wealmostaneckbeard · 7 months
As a Transhumanist I have a moral obligation to support every humans right to bodily augmentation/alteration/autonomy. Now I will clarify what I mean by that:
I'm not sexually attracted to transgender people but I support their right to correct their own hormonally wayward bodies. Believe me, I've tried to see their erotic/aesthetic appeal but it's not happening. I think it would be very dumb to base one's politics entirely on one's kinks.
Speaking of kinks, lets talk about breeding, or rather the opposite of it. My definition of personhood does not include "people living inside of, or fused with, other people" so anyone with a uterus should be allowed to get an abortion without being charged with murder. Zygotes, embryos, and fetuses don't have their own bodies so they don't get to have bodily autonomy. Any argument that can be made to defend the unborn can also be used to defend the rights of tumors, bacteria, and viruses to occupy the body.
Which brings me to my next point, I despise anti-vaxxers on principle. Their definition of augmentation and physical harm is not based on scientific evidence. Scientists have died studying effective methods of disease control. Rather than respect their sacrifices, they instead trust the lies of grifters. I am consoled that their lifespans are truncated by their own choices. But I am saddened that they unintentionally take other lives to the grave with them.
In conclusion, the flesh is not inherently perfect but through science, it can be, for a little while at least. Death comes for us all but it is a natural process that can be understood and delayed.
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ferdifz · 2 months
Fuck Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
I peeked into Twitter and Elon's X keeps telling me to vote for RFK Jr., lol x")) Fuck that antivaxxer conspiracy-grifter. As I've said before, I personally think Ms Harris is still a great choice though.
(Much, much better than a convicted felon and wannabe autocrat, anyway.)
For one I am glad the DNC chose to nominate someone other than a half-an-onion in a plastic bag.
(Though yeah, as I've said before, if I had to & if I could, I would've voted for the onion anyway, too.)
Anyways, while you still legally can: Vote.
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turnipstewdios · 2 months
Me, idly wanting to voice some of my troubles to get them off my mind and verbalize potential issues ahead of time to plan for them: Yeah I think it's only a matter of time till I get arthritis in my work hand and I already have some sort of carpal tunnel, I need to look into methods to help/relieve some of those symptoms. Also, there's something wrong with my knee, and my new medication is giving me headaches. My Mom, antivaxxer and spiritualist: Drugs are bad for you and your knee hurts because of solar flares. <3 And you should stop thinking about future problems you're only manifesting them. If you don't think about it hard enough it'll never happen! :D :D <3
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dodelof · 5 months
Tomi Lahren und ihre Gedankenwelt
Tomi Lahren arbeit für Fox-News und ist so ziemlich an der rechten Wand. Also, viel weiter nach rechts geht es bei ihr und für sie gar nicht mehr und, sie gehört zu den Menschen, die es sich gerne im Hintern von Donald Trump bequem machen würde. Es wundert also auf keinen Fall, dass sie immer mal wieder gegen Impfungen, Covid-19, Geimpfte und so weiter schiesst. Gleichzeitig stellt man dann aber fest: sie ist gar nicht so eine helle Leuchte. Selbst in einem abgedunkelten Raum schafft sie es nicht, so hell wie sie ist, ein ganz klein wenig Licht in den Raum zu bringen.
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admiral-craymen · 1 year
Some weirdo antivaxxer is convinced something terrible is going to happen to me because I've been vaccinated and my phone made a loud noise yesterday. They also started showing me weird antivaxxer videos as if that was going to make me change my mind and believe them.
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greencheekconure27 · 1 year
Another conspiracy idiot one for the blocklist, @ reality-detective: this one has the fucking gall to complain about "Nazis in Ukraine" while also posting shit like this:
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Far be it from me to expect any level of intelligence from an antivaxxer who would rather drink horse dewormer than wear a facemask and can't spell "vaccines" correctly, but this one's got a following.
Honestly I don't even care about the russian propaganda at this point they should be permanently removed for the blood libel alone.
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smartasshat · 2 years
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TFW someone you really liked reveals that they’re an antivaxxer.
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odinsblog · 1 year
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Istg, if I ever get rabies because some dumb ass antivaxxer refused to vaccinate their dog, I’ll probably be doing the rest of my blogging from prison because I promise you, Imma curbstomp the shit out of the owner
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antlerlad · 8 months
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protect your friends! protect your neighbours! mask the fuck up!
covid isn't over!
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ayo-edebiri · 3 months
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#Which could mean nothing yeah (insp)
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alphachamber · 2 years
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cpericardium · 6 months
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just some holistic advice from a notable health guru
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charlesoberonn · 1 year
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I wish the muskrat was on that plane.
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visenyaism · 2 years
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asoiaf tiktok fucks actually. The maesters invented misogyny, personally murdered every Targaryen and all the dragons, and glass candle havana syndrome is 100% real. this post was fact checked by real valyrian patriots
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aropride · 9 months
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