thegreatestheaver · 5 months
Everyday when I drive to college I drive past my old Highschool and there were a bunch of emergency vehicles there today. Some things never change♥️
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the-moon-pal · 7 months
Im here to complain about a very simple thing, fed ex, why is my package stuck in TENNESSEE!!!
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starbuck · 2 years
as someone who is prone to having capital F Freak-outs over life things not happening fast enough or the way i want them to, the ability to learn has really kept me in check. i had been in a HORRENDOUS mood all morning, but i got home, had a proper meal, sent a couple emails i was procrastinating on, did some language learning, started reading a new book, and messed around on the guitar for a bit and now i’m completely calm.
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lakesbian · 1 year
I’ve been stuck too nervous to start arc 17 because of all the conversation about it making me nervous. Is there anything you think will convince me to get to it?
this is going to contain some arc 17 spoilers because i can't talk about why it's good without saying at least some concrete things about it
anyway. after some research (making a post asking why people don't like it) i have come to a conclusive awareness of the most prominent reasons 4 the two primary camps of opinions abt arc 17
why some ppl think it's one of the most excellent arcs in the book: - extremely well-written fucked up horror tragedy - extremely cool and scary and interesting perspective on the simurgh (give it up for the simurgh everyone give it up for the simurgh) - engaging character writing & dynamics - context 4 a bunch of worldbuilding shit delivered in an interesting little packidge - some of the best character concepts in the book (noelle/krouse) why some ppl find it boring (have not actually seen anyone who Hates it i think just ppl who find it boring/uninteresting): - no taylor PoV or undersiders for the entire arc - flashback that puts the main plot on pause for the entire arc - underdeveloped and/or uninteresting focal characters - unlikable/annoying focal characters
now obviously i am an arc 17 enjoyer. so my refutations to the reasons i've seen ppl disliking it for are: - this is 100% a matter of personal taste. like it's understandable to be less engaged w/ parts of the story that aren't about your guys of choice, but it worked for me because i enjoy the rotating cast of perspectives. i like how it expands the world of worm more. it Is time spent away from taylor and friends, but it's finally providing context for one of the most built-up mysteries in the book, so, like. i do not mind taking a brief taylor break to read what's basically a really good wormverse horror story. we already have like 1.6 million words of taylor so i think if you're going in with the awareness that you're going to just take a little one-arc break from her and then get back to her & try to be open-minded about it you might find it not such a big deal
- i can understand why it induces "AUGH come on i wanted to find out what happens next" syndrome but i'm a "that's ok we get there when we get there :)" person about books so again i personally did not mind. the pacing just works 4 me. like you get the mystery of wondering what's wrong with noelle -> the dread of having it revealed via arc 17 that she's a simurgh plot and subsequently this was always fated to happen and end horribly -> being thrown back into the Noelle Incident afterwards with full awareness that because it's a simurgh plot horrible things are going to happen. which is good! it provides context at the perfect moment to maximize the impact of revealing how tragic and awful the situation is.
- i do agree that the travelers aren't as well-developed as they could be, oliver & cody particularly, but it wasn't an issue for me during the arc. i think they all have the amount of characterization necessary to make it feel appropriately tense. even if they aren't the most distinct characters in the book, they do their jobs Well Enough. i actually really liked some of the genesis/trickster interactions in particular, and i think the most important character (trickster) ends up really well characterized in a fascinatingly detailed way. it overall captures the gist of what we need to know to be compelled by the travelers just fine.
- no none of them are especially likable but this one is like. fully just a personal taste thing. i don't care if characters in a book are likable people, i care if the narrative & themes are well-written and compelling. which they are! also the fact that krouse fucking sucks and the character dynamics are all unpleasant and uncomfortable is genuinely a pro of the arc 4 me. them fucking sucking and causing problems is part of their charm, and also literally integral to why their character concepts are interesting. "found family that never should have been a family" is by default going to involve some level of suckiness. also, like, taylor isn't likable. she's manipulative and violent and uncommunicative and would generally be awful to hang out with. all of which is part of her charm. if you can like taylor for the interesting ways in which she sucks (affectionate) then surely you can like the travelers for the interesting ways in which they suck (affectionate). but even if you don't their Story is still worth breaking down and paying attention to. because it's good.
best case scenario for reading it is you think it's excellent (which it is) worst case scenario you just find it kind of boring. which isn't a big deal, there are plenty of worm arcs that people find meh. if you've gotten thru the rest of worm you can get thru arc 17 too, it's ultimately just another worm arc at the end of the day. one i would highly recommend, but ultimately just another worm arc. no reason not to give it a try, because all that will happen is you'll either go "that was good" or "didn't love that" and then carry on with the rest of the book.
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tentacledtherapist · 6 months
It's funny, despite living in New England all my life I don't think I could ever tire of it. The town I grew up in has a church from the 1780s. One of the many places George Washington stayed is nearby. I grew up in graveyards and old buildings and sinking my arms as deep as they could in the Weird and the Old and the Dark. It makes me unbelievably happy. (It helps that I run warm too, it makes a world of difference to be in a cooler area!) It is funny that we have Wild West Towns and you have Winter Villages when the weather is so opposite. It has a weird cognitive dissonance I think, that makes it humorous. A very dry fake snow covered place at 90 degrees while we have a Fake Desert covered in Real Snow. Why are humans like this I wonder, besides the novelty of what we Don't Have? Like a Medieval Times despite not ever having a european medieval period in America.
I recently watched Bones and All, and while I'm not sure about how well it measured up to the book, I absolutely ADORED it. The metaphor is not lost on me and there is something so jarring and so good about it. I actually do recommend the film, I think I know which actor you speak of and despite not liking them much either their work was really good in this film in particular. I loved making it a bit more of a 1980s period piece to give everything this distance from our current world, and also the narrative the movie is trying to pull opposed to the book. It makes the story make a bit more sense as a movie, in its own way? I'm not someone turned away by cannibalism, so it's not such a weird conept to me. I don't think I'd play a reluctant cannibal character if I was.
I'm so glad we are on the same page about these sorts of stories! Its like getting back to the roots of many of these horror genres, how they turn back into these stories with metaphors about humanity. Dracula and Frankenstein, Carmilla, they're more about people than they are about monsters to me. I'm fairly certain there's roots in Oscar Wilde's famous trials in Dracula, about the fear of male intimacy, since Bram Stoker has been more recently well known for being potentially queer, and Dracula was also inspired partially by Carmilla, itself a horrific lesbian romance. And even beyond that, the strange, the foreign, the twisted humanity, what we see in ourselves reflected from others. Then Frankenstein has its own whole host of human fears laced in it. Parenthood, homosexuality, theology, science. Human connection, our greatest fear and our greatest salvation.
I could write essays about horror, I really could.
- Your Creature
P.s.: I wish you luck with your project! Maybe order from them online? I hate when things are out of stock.
ordering things online is my Least Favorite way to order things but. i had to and now i must Await My Packidge. agony
i think we’re both talking about timothee chanalet i have no idea how to spell his name— at least i was— there’s nothing wrong with him! i just don’t… care for anything he’s really been in? it’s just never really clicked for me, i guess. but!!! if you endorse the movie, i’ll give it a shot! you haven’t led me astray with media suggestions yet! :D
as for the oddly out of place landmarks: isn’t it human nature to want what we can’t have? there’s a reason we have the turn of phrase “the grass isn’t always greener on the other side”
i would love to read your essays, if you ever decide to write any. you have such… amazing thoughts about this stuff? about horror and the nature of humanity and about love and the inhuman and just… all of it. i’ve genuinely loved reading your thoughts in our letters. i’m so sure i’ve said it before, but just in case: it’s so nice to hear your thoughts on stuff. i missed hearing from you, adam. both while i was away and also. like. lifetime kinning stuff. i keep going back to read things you’ve written me because they’re just so good. you have such a way with describing the things you’re interested in an the things you’re passionate about? i’m going a little overboard, i think, but,,,
suffice it to say: if you ever decide to write an essay and you need a proofreader? i’m your gal
the horrors of each era reflect our society’s fears during that era, but there’s something to be said about the inherent, timeless, and unshakeable fears about humanity and the Other (tm tm tm). those fears, those insecurities about the self? they never go away. i think that’s why we as a society love stories about them so much
- Your Lisa
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enviousjam · 1 year
I ordered Kirby stickers and the seller made the package require a signature for some god knows what reason, and of course I'm at work when the mail carrier stops by. so he leaves a form instead of delivering my package, and I fill out the form giving them permission to leave it on my doorstep, mailman picks up the form, two days later RETURNS the form with no other notes? do I need to take a day off so I can catch this guy in the act and make him give me my god dam packidge of $15 worth of stickers
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lizzorasaurus · 2 years
I ordered the lucien book from my local bookstore today because i fucking forgot about doing that earlier
Give...give me book. Give packidge.
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luobingmeis · 3 years
the fact that i’ve convinced myself that i’m a patient person is my biggest act of cognitive dissonance and it’s truly seen when i order a package and literally cannot contain myself the moment i get the notif that it shipped
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I don't think my post office wants me have things. I've placed three different orders from three different places and they keep taking my shit. An they won't pick up their goddamn phone
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someone give me motivation to edit this fic excerpt that i have been procrastinating for the whole evening
i keep ending up in useless loops of refreshing social media and watching mildly interesting youtube videos because my brain is stuck in "packidge?" mode except there is no package to anticipate there is simply a series of social media sites and the browser refresh button to keep hitting whilst i do not do the one productive thing i want to be doing
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morsmoon · 4 years
It's 10:20 am and I've got my nose pressed to my window going "PACKIDGE" because I ordered 4 dark lipstains and finally had the balls to buy a black one 😍
not to be dramatic but dark lipsticks give me a reason to live I totally get it pal I hope you’ll like them! 
it’s Sleepover Sunday, tell me whatever you want
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tuesday again
all webassign problems due monday night 11:59 PM EST. this is a long one kids
listening i’ve had Eddystone Light stuck in my head and in an effort to dislodge it i’ve been listening to the Bioshock soundtracks. We Saw The Sea is the same flavor of goofy and charming but thank GOD it’s got a different tune 
reading Kieron Gillen’s 2015-2016 run on the Darth Vader comics. i tend to like Gillen’s work more often than not, and this set of 5 volumes is some of the better Star Wars i’ve read in a grip. it’s not as nostalgia-bait-y as some of the actual films in the canon, but does occasionally fall into the wink wink we know you’ve seen other Harrison Ford films nudge nudge here’s where the Wilhelm scream would be in this volume. i think it’s an interesting expansion of Vader’s character showing a slow turn from attack dog to someone willing to overthrow Palpatine. not that Vader is good, or has ever been good, but the slow disillusionment and machinations to keep hold of power outside Palpatine’s sphere of influence 1) make intuitive sense with existing movie canon 2) are just fun to follow. wiki says Gillen pulled from The Godfather and House of Cards and i’ve only seen one of those things but Vader is basically a mob boss when u til ur head. 
anyway Vol 3 The Shu-Torun War reminds me of all the best parts about the EU pre-Disney. it’s just a cool little selfcontained sidequest in a cool setting with a things that are interesting to look at. 
kay, this is a low bar! you cry. yes! i cry back. most of the star wars expanded universe material both pre- and post-Disney is extremely bad! some of it is enjoyably bad but most of it is just nothing! anyway look at this spread! classic Star Wars, classic pulpy scifi, mwah. i want to eat it with a spoon. 
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watching rewatching Cowboy Bebop. i have not seen this since my first year of college, seven fucking years ago in September, where i watched it on dailymotion on a small and terrible chromebook. now i have Hulu and a larger and slightly better acer. shows that are only half an hour are dangerous bc you can knock out half a season in an afternoon. hour-long things like Black Sails are like. appointment television. i have to clear my schedule to watch an ep of Black Sails.
my tastes and opinions have changed somewhat in those seven years. the first time around, my main complaint was that there were hardly any ladies and that jesus lord almighty i had to google Faye’s name bc all my brain was giving me was Jill Valentine. wrong Miss Valentine. anyway my complaints about Faye the first time around were mostly that she doesn’t get enough to do and she’s an “oops all boobs” anime character. this time around i’m like YIKES this is a TERRIBLE and KINDA GROSS way to have a Romani character. i haven’t gotten to her mini arc yet but iirc they mention that she’s Romani like...twice? in the whole series? i don’t think she actually is and it has not come up again since we met her. baffling. 
oh also the mob is in this anime. forgot about that.  
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playing SOMA, on the recommendation of @delta-orionis​ . i’m a baby and i don’t generally like horror games so we’ll see how far i get, especially bc i had to look up a guide bc i got stuck in the first room post-Incident. it did not occur to me to throw anything at the window. that’s IMPOLITE. SOMEONE WILL HAVE TO CLEAN THAT UP. I DON’T HAVE SHOES ON WHY WOULD I DO THAT
making YARN PACKIDGE CAME. the ability to just crank out these yellow cotton mitered blanket squares without looking down has been returned to me, i can watch complicated television again. i’m gonna have to do eight hundred million miles of mattress stitch which i HATE, but present!kay is offloading that to future!kay, bc present!kay hates picking up stitches along edges WAY more. this blanket has been an idea in my brain for a while, there’s an additional stack of these squares in a storage unit i haven’t opened in five years. one day my own hubris blanket will be complete. i’ve knit other blankets for people but not one for me, one this big and one that required so much assembly. stay tuned over the next ??? years.
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bomberqueen17 · 5 years
oh a mystery
i got home yesterday to find one of those UPS post-its on my door. We Tried To Deliver You A Packidge But Nobody Home, it said. It had checked off that they’re not trying again, I have to go tomorrow (today) to their Pick Up Your Shit center, which happens to be right by work, and Sign For It In Person, after 1pm.
It had my name on it, too, so I know it’s for me. 
Now, it was just my birthday. But I saw my mom and all my sisters. And there’s nobody else in the world, I don’t think, who’s gonna get me anything. Dude didn’t get me anything. My bestie already gave me my present in person like a month ago, she’s bad at waiting. Farmsister forgot to get me anything but if she does it’ll be like, beer, and it’ll be at the farm next time I go. 
I asked Dude straight out if he knew anything about it, and he refused to give any kind of answer, not even an absence-of-answer, and I genuinely don’t know whether that means he ordered something or not; we just didn’t discuss him getting me anything, and I assumed that he’d just figured the outing was my gift, which is fine. I just ordered some stuff online but #1 I know they didn’t send it signature confirmation and #2 I just got a tracking number yesterday, they’re not arriving yet. 
So on the one hand I’m all like ooOOOoohhh a MYSTERY maybe it’s a LAVISH GIFT from a hithertofore UNKNOWN ADMIRER but I am 1) old and 2) tired and so I am mostly thinking that it is going to be something quotidian I forgot about, but I am definitely thinking that I really should not give myself the extravagance of getting worked up over it because I hate getting disappointed and I have done a lot of getting disappointed in my life, and my look-on-the-sunny-side reflexes are well-worn but also kind of, well, worn. 
So I’m trying not to be curious, but also trying not to totally forget to go get the thing later. It’s a balancing act.
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Being able to track my packages is useful but also terrible bc I keep checking where it is being like
It’s only an hour away give me packidge
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