all by yourself as Fyodor can keep very easily an eye out for you. But where is the fun? He is a terrible person who believes himself to do God's work yet the diabolical things he does surpass even the deesd committed by the devil himself. Fyodor sees it as a necessity to break you and shape you into someone new and he can't help but think that it might be less amusing to watch your life crumbling away as you prefer your solitude over the company of other people. Nevertheless, if you should be someone who is less prone to show your feelings very easily, he sees it more as a challenge than anything else to see how far he must go to finally shatter you to your core. It is a sick and twisted way of thinking but it is a deed that has to be done. After all you deserve all the suffering he is about to unleash on you.
Jouno Saigiku
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♦️​Your preference to spend time alone is much appreciated and welcomed by Jouno who has always been far too possessive to let other people close to you. Whenever he seeks you out, he finds you most of the time alone and enjoys the fact that he can have your attention and company all for himself most of the time. Although it does increase his spite for the people you do actually keep close as he knows that they are very special to you if you bother to hang out with them. You are a fairly calm and composed person who enjoys their quietness and that is reflected in the relaxed composition of your heartbeat. As someone who can pick up on the emotions of others easily due to his enhanced senses, this only aids further in Saigiku's obsession as your emotions don't overwhelm him. Although similar to Fyodor he still has a sadistic streak and sometimes might try to trigger your emotions to go haywire to satiate his own desire. Your racing heartbeat is lovely to listen to at times after all.
Suehiro Tetchou
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🌸​Tetchou is fairly normal for someone who has an unhealthy obsession going on but if you compare him to people like Saigiku, it should be no surprise. On the other hand he is quite dense at times and may make wrong assumptions which is unfortunately what happens in your case. He assumes that your preference to be alone is because you have social anxiety, even if that may simply not be the case. Growing from this hasty assumption of his, he grows more protective over you to the point where he actually ends up isolating you even if you want to spend time with others. Convinced that he is doing you a favor, he ends up taking over every social interaction of yours as you aren't even allowed to order something from the staff in a restaurant as he instead insists on doing so for you. It may not look like much but it can very much turn into a smothering overprotective behavior where your social skills drastically reduce themselves due to the social isolation he puts you through.
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☁️​You give him almost constantly anxiety due to your withdrawn personality which has him actively struggling out of fear that you'd be annoyed if he would attempt to talk with you. He doesn't want you to direct any negative feelings his way as he is much too sensitive for that so instead Sigma starts stalking and spying on you to collect as much information about you as possible. Knowledge is a weapon after all and he hopes that by finding out more about you, he can find a suitable way to approach you without getting on your nerves. He is most likely overthinking it all yet it's not like someone could just explain this to him. He does learn to appreciate it more later on as he can spend all of his time alone with you without having to worry about you expressing unhappiness about the isolation due to your preference os being alone. As foolish as it may be, he even has high hopes that you will forgive him the abduction he is currently planning as you have never been a fan of being under people to begin with.
Sohma Yuki
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🐭​Yuki has been admiring you from a distance for a long time yet for multiple reasons he has never approached you before. Sometimes he wonders if you are someone like him though as he often sees you all by yourself, not bothering to mingle with other students. He wishes to talk with you yet his low self-confidence and his popularity have always kept him from doing so. When he eventually gathers the courage to seek you out and start a conversation with you, he only finds himself falling more for you. He feels comfortable and safe in your presence and the fact that most of the time you are by yourself only aids his secretly possessive side as he claims that time alone he has with you. Yuki quickly learns where he can find you when he feels the need to see you and sees it through that no one follows him so that no one can disturb the time he wants to have with you for himself. Things take a bad turn when he finds himself dependent on you though whenever he feels anxious or very stressed, leading him to suffer from a mental breakdown when he can't find you anywhere.
Sohma Kyo
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🐈​Kyo may not show it but he feels initially worried when he catches you most of the time away from others, instead sitting all by yourself. He wonders if people don't like you or if you are very anxious yet he soon comes to realise that you just simply prefer to be by yourself. It does give him relief to know that he has nothing to worry about yet it also makes it more difficult to approach you, even though he has sworn to not get to know you due to the deal he made with Akito. The heart does what it wants though and so he finds himself commonly hiding from your sight as he watches how you spend time by yourself, reading a book or doing some work for school. It isn't enough to quench the longing in his heart yet he reminds himself that staying away from you is for the best. Kyo is very protective though and whenever he overhears someone calling you weird for always being alone, he reacts defensive and brash as he lashes out on the students for talking about you like this.
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maissafespace · 1 year
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I know you.
Shigure Sohma x Reader
synopsis: Shigure Sohma, a complicated man with a lot of secrets, knowing him gave you everything, from love to happiness to frustration and pain. It can’t help that you cannot get away from him.
warnings: age gap relationship. angst. mean!shigure, domestic fluff, heartbreak, arguments, mentions of break up, mentions of cheating (not happening). nsfw. emotional s*x, doggy style, missionary, cream pies, mentions of pregnancy, breeding.
a/n: it’s a brief story for one of the men that has my heart, but unfortunately is in a unique situation with a person I loathe lmao. It’s something that I needed more than anything, I haven't written for some time so I hope it's decent. please like, comment, reblog, tip! thank you for reading!!!!
Masterpost • Masterlist
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Living as a zodiac and as a Sohma, Shigure never saw anything beyond the walls of the clan when he was young, and he never thought about it either.
When he was kicked out after the whole thing with that woman and the other as well, he had no option but to. He had to find a house, find a job, a routine to follow, to live a life as a normal human and not one of the zodiac.
In that, he could not forget to fill his own release. How to pass time when he had the time to distract himself.
First, it was his few flees here and there, Mayu as well. But nothing and no one that made him feel less like the dog of the zodiac, only loyal to one woman in mind. No one was ever serious enough or enough in itself.
The appearance of the kids was a welcomed distraction but not ‘it’ yet, it was another failure. Their fights, their presence made him observing of what the zodiac was, therefore made her existence even worse and far more amplified.
When he met you, nothing changed at all at first. You were and are younger than him, just another woman, meeting him during your first year in uni in a random cafe in the city while he was 25.
It took you a bit of time to actually talk to him, to get the glances and looks to have an effect, to have him take you seriously at all beyond an 18-year-old looking at a slightly older man.
Maybe at that moment you were looking for a distraction from the workload as well, he doesn’t know really the motive behind your pursuing.
But he knew that neither of you were actually taking the situation seriously, it was all out of lust, for him to not think of Akito and the curse, for you to probably not think of family and your own problems.
Things weren't supposed to be taken seriously.
Yet, after three years, here he was, thrusting into you deep and hard, groaning into your mouth as he muffled your moans and made everything echo with the slick on your skin.
Your legs spread apart, feet planted on the futon while his hands pinned yours down. Chest against chest. Forehead against forehead.
You knew his secret.
His attraction grew even more after the discovery, you stayed and listened, you stayed and understood, you stayed and didn’t care.
You stayed.
He knew the difficulty in it though, you were a very affectionate person, for years you wanted to hold him, the man that was making your head go crazy but you couldn’t without ending up with the cute version of his dog.
Because while it was at least something, after years, and a title, it was still frustrating.
As he fucked you thoroughly, he could see the way your legs twitched every time to wrap around him and feel the most. He wanted it too, feel your legs tightly around himself, feel your arms around his back and leaving all the marks you wanted.
As he spilled into you, hands firmly on your waist, digging into your flesh as he pushed as deep as he could, he showed you the same amount of want and need. The marks perpetually being left on your skin, everyday you saw them, every time you remembered that none other would fit them as his hands would.
Panting against your chest, he was feeling your nails brushing through his hair, your lips leaving light pecks on the crown of his head.
It was an experience looking into your eyes every time. He never felt as overwhelmed as in those moments.
So much care and love that he probably shouldn’t deserve for who he truly was. He had told you things but not nearly as everything as he should have.
His head was still split into his zodiac and human, but now there was you, thinking of Akito felt like a betrayal each time, he felt shame that he still couldn’t figure out a way to break this curse and shame of feeling a pull that he would never feel with you. It was something unique with Akito, unfortunately and till then, when she called he would be with her as she wished.
While nothing physical had happened, that was the bare minimum. Just his thoughts were near enough awful for someone in a relationship, he couldn't do anything about the chain that tugged when she wished even in moments like these, where he had the only woman who truly loved him unconditionally with him, making love to her.
Much that he only snapped out of it when he felt you push him off your body. Scrambling around with the sheet covering yourself to find your clothes while he just closed his eyes with a sigh, knowing he had fucked up royally, his hand going to his face, eyes looking down with guilt and then at you, putting on his t-shirt and pants with your shoulders going up and down irregularly.
"I'm sorry." Is all he could say.
"It's not enough." You said with a crack in your voice. "I understand, okay? I do, I did for three years but I can't just ignore it every time. I know she's in your head but where am I? Are you wishing it was her? Are you just doing this out of pettiness? Are you just wasting my time? Am I wasting my time with a man that cannot stop thinking of his ex lover even when we are having sex? Did you cum because of her or me? These are all the questions that come to mind whenver this happens, I'm tired of it, Shigure." Tears were freely rolling down your cheeks, looking at him with sadness and disappointment as he just felt guilt. He couldn't even hug you.
"I know it's not enough but I'm trying. I don't want to think of her, I don't want to, I want to be with you. Why do you think we are where we are now? I want you, but I cannot stop that! I cannot break it." He said through frustration.
"And I get it! But you cannot expect me to not be hurt!" You said back to him.
The room fell in silence. When your breathing regulated, you started to walk off to the door, but he held you back by the wrist. "Where are you going?"
Snatching it back. "I will sleep with Tohru. I cannot be with you tonight."
You closed the door behind you. Shigure just fell back into bed, hunched over as he repressed the need to scream in frustration. He didn't want to admit defeat, unfortunately whenever this happens, he would lose you for three days at least.
He could not do anything, he had not found the way to break the curse yet. He was really trying, for you and for him to live a normal life. He was also sure that it will still take time for it to happen after he discovered a way.
He slept sporadically in the night, waking up every hour and hoping to find you back on the other side of the bed, but it was always empty. In the early morning he woke up and walked down to find the kids all up and about, you were with Tohru by her side wearing his long sleeved shirt and his sweatpants, with your hair wet after what he assumed was a relaxing shower whenever you felt stressed.
Tohru greeted him as gently and kindly as always, Kyo and Yuki doing the same with less enthusiasm, you stayed quiet, he only met your eyes briefly, recognizing the puffiness and the slight redness you tried to cover up, looking away as quickly as possible.
The kids knew to not ask. They ignored whatever had happened every time it happened. Breakfast happened as normally as it would've.
When the kids were gone, so were you, locked up in your shared room with him as you worked from your computer, he knew already he had to stay out of it, he stayed in his study room, writing when he could not do nothing but think to how fix things with you this time.
The first two days went exactly as he predicted, each of you staying in your own spaces, not a word said between you two. He felt anger that you got mad at something he could not control at all and frustration that he could understand it. He saw you each day with the same puffiness around your eyes.
The third was not as he imagined, after the kids went to school, he waited for you to walk up the stairs and disappear till they returned, instead you spoke to him. "We need to talk, Shigure."
Those words didn't inspire faith in him, just fear. Hearing his full name from your lips felt even worse, whatever it was, it was not something he probably wanted to hear.
You two sat in front of each other in his studio, in silence, heart racing in both your chests as you tried to find the right way to put it out. But there wasn't a right way, so you just said it.
"We should break up."
Your words felt like a bucket of ice poured onto him. His eyes widened and he spoke without even thinking. "No."
"I'm not asking, Shigure."
"I said no. I'm not breaking up with you, I don't care whatever you have to say about it, I am not ending my relationship with you." He said, anger visible in his eyes. "We are happy."
"If you think happy means having an argument every two weeks because of another woman, I doubt and am scared of your definition." You said with a chuckle.
"Are you unhappy?" He asked directly.
"I'm not happy entirely." You swallowed. "We have our happy moments, I know, everything apart from this is perfect. But I just can't overlook it every time. It hurts, Shigure, I feel it breaking me all the time physically and emtionally." You said to him. His jaw clenched.
"I'm trying, it's not something I asked for. I want to break it as much as you do and live a fucking normal life."
"And how much time is that going to take? A year? Two years? Five? Ten? Never?! I am 21, I am young and have time to start and build something with someone else, Shigure. I'm not wasting time being your second choice, I will want to get married and have children. What will happen then? Akito will have me end up like Kana and then what, Shigure?"
"You're not a second choice-"
"I am if there is another woman in your heart and mind. Because there shouldn't be. I do not have another man pop up every now and then to which I cannot say no, to which I cannot not accept advances from."
"You know, nothing ever happened. Don't start that shit with me, Y/N. You won't end up like Kana, I won't let Akito get close to you, I made sure of that for three years and Hatori knows he cannot. This conversation is over, I'm not breakiing up with you, forget it." He got up and started to walk away.
"Shigure. Shigure. Shigure!" You yelled following after him up till you were in your shared bedroom. "Stop behaving like this."
"I told you I'm done with the conversation."
"But I'm not. Can you not understand that I'm hurting and we have no way to know if this will end up in tragedy or will work out."
"Do you think I don't want that? I just want to have a fucking life, away from that, now that I'm with you. I did think of it, I want to get married and have a family with you, I just need time to figure this out and break it." Tears rolled down your cheeks at the thought of not having that.
You had fallen in the deep end with him.
"I'm not throwing away the best thing that happened to me." He said sincerely, with fear in his eyes as he looked at you. "I know things are not the best right now, but we endured it and I'm not giving up."
You sniffled, frusteation growing in you as well. "What if I want to get married right away?"
"Then we will get married, tomorrow if you want."
"First you'll have to get permission from the head of the family." You spit back at him.
"I don't care. I've been kicked out, despite being called back from time to time, I call all my choices. I'm marrying you, whether you want it or not, tomorrow or whenever you think it's right." He shrugged. Your jaw clenched.
"What if I was pregnant? What would happen then when you get called back, when she finally wants you openly because she will not want you with another? Where do we end up? Shigure, just understand, for once, things will not change." Your voice had some sincerity, his eyes narrowed at it. Looking at you up and down.
"Are you?" His voice was hoarse, in disbelief.
"I said if I was."
"And I'm asking if you actually are." He just looked at your frown, the veil of tears that was buidling up in your eyes as you shut your mouth in a thin line instead of giving him a proper answer. "You are." He said taking a step towards you, as you took a step back.
"I don't know if I'm keeping it, don't get your hopes up, I'm not raising a child in these conditions." Your words held bitterness. "You didn't even want anything when we started our relationship, you didn't want the committment, I'm sure a child was not in it as well."
"Things changed you know that. For fuck's sake we live together, how do I not want committment? With you? I just told you I'd marry you tomorrow if you want. I'm 28, a child is not going to scare me off and make me break up with you. It's just making me love you more."
Your breathing became visibly irregular from the anger or frustration he didn't know. But you had only given him a reason more to fight for you. "Gure, please." You just cried, breaking. "I am scared." Your head fell down, eyes shutting as you cried.
Despite it, he understood. He understood your fears, he understood that you were scared, you were young, pregnant and in a relationship with a man that it's chained to a woman he grew to despise, and that could not touch fully without becoming a dog.
His gaze softened, walking towards you and leaning his forehead down to the top of your head, the most intimacy he could give you, kissing your head. "I love you. I truly and incredibly am in love with you." His hand slid on top of your flat stomach. Your hand going on top of his. "I'm here with you, just hang with me a little more."
You faced him, lips colliding with yours as you locked in a burning kiss. Your hands quickly pulling down his yukata from his shoulders, pooling on his waist as your nails quickly dug into his skin as always giving him indication of your need for him.
It wasn't long after that you both found yourselves naked on the bed, his cock into you as he dug his fingers into your thighs to keep you down and yours in his shoulders in a position where it didn't trigger it.
His length going in and out of you deeply, whispering sweet things into your ears as you just moaned his name, making something snap in him, something he wasn't quite sure of.
"Mine, mine..." He repeated as changed and pounded from behind you, his hand keeping your head to the side, looking at you fucked out state as he erased any idea of breaking up from your mind.
He felt the pull, growing restless to have his attention, but he just couldn't, he was caught up, he had you, he had you forever, and with you he had a child that was enlarging his own proper family, that tied you in a way that he cannot be tied with anyone else, his dream of a normal life with you and away from everything else.
A tear fell down his cheek as you moaned out his name coming on his cock as he kept going in and out of you sloppily, reaching his own point of release as he came deep in you, spilling his seed in you once again, feeling the knot releasing and something completely breaking in him.
You both panted for air, crying silently and he fell on you, the urge in him to hug you tightly.
So he did, he hugged you.
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princess-sof-time · 1 year
I want to send you a request before I lose the opportunity (i will be all day without electricity 😦)
Hiiiii A-chan!! I will like to make another request!! Hope u don't mind ❤️
Could you write fooooor Ai, Aqua, Akane (Oshi no Ko) Adrien, Luka, Marinette (Miraculous) Yuki and Tohru (Fruits Basket) with a S/O that works as a voice actor and is a really good one, S/O can do a lot of different voice of diferent tones!! And sometimes playfuly change their voice while talking to them (maybe even learn to imitate their voice) pretty please 🥺❤️
I admire a lot the work of voice actors!! Seriously, I love it sooooo much ❤️❤️ haha im obsessed
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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• Ai would be absolutely fascinated by their S/O's talent as a voice actor. She would admire their versatility and skill in being able to portray different characters through their voice.
• She would be captivated by their playful nature, especially when they change their voice during conversations. Ai would find it incredibly endearing and would always be entertained by their antics.
• Ai would eagerly listen to their S/O's voice acting projects and provide feedback and support. She would be their biggest cheerleader, attending their performances and celebrating their successes.
• Over time, Ai would become interested in learning more about voice acting and might even try her hand at it herself, inspired by her S/O's passion and talent.
• She would enjoy spending time with her S/O, exploring different character voices together and engaging in playful banter. Their ability to imitate her voice would make her laugh and strengthen their bond.
• Ai would appreciate the deep connection they share, as they understand the creative process and the challenges that come with being in the entertainment industry. They would support and inspire each other
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• Aqua would be amazed by her S/O's talent as a voice actor. She would find their ability to transform their voice into different tones and characters incredibly impressive.
• She would be thrilled whenever her S/O playfully changes their voice during their conversations. Aqua would giggle and play along, enjoying the fun and lighthearted moments they share.
• Aqua would eagerly listen to her S/O's voice acting work and would be genuinely interested in the characters they bring to life. She would provide encouragement and be a source of support during their projects.
• Her S/O's talent would inspire Aqua to explore her own vocal abilities, and she might even consider voice acting herself in the future.
• Aqua would cherish the moments when her S/O imitates her voice, finding it both amusing and heartwarming. It would create a unique bond between them and strengthen their connection.
• She would love to experiment with different character voices alongside her S/O, engaging in playful role-playing and bringing their favorite characters to life during their private moments together.
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• Akane would be in awe of her S/O's talent as a voice actor. She would admire their ability to portray various characters and tones with their voice, finding it incredibly fascinating.
• She would enjoy the playful moments when her S/O changes their voice during their conversations. Akane would be amused and would playfully respond, enjoying the light-heartedness they bring into their relationship.
• Akane would eagerly listen to her S/O's voice acting projects and would provide constructive feedback and support. She would be genuinely interested in their work and would be their biggest fan.
• Inspired by her S/O's talent, Akane might even consider trying her hand at voice acting herself, intrigued by the art of bringing characters to life through voice.
• Her S/O's ability to imitate her voice would make Akane laugh and feel a sense of closeness. She would appreciate their playfulness and the unique bond they share.
• Akane would find comfort in their shared understanding of the entertainment industry, as they navigate the challenges and joys of their respective careers. They would support each other's dreams and aspirations.
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• Adrien would be incredibly impressed by his S/O's talent as a voice actor. He would admire their ability to bring different characters to life with their voice and would find it both fascinating and inspiring.
• He would be absolutely delighted when his S/O playfully changes their voice during their conversations. Adrien would find it entertaining and would join in on the fun, trying to imitate their voices as well.
• Adrien would eagerly listen to his S/O's voice acting projects and would provide unwavering support and encouragement. He would attend their performances or recordings whenever possible and would be their biggest fan.
• Over time, Adrien might develop an interest in voice acting himself, inspired by his S/O's talent. He might even playfully imitate their voice or attempt to voice characters from their favorite shows.
• The playful moments of imitating each other's voices would create a strong sense of intimacy and connection between Adrien and his S/O. They would enjoy the lightheartedness and laughter it brings to their relationship.
• Adrien would be proud to have such a talented and versatile S/O, and their shared understanding of the entertainment industry would deepen their bond as they support each other's dreams and aspirations.
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• Luka would be genuinely fascinated by his S/O's talent as a voice actor. He would find their ability to change their voice into different tones and characters incredibly captivating and would admire their versatility.
• He would appreciate the playful moments when his S/O changes their voice during their conversations. Luka would find it endearing and would enjoy the light-heartedness and joy it brings to their interactions.
• Luka would be a dedicated listener to his S/O's voice acting projects, showing genuine interest in the characters they portray and providing continuous support and encouragement. - Inspired by his S/O's talent, Luka might even consider exploring voice acting himself, curious about the art of bringing characters to life through voice.>
• The playful imitations and voice changes between Luka and his S/O would create a playful and fun dynamic in their relationship. They would bond over their shared love for voice acting and enjoy experimenting with different character voices together.
• Luka would find solace in their connection, as they understand the creative process and the joys and challenges of the entertainment industry. Their shared passion would deepen their bond and create a strong sense of harmony.
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• Marinette would be amazed by her S/O's talent as a voice actor. She would find their ability to portray different characters and tones with their voice absolutely incredible and would admire their versatility.
• She would enjoy the playful moments when her S/O changes their voice during their conversations. Marinette would find it both entertaining and inspiring, appreciating their creativity and the joy it brings to their relationship.
• Marinette would be a dedicated supporter of her S/O's voice acting career, attending their performances or recordings, and offering her unwavering encouragement and feedback.
• Inspired by her S/O's talent, Marinette might even consider exploring voice acting herself, intrigued by the art of giving characters a voice.
• The playful voice changes and imitations between Marinette and her S/O would create a delightful and fun atmosphere in their relationship. They would enjoy creating their own unique characters and sharing playful banter.
• Marinette would treasure their connection, as they share a deep understanding of the creative process and the demands of the entertainment industry. They would support and inspire each other in their respective careers.
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• Yuki would be fascinated by his S/O's talent as a voice actor. He would admire their ability to portray different characters and tones with their voice and would find it incredibly impressive.
• At first, Yuki might be taken aback by the playful voice changes his S/O makes during their conversations. However, he would quickly grow accustomed to it and find it endearing and charming, appreciating the light-heartedness it brings to their relationship.
• Yuki would be a dedicated listener to his S/O's voice acting projects, showing genuine interest in the characters they bring to life and providing his unwavering support and encouragement.
• Over time, Yuki might develop an interest in voice acting himself, inspired by his S/O's talent. He might even playfully imitate their voice or attempt to voice characters from their favorite shows.
• The playful moments of voice changes and imitations would create a playful and intimate bond between Yuki and his S/O. They would enjoy the joy and laughter it brings to their interactions, deepening their connection.
• Yuki would be proud to have such a talented S/O, and their shared understanding of the entertainment industry would strengthen their relationship as they support each other's dreams and passions.
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• Tohru would be absolutely delighted by her S/O's talent as a voice actor. She would find their ability to change their voice into different tones and characters incredibly captivating and would admire their versatility.
• She would be enchanted by the playful moments when her S/O changes their voice during their conversations. Tohru would find it both amusing and endearing, embracing the light-heartedness and fun it brings to their relationship.
• Tohru would be a devoted listener to her S/O's voice acting projects, showing genuine interest in the characters they portray and providing continuous support and encouragement.
• Inspired by her S/O's talent, Tohru might even consider exploring voice acting herself, curious about the art of bringing characters to life through voice.
• The playful imitations and voice changes between Tohru and her S/O would create a joyful and playful dynamic in their relationship. They would bond over their shared love for voice acting and have fun experimenting with different character voices together.
• Tohru would find comfort and happiness in their connection, as they understand the power of imagination and the joy of creating unique characters. Their shared passion would deepen their bond and bring a sense of wonder to their relationship.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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multi-fandom-imagine · 9 months
Shigure Sohma taking f!reader out to eat and teasing her under the table.
A/n: MY MAN! He would do this shit. Sidenote: This takes place after the curse.
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It was odd, Shigure never thought that he'd find his happiness in a simple baker, but yet he did. He loved you and the moment the curse broke he showed how much he loved you.
God he loved those little sound's that escaped your lips when he fucked you.
But you've been such a tease lately, teasing him when he had to work. So he was going to take it upon himself to show you that he could do that same damn thing.
It was a nice restaurant, something you knew that you could never afforded before meeting Shigure.The man placing his hand on your lower back as he guided you to a more dimly lit part of the restaurant.
"It look's amazing."
"Anything for my princess."Placing a kiss to your temple, he the pulled out the chair for you. Once everything was situated, once the food was placed you nearly jumped feeling Shigure's hand on your knee.
"S-Shigure! W-what."
Leaning forward, Shigure's eyes darkened as his hand then slipped under your dress as he started to rub your thigh. "Shh, just enjoy this love.."
Biting your lip you slowly nodded your head, a glint appearing in Shigure's eyes as his long and slender fingers pushed your panties aside as he then slowly pushed his panties into your warmth. A small whimper escaped your lips.
"Now, now darling. Not to loud, we don't want people to hear."Shigure's voice was low, you could tell he was doing his best to suppress a chuckle as he continued thrust his fingers in and out of your pussy.
"You're such a good girl for me...I can't wait to get you home. Maybe I'll rip the dress off of you, or maybe I'll just push it up your thighs." The man nearly growled out as his thumb rubbed your clit. "Or maybe I'll just fuck you on all fours."
"S-Shigure please." You whimpered, you were so close though just as you thought you would hit your orgasm the man with drew his fingers as your food was placed down in front of you.
"Enjoy your meal love."
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Hatori Sohma x F! Reader: I always have 18+ WC:3.9k / Resident: @enchantedforest-network / Masterlist(coming soon)/ Synopsis: The words 'I love you' never came out until it was too late. Seeing the man you grew up with was planning to wed his new girlfriend. You couldn't come to terms with it. Always hearing from friends he does love you, you begin to doubt it, till you talk to him. You didn't want to come between him and his new love and decide to leave. Coming back after a few years it was just you and Hatori at Shigure's home. The discussion that was long overdue for many years finally happens and it comes full of surprises. Tw: Angst in the beginning, oral sex (receiving), fingering, vaginal penetration, making out, a curse being broken for Hatori, comfort, and sex in someone else house, discussing Hatori's injuries. *MINORS DNI 18+*
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It’s been a while since you were faced with him. Hatori wearing his nice suit the cigarette he was exhaling from before he looked over at you.. ‘He hasn’t changed a bit’ you said to yourself as you both faced one another.
Your mother married into the Sohma family when you were 5.  You grew up knowing about the curse on the family and the members affected by it.. Growing up with Hatori, Ayame, and Shigure, they were the closest friends you had. They never made you feel out of place always including you in things they were doing. Out of the three, there was always a sense of comfort being around Hatori. Getting older it was evident that there was a connection between you both. But it would change when you left the country to pursue your own goals while Hatori attended medical school becoming the private family doctor for the Sohma’s.
It killed you to be away, but you had a goal...to do it you had to leave. You and Hatori kept in touch over the years of being over seas, but it seemed to slow down after about a few months to the point where you hadn’t heard from him. When arriving back at the estate, you found out about his engagement to Kana… Your heart broke to see the smiling woman next to Hatori when you met her. Putting on a smile in front of them, congratulating the happy couple. Maybe the feelings were one-sided all this time. Everyone was happy to see Hatori happy with someone, you had to pretend to be happy . But even when you tried to hide it was noticed by everyone your smile wasn't as sweet as it was. Ayame and Shigure knew this would be painful for you to witness.
The whole conversation played vividly in your mind when you spoke to Shigure when arriving back. “Was it all a lie?” you looked at him. You were trying to find some falseness in his eyes. “It wasn’t a lie ______, it just happened we didn’t expect Hari to fall in love with someone else when you left…I don’t think he expected it either.” Shigure watched the pain in your eyes as you were walking around the living room of your home. “This is just a thought …maybe he thought you were going to find someone out there who would make you happy, someone who can actually hold you and comfort you. things you know he couldn’t do...”
“I should have told him before I left. Why did I think waiting after so many years of being in love with him it would have taken me long to do so and now…. I can’t” Your eyes filled with tears as you quickly wiped them before they fell. “I can’t even let him know how I feel… It doesn’t matter.”
Shigure felt a bit of your pain seeing that there was always that spark between you both. To see one friend happy and another in pain he was conflicted. “I’m not saying it's too late to let him know maybe you still should. To get that closure, between you both it could help you move on.” You were contemplating Shigure's words, maybe you should… Waiting after some time till it got dark you walked towards his home. Walking down the sidewalk flashback memories of your childhood of you and Hatori displayed so vividly you thought it was real. There wasn’t one bad memory you both had. Knocking on the front door of his home you anticipated when you heard the door handle click then open to find Hatori there. “_____? It’s everything late okay?” He asked you to see if there were any injuries, if he was able to see, or if you weren’t feeling well. “Hey sorry to come so late...I’m okay.” Your tone was slightly weak paired with a small smile.
After he invited you in. You can see the photo of Kana at his side table “What brings you here?” he asked. His hands were in his pocket walking towards you he stood a few feet from you. He could see you weren’t yourself, you didn’t respond to his question originally. “What’s on your mind?” he asked.
The words could leave your mouth. This was a bad idea for you to even come here, but you were here and there was no turning back. “I just wanted to talk to you about something, I just… can’t find the right words to say what I have to say without it sounding so forward.” Hatori watched your body language as you fumbled with your fingers. “There were a lot of things I hadn’t got to say before I left... one of them is a secret, I’ve kept to myself for so long debating if I should tell you or not…” Hatori could see where this was going, a part of him was hoping you weren’t going to say what he wanted to hear from you and something he couldn’t bring himself to say as well. He was with Kana someone he was planning on marrying but the girl he fell for since the moment she entered the Shoma’s estate was here in front of him. “You don’t have to say it… I know.” His purple orbs looked at you.
“I always have… I wanted to tell you but every time I got tired, I got too nervous or it was interrupted. It was hard to be in love with your best friend without expressing it. Not wanting to ruin the friendship… if it didn’t work out. I wish…” you stopped yourself in mid-sentence.  “I wish I would have told you sooner and not wait till now to say how much you really meant to me.”
Hatori let out a low sigh. “It goes both ways ______. Don’t blame yourself. I had opportunities like you did and didn’t take them… When you left for school, I thought you would have forgotten about me and anyone there would sweep you off your feet. Me and Kana…. it…it just happened.” “I don’t want you to think I’m here to break you both up. I’m truly happy to see you found someone who makes you happy.” As much as you hated to say that you accompanied it with a smile. “I know she will make you happy just like you will make her happy. Seeing you smile this much I hadn’t seen since we were younger.” The smile was hiding your pain, but he could see it through the smile. “_______...” there was no doubt the feelings he tried to repress came to the surface quickly. He wanted nothing more than to bring you in his arms but the curse upon him wouldn’t let him do so. “I’m sorry.” He has a bit of resentment in his tone.
“Don’t apologize if you truly love her then marry her… I’m happy I really am.” You were trying to hold back the tears. “I-I think I should get going, I have to be leaving soon…” “leaving?”  He saw you walking past him towards the door before you could reach the door, he grabbed your hand. “You're leaving, but you just got back?” “I was offered a permanent position where I was working. I was deciding if I should take it or not. I think it's time for me to move on.” 
Hatori stopped himself from saying ‘don’t go’ then Kana’s face appeared in his mind. His hand released yours “If that is what you choose to do. I’m wishing you all the luck…” You nodded, still fighting the tears back. You could see the ache he was feeling as well. Your hand reached for his cheek, his eyes closed as your soft hand was gentle against his face. Even though this was goodbye for you both you had to say it to him “I will always love you.” His hand was resting against yours. “I wish things were different. I would have told you I loved you a long time ago.” 
When you blinked the tears fell from your eyes. You had to get away, you couldn’t break down in front of him. You had to remove her hands from his cheek before quickly leaving his home. The more you tried to keep it together you were silent weeping to your home. You couldn’t even hear Shigure and Ayame calling out to you. That night you packed and called for the earliest flight.
“I told you nothing happened.” you walked past Shigure and Ayame who were trying to figure out what was going on. “Obviously something happened and you're not telling us,” Ayame said as he stood in front of the door causing you to stop. Noticing your eye was a bit swollen like you were crying... “As your friend, I know when something is wrong.” “I can’t just stay here knowing the person I fell in love with is going to marry someone else okay? Is that what you wanted to hear? And things would have been different if we just told each other how we felt long ago… I’m saving myself  from the pain of seeing that okay?” 
“He told you then…” Shigure said “Listen, you're not thinking clearly enough, maybe just getting some rest will clear your mind before taking this job offer?” “I can’t I booked the flight and this is only one departing for the next few days.” zipping up the luggage as the taxi arrived. Placing everything in the taxi you looked at Aya and Shigure. “I’m sorry guys. I know it's sudden but I have to do this for myself…I will call you when I can.”
Hatori watched from a distance, both of you looking at one another before you got into the taxi. It would be the last time you both saw each other. The following few days, Hatori and Kana wished to be married and the same day he was injured. One thing after another losing you and losing Kana wiping her memories of what they had. He was alone, he felt like he was unlovable at one point. One's memories were erased while one remained with memories of pain.
After hearing what happened to Hatori you couldn't help but feel guilty, leaving the way you did without saying goodbye properly. It was all weighing on you. Maybe he wouldn’t have asked so quickly if you just didn't tell him at all how you felt. There were times when you wanted to call him but with the first ring, you hung up. You just wanted to hear his voice and ask him how he was doing.
3 years would pass when you finally decided to visit. Shigure told you that he wanted to talk to you at his home. When arriving at his home no one was there but one person. Sitting on the patio in the back to find hatori smoking a cigarette. “Hatori?” you looked at him. Putting out his cigarette he stood up. “______ it's been a while.” His voice was still so smooth and calming.
“Yeah, it has been... I was supposed to be meeting Shigure here. I didn't expect to see you here.” 
“Well the moron I figured he was up to something. The rest of the Sohma’s knew about your arrival today and he asked me to come here to check out something with his finger. When I got here I saw a note he had to take off but he was expecting company and asked me to stay here till they came.” Letting out a sigh you rubbed your face. This was something that Shigure would have done. For years he wanted you both to speak and you wouldn’ be surprised if Ayame had something to do with this as well..
There was a brief silence between you both as both of you looked at one another. “I think I know why we are both here.” 
“I do too.” Hatori said he looked around outside thinking Ayame and Shigure and whoever else would be around. “Let's talk inside.”
Both of you entered the home as Hatori closed the door and headed to Shigure's office. “That last time we spoke I’m sorry… I felt like I was responsible for what happened to you,” “It wasn’t your fault… I don’t want you blaming yourself over something there was no control over. We didn’t expect it to happen.”  Hatori said “After we talked… it was hard to get you out of my head.. I thought rushing to get married would help me forget you but it didn’t. Deep down I knew it was a bad idea but I went with it still.” Walking towards Hatori your hand reaches you to brush his bangs away from his eye. Your hand slid against his cheek. “I wish I was there to get you through that tough part. I fought with myself wondering if I should come or not, only thinking it would get worse if I came. So I stood away. I didn't want to be the reason for you getting hurt again..” 
“I know _____… after the incident, I gave up on love for a while. I didn’t even try, just keeping myself busy with work. But still, you were there, always pondering in the back of my mind. Wondering if you found someone that was gonna make you happy. Shigure and Ayame would keep me updated with you and how you were doing. Seeing some photos you sent made you seemed happy.” “Hatori…” you were gathering what you were going to ask him. “Do you remember the last thing I told you?” 
He nodded “I will always love you… is that still true _____?” “I never stopped.” 
“The only time I was truly happy that I could remember what was being around you and it was all the time. For you to love someone like me after everything that has happened...I haven't stopped loving you since the beginning.” 
The next movement that happened so quickly was when Hatori pulled you into his arms holding you closely. You were anticipating for him to turn into a seahorse but he stood the same, still holding you in his arms. “You don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to hold you in my arms.” Coming out of your state of shock you held him back. It only meant one thing that could have happened: the curse was broken. Even if Shigure stuck his nose where it shouldn’t belong he knew one thing he wanted to happen: he wanted his friends happy. Knowing how you both cared for one another deeply. Hatori could hear the sniffles coming from you. He slightly pulled away his thumb wiping away the tears “No need to cry _______. I’m here now…” his fingers tilting your head up at him he leaned in slightly softly whispering “I don’t plan on letting you go.” leaning more forward the touch of his lips against your felt so unreal words couldn’t describe how wonderful it made you feel. Hatori held you closer closing the gap between you both, his hand resting on the back of your head while the other wrapped around your waist. The built-up passion you both had been suppressing from one another was coming up to the surface and quick. It was a matter of time before you were against the padding cushions of the floor Hatori undoing his jacket placing it on the empty desk beside you both. “Ha-Hatori.” 
“Yes?” bringing himself down lower to you. “Should we be doing this here? What if someone shows up?” asked him. “I don’t think they will. Shigure knew well enough…damn him. Did you want to stop?” he asked, you responded shaking your head quickly, and he let a low chuckle out. He leaned into your lips once again, this time deepening the kiss more feeling the tip of his tongue graze your bottom lip. You granted him access and he took no time as his tongue entered your mouth. He didn’t want to hold back anymore and now that it was just the beginning he was just getting started. Hatori undone the top buttons on the dress. The doctor's hands pushed the top of the dress open to expose your breasts. His hands moved to cup them gently, his thumbs brushing over hardened nipples. His lips found your neck, trailing kisses down to your collarbone.
Biting your lip enjoying his lips against your skin. Your fingers ran through his silky hair as you let out a breathy moan. Closing your eyes for that brief moment heightens the feeling of his lip on your body. Hatori made a small sound of pleasure as he felt your fingers running through his hair. "You're so beautiful," he murmured, kissing lower still.
His comment was sincere to you and caused you to blush hard. Your body is being exposed to him. Him seeing you this vulnerable was a bit embarrassing but you couldn’t bring yourself to cover up and ruin this moment between you both. "Hatori.”
"You were always the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," Hatori whispered against your skin as undone the rest of your dress, his nose brushing against your panties. Your heart was racing quickly. You made brief eye contact with him. Hatori looked up at you, your eyes meeting for a moment before he returned his attention to your panties. With gentle fingers, he slid them down your legs, revealing your soft, wet folds. He inhaled sharply, the scent of arousal filling his senses. your eyes focused on his next action eager for his next action anticipation was running through your veins.
His gaze locked onto your aroused form how wet you already become. Slowly, he lowered his head, his lips brushing against your folds teasingly before finally his tongue slid between your slits. You felt your legs trembling feeling his tongue between your folds.
"Mmm..," Hatori moaned softly as his tongue slid deep inside of you, tasting you thoroughly. He thrust his tongue inside of you, moving his lips against your folds before sliding back inside, slowly, deeper and deeper.
"oh god," you were biting back the moans but it was hard. Even if someone was around the home they were gonna hear your voice. Your back arched as your tongue explored between your aching lips the sound of him slurping at your throbbing cunt was filling the room. Hatori was savoring every moan coming from you. It was turning him on causing his member to throb inside his slacks. 
Hatori groaned softly as he continued to taste you, his tongue sliding in and out of your slick heat as he explored your folds and stimulating your clit with his tongue. Your hand began to explore your own body as you began to massage your breast. "Hatori mmm you're gonna make me cum. I- I don't wanna cum just yet." whimpering at his touch.
"Really now?" a bit of taunting was on his voice, lap at your folds continuously. His fingers found their way between your legs,sliding into you."You're so tight..." his skillful hand began to pump in and out of you.
 "Hatori~~~~!" you cried out.
Feeling you starting to get close, Hatori increased his pace, his fingers thrusting faster and deeper inside of you. "Cum for me, ______," he whispered against your folds, his other hand finding its way up to massage one of your breasts. The heat of your body began to increase as your body began to release the blissful sensation that was coming on strongly. The sudden shudder of your body as you climax rushed through your body. You held your breath for a brief moment as the pleasureful ambiance took over you.
"Oh, sweetheart," he slid his fingers out of you coated in your juices. your body was still trembling from your orgasm, raising his body up he finished getting undressed. Bringing himself down. Hatori's lips brushed against your ear as he whispered, "Tell me what you want,______." You felt his body against yours
"For you to claim me, Hatori." your hand cupping his cheeks, your thumbs swiping backs and fourth across his cheeks dropping his head closer to your overwhelming him as he rolled his hips forward, his hard length pressing against your entrance.
 "Are you sure, love?" whispering in a soft tone. 
"It's all I ever wanted. I give myself to you." With a soft smile, Hatori leaned down and captured your lips in a deep, passionate kiss. His tongue danced with yours as his hands slid down your body. The sudden movement of his cock sliding into you made you tense up just a bit as he was stretching you out. Hatori was going gentle as possible a he could feel you clenching around him. "nnnngghhh"
Feeling your tension, Hatori held onto you whispering soothing words that made you relax a bit so it didn’t hurt much. "Let me show you how much I care for you." he gave you a moment before he proceeded to thrust slowly inside of you knowing you needed to adjust to his length. You expected it to be painful considering this was the first time you had done this but when the pain began to subside the thrusting continued to pick up speed. Hatori continued to thrust slowly inside of you, feeling the tightness of your walls grip him. He moaned softly, the head of his cock brushing against your sensitive spots with each thrust...Your fingers intertwined with his and the moans were being muffled as you both locked lips with one another. Each time he pushed deeper, he felt your walls pulse around him. Hatori's body sank into yours, your legs wrapping around his waist. both your lips found one another once more. your arms draping around his neck. His tongue danced together with yours. As Hatori felt the heat between them intensify, he began to pick up the pace even more, his hips slamming into yours in a rhythmic pattern. Letting a slight yelp out. Both of you exchanged sweet words feeling the tension building within you both. "You have always been the one _______" His fingers dug gently into your hips, urging him deeper inside you. ‘This feels so good. I’m not gonna much longer. ’ 
" Hatori don’t stop nghhh." whimpering as he obliged by your request. Seeing you quiver as he could feel you clenching around him.
"_______" he moaned, his voice strained with pleasure. "I'm close." gritting his teeth 
"m-me too”  your lowered eyelid expression showed a hazy appearance in them. Seeing your pupils dilated became too intoxicating to him. 
Feeling the surge of climax approaching, Hatori couldn't hold back any longer. His thrusts became harder, faster, driving deeper into you. His moans filled the room, echoing off the walls as he found release within you. His pelvis pressed against yours holding the position as his cock began to milk inside of you. His eyes didn't pry from yours not one bit. Even just after the climax, it took you both a minute to regain some form of conciseness, your hand reaching up to him as your thumb slid back and forth against his bottom lip.
Panting heavily, Hatori leaned down and pressed his forehead against yours, his breath hot against your skin. "I will always love you, ________."
Scoping behind the bushes around his home. They were ready for love story to unfold infant of them. When Shigure and Ayame saw you and Hatori enter the home and close the door. They popped their heads out of the bush. “Aww I was expecting them to just say it all right now confessing their dying love for one another,” Ayame spoke in his theatrical tone.
“Well maybe I would have liked to hear what they had to say to one another, possibly give me ideas for another book I’m doing” Shigure scratched the back of his head. Few minutes of silence they couldn’t hear anything. “Let's get a bit closer and see if we hear them talking.”
As both the men approached the back patio was when they heard something that froze them in their place. You call out Hatori’s name. Doing a quick turn they walked away from the patio. “Are they?” Ayame asked
“Oh yeah.. In my house….” he cleared his throat “Well I guess we can call it the love shack!”
Both he and Ayame gave each other a thumbs up.
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Could you please do Hatori Sohma headcannons?
Omg, absolutely yes I can @whatthefragisinsurrance ! I’m a maddd Hatori simp, so I apologise in advance for my shenanigans <3
Spoilers if you haven’t completed the series, so be wary
Hatori Sohma HCs
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just look at my mans omfg he’s so-
No matter the nature of your relationship with him, he takes ages to warm up to you
But once he’s in it, he’s in it
Quiet ride or die
Always so soft and gentle w you
Type of mans to speak to you in a slightly gentler voice without realising it
Shigure and Ayame give him so much shit for it
Subconsciously very touchy as well??
Lots of fleeting touches, like resting a hand on your shoulder, fixing your hair
Most PDA you’re gonna get is hand holding smh
Even post-curse, will only hug you in public if you’re genuinely distraught
The kinda guy to cradle the back of your head while he holds you??
I would MELT omg
Love language is acts of service, obvs
^^ Does it without thinking half of the time
General hc is that because of his eye, he struggles with depth perception
So bc of this, he SUCKS at sport now
Cannot hit a ball to save his life
Table tennis between him and Tohru is fucking pathetic, it’s adorable
Can’t be caught being bad at anything, so simply doesn’t play sport anymore
^^ he probably injures himself cooking now more too
Pls scold him for not asking for help when he needs it
God knows someone needs to
Absolutely melts if you help him without asking
T E M P L E. K I S S E S.
He lowkey wants kids some day but will Never bring it up unless you do first
Even then, will pretend to be rlly unbothered by the idea
Okay, I’m gonna stop now or else I’ll ramble about this mans forever
Part 2??? 👀👀👀
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daryascurse · 2 years
𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐬 - 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐡𝐦𝐚 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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He kisses against the back of your neck in a way that makes your shoulders squirm, lets his tongue wash over your skin, sticky and tepid in comparison to the silky warm water enveloping the rest of your body.
“Excuse me,” comes the call of the innkeeper from somewhere behind the rocks. “I’ll lay out dinner now.”
You try to hide your breath under Shigure's, hands scrambling against the ground. One hand splashes into a puddle, and you whimper again just as he pushes his hands on your back. He clears his throat to mask the noise, but doesn’t cease his movements. He carefully leans forward just over your back once more. The strength pushes your stomach into the stone, and he breathes his words to you: “open wide.”
Shigure lets his fingers roll into your mouth, index and thumb hooking from your lip to chin. His next, jagged order of, “suck” is unnecessary.
ɴꜱꜰᴡ | ᴍɪɴᴏʀꜱ ᴅɴɪ
pov : second person, AFAB reader, feminine pronouns ✧ tags: smuτ, light dοm/ sub (dοmιnant Shigure Sohma), water, semi-public, thigh-fuckιng, fιngerιng, biting, spanking, sεx ✧ word count: ~4.7k ✧ ao3 link ✧ recommended mood playlist: marzipan
I have a very strict adult-only interaction policy. Ageless, blank, and clearly minor-run blogs that interact will be blocked. If you have questions about what that means, please read the byf in my pinned post.
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Author's note: While I try to keep my work as close to canon-compliant as possible, this does require that Reader is aware of the Sohma curse (and somehow… not punished for it, or at least not yet), so that both parties do their best to avoid, well, a literal dog. Side note, it’s very hard to write sex and avoid embraces. Also, I tried to make this as close to an authentic onsen experience as possible, but - we all know Sohmas can just make anything work for them they want, so, that's my excuse for crafting this very unrealistic situation.
Spring hangs heavy in the late evening air. The blooming florals along the mountainside create a perfume so heady you can taste it on your tongue, just as the wind breezes through with a sting to remind that, no, summer isn’t quite here yet. Purple stains the horizon as the sunset settles. You shiver, sinking further into the steaming pool of the onsen, watching ripples curve along the surface.
“How’s the water?” comes the call from the other side of the inn’s wooden door, and it makes you shake in a way that has nothing to do with the temperature of the air or the hot spring.
“It’s wonderful,” you say back, turning to peer through the rising steam to the hands of the clock above the bathing stations. Five more minutes. He must be getting impatient.
“Perfect,” he says, and just as you began to lean back against the rock, the sliding door opens. You jolt forward, knees raising and breaking the surface of the water, heart suddenly pounding at the sharp sound.
“Oh,” you say, and in the moment of blustered surprise, you find yourself choosing to lean forward and cover yourself with the black glass of the water. Shigure Sohma, yukata untied and held closed only by a casual palming of his hand over his hips, walks towards the pool.
“I – sorry, I thought we said, um…”
Panic clouds your mind at the smirk rising easily to his otherwise impassive face, and you try to shrink further into the water. Shigure cocks his head to the side, eyes gleaming, giving you a chance to gather your thoughts.
“Sorry,” you manage at last, casting your eyes down to look frantically for your own covering at the edge of the rocks. “I thought we’d said I’d have the bath for half an hour before you came in. Am… did I remember wrong?”
“No,” Shigure says, smoothly, and he lets go of the untied yukata, hand moving in your periphery vision. The folds begin to drape open. “But isn’t it nicer to bathe together? Isn’t it more awkward to play prim and proper and trade off like an old couple?”
The flush rises under your skin, nothing to do with the heat of the hot spring, and a strange, fearful thrill goes through you when he says the word couple - though he doesn’t, of course he doesn’t mean it like that. Shigure may be able to keep you so easily on his leash, but you aren’t stupid.
Not stupidly hopeful at least.
You begin to relax, slowly, letting your feet settle off the seat and back down into the soothing water. “But won’t the innkeeper disapprove, even in the private bath?” you ask, one last attempt at propriety. "I thought co-ed bathing was only allowed if we have bathing suits."
He gives you a side-eye glance, an amused smile pricking at his lips as he turns slightly to shrug the yukata from his shoulders. “My dear, haven’t you learned by now not to underestimate the power of the Sohma name?”
Especially the Sohma money. It doesn’t need to be said. "So this is another family business," you say, feeling the water lap at your shoulders.
“Relax. You know it’s nothing I haven’t seen before,” he says as he begins to pad closer to the water. 
It makes you flush more, the heat pounding acutely in your face. “I think the water’s getting too hot,” you say, and you aren’t faking the faintness that creeps into your tone.
Shigure steps into the water. His skin is shaded grey in the falling sunset. His frame is lean but toned, with shadows of muscle lines on his thighs visible through the steam and dim twilight.
“Is that why your face looks so warm?” he asks, and his voice is dangerously soft. “I don’t think so.”
You turn your face away. Sweat is beginning to bead across your forehead, and he’s right, it has nothing to do with the heat of the pool. And he’s also right that it’s absurd to be shy, when you’re so used to being with him like this, when you’re so used to his demanding desires. You fight the urge to rub your legs together, to press against that growing heat under his eyes.
He terrifies you, intrigues you, owns every part of you whenever he wants to.
“You just surprised me,” you say lamely.
“Come here,” Shigure says in that terrible voice, a voice that shakes you and that you can’t turn away from. You extend your arms into the water, staring at the ripples disappearing across the black surface, and turn towards him. The light smirk has dropped from his face, his eyes glinting iron, his chest rising and falling easy in the water.
The two of you are silent for a while. You let yourself float a little closer to him, and turn your eyes back to the circle of rocks around the spring, breathing shallowly in a pocket of cool air. The steam is thick, rising slowly, languid, from the pool. You stand facing each other, feet flexing unconsciously against the ground and pushing through the water. The lanterns glow, nestled in little wires among the stone gardens. In the thick of the pool, something stirs against your leg, and you look up at Shigure. He’s gazing down at the darkness settling over the mountainside view. His fingers twitch and elbow slightly bends, stroking your thigh, and he turns his head to you.
“You’re so soft,” he says quietly, and it’s almost genuinely kind.
“This is a lovely hot spring,” you say, and his fingertips graze over your skin again. It’s the same; you can barely feel a difference between his flesh and the water, the velvety moisture of minerals tempering even this cold man.
“The water is nice,” Shigure agrees, and he tilts his head against yours. You close your eyes and sigh, his breath beating into your neck. The steam rises over the two of you like an embrace, and your hands stir in the water, helplessly unable to fling your arms around him.
His head leans almost into your neck, chest so close to yours that you can feel his body heat even without that forbidden touch. He slides his hand along your thigh, higher, and you clench when his hand urges your legs to part. You bend a knee forward, almost between his, clenching your useless hands into fists.
You let out a quiet gasp, and Shigure hums as his finger slips right between your folds. His skin is hot to the touch. A fluid thicker than the water begins to cloud and gather where his fingers meet your body, sliding with the movements over your cunt.
“This is nicer,” Shigure breathes, and his fingers turn, dancing along you as he strokes up. “I don’t know why you always try to play so hard to get. Doesn’t this feel good?”
Your guard is completely down, and you nod, moaning when he rubs against your clit. His head turns, hair tickling rough along your cheek, and his tongue dances light circles across your throat in a matching rhythm of his fingers. Your knees begin to shake. 
“You’re controlling yourself well,” Shigure says. His words are a murmur on your skin. “But I can feel how hot you already are.”
You reach forward, blindly dancing your fingers along the water, and feel his cock begin to rise. He rolls his tongue in another circle along your throat and closes his lips. It’s insistent, endless movement on your skin. He sucks as you stroke him.
“I knew you were eager,” he says heavily when he breaks from the love bite. “I told you, I don’t know why you act coy.”
You moan, his fingers tightening to roll in a small circle right over your clit. You begin to move faster, the hand wrapped around his cock bringing it to the surface with nonstop motion. Water slides between your fingers, and something smoother begins to come as well.
Shigure sighs, and lifts his head from you. You open your eyes, vision briefly spinning in the steam and heat, and see only the hollow of his throat and chest centimeters from yours in the dim dusk, as he kisses your forehead. His hand stills between your thighs and rises, wiping against your hips and stomach. Your own strokes falter, and you let him go as he steps away.
“Get over there,” he says in a husky whisper, turning his head. You follow his gaze to a curve of the pool behind a larger wall of rocks.
“It’s cold,” you say, straightening your shoulders as a gust of wind blows over the spring.
Shigure’s hands move to your waist, gently but firmly turning you towards the pointed direction. “No, no, we’ll stay in the water. Just do what I tell you.”
The silky command sends another thrill through you, and you let his hands fall to your hips and move you towards the wall. Behind this half-cover of rocks, the water is shallower. You shiver as you rise partway from the pool, stomach, hips, completely bare, as the water laps only just above your knee. But Shigure’s hands are commanding, hard on your hips, sliding back up along your ribcage with the lightest of touches. His breath is hard on the back of your neck, hissing, and you wonder if he enjoys watching you shake.
“Lean over.”
Bending over like this is humiliatingly exposing. The water moves tauntingly against your thighs. Droplets on your hips, on your ass, dry quickly under Shigure’s hands as they draw together, stroking down your back, urging you lower to the stone. You hesitantly slide with him, hands on the outer edge of the spring, so cold as the wind whips up through the mountain again, but here so low to the ground, the boulders hide you from the gleaming windows and sliding doors of the inn.
“Good girl,” says Shigure, his voice thick. His hands slide further down, all you can feel of him, and you moan when he sweeps over the curve of your ass. He pauses, squeezes you, a rough massage. When you let your breath relax into a sigh, he lets go, spanks you sharply. You yelp.
“You’re loud tonight.”
“Sorry.” You barely choke the word out, but that’s when the side of his hand slides between your thighs. Your feet totter, scraping against the bottom of the pool as your stance spreads, and you moan – perhaps again a little too loud. Shigure’s hand drops back to the water, and it’s cold, wet, a rough slide up your inner thigh back to your folds. You feel your back muscles tighten at his touch, at the heat of his hand, of the water, sliding with the slick already gathering at your inner thighs.
“And wet,” Shigure murmurs. His hand pulls away to spread open across your ass, stretching and moving up at your hip, pulling you open. Your knees buckle and you whimper, biting back the cry just as his cock eases its way to your entrance.
“How dirty, you’re already dripping.”
His cock brushes against you, back, and forth again right at your folds, as his hand slides back across your ass. He spanks you again, a slap too harsh to hold back this next yelp. “Please…”
“Looks like I missed,” Shigure says with a contrived air of amusement. He moves further against you. The head of his cock pushes through your slit, grazing barely below you, and his hips press hard into yours for just a moment before he slides back. It leaves your skin cold and wet, your arousal and his precum making a mess right at your inner thighs.
You moan at his ministrations, tensing your muscles in response. He moves slowly, pushing his hips against you again, and the slick slides from you right to the head of his cock. Looking down, panting, you can see the glistening round tip peeking right between your legs, teasing right up against your folds. You twist your hips back. Bothered anxiety rises in you, your cunt throbbing, and you turn your head to look at him.
His face above you is hidden in the cut shadows of moonlight.
“Fuck me,” you hear yourself beg, breathlessly.
“Already?” Shigure pushes against you harder, and when your drop your head again, shivering, you can see his cock come fully below your cunt once more. The sound of his withdrawing is lewd and wet as he rubs his skin along your thighs, and his breath is hot on the back of your neck. “But this feels nice. Just a little more for me.”
You whimper, and he pushes on your legs again before pulling out between them. Somehow, the absence leaves you pulsing harder. You rub your thighs together, but his hand hard at your hip stills your movement. His cock presses to your entrance again.
“Oh,” you force out as quiet as you can, but the second “oh!” is sharp, loud, as he finally slides into you. Your elbows begin to bend, coming closer still to the ground, and Shigure pulls out, thrusts back in, thighs slapping hard into yours. You catch sight of his hands, dripping, clutched right against the edge of the pool’s wall.
Faster, faster, the water splashing around you, up onto the rocky edge. He doesn’t embrace you, doesn’t wrap his arms around you and pull you into the spring. He can’t. But the force of the water splashes terribly loud with each thrust of his thighs, his hips pushing so rough against your own that you gasp each time your body moves, helpless driftwood, into the side of the pool. In the morning, you’ll be as scraped and bruised as if he had flung you into the stones with the full weight of his body.
The sliding door suddenly grates open, and you choke on your next gasp.
"Sorry, I told them to tell us when dinner was ready."
“Shh,” you whine, desperately, as the clatter of sandals comes closer and closer.
But Shigure’s hands tighten on either side of you, knuckles white on the stones against the moonlight. “Then you should keep still,” he whispers.
You roll your eyes back and whimper, sliding a hand to slap on your mouth, but the sound still slips through.
“Did you want to be interrupted?” Shigure says, lowly, and his next stroke pulls out completely before thrusting in with a half-strangled groan, his cock forcing back through your slick, swollen cunt. Your thighs shake.
“No,” you say, turning your face desperately towards him.
The sandals move closer still, and stop.
He doesn’t kiss your mouth, even as the soft sounds come anxiously from your parted lips, but he moves down with those same vicious bites. He kisses against the back of your neck in a way that makes your shoulders squirm, opens his mouth and lets his tongue wash over your skin, sticky and tepid in comparison to the silky warm water enveloping the rest of your body. Right over your shoulder blade, you feel his teeth graze in a light bite.
“Excuse me,” comes the call of the innkeeper from somewhere above the rocks. Your heart pounds, and you resist the urge to crane your head and look for just how close he is. “I’ll lay out the dinner table and futons in your room now.”
“Oh,” Shigure says. You almost feel the laboring in his chest hovering above more than hear his voice as he raises it to respond, “I don’t think we’ll be eating in the room after all.”
“Of course, sir. Our pleasure. Please don’t hesitate to contact the front desk if you require anything else.”
You try to hide your breath under his, hands scrambling against the ground. One hand splashes into a puddle, and you whimper again just as Shigure pushes his hands on your back. He clears his throat to mask the noise, but doesn’t cease his movements. His hips jolt straight into yours, as he leans back, driving his cock deep inside you, and rubs, shifting, as he carefully leans forward just over your back once more. The strength pushes your stomach into the smooth stone, and he just barely breathes his words to you.
“Open wide.”
Shigure lets his fingers roll into your mouth, index and thumb hooking from your lip to chin, and thrusting the other fingers faster and faster with his cock. His next, jagged order, “suck” is unnecessary, as you eagerly strain your tongue against his fingers in a sucking caress.
He rolls his hips into yours again, and your knees go limp in the water.
“You can leave the lights off inside when you’re finished, thank you, again,” Shigure says again, his voice sickly courteous to the innkeeper. A seductive tone hiding pure loathing, painfully familiar to your ears.
“Yes, sir. The dining area will be open for one more hour, if you choose to eat in our restaurant tonight.”
It’s so hard to keep your voice back, even as the sandals begin to retreat, and you whimper around his fingers.
The door slams shut.
Shigure strokes his thumb along your cheek as he pulls his fingers from your mouth with a groan of his own, his knees crashing into yours below the water. “Filthy, filthy girl,” he says, his voice still grating, low and rough as his strokes pick up a fevered pace again. “You should have felt how tightly you were clenching around me when he was here. You can’t stop screaming and squealing, I think you do want to be caught.”
You scramble to pull yourself back on your elbows. With one hand clutched against the rocks, you absently reach back for him with the other before remembering - no - and letting it fall back to the stone. He grunts. Your fingers flex anxiously as his cock rubs through you, with moans of garbled nonsense.
The next thrust is hard, and then Shigure pulls out of you and leaves you unsteady. Your legs tremble, slick and hot, and you’re panting as you turn around. He takes a step back, breathing as hard as you. You swallow, grabbing at the wall in support. It’s hard not to drop back in the water’s buoyancy.
“Move,” Shigure says, dragging his hands around you through the water. In the moonlight, his fingers drip with diamonds as he lifts them to his face, rubbing briefly before pushing up through his hair, gelling back his haphazard fringe. He sighs, shaking his head, and the steel-colored spikes settle into the usual haphazard mess.
You slide weakly to the side, and Shigure moves forward, running his hand along the wall until he moves against the steps half-hidden in darkness. He takes a step, another, and finally turns at the last one. You let your own hands float, your breath mixing with the steam as you watch him. His knees rise above the water as his feet rest on the step below. With another sigh, he leans back on his elbows, hands just barely dipping over the surface as he spreads his knees. One hand reaches forward, and he wraps his fingers around his cock, eyes even on yours as he begins to slowly stroke.
“I didn’t think you were satisfied yet either,” Shigure says.
You shake your head before you realize it, and that smile – that devious, cold smile – settles across his face as you begin to step towards him.
“Ride it,” he says.
The water feels heavy against your body as you push through, the steam and darkness hiding the quiver of your legs. Your cunt aches in the water, the rippled motion of the natural spring teasing whispers of Shigure’s touch swirling over your skin. His eyes drive into yours, haughty, careless, and you almost stop your slow, sliding steps as it sends a cold, anxious shudder through you to your core. It takes strength to walk up the steps yourself and kneel in the water, straddling him with trembling thighs.
“Keep your hands on the rocks,” Shigure warns.
You nod with a faint whine in your throat, rolling your hands on the stone on either side of his shoulders. You hesitate a moment, adjust your grip further, trying to rid the temptation to fling your arms around his neck and pull him to you.
It’s never easy to keep this rule in mind, the most important of all, and harder still when you begin to sink yourself down over his cock. Your hands tense on the stone. The barrier of his knuckles holding himself slides away, and he draws his arms up along the edge of the pool with a harsh moan. His dark eyes, shining and deep as the black water below the moon, never leave yours.
The head of his cock slides into you with ease, but your inner muscles clench so desperately around him that it’s tight, it’s fucking tight, and you groan lightly as you sink fully on him. The weight of the water tugs at you, resistant on your calves, but you fall into the rhythm of the circulating waves and rock against the water without his hands on your hips to control you.
But the water helps you move fast, the desire and heat within you uncontrollably urging your motions forward. The arousal leaking from you only makes your body squirm harder, the heat of Shigure’s cock and precum sliding down your thigh an enticing urge to keep bucking your hips and ride him. You moan, and he sighs.
“Fuck,” he says, low.
Beneath the surface, his thigh muscles tense, and he begins to jerk his hips up into you just as you come crashing down.
He forces up harder into you, and you feel your cunt flutter and clench over him at the sudden increase in strength. You almost go completely limp in response. Your hands slide dangerously low on the rock, so close to him, and you swallow thickly to steel your muscles and fuck him right back. Your elbows bend as you push yourself higher up again.
Shigure leans forward with his hands still bracing against the wall and kisses your neck once more, opening his mouth to suck, a ragged love bite as you jolt up and down on his cock.
You groan, your head falling to the side, and Shigure’s mouth follows down your throat. These kisses are rough again. Another scrape of his teeth on your skin and you shudder, bucking backwards in the water away from him. Leaning like this pushes his cock deeper inside, rubbing, hard.
He chases you, doggedly, determined, opening his mouth around your collarbone. His tongue laps over the skin, and he sucks hard enough to make you arch your back and push your hips again and again. You shake your head. The steam settling over your body is so heavy, uncomfortably warm against the fire below your belly. “Yes, yes, yes,,” is all you can force out in elation.
And then you scream it – “Shigure, yes!” – when his hand drops, sliding into the water, and pushes once more against your clit. He moves fast, frantic. Slumped back, riding him and moving with the water, you stare dumbly down at his silver fingers in the moonlight, at his thick cock moving in and out of your swollen cunt.
“I’m close,” Shigure breathes, leaning forward. He pushes his forehead against your chest and arches his back away from you. His fingers rub, and you whimper half-formed encouragement in response, tensing your fingers as the urge rises over you once more to rake your fingers through his iron hair and hold him close.
“Yes, yes, fuck…”
Your hips move in tight quick circles, rising off his cock and back into the water, just as his fingers move with you. He pushes his hand against your body and sucks in a hard breath, straightening his shoulders and leaning back on the wall. Between your clenched muscles, you feel him twitch, throbbing hot.
He comes hard, pumping through your body hotter than the bath. Your knees clench, thighs digging desperate into the side of his legs as he rocks his hips firmly up into you. With one last thrust up, he begins to lower, the pressure of his hand lightening from your clit.
You desperately push your hand against his, shaking your head. “Please,” you say, surprising yourself with the boldness, “please, I’m so close…”
Shigure says nothing, but the breath hisses hard from between his teeth. His eyes narrow on yours, and under your hand, his fingers twitch. He presses himself to your clit again, and you moan, riding your hips on him again even as he begins to soften inside you.
Two fingers, rolling in a hard circle, bring you swiftly closer and closer. When you lift your hand back to the rocks, he continues without your guidance. Your mouth is parted, the air around you too hot to fill your lungs comfortably, and your head spins with the heat pressing all around you.
“How do you feel?” Shigure asks, and you shake your head.
“It’s so… hot… it’s so… good…”
“Are you close?”
You can’t even bring yourself to nod anymore eyes rolling back. The stars above you literally spin, so cold and so distant, and Shigure presses against you again.
Even if you closed your eyes. It would all still be spinning as the tight, hot coil below your stomach finally unravels. It aches to come, as Shigure keeps moving his fingers, coaxing that release from you. You slam your hands into the rocks with a soft cry as they scrape at the heel of your palms and shudder over him. He slows his circling motions as the ripples pulse through you, slower, slower, and receding.
You lift your knees shakily as you slide off him, feeling the mix of fluids slide down your thigh. Shigure slumps with a satisfied groan, submerging deeper into the water. You lean on the wall, sliding onto the lower step as well, letting the spring water rise over your still trembling body. The stars settle, twinkling silver and unreadable above the pool.
It’s a peaceful moment shattered by Shigure suddenly rising, sending droplets splattering through the air as he shakes his head.
“Where are you going?” you ask, slipping even lower beneath the soothing water.
“You heard him, dinner’s only available a little longer.” Shigure speaks casually, so nonchalant, as if he hadn’t just been fucking up into you and rubbing against you clit. He steps out of the pool and you watch water stream from his legs into a puddle as he bends for the forgotten yukata. “I’m hungry. You better hurry up if you want to eat, too.”
“Right,” you say. You begin to push down on the step to force yourself to rise. Shigure has his back to you now, wrapping the fabric around him once more carelessly. He tilts his head back, shaking his hair as water clings to the spiking strands.
No, he doesn’t care if you actually eat now or not.
“Oh,” he adds, thoughtfully. “And I should apologize to the innkeeper after all.”
“I thought the Sohma name was enough to forgive a social faux pas or two,” you say, shivering as you lift yourself from the pool. In the darkness, you squint, scouring for your towel.
“It is, but I think you were loud enough to catch the attention of some other guests.”
The words are cold, but Shigure sounds amused. You pause, reaching for the towel, your blood running colder than the air when you look up and follow his gaze.
High above the hot spring, two figures stand silhouetted in a window. A window that shouldn't look down to the baths, shouldn't be lit like a looming beacon sneering at the moon. But this is, of course, a Sohma enterprise. When Shigure raises his hand, the short-haired one turns away. Surprisingly, the one with long, pale hair waves.
Shigure waves back.
“Yes,” he muses, more to himself than to you as you slowly clutch your towel around yourself, heart hammering in your chest. “I might have to go talk to my cousins later."
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How Yuki, Tohru, Kyo react to the reader kissing them and running away
Ofc anon 🧡
He was watching tv when you came up kissing him leaving him confused and shocked as he tries to process what had just happened
He will get up going after you asking why you kissed him thinking it was some type of prank from Yuki
He will be surprised when he finds out that is not the reason why you kissed him but instead that you wanted to because of your feelings for him
He would ask why and as you explain he can feel his heart swell with warmth grabbing you and kissing you back and after that the two of you were together
She was cooking dinner when you came in giving her a smile and getting one by her in return as she covers the pot of rice
You helped her with the stir fry washing your hands and before she knew it you grabbed her and gently kissed her immediately walking out of the room after
Tohru came into your room later that night asking you about earlier in the kitchen and at dinner making you turn a bright red telling her your feelings for her making her smile and giggle in the pillow she was holding
She leaned in kissing you as you reciprocated smiling big both of you giggling as you moved over letting her lay down next to you talking and watching tv until you both fell asleep
The two of you were walking home from school as you did a lot of the time due to your parents work schedules so you helped each other with homework and hung out together and sometimes with his family
The two of you had feelings for each other for awhile and you decided the night before you were finally gonna tell him of your feelings but instead you went for it and kissed him when you were a block away from his house
He was surprised but couldn't talk to you due to you hiding in Tohru's room after bursting in and telling her everything that had happened until he gently took you in his room and talk
After talking for awhile the two of you planned to go out on a date that next weekend sealing the promise with a kiss before going downstairs where tohru secretly smiles as you sat down next to each other for dinner
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chalkscene · 10 months
ft. kyo sohma, yuki sohma, hatsuharu sohma & hatori sohma x f!reader (separate)
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“hi,” you greet KYO with a perky tone that has him eyeing you suspiciously as you sidle up next to him. “what are you up to?” he asks and you can’t help but roll your eyes. “nothing. i just wanted to ask you something.” kyo doesn’t respond but he’s looking at you in anticipation so you continue, “would you kiss me for $10 or the prettiest girl in the world for $700?” it’s his turn to give you a quick eye roll which earns him a playful slap on the arm. “answer my question.” he sighs in resignation before replying definitively, “i’d kiss you for ten dollars.” “wow,” you drawl but a teasing smile tugs at your lips, “so you don’t think i’m the prettiest girl in the world?” kyo lightly bonks your head. “i already answered your question.”
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over video call, you’re halfway through a game of 20 questions with YUKI when you ask him, “would you kiss the prettiest girl in the world for $700 or me for only ten bucks?” and you don’t expect him to already come up with an answer in an instant. “normally,” he says with emphasis, pausing for a second before he continues, “i’d kiss you.” you immediately feel your eyes turn into saucers. “what do you mean ‘normally’?!” yuki cracks up but he doesn’t relent, “i’m in college. i would need the money.” “i’m actually gonna break up with you.” he laughs harder at the empty threat before schooling his features as if to appease you, “you know you’re the most beautiful girl to me. i’d kiss you for 700 dollars.” “nice save.”
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minutes have passed since you asked HATSUHARU your question yet all you’ve gotten from him so far is the blank expression on his face—he seems to be pondering over it as he stares into the distance. “so…” you speak, easing him out of his thoughts, “what’s your answer?” he then looks you in the eye and says, “i’d kiss you.” at the tip of your tongue sits a teasing comment in an attempt to dare hatsuharu to name someone prettier than you but he cuts you off with a kiss, his lips on yours, immediately wiping the smirk off your face. when he eventually pulls away, his expression is still as neutral as ever. “that’s ten dollars.” bastard.
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“hi, tori.” you walk over to HATORI where he’s sat at his desk, reading some files at the moment but he doesn’t mind your intrusion into his workspace. “hi, sweetheart.” “you busy?” “i have time,” he says as he takes off his glasses. “okay. i have a question.” hatori swivels in his chair away from his table, making room for you to sit on his lap which you happily do. “okay,” you repeat, “would you kiss me for ten dollars or the prettiest girl in the world for 700?” that is the last thing hatori expected to come out of your mouth but he decides to play along, taking his time to mull it over. “just say i’m ugly,” you joke which elicits a chuckle from him. “you know i don’t think that.” “then what’s your answer?” “i would kiss you,” he says sincerely. as soon as he catches the telltale sign of you holding back a smirk, he quickly adds, “don’t ask-” “who’s prettier than me then?” you interrupt, satisfied with yourself when hatori only sighs. he knew it.
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animeyanderelover · 4 months
This is my first request so here we go! Can I get head cannons on what it’d be like to be in an OT3 relationship with both Shigure AND Akito in Fruits Basket? Like, how they met, how they established a relationship and how the tumultuous relationship evolved during the course of the anime’s plot? I know it’s gonna be SOO toxic, especially with the crap Shigure pulls, Akito being Akito, and the constant back and forth between the two, being the middle piece in their game is gonna be such a pain emotionally, physically, psychologically, any way you can think of. Also the s/o is gender neutral.
There have been some changes to the original plot of the manga to adjust this storyline better. Also, this is quite toxic but that should come to no surprise. I'm also obviously not going to remember some of the stuff that happened in the Anime so this is a shortened version.
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional thoughts, clinginess, paranoia, jealousy, abuse, manipulation, guilt-tripping, gaslighting, isolation, threats, violence, sexual exploitation, hinted non-con
Tags: @flaming-vulpix
Falling in love with the same darling
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🐕​⚫​From a very young age on, you have been working as a maid in the Sohma estate with your main tasks always involving catering to Akito's needs. Akira assigned you specifically for this job as you were only 2 years older than her and he wanted her to have someone around her age to befriend. Even years later you remember how you were brought to Akira and Akito, the little girl hiding behind her father's back as you walked in. Akira had been a gentle and kind but also terribly gullible man from the few memories that you have but his love for Akito had been there, even if perhaps a tad bit misguided as she was the God of the family. He beckoned Akito to step forward as he introduced you to her, telling her that from this day on you would be her new friend. You were too young back then to understand everything, otherwise you would have stopped him as he told Akito that you'd always stay with her. When the little girl, although back then you thought she was a boy, asked you with big eyes if what her father had just said was true, you didn't think about it. You only nodded enthusiastically and even if she had still seemed a tad bit apprehensive, you saw the hopeful gleam in her eyes.
🐕​⚫​Soon after being assigned to Akito who quickly latched on to you, you met Shigure. He has always been rather weird, even when he was still young. Both of you did not get along well initially, although that was mainly his fault. His feelings for Akito had already blossomed back then and her clear attachment to you elicited jealousy. Back then you had still harbored the mindset that it was your job to be Akito's best friend so you had also felt a childish envy as you saw how close both of them were. You had always been whenever Akito asked any of the Zodiac signs who had already been around at that time for any affection and you'd only realise years later why she had always done that. You had felt entitled of her and her friendship, threatened in your position and in return you grew clingy and tried everything to please her, openly expressing your jealousy. Your behavior was like fuel to flames as she desperately absorbed every affection you gave her and clung as a result only tighter to you. Her father was immensely pleased by this development, ignoring how unhealthy it already was back then and only told Akito that even those who weren't Zodiac signs would love her.
🐕​⚫​The rift between Shigure and you only grew as time passed by, both of you fighting for Akito's attention and love. And it made Akito happy. In fact whenever the words of her mother would get to her, she knew that she always had the both of you and in her growing desperation sometimes she even caused such arguments between the two of you on purpose simply to watch and realise that her mother was wrong. She was loved, even from those who were not part of the Zodiacs and sometimes she couldn't help but have the two of you argue in front of her mother as she gave her a defiant glare to show her that she was wrong. You remember the boiling jealousy when one day Akito showed you proudly the camellia that Shigure had fetched her and told you how he had confessed his love to her, her dark eyes staring at you as she wanted, needed, to see your reaction to it all. You were miffed the entire day about it and the very next moment you returned with a bouquet of flowers yourself and made sure to wait until Shigure was accompanying both of you before you handed all of the flowers to her and promised to always stay by her side. You sealed your fate on that day.
🐕​⚫​When Akira passed away due to his illness, you were there with Akito in his last moments. You weren't supposed to but Akito had demanded you to be there with her, her hand clutching yours tightly. It had made her father happy too to see both of you being so attached to each other and in his last moments he had made you promise that you'd always stay with his child and had reminded Akito one last time of her special existence that would make everyone love her. You'd been her shoulder to cry on when both of you were left alone, the tears only falling when she was only in your company. She had clutched the material of your yukata as she had begged you to not leave her like her father had just done and you had promised her once again that you would stay with her until the very end. Then Ren stormed in, furious that she hadn't been informed of Akira's death and had lashed out at Akito, screaming that she was unwanted and that everyone would leave her eventually. You can still clearly remember how you yelled back at her mother and insulted her, only fueling her hysteria. You still remember how your teeth sank into the flesh of her hand when she struck you, refusing to let go.
🐕​⚫​There were screams, the ones of ther maids but above all Akito's own hysterical screams all of a sudden when Ren tried to hurt you and you only scratched and bit her more until you could taste blood whilst your own nose was weeping with your own. It took more than a handful of other maids to separate the two of you as Ren was escorted away, still cursing at you. Akito was in that moment instantly by your side, crying and yelling as she screamed at the other maids to cater to your injuries even whilst you reassured her that you were fine. You were adviced to stay in bed for the rest of the day and Akito refused to leave your side the entire time. She sat there with you, ate her meals with you and even drew and played board games with you. You ended up with scratches all over your arms and your face, bruises and swollen lips from Ren but it made you almost proud when you heard that you had done some damage on her too. You found Akito often staring at your face, more often than she had done before, and when you asked her if she was sad about your injuries, she said something that caught you off-guard. That she felt happy. Happy because you had gotten so aggressive and hurt for her.
🐕​⚫​Her mind had been made up forever after that. She only focused on you from that day on. Whilst she was still possessive of other Zodiac signs, they became a second priority as you were from that day on her main focus. You were always kept by her side for the entire day and she even demanded you to sleep in the same room as her. Seldom did you see her mother but when you did, Akito almost appeared to show you off, even if her grip on you tightened. Ren could only glare at you silently as the physical wounds may have healed with time but her ego had been forever damaged by you. One time she approached you with a dangerous glimmer in her eyes but Akito was the one who stopped her this time. It was the first time that you really noticed how damaged Akito had become as she threatened her own mother and gloated gleefully in front of her how she had been wrong and that you loved her even whilst not being a Zodiac member as she pulled you closer to her side. Even when Shigure came over, her focus was always on you and whilst the smile on his face always stayed, you could tell from his eyes just how much you started grating his nerves.
🐕​⚫​Akito deemed you to be the person most important to her and that was something that didn't sit right with the young man. He wanted Akito for himself but you were in the way. He needed you to betray her and break her heart. If he could make Akito hate you, he could take your place. In hindsight it was truly frightening just how far Shigure had always been willing to go for Akito but you had luckily always been rather wary of him. So when he suddenly tried to befriend you, you were cautious and careful. He needed to find some weak link he could abuse, something to turn Akito against you. Unfortunately that was hard as Akito had been all you had known your life and vice versa. But perhaps that was how he could approach it. You had rarely left the Sohma estate, never had been friends with other people. Weren't you curious though? Slowly he tried to put ideas in her head, trying to fuel your curiosity to get you away from Akito. And it worked. You had grown a bit older though and even if you still treasured Akito, a feeling of loneliness had gotten to you as your freedom had been restricted to only revolve around her. When Yuki was introduced to Akito, he saw finally a good chance.
🐕​⚫​As Akito got to know Yuki better, he tempted you to go outside and leave her side more often. Shigure convinced you to even leave the estate with him as he introduced you to new people and encouraged you to get to know them better. It was strange yet also exciting to meet other children in your age range who weren't Akito and you befriended them rather quickly. You even told Akito about them excitedly, oblivious to the way she fidgeted with her fingers and bawled her hands into fists as your joy was like a stab to her heart. You wanted her to meet them yet the moment those words left your lips, she rejected your offer harshly. Upon noticing your startled expression, she quickly added that it wouldn't be wise for her to leave the Sohma estate. Her heart grew sick though as she finally learned why you hadn't spent as much time with her as you used to and when she approached Shigure in search for comfort, he used her growing heartbreak as he told her that he had seen how happy you were with your new friends. She cried in his arms, wondering what had happened as you had always been so close with her. You loved her. You had to love her.
🐕​⚫​Torments from her mother increased when she asked Akito where you were whenever she saw her, her taunts only serving to slowly break Akito further. Her temper got considerably worse and Yuki, the one who spent most time with her as she tried to take you off of her mind, got the worst of it even when she apologised afterwards to him. A part of Akito wanted to tell you desperately about it yet she didn't because she wanted you to figure it out yourself. You knew her best afterwards. So why didn't you notice how she felt? When Kureno's curse suddenly broke and Akito lost a bond that defined her existence, she was finally pushed over the edge. She feared that everyone's curse would break and that you, the one who wasn't bound to her in any way, would be the first one to leave. Shigure's own words only poisoned her young mind further. The next time she saw you, she dragged you to her room with a surprisingly tight grip on your wrist and forced you to stay there with her. There she then broke, yelling and sobbing as she grabbed your face and forced you to look at her. You had betrayed her! You had broken your promise! You promised to always stay by her side!
🐕​⚫​Never again were you allowed to go outside again after that. Akito has kept you by her side ever since that day as Shigure's plan only backfired as she has grown incredibly possessive of you. The other Zodiac signs are the only people you still see sometimes, although Akito makes sure to even reduce the contact you have with them. The bitterness of you having dared to make other friends when you always had her has festered inside of her and has never allowed her to let you get close to others. Kureno and Shigure are the ones you tend to see the most, although even then you are never left alone by her. There has been tension between Shigure and Akito for a while now too though and that is mainly because you have told her that it was Shigure who introduced you to your former friends back then. She suspects that he has tried to take you away from her and the glares and sharp words she has given him ever since are a telltale sign of her growing distrust. Shigure remains immune to her hostility though as something has seemed to change. He has always focused way too much on you as he used to despise you for stealing Akito. Hatred and love however, are two sides of the same coin.
🐕​⚫​He has grown an interest in you over the last few years and it truly doesn't do anything to better the situation. He flirts with you in front of Akito, the sight of her being possessive and jealous over you something he seems to enjoy as he doesn't mind all the insults and yells she gives him the moment she pulls you closer to your side. Both of the people he finds himself obsessed with are already basically attached to the hip and he likes seeing that. Shigure is already seeing it through that no one dares to to take Akito nor you away from him and one of the reasons why Akito still allows his presence so close to yours is because he is a mole. If he even suspects in the slightest that someone is interested in you, Akito is always the first to find out. Most of the time she sees it through herself to send such a person to her mansion and remind them violently that you belong to only her. In rare cases where the person in picture is someone who isn't part of the Sohma estate, Shigure promises her to ensure that they learn their lesson. After all you belong to Akito.
🐕​⚫​Whilst Akito uses violence, intimidation and emotional guilt-tripping to force you to stay with her, Shigure leans much more in the manipulative spectrum of things. Whilst he has yet to claim both Akito and you for himself, he knows that it would be the best scenario if he sees it through that you stay by Akito's side. Not only because Akito will keep you nice and isolated but because he can use both of you against each other to draw out advantages for himself. He can have Akito running to him and begging him for comfort and help whenever he manipulates things enough to give her easily paranoid mind the impression that you think about leaving her for someone else and can be your pillar of comfort when Akito's antics threaten to break you once again. Your heart feels like it is constantly bruised and beaten yet attachment and pity are cursed chains that keeps you by Akito's side. As violent and terrible as she is, she still has you and she thinks often that she really only has you. Shigure murmurs those words into your ears when you are hidden in his arms, abusing your pity to convince you to return to Akito which in return does earn him Akito's grudgingly gratitude.
🐕​⚫​Then the singular worst thing happens to you and it changes things for all three of you. First it happens with Akito who has grown into a woman who has to pretend like she is a man. She has needs, needs that need to be satiated but she only wants one person to cater to her most private needs. She wants you to take care of her. You've always taken care of her after all. She is needy and desperate for sexual affection but at the same time remains highly demanding as she forces the sexual relationship on you and thus reveals to you that she is a woman, a secret she has kept from you for years but now doesn't care to keep it hidden from you anymore. It messes with your mind as you are unable to deny her requests, the shackles of guilt and fear forever around your heart from that day on. You confide in the only person you see besides Akito and it only leads to your second downfall as you entrust Shigure with the news. He soothes you, coaxes the tears out of your eyes whilst comforting you yet there is a jealous gleam in his eyes. It truly is rather disgusting of him to feel that way, especially since he should be relieved that you lost your virginity to Akito and she hers to you.
🐕​⚫​His mind works in dark and twisted ways though as he feels like he has been robbed of something he would have loved to claim for himself. He can't help but wonder from that day on how you would look beneath him and soon his desire spurts him on to do something perhaps even more terrible. On a particular night where you are especially vulnerable he convinces you to have a few drinks with him as he keeps on filling your glass whilst you babble about your feelings and emotions until you are completely drunk. You only remember faintly sweet words coaxing you to his room, hands undressing you and lips traveling across your body and dark eyes expressing his weird co-existence of envy and pleasure that it was Akito who claimed your body first. You are awoken the next day by other maids who knock against the door of his house and inform the both of you that Akito has demanded for both of you to appear. Your heart drops as you look with panic in your eyes at Shigure who only gives you a grin as if he doesn't care about what he has done to you. Akito is weirdly silent at first when both of you arrive but the tension threatens to suffocate you.
🐕​⚫​She slowly approaches you, her eyes roaming over your body. The moment she demands you to kneel, your body reacts instinctively as you kneel down and look with fearful eyes at her. Hands caress your hair for a few seconds before she grabs a fistful of it and yanks your head up, screaming at you. Tears and snot drip down your face as she insults you, shames you and reminds you that your only worth is serving her. The one task you were assigned to yet have failed miserably. Your eyes silently beg Shigure to help you as he has gotten you into this mess yet he just idly watches and you feel sick to your stomach when you realise that he won't help you. You are thrown around, slapped across the face and yelled at for minutes before he finally speaks up and carefully advises that Akito should take it easier on you since you are on the verge of a panic attack. That is when she snaps her attention to him and you can only watch through sobs and tears as he receives the same treatment. Your throat feels like it is closing, you feel like you can't breathe and your whole body starts trembling uncontrollably as you witness how she banishes him from the Sohma estate.
🐕​⚫​Things are never the same again. It all has broken with no chance to fix the damage that has been inflicted. A small part of you still loves Akito but everything has been tarnished and stained by all-consuming fear. You flinch when she tries to touch you, your mind letting you see the maniacal gleam in her eyes on the day she found out that you had slept with Shigure and are constantly on edge as you have to endure every single day with her. There is no thing called privacy anymore as she has deemed you as someone she can't trust anymore. You sleep in the same room as her from now on, often she demands you to share even the same bed with her, and even showers are taken together. She doesn't take well to the fear you feel for her. She either reacts violently, desperately or just leaves you whilst muttering insults. Often it is all three in a random order. Emotionally you are already broken but even physically Akito tends to get so blinded with rage that she strikes you or throws something after you only to yell for her maids the next moment when she realises what she has done. Sometimes she tries to clean and bandage your wounds herself, her touches rough and her hands trembling slightly.
🐕​⚫​Most of the time you spend just silently accompanying you as you start changing. You don't care anymore about others and don't try to speak up for them. When Kana and Hatori ask Akito for her allowance for both of them to marry, you don't interfere when she flips out and hurts Hatori. Instead you wait for her to calm down herself, grasping her hand the moment she returns to your side and demands for your support and affection. You know by now how it goes. After every outburst of hers she will drag you to her room where you spend an hour or two giving her affection and helping her to calm down before she regains her composure again. You seek Hatori out later and apologise to him though, although he doesn't hold it against you. You haven't seen Shigure since he was banished but you have overheard some maids mentioning that he has sent you letters. Letters, which never made it past Akito who ripped all of them apart but you know that he would be smart enough to know that and probably only sends them to rile her up. You'll never forgive Shigure though for using your drunken state against you and for messing with your vulerability like this.
🐕​⚫​Your heart is in your throat when Shigure one day appears again and gives you a wave as if he has done nothing wrong. He's here to ask Akito if a girl named Tohru could live with them and to your surprise Akito agrees to it. Her grip on you is tight as she glares at Shigure throughout the entire conversation as his eyes never leave your form, almost relishing in the way cold sweat appears on your skin as you are once again exposed to being in the same room as both of them. He tells you with a smile that doesn't look sincere to you that you should visit them and meet Tohru since she is such a lovely girl. Akito has started shaking next to you and you can only clutch her hands tighter in silent hopes that she'll keep it in as she growls at him to leave now. A last warning and for a few dangerous seconds it looks like he considers making her snap before he seems to decide for the better and bids both of you goodbye, reminding you one last time of his offer. It is yet another bait he has been given as Shigure silently counts on the fact that Tohru's presence might help him to get closer to both Akito and you again, even if he has to kindle Akito's doubt and jealousy.
🐕​⚫​Akito brings her with you when she visits Tohru's school to meet the girl herself and brings you along. You keep your gaze low for the most part of the meeting as you know better than to give Akito any reason to be triggered. That is at least until the girl calls you out herself, her voice concerned and her eyes sincere as she asks you if you're feeling well. Kindness. Real kindness that almost has you tearing up before you feel Akito's hand grasping your wrist and squeezing it dangerously as she tilts her head and tells Tohru that everything is fine with you, forcing you to repeat her words as her grip on your wrist is a dangerous reminder. You're rather surprised when you see Yuki again and he shares the sentiment as he tries to rescue her before she starts taunting him. The moment Tohru pushes Akito away to stop her verbal torment though, you instinctively reach out to catch her, although Tohru was gentle when pushing her. Akito is rather pleased by your gesture as she tells you later in the car when you are sandwiched between Shigure and her, your heart racing dangerously in your chest as the two people who have hurt you the most are both sitting next to you yet you con only swallow your tears.
🐕​⚫​When the Sohmas enjoy their vacation during the summer, Shigure makes another move yet again as he convinces Akito to join them. Kureno and you accompany her. You do nothing as she torments the other Sohmas because you know that you would only make things worse for yourself and them. The entire time that Akito and you spend there, Shigure subtly tries to manage to get you for himself. He offers to show you around the house he's staying in and to give you a brief tour of the area. Akito denies you everything though unless she is with you and if no one else is around. It is quite obvious that she doesn't want Shigure and you to be left alone as she fears that both of you would betray her once again. Realising that, he still remains by your side like a leech as he decides to use the chance to the best of his abilities. You can't help but think that he's provoking Akito on purpose though when he asks how the both of you have been doing and aren't allowed to say anything as Akito answers all questions for you or simply forces you to produce the answer you know will please her. Shortly before both of you have to leave again, she meets Tohru and declares her status to her.
🐕​⚫​For some reason Shigure worms his way back inside the Sohma estate despite having been banned. The way he looks at you makes his skin crawl and his words, even if carefully veiled to hide their intentions, hit their target as he forces you out of your numb shell and gets you to express some emotions around him despite your attempts to ignore him. He doesn't really mind if you hate him. He just won't allow you to ignore and forget about him and if he has to torment you to do that, he will gladly do so. Occasionally he brings Akito and you some presents though, although his intentions are unclear. You think you fear him more than Akito in such moments where he hands you a bouquet of flowers because you have known Akito long enough to predict her somewhat even despite her impulsive temper. Shigure on the other hand has always shrouded himself in mystery and has never made his intentions obvious. You feel like you're walking on eggshells when he is around and the man knows about your feelings. He can't say that he hates it though as he finds odd enjoyment to see you so skittish around him. At least it means that he has an impact on your thoughts after all.
🐕​⚫​Slowly the curse of every member breaks though and the more it happens, the more do you find Akito growing more unstable. She grows even more hysterical until you feel like you can't breathe in her presence anymore. She runs away after having stabbed Kureno in the back as she reaches the peak of her instability and you do not follow her as you instead call an ambulance. You instead wait for her as you don't dare to leave the estate without her specific order. You aren't overly familiar with the city outside either as you have been very sheltered and would probably get lost outside if you were to run after her. It's Shigure who brings her back and the moment she sees you, she nearly causes you to topple when she throws herself at you, sobbing into your chest. Shigure is ushered away by the other maids as you find yourself in the familiar position of comforting her again. Only that this time is different. She confesses to you what had occured after she had run away, about Tohru and how she fell down the cliff before she asks you a question that makes your heart stop. Do you hate her for everything she has done?
🐕​⚫​You are unable to give her an answer to that question and expect her to lash out but that doesn't happen. Instead she almost seems to reflect on herself when she notes your inability to give her an answer. She requests of you if you'd like to come with her when visiting Tohru, afraid and unused to go anywhere without you yet not directly forcing you. Ultimately you decide to come with her as both of you visit Tohru who offers her friendship to the both of you and after that both of you visit Kureno who forgives her when she apologises to him. She seems to try to better herself but you know that it must be hard for her. Both of you have one way or another grown dependent on each other as she doesn't really know what to do without you and you essentially feel the same. She feels uneasy and anxious if she doesn't have you within her sight and you don't know what to do with your life either if you don't have her with you for a certain period of time. That is when Shigure finally decides to step back. Initial tension soon leads to both of them confessing their feelings for each other which then finally leads Shigure back to both people he has been wanting for essentially his entire life.
🐕​⚫​Akito isn't used to sharing and even if she does her best to mend her ways, old habits die hardly. She struggles to split your time, time she has been having years for herself. Especially since you do not want to be left alone with Shigure as the encounter from years ago is still very fresh in your mind and you prefer the devil you know over the devil you don't. Shigure doesn't respect your boundaries though as he constantly invades your privacy and follows you around. He has been waiting years for the moment where Akito would finally let him back and he plans to use every single chance to be with the both of you. It isn't like he doesn't know that he has traumatised both you and Akito but this is his own way of expressing his twisted feelings for you. He corners you, trails behind you and uses every chance to have a few moments alone with you. One time you snap at him and ask him through tears if he has no shame or guilt for what he has done. He confesses to you in that moment that he is fully aware of his wrongdoings and admits to being a terrible person but also tells you that he doesn't really regret anything he has done. It is a horrifying revelation that has your stomach churning.
🐕​⚫​At the same time Shigure clarifies though that he doesn't expect you to forgive him for what he has done to you and Akito. Knowing that both of you are now his is enough for him. Things don't really get better for you even if Akito is now attempting to be a better person. She has allowed Shigure back in her life and since both of you are still learning to get rid of the mutual separation anxiety which will probably never fully go away, you also find yourself stuck with Shigure. With his desires finally fulfilled, he may be less inclined to be a fulltime jerk but Shigure is still a terrible person who fully embraces his wickedness. His goal now is to ensure that you do not leave him because you don't feel the same way Akito feels about him. You love Akito though and wouldn't leave her side, especially since he knows how much both of you struggle to exist without the other. And he uses that to his advantage as he doesn't plan to assist in getting rid of the separation anxiety both of you have. There's nothing wrong with remaining attached after all. So even if Akito works on herself to be a better person, the relationship remains strained and toxic, especially with Shigure who will step low to keep you by their side.
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Rainy Secrets
hatsuharu sohma x fem!reader
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A/n: this is a cross post from my wattpad. Hope you enjoy!
Not proofread
The loud sound of thunder made Y/n jump as she looked out the window, seeing lightning flash across the sky. She shivered a bit, gripping the book that she had in her hands a bit tighter. Y/n was left alone at her home, her parents were currently on a business trip and they trusted everything to her, which she didn't mind. She was old enough to do things on her own.
Getting up from her spot on the couch, she walked over to the window. She pulled back the curtains and peered out the window watch the rain pour from the sky. Y/n sighed a bit.
"It sure is coming down out there..." She muttered to herself, still looking out the window peering up at the dark clouds the curtained the sky.
Y/n hoped that it didn't get too bad to the point where her house would lose power. She grumbled knowing that she couldn't fix those sort of things without her father's help. He's handy like that.
There was a knock at her front door that startled Y/n out of her thoughts and she whipped her head towards the door. She was expecting anyone, especially not at this hour, in this whether.
Cocking an eyebrow, she asked herself. "Who the hell could that be?" Putting her book off to the side on the table, moving away from window in the living room and walked over towards the door.
Opening it, Y/n answered the door with her eyes closed with a "yes" before opening them to see who has come to her house. Her eyes widened seeing her classmate and a close friend, Hatsuharu Soma.
She and Haru have been friends since they were young which was odd considering the fact that she and her family were outsiders, but Y/n's mother used to work as maid at the Soma Estate before she got a new job and Haru and Y/n met then and their friendship carried over, though Haru would always sneak away from the Estate to see her until now since they go to the same high school.
Dripping wet from the rain, Haru looked up at her through his hair that hung in his face. His brown eyes stared into her E/c ones. She couldn't read what emotion he was showing, it was always hard for Y/n though they've known each other for a long time but she still can never truly know.
"Haru..." She finally spoke and the male perked up to his name. "What are you doing here?" Y/n asked him. It was seriously out of the blue and in this whether no less.
"I just... I just needed to see you." He said in a low tone.
Y/n frowned at this but then raised an eyebrow at the strange boy. "You needed to see me?" She asked him, confused at his action.
"Yeah." Haru replied back, very monotone but that's how he's always been.
"But, you see me every day at school, moron." Y/n said.
"It's not enough." Haru said back.
Y/n sighed out in frustration, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Alright then. Get in here before you drown out there. I'll get you a towel." She said, letting a rain soaked Haru in.
"Thanks, Y/n." He said with a small smile.
"Whatever," Y/n said. "Sit on the floor please I don't want my parents' furniture getting wet." Y/n left to the bathroom to fetch a clean towel for Haru.
*small time skip*
Haru sat on the floor, his back resting on the couch as Y/n dried his hair with a white hand towel. Y/n had a soft glare on her face as looked at the white haired boy. She cared for Haru but he's honestly was kinda hopeless as well as he is careless.
"You're tense," Haru's low voice and him grabbing her arm, snapped Y/n out of her thoughts as she lost her glare and it was replaced with a surprised look in her eyes. "Is something wrong?" He asked her looking up at her with worried look in his eyes.
"No. I'm not tense at all." Y/n said, her hands leaving the towel on Haru's head.
"You're lying." Haru said.
"How do you know that I'm lying?" Y/n asked the boy.
Haru frowned. "We've known each other for years now, Y/n and I know when you're lying. I thought we could tell each other anything." Haru said.
She flushed from embarrassment. He's right, she really can't lie to Haru, Haru might be a bit blunt and dense at times but that doesn't mean he's not observant. Y/n looked off to the side. She went into her thoughts as the two sat in collective silence until Haru spoke.
"Y/n," He called her name, making her turn her head to look at him. His saddened expression made Y/n's eyes widened a bit. "Do you not want to be around me anymore?" He asked.
Y/n turned to face him fully and shook her head frantically. "No, No, that's not it all, Haru! It's just... my family and I are so very different from you and yours. I mean we are from the outside, we're outsiders. In all honesty, I wonder why you're still friends with me." Y/n confessed.
Y/n felt arms wrapped around her small frame for a split second until a puff of colored smoke appeared around her and a black and white cow was in Haru's place with its head on her lap. She was shocked and honestly horrified. What just happened?!
"Why are you worried about what my family or anyone else thinks?" Haru's voice came from the cow.
'What, the cow is Haru?! What is going on? What is he not telling me?' Y/n thought.
"I-I don't know... I just didn't know if you're friends for real or this is all fake." Y/n replied.
"It's not true at all. I'm friends you because I want to be and I want to be more than just friends, Y/n." Haru said.
"Uh?" She asked not sure what he was getting at.
Cow Haru looked up at her. "I've fallen for you, Y/n. And I can't keep it a secret anymore."
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princess-sof-time · 1 year
A-chan!! I have some mew ideas, hope you don't mind me making some request 👉🏼👈🏼
Could you write fooooor Adrien, Luka (Miraculous) Shinji, Asuka (Evangelion), Torhu, Yuki and Momiji (Fruits basket) with a S/O who is serious most of the time because is easily bored but whenever S/O is with them is always smiling and cheerful (like never get bored when is with them)
You can make as many requests as you like Moonie-chan! (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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• Adrien finds himself fascinated by his S/O's serious personality, as it is a perfect contrast to his own outgoing nature. While Adrien is known for his animation and charisma, his S/O brings an aura of seriousness that intrigues and draws him to the core. His S/O's ability to find such joy and enthusiasm in his presence despite being prone to boredom is something Adrien can't help but admire.
• Adrien is truly honored to be the person able to bring a constant smile to his S/O's lips. He feels special knowing that he is able to dispel any trace of monotony that may exist in his S/O's life. It's as if your own contagious brilliance and energy combined with the seriousness of your S/O, creating a unique and engaging synergy.
• Every moment with his S/O is an opportunity for Adrien to show them a new world of possibilities and adventures. He strives to make every encounter special and memorable, constantly looking to find ways to liven up and bring joy to his S/O. Whether it's through exciting activities, deep conversations or simply sharing laughs, Adrien values ​​every moment with his S/O and is determined to make them feel happy and satisfied.
• His S/O's buoyant and infectious presence is like a breath of fresh air in Adrien's life. The energy they radiate is capable of illuminating any environment and bringing a special glow to shared moments. The way your S/O's smile lights up the room is a testament to the positive impact they have on Adrien.
• At the same time, Adrien feels deeply connected to his S/O. Their seriousness is an invitation to delve into meaningful conversations and explore the deeper aspects of life. They are able to bring balance to Adrien's life, offering a unique perspective and a sense of stability that he values ​​immensely.
• The constant presence of his S/O is a constant source of inspiration and motivation for Adrien. They represent an inexhaustible source of happiness, animation and renewal of energy. Adrien feels privileged to be able to bring joy and relief to his S/O, knowing his presence has a lasting impact on his life.
• Your S/O's serious and easily bored personality fascinates and charms Adrien in ways beyond description. He is honored to be the person able to bring joy and excitement into his S/O's life. The connection between them is a perfect mix of seriousness and fun, creating unforgettable moments and making their relationship special and unique. His S/O's constant presence shines a bright light into Adrien's life, reminding him of the importance of embracing the joy and pleasure found in every moment shared together.
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• Luka is a laid-back, laid-back soul, always looking for peace and harmony. However, he is deeply intrigued by his S/O's serious personality, as it is an endearing contrast to his own nature. While Luka delights in living in the present moment and appreciating the simplicity of life, his S/O brings a serene intensity that fascinates him.
• What most delights Luka is his S/O's determination to avoid boredom and find joy in every situation. He admires the willpower his S/O displays, as he knows that the ability to find happiness even when feeling bored is a special gift. S/O's ability to make the most of every moment with Luka is a constant source of surprise and delight for him.
• When Luka is in the company of his S/O, he feels truly special. He understands that he has the power to transform his S/O's life, bringing joy and liveliness to shared moments. His S/O's ability to find happiness alongside him is a confirmation that Luka is capable of filling his S/O's life with unforgettable moments full of emotion.
• Luka finds immense happiness in removing any monotony from his S/O's life. He is always ready to bring new experiences and adventures, looking for ways to make every moment special and memorable. The happiness on his S/O's face when they are together is Luka's greatest reward, as it shows that he managed to create an environment full of joy and charm.
• The presence of S/O is like a ray of sunshine that lights up Luka's life. His constant seriousness is an invitation to delve into deep conversations and moments of introspection. Luka is honored to be able to share these moments with his S/O, knowing they are rare and precious. Through these moments, they connect on a deeper level, creating a relationship based on trust and mutual understanding.
• Luka immensely values ​​the joy your S/O brings to his life. He is filled with happiness when he sees the radiant smile on his S/O's lips and the way they enjoy every moment together. The seriousness of your S/O is a constant reminder that life is full of opportunities to find joy and wonder, even in the simplest of times.
• The seriousness of your S/O fascinates and delights Luka in unique ways. He is inspired by his S/O's determination to avoid boredom and find joy in every moment. The S/O's constant presence in his life is a source of happiness and gratitude for Luka, who values ​​every moment shared together. With his S/O, Luka discovers a world filled with joy, fun and a deep connection that transcends boredom and monotony.
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• Shinji is a young man with a sensitive and introspective soul, often sunk in a sea of ​​boredom and loneliness. However, when he meets his S/O, a serious and easily bored person, everything starts to change. The seriousness of his S/O appeals to Shinji in a special way, as he understands the sense of monotony that accompanies them. He feels a deep connection with his S/O, knowing they share a unique understanding of the search for meaning and fulfillment in life.
• Shinji feels deeply grateful to have found someone who is capable of finding joy and happiness in his presence. He is surprised and delighted by the way his S/O smiles and radiates an infectious energy when they are together. This joy that his S/O brings into Shinji's life is like a ray of sunshine that penetrates the dark clouds that surround him, filling him with hope and renewal. They manage to dispel the boredom and melancholy that often consume you, providing you with happy and rewarding moments.
• His S/O's smiling and cheerful presence touches Shinji's heart in a unique way. They are able to see past their shell of seriousness and reach their true essence. They bring with them a sense of renewal, as if their presence is a balm that heals Shinji's emotional wounds. With them, Shinji feels invigorated and encouraged to explore the world with new eyes, knowing that they will be there to share in the joys and overcome the challenges that life may present.
• The fact that his S/O finds joy in his presence is something Shinji never thought possible. He often sees himself as someone burdened with sadness and pain, unable to bring happiness to others. However, your S/O's presence in his life teaches him that his seriousness is valued and appreciated. They show Shinji that he has the power to touch someone's life in a meaningful way, even when he feels plunged into a state of monotony and hopelessness.
• With his S/O, Shinji discovers a special connection that overcomes any boredom or monotony. They are able to create moments of joy and satisfaction together, even in the most challenging circumstances. Your S/O's constant presence in your life is a constant reminder that life can be full of precious moments, even for those who feel trapped in an endless cycle of boredom and loneliness.
• In short, the seriousness of his S/O captivates Shinji and fills him with gratitude. His smiling, cheerful presence has the power to dispel the boredom and melancholy in your life, bringing a renewed hope and sense of purpose. With his S/O, Shinji discovers a new perspective on life, where his seriousness is valued and his ability to bring joy to others is recognized. They create a special connection that transcends boredom and monotony, filling Shinji's life with moments of happiness and gratification.
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• Asuka is an intense and passionate young woman, always looking for a deep and genuine connection. She is drawn to the seriousness of her S/O, as she believes they have the ability to appreciate the intensity of emotions and feelings she carries with her. Her S/O's seriousness creates a special bond with Asuka, as she feels that they are able to understand and appreciate her fiery nature.
• Asuka feels truly honored to be able to bring a smile to her S/O's lips and overcome any boredom that may arise in their lives. She takes pride in being able to offer special moments and joy to her S/O, as it makes them feel alive and fulfilled. Her S/O's ability to find joy in her company brings a sense of validation and happiness to Asuka, as she sees that her presence is valued and appreciated.
• Her S/O's presence is a constant reminder to Asuka that life can be exciting and full of smiles, even in the most serious moments. She loves the feeling of sharing special moments with someone who is able to find fun and joy no matter what the circumstances. Her S/O's infectious energy and radiant smile inspire Asuka to let go of any sadness or monotony, embracing life with enthusiasm.
• With her S/O, Asuka discovers that it is possible to find joy in even the most challenging of situations. They are able to bring lightness and animation to your life, providing special moments that will be etched in your memory forever. Your S/O's ability to enjoy and have fun with her company creates a special dynamic between them where every shared moment becomes an exciting adventure.
• Asuka finds comfort and strength in her S/O's presence. They are a safe haven where she can be herself without fear of being judged. Her seriousness is a source of balance for Asuka, as they help her find a more stable perspective during times of emotional turmoil. With her S/O by her side, Asuka feels empowered to face whatever challenges life throws at her.
• In summary, the seriousness of its S/O captivates and enchants Asuka in a unique way. She feels honored to be able to bring joy and overcome boredom that may creep into her S/O's life. Her S/O's constant presence is a reminder that life can be lived with enthusiasm and smiles, even in the most serious moments. Together, they find a special connection that allows them to share intense and emotional moments, creating precious memories that will last a lifetime.
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• Tohru is a young woman who deeply understands the feeling of boredom and the search for meaningful moments. That's why the seriousness of her S/O appeals to her so much, as she knows how easy it is to fall into a rut and lose the spark in life. She is attracted to her S/O's ability to find joy and pleasure in her company, even when monotony threatens to set in.
• Tohru's gratitude for finding someone who never looks bored in her presence is immense. She values ​​the fact that her S/O is able to always smile and rejoice when they are together. This ability of theirs is a constant source of inspiration for Tohru, as she learns to appreciate every moment with her S/O in a more intense way. She is honored to be able to bring happiness to her S/O and strives to make every moment special and full of fun.
• Her S/O's presence is a constant reminder to Tohru that love and companionship have the power to drive away any monotony. She understands that life is full of exciting possibilities, even when it seems dull at first glance. Her S/O's contagious joy brightens Tohru's life, making it more vibrant and filled with radiant smiles.
• Tohru finds immense joy in sharing special moments with her S/O. She is always ready to create unforgettable memories together, exploring new adventures and enjoying the little things in life. Her S/O's positive energy and constant smile inspire Tohru to see the world more optimistically, filling every moment with enthusiasm and joy.
• Tohru's relationship with his S/O is a source of happiness for both of them. She deeply values ​​the connection they have, knowing they have found someone special who shares her vision of enjoying life to the fullest. Together they become a beacon of happiness and fun, chasing away any monotony that may arise. Your S/O's ability to bring beaming smiles to Tohru's face is a testament to the love and connection they share.
• In short, Tohru is drawn to her S/O's seriousness, as she understands boredom and the search for meaningful moments. She is grateful to have found someone who never looks bored in her presence, and their ability to always smile and rejoice together is a source of inspiration to her. Her S/O's presence is a constant reminder that love and companionship have the power to chase away any monotony and fill life with radiant smiles. Together, they discover a special connection that drives them to enjoy every moment and create treasured memories that will last a lifetime.
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• Yuki is a young man who deeply understands the feeling of boredom and the search for something deeper in life. Therefore, the seriousness of his S/O attracts him in a special way. He values ​​the connection he has with someone who shares his propensity for boredom and craves meaningful experiences.
• The smile and joy his S/O finds in his presence are constant sources of inspiration for Yuki. Even during long periods of time together, his S/O is able to maintain an infectious enthusiasm. Their ability to never get bored when they're with Yuki is something he values ​​deeply. They bring a special glow to his life, making every moment exciting and meaningful.
• Yuki feels special for being able to bring happiness and excitement to her S/O. He strives to fill his S/O's life with moments that are both memorable and emotionally fulfilling. His presence and dedication to bringing joy to his S/O is a testament to the love and care he has for them. Yuki feels fulfilled seeing the happiness written on his S/O's face, knowing that he is capable of creating heartwarming moments that will be cherished for a lifetime.
• The seriousness of his S/O is a constant reminder to Yuki that they have a special connection. They understand and value the search for something deeper in life, sharing a mutual understanding of the importance of meaningful experiences. With her S/O, Yuki is encouraged to explore her own journey in search of fulfillment and purpose. They are a source of inspiration, pushing Yuki to find joy and meaning in even the simplest of moments.
• Yuki's relationship with her S/O is a source of growth and learning for both of them. They support each other in their individual quests for a more exciting and meaningful life. His S/O's constant presence brings balance and enthusiasm to Yuki's life, encouraging him to enjoy every moment with intensity and purpose.
• Yuki is attracted to the seriousness of his S/O, as he shares the search for something deeper in life. He is inspired by the smile and joy his S/O finds in his presence, even over long periods of time. S/O's ability to never get bored when he's with Yuki is something he values ​​deeply. He feels special for being able to bring happiness and excitement to his S/O, filling his life with exciting and meaningful moments. With his S/O by his side, Yuki discovers that seriousness can be a gateway to fulfilling and meaningful experiences, creating a special and lasting connection.
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• Momiji is a playful and lively soul, always ready to bring joy and fun to everyone around her. However, he is delighted by the seriousness of his S/O, as it is a contrast to his own nature. He is drawn to the depth and seriousness that his S/O carries with him.
• His S/O's ability to find constant joy in his company thrills Momiji. He feels privileged to be able to bring a constant smile to his S/O's face and overcome any boredom that may arise. Seeing the happiness written on his S/O's face is one of the things that brings Momiji the most joy, as he knows his presence is valued and appreciated.
• Momiji loves to share moments full of laughter and fun with his S/O. They are like partners on adventures, excitedly exploring the world and creating special memories together. Your S/O's ability to appreciate your playful and lively nature is something Momiji values ​​deeply. He feels fulfilled knowing that he is able to create moments full of joy and laughter that will be cherished for a lifetime.
• His S/O's presence is a constant source of inspiration and joy for Momiji. He is driven to be the best version of himself when he is with them, as their seriousness strikes a perfect balance with their lively nature. They complement each other, bringing a special harmony to shared moments. His S/O's presence is like an inexhaustible source of positive energy that pushes Momiji to enjoy every moment with enthusiasm and gratitude.
• Momiji's relationship with his S/O is filled with moments of happiness and fun. They are able to create an atmosphere of lightness and joy, where boredom simply disappears. With his S/O by his side, Momiji discovers a whole new world of possibilities, where each day is filled with infectious laughter and unforgettable memories.
• Momiji is charmed by his S/O's seriousness, as it is a contrast to his own playful and lively nature. He feels thrilled to be able to bring a constant smile to his S/O's face and overcome any boredom that may arise. The joy they find in his company is a source of happiness for Momiji. He loves being able to share moments full of laughter and fun with his S/O, creating special memories that will be cherished forever. Your S/O's constant presence in your life is a source of inspiration and joy, bringing a perfect balance to your own lively nature.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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multi-fandom-imagine · 8 months
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A/n: I am very sorry I lost this and thank you for resending it. I love Kyo very much, he's too adorable.I am also very sorry this took me so long and i am sorry if it sucks.
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Kyo couldn't help but think this was stupid, he didn't want to go. I mean what kind of idiot has a costume party in fucking February?
But he was doing this for you....because that is what friends do.
Biting his lip he shifted his weight to one foot to another. He wondered if he should tell you how he felt or if he should just leave it alone because why would you ever like him. Shoving his hand's into his pocket he resisted the urge to fix the fake ears on his head.
Wetting his lips, his head snapped to the door and he could have sworn his heart stopped seeing you and there you were, god you were beautiful.
The soft flowy orange dress was clung to you like a second skin, the cut low enough that he had to force his gaze away, you looked so cute with how your fingers were grasped around the fake tail. He could feel his heart racing and god why did his palm's half to be so sweaty?
"You." Pausing, Kyo could feel warmth creep up his neck, his cheeks a deep crimson as he took a nervous step towards you as he placed his hand on your shoulders. "You look."
He was mentally cursing at himself, cursing at himself to just 'spit it out!'
You could feel your own cheek's grow warmth, you adverted your gaze for a moment. "Yes?"
It finally hit him, hit him was he liked this so much, liked this costume on you so much.
You looked like him...you looked like him and he couldn't help but feel happy. Be happy because no one ever made at effort for him. "Beautiful"
He kept his hand's on your shoulder, his crimson eyes staring deep into yours. He was a mess but he didn't care because you did this for him. No one ever did this for him.
Giving him a shy smile, you could not help but let out a small giggle until you stood on your toes as you pressed your lips against his own, eyes going wide he stumbled back. It took a moment to even register that you kissed him.
His heart was hammering in his chest and oh no. It did not like that sad look in your eyes. Cheeks still red he stepped towards you quickly tugging you close as he pressed his lips into yours.
Melting into you, his tongue ran across your bottom lip.
This was perfect, you were perfect and for once in his life he was happy.
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otakusheep15 · 6 months
Could you do a kyo x male reader?
I have had the fattest crush on him since elementary school LMAO
Anyways could it be like reader never knew kyo could turn into a cat, so when he sees kyo turn into a cat and just instantly feels his heartstrings tug. He starts cuddling with kyo's cat from till he turns back into his human form, but reader didn't know he becomes naked when he turns back so he starts freaking out about it lol.
I'm sorry if I butcher this shit up and if my English is bad and you don't understand my point. English is my first language but I get very nervous with sending in request so I feel like I butcher shit up lol.
Hi! I am so sorry for how long it took me to answer this!! I'll make it extra long just to make up for it. Thanks for being patient! ^^
Kyo Sohma x Male Reader
Okay, so, I actually love the thought of queer relationships between the zodiac. It's always been very cute to me, plus it would save them from turning into an animal when they want affection.
Also, for these headcanons, let's just say that trans men/transmascs don't have any effect so that it stays inclusive! (I know Fruits Basket isn't the most trans-inclusive, but we're ignoring that)
Anyway, this would most likely take place before you two start dating. I doubt he'd be the type to commit to a relationship before revealing this part of himself. He's not good at this sort of thing.
So, right now, y'all are just friends. Most likely, you met at school. You're in the same class, or you met through one of his cousins/Tohru.
At first, he avoided you. It had nothing to do with you in particular - he just hates being social. Eventually, you do manage to interact with him, and he decides you're chill enough to be around. So you two become friends.
One day, you, Kyo, Tohru, and Yuki are hanging out outside of school. This is the first time you've hung out with them outside of school, so this is new territory for you. Specifically, the four of you went to the library to study for an upcoming test.
You sat in a back corner, away from everyone else. Tohru had gotten up to go grab a book, but she tripped over the leg of the chair. Kyo was sitting next to her, and he's the one she falls into. Suddenly, there's a puff of smoke, and when it clears, you see Tohru holding an orange cat, and Kyo is nowhere to be seen.
Tohru and Yuki look panicked, and you're confused. The two of them scramble to come up with some kind of explanation, but all you can think about is how adorable the cat is. You assume it's Kyo, although you couldn't explain what happened.
Tohru had put Kyo down by this point, and he walks across the table to get to you. His eyes have the same deadpan look they usually do, which is funnier in his cat form. Sensing no hostility from you, Yuki and Tohru are able to calm down a little bit, and Yuki is able to get a proper explanation out. You process only some of his words, too focused on how cute Kyo looks.
Without much thought, you scoop him up in your arms, gently holding him close. Kyo makes a startled noise, but doesn't struggle too much. Yuki looks amused as he ushers Tohru away, intent on giving you two some alone time.
Kyo asks you what you think you're doing, and you're shocked he can still speak in this form. You shyly explain that you just thought he looked cute, and your body kind of just moved on its own. You go to put him down, but he doesn't budge from your arms. It's barely audible, but you swear you heard him say something about him enjoying the embrace. You chuckle at that as you hold him tighter. If you listen closely, you can almost hear him purring softly.
Then, another puff of smoke appears. When it dissipates, you see Kyo standing in front of you, back to his regular human form. Except for the fact that he's completely naked. You turn away, flustered that you saw him in such a state. Kyo also turns around, tripping over himself as he looks for his clothes. Neither of you speak a word, and it's around this time that Yuki and Tohru make their return.
Yuki still looks amused by the situation, choosing to tease Kyo. Tohru is immediately flustered, still not used to seeing the boys after they transform back. As the boys continue fighting, Tohru comes up to you, asking if you're okay. She knows from personal experience that this kind of situation can be startling, so she wants to make sure that you're feeling alright. When you respond in the affirmative, she smiles.
Kyo and Yuki stop bickering, and Kyo is fully dressed once again. He can't quite make eye contact with you, but he does apologize for what happened, if in his own tsundere way. You laugh a bit, explaining that you're fine, just a bit shocked at what just happened. The three nod, as they can all understand how you feel.
By this point, none of you are in the mood for studying anymore, so you decide to pack up for the night. As you walk out of the library, you turn away from them, as your home is in the opposite direction of where they live. However, you feel something grab your hand, and when you turn to look, you see Kyo. He's still not making eye contact, and his face is a little red, but his grip on your hand is strong.
Quietly, he asks if he can walk you home. You're shocked, and you can hear Tohru cheering in the background as Yuki tries to silence her. After a moment to recover from the shock, you smile and him and squeeze his hand, accepting his offer. He makes eye contact with you for the first time since the incident, and you can see a small smile appear on his face. He tells the others that he'll meet them at home, and you're on the way to your house.
As you walk, Kyo explains everything in as much detail as he can. He leaves out all of his family drama, as that's a story for another day, but he does bring up his curse and how it works. You jokingly remark that he wouldn't transform with you, since you're both boys, and he laughs a bit at that. He gestures to your hands, still interlocked, and states that even holding hands with a girl would cause him to transform. That makes you laugh as well.
Soon you're back home, and he drops you off at your door. He squeezes your hand one last time before letting it go, and he asks if you'd like to hang out again, to which your agree. You do make one more sly comment about wanting to see him as a cat again, telling him that he looked oh so adorable. He groans, but it's all in good humor. He leaves, already thinking of plans for next time.
The two of you don't start dating right away. It takes more time, but this is the first major step. Also, he's willing to be more affectionate with you because he knows he won't transform. It's nothing more than hand-holding on leaning against you for right now, but when you do start dating, he gets very clingy, especially in public.
You don't get to see him transform that often since you don't cause any of his transformations, but when you do get to see it, it's always a treat. He gets so flustered when he transforms, and it worsens when he transforms back to human. You've gotten used to the nakedness after the first few times, but he never quite does, especially when you're around. It's cute.
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