#GHD in Punx PA
frat-house-system · 5 months
Just finished a rewatch of my favourite bootleg !!
Groundhog Day the Musical supremacy
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annabelle--cane · 8 months
groumdhog day. musical.
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sabergowitz · 7 years
I think Darren Criss could hypothetically be a good Phil Connors some years from now
you see me
TOTALLY, he just has to become a bill murray/andy karl aged Adult, lol. and they have to revive ghd i will buy all the goddamn tickets
just thought about the earnestness with which he’d sing seeing you and i’m dooooone
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talesandfluff · 7 years
okay I find finished watching Groundhog Day the movie, after having seen the musical before, and here are the things I find that the musical did better:
− Rita. Just… Rita Hanson. She's so much more fleshed out in the musical she's barely the same character. She has a backstory, a past, she's driven, compassionate, awkward, filled with innocent wonderment but jaded at the same time, she's not bland AT ALL.
− Diversity. There's more women and people of color in the musical, starting with the female lead who is both. It's still pretty white but it's heading towards a more equal direction. The female characters are treated better too, given more time and made more interesting with special quirks.
− Fleshing out the town characters. There's a few added ones to his normal day if he lets it run normally, there's the songs "One Day" and "Playing Nancy" that really play up this aspect. Their humanity is really made much more clear, how each of them are special and unique.
− Some scenes are given much more emotional depth with the music going with it, I think specifically "Hope". Damn, Andy Karl, how do you do this? And "Everything about you" feels more intimate and special.
− They took like ONE LINE from bland movie!Rita "I wish I had a thousand lifetimes" and they make this GORGEOUS uplifting song "If I had my time again" which is so funny and deep and layered and overall perfect!!! I still can't believe that!!!! Like oh my god. And that day they spent together is also filled with purely platonic interactions and I really love that. The movie version was much more romantic.
− They removed Phil's rape-y scene with Rita so there's that.
− Overall, I find that all characters have more depth to them and are more likable and interesting and quirky. I find that the scenes have a better pace to them, the dialogue (although A LOT is from the movie itself) is more witty, the added scenes are all to a point and give meaning to the story.
− And of course, the songs add a cohesive atmosphere to the musical, the costumes are more quirky and funny.
Sometimes, less is more. I find that the limitations of musical theater staging usually bring about such creativity to go beyond those limitations that the final product is much more creative than the original. I feel that way about most stage adaptations and I wasn't surprised to see this confirmed with Groundhog Day.
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racetrackshiggins · 5 years
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shows i’ve seen ☆ groundhog day ☆ broadway ☆ 2017
february second first remote broadcast ghd in punx., pa
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jesterlesbian · 6 years
february 2nd... first remote broadcast... GHD in Punx, PA...
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february 2nd... GHD in Punx, PA
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armoranthe · 7 years
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“February 2nd: First remote broadcast, GHD in Punx, PA.”
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punxsutawneyspirit · 7 years
GHD Broadway - Our Shot (SunRise Up)
Broadway's GROUNDHOG DAY #Ham4All Written, Directed, and Edited by: Raymond J. Lee & Travis Waldschmidt Vocals: Katy Geraghty, Taylor Iman Jones, Raymond J. Lee, Vishal Vaidya, Travis Waldschmidt Camera: Jordan Grubb & Raymond J. Lee Performed by the Broadway company of GROUNDHOG DAY Instrumental from The Hamilton Instrumentals - Atlantic Records
We're not throwing away our shot. We're not throwing away our shot. That's not how we do it Up her in Punxsutawney And we're not throwing away our shot Welcome to Punxutawney You can call it Punx P-A Where we sit around and repeat every mutha freaking day That's cause our man Phil Connors keeps steppin' in the fray Of effin 'round, douchin' around, getting hit by rodentia That's a groundhog in layman's term Ya hear me Jeff? "HEY HAY!" The Punx of Punxustawney invite you on this day The Clevelands, Chubs, Ralph and Gus, Frebbie, the Deputay So take a seat and listen to what the people have to say. Punxsutawney is a little town with a heart as big as any town. As any small town. If she had her time again, our diva Rita woulda do it all the same. Stop the clock, freeze a moment, cuz Phil be all insane. SunRise Up Rise Up (What?!) GHD in Punx PA GHD in Punx PA So take the time to savor every minute of every day Sun-rise Up Rise... Take it over Ned On and on and on you stumble on Towards the evening sun She waits for you with open arms You stare right through her (Playing Nancy) On and on you fall towards her Cold embracing shadow doorway Offers nothing still she draws you ever to her And we're not throwing away our shot We're not throwing away our shot That's not how we do it Up her in Punxsutawney And we're not throwing away our shot And We're not throwing away our shot And We're not throwing away our shot That's not how we do it Up her in Punxsutawney Sunrise Up Rise Up Everybody Sunrise Up Rise Up And we're not throwing away our Champions Adjust! Not throwing away our shot!
Fair Use Clause - 107: Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair Use 
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Groundhog Day Fan Week Day 1
I totally forgot to post anything for today until now so here we go! I might write a fic or two for a few of these but since this one is short notice, I'll go with headcanons for today, so: Holidays in Punxsutawney -I thoroughly maintain that despite all evidence that Groundhog Day is the most romantic Day of the year in Punx PA, they still go all out for Valentine's Day. The diner is decked out in hearts (though still bearing the cartoon image of Punxsy Phil) -Fred and Debbie spend their whole day just doing little special things for each other, nothing too big Bc I imagine they both have to work, but they don't let it stop them from putting little things together for surprises before they see each other for dinner at the end of the day. Lots of kisses and lots of love -This stems from a larger hc from the ghd discord but Mabel Lancaster and her wife, Abigail, also make sure to take some time for themselves, as the B&B usually doesn't see much business so soon after Groundhog Day. They'll head to the Knob and reminisce about that day so long ago when they met and fell in love, and many years later, finally got to legalize the marriage that they'd seen as real for ages now. -Ned had spent the last few Valentine's Days with his kids, trying to focus on the love he holds for them, rather than dwell on the fact that he can't spend it with his wife. This year, though, he waits until the sun has set and goes out to their old favorite spot in town, a bench unremarkable to most, but he knows to be the one they'd always choose. He stares up at the stars and, for once, allows himself to talk to his wife as if she were still with him. He knows in his heart that she can hear him, he just wishes he could hear her. -Larry couldn't take the day off from work, but made sure to head to Punxsutawney as soon as he was done. Their relationship is still new, but he wanted to ensure that Nancy knew he was thinking of her, so he surprises her with flowers and a DVD copy of a fun romantic comedy, which they both end up making fun of the whole time they watch. -Phil has to refrain from telling Rita he loves her, as it hasn't even been two weeks for her, but he still does his best to make the day special for her. He of course remembered that her dream man could cook, so he did what he could, invited her over and made the best dish he knew how. It isn't anything fancy, just a one-pan-pasta he'd found online, but it tastes just fine, and they enjoy the meal as they ignore whatever random thing they'd turned on the tv in favor of just talking about anything. Because while Phil thought he knew everything about her, there's still so much left to learn, and he is nothing if not eager to figure it out.
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deathcab4 · 6 years
February 2 GHD in Punx PA
tomorrow spring will come
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annabelle--cane · 5 years
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sabergowitz · 7 years
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Last note of “Hope”, 5.18.17
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kaishacreates · 7 years
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February 2nd. First Remote Broadcast. GHD. In Punx, PA. 💜 IT’S GROUNDHOG DAY! . . . One of my favorite memories that I’ve made so far in New York is winning the Broadway Lottery 8 times to see Groundhog Day the Musical @groundhogdaybwy 😊 Out of 8 wins, I was able to see the show 5 times and I loved it each and every time 😊🤗🌞 . . . I’m pretty devastated there won’t be a national tour, however, when it’s time for a revival, I’ll be ready to take the stage as Rita Hanson 😉 #Goals #DreamRole . . . #kaihugs #groundhogday #broadway #actress #nyc #newyork #musicaltheatre #actor #dancer #singer #actress (at New York, New York)
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trillian8 · 7 years
“Finding the Sun”--New Beginnings and Groundhog Day
Hi. I’m Sara.
(*takes anxiety-ridden inhale & exhale*)
Let’s Do This . . . .
I’ve never been one for flashy displays, or really calling attention to myself in any manner, so you can imagine I have had little to no use for social media like this. Maybe it was watching too much Twilight Zone as a kid, being warrey of intrusive technology. More than likely I figured that no one has ever really wanted to hear my thoughts so far in my 28 years of existence, why would that change? Best just surf the vast Inter-Web in silence, enjoy from the shadows.
Then came Groundhog Day: The Musical
I first heard of it while watching  The Late Show with Stephen Colbert absentmindedly one night. Andy Karl (who I would eventually come to know and love as the insanely talented lead of the production) was one of the guests, and while he was charming and engaging, my main take-away was . . .”Why?”
Why would someone make a Musical out of Groundhog Day? What crazy random thought process would lead someone to put music to that story? How would that even work?
Slightly intrigued, I made a mental note to look it up sometime, then went about my business, paying it no mind.
I wouldn’t think of it again till a month or so later when I caught the tail-end of the Tony’s. While too late to see their performance, just being reminded of it’s existence through the Best Actor & Musical awards inspired me to try and get more info. It wasn’t long until I come upon the soundtrack on YouTube.
Being the weirdo I am, the 1st song I listen to was “Day 2”. I’m a big fan of characters being put into odd situations--Sci-fi, Fantasy, the Supernatural, you name it--and the “Oh God, What’s Happening?!” reaction tends to be among my favorite parts, and since I was already familiar with the story, I started there. And . . .I thought it was pretty neat! The tempo had a nice pace, the melody was hummable, and I loved hearing Phil trying to rationalize with his “List O’ Possibilities” . Moving on to “Day 3” heightened my interest more with the distorted melody over Phil’s distressed cries.
Then came “Stuck”, and I found that my heart was no longer my own.
The song was so clever, funny, intricate, and insanely catchy with a hint of sad desperation as Phil is grasping at straws. I adored it. I started it over again, and then proceed to replay it a few times just trying to get more of the lyrics before moving on.
“One Day” and “Hope” just made it official--This show was my life now-my new Pop Culture focus.
I can’t accurately describe how wonderful it felt to fall in love with a media property again. While there are plenty of things that I like and enjoy, Groundhog Day was something else, something that touched me at my core. I went back to the beginning and cycled through the tracks, absorbing the hilarious, heartfelt, fun, smart, sorrowful, and enlightening arrangements like I was breathing. I would spend those 76 mins trying to construct the show in my mind, knowing that my job (Teacher’s Aid at a Special Needs School) and my location (Florida) would more than likely keep me from ever seeing it in person. But it wasn’t enough-I needed more.
So I ventured out in search of the fandom.
I’ve always considered the sharing of ideas, theories, and opinions to be one of the best things about consuming different media. To take a group of people and have them all come to different conclusions after watching, reading, or listening to the same thing has been a constant point of fascination for me. I love seeing all the varied creative endeavors that one thing  can inspire, and the relationships it can bring together. I believe that Fandom, at it’s core, is a perfect example of the interconnected-ness and imagination of the human spirit.
The Groundhog Day Fandom did not disappoint. In fact, it exceeded expectations greatly by being so close-nit, creative, and passionate. There were theories and cordial discussions as far as the eye could see with such detailed and sweet fan-art. And while still in the growing stages, the fanficiton archive has stories that are just as thought provoking and soul-enriching as the show itself. Though small, it left quite an impact on me. For the first time, actually engaging instead of watching from the sidelines was a strong desire.
Once I finally came across the illustrious “Boot”, it became more clear what drew me to this show, what touched me so deeply. I felt very much like Phil, years of isolation had made me tired and distrusting of those around me (though, I’d like to think I’m not as big of an asshole-being at least to courteous others). I have been living each day as interchangeable pieces of nothingness, the same old-same old. It all seemed set in stone, that this is all I should ever hope to have.
But this show emphatically says “Suck my Balls!” to that kind of thinking. Nothing is forever, everyone has a chance to learn and grow into new people. That if you work at it, even just a little bit at a time, the world will seem like a brand new place. I also love the notion that changing your outlook and position in life has just as much to do with the people around you as it does with yourself. Once Phil is able to let people in, get close to him, he is able to let go of a lot of his hang-ups in favor of filling that void with the positive feelings of connecting with and ultimately helping others. Then he is able to have relationships built on mutual respect and truth. This is a paradigm we all aspire to, and the good people of Punx., PA give us the hope that it’s possible.
So, to make a long post short (readers-”too late” :) ), I like to wholeheartedly, and with much adoration, thank the creators, actors, and all the behind the scenes crew on crafting a truly magical piece of theater. I hope that although this show’s life is being criminally and drastically cut short, you know the true impact your work left on the people who saw it and the hordes of people still to come. I’m holding on to the dream that most, if not all of you, will be involved in the tour and that we are able to grow the production’s popularity-- grass-roots style :)
I also want to thank the Fandom, or “Small Fandom USA” as it has come to be known, for being so open and welcoming and providing such wonderfully interesting writings & art work to consume.
(* With a special shout-out to @itsqueermrmarvin for not being creeped out by some random weirdo joining in on your live-streams. Those are so much fun and gave me the final push I needed to join Fandom proper! *)
Taking a page out of the GHD playbook, I intend to use this blog to engage more with the world and to improve my writings (My ultimate goal-could you tell? ;p). Hopefully I can keep things fun & engaging. And I promise to try to be less long-winded in the future
“Tomorrow, there will be Sun! And if not tomorrow, perhaps the day after . . .”
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jesterlesbian · 7 years
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February 2nd.
First remote broadcast. 
GHD in Punx, PA.
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