#Fuck you Rudy (I love you) you made me die so many times (It doesn't matter)
foap-enjoyer · 6 months
MWII Rodolfo refusing to help during the tank fight: I was far too scared to hit him... MWIII Rodolfo, mauling Graves at first sight: BUT I WOULD HIT HIM IN A HEART BEAT NOWWW
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pbaintthetb · 1 month
Invincibl3 s2e6 (spoilers )
spoiler spoiler watchy watchy nom nom
So like I knew Rex was gonna get shot in the head, yes it was a cliff hanger, but this is invincible and we know the stakes. Nobody was going to save him. Rip dude. Just as you were getting more tolerable.
Earth be fucked, wonder what the Lizard League want. Also like comics, so fatal injuries don't mean death, dying doesn't mean death
Immortal and Invincible's beef, but the way Immortal just crumples in acknowledgement when mark goes "I'm stronger and faster than you and you know it." like yeah, glad about this, it's not time for egos
the tension in the sequid scene though oof- and just as I thought it popped, oh no, eve and rudy adn eve's a lot more powerful and- oh there was extra juice, it's all fine
see I was originally anti "there's a duplikate prime somewhere" theory because I assumed she could only split from her original body, but thinking about the fight scene maybe that's not true. Maybe there ish hope, idk
Ummm. Rex? (~ (~ you... good?
"Perhaps you're too stupid to realise this, but you're suppposed to be dead" "SHUT UPPPPPP". lmao, deceased
bro he's punching king lizard with the jagged stump of his hand adkfalkdfjas;dklfja;sldkfjasl;dkfja;. This makes me uncomfy. Is the shard of bone like a knife?
OMG SHRINKING RAE WAS STILL ALIVE IN THERE!!!! I was hoping she'd just shrunk down again, yayayayayay. Maybe Kate prime is somewhere
Lmao, love the play back to the astronauts being executed where Mark is all, "Oh I understand" **jump cut to them runnign away**
hmm interesting, mark: you can't kill shapesmith, that would be bad, as a result I shall kill all of you. (Look I do know it's more complicated, a lot more, it was just when Mark went out and started destroying the ships and consequently dooming the martians within them made me wonder) Oh, they can happily float in space. Ok I take it back
fucking hell the room full of Kate's bodies
look I said it last time but I really like the fact that even if they don't spend a lot of time on it, Eve and Rex's history feels kinda fleshed out by all the spaces and stuff around it. This episode it's all the guardians looking at Shrinking rae's room while Eve is alone staring at Rex. he's a dick, he was a dick to her,they have an understanding of each other they can't get rid of even if they want to. Due to their work he will always be a part of her life even if he's not a friend Idk. I like it
"I loved many others before Kate. All of them died as well." -> immortality is a horror
Amber and Mark :-( the invisible wall of everything Invincible between them and they want to climb it and they can't. They can't.
I did not think Rex would be the person that Mark unloaded to, like at all. Ever. But I can see how unloading to the guy who doens't really like you and doesn't reallyl know you but still knows about you is easier than uh, Eve, his mum, or amber. still
What is it about being a superhero, where we go around saving lives, while ruining them at the same time."
Yeah yee, Debbie's sharp
see I like this other nanny, but I'm also kinda concerned as to how the GDA wants to raise Oliver
I like the cutting in Amber's and Mark's conversatins with Eve and Art respectively about their relationship issues, like how they kinda feel the same, the fact that they are really suited for each other but ultimately it doesn't work
.... the immortal can hold his breth in space? also oof rip allen, he just trying to be friendly- yay mark showed up to intervene!
also qustion how long can mark hold his breath? also also, lmao allen not knowing where mark lives
i love allen's speech patterns
.... viltrumites killing viltrumites don't kill each other much- anymore??? wdym "anymore"
appreciate mark saying he has responsibilites on earth, e.g. amber, oliver
oooooh the books
"Fucking martian, it wasn't enough that you left me to die on mars. You had to trash my place, too?" simultaneous LMAO and OOF and also oh god jeesh, yeah poor guy that's gotta be some adjustment to make on return mentally, poor Rus. Jeesh. Hope he's not gonna become evil though, pls, no one wants that
also the thing is like Shapesmith is hilarous and I love him and then I remember he fully tried to kill Rus and steal his life. That being said he is hilarious and I do love him and Rus is alive (uh, unintentionally) so uh, all's well that ends well?
actual 3rd serious question is, didn't Shapesmith move into the guardians cos he didn't know how to pay rent? How does Rus still have a place.
Oh fuck, as soon as I saw him coughing/spluttering I was like, shit he's gonna throw up a sequid isn't he. Well. Well le fuck.
poor guy :-(((, worrst luck in teh world. Which is also hilarious but jeez, Rus cannot catch a break, back on earth, thrown into a cess pit, and basically dies part way through tidying, poor dude
lmao Angstrom walking through the universes- was one of them the walking dead?. Anyway I haven't forgotten about Angstrom, but htere's been so much shit going on he'd been low on the radar and now it's all, oh god please no not now sir argghh- like i fully get his motivations but PLS NOH
i liekd this epiosde!, probably less than 5 but yeah deffo liked it
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destieldisaster · 3 years
10x23 - My Brother's Keeper
In which Dean kills death and Rowena removes the mark and unleashes the darkness
Any Cas? Yessss
I mean, we now know the consequences are pretty severe, but it not like Sam could have predicted god's sister :')
Dean is super not good, huh
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He's just.. going on a hunt?
"Who let her leave the house looking like a whore" EXCUSE ME, DEAN?
Damn, play nice with Rudy..
"Your NRA will be beside themselves with pride." nice one, queen
Why doesn't she just get Cas to kill Crowley? He's an angel, he obviously could???
Jesus, Dean, that's one way to get the parents to talk..
The apple from eden, the golden calf.. those are some ingredients
"Bring me something I love, I'll kill it"
Well fuck, he actually let the vamp kill Rudy 😳
HE'S SEEING CAS'S BLOODY FACE. Maaan what a scene..
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"You're not in my contacts list." 💙
Cas has to ask Crowley nicely and call him king :')
Why does Crowley know what the forbidden fruit was when Cas doesn't? :')
Dean giving Sam the car 😳
Well hello Death
He got him a bunch of HOMEMADE food
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"A horribly destructive, amoral force" death's clearly been listening to chuck's propaganda..
Oh, so the mark is what made lucifer fall in the first place? Damn
"Brother, I'm done" 🥺
"A hamster told me" literally :')
"Then there was that time when you stood me up" i don't remember when Sam stood Death up, but that's a cracker of a line
They're both right. It does make sense, it will stop Dean from harming anyone else and since Sam wouldn't stop trying to get rid of the mark, it makes sense that he'd need to die. For the greater good. But it's not Dean, because Dean would never sacrifice Sam. Definitely not like this, by his own hand.
Cas in the middle of Crowley and Rowena's personal drama :')
Poor Fergus though :')
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God how many times are they going to go back and forth on whether to sacrifice themselves and each other? Flip flopping so they never agree and are constantly fighting about it..
Aaaand they're beating each other up again. Or rather, Dean's beating up Sam. He always was the better fighter, and now with the mark? No contest.
"You will never ever hear me say that you, the real you, is anything but good" okay, that's a nice line
Death handing Dean his scyth is rather dramatic. And stupid.
"Sammy, close your eyes" holy shit 🥺
Oh man, the pictures, Sam telling him to do it..
Bye bye death! Fucking insanity.
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Rowena actually killing the one person she's ever loved. In front of her son.. damn
Aaaaand there goes the mark! Oh fuck!
Rowena making Cas attack Crowley, shiiiiit :')
Not sure why Crowley doesn't just.. leave? Shimmer out, or whatever this show calls it..
Helloooooo Amara! That's a lot of black fog!
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Bonus! Because the show might have deleted this scene, but I don't accept that, I love every part of it. There is some QUALITY Cas development AND it gave us some outstanding entries into the desticule lexicon, my favourite being:
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GOD I love Rowena
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