#GCM Manual Class
momlovesyoubest · 11 months
GCM Operations Manual Class Certified 57 CEU's NACCM
Get  57 CEU’s from ALCA FROM National Expert Cathy Cress  MSW Author of the Handbook of Geriatric Care Management Do you need ALCA CEU Cress GCM Consult, LLC is approved by the National Academy of Certified Care Managers (NACCM) as a continuing education provider, #21-  This activity was approved for 57 CMC ALCA NACCM contact hours.  With 15 products AND 57 ALCA CEU’S Find OUT MORE  By taking…
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iqlance-blog · 7 years
What Does It Take To Develop A Mobile App Like Uber?
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Taxi booking service is mushrooming everywhere and has emerged as one of the reliable way to commute within or outside the city. When we talk about taxi service, Uber is one of the name that has become synonymous with it.  Since it’s inception, Uber is pleasing users across the globe and the only point of contact between passengers and Uber is mobile app. Although there are hundreds of taxi booking mobile apps but what has evolved over a period of time, since the inception of Uber, is technology development on the booking front.
With the current scenario in the market, Uber is boosting more and more entrepreneurs with the idea to repeat its feet and create something similar. However, developing a mobile app like Uber and going live on app store and play store is just not that easy and two separate application with different functionality:
Passenger app – for those who looks to book taxi
Driver app – Get orders and they ride passenger to their destination
Its features plays vital role; let’s zero down some of the basic ones:
Basic features of passenger app:
Register/login: You can provide varied options to register like social media integration, e-mail etc.
Booking Interface: Here customer needs to add address, select a cab type and set the pickup location
Tracking: Track driver’s location, status updation during or after a ride
Fare calculator: Calculates the estimated cost from source to destination before booking
Payments: Cashless, plain cash , can pay automatically via plastic money and invoice is received to phone or e-mail
Push Notifications: Keeps the user updated on order status, estimated time, taxi arrival, car model, driver’s contact number, car number and much more
Messaging, ratings and reviews, booking history: Messaging driver for the perfect pick up, feedback and ratings given by the customer for the service provided, displays the details of previous booking
Basic features of driver app:
Register/profile/status: Required to provide extra verification details like taxi number, licence during registration, status functionality helping them to adjust the schedule and availability
Booking: Options to accept or reject the incoming order, information of customer location, booking history etc.
Push Notifications: For order alerts, taxi booking data, for order updates and completion of ride
Navigation: Google Maps integration to get optimal direction of customer’s destination
Cost estimation and reports: Provides the estimated cost with discounts and offer the insights of trip status, payroll, history etc.
Furthermore, to streamline process and driver from the central point, a web app is required to manage and review all in-app activity like interactions, ride routes, payments and much more.
How Uber Works?
Passengers let the Uber know that they need a ride; Uber asks you about the location; finds the nearby driver and notifies the duration of driver’s arrival. After completion of ride, cost is automatically charged from your card and then passenger needs to provide feedback about the ride.
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So to build such paradigm, what technology stack does Uber rely on?
It relies on some giant foundations like:-
Geo-location: The cab providing service like UBER depends on GPS (Global positioning system) technology to track the current position of the customer. When Uber started its venture, the technology wasn’t that progressive, but today the things have become easier. The geo-location depends on:-
Identifying a device’s location: To identify the location of the customer, Uber app for iOS uses Core Location framework which provides classes and protocols to configure and schedule delivery and send location event to the server. This framework also enables the Uber to define geographic region and track the device moments as it crosses the boundary.
The Uber app for Android uses Google’s Location API which can manage underlying location technology meeting all the needs to tailor the app when integrating location-based features.
Providing the right direction: For developing iOS app, MapKit is used to display point-to-point directions on map. It registers the app as routing app then makes direction available to the Map apps and other mapping software.
For developing on Google, Google Maps Android API is used to make routes and directions possible.
Integration with mapping software: Uber implemented Google Maps for both iOS and Android version and to avoid paying Google for access of their solutions, Uber opt for mapping technology companies to solve the logistic issues.
Messaging or Notification: After you order a ride, Uber sends you a couple of notifications like when driver accepts the request, driver is few miles away, cancellation of ride etc. Uber text messages are powered by the Twilio telecommunications provider and you may choose to receive these messages either via SMS or through the push notifications. To implement push notifications in the iOS app, Uber uses Apple Push Notifications Service, and for the Android app Uber uses Google Cloud Messaging (GCM).
Payment Integration: For calculating fare, Uber looks for the factors like base fare, cost/mile and cost/min. Uber promotes a cashless system which means you can pay via plastic card, e-wallets or use a promo code which removes error prone human-to-human cash transfers. Uber chose to partner with Braintree, one of the leaders in the mobile payment market, to accept card payments and also uses PayPal’s Card.io service for credit card scanning on iOS.
The iOS users can make of the Apple Pay for making the payment and the Android users can use the Google Wallet for the same purpose. It is better to collaborate with some online payment company to make the experiences better and faster.
Advantages of Uber like app
Reduce the number of drunk drivers
Saves your money for commuting
Provides opportunity to make extra cash for the driver
Makes the way to the customer’s destination really beautiful
Advantages of having mobile app
Having a white label mobile app gives your taxi business a broad visibility and an automatic customer boost.
Reduces the overhead costs generated by managing everything manually and connecting passengers to the drivers in real-time enables the business to grow smartly in autopilot mode.
Leads to the higher profit as the taxi service provider can develop their own app and save on the commission paid to the cab platform.
How much does it cost?
Well it depends! There are several factors affecting the total cost
Your budget
Number of features
Design of UI/UX
Backend development
Web development
If you wish to develop a basic taxi service app then it will cost around $15,000 USD to $20,000 USD; Uber like app $20,000 USD to $35,000 USD. It takes 2 to 3 weeks approximately to design the app and 10 to 12 weeks approximately for development process. Lastly, the cost varies according to the app development company you hire to get your job done.
Reference Source:- http://bit.ly/2BhEwcz
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mobileexpressnow · 7 years
How to ride the uprising Uber for X Wave
There are a number of factors that have laid out both the existence of the On Demand apps and their future. All of those factors from convenience, timeliness, cost effectiveness, and quality, to easy payment and availability of service providers that define the basis of On Demand market can be traced back to one thing: lack of time in the era of technology.
Today, we don’t have the time to visit a salon, go grocery shopping, wait for taxis, and so many other tasks that we keep pushing for tomorrow – this lack of time is what has been fuelling the growth in on-demand app industry. The fact that on-demand services offer convenience across all customer touch point from quick decision, accessibility, and ease in transaction to post purchase benefit, has made the industry grow to such an extent that it has today become one of the most invested-in economies globally.
The On Demand App Market
With every passing day, the On Demand market is crossing its current standing of more than 22.4 million annual consumers and over $57.6 billion that are spent yearly for their services. The chief category of on-demand expenditure is being witnessed by the online marketplaces like Etsy and Ebay, with them having over 16.3 million monthly consumers spending to around $36 billion yearly.
After Online Marketplaces, Transportation comes in next with its 7.3 million monthly consumers and $5.6 billion estimated in name of yearly spendings, followed by the grocery/ food delivery apps with at 5.5 million consumers using the services in a month and spending over $4.6 billion yearly.
Other on-demand facilities such as home services, freelancer services, and beauty and health services measure up to $8.1 billion in expenditure every year, with every other On Demand service under the sun coming at $3.8 billion valuation.
So you see how On Demand apps are making industries better and how it’s time for brands to operate and grow in the service industry to be accessible On Demand? Let us now take you to the technicalities of the market just so you are prepared to enter in it yourself, with the help of knowledge that we have acquired after developing a series of top ranking On Demand Service Apps.
How we make On-Demand Apps Work? The Technology Stack
Let’s concisely review how On Demand apps work (Even though I am quite sure you already know).
So, you order something – ride/food/grocery/service and your app then connects you to the nearest service provider, by checking your location, and they reach you. Then the experience cycle ends with you making a payment to them, if not prepaid, and dropping a review and feedback for the service you received.
While this is what happens on the face value, have you ever thought what happens in the background? What technology we app developers use to make this all possible?
Let me tell you the features that are prevalent in every one of ours and the other On Demand apps all over the world –
On Demand apps have settled themselves as belonging to the Location Based Service family. While it was once complex to design technology that would read your device and connect with all the devices that belonged to serve your demand, thankfully you are reading this article in 2017, when the technological world has evolved so much that it is now easy to develop a mechanism that has converted the once complex process in one that solves your purpose within minutes.
You will no more have to get stuck in the technology mesh. You will get all the information in this article, which will help you create an Uber like app for yourself. 
Identify location of the device
When it comes to identifying the location of a device, there are two things that users do – A. They order service for themselves and B. They order service for someone else. Now when ordering service for themselves (A. Scenario) we use embed Reverse Geo Coding, when users manually enter their location and we embed Geo Coding, when user wants Google to fetch the location for them.
In Scenario B, when users are ordering service for location that is different from their device’s location, we use Google Map integration.
Many of the iPhone app development companies like us, use the CoreLocation Framework to identify the specific location of a device. The same framework sends protocols and classes to construct and schedule the location delivery before sending location events in server’s direction. The framework also enables Uber in defining the geographic areas and then monitor device’s movements when it passes the defined boundaries.
While the iOS developers use CoreLocation Framework to track location, Android’s On Demand app developers use Google’s Location APIs. They can intelligently manage underlying location technology while meeting various development needs when implementing location-based features.
To show precise point-by-point directions on the map that is in the app, iOS developers of On Demand apps use MapKit. They first register the app as routing app, which then makes the directions accessible to the mapping software and Maps app in the user’s device.
The directions and routes for Android On Demand apps are given with the help of Google Service API.
SMS and Notifications
Once you order a ride or food online, you must have noticed that your On Demand service providers sends a couple of push notifications and SMS. Brands like Uber powers their text messages with their association to the premium telecommunications provider – Twilio.
For the iOS On Demand apps, developers generally make use of the Apple Push Notifications Service, while the Android apps’ notifications work at the back of Google Cloud Messaging (GCM).
The Catch –
APNS or Apple Push Notifications Service work in an online mode that means if for some reason your device is out of reach, you won’t be able to get the push notification. Because it’s fairly uni-directional, it is difficult to know if and when the user received notification. While APNS relies on network, GCM doesn’t. It lets you monitor the notification status.
Payment Gateway Integration
Payment integration setup is based on two scenarios, one where there is price is fixed by the provider at a company level and one where the service providers fix their price on an individual tasker level. In the first scenario, we use fix price integration and in the second where individual service providers or Taskers bid for the service, we use Bidding Integration.
If your app is based on cashless transactions, there are a number of requirements that you will have to fulfill. These compliances are known as PCI requirements in the US. In addition to adhering to the PCI compliances, The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS), which are a collection of requirements that are designed to make sure that companies, which store, process, or communicate credit card information, should maintain a protected environment. This compliance has to be applied to any merchant who has the Merchant ID (MID).
For payment integration, Uber has chosen to collaborate with Braintree, who is a leading name in mobile payment industry, for card transactions. In our On Demand apps, we make use of both Stripe and Braintree to ensure safe transaction and secure data collection.
Offer Redemption
On Demand industry works, to a great extent, at the back of the discount and offers it gives to its users to stand out of the competition. Now how do you ensure that one user is not entering the promotional code twice?
We have been making use of the DeviceCheck API framework in combination with the server-to-server APIs to identify devices that have already redeemed an offer and to flag the ones that are doing something fraudulent in the app.
The Market Leaders
The Best Practices – Uber Way
There are some practices that on demand leaders use to keep their customers hooked to their apps, here’s their sneak peek which you can use to make your customers keep coming back –
Machine Learning
Brands use Machine Learning tools to know how users are behaving and interacting with the apps in order to deliver better service to them. While Uber has developed its own pattern, there are somefood delivery apps that make use of API.AI tool to find out how users are interacting within the app.
Loyalty Program
To keep your users from leaving your app or worse cutting you off by making deals with therestaurant or helpers you have associated with, introduce loyalty programs in your app. Give reasons  for users to stick with you for their service fulfillment needs.
World’s memory span is very low. Their behavior while dealing with on-demand services reflects nothing else.  In order to make a place in their conscious memory, you will have to keep introducing new discounts, offers, and advertisements along every media that they use.
Unseen Events
Keep a tab on unseen circumstances that are more often than not missed by companies when developing on demand apps by themselves.
Things like Cancellations, Conflict in Services, Refund, and Settlement are a few of those unwanted but highly probable events that can shape an image for your brand, it’s best if you have a mechanism in place for them.
How much does it cost to create an On Demand App?
When you make an On Demand app, you don’t make just one for the users, you make two to three apps depending on the industry.
Suppose you are making an Uber like App, you will be making apps for the user and the driver. If making the app for online grocery or food delivery, you will need three versions one each for restaurant, user,  and the delivery person.
Either way, when planning to develop an On Demand app, irrespective of the type, you will have to pay for the following services –
Backend development
Android and iOS native app development
Project management
Web development
Quality assurance
While this list of points is just for the main services, there are a number of features like payment integration, tracking of promo offers, and various others could get added over and above the cost. Now, coming to the question how much does it cost to create an On Demand app, there is no one answer.
It entirely depends on your app developer, the features that you need in your app, and the facilities you need beyond development, such as marketing or App Store publishing etc.
If you want to know the estimate of your On Demand app idea, contact us.
For more information on how to develop On Demand apps, what are the absolute necessities and how you can be helped by getting associated with us, check out – http://ift.tt/2sVFKno
The post How to ride the uprising Uber for X Wave appeared first on Appinventiv Official Blog - Mobile App Development Company.
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olumina · 7 years
How to ride the uprising Uber for X Wave
There are a number of factors that have laid out both the existence of the On Demand apps and their future. All of those factors from convenience, timeliness, cost effectiveness, and quality, to easy payment and availability of service providers that define the basis of On Demand market can be traced back to one thing: lack of time in the era of technology.
Today, we don’t have the time to visit a salon, go grocery shopping, wait for taxis, and so many other tasks that we keep pushing for tomorrow – this lack of time is what has been fuelling the growth in on-demand app industry. The fact that on-demand services offer convenience across all customer touch point from quick decision, accessibility, and ease in transaction to post purchase benefit, has made the industry grow to such an extent that it has today become one of the most invested-in economies globally.
The On Demand App Market
With every passing day, the On Demand market is crossing its current standing of more than 22.4 million annual consumers and over $57.6 billion that are spent yearly for their services. The chief category of on-demand expenditure is being witnessed by the online marketplaces like Etsy and Ebay, with them having over 16.3 million monthly consumers spending to around $36 billion yearly.
After Online Marketplaces, Transportation comes in next with its 7.3 million monthly consumers and $5.6 billion estimated in name of yearly spendings, followed by the grocery/ food delivery apps with at 5.5 million consumers using the services in a month and spending over $4.6 billion yearly.
Other on-demand facilities such as home services, freelancer services, and beauty and health services measure up to $8.1 billion in expenditure every year, with every other On Demand service under the sun coming at $3.8 billion valuation.
So you see how On Demand apps are making industries better and how it’s time for brands to operate and grow in the service industry to be accessible On Demand? Let us now take you to the technicalities of the market just so you are prepared to enter in it yourself, with the help of knowledge that we have acquired after developing a series of top ranking On Demand Service Apps.
How we make On-Demand Apps Work? The Technology Stack
Let’s concisely review how On Demand apps work (Even though I am quite sure you already know).
So, you order something – ride/food/grocery/service and your app then connects you to the nearest service provider, by checking your location, and they reach you. Then the experience cycle ends with you making a payment to them, if not prepaid, and dropping a review and feedback for the service you received.
While this is what happens on the face value, have you ever thought what happens in the background? What technology we app developers use to make this all possible?
Let me tell you the features that are prevalent in every one of ours and the other On Demand apps all over the world –
On Demand apps have settled themselves as belonging to the Location Based Service family. While it was once complex to design technology that would read your device and connect with all the devices that belonged to serve your demand, thankfully you are reading this article in 2017, when the technological world has evolved so much that it is now easy to develop a mechanism that has converted the once complex process in one that solves your purpose within minutes.
You will no more have to get stuck in the technology mesh. You will get all the information in this article, which will help you create an Uber like app for yourself. 
Identify location of the device
When it comes to identifying the location of a device, there are two things that users do – A. They order service for themselves and B. They order service for someone else. Now when ordering service for themselves (A. Scenario) we use embed Reverse Geo Coding, when users manually enter their location and we embed Geo Coding, when user wants Google to fetch the location for them.
In Scenario B, when users are ordering service for location that is different from their device’s location, we use Google Map integration.
Many of the iPhone app development companies like us, use the CoreLocation Framework to identify the specific location of a device. The same framework sends protocols and classes to construct and schedule the location delivery before sending location events in server’s direction. The framework also enables Uber in defining the geographic areas and then monitor device’s movements when it passes the defined boundaries.
While the iOS developers use CoreLocation Framework to track location, Android’s On Demand app developers use Google’s Location APIs. They can intelligently manage underlying location technology while meeting various development needs when implementing location-based features.
To show precise point-by-point directions on the map that is in the app, iOS developers of On Demand apps use MapKit. They first register the app as routing app, which then makes the directions accessible to the mapping software and Maps app in the user’s device.
The directions and routes for Android On Demand apps are given with the help of Google Service API.
SMS and Notifications
Once you order a ride or food online, you must have noticed that your On Demand service providers sends a couple of push notifications and SMS. Brands like Uber powers their text messages with their association to the premium telecommunications provider – Twilio.
For the iOS On Demand apps, developers generally make use of the Apple Push Notifications Service, while the Android apps’ notifications work at the back of Google Cloud Messaging (GCM).
The Catch –
APNS or Apple Push Notifications Service work in an online mode that means if for some reason your device is out of reach, you won’t be able to get the push notification. Because it’s fairly uni-directional, it is difficult to know if and when the user received notification. While APNS relies on network, GCM doesn’t. It lets you monitor the notification status.
Payment Gateway Integration
Payment integration setup is based on two scenarios, one where there is price is fixed by the provider at a company level and one where the service providers fix their price on an individual tasker level. In the first scenario, we use fix price integration and in the second where individual service providers or Taskers bid for the service, we use Bidding Integration.
If your app is based on cashless transactions, there are a number of requirements that you will have to fulfill. These compliances are known as PCI requirements in the US. In addition to adhering to the PCI compliances, The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS), which are a collection of requirements that are designed to make sure that companies, which store, process, or communicate credit card information, should maintain a protected environment. This compliance has to be applied to any merchant who has the Merchant ID (MID).
For payment integration, Uber has chosen to collaborate with Braintree, who is a leading name in mobile payment industry, for card transactions. In our On Demand apps, we make use of both Stripe and Braintree to ensure safe transaction and secure data collection.
Offer Redemption
On Demand industry works, to a great extent, at the back of the discount and offers it gives to its users to stand out of the competition. Now how do you ensure that one user is not entering the promotional code twice?
We have been making use of the DeviceCheck API framework in combination with the server-to-server APIs to identify devices that have already redeemed an offer and to flag the ones that are doing something fraudulent in the app.
The Market Leaders
The Best Practices – Uber Way
There are some practices that on demand leaders use to keep their customers hooked to their apps, here’s their sneak peek which you can use to make your customers keep coming back –
Machine Learning
Brands use Machine Learning tools to know how users are behaving and interacting with the apps in order to deliver better service to them. While Uber has developed its own pattern, there are somefood delivery apps that make use of API.AI tool to find out how users are interacting within the app.
Loyalty Program
To keep your users from leaving your app or worse cutting you off by making deals with therestaurant or helpers you have associated with, introduce loyalty programs in your app. Give reasons  for users to stick with you for their service fulfillment needs.
World’s memory span is very low. Their behavior while dealing with on-demand services reflects nothing else.  In order to make a place in their conscious memory, you will have to keep introducing new discounts, offers, and advertisements along every media that they use.
Unseen Events
Keep a tab on unseen circumstances that are more often than not missed by companies when developing on demand apps by themselves.
Things like Cancellations, Conflict in Services, Refund, and Settlement are a few of those unwanted but highly probable events that can shape an image for your brand, it’s best if you have a mechanism in place for them.
How much does it cost to create an On Demand App?
When you make an On Demand app, you don’t make just one for the users, you make two to three apps depending on the industry.
Suppose you are making an Uber like App, you will be making apps for the user and the driver. If making the app for online grocery or food delivery, you will need three versions one each for restaurant, user,  and the delivery person.
Either way, when planning to develop an On Demand app, irrespective of the type, you will have to pay for the following services –
Backend development
Android and iOS native app development
Project management
Web development
Quality assurance
While this list of points is just for the main services, there are a number of features like payment integration, tracking of promo offers, and various others could get added over and above the cost. Now, coming to the question how much does it cost to create an On Demand app, there is no one answer.
It entirely depends on your app developer, the features that you need in your app, and the facilities you need beyond development, such as marketing or App Store publishing etc.
If you want to know the estimate of your On Demand app idea, contact us.
For more information on how to develop On Demand apps, what are the absolute necessities and how you can be helped by getting associated with us, check out – http://ift.tt/2sVFKno
The post How to ride the uprising Uber for X Wave appeared first on Appinventiv Official Blog - Mobile App Development Company.
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momlovesyoubest · 1 year
Home Products Speakers Bureau Package GCM Operations Manual New 5th Edition VIP Care Management White Paper Books Geriatric Care Management – 4th Edition Mom Loves You Best Care Managers Online Classes GCM Operations Manual Online Course GCM Business Online Course CEUs for Individual Modules Webinars Upcoming Webinars Past Webinars Recommendations About Blog Aging Geriatric…
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momlovesyoubest · 1 year
GCM Business Online Course
Want to start a care management business? Do you need expert advice on launching  a care management business? Will you make a profit in your new care management business? Sign up for my care management business class. Get 10 modules to successfully launch a profitable care management business, and a free license for my Geriatric care management manual. It will teach you marketing, sales,…
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momlovesyoubest · 1 year
GCM Operations Manual Online Course
Want to start your care management business,  expand it effortlessly or sell it for double the price? Sign-up for my Geriatric Care Operations Manual Class. Get 15 care management products in 22 modules, with step by step directions to both sell and deliver your services to clients. Included in this, is my GCM Manual at no cost. Receive 57 CEUs from NACCUM. Learn how to market each product. Stop…
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momlovesyoubest · 3 years
GCM Operations Manual Class Certified for 57 CEU's from the National Academy of Certified Care Providers
GCM Operations Manual Class Certified for 57 CEU’s from the National Academy of Certified Care Providers
Our GCM Operations Manual Class is now certified for 57 CEU’s from the National Academy of Certified Care Providers.  Cress GCM Consult, LLC is approved by the National Academy of Certified Care Managers (NACCM) as a continuing education provider, #21-904CGCMC. This activity was approved for 57 CMC contact hours.  Find OUT MORE  By Completing The Class You Will Have  3 CEU’s each of 19 Classes…
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mobileexpressnow · 7 years
How to ride the uprising Uber for X wave
There are a number of factors that have laid out both the existence of the On Demand apps and their future. All of those factors from convenience, timeliness, cost effectiveness, and quality, to easy payment and availability of service providers that define the basis of On Demand market can be traced back to one thing: lack of time in the era of technology.
Today, we don’t have the time to visit a salon, go grocery shopping, wait for taxis, and so many other tasks that we keep pushing for tomorrow – this lack of time is what has been fuelling the growth in on-demand app industry. The fact that on-demand services offer convenience across all customer touch point from quick decision, accessibility, and ease in transaction to post purchase benefit, has made the industry grow to such an extent that it has today become one of the most invested-in economies globally.
  The On Demand App Market
With every passing day, the On Demand market is crossing its current standing of more than 22.4 million annual consumers and over $57.6 billion that are spent yearly for their services. The chief category of on-demand expenditure is being witnessed by the online marketplaces like Etsy and Ebay, with them having over 16.3 million monthly consumers spending to around $36 billion yearly.
After Online Marketplaces, Transportation comes in next with its 7.3 million monthly consumers and $5.6 billion estimated in name of yearly spendings, followed by the grocery/ food delivery apps with at 5.5 million consumers using the services in a month and spending over $4.6 billion yearly.
Other on-demand facilities such as home services, freelancer services, and beauty and health services measure up to $8.1 billion in expenditure every year, with every other On Demand service under the sun coming at $3.8 billion valuation.
  So you see how On Demand apps are making industries better and how it’s time for brands to operate and grow in the service industry to be accessible On Demand? Let us now take you to the technicalities of the market just so you are prepared to enter in it yourself, with the help of knowledge that we have acquired after developing a series of top ranking On Demand Service Apps.
How we make On-Demand Apps Work? The Technology Stack
Let’s concisely review how On Demand apps work (Even though I am quite sure you already know).
So, you order something – ride/food/grocery/service and your app then connects you to the nearest service provider, by checking your location, and they reach you. Then the experience cycle ends with you making a payment to them, if not prepaid, and dropping a review and feedback for the service you received.
While this is what happens on the face value, have you ever thought what happens in the background? What technology we app developers use to make this all possible?
Let me tell you the features that are prevalent in every one of ours and the other On Demand apps all over the world –
On Demand apps have settled themselves as belonging to the Location Based Service family. While it was once complex to design technology that would read your device and connect with all the devices that belonged to serve your demand, thankfully you are reading this article in 2017, when the technological world has evolved so much that it is now easy to develop a mechanism that has converted the once complex process in one that solves your purpose within minutes.
You will no more have to get stuck in the technology mesh. You will get all the information in this article, which will help you create an Uber like app for yourself. 
Identify location of the device
When it comes to identifying the location of a device, there are two things that users do – A. They order service for themselves and B. They order service for someone else. Now when ordering service for themselves (A. Scenario) we use embed Reverse Geo Coding, when users manually enter their location and we embed Geo Coding, when user wants Google to fetch the location for them.
In Scenario B, when users are ordering service for location that is different from their device’s location, we use Google Map integration.
Many of the iPhone app development companies like us, use the CoreLocation Framework to identify the specific location of a device. The same framework sends protocols and classes to construct and schedule the location delivery before sending location events in server’s direction. The framework also enables Uber in defining the geographic areas and then monitor device’s movements when it passes the defined boundaries.
While the iOS developers use CoreLocation Framework to track location, Android’s On Demand app developers use Google’s Location APIs. They can intelligently manage underlying location technology while meeting various development needs when implementing location-based features.
 Location Direction
To show precise point-by-point directions on the map that is in the app, iOS developers of On Demand apps use MapKit. They first register the app as routing app, which then makes the directions accessible to the mapping software and Maps app in the user’s device.
The directions and routes for Android On Demand apps are given with the help of Google Service API.
SMS and Notifications
Once you order a ride or food online, you must have noticed that your On Demand service providers sends a couple of push notifications and SMS. Brands like Uber powers their text messages with their association to the premium telecommunications provider – Twilio.
For the iOS On Demand apps, developers generally make use of the Apple Push Notifications Service, while the Android apps’ notifications work at the back of Google Cloud Messaging (GCM).
The Catch –
APNS or Apple Push Notifications Service work in an online mode that means if for some reason your device is out of reach, you won’t be able to get the push notification. Because it’s fairly uni-directional, it is difficult to know if and when the user received notification. While APNS relies on network, GCM doesn’t. It lets you monitor the notification status.
Payment Integration
Payment integration setup is based on two scenarios, one where there is price is fixed by the provider at a company level and one where the service providers fix their price on an individual tasker level. In the first scenario, we use fix price integration and in the second where individual service providers or Taskers bid for the service, we use Bidding Integration.
If your app is based on cashless transactions, there are a number of requirements that you will have to fulfill. These compliances are known as PCI requirements in the US. In addition to adhering to the PCI compliances, The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS), which are a collection of requirements that are designed to make sure that companies, which store, process, or communicate credit card information, should maintain a protected environment. This compliance has to be applied to any merchant who has the Merchant ID (MID).
For payment integration, Uber has chosen to collaborate with Braintree, who is a leading name in mobile payment industry, for card transactions. In our On Demand apps, we make use of both Stripe and Braintree to ensure safe transaction and secure data collection.
Offer Redemption
On Demand industry works, to a great extent, at the back of the discount and offers it gives to its users to stand out of the competition. Now how do you ensure that one user is not entering the promotional code twice?
We have been making use of the DeviceCheck API framework in combination with the server-to-server APIs to identify devices that have already redeemed an offer and to flag the ones that are doing something fraudulent in the app.
The Market Leaders
The Best Practices – Uber Way
There are some practices that on demand leaders use to keep their customers hooked to their apps, here’s their sneak peek which you can use to make your customers keep coming back –
Machine Learning
Brands use Machine Learning tools to know how users are behaving and interacting with the apps in order to deliver better service to them. While Uber has developed its own pattern, there are somefood delivery apps that make use of API.AI tool to find out how users are interacting within the app.
Loyalty Program
To keep your users from leaving your app or worse cutting you off by making deals with therestaurant or helpers you have associated with, introduce loyalty programs in your app. Give reasons  for users to stick with you for their service fulfillment needs.
World’s memory span is very low. Their behavior while dealing with on-demand services reflects nothing else.  In order to make a place in their conscious memory, you will have to keep introducing new discounts, offers, and advertisements along every media that they use.
Unseen Events
Keep a tab on unseen circumstances that are more often than not missed by companies when developing on demand apps by themselves.
Things like Cancellations, Conflict in Services, Refund, and Settlement are a few of those unwanted but highly probable events that can shape an image for your brand, it’s best if you have a mechanism in place for them.
How much does it cost to create an On Demand App?
When you make an On Demand app, you don’t make just one for the users, you make two to three apps depending on the industry.
Suppose you are making an Uber like App, you will be making apps for the user and the driver. If making the app for online grocery or food delivery, you will need three versions one each for restaurant, user,  and the delivery person.
Either way, when planning to develop an On Demand app, irrespective of the type, you will have to pay for the following services –
Backend development
Android and iOS native app development
Project management
Web development
Quality assurance
While this list of points is just for the main services, there are a number of features like payment integration, tracking of promo offers, and various others could get added over and above the cost. Now, coming to the question how much does it cost to create an On Demand app, there is no one answer.
It entirely depends on your app developer, the features that you need in your app, and the facilities you need beyond development, such as marketing or App Store publishing etc.
If you want to know the estimate of your On Demand app idea, contact us.
For more information on how to develop On Demand apps, what are the absolute necessities and how you can be helped by getting associated with us, check out – http://ift.tt/2sVFKno
The post How to ride the uprising Uber for X wave appeared first on Appinventiv Official Blog - Mobile App Development Company.
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olumina · 7 years
How to ride the uprising Uber for X wave
There are a number of factors that have laid out both the existence of the On Demand apps and their future. All of those factors from convenience, timeliness, cost effectiveness, and quality, to easy payment and availability of service providers that define the basis of On Demand market can be traced back to one thing: lack of time in the era of technology.
Today, we don’t have the time to visit a salon, go grocery shopping, wait for taxis, and so many other tasks that we keep pushing for tomorrow – this lack of time is what has been fuelling the growth in on-demand app industry. The fact that on-demand services offer convenience across all customer touch point from quick decision, accessibility, and ease in transaction to post purchase benefit, has made the industry grow to such an extent that it has today become one of the most invested-in economies globally.
  The On Demand App Market
With every passing day, the On Demand market is crossing its current standing of more than 22.4 million annual consumers and over $57.6 billion that are spent yearly for their services. The chief category of on-demand expenditure is being witnessed by the online marketplaces like Etsy and Ebay, with them having over 16.3 million monthly consumers spending to around $36 billion yearly.
After Online Marketplaces, Transportation comes in next with its 7.3 million monthly consumers and $5.6 billion estimated in name of yearly spendings, followed by the grocery/ food delivery apps with at 5.5 million consumers using the services in a month and spending over $4.6 billion yearly.
Other on-demand facilities such as home services, freelancer services, and beauty and health services measure up to $8.1 billion in expenditure every year, with every other On Demand service under the sun coming at $3.8 billion valuation.
  So you see how On Demand apps are making industries better and how it’s time for brands to operate and grow in the service industry to be accessible On Demand? Let us now take you to the technicalities of the market just so you are prepared to enter in it yourself, with the help of knowledge that we have acquired after developing a series of top ranking On Demand Service Apps.
How we make On-Demand Apps Work? The Technology Stack
Let’s concisely review how On Demand apps work (Even though I am quite sure you already know).
So, you order something – ride/food/grocery/service and your app then connects you to the nearest service provider, by checking your location, and they reach you. Then the experience cycle ends with you making a payment to them, if not prepaid, and dropping a review and feedback for the service you received.
While this is what happens on the face value, have you ever thought what happens in the background? What technology we app developers use to make this all possible?
Let me tell you the features that are prevalent in every one of ours and the other On Demand apps all over the world –
On Demand apps have settled themselves as belonging to the Location Based Service family. While it was once complex to design technology that would read your device and connect with all the devices that belonged to serve your demand, thankfully you are reading this article in 2017, when the technological world has evolved so much that it is now easy to develop a mechanism that has converted the once complex process in one that solves your purpose within minutes.
You will no more have to get stuck in the technology mesh. You will get all the information in this article, which will help you create an Uber like app for yourself. 
Identify location of the device
When it comes to identifying the location of a device, there are two things that users do – A. They order service for themselves and B. They order service for someone else. Now when ordering service for themselves (A. Scenario) we use embed Reverse Geo Coding, when users manually enter their location and we embed Geo Coding, when user wants Google to fetch the location for them.
In Scenario B, when users are ordering service for location that is different from their device’s location, we use Google Map integration.
Many of the iPhone app development companies like us, use the CoreLocation Framework to identify the specific location of a device. The same framework sends protocols and classes to construct and schedule the location delivery before sending location events in server’s direction. The framework also enables Uber in defining the geographic areas and then monitor device’s movements when it passes the defined boundaries.
While the iOS developers use CoreLocation Framework to track location, Android’s On Demand app developers use Google’s Location APIs. They can intelligently manage underlying location technology while meeting various development needs when implementing location-based features.
 Location Direction
To show precise point-by-point directions on the map that is in the app, iOS developers of On Demand apps use MapKit. They first register the app as routing app, which then makes the directions accessible to the mapping software and Maps app in the user’s device.
The directions and routes for Android On Demand apps are given with the help of Google Service API.
SMS and Notifications
Once you order a ride or food online, you must have noticed that your On Demand service providers sends a couple of push notifications and SMS. Brands like Uber powers their text messages with their association to the premium telecommunications provider – Twilio.
For the iOS On Demand apps, developers generally make use of the Apple Push Notifications Service, while the Android apps’ notifications work at the back of Google Cloud Messaging (GCM).
The Catch –
APNS or Apple Push Notifications Service work in an online mode that means if for some reason your device is out of reach, you won’t be able to get the push notification. Because it’s fairly uni-directional, it is difficult to know if and when the user received notification. While APNS relies on network, GCM doesn’t. It lets you monitor the notification status.
Payment Integration
Payment integration setup is based on two scenarios, one where there is price is fixed by the provider at a company level and one where the service providers fix their price on an individual tasker level. In the first scenario, we use fix price integration and in the second where individual service providers or Taskers bid for the service, we use Bidding Integration.
If your app is based on cashless transactions, there are a number of requirements that you will have to fulfill. These compliances are known as PCI requirements in the US. In addition to adhering to the PCI compliances, The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS), which are a collection of requirements that are designed to make sure that companies, which store, process, or communicate credit card information, should maintain a protected environment. This compliance has to be applied to any merchant who has the Merchant ID (MID).
For payment integration, Uber has chosen to collaborate with Braintree, who is a leading name in mobile payment industry, for card transactions. In our On Demand apps, we make use of both Stripe and Braintree to ensure safe transaction and secure data collection.
Offer Redemption
On Demand industry works, to a great extent, at the back of the discount and offers it gives to its users to stand out of the competition. Now how do you ensure that one user is not entering the promotional code twice?
We have been making use of the DeviceCheck API framework in combination with the server-to-server APIs to identify devices that have already redeemed an offer and to flag the ones that are doing something fraudulent in the app.
The Market Leaders
The Best Practices – Uber Way
There are some practices that on demand leaders use to keep their customers hooked to their apps, here’s their sneak peek which you can use to make your customers keep coming back –
Machine Learning
Brands use Machine Learning tools to know how users are behaving and interacting with the apps in order to deliver better service to them. While Uber has developed its own pattern, there are somefood delivery apps that make use of API.AI tool to find out how users are interacting within the app.
Loyalty Program
To keep your users from leaving your app or worse cutting you off by making deals with therestaurant or helpers you have associated with, introduce loyalty programs in your app. Give reasons  for users to stick with you for their service fulfillment needs.
World’s memory span is very low. Their behavior while dealing with on-demand services reflects nothing else.  In order to make a place in their conscious memory, you will have to keep introducing new discounts, offers, and advertisements along every media that they use.
Unseen Events
Keep a tab on unseen circumstances that are more often than not missed by companies when developing on demand apps by themselves.
Things like Cancellations, Conflict in Services, Refund, and Settlement are a few of those unwanted but highly probable events that can shape an image for your brand, it’s best if you have a mechanism in place for them.
How much does it cost to create an On Demand App?
When you make an On Demand app, you don’t make just one for the users, you make two to three apps depending on the industry.
Suppose you are making an Uber like App, you will be making apps for the user and the driver. If making the app for online grocery or food delivery, you will need three versions one each for restaurant, user,  and the delivery person.
Either way, when planning to develop an On Demand app, irrespective of the type, you will have to pay for the following services –
Backend development
Android and iOS native app development
Project management
Web development
Quality assurance
While this list of points is just for the main services, there are a number of features like payment integration, tracking of promo offers, and various others could get added over and above the cost. Now, coming to the question how much does it cost to create an On Demand app, there is no one answer.
It entirely depends on your app developer, the features that you need in your app, and the facilities you need beyond development, such as marketing or App Store publishing etc.
If you want to know the estimate of your On Demand app idea, contact us.
For more information on how to develop On Demand apps, what are the absolute necessities and how you can be helped by getting associated with us, check out – http://ift.tt/2sVFKno
The post How to ride the uprising Uber for X wave appeared first on Appinventiv Official Blog - Mobile App Development Company.
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