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Let me present you with random sketches I did this week to distract myself from the stress in school!
Please have a good laugh at them and take a GOOD look at the raven on the lower right side, hehe.
Thank you for your patience, my friends❤️. I promise I will return in full force as soon as the stress in school is over.
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thecontroll · 2 years
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Some Fc's
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arthurian-owls · 1 year
(please forgive if this is repetitive or incoherent; I am running on very little sleep and an ungodly amount of ibuprophen)
A lot of people don't seem to understand why Coryn is my favorite GoG'h character, so I will put it as simply as possible:
His story marks a very sudden conflict shift from man vs man to man vs self, and that can be jarring. However, I think it represents the heart and soul of the series very nicely and is a well-placed narrative transition.
Coryn’s story moves slowly because it is less about fighting an active threat like many of Soren's stories- Instead of a physical enemy, what Coryn fights is a cycle of abuse; all physical conflict takes second stage to the emotional conflicts he experiences. In The Hatchling, he leaves home and takes the first step to break out of the mindset and environment that he was raised in, but in The Outcast the pace of the story slows down because he isn't running away from Nyra and the Pure Ones- he is in hiding. Coryn spends the book fighting an entirely mental and emotional battle, learning how to really and truly break the cycle of abuse that started with Nyra grooming Kludd into the racist cult of the Pure Ones. *
The fact that Coryn needs to learn basic self-care from a stranger, even though he had long since been flying and hunting before he left home, is a testament to how neglectful Nyra was. In The Outcast, it says “He had learned from Mist how to take proper care of his plummels…” (p 41). Mist had known Coryn for less than a month at that point. That is like never teaching your children to brush their hair, because what use is detangled hair in battle? And that Kathryn Lasky would show this scene, such a small victory that means the world to Coryn, really drives home that the slower pace of his story is a purposeful, meaningful choice. 
Coryn's story has always resonated with me because his battles are entirely internal. Yeah there's action and fighting and adventure, but most of his journey is purely metaphorical. He rises above his circumstances and learns how to love, learns how to think for himself, learns how to become great. Growing up with a mother eerily similar to Nyra, Coryn's story has always served as a huge inspiration to me. He rose above his circumstances and by god, he gave me the courage to rise above my own and believe in the inherent goodness of the world. 
Coryn’s story is an *important* one, even if it is less flashy and exciting than Soren’s.
Thanks for reading! 

*I have spent weeks working on a whole other post about how Kludd was groomed much like how irl teens are groomed into white supremacist spaces online, and will link it here once I am finished.
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leseigneurdufeu · 1 year
after the warrior cats one, here's the guardians of ga'hoole one
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otulissa-archive · 2 years
giggling at this graphic from the art book cuz like. gylfie's really just on his head.
also I like that they put digger/kludd/soren on the same ground plane then twilight's just propped up on his tail
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aevris · 5 years
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working on a ga’hoole au for my ocs and i’m having a great time
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glauxspeed · 5 years
small intro of sorts
hello! I've been a fan of guardians of ga'hoole since childhood, so I decided to dedicate a little blog to it! I read the books and really enjoyed the movie, and I currently have many owl characters and stories I'd like to share within the ga'hoole universe, so please stay tuned! please don't be shy- if you'd ever like to discuss gog'h, hit me up! thanks for stopping by! (this is a side-blog, so my responses will come from my main, @/khuxdul!)
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autumnaltales · 10 years
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scourgetooawesome · 11 years
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*whispers* sprink on your spronk
idk how any can't love otulissa man she's the best owl in the books
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This is Soren, meeting one of my OCs, Melody.
Melody is a beautiful female Greater Sooty Owl that is a singer and travels through the owl kingdoms as she performs. Not only is she incredibly talented, but she is also a Tyto Tenebricosa, a creature of the night and darkness, which pulls many creatures towards her.
Despite the dark reputation of her breed, however, she is an incredibly kind and compassionate owl that leaves a good impression on those she comes across. She is friendly towards everyone, even those who dislike her because of her species, and she adores children.
She and Soren met when she came to the Great Tree to perform and since Soren never encountered a Greater Sooty Owl before, he was astonished by her. Loving to meet new people, Melody of course agreed to meet and talk to him, and she simply fell in love with Soren.
Such a beautiful and kind young soul. He would bring it far in life, she was sure.
Hello my friends!
Back with another art piece and another OC. This time, have a Greater Sooty Owl for you. She is a gorgeous girl, isn't she. Even though she looks VERY similar to someone...but I can't put my finger on who...
ANYWAY, I hope you like it❤️. And if you don't, I hope that you can at least laugh at it.
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What was your first gog’h oc?
My first OC of gog'h IS actually this large bulky owl you've seen in my valentine art piece.
Though back then, he had a different name, his backstory was a bit different and he had a different design. His original name was Vixon, but I've changed it and his name now starts with a B. You can guess what the name is, but it's something I made up so I REALLY doubt that anyone can figure it out.😅
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otulissa-archive · 3 years
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Just some lads preening!
I’ve been casually getting back into Ga’hoole and by that I mean extremely and intensely and now owls have taken over my life again.... I keep thinking about an AU where Phillip and Nyroc/Coryn successfully escape and also get owl married together
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glauxspeed · 5 years
current count of all my gog'h characters: 38...and counting
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autumnaltales · 10 years
Fucking SHIT
Guardians of Ga'hool is on lol bye guys!
See you after the movie!
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scourgetooawesome · 11 years
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old-ish painting of Gylfie because I was testing out some new brushes!
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scourgetooawesome · 11 years
if otulissa isn't your favorite owl then there's something wrong with u
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