#GDI Terry
sureihsan · 1 year
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wilson red + scratching the surface !
and if the band you’re in starts playing a different tune, i’ll see you on the dark side of the moon !
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vyrulent · 6 months
♚ - one Muse saves the other from a dangerous situation, only to end up in danger themselves (from terry to russell, cause he would)
meme || @esoterium
It wasn't as if Russell hadn't come face to face with death before. He was nearly three thousand years old -- there had been a great number of near deaths. But this? This was the first time that a human was the one that decided to run in all bullheaded and without care into the throng of flying bullets.
Terry was stupid. More than stupid. Russell could have managed his way out -- now he was indebted. Russell was a many of things, but he was a man that always paid his debts.
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"I hope you didn't forget, Terry, that silver bullets hurt humans, too."
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RE: post /698243059805192192/ on Danny adopting ALL the clones: I saw this and my first immediate thought was this: eventually when Danny's a proper adult and actually wanting to be a parent on purpose this time, the eternal trio (after talking about it) adopt a kid... who turns out to be a clone too, eventually, but they only find this out, like, over a decade down the line when he becomes a superhero in his own right. The kid's name? Terry McGinnis. Danny' just "gdi not again???" but continues to parent the kid anyway bc that kid is HIS (no you cannot have him Bruce)
the post
the trio accedently adopting only clones is get. i'm not our batman beyond member, but i do enjoy that danny has just become a clone magnet, even without trying or the involvement of the other heroes. he's just out here living his best life and being slowly but surrounded by clones. an inside joke is that they all call him their true dad even if they came from different dna. love is the difference between family and blood. - hestia
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thegenvyisreal · 11 months
Good Omens Season 2 Episode 2 Thoughts
"it's technically my bookshop, but we both get plenty of use out of it don't we? *raises eyebrows*" EXCUSE ME AZIRAPHALE WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!!!!
I kinda love Jim??? I don't want to but I kinda do???
Okay listen. LISTEN. That miracle had the power of an archangel. I'm just! Lemme just! I'm sorry! Maybe I'm shifting into clown mode but I THINK this may mean that Crowley is more powerful than he lets on, that MAYBE he was an archangel before everything. (okay maybe I'm a Raphael truther let me live)
The whole Job plot was *chefs kiss*. I wasn't expecting Five to be there lol that was fun. And Ty!!! Gayest teen I've ever SEEN. I LOVE Zira going apeshit over the food.
And the two of them in that whole sequence! All the Job parts. Zira thinking he's fallen, Crowley wanting to save all life ever. I just!! Crowley is the GOODEST!!
Poor Nina and her (abusive?) partner. I hope she kicks her to the curb and stands up for herself.
Jim revealing that one phrase from Job's experience when Crowley EMPHATICALLY demands it. How come it worked for Crowley but not Zira? (I'M SORRY I'M BEING A CLOWN FOR RAPHAEL!CROWLEY)
Jim being "my head isn't big enough for all that anymore"??? Is he human now??? What made him this way??? Did God do it for trying to murder another angel???
Ooh! Theory of what was in the box! Gabriel's memories! And when Zira opened the box they all flew out! Idk!!
Still can't figure out why that one jukebox is converting those songs the way the Bentley converts everything to queen. And why Jim is singing it.
I liked the good omens book cameo! And ofc there was Terry's hat last episode!
I had a thought about EVERY (the leak). Do not scroll further if you don't wanna be spoiled about that rn.
SO. My roommate watched it and was catatonic and gave me some vague info about the end and I'm like OH. SHIT. So here's my depressing prediction. I love angst so this would feed me for months.
It's a cliffhanger. Heaven and/or hell find out that our duo has been hiding Gabriel. ONE of them is going to be erased from all existence. (maybe both idk) Crowley, realizing this is the last chance he'll ever get, grabs Aziraphale and kisses him, and there's a big confession scene and it's SO FUCKING EMOTIONAL THIS IS WHY NEIL WANTS US TO REACT TO THE VERY LAST 15 MINUTES. And then one of them is erased, and the other forgets about them completely, and is now back working for their original side, and it's SO FUCKING SAD. Gdi I need this but also DO NOT GIVE IT TO ME I WILL DIE.
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copper-skulls · 3 years
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I love me one (1) caps lock grim reaper that is trying to substitute for a jolly bearded creature while his granddaughter saves the world with the god of hangovers
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starsspin-a · 3 years
but much like this post i made, the black confessor dresses also came in a variety of styles and colored accents. kahlan preferred gold, silver or blue accents. sometimes she could get away with creme colors, as a nod to her mother who had also been mother confessor.
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I love that Discworld books mostly make sense without reading them in order, but I also love that they get BETTER the more of them you read and the more context you have
For example...
Reading Unseen Academicals before literally anything else with Rincewind in it, a book where early on the wizards make someone dress up in a silly costume and get chased all around the campus as part of some ridiculous elaborate tradition: very funny
Reading all the Rincewind books and then remembering the person getting chased around in U.A. was RINCEWIND, a perpetually fleeing coward-hero with the body of a long-distance sprinter, whose whole life has essentially been training for this exact scenario: fucking hysterical
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huntingbounties · 3 years
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geigerblossom · 5 years
on the topic of david and the top of the mountain raiders, you want to talk extra? he fucking blew up a dam because he believed his girlfriend was dead. ( fun fact, that’s what killed her. )
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Modern Gamers au- How each Character Plays Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
Obito- Speed Runner
Obito saw ‘defeat Ganon’ and took it as a challenge he would gladly meet head on. Wasting no time, he headed straight for the castle and collected weapons and other resources on the way. It took him 1 hour, but he is proud to say he was the first person of his friend group to beat the game.
Rin- Here for the story
Rin made sure to see every memory, save every divine beast, get the master sword and was the first to buy the DLC for extra story content out of all of her friends. She came here to cry and gdi she’s going to cry
Kakashi- The one who fucks around
Kakashi didn’t come here for the story but he’s in no rush to finish it either. He has collected all of the memories, but that’s because he has explored every inch of the map and found them along the way. It takes him three weeks to defeat a divine beast because he keeps finding other interesting things to do.
Will absolutly scale a mountain just to see the view.
Also has the most korok seeds out of his main friends simply because he keeps finding them
Gai- the one here for a challenge.
Gai is the guy who saw that he’d have to get shock arrows from a lynal and took that as a challenge. He beat the beast the first time, knows how to perry all attacks, will never run away from an enemy, and absolutly plays master mode just so he can face tougher enemies.
Has the best weapons out of all of his friends and will gladly play modded games just to be able to face tougher opponents
Shizune- Here for the side quests
What’s a main story line? Shizune make’s sure to finish every single side quest that she can, getting as many interactions as possible and maximizing the materials that she gets.
Took great pride in being the first one to get terry town up and running
Shisui- the one no one can figure out
Shisui is here for it all. The speed runs, the stories, the challenge. Depending on his mood he’ll play the game how he wants to that day. There is never a grantee of what he will do.
Itachi- the completionist
Itachi see’s a challenge in front of him and damn it he will beat it. Has fully maxed weapon slots and has beaten all 120 shrines. And that’s just the start of it.
He also took time to fill the hyrule compendium and promptly walked away when he was rewarded with a picture that he can’t even look at.
How rude.
Anko- the modded gamer
Loves to mess around and mod the games for more challenges, or just an new and interesting twist to a game she already loves. Always shares her mods with her friends and will sometimes make mods specifically for them, like nodding the game so that Gai has tougher challenges to face and Rin has to find the memories in random locations.
Kurenai- the fashionista.
Has all of the cloths and has dyed them all diffrent colours that she feels fits the best for that particular outfit.
Will go out of her way to find pieces of clothing and add it to her inventory. Doesn’t matter what she has to do, she will get it.
Asuma- the only one who plays it normally
He’s here for a good time, not a long time. He’s just going to play the game as intended with no extra challenges and he’s going to have a blast doing it
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space--butterflies · 4 years
gdi Terry
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laziestgirlintown · 7 years
GNU Terry Pratchett
So it’s been two years since Terry Pratchett died? (Edit: a bit more than two years: 12 March 2015.)
I still remember the day my colleague went to break, supposedly checked her social media, and came right back out and said, stunned, “Terry Pratchett’s died.” A minute later, our mothership bookstore called and said “Have you heard?” and we said Yes :(  </3
For his wrathful wisdom and hard-learned anger we would have needed Sir PTerry today; much like we would have needed Douglas Adams and Octavia Butler and Tage Danielsson and Carrie Fisher and David Bowie and Prince and several other very clever consciences. So we need to be our own consciences. We need to see through the bullshit and be Vimes and Adora Belle Dearheart and Lauren Olamina and Trillian and General Leia and Carrie Fisher and Karl-Bertil Jonsson and call out the bullshit and save each other and the world.
“They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it is not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.”          
Granny Weatherwax, Equal Rites
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amuseoffyre · 5 years
Fandom: Good Omens Rating: Explicit. Definitely this time. gdi characters. Series: Hunger (Previous chapters - Starved, Ravenous , Sated, Dining In (the chapter formerly known as Epilogue) & To His Banqueting Table) Summary:   Thing is Crowley’s never really even thought about it before. It never came up. Not really something he’d even thought about, not when the only person he’d’ve considered anything with wouldn’t even touch him. Not like he’d really paid much attention to how it all worked either. Yeah, technically, slot A, tab B and all that, depending on gender arrangements, but he’s never actually… But now, ‘ziraphale’s warm and touching him and if he’s going to try with anyone, if he’s going to try even once, why not, eh? ‘Ziraphale likes his human things. Maybe it’ll be fun. Notes: Welp, this was inevitable. I say I’m finished with a series. Next thing I know, I’ve written another 11k with much more kinky stuff in it. gdi, brain. Also, this one has some warnings for dysphoria and drunk sex.
Aziraphale looks at him, as if he can’t understand the question. “Well would you like to? Fornicate?” Crowley is very, very glad he doesn’t still have fingers in his mouth. “What do you we think we’ve been doing all this time?” he demands. Aziraphale waves his sticky hand. “Oh, no, no, not that. That’s love-making, darling.” He leans over Crowley’s thigh to put the glass on the floor and wiggles around until they’re nose to nose. “Do you think we ought to…” His eyes are dark and liquid and there’s mischief around his lips. “Fuck?” For a demon, swallowing his tongue is a very, very literal thing. “Ngh?”
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So like, I keep seeing these “GDI I WANT ACTUAL GAY” posts going around, and I’m ASSUMING a lot of that has to do with Good Omens, and since I’ve been posting about it, I just want to make a couple of things clear:
It is an incredibly sweet and heartfelt show that gave me, PERSONALLY, an absolutely incredible hit of dopamine.
There is not, in fact, an explicitly romantic or sexual relationship between the two leads shown on screen. The crux of what’s going on with this series is that it’s trying to make the relationship itself a bit outside the scope of human experience because it’s being experienced by characters who are not in fact human and who in fact are both essentially immortal incorporeal spirits stuffed into human shells. The result reads as intentionally ambiguous-perhaps-leaning-towards-romantic. If a relationship that isn’t flat out romance but is played as a mutual pining rom com complete with romantic musical stings that’s pretty much the sole relationship focused on between the characters appeals, watch it! If not, now you know the broad strokes and you can avoid disappointment! This is a common thing in Gaiman’s novels in particular and to a lesser extent with Terry Pratchett’s too and they both do it just as often with (presumably) straight characters. And since I’ve seen a lot of posts about Neil Gaiman ruining the party, I just want to remind you all that he wrote the script. And while I think a discussion about the prevalence of ambiguous same sex romance is a discussion that needs to and should happen, I also, personally, get being a little vocal about what you intended to say in a book you wrote with a friend who passed away young of a degenerative disease and who you wrote the show specifically at the dying request of.
I also want to note there are...while I do think everyone working on this series has good intentions...there are things that have been said by people at the centre of it that might make you roll your eyes, depending on how you read it. I don’t want to try to make a list because I’m reasonably confident I’d miss several. There are ALSO a couple of jokes that can either be read as “haha they seem gay” OR “haha random people can clock what’s going on between these characters better than they can”. You’re mileage may certainly vary on this! Personally, considering the series ends with A Nightengale Sang In Barkley Square (a song directly referenced in the book) played over a champagne toast at a very fancy restaurant, which is all played completely straight, I’m inclined to go with the latter, but as I say, mileage may very and I feel you should go in prepped for that.
Also note that there are lots of awesome female characters in this show, but they unfortunately 100% get shunted aside for male costars. (You’re shocked, right?) ALTHOUGH THAT SAID, they still did definitely try to make the show less of a sausage fest than the book, and there is a nonbinary character (Pollution, explicitly referred to using they/them pronouns - although they are a villain and of course your mileage may vary because of that)!
TLDR: get in on it if some heavy gay ambiguity in a fast paced, extremely well crafted supernatural feel good series sounds good to you (I personally have always loved ambiguous romance)! If you’re looking specifically for very explicit gay (which the world certainly needs way more of), or if you’re exhausted by endless fawning over a pair of white male leads (fair LOL), this is PROBABLY not gonna scratch the itch.
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dood-daiz · 7 years
And I thought ep.84 wrecked me… oh boy, oh man, was I wrong. Never in my life had I cried so hard as I have in this week’s stream.
And who the fuck is this douchebag Terry?!!
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mortifcra-a · 7 years
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See how the brain plays around And you fall inside a hole You couldn't see
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