starwrittenfates · 10 months
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Being orphaned as a baby. Granted, she was later adopted by Heimdall's family, with him becoming her adoptive big brother, but it's the fact she didn't get to know her biological parents which hurts.
Because of that, Sif struggles to find her sense of purpose, self and belonging in the world. Heimdall is blessed with sensory capabilities letting him see nearly all things in the Nine Realms, becoming the Gatekeeper of Asgard, but what can Sif do?
Hence, why she turns towards her interests in the Valkyries, wanting to become a female warrior for Asgard and make her mark in the world. By learning to fight and become a warrior, Sif feels like she can be in control and has a purpose. She wants to be brave, strong, and protect/fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. She also wants to honor her deceased parents.
However, the road to proving herself as capable warrior despite being female is not an easy task. It is difficult. Especially when, after opening up to Loki one drunken night, she wakes up to find he has cut off her hair as a prank, only adding salt to the wound. She feels used and abused and beyond hurt, becoming furious. He had not only insulted her as a warrior, but as a female. No one in Asgard would take her seriously now. From that point on, Sif has lost all trust in Loki and remains cautious over him.
Lorelei enthralling Sif's former lover, Haldor. So enchanted, he forsook his family, friends, and the woman he loved. This led to a deep-seated hatred between Sif and Lorelei and an unlucky battle with love for Sif. Add Thor falling in love with Jane to that list, and her incident with Loki...and ouch.
The loss of Queen Frigga. Not only was she her Queen, but like a mother figure to Sif who grew up raised alongside Thor, Loki and the Warrior Three's. Add Odin to the list too.
The Warrior Threes deaths as I covered HERE
Asgard's Destruction...nuff said. She lost her home and everything she knew one right after the other...but it isn't done yet.
Thanos attacking the Statesman and killing half of the passengers, Heimdall, Loki and almost Thor....
Being snapped/blipped out of existence for five years, only to return back and worry if Thor and her people are still alive or killed by Thanos and then to learn how to process all the grief she went through before getting snapped as she tries to acclimate to life in New Asgard without her family and friends....
I'll cover that last one in detail some other time, but yeah, Sif has a lot to go through when Ragnarok hits. And it isn't easy for her.
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vulpixisananimal · 6 months
"So about yesterday"
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"I'm scared."
(It felt like pulling teeth trying to get those words out. You didn't want to, but you did. You need to be open with them, but you don't want to. But you do.)
"... I'm sorry."
(There's a pause. There's always a pause. Like you're still in a play. Why did you say that? Why didn't you say it sooner?)
(Were they mad? Freaked out?)
(You look up. Isabeau was holding out a hand. Oh, looking down you didn't Even realize you were gripping your cloak with a death grip. You pry a hand off it and take Isa's)
"Mad? Sif! I'm prouda you!"
(Isabeau was beaming at you.)
"Last time you opened up to us it took nearly ending the world! This is a big improvement!!"
(... You're starting to giggle.)
(And cry.)
(Wuh oh.)
"!!" (Isa jumped to your side.) "Did I say something wrong???"
(You shook your head.)
"I think they're just a bit shaken up, right Sif?" (Mirabelle got up to your side as well. You nod, and take a breath.)
"You guys, don't think I'm crazy or anything?"
"There's someone I know in Bambouche like that, it's nothin' to be scared of." (Nille was giving you a comforting smile. You barely even knew each other and she was being so nice?) "What was it they called it?"
"A Dissociative Identity."
(You look up at Odile, she was smiling too. Did she know something?)
"With what you've been through, and how You've been acting, I thought to look into possible reasons myself. A dissociative identity is someone who, in essence, has multiple personalities in one body. Each with their own memories, self, etc."
(... That sounds like us.)
(It DOES sound like us.)
(You wipe your nose on your arm.)
"Eewww Siffrin!!" (Mirabelle made a face, you laugh, Isabeau hands you a tissue.)
"That.. that sounds about right." (It was you.)
"How long ago did this start?" (Asked Isa.)
(You hide your face in your cloak, expecting the reaction) "... About a month, month and a half ago."
"Ah Gems.."
"around when we first met then?" (Asked Nille.) "I thought you were just Like That."
(You snort and laugh.)
(Your family was... Being so nice to you.)
(Nice to us.)
"Yeah it was around there. I think. First one showed up when we made it to Bambouche, second right before we left?"
"Sooooo when can we meet em?" (Isa said excitedly.)
"I bet we already have, big guy." (Nille replied.)
"Hah! Yeah I guess so! Who are they?"
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"And, well, you know me. So that makes three."
"Ha!! Guess we get to talk to loop again after all!!" (Isa cheered.)
(. . .)
"Hmmm, Mal Du Pays. I do hope it's comfortable here." (Odile said thoughtfully)
(. . .)
". . . You really don't think I'm weird?"
"Of course not!!"
"Nah, nothing weird at all."
"I don't think you could get weirder."
(You all laugh. They all really were fine with it then...)
(Nille leaned back in her chair.) "Ah Crabs, we shoulda gotten Bonnie in for this conversation."
(You wince.) "I could, explain it again to them. Or one of you could..."
(Nille was smiling cheekily at you. Why was she smiling?)
(Wait, she was looking behind you, so was Odile. You turn around.)
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(Oh stars, please don't be mad.)
(Bonnie stormed over to you. They looked really angry, were they listening in the whole time? You were going to tell them too!)
(They looked you up and down, scowled at you.)
(And gave you a big hug.)
"Stupidface." (you could feel the tension leaving the room, even if you winced a little.) "I was worried about your crabbin face all day you big stupid face!"
"Language." (Nille chimed in.)
"YOU'RE language."
(Everyone laughed a bit. You take a breath. Oh Stars the kid wasn't actually angry.)
"Sorry, Bonnie, I was, hoping you'd be around for that talk."
"Heh, I heard every word, stupid." (Bonnie was looking up at you grinning.) "Big stupid."
"Takes one to know one Bonbon!" (Nille joked.) "And shouldn't you be in bed?"
"No way!! Someone's gotta make dinner around here!!"
"And that someone won't be you after that little tussle-"
"... Who's stomach was that."
"Not mine."
"Nor mine."
(Bonnie squinted at their sister) ".... Nille?"
"Doesn't change my point!" (She replied. Guilty.)
"HA!! I knew you'd be hungry!! C'mon let's go make some food!!!"
(Bonnie was dragging Nille out of the room now, probably to help make something for supper. You breathe in, and out.)
"... That went well." (Said Odile, getting up and walking over to you.) "Siffrin, if ever you want to learn more about this disorder, I'll help you look into it."
(You nod sheepishly, getting up as well.)
"We're here to support you Siffrin!" (Mirabelle was beaming at you like nothing had changed) "If something happens then you can always tell us, ok?"
"I'll try-"
"WAIT!!!" (Isabeau's expression dropped as he realized something). "Have, have I been making them super uncomfortable at all with our, y'know, our thing-"
"That's what you're worried about? Gems, Isa."
(You hide your face in your cloak.)
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
I have a angst RoR request if you're up for it! So since Thrúd is also the daughter of Thor and Sif in some variations in Norse mythology, can I request a Thor x Siff reader where both of them are watching Shiva and Raiden's match in Thor's waiting room. Just like in canon, Raiden looses the match which means not only him but Thrúd also goes to Nifhel. Thor and reader then have to watch their daughter be wiped out of existence. Reader is in tears and watching the screen in front of her while Thor is silent but reader knows that he's both devastated and angry about losing his precious daughter.
So yeah, sorry my request is so depressing😢
-When you found out that your daughter had found the man whom captured her heart, you were overjoyed. Raiden seemed a little rough around the edges, but you could tell he had a good heart.
-Just like your husband, Thor, whom was a little less than pleased, not wanting his daughter to love anyone, not wanting to lose her to another man.
-Thrud was definitely a daddy’s girl growing up, even after she surpassed him in height and bulk, and Thor adored her to pieces, he had been wrapped around her finger since the day she was born.
-Unlike Thor’s own match against Lu Bu, whom you could tell left a lasting impression on your husband, as he had finally found someone to challenge him, a friend is how Thor explained the human to you afterwards, Raiden and Shiva’s match was much more involved, more intense.
-Thor was interested in Raiden, who was willing to do anything to win, even at the expense of his own body, pushing it beyond its limits and even more.
-You froze, your eyes widening as Shiva beat Raiden, but beforehand Raiden told Thrud to separate from him, so she isn’t destroyed as well.
-You could see your daughter hugging Raiden from behind, not willing to part from him and your hands came to your mouth, watching your baby disappear.
-Thor was silent, stunned stiff, seeing his daughter vanish, just like Lu Bu.
-While he shed no tears, Thor’s heart ached, the pain inside him was unlike anything he had ever felt before, hugging you close as you sobbed into his chest.
-His grip was tight, almost to the point of bruising, you could feel the trembling in his fingertips, telling you that he was upset, grieving over your lost child.
-You both knew the risk in this tournament, you knew that the Valkyries, Thrud included, also knew the risk they were taking in this battle of souls, and despite giving everything, they still lost.
-You would give anything to hold your daughter one last time, and you knew that Thor felt the same way, even if he said nothing, as you knew how much he loved her.
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[ just sharing some writing from another platform that is for this character ( the metahuman ) there. ]
”Really? You haven’t exactly been very forthcoming with the entire reason you require my help… you know instead of someone equally or more capable on your team that is.” Mary glared from behind the valkyrie helm, fingers curling into fists inside the gloves she had on - and then she fell silent. Not on purpose, something else entirely had caught her attention … something that wasn’t supposed to be there. A bright blue-white light suddenly filled the air as he ascended across to the base.
Almost … no, DEFINITELY like a doorway. It was dark in the forest but that light would have been seen for miles around. “PRINCESS! ARE YOU HERE!?” She cringed, that voice was all too familiar to her and very few could get away with calling her Princess. It wasn’t a nickname though - it was a title and that’s what happens when your adoptive father is the King Of Asgard. You get the word Princess in front of your name, only people allowed to even call her that - besides Heimdall and on occasion Lady Sif and the Warriors three - was Ratatoskr. A talking squirrel you say? The guardians had a talking raccoon, so a talking squirrel who tended to run up and down the world’s tree wasn’t THAT unheard of.
She sighed a little, recalling whom she was in the company of and undoubtedly Oliver would tease her about it - well, if he had heard it - for some reason. “You breathe a word of this to anyone and you’re going to be catching your own arrows in spots they shouldn’t be in, do I make myself clear?” That was a promise. Really the LAST thing she needed was some idiot enemy getting wind that she was a Princess and then all hell would break even further loose than it already had. “Over here, Ratatoskr - just … please refrain from calling me that when out and about in my realm, okay? Thank you.” She could see the little figure with the curled tail racing closer, closing the distance from where the doorway had been opened to where she was standing. Her helm tucked under her arm, holding it there as she looked down towards her boots and held a hand out. Hovering it over the squirrel’s head and flames engulfed it, giving a little light so that she could see him. “There you are, what is it?”
Ratatoskr cowered a bit when the flames mystically appeared from her hand, his tail twitching in anxiousness while hugging himself to her legs. “So sorry Pri… Mary, I’ve come with news. Volstagg has told me that the dark elves have the gatekeeper, I was to tell you this immediately since this quest is yours.”
The flames that had engulfed her hand were immediately extinguished, Oliver had no idea what Ratatoskr was talking about but that made her wonder if he’d be okay with abandoning what they were supposed to do here in order to help her go and save someone else. Someone very important to the realm of Asgard, Heimdall - who had been missing for a year now and they had just learned his whereabouts?! “Thank you Ratatoskr, I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Sensing that the squirrel had run off in the direction he had come, she could see the bright blue-white light fill up a doorway like hole suddenly through her peripherals. Exhaling a deep breath, she slid the valkyrie helm back on and with enough speed crossed the distance from the cliffside to where Oliver had landed.
With the use of flight no less. “We might have to reconsider this mission…” Because she could see the lights of the base being turned on, bright enough to flood fill the darkest corners to check for intruders. “... At least for the time being…”
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kayxleeee · 3 years
Loki Laufeyson:Delusions (Loki x Reader)
Warning: NONE! Slight Mean + Sad Loki
A/N: Love this one! I always feel so bad for Loki in Thor The Dark World :(
Summary: After Loki returns to Asgard he is immediately sent to prison for his crimes on Earth. Unfortunate events occur when Asgard is under attack and you just want nothing more than to check in on your beloved.
Word Count: 2k+
*NOT MY GIF* Do not copy my work
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The news of Loki return to Asgard was both worrisome and exciting. There were rumors being spread about that he was returning as a fugitive for the destruction of not only earth, but the crimes that he had committed against  Asgard. You of course found yourself just happy to know that he was alive. He may not had been well, but sure he was very much alive.
Living. Breathing. Speaking.
Out of all Thor’s closest friends, you and Loki bounded the most, which caused you solely, to develop feelings for him. These feelings would lead to a sever fallout between you and your warrior companions. With Loki’s criminal accusations, hate and critism came from many, especially from Sif and Fandral. For you to still think highly of him,--well you were considered a traitor in their eyes.
When he returned you were forbidden to pay him any visits. Odin also ordered that the only visitors Loki received were of kin and even those visits were kept very minimal. Now with the unbearable news of Frigga’s death you worried about his sanity even more than before.
The queen has been deceased for a few days now, Thor was easily consoled  by Jane’s presents and the support of the Asgardian people who were also mourning their queen. However no one was concerned for the fallen prince, except for you. You knew that his crimes were severe, but nothing was more torturous than knowing of your mothers death and there is nothing for you to do because you are locked away without even the slightest hope of saying goodbye.
For days you try to receive information on the location of where Loki was being held. You are a warrior of Asgard, you should have known these things, but because of your so-called bias-ness for the Prince of Mischief you weren’t allowed. Your inquiries about Loki’s whereabouts in the palace were extremely noticeable and you received a lot of animosity for it, especially from Lady Sif. She called you stupid and selfish for wanting to see him. You were also accused of not having any dignity or self respect. No one would tell you directly where Loki was being held, but with enough sneaking around the palace, you finally over heard a few guards speaking of his whereabouts.
With the common criminals.
You have been watching two sets of guards for more than an hour. You wanted to  slip past them undetected, but you needed to wait for the perfect moment. You weren't one of the most skilled warriors in fighting but you were known for your intelligence and abilities to be clever in any situation. The plan was for you to create a diversion to get the guards away from the staircase leading down to the dungeons.  You knew that since the palace had been attacked from the inside out the guards would be on high alert. You cast a large stone, breaking a window to which the guards attention is drawn to the noise. They run into the direction of the shattering glass. As you sneak past them, the memories of Stif warning you fills your mind as you flip into the entrance running down the concrete staircase as quickly as possible.
“It’ll be the last thing you do” She threatened.
“He is a prisoner, he knows his crime.” She scoffed
“If you go to him, we will know where your loyalties lie.”
“Loki cares nothing about you, he is a man who cares simply for himself.”
You reach the bottom of the large steps, hoping you were turning down the correct corridor as you ran quickly. You notice on your way that the majority of the cells are completely empty. This worried you, but did not stop you from searching for him. You luckily reach his location without any mishaps.
“Loki!” You announce breathlessly watching as he paced around the small room with his back turned away from you.
His cell was tidy, clean as if he had not touched a single thing. He had all of his things that brought him comfort; fancy furniture, books, papers, and pens. You knew that Loki loved to read because the two of you spent the majority’s of your time together in the library. You felt at ease knowing that he at least had that. This was of course curtsy of the Queen; she asked for these items. Although he was being punished, the only thing she wanted for her dear son was that he was comfortable in his confinement no matter what he had done.
“What is it ?!” He snapped turning around to face you. He took heed in your presence and then pressed his lips into a thin line. “Ah, Lady (Y/n).” He greets you calmly, then an amused grin appears on his face. “Here to tell me the mighty King has passed on too?”
His comment took you by surprise, you assumed he would be just as grateful to see you, as you were to see him.
“Don’t be so morbid Loki!” You cut him off with offense frowning your face in confusion. “With the news of your mother passing, I would think you’d have far-more compassion for your family, for Asgard.”
“My family.” He repeats, mocking your charismatic tone placing his hand over his chest. “My Family is not here on Asgard. My family are no more than those disgusting vile creatures you fight and kill.”
“Loki I know you’re hurting, I know you have all this anger built up, but you have to know that you do have family and loved ones here on Asgard.” You say subtlety hinting at yourself. “I did not come here to be mocked.” You say in a calming voice as he walks over to you.
You place a hand on the enchanted glass as you look up to his figure continuing to speak. “I am not one for your dramatics, I just wanted to see how you were holding up.”
“Holding up?” He lets out a malice laugh. “Ha! Holding up?! I am locked in a cage like an animal!”
You slam your fist against the glass in annoyance realizing your loving reunion was falling flat. You did not come here to argue with this man, you didn’t even plan far enough to think of exactly what you wanted to say, but it was never envisioned like this.
“And who’s fault is that Loki?! Who’s fault!?” You snap matching his dramatic tone.
“My own! For trusting idiots!” He yells back and you can’t help but think what idiots he were referring to. He continues,  “Why are you even down here, Odin forbade anyone from seeing me, you can’t be THAT stupid. Or perhaps you want to cast more stones?”
“Cast stones?— I came here as a friend Loki. All this worrying I did for you, all the tears and regrets. I risked my own life and freedom by coming down here” You scoff rolling your eyes at his demeanor. “Just to be spat on by you?”
“Better I to you, then you to me.” He laughs.
“That is your problem, you always think people want to hurt you just as bad as you want to hurt them! Look at you and your brother, he mourned you, we all did, and you go and do this? Destroy and take over the only place he loves. What did you gain?!”
“Oh bullshit! That place was nothing, but a pathetic little wasteland! They needed ORDER.”
“They needed no such thing Loki, YOU needed a sense of belonging.” You say with emphasis.
“My god you’re just as delusional as my brother .” He laughs.
“Delusional?!” You yell.
“Yes.” He says calmly, pleased at how angry he was making you. He walks away and sits on his couch crossing his legs and resting his arms on top of them. “D-e-l-u-s-i-o-n-a-l, delusional.”
As he walked away you noticed a single error in his walk as if it all was an illusion. Something that only someone who knew Loki would catch if they payed close enough attention.
“Enough, no more illusions Loki. Show me your true state, I know you are not this heartless. The only person who stands here delusional is you!”
With that, what you thought was the real Loki fades away in shimmers. A much sadder scene formed before you. The cell becomes a mess, with the once neat furniture, either broken or distorted across the room. The scuff marks on the walls concluded that he had thrown the furniture with immense force. His beloved books were ripped and torn to shreds, and his once neat clothes tattered and disheveled. Your eyes meet his saddened pale figure sitting on the floor near something he recently broken. Fresh blood oozes down his foot as the glass that was lodge in him is discarded next to him on the floor.
“IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED TO SEE!? A BROKEN MAN YOU SEE !?” His unruly hair falls into his face as he screams at the top of his lungs, veins bulging from his neck.
You immediately go to the side panel that unlocks the cell, running to his aid. You kneel beside him where there is not much debris, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him into a tight hug. He barriers himself deep into your neck letting out a silent sob. You hold him close as if you never wanted to let him go.
“I am here Loki.” You whisper to him placing a kiss to the top of his head.
You have never in your seen the Prince so weak, so fragile, so upset, so venerable. This all must have taken a huge toll on him, you couldn’t imagine what he was going through.
“ I did not want this for myself, I did not want this, not for her.” He says lowly as his voice breaks.
“I know.” You rub his back softly. “But you have to know that she loved you unconditionally with all her being, Loki.”
“I-, I don’t believe that.” He sighs with a hint of hesitation in his voice. “No one could ever.”
“That should not be hard to believe because I do, I love you too, I love you unconditionally.”
“You love me?” Asked confused he pulls away from your embrace looking at you with puffy red eyes.
“Yes.” You admit.
“You surely love as a friend correct?” He questions with squinted eyes.
“More.” You place a hand on his cheek giving him a small reassuring smile. “I’ve always loved you Loki, more than a companion, way before any of this.”
He places his hand over yours, giving you a weak smile, then leans in to kiss you. You were surprised , but quickly adapted the new feeling. The kiss was sweet and slow, so slow it felt as if time had stopped. He pulls away resting his forehead against yours.
“This probably is the best news I’ve received all week.” He says with a light chuckle. "I'm so sorry."
You smile pecking his lips once more before speaking again.
“I hope you know that for me to love you unconditionally, that I know who you are deep down. I know you aren’t all bad. I know that you had your reasons for going to earth and ruining New York, just as you had reasons for all the mayhem you have created. What was it ?” You say attempting to have him open up more.
“My reasoning ?” He asked in an unsure voice. “ I do not know.” He concluded turning way to look forward as if he was thinking.
“I find that very hard to believe Loki.” You say resting your head on his shoulder, taking his hand. “But I’m here whenever you’re ready to open up.”
It was true, you never thought Loki was all bad, you knew that there had to be reasons behind his mischief and misunderstanding. A few minutes passed of the two of you just being in one another’s presents. You imagined in other circumstances, this is how Thor felt when he Jane, as if nothing else matter other than the fact that they had each other.
“It…. His name was Thanos, after I fell from the birfrost—” He finally spoke, but it was short lived.
“(Y/n)!” You hear Thor shout from the other end of the cell interrupting. He states at the two of you intensely.
“Thor it is not what is seems.” You say imagining Lady Sif would soon be on her was as well.
“You are not in trouble (Y/n), but I need to speak to my brother, alone.”
You turn your attention back to Loki and he nods patting your hand. The two of you get up and Loki weakly walks you over to the entrance of the cell that you  previously came through.
“We can talk later, you know I’ll be here.” He looks at you with a knowing grin placing another kiss on your lips, before Turing to his brother.
You nod turning away to leave the two alone to talk. You had hopes that one day you and Loki could somehow be together, and finish that conversation, but today was clearly not that day.
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blueseasfanfics · 3 years
Hi! I love your writing and saw your requests were open. I hope you don’t mind. I just had a thought. Fem! Y/N trains with Thor, Siff, and the worriers three. She is very impressed with the amount of muscle Thor has put on and Loki is a little jealous. So the next time she happens to touch his arm he flexes. Of course Y/N notices but instead of calling Loki out, she gives him the praise he craves from her. *insert him beaming for a week because of it.*
Pairing: Loki x fem!reader
Description: Loki just needs some reassurance that you love every part about him. Even just a few words brings a newfound pep in his step. Very gentle, lots of fluff.
Word Count: 956
A/N: Thank you so much for your request! My requests are still open. I’m feeling a bit better today, I love writing Bucky but Loki was always my first love. So writing him feels like I’m coming back home. Thank you everyone for your love for Bed-Warmer! I hope everyone is having a good day!
Want to support me for only $3 or commission a personal fic from me? Incredibly personalized and great prices! Check out my ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/starryeyedalien
“Crap, Thor, help me out here.” You grunt and Thor helps you lift your bar back onto the rack. You sit up and try to catch your breath.
“Amazing, you bested your last record by twenty pounds!” He lifts his hand for a high-five and you give him one. He’s been wanting those ever since you showed them what they were a week ago.
“Well of course she did, did you expect anything else from her? She’s going to be lifting you next.” Sif chuckles as she hands you a bottle of water and you take it graciously.
“Not soon! I’ve gained more muscle. I’m a walking titan.” Thor says triumphantly, flexing into the mirrored wall that’s across from you all. 
You laugh at his over-the-top flexing, then hear a cough from your side.
You glance over and Loki is leaning in the gym doorway.
“Hello there, Trickster.” You smile and bound up to him, leaning forward for a kiss. He hesitates but gives you a chaste kiss on the lips.
“You two are such lovebirds.” Sif scoffs and you throw a towel at her, but Thor just looks at you both like you’re the best people he’s ever seen.
“Is my brother bothering you with his showmanship? Ego as big as his brawn, that one.” Loki mutters, and you laugh and playfully hit his shoulder.
“He has a huge ego then. Incredible muscles.” You say as you both look at him adding more weight to the bar you just left.
“I guess they are hard to miss. They’re as big as his head.” Loki mutters and when you glance at him, his customary smirk is gone as he stares at his brother. Thor is completely oblivious as usual, and he just beams and waves at Loki as he lays down on the bench. 
“Loki? Are you feeling alright?”
“I’m feeling perfect. I’m going to lunch.”
“Oh! Well let me clean up, we can go together.” You say as peppy as you can, hoping to bring him at least a little happiness.
“Are you sure you can tear yourself away?” He nods towards the gym, where Sif is now adding even more weights to Thor’s bar at his goading. She looks irritated and you chuckle nervously.
“Yes please, I don’t want to be here when he can’t lift it and Sif makes fun of him again. He’s incredibly pouty.” You say and Loki just nods in response as you grab your gym bag.
You go into the showers and when you come out again, clean, Loki has taken off his jacket.
He’s just in a t-shirt today, a dark green one he picked up in Midgard. His arms are on full display, a rare sight for the god but not one you resent whatsoever. 
You give him another kiss on his cheek, which he accepts but he still doesn’t smile. You walk in silence with him all the way to the courtyard, where he has someone bring out some sandwiches.
Even though this was his idea, he barely even eats. You eat slowly, watching his face. He’s obviously thinking about something, but you know Loki. He will never tell you what’s troubling him outright. Of course, that makes it hard to know what’s wrong. You just opt for idle conversation.
His jacket is still off so you reach over and feel his arms, and under your fingers you feel him flex.
Oh, is that the issue?
He always seemed so sure of his stance on brains over brawn, you didn’t expect him to be jealous over some simple muscles.
But if he is, so be it.
“You look amazing in that shirt.” You say as you lean back and take another bite of your sandwich. That makes him almost imperceptibly perk up, as he looks at you again instead of into the distance.
“Oh?” He says simply, picking up a sandwich and biting into it.
“Yeah. I almost never see your arms, I forget how nice they are.”
“They’re just arms.”
“Arms can look nice, Loki. Like yours. They’re very toned.”
“Is toned a good thing?” He says with fake nonchalance.
“A very good thing. Means you’re strong.”
“Well, I am strong.”
“Very strong. You could rival Thor.”
“Ah well, I’d rather rival Thor with my brains.”
“Yes well, I’m saying you could face him with either smarts or strength.”
“Hmm. Noted.” He glances at your face as he finally takes a bite of a sandwich. You give him a large smile, finishing your own. He stays in silence, so you opt to sit next to him instead of across from him.
You loop one of your arms through his, hugging his bicep as he eats. He immediately flexes again and looks down at you, only mildly confused, but then goes back to eating.
“I feel safe in your arms too.” You say after a moment, and he relaxes the tiniest bit in your grasp.
“That’s what they’re here for.”
“A strong man keeping me safe.” You murmur as you lay your head on his shoulder, and his arm relaxes until he’s not trying to impress you anymore.
Even when he’s not flexing, you weren’t lying. He’s incredibly strong. 
But it’s alright to want some love and reminding.
When you look back up again, he’s smiling as he chews his sandwich. He glances down at you and you smile back as he bends down a little to kiss your forehead.
“Thank you, love.” He murmurs. You nod in response, and when he finishes his sandwich you walk away hand-in-hand. 
He walks taller and prouder for a while after that.
Especially around Thor, who got his record beat by Sif a week later. Showy muscles aren’t everything.
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kaunis-sielu · 3 years
Schoolyard: 7
You go out into your living room. “We’re going home.”
“What?” Sif asks looking up from her phone.
“The hospital won’t allow me to work until Thor and my annulment is over so there’s no point in being here.”
“You don’t want to see any family?”
“My dad is still working, he and my mom are in Japan so I wouldn’t see them anyway. Jane was the only other person I really wanted to see and you saw how that turned out.”
“We can go whenever you want. The jet is at the airfield we just have to call in the crew.”
“Will you please? I want to go as soon as possible.”
“Call Thor.” Bryn says and you frown, “honestly he’s driving me crazy. Please just call him.”
“Fine!” You go back into your room and drop down onto the bed then video call him.
“Hi Elskede.” He says softly, he looks like he’s just woken up and when you look at your watch you realize for him it is nearly six am and that Bryn is a liar.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve waited. I forgot about the time difference.”
“No it’s okay. You look upset.” You nod then promptly burst into tears. “Oh Elskede.” He soothes and it just brings on more tears. You spill everything, how horrible Jane was and how it made you feel like such a shitty friend even though you’d done your best to reach out. How Peter had made a huge deal about you and Thor being married and practically screamed it to the paparazzi who you’re sure are going to sell it to the rest of the world. Then you tell him about work and how all you wanted to do was take care of sick kids.
“What can I do to help?” Thor asks as you finish explaining the last 24 hours to him.
“When I get home I really want a hug.” You tell him and he laughs softly.
“Elskede, that’s the least I can do. Anything you want.”
“Honestly that’s it. You’ve let me vent and cry and now all I want is one of those bone crushing hugs you used to give me.”
“Nothing else?”
“I’m sure I’ll think of something.” You tease your mood already brighter. Someone knocks on your door, “come in?”
“Sorry to interrupt.” Sif says, “the jet can be ready before midnight.” You glance at the time and nod.
“That works for me.” You tell her glancing over at your almost completely packed bag.
“You’re sure you don’t want to stay longer Elskede?”
“Positive.” He nods and you lay back on your pillow. You’re still chatting with him when a loud noise from out in the living room catches your attention.
“I’ll be right back.”
“Okay.” You lay the phone down and climb off your bed then open your bedroom door.
“Is everything okay?”
“Dr. Foster is attempting to gain access.” Bryn tells you, you notice the gun in her hand but don’t say anything.
“We don’t know.” You sigh and move toward the door but Sif stops you.
“Are you sure you want to do this again?”
“Yea.” You pull out the stop then open the door.
“What the hell. Why wouldn’t the door open.”
“Didn’t know if you told Peter where I lived or not and if he had a key.”
“He came to my work Jane. Screamed about how I was married to a prince and how you’d told him everything. Just loud enough for the paparazzi to hear.”
“And I’m sure that’s all my fault.”
“Hell yea it is! I asked you to keep that to yourself!”
“I don’t keep secrets from my boyfriend.”
“Just your best friend then huh.” You snap and she glares at you.
“I just came to get some of my shit.”
“You know what? Just keep the fucking place. Thanks to your boyfriend I don’t have a job here anymore and Asgard and Thor already feel more like home than this fucking city does anyways.” You sneer before turning on your heel and heading back to your room. You grab your bag, shove the few things you took out back into it then grab your phone.
“I’ll call you back.”
“Elskede.” Thor starts before you hang up on him.
“Lose my number until you lose the shit attitude.” You tell Jane before blowing past her Sif and Bryn hot on your heels. When you get downstairs you’re horrified by the amount of press outside your place.
“Can we take you to the embassy now?”
“Fine.” You agree and the two women flank you on either side then hurry you out the door. The paparazzi start screaming the second they realize it’s you but you keep a passive face, you don’t look at them and you follow Sif and Bryn’s directions to the car. When you pull away some of the paparazzi follow you but Bryn easily loses them.
When you pull up to the embassy it Bryn hardly slows down. The gates swing open for you and slowly shut behind you while two guards block the drive. When the car stops Sif opens the door and you climb out then follow her into the embassy.
“Your Highness, welcome! I’m Tyr, the ambassador. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He’s a burly older man with a long white beard and shoulder length white hair.
“Thank you for allowing us to spend a couple of hours here. It’s much appreciated.”
“Of course your Highness. Is there anything I can get you?”
“No thank you.” You tell him as your phone starts to ring, you’re not surprised to see that it’s Thor. “Excuse me the Crown Prince is calling.” He nods and you step away putting the phone to your ear.
“Just wanted to check in. Did you make it to the embassy okay?”
“Yea, I’m just ready to be home.”
“It’s been weird without you here Elskede.”
“Can we do a long weekend when I get back? Before Spain?”
“That should be fine, where do you want to go?”
“Surprise me.” You tell him and he hums softly.
“I have to go though Elskede. I’ll see you when you get back. Have a safe flight.”
“Okay, bye.” You hang up then join Sif, Bryn and Tyr again.
“Everything alright?” Sif asks and you nod.
“If you have things to do you don’t need to host us. We’ll just be here for a couple hours.”
“Are you sure Your Highness?” You nod, “is there anything I can get you first?” You glance over at Sif and Bryn but both shake their heads.
“We’re good. Thank you.” He nods again then leaves the three of you in the sitting room.
You read for a couple of hours then head back out to the car and to the airfield. You sleep for most of the flight then take a quick shower and change just before landing. The ride to the palace feels like it’s hours long but when you get there Thor comes bounding out of the building and yanks open your door. You scurry out of the car and into his waiting arms. Thor holds you tightly to him, his chin rests on the top of your head and you let out all the tension you didn’t know you were carrying with a long slow breath.
“I’m so glad you’re home safe Elskede.” He murmurs into your hair.
“I’m glad I’m home too.” You tell him not moving from his embrace as people move around you. “I knew that this was exactly what I needed.” He chuckles softly but doesn’t move, god you’ve never felt so content, so protected, safe and happy.
“We have a meeting with the judge tomorrow then we can go on our trip.” The judge. The annulment. That shouldn’t fill you with so much dread but it does.
“Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise.” Thor tells you and you can hear the smile in his voice.
“Fine.” You finally release your grip on him then his hand ends up in yours, like it always does, and you head back inside.
“Mother wishes to speak with Doodle.” Loki says as they walks past you with their bodyguard Laufey behind them. “Alone.” They add and your eyes widen.
“I told her what happened with your friend. I hope that’s alright.” Thor tells you as you start for The Queen’s rooms.
“Oh, that’s fine. Do you think that’s why she would want to speak to me?”
“I don’t know. I’ll bring you there. We have a charity event at a hospital tonight, will you be alright to go?” As you make your way toward Frigga’s rooms.
“Yes, I don’t want anyone to think they broke me.”
“You have nothing to prove Elskede.”
“I know. I won’t have them think they won. Besides, you’d be so bored without me.” You tease and he chuckles softly.
“I’ll have some dresses sent for you.”
“Thank you.” You tell him as you come up to Frigga’s door. He nods, presses a kiss to the side of your head then leaves you to his mother.
Tag list:
@abschaffer2 @dsakita @dramadreamer14 @thesassmisstress @eralen @andahugaroundtheneck @loving-life-my-way @thefridgeismybestie @killcomet @dumblani @im-just-another-monster @mywinterwolf @scuzmunkie @biskwitmamaw @geeksareunique @paintballkid711 @lumar014 @also-fangirlinsweden @connie326 @inkedaztec @valsworldofcreativity @gaitwae @blackwidownat2814
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allystyles1 · 3 years
the proposal-Loki Laufeyson x reader (daisy series-part 7)
Hi people! first of all thanks for the birthday messages🙃 i made myself cry like 20 times while writing this and i'm sorry if it makes you cry too. Happy reading! Thanks for all the feedback<3
my main masterlist is here!
series masterlist is here!
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It was the next day but you were still trying to process what your parents had said. Could they really “forbid” you from seeing Loki? You just wanted to talk to Loki, wanted him to tell you it was all going to be okay. Did he even love you back? Maybe you just wanted to believe he did and your brain convinced you but he didn’t. You really needed to talk to him.
You got up and left the room to go to his. The maids tried to stop you (you guessed it was Frigga’s request) but you said you needed to use the bathroom and kept walking until you were standing in front of his door. You listened to the sound coming from inside, was he crying? You knocked on the door three times and waited a second before knocking two more, the sign you used to have with Loki to say “it’s me.”
“Loki, please. Your mother doesn’t know i’m here and... I need to see you.”
“I said no y/n.”
You wiped the tear that escaped your eye. “We don’t have to talk, we don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to but i have to see you Loki. Please.”
The door slowly opened, revealing a Loki sitting on his bed with his eyes closed.
“Do you hate me so much that you can’t even bare to see me?” You didn’t care about the tears anymore.
“I could never hate you y/n, but i would hate myself for what i might do if i see you.”
“Loki i just want you to know that i-”
“Please leave.” He swallowed, probably wanting to say something else but didn’t. “I promise i won’t tell my mother you came here. Please just, go.”
“Loki, i have to do it. I have to say yes to Thor tonight and i am so sorry. I hope you will understand me one day.”
“Goodbye y/n.” You turned back and left the room, crying on your way back and thankfully not seeing anyone you knew.
“My lady, are you okay?” one of the maids in front of the door asked you and you nodded.
“Could you please get something to eat for me?”
“y/n, are you in?” you heard Frigga’s voice outside of your room.
“Yes, come in.” She got in the room and closed the door, giving you a sincere smile.
“How are you feeling? Are you okay?” You nodded. “Have you decided on what you’ll do at the dinner?” You nodded again.
“I’m going to say yes.” She gave you a sad smile and hugged you.
“I’m so sorry you’re going through this love. And i’m sorry i couldn’t stop this. I couldn’t keep my promise to you.”
“No, it’s not your fault. Please don’t blame yourself for it. I’m the one saying yes and my parents are the ones forcing me. You’re just being there for me when no one else is doing it.” She smiled and kissed your forehead. She smelled like Loki, you didn’t realise it before but they actually smelled really similar. Loki would always smell like new books and a garden in spring, his scent would bring you comfort.
“Well if you’re going to say yes, you might want to wear something different than that.” Frigga pointed to your current dress, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Do you think he’ll ever forgive me? Will he ever talk to me again?”
“What?” Frigga wasn’t expecting your question out of nowhere.
“Loki, do you think he’ll forgive me? I’m doing this to see him again but i don’t think he’d do that if i say yes. It’s like the universe doesn’t want us to be together. We won’t be able to live like we wanted to no matter what i do.” She shook her head and held your hand, caressing the back of it with her thumb.
“I think you’re not the person he’s angry with. He will understand, if you tell him your reason.”
“I can’t do that. I- Thor is my best friend and if i become his wife then i won’t betray him. Loki will just remain a friend, i’ll always love him but i can’t act on it while i’m married to Thor.”
“You have the kindest heart in the universe, my sweet child. You don’t deserve any of this. I’m sorry.” She smiled and hugged you again before leaving the room to let you get dressed.
You chose a simple sundress with a jacket in case it got windy and tried to hide that you had been crying a lot earlier with a little make up. Just when you were wearing your shoes you heard a knock.
“No, it’s me.” Thor spoke from the other side of the door. You quickly wore the other shoe and opened the door with a smile on your face.
“Thor. Hey. Uh, how are you?”
“I’m okay, thanks. How are you?” He smiled and offered you his arm. You held his forearm and started walking.
“I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? You looked a little angry yesterday, are you mad at me?”
“No, of course not. Why would i be?” You forced another smile on your face. He nodded but you could see he didn’t really believe you. You were still thankful he didn’t ask about it any more though.
“So uh.. Did you think about what our parents told us yesterday?” Oh no, not at all. You definitely didn’t almost felt like you were becoming blind because of how much you cried.
“Yes. And i know what you’re going to ask. No, i won’t scream anything this time.” Hopefully.
“Okay, that’s good.” He smiled and didn’t say anything else until you got to the dining room. As soon as Frigga saw you she came and hugged you before making you and Thor sit a little away from your parents. Loki was there but he was talking to Sif, with a huge smile on his face. At least he was happy.
“I need to use the bathroom before we start.” You smiled and Thor nodded. You got up from your seat and made your way to the bathroom. After closing the door you washed your face, trying to calm yourself down a little bit. You looked up when you heard the door opening.
“Hey.” Sif smiled, she didn’t look like she was angry with you.
“I talked to the queen today.” You nodded and she sighed. “She told the story to me from your point of view and that made me feel really shitty about the way i acted the other day.” She admitted.
“Okay. So you’re not mad at me anymore?”
“No. No i’m not. y/n i’m so sorry.” She hugged you tightly, nearly choking you.
“Sif.” She let go and smiled.
“I’m sorry, i just missed you. It was awful not talking to you knowing i was the one that acted really stupid.”
“Hey, don’t say that. You were sad and it was in the heat of the moment.”
“So i’m forgiven?” she smiled.
“I was never mad at you. I could never be mad at you.” you smiled too and hugged her again.
“Loki came to me today.”
“Yeah, he was really sad, crying actually. It was probably the first time i saw him do that since we were so little.” You were the reason he cried. You were the reason he was sad when the only thing you wanted to do was to be able to see him again.
“So i’m guessing that means you’re going to say yes to Thor?” she looked at your eyes and you nodded.
“Are you mad at me?”
“No.” She smiled.
“Why not?”
“Because i know why you’re doing it and i know Thor will be happy so that’s enough for me. I would never make a nice wife anyway.” She chuckled and you smiled.
“Thank you. For understanding.”
“Of course, you’re my best friend and i have to be there for you no matter what because you did the same for me for years.” She smiled and held your hand, walking back to the table with you. At least now that you knew Sif was okay with it, you felt a lot better. She sat next to you and squeezed your hand, reassuring she was there for you. You smiled and started eating with the others. It was quiet, the parents said something here and there but no one really talked that much.
You looked at Loki, not expecting him to be already looking at you. He first looked away, trying to hide it but then looked back at you with a serious face. You turned back to your dinner and sighed softly, telling yourself that you were doing this for him and he would understand it. Sooner or later.
When everyone was finished with their dinner, Odin told the maids to get the dishes and the table was clean in seconds. Everyone was looking at each other, waiting for someone to say something. Thor finally cleared his throat, bringing the attention to himself.
“So, as we all know, i’m going to be the new king really soon,” he got up from his chair and kneeled on one knee before you. “and i will need myself a queen. y/n, i have known you my whole life and i knew i wanted to spend all my life with you even when i was just a little boy. You know me better than anyone in all the nine realms, you have always been there for me and i know you always will be.” He pulled out a ring, you knew it was Frigga’s. You looked at her and she just smiled. “No matter what happened i always found my way back to you. You are my best friend, my favorite person in the universe, and the love of my life. So will you please marry me and give me the honour of having you as my wife?” You closed your eyes and let a tear escape your eye. Thor was so in love with you, and you felt so bad for saying yes but you had to. You couldn’t live without Loki.
“Don’t.” You heard Loki’s voice but you knew he was not actually talking out loud. “I’m sorry.” You thought, knowing he was reading your mind and smiled at Thor.
“Yes. I will marry you.” He grinned like a five year old slipped the ring on your finger before getting up and lifting you from your seat.
“I love you so much.” He kissed you deeply, you returned his kiss and when you stopped everyone was smiling. And Loki wasn’t in the room anymore.
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breezii2176 · 3 years
Loki x Reader
Chapter 2
18+ content
“Thor, as always a pleasure to see you once again.” (Y/n) opened her arms to hug the muscled man and right before they could she spilt the ground beneath him to swallow half of his body.
“And as always (y/n), a pleasure to fall into your traps.” Thor grunted as he tries to pull himself out.
“What’s on the agenda today?” (Y/n) asked as she released Thor from his confinement, and although he is strong enough to get himself out, he always plays along.
They’re training took nearly an entire day, and so as the sun was setting most warriors went their seperate ways. Thor, Sif and (y/n) walked and talked together, laughter filling the grand halls.
“I’m sorry but I must go, I promised Lo-“
“Loki that you’d go visit him.” Sif finished the sentence.
(Y/n)’s face flushed and nodded before scampering off towards Loki’s chambers. Upon arriving she knocked on the door, waiting for him to invite her in yet there was no response.
Upset she turned away but ran face first into none other than Loki’s chest. Stunned she quickly gripped onto his biceps for support as he grabbed her waist. His deep chuckled filled her ears before she joined in.
“I didn’t think you’d be done so soon. Did something happen?” Loki tilted her face so they would lock eyes, his searching hers for any possible signs of discontent.
“No, we had Viscar and Rohan join us for a few hours. Hence why we all turned in earlier than usual.” As the words fell from (y/n)’s lips, Loki opened his door and guided them both inside.
“Ah, would you like me to have someone draw you a bath?” He leaned down to place a few kisses along her neck, pulling her as close to him as possible.
“Would you join me?” (Y/n) smirked and threaded her hands through Loki’s smooth hair.
“That mightn’t be the best idea, although I’m not opposed to it. We’d also have to be very discreet.” It was Loki’s turn to smirk, he pulled away and opened his door, calling out for a chamber maid.
Once the maid entered and was given her orders, Loki bid his farewell. (Y/n) watched and made small talk as her tub and water was prepared in the prince’s room.
Shortly after the bath was ready did she slip in and dismiss the maid. (Y/n) decided to keep her hair held back, not needing to wash it this time. After a few minutes of relaxation she heard a small ruckus on the balcony, Loki appeared in the form of a snake.
Slightly nervous the younger Asgardian covered herself from, the now humans, suspecting’s eyes. Loki approached her slowly whilst undressing himself.
“Don’t be nervous my love, I promise nothing will happen if you don’t won’t it to. So am I allowed to join?” His words were true and gentle as he held off from taking his last item of clothing from his body.
“Join me.”
“Odin, when will you announce for Thor and Sif to be married? Let alone (y/n) and Loki? We both know they all love each other, so let’s announce the engagements.” Frigga was smiling brightly and she spoke to her husband.
“When the time is right, I feel not everything in Asgard is ready yet.” Odin replied, holding his hand out for Frigga to take.
“I understand that you don’t have everything in place yet but we could still tell just the four of them, I want to have grandchildren and soon.” Frigga pleaded as she took his hand.
“I know, and we will have them in time, when everything is in place.”
“Loki... ahh please more.” (Y/n) moaned as she held onto Loki’s wrist, his fingers working magic.
“How about my tongue?” Loki kissed his way down her body until he reached his prize. (Y/n) nodded and held her hand to her mouth as to not scream in pleasure.
At first Loki gave long and slow licks and he thrusted and curled his fingers. He alternated between sucking and licking her clit, her moans a blessing to his ears.
“C-close... Loki.” (Y/n) whimpered as she came around Loki’s fingers, his tongue quickly lapping at her juices so she could ride out her high.
When Loki crawled back over her body he watched as she tried to catch her breath. He quickly wiped his face with his hand before leaning down to place a chaste kiss on her forehead.
“Was that good?” Loki whispered, already knowing the answer.
“Very.” (Y/n) was still huffing as she smiled at him, interlacing her fingers around his neck. Leaning up she kissed him before quickly flipping them both over.
Immediately Loki’s hands shot to her hips, holding her in place as she slowly began to grind down on him. They continued to make out with slow grinds, (y/n)’s hands worked to rid Loki of his, now very tight, pants.
“Maybe we should stop.” Loki broke apart, moving (y/n) to be next to him so he could sit up.
“Why? You will be the man I marry so what’s wrong if I want to give myself to you now?” (Y/n) had a valid point.
“It’s just, I think it’s best to wait for our wedding night, but if you insist.” Loki smirked as he shed himself of his clothing.
“I do insist.”
(Y/n) laid back down with Loki getting on top of her, settling himself between her legs whilst making sure she’s comfortable. Loki then proceeded to rub himself over her slick entrance, coating himself.
“Are you ready my pet?” Loki whispered, lining himself up.
“Yes.” She answered breathlessly.
Loki slowly sheathed himself inside her tight walls, stopping once he felt that she could take no more of him. (Y/n) grinded a little to get used to the unknown feeling, encouraging Loki to move.
His movements were gentle, fearing if he went any harder she may break. (Y/n) felt so full, relishing in the fact she has finally become one with who she loves.
“Loki.. harder please.” She whimpered as she gripped his dark hair, her legs wrapping around his waist.
Loki wordlessly complied, going harder even though it was nearly to tight to even move. His hips collided with her thighs brutally, definitely going to be leaving bruises in his wake.
The noises of moans, groans, skin slapping and how slick she was filled the room. Loki pulled her into a kiss, trying to keep the noise to a minimum.
“(Y/n).” He growled, clearly nearing his climax as his thrusts started to become erratic. His breath coming out as pants and the feeling of her clenching sent him over the edge with her name on his lips.
“Loki I’m not done yet.” (Y/n) whines as Loki stilled, his chest heaving as he lay on her.
Soon Loki pulled out and moved so he was facing her dripping pussy, deciding to push two fingers inside her. Without hesitation her started to eat her out, not caring that his cum is leaking from her.
“Oh yes! L-Loki! Ahh!” (Y/n) pushed his head further into herself, grinding her hips against his face to get her release.
“Cum pet.” Loki growled when he got the chance, ruthlessly pounding his fingers into her and sucking on her clit.
“Loki!” She squealed as she gushed over his face, legs shaking as Loki helped her ride out her high.
“There there love, now let me get you dressed then we can do whatever you’d like.” Loki’s voice was soft as he spoke, brushed any stray hairs from her face.
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acebladespades · 3 years
For the sicktember thing, 9 with Nameless King, please? Thank you! 😊
Title (Do not) let him eat cake!
Fandom: Dark Souls
Characters: Nameless King, Ornstein, Gwynevere, Smough, Artorias, Sif.
Summary: Eating too many cakes in one go may not have been as fun as Gwynsen had thought...
Prompt: I am not sick
I am so sorry for taking so long!! Life got in the way but I finally finished your prompt :D I hope you like it, writing this was fun!
It was the smell which lured him out of his way and guided him to the dinning hall. Deep down, he knew there was something of importance he was meant to be doing. There was someone waiting for him.
Unconsciously, Gwynsen tried to remember, but all his thoughts faded into the background of his mind once he saw the tower of freshly baked pastries carefully placed on the table.
They exuded a sweet and delicious steam, the spicy scent of marzipan.
There were plenty, enough to feed a small army or a very hungry court.
Or, in Gwynsen’s case, a god of war with a grumbling stomach and a watering mouth.
Well, marzipan cakes are my favorite. Gwynevere finds them overly sweet and Gwyndolin often says they would rather lick a basilisk’s eyeball than to take a single bite of these sugary abominations. Oh Dolin, always so melodramatic.
Gwynsen carefully took one of the cakes in his hands.
So, surely, these were baked for me. The cooks must have wanted to surprise me. They are too generous to me. I shall see that they are rightfully rewarded! But first…
“I shall feast!” He opened his mouth and prepared to take the first bite.
“No, Gwynsen!”
But all he ended up biting was thin air and almost the tip of his tongue when, with a swift swing of her hand, Gwynevere took the cake away from him.
“What the--” Gwynsen said after his jaws recovered from the forceful impact of his empty bite. “Sister, where did you come from? And more importantly, why have you stolen my cake? Could this be fraternal betrayal?”
Gwynsen’s heart started to break at the mere thought of his own sister turning against him; thankfully, Gwynevere soon proved him wrong, but not before giving him a small slap on his head.
“Please, stop fooling around.” Gwynevere said with a heavy sigh as she placed the marzipan cake back in its former place. “Father will not approve of you eating his desserts. You know well how finicky he is about his midday cravings. Do you remember the time he destroyed the East tower with one of his lighting spears just because his pastries did not have enough powdered sugar on top? Because I do, and so do the cooks. I created many lovely memories in that tower. I loved that tower, brother, I really did.”
Gwynevere’s gaze became dark and sharp.
“Sister, please. You are scaring me.”
“Oh, I am sorry. I got a little carried away.” Immediately, Gwyenevere went back to her laid-back and cheerful demeanour, but her determination had not waned. “In any case, you shall have none of these baked goods. Unless, of course, you convince Father to share a few of them with you, but we both know that taming a rageful dragon would be an easier task, so really brother, don’t waste your time.”
“Ask Father?” Gwynsen snorted, half amused and half angry at how ridiculous the idea was. “Please. I would rather kiss Smough on the lips.”
“Brother, don’t be like that, for underneath that grotesque armor, lies a skilled kisser.”
“I said I would never want to do so either.”
“Gwynevere, that’s not what you said.”
“Brother, don’t you have places to be?” Gwynevere interrupted him without shame. “Isn’t it time for your daily training with Ornstein? It is not proper of a god to leave others waiting for long.”
So that had been his original task before he had become distracted by the mesmerizing aroma of the cakes.
“I shall go to him at once.” Gwynsen exclaimed. His treacherous stomach seconded him with a loud growl.
He looked at the cakes again.
I’m already late for our training… so truly, you wouldn’t mind waiting for a few minutes more, would you, Ornstein?
Ornstein would definitely mind, and Gwynsen knew it.
I’ll think of a way to make it up to him later. Right now, there are more important matters at hand. And I know the way to turn things into my favor...
“Nevy, please.” Gwynsen looked around to make sure no one was around. Once he made sure there were no witnesses, he joined his hands together and looked at Gwynevere with hazy and sad eyes. “Let me have one. Father will not notice its absence, I promise. Please my dear, wise, beautiful, patient, smart, noble, brave--”
“No, Gwynsen.” Without mercy, Gwynevere interrupted her brother’s overused list of compliments. “I already told you no.”
“Then I hope you know how to explain Father about those little kisses you steal from Executioner Smough everyone now and then.”
“Oh dear… you know about it? Yes, I should have expected it. Gossip travels faster than light in this place.”
“So it’s true?! Gwynevere, you really should be more mindful of your secrets and your words. You are not what I would call subtle about them. And why, sister? Why Smough?”
“I think the right question here is ‘ Why not Smough?’ ” Gwynevere answered, winking an eye to Gwynsen.
“Gwynevere, stop. You’re killing your big brother.”
Unrepentantly, Gwynevere chuckled. “Don’t you worry, it was all a jest. Very well Gwynsen… if only to keep this small rumor between us, I shall let you eat one of Father’s cakes. Just one, understood? Now, if you excuse me, I too have someone to meet. He awaits for me in the west tower. And that someone’s name is Smough.”
Lighting power began to manifest around Gwynsen’s frame.
That bastard! How does he dare?
Gwynevere laughed at his reaction. “Oh brother, you are so easy to fool.”
She gave him a small pat on top of his head to calm him down. Gwynsen had just succeeded in controlling his temper when Gwynevere pulled him closer to her and whispered, “Seriously now, don’t come by.”
And with that, she was gone.
“My dear sister and the Executioner? No, I will not allow it!” Gwynsen exclaimed, his voice echoing with ruthless determination, the same way it did every time he commanded his soldiers to battle. “This is a transgression I cannot overlook! Wrathful lighting shall be your punishment, Smough! You shall curse the day you were--”
His stomach growled again.
Almost unconsciously, one of his hands reached for a marzipan cake.
“By the first flame, they sure smell good.”
His fury started to disappear, and it was completely forgotten when, at last, Gwynsen took the first bite.
“Master!”  Ornstein welcomed him as soon as Gwynsen entered the training grounds. His apprentice and friend did not bother to hide his anger at his pronounced delay. “What took you so long? We were supposed to start our training two hours ago. I had to listen to Artorias’ anecdotes this whole time. And don’t get me wrong, Artorias is my beloved friend and you know how much I care about him, but I swear, if I ever hear one more story about Sif’s antics...”
“What?” Gwynsen had heard only half of Ornstein’s rant. He wanted to pay attention, but it was difficult for him to focus on anything else other than the torturous knot on his stomach.
It hurt more than a dragon fang stuck in his gut after failing to evade the beast’s jaws. Gwynsen didn’t know how he was still standing, or how his fever had not melted his brains yet.
Oh, nonsense. I’m fine. Am I not the god who slays dozens of dragons and comes out of their fiery attacks unscathed?  I am fine! I just need to walk it off.
“Oh… Oh yes, Artorias.” Gwynsen said, doing his best to sound amused. “Where is he? I thought he would be joining us.”
“He had to leave. It was time for Sif’s daily walk.”
“Wait, the wolf walks his master?”
“What? Master, what are you talking about? Sif is the wolf, Artorias is the knight.”
“Oh… right.”
An awkward pause followed, one in which Ornstein took off his helmet and revealed his concerned expression to Gwynsen.
“Master, is everything alright?”
Ornstein’s worry was like a wake-up call for Gwynsen.
“Of course it is! “Gwynsen replied with the most forced smile he had ever made in his life, even more than when he had to pretend to be happy in his father’s presence. “ Why would you ever think otherwise, Ornstein?”
“You are sweating, your face is red, your legs are trembling.” Orbstein observed, unamused but still concerned. “And you keep embracing your stomach as if you were hugging an invisible lover.”
“Ornstein, don’t tell me you’re jealous!” With gigantic effort, Gwynsen straightened his back and unfolded his arms. The sharp sting in his stomach came close to making him gasp; to conceal it, Gwynsen cackled instead. “There is no such thing as an invisible lover in my arms! Ornstein, you say the wildest of things!”
An agonizing sting pierced Gwynsen’s stomach.
I am going to pass out.
His sight blurred and his belly burned as if he had swallowed the First Flame like it was wine.
Gwynsen stomped his feet. Lighting energy shattered the ground below his sandal.
No, I am not sick! I am fine. My stomach is simply overreacting at the memory of my sister and Executioner Smough sharing kisses.
His stomach growled louder than a furious dragon.
Why Gwynevere? Why did you brand that image on your brother’s mind?
“Master, you are not well!” Ornstein exclaimed with great concern. “We need to take you to Lady Gwynevere. She will know how you heal whatever ailment is--”
“Nonsense!” Gwynsen countered, making Ornstein jolt back in surprise. “My sister is quite busy, you see. He is tending to Smough at this time of the day, and not in a chaste way.”
“What?” Gwynsen and Ornstein said at the same time.
Realizing he had spoken more than he should have, Gwynsen quickly gave Ornstein a strong slap on the back. “It was a jest! Ornstein, you are such a stick in the mud! You need to loosen up and relax, for laughing and resting are also fundamental parts of a knight’s training.”
Before Ornstein could protest, Gwynsen wielded his spear and readied his fighting stance.
My stomach is going to explode. Oh Father, what will you see when you gaze upon the scattered guts of your first- born?
He would probably say something akin to “Oh Gwynsen, look at the mess you made! You are a lost case, boy, you truly are!”
“Oh Father, you insensitive knave!”
“Master, there’s no need to be rude.” Ornstein protested. He too had wielded his spear and had readied his stance.
“No, I was not talking about you, Ornstein.  I was talking of my big, dumb, stupid… No, it doesn’t matter.” Gwynsen shook his head and focused. “Let’s begin. Come at me and try to land a hit, Ornstein. I will treat you as I would an enemy, so don’t hold back.”
“Master, I really think we should take you to your sister instead.”
“You talk too much! Battles are not won with words, but with arms!” Gwynsen charged at Ornstein. For a second, the adrenaline of battle, even one of training nature, erased any trace of pain. For Gwynsen, it was like a blissful and distracting gift.
I knew it. I knew my pain would go away on its own.
Gwynsen closed his eyes, rejoicing in his healthy and numb stomach.
You were no foe for this god of war, marzipan cakes! Your sweet and delicious ingredients are no match for my iron guts. MY IRON---
The rest of his victorious thought remained forever unfinished after an explosion of burning pain, born from the impact of the blunt side of Ornstein’s spear, spread from his stomach to the rest of his body.
Perhaps… I am sick.
Gwynsen thought as the darkness of unconsciousness took over his world.
Just a little bit.
“Last time, Gwynsen.” Gwynevere said to her brother with anger as she and Ornstein helped Gwynsen keep the vasin still on his lap as he emptied his stomach inside it. “That was the last time I ever trusted you and your insatiable hunger!”
“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to.” Gwynsen stuttered in a small pause his intestines gave him. “My will may be strong, but the marzipan was stronger.”
He wanted to say more, but he was interrupted by another gush rushing up his throat. Once he was done, Gwynevere and Ornstein put the vasin down on the floor and tucked him in bed.
“Well, I have to say,” Ornstein sighed with little enthusiasm, “this is not how I pictured my day would go. There was supposed to be more training in it and less vomit.  At the very least, I am glad you are feeling better now, master. Next time, don’t try so hard to pretend you aren’t feeling well.”
“And while you are at it, how about you also try not to devour four hundred marzipan cakes in one go like some hungry animal?” Gwynevere added as she glared at her brother. “God of war… The only thing you are a god of is gluttony!”
“Four hundred marzipan cakes?” Ornstein said in disbelief, only adding to Gwynsen’s shame. “Master, how could you have done such a thing? And here I was starting to think one of the cooks had tried to poison you! Four hundred cakes! And worst of all, why didn’t you ask me to join you or save some for me? You know they are my favorite too.”
“Dragon Slayer Ornstein!”
“N-no, no.” Ornstein turned crimson and began to stutter. “What I meant was… I was just saying… Oh, bollocks.”
“Ornstein!” A newcomer exclaimed. He entered the room and carefully closed the door behind him. “Such foul language in the presence of Lady Gwynevere. You should be ashamed of yourself.”
Gwynsen, Gwynevere and Ornsteind stared at Artorias at the same time.
“Hey now, do not look at me all at once.” Artorias chuckled nervously. “No, seriously, please stop. I’m getting self-conscious.”
“Artorias, what are you doing here?” Ornstein asked. “I thought you were walking Sif.”
“I was, but Lord Gwyn summoned me. He told me about what happened with Lord Gwynsen and his poisoning. Something about marzipan cakes? I am not sure. Honestly, I stopped listening to Lord Gwyn soon after he started talking.  I don’t know the details, but he assigned me one task: to be Lord Gwynsen’s one and only companion during his recovery. I told Lord Gwyn that you would be more fit for the job, Ornstein, but he insisted I was the one to do it. He also told me how much Lord Gwynsen is fond of my anecdotes of Sif…. Oh master, I had no idea you felt that way. Worry not, I have plenty of stories I have not told you yet. I’m sure they will be a fine diversion while you recover!”
Gwynsen closed his eyes and cursed his father in his mind.
Father, you vengeful twit! I knew you would not let my mischief go unpunished! It was just some cakes… is this truly the punishment I deserve? You are cruel, Father. Cruel.
“But at the very least, I’m not alone.” Gwynsen said under his breath with relief and gratitude. He opened his eyes again and smiled. “For I have my dear sister and loyal friend by my side.”
The words died in his mouth when he saw neither Gwynevere nor Ornstein around. The only evidence they had left behind of their presence in the room was the open door they had forgotten to close during their hurried escape.
“Nevy?” Gwynsen whispered in despair. “Orny?”
But they were gone.
Only Artorias was there with him.
Artorias and his endless anecdotes of Sif.
“Do not worry master, I am sure they will be back soon.” Artorias said, pulling a chair closer to Gwynsen’s bed and sitting on it. “In the meanwhile, how about I tell you about the time Sif answered the call on nature inside Smough’s helmet and he only noticed once he put it on? That was a day Smough will not forget....”
Father, if I ever turn against you, know that this was the reason!
Gwynsen thought as he hid his head under the pillow.
As for Artorias, he kept talking and talking.
This was the reason!
It didn’t take long for Artorias to regret having left his master behind.
“Oh Lady Gwynevere, we should have not abandoned your brother. We should have remained by his side.”
“And listen to the time when Sif chewed on Father’s favorite sandals and almost brought doom upon us all? Do forgive Ornstein, but I think I shall pass. Besides...” Gwynevere turned around and stared longingly at the West tower. “There is someone waiting for me, and his name is…”
“No, I do not want to hear it. My mind shall not be branded as my master’s was!” Ornstein covered his ears and escaped from the scene. He did not know where he was going, but anywhere was better than staying there. As he ran, he kept chanting, “If I don’t hear, it isn’t real. If it isn’t real, it won’t haunt me!”
Gwynevere watched him go and laughed, unaware that Smough was standing behind her and had witnessed the whole thing.
Before he too walked away, he shook his head and rolled his eyes.
“By the Lords,” he lamented under his breath, “it is always the same thing with these gods and their knights. Every day. Every darn day.”
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thefluffzone · 4 years
Where the Ocean meets the Forest Chap 2
Chap 1
fem!Reader x male!Eivor
typing it on my phone please be gentle
Music Tipp: Heilung - Krigsgaldr
The journey to Anglia was frightening for you since you always were a child of the woods and not of the sea. But Randvi realised this pretty fast and kept your mind entertained, so you did not notice much of your environment. Except in those hours when the convoi sailed close enough together to allow chat and banter with the others. During those times, when your friend talked and planned with her husband and Eivor, you often felt the eyes of the blond on you. Especially when Sýnin landed close to you despite your now free falcon still not leaving you.
He was never one to trust people easily, a fact Sigurds new friends from the east where the newest to learn. But in times where you talked to his raven, he still felt a wave of trust towards you washing over him.
After a few days, one of the sailors finally spotted land. The Jarl wanted to find the camp of the Ragnarssons while the other ships should wait.
"Can you take her with you?", Randvi asked Sigurd while pointing to you. "Like that, she could send her falcon to us as soon as we should follow and we do not need to wait until sunset." While you nodded to show your acceptance, Sigurd didn't like the idea of his wife. "We do not know what or who will greet us there, so I do not want to take someone with us who cannot defend themself.", he stated clearly.
You, the thought of finally having solid ground beneath your feet again easing your mind, raised your voice: "My lord, I am sorry to speak up but I am very much capable of fighting. Please take me with you, I will not be a nuisance."
Normally, you would never speak up against a decision of your leader, but your need to be on land was too big. Sigurd seemed to think about it, but then he nodded and let Eivor help you to the other ship.
During the next part of the journey, you found some weirdly looking buildings for which Sigurd explained they were monasteries, temples for the christian god. Dag lamented over raiding them, but the Jarl wanted to visit the camp first. It was not the only discovery the people on your ship made.
A bit more up the stream, the saxons blocked the water road with a long chain. Again, Dag wanted to fight, his blood seemingly boiling. He was met with disappointment, the Jarl only sent his brother.
The ship docked close to the building at the shore from where you were able to watch the fair-haired warrior do his work.
Naturally, it seemed, it didn't take long for the chain to be out of the way and Eivor returned. Your heart sang at the sight of him, blood splatters in his face and smiling at how Sigurd greeted him.
The ship continued its way upstream until you finally found the camp. Even as something didnt seem right, Sigurd still wanted all to land instead of just sending a few to scout.
Some saxon bandits greeted you there, but they were very easily being taken care of. Even you fightes some, except for you it was more of defending yourself instead of attacking the enemies.
From afar, you then spotted how the Jarl sent his best warrior into the longhouse, himself with Dag following shortly after.
Since the other warriors kept scouting the area for more enemies, you kept your axe in hand but started looking at close trees for birds. You spotted two raven couples and some songbirds, but before you even could do anything else your leader came back, followed by his two friends and two strangers. They were heading directly to you, so you straightened your back. "They were prisoners of the Saxons.", Sigurd explained. "Yanli, a merchant, and Rowan, a stable hand. I invited them to stay since I think we should use this abandoned camp as a base for our new settlement."
He looked over some partly destroyed tents standing close, then he asked you: "Can you send your bird to Randvi? There is a lot to do for all of us, the sooner we start, the sooner we can celebrate."
He did not even wait for you to answer but took Dag to help his men sweep the area.
You felt Eivor, who was still standing close, watch you whistling your falcon down to you. You stroked the feathers of the animal which landed on your arm, whispered some orders to him and send him off.
"I am impressed by you, Sif.", you heard Eivor admitting and he came closer. "You might have been the one caring for Sýnin when she hatched, but she hardly trusts anybody, even less when they have their own feathered friend. But I saw her with you nonetheless. And when I thought you cannot surprise me more, you do it with speaking up against a decision of my brother."
You gave him a faint smile. "Are you flattering or scolding me, Wolf-kissed? I do not wish to disobey our Jarl but the life on water is nothing for me. Amongst trees I feel at home, so I was just very keen to feel the earth under my soles as soon as possible." The man before you smiled at you, again it felt like a gift. A gift you would treasure.
"I am definitely not up to the latter, someone telling him off does sometimes wonders for my brothers image of himself. So do not worry." He seemed to want to add something, but was interrupted by the cry of his bird. Sýnin, though, did not land on his shoulder as expected, but on your arm.
"If we find time, can you teach me your way with the birds?", Eivor asked you then. "I would like to learn why they trust you so much." You lifted your eyebrow, a thought blooming in your mind. "What would you give me in return?"
He stepped closer to you and eyed you from top to bottom. Then he gently took the raven and placed her on his shoulder. "Well, there is something which came to my mind, dear Sif.", he answered you in a low, raspy tone which gave you chills. Then he suddenly started laughing. "I could teach you in fighting to improve your skills. You have a decend base, but our peiple need serious defenders for when the other fighters are gone with my brother or myself."
For a second you stared at him, dumbfounded. Then you laughed with him. "I would gladly show you if you teach me in return."
For him, the sound of your laugh sounded divine. Like bells, calling for a feast in Asgard. And at the same time comforting, like a hug from a family member. He definitely wanted to hear it again. You smiled at each other and watched, how Sýnin took flight and glided on the winds which caressed the blooming nature around you.
chapter 3 in progress
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make-me-imagine · 4 years
Random Scenario Game - Female Avengers Version
Here is the link to the male characters version 
(Link to masterlist to other scenario games)
Rules/What you do: Just match the month/day/letter to yourself and you got yourself a cute little scenario to imagine lol. And you can also leave in the tags or comments, what your scenario is :)
*Please consider reblogging or tagging your friends/mutuals to share this around.
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Your Birth Month: 
January: Pepper Pots
February: Gamora
March: Natasha Romanoff
April: Carol Danvers
May: Lady Sif
June: Wanda Maximoff
July: Okoye
August: Jane Foster 
September: Hope Pym
October: Valkyrie 
November: Darcy Lewis 
December: Nebula
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your Birth Date: 
1: Takes you on a road trip... 2: Takes you out to breakfast... 3: Asks you to move in with them... 4: Hugs you all the time... 5: Gives you her jacket/sweater to wear... 6: Admits they love you... 7: Builds you a pillow fort... 8: Asks you out on a date... 9: Takes you to the fair/amusement park... 10: Kisses you on the cheek... 11: Is really protective of you... 12: Makes you breakfast in bed... 13: Surprises you with a kitten/puppy... 14: Admires everything about you... 15: Takes you to an aquarium... 16: Asks you to be their s/o... 17: Take you to a hot air balloon ride... 18: Always checks in on you throughout the day... 19: Holds your hand... 20: Hugs you so hard they almost knock you off your feet... 21: Gets really nervous when they talk to you... 22: Asks you to marry them... 23: Cooks you dinner... 24: Compliments you all the time... 25: Surprises you with flowers... 26: Confesses they have feelings for you... 27: Is often caught staring at you... 28: Gets jealous anytime you hang out with someone else... 29: Takes you on a picnic... 30: Surprises you with your favorite food... 31: Takes you to an arcade...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
First letter of your name (or Username) 
A, B, C: As an apology.
D, E, F: For your birthday.
G, H, I: Because they have a crush on you.
J, K, L: Because they thought they lost you.
M, N, O: Just because they love you.
P, Q, R: To cheer you up.
S, T, U, V: For your anniversary.
W, X, Y, Z: Because you are their best-friend.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Soon I will open these (and the male addition) up as as a sort of, three-part prompts, separate from just being a little game, so it would be for drabbles/oneshots. Like you send in; March, 5, F; and I use those to write a drabble/oneshot. Not open yet though. 
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lokislittlesigyn · 3 years
OG616 : Thor 1 - Pt.6 [The Mourning]
[My masterlist, where all parts of this and my other fics can be found]
Pairing: Loki / Sigyn (basically an oc based off the marvel/myth namesake)
Warnings: Angst, some.. Hopelessness? And mild flirting.
Author’s Note: Very long one here. Hope you enjoy!
Taglist: @high-functioning-lokipath
To be added to the taglist, just ask me here or send a message! <3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A very distinct, sharp pain washed over Sigyn as she pondered Odin's words. Like a knife plunging into her gut, twisting, pulling - but never leaving. Only hurting worse and worse, the very air in her lungs seizing up.
Loki is dead.
Her throat burned.
Loki is dead.
Tears streamed down her face.
My Loki is dead.
She broke. Her entire body shook with a sob as she collapsed onto the couch she was seated on, weeping. "He can't, he- He's not, he's not.."
"Sister.." Thor wrapped her in a hug, his jaw set firm. Frigga placed a hand on her back.
Odin’s grip tightened around Gungnir. "He's gone."
"No he's not."
"He's NOT!" She screamed, struggling in Thor's grip, who clenched his jaw as he held her. "He's not- He can't be, he.. Loki.." Her body gave way, unable to cope.
Thor helped her stand, letting her sob against him.
"I wish it were true," Odin resumed, forgiving the interruption, "That he could still be with us. But he made his choice."
Sigyn glared at him.
"You made your choice when you lied to him! When you lied to all of us for countless years. We built our life around that lie!" She choked back another sob. "Now our lives are ruined because of it."
Odin didn't respond.
"Sigyn, have care how you speak." Frigga stepped between them, finally composed, though her eyes still glistened. "We need time to grieve, all of us. But perhaps, you most of all." She cupped Sigyn's cheek, wiping a tear away. "Go rest. Arguing will breed nothing but more pain."
Frigga was right. Arguing now would only make things worse - Odin wasn’t exactly known for a cool temper. But her head was still spinning. Loki couldn't be gone. There had to be some other way. Straightening up, Sigyn wrung her hands together. Swallowed. "I-I am sorry, Allfather.. I spoke out of line.."
Odin waved his hand, still looking away.
"Thor," Frigga managed a gentle smile at her son, "Please take Sigyn back to her chambers before you visit the healers."
Thor nodded, and without another word, he and Sigyn left.
Sigyn stayed in her chambers for days on end. She ignored the time. Refused to eat. Refused to sleep in her bed - no, their bed - it still smelled like him. She spoke to no one. Retreated into the solace of being completely and entirely alone. Once the dust had settled, the wounded healed, and the palace put back in order, a feast was held for those who defended Asgard and helped Thor return home.
Sigyn was required to attend.
I can't exactly refuse... She reasoned, pulling on an emerald green gown. Putting on her favorite necklace, she gazed in the mirror.
She was pale. Paler than usual. Sickly and thin, with dark circles under her eyes. Hardly the shining goddess she would be expected to appear as. She looked down at the necklace. She’d had it for a long time. A rectangular medallion on a thin, metal chain - the medallion bearing two serpents, intertwined with each other, each biting their own tail. A symbol of Loki’s adaptability and cunning.
"If you should like to...” Loki had murmured, obviously nervous has he offered it to her, “I would be honored to see you wear it.”
It had been a perfect gift, marrying her colors with his symbol. She barely took it off, except of course when she was expected to wear coordinating clothes. Then it lived in a small wooden box on the dresser, safe from dust.
This will be my first meal without you. She ran her thumb over the symbol. I love you. I miss you.
Composing herself, she left her room.
Servants and guests alike stared at Sigyn when she arrived. She was late. She adjusted the necklace, ignored their whispering. Ignored the stares, the side glances...
Maybe I should’ve stayed alone.
"Sigyn.." Sif walked up to her. "I am so sorry for your loss.."
Sigyn merely watched the warrior as she spoke. She felt like something inside her had died along with Loki. Something was lost. She wasn’t sure if it would ever return.
Sif swallowed. "Truly, I am."
With great effort, Sigyn spoke, her voice dry from lack of use. "Thank you, Sif." She forced as much of a smile as she could, then took her seat.
Conversation picked back up. Stories were told. Laughter spread.
Sigyn stayed there. Motionless. Expressionless. Staring at her untouched goblet. This wasn't worth it. Nothing was worth it. Nothing had meaning anymore.
She turned to look at all the guests. They were eating together happily, drinks sloshing over their food as they raised toasts and struggled to contain their laughter at Volstagg’s stories.
Their spouses hadn't been taken from them. They hadn't lost someone.
This is life now, isn't it. Sigyn turned back to her empty plate. This is the lot I was cast.
Her vision grew blurry with tears.
The curse worked. Loki is dead. I'll never be loved agai-
She clenched her jaw.
Don't you dare start thinking like that. Don't you give up now. Keep going. Keep fighting. If not for yourself, for him. Do it for him.
She looked back at all the familiar faces around her.
Be strong. Be strong for him.
A tear ran down her cheek.
Make him proud.
"A toast, to Asgard! For the glory of our realm!" Roared Volstagg, raising his glass.
Be strong for Loki.
Sigyn stood and raised her glass with a smile.
"To Asgard. Our home."
Time passed. The grief-stricken goddess still wept for her lost husband, still dreamed about him every night. But as the months went on, she wept less. She slowly began healing from the wound deep within her heart. Accepted that for now, Loki was gone.
For now.
She had thrown herself into old books and tomes, determined to improve, to make her husband proud. In the shadows of familiar bookcases within the palace library, she found writings on the Norns. The sisters Wyrd, Veranthi, and Skuld - three powerful beings controlling the past, present, and future. And there in the crumpled pages, she found a familiar symbol: the web of Wyrd.
Three sets of overlapping lines, the it symbolized the inherent interconnections of all actions - and all realities. How the past influenced the present, the present the future, and the future, perhaps the next life.
Our next life... Once the Asgardian twilight comes, and I embrace a final sleep, I will wake up and see him again.
We won’t be alone.
She would remind herself, with each new day, she was another step closer to seeing him again someway, somehow. Alive or dead, they would be reunited. The thought of it inspired a little spark of hope within her. With each passing day, she spent hours pouring over old spellbooks. Studying ancient runes, practicing spells. Mastering them.
She filled books with ideas, charts, musings.
And most of all, she remembered Loki.
She mapped out his entire life, beginning to end. Considered everything that had happened. Asking Thor, Odin, and Frigga exactly what he'd said to them - and exactly how they'd responded. Recorded what they said in books of her own. It helped her grieve.
But it also served her in other ways.
Rumors spread quickly throughout Asgard. Rumors of the prince who was hungry for power. Who stole the throne, and tried to kill his own brother to keep it. Who abandoned his wife in her time of need. Who betrayed his family and his realm.
The liesmith.
Sigyn considered it her duty to dispel false assumptions about him. And as she traded for a new book at the marketplace, she heard one such assumption. A group of ladies stood nearby, gossiping over their goods.
"There she is - that's her, the princess."
"Oh my,"
"Lokiwife, wasn't it?"
"Yes, that's her," A pretty brunette leaned in closer to the others, "I heard she and Loki had quite the time before he.. Well," she frowned, earning murmurs from her group.
Sigyn glanced their way, eavesdropping on their conversation, tucking the book into her satchel.
A blonde nodded in agreement. "Anyone would have a rough time if their husband abandoned them like he did."
"Oh yes," The blonde shook her head, "It was just awful. The Warriors Three said he was always envious of Thor, always wanted the throne. And when he got the chance to steal the throne, he took it."
"If only Thor had been crowned in time. None of this would have happened.” The youngest piped up. The brunette shrugged an agreement.
“Such a waste - we waited hours for that coronation.”
“We had such a nice view, too.."
"A nice view of Prince Thor, certainly." The brunette nodded, her cheeks turning a slight pink.
The blonde smirked. "I'd even say Loki was glad Allfather Odin fell into the Odinsleep.. After all, that gave him access to the throne."
"Finally got him what he wanted," Mused the brunette.
The blonde huffed, "Though a lot of good it did him. Abandoned his wife and his honor, and what did he gain? He's likely in Helheim now.." The group murmured again in agreement.
Sigyn couldn’t take it anymore. "Excuse me - beg your pardon, ladies," She smiled, walking over to them. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation."
The women's eyes went wide. They bowed, paying their respects. Sigyn nodded her own greeting.
The brunette was the first to speak. "Yes, Princess, we were discussing your husband.."
"And his life's motivations. I heard." Sigyn glanced at the blonde, who gulped.
"We meant no offense to you, Princess.."
"Tell me, did any of you know Loki?"
They shook their heads.
Sigyn sighed. "You must understand: he was not evil. The Loki I knew had not a single malicious bone in his body."
"But he was jealous, Princess. Lady Sif said so, I heard her discussing it over a goblet of mead.." The blonde fidgeted.
"And she's right."
The ladies blinked.
Sigyn straightened up. "Sif is correct. Loki was jealous. And do you know why? He spent his life feeling less than Thor. How do you think Loki felt, then, when he found out his life was a lie? That his greatest fear was true because he was different, he was lesser?”
The women were quiet. Sigyn paused, then continued.
“Loki didn't want the throne. He wanted to be like Thor. To be equal, not less. So when Queen Frigga gave him the throne - he took it. She told him to make his father proud, and he tried to do just that. He tried to prove to Odin he loved him, he was his son, and - and yes, he tried to have Thor killed." Sigyn swallowed.
"I won't deny that. He likely did it to prevent Thor returning and squelching his efforts. But consider why he did it. Loki was... Mislead. He made the wrong choices. He tried to prove himself by vanquishing the Frost Giants, Laufey among them. And what did he have to go off of?" She laughed a single, sad laugh, "We're all raised to fear Jotuns! Slay them like the stupid beasts they are! Hunt them down, bludgeon them! What else would you expect him to do?"
By now a small crowd had gathered. Curious passersby all stared at the princess.
They probably think I'm mad, Sigyn mused, But I don't care. This isn't about me. It's about Loki.
"So he tried it. He tried massacring the Jotuns - and was foiled. Again. By Thor. Again! He was trying to prove himself! Desperately grasping at the final threads of hope! And on the Bifrost," Her breath caught in her throat, "On the Bifrost, that night, he begged Odin for approval. And how did Odin respond? He said no to his son, to the boy who only wanted to be as loved by his parents as his brother was." A tear streaked down her cheek.
"And he fell. He gave up. My husband died because his hope ran out. He could bear the pain no longer." Sigyn stepped toward the blonde, "So the next time you talk about Loki, I ask you to remember that. I hope you remember how my husband, the most wonderful, beautiful man I knew, lost hope that night. And now he's gone."
Without another word, Sigyn turned. Pushed past the crowd, ignoring their stares and whispers.
"Come, Villeildr," She mounted her horse, squeezing his sides with her legs, "It's time we take our leave."
Later that night, Sigyn was in the library when a familiar voice called her.
"I thought you'd be here." Fandral stepped in, smirking, his cape sweeping behind him.
"Here I am." Sigyn's focus remained on the book.
"I heard you had a run-in with some acquaintances of mine today."
Sigyn stopped reading.
Fandral continued. "Gave them quite the talking to. Did you rehearse it, or did it simply come to you?"
She shut the book, peering up at him. "They were lying about Loki."
"You seem to forget he lied too.."
"Of course he did. We all do; that doesn't make it right. They were lying about him, Fandral, disrespecting the dead - spreading false rumors about how he 'always wanted the throne.'"
"Well, he was always jealous of Thor.."
She huffed, "I know."
They sat a moment in silence. Fandral moved closer. "I was hoping you would join me for a drink tonight. You’ve barely left the palace in.. Well, far too long."
"I don't drink."
He looked hurt. "You used to."
"There are many things I used to do." She returned to her book, hoping he’d get the hint.
"And I could help you with more than one, if you so wished..."
She raised an eyebrow at him. "Remember that bit about respecting the dead?"
"You're doing a horrid job."
He chuckled.
"Now, even I can't be the best at everything, dearest Sigyn."
"Oh, I believe it." She smirked.
His brow furrowed. "You were meant to be the goddess of compassion, you know."
"Compassion is like sympathy; I can sympathize with you and still point out the fact you're inappropriate."
"You sympathize with me?" He smirked.
"Fandral, do not twist my words.."
"Even if it makes you smile?" He tilted his head slightly. She couldn't resist a small huff of a laugh.
With a slight sigh, he took her hand and kissed it. "Ah, I may never be anything more than your friend, Sigyn," He lowered her hand, smiling at her. "But even if that's the case, I am honored to be your friend."
She smirked, nodding at him once. "Thank you. You're a good friend, Fandral.. Even if you are rude."
With another chuckle, he sprung to his feet. "Until we meet again, fair Sigyn," He bowed, "I take my leave." Turning on his heel, he headed for the door.
He stopped.
"Don't get too drunk. Lady Sif is tired of cleaning up after you."
He shot her a grin, then disappeared around the corner.
He's going to get absolutely ruined. Sigyn thought to herself, shaking her head.
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kaunis-sielu · 3 years
Schoolyard: 9
It’s fun watching Thor work. He charms and chats with people, making them feel important and listening to their suggestions. You know that you’re just eye candy here, but when one man starts talking about vaccines and how ineffective they are you can’t stay quiet,
“I mean herd immunity right?” He says with a laugh.
“Actually, herd immunity should only be used in cases where a person physically cannot get immunized due to other health conditions. It shouldn’t be used just because someone doesn’t want to get an immunization.” The man laughs uncomfortably then gives Thor what you assume is his attempt at a charming smile.
“It’s like she’s a doctor or something.” He laughs and Thor looks coldly down at the other man.
“Mr. Pierce, my wife is a doctor.” He says shortly.
“W-wife?” Mr. Pierce says looking embarrassed.
“What kind of doctor are you?” T’Challa, the King of Wakanda and a friend of Thor’s asks.
“Pediatric. I just worked my last few days for a while but plan on getting back to it when I can.”
“Being Queen is a lot of responsibility.” T’Challa’s wife Nakia says, “it takes dedication to have a job outside of that but it’s possible.”
“I don’t need full time, just something to make me feel like I’m doing something good with my time.”
“I understand completely.” She says with a kind smile. You’ve got a feeling that you and Nakia are going to be good friends.
The rest of the night goes smoothly, although it seems that Mr. Pierce has a big mouth because several people come and congratulate you and Thor on your marriage. Some even seem a bit put out that they weren’t invited to the wedding. Neither of you give them any answers, you still don’t know how this conversation is going to go but you’d rather keep quiet until you can get it out of the way.
You step out for a moment, just needing a second alone, well with Bryn on your six, for a minute. Frigga was right, when you’re not in the crowded room it’s chilly and the little gauze fabric isn’t really enough. You’re looking over the pediatric wing when the soft material is draped over your shoulders.
“Thank you, krigeren min.” He smiles at the nickname.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes, it’s just a lot. Now everyone knows that we’re married and I don’t know how I feel about any of this.”
“I know it’s a lot, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have called you my wife but I lost my temper.”
“Ah, so you’re not perfect.” You tease and he laughs.
“No, and if you ever need reminders just ask Loki. They will tell you.”
“Yes they will.” You agree with a little smile.
“We can leave whenever you’re ready.”
“One more glass of champagne? I’d like to say goodbye to Nakia and T’Challa too.”
“Of course. We have an open invite to go and visit them if you’d like.”
“That would be wonderful. I’ve heard Wakanda is incredible.”
“One of my favorite places to go.” He agrees as you turn and walk back toward the party. You slip your hand into his as you walk, it’s so natural now to just be touching him. When you get back into the room one of the men gives you a look that you don’t like then approaches.
“Excuse me. I read that you were cheating on the Crown Prince with people in the States. Is that true?” You stare at him, surprise on your face.
“Volstagg. Remove this man.” Thor orders, his deep voice carrying causing several people to look, “I will not allow such disrespect.” Volstagg hurries the man away from you.
“I’d like to go.” You say softly and Thor nods. He gives T’Challa a handshake and you and Nakia hug then he places a protective hand on your lower back and guides you out of the building. While you wait for the car Thor takes your hand and gives it a little squeeze.
“Don’t pay him any mind Elskede.” He says when you look up at him.
“It’s hard not to. I know what he said isn’t true but it still makes me look bad.”
“Min dronning,” he practically rumbles the words, “how can I make it better?”
“Just, let me process this okay? Be patient with me?”
“Of course.” He agrees pressing a kiss to the back of your hand. God he makes you weak in the knees. You follow Bryn down the the car then curl into Thor on the drive home. He keeps an arm around you as you ride back to the house, neither of you say much, he just trails his fingers up and down your arm.
When you get back you say goodnight to Sif and Volstagg then head to your room. Before you can get there you run into Odin.
“Father? You should be resting.”
“I’m fine. I need to speak to you.”
“I’ll leave you alone.” You tell them before pressing a soft kiss to Thor’s cheek.
“No, both of you.” Odin says gesturing for the two of you to follow him back to his rooms. Once you’re there he points at the seat for you to sit.
“I’ve come to a decision.”
“About what father?” Thor asks and when you look at him he looks as puzzled as you feel.
“I’m going to abdicate the throne to you.”
“Yes, father we’ve talked about this. After we get our annulment I’ll take the throne.” Thor says and you’re surprised, you had no idea this was happening.
“No, I’m abdicating in two days.” You gasp and Thor cries,
“What?” As Odin holds up a hand to silence you both.
“I have less than six months to live. The doctor told your mother and I tonight. I still have things I need to teach you but the best way to do so is with you as King. Besides, I want to live the remainder of my time with my wife. Being an old married couple.”
“Thor, my Son. My first born and my heir, I know this isn’t what you wanted or had planned but this is what needs to happen.”
“This isn’t what the plan was!”
“I know.” Odin is calm but Thor is anything but. He storms out of the room and you’re left sitting there with Odin. He goes to follow him when you stand,
“I’ve got this. Please, rest, give yourself as much time as you can with them.” You tell him and he gives you a tight smile before you follow Thor out the door nearly crashing into his sibling. “Loki?”
“I saw him leave, I know where he will go and I’ll bring you there but you can’t tell him it was me.”
“Just in case he’s mad, he won’t get mad at you like he will me.”
“Deal.” You tell them and they lead you away from Odin’s room. “Do you know what Odin spoke to him about?”
“Yes, father is abdicating. We don’t have much time left with our father do we?” Loki asks softly as the two of you move quickly through the palace.
“There are some things we can try, but they won’t cure him. Just give him more time. I’m sorry.” Loki nods once, they don’t say anything until they stop before a short corridor with a tapestry hanging in it. They move the tapestry to one side and you see another small hallway.
“He should be in there, left hand door way at the end of the hallway.”
“Thank you Loki.” You tell them giving their hand a squeeze. Sure enough you find Thor storming back and forth in the small room. You don’t say anything, he throws a bottle across the room where it shatters into pieces, then sinks down onto the older couch in the corner of the room.
“I’m sorry.” He says gruffly and you move slowly into the room. You step in between his legs and he wraps his arms around you. He takes a deep shuddering breath and you rest one hand on his shoulder and card the fingers of your other hand through his hair.
“You have nothing to be sorry about.” You assure him softly, it’s then his shoulders begin to shake and soft sobs escape him. You let him cry against you, just carding your fingers through his hair.
“I’m not ready.” He says, his voice thick.
“You’re not ready for what?”
“To lose my father.”
“Oh Honey.” You soothe, that’s what this is all about. You thought maybe he was upset about having to become King too soon, or not having time to annul your marriage before doing so, but that’s not it. This is about a boy being afraid to lose his father. “You still have time min kjærlighet, there are things we can try. I’m not making promises that they’ll work but we can try.”
“Thank you.” He says into your torso, before falling silent again. When he speaks again it’s in a much more steady voice, “Did Loki bring you here?”
“I am not supposed to confirm or deny that.” He gives a small huff of a laugh.
“I’m glad they did.” He’s quiet again before he says softly, “Jeg elsker deg.”
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scribeofmorpheus · 4 years
Himmeløyne [21/?]
Pairing: Loki Odinson x Reader
Catch Up Here | Masterlist
Warnings: None
A/N: Nothin’ to report Cap’n
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The Allfather conjured old memory and returned himself to it; the last moment he ever conversed with his old counsel, Mímir.
“The boy must know of his lineage. He is the only one who can end this war. Bridge the sides. This rift was formed by lies, and lies will only pry it further.”
“Silence!” the younger Odin shouted, his stave burrowing into the floor from his surge of emotion. He was always quicker to temper before. Thor and Loki were still babies, Odin had yet to taste what truly came with fatherhood. Fatherhood would give him the burden of a different kind of love, of temperance, but in this moment, he was still ignorant to it.
"I know why you do this. You think by keeping this a secret, by refusing him his past, you will stop the inevitable, but not even you, old friend, can stop the Fate of the Gods.”
“I said silence!” Odin’s shout shattered the glass in the throne room. Mímir’s detached head simply blinked his outburst away. "You think yourself clever because you can see fate's web? Tell me, Mímir, can you see with only on eye?"
Odin loathed that condescending stare. It made him feel obsolete, limited. Without thought, rage bubbled to the surface, filling his vision with red. Then there was blood on his thumb, and  Mímir screamed. The fluid of an eye coating his thumb.
“You truly are your father’s son,” Mímir spat.
“Twilight will never be!”
“I know what you will do. I have seen it. This will be my final gift to you: the truth will crumble at the price of your father’s belt.”
Odin returned to his older form, now realising that the last words Mímir spoke had been misconstrued. He had sworn never to wear it, never to use his father’s belt even if he was to face a formidable foe. But Mímir had tricked him, manipulated him into locking it away. Locking it in the one place is was meant to be taken from, ironically.
A knock interrupted his thought.
“Who is it?”
“You sent for me, My Liege. It’s the Captain of the Guard.”
He sighed. As much as he yearned to see his son conscious again, to find where he’d hidden Frigga, he dreaded the outcome of such a success even more. No matter what, he had to get his father’s belt back, and stop Y/N at all costs. “Enter.”
He watched Y/N get drawn into the light. The mirror screamed, but Y/N did not react to its piercing shriek.
Sif folded hunkered low from the pain, hands pressed to her ears. A mangled scream poured into the room, but her mouth never opened. The sounds, the shrieks, they were a thousand disembodied voices, all coming from inside the mirror. He felt unease, a desire to pull Y/N away from the harrowing sounds in the light. Then she was gone, and everything turned as silent as a graveyard, the mirror shattering into dust.
“We should have stopped her,” Sif wiped the blood from her ears onto her trousers. “That was Jotun magic. Forbidden magic!”
“I know,” he stood upright.
“Fascinating,” The Collector clapped his hands as if he’d seen the most impressive performance yet. “I’ve never seen anyone survive entering the Mirror of Fate.”
“You’ve never what?” Heimdall’s actions were quick, his large hand finding the uncollared space of The Collector’s neck.
The Collector laughed, a streak of lunacy to the twitch of his lips, bearing his teeth as though it’d been aeons since he had found something amusing. “I’ll be honest, it was never the belt that I was interested in.” He turned to look at Y/N’s eye in the crystal skull.
Heimdall lifted The Collector off his feet, “Explain yourself!”
“Have you ever seen an empire built on the bones of lies crumble?”
“I will not ask you again!” Heimdall struck The Collector into a wall.
Sif grabbed his arm to try and calm him, “You won’t get anything from him if he’s unconscious.”
“Someone’s coming,” Hogun whispered before disappearing behind a column.
A shadow grew larger by the entrance. Sif followed after Hogun to try and counter manoeuvre whoever was closing in. Heimdall didn’t care, he wanted answers, his grip on The Collector’s neck growing stronger.
“Why is it, as of late, we’re always getting tangled in one misadventure or another?” Fandral asked, arms on his hips, a devilish smirk pulling his hideous moustache closer to his nose.
“Fandral,” Sif let out a sigh of relief, closing in for a hug. “Am I glad to see you.”
“Don’t be too happy just yet,” he straightened out, his tone turning for the graver. “Odin said you stole something from his vault?”
“It’s a long story,” Sif said.
“As I’m sure. You’re lucky I managed to convince him to let Volstagg and I get the lead, but we don’t have time. His guard will not be far behind. We must leave, get you back to Asgard before you are apprehended as prisoners, so you can plead your case to the Allfather.”
Hogun side-eyed Heimdall, “It’s not that simple.”
 “Speak,” Heimdall demanded, ignoring the commotion around him.
“All I did was keep a promise to an old friend,” The Collector revealed.
“The one who placed that amulet in my care,” he wormed around Heimdall’s grip. “She told me someone would come for it, and when they did, I’d finally get to see the fruits of her labours.”
Suddenly, the skull began to glow. Runes appearing all over. Heimdall recognised some. Y/N’s eye acted as refraction material, displaying a doorway built into a mountain into the space of the emporium. The ground was the sky and the mountain had no base. The peak glistened with ice, a beautiful sunset presenting itself in the orientation of a sunrise.
“How do I get her back?” he slammed The Collector into the wall a second time.
“Gahhh! Never took you for a man able to relinquish control, anger suits you.”
“I won’t lose her,” he could feel his heart racing, thrumming in his ears. “Tell me!”
The Collector glanced at the skull, “To enter Verdenspeil, a spell is required. A two-part spell. The first half is the sacrifice of sight. The second was to recite the words of the Giants. The entry is one way. Every other person that’s ever sought out the mirror has never managed to recite the words. Until now.”
A torrent of light, heavy with every streak of colour, poured in the streets outside. Heimdall could feel the magic of the bridge, someone had opened the Bi-frost.
“That’s not good,” Fandral stated.
Sif and the others moved into position as several of the Allfather’s guard came wielding weapons with shields drawn.
“Heimdall!” Sif warned. “We’re running out of time.”
“Then buy me what little you can,” An agitated growl left Heimdall, “How do I get her back?”
“There—” Hogun shouted, “—pull that lever!”
A loud thud echoed into the room. A large, golden gate descended as a barricade. A red dot grew larger around the barricade, melting the metal.
“Did Odin send The Destroyer too?” Fandral’s jaw dropped. “What in all the Nine did you steal?”
“What madness have you gotten us into?” Volstagg demanded.  
Heimdall was close enough to The Collector’s face to see that there was no fear in his eyes, only the dilation from oxygen starvation.
“If she makes it passed the maze, the doorway will open, there,” The Collector pointed to the apparition coming from Y/N’s eye in the skull.
“I’ve seen this peak before,” Hogun closed in on the apparition. “Recently.”
“The runes,” Sif pointed out, “They’re the same as the ones that were drawn on Y/N. Wait… Heimdall, that’s Gjallarhorn!”
“Gjallarhorn?” Fandral backed away, terror in his eyes. “Then… that means… this is connected to the Twilight of the Gods.”
Heimdall set The Collector down, the eccentric man laughed between coughs. He ignored him and walked closer to the doorway that Sif, Hogun and Fandral stared at. One rune, in particular, made Heimdall’s veins turn to ice.
“Jotunheim,” he said. “That doorway is in Jotunheim.”
“But there's no snow, the sky isn't darkened. It doesn't resemble Jotunheim in the least."
"Jotunheim wasn't always the desolate place you know today. The Great War took more than just lives."
"How can you be sure?” Sif asked.
“Because, only one other has ever possessed Gjallarhorn, and Odin tasked me with his imprisonment. That is where I hid Mímir’s head.”
Sif pieced everything together, “Mímir? Of course! This all makes sense now. Then the Mirror of Fate—”
“Is his invention, yes.”
The Destroyer had made it through the door, its face covered the hole and a second burst burned a scorch mark across the floor. The Collector rushed to a display case and pushed it aside, there was a hidden lever there. He pulled it revealing a false wall.
“In here, there’s a dais in the level below. Take the skull, it is the key to opening the portal.” The Collector ushered them closer.
Heimdall frowned, “Why should we trust you?”
“I don’t think you have much of a choice. Whatever that girl is connected to, it has cause to make Odin worry. And, it seems, it was designed to happen exactly as it has. I have fulfilled my promise, now I get to watch chaos unfold. For someone as old as I am, there are few things as joyous as seeing order fall to chaos.”
Sif grabbed the skull and the apparition dissolved into the air like steam.  
Heimdall waited for Sif and the others to head for the lower level first, then he turned to The Collector to ask one final question: “This old friend of yours, was it Mímir’s sister?”
The Collector smiled, warm and affectionately, an odd emotion to see on his face. “It was.”
Birth. A child’s first steps on steps of stone. Runes drawn into the snow. Blood on ice. A village on fire. Pieces of a home, blackened by soot and ash. Wings in the light. An arrow whistling through the air. Clear. Sweet. The rush was more than images layered over one another, morphing into one another, it was sensation too. The feel of the cold on the stone steps. The muscle memory from tracing the rune. The drip, drip, drip of blood streaming down a frost sword and splattering on ice. Heat from flames. Smell of ash on the throat. These moments were yours, animated and swishing around in this viridian green atmosphere. You had made it into the Mirror World.
You spun around, searching for a path or a marker of some sort. There was nothing but thick, green fog all around you.
“Hello?” you asked the expanse. It didn’t echo. No one replied. “Oracle?” you called out for the whisper that you conversed with in the emporium.
You shouted out again and again until you heard a reply.
Child of the Sky, welcome to Verdenspeil. 
You spread your fingers over the fog, the memories were torn like seams, visions dissipating and then reappearing. “What is all this?”
The Nexus of Fate. Your fate. Once you step out, you will be subjected to all fates intertwined with yours. 
“How do I know what to look for?”
Desire. Search your mind for desire. It will light the path to the answer you seek. 
 “And my desire will lead me to the answer I seek?”
Yes… and No. Nothing in this realm is as it appears. This world is not meant for the living. It will try to coerce you. Lead you away from the root of its power. 
“Root of its power?” you were distracted by a glimmer, then the memory of you and Loki’s first meeting by the balconies came to life. Then you thought of the kiss on that very same balcony, and suddenly the world reshaped itself to project that memory. You realised then that the world wasn’t just showing you fate, it was feeding off your memories too. A give and take. “This world isn’t real is it?”
Real is a matter of perception. But yes, this world is ancient, a thread within the fabrics of all the universes, tapped deep into Yggdrasil. 
“What is its purpose?”
Cause of effect. This world is a maze. I am the effect, but I cannot see beyond my bindings, see to its cause. I do not know what lies in the centre. All I can do is mark a path. Follow it to the source. Free me, and I will make this world show you what you seek.
You focused on what you desired. Flashes of Loki came to life I the fog, but so did images of your mother.
“We will see each other again,” your mother’s voice spoke through the fog.
The rune on your palm burst with red light. Glowing, iridescent like eels, it lit the path ahead of you. The second rune on your forehead rippled, almost as if it were an appendage. Trembling fingers reached for it and were greeted by the aqueous of an eye—a third eye. You gasped, shocked at how real the runic eye felt. You closed your one human eye and tried to see through the third.
Runic vision was strange, the Mirror World was all reflections and memory, and the expansion and contraction of matter. The rune on your palm acted as a torch in darkness, revealing the world that was previously magically concealed. Branches, stretching endlessly, all intertwined and meandering, were revealed. Each branch glowed with a different colour, some colours you’d never seen before. To your immediate left, a branch absorbed the colour of your hand’s rune. 
“Follow the path,” you reiterated.
With your human eye closed, you walked as if a blind woman, letting the magic guide you, letting it see for you. The walk was long. It felt like the seconds had rushed to hours and hours faded to days, but your muscles didn’t give in, they didn’t even feel like they were moving. Air raised your chest, but your lungs seemed as heavy as rocks.  
Yes, you are close. I can hear it. The beginning of my name. I can hear it! A little further!
Over the edge of the path, to the right, there was a branch that looked to be severed. The only singular branch untouched or intertwined with others. A coldness prickled at your skin.
“What is that place?” you shuddered. 
There was a brief pause, a small voice in your head told you to turn towards the edge and look over it.
I… I do not remember. 
“It’s calling to me…”
Child of the Sky! Do not stray from the path!
But it was too late. That same pull you felt to the light was drawing you towards that severed branch that led to a drop.
“I have to…” you took your first step away from the red of the path. The colour of the world began to leech away, all turning to that viridian green. The fog of the world covered the tree slowly, returning everything as it had been.
“Be careful!” a stranger’s voice shouted, her dialect foreign to you, yet you understood it.
“By the Gods!” you gasped in shock. Except, it wasn’t you. You hadn’t opened your mouth to speak. It was your voice, in the same dialect as the stranger’s, coming from the edge.
“Look at the size of him!” the stranger continued.
Then there was an animalistic cry, creature-like and deep. And the whoosh of rushing water. And a rumble in the earth.
“Stop! Don’t hurt him!”
“Hurt him? He displaced half the ocean!”
“Trust me!”
“I hope you know what you’re doing!”
“So do I…”
Your foot reached the end of the path, a whirlpool sucking up the air where you stood. The voices stopped too.
“That was my voice. What was that?” the real you asked the Oracle.
I suspect, something yet to be, or something never to be. 
A trance came over you. A need to step over the edge. Deep in your bones, you knew that stepping off the path needed to happen, that it was fate leading you to the whirlpool at the bottom of this universe.
“Y/N?” Loki called your name from below, but he did so in a manner a stranger would. "Never heard of you..."
“What happens if I stray from the path?” you peered into the spiralling clouds sparked with thunder and lightning. Watched the whirlpool tear those clouds apart like dandelions in the wind.
I… I do not know. The maze is endless. Getting lost could be a life sentence.
“Then it’s a good thing I’m mortal,” you took a controlled breath and dove off the edge. 
Half mortal.
The whirlpool opened, the crack at its centre allowed darkness to slither through. A tendril touched your skin. Then another. The darkness spread like the drench of rain. Soon, you and the darkness were one.
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fanficfreekmcu · 4 years
The Duties of a Queen (15) | NSFW
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ᚳᚻᚫᛈᛏᛖᚱ ᛚᛁᛋᛏ, ᛋᚢᛗᛗᚫᚱᚣ, & ᚹᚫᚱᚾᛁᚾᚷᛋ
Loki peeked his eye open the next morning before running his hand down his bride’s bare back. She moaned while rolling over, giving him access to spoon up to her.
“It’s morning,” he whispered.
“I see that,” she grinned.
“I do believe that the whole of Asgard, and perhaps a few other realms can personally vouch for the consummation of our marriage last night.”
She began to giggle. “Was I that loud?”
“I’m not complaining,” he ran his hand down her side and around her thigh as she sighed.
“Nor am I,” she reached her hand back to run through his hair.
He lifted her leg before sliding his morning erection inside her.
She turned her head to catch his lips as a knock came from the main door.
“Go away,” Loki growled, not stopping in the slightest.
“My King, we have…”
“I said go away!” he raised his voice.
“What if it’s important?” Finna whispered.
“Nothing is more important that burying myself deep within my queen this morning,” he groped her breast with a twinkle in his eye.
She moved her head and arched her back as he continued his assault, his hips slapping against the back of hers.
“King Loki…”
He stopped and turned to face the door. “I’m trying to bed my bride!” the sound of the furniture in the hall bursting against the walls echoed. 
“Loki,” Finna laughed. “We can finish this later.”
He stopped and pushed her onto her back before crawling on top of her. “I refuse to begin the first day of my marriage to you by running off to the flock,” he rolled his eyes incredulously before pushing his hips against hers.
She brought her knees up to hook over his shoulders as he reached up to grab onto their golden headboard.
As he continued to anger at their interruption, his body began to cool; quickly becoming cold to the touch. Finna looked into his eyes as they turned red, his skin becoming blue and raised with the markings of the Jotun he was. She curled her nails into the cold, blue flesh of his chest as her eyes glowed deep green.
“Finn…” he warned lowly.
“Ah!” she closed her eyes and threw her head back. “Oh!” 
The tapestries along the walls of the great hall shook as the families and friends of the royal family began to gather for breakfast. Sif’s eyes widened as she turned to Frigga.
“I don’t suspect we’ll be seeing much of our King for the next month or so,” she bit her lip to hide a smile.
Sif nodded before turning to Fandral and raised her eyebrows. 
“Perfect,” he nodded.
“What’s perfect?” Volstagg waited.
“The beautiful day,” Hogun interrupted. “Why don’t we take the opportunity to savor it and spar in the courtyard?”
“Perfect,” Sif grinned before jumping up and dashing off.
Frigga raised her eyebrows suspiciously before returning to her meal.
Once Loki went off to work, Finna was left to meet her ladies in waiting. They bathed and dressed her before braiding her hair, the symbol that she was no longer a maiden.
She then went on a tour of Valaskjálf with Frigga and ended up at Odin’s bedside in Glaðsheimr. 
“Should I really be in here?” Finna looked around.
“You’re part of our family now, and our Queen. It is only proper that you meet the Allfather.”
She nodded humbly before sitting with her.
“Finna, I’m not sure how much Loki has told you about his relationship with his father…”
“He’s very angry right now,” she spoke honestly. 
“That… I do know,” she sighed.
“He was raised to believe he was Asgardian and second in line for the throne,” she explained. “He has no idea who he is now, he’s conflicted.”
She nodded. “You are so good for him. I’m overjoyed that he has confided so much in you.”
“I was prepared to marry a man that I hardly knew. I was extremely indifferent regarding my marriage to Edel… but this is so different with Loki. I know… he will watch over and take care of us.”
“It is a rare thing in our culture to marry for love,” she took her hand. “And it fills my soul with joy to see my Loki completely smitten with you. I wish you many years of happiness, my dear,” she kissed her forehead. “However, I am worried that if my eldest son ever returns home…”
She pulled away and looked up at her. “Thor?”
“It is his child you’re carrying,” she informed her.
Finna searched her eyes for a moment. “It is.”
“Which of my sons are you truly in love with?” she waited.
Tears filled her eyes as she turned away. “I made my choice, My Queen.”
“Thor will return one day, what will you tell him?”
“According to Loki, that day will never come.”
“The Allfather has a purpose for all that he does. He will return.”
She closed her eyes. “I will face that issue when the time comes.”
The door opened, interrupting them. “My Queen, Lady Sif is here offer her congratulations.”
“Go on,” Frigga waved her off. “I’ll see you at supper.”
She bowed to her before walking off to meet Sif in the hall.
“My Queen,” Sif bowed. “Congratulation on your marriage to King Loki.”
“Stop it,” Finna waved her hands before taking Sif’s. “Thank you,” she smiled. “That is very kind of you.”
“Will you continue on as my Shieldmaiden?” she asked as they walked together toward the balcony.
“Probably not,” she sighed. “I have duties now, you know.”
“You do, my Queen.”
“It’s all changed, Finna. Like it or not, you are married to the King now.”
“Which means I can do what I want, and I want you to stop!” she grinned.
“That sounds amazingly like your new husband,” she smiled for her.
“We do have a lot in common,” she nodded. “You grew up with him?”
“He and his eldest brother, yes. You remember Thor, don’t you?” she angered.
“Not you too,” she looked away.
“We all knew about you two, Finna. You were terrible at hiding your relationship. What happens when…”
“I don’t know,” she angered. “Nothing, I suppose. I’m married to his brother and nothing can change that.”
“You’re married to a man you care nothing for!” she hissed.
“Don’t you ever let me hear you say that again,” her eyes glowed green.
“I’m sorry,” she shook her head. “Have you heard about his exile?” she asked.
“Of course, Loki talks about him quite a bit. He misses his brother terribly.”
“Then why won’t he bring him back home?” she stopped her.
“Excuse me?”
“I’m sorry,” she dropped her eyes and bowed. “But your husband is King. He has the authority to bring his brother home.”
“I cannot answer a question I know not the answer for,” she looked out into the courtyard to see a man beating a wolf. “Please excuse me,” her face reddened as she ran off to the stairs. 
Sif followed her down to the courtyard and watched as she yelled at the man. 
“Why are you beating this wolf?” she waved her right hand, causing the man’s to freeze.
“Well that ain’t none of your business now, is it gorgeous?”
Sif raised her eyebrows as she stepped back and crossed her arms.
She knelt down as the wolf limped to her and collapsed. “She’s injured and malnourished. Why were you beating her?” she stared into his eyes.
“She wasn’t pullin’ her weight. A wolf that don’t work is useless.”
“How do you expect her to work if she’s weak with hunger?”
“She’s a bleedin’ wolf, she should do what she’s told!”
Sif’s eyes widened as Finna rose to her feet, her eyes turning bright yellow. “You will never beat another animal again. You will see to it that every animal in your home is fed before you sit down to eat every night for the rest of your life. And if I ever see you again, you had better hope that I’m in an amazingly good mood.”
“Yes, My Queen,” he dropped to his knees as her eyes returned to normal.
“Now go, before I really get angry.”
Sif watched the man scamper off before turning to her. “I like this new side of you.”
She smirked before waving her hand and producing a bowl of meat for the wolf. “I think I do too.”
They were interrupted by one of Finna’s maidens. “My Queen, there is an Erik Stephenson that has requested an audience.”
“No rest for the new queen,” Sif nodded. “Thank you for your time.”
“I look forward to talking with you more at supper tonight.”
“As do I,” she smiled before walking off. 
“Oh sweet Valhalla, it’s true!” she heard Erik’s voice before she saw him, but turned in time to receive a hug. Four Einherjar took a step forward, but Finna raised her hand. 
“I’m fine,” she nodded to them.
“I have to admit, I had my doubts about you and Edel being a good match, but I completely thought you were meant for our Luke!”
She burst out laughing before looking around.
“What’s so damned funny, Finna? Loki is not someone you wanna get messed up with!”
“Shhhh,” she frowned. “Walk with me.”
“Why? Is he spying on you already?”
“Well... yes, but he’s always done that,” she giggled. “He’s quite the stalker.”
He glared at her as if she had lost her mind.
“Luke is Loki,” she whispered as he stopped in his tracks.
“Come again?”
“He really has enjoyed your companionship these past few years and didn’t want to kill it by letting you all know his true identity. The night he and I met… I nearly blew his secret, he wasn’t at all happy that I could see through his tricks.”
He thought things over quietly before breaking into a huge smile. “Well that changes things completely, now doesn’t it?”
She raised her eyebrows as she watched him.
“Your secret’s safe with me, My Queen,” he bowed to her.
“Stop that,” she blushed.
“There you are!” Loki’s voice boomed toward them. “Erik! Great to see you, my friend!” he shook his hand.
“It really is you!” he laughed. “Your bride just filled me in on the secret, I’m… impressed you’ve been able to keep it for so long.”
“Until she came around,” he placed his hand on Finna’s shoulder. “Now that there’s no more trickery or secrets, feel free to attend supper tonight with us and invite everyone else. I’d love to celebrate our marriage with friends.”
“We would be honored! I need to go then, to round them all up if we’re going to make it in time.”
They both nodded their goodbyes as he dashed off before turning to one another.
“Hi,” she smiled before he kissed her.
“Hi,” he closed his eyes and smiled. “Long day?”
“Busy,” she laced her fingers through his. “You?”
“Tedious,” he complained. “I keep thinking about last night.”
She bit her lip. “Just what makes you think that tonight won’t be better?”
A chill of excitement ran down his spine.  “Oh how I wish we could just take the day and hide in our bedchamber.”
“Why can’t we? You’re the King.”
He nipped at her lips before forming a huge smile. “True.”
➵➵➵➵➵➵➵❂➵➵➵➵➵➵➵ 16
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