fynnthefeline · 2 days
Hey there, fabulous fur-friends! 🐾
Can you believe it’s been two whole months since I found my forever home?! 🏡 Time flies when you’re living the good life! 😸
Let me tell you, these past two months have been purrfectly amazing. My human showers me with love, snuggles, and more head scratches than I could ever dream of. 💕 Every day, she tells me how much she loves me, how much joy and laughter I bring into her life and how grateful she is to have found me. I mean, can you blame her? Look at me! 😼
In return, I’ve made it my mission to fill her days with as much feline awesomeness as possible—whether I’m zooming around with my favorite mouse, snoozing in the sun, or just giving her that *special* blink-kiss. 😽
Here’s to many more cuddles, headbumps, and adventures ahead. Happy two months, me! 🎉
So, fur-friends, if you’re thinking about expanding your family, remember that there are so many amazing souls waiting for their forever homes in shelters all over the world. 💕 Please #adoptdontshop and make your own pawsome memories.
Fynn 🐾💖 #FynnsTales
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silver-survey · 5 months
Meow or Woof?
Feel free to suggest any poll you would like to see via chat or comment or ask :)
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ma-pi-ma · 13 days
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Non sopporto i violenti,
quelli che ridono sempre,
i sempre indigesti,
i diversamente alternativi
Le persone complicate,
le donne con charme e classe,
quelle che dicono ti amo
per dire ti voglio bene
Le bugiarde,
i bugiardi,
infidi come uno spiraglio di vento
I non so come la penso,
sei importante ma,
sei una persona speciale però
Amo le irregolarità;
amo i gatti.
Simone Cumbo
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mumosablog · 8 months
Birdwatching 🐦
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crisalide-imperfetta · 5 months
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tornasseungiorno · 2 months
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Io chiedo venia 😂 mi circondano e muoio di caldo
Mi sciolgo.
Forse dovrei adottare la loro posizione, magari è fresca 😂🤦🏻‍♀️
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dinonfissatoaffetto · 5 months
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- Patrizia Cavalli
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bobbole · 4 months
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Isen Alejo
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sigitheunicorn · 3 days
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fynnthefeline · 16 hours
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Hey there, fabulous fur-friends! 🐾
So, you know how us cats have this amazing ability to fit into any box, no matter the size? Well, let’s just say I’m putting that to the test today. 😸 I found this tiny box, and of course, I had to squeeze in. Sure, it might be a little snug, but hey—it fits! Right? Look at me, totally rocking the ‘if I fits, I sits’ vibe. 😹
See that look straight into the camera? That’s my ‘yes, I’m in here, and yes, I’m fabulous’ face. I mean, who needs a big bed when you’ve got a perfectly cozy (and way too small) box to nap in?
Boxes, sunshine, and headbumps—just another day in the life of this cat. 😻
Sending tiny-box love to all of you,
Fynn 🐾 #FynnsTales
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ma-pi-ma · 14 days
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I gatti sono strani, silenziosi e sanno molto più di quanto vogliano far credere.
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whiskersonkittens65 · 2 months
THEO por Fabrizio Buoso
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parolerandagie · 27 days
Fresco dall’ombra,
il respiro d’autunno,
allevia l’afa.
Eleggono i gatti,
le siepi, a giaciglio.
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ilblogdellestorie · 28 days
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Guai a chi me lo tocca
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tornasseungiorno · 1 month
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Oggi così 🧘🏻‍♀️🪷🥀
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ilciambellano · 1 month
Troppo caldo per giocare in posizione verticale
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