#Fuck COVID-19 Deniers
augmentedgaming · 2 years
I have to go in and get labs done today. I hate this. COVID not only made me a hyperchondriac but also agoraphobic. Coupled with the actual physical pain of standing around and I am going to be even more of a grump than usual.
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phoenixonwheels · 2 years
Three guesses how this turns out
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Carolyn’s not getting vaccinated.
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And she’s not wearing a mask either.
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Can a pandemic be real if you’re not being racist? Asking for Carolyn.
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Carolyn Cannata: Fucked around. Found out.
[ID: Facebook posts by Carolyn Cannata: 15 May 2021: Two white mice. Speech bubbles read “Did you get the vaccine yet?” “No they’re still testing it on the humans.” 5 Sep 2021: First Assembly of God sign “I want to be like Saul. I want to be on the road to De-Mask-Us.” 11 Sep 2021: “If they were truly worried about new variants the borders would be closed dumbass.” 2 Aug 2022: “This is a friend of Carolyn’s. She has been very sick these past couple of weeks with severe Covid pneumonia. I was with her for many hours today, she asked to have the machines removed, and passed away this evening.”]
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brilliumsphere · 4 months
Is it just me or is online dating a hell designed to make you regret every poor decision that lead you here?
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vampirebeverage · 2 years
I live down the street from a dude who had a confederate flag hanging in his window last year (for a few months, I'm assuming people complained. I live in fucking Canada, it's fucking ridiculous. the only reason for someone here to have a confederate flag is because they'd get in trouble for a swastika) and now he has a "fuck trudeau" flag and at the start of the pandemic he had a cardboard sign taped up in his window that said "covid 19 is a scam, fuck you front line workers"
so basically I live in proximity to. a nazi covid-denier. and I hate that for me but I cannot afford to move right now. I hate not feeling safe in my neighborhood.
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dumb-fuck27 · 5 months
I don’t everyone knows exactly what happened in the past 4 years so here’s a list.
The continent of Australia was on fire for 3 months starting in December of 2019
The prince of England and his family left royalty in the start of January
Covid-19 became a world wide pandemic in February which caused a toilet paper shortage, at least 750,000 deaths, every non essential store to close (some for good), racism against anyone and everyone who looked somewhat Asian, and so much more.
Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash with his daughter.
The FIRST impeachment of trump
Harvey Weinstein was FINALLY convicted on February 24th of raping and sexually abusing a young actress and film crew since he was first accused during the metoo movement
The stock market crashed so bad it was the modern equivalent of the 20-30s stock market crash (march 9th 2020)
The black lives matter protest started.
Kim Jon Un was rumored to be dead for an entire month.
Biden wins the election
Twitter gets fucking hacked
Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested for sec trafficking
3 inch murder hornets suddenly appear in the US
Beirut fucking exploded… like the entire capital city
Kalama Harris is chosen as vice president
Chadwick basemen aka the black panther died of cancer
The entire west coast was on fire
Ruth bader Ginsburg died
The denier of covid-19 Donald trump caught Covid-19
Eddie Van Halen died of cancer
Biden wins the election
Alex Trebek died of cancer
Covid-19 finally got a vaccine made. This caused death in the people who tried to substitute the vaccine with horse dewormer, fish aquarium chemicals, and just adamant denial of vaccines.
Covid-19 financial relief finally comes out
Covid-19 death toll went from at least 750,00 to over 1 million starting in January
In January 6 trump told his devout followers to go to the capital and protest the election results which ended in the protester braking in, destroying property, the death of multiple police and security guards, defecation and urination on files and in room, pipe bombs were found on site, the political officials were ushered out all the while trump sent the national guard away from the capital
Trump claim voter fraud which was proven against trumps case where voter fraud was found on trump.
The US rejoins Paris’ climate accord with WHO
The US military withdrawals from the Middle East living equipment and some men behind
Notable foreign leaders step down from power just as Raul Castro, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Angela Merkel
Alexey Navalny pitons political rivial returns to Russia after recovering from Putin poisoning him from being out spoken against Putin
A huge earthquake in Haiti followed by flash floods leaving 2,200 people dead
The 2020 Tokyo Olympics happen in 2021
2 mass shootings happen with in a week for each other in march
A 12 story condominium collapsed killing 98 people
Winter storms in Texas shit down power to the entire state
Followed by historical record braking heat waves in the west
Hurricane ida hits
The officer who millled George Floyd was convicted of second degree murder
R. Kelly was convicted of sex trafficking
Brittny Spears is free from her controlling life as a pop star
Another rover lands on mars
Jeff Bezos safely lands his space ship (sadly)
Facebook struggles containing hate speech
Apple stocks hit 3 trillion dollars
Baby formula shortages happens
Brittney Griner detain in Russia for having illegal drugs on her person
Roddy’s invaded Ukraine
The fish from Shark Tales slaps the zebra from Madagascar 
Microplastic found in human blood
Johnny Depp wins amber heard false sexual assault allegations
Monkeypox outbreak spreads like wild fire
Buffalo supermarket shooter targets black people in mass shooting
Uvalde school shooting
Abortion is outlawed
Ketanji brown Jackson is sworn in as the first black j woman to be a supreme judge
Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe is assassinated
The Choco Taco is laid to rest
The queen of England dies. The reports from the after life says that princess Diana had a couple things to say to her when she arrived.
Iran erupts in protest over the hijab laws
NASA defends the earth from an asteroid by smashing a rocket into it
The try guys are outed for cheating
Alex jones goes against sandy hooks parents in trial and looses
Elon musk buys twitter and twitter flops
The democrats win midterm election
The world population reaches 8 billion
Club Q nightclub shooting results in 5 deaths and 25 injuries
The worlds largest active volcano erupts in Hawaii
Once again, no student loan forgiveness
Worlds oldest DNA sample found in Greenland
Scientists discover nuclear fusion
US marks 10 years since sandy hook
Argentina wins World Cup
67,000 people die in massive earthquake in Syria
India takes the #1 spot for highest population count
The lost submarine next to the titanic
The Ukrainian war is still happening
Ongoing hamas and Israeli war killing millions of innocents from both sides
Bangladesh election protests
Canada and India relations get a little worse
2023 Nashville school shooting
150 people were killing is massive Nepal earthquake
And the best for last… gumball waterson kicks a Minecraft YouTuber ass after the YouTuber mocks back while not want to talk about pedophile allegations. Law suit underway while pedophile allegations are being looked into.
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anotherfauxredhead · 1 year
30 Reasons Why I'm Childfree: #19
Don't Want To Expose My Kid To Awful Shit
So much awfulness in this world right now. I'm hopeful in some ways, and then I'm reminded that Tr*mp is not yet in prison. Fist, er, Chris Brown still gets to do shows and collab with female singers (WHY?!). The perpetually-toxic KarJenner klan still have their fake as fuck TV show and will still be their selfish, ignorant, blackfishing selves while former prestigious publications like Vogue fawn over them (also WHY?!). You got cell phone addicts in one corner, Covid deniers/anti-vaxxers in the other, and in the middle are supporters of abusive assholes like D*pp, Manson, and Dr. Luke. More people are showing they forgot how to drive as they zoom at 90 past you without signaling, and the police won't get them but will surely come after an unarmed black man doing nothing criminal. Right-wing extremists are coming after the most harmless things like a goddamn green M&M. YouTube grifters be profiting off of the agony of an abused woman to where they get to buy their own home while supporters of said abused woman barely make enough to cover rent and bills with their three other roommates. Batgirl gets axed while The Flash starring a woman-choking pedo will hit theaters in a few weeks. And then there's that evil cunt governor in Florida who really wants to ruin this country next year.
Whyyyyyyy would I want to bring a kid into a world that has all this happening?!
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ingridb1148 · 2 years
1) AT&T is the primary source of funding for One America News, a network that spreads conspiracy theories about the 2020 election and the COVID-19 pandemic;
2) AT&T is one of the top donors to the sponsors of Texas' abortion ban. Since 2018, the company has donated $301,000 to the bill's sponsors;
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phoenixonwheels · 2 years
Antivaxxer hall of fame
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Covid? What Covid? Gene’s gonna live his life.
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Congrats Gene! This post just qualified you for the antivaxxer hall of fame.
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Hey Gene, here’s a little prediction: Before you inevitably drag your useless Covid-ridden ass to the hospital, you will absolutely know you have Covid.
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Covid tests are a scam donchaknow.
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So wait, now you believe in Covid? Oh buddy, it is waaaaaay too late for that.
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Narrator: He was not good.
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Oh of course his useless Covid-denier ass is now wasting a hospital bed.
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2-1/2 years into Covid.
6.4 million confirmed Covid deaths.
Barbara: We are shocked at his completely unpredictable death. 🙄🙄🙄
[ID: Facebook posts by Gene Dunn: 13 Jan 2022: “It’s been over 400 days. You have likely been exposed at some point. You either got sick or miraculously recovered, or you have natural immunity. Live. Your. Life.” 4 Feb 2022: “So many of you regret taking it. None of us regret not taking it.” 6 Feb 2022: “Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it!” 4 Jul 2022 “Well I’m still not well and after realizing how short of breath I was getting out the spa and flipping the cover back on I decided to take a C-19 test and guess what? The results were I could be positive or I could be negative. This is why I don’t believe all the media BS.. these test are just a money making deal” 6 Jul 2022: “I can't take thsi pain any longer....now I am having coughing and breathing problems ,,,the first test O took was questionable but this one was a solid positive” 6 Jul 2022: “The doctor was limited on the treatment because treatment should be started within the first five days and I am now on 10. She did give me some medication and an inhaler and theChest x-ray and I should be good,,.” 11 Jul 2022: “Here I am again. Gene is in ICU and is stable. They intubated? him this morning at 7 a.m and have him knocked out. Nurse says he is stable and time will tell. They will call me with any significant changes. We pray and wait. Thank you all. Barbara” 26 Jul 2022: “It is with a shattered heart that we announce the passing of our beloved Gene Dunn. Gene was our warrior. A good man that fought a hard and courageous fight but his condition worsened over the past couple days and he succumbed to his illness at 1:30 a.m. today at Community Memorial Hospital. We are devastated. We are still in shock.”]
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