3cholic · 10 months
TP-Link Deco PX50 Mesh路由器 結合Wi-Fi與PLC電力線 穩定訊號快速傳輸
早期Mesh路由器還沒流行之前,大概是IEEE 802.11 a/b/g的年代,曾因為家中坪數與隔間造成網路訊號不好而傷透腦筋!後來聽朋友建議使用電力線產品,但以前的電力線產品比較大顆,加上當時網速不快,用了一陣子還是覺得無線比較方便而作罷。隨著科技進步,現在竟然有支援G.hn協議的Mesh路由器推出!Deco PX50就是結合了雙頻Wi-Fi與PLC電力線功能的路由器,克服了大坪數、透天厝或是實體隔間較多的房型,讓網路使用更加穩定、快速 TP-Link Deco PX50 Mesh路由器 開箱 ▼三入組的Deco PX50 Mesh路由器超大一箱,拿到時真的心滿意足!終於可以改善家中Wi-Fi收訊了!PX50路由器支援G.hn Powerline電力線協定,網速高達1500Mbps,以G1500來識別。Wi-Fi 6 AX3000雙頻網路規格為5GHz…
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lionews · 4 months
Why do people offer shit that's the exact opposite of what you asked for in your trade. What's the thought process there. Do you think I'm gonna change my mind? Do you think I'm gonna look at your ugly ass cub and go "Oh wow! I know I asked for a high-marking low-gen primal cub, but this dun 0 marking 0 mut g1500 cub is Actually EXACTLY what I wanted!! Thank you so much!!!"? I swear to god I'm gonna start blocking people who do this
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amazinghomediytips · 4 months
90 Living Room Ideas You'll Love Recreating
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Not only does a well-decorated living room look great, but it can have an impact on both relaxation and productivity. Whether you're hosting friends, watching TV with family or taking an afternoon nap, the living room is meant to feel inviting and comfortable. And, a cluttered or stark design will quickly get in the way. Here, we've rounded up gorgeous — yet attainable — living room ideas to pair with every home aesthetic.
For more details, click here - https://goodhousekeeping.com/home/decorating-ideas/g1500/decor-ideas-living-room/
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juanmecanico · 5 months
JRK1013 TRW KIT D´REP BRAZOS DE SUSPENSIÓN Chevrolet C10, Chevrolet C10 Pickup, Chevrolet C10 SuburChevrolet C10: 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986, Chevrolet C10 Pickup: 1973 1974, Chevrolet C10 Suburban: 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986, Chevrolet G10: 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982, Chevrolet G10 Van: 1973 1974, Chevrolet G20: 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995, Chevrolet G20 Van: 1973 1974, Chevrolet K5 Blazer: 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982, Chevrolet R10: 1987, Chevrolet R10 Suburban: 1987 1988, Chevrolet R1500 Suburban: 1989 1990 1991, GMC C15: 1975 1976 1977 1978, GMC C15 Suburban: 1975 1976 1977 1978, GMC C15/C1500 Pickup: 1973 1974, GMC C15/C1500 Suburban: 1973 1974, GMC C1500: 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986, GMC C1500 Suburban: 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986, GMC G15: 1975 1976 1977 1978, GMC G15/G1500 Van: 1973 1974, GMC G1500: 1979 1980 1981 1982, GMC G25: 1975 1976 1977 1978, GMC G25/G2500 Van: 1973 1974, GMC G2500: 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995, GMC Jimmy: 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982, GMC R1500: 1987, GMC R1500 Suburban: 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Chevrolet C10: 1975 - 1986, Chevrolet C10 Pickup: 1973 - 1974, Chevrolet C10 Suburban: 1973 - 1986, Chevrolet G10: 1975 - 1982, Chevrolet G10 Van: 1973 - 1974, Chevrolet G20: 1975 - 1995, Chevrolet G20 Van: 1973 - 1974, Chevrolet K5 Blazer: 1975 - 1982, Chevrolet R10: 1987 - 1987, Chevrolet R10 Suburban: 1987 - 1988, Chevrolet R1500 Suburban: 1989 - 1991, GMC C15: 1975 - 1978, GMC C15 Suburban: 1975 - 1978, GMC C15/C1500 Pickup: 1973 - 1974, GMC C15/C1500 Suburban: 1973 - 1974, GMC C1500: 1979 - 1986, GMC C1500 Suburban: 1979 - 1986, GMC G15: 1975 - 1978, GMC G15/G1500 Van: 1973 - 1974, GMC G1500: 1979 - 1982, GMC G25: 1975 - 1978, GMC G25/G2500 Van: 1973 - 1974, GMC G2500: 1979 - 1995, GMC Jimmy: 1975 - 1982, GMC R1500: 1987 - 1987, GMC R1500 Suburban: 1987 - 1991 Chevrolet C10, Chevrolet C10 Pickup, Chevrolet C10 Suburban, Chevrolet G10, Chevrolet G10 Van, Chevrolet G20, Chevrolet G20 Van, Chevrolet K5 Blazer, Chevrolet R10, Chevrolet R10 Suburban, Chevrolet R1500 Suburban, GMC C15, GMC C15 Suburban, GMC C15/C1500 Pickup, GMC C15/C1500 Suburban, GMC C1500, GMC C1500 Suburban, GMC G15, GMC G15/G1500 Van, GMC G1500, GMC G25, GMC G25/G2500 Van, GMC G2500, GMC Jimmy, GMC R1500, GMC R1500 Suburban Mirar JRK1013 TRW KIT D´REP BRAZOS DE SUSPENSIÓN Chevrolet C10, Chevrolet C10 Pickup, Chevrolet C10 Subur
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brotherjp4 · 7 months
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Caixa de som Gamer Bluetooth 5W RMS EDIFIER G1500 Hecate - Preto
Desconto de 5% OFF no PIX ou Boleto
por: R$349,00
Por: Edifier
Comprar agora:
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guncelkal · 10 months
Bluetooth Speakers Edifier G1500 Black
If you’re passionate about IT and electronics, like being up to date on technology and don’t miss even the slightest details, buy Bluetooth Speakers Edifier G1500 Black at an unbeatable price. Colour: Black SKU: S7820364
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nikolay-anashkin · 1 year
Edifier G1500 - Распаковка и обзор игровой акустики
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kawasakiworks · 2 years
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ヒッチメンバー加工、レシーバーを顔も知らないのに注文頂いた名古屋のサクちゃん @sakuchan0529 ともやっと会うことが出来ました😊 #gridpoint#silverado2500hd#cargomatetrailers#Chevroletexpress#silverado#express#g1500 #f150#mercedesbenz#sprinter#mercedesbenzgclass #c1500#k1500#ck1500 #cadillac #escalade #trailers#mtfuji (朝霧ジャンボリーオートキャンプ場) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYYJeHYLSbX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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murumokirby360 · 6 years
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Cuteness Member - Alexan by ~murumokirby360
#Pokemon #Nintendo #OC #Gundam
BTW: Spot the differences and this OC was owned by… Actually it’s not owned by LordRomulus90 but it’s  GonzaloTheOshaFan… *breathe* Uh boy…. 😒
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downloadlinux1 · 4 years
New Post has been published on tutorialforlinux.com
New Post has been published on https://tutorialforlinux.com/2020/02/02/printer-canon-g1500-g1501-g1510-linux-mint-19-driver-installation-easy-guide/
Printer Canon G1500/G1501/G1510 Linux Mint 19 Driver Installation Easy Guide
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GNU/Linux Mint 19 Install Canon G1500/G1501/G1510 Driver Hi! The Tutorial Shows You Step-by-Step How to Install Canon PIXMA G1500/G1501/G1510 Printer Driver Mint 19.x Tara/Tessa/Tina/Tricia LTS 32/64-bit GNU/Linux Desktop. And the Printer Canon G1500/G1501/G1510 Mint 19 Setup is provided by the GutenPrint Software because it does Not Dispose of any Proprietary Linux Support. Because Gutenprint is • Read More »
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shirshalex · 3 years
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GMC Savana High Roof Van (G1500) 1996 #GMC #Savana #HighRoofVan #G1500 #gmcg1500 #gmcvan #gmcsavana #gmcsavana1500 #savanavan #savana1500 #gmcclub #gmcrussia #gmclifestyle #gmclife #gmcowners #gmc_savana #gmcpassion #gmc_1500 #автомобилисулиц #автомобилисулицмосквы #н903ау #н903ау199 (at Moscow, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CP2bqhGhAJz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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timmietovenaar · 7 years
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Week 24 | 12 - 18 juni De week begon in westelijk deel van Delfshaven, Huis van de wijk - De Put in Oud-Mathenesse. Op regelmatige basis wordt daar vanuit de o.a. de wijkconciërge en de (gemeentelijke) gebiedsorganisatie een netwerkbijeenkomst georganiseerd. Prima bijeenkomsten waarin de verschillende partijen/stakeholders uit de wijk bijeenkomen om elkaar zo beter te leren kennen en kunnen vinden. Dinsdag was het de maandelijkse gebiedscommissievergadering in ’t Huis van de wijk - Schiemond. Op de agenda ook de staat van o.a. de speeltuin in het Dakpark. Door zetting en ook een aantal destijds niet gelukkig gekozen technische oplossingen bij de aanleg van het park glijdt grond op een aantal plekken bijna de helling af. Met name de speeltuin kampt hiermee waardoor deze inmiddels zelfs tijdelijk de deur heeft moeten sluiten. Het eerste uur van de vergadering plaats vond al wandelend en uitleg krijgend op het Dakpark. Donderdagavond op het Stadhuis, inspreken bij de Commissie Gebieden van de Rotterdamse Gemeenteraad. Voor de zomer moet de raad een besluit nemen over de toekomst van het gebiedscommissiebestel, de raadsleden en fracties zijn nog verdeeld. Vanuit Delfshaven lichte ik het standpunt toe over de maat van de wijk, de diversiteit in experimenten en de kracht van bottom-up (ook bij lokale democratische besluitvorming). Vrijdag bij het Wijkpaleis zetten we een tweede editie van Initiatiefrijk Delfshaven voorzichtig in de steigers. Een bijeenkomst als meta-bewonersinitatief, waar initiatieven kennis van- en over elkaar opdoen. Maar bovenal ook waar de gebiedscommissie, initiatieven bedankt en de initiatiefnemers centraal zet en stelt. De eerste editie bijvoorbeeld door voor hen te koken. Dat beviel destijds prima. Een mooi uitgangspunt dus voor een tweede editie. Zaterdag in training voor de G1000, die door overweldigende belangstelling eigenlijk een G1500 is geworden. Zelf ben ik een van de 150 tafelvoorzitters die - op de dag zelf in de Doelen - een socratisch gesprek mag leiden. Boeiend maar zeker ook niet eenvoudig. Deels omdat de G1000 doelstellingen van Van Reybrouck in een pressure-cooker van een halve dag moeten passen (in plaats van drie dagen). Maar misschien nog meer omdat een socratisch gesprek voeren best ingewikkeld is, voor deelnemers maar zeker ook voor gespreksleiders. Later die zaterdagmiddag even binnenwippen bij Galerie Aelbrecht, die tijdens de eerste, mooi georganiseerde editie van het Pilgrim Harbour festival in Historisch Delfshaven (ter ere van het 400-jarige bestaan van de Pelgrimvaderskerk) een tentoonstelling organiseerde rond de historie van de kerk en Delfshaven. In de galerie een bekend beeld (voor mij), de kaart uit het Nationaal Archief van de (zalm)visgronden in de Maas, uit 1536: http://proxy.handle.net/10648/af8cc050-d0b4-102d-bcf8-003048976d84. Zondag tikte de thermometer tropische temperaturen aan. Een goede gelegenheid om eens naar het strand te tuffen. De keuze voor 's Gravenzande was prima. Fijn strand en goed gezelschap met o.a. vriendinnetjes van de meiden die meegingen.
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binicabrasive2 · 2 years
Sand belt belongs to the coating abrasive tool, called the flexible abrasive tool.Polished time than solid grinding wheel, more flexible and safety, higher accuracy, low grinding cost advantages.Sand belt is a belt tool made of adhesive to bond abrasive materials to paper, cloth and other flexible materials can be grinding and polishing, it is a major form of coating abrasive.Its basic composition is: substrate, abrasive and binder, collectively called the three elements of sand belt composition.The grinding grain on the sand belt has a stronger cutting ability than the grinding wheel grinding, so its grinding efficiency is very high.The high grinding efficiency of sand belt is shown in its high resection rate, grinding ratio (weight of resection workpiece and ratio of abrasive wear weight) and power utilization of machine tool.
BINIC Zirconia Finishing Film Discs is designed to remove dirt nibs, runs and other small surface defects. Auto metal grinding and paint removal work and putty. Its special top coating prevents loading and offers a better finish with less tail braids.The new porous mode collects dust more effectively for a cleaner working environment.
The features of the product : stormed-patterned design features small holes for dust extraction; reliable surface burning prevention; highest abrasive performance. The grain of the product are ceramic and calcined alumina, the backing of the product are premium latex paper and Velcro, the coating of the product is semi-open coat, the bond of the product is resin. The size available of multi-hole sanding disc are 125mm, 150mm, 180mm. (Main Grits G40 G60 G80 G120 G150 G180 G220 G240 G320 G400 G600 G800 G1000 G1200 G1500)
Now, the sand belt grinding technology has made great progress, its processing object and application fields are becoming more and more extensive, it can process almost all the engineering materials, from the general daily life appliances to large aerospace equipment can not be applied, and has become an important means to obtain significant economic benefits.Our company is the manufacturer of coated abrasive materials and our company can provide you with excellent coating abrasive materials. We have a wide variety of products to suit your needs and welcome a consultation if you need.
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outfitandtrend · 2 years
[ad_1] Shaquille O’Neal’s considerable frame (not to mention talent and work ethic) helped him become one of the greatest basketball players of all time. But it hasn’t always been an advantage. As Shaq recently revealed on the Conan O’Brien show, being his size makes buying a Ferrari a challenge. During the show, he shared the modifications he had to make to buy a Ferrari. “When I first came from Baton Rouge, Beverly Hills, you see all the fancy cars come by. So one day I see a Ferrari come by. I was like: ‘I want one of those guys.’ So I went to the thing and the guy was like: ‘You’re too big.’ And I hate those words.”“So one of the guys was like ‘maybe you’ve got to get two and put them together’… I was like: ‘you know what, maybe. I will. I’ll take that one and that one’ – and I got a Ferrari.”Shaquille O’Neal“Wait so you built a Ferrari?” Conan asked in disbelief, “Where you cut them apart… and then made like a giant stretch Ferrari?” “Yes,” Shaq responded. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlWMhYKymzM[/embed]In an unconfirmed video from Youtube, user ‘Slot King Dream’ purports to take viewers through a tour of Shaq’s modified 1998 Ferrari F355 Spider, writing: “Yelp…Shaquille O’Neal 1st Ferrari modified definitely for a big man.” The Youtube user claims that when sitting down, even with their legs stretched to their fullest, they can’t reach Shaq’s old Ferrari pedals. They also point out the petrol tank in the bonnet (usually it would be at the back, but Shaq had it removed so that he could move the seats back). Slot King Dream also said there’s no top to Shaq’s modified Ferrari, either. The Sports Rush reports that Shaq’s Ferrari’s interior was modified with wider aftermarket seats and that a custom Alpine sound system was also fitted. According to driving.ca, O’Neal sold the Ferrari in question for US$65,000 in late December 2020.  Other notable cars Shaq has bought include a 1963 Cadillac Eldorado Convertible, a customized Chevrolet Express G1500, Escalade, and a Lamborghini Gallardo. Read Next Did you enjoy this story? If so, subscribe to our daily newsletter to receive our top tending stories. [ad_2] Source link
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kawasakiworks · 2 years
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新しいアジャスタブルレシーバー、wdを製作し廃油ストーブ ロケットストーブ ステンレスコンロを持って#gridpoint へ🔥 12月の工事の多さにやられてつつ準備するのはキツかったです🥶 #mtfuji#有限会社川﨑製作所#三鷹#製作所#町工場#gridpoint#朝霧ジャンボリーオートキャンプ場#jayco#cargomatetrailers #24x14#カーゴトレーラー#シルバラード2500hd#silverado2500hd#duramax#lmm#シボレーエクスプレス#f150#g1500#ford#chevrolet#japan#rv (Otsuki, Yamanashi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYYIBOir7Pc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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datvietcomputervn · 2 years
Canon Service Tool V5610, Download Canon Resetter Service Tool ST5610 New 2022 full
Download Reset Service Tool V5610, Guide to reset Canon latest 2020 printer by Canon Service Tool ST5610, RESET CANON ST v.5610 software, Download Canon IC chip memory overflow reset software full keygen New 2022 full.
Canon st v5610 : Currently, Canon has just released many new models of Pixma Canon color inkjet printer, according to which the IC chip that controls the machine also changes depending on different machine codes, so the Service tool software is also upgraded to the Advanced version.
RESET CANON ST v5610 ORIGNAL , Canon Service tool 5610 Full keygens can be said that the reset software has been significantly upgraded and improved, making it easy to use and set up the printer to run out of memory overflow error 5B00 flashes 7 times back and forth. , v6510 supports maximum reset of existing Canon models. Store the reset key Canon Service Tool ST V5610 full Permanently Download the printer reset software Canon ST V5610 full key Reset-Canon.zip Printer Model List supported by Canon ST V.5610 Reset Software:
E200 series: E300 series:
E400 series: E400, E404, E407, E408 (#1)
E410 series: E410, E414, E417, E418 (#1)
E460 series: E460, E461,E464 (#1)
E470 series: E470, E471, E477, E478 (#1)
E480 series: E480, E481, E484, E488, E489
E510 E514
E3100 series:
E4270 series:
E3170, E3370 (#1)
All Canon G-series
G1000 series: G1000, G1100, G1200, G1400, G1500, G1800, G1900
G1010 series: G1010, G1110, G1120, G1410, G1420, G1411, G1510, G1520, G1810, G1820, G1910, G1920, G1922
G2000 series: G2010, G2012, G2020, G2021,
G2100, G2110, G2200, G2400, G2410, G2411, G2420, G4260, G2500, G2510, G2520, G2600, G2610, G2800, G2810, G2820, G2821, G2860, G2900, G2910, G2915, G2920, G2921, G2923, G2924, G2960, G2962, G2963
G3000 series: G3000, G3060, G3100, G3110 G3200, G3400, G3500, G3600, G3800, G3900
G3010 series: G3010, G3012, G3020, G3021, G3260, G3360, G3410, G3411, G3420, G3460, G3510, G3520, G3560, G3610, G3620, G3625, G3660, G3665, G3810, G3820, G3821, G3860, G3910, G3915, G3920, G3923, G3960, G3962, G3963,
G4000 series: G4000, G4010, G4100, G4110, G4200, G4210, G4400, G4410, G4500, G4510, G4600, G4610, G4800, G4810, G4900, G4902, G4910
G5000 series: G5000 G5010, G5011, G5020 G5030, G5040 G5050 G5070 G5080, G5090, G5092
G6000 series: G6000 G6010 G6011, G6020 G6030, G6040 G6050, G6060, G6065, G6070 G6080, G6090, G6091, G6092
G7000 series: G7010, G7011, G7020, G7050, G7060, G7065, G7070, G7090, G7091, G7092
GM Series: GM2000, GM2010, GM2011, GM2030, GM2040, GM2050, GM2070, GM2080, GM2090, GM2092, GM4010, GM4011, GM4030, GM4040, GM4050, GM4070, GM4090, GM4092
IB4000 series: IB4010, IB4020,IB4040, IB4050, IB4060,IB4070, IB4080,IB4090
IB4100 series: IB4110, IB4120,IB4140, IB4150, IB4160,IB4170, IB4180,IB4190
IP1200, iP1300, iP1600, iP1700, IP1800, iP1900, iP2200, iP2500, IP2600, iP2700, IP2770, IP2772, IP2800, IP3600, IP3680, IP4600, IP4700, IP4800, IP4810, IP4840, IP4850, IP4870, IP4900 , IP4910, IP4940, IP4970, IP4980, IP4990, IP5810, IP5880, IP7200, IP7240 , IP7270, IP8700, IP8740, IP8750, IP8770, IP8780
IP2870S, IP2880S (#1)
IX6500, IX6510, IX6560
IX6700, IX6710, IX6720, IX6730, IX6750, IX6760, IX6770, IX6780
IX68000, IX6810, IX6820, IX6830, 6840, IX6850, IX6860, IX6870, IX6880, IX7000
MB2000 series: MB2010, MB2020, MB2040, MB2050, MB2060
MB2100 series: MB2110 MB2120 MB2140 MB2150 MB2160
MB2300 series: MB2320, MB2340, MB2350, MB2360, MB2390
MB2700 series: MB2710 MB2720 MB2740 MB2750 MB2760 MB2790
MB5000 series: MB5010 MB5020 MB5040 MB5050 MB5060 MB5070 MB5080 MB5090
MB5100 series: MB5110 MB5120 MB5140 MB5150 MB5160 MB5170 MB5180 MB5190
MB5400 series: MB5410 MB5420 MB5440 MB5450 MB5460 MB5470 MB5480 MB5490
MG2550, MG2570S,MG2580S (#1)
MG3000 series: MG3010, MG3020, MG3022, MG3040, MG3050, MG3050s, MG3051, MG3052, MG3053 (#1)
MG3060, MG3070, MG3077, MG3070S, MG3077S, MG3080, MG3090 (#1)
MG3500 series: MG3510, MG3540 MG3570
MG3600 series: MG3610, MG3620 MG3640 MG3650 MG3660 MG3670 MG3680
MG4100 series: MG4140
MG5050 series:
MG5500 series: MG5140, MG5240 MG5270 MG5340 MG5400 MG5450 MG5500, MG5510, MG5520, MG5540, MG5550, MG5560, MG5570, MG5580
MG5600 series: MG5610, MG5620, MG5640, MG5650, MG5660, MG5670, MG5680
MG5700 series: MG5700, MG5710, MG5720 MG5721 MG5722 MG5740 MG5750 MG5751 MG5752 MG5753 MG5760 MG5765 MG5766 MG5770 MG5780 MG5790 MG5795
MG6100 series: MG6140, MG6150, MG6240 MG6300 MG6400 MG6530 MG6600
MG6700 series:
MG6800 series: MG6820 MG6821MG6822 MG6840 MG6850 MG6851 MG6852 MG6853 MG6860 MG6865 MG6866 MG6870 MG6880 MG6890 MG6930
MG7100 series:
MG7700 series: MG7710 MG7720 MG7740 MG7750 MG7751 MG7752 MG7753 MG7760 MG7765 MG7766 MG7770 MG7780 MG7790
MG8140, MG8170, MG8240
MP series:
MP230, MP237, MP250, MP258, MP260, MP270, MP278, MP280, MP287, MP480, MP490, MP497, MP540, MP550, MP560, MP620, MP630, MP640, MP980, MP990
MX320 series:MX320, MX328
MX330 series:MX330, MX338
MX340 series:MX340, MX347, MX348
MX350 series:MX350, MX357, MX358
MX360 series, MX370 series, MX377, MX390 series, MX397:
MX470 series: MX471, MX472, MX474, MX475, MX476, MX477, MX478
MX450 series:
MX490 series: MX491, MX492, MX494, MX495, MX496, MX497, MX498, MX499
MX520 series:
MX530 series: MX531, MX532, MX534, MX535, MX536, MX537, MX538
MX710 series, MX720 series, MX860 Series, MX890 series:
MX920 series: MX924,
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