beresaad · 2 years
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God of War Ragnarök — Kratos
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daycourtofficial · 3 months
Bestie.... This is the co-worker anon, holy shit, this is going to be long. His sister came up to me during dinner and told me that she took matters into her own hands (a.k.a sending you an ask in case I have your notifications on and saw it--which I do, have your notifs on I mean, when I have the Tumblr app installed. But work was picking up and I got so busy I uninstalled all social media app off my phone).
WORRY NOT!!! I will dedicate an altar for you. Seriously, with the seasoned cum ask printed out (if I can find the post again), and candles, and pretty fairy lights, and some autumn themed stuff, the whole shebang.
YES IT'S CARI CAN READ! He said Sarah writing style is not for him so he can't make himself read the book, but he did watch several ACOTAR explained video so he'll understand what I'm talking about.
I don't know about marriage, but we've been to several dinner and we went to an amusement park date yesterday after I offhandedly said I haven't been to one in years. And I've met his family and y'know... I debated sending you updates via asks anytime something happened but I like the idea of having this for myself (even though technically none of you would actually know since this is on anon lmao). But it's the vibes y'know, I'm just private, this started off as something hilarious but the more time I spend with him the more serious it goes and I didn't feel like sharing, even anonymously.
OKAY BUT ON A MORE SERIOUS NOTE! Really though, if this works out long term, I will absolutely gave 83% credit to your for kick starting our relationship (the 17% was to me for opening Tumblr on company time).
FRIEND, HE'S LIKE he answer to all of my (@ God; me when?) prayers? HE'S A DECENT GUY? They're still here? They didn't only exist in books? (I'm chalking it up mostly to him having 2 older sister and one younger). But really, he's really amazing. And while I will always be mortified that he started talking to me because of That post, the feeling of gratefulness is bigger.
REALLY THOUGH HOW AM I SUPOOSED TO CONVEY HOW GRATEFUL I AM? I'll just pray all the happiness and giddiness I've felt the past month come back to you tenfold luv!!!
Bestie I think about you once a week. I totally get the privacy thing, I’m the same way. i keep things to myself too.
God I hope this is real bc this is the funniest and sweetest thing to ever happen lmaooo
Thank you for the altar, I hope you have a fall themed wedding if it ever gets there 🙏🏻 an homage to Eris
You found your little ginger omg I’m so happy for you!! I will accept your 83/17 split, your new man had nothing to do with it
Anyway feel free to drop by on occasion and let me know how you’re doing!! Sending all the love is happiness (and flavored cum) to you both 🥰🥰
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spacedikut · 4 years
exam help ; spencer reid
pairing: spencer reid x gn!reader
summary: a self-indulgent blurb about spencer helping with exams :) 1.7k
a/n: first fic of the year :D happy 2021!
Another anguish-filled screech reverberates from your and Spencer’s shared office, bringing even your pet fish in the tank to attention.
It’s the third one this hour. Spencer tries to ignore it, just like you told him to, but God you sound like you’re in pain and Spencer can’t exactly ignore that, can he? He loves you and cares for you and- oh. A thump reaches his ears. A textbook, maybe? Did you punch your textbook?
He considers for a moment that the neighbours will be alarmed, perhaps call the police or tentatively knock with a, “Is everything okay in there?”
It wouldn’t be the first time.
What would he tell them? Oh, my apologies, my partner has exams coming up and just told me they get why unsubs do that now. I am also terrified.
There are many instances where Spencer feels useless. During his job, when his mother would have an episode, when his friends have problems he just wouldn’t understand. But, somehow, and maybe controversially, this is the worst type of uselessness. The type that leaves him staring at the wall, questioning everything, the type that makes his stomach drop because all he can do is watch.
He’s been watching you for the last two weeks. He’s sick of watching, of being no help, and he needs to do something before he breaks and does something illegal.
(The illegal thing is doing your exams for you - not illegal as in, perhaps, murder)
Your frazzled head pops out from the office, one hand rubbing your eyes and a permanent frown etched on your face, and with a fragile voice you ask, “Can you make me a coffee, please?”
Now, Spencer feels hypocritical, but he has to say it. “Another? Are you sure?”
He sees the internal battle within you, how you try your hardest not to snap. It’s not his fault you’re stressed. He’s just trying to help. “Yes, I’m sure. Please, Spence,”
“Of course. I’ll bring it in.”
“Thank you.” With a pained smile, you’re gone again into the dark abyss of where you’re studying.
With quick, ingrained movements, Spencer makes your coffee with too much creamer and marshmallows. Unusual, yes, but your current diet consists of coffee and whatever he can force you to consume – like marshmallows.
But then, hello, he spots a chocolate bar haphazardly close to the bin, grabs it, and hopes you let him watch you eat it.
Stepping into the room as quietly as possible, he’s smacked in the face by the smell of lavender. It makes him nauseous, the intensity of it, quickly followed by a lurch of his heart because you poor thing, you’re being crushed by the weight of your degree – literally. The other day you purchased an insanely heavy weighted blanket and you’re drowning in it.
Now, if you were to ask Spencer who the most beautiful person on the planet is, he’d say you in a heartbeat. He’s thought that since you first met and, years later, still stands by that. But now, right now, glowering at him in the dimly lit, lavender drenched study that you used to love oh-so-much? You have the face of a French bulldog, all grumpy and furrowed and too many creases on your face to make Spencer feel like he’s actually helping when he places the coffee and snack on your desk.
Despite the crabby expression, your words are filled with love and appreciation – which happens to be Spencer’s favourite mix. “Thank you, my love.” You take a sip of the coffee, hum in delight, and for the first time in days there’s a spark of something other than torment. “You’re the best.”
Spencer’s hand holds the back of your neck and he places a series of soft kisses to your temple, mumbling, “I love you. Very much. Is there anything else you need?”
“Okay. I’ll work on it.”
At that, you grace Spencer with a weak half-smile. It’s enough to overwhelm Spencer, overflowing and only able to be shown through a chaste, encouraging peck on your lips and a half-hug, Spencer bent at the waist to hold you in your desk chair. He noses your hair, hoping his closeness will alleviate some stress, before stepping back and praying his eyes tell you everything he wants to say but know will elicit annoyance from you.
I love you. Take care of yourself. Rest, please. You can do this, but not if you over exert yourself. I love you.
Your eyes tell him, I’ll try. I love you. And that’s all he can ask for.
But when he leaves, shuffles past his bookshelf, his eyes catch sight of an old file that reminds him of when he was preparing for his own exams.
He gets an idea.
It takes another two days, full of late nights involving work that isn’t staying up and distracting himself with books to avoid worrying over you and how late you go to sleep, and reading that leaves Spencer in awe of you and everyone in your field.
A part of him is amazed by how he wheelbarrowed the resources behind you without you noticing, another is worried about that fact, and the rest of him is excited that he can finally do something that will actually help. At least, he hopes.
(When everything is said and done, despite being endlessly grateful, you also inform Spencer that simply being there and being him and getting you coffee every time you ask is more than enough, really)
With pride, he leans back on the couch, observing his creations on the coffee table. There’s plenty of different colours, all representing a different topic, and he presses the thumbs up to like the Youtube video he was using to ensure his handwriting is easy to read.
Flashcards. Hundreds, if Spencer counted correctly. The textbooks he stole – borrowed – from under your nose lie next to his feet, the weight of them combined more of a workout than he’s (voluntarily) done in eons.
He only hopes you don’t think it’s too late, think he’s overstepping or-or that he’s doing those things that he’s been accused of before – thinking he knows best (he does, but whatever), overbearing arrogance, an unwillingness to hear and accept other people’s way of doing things.
He just wants to help. He wants you to know he’s here for you, no matter what you need. This is the thing that lets him believe he’s doing something, something good and useful. Spencer just wants to be useful.
He’s convinced you to eat a proper breakfast – fruit, oats, bread, meat, a whole buffet – and you sense something is amiss when you hear slow, tentative footsteps creeping from your bedroom.
Spencer, still in his pyjamas, glasses perched on his nose, approaches with a shallow box in his grasp. You swallow your bite, turn to face him. “What’ve you got there?”
The box is slid onto the counter next to your plate hesitantly, as if he regrets his actions as he’s doing them. Peering in, you see a blur of colour, stacks on stacks of rectangular paper filled with writing and questions and even a tips! section.
You pick up the first batch, all light blue, and flick through them, heart getting bigger and bigger with every word you read. And when you realise what they are, what Spencer’s done ­– for you – your heartrate has skyrocketed and the watch on your wrist is asking you if you’re okay.
“You made me flashcards?” You ask, in awe, again looking at the love of your life to find he’s already staring at you.
“I did,” He tells you, apprehensive and scared, already backtracking, “But, if you don’t think they’re useful, or-or you think I’m overstepping – I’m not trying to, I promise, I just thought…” He starts nervously shuffling and reshuffling some of his creation. “Flashcards are known to engage active recall and metacognition. Research consistently finds that applying metacognitive strategies tends to ingrain memories deeper into your knowledge, and that this kind of active recall retrieval practice leads to one-hundred and fifty percent better retention than passive studying, so…”
Your hands have a mind of their own, pulling what feels like an endless amount of cards out and turning them in your hands, from the questions on the front to the answers on the back, the ones with hints and advice and there’s several with doodles that are so Spencer you hold them to your chest. You’re so enamoured by this man that is still rambling and bumbling because he takes your silence as distaste.
“I just- I hate seeing you so stressed, so I made these. You don’t have to use them, of course. They’re not even that great. It’s not that I don’t think you’re capable, you’re beyond capable, or that your methods don’t work- Just, personally, I love flashcards. I used them all the time when studying, even though I didn’t really need them, so perhaps a change of medium would do you good-“
A warm hand on his own that keep fidgeting stops him mid-stream of consciousness.
“Thank you,” You say, earnestly, “Really. These are lovely.” You leap from your seat, wrapping Spencer in warmth and love and care, and he shivers when he feels your hot breath on his ear when you repeat your thanks again and again.
When he pulls you even closer, so your torso curves into his own, you feel the lightest you have in weeks. You’re in the arms of the man you love, who knows you love him too and you know loves you so much – enough to spend several nights reading your cursed textbooks so he could create something that might help – and now you’re confident that you can do it. With the help of Spencer and his lovingly hand-made flashcards, you can do it.
And if, somehow, it goes awry, that’s okay too. Because you’ll still have Spencer, your number one fan, who will be there to comfort you and advise you in any way he can. He’ll never let you doubt yourself, never allow a self-deprecating joke if he can help it, because if he has to, he’ll love and support you enough for the both of you until you can do it yourself.
The world feels a little brighter, your breaths feel a little lighter, all because of Spencer. So you kiss him, murmur love against his lips, and get ready to take on whatever dares to come your way.
tags: @pinkdiamond1016 @bluerose512 @andreasworlsboring101 @roses-and-grasses @ta-ka-shi-ma @ogmilkis @chiffonchronicles @rexorangecouny @unmistakablyunknown @goofygubler14 @gublertoon @averyhotchner @wheeledup @shadyladyperfection @joodeduarte @calm-and-doctor @
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basiccortez · 3 years
Hi! If your requests are open could you do a coco x reader where he tells you he loves you for the first time xx
A/N: I am super sorry this is so late!!! I honestly have no reason why this took so long to get around to. But I am so sorry. I have actually been looking into writing to a bigger crowd, i.e. being a gender neutral author. This is my first time writing with a gender neutral character, so please please please, give me feedback on it and ways that I can make my writing better and more inviting to all readers!!
pairing: Coco x Gender!Neutral reader.
warnings: fluffy shit
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He wasn't sure when it first hit him. Was it when you didn't put up with his mother's shit? When you held him after he killed his mother? The fact that you didn't run when seeing what he could do. Or was it when you took in Leti as your own? Doing whatever was possible to make her feel welcome in your home, helping her with school, and even putting forth enough money to help her buy her own car. Or was it when he was hit with a Molotov cocktail and was blinded in one eye? Spending the night by his bed, holding his hand and praying to whatever God was out there that he was going to be okay. Or was it when he was on his last life, and no one, not even the club wanted to deal with him? When he had disappeared for a month and not even his daughter knew where he was. He had shown back up on your doorstep, looking worse for ware, and listened to you as you went in on him about the drugs, running away from the club and getting help, and stealing Leti's iPad, car and college money.
Coco was surprised when you walked into the guest bedroom the next morning after he came stumbling to your door. You looked as beautiful as ever, but also mad as hell.
"I'm sorry-"
"Shut the fuck up." You responded.
"No, Johnny. Where the hell have you been? Do you know how worried we have been? Me, Leti, even fucking Gilly. Your daughter thought you died. And I actually believed it!" You yelled at him. Coco winced at the sound of your voice.
"I'm sorry. I thought, I thought I could keep things away. The demons and everything. It started with the oxy they gave me after surgery, and just went from there. I'm sorry, I never meant for it to get this bad. I broke the promise."
You looked at the ground and then back up at your boyfriend, "You need to get clean. If I have to take up extra shifts and the hospital I will. Coco, I will spend every cent to make sure you get yourself back together. You get clean here, or I ship your ass of one of those celebrity rehab centers Doctor Drew works at." You said and Coco nodded, "You not only let me down Coco, but you let your daughter down too. You're gonna have to work hard to win that trust back."
Coco took your words to heart, and he did start working hard. And like promised, you never left him alone. You were by his side at 2 AM when he thought bugs were crawling all over his skin. Or in the heat of the day, when he wanted to go for a walk and ended up vomiting in your rose bush. You never left his side. Coco could see past your tough exterior, and saw that your heart was breaking watching the person you care for tear his body apart.
By the third month, Coco finally felt normal. He had replaced his heroine habit for tending to succulents. You and Leti had grown annoyed that your guest room was filled with small green plants, but both agreed it was better than crack. Coco had apologized to his daughter, and agreed to get a job to help her pay for school. He had also reached out to the club, explaining to Bishop what had happened. He knew what could happen, intravenous drug use was against the rules. But Bishop, desperate to fill his table after Steve and Taza, let it go, but still made sure that he was clean.
The last thing he had to do was apologize to you. It wasn't that he hadn't told you he was sorry or how grateful he was, but he knew you deserved more. He wanted to give you more and he was going to do that. He had cleaned the house, done laundry and even decided to get a haircut, knowing how much you loved when his hair was shorter. Coco had gotten Leti to keep you busy, and take you out to for a 'treat yourself' day.
"Thank you, Leti." You said as you dropped Leti off at her friends house, "I can't remember the last time I had a day to myself. I was really needing that back massage."
"I should be thanking you, and everything you did for my dad. I haven't seen him that happy or healthy in months. You really did work your magic."
You smiled to yourself and nodded, "Im just happy you got your dad back."
"I am too. I'll see you later." Leti said and kissed your cheek before heading into her friends house.
You sighed as you sat in front of your house, never knowing what you're about to walk into. You trusted Coco, and trusted that he was staying clean, but you never know. You said a silent prayer, and got out of the car to go inside.
Your breath caught in your throat as you opened the door to bushels of white roses and candles surrounded the living room. The house looked spotless and the vomit stain in the couch had been cleaned.
"What did you do?" You asked your boyfriend.
"I uh. . . I cleaned, and Gaby helped me. I wanted to apologize. For everything. I've been a shit father and an even shittier boyfriend to you. I didn't realize how fucked up I had gotten. I promised you that I wouldn't be like my mother, and I did exactly that. Baby, I never want to be that man again, I love you."
"You love me?" You asked, tears in your eyes, "Johnny, you've never said that."
"I was waiting for the right time. I love you, mi alma." Coco said, grabbing your waist and wiping away fallen tears. He caressed your cheek softly before placing a soft kiss on your lips, the first time he's kissed you in months.
"I love you too, Coco."
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The Man on the Side of the Road - Part 13
Title: The Man on the Side of the Road - Part 13
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 3,834
Warnings: High Stress Levels, Mentions of the readers shitty Mom, FLUFF, All around cuteness! 
Summary: Driving down the road, going well over the speed limit. You come across a man walking in the opposite direction with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. His head cast down as he walked. Your gut instinct is telling you to check on this man, no matter what your parents told you growing up. Little did you know just how much this would change your life.
The Man on the Side of the Road - Masterlist
A/N: Three parts left after this one! I hope y’all enjoy this part! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Happy Reading!! 
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Your head was pounding. Your vision was starting to blur and everything looked the same. You felt like you had been awake for forty eight hours. Your stomach was in knots, your chest was tight. You were beyond exhausted.
 Finals were going to be the absolute death of you.
 You buried your face in your hands, trying your hardest to clear your eyes and make them see one thing instead of eight. You had been at this for hours and nothing was sticking. You needed to pass this final. It was the most important one and you needed a seventy five in order to advance to the class you were taking next semester. You needed to learn the next twenty definitions and the process of seven more things and you literally had no idea how you were going to pull this off.
 “Knock knock,” Dean called out from behind your door. You took a deep breath, trying to compose yourself.
 “Come in,” you called out, trying your hardest to sound okay. Your bedroom door opened and Dean walked in. He was wearing his new pyjama pants that Sam had sent him as an early Christmas present. They had presents scattered all over them, and quite frankly they looked cute on him.
 “Hey you,” he greeted you. “Still studying?”
 “More like dying,” you sighed.
 “Nothing’s sticking huh?” he frowned, taking a seat at the end of your bed, giving you a bit of space.
 “Nope,” you shook your head. “I am not going to pass this final at this rate. I’m stressed out, exhausted and all I want to do is sleep for ten years.”
 “Don’t say that, sweetheart. You just need a break,” he suggested. “Why don’t we go make some dinner and pie. I did the groceries so we’ve got some food in the house. I can make you one of my dad’s recipes and after we can make your grandma’s homemade apple pie recipe.”
 “What are we going to make for dinner?” you smiled. “Mac and cheese? Winchester surprise?”
 “I was thinking I could make your favourite chicken with some mac and cheese,” he said with a smirk.
 “You know I can’t resist that,” you squinted at him.
 “I know. That’s why I’m making it. You gotta come out of this room and you’ve gotta eat something that’s not dried cereal or leftover beef jerky from our road trip nearly two months ago.”
 “You’re making me sound like I have a problem,” you giggled.
  “You do. It’s called being overworked,” he chuckled. “Kitchen. Now. Then I need you to watch a short movie with me. Give yourself a break. After that, we can kiss a little and I will help you study for however long tonight,” he declared proudly, looking at you with a sweet smile
 “Okay. We’ll go with your plan, chief,” you said with a weak smile. “You win this time. You had me at kissing you.”
 “Let’s go.”
 The second you got to the kitchen, you felt guilty for not having your books in front of you. The worry of not passing this final was really starting to get to you. You knew Dean was right; that you needed a study break because nothing was going to stick if you kept trying to cram it in. He offered to help you later, and you prayed to god that it would stick in better.
 Dean had the pasta noodles on, and the chicken already in the oven, like he was planning this all along. All that was left was to grate the cheese, and he was already halfway done. You just got to sit there, and watch him do what he did best.
 “When I was little,” you started, glancing up at Dean, “my mom tried to teach me how to bake. Red velvet cookies were what I wanted to make because I saw a picture in a recipe book one day. So she found one that would work and picked out an afternoon to do so. I thought it was going to be fun. You know, spending time with my mom, just the two of us. But I accidentally dropped an egg on the floor, and of course it broke. My mom was furious with me and sent me to my room for destroying her good kitchen floor. All because the egg slipped out of my hand and fell.”
 “That is terrible,” Dean frowned. “Accidents happen all the time.”
 “It was,” you nodded. “She came into my room hours later with a single cookie for me to eat. It was the first time I looked at something and felt like I didn’t deserve it.”
 “Why are you telling me this?” He asked, turning to face you.
 “Because I feel like I don’t deserve you sometimes. Especially on days like today when I’m cranky as hell, and not so fun to be around. You’re here making sure I eat and don’t overwork myself, and I don’t deserve to have someone as great as you in my life.”
 “Yeah you do,” he argued with a smile playing on his lips. “You deserve to have someone looking out for you, Y/N. You do the same for me.”
 “Well, I’m glad I’ve got you,” you smiled.
 “Likewise,” he smiled softly. “When I was growing up, my dad was the one who taught me how to cook. He told me it was a valuable life skill that I would need one day. I was always taught that it wasn’t just a woman’s job to cook for the family. I don’t remember a whole lot of my parents together. I was four when she died. But what I do remember is that they were happy together, and I wanted to have that one day.”
 “Do you still want that?” you asked him.
 “Yeah,” he nodded. “I’ve got you. I know my parents loved each other. Even if I remember them arguing, and such. I asked my dad about her from time to time, and he always talked about her with that same look on his face that he had when he saw her. Their love was something real. That’s what I want.”
 “The real thing,” you teased. “Growing up, my dad was my best friend. He had this big office in our house that no one was allowed in but me. He had a chair in there for me, and a computer there for me to do work at one end of his desk. It was our space that my mom couldn’t enter. It was a safe place for me. His Sunday’s were spent playing golf, away from my mom. Those were supposed to be the days I spent with her but she never wanted to. She had her girlfriends over for drinks and I’d be shoved into my bedroom, away from everyone and everything. My parents never spent any time together when I was growing up. My dad travelled during the week for work. I spent Saturdays with him. The more I think about it now, I wonder why they waited until I was twelve to get divorced. They were never happy together.”
 “That’s not fair to you,” he commented.
 “No it’s not. It’s like some sort of arrangement for them, I think,” you agreed. “You want what your parents had, and I want anything but what my parents have. How strange is that?”
 “Have you ever gotten along with your mom?” Dean questioned as he poured the cheese into the noodles. “I know Ketch said to you at the diner that night that your mom loved him more than she did you. Is that true?”
 “Unfortunately yes,” you shrugged. “And for the longest time, that was so hard for me. I mean, my mom loved my boyfriend more than she loved me, and I was her daughter. God, my mom was more excited when she found out I was going out with Ketch than I was. Sure, his family is the richest, and their house is a million times bigger than this. Ketch literally doesn’t need a college degree for crying out loud. It’s not like we ever struggled with money. I mean my dad still makes amazing money and he bought this house for me so I wouldn’t have to stay with my mom while I went to school.”
 “He’s got connections to everything and your mom liked that huh?”
 “It made her look good. It was good for the parties and for all the people at the country clubs. It’s like he’s fucking royalty or something,” you scoffed. “My mom didn’t want me to go to college at first, actually. That’s one of the reasons why I’m so late in graduating. I fought hard to go, and she would only let me go as far as here. My dad fought for me. He knew I wanted my own life. My mom was determined. A girl like me shouldn’t have to work hard for one. The job at the hospital was hard enough work. At one point, she even told me I wasn’t smart enough to get in, which was untrue. It’s just not me. I can’t just sit somewhere and have everything done for me. I’ve never been that way, even if my mom tried to raise me that way. It wasn’t right. I think she thought that Ketch was going to turn me into someone that she’d approve of. A housewife. Someone like her.”
 “I could never see you sitting back and doing nothing,” he chuckled. “You work harder than a lot of people.”
 “Thanks, Dean,” you grinned. “I’m at the point where I’m trying not to care about her. I don’t answer my mom’s texts anymore. Her calls are ignored. I’m done dealing with it all. All it ever does is upset me and I’m tired of putting myself in that position. I gotta move past it all.”
 “Good for you, sweetheart,” he nudged your shoulder. “You graduate in June right?”
 “Maybe! If I pass this final and all my classes next semester, then yes,” you let out a dry laugh.
 “You will,” he reassured you. “You’ll get home tomorrow feeling relieved that it’s over with and that you aced it. I’ll pick up some pizza and beer on the way home, and we’ll celebrate.”
 “And I can pick the movie?” you asked with a wide smile.
 “‘Course you can,” he winked.
 You and Dean ate dinner with a constant flow of conversation. For the first time all day, you felt relaxed, and you knew that was going to do your brain some good. When you were to go back to studying, there was a good chance you were going to retain more than you could before.
 Dean was the first one to finish, and he instantly started on the dishes. You couldn’t help but watch him as he worked. His muscles flexed beneath his shirt every so often. It had been a whole two months since you had slept with him that night, and the morning after. Your feelings had only grown stronger for him. You were taking it slow, enjoying the ride as you went on. Since you already lived together, you kept the sleepovers until Friday and Saturday nights. You didn’t want to rush this and ruin things.  You wanted to still have that friendship between you. It was the most important thing to you.
 You were slowly but surely moving past the whole, not good enough for him thing. There were still days when you felt like you weren’t good enough for him, and that was normal. Most of the time, he was the one who made you feel like you were. He was always making sure you knew that you were doing good, especially in the moments when you felt like you weren’t. There wasn’t a single doubt in your mind that you weren’t head over heels for him. This had the potential to become what his parents had. This had the potential to be something amazing.
 You got up from the counter, placing your utensils in the sink and your plate on top of his. You reached for the towel, taking the first mug out of the sink, drying it off. Dean gave you a soft smile before returning back to what he was doing. Your heart began to race in your chest.
 You wondered exactly what was going through his mind. If he was thinking about dinner, or anything else in specific. You wondered if he looked at you and thought the same thing you did when you looked at him. If he thought you were beautiful. If he thought he was lucky to have someone like you in his life. It was the little things.  
 There was a part of you that wanted to tell him that you loved him. You knew it wouldn’t be the worst thing to say, especially with how long he had been in your life. But at the same time, you were always the one who expressed how you felt first and that never worked out for you in the end. It was fear this time around. You didn’t want to push it so far only to have it crash and burn in the end. Dean was all you had at this point. You could wait. You could wait a lifetime for him. He was worth it.
 “Pie time?” he chuckled, pulling the apples out of the fridge. A few weeks ago, you had decided to go apple picking one Sunday. He remembered the day you met him that you mentioned something about your grandma’s recipe needing fresh autumn apples. He thought it would be a good date idea for the two of you and it was. It was one of the memories you think about that makes you smile.
 “Pie time,” you nodded.
 You opened up the cupboard, grabbing your book of recipes. Dean was already pulling out everything you needed from the fridge. You stifled your laugh, knowing just how excited he was for this. Quite frankly you were too. He was like a kid when he was excited and you loved that about him.
 He peeled and cut the apples while you made the pie crust. You worked side by side, bumping into one another a few times while you worked. You tried your hardest to focus on the pie in front of you, but when he stood so close, you couldn’t help but look over.
 “You’re cute,” he muttered, taking a slice of apple, bringing it up to his lips.
 “You’re cute,” you smiled, taking a bit of flour before flicking him. The white dust covering part of his shirt and his cheeks.
 “You’re going to pay for that,” he threatened with a laugh, placing his hand in the flour before rubbing your face. “Much better.”
 “Dean!” you shrieked, letting out a laugh. You smirked, inching closer to him, wiping your cheek on his shirt. He gasped, laughing in the process. “Okay, I actually have to finish this if you want to eat this tonight.”
 “Fine,” he grumbled, flicking you once more before getting back to work.
 You managed to get everything ready within half an hour. Dean added a lot of apples into the pie, and extra cinnamon. You smiled when he helped you with the top of the pie, patting it down with you. Your hands brushing against one anothers every so often. He took it when it was done, and put it in the oven for you. You were really looking forward to tasting it after this.
 His hands made their way to your hips, backing you up to the opposite counter until you hit it. He lifted you up quickly, his body settling between your legs before his lips were on yours. His kisses started off slow and soft; chaste. Moving in a perfect sync with yours as his large hands travelled over the length of your back. You melted against him, allowing yourself to enjoy being with him like this. It was really nice to have a boyfriend that wanted to kiss you the way he did on a constant basis.
 “You want to watch a movie, or a few episodes of Dr Sexy? You’re nearly caught up,” he pointed out as he placed a slice of pie on your plate. “Fuck, this pie is amazing.”
 “Dr Sexy!” you stated. “Gotta see if Dr Sexy and Dr Tara get together. I’m glad you like the pie.”
 “I love how into this show you are,” he let out a laugh.
 “This is your fault,” you side eyed him. “I wouldn’t be in this mess if it weren’t for you.”
 “Hey, this is on you too. I had no idea you had a medical kink,” he winked.
 “So do you, Winchester,” you teased. “You and I both know if I dressed as a nurse, you’d have a field day.”
 “There is no denying that,” he shrugged. “You’d make such a hot nurse.”
 Dean pulled it up on the tv as you sat down in your designated spot. Right next to Dean. It was one of your favourite parts of movie nights. He’d always end up playing with your hair while the movie ended, and you soaked up every second of the attention he was giving you.
 “Can I ask you something?” Dean asked about halfway through the episode.
 “You just did,” you turned to face him with a wide smile. “What’s up?”
 “What’s the plan after you graduate?”
 “Honestly, I’m not entirely sure yet,” you answered. “I have lots of options, and I think that’s what matters the most.”
 “Which one sounds the best?” he questioned.
 “Teacher’s college,” you breathed out. “The one my mom would hate the most.”
 “For that reason?”
 “That’s a bonus,” you chuckled. “But I think I could make a good career as a teacher.”
 “My mom was a kindergarten teacher,” he revealed, giving you a soft smile. “I think that would be an amazing career path for you. You know I’ll support you in anything you want to do.”
 “Thank you,” you smiled. “I have to apply at the end of January, so I still have time. But it’s definitely something I’ve thought about for a little while now.”
 “You’re good at helping people. I’ve learned so many things from you,” he added. “You’d make an amazing teacher.”
 The episode finished, and you needed to get back to studying. You couldn’t relax any longer. You needed to get these last few things down before you could go to bed. You flopped down on your bed, opening up your notebook. Dean was in not long after you with two mugs of peppermint tea. You knew that there was nowhere he’d rather be than here with you, making sure you got this material down.
 It was around midnight when you packed it all up and crawled into bed. Your eyes were drooping, and words started to blend together. You studied the best you could and you felt a million times better than you did earlier. Dean helped you get down the last eighteen definitions and you had memorized the processes you needed to. You have this final in the bag.
 Dean left your room to go lock up the house, something he did nightly for you. You flicked your side light off before curling into your pillow. A few moments later, you felt your bed shift, the comforter moving just a little, before the bed dipped next to you. Dean was sleeping next to you tonight.
 “Gonna sleep with you tonight,” he whispered, linking his pinky with yours.
 “Good,” you muttered. “Night handsome.”
 “Night sweetheart,” he mumbled, reaching over to place a kiss to your forehead.
 You walked through the front door with a smile playing on your lips. Friday were the best days. The start of the weekend. The best damn part of the week. You kicked your shoes off, heading straight for the kitchen with your bag in hand. You couldn’t wait to start the weekend off right with the man you loved. 
 “I’m home!” you called out.
 “Hey beautiful,” a familiar voice filled your ears. Your smile only grew wider. Your eyes glanced over to the counter where he stood. The sleeves of his flannel shirt rolled up to his elbows, revealing his strong, toned forearms that drove you crazy.
 “Hey sexy,” you winked at him. “How was your day?”
 “Great. Bobby gave me a raise today,” he revealed. “He said I had been working really hard the last few months and it’s paying off.”
 “Dean! That’s amazing,” you grinned widely, dropping your bag to the ground. You circled the counter quickly, reaching Dean in an instant. You stood on your tiptoes, your lips crashing to his, kissing him hard as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. “I’m so proud of you!”
 “Couldn’t have done it without you,” he smiled, licking his bottom lip. “You’re my rock.”
 “And you’re mine,” you whispered, reaching up to kiss him once more.
 “How was your day, sweetheart?” he asked, tugging you in close to him.
 “Good. No tears today. No parents to call. And it’s Friday,” you chuckled. “Today’s a good day.”
 “How’s our baby girl?” he questioned. His right hand slipped from the small of your back to your growing bump.
 “Why don’t you ask her?”
 Dean kneeled down to your stomach, pressing his lips to the bump. His hand held either side of your stomach. It had to be the best thing you had seen and he did it over and over again. She already had her daddy wrapped around her tiny little finger. She was going to be a daddy’s girl for sure. This was exactly what you wanted.
 “Hey baby girl,” he said softly. “You being good for your mom in there? Not kicking her insides too much?”
 “Not today,” you whispered.
 “I love you, peanut,” he muttered, pressing another kiss to your stomach. “And I love you, sweetheart.”
 “Not as much as we love you,” you smiled.
 You shot right up, your eyes opening widely. Your heart was pounding in your chest. You swallowed hard, realizing that it was just a dream and it was the middle of the night. Dean was still fast asleep, facing your direction.
 For a moment, it actually felt real. It actually felt like you and Dean were going to end up together, and you were having a baby together. It actually looked like life was looking good for the two of you. God, the way he kissed your stomach. Ugh, and the way he kissed you. It was everything you wanted and more. It was everything you wanted with the person you loved.
 “You okay?” Dean breathed out, shifting a little. He never even opened his eyes.
 “Yeah,” you whispered.
 “Bad dream?” He asked you, popping one eye open.
 “No. Good dream. Best dream I’ve had in awhile. I’m just sad it came to an end,” you admitted.
 “Dr Sexy?”
 “Something better,” you rolled your eyes. “I’ll tell you some other time.”
 “What if you forget?” He cocked his eyebrow with his one eye still open.
 “Trust me. I will never forget this dream.”
Did you like it? What was your favourite part? Share your thoughts with me via reblog, reply or send me an ask! Your response is what keeps me sharing stories like this! 
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satorilovebot · 5 years
melts. [ ushijima wakatoshi x reader ]
Pair : ushijima wakatoshi x reader
Word count : 945
Warning : none
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It was one cold winter night in January, when your boyfriend invites you to a winter festival in one of the nearby shrine. And you just can’t say no. So here you are, 10 minutes early. You wanted to be early, but someone is earlier.
“Waka-kun!” you smiled brightly as you spotted your boyfriend figure. How could you not? He is 6’2 tall and has a big built. It isn’t hard task to find him in the crowd since he is bigger than average Japanese male. You paced up a bit, honestly walking with yukata and geta was not easy. You try your best to not slip, “Aww you wearing a yukata too!”
Yes he indeed is wearing a yukata, a simple black one with grey obi. You can see his smile, a faint one. But it was there, “You look pretty in yukata.”
And you blush, hiding your face with both your palms. He rarely compliment you, and because of that, when he does, you knew it is genuine, “Thank you.” you managed to whisper.
“Let’s go to the shrine and pray first,” you did not expect his hand would land on your waist, pulling you closer to him as he starts walking slowly. Matching your pace. Maybe because it’s crowded and he can’t lose you. Maybe he knew you are having trouble walking in geta. Maybe he is aware the stairs are slippery so he did not want you to trip. But maybe, just maybe, it was three all that.
The reason doesn’t matter. But you are embarrassed that the fact he is being so close to you like this managed to excite you. The way your shoulder bumps onto his side and you can feel the firmness of his muscle. The way his faints masculine scent slowly filling your lungs. The way his hand rest on your waist, firm and gentle at the same time. You can’t help but giggle.
“What’s so funny?” he asks, oblivious to the reason of your giddiness.
“I just like how close we are now,”
To be honest, he did that out of instincts. He doesn’t even realize how close you two up until you mentioned it. And it makes his cheeks hot in this cold weather. Sadly you didn’t catch his smile, the way he curved his lips upward as he pull you even closer to him.
200 stairs is not easy to climb, by the time you arrived at the top, you are breathing heavily and leaning toward Ushijima, “Haaah, oh, god, maybe… I need to … workout…”
“You can jog with me every morning if you want,” Ushijima holds your shoulder, making a circle with his thumb to soothe you.
“Nevermind, let’s pray first,” you pull his hand, lined up with other people to pray at the shrine.
“y/n, can I get a coin? I ran out of coin…” he whispers to you, showing you his wallet.
You nonchalantly take a 1000yen from his wallet and throw it to the box, with your 5yen coins “Now pray.” You almost laugh at the surprised noises that Ushijima makes, but pray eventually.
You both proceed to buy some snacks. Okonomiyaki, yakisoba, ringo ame, basically everything and share them. You are surprised at how Ushijima would feed you, clean your lips with his thumb, and almost never let go of your hand unless very necessary.
Somehow it makes you really warm and fuzzy inside; you can’t lie but hope that this moment will last forever.
By the end of the evening, you two sit on the rather secluded place, waiting for the fireworks to start.
“Hey, Waka-kun,”
“I hope the time stops now,” you said, and you caught his confused face looking at you. You can’t help but giggle “You’ve been holding my hand the entire time.”
He squeezed your connected hand and raise an eyebrow, a little confused, “You don’t like it?”
“It’s the opposite, Waka. I like it very much, that’s why I want the time to stop,” you scoots closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder. “I feel loved.”
“Usually you don’t?” you caught the slight panics in his tone.
“No, I mean… I know you love me, Waka. It just, sometimes I want you to be more vocal about it… or maybe showing it a little bit more,” being honest is not easy, but you can’t hide that feeling forever. You can’t lie, sometimes you did not feel loved because he rarely initiate physical contacts. And you can count his ‘I love you’s with your fingers even after six months in relationship.
He was silent for a moment. Neither of you spoke until the fireworks festival starting. Thousands color, sparkling so beautifully in the dark sky.
“y/n,” Ushijima calls. You only hummed in respond. “Is it okay to hold your hand in school?”
“I like how your hand felt against mine. It’s so soft, and tiny.” He continues, and you only giggle.
“You just find out now?”
“I was…shy,” he admitted. Maybe it was because the lights that come with the fireworks, but you could swear that you see his blush “But I will try. To be more vocal.” He brings your hand onto his lips, kissing the back of it gently and looks at you.
Now it is your turn to blush. Your heart hammering inside your ribcages. “T-thank you…”
“No, thank you. For loving me. I will try to show how much I love you better,” Ushijima Wakatoshi kiss you on the forehead. It was brief, but it was warm. It put you at ease. All your anxiety and doubt is melt instantly with that kiss.
Ushijima Wakatoshi knows being in relationship with him wasn’t easy. He wasn’t the most loving man on earth. He wasn’t the most romantic partner ever. And maybe he will never be like that. But he promise, he will try to show you how much he loves you with his own way. To tell you how grateful he is to meet, and to be in relationship with such amazing person like you.
“I love you, y/n.”
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
09/24/2021 DAB Transcript
Isaiah 43:14-45:10, Ephesians 3:1-21, Psalm 68:1-18, Proverbs 24:1-2
Today is the 24th day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it is great to be here with you today as we continue our journey around the sun and through the Bible and we have worked our way all the way, well, we’re kind of in the last quarter I guess, of the book of Isaiah and we’re also working our way through the letter to the Ephesians. So, let's dive in today Isaiah chapter 43 verse 14 through 45 verse 10.
Okay, so I have mentioned that Ephesians, at least as I read it, it's like an ever upward climb to these higher vistas to see further, to see further horizons, to see more and understand more. And it’s not like Paul’s saying in this letter like, things it he hasn't said in other ways, but he's in prison and he is writing this passionately. This vision of what's really going on here, and if we just meditate on it. If we just take it in slowly. It is so huge. So, Paul is talking about revelations that he has received, mysteries that he is received, that have previously been unrevealed and I quote “this mystery is that in Christ Jesus, the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and people who also share in the promise through the gospel.” Well so, previously the understanding that Paul had as a Pharisee is that the Jews are the exclusive people and that's what they think but this revelation, this mystery that has been revealed to Paul that he is preaching, well that touches all of us because most of us are Gentiles. And so, for Paul to say that the mystery that’s been revealed is that through Christ, Gentiles and Jews are fellow heirs, members of the same body, people who share in the same promise through the gospel. What Paul is saying is that this is available to everybody in the world which is huge and for me, a Gentile a overwhelming flow of gratitude. Paul goes on, as if to answer a question like, why would God do that, why, why would He welcome everybody in the world, and I quote Paul again “He did this so that through the church, the multifaceted wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. This was done according to the eternal purpose that He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Okay, that's pretty cosmic in its implications. This is saying God, in his goodness and offering you eternal life, opening a way, welcoming you home. This makes His wisdom known and we are like a living witness, a living display to the unseen realms, that is huge to contemplate. That is a massive vista to just understand that we are all part of something way bigger than…than we ever pay attention to. Paul says because of all of that, because of this gift and because of what it's doing, in Jesus, we can freely approach God with confidence, through faith in Him. We could say yes, this is a theological formula I’ve known for a very long time but think about that. We can freely approach God, the most high God, with confidence through faith in Him. Let's try to live into this today. Let's try to contemplate, consider, meditate upon, allow it to sink in. Even Paul seems blown away. Even as he is writing it down and he gives kind of a benediction here at the end of our reading and so, let's just let this benediction wash over us as we bask in the goodness of God.
For this reason, I kneel before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the entire family in heaven and on earth receives its name. I pray that, according to the riches of His glory, He would strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner self, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. Then, being rooted and grounded in love, I pray that you would be able to comprehend, along with all the saints, how wide and long and high and deep His love is, and that you would be able to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled to all the fullness of God. Now to Him, who is able, according to the power that is at work within us, to do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base. That is the website, and it is how you get connected and find out what's going on around here. So certainly, check it out. If you’re using the app you can access these things by pushing the drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner of the app screen in there or on the web, you’ll find the Community section. In the Community section you’ll find different links to the social media channels that the Daily Audio Bible participates in. You will also find the Prayer Wall which is always on and never off and always available. You can always request prayer on the Prayer Wall. You can also, you know, kind of glance through and see where the Spirit may be leading you to pray and pray for your brothers and sisters who are also going through things and give them a word of encouragement. It means so much to know you’re not carrying it alone; it means so much to know that somebody is praying for you and it's a beautiful thing. It's truly a beautiful thing to know that somebody that you may never actually get to meet in person is praying for you by name because we’re the family of God. So, if you haven't ever visited the Prayer Wall, please be aware it's in the Community section either on the app or at the website, so check it out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you humbly, humbly for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that's the little red button up at the top break or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian, I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Hi, Daily Audio Bible, my name is New Eyes and I’m from Chattanooga, Tennessee and I’m calling in for the first time because I was really moved by some prayer requests the other day and I wanted to lift some folks up here in our community. First of all, I would like to thank the Lord for Trent and his encouragement to all of us to be thankful for what we have, I know I definitely need that and I want to lift up Vicki from Southern California and Tammy, who is in remission from ovarian cancer. I really want to lift you ladies up to the Lord, for how much you are just laying at the foot of the cross and trusting God to give you peace in such a hard time. And, I also want to pray for Giovanni whose whole family is sick with the coronavirus. Lord, just bring Your healing, bring Your Holy Spirit and touch Giovanni and his family in this long, frustrating battle with this virus and I just ask that You would bless him. And family, it's my first time calling in and I could really use some prayers this week as I'm sending my 18-year-old son to a youth with a mission discipleship training school in Hawaii and he’s gonna be gone for six months and it's his first time away from home and I'm so excited for him but it's also really hard for this mama. So, if you could lift him up just send him blessings and prayers for an amazing time. I really love this community. You guys are an incredible blessing. Thank you for praying. Keep it up.
Hello Daily Audio family. My name is Sharon I'm calling to ask for prayer for my daughter, Sharon. She's been told she needs open-heart surgery, she's really, we’re really afraid. Each time we speak to a doctor we’re afraid and she starts crying and I start crying. I'm asking that you pray that, pray, send prayers for us that we can get through this situation and come out whole on the other side. I pray with her and I know that God can do all things and I prayed that He will give us the strength, first and foremost, that she doesn't need the surgery and that we will get a second opinion. We just need prayer right now family. Thank you.
Hello my DAB family this is Minnesota Aruka Regina. I haven't talked to you in a while, just want to tell you how much I love you and care about each and every one of you. On September 21st Danielle, I thank you so much for giving us an update on that 19-year-old girl Lord, it just really made me kind of cry and I want to lift her up in prayer. Loving Father, I just am so grateful for You being there for this young 19-year-old gal who was adopted…abducted and violated Father. Thank You for seeing her and for being faithful to find Your precious lost sheep. Lord, I just pray right now that You please speak love into her traumatic soul where she's been hurt and crushed and bruised Lord. I pray that You just reach her heart, let her know that You cried with her in those days that she was gone and it hurts Your spirit. But You were already making a plan for her and You are now helping her. Lord, I pray that You heal her. Let her know that You love her and You care about her and You are a God that can restore Lord. Bring someone into her life that can…can help her to be able to process everything and to break all of the bonds of this troubled man. May she not feel guilty and shameful for what is happening. It's not her fault. Help her to forgive. Help her to learn to love and to be loved again. We give You all the glory and honor in the name of the Father and the Son. Amen.
Hey DAB fam this is Laura in Eugene. I just want to call and lift up Val in Vegas in prayer. Heavenly Father, Lord, I just lift Val up to You, I pray for strength and courage as she recovers from her recent surgery. Lord, I pray for her medical team as decisions for what happens next are coming and I pray that You would help Val to rest in Your peace and Your comfort and Your care, that she could just feel that peace that passes all comprehension Lord. I pray that You would continue to be with her and guide her through this hard time but I’m just so grateful that she’s moving forward and getting the care that she needs Lord. Father, just keep watch over her. Thank You. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Hi my name is Maggie Mae and I’m calling in certain dyer straights. My whole family, I just found out my whole family is sick. My three grandchildren, my son. My grandson has got a fever of 105, they don’t know what is wrong with him. He’s only two years old. My older grandson who’s 17 he’s sick with RSV, they said that they don’t know, I don’t even know what that is. My granddaughter is so sick, the only one that’s not sick is the mother. I am beside myself with my grandson who is so, so sick. He’s so sick he’s burning. I pray the blood of Jesus over Armanie over Arianna over Marc Anthony. He just lost his father. I pray for my son Marc Anthony. They’re not saved. Please, God don’t take my family. Please, God don’t take my family. Please, oh please, don’t take my family. Please. Thank you, I’m sorry for the emotions but I feel so hopeless. I feel so hopeless. Please pray for them. Please take care of Dominic, Arrianna and Marc Anthony. Please, thank you.
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noonymoon · 4 years
JUSTICE FOR JESUS — Misconceptions & Prejudices about the Faith in the Biblical Jesus Christ.
Jesus put it on my heart to write about one of the main factors that keep people away from Him nowadays and I feel qualified to do that since I was in exactly that peer group before Christ knocked on my door (the second time) and showered me with His Love. As some maybe have read in my first testimony, at first I had violently pushed Him away (and I was extremely rude, I remember how I sent a ten minutes audio voice message to a friend [i mean, who does that...??], and philosophized about how the God of the Bible could be the Devil Himself and that maybe it‘s a trap for the weak people who need Religion to cope in this life; looking back that was just entirely bonkers and also very wrong, and now that I know Jesus, I am ashamed that I‘ve ever thought something evil like this, but gladly He has a heart probably bigger than the Universe itself and will always forgive)
Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven. — Matthew 18:21-22
and among all the outrageously horrible things I‘ve done in my life, this was probably the most bad error ever. God thought that by now I sure was humble enough to be approached (you know after my Mama died, I‘ve had 2 strokes, I‘ve been in a terribly traumatic violent relationship for over 2 years, I‘ve lost my apartment and almost lost my mind as well clearing out the apartment, was homeless for several months and received multiple thousands of Euros debts in my name because of the situation that was going on in my living community and with my Ex, people who have been following this blog know what I am talking about) but I was sooooo stubborn and DUMB. and not humble at all. I‘ve thought I had all the answers because „Spirituality“ is so much better than „Religion“ and because esoteric and occult knowledge is the Truth and that I would be „enlightened“ someday when I just kept „working“ to „spiritually grow“, meditate, doing divination about „my soul“ and my „past lives“ and „my future“, and „manifest“ my life however I wanted it to be.
A month after I‘ve pushed Jesus away and blasphemed His intentions, well, I was laying on my (new apartment) floor, having the worst seizure one can imagine, my brain was flooded in blood, the pressure and pain on me was extreme, my whole body clenched, the paramedics spoke to me very alarmed and dramatically, and I could hear and understand them but I was entirely paralyzed within my body, I could not speak, I could not move, I sweated so hard that my entire clothes were soaked from only 20 minutes of laying there, then I‘ve had to vomit twice, almost drifted off to unconsciousness, was freezing cold, got transported as fast as possible to the hospital... had a 6 hour brain surgery, was in a coma for 2-3 days and when I woke up I‘ve lived through almost an entire month of hospital „terror“ (I am very sure that I‘ve had something like an almost-psychosis in the first 2 weeks because really weird things happened in my mind back then that I cannot even explain) and it was already the Covid-19 panic, so I was literally alone all day, every day until I was stabilized and was allowed to leave the hospital at the end of April.
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I‘m not saying that God punished me, not at all. But what He indeed does is disciplining the ones that He has chosen to be His child, just like an actual Father has to sometimes discipline his child for the sake of proper parenting. When I was stubborn and pushed Jesus away, Satan had legitimate authority to do whatever he wanted, except that I die. We see a similar situation in the book of Job 1:6-12
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After I got home, I was still in horrible shape, I could barely walk (I‘ve used a rollator and later on I‘ve used crutches), I‘ve had a bad headache pretty much all the time (I still do, not all of the time, but very often), I‘ve done my daily rehab until first week of July, and now I am on weekly rehab. People would say I‘ve had enormous „luck“ or a „guardian angel“ but I know now that it was God who protected me. He needed to make sure that I meet Jesus AND accept Him before I truly die because death without Jesus means death eternal.
And so, Jesus approached me another time and I‘ve wrestled with Him and I‘ve almost pushed Him away again but THANK GOD, to the exact same time, an old friend from TUMBLR found me on Twitter (she was @spirit-mouse back on here) and also at the same time I‘ve heard of Courtney (@powerpriestess) turning to Christ, and at first I was like „?????“ and it was a huge struggle back and forth for days and I‘ve ALMOST pushed Jesus away again but ... talking with this old friend, who also felt a pull towards Jesus, I let it happen, because she let it happen, like a few days before me, and now I am just eternally grateful that my pride, stubbornness and idiocy didn‘t get a hold of me again and that I just let it happen and it was the best decision in my ENTIRE life. I am just filled with love and eternal gratitude for God and Jesus for not giving up on me, for humbling me enough to make it happen, and I literally don‘t go more than 15 minutes of my day without thinking of them, every single day, since July. It‘s just NOT possible to be born-again and to not think of God all the time *lol* - I have never been more satisfied, happy and peaceful in my entire existence and I could literally drop dead right now and I know it would be okay! (well okay, I really want to be baptized first..)
HOWEVER, - this was a long intro - the misconceptions about the Faith in the Biblical Jesus Christ are severe (!) and since I, myself, had aaaall the evil prejudices that one can have, I want to clear them aaaall up in this post series. My prayer is that people who feel a pull towards Jesus won‘t do the same mistake that I did and that maybe I can help to clear away the stigma and confusion about the faith in Jesus and following Him.
If anyone needs help along the way, you can contact me on Instagram @ noony.newborn - I know just how confusing EVERYTHING is when you start your relationship with Christ and how utterly confusing the Bible is, and sadly, these days, you can literally not trust a SINGLE pastor because Satan has infiltrated the institutional Church around 300 A.D. and ever since then, it just got worse and worse and worse with the blasphemy and deception.
I don‘t have an exact outline but some of the things I‘d like to talk about are the things you most definitely do NOT need to know, love, follow and obey Jesus Christ: Institutional Church, a Pastor, Religion, Creeds and man-made Doctrines, the Pope, Catholic Catechism, Rules, Bible Commentaries of religious Authors, nothing of that. The literally only thing you need is a Bible, Prayer and JESUS and that‘s all that you need. Of course a congregation is a nice thing to have but trust me, you rather want to be alone with Jesus than to be at your local Sunday Service and be entirely devoid of the presence of Christ, His Holy Spirit.
I will include a handful of testimonies of real people who met Jesus, were born-again and are absolutely in Love with Him, on each of these posts. The variety of people who come to Jesus is just incredible and I cry every time when I see such testimonies because I can so much relate to the emotional atmosphere and how everyone is just so grateful. I have been crying pretty much daily since July just because His love is so overwhelming and a human can not possibly hold it inside without shaking and wanting to burst, tears are the only suitable reaction for me (and as far as I’ve seen in the testimonies, every born-again believer feels the same way, it’s beautiful beyond anything).
I pray that you are open to this series of posts and that maybe God can reach you through them, so that you, too, can be born-again and just joyful and at peace with your life forever and ever.
May Jesus bless you ♡
Melody Alisa -  From New Age to Jesus | My Testimony
Kyle -  Suicidal Atheist Finds Jesus | Testimony
Ayelet -  I am Jewish and I Believe in Yeshua - Jesus!
Shokit Ali -  A Muslim gets saved by Jesus Christ! Powerful Testimony!
Samuel A. Perez -  Gay Stripper Saved By Jesus | Christian Testimony
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megthemewlingquim · 4 years
Summary: You and Loki have a serious conversation about what you believe in.
Pairing: Loki x Christian!Reader
Warnings: Christian beliefs, absolute blasphemy, mentions of God, feelings of inadequacy and doubt, one or two thoughts related to suicide, hurt/comfort
Prompt: Drown by Tyler Joseph. Lyrics from the song will be in bold.
A/N: This is for @kitkatd7 's writing challenge! She's such a sweetheart. The prompt is listed above — it's honestly one of the saddest songs I've ever listened to, and it certainly was a challenge to write this. I can identify and relate to the reader. I basically put you in my shoes. I hope you like this!
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All is quiet, but you want to scream.
You feel like you can't breathe, your breath caught in your throat and your wet eyes shut tight, tight, tight —
Though the world around you, including the lover by your side, is silent, your own thoughts attack you. They are not loud but they are frequent.
Do you really think God cares about you? He left you a long time ago. He likes to see you suffer from loneliness and anxiety. He likes it. You don't matter to Him, not at all. Your sinfulness is too great for Him to forgive.
You bite down on your hand to silence your sobs. You barely make a sound — you don't want to make a sound.
You want to die.
You don't want to kill yourself. Dear God, no.
But, hey, if you died right now, and you could escape from your doubts and fears, that'd be fine —
"Don't. Don't say that. Don't even think it."
Oh. He's up. And, even better, he's listening to your thoughts.
"I thought I told you not to do that," you say weakly, not looking over at him.
"They were too loud. Too desperate," Loki whispers. "Turn around, love, let me see you." He's pleading with you.
You comply, turning over in one fast, almost careless motion to look your lover in the face.
"Why — why — why are you thinking like this?" Loki's dumbfounded, stunned. Teary eyed, he tugs you to him, and suddenly you can't keep your sobs away or your arms from gripping onto him for dear life, your knuckles white. You shatter in his embrace, sobbing helplessly.
Loki makes a sound in his throat, a combination of a sigh and a whimper. He grips you to him as well. "What's the matter, my heart? Tell me everything..."
You can't, though you want to. You can't find your breath. All you do for a while is cry as Loki holds you, grateful that he is there.
"Whatever you're thinking," he says quietly, his voice causing low, comforting vibrations in his chest, "all I want you to know is that I love you. I adore you, sweetheart, and if you left..." He draws in a shaky breath. "God, I wouldn't know what I would do... But for now, I will listen to you. All you have to do is talk to me. I can't help you if you don't do that."
You nod, your sniffles becoming more frequent than your cries.
"Now, can we dry those lovely eyes? I can't stand to see you cry." Loki strokes your head, your shaking torso. "Take deep breaths now, love. That's it... Can you talk to me now?"
"Yeah — yeah," you stammer. You're calming down a little, your breaths becoming more even and your thoughts becoming less loud and crushing. It helps some to have Loki's embrace, his kind words and his gentle touches. It helps you know that you're not alone right now, it helps you to know that there's someone next to you to love.
"Okay. Go on. What's the matter with my darling, hmm?" Loki lets go of you a little, holds you a little less tightly. His body remains just as close to yours, though. You, in turn, let your hands fall to the mattress and raise your head a little to look into Loki's eyes.
"I've... I've been having some tr—trouble praying. And — and sleeping. Mostly praying..."
Loki's face softens then.
You were the one to try to help him believe in a God bigger than his world's. Yes, the Nine Realms existed, and they came into being the way he knew, but to you, Earth was created by your God — Who would also have existed as some form of Norse god that Loki knew.
Which is what you tried to tell Loki. Tried.
(Yes, it's confusing, but it's not the issue here...)
Loki was open to believing almost anything, so he listened to your versions of the Bible stories you remembered. He admired the fact that you believed in a very personal God, one that came to Earth to suffer and die for humanity, then defy death and rise again. Fully God and fully man, that's a concept that Loki never understood. But bless him, he tried.
"Oh..." Loki muses. "Why's that?"
"Er — it's just that... on some days... I feel. I feel... lost. I feel... I feel like —" You take a sharp breath. "I feel like God doesn't want to hear from me."
There's a pause. A very uncomfortable one.
"Why — why would that be?" he asks, and he sounds genuinely confused, concerned.
"I don't know," you mutter. "I just think it. I just think that God has turned away, that He doesn't want to be with me and that he doesn't forgive me for anything I've done."
"That's — that's awful," Loki says sadly. "And... I'm sure that's not true... But go on. Anything else that's bothering you?"
"It's just that I do so much, I try so hard to be better, to be what He wants me to be. I wanna be a lot of things. And I fail. I feel like I'm failing miserably, drastically. And then I crash dramatically into a wall I've hit a hundred times before. I fall back into the same mistakes. Then I go to God when I've failed with my choices.
It feels like He doesn't want to forgive me. And I've read stories about how sinning physically hurts God. Like I'm causing him pain. I draw blood. I still ignore the dark red blood stains on the floor. But... I want to go up to Him and ask, "Is the blood mine or Yours?" I'm confused and lost and scared..."
You say all of this slowly, trying to make this as descriptive as possible, for both of your sakes. So that you can better process it and so that Loki can better understand it.
"I don't want to do this anymore," you say blankly.
"It's the guilt," Loki says. "The guilt of sinning."
You nod. "I've just been feeling so alone, so distant from God lately. A part of me just... isn't there. I'm hollow."
"Well, isn't God always with you? That's a thing you told me... He told his followers, 'I am always with you, until the end of the age.'"
"Yeah," you say. "But that's not how I feel. Not all of the time. Sometimes, I'm alright. Other times, I feel so numb and that everything around me is so dark. I'm screaming submission and I don't know if I am dying or living."
"You're speaking in metaphors, love. But I understand. You feel empty. Depressed. Alone."
You sniff, his words sinking in again. The tears resurface.
"All I want is — I want Him to drown me. Dr—drown me in His love. But I never — I never feel worthy of it."
"Oh, no, no, love... No more tears," Loki whispers. "Please, no..." He grips you tighter again. "Sweetheart, I need you to understand something.
"God is with you always, and He sees your pain, okay? You're never alone. Never. And I think what He'd want you to do is talk to Him about it. And... it's good that you feel like you're not worthy, because you're not."
Those words are not what you are expecting to hear. You look up at him, shocked and hurt. "What?!" Your voice tremble.
He gasps, guilt crossing his face. "I didn't mean it like that. What I meant was... you're not worthy, but God doesn't care. Because He died for you. He gave you his grace by that act of love — suffering and dying at the hands of the Romans and the Jews, yeah? He did that for you."
"There's — there's a quote by C.S Lewis that I remember," you say, regaining your mind and emotions. You're starting to feel better, calmer, more helpful. "'When Christ died, He died for you individually just as much as if you'd been the only man in the world.'"
"That's a wonderful thought, my love. Take heart in that. Believe it."
He draws you closer then, kissing your temple. "You're going to be alright. All God wants is to be with you. Don't let your thoughts tell you otherwise. He loves you. He loves you, He loves you, He loves you. And I love you. Oh, my darling, I love you to the ends of the earth. And that is all you need to know."
You sigh, drowsiness suddenly taking you over. "Thank you," you whisper, feeling much better.
"You're absolutely welcome, dear heart. Remember... you're never alone. And God would want you to keep living. Stay alive, because He has better plans for you than this. I promise."
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makeupbychio · 4 years
Lost & Found // Chapter 2.
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Pairing: Calum Hood x Latina OC Character (Rosie Rivera)
Summary of the chapter: After Calum made things a little bit weird, all of them did a trip to a magical place to get to know each other.
Words: 9.2k.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol maybe(?).
Song: Lost & Found.
a/n: hi babies, I hope you like this chapter, is soft a f. I’m going to create a playlist for this serie and also a moodboard. Feedback is more than welcome, love y’all, stay safe and take care. Italic and bold means song lyrics.
[Prologue], [Chapter 1] 
Why do we all fall down with innocence still on the ground? No, oh-oh-oh Why do we all fall down and apart on the lost and found? (Hm)
9:30 am 
Rosie woke up before her alarm because the urge to pee was bigger after all the ice cream she ate the night before, when she came back, her best friend Cami was still sleeping so deep as always like not even an earthquake could bother her sleep, Rosie envies that from her. She was leaning against her window always looking for the sun in her pjs and a messy bun when she started checking her phone looking if there’s something new in her mails but it’s empty, ‘maybe next week’ she says to herself remembering that it was saturday so maybe that’s the reason why she hasn’t heard news from this person, yet. She was looking at the sun with her eyes close at the relaxing feeling of the heat in her face when Ashton texted her. He told her about how excited was Michael about this that they were up since early thanks to him and that Luke almost punched him in the face.
She replied to Ashton letting him know that please don’t be so rude to Michael and that she understood his mood.
She went downstairs to put the boiler on to make breakfast and she wasn’t surprised to see her grandfather in the dining room, Mario, already drinking his mate and reading the newspaper with his glasses in the middle of his nose reading the sports section.
The sun was behind him making him look so peaceful and Rosie felt so grateful to have the best grandfather she could ask since she never meets her other grandfather because he died when her dad was her age. She got close to him and greeted him with a kiss in his temple.
Mario melted at his granddaughter’s presence because since day one she has been his partner in crime and he would do anything for her. When her dad was away because of his work, Mario was there next to Rosie when she missed her dad or when her dad couldn’t make it to tons of father’s day, birthdays, holidays, things at kindergarten or school that Mario was there like her number one fan with the biggest ovation at every event, even those days when Rosie was a child and she was in emergency because a heavy cold at 3 am, Mario made all the way to the hospital with her favorite toy and a book to colour to make her feel better. Rosie’s mom said he shouldn’t spoil her that much. But he doesn’t care, till present day when Rosie has a dance competition or a show he’s always in the crowd or backstage for bigs and smalls shows.
In spanish he says after taking a sip of his mate drink, “morning hija, how are you? Cami stayed the night here?”
“I’m fine and yes, ice cream alert. Matty broke up with her” she said while preparing her typical contundent oatmeal with another things.
“What an- ” Mario said without cursing but she understood.
“Exactly” and the boiler informed that the water was ready so she prepared her tea. “Do you want a refill?” she asked pointing at his mate.
“No hija, thanks” so she sit down next to him in the dining table.
“So how did our team did yesterday?” referring to their favorite chilean soccer team that it’s like a family tradition because Mario and her dad played in that team in their youth.
“They won last night! They’re recovering but don’t talk about that” Mario looked at her freezing the changing of the newspaper’s page. “Are Cami and you going to go out with Ashton and his band?” he looked at her so excited.
“Oh yes, Ashton already texted me and told me that all of them are awake because one of his bandmates is so excited” Rosie said eating her breakfast.
“Are you talking about Calum?” Mario said looking her with her glasses down his nose while he continued changing the page of the paper.
“No! Another bandmate, why are you looking at me like that?” trying to hide her face behind her tea cup.
“Oh don’t worry, just old mans things ya’ know. So it would be a good idea if you go and wake up Cami because we all know that takes time” he said changing the topic of their conversation.
Rosie finished her breakfast and leaves the dining table asking permission to her grandpa and he let her know that he was going to keep reading the paper if she needed something.
Once back at her room Cami still sleeping all messy around the bed. Rosie looked up the ceiling praying to the universe because what it’s coming she knows that it is always a show.
“Morning sleeping beauty, it is time to get up” Rosie said softly while Cami just groaned at her covering her body with the blankets.
‘Okay, as always you’re not giving me another option’ she thought. So she got closer to the bed and started moving Cami’s shoulders, peace was never an option when it comes to wake up her best friend.
“Cami a tremor! An earthquake! Come on!” without getting an answer back she was jumping in her own bed like when she was a child.
Cami threw her a pillow that almost makes Rosie fall who decided to take a shower instead.
When Rosie was done with her shower, thank God her best friend was with a coffee cup in her hand and checking her phone.
“Good morning Cami, how are you?” Rosie asked wrapped in a towel around her body noticing Cami’s swollen eyes and she knows that her best friend fall asleep crying till tiredness was bigger than her broken heart.
“I could be better, ya’ know. Matty didn’t even text me during the night” Cami said disappointed standing next to the window.
“I know honey but hey keep ya’ head up because today we’re going to have fun and forget about Matty okay? he doesn’t deserves you. Rosie said standing next to Cami.
“You know what, we could go to ‘Cerebro’, ya’ know that always make us feel better and we need it since we have been busy with studies” Cami said.
“How did I not come up with that idea before? of course that always works!” Rosie said hugging her friend.
Before leaving her house, Rosie and Cami said goodbye to Mario and he told them to have fun and take care of each other. They walked to Cami’s house that it’s 10 minutes away walking and it could be less if it wasn’t for the steep slope.
Once there, Cami was taking the things she is going to need when her dad entered the room “Hi my little princess, Mario called me yesterday and told me about today even  when I would like to hear it from you... Hi Rosie” Rosie said hi to Gabriel, Cami’s dad, the only one that was at Cami’s home because the rest was already outside busy.
Cami apologized to him and told him all about Matty’s thing so he understood and said to himself to talk with his daughter about this later because he knew that she is late as always and because he wanted another moment to bring this topic.
“If you girls want you can take my car because Mario told me about four friends of you in this trip. But, Rosie is going to drive” he said handing the keys to Rosie.
Gabriel explained that he wants Rosie to drive not because his daughter was a danger behind the wheel or maybe yes but he knew that his daughter was thinking about everything but driving to their destination.
11 am
Ashton said to their friends to move from the hotel reception’s couch when Rosie texted him that they were outside the hotel waiting for them.
Michael ran outside to the hotel’s parking lot without even knowing how the girls or the car looked like.
Ashton found Rosie and Cami leaning on the car’s door. “Woah Rosie since when you have a huge family?” pointing to the car with three rows.
Before she answered him, they greeted the guys with a hug and a kiss on the cheek and introducing themselves.
“I think you should go by walking, who is with me?” she answered to Ashton when he was the last one that Rosie greeted and with her question everyone raised their hands. And Rosie looked at Ashton with a victory look when the rest laughed at him. But Cami explained that the car it is that big because she has three siblings and Ashton thanked her because there was no way he could knew that.
The girls ask them if they mind to go and change their outfits because the place where they were going has lakes, piers, trees, mountain, cabins, etc so they would fry their asses wearing leather and latex with that day’s weather.
The boys agreed on going upstairs to change except Michael that was already in comfy casual clothes with pair of shorts, a grey tank top and a black cap turned back, Michael really prepared for this and let the girls know that he warned them in the morning and says “ya’ know, boys” to the girls. They laughed and he took his things to put it in the trunk and he also brought his acoustic guitar and told them that it was necessary for the day or if he got inspired for new music.
While in the other side the boys were in the elevator back to their rooms to change and Ashton said to Calum that he should stop acting so weird around Rosie it wasn’t a big deal what happened yesterday but Calum wasn’t feeling like that, not yet. Luke agreed with Ashton and said that it only depends on him if he wanted or not to let that behind.
Luke changed to black leggins, a black tank top with a open denim shirt. Ashton changed to a pair of black shorts, a black with white line shirt and a black cap. And Calum changed to black sweatpants, a green olive shirt and a cap.
Back to the rest waiting in the car Michael now understood his best friend’s comment about this girl when she took off her sunglasses and looking at her in an objective way. Michael asked politely to them if he could go in the passenger seat and Cami agreed that it was no problem with that. So Cami suggested Michael to have his guitar with him in his seat for the road.
When the boys were back in their new outfits and with sunglasses, Cami told them to get into the car. Cami were in the second row of the car with Ashton and Calum and Luke in the third row.
Rosie started driving out the parking lot, Ashton immediately asking, with crossed hands and looking giant next to Cami just like the rest of the boys in the way their legs barely fitted in the car space, why Rosie’s driving if it is Cami’s car and Cami answers that it’s a long story but she had a bad night so Rosie is more aware of the road.
Michael’s music starts playing while Rosie was already out the city leaving behind all the big buildings. Now the road is full of trees and plots with animals and grass.
All of them except for Rosie were enjoying of the fresh air and serenity looking what they had out the window, she was singing to Michael’s playlist so focused on the road.
After a couple of minutes when they entered a narrower road compared to the city lanes. Now they were going up because of the mountain range’s height and other geomorphological characteristics so the road wasn’t flat like the city.
All of them were having a mini karaoke with Michael’s playlist when he had to know where Rosie got her ‘Star Wars’ black crop top that she was wearing and asking her if she would like to be his best friend. Rosie laughed at his cuteness. And his bandmates let out a tired sigh because they know what this means.
“Here we go again” Ashton said letting his head back teasing Michael about his obsession with that saga.
That crop top exposed her noticeable abdomen due to her daily intense dance trainings. She was wearing red sweatpants that gives her that dancer vibe. Also she feels comfortable in that pair because she doesn’t feel secure with shorts or exposing too much her thighs even when she’s a dancer but the size of her thighs sometimes makes her uncomfortable or sometimes she doesn’t care at all when she’s feeling herself.
Her dark brown hair is long and super straight. Calum noticed that that day she was wearing less makeup compared to last night. But both looks he doesn’t change his mind and thought the same from last night ‘god is a woman’ and he said to himself to stop with that even when it’s a fact for him. Now he feels curious about this girl that looked so confident being a dancer but noticing that has a lot of facets.
His thoughts were interrupted by the same girl he was looking. She was discussing with Michael about the last Star Wars movie and he felt that he was going to explode to finally find a friend to talk about his ‘nerd’ things.
“She made me watch all the saga before we went to watch the last one to the cinema” Cami said from her seat “but even when I’m not a fan of that kind of movies, I enjoyed it and I’m in love with Finn” 
“Michael did the same with the ones that hadn’t watch the saga” Luke mentioned from the back. And Michael fired back that it was like the only thing that he achieved because they never want to play a card game he has.
“That’s not true Mike! Sometimes I play online with you” Calum said offended faking a sad pout to his friend. Calum thought that now he’s part of the nerd club too but he doesn’t care.
“Well Michael, now I have a game for us, it’s not about cards sorry but let’s play it while there is a while to arrive” Cami said, who was wearing a simple and large grey dress that covers her legs and it wasn’t a tight dress is just that the fabric is attracted to her body. She was with her faux locs, sunglasses, wearing sandals and more makeup than Rosie.
Cami started to explain the game ‘mini entrevistas’, it’s a thing she does to meet people or to know the other’s opinion. The boys gave her a confused look. It consists that everybody ask something to one in particular and this one should answer which option prefers.
“For example, Ashton, Michael Jackson or Elvis? You got it?” she said looking at the boys that were paying attention to her. “The idea is that everyone get a question by the rest” and Ashton clapped his hands pretending that he was getting ready for the game.
The first questions are simple like ‘winter or summer?’, ‘pizza or tacos?’, ‘hen or egg first?’, questions about music, movies and other stuff till Cami asked “would you rather get rid off your life sex or food?” and Luke decided to move on on the game because of the controversial question he was like “sex, no, food, no, definitely sex, no, I don’t know” that made everyone laugh at the different opinions so Michael decided to take his guitar that was near him to start playing classic hits and the rest would recognize them and start singing.
12:15 pm
Rosie entered a dirt road and turned left and now everyone can see several cabins with plenty distance between each one. A huge lake as the front yard of each cabin that is shared and in the middle a dock to enjoy and it’s surrounded by several mini boats like kayaks that are tied to a wooden dock.
The boys were surprised by the beauty of the place and how peaceful it is. The clarity of the water, how they felt tiny for being surrounded by huge mountains.
Rosie parked the car outside the cabin that belongs to Cami’s family. While everyone was in the trunk taking the backpacks, Ashton said “Definitely in maybe thirty years it wouldn’t bother me to live here” he was hypnotized by the lake and the view, but Luke grabbed him to go into the cabin telling him to hurry up because he was starving.
It’s a very comfortable and rustic cabin that inside it has the necessary. It’s built of cement in the inside and of wood in the outside.
When Cami opened the door and left her things in a big room that is near the entrance she explained to the rest that that room was for her and Rosie and as she has a big family the rest of the rooms are passing the kitchen and there they chose their rooms.
12:30 pm
The boys suggested having lunch due to Michael made them have breakfast so early. So the deal was a tour the center, then have lunch and then come back to the cabin.
While they were walking they take pictures and keep talking to continue knowing each other. The trees around the road are so tall that they give shade so the heat isn’t so overwhelming.
Calum was taking pictures, staying behind the group so Rosie went to look for him so he can see her from the front and without planning his gaze landed on the girl’s figure the way she has curves very defined and her abdomen that is noticeable but subtle. He thought to himself how many training sessions she had to have that body and then realized that he should start exercising on monday.
Calum joked about complaining that nobody is stopping for a picture with a cocky tone and Rosie laughed and answered him with a The Simpsons reference. If they were going to be friends, he had to get used to references of movies, music, tv shows, memes, etc.
“Let’s continue walking we don’t want to lose the rest” she took him by his arm after he took a couple of more pictures.
Michael was in the front of the walk taking silly photos with and of the rest and Cami says to him to handle the phone to her because photography is one of her hobbies.
“So, why you’re studying psychology?” Michael asked her when she told him what she studies while Calum and Rosie were behind. She told them that she forgot to bring her film camera. 
“There you are!” Luke said receiving Rosie and Calum back with the group. “Let’s take a pic” and Cami started the photoshoot by freezing the moment with the huge trees around them, the wind moving everyone’s hair with a large dirt road behind. 
So Rosie posed with Ashton with her on his back like piggyback ride and then they swiped after a not that long discussion. Then Michael with Rosie just him pointing at her crop top with his tongue out, then Calum carried Luke like a baby with Michael in the back with a jealous look which surprises the girls how strong he was by how easy he lifted Luke. Then Michael asked for his phone back so Cami could appear too and she found a flower on the sides of the road and put on Luke’s hair and posed with him with a flower within her locs too. Michael started to just taking the pictures without any warning to the rest so they were more spontaneous. Calum and Ashton posed with Cami as ‘Cami’s angels’ instead of ‘Charlie’s angels’ a joke that Ashton thought about it. Then Calum hugged the girls, one of them on each arm of him around their collar bones height, Rosie’s back was press to Calum’s ribs. And the last one Calum offered to take a selfie so everyone was in the picture.
They get close to Michael’s phone to check the photos and they laughed about it and asked him to send them to have them as good memories. Michael said the he’s going to post a couple of them and Calum thought about the same or just have them in his phone’s gallery because he knows that any picture he posts with new people brings comments.
When they went all over the center of the tiny town watching artisan’s works, listening to street musicians which ones the boys paid more attention to them and noticing the passion and clap when they finished and leave money to support them.
After more pictures with the uniques mini streets of the place and with the valleys full of harvests behind them then Cami walked them to a restaurant with something in particular.
“Ehmm Cami I think that the restaurant was assaulted” Michael said pointing at the restaurant without windows and doors.
But she explained that that’s the idea of the place, it’s looks like a restaurant was placed inside a giant rock. When they entered it makes sense because everything was made of stone but somehow it was comfortable.
“That’s fucking sick” Calum said looking at the place and sitting with the group.
The girls and Ashton helped the boys to order because it’s just typical chilean food even when the menu comes translated but they wanted to choose wisely.
“You just tasted chilean food last night and you already feel chilean” Calum said leaning forward to where Ashton were that he can’t see because he was far from him in the other side of the table that has an ‘U’ form.
“You’re jealous because you don’t have chilean relatives” Ashton lifted his hand as far he can to his friend to annoy him. “Besides at least I go outside and don’t stay in the hotel like you guys” he finished his point and the food arrived.
Luke took the bread and spread the red sauce that the waitress left in the table with their order. The next thing his face was red and he started drinking his water desperately. He was coughing now and Rosie helping him realizing that he took the spiciest one. After all, he understood that the sauce called ‘pebre’ has chili pepper to the extreme. Ashton teased him that is not even the spiciest sauce that he was overreacting with his cough and Luke gave him a look and said that it was real cough.
When they finished their meals Michael for the first time of the day was in silence staring off into space and Rosie waved her hand in front of him and Luke moved his friend till he answered that he was processing how good this tastes.
When each one paid the bill, they left the particular restaurant and a couple of steps away Rosie mentioned if they would like to do a tour to a vineyard that the owner, Will is a friend of her grandfather because as you can tell he has a lot of acquaintances.
“I don’t know about you guys but who I am to refuse to this wine show” Ashtons said pointing at himself.
When they entered the place an old man with a beret that makes him look sophisticated met Rosie and Cami as they introduced the boys behind them.
“How is Mario?” Will asked Rosie and she answered that he was fine and also updated him about the bar that he should go with his wife to have a drink and dance.
“For sure that I’m going to visit the bar and also your grandfather because the last domino game he won but I discover his trick that always beat me” Will told her and she was not surprised because even when Mario denies it she knows his trick too and how much he loves this game and enjoys playing it with his friends at the bar. She was thinking that maybe that is the reason why Mario hired the band of the bar because they called exact like the game.
Will doesn’t speak english so the girls translated while he was explaining this activity, his business and that the country has one of the best wines of the world and also showing the hanging vines. Next to it there is a yurt where you can taste and then buy wine if you want.
Then they confirmed how the old man was right about the wine on this country.
Will’s vineyard is very famous even when you look at the owner and his business so humble but the wine is one of the most valued in the market so that’s why during the year people visit the place and enjoy a good wine. Michael was walking around the room looking at the pictures hanging on the wall that Will does a collage of famous people that had visited the place and also pictures of no famous people.
“No way! Are you fucking kidding me?” Michael said taking Rosie’s arm in surprise to get closer to see what he was looking at almost making her drop her glass. “Rihanna was here?!” and Rosie translated to Will why Michael screamed at the picture that the singer appears with Will and his wife.
“Tell him that he’s right that she also bought lots of bottles for her home and jet” Will said at Rosie.
“Can’t believe we’re stepping on the same floor Rihanna did once” Calum said getting closer to his friend to look at the rest of the pictures on the wall. And the rest did the same from their chairs in the bar that is in the room and Will behind it serving the wine as a bartender.
The boys kept collecting memories of this trip and place not like the previous pictures in the road that were silly because of the presence of an adult even when Will is also part of Rosie’s family. They took pictures of the wine, the room, the pictures hanging in the wall, the vines, the landscape, etc.
Calum asked Luke to pose next to the vines because he is almost the same height as these things, even when Luke thought it was stupid he posed anyways with one eye close because of the sun hitting his face and with a smile that he gave up at his friend petition and the rest laughed at this and Calum joked about it while he took the pictures with his phone.
Then Calum asked the girls to pose next to the vines like the opposite thing that happens with Luke. Then they exchanged numbers with the girls except for Ashton that already had them, to send the pictures from the different phones.
Ashton was posting a picture on Instagram with the view of the vineyard and tagging his location with the caption ‘best wine ever, life is great.’. 
They thanked Will for the tour and the wine and said goodbye to him, now they’ were going back to the cabin. Cami told Rosie and Ashton to go to the minimarket to buy some things for the night and for the next morning. And the rest of the boys walked with Cami to the cabin. 
Once in the minimarket Rosie and Ashton looked for water, things for breakfast, alcohol for the night, and things if they get hungry after the club. They were queuing waiting to pay and Ashton asked her to give him the bottles of water because they are heavy.
“So, chilean relatives?” she commented about what Ashton said before during lunch.
“Oh yeah, about that, I’m sorry if it bothered you because I know that-” he said but she interrupted him because it doesn’t bother her at all, she mentioned that it’s so sweet from him to consider Mario in that way.
“I know that I don’t have any blood ratio with him but he knowing that he helped my mom and me during a bad moment it’s why I consider him that much compared to other people blood relative ya’ know” he said without looking at her with a tone of pain.
Rosie didn’t know if she should ask what happened but she didn’t want to bother him so she would understand if he didn’t want to talk about it.
“Ouch, that sounds like a hint to people that did no good to your family” she said looking up at his serious face and clenched jaw.
A moment of silence while Ashton is thinking in the right words to say next.
“Maybe, let’s say that I thought that in that moment it was just me and my mom ya’ know?” he said finally looking down at her and she understood what he meant to say and nodded. “Those were difficult moments and what Mario told me yesterday it came to my mind a lot of things. And I realize that is crazy how you get help by people you don’t know or don’t expect their help at all and the ones that you have a relation they don’t help you” he admitted. 
“Got it. Well I know that we barely know each other but anything you need or if you want to talk I’m letting you know that I’m always going to be available and also Mario, and my family and my home like Mario already told you” she said stroking his arms while he kept holding the bottles of water.
To be honest, Ashton doesn’t know how to deal with affection sometimes and real care from others. He is so used to his family and the boys that sometimes he felt scared or distrust for what happened to him in the past but he knew that she was being honest. Therefore he smiled and thanked her.
Meanwhile in the cabin the rest were just resting in the living room. Luke was checking his phone and saw the stories that Ashton posted so he started following the girls.
Rosie and Ashton were walking back to the cabin when Rosie’s phone rang with a notification and it was Luke who tagged her in a post and with difficulty she took her phone because she was carrying the water. Luke posted the pictures of the girls with the vines and him with the vines with the caption ‘reality vs expectation’. And he put in his stories the one with Cami and the flowers in their hair. Rosie laughed showing the post to Ashton who laughed too. She thought it was an email instead of Instagram.
“I’m going to kill Luke but that is a good one” she said. The rest also posted and tagged her. Michael posted pictures of him in the vineyard, the groupal selfie that Cal took, and the picture with Rosie with the caption ‘today is a good day, I stepped on the same place that Rihanna were once and also tasted the same wine, also I found my new best friends they’re cooler than me. ps. finally someone to talk about star wars’. And the one he looks jealous at Luke being carried by Calum in his stories then posting another story with his face zoomed. Calum posted the one with the girls and the Cami’s angels one with the caption ‘🇨🇱🍷💙’. The group selfie he took and the videos he filmed of the musicians playing in the small town they listened earlier he uploaded them in his stories. Rosie concluded that Calum was the one of the group that says the less compared to his bandmates.
“The water is here!” Ashton said opening the door suddenly and leaving the things in the kitchen and in the fridge.
Ashton took glasses for everyone. Then he sat down in a chair and comment about the pictures his friends posted and he already posted one last night when he played in the bar with the band tagging his location and a grateful caption, but now he posted the picture with Rosie and the one when she carried him, the one with Cal and Cami as ‘Cami’s angels’ with the caption ‘cami’s angels at your service… you can’t hang with us jk these days had been amazing with beautiful people and fam’.
Everyone was drinking water and the girls were posting too even when with them it’s different because it wasn’t normal or a daily thing to suddenly post something with famous people because they barely have like 700 or 800 followers on social media unlike the guys that have millions of followers. Cami posted the picture with Luke and the flowers, Cami’s angels and the one with her best friend in the vines with the caption ‘choose your fighter...the perks of being a wallflower or Cami’s angels or my soulmate’. Michael realized that they didn’t get a picture together the same with Luke and Rosie. Finally, Rosie posted the one with Ashton, with Michael and with Calum and Cami and she didn’t know what to put in the caption, maybe just emojis, like Calum. But Cami whispered to her something she didn’t understand ‘Chile vs Australia but friendly’.
“That shit is hilarious” Ashton exploded in laugh in the chair “give me a high five” lifting his hand to Cami and Rosie asked for an explanation and Ashton told her the story when Calum cursed on Twitter when Chile won against Australia in the world cup and Rosie opened her mouth because she couldn’t believe and teased Calum about it. Michael allowed them to make fun of that whenever they want.
Calum changed his position in the sofa and also the topic by asking Cami to tell them about her long story.
Cami studies psychology, has two sisters and a brother, she’s the older one. Her dad’s chilean and her mom’s dominican. She loves photography, writing and her big family including Rosie’s family. 
She summed up her break up story and the boys were ready to throw hands to this idiot. Ashton apologized to her because during the morning he teased her because yesterday Rosie told him that Cami was on a date and probably she was busy when she didn’t answer her phone. 
“Amazing Ashton now you’re joining a club for screwing up” Calum looked at him and Ashton thought to fire back because he fucked up things yesterday but he decided to stay silent. 
“Don’t get me wrong but I don’t know what his definition of ‘gaining weight is’ such a troglodyte” Michael pointed sitting next to her giving her a hug.
“Oh that it’s so sweet but it’s true, the last few months I have gained weight because in school my lil brother is being bullied and of course it has affected me watching him and can’t do nothing because his teacher told us that she’s going to do something” she was surprised for being so honest but it felt good to talk about it.
“He ain’t worth your time girl, he ain’t worth you” Calum said with his finger giving his advice and puckering his lips.
“Woah, Rosie told me the same yesterday” Cami said. And Luke offered to bring his dog, Petunia to scare the bully kids and also her ex, so Calum offered Duke too even when his dog it’s smaller but it could work too. And Michael didn’t waste the chance to make fun of Luke’s dog.
“And what about you Rosie? Calum told me yesterday you are studying dance” Michael said and Calum threw him a glance like ‘why it couldn’t be Ashton instead of me?’ 
She told them that she had left just three semesters to finish the career and that it could be less than that depending of some things. Her parents are both chilean and she’s an only child and has a dog that she adopted and like Cami, she’s single.
She also summed up the story that her boyfriend broke up with her because he said that he couldn’t handle anymore having the relationship with her if she’s going to be a dancer, he thought that there was no future for them because she already went to other countries to dance and if they were going to be a family he would like that she were an architect instead of an artist. Cami looked at her thinking that she is the only person who knows the full story.
“He really thought he was indispensable and what about that family thing” Ashton said confused. And Rosie agreed with him because she didn’t thought about a family with him.
“It doesn’t matter, because realized months later that he’s a mommy’s boy because it was because his mother didn’t like the idea of me being a dancer because he asked me to be together again” she added.
“Yeah that’s weird because if you were already dancing and he was with you, it doesn’t make sense because in that case he should broke up with you at the first year of your dance studies” Calum said confused too like if he was calculating something. Calum was the most confused one like he didn’t know which ex was more idiot but he didn’t add anything and just repeat the same what he said to Cami.
Rosie went outside to pick a call when her phone rang, Cami jumped and looked at how her friend left the cabin stopping her conversation with the guys.
Calum asked Cami if everything is okay by the way of her reaction, Cami said that it was nothing so they continued knowing each other. After twenty minutes anxiety kicked Calum from nowhere so he craved for a cigarette and went outside to smoke.
Ashton took Calum’s place in the couch. “I hope they found each other outside so they could talk” he said looking to the front window.
“About?...” Cami asked him not following him. Ashton opened wide his eyes like if it was an obvious thing. 
“You guys really don’t know how weird and also confused was when Calum said that in the bar” he said raising his arms behind the borders of the sofa. His bandmates just looked at him and Ashton defended his point “Guys I know, I know who is Calum and I know that I’m not saying this to be cupid. I’m just saying this so that could be left in the past or like if never happened because I never thought Calum would react like that”.
Michael frowned his lips and thinking about what his friend said that deeply he would like things be different with his best friend. “Ya know, not related to this but at some point I hope Calum changes his motto of ‘love sucks’ or ‘love is a scam’ but well…”
Focus and your dreams turn to reality So, tell me, how am I ever gonna find love in you? If I do not even know what I want from you
Cami felt that this topic was fragile so she joked that right now she agreed with Calum.
Meanwhile, when Calum finished his cigarette he came back to the front side and took a look at the dock where he distinguished Rosie sitting at the border of it swinging her legs but moving her arms randomly when he was closer so it almost hit him.
“Shit! Calum you scared me, did I hit you?” she said scared taking off her earbuds and stopping the music.
He let her know that it wasn’t his intention to scare her and that she didn’t hit him. He kneeled down to take away her hand from her heart that was beating so fast. He sat down next to her and looked at the beautiful lake in front of them. “I thought you were just enjoying the view ya know so I wanted to make sure you were okay”.
She relaxed at that and also at the way he said and meant it, so pure. “Sorry I got lost in the music with my eyes closed practicing a choreo I have to show this monday for a class”.
She looked down at the difference of their heights, that her legs were swinging not enough to touch the clear water, the opposite was for Calum that his feet were under water even when he leaned back supporting his body with his forearms. From there, he saw her back and hair moving with the wind and she went for the same position as him and while she was adjusting herself he asked her about what kind of dance she has to present for this class.
“Do you really want to know?” she asked surprised and Calum frowned his features because why not? he didn’t have the chance to meet a dancer everyday. She laughed at how extra he is and he bit his lip casually at that statement looking in another direction not arguing that because it is true and also it worked to appreciate her dimples before she hid them by covering with her arm when she laughs. He made a mental note that he already hated that from her for hiding her smile. She was telling him about the dance that it was a jazz choreo with a lot of songs involved that tried to explain a story.
“That movie is amazing and it has a varied soundtrack, so you choose that because jazz is your favorite or because it is a jazz class?” he asked.
“Oh don’t get me wrong, I love jazz and almost every kind of dance but urban dance it’s my passion for sure... it’s for jazz class this monday, then tuesday I have to present too for dance history and wednesday tango and urban dance” she answered explaining her next week’s evaluations and told him that people never ask her that because when they know she’s a dancer they conclude that it’s just ballet. She explained to Calum the urban dance, hip hop, groove, funk, locking, popping, fusions like jazz-funk, afro, dancehall, vogue, pop also, etc and how in the present all the inspiration it’s out there looking at choreos so fluid but at the same time urban. 
Calum loves listening people talking with passion about things like he does with music but he knows that she is in another level and he can tell by the way her eyes shines when she is talking. He was thinking to tease her that here she was the extra one and not him but he prefered to continue listening to her.
After a couple of minutes when the conversation about dance and then about music that she asked Calum it’s getting to introduce another thing to talk, Calum took the opportunity to apologize for what he said last night.
“Don’t worry, to be honest it was something original that I’ve never been told before but trust me don’t worry” she said.
They were laying their backs in the wooden dock looking up at the sky with their hands in their stomachs continue talking about what they do.
“I’m sure that it happened to you too, ya know, when people don’t care about art” she said referring to her dance and to his music career. And he nodded and told her the stories of the beginning when nobody had faith on his band.
When Cami stood up from the couch and adjusted her locs, what she was looking from the window she could tell that things are not weird between those two anymore, so she let the guys know.
“Trust me, I can’t do it and if I tried I would fall into the lake” Calum said after a long time quiet next to Rosie just breathing the pure air and feeling the breeze strong enough to move his curls and their clothes, he stood up and Rosie did the same and the height difference is notorious, even more when they were this close that Rosie placed her hands on Calum’s forearms for support and apologizing for that. Calum had his curls were now all over his forehead and he blew them to come back to their place which made her laugh.
“This is totally out of my sober comfort zone but I’m always down for challenges” he said a little bit nervous because he is aware about his moves.
“I’m not going to forget that I have to teach you how to play bass” he said. They asked each other if they know how to dance or play bass and made a deal.
She added that he needs to ‘mover y soltar el esqueleto’, and he laughed how she said it with attitude and moving her hips gracily.
“Ya’ know what they said about dancers so you can thank me later” she winked at him but he frowned his eyebrows because he had no clue what people said about dancers and Rosie laughed that he didn't know about it so she left him with doubt.
His last excuse was that maybe she should not teach him how to dance because he is too tall so maybe that affects but she gave him a glare like ‘stop’. “Yeah I’m going to do it so I have a reason to see you again, I mean, you and Cami again. I don’t know when but deal is a deal” he said and she closed the deal saying that it was a honor to do business with him.
Calum wasn't the only who felt that he and his bandmates needed a day like this, good people, a beautiful place, no media, no drama and to be honest not the things you found when you are an artist, like paps, alcohol, pills, drugs, groupies, etc. Just being him a normal person and even when last night he thought that this trip was a childish idea but it was necessary.
Cami appeared out of nowhere with the guys to join them in the dock and Michael mentioned to the guys that they all lose the bet because Calum wasn't lost in the woods.
“We were ya’ know just talking, well at the beginning I was dancing and…” Rosie said when her best friend interrupted her.
“They called you?!” Cami got closer excited and Rosie laughed and nodded. Then Cami stood in a piece of wood to gain height and imitate like in the ceremonies to catch attention with a false glass and fork.
“Tonight we are going to forget about failed relationships like mine and also to celebrate that Rosie now knows where she is going to do the exchange for a trimester” she hugged her friend and the boys joined the group hug while they congratulate her and ask her for more details.
That is why Rosie was in the dock for so long before Calum came. Carol, her academic director called her giving the news and confirming the city. She was and still, to be honest, a mess, when she finished the call the anxiety kicked but at the same time she was beyond thankful and started to think about the things that this exchange to England it is going to bring.
Ashton had a brilliant idea to celebrate this big new and from nowhere Michael threw Luke into the water and he said laughing “Oh it wasn’t Luke you were talking about?” acting like he had no idea and then Rosie was pointing at Calum “Don’t you even dare Calum” and he challenged her “What if I dare?” raising his eyebrows and a teasing smile and before she could answer he lifted her from her legs and laid a hand below her butt, again the question is how he can lifts people that easily, he got closer to the dock’s edge and Rosie begged him to at least leave her phone and earphones so he left the things in the ground and when he throws her into the water in the middle of the action Luke yelled at her “his shirt!” and in less than a second she pulled him from where Luke told her. Ashton threw Cami and then he ran after Michael till he succeed. 
I heard that good things don't last a while Please don't be the one to leave first They say we're way too young to get the job done Are we really too young to be havin' so much fun? 'Cause I'm not quite sure right now I don't really understand how I am ever really gonna be in love with you 'Cause I never even thought you would want me too I am gone now
The sunset was there with them while splashing water like kids and Ashton looked that from above and thought that despite the childish scene it was good to stop acting like an adult or famous and forgot for a moment of all the pressure and other things because they are in their twenties.
Luke was the first to get out the water by himself since Ashton didn’t want to help him because he knew what was going to happen if. Ashton ran to the cabin so Luke helped the rest to get out the water. Back in the cabin everyone took a shower except for Ashton who obviously wasn’t wet and had a winner face and everyone was calling him a boomer raising the middle finger and Ashton called them “childish”.
After the shower everyone was getting ready in their rooms for the night in ‘Cerebro’, while Ashton was alone in the living room he cooked something for everyone so their stomachs will not be empty for the alcohol. Everyone thanked him sitting in dining table while he disappeared for a shower and asked them to leave him a plate.
Back in the room Cami and Rosie talked about the London thing, how excited Cami was for her and let her know that everything is going to be alright. She asked her if she called her family and she did but the first to know the big new was Calum, she told him in the dock when they were sitting there. “I think this is the first time that Cami or Mario are the first person to tell something” she said adjusting her hair and looking at Calum with a smile while she swung her legs in the air nervously for the situation looking down her feet and Calum supporting his arms in the dock’s edge, he looked at her with a proud smile that made him look so cute with his eyes crinkled and told her something similar like Cami and added that she can trust him and that his sister lives there so he knows it is a good city. Cami faked being surprisedly hurt “You didn’t tell me first?” and Rosie sighed and rolled her eyes making fun of her friend. They got ready, Rosie chose the dress her friend packed secretly, it is a tight baby blue mini dress with really thin straps and it has small sparkly details plus a denim jacket so she could put her belongings and a pair of black vans. And Cami chose a sleeveless black romper and black heels. The applied makeup and Rosie helped her friend with her locs.
In another hand the boys also did justice with their looks. They all were wearing black leggins and their jewelry and just Michael was wearing a really cool pair of sneakers and the rest boots. Calum wore a black plain shirt and on top an open yellow shirt, Ashton with a slightly unbuttoned blue shirt, Michael with a baggy white shirt and a black cap and Luke with a green olive unbuttoned shirt too and asked Rosie if she can applies him that eyeshadow she was wearing and after that they were ready to go.
They went there by walking because ‘Cerebro’ is located in a street of the city center. The weather was perfect, less heat than the rest of the day and you can hear the crickets joining other peaceful sounds of the nature, it was so relaxing before the storm that the club is going to bring.
Getting closer you can hear the music vibrating in the ground. The girls greeted the guard that knows them very well and didn’t need to ask in which list their names were.
Once inside, the girls feel at home since the parties moved to this place but before when they were in high school the parties were at Cami’s cabin when her parents were away and no one knew that the cabin was full of people till one day, the graduation day, the chaos was too much that the neighbors called the police. On another hand, the boys were amazed by the place even when it is just a dance club but the energy was immediately contagious with the people dancing losing themselves in the music. The girls greeted some friends that were waiting for them, Dominique, Kevin and Gigi. 
Dominique, is a Rosie’s friend, they met in a the previous Rosie college but Dominique studies botanist. She is tall, has tanned skin, short hair with a dyed streak and the color changes every month, it is like her signature. She's bisexual. She wears glasses. Even when she isn't a good dancer she doesn’t care, she is always down to spend time with her friends and have fun. She is the only one of this trio who speaks english.
Kevin, is friend of both girls but mostly Rosie because they are best friends since primary school. He is tall like the guys because all of his life he’s been practicing athletics. He has tanned skin, big brown eyes, he has a buzz cut, he has lots of moles on his face. He is studying engineering and is the most carefree and cool person you could met and is also a nerd and he doesn’t deny it when Rosie jokes about his love for chess and video games.
Gigi, is friend of both girls since primary school too. She is thin, has long red dyed hair and small eyes and her eyes look even smaller because she barely wears her glasses. She is the most versatile person you could met. She is a tattoo artist, she studies architecture, she likes to dance, hairstyling, and last but not least she is the dj of the club so she is not there with the group, yet. Told you, most versatile person you could met.
They greeted the boys, Dominique commented Rosie that Michael is prettier in person. They walked to the other side of the room while the girls told the boys more about the club about the different three floors it has, a couple of people recognized the boys.
The principal floor is set with blue lights and the music is varied, Gigi is in charge of it so she likes to play from reggaeton, always putting first latin urban music, to today’s hits including the slow ones in the charts. The bar is next to the door they entered, the dj set is on a lift high level platform so you have to climb the stairs to reach the dj, this platform has a panoramic view and every floor has this platform so the dance floor has more space in the room.
The basement is set with neon lights related to the tech music so the clothes could be reflected.
The second floor is set with green and yellow lights because the dj plays afro, dancehall and caribbean music. It is the most aired floor so people sometimes go to smoke or take a breath from dancing.
When everyone drank the first tequila shot of the night, the night started to bring crazy memories.
I'm in love with the thought of you
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axther · 4 years
so far down
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airen fic for aimee mwah @ererokii​
Eren knew the world wasn’t kind. 
He learned that from an early age. He knew that death was everywhere, crushing and existing in every crack. It consumed without care. 
Oh, but how he prayed it wouldn’t consume her. 
Amiee stood, looking over the walls. Her hair flickered back and forth in the strong wind. He could only stare as the light hit her eyes and made them glow every shade of brown possible. Even for such a cold winter day, the sun shone for her and created some sort of halo that the church would kneel before. 
“Hey, Eren.” She was smiling softly, one hand on her tactical manoeuvring equipment. “I wanna get married.” “Yeah?” He smiled. Though he usually had a frown, some sort of confused, angry look on his face, Aimee always managed to soothe it. “Yeah. While we still can.” 
“You’re not gonna die.” He sighed, rising from his squat. “I’ll make sure.” “Hm.” She smiled. There was a little, happy huff with it, and the chill winter air puffed out. It was a reminder, warm despite the weather, of the next week. 
January 22nd. Aimee’s birthday. 
It was a situation, to be honest. Some of the other corps were going forward and getting her gifts, and Jean had already stolen his idea (a nice dress she had been looking at from inside Wall Sina). The bastard. 
Eren huffed a bit but stopped when Aimee cast him a curious glance. 
“Something on your mind?” 
“Nothing!” He barked, nervous. “Don’t worry about it.” “You’re pouting!” 
“I am not!” 
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It was crunch time. 
Two days before Aimee’s birthday, and he was wandering the streets of Wall Sina, looking at all the stalls and the greedy idiots manning them. Some were hawking snake oils that he was sure in a funny way were fakes and others that were gesturing to things that he was sure were just stolen. 
He needed to find a birthday present. Fast. 
The roads wound around as he worked his way up the market, noting that the quality of the goods went up with time. He had a sizable chunk of money he had set aside for it, but there was nothing sticking out. 
Aimee deserved the best. 
He knew it. All his friends knew it. Hell, even some of the superiors knew it. She was soft and kind and had a heart bigger than anyone else within the walls. She was like a statue from the Palace, or even better, some divine figure that everyone would pray to for redemption. He would pray to her in a heartbeat. He loved her. Good god, he really loved her. 
“Necklaces! Rings! Bracelets!” 
Eren turned to see an old woman crowing over all of the others, waving a pretty gold necklace over her ware. His head titled and he stalked over a bit, curious. 
“You, there, boy!” She gave a grin that lacked several teeth. “Do you have a girl at home?” “Uh…” He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, sceptical about her sales tactic. “Why?” “You look lost.” She smirked, but without malice. “Looking for a gift, hm?” 
“U-uh-!” He gasped, arms falling with surprise. “Oh, don’t be so shocked! Come, come. We’ll find her something.” The old lady waved him over with a comforting glance and gestured to all of the strange jewellery she had. Some were pure metal, twisted and bent into different ways, while others were dainty like they had strung snowflakes on a chain.
“Tell me, boy.” “Don’t call me boy.” “What does she like?” 
Eren looked over all the trinkets and stones and poked at some of them, wondering if Aimee actually would like them. She was always overwhelmingly grateful for everything she got, but Eren wanted to make sure that this was something that she actually liked. “Something durable, for the road.” 
“I see.” She nodded and moved some of the bracelets and rings out of the way. “Is she in the Corps?” “Yeah.” Eren nods, crossing his arms again. There was some worry on if a ring or bracelet got stuck on her gear, and he moved everything but the necklaces. “Hm? Oh, I see.” The woman nodded sagely. “Then consider some of these ones.” She held up several, colourful pendants. Most of them were too bright for anyone’s taste, really, but then he saw a duller green one. It was pretty, but only pretty, not the best possible.
“It matches your eyes,” The crone cooned. “What are her eyes?” “Huh?” Eren jumped a bit, no longer staring at the gem. “Oh. Brown.” 
“Here.” She handed him another necklace that was a deep, deep brown. When it hit the light…
Oh god. It was just like Aimee’s eyes. 
“Wait. Do you think…?” “Matching necklaces.” She hummed, looking proud of herself. “I’m sure it would be a sweet thought. It was how my wife proposed, in fact!” “I’ll take them both.” He held them delicately. Suddenly, the necklaces didn’t look dull or just okay. They looked like they were meant to be side by side, warming next to each other like stars. 
“I’ll take them both.” 
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January 22nd. Judgement day. 
He stood inside a too-crowded bar with a very sour look on his face. Yes, he loved Aimee. Yes, she was his girlfriend. 
Yes, she was talking with literally everyone else.  
Okay, so maybe he had just arrived, and she was oohing and aahing over the dress Jean got her, or the fact that Levi even showed. Maybe he had already drunk a couple of pints because he saw several people trying to flirt with Aimee, only for her to shove them away with a playful scowl. 
Okay. Maybe he could walk up to her. 
He kept a grip on the bar front as he walked over to her. He wasn’t tipsy (yet) but he was certainly on his way, glaring at the stupid fucking horse bitchboy that laughed a little too hard at Aimee’s joke. He couldn’t blame him; she looked stunning as usual, glowing under the warm lights of the bar and warm with her own light. Jean was talking to her about the dress and the two very expensive rocks weighed down his pocket and burned a hole in his wallet. 
“Hey, Aimee.” He wrapped an arm around her (bare?! When did she change into that dress?!) shoulder. “Happy birthday.” “Eren!” She lit up, jumping with a grin. She wrapped her arms around his neck and placed kisses all over his cheeks. He could feel the heat rush forward, and let the giddy grin take over his face. 
“H-hey! I got you something!” “You did?!” She gasped loudly, as though she didn’t expect it, and he felt pride well up at the look in her eyes. 
“Close your eyes, okay?” 
“Aww…” She pouted and it twisted at his heart, especially for something so small. “Okay!” “Whew.” He let out a sigh before he cracked under her gaze and procured the green necklace, stepping around and lifting her hair out of the way. “You’re trying upshow me!” Jean protested, scowling, but Eren nearly growled in response. “Yeah, well, she’s not your girlfriend, huh?!” 
“You fucking-!” “Oh! Is it a necklace?” Aimee cooed, letting a dainty finger trace over the stone. 
“Yeah. It’s...it’s special, too.” “Oh!” Aimee gasped. Eren pulled away from clasping the ends and put on his own necklace, being quick before standing stiff. 
“Uh...open your eyes.” Eren pursed his lips as she slowly opened those hues he loved so much, and when she pulled it up a bit to see, he could see a bit of confusion on her face. 
“It’s pretty!” Her eyes glanced to him before lingering on his necklace. “Wait…” “They’re, uh...they’re supposed to be like, us being together...always…” He could feel his confidence wilt before her stare, and Jean snorted. “Seriously? That’s so sappy!” He started wheezing, slamming his fist onto the counter until Aimee let out a shriek. “Eren! Oh my god! That’s so sweet!” 
Suddenly, he was attacked with kisses upon kisses, more than when he walked up to Aimee. He nearly toppled over the bar but managed to steady himself, laughing and willing his heart not to burst. 
“Glad you like it!” He managed to get it before Aimee placed her lips on his. Eren’s eyes went wide and the bar fell mute as she proceeded to give him a soul-sucking kiss. His mind swam and his heart raced as she pulled away with a sweet smile that made him sigh shakily. 
“Thanks, Eren.” 
Her voice was so soft, so quiet, that all he could do was smile and hold her head close. 
Oh god. He loved her.
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darkness-444 · 5 years
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Description; you were driving home from your job when you get lost. In the middle of the road you spot what appears to be a large dark figure. As you approach it you realize it appears to be a wolf that’s wounded.
{Warnings; this fic is nsfw, extreme sexual explicit language & scenes. however this part 1 does not contain nsfw }
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      PART ONE
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“Good job, [Y/N]! You can go home now.”
“Thanks, Joe...” You tiredly answered.
Throwing on your blue, white and grey over-sized plaid button up, you begrudgingly grabbed your keys and handbag, slowly exiting the restaurant. You were extremely tired, made almost no tips despite working a 9 hour shift with little to know break. You opened up your car and threw yourself into the drivers seat, slamming the door shut.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” You yelled while slapping the steering wheel.
Rent was due in less than three days, and you had about $300 to your name. It wasn’t like you were irresponsible with your money, but your shitty roommate and her inability to pay rent was making it harder and harder for you to save so you could move out of the shithole you called your hometown. You started your car and drove off, deciding to take the back roads instead of the main, considering you needed to let out some steam before you got home. It was dark, a little rainy and it was hard to see. Flipping on your high beams, you could now see the road much more clearly. As you were going to make a turn you suddenly see a dark grainy figure laying on the ground. Slamming on the brakes, you came to a close stop in front of it.
You jumped from out of your car, which normally you would never do because that’s how people are murdered or kidnapped, but from what you were scared it might have been someone dead. Approaching the figure slowly, you first yelled out to see if they would start moving. 
“Hey! Are you alright?” You yelled. 
You waited a few moments for a response. It was dead silent. All you could hear were the sounds of the night; crickets, drops of water, and your car engine. 
You took a few more steps, your heart ready to give out at any moment. Patting down your pockets you looked for your phone. When you found it you pulled it out from your back pocket and put on the flashlight. The light showed the shape of a large black wolf, panting, with a large wound on the back. You ran towards the wolf and placed your hand near their snout. 
“Oh my God... holy shit..” You whispered.
You took your plaid shirt off and wrapped it around the wound. The wolf was bigger than you had ever seen. It was probably about 2 feet taller than an average dog. Nonetheless, you were more worried about their well being. You placed one of it’s paws around your neck and proceeded to life the wolf, struggling to carry them to your car. Unfortunately, you weren’t the strongest, but you did your best and managed to get the wolf to your back seat, which they barely fit into. 
Once settled you jumped back into the drivers seat, your crop-top sweater now bloody, you tried wiping some of the blood on your hands to your shirt and jeans. Taking out your phone you quickly googled animal hospitals near you, hoping that there was one that open 24 hours, considering it was nearly midnight. You cursed under your breath, ‘the nearest one is fucking twenty miles away’, you thought. 
Starting your car you drove off trying to figure out what you could do. You couldn’t send them to the hospital, most doctors don’t know how to operate on animals, and also they are a lot bigger than most wolves, so you thought it would not be safe to drop them off there. You bit your thumb nail, trying to stay calm and figure what to do. You did know where the town’s veterinary clinic was, so you tried calling anyways. As it rang, you prayed the doctor would answer, hoping they might have still been inside.
“H-hello?” You heard a groggy voice answer.
“Hello! Hi, Dr. Vandyke! It’s [Y/N]! I am so sorry to call you this late and I’m sure the clinic is closed but it’s an emergency!” 
“Okay, okay, calm down... I understand.. What’s going on?” Dr. Vandyke’s voice still groggy, she sounded as if she was getting out of bed. 
“Uhh, well I was on my way home and I found this dog- well wolf,” You laughed nervously, “...and yeah it’s wounded really badly and I nee-”
“Got it. How far are you?” She answered sternly. Her voice sounded more professional now. 
“Uh... probably like five minutes?” 
“Great. See you in a bit.” She hung up.
Confused, yet grateful, you hit the gas and drove as fast as you could to the clinic. A few minutes later you pulled into the clinic. Outside stood Dr. Vandyke, and from what you could remember she had always been a very tall and stoic woman. She had bleach blonde hair, olive skin and sharp hazel eyes. She was wearing her doctors coat, some gloves and holding onto what looked to be a stretcher. There was another person next to her who you never seen before but you didn’t have time to question it. 
Hoping out of the car you quickly opened the back seat, seeing the blood now all over the seat. The wound bled through your shirt that you wrapped, and you were feeling sick, thinking of the worst. Dr. Vandyke and the other man pushed past you and placed the wolf on the stretcher. The wolf could barely fit, their legs hanging over almost touching the ground. You closed the door behind them and followed them into the clinic. As they entered they headed straight for the back and before you could follow them in the man stopped you. 
“Wait here.” He demanded. 
They went in and you could hear all sorts of sounds. You sat in the waiting room bench soaking wet, tired and bloody. You tried to figure out what compelled you to do all of this, and although you loved animals, you never thought you could ever go this far for one. Suddenly, the cost of this visit and the bills to come started daunting over you, even though you felt guilty for thinking it, it was going to be another bill you could not possibly pay. As you sat and waited, minutes turned into hours and you dozed off. 
“...I can’t believe him.. I told him to stay indoors especially tonight...” 
“Madam, I’m so sorry, next time I’ll be more careful in watching him...” 
You slowly opened your eyes after hearing the whispers, and when you finally regained consciousness you sprouted up from the bench. 
“Is the wolf okay? Are they okay?” You panicked. 
Dr. Vandyke shifted her glasses and placed a hand on your shoulder. 
“Yes, he’s alright.” She reassured. 
You let out a sigh of relief. 
“It was a good thing you brought him here... any longer and he’d have died,” 
You took a deep breath and sat back down. Looking at your jeans and shirt you rolled your eyes. 
“You can take a shower upstairs if you’d like,” She went on, “I don’t think you’d want to go to work like that.” 
You checked the time on your phone, and gasped. It was already 7 in the morning, and you had work at 10. You thanked her and followed the man upstairs. He gave you a towel and washcloth, you thanked him and got inside. It seemed that Dr. Vandyke lived upstairs, and was nice enough to let you use her shower. You stripped, looking in the mirror in disbelief how disheveled you were. Turning the hot water on in the shower, you recalled the earlier conversation that woke you up in the first place.
Why were they talking as if they had already known the wolf? You thought. You jumped into the shower and the warmth of the water hitting your body felt right. You were finally able to relax. When you were done you wrapped the towel around your body and opened the door. There stood before you what looked to be a beast, standing on two legs while eating an apple. You shrieked, slamming the door and slipping on the wet floor. 
“What the fuck was that!?” You screeched. 
Panting, you gripped onto your towel brighter. You heard a knock on the door. 
“I won’t hurt you...” you heard as the deep solemn voice heard behind the door. 
“Thank you for saving me last night,” You heard again, “I promise I won’t hurt you, I’ll leave...” 
You slowly got up, took a deep breath and opened the door to take a peak. The beast was gone, and you almost dashed out of the bathroom. Finding yourself in what looked to be the living you saw the beast again, this time sitting down- like a human on a white couch. You stood still. Your eyes kept trying to process what you were seeing. 
“Wha-what is going on...” You whispered, your eyes welling up. 
The more you looked at him, the more you noticed things you had not seen before. He had on your plaid shirt wrapped around his waist, a bandage around the same area of the wound of the wolf you found, and your brain putting two and two together figured it out. 
“You’re the... wolf...” 
The beast jumped up, wagging his tail and pointing his claws toward you.
“Yeah! Yeah! You saved me!” 
You flinched, trying not to get too close. 
“Why are you talking? And standing on two legs?” 
The beast stopped. He got on all fours like a wolf and sat up like a dog. You almost wanted to laugh but you were too confused to even process what you were seeing. 
“He’s a werewolf,” You heard from behind.
You spun around and it was Dr. Vandyke. 
“A what?” You asked in disbelief. “No... no way... isn’t that just an urban legend..” 
“No, he’s a werewolf and I’m his mother. I’m human by the way so don’t worry, I won’t eat you.” She joked. 
You smiled half-heartily at her dark joke, but you were naked and defenseless. This is obviously the part where they kill you for knowing a crazy secret like this. Backing away, you tried to find the nearest exit to escape. 
“He’s harmless- you don’t need to feel so restless. I have some clothes waiting for you,” She continued, “Ronan! Go get the young lady the clothes I laid out!” 
After hearing the command he perked up and ran towards the back and the whole apartment shook. A few moments later he came back with clothes in his mouth. Uneasy, you took a couple steps back and he placed them on floor, running back to the spot he was before. Picking them up while maintaining eye contact, you quickly dashed back to the bathroom and locked the door. 
Your heart beating quickly, you threw on the clothes and exited the bathroom what felt like seconds later. Dr. Vandyke now sitting on the couch and petting the werewolf, you asked if you could leave. 
“Why are you asking? It’s not like we’ll hold you hostage... just make sure you don’t tell anyone about this and we’re all good!” She smiled. 
You nodded furiously in agreement and ran out of the apartment, back downstairs to the clinic. You saw your keys and purse near the bench, quickly snatching them and headed towards the door. Diving into your car you started it and drove away. Your anxiety and blood pressure rising, you could no longer contain your emotions and started yelling as you drove away. 
•• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ••                 •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ••
A couple of days passed, and you were in your apartment still in your bed, trying not to think about what conspired a few days ago. You took the day off, which you never do, but it was clear you were having trouble concentrating at work. While playing on your phone you got a call from one of your friends.
“Hey, [Y/N] what’s going on with you?” 
“Nothing... I’m good...” 
“Uh.. yeah right. That’s why you haven’t texted any of us in almost a week.” They snapped. 
You sighed and rolled your eyes. You got off the bed and headed towards the kitchen.
“I’m sorry for not calling you guys but I’ve been going through some things...” 
Just as you were going to turn into the kitchen you see a tall dark figure rummaging through your fridge. Shocked, you drop your phone from you hands and clasped your hands on your mouth. 
The figure reared it’s head and turned to you, let out a yelp and fell to the ground. Upon closer inspection it was the wolf from before, in your apartment, with a piece of old Chinese noodles hanging from his mouth. 
“Sorry, sorry...” The wolf spoke. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” You hissed. 
The wolf stood up, almost hitting his head on your ceiling. You flinched, and he went back to being on all fours like a regular wolf. 
“I came to apologize, and thank you for the other day...” 
You nodded.
“Okay, well you have to leave. I have a roommate and if they see you they’ll freak.” 
The wolf began to whimper, pointing his snout down to you and looking up at you with his puppy-dog eyes. You groaned, slamming the fridge door and motioning for him to follow you. You were still uneasy with his presence but it was clear he was not really a threat to you. Entering your room, the werewolf immediately pounced on top of your bed, only for you to instinctively yell ‘down boy!’. 
He listened and hopped off the bed and on the floor. You dusted off your bed and sat down as far apart from him as you could. 
“Okay, what do you need to say to me?” 
Positioning himself, he sat on his butt, his tail wagging and crossed his legs exactly like a human. He fiddled with his paws, which her as long as fingers with long sharp nails. The more you stared at him the more you saw more human like features. You wondered if he even had a human form. 
“Well... you saved my life... and I wanted to say thank you... although I did not expect to scare you...” 
“I-It’s okay... I’m glad you’re okay,” You answered reluctantly. 
Still fiddling with his claws, his tail stopped wagging he looked up at you directly in the eye. Your body stiffened, and you felt your heart beat faster. 
“I apologize, for damaging your car and shirt too...” 
You shook your head.
“It’s okay... Is that all?” 
He looked sad, and you felt bad. Everything in you was to be as scared as possible, but another part of you wanted to pet him as if he was like a real dog. 
“I’m sorry... actually do you want something to eat?” You asked hesitatingly. 
His face brightened up and he shot up, hitting his head on the ceiling. You let out a light chuckle and got up, telling him to stay put while you go cook.
“Ah, wait- before I go... can you eat human food?” 
He looked to be frowning and responded offended. 
“Of course I can eat human food! I’m half human, though I can’t eat chocolate but other than that-” 
This time you laughed harder, with your head all the way back. He looked at you perplexed but seemed amused by your amusement. You closed the door and started to cook. This seemed like the beginning of a weird friendship. 
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whump-tr0pes · 5 years
Whumptober day 20
Continuing for David & Nia. Read shaky hands, gunpoint, dragged away, isolation, stab wound, shackled, scars, humiliation, “don’t move”, adrenaline, tear-stained, pinned down, “stay with me”, muffled scream, asphyxiation
cw: death
Prompt: trembling
David broke through the trees and set his eyes on the house. She’s in there. She has to be. He checked his watch. 0201. He drew his sidearm.
Perfectly silently, he crouched and jogged to the house. He was grateful for the cover of darkness. He’d only spotted one of Graylan’s men as he hiked in. For such a special target, Graylan hadn’t set up a lot of security. He probably thinks he threw us off with the VPN. The house was one story and small. He put his hand on the knob and turned.
The door slowly swung open. There’s no way… Graylan was either incredibly confident that he was safe, or this was a trap. It wouldn’t be this obvious if it were a trap. He carefully stepped inside.
As soon as he stepped inside he knew it was a safehouse. No windows, he realized. Weird. Slowly he began to clear the house. All the lights were off, except for one in a room at the end of the hallway.
Bang. A bullet pierced his leg and he went down. Someone barreled into him and knocked him to the floor. The man punched him in the back of the head and David momentarily saw stars. His gun was wrestled away from him. He was jerked to his feet, hands held tightly behind him.
“Lee!” came the voice. Graylan’s voice. Once David was able to focus he saw him standing in the hall, lit from behind by the light in the room. He had a grin plastered on his face. “I’m actually very surprised to see you. I should have figured, though. Nia’s been telling me all about you. It’s been a fun conversation. Carson, bring him on over.”
Carson shoved David forward, keeping a grip on his wrists. He stumbled the few steps down the hall and into the doorway of the lit room. As soon as he saw Nia, his heart dropped. She was restrained to a chair, her arms pulled behind her and shackled with handcuffs. Her head drooped nearly to her lap. David’s mind froze when he saw she was covered in blood.
He raged and yanked against Carson. The bigger man wrapped an arm around David’s neck and squeezed. David stopped struggling and tried to pull Carson’s arm away from his neck. Carson’s arm tightened more and he stiffened.
Graylan sauntered over to Nia. “I really was gonna try to wait the full 24 hours, but might as well end this now. This is a weirdly convenient opportunity.” David tried to rip himself away from Carson. Carson kicked him in the back of the leg, right over his gunshot wound. He groaned and stopped fighting for a moment. Carson drew his gun and pressed it against the side of David’s head.  
“Hey Nia.” Graylan slapped her across the face. She didn’t react. “Time’s up. They didn’t deliver the ransom.”
That’s a lie. They were prepared to deliver the money, just in case David failed. This is Graylan’s final torture. Nia’s last moments would be spent in despair.
Graylan leaned closer to Nia and pulled back her hair. It was dripping wet and streaked with blood. Graylan’s voice became almost gentle. “I almost wish I hadn’t broken you,” he whispered. “It was a lot of fun but…I see why David wants you.” He pulled her hair back, lifting her face to him. David could see her eyes were unfocused and glazed over. “Speaking of David, he actually showed up. Want to say hi? He’s right over there.”
No answer. She was beyond him, beyond everyone.
Graylan’s voice turned cold. “Answer me,” he demanded. Before David could realize what he was doing, Graylan drew his gun and fired it into her foot. She screamed, the scream of a wounded animal. Graylan waited for an answer and shrugged when her cries trailed off into silence again.
Graylan put the gun to her head and checked his watch. “Eh, 2:06. Close enough.”
David screamed. “Nia! NO!” His mind went blank. He grabbed the gun pressed to his head with one hand and forced it backwards. He pulled the trigger with his thumb. The sound of the gunshot deafened him in his right ear. He felt blood spatter the back of his head and Carson crumpled to the ground behind him.
Gun still in hand, he aimed it at Graylan. Graylan did not even have time to look up before he was dead.
David rushed to Nia and knelt at her side. Her face was pale and drawn with agony. Her eyebrow and lip were gashed open, leaving streaks of blood down her face. Her hair was tangled and matted with blood and sweat. Or water? Her arms were marked with angry, swollen welts that were bruising already. Some were leaking blood. Her entire right arm was slick with blood coming from a stab wound in her shoulder. There was a compression bandage around her thigh, soaked through and dripping blood. She was pale and cold and trembling violently.
David grabbed his pager and sent a frantic message: Got her. Send medical.
Working silently, he reached for a handcuff key in his pack and unclasped the handcuffs. As they came away he saw the deep cuts they had left in her wrists. As gently as he could, he eased her onto the floor.
David pulled off his med bag and quickly got to work. I have to stop the pain, I have to give her morphine. His hands shook as he assembled the syringe and needle. His thoughts were jagged and chaotic. No no no wait, blood pressure, if she’s shocky… He pulled out his cuff, praying for a solid pressure. His hands shook as he took it. 112/68. I’ll take it. He put a tourniquet around her arm and felt for a vein. He deftly slid the needle under her skin and injected half the syringe.
Please, please, please let the morphine start working. A small sound came from Nia’s lips. She whimpered.
David was instantly more alert. “Nia.”
A broken sob rose from her throat. “Please…don’t…”
David’s eyes filled with tears. “Nia. It’s me. It’s David.”
“Yes, it’s me. I won’t hurt you, Nia. Oh god, you’re ok. It’s alright. It’s gonna be ok. I’m going to help you. Just hang on. I need to check you for injuries, alright?”
She nodded, her head falling back onto the floor.
His hands went to her head first. Nothing but the gash on her eyebrow and some bruises to her face. He moved lower, to her neck. His stomach dropped as he saw a thin, purple bruise encircling her throat. Her neck was bruised with clear handprints in a muddle of purple and brown. He strangled her. Multiple times. He swallowed a lump in his throat. There were a few superficial cuts from where David was sure Graylan had held a knife there. His stomach heaved in revulsion as he noticed a red, oozing bite mark on her neck. There was one deep cut down the back of her neck. He moved on to her chest. He gingerly lifted her shirt to survey the damage. Her chest, abdomen, and back were a mess of bruises. The skin was raised and broken in some areas. His hands shook as he pressed against her ribs. He felt a few give way and Nia whimpered. Broken. He listened to her lungs. He heard the rumble of fluid as she breathed. He waterboarded her. He swallowed the bile rising in his throat and moved on.
Her left forearm looked broken. He could see the lump of displacement under the skin. I’ll come back to that. I’ll come back to all of it. He found the stab wound that was still oozing blood over her shoulder. It opened up into a laceration that he followed with his hands down her shoulder blade onto her back. He found another bite mark on her shoulder. For a moment, tears blinded him. He found a cut along the underside of her arm. He found a stab wound that went completely through her left forearm. Miraculously, it wasn’t bleeding too badly. When David put his hands on her hips, she stirred.
“I’m here.”
“Am I dead?”
“No, Nia.” He stroked her cheek with his thumb. “No. You’re alive.”
“He told me you weren’t coming,” she whispered. “He told me…you…couldn’t find me.”
“No.” Tears were rolling down his cheeks.
“You came for me though.” She smiled and he saw blood staining her teeth. “You came.”
He couldn’t hold it back. He let out a sob. “Yes, Nia. I will always come for you, always.” He held her hand to his face and pressed it there.
Nia took a deep, rasping breath as the first wave of the morphine washed over her. Her body relaxed and her eyelids fluttered closed. He quickly got back to work, confident he wouldn’t be hurting her more.
He reached for the compression bandage on her leg. Her pants were soaked with blood from the seat all the way down her leg. How long did he let this bleed before he bandaged it? He didn’t want to remove the compression bandage. It might start bleeding again, and worse. He pulled a pair of shears out of his pocket and cut both the legs up to the thigh. He found more welts and bruises. Her foot was dripping with blood and making a puddle on the floor.
He pulled the bag closer to him. He pulled out a fresh compression bandage and placed it over the one soaked with blood. He tightened it down until he was confident the bleeding had stopped. He moved to the stab wound in her shoulder. When he touched it, it began bleeding more heavily. He stuffed the wound with hemostatic gauze and wrapped it up. He bound the wound in her forearm. That one has almost stopped bleeding entirely. He pushed a small square of gauze into the wound on her foot and wrapped that, too. I’ve stopped the bleeding but there’s so much more that she needs done…
He started an IV in her arm. He carefully prepped the blood and started the transfusion. Content with that, he gently wrapped the torn skin around her wrists and eased her broken arm onto a SAM splint. He wrapped it tightly so it wouldn’t jostle. He covered her with a dry towel that was in the room, and the space blanket.
He got to his feet, trying to ignore the wound in his leg. He tried to look away from the room but he couldn’t help but notice the streaks of blood on the floor. The floor was wet. He quickly put that out of his mind. I’ve got work to do. He dragged Graylan’s body out of the room to the end of the hall. He heaved Carson’s body on top of him. He took both their sidearms and rifled through their pockets for anything they had on them. David counted his ammo. 28 rounds. That’s all I got. He tucked the weapons away and placed his hand on the doorknob. Time to go kill these motherfuckers.
Next chapter
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bubblelliot · 4 years
Here's my second character! I will also present their teammates a bit since the crew is much more like a family this time! (Might also add pics of the others in following posts and MAYBE of his animals too)
Særos Sandiel and The zookeepers
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(This art is a picrew which I do not have the rights on, here is the link to it: https://picrew.me/image_maker/62745)
The name of the team mostly comes from a joke saying that "Mama Lyræ is our zookeeper and that we are the Zookeepers to a ton of pets. Also, Yarina can shapeshift into beasts sooooooo yeah.
Særos is my very first character played in D&D. We actually started playing on the other game I talked about last time, but we switched to D&D. His character sheet is actually available on DND beyond, but I'm still gonna give details here.
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Those are his attributes. (He actually got an additional point of charisma after I wrote this and was too lazy to take another screenshot sorry x) )
He is recorded as a high Elf, but is actually of two different bloodlines. He is VERY young for an elf, but his exact age is unknown (well yes but know, you'll see). He has 5 wizard and 2 cleric levels, making him currently level 7.
I am NOT gonna go through everything Særos has, cause that would be VERY long. He has a heavy armor, he has a staff of healing and a shortsword, but he mostly uses his magic. He also has, in his spellbook, a collection of dried flowers.
Særos has a TON of pets he acquired through the different quests the party went on. The first one is a frog named Lepiota he found wounded and saved. He then bought an old black cat he named Persephone (even if the cat is a male 😂). Finally, he also bought two ferrets (fluffy noodles ❤️❤️) which he named Elton and Freddy (this one was as a reference to one of our former player who really loves Elton John and Freddy Mercury). He loves them with all his heart and will absolutely kill anyone who tries to hurt his babies.
Særos' main ally is, obviously, his twin, Edran. They are very similar, but Særos is usually pretty well kept with his short hair always brushed and his braids made every morning, whereas Edran is a bit shorter, more immature, usually pretty dirty with blood all over their clothes (which are poofy dressed he hides poison in 😂) and messy hair. There is also Lyræ. She is a paladin coming from far away lands. She is a human with elf ancestors and dragon blood. She has a wife and children and thus, she is pretty much the mom of the group. (The DM literally gave her two custom attacks she can use in RP: the flick of anger that gives 1pt of bludgeoning + 1pt of psychic damage and the disapproving look that gives 2pts of psychic damage everytime she does it + makes the target intimidated). Then, there is Finian, a human assassin. Finian and Særos are pretty neutral about each other, but Edran is in absolute admiration of him, so Særos is grateful that Finian doesn't just shatter his sibling's trust. The last member, who was actually someone that was rescued by the party, is Yarina. She is a very shy aasimar and is pretty much the definition of being pure EXCEPT she is obsessed with daggers (no joke, she has 23 of them). They were recently joined by a rogue elf called Adressin who actually attacked them at first.
This picrew is already pretty accurate. Særos (as well as Edran actually) has blond almost white hair, but it's actually fluffier than on the picture. He has two braids, one in front of each ear, a few freckles and red-pink eyes. He is very pale, quite small and very frail. He looks pretty androgynous and rather young, though he usually passes as a bit older since he is an elf.
Backstory and campaign:
So the campaign isn't really a big story like in Rhodrag's case, so I'll tell the party's story, but not the quests.
The twins' first memory is waking up in a bed, only knowing their name. They meet with the lovely wood elf lady who save them, and learn they were found in the sand by a nearby river. For that reason, they are given the last name "Sandiel".
They live a relatively normal life with her, for around 10 years, until they are attacked by drows. Their adopted mother successfully hides them by using magic and they learn they are wanted because they are part drow and part high-elf, meaning pretty much every every elven races will want to kill them. The woman successfully protects the twins. She is taken out of the house and, to this day, the twins don't know what happened of her, whether she was killed or taken.
They left and reached a nearby city. There, they survived by stealing and being street entertainers (for example, even if he has no rogue level, Særos is proefficient in stealth, sleight of hands, deception, etc. He also is proefficient in performance. He learned to sing, the art of divination and a bit of magic.)
One night though, Særos came back to their hiding place to find his sibling dead. All he could understand was that they died of both malnutrition and hypothermia.
Out of desperation, he tried every spell he knew, but nothing happened. He tried reanimation, but it had been to long. Out of despair, he prayed any god possible to help him, saying he couldn't live in this unfair world without Edran.
A god did answer. He is actually a god from the other game we started the campaign in before switching to DND.
He is called Nuodai the Trickster.
He offered a deal to Særos: he would bring back Edran and even guarantee him power and success, and in exchange, when Særos would be powerful enough, the Trickster would take his elven traits which hold part of his powers, as well as 200 years of his life. Out of desperation, Særos accepted.
He woke up the next morning. His sibling was by his side, clearly not dead, but not entirely alive. They were now a revived.
Things went on, Edran not knowing, and Særos eventually stopped thinking about the deal, only happy to have his twin back. They moved from the city, trying to reach a bigger one, and were, once again, attacked by drows. He used a spell to put his twin in safety and attacked the drows, but was, if course, neutralized.
He was taken and they made him a slave while they tried to capture Edran to kill them together.
Fast forward, Edran is taken into an underdark prison. He meets again with his brother and both if them are beaten up. They successfully defend though and they are thrown in a cell as it is decided they're are to be executed the next day. This is where they meet Lyræ and Finian.
They plan to escape as well as a few other NPCs. They are able to leave the cell and steal a bit of stuff while a vrock attacks the guards. They escape and reach a teleporter. There, Særos successfully brings everyone back to the surface. Newly free, they all start to look for a village. After properly introducing each others, they finally reach a tiny elf village. The twins stay as stealthy as possible but end up being noticed and attacked by guards. They then have a choice: they could be changed into simple would elves or they have to leave. Særos knows it's not gonna work on Edran, and bargains to be able to stay. At first, the headmaster threatens to kill him for that, but he ends up agreeing to let them in the city, guarded, until the night falls.
They then shop and leave the city.
They end up in a forrest Særos realizes is corrupted. There, they were attacked by a HUGE snake touched by the corruption. At first, everyone tries to kill it except Edran and quickly, Særos and Finian join them. Særos finally cuts the tip of it's tail where the corruption was and Edran and Finian calm it.
Lyræ is terrified of it and finally lets them all know that her best friend was killed by a giant snake who ate her alive. (This is freaking terrifying yo.)
In the end, a fight starts and Særos, enraged, leaves everyone and runs towards the center of the corruption. There he is attacked by corrupted elves and tree creatures we happily called Groots. Edran joins him and Særos basically rages (he used they most powerful spell he had and literally exploded them.
Edran, while attacking, starts gaining weird memories.
Fast forward to the end of the quest, Særos is happily searching for animals and flowers when he and Edran hear strange noises coming from a tree. Edran climbs it and a wood elf girl falls from the tree, before Edran jumps on her from the too of the tree.
The team introduced themselves to her and she happily talks to them. So yeah, that's how we met Nayhru.
The team reaches a weird village and after the whole snake incident, leaves the party for a while, promising to find them again soon and assuring she would always be closer than they think.
They reach the village which reveals to be a village of gnomes and there they meet with a gnome (who's player inspired the names of my furrets x) ) and a Goliath travelling together. They all find the village empty before being attacked by a troll and... Metal gnomes?
They kill them, uneager to die, and search the village. They find flowers in the middle of the village and Særos takes one for his collection. Særos and Edran are attacked by an ooze and at some point, the ooze attacks Edran just before being killed by Nayrhu. At that moment, Edran starts turning into a robot as well, with the corruption growing from their arm. Særos tries to cut off the arm, but us unable and the corruption takes Edran's whole body.
They leave the village and are able to find a Druid eager to help them make a cure for Edran and the gnomes, but he needs Elder sage. He describes it and Særos shows his flower to the Druid, who confirms it is Elder sage. They go back to the village to get flowers, cane back and turned Edran back into a flesh being.
And that's when they remembered dying and being brought back to life. Edran and Særos cried in each other's arms and then continued on.
They got in a cavern near the village from where the trolls always came. There, the found a girl, chained, with glowing wings. They freed her and she introduced herself as Yarina. (Fun fact: Yarina's player is my SO, and both Yarina and Særos have the spell suggestion, so when the crew found a the boss hiding something, we just made it run away. Nice. )
The team found a clockwork dragon and helped it. They then left again. Finian had to leave a couple times, and at some point, the team realized that, even if they are young, the twins were actually a lot older than they thought: They assumed Edran's death happened when they were around 13 and that it had been around 6 years, meaning Særos was actually around 19.
They were reunited with Lyræ and began other quests. In one of them, the team encountered a wishing fountain that filled any wish you had under certain conditions. Særos asked to know his whole story, from the lives of his parents up to now. The fountain gave him a magic book that tells his story and updates. It has no name so Særos just calls it The story book.
Some time passed and the team continued on. They were traveling to the capital until one night, Nayrhu and Edran caught a thief about to steal their stuff. They quickly stopped him and realized he was very young. Instead of kicking his butt, they woke up the whole team and decided together to bring him to the capital and help him make money to survive there. And that's how they met Adressin.
The zookeepers reached the capital where they are supposed to find Finian who joined outlaws he met in another quest.
Before finding Finian, they decided to do a few quests to earn money with Adressin.
Everyone through the day kept noticing Særos bring super bold, a lot bolder than he usually is, for example, telling Yarina who was wearing a magic dress that she looked "Incredibly beautiful" as if she was "made if pure light". No one really thought anything of it though and just shoved it away.
One night, they decided a drinking contest was a good idea and everyone joined except Adressin. The next morning, everyone was doing good, maybe a tad nauseous, except for Lyræ and Særos who were absolutely fucked up. They both used spells to heal their hangover, but Særos remained mildly unwell, choosing to go on their quest anyways.
Symptoms were the following:
-A headache that was mostly located to the top front of his head
-His low back itching and hurting a LOT
-His eyes feeling dry
No one really knew what was going on, some didn't even really notice.
As they went on with their first quest, they started noticing weird stuff about Særos' appearance: His hair looked more golden than white, as they used to, there were two bumps appearing on his forehead around the location of his headache, his eyes looked.... Weird...? But no one really saw anything peculiar, his skin, usually also white, now looked kinda pink.
He doesn't really notice the changes and doesn't understand what is happening which utterly FRIGHTENS him, but he hides it. Yarina started understanding what was happening and Edran out all the pieces together and now they know everything.
To be continued...
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breathinginthevapor · 6 years
“Maybe we should just marry each other”
Summary: Your friends are getting married, and you're still stuck being in love with the one guy you'll never get a chance with: your best friend Calum Hood.  
A/N: This is fluff so pure it could've been written by a kitten and I am usually SO bad at writing fluff. It might have something to do with it being like one year old because I thought my PC deleted it but I found it alongside many other pieces, (including the beginning of In Another Life) and I actually really like it. Please leave feedback, it would mean a great deal to me! (and can we just talk about how I wrote about Mike and Crys getting engaged a fucking year before it happened?)
I don’t own the picture, it’s from Calum’s instagram.
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He’s sitting in the sunlight, a baby blue button-up complimenting his tan skin and his brown eyes almost golden, reflecting the rays of the sun. His face lights up in big grin and your heart swells at the sight. How can he be so beautiful?  
“You’re drooling, sweetie.” You turn around at the sound of Crystals voice, her worried eyes meeting yours. You can feel your cheeks heating up and curse yourself for being so obvious.  
“I am not!” you object when you’ve gotten yourself together. She shoots you a small apologetic smile.  
“You are. And I don’t blame you Y/N, I just don’t want to see you getting hurt.” She pulls you into a tight hug, calming you down and you telepathically thank Michael for bringing her into your life. She always looks out for you and knows what you need, and you are internally grateful for the way she has your back.  
“I know. Thank you for being here for me, Crys, but I can take care of myself. I promise.” Crystal nods and smiles again before pushing you in the direction of your best friends.  
“Of course you can sweetie. Go enjoy yourself now, you’re only young once, you know!” you laugh at her last words and wink at her before making your way to the boys. They’re all dressed a little more formal than usual but still with the little twist that lets their personalities shine through. It’s a wonder how the boys you grew up with and watched go through awkward emo phases developed such a great fashion sense.  
“Hey Y/N,” Ashton says and shoots you a big smile. The four boys are sitting in the grass with beers in their hands and comfortable facial expressions. It’s not often they have time for things like these so when they finally do, they make sure to enjoy it to the fullest.  
“Hi guys,” you great them before sitting down beside Calum in the grass. He looks at you smiling, and your pulse slows down. No matter what, Calum’s presence always makes you calm.  
“How is Crys handling the grill?” Michael asks worriedly, clearly not trusting his fiancée 100% with the cooking. You laugh, assuring him she’s doing fine. “I think I’m gonna go check up on her either way,” he says, standing up. “And Y/N, don’t think I’ve forgotten about the Just Dance duel you’ve promised me. I’m gonna win that shit.” All of you laugh and Michael smiles wryly.  
“Not a chance, Clifford.” He shows you the middle finger and winks at you before going to greet his fiancé. He embraces her and kisses her hair, and your purple-haired friend smiles so bright you’re sure she outshines the sun. The love they share is both hypnotizingly and painfully beautiful because while you’re so insanely happy for them, you’re also so jealous it hurts. They have exactly what you long for with your entire being while the odds for you getting it anytime soon seems so small it’s pathetic.  
“Isn’t it crazy? Our friends are getting fucking married. We are getting that old, guys,” Luke says, and the thought finally hits you. You’ve known these guys for the bigger part of your life and without really noticing it, you’ve gotten so old that people your age are starting their own families. And here you are, on the contrary: single, living alone in your apartment with a cat that only really likes you when you feed him, your best friends gone for most of the year and in love with a guy that’ll never reciprocate your feelings. What have you done with your life?  
You sink down a lump in your throat, praying that your eyes won’t get watery. It would be so typical you to start crying over something as stupid as this.  
“Wow, that’s just depressing. Thanks, Luke,” Ashton answers. “And I’m even older than the rest of you! I swear to fucking God, I found a grey hair this morning.” You all laugh at the exaggeration of the brown-haired boy and shake your heads in disbelief.  
“Is that a wrinkle right there?” Luke jokingly asks, causing Calum and you to laugh again.  
“Oh fuck off, Hemmings. Wanna play some ball, anyone? I’ll fall asleep if I keep sitting here talking to you idiots.” You stick your tongue out at him, and he rolls his eyes.  
“Real mature, Y/N,” Luke laughs as he stands up, joining Ashton’s proposition.  
“I’ll pass,” Calum says, and you nod, agreeing. The two others go off and starts kicking the ball around, careless expressions and big smiles on their faces. Perhaps that’s just how it is when you have a job like they have. Perhaps it’s hard to fully grow up when you don’t face the same challenges as others your age. But no matter what, you hope this immaturity will be in them forever. They wouldn’t be the real them without it, to be honest.  
You yawn, suddenly feeling a bit tired. It’s been a long, good day with your closest friends, but the stress from work has also been taking its toll on you lately, and it’s showing now. Calum looks at you and then scoots closer to you.  
“You can lay your head in my lap if you want. You might be more comfortable that way.” You smile gratefully at him before laying down in the grass with your head in his lap and his hands massaging you scalp with a gentle touch.  
“You’re not saying much today, Cal,” you point out after laying in comfortable silence for a couple of minutes. There’s nothing criticizing in your voice, there never is between you and Calum, it’s only an observation and you don’t punk him for answers but simply give him the chance to explain if he wants to.    
“Nah, I just- I’ve been thinking, ya know?” you look up at him, his eyes locking with yours. They completely capture you they like they’ve done so many times before, the brown orbs leaving you in awe.    
“About what?”  
“I dunno, I just … All this is making me afraid that I’ll end up alone while all of you are starting your own families and I’ll just be left to myself,” he says, looking away. You can sense how serious he is by the way his jaw is clenching, and all you want to do is make him feel better. You know that he’s sometimes been frustrated by the fact that all the other boys have girlfriends they can share their life with while he hasn’t, but then again he hasn’t really done anything about it even though many girls would die to be dating your rock star best friend.  
“Calum, honey, you will never be left to yourself. All of us here today will always there for you, you know that,” you assure him, gently grabbing his head and turning it towards you. “Besides, I can’t imagine I’ll find someone that’ll want to share their life with me anytime soon, or perhaps ever, either. We can be lonely together.”  
He shakes his head, not agreeing with you.  
“Of course you will. You are clever and beautiful and sweet and funny and you make the best apple pie ever. Any man would be a fool not to fall in love with you,” he argues, looking you in the eye to show you how much he means what he says.  
“You seem to be the only one who thinks so, Cal. I haven’t had a boyfriend or even gone on a third date for years,” you sigh, not telling him the real reason behind the lack of romance in your life. How could you go out with some random guy or girl when your heart is set on someone else?  
“Maybe we should just marry each other then? Buy a nice house in the suburban and get a dog and perhaps a baby one day.” You can’t decide whether he’s joking or not. His voice is trembling, although serious but there’s a smile on his lips that you don’t quite know how to interpret. But when he laughs, your heart breaks. Because everything he just described is what you so desperately want for your future and it’s all just a joke to him.  
“I- I- I think I’m gonna go help Crys and Mike,” you whisper, feeling the tears forming in your eyes and standing up as fast as possible to prevent him from seeing how affected you are. But contrary to what you had hoped for, he stands up beside you.  
“What’s wrong, Y/N? Did I overstep? I’m sorry, please don’t be mad at me,” he begs, sounding more desperate than ever. You turn your face away, trying to hide your tears but he notices, of course he does. You’ve been best friends for almost two decades, after all. He grabs your arm, gently turning you around so you face him.  
“I can’t do this, Calum, please let go of me.”  
He shakes his head. “Tell me what’s wrong and I’ll let you go.” You look him straight in the eye, one small part of you hating him for making you say what you’re gonna have to say. But the rest of you, the bigger part, just loves him with all of your heart.  
“I’m in love with you, you idiot, that’s what’s wrong,” you sigh, voice so low you pray he doesn’t hear you. But you can see it in his face that he does. “And everything you just joked with, it’s my dream, Calum. And the idea is just all fun and games to you.” His grab on you loosens, clearly so shocked by your confession that he forgets to hold on to you. But you don’t run away. After all these years, you deserve a proper rejection. Maybe then you can move on.    
"How- how long?" he asks, when he has gotten back the ability to speak.  
"Since forever, I guess." You shrug, defying the urge to look away.  
“Why didn’t you say anything?” His voice is barely a whisper, but the tension is thick as a brick and you’re sure that the others are watching you right now. They’ve all been waiting for this moment, and you know they’re all anxious to see the outcome.  
“Why should I? I’ve never had a chance, I know that. So tell me, Calum, why should I have told you? Because it sure as hell wouldn’t have made any difference!” You’ve raised your voice now, the sharp tone in your voice unfamiliar to both yourself and the Maori boy across you.    
“A difference? It would have changed everything, dammit!” he shouts, his face growing almost red with anger. “I’ve loved you my whole life and now you come and say you’ve felt the same for me? What the fuck, Y/N!”  
You are in shock. Completely. This can’t be true. You’ve spent so many years telling yourself it was hopeless while he has felt the same for you.  
“You- you’re lying,” you whisper, suddenly not having the energy to raise your voice anymore. He shakes his head, taking deep breaths as to calm himself down.  
“I’m not.” He walks closer to you, slowly like he’s afraid you’ll run away. But his eyes are back to normal and the anger is completely gone from the brown orbs. And how could you ever run away from him? He´s magnetic to you, always pulling you back if you stray too far away.  
“You promise? That you’re in love with me?”  
“I promise.”  
He puts his hand on your cheek, the rough skin from playing stringed instruments all his life caressing you. And you expect to see a different face, any sign that something’s changed but you find nothing. And then you realise it’s because he’s always been this way. Because, if he’s being honest with you (which you’re pretty sure he is, Calum has never been able to fool you with any lie) then he has always loved you. Nothing’s changed, you just haven’t realized before now that the way he carried you home when your feet hurt too much was more than just a friendly gesture, that the way his gaze lingered a little longer on you than everybody else was because he cared more for you than he dared to admit and that his “I-love-you”s wasn’t the kind you told your best friend. It was more.  
And when he kisses you, first hesitant but then, when you kiss him back with greater force, more insistently. And although it’s not fireworks, it’s some sort of release which feels much better. It’s years of emotions unwinding and freeing themselves from their cage. And when you pull away from each other, only to put your forehead against his where you can still feel his breath against your lips, you are both shaking.  
“I wish we’d been a little smarter so we could have done this every single day of our lives,” he says. You smile, silently agreeing with him and then you place your lips on his for the second time.  
“Finally!” Michael yells, and the others cheer.  
“Took you long enough, huh?” Ashton says, but neither you nor Calum listens to them. Perhaps everyone knew besides yourselves, but this is your moment, and you won’t let them interfere.  
“I'm pretty sure love you, Calum Hood.” He smiles, pulling you in a little tighter.  
“And I'm absolutely certain that I love you, Y/N. More than anything.” And when you’ve kissed one more time, you finally let go of each other and turn to your friends who are all looking at you with happy faces. Perhaps you and Calum will have your own wedding one day, but for now you just focus and Michael and Crystal’s. You’ve got all the time in the world, after all.  
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themsgdiaries · 5 years
How I feel about the current health crisis is constantly changing from time to time. While I am bottling my security from the word of God, the situation also revealed to me some behaviors which slipped in. The reality is when I haven't felt the impact it can affect on the grounds I am at, maybe I care lesser than any person I know--I was less worried than them. Oblivious of its damage, I was the one behind my computer screen wondering about the crash of my little shares in stock market debating if I will still hold or sell. Glutton and heedless as I can be, I bought a few more shares.
When news ringed to my ears about the outbreak, I was that one grabbing newspapers in the public places and the newspaper shelves at Ocean campus. I was that one stealing hours from my study time to research what is happening in China. I was that instead of maybe folding my hands together.
My Chinese friends experienced discrimination and racism along with the public's fear, so I want to understand things how it shifted from the midst of chaos, people turned to blame and hate. However, I became distant from the news due to the volumes of readings my major classes demand from me because of the coming midterm examinations. The next time I get a sense of what is really happening is from text messages from my family & friends around the globe, but my concerns swell knowing how it has already affected what I have always treated home, The Philippines. That was only the time the lever was pulled and the alarm starts ringing. IT IS HERE. Numbers of cases raise day to day. Then, the impact goes closer under my bootsoles. In the beginning of March, cities & counties around SF were declaring their cases. Trying to be careful between unreliable and reliable news, I became exposed to a plethora of theories, claims, hearsay, and pieces of information. Early March, SF declared its state of emergency not because we have a case but as a preparation to open facilities. Some people did not understand what it means. Other than that, with the muti-cultural and the rich diversity we are in, everyone just became fearful each day. They were all panic buying. Supermarkets and wholesale groceries including Costco were left with empty shelves. Some were fighting over tissue papers and water bottles. Some people who are greedy bought packages of personal hygiene products which they are now selling online tripled its original price.
Is there a coming famine in the land?
The group of friends I am with continually prayed over our lunch at the cafeteria. Some shared how traumatic it is for families living separately in geographic locations, and I know that first hand. Some shared how most people talked with them about the trauma they are experiencing as an international student hearing what is happening in their hometown. Some locked themselves in their rooms. Some called in sick to avoid the outside world. Some relied on and continually meet virtually. Due to this, it encouraged us to seek God more and deeply pray for his loving hands to help us and comfort those people.
I had talked with a coworker about a month ago. I asked her how is she feeling. Instead of telling me how she is feeling, she shared with me what is happening around her and about the news bombarding her. I listened to her interpreting she had these all filled up in her head and claimed this now as her feelings. I asked another coworker and he said if only one of us gets the virus, we will all be infected. But an older coworker answered me differently when I asked her the same question. She told me, "I am not afraid of the virus. If I will get it, God allowed it. If I will die, God knows it". I am not saying her answer is the only correct answer compared to the two, but it conforted me that what she is feeling is mutual as mine, and I think how we look deep down within us is really important even if it screams fear for what or security from who?
Although I am concern, I am not afraid. I know God is bigger than anything in this world and He is always in control . I can always Trust him like how the people of faith from the old and new testament tasted the fulfillment of His promises.
Eventhough, I feel sad about the changes and the news around. I have not buy a can good to stock in my pantry yet. I turned to be this person looking around how most people forget WHO we needed. While some I know figured it out in their lives, most people around were lost, and they are being eaten alive with worries and fear--- and I still give them credit for that. But I just want to say that I hope everyone of us remain calm and cooperate to what authorities are are asking us to do, and if you believe in God, rest in his protection and know that He is almighty! In situations like this, it is easier to see the damages it caused and focus on our own security, let us mourn with those who lost their love ones, and if we can turn it around, let us see that we are so much stronger when we face this all together with the help of our loving and merciful Heavenly Father! Along with that, I made a short list of things we can do to for ourselves while helping the people we love dearly and those around us. (It is on the photos below. 🏞🌅)
As for me, I am continually practicing healthy precautions and I am still trying to inform the public as a student leader. Also, it made me realized how many hours I have for myself right now because of changes, but I am grateful knowing that I can spend those hours nurturing my spiritual needs along with my body and mind, so I had developed my plans already.
Last night at my church, my pastor who is also a full-time registered nurse shared how things are going on in his workplace. While many of them were courageous enough to be at their work, most of these medical staff were driven with fear to be exposed thinking of their families at home; just like many we know. Some of them forget their disaster badges, so they call in sick to not do the work. Thankfully, some of them encouraged one another that this is the time they are truly needed: Compassion, service, and kindness. If only one can speak positivity and hope even though it will not change the situation in a second, we can lighten the burden instantly.
Earlier that night, I meet with a group of Christian leaders and staff with my sister. We talked about how most people in this health crisis, and how we can still continue our ministry. Name & Name developed this article of ideas on how we can still communicate with people we love and how we can still meet them virtually. Ideas on how to still play with your friends. How to make them know you care, and many different things! Feel free to benefit from this. (🔗 is on the comment)
Right now, I am experiencing the transitions and changes the Covid-19 is making in my surroundings' life and in my life. My classes were modified and transitioned online. In short, I will unlikely get the most of this sem. To others, science labs, art classes, and music classes will have to find a way they can do to continue instruction refraining from face-to-face meetings. Most of the faculty & students' plan for the upcoming Spring break was now affected because our Spring break was moved earlier. I know a bunch of people who canceled their trip due to many reasons. However, I do think I needed this break to reflect in life. In a crisis like this, were social distancing is adviced. Ironically, this is also the time where I get to spend (more) time with my family. It made us closer together and apprecaite that families matters for all of us. Moreover, this testing we are facing makes me se how communities come along together in unity, and how peoplw pray for all the world. We will be resilient. We will be prayerful. We can conquer this in God's time and for God's glory.
On the otherside of how I see the silverlining of this crisis, when I received the emails regarding our campus closure and switching into online learning because of the Covid-19 cases happening around us from school to school. I realized how severely critical it is. IT IS HERE. Although there is no case yet at my college, the community is facing it already closer in my proximity. Still, I will chooses to be Calm. Trusting in the plan of the Lord!
This story I am writing is my experience, but it doesn't have to be me or about me. This can be one of the voices of many, this can be one of the feelings of a person in a crowd. This can be a perspective resonating with more than one person in the room, or this can be the realization of "where do I stand" and "what can I do because there is a plague in the land?" or it could be the time where it reveals something important to you when you ask "what do I treasure?", "what am I afraid of?" or a bold statement of "I know God will rescue us."
While I may not be the first one to kneel down and pray in my personal prayer--which I must have done first rather than being concern on my profits and shares-- for the current crisis we are facing, I am so thankful that God warned me the potential of being sef- centered, and he changed me to be compassionate and pray for the world. I am further grateful too because this made me closer to God and realize the potential ministry which can root up from this and how I can develop more into maturity and love for one another. From my experience, I realized a fact that what we are facing right now reveals people's heart's content. It stirred it up and filled it more in so many different ways. That is why I want to pray along with you right now.
Heavenly Father,
There are those families who are worried right now of their family members in their houses and in far places. I pray Lord that you help them not to worry but to understand certain health precautions they needed to do. I pray Lord that you take away the worries in their hearts and that you mercifully replace it with peace that is coming from you. Please grant them security and protection as they do their daily chores and may they always come to you in this time of need.
We also pray for those people who are suffering from the co-vid19 right now; People of different races, rich and poor, young and old. This just shows to as that no one is above any one of us and that we are all equal. Whether we live in the upstate or down in the slums we are out of control in what is happening around us, and we know Lord that you are the only one who is in control of our situation. You alone are above our situation and your name is above this virus. Father, we pray that let everything happen according to your will. May this be an awakening to us to call upon your name and seek your loving hands to guide us on what to do. Also, not only to look back and reflect on how we treated other people or what things we have so far accomplished, but look forward instead for the afterlife we will face most especially after our death. We pray Lord that may this be a turning point to people who haven't know you yet, and may this be an opportunity for your people to give comfort to those who are suffering and ill. May we shed light to those who are in the darkness, confused, and isolated. Use us, Lord, to be a blessing and encouragement to everyone. Give us hands that are helpful and a heart that listens and understands.
We also pray for the families who are bereaved, and for those people who are still in medication. We express our condolences and sympathy to them, and may those people in medication be comforted in their pains. Lord, we ask for your healing hands to grant them the recovery they needed.
We thank you, Lord, for the medical staff, the doctors, the nurses, the aids, and the first responders we have. Thank you, Lord, for their time and the talents and skills you have given them. I pray Lord that you continually give them a strong immune system as they treat and care for patients. Take care of their families, their little ones, their partners, their children as they leave their houses to go into their workplace and give the need of the people infected by the virus. Lord, continually create a compassionate heart like yours to willingly serve along with their disaster badges. Give them strength, wisdom, and understanding as they tend to the needs of everyone. As they look left and right seeing discouraging situations of the reality that we are in a health crisis and they are in a chaotic workplace right now, may they find peace in you Lord. Take away their fears and worries. Grant them security and rest that is coming from you. We thank you for them.
Father, we pray for everyone who is fearful right now. We pray for those people who are transitioning in these changes happening around us. We pray that we become more understanding on the decisions of authorities. Grant us the craft to be creative and find a solution in the changes in our routines. Help us to use our time wisely and productively. Father, we pray for those who are upset for their plans were not able to manifest due to restrictions. For the people who want to meet their families, grant them peace in their hearts so they will not worry as they care for their family. We pray  father that you grant disciple and understanding for students who will face a challenging semester of class suspensions and online learning. We pray that you send help for elderly students who will find it difficult to access technology. We also pray for working students and all employees around the world that you would please provide all their needs as they rely on you despite the cuts in their hours at work or the WFH. We pray that you encourage those who are graduating this year and may they realize that their success is important, but it is not everything that matters. Grant them patience Lord and let them be cheerful in their success. I pray for the parents, Lord. Let their big heart trust in you, oh Lord. Grant them strength and let them know that you are taking care of them and it concerns you whatever their concerns are.
We pray for the church, Lord. Help us to be more prayerful and sensitive to the things we can do to help. Grant us Lord peace that is coming from you which surpasses all understanding. Grant us faith to continually minister to the needs of the people. Strengthen us, Lord, and bless us.
Lord, we declare your lordship above us. We rest in your plans and in your will knowing that you are in control of everything. We know Lord that you are a Big God. We believe in you and we ask that you help us have victory over this virus. As you heal the people and the land which are both sick right now, we ask Lord for forgiveness of our sins and that you cleanse us with the holy blood of the sacrificial lamb, our Lord Jesus Christ. Send healing not only in our physiscal body, but in our spiritual life as well that you might be glorified forever.
Thank you, Lord for our security and our faith to trust in you. Thank you for your love and your grace. May you be lifted high as always. In Jesus name we pray.
Wishing you good health, safe travels, and may peace be with you,
The Msg Diaries
*Due to many responsibilities on school, work, and private meetings The Msg Diaries has to face. This article did not undergo proofreading, so please please forgive and bear with it. Thank you so much! 
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