theotherpacman · 7 months
one of the things that pisses me off the most about the atla reboot is
that they're COMPLETELY missing the point of zuko. zuko HAS to be the villain at first, has to be framed as merciless and cruel and evil and the epitome of the fire nation's greedy conquest of the world, so that it's SIGNIFICANT when you learn he's just a kid who wants to go home. just a kid who wants his dad to love him and has convinced himself that if he's good enough, he can earn that love. the point of zuko is to show the audience that the people we see as our enemies are human too. also, the point of zuko is that sometimes our anger and desperation get in our way and make us forget what's really important to us.
the netflix live action reboot is completely fucking this up. they're bringing in zuko's backstory WAY too early, throwing lines around about how his father banished him and he just wants to go home and see his family again. we're not supposed to know that about zuko yet. we're not supposed to know that his dad doesn't want him back or that his sister disdains him. moreover, ZUKO isn't supposed to acknowledge yet that what he wants most is his family's love - s1 zuko suppresses that shit hard. s1 zuko is all about restoring his honor, earning glory, winning his claim to the throne back. the reboot isn't giving him enough room to grow and change, and isn't giving the audience any room to change their view of him.
but that's just one of the things I hate about the reboot, there are many
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dipperscavern · 2 months
thinking about stark men pet names. sorry ive already sent you like 3 asks this is getting embarrassing. but im here and i live here now.
jon is TOTALLY a ‘woman’ and ‘girl’ kind of guy always going ‘there’s a good girl’ ‘you’re my woman’ and robb naturally is always calling you ‘my lady’ and i fully accept and believe you when you have him calling reader ‘pretty’, ‘pretty thing’ etc… chivalrous till the end!
but i cannot for the life of me land on what cregan’s style would be. i feel like it would be very teasing but also with an edge of possession. i can see him always calling you ‘wife’ in place of anything else…
don’t apologize!! ur asks are delicious & i will forever appreciate any ask anyone sends me 🫶🏻 send ten and we’ll debrief about every single one my lovely
jon is so accurate. “there’s a good girl” & referring to u as his woman are just stamps in his vocabulary. he’s not really a words type of guy, but they just spill out sometimes.
robb is very chivalrous and charming, pet names come to him naturally. “my lady”, “pretty”, “pretty thing” etc. his mouth literally never stops running. omg i can also see an “atta girl” escaping every once in a while.
okay i’m putting on my bulletproof vest for this one but… cregan doesn’t seem like a pet name type of guy. don’t get me wrong, he still showers u with compliments & things like that, but idk i just can’t see it 😞 would definitely have “wife” slipping from his lips pretty often though!! i can see it as a teasing thing between the both of you.
“husband.” & he pulls you in by your hips, “wife.”
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fanfictionroxs · 3 months
The way Jace is like "You saw Alicent?!" is just like when girls are banging their head because their their other friend decided to go see her ex lmffaoooo
Jace totally knows his mommy is in love with step-grandma/the step-mom that never was
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djorgcre · 9 months
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m-a-m-a-b-o-y mama’s boy. mama’s boy.
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emprcaesar · 9 months
in cersei and jamie‘s relationship, youd think that jamie would have all the power because he can physically dominate cersei and he does in the books but the one who has the most power in this relationship is cersei. she is able to manipulate jamie and make jamie do her bidding. like he could’ve been lord of casterly rock. he was the heir and he would’ve had a beautiful wife and had children and had the title and had the ranking but cersei told him “no you’re going to be a knight of the kingsguard so we can always be close to each other.” jamie gave up his whole life for cersei jamie gave up having a wife having a child having his own free will for cersei and jamie is so blinded by cersei’s “love” if that’s what you want to call it that he just looked past all of her terrible qualities and then when he meets Brianne and sees this woman who is really perfect in every way, but not like beautiful and is still so kind even though people are cruel to her. he changes his perspective on how someone should love you and how someone should act towards you, and when he comes back to kingslanding, after being with Brianne, he sees cersei’s flaws. when she burns down the hand of the kings tower and he sees the madness in her eyes and sees all the awful things she does and then when he leaves to riverrun to go take it from the blackfish and she sends the letter he’s so over it. he’s so over this shit she pulls and the way she treats people the way she treats him he can’t take it anymore.
also jaime says cersei is the only women he’s ever been with. jaime is this beautiful highborn knight with golden curls and a killer smile, he had girls drooling over him all the time but never even looked their way. then he meets brienne who he is forced to be in close proximity with and that is the first time he has ever had an interaction like that with a women that wasn’t cersei, that we know of but i feel like if he did it would’ve been mentioned.
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tonyloom · 1 year
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Arya and Her boys
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florisbaratheons · 1 year
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Helaena and Aegon's costumes better be achieving this level of cuntery in season 2 or I am calling my lawyer.
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Remembering how Game of Thrones tried and failed to make a convincing argument that Jon Snow was “the true king all along !1!1”, mostly because they removed all the myth and wonder that makes this trope land in the books. Because, don’t get it twisted, I absolutely believe the books are getting to this in some way. But it works because GRRM is intentionally recreating King Arthur’s origin story, with all its magic and whimsy front and center. GRRM knows and intends for Jon to be the clichéd fantasy protagonist: he’s got a magic pet, a magic sword (that’s about to be even more magic soon), magic powers, a magic lineage, and an obvious magic destiny. Book!Jon is the very idea of fantasy, the quintessential fantasy character - and like, THAT’S THE POINT! It’s why he’s literally every classic fantasy trope mixed into one. But none of this is present in the show. He’s got no magic, neither does his very normal pet, his magic lineage means nothing, and his magic destiny is laughably pushed to the side because the writers need to subvert expectations. Show!Jon is just some guy whereas book!Jon is meant to be THE guy. All signs in the narrative point to this.
And I think one of the biggest indicators of the show runners just not getting itᵀᴹ is the Tower of Joy sequence, which is meant to serve as a masterclass for fantasy protag myth building 101. The book version has: the most legendary sword known to man, the most legendary knight of all time, the leader of a legendary band of white knights, a powerful noble, a princess queen of love and beauty in a tower, a newly risen king, the shadow of a dead prince who was heir to the throne, obvious messianic imagery (e.g., three wise men witnessing the birth of a promised king), several metaphorical falling stars (Arthur, Ashara, Dawn disappearing for years afterward), etc, etc. So when the narrative beats it over our heads that Jon is “le true king”, it makes sense because the imagery and symbolism has been injected into the story to back this claim up. From a genre perspective, it’s not so much avoiding a trope but reinforcing it (though with several twists). The show version of Jon’s birth is some random dudes (names not provided) fighting for vague reasons (they cut out all the meaningful, character building dialogue). Show!Jon’s birth is not a mythological event heralding a king. But the show runners want to cheat and claim Jon to be the true king without doing any of the legwork. It just doesn’t land at all, and this pattern bleeds into them trying to claim Jon as tptwp…except show!Jon has no magic powers to back up that claim, unlike book!Jon who is a walking power plant. So even if they did come to a (mostly) correct assumption - that Jon is the king - how it’s written is so mind-numbingly bad that it doesn’t even matter anyway.
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fromtheseventhhell · 8 months
She wished the Rush would rise and wash the whole city away, Flea Bottom and the Red Keep and the Great Sept and everything, and everyone too, especially Prince Joffrey and his mother. But she knew it wouldn't, and anyhow Sansa was still in the city and would wash away too. When she remembered that, Arya decided to wish for Winterfell instead. (ACOK I, Arya)
Isn't it funny that in the very first book Arya thinks about something bad happening to the people she hates, realizes that someone she cares about could get hurt in the process, and instead decides to focus on wishing for home? I just think that's a neat character moment for her 😁
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wheelercore · 15 days
Wouldnt it be hilarious if it turns out theyve intentionally been putting out fake leaks
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dipperscavern · 2 months
not to be a degen but jon needs to get sucked sloppy style until he cries just a little i think. just a thought not reflective of my character or what i think about before i lay myself to rest at night.
- not-spirit airlines anon
i genuinely need to give him the most earth shattering head of his life. idk if u genuinely understand how real you are for this. i’ve got jon drafts in the works but i have to get this out of my head to be able to continue with my life.
making jon cum so hard he cries is.. it’s a life goal. not to be vulgar but we all know ygritte didn’t uh.. okay whatever we know she didn’t suck him — so you’d be the first mouth around his cock. he does NOT know how to act.
cause gods. you’re wet & warm and circling your tongue around his tip, has anything ever felt this good? his eyes are sewn shut, grunts rising from deep in his chest as he tries (& fails) to steady his breathing… he’s torn between wanting to pull away because it’s too much or push closer & ask for more. warmth pools in his belly, pressure building almost concerningly fast. you smooth a hand over his thigh in a small reassurance, but the light scrape of your nails against his skin only make him shiver.
mhmmm & his hips jutting forward when he finally does cum.. cumming so hard little black spots dance in his vision. you’re helping him ride out the aftershocks and he can’t help the tears that prick his eyes cause you just feel so good.
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fjordstan · 2 months
anyone know what the fic is where jaime meets daenerys and theyre both goading each other to anger and jaime's like "you really expect me to apologize for what i did to your family?! ... ok i will. im sorry for not being able to save elia and her kids."
they may or may not have met in dragonstone. bronn and/or addam marbrand might have been there. brienne & tyrion might have been there sighing heavily for the 1st half of the conversation. jb was in there for sure
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kryquy · 11 months
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I’ve been drawing cersei a lot as practice recently
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rise-my-angel · 2 months
So what was Rhaegar like?? I’ve never read the books, in the show they say he was a nice chap. But this was all through Targaryen stans, is it true?
From my perspective he was a bit of a prick, he gave Lyana the flower crown and he was MARRIED??
Everything we know about Rhaegar is entirely secondhand, since he's long since been dead at the start of the series, and everyone who talks about him has completely different memories of what he was like, based on their relationship to him.
What we seem to know about him personally, is that Rhaegar was born during the fires of Summerhall, which ended up causing him to be quite meloncholy and perhaps even intense. It's said that laying in the ruins of Summerhall was the only place he felt happiness and that he might not truly have been capable of love the way the rest of us feel it. But again, how accurate that is, is up for debate.
He did become obsessed with the prophecy of the Prince that was Promised, which a woods witch by the moniker The Ghost of High Hart, predicted would be born from the bloodline of his mother and father. How much he thought it was about himself, or if he thought it was about his son Aegon, or if there is some version of his interpretation of the prophecy in the middle we will never know, but he became obsessed with fufilling it. To the detriment of every single person around him.
There's no indication that the marriage itself between him and Elia Martell was negative, but there are red flags. Elia was often sick as a girl and not always in good health. She was bedridden for months after she gave birth to their daughter Rhaenys, and soon after that, she gave birth to their son Aegon. A birth so dangerous that the Maester informed Rhaegar that Elia would die should she be put through another pregnancy. This seems to be where it falls apart.
Not going into my personal speculation, just the facts, sometime after those events did Rhaegar participate at a tourney at Harrenhal where a crown of flowers is gifted, to which is the knight deeming that woman the "Queen of love and beauty", Rhaegar rode PASSED his wife whom was also the mother of his children, and gifted it to a 14 year of betrothed Lyanna Stark, to which the entire audience fell completely silent.
Now another red flag, is that Rhaegar at this point is fully aware that his father, King Aerys II is very mentally unstable, is dangerous to himself and others, and is not in good standing with his Dornish wife. As when Princess Rhaenys was born, even though Queen Rhaella embraced her grand daughter with joy, King Aerys refused to even touch the baby as she "smelled too Dornish." Elia is also still likely not in good health considering that her labour of Aegon was so life threatening. Which means Rhaegar, if he was a good man, should have done everything in his power to keep his wife and children safe from his fathers maddness if he was planning to leave for an extended period of time. But he did not. Elia and her children were forced to be captors of Aerys during the war and as a result were brutally murdered. No Rhaegar did not kill them, but it was his responsibility to ensure they had all of the protection they needed, and the ONLY person he left in Kings Landing to protect them, was a freshly knighted 16 year old Jaime Lannister.
The only thing we know for sure next, is that sometime in the south shortly before the wedding of Brandon Stark and Catelyn Tully, did Lyanna Stark disappear, along with Rhaegar and his Kingsguard.
To which we do not know what happened explicitly, but that she was in a tower in Dorne as far from her home as possible, (a tower which was gifted to Rhaegar by his wife), and she was found in a bed of her own blood and died shortly thereafter Ned found her.
I think there is enough evidence in Rhaegars canonical actions alone to determine that his was likely someone who was once charming but deeply mentally unwell in his own mind. And when that mental instability begun to latch onto this prophecy, it really spiralled him into someone dangerous and reckless which led to the lives lost of most people he knew in those days as well as himself.
I don't think he was a monster, I think he was a disturbed man who allowed himself to do horrible things, because he could justify it in his own head that it was for the greater good, when in reality, he hurt and got killed almost every single person in his entire life.
I personally think he was a man who did very bad things, which are foretold in the events that lead to the death of his wife, his two children, and a 15 year old girl who desperately screamed for her brother when she likely knew she was about to die.
Everyone will interpret the events differently, and there are a lot of details within different characters stories in the books that lead people to drastically different conclusions, but I think Rhaegars known, undebatable actions already paint a picture that this was not the kind, good man that some would paint his memory out to be.
He wasn't a monster, but I think he was a mentally unwell man who did monstrous things because he did not consider the dire consequences to be important.
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audhdnight · 10 months
Getting increasingly fed up with adults who consume children’s media only to rate it badly for being childish
Yes, gravity falls is going to have fart jokes. Yes, famous middle grade fantasy books are going to have minimal gore/violence. Yes, Katara and Toph are going to be fighting constantly. Yes, the sixteen year old protagonist of a romance is going to swing wildly back and forth between emotions all throughout the story.
I’m not saying adults can’t or shouldn’t enjoy movies and shows and books created with children in mind. I LOVE middle grade fantasy even as an adult. I LOVE shows like gravity falls and AtLA. But you need to go into it with the understanding that it wasn’t created for you. You don’t get to read a fantasy book written for and about eleven year olds and then get mad that the themes were lighter or simpler than The Witcher or Game of Thrones or that the eleven year old kid made a foolish choice that one time.
Stop rating children’s books one star just because they’re childish
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surpriserose · 2 months
My hatred for matt mercer is never ending btw hope this helps
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