#Full Power Gridman
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Multimuse trying to come off hiatus featuring Shinji Ikari and Asuka Langley Soryu from Neon Genesis Evangelion, looking for crossovers with other mech series in good old Super Robot Wars style.
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reversemoon255 · 6 months
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SSSS.GRIDMAN THE GATTAI Full Powered Girdknight
Missed the preorder window on this one, but managed to snag the second one that popped up on Mandarake. And I'm glad I did, because this thing is great. This should be the same mold as the upcoming THE GATTAI FP Gridman, and it is a startling improvement. This isn't just some simple retool; it's an entirely new mold. Not even Gridknight is the same, overhauling him to better fit his role as the center of this robot, something the original Gridman failed to do.
The Good: Gone is the flimsy DX Full Powered Gridman. To start, Gridknight has been fitted almost entirely with ratcheted joints, meaning he can now much more easily hold the weight of all his machines. Not only that, but they took a page out of the Moderoid's book and made a stronger, more posable replacement torso, but also fixed the issue I had with it by giving it its own head, so you can display both Gridknight and FP Gridknight at the same time. But even if you choose to forgo it, Gridknight is perfectly capable of holding everything up.
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Onto everyone else, this set actually comes with two Calibers of different sizes, and a handle so you can use the larger one's chest piece as a shield. Max, Borr, and Sky are functionally the same as vehicles, but Max's cannons now stop at the appropriate height so you don't have to fiddle with that during transformation.
Powered Knight Zenon may not look much different from the original, but has quite a few new tricks going on under the hood. For starters, it requires no adapters; everything is designed into the vehicles themselves, including the very impressive neck joint they added (which just blows my mind how they pulled that off). They also gave it a much better A-stance, actual ankles to accommodate it, and you can use Sky's transformation joints to give it some inward arm motion.
And Full Powered Gridknight is an impressive feat, being both taller than the original and around its scale to Dynazenon seen in the film. The transformation is also so much cleaner. Everything feels better, connects better, is much more solid, even more so than Dynazenon. They even made the cuts in Sky's wings the actual transformation joint, which several of the releases haven't done. And he is ridiculously posable. It has every joint; I don't know what else to tell you. It also comes with open and posable alternative hand. They even added dedicated engineering into Borr that allows for a brand new combination with Goldburn.
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The Bad: Not everything is exactly perfect, though. While you can get the new Gridknight to work as Rouge Kaiser, the elbows are too long, meaning you have to twist the arms in a weird way to get them to fit, and Dynasoldier is less stable.
And both Zenon and FP have mediocre ankles. Like, they work, but Zenon's require a bit of fidgeting and you often have to display them on their toes. FP on the other hand just doesn't have enough rock, making more wide-legged, dynamic poses an issue. I recommend using the included stand to help with those (...which I did not take pictures of).
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Overall, the difference is quality between this and the original DX are dirt and stratosphere. If you were disappointed by the original, or if you liked the Moderoid, then I highly recommend this one, or just waiting a few months for the V2 to come out.
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rpking99 · 4 months
Speaking of Gridknight, what I personally like about his final full powered form in the movie is how it’s similar to his original monster form. The overall shape and bulkiness. Os am I the o Lu one who thinks like that.
I think you might be the only one who saw that
I didn't see it that way, at least
But now that you've pointed it out ...
I'd say it's more his original monster forn was designed with Full Power in mind since it was meant to mimick Gridman's powers and adapt to fight him
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snittyandboring · 1 year
Gridman Universe Full Spoiler Review
Studio Trigger animation is flashy and striking consistently, and sometimes they're able to say really interesting things as a result! With that in mind, Gridman Universe does ask an interesting question:
What if Cocomelon was for giving straight people j/o ideas?
Apparently this is the only question weebs want to be asked, so it's peak.
Of the kaiju fights, 3.2/4 are very good. Large swaths of the Noirdogma fight suck balls, but once Alexis shows up they're actually okay. Unfortunately, that fight transitions fully to being the Mad Origin fight once he shows up.
Universe Fighter, Grid Hyper Fixer Beam, and Full Powered Gridknight are very good forms.
Soundillus, which I refuse to call Sounderous but will probably cave to eventually, is fine.
Yuta's reach for Gridman is actually really well constructed. I'll take a soft L. This part is good. I can actually make a really coherent argument that this is the best evidence we have that this Tsutsujidai is a Gridman Universe Tsutsujidai rather than Akane's.
If you buy into my insane read of the work there's actually really good grounding for basically all of it. You have to dig a LITTLE to justify what's up with Gaurex but everything else is fine.
The confession is so utterly chemistryless that it's actually possible to walk away with the conclusion that Yuta is gay and has picked someone unattainable and now doesn't know what to do with himself after getting a yes. He unironically looks like he's handling a no he thinks he's getting better than a yes. I'm putting this in pros because it makes me hate the movie less.
First and foremost: the pacing. This movie feels like a compilation movie. This movie REALLY feels like a compilation movie; somehow, in the half of the movie that is mostly slice of life, it feels like it's missing large chunks of its slice of life. It EVENTUALLY calls this out as part of the diegesis, but that's not actually satisfying as a movie experience. "It's bad because an evil alien is making it bad" does not make it not bad.
I don't feel the same naturalism of depicted human life in this film at all. There are very few of the contemplative shots that made the SSSS works SSSS-tier; the only one I'd say really even comes close is the stuff leading up to and surrounding the swingset bit, and even that is sort of ... I personally felt the scene was a little janky for both Yuta and Rikka even if not analyzed through the lens of trying to convince us this is a (re)meet-cute.
There's a really dumb recurring bit where Yuta flashes back to hearing what I presume are the former D Girls talking about Rikka having a boyfriend who's a university student. This plays like six times and it's annoying not for heterosexuality reasons but for "enormously patronizing to the viewer" reasons.
I could not tell you a trait expressed by a single member of the Dynazenon human team in more than one scene except, perhaps, "Koyomi is pathetic," "Yomogi misses Gauma," and "Yume is extremely straight." Yuta, who wasn't actually a character in SSSS.GRIDMAN, is semi-consistent and his most consistent topnote is that he is a pathetic wet cat. He is often LITERALLY a pathetic wet cat, in fact. Utsumi is missing the emotional core of the way his character changes in eps 11-12 of SSSS.GRIDMAN. Rikka does not have a personality other than "slightly brassy sometimes" and "really, really, really scared of losing people," except the only person placed at meaningful risk for more than 15 minutes is Yuta. Anti is basically not in this movie despite there being two of him. He does not express, like, traits. Akane exists to basically fully be a Deus ex Machina. The only character I'd describe as fully consistent across all depictions is Gauma.
The level of self-mythologizing going on in this movie is off the charts. Almost everything, from the main swerve of the movie to the smallest set dressing pieces, is a Denkou Choujin callback. The calls to other Tsuburaya or Trigger works are essentially gone.
An absolutely enormous amount is sacrificed on the altar of the twist; Dynazenon is a much worse text now unless your brain is very, very big, which mine is. Most people aren't going to apply that level of analysis so I have to count it as a con because the public understanding of Dynazenon is going to be much, much worse.
Powered Knight Zenon doesn't actually fight despite being one of the better designs in the piece.
It's not just het; it's really all-in on the idea that: 1) Yuta is special, 2) somehow YOMOGI is special despite having done basically nothing except have feelings about Gaurex up to the point in the movie at which he is special, and 3) Yuta wanting to fuck a girl is what makes him special. I would actually rate his desire to confess to Rikka ahead of his sense of self-sacrifice as far as "trait the movie rewards and considers heroic" goes.
I cannot think of a single thing in the first 50 minutes I think is actually, like, unambiguously good, other than the kaiju fight. The slice of life is compilation movie level breakneck.
The confession is so utterly chemistryless that it's actually possible to walk away with the conclusion that Yuta is gay and has picked someone unattainable and now doesn't know what to do with himself. I'm putting this in cons as well as pros because it has made it abundantly clear that cishet weeb men are a different species.
Ostensibly-still-dead Tonkawa = 0/10. Undermines TV. I could go into this in great detail, but I won't.
Ako and Marusan are never in the same shot. 0/10
If I'm being INCREDIBLY fair to the movie, allowing it EVERYTHING it wants with partial credit for applied knowledge, AND treating it as essentially not in dialogue with the SSSS works, it's probably a 6. In terms of, like, being a Gridman work, 3/10 and all the points are for fights.
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coredrill · 1 year
gridman universe spoilers
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full power gridknight looks sick as well 😭
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sorakh28 · 1 year
The Gridman SRWDD special
I don't usually do this- my Japanese skills are practically non-existent- but it features my boy Masaki, and it's double the Midorikawa and I'm on a Marth high.
From the early dialogue, it really feels like this could be featured in the Classic Saga. They mention the Inspectors, for one, and the visible cast are the ones from there, too. Considering that Shu seems to be a playable character, it's definitely post-SRW2.
WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT DARK BRAIN- AND GRIDMAN'S CHASING HIM?! oh god hello more acknowledgement of the SRW multiverse.
Aaaaaand Masaki & the Cybuster's unresponsive after DB's attack.
And now that DB's gone... was Masaki knocked out or sent into Cyberspace? He's talking face-to-face to Gridman.
Well, Masaki says "Ittai", so it could be that the former directed into the latter.
OH HEY CYFIS NAMEDROP. Did Cyfis saw Gridman chasing DB and thought "You know what would be hilarious? If my Herald was this dude's host!"?
Masaki let a few 'anta' slips, which as an 'omae' user, is rather interesting... (giving respect to Griddles?)
Annnnd Masaki's back in the ordinary world. The poor guy seems overwhelmed.
Okay, so no, technically Shu is just one of the player's team units. Still, Granzon vs. Granzon is like, something every SRW fans want to see, and DD gave us a taste.
There's a mention of Volkruss, so this seems to be post EX. If it's 4, F or F Final, I can't tell, however.
"Wait a minute, where the fuck is Shu, he'd be chuckling or being boastful by now!" That's because it's a Granzon replica by Dark Brain, I bet.
Kuro: HOLY SHIT GRIDMAN JUST POPPED UP IN THE SIDE MONITOR. Masaki: HOLY SHIT. Gridman: Yeah, hi, this Replica's a bitch, you're gonna need my help.
Masaki: Alright, LET'S DO THIS! CYFLASH! Gridman: ...Access Flash, Dude. Masaki: right Kuro: stop embarrassing yourself
OH SHIT DID CYBUSTER BECAME GRIDMAN?! i mean that would be a fantastic shortcut if you ask me.
Everyone: holy shit there's gridman wtf where's masaki Gridman: Yeah no Masaki's fine, no worries.
And Cybuster's back! With Masaki and the cats!
Kamille: So what's with that Granzon? Did Gridman tell you? Masaki: A Dark Brain copy, basically. Amuro: Speaking of Gridman, where he is now? Gridman: 'Sup. Everyone: HOLY SHIT.
Okay, so they're talking about Gridman and Cybuster. I think Griddles takes over the silver turkey in this scenario?
...I'm also glad that my Gundam teal gumball also gets to be present in this. I really wished there was more dialogue between Masaki and Kamille, so this makes me happy as well.
OH SHIT, THE NEXT COPY IS THE VALSION. Awww, Masaki mentions Bian's Lüne's dad! <3 ...And it multiplied.
Not that it matters, the player beats them to a pulp.
And now we have friends of Dark Brain visiting! ...Interesting.
I kinda skimmed fast through the battles, and then we're at the end, and MASAKI TALKS IN A MOMENT OF WEAKNESS. I think he's talking about the full potential of Cybuster, and how Gridman's not using it?
Masaki: Yare yare. Me: No this is not a JoJo reference. Unless that's what Masaki thinks he's doing.
...Okay are the others like, uniting their powers with Gridman?! Because that is awesome and explains why he gets that Universal Fighter thing in this story.
...And Masaki and Griddles are back in Cyberspace. The later's saying his goodbyes, and DNJFHDFAHDJAS HE SAID MASAKI'S FULL NAME. ...And not sayonara! Hmmm, maybe this Gridman's aware of the SRW multiverse?
And the crew finds him in a city street, lol.
Masaki's talking about the wind. I think he's got a feeling he might just meet Griddles again.
Anyway, that's all my commentary on this thing! I wonder if it would be ever canon in Gridman lore? 'Cause I'm down for a Masou Kishin/Gridman crossover.
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jinwee · 2 years
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Moderoid Full Power Gridman #Moderoid #gridmanssss https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp8_8cPSmo4yHBZk1CCXSm6q5Lmnk1WOp1wkfU0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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final-mazin-blade · 4 years
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We dem bois
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mr--potatobutt · 6 years
I honestly have never heard of Gridman until the anime came out and I thought it would just be an anime making references to actual tokusatsu BUT IT ALREADY WAS TOKUSATSU. IT ALREADY EXSISTED BABYYYY. After reading through the original Gridman material and finishing the anime I actually cried at the quality of the anime towards the end because it had fantastic development that had me actual develop feelings for a brand new (at least to me) show. I highly recomend that anybody who watches Kamen Rider, Ultraman, Super Sentai, Metal Heroes, or anything like that to pick up SSSS. Gridman. Just watch it, it's beautiful
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samurai-birru · 6 years
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Full Power Gridman
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dynared · 6 years
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reversemoon255 · 8 months
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SSSS.DYNAZENON THE GATTAI Gridman Universe & Big Goldburn
Thank goodness this one didn't have shipping issues like the last Goldburn set. In fact, I got an email a week out saying exactly when it would ship, and it arrived before the tracking number could even update. That's pretty good service if you ask me, especially compared to last time.
Oh, and I really enjoyed the crossover film. It basically gave us everything you'd want from this type of thing; catching up with the characters post-series, lots of fun character moments between the casts, previous villains playing heroic roles, every single possible robot combination you might want, just a lot of fun overall.
The Good: Gridman Universe is a decent upgrade to its previous incarnations. While it looses a bit of posability, it has ratcheted shoulders to help support the weight of the larger arms. The hands are also easier to swap, and they fixed the issue with the chest gem by giving it a release button on the back of the figure.
Big Goldburn is a bit of a brick, but has a few articulated areas. He's got arms, fingers and toes, wings, a bit of neck and tail, and a mouth (though its on the same joint as the neck, so it clashes). Also, when you spin the shoulders, the internals and tips spin in the opposite direction.
And Rouge Kaiser Gridman is very cool. It feels a lot more solid than its Gridknight counterpart, with the tail also serving to tripod the unit if need be (though it doesn't need it).
The Bad: While Gridman's new shoulders do help hold everything up better than its predecessors, I do find it to be a little under-powered. They hold a pose well, but if you start moving the figure, they will shift around. There are some weird transformation ideas that feel like they're there for longevity's sake, but they do seem and feel a bit odd at first. And this may just be a thing with international shipments, but the instructions seem to imply the chest piece is supposed to come with batteries (it is illustrated with a pulltab), but in practice has none. It required 3 LR44s, but it's important to note that those batteries have multiple names and can vary by brand, so have your phone out while shopping in-store for them.
Overall, while I can try and nitpick this kit, it's a fantastic addition to both the DX Gridman and The Gattai lines. It does a great job trying to adjust to the failings of its predecessors, and gives me high hopes for the Full Power Gridman V2 releasing later this year. I've got my nose to the ground trying to track down Full Power Gridknight (since I missed the preorder window on that one), so hopefully we'll get to talk about that one soon, too.
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rpking99 · 4 months
I don't remember if I asked yhou this before, but if i did it was probably back on the old blog.
Regardin Gridman, what's your favorite form/combo?
Honestly, I can't choose just one
All the final combos are just too good
Full-Power Gridman
Kaiser Gridknight
Rogue Kaiser Gridman
All top tier
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kevynthedevylman · 6 years
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Hyperlink Combination
Full Powered Gridman
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toku-explained · 2 years
Guide to Gridman Universe Part 3h: Diaclone Vs Gridman
TakaraTomy returned to the Gridman Universe after over 25 years, producing 3 Gridman figures as part of the revived Diaclone line. As promotion a 4 part web novel was produced, in a similar way to the story pages in toy catalogs that told the story of the original Diaclone toyline, and the web story that told the story of Diaclone's 2016 revival, though this story has a specific focus character, unlike Diaclone. The story is also a deliberate midquel for both series, set between Diaclone and Diaclone 2016 for the world of Diaclone, and between Denkou Chojin Gridman and SSSS.Gridman for Gridman.
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The first chapter sees Gridman materialise in the Diaclone universe, taken as a new threat like the Waruders, he is attacked by the Dia-Nauts using their Dia-Tector suits and other weaponry. Losing his body, he merges with Dia-Naut Kaizaki Hikari, a researcher who longs for a hero after her brother was killed in the war against the Waruders. She and her brother had invented a hero called Silver Kration to give themselves hope during that time. Gridman warns her that Planet Waruder's remains have become a Kaiju and are coming to destroy earth, so he grants her an Acceptor.
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With Giganter appearing, Gridman request Hikari get him an audience with the Landmaster, the computer consciousness that rules the Macro Zones on earth, in producing Assist Weapons, Hikari against orders takes a Dia-Wing from the moon back to earth. Giganter's destruction also brings smaller Kaiju attacking people. After crashing, and with Gridman not strong enough to materialise, Hikari commandeers a Powered Suit, using the Freezon power from it Gridman is able to engineer a partial manifestation, converting it into the Grid Suit to fight and help the Diaclone forces. With external access to the Landmaster cut off, they have to physically reach the computer.
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Reaching an old terminal connected to Landmaster, Gridman travels into his Computer World. After determining it cannot replicate Gridman's abilities, it decides on cooperation, using Freezon Energy to restore Gridman, and adapts the data of Dia-Battles V1 to create an Assist Weapon in the Battle Hanger. An additional weapon designed is the Thunder Crash Caliber, which will require a special gem found only on Europa, though Hikari has one as a keepsake from her brother and father. Work continues, so they can launch Operation Grand Omega Cross before Giganter absorbs all Freezon in Japan.
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Gridman uses the image of Silver Kration to develop a new form, so when Hikari Access Flashes he becomes Primal Fighter, fighting Giganter. On completion of the Battle Hanger, Landmaster pilots it into the real world via Gridman's Passroute, and then combines the Battle Hanger with Gridman to form Battles Gridman. The battle rages, Battles Gridman holding on with support from the Diaclone team, until the Thunder Crash Caliber is completed, and they defeat Giganter. Gridman leaves Hikari behind.
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Hikari is able to recall the experience as part of her preparing new technologies.
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The first release consisted of Primal Fighter Gridman, the Thunder Crash Caliber, Battle Hanger and a Dia-Naut representing a virtual avatar of the Landmaster. The Thunder Crash Caliber can divide into the Thunder Sword and Thunder Shield, and can be mounted on the Battle Hanger, and Gridman can ride atop the Battle Hanger.
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When Battles Gridman forms the cockpit of Battles Hanger detaches and forms a Bullet Fighter. Battles Gridman has 3 modes, A Mode, Full Attack Mode where the Power Vice activates and the guns flip forwards, and B Mode, where the wings and guns are detached, and can be attached to the Bullet Fighter to form the Combat Support Aircraft.
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The 2nd release is a metallic paint Gridman, with Thunder Crash Caliber, a Dia-Naut representing Hikari, and a Diaclone Road Viper bike.
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The 3rd release is of the Grid Suit, equipped with FZ Beam Gun, Launcher Cannons, and Emulate Thunder Axe, as well as a 1/60 Primal Fighter Gridman.
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ultramanultimo · 3 years
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Over Spec Mode: Supreme Combined Superman: The Original Full Power Gridman!!
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