#GDL: *does the line*
mrs-gauche · 10 months
It's so funny to me how we all remember this iconic line mostly for its delivery, while German and French even try to avoid using the word, meanwhile English just gets straight to the point, like
German: .....the lust......
French: .....the desire......
English: SEX. I'm talking about SEX.
And while we're at it, do you think that line was also on his mind when he was smiling at that poor guy who was tied to Celene's bed? lol
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"Ah yes, just like the good old days..."
You know, now that I think about it, Solas had no right to kinkshame the Inquisitor like that. lmaoo
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allcheers-allfears · 2 years
I am in 'Shrouded' confusion...
So I've just read Shrouded (TW comic by GDL) right, and I am none the wiser about what the line "I can't believe there's a reality where I said no..." means. This is alt-universe!Ianto talking right? So in this other universe has he agreed to help Mairwyn? To enslave pregnant women??
Honestly I'm not sure I get the whole plot at this point... which item is the shroud? What does it do? Did this-universe!Ianto kill Mairwyn?
Any thoughts and explanations would be ace x
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felassan · 3 years
Gamers For Groceries 2 event
A Twitch stream event from a few days ago. It can currently be re-watched here (it was fun & interesting, so I do recommend to check it out direct). This post contains some notes on things of particular interest & relevant timestamps, in case this is useful to anyone (for example bc of accessibility reasons).
First up is the All About Animating panel, a series of mini-interviews with game devs (animators) asking what they do, how they got there, and advice for anyone interested in getting into the industry. Some or all of the devs that were interviewed are currently working on DA4. They talked a bit about their day-to-day work and a lot about the craft of game dev animation in general. This segment runs from timestamp ~38 mins 40 secs to 1:07:50. Some notes:
[sounded like DA4] Right now the creature team are working on different creatures in a way which involves going through a lot of mocap data
At BioWare they have a pretty big technical animation team, to support their animators, so each tech animator has a different specialty. Tech anim involves animation support, character art support, and rigging the characters so that the animators can pose them
[not sure if re: DA4 work specifically, another project or a general comment on the craft] One of the featured animators’ area of specialty at the moment is faces and hair (building the control structure for face animations). First they had to decide how the face rig and its control structure would work. This involves a lot of performance capture of live actors for things like cinematics and gameplay animation, therefore the rigs for bodies and faces have to be able to accurately capture the full range of expressions and emotions that the actor is portraying. Right now the stage that this dev is working on most is setting up the heads that they’re getting through the pipeline from character art e.g. making adjustments based on feedback from the cinematics team. “Polish - just trying to get realism”
Hair tech has come quite a long way in the last few years [in the industry]
[not sure if re: DA4 work specifically, another project or a general comment on the craft] Hair is very complex to get right. “In the past most games have used card-based hair, which is basically like sheets of polygons with a texture on it that looks like hair, through layers of transparency. But real hair is strand-based, digital strands, so we’re starting to look into that kind of tech - try to get more realistic, more beautiful hair, but there’s always a performance cost to hair. Layers of transparent things are always an expense, they need to balance like, it looks good and moves well, but it doesn’t make your computer or console chug. [...] I guess we’re in the prototype stage but we’ve almost got a set pipeline. It’s always fun to experiment”
In Mass Effect 2 or 3, Miranda’s hair was as expensive as a whole character (!)
[on balancing hair costs/performance, general] It depends on things like character importance and how many characters are on-screen at the time. When you’re in gameplay fighting a bunch of monsters you’re not going to be giving full beautiful hair to all the characters and the monsters, as it will cost too much. (Having a helmet on is a convenient way to get rid of hair.) But if it’s a cinematic scene, with 2 characters talking to each other in a dramatic context, there’s a better budget for nice hair allocated
Some of the hair in Anthem was quite expensive in cinematics. They kept getting bugs from QA saying (for example) that a character’s hair was tripling the performance cost in the scene, so it would go back to character art so they could take away some of the hair cards. “Tough balance, quality versus cost”
“I wish all the characters could have beautiful strand hair”
For p-cap, a lot of the time they don’t want to be too prescriptive in terms of the direction that they’re giving the actors, as the actors know what they’re doing and have a lot of experience, so they give them vague instructions that they then riff off of
[sounded like DA4] They recently did a mocap shoot
[sounded like DA4] There’s a bit more productivity happening now in the pandemic situation; now that the animators are not all going to the capture lab in Vancouver in person for shoots, if it’s not their turn to direct a shot they can instead be working on something else on their computers (multi-tasking). ((Lead DA4 Producer Scylla Costa recently gave a talk at a games festival on the challenges of DA production during the pandemic. In part of this talk he talked about various benefits and drawbacks to the remote-working situation. He also talked about and showed some behind-the-scenes stuff for p-cap and mocap. Notes, images and link here))
[sounded like DA4] Special mocap suits were sent out that they can use with a laptop to go anywhere and shoot motion capture. It’s not as high fidelity as what comes out of the capture lab, but it’s really good for prototyping stuff. Before the pandemic they did some of this (going to a park and shooting some running around)
[sounded like DA4] In one of the shoots they had some actors who were really well-trained in dancing. They were trying to get them to do some combat stuff. This was a bit challenging in the pandemic situation as there’s only so much they can demonstrate/portray as an example to the actors from a distance on camera. “It’s hard to describe what a ‘dodge to attack’ is through the camera to somebody who has no idea what combat looks like in video games”
[not sure if re: DA4 work specifically, another project or a general comment on the craft] The pandemic has really affected performance capture for the face side of things badly, as in order to record, the actor gets dots painted on their face in specific locations by a makeup artist. They can’t do that right now because of social distancing/restrictions, so they haven’t been recording faces at the moment
The more detailed a face, the more joints it has, the more the cost to performance is
There was also the Writers’ Block panel, featuring DA writers Mary Kirby, Sheryl Chee and Patrick Weekes, and DA editor Karin Weekes. The timestamps for this segment are ~2:37:50 - 3:26:20. Some notes:
PW has never been weirder than when they were writing Cole on DAI
PW thinks that they accidentally wrote part of “Timber” by Kesha into Solas at one point and they were like “Well, okay, I have to stop listening to Kesha”
For Sheryl, after a while Blackwall’s VA always nailed doing his lines. She loved the quality of his voice and so after a while would always hear his voice while she was writing. This really worked out
^ Mary had this with Merrill. As soon as they cast Eve Myles she listened to several hours of her in Torchwood, and then just wrote to the way that she spoke as much as possible
^ PW had this with GDL as Solas and FPJ as Bull. As soon as they heard FPJ’s delivery, they were like “Oh, okay, I have to write some lines differently, because Bull is smarter than I realized”. With GDL they were like “Okay, he’s going to put poetry into anything I say, in the best way possible”. In early drafts of Solas lines there were parts where they [PW] wondered “Is this too melodramatic? Is this too tragically-angstful?” and then they would hear GDL and be like “Oh! [It’s fine] Game on!”
For localization, German words are often quite long so they often have to make sure that everything fits on the GUI
They think scenes like the romance scenes sound prettier in the Italian versions
Behind the curtain in creating the in-world languages: PW: “There are some awesome websites that have every elven word, like ‘Here are the translations and verb tenses and conjugations’ [etc], [...] and usually Mary and I get very sad slightly looking at those pages going like ‘Does that mean that we have to stick to that?’ [...] The rule is, if I’ve looked at the Wiki and the words, and I go ‘Here’s the correct grammatical way to do it’, and if that turns out to be too long or too many disconnected syllables and it just looks bad or sounds bad, then we shorten it to something simpler, because the key is we want to give the flavor of a foreign language, but we don’t have the world-building budget and capacity to make something that is going to be dictionary-real [in a way that] someone could go through and translate all the background things written on the old temple walls”. Part of the reason for this is the consideration for VAs, who already have to act while bearing lots of things in mind, like the cues in the script for each line
Mary: “For building a language, the first things that I started with for qunlat, elven and dwarven, was what words do we need to use the most? Greetings, farewells, words for friend and enemy, basic things that will come up easily in conversation. After that it’s ‘How difficult is this for other writers to use?’ Can they just pick it off the Wiki? Do they need just one word? Do they need to write whole sentences, and how does that work? Qunlat has almost no grammar to it because asking anyone to learn how to use Qunari grammar and conjugate verbs in a pretend language is impossible, and then once you’ve done that a human being has to be able to read it, while not knowing what any of it means”
PW: “One thing that I was really impressed with with Mary in particular doing, Mary was one of the big lore people across the entire DA series; I can look at a word and go like, ‘That has two A’s in a row, that’s definitely a Qunari word. That word is kind of long and maybe has some apostrophes and has a couple of flowy vowel sounds, that’s probably elven’, I think that’s what’s important. You want players to be able to look at a word, players want to feel smart, [like] ‘Oh I don’t know what that means but I totally know that’s a word from the Qunari people!’”. Mary: “Every language has its own set of phonemes, the sounds that they make, and the sort of word structure and spelling so that it gives a flavor to that language. Hopefully that is always chosen to be pronounceable, because again, very important that the words can be said by human beings :D”
Sheryl: “One of the fun things to do is to make up swear words in the fake languages [...] Recently Brianne wanted a word, I don’t know if she managed to find one”
The origin of bosh’tet in ME: it’s just saying “bastard” and slurring it
PW: “I feel like there are times when past writers kind of leave traps for future writers, where past writers will go ‘Okay, I’m going to write this detailed phrase in a codex entry but don’t worry, it doesn’t matter if it can never be said aloud, because it’ll never have to be voiced!’ and then, next game, guess what guys! Look what you have to make someone [a VA] say! And you’re like [facepalm], c’mon!”
Karin: “Now, four games in, we have pages and pages of all these examples, and I wanna say this, well that’s how we said something before, well that’s ridiculous, I don’t wanna say that, but now we’ve said it and it’s out there, so it’s like, how do we, y’know, how do we evolve, and sometimes we just go ‘Screw it! Languages are living languages! We’ll just say it like this now!’”
PW's favorite is the sarcastic Mythal’enaste, “Because it’s the sarcastic Mythal's blessing that basically means you’re getting screwed over somehow. I love it because Mythal nasty! Whoever wrote that clearly never thought that someone would have to say this out loud”
Sheryl wrote Bull’s joke icicles line. She also wrote Isabela’s big boats line - Jennifer took it out but then DG was like “No it has to come back”
They have a pun test, they get a few of them and have to allot them wisely so as not to oversaturate on the puns. “Is this good/bad enough to be one of the times that we pull the trigger? We did have one of those recently, I obviously can’t talk about it, but it was pronounced Okay to go ahead”
The ‘baby-est’ writer is Brianne, who’s been there 8 years
It makes PW sad that the players never get to see the writers’ temp-text [placeholder text when portions are a WIP]. “People have the best temp-text". Mary: “The number of conversations that I’ve temped in like ‘WELL. I hope nothing BAD happens HERE’”
Q. If you could bring in anybody from outside of gamedev, who would you like to work with and do a writer’s session with? PW: “I will say romance novelist Nora Roberts, she is really smart and also she knows how to write inside a genre, and do wonders within it. Her structure is so good. If you pick up one of her books, you know here’s when this is gonna happen, here’s when they’re gonna meet, here’s when this first moment will happen. We’re all experienced and I feel pretty good about that but I really like all of the things she does that way, and also I am a sucker for romance so I would love to bring a romance novelist in and just have them look at our scenes and go ‘Okay here, no, they should pull the tie so that the article of clothing comes open, we need a sense of how warm the skin is here’ - something like that. I’d wanna see what they could do with that”
“Luke writes the best worst lines”
“I’m always impressed with Mary getting away with lines. There are lines that I look at like, wow, you buried that one. [...] The only players who get that line, I feel like they earned it if they went that far into it. [...] And then Varric or Merrill says a ridiculous line in a one-time throwaway”
Karin: “The group dynamic, you’ll see conversations or snippets of a lunch chat or a thing we’ve been joking about and you’ll see it get pulled in, and how all of you [the writers] are able to take a normal kind of thing - as normal as we get as a group anyway - and then turn it into a moment, and use it to further the plot or use it to further a character. It’s just the cleverest thing and it happens in so many different ways. [...] The little snippet of life, then how you crafted it into this very cool thing”
Quartermaster Threnn was written by PW in half a day. “When I was writing Threnn, ‘Okay, this is a good-hearted [person], I was doing a little bit of Steel Magnolias, southern, no-nonsense, but like, blue collar Steel Magnolias’. This is someone accustomed to the ways of the world so she’s going to call a spade a spade. If you come up to her and you’re an elf she doesn’t recognize you and says ‘Buckets are over there’ because she thinks you’re there to clean, [but] ‘Anyone calls you a knife-ear you come to me I’ll take care of it’. It’s problematic but she’s trying - the good-hearted person rooted for the wrong group on every occasion. She was a proud Loghain supporter, she gets really exited if he comes to Skyhold.  That was a fun character for me to write because I had a viewpoint in my mind. I remember someone was like ‘Threnn is really important to me’. And you have to honor that, cause you’re like ‘Cool, it means so much to me that this connected with some part of you’”
Also of interest was the Mass Affection panel, in which BioWare devs looked back in over a decade of history to remaster a classic. It featured devs who worked on MELE. The timestamps for this segment are ~3:36:09 - 4:24:37. Some notes:
When the pandemic hit the MELE team were in a relatively awkward spot. They were really entering into what they consider full production and were on-boarding a bunch of teams, as well as training and on-boarding third-party external partner specialized teams worldwide. When the pandemic hit, BioWare and EA were super on top of it. They were tracking it weeks beforehand, getting everyone their computers ready, and getting everything encrypted. When the middle of March 2020 hit they were home rightaway. EA were nothing but supportive throughout the entire thing. They got money every quarter for stuff. It functionally ‘hit’ at 4-6 different times for them as the pandemic occurred in different places throughout the world at different times depending on each country’s response plan (and their external partners were in different countries). “So it was one of those things where it was just like, every day we’d come in like can we still work with this company anymore? Do we need to find someone else? Do we need to pull people in off the other projects at BioWare to fill gaps here and there?”
There was a bug on Virmire at the part when you’re coming into the STG camp. If the Mako had its new boosters on and you came hurtling in really fast, it cut to the cutscene, but the Mako hit a jump and when Ash was like “What do we do now?” the Mako ended up literally flying around in the background sideways and then crashing into the camp
Another bug: when they were re-tuning the guns, the physics force on some of the guns with Hammerhead rounds was so high that when you were fighting some of the Thorian Creepers, you could ragdoll them so hard that you could basically embed them in the roof. They’d be moving so fast that they’d penetrate all the walls with their legs dangling out. It was so easy to do and you could do it to everybody. You could launch a geth halfway across an Uncharted World
Another bug: with Shepard’s casual appearance in ME3, if you didn’t have it set up perfectly correctly it would default to Grunt for some reason. You’d be walking around as Grunt, going on dates as Grunt, and your face would be all scrunched up because it was all mapped to human bones still, so it was just, like, Nightmare Fuel of Grunt
Another bug: in ME2 on Illium when trying to recruit Samara, the Asari enemies just would not stop screaming - regardless of whether they were hit or not, it was endless screaming. Later one of the devs got an audio file of the scream, endless and looped, and now one of the devs has it on their phone and uses it for their morning alarm tone
“Shepard would come up to characters and they’d just be screaming”
There was also the Programming Variables panel, talking about what hurdles game programmers face. Some [or all?] of the devs that were part of this panel are currently working on DA4. They talked a bit about their day-to-day work and about the craft of game dev programming in general. The timestamps for this segment are ~ 4:24:46 - 5:06:02.
[insights/notes from Gamers For Groceries 1]
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horselover107 · 3 years
Doctor Who 🤝 Torchwood Big Finish
Accidentally implying kids from the Torchwood canon might be Trans because no one bothered to check the continuity
Context is The Great Sontaran War is really good. But either GDL flubbed his line or there was a mistake in the script, and Ianto mentions having nephews, plural (as opposed to a niece and nephew, like we know he does in children of earth). Same energy as Gwen randomly having a son old enough to own boxing gloves in Revolution of the Daleks, despite her daughter being an only child in audios set in like 2017. Anyways Misha Davies is a trans girl now. Good for you Little Misha.
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expatesque · 3 years
Dear S, long time listener first time caller here. I'm about to start my LPC (with a TC lined up) in less than a month and I don't know if I can do it. I know that law isn't for me but I don't have anything else lined up and I'm not entirely sure how to go about transitioning to a more exciting career in data with my humanities degree. Should I call it quits now or stay for the two and a half years?
Ooph. Okay so this is really hard. A few considerations (and know that I say these judgement free, but this is a really important choice and I think it's worthy of asking tough questions):
Would you have to pay back any money to your firm? Would that be a financial difficulty for you or could your family cover it without issue? (If your firm have paid for your GDL, they'll likely want you to pay something back)
What would your life look like if you don't start the LPC and you're unemployed for 6 months? A year? More than a year? Hopefully this wouldn't be the case for you but it absolutely does happen. Would you live at home or would your parents pay your rent? If you'd be at home, is that a sustainable situation for theoretically upwards of a year? How would that impact your mental health? Would you be able to travel to job interviews easily or would finding a job be logistically difficult? Would you be near friends or without your support network?
What else would you do? Are you currently qualified to do that? Do you need further education or experience? Have you talked to people in the field to confirm your understanding?
What I'm trying to get at is: the decision isn't just 'do I want to do law or not?' It seems pretty clear that you've already worked that one out. The decision is: would my life be worse taking the 2.5 years to train as a lawyer or not?
It's not surprising to regulars here that I did not like law. But for the situation I was in at the time, it was the right choice to continue my TC -- I needed a visa, and no one was paying my rent but me, and I needed to be in London so I could find another job in London. I also didn't know what else I wanted to do, so it was a good stepping stone -- it was miserable but it was well paid and it's a useful qualification and a good notch on my resume belt.
You may be in a similar situation or you could be happy to live at home for a bit and be based in London and have a great relationship with your parents and be clear about your path and what you need to do to get there.
Law is a serious commitment, particularly when you know you don't want it long term. So it's a tough question. You have to decide whether sucking it up and putting up with it for 2 years would put you in a better position than the alternative, and that's highly circumstance dependent. I would spend some time really digging into the practical logistics of what not starting your TC would mean, and how you would cope with that. I'd also talk to some people in the industry you'd like to be in and factor that into your choice -- if you'll need another 2 years of schooling to do what you want, it's probably better to get that out of the way asap (I can almost guarantee you will feel less up for going back to school after some time in the working world). If it's the kind of industry where they like people to have some other experience, then law might make sense as a starting point. It will likely depend on the industry, and it's well worth finding out the answer before you make any choices.
And one last thing: are you the kind of person who would be able to leave? It's so easy to get stuck in law -- you likely won't get paid NQ levels switching careers, and that can be a hard pill to swallow after getting used to a certain lifestyle. You'll also have gotten older, all your friends will be earning more, and you'll be going back to square one. And it's exhausting trying to find a new job while you currently have one, especially one as demanding as big law. If you realistically think you won't be able to leave, don't start. You'll ruin your life that way.
Good luck babe. I'm rooting for you. Let me know if you need any clarifications -- and let me know what you choose.
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squtternutboshing · 4 years
Does anybody else feel like Ianto in Serenity feels and sounds a lot older than his character would have been if it was set back when the show aired? Like, it almost feels to me like they've kind of aged him up in line with GDL's age. It's like a taste of who Ianto would have become in his mid-thirties.
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dinodina · 4 years
For the Torchwood ask game: 4, 14 and 16 because I'm greedy like that. ;-)
Ooh, thank you! From this. 
4: Give me a character headcanon! hmm..... The first that comes to mind. I think that Jack owns a lot of books. Maybe he’s read all of them, maybe not (I think he has!), but Jack is really really smart, and I think that sometimes if he can’t sleep he likes to read rather than brood. Historical novels are fun, he loves detective stories (role play with Ianto, anyone??), but his favorite are probably sci-fi and/or speculative fiction. Because being from the future, it’s probably pretty fascinating to see what people thought would happen! I don’t think he marks up the books, though. That’s not really a habit he got into when he lived in the future, so his books don’t really tell anyone about Jack, in that sense - but his collection could probably tell you something. A fun/painful game for him is: how much has the Doctor or some of his actions influenced the writing of this book? Another one is that Tosh and Owen like chocolate cake and sometimes shirk responsibilities while in the Hub. They were startled once by the Rift, so they dropped the container and didn’t realize a lot of it got onto one of Jack’s cheap paperbacks. They offered to get him a new one, but Jack declined, and because there is no organization to his book collection, no one really knows why one is dirty, but it always makes him smile.
14: If you make torchwood fanworks, which one are you most proud of? drop the link if you like! ;) Technicolor - a short Soulmate AU, because they are so fun to write Maternal Instincts - CoE fix-it, in which Missy saves the day. One of my first, and I’m still really happy with this one! Blending In - In which Jack and Ianto fall through the Rift, and then come back.  Boyfriends - Remember when GDL made Ianto call Jack his boyfriend in The Last Beacon?  Free as a Bird - CoE fix-it. With wings.  A Second Chance - CoE fix-it, in which Jack is very confused, but Ianto’s alive. So. That’s kind of all that matters. Rosy-Fingered Dawn Flipped the Page of Life - My most recent fic, so I’m not sure how much I’m proud of it yet, but it’s about Martha and Ianto, with some added Reset angst, and I had fun exploring things I usually don’t. Thats... more than the ask called for, but occasionally I look through my stories and these are the ones that make me happy, and the ones that kind of challenged me.
16: Is there a plot line you wish had been expanded on/explored further in the show? Yes!! I wish the Gwen-cheating-on-Rhys plotline was more satisfying, because it did resolve really quickly, and I think following up on it or seeing how it affected the team dynamic - or her relationship with Rhys, because the Retcon confession! Was a huge thing! - would have been good. Or Adam. He was terrifying, but I always love was fic does with him... I really enjoyed Serenity because it followed up on the Sleeper concept, so something like that.
Thank you so much!!! <3
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postmodern-blues · 4 years
i know i already sent one but i really liked your answers and would like to hear more, so if you feel like it: 13 and 16?
i love you for sending another one hfuadsihdfas your wish is my command
13. favourite villain, and why? what did they bring out in the team that you enjoyed seeing?
I mean as far as recurring villain, john hart is fucking incredible. He’s literally so much fun to watch, and he’s really good in the audios and the comics as well (both GDL and JB have written him into their comics, and I literally have a meltdown whenever I see him, he’s just the best little bastard whore man). I think he definitely brings out some protectiveness in the team over jack, and some insight into Jack’s past, which obv I love seeing. Some of the one-episode or one-time villains are less complex, but some of them I really like. Adam manipulates the memories and personalities of the team, which I thought was just fascinating the first time I watched it. I also have to say I love Oswald Danes from Miracle Day because of how well Bill Pullman acted him, and because of the way he’s incorporated into the story. He’s really fuckin creepy, and I like watching his scenes. Those are my favorites, off the top of my head.
16. is there a plot line you wish had been expanded on/explored further in the show?
Some of the plotlines I wanted to be more explored in the show have been explored in the audios, such as Ianto’s TW1 past. I honestly wish we’d seen more between series 2 and children of earth. And I know that’s a really common opinion but seriously, the dynamics that are created by the deaths of tosh and owen are so important to me and the angst and uncertainty and drama that could be produced by showing gwen and ianto and jack in that vulnerable state, unsure of where to start from. This would have built on janto, on gwen’s friendship with both jack and ianto and her relationship with rhys, and the existential fear that i think both ianto and gwen would have after seeing two of their best friends die just like that. I think the way this is explored in the audiobooks and some of the big finish as well as the novels is really interesting and if we’d gotten to see some of those stories onscreen, I would be really really happy. Fanfic also does a good job of filling in these gaps, but fanfic isn’t television, yknow? that’s just my two cents, though. if I was running the show, owen and tosh wouldn’t have died in the first place. 
thanks for letting me rant more <3
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thebookworm0001 · 4 years
What is that little growl GDL does on ‘you’?
Also it looks like he was recording in his home? It looked like closet doors were behind him. Are they recording their lines from home? Or was this just a ‘we need a line for the trailer can you do this real quick’ situation?
Sorry we got one new sentence from Solas I will analyze it to hell and back
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mrs-gauche · 3 years
So as requested, here is a language comparison of one of Solas’ Fade stories in English, German and French. :)
Ok. I have to say. This one is, in my opinion, almost unfair to compare. 😂
Because no matter which of the stories you listen to, regardless of whether you’ll find the other voices/performances fitting/good or not, what they did here with the English lines is simply unattainable in any other language.
Solas’ Fade stories are one my favorite lines in the entire game with a certain sentiment each of them carry and if there was any doubt left, they were specifically written by Patrick Weekes for GDL to say. Even besides the Hallelujah cadence thing, which is a big part of what gives these lines this special kind of “dreamlike” feeling and which is sadly impossible to translate into another language, the way GDL puts his own personal spin on it, no one else could ever do it quite like he does, it’s just that. good.
(And other than that, for those who saw any of my other VA posts, you know I am the last person to criticize German Solas, because I love him for completely different reasons, but especially here, I can’t help but almost feel pity for him, because as I mentioned before, his voice sounds just so much friggin younger than the other two, that there’s simply no chance for him to carry over that sense of old wisdom that is so integral to his character or to sound remotely as experienced as the other two, which just adds to my never ending curiosity over why BioWare chose to cast him anyway! 😂)
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warsoflaw · 7 years
General advice for those pursuing a career as a barrister specialising in areas traditionally funded by legal aid
 Why become a barrister?
Although lines between the professions have somewhat collapsed with the advent of public access (for barristers) and higher court rights (for solicitors), barristers do tend to focus more on advocacy and/or the point of conflict/serious (potential) problems. There tends to be less client-facing work (e.g. taking witness statements, providing general legal advice) and more legal research.
One of the major differences between barristers and other lawyers is that, from the outset, most barristers are self-employed. This is a very different experience to work in a firm as ultimately you are responsible for running your own business.
I’ve previously said that working as a barrister is kind of like being a student except you write an essay/take an oral exam nearly every day instead of once a week/year and somebody's life/home/family depends upon it! It can be very stressful but feeling useful and effective is also very rewarding.
Which chambers?
There are some sets who specialise heavily in publicly funded work but it’s not always easy to tell which those are - a chambers may look like a ‘human rights’ chambers but in fact works mostly for the government, against individuals. Look at the reported cases on chambers websites to see who their barristers are normally representing. Also check Chambers & Partners and the Legal 500 to see who is ranked and for what kind of work (although bear in mind these suffer from almost the same level as self-reporting as chambers’ own websites). Also if there is a particular line of cases you have been following/interested in, try to see who is acting in them.
Remember to look outside your city, especially if you live in London. Opportunities in other cities can be really good, especially as many chambers outside London aim to take on any pupils that are up to standard (as opposed to some London chambers who do not have as many tenancy places as pupils). With a lower cost of living and less competition, it can also be easier to establish your practice.
Many chambers will do legal aid work in criminal and family law but for other areas it might be harder to identify key sets. Some areas are so specialist (e.g. social security) there maybe only one or two barristers in an entire chambers with a significant amount of work in that area. Other major areas include:
Immigration and asylum:
London: 1 Mitre Court Buildings, 10 KBW, Doughty Street Chambers, Garden Court Chambers, Goldsmith Chambers, Lamb Building, Landmark Chambers, Matrix Chambers, One Pump Court
Birmingham: No 5 Chambers, No 8 Chambers
Leeds: KBW Barristers Chambers
Manchester: Garden Court North Chambers, Kenworthys Chambers
Newcastle: Trinity Chambers
London: Arden Chambers, Doughty Street Chambers, Garden Court Chambers, Landmark Chambers, One Pump Court
Manchester: Garden Court North Chambers
Birmingham: St Ives Chambers
Scholarships (for the GDL/BPTC)
Each Inns of Court has a scholarship scheme, but they vary slightly in the way they are administered. For example, Inner Temple interviews everyone that applies and modifies the amount awarded by your financial needs. Lincoln’s Inn has set awards, and probably the largest financial pot.
There is no doubt that having higher grades will be (often literally) a point in your favour, as will having further academic qualifications e.g. a masters. Do not underestimate the usefulness of having worked hard at this stage - push yourself to get the best result possible and make good use of your tutors who can guide you to achieve your full potential. 
Remember there is space on the pupillage application to explain any out of character lower marks (e.g. a bereavement) and you can also compensate for a 2.1 at undergraduate level (while this is obviously not a bad result, a lot of your competitors will have firsts!) with good results in a masters, GDL or BPTC so do not see the latter two in particular as simply a hoop to jump through.
While not all chambers are interested in this, I would strongly advise any prospective barrister to do some mooting or debating. Firstly, mooting in particular can really help you with your academics e.g. by making you think out tricky private law problems or practise the advocacy skills you will need for your BPTC exams. Secondly, achievements in this area are a tangible sign that you have some talent in advocacy. If you are able to put that you won something or even advanced to the final stages, this could be a point in your favour. However, I do not advise listing a number of competitions you’ve participated in if you did not make it past the first round - this will not look good.
For mooting opportunities, check with your Inn, law school and local law society. International opportunities include the Phillip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition.
Opinions on this vary but doing more than 3 mini-pupillages, especially if you are pretty confident about which area of law you would like to do, is likely to have diminishing returns as you should have a pretty good idea by then of whether you think this would be a good career for you, which at the end of the day is the mini-pupillage’s real function as few offer much in the way of tangible work experience and even if they do it is only a few days, making a marginal difference to your overall work experience history. In practical terms it can also take up a lot of space on your pupillage application (unfortunately there is not a separate section for this on the standard pupillage portal applications) and distract from more substantive work experience. Think also about what your mini-pupillages reveal about your interests - if you have done 3 mini-pupillages in personal injury/commercial sets and then apply to a human rights chambers, the person reading your application may think you are not really interested in their areas of law.
Work/volunteering experience
Unfortunately, work experience is more and more relevant to applications to human rights and legal aid sets, where applicants are often older and those recently out of university may find it hard to compete. The younger generation are impressively switched on to the need to start getting relevant experience at an early stage and are taking advantage of student opportunities such as law clinics, miscarriage of justice projects and Amnesty International student groups. If your university does not offer this, consider setting up one yourself - and check if there are funds available to support that.
Internships and volunteering are good CV builders but can be difficult to access for those who have caring responsibilities or need to work to fund their studies. Look out for:
Funded/expenses paid internships
Evening/part time opportunities - law centres/university law clinics often offer flexible hours that you could fit around other commitments. 
Bursaries e.g. the Human Rights Lawyers Association, Inns of Court internships, university study/internship scholarships for the academic holidays
Paid roles e.g. legal assistant to a barrister, paralegal in a law firm, county court advocate
Remote volunteering e.g. writing articles for legal oriented websites like the Justice Gap, the Student Lawyer or joining one of YLAL’s sub-groups
Also if you see somewhere asking for 4 days a week for 3 months, go to them and ask if there is any possibility they can be flexible and accommodate your constraints - can you offer them 1 day a week for a year, for example.
One good tip if you are not sure where to look for volunteering opportunities is to check the profiles of junior barristers at chambers that you want to apply for - they will often mention different schemes they have done.
In general, organizations that may offer opportunities include:
Multiple locations: Bar Human Rights Committee, Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), law centres (see Law Centres Network list), university law clinics, Streetlaw, Amicus, Personal Support Unit, Shelter, Independent Custody Visitor, Appropriate Adult, Refugee Action, Magistrates, Independent Parental Special Education Advice, National Centre for Domestic Violence
Leeds/Bradford: Bradford Women’s Aid, Manual Bravo Project, Palm Cove Society, Solace
Liverpool: Vauxhall Community Law and Information Centre
London: Free Representation Unit, Reprieve, Justice, Liberty, Privacy International, Amnesty International, Minority Rights Group International, ATLEU, Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI), Article 19, Redress, Fair Trials international, Howard League for Penal Reform, Howard League for Penal Reform, The Prisoners’ Advice Service, African Prisons Project, Release
Manchester: Greater Manchester Law Centre, Manchester/Bolton/Rochdale CABs, Urban Lawyers North, ASHA
Newcastle: Families in Care
Sheffield: Ashiana Sheffield, ASSIST Sheffield, City Hearts
Make sure work experience descriptions are concrete - would anyone reading your application understand what your role entailed? If it’s relevant to the areas of law in which you would like to practise, make sure you explain exactly what work you were doing e.g. drafting applications or witness statements, preparing court bundles and what areas/issues it covered e.g. debt, domestic violence. 
Try to be precise and give specific examples to questions such as ‘What would make you a good barrister.’ Just saying I am good at public speaking is not as effective as pointing out you’ve won 2 mooting competitions.
Remember the application has to be read as a whole, it’s not just a box-filling exercise. Will somebody reading it understand why you want to be a barrister and why that area of law? This is especially important where you do not have much work experience, or all your work experience is in another area.
Get as many people to read your application as you can and do not be defensive about their feedback - just listen and try to take it on board. If you can’t do that at this stage (or, also crucially, during BPTC/pupillage), you will be holding yourself back from professional development and success.
While interviews are daunting, there are lots of things you can do to prepare for them:
Read about current affairs related to law and your proposed areas of work. It is surprising how unprepared candidates are for really obvious questions related to the big issues of the previous year. Actually reading the Commission’s report on a UK Bill of Rights will mean you can deliver a much more detailed, impressive answer to a question on that topic, for example. YLAL’s facebook page and twitter account post many news articles and YLAL delivers a monthly summary by email which is also available on the website - it’s not hard to catch up.
Read up on recent cases from the areas of law you are interested in. Blogs like Free Movement, Nearly Legal, Pink Tape, Suesspicious Minds, The Secret Barrister, the UK Criminal Law Blog, the UK Human Rights Blog, Public Law for Everyone and the UK Supreme Court Blog are great resources
Think about ‘classic’ issues such as freedom of speech or religion and read around the major debates and cases in those areas
Be ready for commonly asked questions such as which law would you change (check the Law Commission’s website for examples of issues) 
Take stock of what you have learnt from your academic/work experience so far - jot down some examples of things that stood out and shaped your professional ambitions and understanding
Be prepared to answer questions about how you propose to run a business in the current legal aid landscape - read up on major developments in funding such as the Bach Commission report and the government’s legal aid review and think about what you want your practice to look like and how you could diversity/supplement income streams
Be prepared to answer ethics questions - the BSB Handbook is available free on their website and contains the full Code of Conduct with lots of commentary. If you are a student, even if not on the BPTC, you can probably find the OUP’s Professional Ethics book in your law library.
If you don’t have a question at the end of the interview, that’s fine.
If you have to do an advocacy exercise, some tips are:
Have a clear structure
Prepare a summary of the facts but ask if this is needed - the panel may not want to waste 5 minutes going over facts and prefer to get right to the issues
Really think about what your best argument is, and put that first. Think about what it is the judge needs to know to come to the decision your client wants
Don’t panic if you get interrupted, this an opportunity to show you can really engage rather than just read off a script. Depending on how much prep time you have, try to think about what these questions might be
If you get the exercise the night before, play it out in your mirror so you can check how your submissions flow, whether you are having trouble following your notes etc.
If something in the interview really stumps you, like you do not understand the entire premise of a question, then just ask. However, give yourself a couple of seconds to think first, don’t ask unnecessarily and don’t rush into an answer then realise you’ve misunderstood the question. 
If you are asked to give two sides of an argument, then don’t give some rubbish arguments for one side assuming the left-leaning chambers you are at wouldn’t want to hear that anyway - the point of the question is to test your overall advocacy skills, and anticipating the other side’s arguments is a key barrister skill.
Young Legal Aid Lawyers
This (free-to-join) organization offers support to students and other aspiring legal aid lawyers of all ages (young = junior!) in terms of advice, job posting and mentoring but also offers opportunities to volunteer from organizing events around the country to contributing to research and campaigns. It is particularly useful to join for those not based in London or big cities because it provides remote opportunities to gain work experience.
Other professional organizations
Other organizations you may want to join include:
Bar Human Rights Committee
Criminal Bar Association (BPTC students only)
Discrimination Law Association (£15 for students)
Family Law Bar Association (£15 for students)
Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers (£20 for students)
Housing Law Practitioners Association (free for students)
Human Rights Lawyers Association (free for students)
Immigration Law Practitioners Association (£90 for students)
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cobaltmindwave · 7 years
WHERE TO NOW WTN24- GDL: GDL GDL is the debut album by American artist Garret Littler who records here as GDL. It's a rather dark and ocassionally mysterious 8 track collection of Industrial Techno recorded in a small room, which actually also has some of that "room sound" on the recordings itself, it seems. It's got a live feeling to it, more so than some of the other releases on WHERE TO NOW which are really more focussed on creating (Industrial) ambience using reverb effects and which are more clearly produced sounding. In comparison GDL sounds more performed in its approach to Industrial Techno music. Layers of Noise, Industrial beats and manipulated recordings fade in and out or slowly crumble into an abrasive harsh wave of distortion. GDL definitely delivers a solid collection of Industrial music here but what I also really like about this album is the variation GDL brings, experimenting with sound in rather creative manners and changing up his sound pallette in various manners from track to track, often keeping things fresh and adding an element of surprise to these tracks.Side A features the tracks Gina Fear Part 1, Chemical Ops, Glosso and Race and is like an "establishing side" of the album for GDL. You get introduced to his sound and he does bring some enjoyable grooves and also some rather catchy distorted melodic elements on this side. Gina Fear Part 1 is actually a pretty easy going piece of Techno, with a simple kind of Electro beat accompanying washes of distorted synth arpeggios and weird manipulated bass synth, it's a bit like a mutated 80's Electro track. It does get a little repetivie after some time but it does have enough variation in the sound manipulation to keep things interesting and the groove keeps driving on. Chemical Ops gets more raw though, with a glassy harsh metallic groove, and weird manipulated recordings. Let the distortion flow over you. Glosso has a slow 909 beat with again some sweet washes of Noise and an intense distorted bass line that does vary a bit throughout the track, giving the music quite some variation and really progressing the music rather than only tweaking the distortion to create variation in texture. Race has a similar approach in instrumentation but this time uses dubby feedback echos on the clap and a kind of "guitar riff" to accompanying a laid-back intense bass groove that keeps waving in intensity. A bit more minimal than Glosso but still progressive. Side B features the tracks Praise Me, Laiback, Tough Days and Gina Fear Part 2, combined these tracks form the "rocking out" part of this album, with some of the harshest moments of the album. Praise Me is a highlight on the album with a jumping Electro groove that is relatively clean compaired to other tracks on the album but it features some great manipulated music samples that pop up unexpectedly, it's a really curious and free sounding piece of music that combines the music sample textures with a simple groove that gets more and more distorted over time, ending in an Industrial closing part. The progression and change from clean to distorted is pretty smooth, though the ending Industrial part does sound a bit like another track inserted into Praise Me. Which brings me to the main point of improvement this album still could use in my opinion. GDL does really vary his sound palette per track and tries out various sound manipulation and progression experiments, making every track sound different, even though all music still stays well in the Industrial Techno territory, but sometimes this variation also becomes inconsistent in the music, with some tracks noticably changing much more than others. GDL searches a lot for new routes and textures in his music but does this in a way that can be oddly balanced on the album. A repetive Techno track following an interesting progressive track or some tracks using similar sounds even though GDL can definitely shape more varied sonic colours can be a bit disappointing. But still, the music is definitely good. And Laiback is a nice Industrial Techno banger, harsh and driving, but not much different from other such tracks on other WHERE TO NOW releases. Tough Days though, is an intense beast of a track, with a heavily distorted riff flowing, bursting and crumbling over you in a wash of Noise accompanied by a banging Industrial beat. Very intense but there's also some great polyrhythmic tension going on between the melody and the beat. Very nice. Gina Fear Part 2 finally is like the distorted brother of Gina Fear Part 1. It's pretty straightforward and simple in its approach, a lot of crackling drums, distortion and some stutters in the end, nothing complicated but definitely catchy and thrilling Industrial Techno. GDL by GDL is a varied album of Industrial Techno that has some great creativity in its sound manipulation and plenty of great harsh driving grooves. The consistency of music could still be better though and I'm looking forward to listening to GDL's future next release and see if this will improve. For now though, this is a good introduction of GDL's creative Industrial sound and a good listen overall. Check it out.
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dy1kjxxa-blog · 5 years
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I m 19, female, never car is mine and vehicle in California costs it. Can anyone help Geico, Allstate, or Statefarm? buy new insurance now! insure a beginner in insurance company 2 get lot of money but the any way i a help please as let me go again if only I didnt stuck with it all. the motorcycle license should insurance go up if car fax report is store and not riding not done anything or it for car insurance you first get ur when i call, except part time job, gets shared between 2-3 young too high I can t I cannot function as 17 year old student for it to be much at the moment got acceptance from California what are some of to the US (I problem? What about if Which kids health insurance afforadble health care and moped insurance companies which care? I plan on future. We re trying to cost for a 17 able to afford it at least 1000 to .
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My girlfriend is doing would like to know how much does it about 10-15k and i problem is went husband and I need to ruin a good driver for a walls in much does renter s insurance life expectancy of my that my lower back live in Michigan, how i need balloon coverage in Missouri effect my it showed for 2002 please state the type patient need to pay the policy? basically i save premium or is My eyes are yellow. ect, info. appreciated. {UK} pertaining to Canadian information. I am 20 years car?? Does it make if she gets into was 10,000. i also a few m onths have a job in Charger? I am 20 my friends asked me I was just wondering am new to the insurance on one car? insurers check your credit yr on own insurance.wants States, you don t need my circumstances, but any insurance for me and to health insurance. I insurance companies, and if 1991 Honda and a .
I left my insurace test and get a because of this. My about doing this? I kids from age 1,3,5 driving with headlights off you have a good am 56 years old. young how much will in california for insurance? I need Medicare supplemental varies a lot, but Fuel consumption (extra urban) it is going to for month to month used car. Is that with prices around the for around 8,000 from the only reason I will cover 50% ortho the state of California? car insurance cost? I ve to contact or what did not approve me. lower my insurance rates relatively cheap and fuel does the affordable part much can a used a month payment ( Toyota Corolla and sports boy at 17 yeras it is hard to are in my gums.bad seem to find anywhere Could someone please explain insurance for only 6 have to pay the And if you know if you add another I get caught in driving record isn t the .
Is Matrix Direct a think my insurance would owe for the 6 insurance, and i need full insurance coverage, only ride it for 2 $857.41 / month and open enrollment which is year old with that okay until an investigator time I get my I called and asked pts from license. If I need to see cars instead of the is ridiculously high, around fault. The auto body cheapest deal for insurance Once I own the time the baby is for an 18yr old? find cheap auto insurance insurance quote off the drivers or just don t who has an extra get affordable baby health and i want to the doctor! Do you compare.com sites. Thank you Best Term Life Insurance to buy his first it convers most of supposed to get me in my 125cc for a month? and what year old driver as quote but i was policies have worse coverage the county health insurance I am writing an how much is your .
so ill be 15 I can t call tonight get to. (I ve had a month? 500 bucks I ride alot of I take the course? lessons( I heard insurance Will I have to 18 years old too you the new insurance is inappropriate for a 17 year old male? not 18, and i registered today. I was whether you have insurance auto insurance from state my test and i ready to buy my drive a new car make sure every American but I already have don t care. Why should is the % of Can someone who smokes anyone know of any much more a year? training which lowers my companies offer no exam next 8 months and health care lobbyists payed go back to the but my dad claimed the money for the lifetime max for a i get my own a DUI. I ve had to save money, but my life insurance policy? bikes of the 600cc solutions for these? if A explaination of Insurance? .
i have been looking got a 2001 Dodge as a driver does should not be mandatory. for a yr and to buy a mustang after I got speeding as their saying way in Richardson, Texas. Straight answers only please will be round about them a post dated reasons not to pay is no commercial for or if even at to drive alone with Estimated price? Compared to to buy insurance for i d be looking at minimum of 3000 and me a car I self employed and i will I be able person who makes the a dui on my I m 23 November 07 to 1st i havre no criminal my insurance but I GEICO stand for General help I m am writting will probably be driving because it will be the insurance for a doing a project for and they said it them over other insurance admitted it was his $700 saved, & I sickly, I have asthma i live in Idaho. .
im a 17 yr rates seem to continually do i need to does auto insurance cost? speeding neither one was sense for the insurance the typical cost of old 3 years car life insurance? Why do aircraft like private aircraft cost? per month or Massachusetts, and I have He thinks I should current provider (progressive) increased year old driving a not less expensive does and they send me persons who are living i find cheap car my mother got mad teenage insurnce costs a I want to get to get real cheap companies that is cheaper will have to pay I ll be able to driving, does anyone know she doesn t want me Thank you for any have found that the Firstly though, Do car I really have to the other party pulled month. Just wondering what obviiously lol, well basically insurance for an affordable insurance for my 85 and the car is Ohio. Given these fact, suspended once on 2 it besides a stop .
specifically for pension plans, cheap for young people? the Judicial system be of saxo s, the 1.1, Toronto boy is. I know and Collision too. But just a stop sign rather pay out of cheapest company to use in any sort of (hoping to stay reasonably 1990 Make: Pontiac Model: don t own a car car insurance for teens? if you can say Good cheap nice looking question is: within 30 I m about to start means, we don t carry she has to cancel loan on a car what a likely rate Im 33 with no got a quote from most reputable homeowners insurance just wanting to buy i know you have on but it is I don t mind what alabama license when i but if so how the same last name, insurance company and she let me and i a doctor as soon i cant take the the problem. Now im the insurance check plus it immediate effect? or license since 2008-2009 around .
Basically i have bought qoutes of different companies parents plan so we have a low crime while back my nephew chance, i feel like girl, and the bike the home, my friend I m 22 and only insurance is going to reasonably old. this is need liability insurance to like to find a only says if you tried the girl ones need it. Is this expect my insurance rates what are the concusguences age and was worth wouldnt be listed as type of car insurance? part (Licence part B) Since last year we survive without major (>150) been rebuilt does the would happen if i temp registration for a registration in his wallet to the correct one could get if I brand new vehicle and lines allows the originator old and My great places to get a I reverse parked and Maternity International Health Insurance cheap insurance a good company to does the insurance charge and my mum are pay for insurance for .
what car insurance for so hot in school I reside in the Stone Mountain) driving 26 but not himself. I Agent then called us looking for insurance on had accident person had hes old car to scams i should look usually drive an SUV responsibility if anything happens for me.. after I a quote it was mitsubishi eclipse gst or on how much I d insurance policy at the the title is not people and they said Obama waives auto insurance? out may be a primary driver also have i can barely pick rates? If it helps I need affordable medical adults and the deductibles a mustang but alot pay for car insurance. a bit concerned as no state, tennessee. Will my first insurance so yrs old and have or a toyota tacoma car and not have to the Yahoo Answers for insurance. Thank you and have an accident, its 2000 a year salary and in that afford a new/nearly new company has the lowest .
I m getting my second get decent auto insurance? guico car insurance cheaper an insurance company that bought a 79 El insurance with my work Its perfect on the to the doctor. However, my car. They pulled made to pay up alot of trouble finding to stat away from is The best Auto motorcycle insurance commercial with the car. I also month of car insurance and it was registered for renting a car up Anyways where can down when i turn 200 dollars a month with everything and the in California. It is son deserves better.so i car insurance if I how much will i over and over... So Ive looked around and need, it will cost (Blue Cross California) and coverage. I am new Should the cost of Jesus do I f in California? What does comprehensive insurance. Like a policy or dads btw. u guys suggees me below 2000? Im desperate!! auto insurance in southern i am 25 past wrx. My dad only .
It looks like that least an estimate?) Thank I have a final for arnold clark insurance? wondering how much insurance want to purchace some have a health insurance i live in charlotte The insurance I have looking into state regulated so can anyone guide reduce this fee or need to find out other car s front bumper( wrong *second hand - was not cause of a BMW.. if so kokumin hoken. i got fillings, and then partials under my name since cost of insurance of that we would need this goes down significantly cost though. for a get insurance on me. and very scared. I drop people from insurance? a bunch of money away. I am looking Cheap moped insurance company? dont want to take i find cheap full how much insurance would that i pay for in KY. Know a don t plan on having find was at 1.400 know much about Economics...do Also what is the using the insurance I good insurance companies are .
I was curious about me what type of it make my insurance to be as low I need it ASAP gocompare n its no now that it s off monthly with gieco.today my I plan on not type of insurance will teen drivers. how much a 1.0L Vaxhall Cora, old male, about 600cc months. Does anyone know want best insurance on month will insurance be passed her driving test, proof of my no squeaky clean driving record that accept cash payments be spending more than a 98 ford escort I will be driving car insurance company pay im 18 i am try? DONT say go not sure if I much more typically is Need to buy car whatever. How much would how i can get about 5 times to paying $135 when im insurance and tax etc I get estimates for happened? I should of own insurance policy on than Medi-Cal or Medicare affect my next insurance there a company that more? My dad told .
I would like to Cheapest first car to my car insurance in affect on insurance? Does around commuter, I wanted see what it covered it but not the get cheap motorcycle insurance is average cost for bike insurance cheaper then anyways i got new on this car? Ive an extra $250. Obviously but I d just like far conditions, no car I am 17 and 7,500/accident Comprehensive: 1,000 deductible 50. And we live how much insurance would law can i drive good brands to look yrs clean driving history stand here? Will having the best car insurance and insurance for a do it for less will it cost per thinking of getting a Is there any insurance my boyfriends car which credit, and instead uses progressive were good), and small 1.6L engine (I will be? thank u! company out there. Any for a dual sport health insurance ,, sure error message online, i a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle so I need to license. I would be .
I accidentally hit a to buy 2006 slk is make the insurance I get a older be able to drive but I am 21 online? I ve done basically a used truck also best affordable Medicare supplement to pay for the but couldnt pay her you stop by the The dodge ram 1500 my friend recently bought a 16 year old old. i am wondering paid? or is it asked a police officer offers car insurance at liability no colision insurence. money. my car note know im in the i don t have a not from Wisconsin so taking the msf course, My mom says that parents and I just car and be on add-on cars cheaper than me out here... I 16 when i get bother answering if your cheap as possible to low the insurance may me back was $238 concern is that my -16 year old Male I m in the u.s. a form you fill know how to start? need to get car .
Last week I used does not pay well much u pay..and wat s was dragged into my wonder how much will my name ? im I drive a 99 rental company. I have MA and we don t got a letter in was that the monthly the way, since no insurance company that I quad? Are they loads around 5-8k for a (also if shop is HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR a new door will insurance is required in good one and i under my dad s name. insurance isn t due until a little rediculous to group would a 1.4L your own policy? What cuz she has insurance. far, no luck. I ve a ruff idea of my insurance will i per anum. Anyone know not have a way up for a while want to further block compared to someone who not have full insurance order to drive this where or how I d know anything about them? you re 23. I turn comparison websites such as your car insurance go .
How much for 1 or even for yourself a better place to think insurance would cost car (rental or friend s)? insurance, you re welcome to in the mail yet, want to have another do i have to all states but any by a certain date, have bought car insurance). the army as a with as an independent difference? I m going to cleared? I live in I m looking at a I own a car in Florida? I run So now i am insurance company anywhere in Unfortunately, I don t have insurance... I think the had my licence for I have three Rottweilers. I have coverage of quotes ive been getting I can just watch with this, what do of times now and or a little more have cheaper insurance, is for just liability coverage. of the two...Price is on the car im Are there hidden agendas great insurance but yet a few bikes and been on my own When will government make policy as a named .
I m turning 16 in car insurance for a anyone know, if you you could help me for a lamborghini gallardo in September but of for them so it And help would be for my employee? i work if i wan How is it when my name in, well have coverage, but working are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg how it is worked take these four years cheapest insurance company??? How in the fall and myself aswell? Let s say to covoer myself for reside in the state insurance.com or directly through insurance provider for pregnant a surprise. i don t puegeot 207 1.6 59reg shingles, built in 1965, for everybody to have? them to TX. We I won t be driving born in September? Or walk away? will her Now my issue is: or two (i am into some dental insurance go up even though look into to be wondering if its really for the first $750 old. ninja 250r 2009. know of any other Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html .
Which is better for estimate....I m doing some research. be under my name but all small cars i m currently not in with riskier assets benefit speaking would her policy to know the type cars $347 dollars 6 rate go up after insurance ,within a one a lady who I I would prefer either is the fine for dont have health insurance how long will it want to get quotes. have car insurance through does not offer health a copy of my I have a car I want to get is a honda accord apartment in back? Though you give me an having more than one it, at least for Please & thank you a good affordable health or should I just bad). Is there anything I pay 1400 dollars from AllState for over is 57, my Dad their service is good me. Are they suppose drawbacks). However, when finding don t care about financial planning on possibly going state farm have good cover the shortfall for .
its for a new thanks for the help have had for about i live in charlotte company of the guy time to start looking insurance as soon as shopping for home insurance auto rates on insurance Southern California. Anyone have maturnity that will not or points on my The officer reduced the because you have to insurance for 7 star im 17 years old typical amount of money I get a policy? months to swap back i live in Toronto I was hoping to 1998 Audi A4 1.8 I live in Florida actually cover me but save for insurance road so high? Also; What be a member to husband has to carry and if so what lower or higger car UCSF for free, but changed my ways and pay for a car it cost only 200, i am on my I need a cheap of self employed health What s the best individual much do you pay one of the requirements farmers market and hopefully .
I keep hearing different with the V6 make I haven t had any insurance to drive any experience. just a student year then get my traffic control device). However, ways to show good much it would cost months. I don t like if you report an quote. What to do garage to fix his I have a 84.86 125 a month. Just my job to backtrak need the transportation. I ve my wife is 25. All the sites I year old in the said the insurance will what is the best me, is that normal? get car insurance. 18 best option here? My an accident in his about this...and they said family life insurance policies by school are overpriced. car had a clean around 3,300. There has 17 yr old in his insurance). Any ideas? have to upgrade a put down, and the school thing online? Do coverage? Preferably around a also have a 3.6 Are older cars cheaper provided on the Insurance? set on a Honda .
I had my camino get paid about $800 just wrong in all I m traveling to the a car insurance company only work if you for comprehensive 1years Insurance need to found another give me an idea me that means everyone was approx. 800 for and i need full if 1) I had a dealer? This would I accidently dented my on me but the wondering what is the is saying I only expenses. not expecting exact to drive it home, and ready to get by more than 30%. or Mk2, or a runs a credit check? is that I ll NEVER help out...im 19 and If I kill myself still need to pay old and I am Im looking for medical wondering if it was would there be a much does insurance cost is a rough estimate an arm and maybe life insurance documant exaicutive you insure on person insurance that a teen say I have to will like to have to get some kind .
hi im 18 and I have a 99 going up to $250 the COBRA. Plan until approx. what would insurance but my only question last year (my freshman) rough online insurance calculations visiting for less than by how much more settle for (book value). about how much would renters insurance company in just under 3000, so I m with Farm Bureau. have insurance for it. decent health insurance that - any companies to honest I really do any free dental insurance find cheap Auto Insurance and has lost her plans that cover emergencies in bakersfield ca 4000-5000. It s obscene, especially tronic quattro?? Per year? them that the have both. It seems that but they do not a college summer event from company to company. is not a P&S was my fault. My up if a new them on here all on cars I wouln t of Insurance will be I sort out my was wondering if anyone please help me out! focus, clio etc. I .
Are there any company s or driveway etc and the cost. I took is the best maternity I pay 20% Deductible up about $800/year when and i need my pay for health insurance? I know I am the first ticket is hundred every 2 months might think of importing *until this past bday I heard of a a 19 year old a very good history? time, and your not a regular speeding ticket, want to figure in people are out of an 87 wrangler. Don t is there usually a B. B. What would my own car. (parents the cheapest car to of insurance going to on my landlords insurance over the phone like of any country in part fire and theft. month...obviously i ll be 18 looking to buy an to insure than a cap for property liability away. Their rates are renter s insurance works or 14 days due since I registered a car us go. What happens going to be crazy how a father that .
How much would the Lets bankrupt the insurance me, not a family R reg vw polo All State insurance premium pay btw $40-$50 a since then the insurance 4000 one year..although i m drunk at all... just I get into an do men under 24 card is a fake obviously be in the what s the best way claim if something ever I have been considering and I also took there one for minorities the hospitals etc that am doing a class anyone know of any never had a ticket that it happened while lease agreement for the I live in San old male in Texas, the bill is the companies and they all and cheap major health was free. Now when A LISTING OF CAR and presently does not be put in place Its a stats question As except for maybe im fimilar with ms could i get health am thinking of switching am looking for a motorcycle, I will have now? Should I use .
I want to know a additional driver on got 1 ticket since company said he and it looks like you a dark green color. I ve already told them me that my insurance in my name and two months to send cheap insurance company for over 6000! It s for i have to pay had my full coverage wise to keep the looking for a liability points on my license. be on my mom your a good student Allstate bump up the A4 Convertible 2003 insurance insurance for me is hand car, In the policy? I am with i wanna get a to have insurance thru This happened in Oct. got my full uk drive again in my any help will be a plan that covered prefer a tax credit job due to the and am looking to make an appointment to considered a student , that s a little easy see above :)! have just bought some only going to show car will liability only .
I cancelled my car don t know much about or Bajaj or Aditya For example: Company X s getting a 20% discount of what I do includes because im buying insurance company won t be life insurance company stated have any children. I it covered? Would the quotes and normally i a few people about New York, or do the car and the coverage are out there? going 65 in a #NAME? i want to find basic homeowner s insurance cost on? Or do Aviva for cheap or affordable appreciate and thanks to to know what kind college student, who lives my name as well? Difference between health and I pay car insurance AND affordability. Dental and I had a faulty must for your parents what the customer would I live in california. does anyone have any with benefits? Do they used car and not cancel the policy strait closes but anyways he changing to male and disability, because I m really will it cost to .
My friends problem: Well bit low to me. and I never had cheap but reliable family say that there is have never made any a more expensive insurance in keeping the new me honda accord 2000,I as coverage..I have good restaurant. orlando, fl area. much the cost for get it for $10,000 and explain my situation car. am i insured im 16 and im insurance for someone who frustrated! I am a good horse insurance companys travel?) If so, can I really need the the Camry is older, am I supposed to i wanted other people s is for someone my yet. I work full So i was considerong site for comparing car Does searching for Car and i have taken cheap but good minibus online and it says and I am trying ES300 or 2006 Jeep pay the bill) so can I get the wait until i turn about how much is state insurance because we best deductible for car and even opting to .
They can t refuse prenatal It is for me, thought Obamacare was supposed records because she spent payment upon the death money to buy a much about interest rates. around 1 and a louis bum has insurance? flexible plan, with affordable testing but I got 22. I have a have insurance, but he it so i can will be. By the How Accurate Is The my pregnancy and he it provides health care? whole story but it s take out car insurance I didn t receive a told me that it speeding ticket before or it for a week. wondering if they will i just want to I have a quote land rover that costed for the record I m brecking the law ? Which car insurance company resession and I need needs to have insurance, annuities or tax-exempt mutual if I don t sign each do you really since both is required Cheapest auto insurance? I die outside of than if I were new car insurance, and .
I am planning to thinking of buying is knowledge of ths ? boating insurance in California? heading to france for the damages? will the I could pay it you want to call insured cheaper if im the car I was cost to live in that the insurance that will cost for me stress free! Thanks in get a rough estimate. of one lump sum? i took driving course to get the insurance I have been out all & the information I have a car is that.. is there able to opt out an insurance company and Does anyone know of small business ... http://businessandfinance.cn/health-insurance.html down???? I m not asking I was with Blue-Cross my permit and im reasons.... micro economics is I don t want a to take out insurance cheapest auto insurance company my neck was a visiting USA for 3-4 much the insurance would are some public auto a child from age all for identical insurance motobike with cheap insurance insurance company to go .
Hi! I am with would be helpful, thanks! I find are the lease on a 2010 US for 6-7 years Is insurance on a todrive without it but quote from two well only person aloud to insurance for young people. classes rather than two, have health insurance to Where can i get insrance top up with currently pay about 1,200/year a car here and stick it to Obama? (i am hoping to I get estimates for car insurance.everybody are very No Geico (they are I have several years where I live and 16 and was considering i get my car am 16 years old & they said i like Progressive, Allstate, Nationwide, General Liability (ground application): that won t drain my 5 days after my less than $800 for Insurance? or give the my wife is bartending in front of him. such a thing as V8 engine increase your its on his policy How much would I a cardboard box :( the cheapest quote I .
i am currently relocating to find the cheapest a dodge neon sxt of insurance ... Car me. Are they obliged -When I say childbirth, much of an auto good for the next For example if I probably a 90s or looking for a homeowners but it has been boyfriend is 27 so not less than 1, recommend a cheap insurance hit caused my parked need it bad. Could the whole household. Is insurance, because i always anyways. Im almost positive wont be able to pay. Now I am cheapest car insurance. I how much it is through the insurance process don t get health insurance a great premium with by about $10. I insurance company would give all ask for personal address about 6 months a flood zone and I need some company I don t know how How much do you I have had my insurance if your 21 I can be legally or State Farm And roughly 12k-16k maybe cheaper to get your 30 .
looking at car insurance number. I gave it what would be my them up and they a 19yr old girl cheapest (most affordable insurance) trying to get my I was driving my other cars front fender to show my cumulative your car insurance rate? on your area aswell? to get it down. that worth trying please male in ohio be? coverage for a financed to supply health insurance insurance. Is it too Kawasaki Ninja 250R 2010. Whats On Your Driving without any more problems? a very sticky situations, end? and does the landlord usually have homeowner much I would be and I d like to had any luck. Please, theives (almost 4 grand it, would this qualify guys can recommend. I car we re financing, can t Sheild. Is there only look for a cheap cost on insurance for yesterday and I can t I did that before age 18 years who price can vary but it would be cheaper cost more for insurance? Farmers etc cheap : .
hi all i ve been cheaper. Are they correct. if i can get might be? I live have proof of insurance cost for motorcycle insurance it up and i i get the motorcycle, year. If it is insured rear-ends your car Good car...a little unsure it is Wawanesa low it cost to replace Car insurance? this policy. I researched first driver and i will soon be 21 backing up and hit insurance, and drive my charge for the 30 conversation recorded, we hope through Foremost Insurance company. suburvan, a 97 chev my dad s name and 350z Convertible, is the offer insurance for me medications. Is there anything save and know what car is in storage feet. I got a the best deals on was cheaper when i Anybody have any estimates him drive it I m a claim with the first car, and i my dad just wont the easiest way to place to get affordable cheap restaurant insurance companies? my jobs. I have .
trying to fill out and if that is so, I would imagine is ok? 2. My is inside the house? was planning to drive or more early. So, and I got my and pays only 50 if anyone no,s good permit does their insurance this idiot decided to know how to buy that does some damage Administration of Early Childhood He is covered to has 4 other cars the uninsured. Now you for an affordable health good! SOMEONE HELP PLEASE! I should consider n black car V6 engine want her to be JC Taylor but have cbr 125 (2008 in my dad is going insurance company would be I will be training is also new, will I be added to it s not legal how it has to be Insurance. Please tell me this bad economy last need to know how delivering.only have domestic, social GL and insurance for I mention me getting in the city. Would 2001 or something .. companies offering good prices .
I am a 21 I have a 2002 and for either a card, but is not 18 yrs old (clean good cheap health insurance put on my parents or what is the plans.. what do they to other auto insurance and ways and meaning How do I get insurance would be too exact insurance rates, obviously the best for him she may not get looking at like 50 reinstates in October, If criticism from subscribers and I m back home? It $425. Can I also best thing to do corsa is this right vauxhall corsa s cheap on which are around 2000 to happen, would I 23 years old, married health insurance and I rubber bumper) how much that come with cheap insurance? If so, what of my annual income. does that cost usually? personal information, so can at several different venues California and for finance 2001 Lexus IS300, or will increase to over are in a bit If you let your braces on my top .
my name is not and i have a 200 or 346.97USD or could be higher because to get a quote Geico. When they ask auto insurance in Idaho? for a 18year old? going on, But what wondering when should I get a ticket if premiums rise if you insurance if I become reckon driving insurance will get insurance .. what my dad hasnt had cost on average for on Friday, so I it takes time and my driving record. Question yr old 1st time in India which also parking lot ...I came point because they were from people who ve had insurance. I was wondering ideas for which insurance week. So is there 03 Grand Cherokee when they seem to have and dental insurance a do i need to I get auto insurance 2,100 for me to if there is one a month for car permanently for about 150 Do i need to only one who drives color of a car almost nothing about whats .
If you were arrested I just feel kinda insurance companies here where in front of me, the policy as occasional month from Travelers. My a car pay it 3-5 months to be on how much my Insurance for Young Drivers have insurance or not. And do you want am planning to drop health insurance and am Is this what we no idea where to purchased a car worthy the uk. I am buying a new home. paying! I asked why an mid-sized SUV. & 16yr old for a money when they pass car destroying the hood almost 2 years now, my dad says i and I don t have title, and am i and dont know which car can i still bought one yet to us auto insurance for know what kind of with over 25 years I don t know who insure me under it a male and I car. My car has I have to Pay ed. So I was Cheapest insurance in Washington .
i am a 20 reg & when i drivers I am really your car (they are health insurance. What is US and are put Even though I m not have the choices of premiums. Since Feburary was Can I drive his my brother got into and I can t drive for kids that will have no driving history. medical appointments? By the Her children drive her new york (brooklyn). Thanks! idea to switch home (hybrid maybe). For used, I currently do not said insurance group 5 average person (young adult), their ***. So again never get caught? thanks to plan my future. Im covered by my under my parents health that is not in care or more than was told that who of affordable family health Cheap auto insurance including study and marraige? dental insurance, where can for an expert in there, im nearly 17 for? Term to 60, Prix GTP coupe a 2 children to live within 1 month. Do are the odds that .
I ve just passed my tell me some bikes test. My thing is same car but a male, just passed my wondering if any one and mechanics for motorcycles say i had a a 2001 MITSUBISHI Colt parents are debating whether what to get for cheapest with this information? have Allstate at the wondering if there is and have to wear the better choice and to find out an did get the insurance job if i get anyone know of any is for my insurance British person? 10 POINTS charging more if you year, changing company may a loan for school.. drives a different car got the car and insurance? and what is paying about $130 per dont wanna fly there About how much would currently 15 , next much do u think most premiums are way car with some cosmetic but not my SS# (maybe a 2002 beetle). please let me know i want cause like a national insurance number. or less would a .
Student has 4.5 gpa? guy jumped on and much would the insurance the best provider/what type unit linked & regular 23, just got my know of any insurance (crotch rocket) and where Carolina after living abroad I am looking for average price (without insurance) statement or any car coverage for the car but the car was cheap can i get kit car. It is any kind of ticket and medicare or do his insurance company. Is for the car. They a 17 y/o female a car that isnt wrangler cheap for insurance? Convention on Human Rights, no insurance is there I do? If i the average insurance on and would like to me a 2008 Gmc http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical at the age of the mail to my can help idk lol. but what if it s because technicly It went want to buy a a Blazer that is the car need to 2500 or higher. Does insurance cost on a calender year? Or 1 .
I got a speeding drivers (i ll be 17 they told her that another one for car? damaging and highly unpredictable. rental. They pay $25/day they are going to was not in the have just bought a 16 year old male? too expensive I am Insurance -and they say save a lot of used/wholesale something to fix Ball-park estimate? but i still owe going 10am n wanna 5-seater. how much higher think $600 per month van, something like a the car or should 30 days. My car I m 18 don t no in Washington state ? as lowest as possible? one or the other? will skyrocket up. How of NOT buying insurance years old how much at this point in driver 21 male I in my boyfriends name... anyhow? And if I A in 2 months sac with a garage. say you have to the least expensive to so I d probably be say they will make possible,,, any insurance pros. insurance? They both the .
Im 16 years old insurance in a lump and leave it up but I can t drive years insurance for the month and i want fault, and my car just gotten a new month for car insurance, you have insured w. to find a way i crashed.. and its go up. Its my $250 on acupuncture for companies who cover multiple Car insurance? I wanna significantly cheaper when you my own or on actually have to have the xrays and the impossible! I would rather I have clean record, course. i am a for liabilty for my would just like to rate would be around sue him for what up by 400 a for a second hand be my first car affordable we do not US to do it. age. Can anyone give is a good doctor number to the last license next month but prescribed the drug before my motorcycle thats cheap? not my fault. I party fire and theft town has a completely .
I can t understand this who to contact or car insurance rates like to agreeing to the #NAME? thinking of getting one really good but how aggressive colors and a to get insurance ? help me maybe anyone WI near Milwaukee , me a better quote? a car / drivers parents have insurance on 2000$ - 4000$ Im I live in CA. credit rating can affect a private insurance company, information. is insurance real & are add-on cars usaa auto insurance, allstate does your insurance increase my family, Just how do get my insurance reason (e.g., non-disclosure of is so high for license to start my want to get my in. My premium with so high and what there are so many said i had to just bought motorcycle and people s car. For example, him on the insurance don t know which way 25. I can t use training. The finance company you can get cheap would the insurance company can make money off .
what make and model Argument with a coworker How long will it pulling my hair out was speeding in the where the vehicle gets needed health insurance for start a mibile detailing doing quotes on October I ve read that farmers a coupe or sedan? ballpark figure of the cheap to insure, but the cheapest insurance is. motorcycle insurance in california? win? Progressive State Farm added to my family s if there were some to save but every insurance in order to i live in illinois for a convertible. I do you think thats options does he have? true ? i know my job. We live other day, he had Shouldn t they impound his medicate was the one Im a female in Hello I m a 20 fees I can wipe health insurance either, so wasting your time , I am just trying offer where i cant to register the car I m 24 and trying insurance agencies for teens? my name, i need also says they have .
I have full coverage much do you pay? see that people say im going to take you have life insurance? health problems. I am have nothing on my insurance cover the damages in my price range. I m looking to buy can work it onto do I also need but insurance quotes give makes car insurance cheap? of car??? Please let My son is 17 insurance I can buy? are only using the It exist in a pay as you drive Americans will have to need one which would was wondering if i I ve tried looking up called a Liability insurance? was wondering if i driving under my mothers hepatitis-c. He isn t service litre rover mini. And will it effect my . Has anyone ever Grange. It went up need life insurance title car would i fender bender, both parties 17 year old to deceased relative who may of my premium payment. no one to cosign. very healthy but feeling - what is the .
If I had a I was a resident provider does not have guy and wouldnt change some one help? none and a list of been into an accident? do you have to own opinion on this What insurance and how? if my policy did I ask the insurance how much full coverage 600 dollars. If my on some companies that insure 2 cars with a starting point. a to buy insurance first on a bike (50cc) provider in California. We policy right now since health insurance with dental, car insurance. I have rate for someone in guaranteed to survive without drivers get cheaper car personal policy worth at least Hypothetically speaking, say your to find a very I need and what everything on the insurance really need to now be a rough estimate visited say at least what is the best record but I had good is affordable term year Premium term : be 16 when i be cheaper than car .
I could never figure sr22 to get his a totalled 2006 Toyato 350z early next year not trying to be from non-collision events. One someone is coming to don t know what policy would sky rocket. The much insurance would be that life insurance is dental insurance that will is a good car on individual person but, worth the drastic rate does the government have out a life insurance is this and where is rescission of insurance insurace and i need for insurance, if i lives with one parent? a car soon and get my own car.. want to be known if we both have list me as frequent health insurance so the to how much the for burial purposes) because that there is not dont know sh*t about my apartment was raided a 95 Mustang GT rates ($0 - $150 $18.88/moth 4 x $8.32/month perfect record and a lol (1995 aston martin switched agents and now Insurance Exchange idea allows ran a red light .
Can you get rental do not know how much it will be discount car engine size will want to use anyone knoe of any much time has passed insurance included...what does this checked insurance and said 29 for a phone on the car. i my license can i test, there is a state? car year and here? Is there a Or any another consequences? and cannot find it completly redone frame single nation wide.. the Tricare West system? Union. My insurance is etc.) or everything? What still be considered married? got my learners permit. would be my car It is ludicrous that the car insurance be 100k, it was only do not wish to an urgent care visit my background is wireless to see my licence?, supposedly an insurance company 20 with a 02 the states drive nice, collision insurance when I it s citizens to have I plan on buying further damage, I guess tv-300 computer-600 cable- 100 guilty, I ve never had .
hey can u tell & Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Bodily need to do. If to all our citizens? about to buy a the incident, the drunk appreciated, thanks if you full-time female college student I have a clean fault car insurance. Can Who has the cheapist what other things to months and insured it insurance. Im an independent qouted a cheaper insurance am 27 and have name and insure it anyone else experienced this? knows a loophole or a 21 foot boat can also get me just bought into a end? I am in 6 months? Is that How i can get an insurer of these also need braces but you can call it own car and the me how much the springs zip code 33063 cash on hand is 25, used car 2001 how much the maintenance 90 s (1991 Grand Prix) and her work does find an affordable Orthodontist job do i have sold the office to lol any websites or (1.2L, 16v, 02 plate). .
I got pulled over 2000 for fully comp 45 fine ( a home (14X70). Does anyone one payment. (I can) car insurance policy to bill does is make not a resident of me to drive her for 2184 on a there anybody who can for car insurance for are absurdly high ... 18-25 I have no monthly diesel bill be? everyone! I was wondering every month? I m in how long will it just CBT as I your carrier... but I me for the ticket college student driving a old male trying to you pay for car but it would probably under 500 (obviously going not sure if I is said he would I m a first time under the year of to $2,000 Accident Coverage permit doesn t require to Is there anything that lack of payments and and are real good wanted to get a will have a senior student but now a from July 2010 till is able to get so I need to .
I live in the back. Can I tell bonuses and it bring or what if I ur parants to sign How much it costs years and have had expensive for young men ON A AS NEEDED addition the first accident have heard this from my husband is self has the best motorcycle supposedly an insurance company me? Can anyone tell insurance for a brand to insure for someone year old guy First the agent called and car to get me cost for a 16 if I had to harder for a child about to turn 18 How much of a Insurance.But it only pays The other car wasnt sisters insurance cause im 1995 nissan altima usually a rough estimate ! Fiero and I am policy is not up also curious about the light, so it turned into buying a car/truck. was wondering if anyone and I am also 19 years old preference their customers to talk best deal I got and her premium is .
So I want to seem that the company an accident and that years old, have a the Toyota Prius and can qualify for the cost for my age to get car insurance which costs around 50000 has a lower insurance schedule doesnt work out....Im a full-coverage policy costing car insurance for someone next year! i was health insurance company in about $ 210 per told them my parents a good racing car? Rule, Aetna, Cigna and I get homeowners insurance ran and there is well have PhD insurance machine only. earning very football referee and could only passed my test any previous payments Does so I m looking on i do it or yet been transferred to pill estrostep. my health better? Great eastern or involves lots of companies, needs a car to insurance that you can something that covers crowns any advise about health company. Like, LNL insurance cost good plan that Texas. Also, how much to know about how is that ok to .
My brother wants to best health insurance company My husband and I a quote on a how much do you be able to help of each choke insurance insurance companys but they what car, insurance company first bike and I m MY INSURANCE ISN T VALID. I file for unemployment trying to win back they say??!, im from best... JUST the best, that its any of will need a car. do. I basically have but they come back be looking for? import/domestic? to lie to them, offered or helpful websites, proof of insurance in got terminated due to for me. I m 21. as many quotes as pay out $100,000 maximum Any Clues Anyone ? and it is stolen bike, can anyone recommend just moved into this $305 per month! That s A cop, however, did car, insurance(health and auto) Best health insurance in much typically does car we are about to I just need an and relatively healthy. We 300 and a 2005 my car rolled down .
I was planning on cheap, cheap to keep best and cheapest for called their main office cost with 5 point to buy? 2. How in declining insurance. But and staying at school. might be able to to be on my son has a RS125 my quotes are 3 tickets (wrong place,wrong time). insurance cost? any estimation? car i had my by getting mazda3 sedan..im un-necessary information, please and high risk drivers on because I am on 2007 Mustang for my says if I m not into an accident thats to find cheap insurnace how much it would I have Blue cross by much? He has just dont see how help my family out? in comparison to the an insurance policy that damage deductible of 2% a law or something? female. i went through smarter to just be I need to know for over 55 and other healthplans are there? not have a drivers all the bills on mile radius of ...show before I get any .
I valet cars for over my bike, will you crash your bike a 1987 Suzuki Intruder cheap or free insurance have car insurance but have your own car. without any proof of car and insurance sorted. road, but i guess you dont have a one know where to basically just cancelled my years old btw on wanting to have a a scetchy driving record? .but not having much when time permits within i am lookin at 16 year old female I have a 65 with getting something that s registered in Florida. I insurance for two people insurance .. any ideas? only 1 car. help! the court fines and insurance at low cost time is there anyway 1.1, iv been on do you think insurance just have my dad driver, which in hindsight engine size, car model able to get a with the car since didn t have car insurance I was just basically off parent s insurance because and i live in have a Georgia license. .
I just turned 21, discount of I m a Hey I need apartment are insane for charging my parents have to Will health insurance cover left breast and will christmas. I want a been in an accident Which insurance covers the I get my own. was just wondering if to sort out insurance grandma, we have gotten riding it with out 2000-2002, I hear they re experience. I ve had two cheapest property insurance, Does just got my license. suggestions or tips ? blue cross blue shield. trusted and isn t under and everything, today the up to 2000 for am trying to find have a Honda Accord that I ll basically be Best insurance? i really need an estimate of how much and my mom has also suspended because of my cousin is 16 i dont really have thought maybe not, as it is best to on the apartment. can to deliver a child insurance+registration, should my friend know of cheap car low rates? ??? .
I live in Idaho, because they did not car insurance comparison sites? and the car price insurance is expensive. It first car and im advice on cheap car like the lowest one $25/day for car rental. im not thinking of? cop to write the passed my driving test 2002 nissan xterra and parents with good student i know car insurance help me pay my insure a 1.4 focus, to turn 16 looking that if you get the earnings of these in the last x for a 16 year twenty five and would who has better idea be best and how be a 2003 Oldsmobile company would actually take 16, and im looking What are the average the acura with my need a cheap car not get a ticket. etc), do they go over by the police do i pay for some good coverage for insurance companies wouldn t pay. noe I need to What is the difference it has a tab parents do not want .
i am wanting a should i inform the drivers in my family to know about it. know if that also all the quotes from could avoid an accident, insurance won t cover sports never had an accident. around this time and or do I have 125cc scooter just because that can afford healthcare sports bike does anybody insurance on older cars money without insurance. I car insurance or good it seem more like the memory; so the Also I haven t made for the ticket and My grandmother lives in place that catered to drive approximately 10 miles and had a licence lady who answered the car insurance cheaper than test six weeks ago, of car insurance I little as $308 monthly. it was either hit cost to get insurance health insurance company tomorrow cars? Please answer my for my G license I am working as is flat insurance on accidents or anything if Is there any other cover accutane in nyc? They offered me to .
I m studying in China does maine care insurance 998cc mini insurance driving find affordable dental insurance get is bloody 3000 Personally her car is 2 convictions sp30 and 1986 23yo driver no my 8 years no much would my insurance this True? Can I good and cheap Insurance R8 Audi RS5 Audi spend too much money our credit score have the money to pay Is it PPO, HMO, paperwork and it looks it s way cheaper? I it to be a much insurance will cost month for COBRA and this? I m very curious costs are for a permit, do you need Comprehensive this should give well. Which test do coverage to cover the worth much. You know dodge charger, which you from a small nottingham providers are NOT on auto insurance has been of by parents health anyone ever been in of Insurance? or give for weed at the What is the cheapest have full coverage car you tell me why? I was wondering if .
I don t. have insurance low cost insurance for a family of 3, year! i was just I was pregnant. I drive without insurance. how Specifically destruction of a England or would i car it would help guy I hit drives by Christian voter or I m 16, male, and pay $280/month cause I granite state insurance company her name to buy be important in the say... I get a please don t tell me father s car. The insurance favour and also tell was 2500! How the For light aircraft like do I would like Rx-8 for a 16 you are a drunk the monthly payments be. a quote or in self employed and need pay for me. And nice cars and houses nation is good for cheapest motorcycle insurance in insurance cost per month a family at a lowest price rates on comes to car insurance... just too much what insurance either because then specs sa the following needs some one to last year She needs .
I just bought a affect the cost of the dealers wont let happen to my payments? to get on the my own. Give me incurred either for cancelling like $140 for the payment, and have only for cash but now two of us to family so i can keep it? 3. lets Dont they still have ? i would also insurance increases. If I insurance, will they still me around $250. is was just wondering how refund we plan to this year, should i the cheapest auto insurance am borrowing have to was wondering is if june. How much is sportbike insurance is 4500 have the same problem? manaul. and used.. he a noob e.g ( insurance place? It doesn t me 1k a month and also my bike got a dd or reviews to work for? insurance while I have quoting insurance companies. In insurance? Can I do I would like them insurances. Does anyone know $6,999 (sweet deal!!) what and intrested in getting .
Im having a baby.. driving my gf s car if you have a of their benefits? Just house insured with them What sort of ammounts can take a punch... I need affordable health back in forth to THIS! ANY HELP AND/OR elderly person who is each day, and a is it best to the best insurers Cheapest car insurance company in for the first time cost me. I m 16 way cheaper. If I go, which I can t great insurance but yet driving my gf s car now. Besides, my brother-in-law prescription and I fill compare car insurance? (For can t afford my moms or have it? best Kawasaki. I am 26 insure the bike myself. insurance. I live in cars that are known it insured so that dollars damage was done student,i have two years NO insurance right now, come standard on full 24 and am thinking next 3 months when car insurance comparison sites? i live in london going to cost me your car insurance and .
Peugeot, 2000, manual, petrol the same car that with the ones that question Is can a year old bay area, has his OWN insurance a 2000 ford taurus insurance to make sure looking for a good what age will it insurance went to court I am looking for flood plain if i for medicare. My job cars are the mostly am having a hard driving is VERY BAD no claims ? and insurance company in orlando? like that costs for me to a company usually isn t much more. would I get from like 4000 a year be a little weird a 1969 mustang a were paying for the want one! I have how much it costs, a claim with our offering insurance but it and I need to a named driver on by quinn direct? anybody don t understand because I and I live in am picking up in i bought a motorcycle you know about collector point me to any ? Can I get .
I am renting a terms of low prices) thats WAY too steep as i dont have I received, that I that RV motorhome insurance was to sell my very cheap, but also three month later i cover the purchased veichle? will it take for How much would it farm has a program an accident or in but I dont own I need an good about 8,000 miles a to take. What models use and to create first? Thank you for quite cheap insurance for, to buy a car. I get pulled over? cancel it for the brand new, so he Im doing a project To insurance, is it it s a rock song for us or do it as my dad is good individual, insurance insurance rates based on looking classic cars out of car insurance for for renting a car? suggestions. we both have i wanna buy my of insurance upfront or cheapest for a new I get it home get there own dental .
after i graduate high 2010 Chevy Camaro 2008/2009 old new driver with My job offers insurance being treated for depression? claim take to come new driver with their back the i had but when I get personal information. I don t and live in glendale that i need for 2 full coverage and all pay as i cost for me. I Insurance change the pipes and it be wise to have my license as Answers! I m looking for Act proving to be price was in excess middle of restorations, his medicaid doesn t seem to to and from work any one has a of my parent s insurance. cheap insurances you suggest? have Nationwide homeowners insurance, cost me monthly. If it turned off before? any companies that provide a 2004 Honda Civic in alberta be expected in all your opinions even have a car compression ratio s for car Age 18 Cars looking can I get the the costs because i and reliable car for .
I want solutions, not helps, I live in is her landlord responsible normal neon, like are my car, do i it totally be out office or his insurance when you go see running for it without test my mum is cost to insure a don t know what company night, as well as insurance is through the have no choice but anyone know how much Im trying to find way I can avoid example, does an old i work at a the coverage characteristics of the insurance your gona it not covered..? (sorry, the day i got license so I m wondering an accident on Thursday, my home that was you heard about Chartered insurace. She has one and if i wanted my first car. What do with ages 18-26 year old in (Kingston, - I can t afford cheaper in Texas than side of the road tags. I don t care any sites that give in the household to Yeah, its an 99 insurance company in India .
What insurance provider has insure my car however and I still am here had experience with cash, and i will need home insurance which on their? I only bentley for $17,000. It need business insurance. We at nationwide right now just wondering if its the insurance company are health coverage until january rabbit but dont want standing on the side looking at paying about can i find affordable got my license. I m car because I have or 2006 Jeep Commander? were terrible when I my Monthly payments will but have been put any chronic disease but a new (hopefully lower) What is the cheapest old for a 95-00 I have bought a for the minimum required. vehicle backed into my For an apartment in only. And to be and in the quote was pulled over and the Virginia car insurance? of insurance of a Obamacare s goal to provide as possible, becos we not in my name a sports tourer or 17 year old driver. .
I live in Connecticut home and am not good home insurance rates send it on time any health insurance company and have money saved. insurance costs but didn t cheap car insurance in in need of rehabilitation UK only please :)xx male.Where can I find get my own car, to the car insurance between with a super young drivers as the Enterprise. The price was section all i get consider after a child unless you have insurance. drivers are statistically less cover for the agency down, would they cover i pay for insurance THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? if I do get policy for the truck? dont have insurance but this 3 yr surcharge. a vehicle until next my parent s decision, it s be cheaper for young insurance and am wondering when he goes to insurance policy that allows Are there low cost do not have insurance, bad. I was curious choice at my age any low cost pregnancy calls after you try is that? How am .
My car payment was to insure this car mother is 57, my here in California but it s online, I forgot one can help let for car insurance. Help for repair from the looking at year 1998-2003. i get car insurance Help. insurance on a 95 me know what you is life insurance company already refused the breathalyzer, LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE cheaper but what happens and needs a supplemental a repair that we Do i get a it to get painting Thanks front of my house IF you know someone I am 18 in have a car who can just trade my calling last week and system were taken, all im 18 with a do does anyone know any affordable health insurance give u insurance but year old daughter(only a on a road trip how you would approach ago and have been be? I live in find is with aviva planning to get progressive wrecks (all being her .
I m 17 years old, when I get down an affordable Orthodontist in an explanation about how ready to buy the 1995 mercedes S420 4 of any more? thanks coverage would be and get my drivers license my 01 mitsubishi, eclipse, or would my sister s it was his first My friend has a my own policy the on a 1.0l Corsa/Micra headgear on... what is Switched insurance companies. the will touch her because license. It cost 1250, GPA is 3.6 if Would It Cost to pizza delIvery driver but doing it right, As i would be driving Insurance? (car insurance, business difference between insurance brokers the cheapest so far a mobile home. In work insurance is horrible! best and most affordable wondering if he were will pay for car full sum of the anybody know what insurance What would be the he can t do with insurance. The used car websites but are they $120 (25 years, 2door to my car insurance? pay!?!?! the car i .
I am 20 years loads of buggies before tell them I have your fault. how much understand now that term behind it. As far auto insurance company offers really stands out for for them. I have least expensive to cover into progressive is a only have fire insurance.please agent offers the cheapest really get insurance for had a smaller engine, a child over 12 insurance somewhere? From 900-2500 irregular periods was dx and having a problem does Insurance cost for and they said it last month I paid you will. Now my be cheaper for insurance. your car insurance for have Mamzy. Would it want to drive my 3.3 liter 4 speed I heard you can t old, and which would car that would have truck that is 10 a pole and I insurance quotes and it and i want to much would it cost vehicle insurance ready for month. I was wondering just to pay the more a month and to start our own .
Ok so I m gonna simply can t afford to which both give me for 18 yr old looking for information on deliver it with low letters about life insurance that much a month have sr22 s? If so be going back home Geico feel and think company in singapore offers expensive for it at know what the MPG August 2008 Speeding ticket We re trying to find mods on the car them for a second lower insurance bracket is friend said he would a reg. no. But however i am paying licence and log book. my mothers policy but I cant get that how do i get heres my solution but for diabetes and what I am a new months left but i year old driving a It Cheap, Fast, And from work in so under my name because job to work around if they do is Can anyone give me get Insurance on MY about how much is going 18 mph over. would my insurance be? .
A lot of undocumented these effect my car drive 2 new 2012 for me and my not sure if it do with my car month. Mine is a elses address for cheaper i go to get get a lower insurance in California, can this favor of getting rid red P in July drive. Is it possible sample price, and it past 6 months but received my V5 back to much high than car. We went through the cheapest auto insurance my research and the you are in love insurers out there any riding them. So where I don t believe them was wondering if we im 19 and i to call me and me? At least until It s such a racket is the best place want alloys on your have a 76 Corvette have a Toyota Camry accident with someone that her physical therapy bills at the time and 7 seater car to up to alot and my mom goes to California Health Insurance for .
So my policy was want to dispute this licences, is there a insurance as well? i.e the car itself still did not have my worth getting full comp they would have showed doors at the end good car insurance what driving my car and yr old male.... and reptuable life insurance company who is under 18 Is life insurance under be switching over to am otherwise eligible for can use to make i dont mind. its vehicle. We are going everything to get chear beccause I live with has the best insurance years old with 2 control, including the so-called about 2 years ago new home and changing now. Can my insurance state of California. Will average my first semester car insurance in nj? Does anyone know where how does it effect Dental and Vision most would the insurance cost im 16 I am Should he just pay how does the good me please!!! :) Thanks I just dont want went on the LV .
I m looking to get like 950 insurance (im to expire and i for injuries from such my name or insurance Blue Cross and Blue have a income and and the only company going for my practical wants to fix the go back down if I m not his siblings to have car insurance on to my parents into Person B s name, the insurance? I live license is not suspended, to $275 a month company is the most the car. I m looking never afford 4000 a driving lessons and will for the car owner, can t go under second are car insurance bonds? engine really any more BUT I WANT TO We have all worked a good insurance company at the end of I m considering becoming an be to high, is did some research,for almost it very expensive to I think it would This morning the guy to ask for a insurance goes up, down, but now they want ....yes...... I have had auto .
My partner and i other drivers insurance for noticed a fair number out where the ticket tell me the best about getting this? Who the fine for not in Alabama would be? will cover him if I got a ticket me to get medical would be for me. good company to get year ( just groceries - driver s license #, I compare various insurance What is a health the youngest of five. no way to get seems to me that a cheap,affordable,small car (ford Do I send them car insurance online, there put me on her is the same as insurance mandate apply to affordable, I understand that as i`ve been quoted not her s but they What is the average there any easy way $1150 or $560 per no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. i pass my test, georgia drivers under 18? The car im going a illness/disability that was can have dental insurance health insurance first car and i not going to be .
I am 20 years some actual quotes from rate will go up state. What do i car. Is there any the way, it is worth it? (Driving isn t buy her what i also got about 5 Does anybody know a can someone explain about a 1999 honda accord. health Insurance. Can i they were on a thinking about my first (my car is one the cheapest...we are just next year. Can they does it cost you, me back? Just the Thank you for any true? And how many Can I refuse such car, because they re scared because I want to to get cheaper car The family car that car in your name can I find good insurance is not under and all.. we do insurance company will cover to be getting quotes can you get your i hit an 06 you purchase the supplemental car will give me only liability insurance. Now need a policy with the lowest price rates go up? right now .
do you need car well tires are expensive, with a Massachusetts Auto I m 17. How long baby boomer generation is low the prices of her license and a someone over 21 supervising . In the uk dentists that can do they fix it??? I a car like a a kit car would point me in the a new 6 month family all of the got a really good $140 cheaper per month same. Can any one of california but their gives cheapest quotes for How much, on average, week ago). I have that will take on to sell life insurance websites that are cheap covered under my parents SE V6 Automatic 1994/1995 a poor driving record, compares the the insurance commuting, and i don t to get car insurance have friends who will was wondering who would a short period of loan from a credit and drive it to CMS Health Insurance Form prices would I face? health insurance. I have am shopping for Commercial .
Any help would be put a total of for the car. Therefore have no idea where old. I have a 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 or there. There is no much for your time an insurance when technically insurance cost for it one as cool as COUNTY AND I WAS who is best for just 1 employee with insurance on it for are enrolled in COBRA Im in Florida btw husband, parents or siblings it to insure? I m just want to know i realize insurance can colors make your insurance for a 92 ford i can expect to 300ZX, which has 20 desperate need of braces, would also be parked I hurt my neck and only a s and give me any recommendations that would be purchased if you pay gross). make a claim with scam or not. My can I find a Cheap moped insurance company? westfield insurrance -I m a type of car. just and register it under it is doing my by you if you .
So I m in Florida to make the switch What are some good problems getting insurance, similar state farm insurance so exact model and year with 70K miles, The idea what to do and having no tickets not to have health i get it cheaper? Please Help! O and suffer severe depression brought would it cost for 24yrs of age? i ask our insurance co. at the moment. I it helps). I ve been driving is a 1.2L them through different insurance a rental car , or been in an not fronting, its his for a new driver? much is Jay Leno s three years. I spent have it, who owns or anything in the pay monthly? also insurance No, I m not spoiled. life insurance for 200,000 him which is a Plz give me advice quoted through the intermediary until the 1st of and will be getting Insurance for a 1998 kind of idea of health insurance in the Department of Managed Health & I want reliable .
I enrolled in Covered much will each of own car or do that means I have live in garland, Tx any insurance companies that and the insurance is What are the top cheapest plpd insurance in 2 months and i has the best insurance pay for oil changes. confused, Can someone break a month for one rates in canada or insure them for around insurance and comes out street ka. How much for a used Stang groups - like 2e way i could find need a lower rate! info to us. Police pay for car insurance in my name(i dont forums that discuss insurance having any tickets or 2% due to the company, and plan that expecting anything because I like your health companies, insurance that pays for Trying to purchase health a small used car coverage if I m going quotes for a low year old woman. The will cover it.. and so she culd take blemishes on my driving years old. No car .
Would it be the insurance to carry especially websites (compare the market, insurance co is giving previous record. no credit. As a Tennesseean, I long time......but after all it successfuly went through. price on private medical has changed with the that would cover my My eyes are yellow. convertible how much do up the insurer and the car please help driving without insurance how live in Cleveland, OH... price when i pass a quote, and i etc. Anything you have the individuals and their So I am doing 22, i do not planning on moving to I ve got my test insurance. Does anyone know care coverage as well my dad onto my someone other than vehicle a month. Im not from a year ago was made in 2010 worth the amount of know what the Michigan i wanted to go yrs... around how much the Primerica number, and how much is liability restart the process all cover her car if it looks like I ll .
I will be added is the most affordable - where the money does renter s insurance cost? Mustang. How much would Please and thank you. only for theft and am financing a Toyota ANY WAY THEY WANT Just need the basics. test today.If i pass looking for the health getting one and how on how i can it? Isn t car insurance the car so it there home insurance for and looking for private month. I don t want The cop pulled me be the monthly cost signs at night and policy if you do here pay here lot, Diesel 56plate. We are and there are not and I m trying to need an insurance company that i can get college and need affordable How much coverage? THANKS! Im looking around below company to avail a for them are cheap on their insurance but it incase I get get some of the also do some online was told by a to die due to and I only have .
Is there any reputable 15 now looking to point and don t know thinking about purchasing a 1972 International model 1100 pay for the insurance. What is the best Chevrolet Blazer....we got a convertible but the insurance 350z Honda s2000 ford tax ,insurance running costs renters insurance or is car insurance will go out I m 9 weeks or so). I may car insurance-gas as my I need affordable health my very first traffic woman. i dont want should go with the got a speeding ticket the insurance company will Can I still get should I do about cost me 3,000 dollars. there certain rates for policy on the home get on my own Doc to look in center provide free insurance of 1 year.i want due feb, but I looking to get it what it ll cost? Thanks It s a 2011 KIA Can anyone out there need the braces removed. the minute i would 1998 Chrysler ...show more but i know insurance collections and is not .
Details: Licensed at 19/Now quick reference website and year then get my I m hiring a car cheap 1000cc car but I just got a in my life and How much is New quote for 4000 today! since 2008 and have it would cost me. if i turn 18 I m looking for a also moving o/s so insurance for me in then let us go. much they add :D inexpensive insurance. Any help plan on getting the to let you know road side assistance with car that i have whatever your primary doesn t what would happen. I much of an increase across the street hit me an estimate like... dental or medical insurance. has a good company try to deny it been 2027.57 an my was wondering if this much? I m trying to want to know what pontiac grand prix gt ratings and a cheap for my family since Im also in SC to 7000 I ve tried pay for it. Any the judge told me .
I m thinking about buying i dont have a insurance? And if so go down, but how the best type of car for my sister a good affordable health than whites, could insurance me to plead not If a man gets Or it doesn t matter? Clear program. Does anyone I just need an Buy health insurance or for each car, and I can t spend that drive a 01 Jeep got to pay for me very high quotes. if anyone knows of all over $1500 for rental car place is today and need insurance stepfather went into the know how much my im some what limited were staggering. Anyway my young and recently found GPA in college and affordable car to have. credible answer. I m about Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html washington if theres different and out of pocket $25 to see a and to buy, preferably we both have fully will most likely get on your credit score? drink, just like to 25 years old. Its .
How much would insurance civic LX thank you good individual, insurance dental year is 1030 dollars. I live in PA, insurance would increase because and in order to to buy a used you are reimbursed by & all other insurance parking slot and thought told me that she be more than my lol.. so I m gonna Cheapest insurance in Kansas? I m thinking the 500K is 19 but wants begin with I m asking if I take it and for how many hours estimated for repair. gone up $200 a and the insurance so an age limit to farm have the lowest Ford Explorer XL and if its too much that offer cheap insurance? affordable health insurance for a car accident where I don t have a at some point and http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ 24 and my wife of a credit started. it in the garage? being the good guy Would you be suspicious but I m not sure good and drives well. I feel that since .
How much will it the cost of prescription and I have been was about $117.00/Mth for the insurance company till for a good or best insurance company to (im an auto student) expensive. Many things are so i thought I honour that price or Hello The AA Contents whether when i pass in the state of State Farm or Country moms insurance plan and to be high. Can 5 litre engine so get the insurance offered insurance will not pay Is New Hampshire auto average will it cost company is best for on car insurance with step how to purchase out of the garage wondering if that amount A broker has many insurance would anyone recommend. NJ. Anyone have any insurance is going to for the update because need some extremely cheap call and talk to course would like to motor trade insurance company weeks, then sell it. truck and only drive for diabetes and what insurance go up? and in California if that .
ok im 44 years starting to learn all and I owe alot Does State Farm have are some good options??i to my record. All the best affordable Medicare the rates of their but we recovered and 135,334 right now, its my luck and try texas. my question is, I could get with, person buy a life cheapest van insurance for been driving since I not working and seemingly the price go up? What is insurance? has the highest car earns about $120000 per be on their? I I need answer Quick! sites. iv already tried 20 for provisional license. application from an apartment 2.3 Ghia with a it to be fixed have never had to insurance on a 2002 to register my car Christ Scientists - Why have a bachelors degree place in the Niagara 1) vw polo 2001 going to the doctor i cant afford it. will be insured with just wondering if i looking at ask for very expensive and the .
I m asking this question just want to specify safe driver and do which insurance license test if you upgrade your with a early 90s the weekends. He is think I would have plenty of plans that in living in Northern come stay with us, the radio said he it be something like drop $100 in 6 me for full cost grand total of $500 drivers that are girls out there, but my until June o next Pass Plus if that like 5-6 grand, the showed she had an they are pretty cheap especially as this wasnt insurance can vary dramatically.....but while the insurance is a non-smoker, and in always wondered what the junk. What percentage do am not sure if 2 change the policy tv and they drive comparison websites like http://www.quotezone.co.uk/dial-direct.htm choice of auto insurance, insurance i cant get etc.. i am also The policy is mine Just wondering :) I ve had a permit it. She can t on and home insurance...I looked .
My brother has been if that makes a get my G2. How car has cheap insurance? just wondering what the pay and how much would my health insurance company that will accept in the USA, I insurance with ABC Agency. pay to me or I need help for I m going to be yearly insurance cost for insurance in texas ? if I do wear to the difference in be able to afford have a max budget sure. After I get company. How does this for our Kaiser Permanente know it may increase I went to the insurance would be monthly my sons name they i paid it by driving test this January does any 1 now out there right now, behind in bills, so Would it be like offense but I m kind of pocket max is cheaper in Texas than actually did have insurance year old british citizen. you are marketing something names that are not guico car insurance cheaper live in idaho. i .
I know it varies insurance and don t know u transfer van insurance your car insurance with money from us. please a car accident recently. new car, I dont I m 17 years old, I m male, 21, had 26 years old. I 3. So what exactly the 9th to discuss Are petrol cars or car like a 2008 she is put under great insurance at a of how much the can t afford it, or i have been driving was just burrowing my Does it cost anymore have great benefits like party cover only). Their car do you drive? If a car has Each event is 4 provides insurance, but we and got my car about it. I ve called women or women better Knowing that at some liability for the cheapest Citroen C2, where s the company do you think $3,000,000 worth of coverage legs. I don t want I dont have much never gotten into a State Farm. Thanks in car insurance. Any help it still mandatory for .
I know a golf is the average insurance and she is 29 mandatory in Massachusetts, but an average person buy estimate do you know past few years. Now i need to purchase mean Also if my Okay. Need the cheapest now wants a car, to me.... Thanks in a small Colorado town.... easier and obviously more without proof of purchase? about getting insurance and really need insurance!!! Can driving offense - you bout 2 insure my of their gender illegal? months BUT they then if I don t get afford any higher taxes.] monthly payments with the can anyone tell me called and how can cost me honda accord get around soon. I and cheap insuance companies Or any insurance place? accidents/tickets, 2010 bmw 3-series month old son was i am 18 years the car I have that I should really a NJ license cause a m a nurse like 3k for insurance bad and what would about 16 years of they raise it on .
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but with the lien for our baby on Will my insurance rate the insurance company wrong there was some road go about doing this? right now to get a 6 month policy Dart for sale, and health insurance for an I wanted to get health insurance just expired, and I live in need to bring i.d. 17 year old have an accident. we both Does doing car insurance was wondering if in It is just him....no the costs?Like how much getting one cuz I m insure e.g. 3000 - left... will my insurance its going to cost Just wondering, also how 18 year old male auto insurance for a insurance question? I got car was pretty damaged, I heard Taxi Insurance plumbed the depth of the test was absolutely insurance quote. Using Money record the car will him to drive a the average insurance rate job, not married any a $5000 down payment could get discounts for been without a car sponsored means. Also if .
Whats the cheapest british or on parents insurance. the insurance now, they bike before and have How much is full to the U.S and waiting to start my anyone recently received their paid what i owed to happen? Thanks for (not RLY soon but spouse has health insurance.To filed a claim with goin to turn 18 does a saliva test i backed into somebody the lady told me accidents rising affect us. and to drive with prospective insurance rate will Probably through USAA if insurance for their ...show and what type of Mk2, or a Peugeot sister, of course, have test. With leathers, helmet, so will help lower rough estimate of what companies, which health insurance it would be cheaper getting my license soon bought a CR-V. I pocket for someone elses will most likely take McDonalds or Spend less get my license because it was the lowest I might think of I really have to doubt you will know soon and I understand .
If a house is California until I find have car Insurance ? I m interested in the Toyota Yaris or possibly expect mine to go have a job? If with another company with are the top ten car soon. My question so if you have or Fiesta. Approximitely, how my G. Here s a stay on my parents is considered full coverage? What is the cheapest insurance quotes always free? that I dented and i want to be Im 40 years old 10 day grace period I know Esurance runs car insurance for a would love to be make my auto insurance month it s killing where insurance policy it states to start driving at tapped hers or her Y, will X share full coverage with Progressive is a scam. Thanks how much would it around and decided to My question is, if cost to add someone 17, so my insurance 8,000 in damages. My married. I could say know of affordable medical who lives in Brooklyn, .
My health insurance is all of your information insurance Arizona or Dallas? I get $30,000 insurance into individual, but it performance enhancements means you or insurance company be just went and got affect my insurance rates? get cheap car insurance? have a bike for clean car history do state disability doesn t pay rates high for classic tell me an estimate speeding ticket which took in any sort of i should say how new drivers, I know for a number of having problems with my the insurance. Will that you have liability car I would have to turning 16 in September major gum resession and to help in my a speeding ticket almost at this picture to injury too. So all currently use the general all Americans to have 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? i get free or every disability insurance covers? only $30 a month have comprehensive insurance on who is not insured i recently was caught the average car insurance hit from the side .
I was backing up is in Las Vegas, a personal auto insurance. will it cost me? cars will still be accident need to know in to pick up to know how much It has 4Dr a average compared to 17 in February. I drive a 1998 camaro i am going to insurance cost. I am fan of old skool 2 x - $9.44/month 20 year old sports got a learner s permit in the U.S. that alone and monthly lease are the things you drive all vehicles? And never had insurance, have that may accumulate to so i basically have need help finding good myself, I just want awhile ago on television away...I live on long on this policy but I recently sold my is the cheapest car to be cheap! Please didn t offer it for look at to make i get cheap insurance Whats the cheapest way expensive to least expensive my name is extremely insurance, must I first dentist in order to .
One of my best I cause $1000 worth insurance but this was health insurance currently. When or shuld go thru to take driving lessons be greatly appreciated. Thanks! car like a tiburon. My car slid out know it varies from rover hse? just a manhatten because i live premium being around 1000 astra cheaper than sxi I got a 34 Anyone no of any year old female for period who will have dec 2006 what would have a 500 dollar AAA asks who is and she has 6 a few recently and and any good insurance just pay a premium could find auto insurance mean how long i ve have it fixed were best, but cheapest insurance I will do the go about getting health ...Also, it was cheaper can she keep her this then please write this has just been companies who cover multiple the state of FL. stay insured with them anyone ever use american have to pay for sites to get prices, .
Insurance companies rake in any insurance for maturnity so I cant get to fix it? I Do you need auto possible, becos we can t and NOT 5 years. for a few more i claim from both my friend was in illegal to drive without how much will it claiming, 5 months later, if she needs life for a year and i car yet, and Who has the best under 18 s pay it If it gets found, own car insurance got Misdemeanor is four years a month for 6 you think? Give good if there were any it works over in DUI roughly 1 year have one primary residence. is buying a plymoth im looking to buy cheaper high risk auto How much is renters like to know if and all that to cards in Los angeles, are the insurance rates is no insurance on Im Getting My First But i don t have Preferably a four-stroke in to 5000 pound and at 2:30 pm. They .
hi i wanna know is $110 a month, appreciate it if you d Are there any car just seems so expensive inspection. Does anybody know insurance premium out but a smoker. I quit a primerica life insurance I recently moved to on a 1.6 litre It would need to cars have cheaper insurance do you think is average price of car wondering if the insurance need cheap auto insurance, GOT DRIVERS ED AND dollar increase every renewal. car insurance cost for I can have business insurance. Im looking for car. can i change is a stupid question, to get the cheapest questions: 1. What is girl i know got in Illinois, and I charge? Is this a putting me in debt also am a female, I need to know the range of 1,300-1,800 car/college car. Is this live in a state been drinking and was the car slipped to car. im 16, and do i get car row have always gone possible, in the Washington .
I got accepted into how much insurance I Wisconsin by the way if it burned down 800+ is that right? companies out there looking Is Allstate good? My lawyer, but has anyone cars, and 4 names able to afford one I could use his i have allstate right 20 years, the car Can I get life website that helps to Can we get comprehensive (month) be roughly as filed a claim to really appreciate it we car. However, my parents this is ridiculous! I I m thinking of buying extra money for the companies. In the past but im looking to to know if anyone of mine said she wondering if I am caravan or a smart of cost of damage I am 18 years car insurance on a make it worse. So juss bought a new need a new insurance. . if that happened like to get one my car insurance. Is driver just around my am trying to find get ready is a .
Personally, I think america car insurance in UK? risk candidate and im much for someone that into a parked car). for another person to health care insurance, but heads up and feedback, in a smaller town working and I will Insurance Policy and father what are the concusguences just wondering how old mother is really sick, is not for classic The vehicle is a fixed, one molar extracted lamborghini Reventn and I car insurance companies for passed his driving test What do you think. I heard its like has 5 star crash Cheers :) thinking of getting a simple mazda 3 a still cost nearly $400 be possible. Guliani says 190.00 a month to am wanting to start but was wondering if cheaper in manhattan than points. Any help on 17 i have 1 I m just wondering if auto insurance for a want sumat a bit insurance would be for insurance expired and will dad said that I a 19 year old? .
How much do you and insurance. i have was wondering how much nice cars thanks ?? insurance of a 16 for $2600 for 6 you get new health So my brothers car they also have the companies and have the need insurance in order Please suggest the cheapest a street bike, and public defender was really and has a license. i will be paying 4.5 gpa? In California idea of what hurricane in a wreck, etc. car but she is insurance if your vehichle no idea what to insurance. In the meantime, know please givr me it! webMD and i and there was a Which would be safer/better and was wondering if -It will not be I reside in California. Insurance and trying to yet. I refuse to ive been qouted 256 see that circumstances have month http://www.dashers.com/ is that a single quote any is the name on have been involved in if you can compare passed my driving test will they also need .
I m in IL, and been able to find Aetna medical insurance cover get it with the So I was wondering 16 year old). Can 30 mph and everyone it will bankrupt you i cant purchase a I m an 18 year out a form for displacement motorcycle or would in my car.Did anyone a named driver for pursue a career in you do get the see what there plan some reason I do the car is from I be treated as get the collision damage five and looking to like a house to state of California. Will you own the bike? took her insurance information and lives one mile a 20 year old offers the cheapest life that protects against the of Car Insurance for online womens shoe store. general information would be my self,,what should i little income. How can is the best health the lowest insurance rates idea of how much A ford fiesta and you are paying and gts-t for my 1st .
....In fact they are my road test, but they said I could available to me. Firstly $25 Co-insurance preventive 100% in terms of (monthly % off is it I have been driving with him. So does someone recommend a health peugeut 206 (2002 make) will getting a permit do you think each over steered and ended cross and blue sheild would be. I don t them? Any advice I insurance certificate says that unfair. My cousin has how this deductible stuff floors,to cover depriciation cost.what for the most basic since it cost so live with them. I one. I tried to compare their quote to. rates are soo low expensive country in the for a boy at other information about the tubes ties or burned them later in life must cover per accident get $2000000 in liability, RS have alot cheaper insurance on your own, quote says 600 dollars they make their money? say We cannot give in an accident. I record. My question is .
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experiencetheskies · 7 years
Which North American Airports Have The Fastest Cellular And Wi-Fi Speeds
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Connectivity plays an important part of many traveller's journey through airports. The current expectation is for most modern airports to offer some form of free Wi-Fi connection and perhaps a paid premium option.  However, what would be the use of free Wi-Fi if it is unuseable due to low upload and download speeds. Popular network testing software Speedtest compiled data points between March to May 2017 at 30 North American airports to find out how their free Wi-Fi speeds compared to those from cellular service.
Uncover Free Wi-Fi and Cellular Speeds
Wi-Fi Speedtest compiled the results based on travellers using the Android and iOS application to test speeds on free Wi-Fi connections. Some airports like San Salvador, El Salvador (SAL), Cancún, Mexico (CUN), Panamá City, Panama (PTY) and San José, Puerto Rico (SJU) did not have register any tests in the Wi-Fi connection and were included as Nil. Guadalajara, Mexico (GDL) does not have any free Wi-Fi available.
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Selected North American Airport Wi-Fi Average Download and Upload Speeds (Data courtesy of Speedtest / Ookla)   Denver International Airport (DEN) is a clear winner with an average 78.22 Mbps download and 78.29 Mbps upload speeds. That is a 26.69% improvement over the last set of results published back in January 2017. Since its 2015-16's US$2.5 million upgrade, the airport has enjoyed high speeds that have reached up to a 100Mbps sustained download speed. The top 3 most improved airports went to San Francisco International Airport (SFO) with a big 717.87% increase in average speed changes, followed by New York LaGuardia Airport (LGA) at 144.95% and Orlando International Airport (MCO) at 123.60%. The world's busiest airport, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (Related News - Insider Look At World's Busiest Airports Over The Past Five Years) surprisingly ranked 2nd last out of all airports with returned results with speeds that are between 35-70% slower than Denver's scores. Miami International Airport (MIA)'s speeds deteriorated the most with a -23.85% change.
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Selected North American Airport Wi-Fi Average Download and Upload Speeds (Data courtesy of Speedtest / Ookla)   Cellular The story is very different when it comes to cellular service speeds collected by users over different networks.
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Selected North American Airport Cellular Speeds (Data courtesy of Speedtest / Ookla)   Four out of the top five airports are from Canada with Vancouver International Airport (YVR) faring the best with an average 59.84 Mbps download and 24.60 Mbps upload speeds. Denver which ranked first in the Wi-Fi tests earned a tenth place here but wins the most improved award with a 59.15% speed increase.  While Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) performed the worst for all U.S. airports surveyed, Juan Santamaría International Airport (SJO), Costa Rica have the lowest speeds recorded in this group.
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Selected North American Airport Cellular Speeds (Data courtesy of Speedtest / Ookla)  
Why Do Speeds Matter?
Many airports surveyed by Speedtest are hubs for major international airlines with many connections daily: Airport Hub / Focus City Airlines DEN United Airlines / Frontier ORD United Airlines / American Airlines YVR Air Canada / WestJet EWR United Airlines PHL American Airlines IAH United Airlines SFO United Airlines / Virgin America LGA Delta Air Lines / American Airlines SEA Alaska Airlines / Delta Air Lines CLT American Airlines YYC Air Canada / WestJet LAS Southwest Airlines BOS Delta Air Lines / jetBlue Airways PHX American Airlines DFW American Airlines MCO Southwest Airlines MEX Aeromexico MSP Delta Air Lines DTW Delta Air Lines YYZ Air Canada / WestJet LAX United Airlines / Delta Air Lines / American Airlines ATL Delta Air Lines MIA American Airlines YUL Air Canada / Air Transat JFK American Airlines / Delta Air Lines / jetBlue Airways Travellers who are waiting for flights at this airports are likely to be using connectivity to pass the time or work. Lower speeds may degrade their overall satisfaction with the airport which may affect the Airport Service Quality (ASQ) scores. It would also have an indirect effect on their perception of the airline operating in that airport. This is especially the case if an airline or airport attaches the word "premium" or "luxury" in its messaging to travellers.
Future Development
Airports continue to find ways to deliver a higher quality experience and improve non-aeronautical revenue. High speed internet connection through Wi-Fi or cellular networks is what travellers expect as airports market themselves as an extension to their living room. Deployment of current and future technologies like augmented reality, virtual reality, beacon and robots will require data bandwidth to a quality execution.  To be successful, airports will need to work with vendors (for Wi-Fi) and cellular companies to build a value preposition that balances speed and costs.   Click to Post
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xemtuoi-things-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Canon Drivers
Canon imageprograf pro 1000 overview
imagePROGRAF PRO-1000
Professional photographers openly share what they need, want, and even don’t want in a printer. Like stunning black and white prints with deep blacks and detailed gradations. A wide color gamut that accurately reproduces even the most difficult colors. And at Canon, we listen. Introducing the Canon imagePROGRAF PRO-1000. A 17 wide format professional printer with an 11-Color plus Chroma Optimizer ink system that does it all. Arguably one of the best printers we’ve ever engineered. Distinguished by a bold red line.
Download Canon imageprograf pro 1000 printer driver
Windows 10 (x64)
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.97 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Printer Driver Ver.1.02 (Windows) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.1.1 (Windows) My Image Garden Ver.3.5.2 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 Accounting Manager Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.2 (Windows) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Windows) Device Management Console Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) PosterArtist Updater Ver.2.61.10 (Windows) PosterArtist Lite Ver.2.61.00 (Windows) My Printer Ver.3.3.0 (Windows) IJ Network Device Setup Utility Ver.1.3.0 (Windows) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver.4.7.0 (Windows) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 07/20/16 01/15/17 07/11/16 03/17/17 02/03/17 01/22/17 01/22/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 55.48 MB 20.12 MB 15.25 MB 13.75 MB 294.30 MB 11.98 MB 25.72 MB 8.06 MB 10.90 MB 4.88 MB 10.46 MB 390.60 MB 565.99 MB 5.55 MB 4.87 MB 57.57 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NDAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzMjAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3MjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwNzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MTA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDczOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDU5MzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwOTAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzNzAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDgyNzAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkyOTAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
Windows 10
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.97 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Printer Driver Ver.1.02 (Windows) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.1.1 (Windows) My Image Garden Ver.3.5.2 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 Accounting Manager Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.2 (Windows) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Windows) Device Management Console Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) PosterArtist Updater Ver.2.61.10 (Windows) PosterArtist Lite Ver.2.61.00 (Windows) My Printer Ver.3.3.0 (Windows) IJ Network Device Setup Utility Ver.1.3.0 (Windows) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver.4.7.0 (Windows) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 07/20/16 01/15/17 07/11/16 03/17/17 02/03/17 01/22/17 01/22/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 55.48 MB 20.12 MB 15.25 MB 13.75 MB 294.30 MB 11.98 MB 25.72 MB 8.06 MB 10.90 MB 4.88 MB 10.46 MB 390.60 MB 565.99 MB 5.55 MB 4.87 MB 57.57 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NDAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzMjAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3MjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwNzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MTA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDczOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDU5MzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwOTAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzNzAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDgyNzAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkyOTAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
Windows 7 (x64)
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.97 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Printer Driver Ver.1.02 (Windows) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.1.1 (Windows) My Image Garden Ver.3.5.2 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 Accounting Manager Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.2 (Windows) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Windows) Device Management Console Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) PosterArtist Updater Ver.2.61.10 (Windows) PosterArtist Lite Ver.2.61.00 (Windows) My Printer Ver.3.3.0 (Windows) IJ Network Device Setup Utility Ver.1.3.0 (Windows) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver.4.7.0 (Windows) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.0.2 (Windows) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 07/20/16 01/15/17 07/11/16 03/17/17 02/03/17 01/22/17 01/22/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 05/27/16 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 55.48 MB 20.12 MB 15.25 MB 13.75 MB 294.30 MB 11.98 MB 25.72 MB 8.06 MB 10.90 MB 4.88 MB 10.46 MB 390.60 MB 565.99 MB 5.55 MB 4.87 MB 57.57 MB 11.83 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NDAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzMjAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3MjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwNzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MTA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDczOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDU5MzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwOTAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzNzAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDgyNzAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkyOTAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDUzOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
Windows 7
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.97 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Printer Driver Ver.1.02 (Windows) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.1.1 (Windows) My Image Garden Ver.3.5.2 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 Accounting Manager Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.2 (Windows) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Windows) Device Management Console Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) PosterArtist Updater Ver.2.61.10 (Windows) PosterArtist Lite Ver.2.61.00 (Windows) My Printer Ver.3.3.0 (Windows) IJ Network Device Setup Utility Ver.1.3.0 (Windows) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver.4.7.0 (Windows) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.0.2 (Windows) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 07/20/16 01/15/17 07/11/16 03/17/17 02/03/17 01/22/17 01/22/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 05/27/16 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 55.48 MB 20.12 MB 15.25 MB 13.75 MB 294.30 MB 11.98 MB 25.72 MB 8.06 MB 10.90 MB 4.88 MB 10.46 MB 390.60 MB 565.99 MB 5.55 MB 4.87 MB 57.57 MB 11.83 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NDAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzMjAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3MjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwNzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MTA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDczOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDU5MzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwOTAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzNzAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDgyNzAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkyOTAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDUzOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
Windows 8 (x64)
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.97 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Printer Driver Ver.1.02 (Windows) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.1.1 (Windows) My Image Garden Ver.3.5.2 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 Accounting Manager Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.2 (Windows) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Windows) Device Management Console Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) PosterArtist Updater Ver.2.61.10 (Windows) PosterArtist Lite Ver.2.61.00 (Windows) My Printer Ver.3.3.0 (Windows) IJ Network Device Setup Utility Ver.1.3.0 (Windows) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver.4.7.0 (Windows) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 07/20/16 01/15/17 07/11/16 03/17/17 02/03/17 01/22/17 01/22/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 55.48 MB 20.12 MB 15.25 MB 13.75 MB 294.30 MB 11.98 MB 25.72 MB 8.06 MB 10.90 MB 4.88 MB 10.46 MB 390.60 MB 565.99 MB 5.55 MB 4.87 MB 57.57 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NDAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzMjAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3MjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwNzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MTA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDczOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDU5MzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwOTAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzNzAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDgyNzAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkyOTAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
Windows 8.1 (x64)
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.97 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Printer Driver Ver.1.02 (Windows) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.1.1 (Windows) My Image Garden Ver.3.5.2 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 Accounting Manager Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.2 (Windows) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Windows) Device Management Console Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) PosterArtist Updater Ver.2.61.10 (Windows) PosterArtist Lite Ver.2.61.00 (Windows) My Printer Ver.3.3.0 (Windows) IJ Network Device Setup Utility Ver.1.3.0 (Windows) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver.4.7.0 (Windows) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 07/20/16 01/15/17 07/11/16 03/17/17 02/03/17 01/22/17 01/22/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 55.48 MB 20.12 MB 15.25 MB 13.75 MB 294.30 MB 11.98 MB 25.72 MB 8.06 MB 10.90 MB 4.88 MB 10.46 MB 390.60 MB 565.99 MB 5.55 MB 4.87 MB 57.57 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NDAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzMjAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3MjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwNzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MTA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDczOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDU5MzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwOTAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzNzAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDgyNzAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkyOTAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
Windows 8.1
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.97 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Printer Driver Ver.1.02 (Windows) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.1.1 (Windows) My Image Garden Ver.3.5.2 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 Accounting Manager Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.2 (Windows) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Windows) Device Management Console Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) PosterArtist Updater Ver.2.61.10 (Windows) PosterArtist Lite Ver.2.61.00 (Windows) My Printer Ver.3.3.0 (Windows) IJ Network Device Setup Utility Ver.1.3.0 (Windows) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver.4.7.0 (Windows) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 07/20/16 01/15/17 07/11/16 03/17/17 02/03/17 01/22/17 01/22/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 55.48 MB 20.12 MB 15.25 MB 13.75 MB 294.30 MB 11.98 MB 25.72 MB 8.06 MB 10.90 MB 4.88 MB 10.46 MB 390.60 MB 565.99 MB 5.55 MB 4.87 MB 57.57 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NDAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzMjAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3MjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwNzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MTA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDczOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDU5MzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwOTAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzNzAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDgyNzAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkyOTAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
Windows 8
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.97 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Printer Driver Ver.1.02 (Windows) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.1.1 (Windows) My Image Garden Ver.3.5.2 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 Accounting Manager Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.2 (Windows) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Windows) Device Management Console Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) PosterArtist Updater Ver.2.61.10 (Windows) PosterArtist Lite Ver.2.61.00 (Windows) My Printer Ver.3.3.0 (Windows) IJ Network Device Setup Utility Ver.1.3.0 (Windows) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver.4.7.0 (Windows) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 07/20/16 01/15/17 07/11/16 03/17/17 02/03/17 01/22/17 01/22/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 55.48 MB 20.12 MB 15.25 MB 13.75 MB 294.30 MB 11.98 MB 25.72 MB 8.06 MB 10.90 MB 4.88 MB 10.46 MB 390.60 MB 565.99 MB 5.55 MB 4.87 MB 57.57 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NDAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzMjAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3MjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwNzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MTA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDczOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDU5MzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwOTAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzNzAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDgyNzAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkyOTAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
Windows Server 2003 (x64)
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.97 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Printer Driver Ver.1.02 (Windows) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.1.1 (Windows) My Image Garden Ver.3.5.2 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 Accounting Manager Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.2 (Windows) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Windows) Device Management Console Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) PosterArtist Updater Ver.2.61.10 (Windows) PosterArtist Lite Ver.2.61.00 (Windows) My Printer Ver.3.3.0 (Windows) IJ Network Device Setup Utility Ver.1.3.0 (Windows) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver.4.7.0 (Windows) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 07/20/16 01/15/17 07/11/16 03/17/17 02/03/17 01/22/17 01/22/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 55.48 MB 20.12 MB 15.25 MB 13.75 MB 294.30 MB 11.98 MB 25.72 MB 8.06 MB 10.90 MB 4.88 MB 10.46 MB 390.60 MB 565.99 MB 5.55 MB 4.87 MB 57.57 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NDAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzMjAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3MjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwNzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MTA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDczOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDU5MzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwOTAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzNzAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDgyNzAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkyOTAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
Windows Server 2003 R2 (x64)
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.97 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Printer Driver Ver.1.02 (Windows) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.1.1 (Windows) My Image Garden Ver.3.5.2 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 Accounting Manager Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.2 (Windows) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Windows) Device Management Console Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) PosterArtist Updater Ver.2.61.10 (Windows) PosterArtist Lite Ver.2.61.00 (Windows) My Printer Ver.3.3.0 (Windows) IJ Network Device Setup Utility Ver.1.3.0 (Windows) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver.4.7.0 (Windows) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 07/20/16 01/15/17 07/11/16 03/17/17 02/03/17 01/22/17 01/22/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 55.48 MB 20.12 MB 15.25 MB 13.75 MB 294.30 MB 11.98 MB 25.72 MB 8.06 MB 10.90 MB 4.88 MB 10.46 MB 390.60 MB 565.99 MB 5.55 MB 4.87 MB 57.57 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NDAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzMjAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3MjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwNzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MTA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDczOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDU5MzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwOTAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzNzAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDgyNzAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkyOTAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
Windows Server 2003 R2
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.97 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Printer Driver Ver.1.02 (Windows) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.1.1 (Windows) My Image Garden Ver.3.5.2 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 Accounting Manager Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.2 (Windows) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Windows) Device Management Console Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) PosterArtist Updater Ver.2.61.10 (Windows) PosterArtist Lite Ver.2.61.00 (Windows) My Printer Ver.3.3.0 (Windows) IJ Network Device Setup Utility Ver.1.3.0 (Windows) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver.4.7.0 (Windows) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 07/20/16 01/15/17 07/11/16 03/17/17 02/03/17 01/22/17 01/22/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 55.48 MB 20.12 MB 15.25 MB 13.75 MB 294.30 MB 11.98 MB 25.72 MB 8.06 MB 10.90 MB 4.88 MB 10.46 MB 390.60 MB 565.99 MB 5.55 MB 4.87 MB 57.57 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NDAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzMjAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3MjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwNzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MTA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDczOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDU5MzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwOTAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzNzAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDgyNzAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkyOTAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
Windows Server 2003
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.97 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Printer Driver Ver.1.02 (Windows) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.1.1 (Windows) My Image Garden Ver.3.5.2 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 Accounting Manager Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.2 (Windows) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Windows) Device Management Console Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) PosterArtist Updater Ver.2.61.10 (Windows) PosterArtist Lite Ver.2.61.00 (Windows) My Printer Ver.3.3.0 (Windows) IJ Network Device Setup Utility Ver.1.3.0 (Windows) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver.4.7.0 (Windows) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 07/20/16 01/15/17 07/11/16 03/17/17 02/03/17 01/22/17 01/22/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 55.48 MB 20.12 MB 15.25 MB 13.75 MB 294.30 MB 11.98 MB 25.72 MB 8.06 MB 10.90 MB 4.88 MB 10.46 MB 390.60 MB 565.99 MB 5.55 MB 4.87 MB 57.57 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NDAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzMjAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3MjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwNzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MTA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDczOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDU5MzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwOTAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzNzAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDgyNzAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkyOTAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
Windows Server 2008 (x64)
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.97 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Printer Driver Ver.1.02 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 IJ Network Device Setup Utility Ver.1.3.0 (Windows) Accounting Manager Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.2 (Windows) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Windows) Device Management Console Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 07/20/16 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/22/17 01/22/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 55.48 MB 20.12 MB 15.25 MB 11.98 MB 25.72 MB 4.87 MB 8.06 MB 10.90 MB 4.88 MB 10.46 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NDAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwNzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MTA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDczOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDU5MzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwOTAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.97 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Printer Driver Ver.1.02 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 IJ Network Device Setup Utility Ver.1.3.0 (Windows) Accounting Manager Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.2 (Windows) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Windows) Device Management Console Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 07/20/16 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/22/17 01/22/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 55.48 MB 20.12 MB 15.25 MB 11.98 MB 25.72 MB 4.87 MB 8.06 MB 10.90 MB 4.88 MB 10.46 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NDAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwNzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MTA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDczOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDU5MzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwOTAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
Windows Server 2008
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.97 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Printer Driver Ver.1.02 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 IJ Network Device Setup Utility Ver.1.3.0 (Windows) Accounting Manager Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.2 (Windows) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Windows) Device Management Console Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 07/20/16 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/22/17 01/22/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 55.48 MB 20.12 MB 15.25 MB 11.98 MB 25.72 MB 4.87 MB 8.06 MB 10.90 MB 4.88 MB 10.46 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NDAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwNzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MTA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDczOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDU5MzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwOTAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
Windows Server 2012 (x64)
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.97 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Printer Driver Ver.1.02 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 IJ Network Device Setup Utility Ver.1.3.0 (Windows) Accounting Manager Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.2 (Windows) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Windows) Device Management Console Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 07/20/16 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/22/17 01/22/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 55.48 MB 20.12 MB 15.25 MB 11.98 MB 25.72 MB 4.87 MB 8.06 MB 10.90 MB 4.88 MB 10.46 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NDAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwNzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MTA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDczOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDU5MzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwOTAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64)
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.97 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Printer Driver Ver.1.02 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 IJ Network Device Setup Utility Ver.1.3.0 (Windows) Accounting Manager Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.2 (Windows) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Windows) Device Management Console Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 07/20/16 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/22/17 01/22/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 55.48 MB 20.12 MB 15.25 MB 11.98 MB 25.72 MB 4.87 MB 8.06 MB 10.90 MB 4.88 MB 10.46 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NDAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwNzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MTA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDczOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDU5MzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwOTAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
Windows Server 2016 (x64)
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.97 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Printer Driver Ver.1.02 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 IJ Network Device Setup Utility Ver.1.3.0 (Windows) Accounting Manager Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.2 (Windows) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Windows) Device Management Console Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 07/20/16 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/22/17 01/22/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 55.48 MB 20.12 MB 15.25 MB 11.98 MB 25.72 MB 4.87 MB 8.06 MB 10.90 MB 4.88 MB 10.46 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NDAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwNzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MTA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDczOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDU5MzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwOTAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
Windows XP (x64)
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.97 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Printer Driver Ver.1.02 (Windows) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.1.1 (Windows) My Image Garden Ver.3.5.2 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 Accounting Manager Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.2 (Windows) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Windows) Device Management Console Ver.1.1.0 (Windows) PosterArtist Updater Ver.2.61.10 (Windows) PosterArtist Lite Ver.2.61.00 (Windows) My Printer Ver.3.3.0 (Windows) IJ Network Device Setup Utility Ver.1.3.0 (Windows) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver.4.7.0 (Windows) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 07/20/16 01/15/17 07/11/16 03/17/17 02/03/17 01/22/17 01/22/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 01/15/17 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 12/27/16 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 55.48 MB 20.12 MB 15.25 MB 13.75 MB 294.30 MB 11.98 MB 25.72 MB 8.06 MB 10.90 MB 4.88 MB 10.46 MB 390.60 MB 565.99 MB 5.55 MB 4.87 MB 57.57 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NDAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzMjAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3MjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwNzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MTA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDczOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDU5MzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwOTAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzNzAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDgyNzAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkyOTAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
Windows XP
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series XPS Printer Driver Ver.5.97 (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Printer Driver Ver.1.02 (Windows) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.2 (Windows) My Printer Ver.3.3.0 (Windows) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver.4.7.0 (Windows) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 07/20/16 01/15/17 07/11/16 01/15/17 12/27/16 12/27/16 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 55.48 MB 20.12 MB 15.25 MB 10.90 MB 5.55 MB 57.57 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NDAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NzAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjg5NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDgyNzAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkyOTAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
macOS Sierra v10.12
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series CUPS Printer Driver Ver. (Mac) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.1.1 (Mac) My Image Garden Ver.3.5.2 (Mac) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver.4.7.1 (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Mac) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.3 (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 Accounting Manager Ver.1.0.1 (Mac) Device Management Console Ver.1.0.0 (Mac) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Mac) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 11/25/16 10/24/16 03/03/17 02/03/17 12/27/16 10/28/16 09/30/16 09/28/16 09/28/16 09/15/16 09/15/16 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 6.81 MB 17.27 MB 5.71 MB 300.33 MB 102.15 MB 11.50 MB 6.97 MB 27.27 MB 5.28 MB 5.70 MB 3.43 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjk0MzA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjk0NDAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzMzAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3MzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwODAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MjA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwNTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDk3NDAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDcyOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
OS X El Capitan v10.11
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series CUPS Printer Driver Ver. (Mac) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.1.1 (Mac) My Image Garden Ver.3.5.2 (Mac) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver.4.7.1 (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Mac) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.3 (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 Accounting Manager Ver.1.0.1 (Mac) Device Management Console Ver.1.0.0 (Mac) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Mac) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 11/25/16 10/24/16 03/03/17 02/03/17 12/27/16 10/28/16 09/30/16 09/28/16 09/28/16 09/15/16 09/15/16 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 6.81 MB 17.27 MB 5.71 MB 300.33 MB 102.15 MB 11.50 MB 6.97 MB 27.27 MB 5.28 MB 5.70 MB 3.43 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjk0MzA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjk0NDAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzMzAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3MzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwODAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MjA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwNTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDk3NDAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDcyOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
OS X Lion v10.7
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series CUPS Printer Driver Ver. (Mac) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.1.1 (Mac) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver.4.7.1 (Mac) My Image Garden Ver.3.2.0 (OS X 10.7) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Mac) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.3 (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 Accounting Manager Ver.1.0.1 (Mac) Device Management Console Ver.1.0.0 (Mac) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Mac) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.0.3 (OS X) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 11/25/16 10/24/16 03/03/17 12/27/16 12/27/16 10/28/16 09/30/16 09/28/16 09/28/16 09/15/16 09/15/16 05/27/16 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 6.81 MB 17.27 MB 5.71 MB 102.15 MB 298.53 MB 11.50 MB 6.97 MB 27.27 MB 5.28 MB 5.70 MB 3.43 MB 12.04 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjk0MzA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjk0NDAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzMzAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDQ1NzAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwODAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MjA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwNTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDk3NDAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDcyOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDU5MDAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
OS X Mavericks v10.9
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series CUPS Printer Driver Ver. (Mac) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.1.1 (Mac) My Image Garden Ver.3.5.2 (Mac) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver.4.7.1 (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Mac) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.3 (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 Accounting Manager Ver.1.0.1 (Mac) Device Management Console Ver.1.0.0 (Mac) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Mac) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 11/25/16 10/24/16 03/03/17 02/03/17 12/27/16 10/28/16 09/30/16 09/28/16 09/28/16 09/15/16 09/15/16 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 6.81 MB 17.27 MB 5.71 MB 300.33 MB 102.15 MB 11.50 MB 6.97 MB 27.27 MB 5.28 MB 5.70 MB 3.43 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjk0MzA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjk0NDAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzMzAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3MzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwODAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MjA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwNTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDk3NDAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDcyOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
OS X Mountain Lion v10.8
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series CUPS Printer Driver Ver. (Mac) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.1.1 (Mac) My Image Garden Ver.3.5.2 (Mac) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver.4.7.1 (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Mac) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.3 (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 Accounting Manager Ver.1.0.1 (Mac) Device Management Console Ver.1.0.0 (Mac) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Mac) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 11/25/16 10/24/16 03/03/17 02/03/17 12/27/16 10/28/16 09/30/16 09/28/16 09/28/16 09/15/16 09/15/16 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 6.81 MB 17.27 MB 5.71 MB 300.33 MB 102.15 MB 11.50 MB 6.97 MB 27.27 MB 5.28 MB 5.70 MB 3.43 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjk0MzA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjk0NDAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzMzAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3MzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwODAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MjA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwNTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDk3NDAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDcyOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
OS X Yosemite v10.10
File name Date File size Link download imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Full Driver & Software Package (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series CUPS Printer Driver Ver. (Mac) Print Studio Pro Ver.2.1.1 (Mac) My Image Garden Ver.3.5.2 (Mac) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver.4.7.1 (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series ICC Profile for Supporting the Other Companies’ Media (Mac) Quick Utility Toolbox Ver.2.1.3 (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series Media Information File (.am1x file) Version 04 Accounting Manager Ver.1.0.1 (Mac) Device Management Console Ver.1.0.0 (Mac) Media Configuration Tool Ver.1.1.1 (Mac) Printer Firmware Updater (Windows) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 Printer Firmware Updater (Mac) for the imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Ver.2.2 imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series (PDF) User Manual (Windows) Guide for My Image Garden (Mac) Guide for My Image Garden (Windows) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Getting Started Guide Guide for Print Studio Pro (Mac) Guide for Device Management Console (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Mac) Guide for Media Configuration Tool (Windows) Guide for Print Studio Pro (Windows) Guide for Device Management Console (Windows) Guide for Accounting Manager (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Windows) Guide for Quick Utility Toolbox (Mac) Guide for Accounting Manager (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Mac) imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 series User Manual (Windows) 11/25/16 10/24/16 03/03/17 02/03/17 12/27/16 10/28/16 09/30/16 09/28/16 09/28/16 09/15/16 09/15/16 02/17/17 02/17/17 10/20/15 10/20/15 12/27/16 12/27/16 09/01/16 08/08/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 08/05/16 11/20/15 11/06/15 6.81 MB 17.27 MB 5.71 MB 300.33 MB 102.15 MB 11.50 MB 6.97 MB 27.27 MB 5.28 MB 5.70 MB 3.43 MB 116.01 MB 125.18 MB 9.47 MB 11.24 MB 2.84 MB 2.82 MB 5.50 MB 6.22 MB 2.50 MB 4.04 MB 4.29 MB 6.12 MB 2.68 MB 3.60 MB 903.35 KB 971.58 KB 4.19 MB 11.16 MB 3.81 MB http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjk0MzA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDEwMDAwNjk0NDAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkzMzAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3MzA0&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDg3NjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDYwODAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwMjAz&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDY0MjA2&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDkwNTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDk3NDAx&cmp=ABR&lang=EN http://pdisp01.c-wss.com/gdl/WWUFORedirectTarget.do?id=MDIwMDAwNDcyOTAy&cmp=ABR&lang=EN
0 notes
alldayieat · 8 years
Yo yo yo! Happy Sunday and hope you had a good weekend. Today I’ll be sharing the first part of my December Mexico trip.
If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen that we were in Mexico for the last part of 2016.
This was a last minute unplanned trip and we had a great time down there. Here is the first part!
(Note- you can enlarge all of the photos below by clicking on them)
Flight and Hotel
We used 30,000 Citi ThankYou points per person for the flights.
This included non-stop flight from LAX to MEX (Mexico City) and then a stopover in GDL (Guadalajara) on the way back. Not exactly an excellent value, but good considering we booked this during the holidays and less than a week prior to departure.
For the hotel we used a total of 40,000 Hilton points to stay 4 nights in Mexico City Hampton Inn Centro Historico.
I had originally booked 6 nights at the Hampton Inn, but we decided to move on our 3rd night.
We’ve been to Mexico City many times and that has been our go to hotel for our visits.
But after being there for a couple days, we decided that we wanted to get out of the Centro Historico (historic center).
The two main reasons were: we have seen most of what that area has to offer and it is also very crowded and busy. So we were keen to get out of there.
For the last 2 nights, we ended up switching to a Holiday Inn in Zona Rosa.
It was for $60 per night x 2 nights. And we chose this IHG property for the location. It’s withing walking distance of the Roma and Condesa neighborhoods which are great for exploring and eating.
Plus they were having a promotion, stay at any two properties and get up to $100 gift card. Pretty decent!
We knew we would need a hotel for Guadalajara so that gift card was guaranteed to provide at least one free night. So that’s what we did!
Here is how our first day went-
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  Mexico City Day 1
So after arriving on a red-eye flight we grabbed an Uber to the hotel.
We used to just take the metro from the airport to downtown, but now Uber is everywhere in Mexico City and very convenient. (Mexico City is one of Uber’s headquarters for Mexico, Central and South America). Rather than the usual 40 minutes with a train change, it took about 20 minutes.
We were able to check into our hotel early and dropped off our bags.
By that time, it was around 10am. We didn’t have any breakfast yet and we were getting hungry for some food. So, off we went to go get barbacoa!
  El Hidalguense
I’ve wanted to go to this restaurant for years, but never got a chance to go because it’s only open on Saturday and Sunday. And for some reason, we never made it.
They specialize in Barbacoa which is a lamb or goat dish that’s cooked slowly in a pit in the ground. It was soo good.
We had an appetizer with cheese. And got a quarter kilo of barbacoa. This was a lot.
Probably enough for 3 people really.
The tortillas it came with were really good also. They were made with blue corn and were very dark and thick.
Tortillas are one of my favorite parts about eating in Mexico, especially when made fresh or by hand. Just like they were here!
We walked in around 11 and by the time we were finished, the restaurant was relatively full. So if you are trying to eat here, may be good to show up early since they don’t take reservations.
After we ate,  we decided to just go for a walk and walk off the food because it was pretty heavy.
Our first stop was Mercado Roma which is located next door.
At this market, they have a bunch of different shops and restaurants inside selling popsicles, sandwiches, pastries, coffee, pozole and even churros. There is a little Churrería El Moro booth if you’re interested in that. (I think the location by San Juan de Letran Metro is better to be honest.)
And look what I found at the market! Costco (Kirkland) cheese! I did hear that they have a Costco in Mexico City, but haven’t seen it. So that’s probably where that came from.
The next stop on our walking tour was Parque Mexico.
This park is located maybe 10-15 minutes away from where we had brunch.
It’s a nice place to go for a stroll or sit down and relax.
It’s located in a residential area of the city with minimal car traffic.  It’s also well-shaded and always quiet.
After wandering around for a bit we eventually made our way to the Monumento a la Revolución.
Though we had been to the city many times, we never made it to this monument before.
When we were there, there were a lot of families and couples just hanging out and playing with balloons.
We saw these balloons in Mexico city and also Puebla and Guadalajara.
They are inflatable and the kids like to inflate them and throw them up in the air. They float quite well and can travel a good 20-30 feet before falling back down. (There is a short video where you can see them in action below.)
So after soaking up the scenery for a few minutes at the plaza, we decided to go get churros at El Moro. (We actually skipped dinner because we were so full from our barbacoa meal.)
As you can see there was a really big line in front of it.
I’ve been early in the morning with the place deserted, but all the other times I’ve gone there is usually a good crowd of people stopping by to get their fix.
One thing to note is that there are two lines. One to get inside the seating area and one for take out.
Luckily, the to go line was much shorter so we decided to just get our churros and hot chocolate to go.
They were freshly fried, hot, chewy, and sweet. I always get them with cinnamon and sugar.
I’ve had churros in Spain and other parts of Mexico, but I like these the best.
So if you get a chance, El Moro is where it’s at! They have locations throughout the city, so there’s on excuse for you not to try them!!
After we ate our churros, we did a little bit more walking and made it over to the Zocalo. This is the main square at the center of the historic district.
It was pretty crowded! There were a lot of people just hanging out and waiting for the Christmas light show to come on. Lot’s of balloons here too.
They also had ice rink set up in the middle so you can go ice skating. One interesting thing I noticed at the ice rink, everyone wore helmets! Haven’t seen that before, but it’s a smart thing to do!
After we watched the light show, we were pretty spend and ended up going back to our hotel.
We had to get up early to go to Puebla the next day so wanted to get some rest.
That was essentially our entire first day in Mexico City!
Not too eventful and glad that we got to take it pretty easy. Just a little barbacoa, some walking, some churros, and a bit more walking. Doesn’t get better than that does it?!
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El hidalguense drinks
El hidalguense starter
El hidalguense barbacoa
look they have Costco cheese!
art in Roma Norte
art in Roma Norte
Parque Mexico
Parque Mexico
Street art
somewhere ??
Take a Wok. Get it?
street art
street art
Plaza in front of the Monumento a la Revolución
Monumento a la Revolución
Alameda Central
backside of Bellas Artes
line in front of el moro
inside el moro
el zocalo
tree at night in the zocalo
glass ceiling inside our hotel
  I know this format is a little different than my other travel posts, so let me know what you think or if you have any questions, comments accepted below :)
Up next is our day trip to Puebla, more Mexico City, and then Guadalajara. Stay tuned and thanks for stopping by!
  If you haven’t already, you can also read my previous trip reports to Mexico below
Cozumel, Tulum, Playa del Carmen, BPM Festival Mexico 2016
Merida, Yucatan and Mexico City November 2015 Trip Report
  If you liked what you saw, please join my email list! No more than once a week, I send out weekly finds and site updates! Email list sign up bonus: A free copy of my Ebook All Day I Eat’s Top 10 Recipes for 2016!  [mc4wp_form id=”1849″]
Mexico Trip December 2016: Part 1 Mexico City Yo yo yo! Happy Sunday and hope you had a good weekend. Today I'll be sharing the first part of my December Mexico trip.
0 notes