#GOD khoa is so pretty. anyways
theglidingbat · 2 years
No because Battison with ghostmaker is a fucking hilraious concept and should be explored further... escpically if battison was in BtK
Bruce just awkwardly listing to Anton as he goes on about they're similar goals and just nodding along silently, he still talks in whispers so I imagine him slowly roasting anton back
Minhkhoa would aboulstetly fucking wreck that twink mercilessly, he can't even bring himself to kill that pathetic cat:
Minhkhoa breaking into Wayne manor sees bruce trained by the world's best of the best wearing sunglasses inside his very dark and gothic manor munching on blue berries, bruce just looks up at him and offers him some as well,Khoa reluctantly takes some and seats himself beside Bruce glaring at him
I truly think It would be a one sided rivalry where khoa is a complete tusndere and Bruce is just not responding to said tusndere bullshit [mostly cause he's oblivious but also he's a little shit] either that or he takes khoa WAYYY to seriously and khoa has to awkwardly pat his head in comfort while grimacing
They're dynamic is basically:
Ghostmaker: I have very high standards for who I choose as my mate, plus I don't have time for such stupid and unnecessary things anyways-
Battison: *dripping from head to toe eating cheese while wearing sunglasses*
Ghostmaker: I want him. He's mine now.
Bruce could still very much kick his ass he just refuses to hurt khoa,it pisses khoa off but also when Bruce gets pissed and finally decides to fight him the motherfucker gets more dramatic about how bruce doesn't treat him as his equal and bruce instantly panics trying to comfort khoa while khoa refuses said comfort
Back to the tusndere dynamic cause I find it hilraious:
Imagine batman standing on a rooftop with ghostmaker glaring down at him, he notices that batman managed to get shot again and "reluctantly" helps him stich up the wound
"this doesn't mean anything!"
"I hate you"
"don't look at me like that-"
"OH MY-"
Khoa ended up letting Bruce stay over for the night
He would also either get along with Selina or fucking hate her for flirting with Bruce.
I also imagine him trying to get battison to join him while Battison hides behind alferd who looks unamused
Battison is also very sassy and has no filter sometimes which I think is what led him and khoa to become friends in this universe, they will aboulstetly keep roasting eachother and makeout no matter the universe really
Minhkhoa aboulstetly loves teasing bruce and make him all embarassed and flustered, but when Bruce finally decides to flirt back for once the man's brain short circuits and he goes on a rant about how he's the great ghostmaker he's not fucking pretty-
Oh and battison definitely steals khoa Cape as revenge(yk cause khoa keeps stealing his batsuit and cape) and just wears it around the house to piss khoa off
They're both weird little freaks this is officially my favourite dynamic of them
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3ambat · 2 years
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hi. look at him
Batman: The Knight #9 writing chip zdarsky, art carmine di giandomenico, colour ivan plascencia, lettering pat brosseau, editing ben abernathy
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