killuaisaprincess · 4 months
cotton candy
Gon picks it up and coughs, looking at the price.
20,000 Jenny?!
But feeling Killua’s small fingers gripping his arm…
He takes it and goes to pay.
Killua’s smile alone is worth the hole in his wallet.
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crying-gay-tears · 5 years
Man to Man
The air in Leorio’s fancy high rise office was stuffy. A huge mahogany desk rested in the center of the room, it’s top laden with scattered papers, odd looking trinkets, and a few picture frames holding some familiar smiling faces. The walls were lined with tall, matching mahogany book shelves, boasting an extensive medical encyclopedia collection.
Gon sat in a squishy chair that was parked in front of the desk, waiting patiently as Leorio fumbled with his coffee pot. He laughed to himself when the older man let out a quiet stream of profanities followed by a loud “AH-HA!!” The sound of the machine percolating followed. With a hot cup of coffee in hand, Leorio walked over to the two leather arm chairs facing the window, and motioned for Gon to join him. “The view is nicer over here” he said with a light smile, gesturing towards the huge window. Yorknew city bustled below them, the setting sun enveloped the world outside, casting everything into an orange glow. “Now,” Leorio peeked at Gon over his glasses while he blew steam off of his coffee, “what did you want to talk about?” Gon looked up at him, eyes round and bright. He swallowed nervously and glanced down at his feet before starting. “Well-“ Leorio held up a single finger. “Gon, I’m your close friend, there’s no need to be embarrassed or nervous. We can talk, man to man! Now, look me in the eye, and tell me what’s on your mind!” He squeezed his eyes shut, and with a deep breath and furrowed brow, opened them again, amber orbs now shining with resolve. “Leorio, I want to know about sex!” He blurted out, cheeks on fire and mouth dry. Leorio sputtered, spilling coffee onto his pristine white button down. This was a shock for sure! Gon was at that age, he supposed, but Leorio felt out of depth for this conversation. Why couldn’t Gon just talk to his d—his thoughts stopped in their tracks, he suddenly remembered Ging and wished very much that he could punch him again. Harder this time. His son was here, needing guidance! And where was that sorry excuse for a parent? Who knew?! Damned vagabond. Well, it is what it is, and Leorio was a doctor after all, aside from Gon being his dear friend, this was also his duty as a medical professional. After taking a second to regain his composure, he finally spoke, “Gon, you’re really growing up!” His loud exclamation was followed with a hand reaching over to tousle a patch of black spiky hair. Gon saw a tear glint in his eye. “Does this mean you like someone??” He pressed, shooting a wry smile and leaning over to elbow Gon slightly in the ribs. “Well out with it! Who’s the lucky lady, eh?” Gon’s face was deep red. “I-it...w-well, it’s not...” the boy trailed off, reaching an arm up to rub at the back of his neck. This was harder than he thought it would be. Leorio seemed to understand and took some pity on him. “Don’t worry, Gon. I won’t make you tell me. This talk is embarrassing enough without also having to talk about your crush!” He sipped his coffee before starting again. “Gon, you’re growing up, and with getting older comes new feelings and urges” —Gon cringed— “that may be tough to understand. The most important thing when you’re trying to navigate this new territory is to always be safe! Sex is a wonderful and powerful thing, but sex without safety measures is just dumb!” Gon’s adrenaline was rushing and his heart was fluttering in his chest. “What safety measures?” He asked, voice almost a whisper. “Ah! Good question!” The tall man quickly walked to his desk and rummaged through one of its many drawers. He fished out something small and walked back over to Gon. Taking a seat, he passed the foil square to him. “Do you know what that is?” He quirked an eyebrow at the mortified looking teen. “No... What is it?” “That is a condom. Whenever you want to have sex, you should always use one of those! It keeps you and your lady safe from diseases and unwanted pregnancy!” Gon’s face fell. “O-oh. Okay.” Leorio felt a blush rise in his cheeks. He knew what that disappointment was. “I know you may be thinking it feels better without a condom, but the risk just isn’t worth it! One day you might meet a nice woman and settle down, and you two decide together th—“ “Leorio?” “Eh?” He was a little surprised by the interruption. “I want...” Gon cleared his throat. “I want to know about sex with... boys.” Oh. Oh!! Leorio’s eyes grew wide, a new wave of understanding washing over him. Images of a pale, silver haired teen suddenly flashed through his mind. Everything made much more sense now. Gon, looking mortified, continued. “Aunt Mito talked to me about the birds and the bees a long time ago, but she never went into details. Now that I’m older, I need to know more, so I came to you. I really appreciate you giving me details, I just want to make sure they’re...the /right/ details. I don’t want to mess up or-or do something wrong...” Gon hung his head to hide his blush. His slightly upturned nose was now pointing down at the carpeted floor while his hands fidgeted in his lap. Leorio, still a little lost in thought, shook his head to clear it. “Gon. I appreciate your honesty, and so I’ll be honest in return when I say I don’t have much...er- personal experience in this department. But I can still go over the basics with you, and I can also get some helpful pamphlets from work to give to you. The clinic I work for has got tons of informational pamphlets, I’ll snag two for you in case Ki—“ he stopped himself abruptly. “In case you need an extra.” Gon hadn’t missed this, as was evident from the deepened blush now rising to the tips of his ears. “Let’s go over the mechanics now, eh?” Leorio quickly backpedaled. After a long and awkward talk that involved rolling a condom onto the banana Leorio happened to have in his lunchbox—“Gon! You’re in luck! I ran out of apples this morning!”— Leorio finally stood. “Wait here for a bit, I’ll take the elevator down to the main floor where the clinic is and I’ll bring some stuff back for you.” Gon, still sitting with pink tinged cheeks, nodded a confirmation before he head out the door. Gon’s brain was working in overdrive, trying to process all of the new information he had just received, on top of all the new feelings said information had stirred up. Thoughts of condoms, lube, and a certain blue eyed boy were flashing through his mind as he stared blankly out the window at a darkening sky dotted with city lights. He must’ve been truly lost in thought, as he didn’t even notice Leorio return until a hand was on his shoulder, and a small cellophane bag was being placed onto his lap. “There ya go Gon! It’s your ‘Becoming A Man’ Starter Kit. That should be everything you need. For now, at least. There’s pamphlets, some lube, and some condoms. Make sure you practice putting them on! I can’t tell you how embarrassing it is when you’re in the moment and you can’t figure the damn thing out—” Gon stood abruptly, legs shaky, and threw his arms around his friend. “Thank you, Leorio!” He gave a tight squeeze before letting go. “I appreciate all of your help. I didn’t know who else to go to-“ a long finger wagging in the air cut him off. “Now, now! No need to thank me, I’m your friend, Gon. That’s what I’m here for! Not to mention, this was good practice for me! I am a doctor after all, if I couldn’t handle this, I would’ve needed to turn my license in!” The man laughed. Gon looked up at him with a huge smile. “You’re a great friend, and a great doctor Leorio!” He exclaimed, shooting him a thumbs up. Gon could swear he saw another tear in the corner of Leorio’s eye as he returned the thumbs up. “Ah, well. Thank you Gon. I’m glad you think so! Now, off you go! I’ve got some stuff to check on down stairs and you’ve got some practicing to do!” Gon let out an exasperated groan, and Leorio laughed boisterously as they walked out of the office together.
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andy-loves-corgis · 5 years
All Of The Lights (TRR AU) - Prologue
I’m BACK! With a new story for Drake and his York!
As I said a thousand times, the telling of the story will be a little different, each chapter will tell what happened before this prologue and after at the same time, so you’ll get two stories at once, let’s see if this works out.
I hope you all like it!
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Basically everybody will, at some point, hook up with each other.
Word count: ~1,700
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Kissing The Shorelines
He had sent 63 messages to her since the night before, as soon as he was told what happened he grabbed a backpack a got the first ticket to Cordonia, which meant only the following day, it wasn’t a common flight from Texas.
Under the blasphemies of his mother, he waited at the airport, he didn’t want to upset her more, she cried begging for him to come back, saying he was doing so good far from the court, but could he? He needed to see to her. Riley York was now foggy in his head, their friendship line crossed so many times that he didn’t see fit calling her his friend, nor was she ever his to take so he could call her lover. Did he love her? He rubbed his eyes, trying to concentrate on the view from his window, the clouds forming a cotton bed below the plane, the humming of the aircraft lulling the passengers to a somehow peaceful slumber. He was wide awake. Drake was equally elated to see her after almost 4 months as he was dreading the encounter. Did he love her? He remembered the first and last time this four-letter word left her smudged lips, stains of mascara on her cheeks, right before he left her. Kicking his sneakers he huffed, tossing and turning for the remaining 3 hours of his flight. Eyes bloodshot and disheveled hair, that’s how he greeted his homeland, the funeral would start in a couple of hours, so he could at least check on her before all the circus started. “Home sweet, home.” He muttered as the guards opened the golden gates of the palace to him. A strange feeling at the pit of his stomach rose like fire as he stepped on the embellished tiles. “Drake!” He heard a female voice, but not the one he wanted to. “I can’t believe you came!” “Hey, Ki!” He gave her a small smile. “Where’s... everyone?” Maybe asking Kiara directly about Riley would hurt her, so he decided to play safe. “Oh! They are offering Duke York the last drink” she said winking, like it was a normal thing, like somebody hadn’t died. Drinking on your father’s funeral, York? You haven’t changed a single bit. He followed Kiara to one of the many sitting rooms in the palace, where he met his lifelong... colleagues? The only friend he ever had looked surprised to see him there. “Long way from Texas...” Liam hid a chuckle and embraced him, his body somehow rigid below Drake’s muscles “How have you been?” “Good” he pat Liam’s back and scanned the room, he knew she wasn’t there, because Riley York was the type of girl who you could easily spot in a crowd of thousands. “She’s not here.” Liam’s voice was cold and everything that happened fell between them again. “Where is she?” Drake dared to ask, even though he knew he shouldn’t have. There was a minute of silence, Drake could tell his friends was weighing his next words. “I don’t know” he gulped his whiskey not looking directly to Drake. “We haven’t spoken since the news broke, she was completely out of herself, so I let her to her thoughts.” The way he said it, as if he was the most caring boyfriend in the world made Drake contemplate punching him again. “You left your addicted girlfriend alone?” Drake rose a brow and snorted, seeing how Liam grit his teeth, but he didn’t wanna fight, not right now, so he turned on his heels towards the doors. “Where are you going?” Liam caught up with Drake holding his arm. “She’s clean since you left.” As if this should mean anything. As if you, from all people would see if she was on it again. “I’m making sure she still is.” Drake yanked his arms from Liam’s grip and marched to the court’s sleeping quarters with Liam following his steps. The feeling was back, creeping up from the depths of his guts, he tried to calm himself, thinking she was just passed out from a night of heavy drinking. He knocked twice on the door and called her , but no one answered. “Riley, open up!” He called louder. “She’s probably sleeping...” Liam rubbed his eyes. “Liam, if there’s a man Riley ever truly loved in her life, it was her father, do you think she would miss his funeral?” Drake glared at Liam and kept knocking. “That’s it I’m coming in.” Drake thought he would have to force the lock, but surprisingly it was unlocked, just a twitch on the knob and they were greeted by messy sheets, several clothes scattered through the floor and the sound of the shower, the bathroom door slightly open. “Riley...?” Drake called again to no response and walked towards the bathroom until Liam stopped in front of him. “You’re not getting in there” Liam looked back to where the shower was mercilessly hitting the antique tiles. Anger rushed through his veins as more and more he got worried about Riley, he fisted his hands on the prince’s designer suit, his nostrils flaring. “Now listen to me, Liam” he brought his friend closer, “The last thing I care about now is seeing your girlfriend naked, she’s not answering so I will come the fuck in” He pushed Liam to the side and marched in. His stomach dropped to the sight before him, on the fancy marble counter several open bottles of pills laid open, its contents spilled on the floor like matte pearls. Blood rushed through Drake’s head as his eyes roamed the labels. Xanax. Vicodin. OxyContin. Valium... Suddenly the water hitting the tiles was deafening, she wasn’t there, which meant she was somewhere alone. “I’ll call Bastien” Liam choked on his words and left the room. Think Drake, think! Where would she go, she’s sad, alone, where would she go? Then it clicked in his head and he started to run. Lungs were burning as his feet stomped hardly on the marble floor, on the grass, on the pavement... he set his mind to work in only one goal: find her, that’s why when his feet touched the sand of the private beach by the hillside of the palace he couldn’t fill his insides with air. Racing heart as his eyes scanned the place, beating faster and faster until he spotted her waist-deep in the sea. The red strands in her hair now only visible on the tips of her locks, now damped as the water moved around her frame. The sea was mad, as much as himself, forcefully shoving its waves on the rocks, and on her, one hitting her chest too forcefully. She disappeared under the deep blue. “RILEY!” He screamed to no one, and the sky ate his unsaid plea as he ran to the waves. He wanted to breathe and the force of the water sent him from one side to another until he could finally grab the skirt of her dress and pull her to him. He used all his strength to drag them both out of the water, laying her on her back and pulling the damp strands from her face. His lips touched her with desperation, but not the passion they used to, every blow of air was a cry on the void, a silent supplication for her life, his hands feeling the cold water and feeble bones as he pressed her sternum. Please. Please. An unnatural sound rose from her chest and she coughed, spilling the water to the side. “Oh thank God, Riley” he pulled her close to him not noticing her hooded eyelids and rolling eyes. “You’re not real” she whispered, tired and hazy voice, her lips were almost blue, not the purple the cold would usually provide. “I’m here, Riley. Stay with me!” He held her head as her neck didn’t have enough strength to do it. “He’s never gon’ love me again.” She wasn’t focusing on him anymore and her body went limp. He stood carrying her close to his chest, once again adrenaline kicking in, so highly he didn’t know how fast he left the beach, being found by Liam and Bastien, who had to forcefully pull Riley from his arms to take her to the hospital. Everything was a blur, at some point someone handed him a coat and suddenly he was inside a limo. Savannah’s lips moved but no sound came to his ear. He remembered the lights of the hospital almost blinding his eyes, hurt by the salt.
Someone sat him on an uncomfortable chair, he grabbed Bastien’s arm and made him promise he would see her first. So he waited. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. He remembered when she was five and he told her, unaware of the true line o succession, that she would be queen, which led her to cry and say she wanted to be an Astronaut. You make me happy when skies are gray At 12 he held her through the night as her favorite mare gave birth and she just wouldn’t leave the barn. You’ll never no dear, how much I love you. He taught her how to drive in his father’s 68’ Mustang, elated by her laughter and the way her hair flew in the wind as she moved down the empty road. Please don’t take my sunshine away. “You may come in” he was startled by the nurse’s voice. Her mother was still on her way to the hospital even though it has been half an hour since they reversed her overdose. His feet were barely audible on the floor as he made his way in.
Riley York looked nothing like the future Duchess of Valtoria, her face was pale and her lips devoid of color, both of her hands tied to the side of the bed, around her frail wrist a simple grey band with the words Drake avoided thinking through the whole ordeal: Suicidal. Why did you do it, Riley? How will we ever move on from that?
Tagging (If you  wanna get IN or OUT, please let me know :) )
The babes who are always with me: @drakewalkerrosenberg; @agent-bossypants; @sleepwalkingelite; @silviasutton1989; @pug-bitch; @rtinaz; @ooo-barff-ooo; @likethetailofacomet;
Lovelies who I think might like it: @notoriouscs; @mind-reader1; @annekebbphotography; @walkerismychoice; @tmarie82; @blackwidow2721; @thequeenchoices; @missameliep; @jovialyouthmusic; @perksof-everything; @choicesmacmakes.
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k-itsmaywriting · 6 years
Drink Up (Animal Owner!AU)
haha get it because Obi is a cat
More from Magic!AU
Before she even leaves Shidan’s office with Ryuu, Shirayuki is about to burst with excitement.
The door closes behind them, and Obi steps towards them from across the corridor. He greets them with a smile – he must see her shaking too. “You look like you’ve got good news.”
Her grin widens as she rushes towards him. “We’ve got an excursion to Yuris Island!” She can feel the soles of her feet burning as she hops up and down, beaming. “I’ve only ever read about Yuris Island systems in books but I’ve never gotten to see any of them myself.”
“I’m looking forward to learning from them,” Ryuu says. His voice is lighter than usual. Shirayuki’s glad he’s on his toes too. “We can find possibilities for new cures.”
“So when are we leaving?” Obi asks. “And what’s going to happen with your deliveries?”
Shirayuki whips her diary and pen from her bag. “Shidan has organised a ship for us next Sunday, since it’s quite far and my broom only fits one person.” Her mind is racing as fast as her pages turning to the date. “That means I’ll have to let Haki know by tomorrow…” She turns to walk through the halls, pen still scribbling her thoughts into her diary. “I’ll need to prepare a stock of creams for summer rashes and burns in my area, and teas for headaches and flus…”
She feels her bag knock against her thigh as Obi nudges it. “We’ll have to make a nice long visit to the store today, then. We could even get dinner afterwards.” He winks.
Ryuu cringes next to her, but Shirayuki just laughs, blush dusting her cheeks. “Sounds like a plan!”
The spring in Obi’s steps match Shirayuki and Ryuu’s now. “Kind of looking forward to being on a boat for the first time. I’ve been to a lot of places, but the ocean isn’t one of them. You excited, Ryuu?”
He nods. “Definitely.”
“I bet it’ll be wonderful to see the endless seas, feel the wind…” Shirayuki sighs. She can’t wait until next Sunday.
However, it seems to turn out that Obi is not a boat person.
Shirayuki exits the ship cabin, gently lowering the door into the deck behind her. She crosses towards where Kihal, one of Yuris Island’s sea witches, steers the helm. They had only been at sea for about an hour, and Kihal said the weather is a little better than most days, but…
Kihal spots Shirayuki approaching, and politely smiles at her. “How is he feeling?”
Shirayuki locks her fingers tight together, looking down. “Not so good. He’s already thrown up twice, but he’s still getting worse.” She sighs. “I should’ve prepared for this…”
“Don’t worry,” Kihal says. “I have plenty of things stocked in the cabin for this. It’s definitely not the first time this has happened, and it won’t be the last either.”
Kihal leaves the helm towards the ship’s cabin. Shirayuki follows behind, watching the wind lightly catch against the strings of blue and green beads circling around the length of Kihal’s white, wide-brimmed witch hat. It’s the most beautiful hat she’s ever seen – on the mainland they’re usually plain black and store bought, but Shirayuki gets the feeling that Kihal’s is much more special than that.
They descend the ladder into the ship’s cabin. Inside is Ryuu kneeling on the floor, holding cat Obi limply in his arms. He looks up at Shirayuki and Kihal as they step down. “He’s fallen asleep,” he whispers.
Shirayuki reaches her arms out, and Ryuu gently places Obi into hers. She presses the back of her hand on his forehead. He feels a little warmer than usual, and she can see his eyebrows are furrowed as he sleeps, like he’s concentrating on it.
Next to her, Kihal’s hand envelops in a green glow as she pulls it back. A pillow and a blanket follow across the cabin. She sets them on the floor. “He should be fine now that he’s fallen asleep. I can give you medicine now, but if he sleeps for the rest of the trip then I highly doubt you’ll need it.”
She nods. “Okay. Thank you, Ki—“
Obi suddenly gags. He hurls his head over Shirayuki’s arms, but the next thing she knows she’s falling down in a cloud of smoke. She crashes awkwardly on her knees and tumbles on the floor onto a weight that crushes her arms.
The smoke clears after a few seconds, and Ryuu and Kihal rush to her. “Shirayuki, are you okay?!”
Shirayuki opens her eyes, struggling under the weight, only to be see Obi’s side pressing her arms into the wooden floor. “He…he transformed back?!”
Obi jolts to a sit, finally off Shirayuki’s hands. “S…sorry, I just—huuuurgh!”
Kihal extends her hand and shoves an empty barrel to Obi just as he empties more breakfast from his stomach. She grimaces, “I take that back. He’s worse than I thought…”
Obi groans as he falls onto his back, throwing an arm over his eyes.  He grits his teeth, voice croaking, “I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be sorry.” Ryuu places a hand on Obi’s head and pats it. “It just happens.”
“It’s frustrating,” Shirayuki adds as she takes Kihal’s pillow with her free hand and slots it under Obi’s head. “But we’ll take care of you. Kihal has medicine for it.”
“I do have to warn you of some side effects, though.” A desk drawer opens across the room, and two small bottles fly into Kihal’s hands. “The easier option is ginger tea. It’ll settle your stomach, but I can’t guarantee it’ll be full proof. The other one will have your sickness gone in no time, but…”
Obi’s arm slides off his face, and he just manages to tilt his head down to look at Kihal with dreary eyes.
The corner of her mouth twitches. “You will feel very, extremely drunk until you’re off the ship.”
Obi reaches his arm out, hand trembling. “The second one, thank you…”
Shirayuki has never seen Obi drunk, but this doesn’t make her sure of whether or not she wants to.
For the sixth time in an hour, Obi transforms. Smoke envelops the cabin interior, and when it clears human Obi is lying on Shirayuki’s lap. Again. Well, only half his upper body is, and one of his shoulders hangs above the ground. His legs are sprawled on the floor under Kihal’s spare blanket. Shirayuki’s given up on moving his head so he can use her thigh as a pillow long ago.
Kihal sits on her chair across them. She leans forward and places her chin onto her hand, an amused stretched smile across her face. “So, Zen Wisteria defended you in court, huh? I’ve heard he’s one of the best young lawyers around, what was it like?”
“Oh, Zen was greeeaat,” Obi slurs. “The prosecutor was scary, not gon’ lie. But he just…” he waves his hand, “Stood his ground and was like ‘nahhh, he doesn’t needa go to jail! Just give him like 200 hours of comm’ service with the most badass, most beautiful witch in the country. That’ll stop ‘im from trespassing into shops ‘n’ shit for funsies’.”
Shirayuki’s cheeks light on fire, and Kihal laughs. “Well, she’s pretty amazing.”
“Kihal, Miss Sea Witch with the good ass medicine, listen.” Obi holds a finger out. “She is amazing. She knows like, everythin’, and is the kindest person ever. And she’s soooo cute like she does this pouty thing when I tease for not being able to eat spicy food or whatever and her cheeks are so freakin’ squishy and…”
She can see Kihal holding in her laughter. “You know you’re in her lap and that she can hear you, right?”
“Yeah and I wanna kiss her squishy cheek like every day. Kihal, would it be weird if I kissed her squishy cheek?”
Kihal looks back at her. Shirayuki just smiles sheepishly and whispers, “Honestly, I’d rather he do it when his mouth doesn’t reek.”
Once again, smoke erupts from Obi with a pop and fills the cabin, floating out of the open door above them into the midday sky. Obi’s fur tickles Shirayuki’s legs as he breathes quietly, finally asleep.
Ryuu peeks into the cabin from the deck. “Shirayuki, want me to watch him now?”
Shirayuki swaps with Ryuu. For a while she stays alone on the deck, leaning over the ship to watch the waves sway by the ship’s hull.  Kihal comes back up to steer the helm again.
“We’ll arrive at Yuris Island in about half an hour,” she says. “After I show you around town in the afternoon, there’s a special dinner we organised to welcome you. You’ll probably need it after all of…this. And you know, just to make you feel at home.”
Shirayuki spins to face Kihal. “Oh, you don’t have to do that!”
Kihal laughs. “Please, we insist. Unless you all dislike seafood and wine.”
“Obi nooo I’m not that drunk! I can walk by myself! Promise!”
Shirayuki feels her skin warming still – the evening wind feels a little colder than before. It’s probably a light shade of pink, but not that she’d be able to tell anyway with how muddled her head feels.
Obi rolls his eyes and squats, back facing Shirayuki. He holds his arms away from his sides. “Come on. I am not letting you fall on your face two steps out of this feast. It’d be embarrassing for all of us.”
Shirayuki pouts, “Fine. But only because you’re offering.”
She stumbles forward and Obi catches her on his back, quickly standing up. She wraps her arms around his neck and leans into him, resting her head on his shoulder.
Obi turns to Kihal standing by the entrance. “Thank you so much for everything today, Kihal.”
“My pleasure.” Something about Kihal has changed a little. She seems more relaxed compared to when they met this morning, and even a little snarky now. “But we can drop the formalities if you’d like. I’ve already seen both of you out of your minds – I don’t think there’s much distance to be kept anymore.”
Shirayuki beams, “Friend!?”
Kihal’s grin widens, a bubbling laugh escaping her chest. “Friend!”
They wave each other goodnight, promising to meet at 7 in the morning at their stilt house, and Obi piggybacks Shirayuki up the island. The walk is quiet with only the sound of crashing waves far behind them, and Shirayuki’s occasionally drunken mumble.
“Am I too heavy? You must be tired…”
Obi snorts. “I don’t think you have to worry about being heavy. Besides, it’s faster if I carry you – wouldn’t want Ryuu to start worrying about us.”
Shirayuki hums, suddenly lifting her hand. She takes a bit of Obi’s cheek between her thumb and index finger, and squeezes it. “Your cheeks are surprisingly squishy…”
“Not as squishy as yours,” he laughs.
Shirayuki groans. She presses her palm flat against Obi’s cheek, turns it towards her and kisses his other. Obi suddenly stops, staring at the ground, skin burning warmer and warmer under Shirayuki’s hand as she pulls away. “Just admit you’re cute already,” she murmurs.
Obi huffs, but breaks into a wide smile as he props Shirayuki higher up his back and strides up the mountain. “Fine. I am cute. And you win this time, Shirayuki.”
“Always do!”
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Graffiti- Chapter 4
Ao3 link
Chapter word count: 5,374 -> Total story word count: 15,635
Chapter summary:
“I pulled you out here because…” Gon’s voice trailed off and Killua glanced at him from the corner of his eye. The other teen’s expression was clouded over now, brown brows pulled down anxiously.
Killua frowned. “Because?” he prompted.
Gon let out a long breath. “Because, back at your apartment I promised I would tell you why I’m in Masadora. So I’m going to fulfill that promise.”
Killua’s step faltered. Gon was actually keeping his promise?
Gon nodded.
This chapter is actually the reason why I wanted to make a multi-chapter mafia/gang au in the first place! There’s a specific scene in it that I always wanted to write ^-^ this was also the first chapter I ever wrote for Graffiti, even before chapters 1-3...
Thank you as always to @softkillua and @godspeedcomplex for beta’ing this ages ago, AND THANKYOU @sketchxhunter FOR THE BEAUTIFUL CHAPTER ART YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter title: What Do You Want?
(Chapter art)
“Hey,” a too-loud voice whispered in his ear. Killua stiffened as a warm hand curled over his shoulder, fighting down the instinct to grab the arm belonging to the hand and flip its owner over onto his back. It was a natural reaction, especially after everything that had happened in the past few hours, but….
“Killua,” the familiar voice whispered loudly again. Killua turned away from Alluka’s sleeping form and found himself staring directly into dark, honey brown eyes.
His pulse stuttered and Killua gritted his teeth, silently cursing himself. It was bad enough he had put Alluka in danger by moving in with Gon and his friends, did his treacherous heart really need to react this way every time Gon got close? It was like his heart didn’t even care that Gon could destroy the fragile security Killua had built up for him and Alluka over the past two years.
Gon smiled widely, as if sensing Killua’s inner turmoil. He jerked his head towards the door—an invitation.
Killua’s eyes darted from Gon back to Alluka. He couldn’t leave her here. It wasn’t an option. What if—
But the warm hand had moved from his shoulder down to wrap around his wrist, insistently tugging him to his feet and away from Alluka’s bed before Killua could even think of putting up a fight.
A flare of anger rose up inside him and Killua dug his heels into the ground. He hissed into the darkness, “Gon—!”
“She’ll be fine!” the other teen insisted as they passed through the doorway to Alluka and Killua’s room. “Everyone will watch her, I promise. But right now—” his grip on Killua tightened and Killua sucked in a breath, “—we need to talk.”
“Can’t it wait until morning?!” Killua asked, exasperated.
“No. It has to be now.”
He pushed open the exit door and Killua was momentarily blinded. It was an unusually clear night—not a single cloud marred the ocean of stars spread out in the sky above them—and the moonlight alone was bright enough to make him cringe.
Gon, on the other hand, wasn’t affected at all. He wasted no time in yanking Killua off towards their right, then left, then right again. Killua only stumbled a few times, swallowing down every question that rose to his lips. If Gon hadn’t said where they were headed already, he probably wouldn’t tell Killua now.
He would just have to wait and trust that Gon knew where he was going.
Abruptly, Gon slowed. Killua matched his pace, then blinked at the familiar smell of fresh water and wet wood. He suddenly had a very good idea of where Gon was taking him, and wasn’t surprised when they passed a final row of buildings and saw the boardwalk just a few feet ahead.
They came to a stop as their sneakers touched the long planks of wood and for a few moments, the pair just breathed. Killua gazed out at the river laid before them as his heart rate started to slow. Moonlight glistened off the water’s gentle current, a faint breeze rustling the distant tree leaves. The only other sound was their own heavy panting, and the silence only made the obvious more noticable: he and Gon were totally alone here.
Killua recognized this place, of course. He and Alluka came here to the Boardwalk a lot on the weekends to skateboard between crowds and buy melting ice cream cones. They’d even taken shelter under one of the bridges after initially escaping from their family. The bridge had provided protection from the rain for the two homeless siblings and Killua had been grateful for that if nothing else.
But he could have never imagined that he would be standing here now, two years later and in the middle of the night, with a gang leader clinging to his arm.
Speaking of which.
“Okay.” Killua shook his wrist to throw Gon’s hand off. “That’s enough, let go.”
Gon grinned. “What, are you scared of holding my hand, Killua?”
“No,” he said shortly and pried Gon’s sweaty fingers off one by one. “I just don’t want to hold your hand. There’s a difference.”
“Aw, Killua.” Gon placed his now free hand over his heart and sighed dramatically. “I’m hurt. I thought we had something special!”
Killua scowled. He couldn’t believe Gon was real, sometimes.
“If you don’t shut up, the only thing you’re gonna have is my foot shoved up your ass,” he snapped.
Gon’s expression of mock pain dropped away instantly. Then his mouth curved into a smile and he was laughing so hard the sound echoed and bounced off the nearby buildings.
Killua stared at him. What the heck, he hadn’t said anything even remotely funny! If anything, he’d been threatening Gon and yet here he was, cackling like Killua had just told the greatest joke in the planet.
“You’re so loud, jeez,” he grumbled as Gon broke into a fit of giggles. “Seriously, I’m gonna push you into the river if you don’t stop it.”
Gon gasped, “I’m—sorry! I can’t—ahaha—help it!”
He wheezed and covered his mouth with his fist, clearly trying to stop himself from laughing even more. Killua just continued watching in utter bafflement.
“How did you get so weird?” he asked. “Did your mom drop you on your head or something when you were a baby?!”
“I—” Gon took a huge gulp of air and wobbled upright into a standing position, “—wouldn’t know! I don’t think so, at least.”
Killua raised an eyebrow. Okay. Because that made so much sense.
“I was adopted by my aunt!” Gon explained, catching Killua’s confusion. “She’s the one who raised me. I don’t know anything about my birth mom.”
Killua inwardly groaned. The last thing in the world he wanted was to learn more about Gon. That would just make everything so much harder than it already was—
“What about your mom?”
The question caught him off guard. Killua blinked owlishly, then narrowed his eyes at the freckled teen. Gon just looked back at him innocently.
“Oh no,” Killua growled. He shook his head and turned his back on Gon completely. “No way. We are not playing that game right now—”
“Why not?” Gon chased after Killua as he stomped down the boardwalk. “C'mon, Killua, it’s just a question!”
“You know why! I’m not telling you anything about me and Alluka’s past, or how I knew Leorio, or what the rest of my family’s like! You’re not getting anything from me. At all. Got it?!”
Gon stuck out his tongue. “You’re really no fun, Killua. It was just a question!”
“Yeah, well, go ask your questions to someone else.”
“Mm, nah. There’s no point if it’s not you, you know?”
Killua looked at him blankly. “Uh, no?”
Gon hummed, skipping slightly as he sang out, “You will! Maybe not right now, but one day!”
Killua resisted the urge to drag his nails down the side of his face. He didn’t get Gon. He might as well be speaking gibberish for all Killua got out of him. His motives and goals were total mysteries to Killua.
“Hey,” Killua said, suddenly remembering where they were. “What do you want, Gon?”
Gon tilted his head and the tips of his green spikes fell into honey colored eyes. “What do you mean?”
Something fluttered Killua’s chest. He crushed the feeling without hesitation or remorse.
A loud, he said, “I mean, why did you drag me all the way out here? You said you wanted to talk.”
“Oh.” Gon’s expression was one of surprise, like he’d forgotten the reason why the two of them were on the Boardwalk in the first place. “Yeah. I did say that, didn’t I?”
“Yes, you did. Now tell me why you pulled me away from my sister or else I’m walking away. And if that happens, there’s no way I’m letting you drag me back here.”
Gon scrunched up his nose. “Eh? But I said Alluka would be fine! You need to trust me a little more, Ki—”
“No way,” Killua cut him off. “That’s never going to happen. Just tell me what you wanted to say so we can go back already. Unlike you, I have no desire to be out here.”
Gon huffed, looking genuinely put out for once, and Killua felt a small twinge of guilt. That kicked-puppy expression was wrong on Gon’s face, like it didn’t belong. It made Killua feel weirdly bad knowing that he was the cause of it, even though Gon had caused him more than enough grief the past day.
“I pulled you out here because…” Gon’s voice trailed off and Killua glanced at him from the corner of his eye. The other teen’s expression was clouded over now, brown brows pulled down anxiously.
Killua frowned. “Because?” he prompted.
Gon let out a long breath. “Because, back at your apartment I promised I would tell you why I’m in Masadora. So I’m going to fulfill that promise.”
Killua’s step faltered. Gon was actually keeping his promise?
Gon nodded.
He was serious, Killua realized. He’d never seen Gon this—this solemn before. There wasn’t a hint of light in those round eyes, no smile gracing that usually-happy mouth.
It made something unpleasant and heavy settle in Killua’s stomach.
“Are…are you sure?” he asked hesitantly.
“Yeah.” Gon lifted his face to the starry sky. “It’s better just to get some things over with.”
Huh. Interesting.
“Okay,” Killua said and tucked his hands behind his head. “Tell me, then.”
Gon kicked a stray pebble. It skittered along the boardwalk, skipping twice before tumbling off the edge and into the river below. Killua followed its path, listening attentively to Gon’s voice as he began by saying, “You remember when we first met, right? A little over a year ago?”
“Yes,” Killua said. “We established this already at the diner, Gon.”
“I know! I’m just making sure, that’s all. I was telling the truth back then that I got hurt because of a fight, but, um, it wasn’t just any fight. I mean, gangs fight all the time but this...wasn’t like that.”
“What do you mean?” Killua asked, heart weighing down with something close to dread.
“I mean,” Gon said slowly. “I got hurt chasing after someone who had kidnapped my gang leader, Kite.”
Killua’s brow puckered. “Wait, aren’t you the gang leader?”
Gon shook his head, eyes distant. “Not back then, I wasn’t. Kite was the leader for years and years before the ants showed up.”
Killua’s blood ran cold.
The ants, Gon had said. As in: Atypical Neutrality Trajectory Soldiers. ANTS.
“You’re a Hunter,” he breathed, eyes growing large, and Gon nodded.
Killua curled his hands into fists, pulse starting to race through his veins. Hunters weren’t like normal gangs, if anyone could even call them that. Hunters were based in Swaldani City but they spread all around the world without care or regard for other countries’ boundaries. They were specialized, had a unique set of interests that grouped them together; they were more like cults or guilds from the Middle Ages than any kind of modern day gangs Killua knew about.
They were also far more deadly than your average delinquent. Hunters were highly trained in their specialty, driven to do anything to pursue it as well as protect the people in their gang with that same level of passion.
Killua remembered his father's words echoing from years old memories:
“Stay away from Hunters, Killua. They don’t play by the rules, or bend them as we do. To Hunters, there are no rules. The only way to deal with a Hunter is to kill them. And that’s what you should do if you ever come across one of them. Understand?”
Killua swallowed thickly, mouth cotton dry. Shit. This was worse than he could’ve ever imagined.
“I became a Hunter when I was twelve,” Gon stated casually and Killua nearly tripped.
“T-Twelve?! But—aren’t you supposed to pass some ridiculous test before you can call yourself a Hunter?!”
Gon brightened. “Yeah! And it was really hard, but kind of fun, too! I made some friends. They’re nice, even if I don’t see them too often anymore. But…Killua, how do you know that?”
Killua’s heart skipped a beat. “What?”
“Well, it’s just—” Gon looked at him, and this time there was a new kind of scrutiny to his gaze, “—only Hunters know about the Hunter Exam. It’s not widespread information or anything.”
Fuck. Killua’s throat constricted. He’d messed up. Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
“Killua?” Gon repeated and Killua stilled.
Focus, Killua. Gon didn’t know anything and he had to do everything he could to keep it that way.
“It doesn’t matter how I know it,” he grumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets so Gon couldn’t see them shaking. “This is about you, not me. Just keep talking, I’m starting to get cold.”
“It’s the beginning of summer, Killua.”
“Does it look like I care?!” Killua retorted, practically bristling now. “Stop questioning me and get on with your stupid explanation already!”
Gon grinned. The light in his eyes danced in the moonlight and Killua had the feeling Gon was inwardly laughing at him. “But you’re the one who interrupted. Remember?”
“Gon,” Killua said, voice dropping low in a warning. “If you don’t shut up—”
“Okay, okay! I get it.” Gon held up his hands in surrender. “But, um, yeah! I’m a Hunter. And I was with Kite and his gang for about two years when…”
His cheeky expression faltered, his bright smile giving away to something much, much darker.
“When the ANTS came,” Killua said quietly.
Killua remembered the day the ANTS invaded Swaldani City. It had been around the time he was preparing to run away with Alluka; he had passed a news station during a trip with Illumi and his father when he read—
Distantly, Killua heard Gon admit, “Yeah. The ANTS. They were sent in by the government to ‘control’ the Hunter population. Apparently we were getting too rowdy and powerful in our numbers even though we only exist in one city.”
But you branch out, Killua resisted the urge to say. You form in Swaldani City but you travel everywhere, even to other countries. You take what you want and leave. And our government couldn’t stand for that anymore.
It was different in the Mafia; they played the rules and danced behind them to further their power and standing. They were bound by old alliances and older traditions. But Hunters didn’t care about that. They took what they wanted without regard for anyone but themselves. And that made them dangerous, especially if there was a lot of them.
So the Hunters had to go.
“The ANTS,” Killua started and Gon zeroed in on his face with an intensity that made Killua’s skin tingle. “They took your leader? What were you guys even Hunting, anyway? Gangs like yours don’t bother with the kind of stupid shit that regular gangs pull, like graffiti or something.”
“Bugs. Animals. Extinct or rare species. Kite liked to collect them, or at least see them if it was too dangerous to take them with us. Me, I just followed him around. Kite was my guardian.”
“What about your aunt?”
“She died,” Gon said a matter-of-factly. “Kite was the one who took me home after her funeral.”
Killua dropped his gaze to his dirt-covered sneakers, a numbness growing in his chest. He didn’t know what to say to that. Killua thought about death, and saw voidless eyes and a high pitched voice calling his name—
Killua bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from thinking any further. He didn’t need this right now. Gon’s aunt had nothing to do with Killua’s past and he couldn’t afford to lose himself in memories that weighed him down until he could no longer breathe.
That life was behind him. All he could do was keep moving forward with Alluka, to protect her where he had failed before.
“I’m sorry,” he offered at last, tone hollow. If Gon noticed anything was off with Killua, he didn’t show it; he simply gave Killua a tight smile, shadows lingering in the corners of his eyes.
“Thanks. She was great. And Kite—he was great too! I loved traveling and seeing the world with him!”
“Was?” Killua repeated and instantly regretted the question at the way Gon’s expression froze in place.
Of course. Was, because Kite wasn’t the leader of his gang anymore; Gon was the one who told the others what to do now. And that could only mean one thing.
“Yeah,” Gon said quietly. There was an edge in his voice—dark, full of rage and uncontrollable fury—that had Killua’s hair standing on end. “He…Kite’s gone. The ANTS took him and paraded his dead body in parts around Swaldani City, promising to do that to every single last one of us if we didn’t disband.”
Goosebumps broke across Killua’s skin. It wasn’t a pretty image, what Gon was telling him.
“Did you listen to them?” he asked, his tone calmer than he felt.
Gon shrugged but his face was still closed off, blank and emotionless in his stoic fury. “Some did, most didn’t. But it was just enough to satisfy the government. The ANTS left within a few months.”
Killua chewed the new information over silently. What Gon said made sense with what few news articles Killua had read at that time.
But it didn’t explain why Gon was here now.
“The ANTS Project ended a year ago,” Killua said slowly, not missing when Gon’s hands twitched at his words. “It ended after we met. Why did you come back to Masadora?”
“Mmm…lots of reasons. The buildings are pretty, the italian food here is really good—”
“Gon,” Killua growled, not to be fooled, and Gon smiled for a second, some of the light from earlier filtered back into his eyes.
“There was a rumor,” he finally confessed. “About Kite’s body being stored somewhere here, since this city was the first place the ANTS came after leaving Swaldani.”
He paused. Killua eyed the way Gon twiddled his thumbs awkwardly, how he chewed his soft, bottom lip. There was something else he wanted to say, clearly.
“And?” Killua urged. Then, to his complete and utter surprise, Gon’s cheeks darkened with a slight blush.
“And, well, you were here!” Gon chirped. “I wanted to see you again. So this was the perfect opportunity!”
Heat blossomed across Killua’s face. He scowled to hide the scarlet tinge of his skin, despising himself for how quickly and visibly his body reacted to Gon’s simple words.
“S-Stupid,” he bit out and turned away from Gon so he wouldn’t see Killua flush.
Gon laughed—a real laugh, without tension and anger, a sound beautiful in its free joy—
“If you say so, Killua,” Gon said and Killua didn’t need to turn back around to see the radiant smile on his face.
Killua bit the inside of his cheek. Fucking—gang member with his stupid gremlin hair and button nose and, and, and leather clothes! God, Killua wanted to punch that stupid grin right off Gon’s freckled face! That would probably just make Gon laugh even more, though, knowing him.
“You are an idiot,” he retorted as Gon continued to grin at him in obvious amusement. “Who in their right mind would come to Masadora, a city just ten minutes from the capital, based on a rumor?! That’s crazy, it doesn’t make sense!”
“Eh. Well.” Gon scratched his cheek. “My sources are pretty good. I trust them. Plus, like I said, you’re here so…”
Killua blinked. That sentence—it had a different meaning this time when Gon had said it. He could tell.
But, why? Why would Killua’s presence specifically make a difference? Sure, Killua had reached out to his own sources last year to help Gon when he was hurt, but that was—
Something clicked, like a puzzle piece falling into place.
Killua abruptly stopped walking. Understanding washed over him in a moment of pure clarity, and suddenly he couldn’t breathe.
Gon. He was...he was using Killua.
“Killua?” Gon had noticed Killua wasn’t walking anymore and had turned around. He cocked his head to the side. “Are you okay?”
Killua swallowed thickly. Hot, prickling anger raced through his veins and he had to make a conscious effort not to throw himself Gon in a fit of violent rage.
Was he okay?! Was Gon seriously asking him that after everything that happened in the past twenty-four hours?!
“You want my help finding Kite’s body,” he stated and his voice trembled with his fury. “Don’t you. That’s why you wanted to talk to me again.”
Gon must have sensed the change in the air between them; he stood up straighter, golden gaze quickly sweeping over Killua’s form and clouding over in confusion. He said hesitantly, “Um. Yes?”
Killua curled his hands into claws. “And why,” he growled out. “Did you think I would help you with something like that?!”
Honest surprise caused Gon’s eyes to widen. “Because you helped me before,” he said, like his insane reasoning was somehow obvious. “When I was hurt, you got Leorio to stitch me up and everything!”
“That was totally different!” Killua snapped. Back then, he wasn’t putting Alluka’s life in danger. Back then, the other Zoldycks weren’t so close to finding them.
Back then, he could drop Gon off with Leorio and wash his hands of him once and for all! But he couldn’t do that now, not with Illumi right on their tail!
Gon was still confused. “How? I just need to know what you know, maybe that could—”
Killua didn’t hesitate. He whipped out the gun in his back pocket and leveled it directly at Gon’s face.
Tension hung heavy in the air between them. Killua’s chest heaved, skin tingling as if he’d been struck with lighting. Still, his hand on the gun was as steady as always. He’d been using guns since he was a child; it was an extension of him, as natural and easy as breathing. He had never missed a target more than a handful times.
And he knew Gon could tell that by the way he’d frozen in place, still as a bronze statue.
Killua watched Gon stare at the barrel with large, round eyes. They shone in the moonlight like molten gold, he thought and tightened his hold on the gun until his knuckles were paper-white. He couldn’t afford to be distracted right now, no matter how mesmerizing the color and intensity of Gon’s eyes.
Those eyes trailed up the line of the midnight black gun to Killua’s arms, tracing along his neck before finally landing on Killua’s face. Killua waited, blood roaring in his ears, but Gon didn’t say anything. He just stared and stared and stared.
“You talk too much,” Killua finally breathed a few seconds later.
Gon opened his mouth, “Ki—”
The sound of the safety break being pulled out was like a thunderbolt compared to the low rumble of the river by their side. It echoed off the buildings and side alleys just as Gon’s laughter had done, ricocheted back onto their ears.
“Don’t,” Killua warned and Gon’s gaze darted to the gun before jumping back up to Killua’s face. “Don’t. Do you think I’m playing around with this? Because I’m not. I’ll shoot a bullet through your skull without blinking and toss your dead corpse into the water. Then I’ll go back to Alluka, and we’ll run. No one will figure out what happened here until your body washes ashore days from now.”
Gon listened to Killua’s speech quietly, his eyes never straying once from Killua’s. Killua didn’t know what Gon saw there—he couldn’t read the emotion behind that calculating gaze—and he did not care.
He was done. Done with being a means to someone else’s goals, done with living each day like it was his last, done with putting Alluka’s life in danger.
He wouldn’t do it. Especially for a some eccentric, adrenaline-junkie of a Hunter wanting to meddle with ANTS, of all things.
“You’re bad news, Gon,” he said calmly. “And I don’t care what you want from me or who exactly you are, I just want you out of my life.”
Gon’s face was blank as stone. “You mean that?”
Killua took a step forward and pressed the gun’s opening to Gon’s skin, right between his eyes.
“What do you think?” he asked softly.
A small breeze picked up, sounding like a low moan as it passed through the alleyways and twisted around building corners. It made Killua’s jacket whip around his waist and tousled his white locks. Still, he refused to move—blue eyes stayed locked on gold.
“I think,” Gon said quietly after the wind died away. “That you’re scared. You think I’m going to find out what your big secret is, that I’m going to ruin the peace you’ve built up here.”
The cold barrel pressed harder into Gon’s tanned skin. Killua said lowly, “Careful, Gon.”
“You asked me a question,” Gon retorted and Killua’s nostrils flared.
“Maybe. But I’m the one with the gun in my hands. You’d do well to remember that, don’t you think?”
Gon’s eyes bored into his. “You haven’t shot me yet.”
“Doesn’t mean I won’t.”
“I don’t think you will.”
“Oh, really? And what makes you so sure? I’ve shot a lot of people. Shooting you would be easy.”
“Because,” Gon said simply. “You’re Killua.”
Killua wanted to scream. Gon’s logic was pure insanity at best. At worst, it was absolute gibberish.
“What the hell does that mean?!” he barked. “You don’t know anything about me!”
“I know enough,” Gon said stubbornly.
“You—” Killua hissed and took a step closer, not missing the way Gon’s breathing hitched, “—are delusional. We had one dinner together. One. That doesn’t mean we’re suddenly best friends forever!”
“Maybe we could be!” Gon finally snapped back, mouth pulled down in a snarl that was so ferocious it made Killua freeze.
Gon took a deep breath. “We could be,” Gon repeated, softer this time. “I...Killua, listen, I’m not just here to use you and your resources, or to bother you and Alluka, even though you might not believe me…”
Killua’s throat tightened at the gentle, warm light that entered Gon’s eyes. He was looking at Killua like he had earlier, back in Killua’s bedroom—with a fondness that left Killua momentarily stunned and reeling.
“I was being honest earlier, when said I wanted to spend time with you,” Gon continued stubbornly. “I swear it. And you can yell at me all night until dawn that I’m lying, but that won’t prove anything. You know that, and I know that. So, why don’t you just...put down the gun, and we can talk about this face to face until we figure something out. Okay?”
Killua pressed his lips into a thin line. He hated how reasonable Gon sounded. He would much rather scream and rage at the freckled teen, release all his pent up frustration and anger until it was all spent.
But that was stupid. And Killua hadn’t survived this long by being stupid.
“You know what? I have a better idea,” Killua said and Gon’s eyebrows jumped up.
“Oh yeah?” he asked. “What kind of idea?”
“One where we both get what we want.”
A strange gleam entered into Gon’s eyes, the kind that made Killua’s heart lurch. He tightened his grip on the lever to keep his arm from shaking.
He couldn’t afford to show any weakness right now.
“And what is it that you want, Ki-llu-a?” Gon asked, voice dropping.
“I want you to disappear,” Killua stated bluntly. He didn’t react at all to the shock on Gon’s eyes, the way his entire body froze over like ice.
Killua continued calmly, “I want you to leave this city, get as far away from here as possible. I want you to never contact me, or my sister ever again. If I see you, or even hear your voice ever again after this, I’ll make sure it’s the last thing you ever do.”
Gon stared at him, unblinkingly. There was no movement in his face, no flicker of his irises or twist of his lips. It was like he’d turned into stone. It was only because of Killua’s background that he was able to catch the smallest twitch of Gon’s hands, the strange pain in the depth of his golden irises.
Killua’s stomach flipped. Was Gon…upset with this deal? No, that couldn’t be it; they barely knew each other. The idea of never seeing each other after this was all over shouldn’t affect Gon that much. It certainly didn’t affect Killua.
But there was something else—something that caused a  pang in his chest at that slight sadness on Gon’s face—that almost made him think differently.
“So...if I leave you alone,” Gon began. “You’ll help me find Kite? That’s your grand idea?”
Killua scowled at the sarcasm. “Yes. It is. You can take it or leave it, but who knows if you’ll ever find your dear mentor without my help.”
Gon’s eyes flashed dangerously. “I will find Kite. No matter what. Nothing is going to stop me from saving him.”
He’s already dead, Killua thought bitterly. You’re not saving anyone by going through with this. Not even yourself.
“Sure you are,” Killua said out loud. “You’ll find him a lot faster with my help, though.”
Gon curled his hands into fists. “But if I do that, I won’t ever get to see you again. Or talk to you.”
Killua almost rolled his eyes. “Life’s rough, Gon. Make your choice. What’s worth more to you? Finding Kite, or talking to me. The answer should be obvious.”
The rest of this words died in the back of his throat. Goosebumps broke across his skin and he sucked in a quick breath; Gon was glaring at him venomously, a palpable and seething anger rolling off his body in waves.
Killua’s mouth went dry. Shit. Had he just pushed Gon too far? Maybe baiting him with Kite was a bad idea—
“Fine,” Gon bit out and slapped the gun away from his forehead. A sharp CRACK echoed around them, loud and shocking. “I’ll agree. You help me find Kite, and I promise I’ll never bother you again.”
“You or your little gang,” Killua retorted and Gon visibly gritted his teeth.
“And my gang.”
“And you can’t bother Alluka, either.”
Gon snorted, the sound was strangely bitter. “I think that’s a given, Killua.”
“Nothing is a given, Gon. And I refuse to take risks when it comes to—”
Gon blurred. Something warm grabbed Killua’s wrist, yanking him forward and straight into Gon chest.
And that was how Killua suddenly found himself nose-to-nose with very person he’d just been threatening to kill. He stiffened as one of Gon’s muscular arms wrapped securely around Killua’s waist, his other hand catching Killua’s in a bone-crushing grip. Gon’s freckled face hovered less than a centimeter away from Killua’s and, for a moment, Killua forgot to breathe.
All Killua could see were those eyes: burning and golden, so intense in their stare that they made Killua’s blood rush to his face and his heart start to pound. Gon’s eyes rendered Killua speechless. All he could do was gaze into their depths as every thought in his brain fizzled out into nothingness.
Gon opened his mouth to speak, and Killua’s already erratic heartbeat started to race like it was trying to fly right out of his chest—
“I won’t let anything happen to your sister,” Gon said, tone low and gravely as goosebumps rose across Killua’s skin. “I swear it. But, Killua. You should know, if that’s the deal you want…”
Gon leaned in, until his lips brushed the shell of Killua’s ear. Killua’s head swam as Gon whispered:
“We’re staying together until our promise is over. From now on, it’s you and me against the world. Do we have a deal?”
Killua swallowed thickly, mouth dry.
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materialgirlsfanfic · 7 years
Chapter 10: Affordable Prices To Pay...(Pt. 1)
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“Boy you’ll be the death of me, you’re my James Dean you make me feel like I’m seventeen…” - BEYONCE X RATHER DIE YOUNG
“Sweetie, like always when you get into one of your moods you dip off, and close everyone off  like we can’t resolve things like adults. Call me back.”
“Bitch! I want to actually see you, IN person for brunch this weekend, mmmkay!? You got London on the verge of tears talking about you keep blowing her off, and even my dad has been asking for you! The project is not that deep, ain’t nobody about to be playing hide and seek with yo’ ass either. Call me hoe!
“Hey Kiersten, its Jessie. Just checking in to see if we’re still good for Friday, at 7pm. We still have to discuss the little things like donors, designs, and the guest appearances for the show. But no worries! We’re almost done with everything. See you soon!”
“Hey, sweetheart. It’s dad, I know you may be busy with school, and your work but I wanted to discuss some things with you. I don’t like going this long without out talking to you sweet pea. Let’s do dinner Sunday. Love you, call me soon.”
“Honey, I’m doing an interview with Vogue for Models On Duty, and I’ll be teaming up with June Ambrose and Ashley Graham, I’d love you to be involved. June asked for you. Being as though you aren’t answering me at least. Call her. Back.
“Baby girl, I’ll be swingin’ your way shortly. Give me like an hour. I had to meet with this nigga to discuss somethin’ for the club, you know how that goes. But I’m ‘bout to stop at your favorite spot. Let me know what you want.”
“It’s your mother again, you know the one that brought you into this world. That was in labor for 16 hours over you Kiersten Stephanie Whitaker! You’re really behaving despicably! Two months! People are asking questions and growing concerned honey, Please!
She was never fond of pet names. Terms of endearment made for coddling, or pacifying sometimes expressed in a  condescending manner that made her blood boil. Well pet names from her. She placed her phone down after shooting a few texts out, and deleting the majority of voice messages.
Amongst the seven, three voicemails belonged to the woman that birthed her that bordered hysteria, even at the calmest level of her tone. She could picture Fiona Whitaker swallowed in the high priced mansion where the walls were caving in with her stricken with loneliness. Where she was accompanied solely by a wine bottle, Marlboro cigarettes and a broken heart. Coping methods to perpetuate the sickness that will certainly take more than medical assistance to cure. She was sweetie in a drunken slur on most nights, honey when anger was on the surface of aggravation, and love when on the brink of being dismissed for what her mother deemed as a trivial manner.
Kiersten grimaced, setting down the chiffon material meant for sewing, that she couldn’t even attempt to make happen. She wished the internal battles didn’t always make her the common casualty from her mother’s assaults.  So much so, the name coddling was salt poured onto more opened wounds. I’m not a child. Slightly started, she felt the calloused hands caress her shoulders that trailed to her wrist, and finally her hands, spreading them out beneath his large ones.
But when he called her baby? Mmm. Spoken in that gruff bravado was enough to make her knees buckle. The warm  fuzzy feeling of contentment growing fonder these past months as she inhaled his distinctive scent of wood and spice.
“What you in here stressin’ about? I can feel that shit all the way from the other room.” Was her transparency that evident? Kiersten smiled smally as his lips reached her temple causing her to get further cocooned.
“I’m not stressing.” What a lie, Kiersten. Do better.
“Oh, yeah?” She could feel Messiah’s eyes boring through her as she attempted at pulling away. The makeshift desk on her vanity made up of her sewing machine, and kit only providing but so much room for her to find an escape out of her gratefully enormous walk in closet. Or as Messiah would put it: ‘Your couture bedroom’. His pronunciation of couture (CAH - tour) always causing to giggle like an idiot.
“Nah, stay your little ass in place.”
“Come on‘ Si, I’m working. No interruptions when we’re in our zones remember?”
“Na. I ain’t tryna hear all that baby girl. You been in here too quiet, for too long…” She felt the scruffiness of his beard nestle close to her face as they both looked into the vanity mirror, cheeks pressed together. “Damn you’re gorgeous.”
“Thank you. I appreciate that soooo much. Now, move. I wasn’t quiet but moreso focused.” She pointed down to the mop of materials to sew in front of her. “As you can see.”
“Come on mami. Come take a break.”
“Nooo, Messiah I have a deadline. You’ve been distracting me enough!” She was becoming accustomed to this… routine of there’s for lack of better words. Conforming to the ways of a hermit, Kiersten for the past month shielded away the outside world as she remained ducked and hidden in her condo. With only the exception of classes, work, and random trips to Mood fabric store, she limited herself of any social interaction. Her excuses being senior projects, creative assistant duties, and lastly the silent emergence of depression coasting that she couldn’t get a hold of. So like usual she figured solitude the best remedy. But not to London, and Brooklyne who have boarded stalking by the definition. And she couldn’t blame them. The only form of communication she was accepting was rushed over phone convos, scarce FaceTime calls, and texting at best. But a particular gentleman, a Brooklyn specimen, who wasn’t accepting the limits Kiersten was dishing out, wanted all in.
So from random pop ups, to persistent contact of the physical kind, he was the only one she was really allowing access.
But having a man of Messiah’s caliber coexist in her presence, and actually wanting to be there, was still mind boggling. Wanting to provide an ear, offer consolement to even something so trivial as a missing earring. Where, as if it was second nature or a necessity for the completion of his day, having to know the condition of her well being, and being in close proximity to receive it. Not to mention he always wanted to touch her. Always.
She inhaled a soft breath feeling herself being lifted and pulled to his steel chest, where a pinch to her ass cheek was then given, causing her to squeal.
“Eeeeee! Messiah, stop! Wha- for one I’m entirely too heavy for this, what are you-?”
“Shut that shit up, it look like I’m having a hard time holding you?”
“I didn’t say that, Messiah. I just…okay. I can spare an hour then I have to get right back to work. You’re so impossible, like seriously.” Wedged between the rock solid arms of him, was Kiersten escorted to the confines of her kitchen and sat down on the cool surface of the countertop, causing her to tug at her shorts. Exasperation was displayed as she watched him pull out various items from her cabinets and freezer. So much for that hour break.
“You know what you need, Keeks?” It wasn’t a guess that the question was posed rhetorically, but she now found herself contemplating heavily. What do I need? Her feet swung back and forth waiting, while allowing her eyes to latch onto the define muscles of his back as he maneuvered around the kitchen preparing a meal she had yet to identify.
“Besides these cute fuchsia Manolo pumps I seen, today?”
“…To get out this house…a peace of mind.” They were face to face now. Him coming towards her with a bowl filled with mixed vegetables, and a neutral expression that bordered him examining. Kiersten figeted reaching for the bowl to occupy her hands that she nervously toiled together looking back at him. But he dodged it out of her reach, and locked her in between his hands that framed her, setting the bowl by them. “How long you gon’ be hidin’, usin’ work as a scapegoat?”
“That’s not what I’m doing. So don’t…don’t try and psychoanalyze me, ‘kay?”
“That’s what you think I’m doin’? ‘Psychoanalyzin’ you like you some nutcase, or I’m a shrink?”
“Nah, fuck that. So I’m not ‘spose to ask these questions? Like I’m not hip to what you doin’. You’re buying time, and shit to avoid what? Tell me why I’m here, if it’s not to be concerned but your damn well being Ki?”  
“Listen, okay? I just need you to be…” Here. For as long as I need you to be. With me not having to feel like the other shoe is bound to fall any day now.She felt the emergence of tears, and gritted her teeth, now pushing him back lowering her head.
“Don’t be a fuckin’ coward. We not doin’ that shit. I told you that. Talk to me. Finish what you was about to say, and look at me. You need me to what? Be here? Hold you? Feed you? What? Pacify you? Keep you locked in and throw away the key? What, Kiersten?”
“Just be present!” From that tiny place engulfed in her stomach where the grueling feeling of turmoil resided, was the shout’s source. Messiah remained unmoved and focused, waiting for her to continue. “…like now. Messiah, just continue to make me feel like I’m not going crazy, and by myself. Please.”
He nodded. She exhaled. He cooked. She watched, and the night continued as was.
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“Sorry to disturb you baby girl, but you got a minute?”
Benjamin Pierre’s presence, just like his coffee, was served strong. Like the emergence of the rigid taste of the straight black caffeinated beverage on one’s tongue, as expected it was, it still took you aback. The distinction being that stern. Her father’s deep brown melanin seemingly glowed under any light that further highlighted his strikingly handsome features; the eyes that matched her own stared at her for moments of intensity, with urgency in the midst of. She placed a halt in her morning exercise of 100 plies, and barre work giving him her full attention.
“For my favorite old man, of course. What’s up, pops?”
“Fiona contacted me…” Aw, shit. “What’s this I hear about Kiersten’s blatant refusal to go home?”
“That’s what she told you?”
“Yes, so much more. But that’s just the half.” In Brooklyne’s bedroom at an early 9:43am was a stare off. Meddling in normalcy, but she was sure wasn’t to last much longer as that thick bushy brow of his rose. Following the cross of his arms, and the tilt of his head. But Brooklyne wasn’t London. She didn’t crack under pressure easily or allowed any of Benjamin Pierre’s typical courtroom intimidating tactics to shake her the least bit. After all, I am my father’s child.
“Hm, not sure daddy…that’s strange. Last I spoke to her things were fine. And she was definitely home. FaceTimed her and everything seeing she was right in her bedroom.” Yeah, to pack the last box I was to swing by and pick up to finish decorating.
“Is that right? So when was this?”
“A…couple days ago? Yeah, Tuesday.”
“Hm. Interesting. Look, Brooklyne…two things I need you to understand if you haven’t by now…” Through a sip of her chilled bottle of Fiji water, Brooklyne concealed a gulp of concern. It’s one thing for her father to intimidate for answers, it’s another when he already knew them, she supposed, and was behind the fire of checking. “I find out everything. No matter the time of delay it maybe. No matter the circumstance, I…do. It’s what I get paid for, as you know.”
“So, if and when you hear from Kiersten again and she turns out to actually be “fine” like you say she is? Tell her to call her mother. Thanks, babygirl.”
Brooklyne flopped on the bed huffing heavily.
“This too much.”
You’re missing me, I’m missing you
Whenever we meet, we ain’t gonna get no sleep
When I get to be together with you
It’s fait accompli, we ain’t gonna get no sleep
Slick. The droplets that trailed down his steel abdominals, flexed and illuminated his cream complexion. Under the soft light in the studio his shadow trailed closely behind as it remained in sync with Janet Jackson’s “No Sleeep”. Brooklyn seeped in light breaths, as she remained tucked away and hidden by the barre. Taking peeks was growing tiresome like her thighs, she surpassed a little warm up to get started. At this point she was truly stalling. Why am I even doing this?
“So, we startin’ from the second verse…you ready?” Lord knows I’m not.
“Mind explaining to me what’s this for again? I’m not a hip-hop dancer, we know this.”
The heat of his body radiated onto her own as he stepped forward and stood behind her. There in the ceiling to floor mirror was the detection from Brooklyne’s view, trouble. Not a simple attempt of a duet or a pas de deux rather insisted by his mother, her instructor from hell.
“As you know The Joffrey Ballet intensive my mother is instructing has a hiplet component. A mix of hip-hop an-”
“…and Ballet, Tahj. I know, hip-hop on pointe shoes. Yes, she explained this. But why me? Did you insist this little arrangement?”
“Don’t flatter yourself, Brooke. She did, actually.” She turned to him and searched his face. “I don’t know…for some strange reason she has this idea that you’re good enough. Let’s get this shit over with.”
She sneered at his sarcasm, tying her hair back. An hour in as she began feeling perspiration coat her skin, she was finally able to blur out the ridicule she felt. Taking this exactly for what it was which was simply a dance demonstration for a bunch of high school students that should last no more than four minutes.
“Shit!” A stub of her toe caused her attitude to look less than stellar, as she tripped into an awkward fourth position. From her peripheral she could see his bemusement.
“Don’t overextend your back like that. The fuck you tryin’ to do? Break it?”
“Since when did you become an expert of ballet? Focus on poplockin’ nigga.”
“You forgettin’ who my mother is? You been in her class long enough, to just be makin’ common fuck ups. What…” He walked closer to her side of the studio. “You nervous?”
“I twisted my ankle, right before the senior showcase…the senior showcase that had Juilliard talent scouts, and the director of Ailey in the audience. Guess who was accepted to both? Tahj…don’t insult me. Can we start from the top, please?” She went to her cue in stance of releve with her arms in Egyptian pose.
“…You were perfect.” She would’ve missed it, had it not been so quiet you could hear a mouse piss on cotton, as he muttered it so quickly.
“You heard me nigga…that’s what got you accepted, right? Now, from the top.”
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fireflyfish · 7 years
Tano and Kenobi: The Duchess of Mandalore
After an exciting adventure out on the Outer Rim, Ahsoka Tano and Obi-Wan Kenobi return to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant with Master Sifo Dyas. Master Dyas believes the two have some kind of connection to the strange Force event that Ahsoka is convinced is related to Anakin Skywalker's birth. Back at the Temple, life continued on for our duo but Tano and Kenobi are soon called back into action by the Jedi Council and receive a new mission: Protect the Duchess of Mandalore, Satine Kryze.Previously on Tano and Kenobi...
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They're sending us to Mandalore.
Ahsoka felt her mind go blank and the world around her fall away for one brief and blinding moment of panic.
They couldn't go to Mandalore now! Anakin was out there, somewhere. He needed to be found! He and his mother needed to be freed from slavery and he needed to be brought to the Temple where she and Obi-Wan could protect him from Palpatine and whatever other Sith Lords were running around the galaxy at the moment.
A brief memory flashed through Ahsoka’s mind, one where she, Rex, and Anakin were in a cantina waiting for an informant to make contact, back before the Battle of Mandalore.
“So who are we waiting for, Skyguy?” Ahsoka asked as she sipped at her Tarisian latte. “And when are they getting here?”
“I don’t know,” Anakin shrugged, finishing off his shot of Gingensu cactus liquor. “Obi-Wan just said that they would help us and to treat them as you would have the Duchess.”
“The Duchess?” Ahsoka frowned at that, exchanging a look with Rex. She glanced down at her hands, remembering how distraught Master Obi-Wan had been when he returned to the Temple. “Is he doing all right? I know he and the Duchess were very close.”
Anakin shrugged, his own gaze fixed on a distant point, his brows furrowed and eyes dark. “You know Obi-Wan. He could be bleeding to death and missing a limb and he would still insist that he was fine.”
Rex nodded, tossing back the last of his Dantooine beer. “Cody said the same thing. Said the General hasn’t mentioned it but he’s keeping a close eye on him all the same.”
Ahsoka sighed softly. “This must be so hard for him. To come back to Mandalore to face Maul? After everything that’s happened?”
There was silence between the three of them before Ahsoka spoke up. “How did Obi-Wan meet the Duchess? I don’t think I ever asked before. Do you know, Skyguy?”
“I don’t know much other than what Obi-Wan told me,” Anakin said, ordering a mug of caf. “He and Master Qui-Gon were assigned to protect the Duchess when Obi-Wan was a padawan and it was a year-long mission.”
“Wow!” Ahsoka murmured, almost unable to imagine being in one place for more than six weeks, let alone a year. “So what happened?”
Anakin thanked the bartender and paid for his caf before turning back to Ahsoka and Rex. “The Mandalorian Civil War ended and they went their separate ways.”
A year?
A year? We don’t have a year to spend on Mandalore! We have to find Anakin now!
“Knight Tano?” Master Ki-Adi-Mundi’s voice broke through Ahsoka’s panic, immediately dousing it with ice-cold water. “Is something wrong? Have you had a previous experience that would cause a conflict of interest on this mission? If that is the case, we can always assign it to another Jedi. Perhaps Knight Lia and Padawan Rast?”
As worried and anxious as Ahsoka was, the very idea that someone else would go on what the Force had apparently decreed to be Obi-Wan’s destined mission rubbed her the wrong way. The Duchess Satine was Master Obi-Wan’s dear friend and that made her family. Ahsoka couldn’t just abandon Satine to someone who didn’t know the amazing woman she was going to grow up into.
Who knows? Maybe we can negotiate some kind of peace with Deathwatch before it becomes Deathwatch. And just because it took a year with Qui-Gon doesn’t mean it’s going to take a year for me and Obi-Wan to complete this mission.
“No, nothing’s wrong,” Ahsoka said, making sure her voice was clear and strong. She turned to look at Obi-Wan, who was watching her with narrowed blue-grey eyes. “You ready to go to Mandalore, Padawan?”
Obi-Wan sent across the briefest swell of concern and anxiety over their bond before nodding. “I am looking forward to meeting my first real Mandalorian.”
Master Plo Koon chuckled softly at that. “Your good cheer and enthusiasm for your tasks is boundless, Padawan Kenobi. I sense it will serve you in good stead on this next mission.”
Stars above, I hope so, Ahsoka thought as she accepted the datapad from Master Mundi and they were both dismissed.
“Master?” Obi-Wan stuck his head out of his room into the joined living area of their suite of rooms. “Do we have enough time for me to visit the Archives? I would like to do some research on Mandalore before we go. Especially given our fractious history with them.”
Ahsoka looked up from the mission datapad, momentarily distracted from her inner fretting. “I think that would be a good idea. Grab anything you think will be useful on this trip. I have a feeling this mission is going to be more difficult than the Council realizes.”
Obi-Wan frowned and stepped fully out of his room, sitting down on the edge of the sofa. “What do you mean, Master? Have you had a vision? Should we go speak to Master Dyas?”
Smiling faintly, Ahsoka shook her head. “No. It’s not a vision it’s a… feeling. Mandalore is in the middle of a civil war and they’ve requested Jedi to protect their head of state? Doesn’t that seem strange to you? Given our history?”
Obi-Wan folded his arms over this chest, his hand covering his mouth as his gaze unfocused while in thought. Ahsoka watched him think, watched his brows draw together as he mulled over her statement.
And now that Ahsoka had mentioned it, why had the Mandalorians requested Jedi aid in this moment of crisis? Or had they simply requested aid from the Republic and the Senate had just passed it along to the Jedi? What exactly were they heading into?
“It does seem odd,” Obi-Wan finally agreed, his gaze focusing back on Ahsoka. “I’ll keep that in mind in the Archives. Master Plo gave me his master’s code so I should be able to get a full dossier for our mission. Is there anything in particular you’d like me to focus on?”
Ahsoka frowned, leaning back against the arm of the sofa. “Yes. I want you to include the outlying planets in the system, common hyperspace routes, and anything that might be useful.”
Obi-Wan gave his master a half-smile. “Worried we’ll be run off the planet by enraged Mandalorians?”
“I’ve been run out of nicer places than Mandalore,” Ahsoka chuckled. “I wouldn’t put anything past them. But I’m holding you up. Go on ahead and let me know what you find.”
Obi-Wan nodded and stood up, bowing his head to Ahsoka before he headed out the door. She watched him go with a tight feeling in her chest.
This is going to be really hard on you, Obi-Wan. I hope you’re ready for it.
I hope I’m ready for it.
Ahsoka walked back to her room and activated the data access panel, pulling up her personal database and searching for her notes on Mandalore, the Duchess Satine Kryze and Obi-Wan. After a few moments, her entries appeared before her, far too short for her liking.
Taking out an empty datapad, Ahsoka began to download the information.
While the download was processing, Ahsoka stood up and took a long look at her room, wondering what she needed to take with her on the trip. She had assumed, erroneously as it had turned out, that because Obi-Wan went to Mandalore with Qui-Gon that she and Obi-Wan weren’t going to be sent on that mission. 
After all, Qui-Gon’s reputation as a diplomat was well-earned and tales of his exploits often made the holo news. After Plo Koon and Adi Gallia’s investigation on Raxus came to an end, revealing the perpetrator of the bombing as a lone, insane radical, Qui-Gon had been dispatched to bring a resolution to the internecine strife of Acronae and Acromino. It had taken him two months but both parties seemed content, if not happy.
According to Temple rumors, a few particularly brave initiates had approached him to see if he would be willing to take them on as padawan learners but nothing had ever come from their attempts.
Ahsoka wished Qui-Gon would just move on and take a new padawan learner but there wasn’t anything she could really do about it. It wasn’t like she could make him take a padawan. She had already tried that and it hadn’t worked out very well.
“Mandalore,” Ahsoka murmured, gazing out her window at the bright blue sky of Coruscant, watching the speeders move overhead. She wrapped her arms around her waist and leaned back against the wall, closing her eyes.
For a long while, Ahsoka was silent, focusing on her breathing and letting the quiet stillness of the Temple seep down into her bones. It had been a long time since she had had to operate away from the comfort and support of the Temple, to be on her own with only her own smarts and wits to rely on. While Obi-Wan was going to be with her, he was still a teenager and she was responsible for him.
Ahsoka stepped away from the wall and walked back to her closet, opening the door and taking out a small pack and laying it down on the bed.
We’ll have to be prepared for anything. Even being cut off from the Temple. That’s the only reason I can think of that the mission took a whole year.
Turning back to her closet, Ahsoka pushed aside her winter-weight outer robe and an extra pair of robes to reveal the grey outfit she had on when she arrived in the past. Pulling them out of the closet, she looked down at the fabric and tan armor that made up her old outfit.
Fulcrum’s outfit.
It had been three years since she she had last worn the clothing and armor that she was carefully tucking into her bag. Three years of peace and growth under the protective shade of the Jedi Order. Three years spent teaching Obi-Wan how to become the best Jedi Knight he could be.
And now they were going to Mandalore, and their first real mission that had life or death consequences. It was the first step into the dangerous future that awaited both of them.
Mandalore was going to take them one step closer to Naboo, one step closer to Padme Amidala and the Trade Federation, and one step closer to Anakin Skywalker and the chaos and tumult that would turn the galaxy upside down.
Soon, Ahsoka’s time as Obi-Wan’s master would be up.
And there would be no more reasons to keep the truth from him.
The datapad at the terminal let out a chime and Ahsoka walked over to it, checking to make sure all of the relevant entries were included. She was reading through the list, opening each entry and article and closing it to make sure everything was there, when she felt the faintest tug on her awareness in the Force.
She skipped to the end of the list to an entry that included information on the Shadow Collective, the group of criminals and mercenaries that had invaded and taken over Mandalore towards the end of the Clone Wars. Maul had gone to all of the major crime syndicates, demanding their submission to his goal and as Ahsoka read over the entry, she noted that Maul had even tried to threaten the Hutts into giving into his demands.
“We’ll need to start training for him soon,” Ahsoka sighed, pulling a few more entries from her database onto the pad and a few from the Archive as well. Obi-Wan and Anakin’s future was barreling straight towards her and she had to make sure her padawan and his future padawan were ready for it.
“I will be your Temple contact for this mission,” Plo Koon said as he stood at the foot of the boarding ramp that led up into Ahsoka and Obi-Wan’s light cruiser. “If I am not available, Master Ti or Dyas will be your second contacts. One of us should be available for consultation at all time.”
Ahsoka nodded, handing off her go bag to the blue-suited mechanic who was doing the pre-flight checklist before she and Obi-Wan departed for Mandalore. “Thank you, Master Plo. I hope we won’t need to contact you but it’s good to know you’ll be here if we do.”
Obi-Wan stood next to his master, a heavy bag slung over one shoulder. Plo Koon glanced at it before turning his gaze back to Ahsoka. “Are you planning on a trip after Mandalore?”
“The mission parameters didn’t say how long we were going to be gone,” Ahsoka explained, meeting Obi-Wan’s eye. “So I figured we should be prepared for anything. You know what Master Yaddle says, the Force helps those who help themselves.”
If Plo Koon thought this odd or strange, he did not say, only reaching out to clasp Ahsoka and Obi-Wan on the shoulder and warmly bid them goodbye. “I have the utmost confidence in you both. Protect the Duchess, and may the Force be with you.”
“May the Force be with you, Master Plo,” Ahsoka and Obi-Wan intoned before they both boarded the ship.
Obi-Wan dropped his bag off in the small central living space as Ahsoka moved ahead to the cockpit to receive the checklist from the mechanic.
“She’s ready to fly, Knight Tano,” the mechanic said, pushing his hair out of his face. “She’s as good as new.”
“Glad to hear it, Koyle,” Ahsoka smiled. “Thank you. Obi-Wan and I will take it from here.”
“Good luck, Master Jedi!” Koyle called as he headed back to the boarding ramp and vanished back into the hustle and bustle of the Temple Hangar bay.
Obi-Wan pulled up the boarding ramp and set the mag locks before joining his master in the cockpit. He took a seat in the co-pilot’s chair and glanced over at his master. “Are we ready to go?”
Ahsoka took a deep breath and nodded. “Yes. And think this time I’ll let you handle the flying. It’s about time you go used to handling a ship.”
“Is this because of what I said on Commonenor?” Obi-Wan grinned, sliding over into the seat Ahsoka vacated. “You must admit, Master. You fly like all the kath hounds of Dantooine were chasing you.”
“I am an excellent pilot,” Ahsoka sniffed, settling herself into the co-pilot chair with a grin. “Trust me, Obi-Wan. One day you’ll see. I am one of the best pilots in the galaxy. Second only to Master Skywalker himself. And Master Plo.”
“Was Master Skywalker a better pilot than Master Plo?” Obi-Wan asked, curious as he took the handoff from the hangar bay control and gracefully guided their ship out into early morning Coruscant air traffic. “Somehow I never pictured your Outer Rim exploits involving dogfights between small fighters.”
“He was,” Ahsoka chuckled and decided to the end that particular strand of the conversation there. “So… did you bring your entire room or just most of it?”
“You told me to pack anything I felt might be useful, so I did,” Obi-Wan explained, shrugging as their ship climbed up into the atmosphere. “Although I don’t have an undercover civilian outfit like I saw you packing. We’ll need to purchase one for me when we get there.”
Ahsoka shook her head. “We’re not going undercover and besides, the best way for you to go undercover on Mandalore if you wanted to would be to get yourself some armor and a bucket to wear.”
“A bucket?” Obi-Wan asked, glancing over at his master. “I don’t understand.”
Wincing as Rex’s words slipped out of her mouth, Ahsoka waved off Obi-Wan’s confusion. “Sorry. It’s slang for helmet in some parts of the Rim. Usually referring to a Mandalorian helmet.”
“Oh!” Obi-Wan nodded as they cleared the atmosphere and were given permission by the Coruscant Planetary Authority to depart. “Did you encounter many Mandalorian bounty hunters on the Outer Rim?”
Ahsoka smiled to herself as memories of Rex and the rest of the 501st came to her mind, followed by Sabine, her brightly colored armor and rest of the Ghost crew. She settled back in her chair and nodded. “I knew a few. They were good people.”
“Well, that’s reassuring,” Obi-Wan replied and engaged the hyperdrive, vaulting them into the blue-white swirl of lightspeed.
Mandalore was a wasteland, dry, barren and dotted occasionally by domed cities that clung tenaciously to life.
Obi-Wan had never seen anything like it before.
Ahsoka took over piloting their ship once they dropped out of hyperspace. She had spent the majority of their travel reading through his datapad and one of her own, scribbling notes to herself when they weren’t debating over the exact nature of their mission orders.
He had argued that there was an unspoken mandate in the orders, to assist the Duchess in any way possible to bring peace to the wartorn Mandalorian people. His master had insisted that such diplomacy was simply not possible and that they were only there to protect the Duchess Satine as requested.
“But why send us if not to help?” Obi-Wan asked one night as a particularly heinous-looking pod race quietly roared in the background. “Why would the Republic send two Jedi to Mandalore of all places if they weren’t trying to force the Mandalorians to end their civil war?”
“I think whoever requested aid didn’t expect the Senate to send us,” Ahsoka sighed as she watched the pod race. “And I don’t think we should expect a warm welcome, either.”
“Sundari central control, this is Republic vessel 2378,” Ahsoka announced over the com. “Requesting permission and a landing vector.”
A cool, sharp voice returned his master’s request. “Republic vessel 2378 you are cleared for landing on pad 4017 and we are sending the vector now.”
Obi-Wan read the vector aloud as it came through and Ahsoka altered their course accordingly. They finished the rest of the flight in silence, both wrapped up in their own thoughts.
He knew something was bothering his master but he couldn’t divine what it was. Unlike her dark moods, when Obi-Wan could tell Ahsoka was tormenting herself with memories of her master, this was new and different. If he had to describe his master’s current behavior, he would have labeled it as nervous and worried.
What on Mandalore was causing his normally cheerful and unflappable master such anxiety?
After a perfect landing, Ahsoka took a deep breath and gave Obi-Wan a smile that looked more like a grimace. “We’re here!”
“Do you think the Duchess will come to meet us?” Obi-Wan asked, following Ahsoka back to the boarding ramp.
“Maybe?” Ahsoka shrugged, holding her hands up. “But I doubt it. Satine Kryze is the head of state. She’s probably too busy trying to run the government and fight a civil war to come greet us.”
As it turned out, there was a small greeting party of highly ranked Mandalorian nobles, one of them a tall blond man with a goatee and violet eyes. Ahsoka seemed to look over each of them before they stepped out from under their cruiser, Obi-Wan following close behind her.
“Welcome, Master Jedi,” one of the envoys said, stepping forward. The man was garbed in a grey and gold and he bowed low. “I am Tiberon Vizula, of House Vizula. Welcome to Mandalore.”
“We are honored to accept your invitation,” Ahsoka said, bowing to Tiberon Vizula and the other assembled dignitaries. “I am Knight Ahsoka Tano and this is my padawan learner, Obi-Wan Kenobi. We were sent by the Republic to help aid in the protection of the Duchess Satine Kryze?”
Tiberon nodded, his mouth pulled into a frown as he gestured for Ahsoka and Obi-Wan to follow him toward a waiting air skiff. “Yes, I know. I apologize for my bluntness, Knight Tano, but I do not think the Duchess will approve of your presence here. While the Duchess has the utmost faith in her House Guards, there are others in her court who are not so… idealistic. They were the ones who requested additional assistance.”
“And what are your views on our presence?” Ahsoka asked, just a blunt as Tiberon Vizula had been. Obi-Wan would have been shocked but he was used to his master’s unorthodox approaches to diplomacy. Knowledge of a culture and a people were good but following your gut and the will of the Force was better.
Tiberon shook his head and chuckled. “I told her that the Republic wouldn’t be foolish enough to send jetii to protect a Mandalorian duchess and yet here you are. And with a jetii adi’ka to boot.”
Obi-Wan wanted to bristle at being called a child but that would do them no good at the present moment. He took a deep breath and reminded himself that he could only control his reactions to Mandalorians and he was not going to let some tall blond man with impressive cheekbones make him feel like an initiate.
“Obi-Wan is quite capable of taking care of himself,” Ahsoka explained, glancing back at him with a warm expression on her face. The last of the welcoming group took a seat on the air skiff and they were off, being whisked away into the domed city of Sundari. “And he won’t stand out on Mandalore as much as I will.”
“Another reason to question the judgement of the Republic,” Tiberon pointed out with an arch look. “Knight Tano, I know you mean well but we’re more than capable of protecting our own.”
“I’m sure you are,” Ahsoka said, arms folded over her chest, her head tilted to the side. “But all the same, we would like to help in anyway we can. Even if it’s just to report back to the Senate that our assistance has been refused. I’m sure that will be a simple enough report to make.”
Obi-Wan glanced back at Tiberon Vizla, watching him lean back in his seat and turn his gaze to the grey-haired man sitting next to him. They began to have a conversation and Obi-Wan watched them as he sent a thought to his master.
What caused that reaction, Master?
The Republic doesn’t like it when its member systems rebuff its… overtures of assistance. Ahsoka explained, the faintest heat of annoyance in her mental voice. Mandalore and the Republic haven’t always gotten along but these New Mandalorians that have come into power place a new emphasis on getting along with the Republic. They know that turning down this generous offer of Jedi assistance might be viewed by the Senate as a slap in the face.
Obi-Wan nodded, glancing around at the assembled dignitaries. So if they let us help, the Duchess looks weak but if they don’t let us help, Mandalore looks ungrateful in the eyes of the larger galaxy.
Somebody wants to make the Duchess’s life very difficult, Ahsoka observed as their skiff flew further and further into Sundari.
After arriving at an elegantly but severely decorated complex that Tiberon explained was the seat of House Kryze, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan were shown into a bright and airy room ringed with windows and the ceiling made entirely of smaller windows framed with geometric designs. At the far end of the room was a raised dais with a chair on it and seated there, surrounded by an honor guard and her ruling council, was the Duchess Satine Kryze.
She was much younger and softer in the face than the last time Ahsoka saw her but that sharp piercing gaze was still there, as was the air of regal authority. To her right stood a younger girl, her hair a darker strawberry blonde in comparison to Satine’s platinum locks, and it took Ahsoka a moment to realize that it was Bo-Katan, who she had last seen as the leader of the Nite Owls.
Obi-Wan was surprised to see just how much younger the Duchess looked in person compared to the holos he had studied. She couldn’t have been any older than he was and the way her hands were curled up in her lap told him that she was far more worried about meeting them than they were of meeting her.
Tiberon Vizla stepped out from behind them both and announced their presence. “Your Grace? May I present Knight Ahsoka Tano and her Padawan Learner Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
“Come forward,” the Duchess commanded, her voice a little too sharp but not unpleasant as both Jedi slowly advanced toward her illuminated throne and came to a stop at a respectful distance.
Both bowed in unison as Ahsoka took the lead, using her warmest and kindest voice. “Duchess Satine Kryze, we have been sent by the Republic to assist your security forces in… ensuring your continued safety.”
Satine looked down at the two of them, her face impassive but her blue eyes burning a hole right between theirs. “I know why you are here and while I appreciate the Republic’s offer of assistance, I am confident in the ability of my guards to protect me. Surely there is some other crisis that requires your presence elsewhere?”
Ahsoka and Obi-Wan exchanged a look before Ahsoka responded. “Your Grace, my padawan and I are not here to replace your own House guards. We are here to supplement them, to work with you and your people to ensure your safety.”
“Tell me, Knight Tano,” Satine said, her chin held high as she clutched the arms of her throne, trying to mask her nervousness. “Why should I agree to your presence in my court? I believe in pacifism, in bringing an end to Mandalore’s violent history. You are Jedi, a group of people who have no problem resorting to violence in pursuit of your so-called peace.”
Ahsoka’s smile wavered for only a moment before she answered. “We are, of course, here at your pleasure, your Grace. If you wish us to leave you need only say so and Obi-Wan and I will report back to the Senate that our assistance was not required.”
Satine frowned and stood up from her chair. “Is that a threat, Knight Tano?”
Obi-Wan’s eyes widened in shock and affront. How dare this Mandalorian child ruler accuse his master of threatening her? Did she not understand that they were there to protect her? We are here as a courtesy!
“It is a statement of fact,” Ahsoka replied, holding her hands out. “Someone in your court requested our presence, your Grace. Perhaps you might employ us to discover who it was that went behind your back to make such a request.”
Obi-Wan watched as the Ruling Council and the assembled nobles inhaled sharply at his master’s observation. Ahsoka had subtly accused someone amongst them of, if not treason, then at least a lack of confidence in their fellow partisans which was almost as bad as overt treason.
Satine looked away and for a moment, Obi-Wan saw the facade of implacable durasteel drop, revealing a torn and scared young girl, unsure of what to do next. She met his eyes and he gave her what he hoped was an encouraging smile.
“Duchess Satine,” Ahsoka spoke, take a few steps forwards, holding her arms open. “We’re here to help you. In any way that we can. We do not have loyalties or vendettas. There is no secret plan by the Republic to interfere in Mandalore’s ongoing conflict. We an impartial third party. We want to help you. Please, let us do our job and I promise you, you’ll barely notice us.”
Satine looked down at her hands and then took a deep breath. “Fine. I will accept your assistance for now, Knight Tano. Welcome to Mandalore.”
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dbtrilogy2 · 7 years
Happy Wife Happy Life(13)
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Messing with a few buttons I nod at robin. For the last two months I've been working with her for the album she's trying to put out. After I got her drake for the Work remix and that blew up she asked me to be her official producer and writer for her entire album.
Now this isn't my first time. I've got a pretty fat profile between when I started and now. Right now I'm working on a sorta slow jam type song. It's coming along but needs something. Im not sure if it's a feature or another instrument.
"Howe as that?" She came out the booth sitting.
"Pretty good but I'm not feeling it all the way. It needs something."
"Well whatever it is I'm sure you'll make it work perfectly." She smiled touching my knee.
Frowning I move back and replay what she just did. Clearing my throats I go back to messing with her vocals and the music.
"So what's a married man with kids doing working pass ten on a Wednesday?" She smirked scooting her chair on by me.
"Just that working." I honestly haven't paid any mind to the time. Rebecca is gonna kill me!
"I'm surprised you wife isn't blowing you up I know if my man let alone husband was out this late working he would be flooded with calls voice mails text emails hell I'd DM that nigga. Guess she doesn't really care about you." She laughs.
"Hey don't disrespect my wife. Don't worry about what she is or isn't doing focus on this album people putting money into you making."
I didn't really mean to snap like that. It's probably just the guilt eating at me.
"Sorry. You know I really appreciate all the dedication you put into me Carlton. No one has ever truly believed in me until you and Chris."
It was getting really awkward in here. Probably a bad call doing this one on one thing so late. Note to self this never happens again.
"Right well...that's nice but I'm gonna call this a night."
Closing everything down I get my things holding the door letting robin walk out first.
"It's still a fresh night...you wanna catch a bite or something?"
Before I could answer my stomach growled loud. She giggled.
"Actually I'm just gonna head on hole I'm sure my wife cooked up something for me like she always does. See ya."
"Yeah..." She grabbed me hugging my neck then kissed my cheek. "Bye Carlton."
Watching her switch out I sigh running my hand over my face. What is going on with me!? That chick is nothing compared to my wife. She's probably just doing this as a suck up to get her name poppin. Yeah that's it she's a gold digger I ain't about to fall into whatever trap she plannin.
Around a little pass midnight I was walking into a dark house. A light shines from the kitchen.
"Baby I know I'm coming in late but-"
"Wrong person." Eli peaked from the fridge with a grape stem in his hand. "It's pass your curfew mister."
"Same to you. Is your mom sleep?"
"Last I saw she was carrying a bottle of wine a glass and had her beats and robe on." He shrugged. "You know she's pissed right?"
"Yeah I messed up son. Do me a favor and don't be like your dad." After grabbing a beer I sigh taking the bottle back.
"What's been going on with you anyway? Remember that time we were suppose to spend the day together? Or you telling Amanda you'd help her practice her dance? She did great by the way...it was tonight."
So both of my girls are gonna be mad at me? Great!
"Look I know I haven't been around like I should be or how I always promise but it's all in good thoughts. I've just been putting in extra work so I can really support you all and keep you guys happy."
I know what Rebecca said.
"Dad look around us. We have a six bedroom house with a pool, you have four cars, your kids attend top schools and your the head producer of one of the most popular record labels who brought the best entertains ever! We good man all of us basically get anything we want...except you. I'm starting to live that stereotype of black kids not having a dad." He chuckled hopping up on the counter. "Yeah it's nice having all these nice things but I'd rather spend a day out playing basketball or something with my old man over sitting in my room buying the news shoes or something."
I'm a little shocked hearing this from him. Eli is usually pretty quiet. Odd both my kids turned out opposites of their parents.
"I'm trying man I really am but things over lap sometimes. Your mom already bit my head off about this I took it down a bit but then I got this producing gig for one of our artist who wants me to produce the entire thing. It's my first time so I want it to go smooth and perfect."
"That shouldn't keep you from your family. And whoever this artist is tell her to ease up step off let you breath and keep her lips off you."
He hopped down. "Your cheek is red and in the shape of lips. I guess it's a good thing you found me before mom huh."
Patting my back he went off to his room. After collecting and preparing myself I make my way up to our room. It was completely dark with a small dim light coming from the bathroom. Walking in I'm hit with steam and a vanilla scent with some kind of instrumental playing low.
She was up to her shoulders in bubbles. I cleared my throat going to sit on the tub edge.
"H-hey baby...late night bath huh?"
"Yeah just thought I'd relax myself."
She wouldn't look at barely acknowledge I was here.
"Look I know I'm late-"
"Ten is late...but midnight? We've already had a talk about your working hours clearly you don't care so neither do I. Work all you want come home when you want I'm done trying....I'm not going to continue raising my own blood pressure worrying where you are."
Frowning I turned off the music. "You giving up on me?"
"That's what you want right for me to stop nagging you? Work seems oh so important to you and I don't wanna get in the way."
"No it's ok I'll just become the gold digger you want me to be. I sent you a email of some links it's just a few shoes bags and other shit I want."
Man...I really fucked up.
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A door slamming woke me from my sleep. The clock read seven...that must've been the girls leaving. Just as I'm closing my eyes again our door opened.
"Mommy up." Maliki went to her side of our bed trying to climb up.
"Yo ki get out she sleep." I groan pushing him. Don't get all CPS on me it was just his leg. "Go watch tv in your room."
"I want mommy. Mommy!" He pulled on her hand making her groan.
"Ay what I say get yo little ass out and do what I said."
He glared at me but did like I said.
"You are so mean to him." Sleeping beauty mumbled.
"That wasn't mean it was parenting. I'm telling you one day imma get him and ain't shit you can do to stop me." I pull Cam closer to me squeezing kissing her head. We both up now.
"Chris must you try to crush me in half every morning?"
Chuckling I kiss her ear. "Just making sure none of this is some dream."
She smiled turning over facing me. Leaning over I kiss her nose pulling her body on top of me.
"You've been working a lot lately I miss our morning cuddles." She whispered tracing my chest tattoos.
"Yeah I know baby I'm working with these new artist and just getting my pieces ready for this charity auction." I rub her back. "I want you to see the one I did yesterday."
"Sure I love seeing your art. You free today...I wanna take the twins out to the mall we can go after dropping off Maliki." Sitting up on me she let her hair out falling over her shoulder.
I love seeing her in this fresh state. Her eyes seem brighter with her pink cheeks. This is my wife. Y'all don't even know how lucky I really am having her all to myself. Caressing her face I start biting my lip.
"You know I give you anything you want." She blushed leaning down kissing me.
We made out for a minute or two before she got up and dragged us into the bathroom. We handle our hygiene got dressed then went to the twins room. Mylan was still sleeping while Morgan was jumping in her crib. Seeing us she started babbling shaking her head.
"You look crazy Gigi." Cam picked her up. "Come on let's get you ready for a shopping day."
I picked out a matching outfit for them and went to wake up Mylan. She whined and squirmed before opening her pretty little eyes. Just like her mother she hates being woken up.
"Hey babygirl...its that time again no more sleeping." Blowing on her cheek she squealed pushing my head away. "Lets go get washed up with your sister."
"Uh damn it Morgan."
I laughed seeing all the water on the girls bathroom floor. It's always a fight with that one. I think she gets some kind of thrill from pissing people off...I can already tell her teenage years will be spent locked up in her room.
"Baby pass me that towel please."
I pass her Mylan and wipe up the spilled water. We washed them both then dress them. She wanted to do her little make up stuff and took the girls with her. I went to get Maliki ready. Putting him in the tub since he can wash himself I picked out his outfit.
"You can get dressed on your own right?" He nods grabbing his power ranger underwear putting them on then his pants. I helped him with the button let him put his shirt on.
"Nice?" He looked at me.
"Yeah son you look nice. Hey when we gonna hear talk like a big boy? You gon a whole five soon." He just shrugged at me.
I don't know how but imma get him to talk. Just like somehow Camila got Mona to talk I'll get him just gotta find what gets to him. We went into the room and he ran off somewhere.
"Mymy look...take a picture for mommy come on please."
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"Maybe your sister will give me something. Morgan...Gigi look at mommy."
She almost had her but-
"Ki." She points behind me completely ignoring Cam trying to take her picture.
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"I don't think they wanna take any pictures Cam."
"Uh I see that I just want everyone to see how cute my babies are. Why can't that work with me." She rolled her eyes picking up their baby bag then Morgan leaving me with Mylan.
"They got that "I do what I want" attitude from you baby." She flipped we off walking out the room. "Ki where you at!?"
He ran out our closet.
"Ah I have to get this." Cam went up to him.
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"You done yet?" Mylan pulled on my chain talking to herself.
"Yeah yeah put the bag back ki come on."
I got the double stroller for the twins while she buckled everyone in. We dropped the boy off first then head for the mall. The first store we went to was one of those pricey ass kids stores. Small clothes huge dollars signs. Hell there was a bow...a hair bow for two hundred.
"Camila why are we in here I'm not trynna have anymore spoiled kids Mona and Maurice are enough."
"Oh come on Chris everything in here is so freaking cute! Look at this dress." Morgan smiled reaching for it. "Oh she loves we gotta get it." She hands it to me.
"Hell no cam this small ass dress for $350 no Camila no I'm not buying this."
She cut her eyes at me snatching the dress back. "Fine I'll buy it myself I don't need your passed down money." She switched away leaving me with the kids.
"Does she not know her money was passed down to." Morgan laughed like she understood me. I saw her in line with some other stuff looking all mad. "Ok...let daddy go bow down to mommy."
She ignored me standing next her the entire time.
"Hi did you find everything ok?"
"Yes I did my husband on the other hand was feeling cheap today." She rolled her eyes at me.
"Can't blame a guy the dress cost more than my shoes." The register girl just smiled ringing up her things.
"But not more than your watch, chain, earrings, nose rings, belt and shirt."
Damn...she got me.
"Your total in $1,234.66. Cash or card?"
"Card." I take out my wallet handing it to her. "Better be glad I love."
She smiled kissing me. "I love you to. Let's go to a store for you my treat this time." Grabbing the bags she walked with me.
Happy wife happy life a very true statement.
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Title: Words That Water Flowers
Total word count: 34828 -> Chapter 12 word count: 8170
Chapter 12 title: Kilig
Two things:
1) Thank you to everyone who supported me both when I thought I was postponing this chapter and when I decided to finish it by writing 3k words of it in one go XD You guys rock, thank you thank you thank you <3
2) I highly recommend listening to this song when you read this. It’s basically the theme song of this fic and I listened to it the entire time I wrote this chapter!
....oh, and yeah, there’s going to be an epilogue :) so there’s one final update next week!!!! 
Gon’s lips were soft.
That was the first thought that somehow managed to break through the static in Killua’s brain.
They were soft, careful, and so- so gentle as they pressed to Killua’s, touch light as butterfly wings. Gon’s kiss wasn’t at all demanding; he kissed Killua like he was something precious and fragile, like he would fall apart in an instant if Gon applied the tiniest bit of force.
And Killua…didn’t know what to do. He laid paralyzed on Gon’s bed, eyes frozen wide as he stared at Gon’s thick eyelashes. For a split second, he thought he’d finally died and was in heaven. But the way his heart pounded away in his chest, loud and heavy, reminded him that he was very much alive. It made his head swim in dizzy circles and his blood sing as it raced through his veins.
Because Gon was everywhere, all around him, surrounding him with no escape; a single tanned hand wrapped around Killua’s, the other cupping Killua’s jaw and leaving Killua’s pale skin tingling, their legs tangled under the sheets, Gon’s nose pressing into Killua’s cheek while his mouth moved oh so tenderly against Killua’s non-responsive one-
And then it was over.
Killua’s lips were tingling when Gon pulled away. He didn’t go far; only a few inches separated their faces by the time he stopped. If Killua wanted, he could close that distance with barely any effort at all.
There was a heavy pause. Seconds passed as the two simply looked at each other, breath labored and mixing in the space between their mouths. Killua continued to stare at Gon wordlessly, unable to form a single cohesive thought to even begin to understand what had just happened. Gon gazed right back without an ounce of shame, all flushed skin and heaving chest.
Killua couldn’t look away from his best friend.
He hungrily drank in the sight of Gon’s tousled brown hair and the wild light in those round eyes. They were like liquid gold in the reflecting moonlight. Freckles stood out on red cheeks like scattered stars. Gon looked so perfectly disheveled in that moment that it took Killua’s breath away.
But it was wrong. So, so wrong and horrible and messed up, and the worst part was Killua knew it, too.
A slow but steady ache started to build up inside him. It filled his lungs, then his chest. It kept growing and growing until Killua felt like he was drowning in it. The crushing sadness shattered Killua’s already fractured heart into hundreds of millions of shards and he nearly sobbed at the pain.
A breaking heart hurt. It hurt more than anything Killua had ever felt before in his entire life.
He sucked in a quiet, shuddering breath and his face crumpled. Hot wetness welled up in his eyes and spilled over before he could stop them. They fell sideways, off his cheeks and onto his pillow without a sound.
Through his blurry view, he thought he saw Gon’s eyes fly wide in horror.
“Ki-Killua?” he stammered. “Killua, hey, what’s wrong? Talk to me, please-”
“Why.” Killua’s voice shook. “Why would you do that?”
Gon blinked, clearly taken aback. “What do you mean?”
“Do you think this is funny?” Killua snapped. He yanked his hand out of Gon’s and shot upwards into a sitting position. He vigorously scrubbed his swollen eyes with the heel of his hand until it stung. Until he couldn’t hear how loudly his heart screamed in his chest. “Do you think this is just some kind of joke?!”
Gon’s jaw dropped as he pushed himself up to match Killua’s sudden height. “What are you talking about?! I don’t understand, why are you cry-”
Killua slapped away the hand extended to him, ignoring the wounded look on his best friend’s face at the action. He spat out, “Don’t touch me! I can’t believe you would even try something like that!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Gon said loudly, voice hoarse and eyes pleading. “I didn’t do anything, Killua!”
“You kissed me!” Killua practically shrieked. His lungs were on fire. His throat was burning and he pushed down the need to cough because speaking was more important right now. Yelling was more important than whatever tickle was brushing up against his windpipe.
Gon had kissed him. And he couldn’t- he didn’t-
“You’re not making any sense!” Gon wailed. “Explain it to me so I know what I did to make you act like this!”
“You,” he said as his voice trembled with suppressed rage. “You don’t even get it. You’re so- so! Ugh! I can’t even say it!”
“Just tell me what I did wrong, Killua!”
“You don’t love me!” Killua exploded and more tears fell down the sides his face. “You don’t love me, and you kissed me. You’re so hellbent on not letting me die that you’re trying to act the part of my unrequited lover! And you’re playing with my emotions in the process.”
Gon recoiled as if he’d been slapped, blood draining out of his cheeks so fast the contrast was startling. But Killua was too furious to care.
“Killua.” Gon swallowed thickly. “You can’t think I would ever do that to you.”
“I think that’s exactly the kind of thing you would do if you were desperate enough.”
“Why?!” Gon’s voice cracked and Killua’s heart twisted. “Why, I don’t- Killua, I would never hurt you like that-”
Killua’s hysterical laughter cut off the rest of Gon’s response. Killua gasped, chest heaving with pain and half-choked down sobs, “Oh, Gon, that’s exactly why! You don’t want the Hanahaki to hurt me anymore. Which is great, I’m glad you c-care.”
He dug his nails into the center of his palms. He struggled to keep his voice even as he said, “But you and I both know the only way to get rid of the flower is to have one’s feelings returned. So that’s what you did: you tried to return my feelings by being my substitute lover.”
Gon gaped at Killua in horror.
“You know,” Killua said in mock-thoughtfulness. “It’s actually a clever idea. I’m surprised you came up with it, to be honest. It’s not going to work, though, because I know the truth.”
“You’re wrong,” Gon said hoarsely.
Killua shook his head. “I’m not.”
“Yes. You are.”
“Don’t you dare,” Killua hissed. Another wave of fury washed over him and he just barely held back the urge to scream murderously at his best friend. “Don’t you dare argue with me like that. This isn’t some sort of fucking game, Gon! This is real and I won’t let myself be played just because you feel guilty!”
Gon’s face darkened. His tone sent chills down Killua’s spine when he said lowly, “I’m not playing games with you, Killua.”
“You said so yourself: what if he kissed you?” Fresh, disgusting and pathetic tears welled up in his eyes. He felt like someone was stabbing his heart over and over and over again with a jagged knife. His throat closed and he had to force forced himself to even whisper, “What if I kissed you? And then you did.”
Despair crashed down on him, driving away all his frustration and anger. He bowed his head and his shoulders shook with the effort to hold back gut-wrenching sobs. He hated everything about this- that Gon had kissed him, that they were fighting now because of it and how he couldn’t trust Gon’s words even though he had never doubted him before.
But most of all, Killua hated himself. He hated the fact that he didn’t want to leave Gon’s side despite what had just happened. He hated the stupid, tiny hope that still existed in the farthest corner of his mind that maybe he and Gon could still be together. He hated that he couldn’t stop from crying himself sick in front of the person who mattered more to him than anything he had ever cared about before or ever will.
He hated it.
“Killua,” Gon begged. He didn’t reach out to Killua again and for that, at least, Killua was glad. He might break apart entirely if Gon touched him. “Killua, that wasn’t me trying to substitute your lover. And I swear I would never kiss you just to heal you. That’s cruel and horrible and- and mean. I’m not like that. You know I’m not like that.”
Killua couldn’t believe him. He couldn’t because that would end with him throwing up marigolds onto Gon’s sheets. But-
“Then w-why would you d-do it?” he said through gritted teeth and the pain eating him from the inside out. “There’s no other reason-”
He squeezed his eyes shut, as if doing that would somehow block Gon’s voice from reaching his ears. Killua wished Gon would stop saying his name. It only made everything worse than it already was and whatever Gon had to say, he didn’t want to hear it. He just wanted this all to end so he would stop hurting all the fucking time-
“Killua,” Gon repeated. “I kissed you because I wanted to.”
The words sent a jolt down Killua’s spine. His breath caught in his throat and his whole body turned cold.
That was something Killua had dreamed of hearing Gon say for a very, very long time. But not like this. Not as something that tore at his already shredded heart and made him want to collapse into himself until nothing remained.
“Please,” he pleaded. “Please, Gon, enough of this already.”
“…you don’t believe me.”
Killua finally raised his head at Gon’s empty tone. The other teen’s face was paler than Killua could ever remember seeing it before and his stomach lurched at the sight.
“I can’t,” Killua said weakly.
Gon’s expression twisted as if he was the one in pain. “Why?! I don’t understand you! Why do you think it’s so impossible for me to lik-”
Killua growled, eyes prickling, “Stop it. Just. Stop, Gon. I’ve had enough for one night.”
“I won’t. Not until you believe me!”
“There’s nothing to believe! You’re just trying to make me feel better and newsflash, it’s not working.”
“I’m not just doing this for you!” Gon said, voice growing louder. “I need to tell you how I feel about you!”
“Oh, so now you’re being selfish, is that it?! How is that in any way fair, forcing your ‘so-called’ feelings on me-”
“You’re the one not being fair, Killua! You keep interrupting me whenever I try to tell you that I lo-”
“GON!” he burst out, on the verge of breaking down completely. The lump in his throat was raw and burning. He could barely breathe around it. “Please, I’m begging you. Don’t do this, I can’t listen to you if you keep on lying-”
Gon’s eyes flashed dangerously. “I am not a liar, Killua. You know me better than anyone; do you really think I would try to hurt you? Ever? Do you really think I would lie about something like this?”
“You-” Killua twisted the sheets pooling around his waist in a white-knuckled grip. “It d-doesn’t matter. You can’t be telling the t-truth.”
Gon grounded out, “Why. Not.”
Killua lost it.
“Because!” he roared. His voice bounced off the walls but Gon kept on glaring at him, unaffected by Killua’s murderous fury. “You- you can’t love me, it’s impossible! There’s literally nothing about m-me that- that could even be worth even half of your-your-”
There was something caught in the back of his throat. He turned away to cough violently, wincing at the sharp tang of iron. He didn’t have the time to think about what that meant before Gon was already shouting at Killua’s back-
“What are you talking about?! Killua, what you’re saying doesn’t make any sense! You’re basing all of this on how you see yourself and you’re not even thinking about how I see you. I’ve told you a million times how incredible and amazing I think you are!”
Killua twisted around. “That doesn’t mean anything!” he hissed, spitting the words from his mouth like venom. “Amazing, incredible- you throw those words around every single goddamn day! That has nothing to do with being in lo- in…”
Killua was taking huge gulps of air now. His chest heaved with the effort to get oxygen to his lungs, but it wasn’t helping. Something was blocking this windpipe, that same thing he’d felt at the back of his throat earlier.
His eyes bulged. The Hanahaki. The flower.
“Oh, yeah?! Well maybe if you just tried actually listening to me, you’d get that I’m- Killua?” Gon cut himself off, immediately noticing a change in atmosphere. “Killua, why did you stop talking, what’s wrong?!“
Killua desperately clawed at his neck. He couldn’t breathe at all now. The flower was blocking his throat completely and pressure was starting to build up in his lungs. Panic settled in his bones, making his pulse skyrocket.
He was suffocating. He couldn’t breathe and he was suffocating. He was going to die.
Silent tears spilled down Killua’s cheeks as tremors racked through his body. Of all the ways to die, he never thought it would be here- in Gon’s bedroom on Gon’s bed, right in the middle of a fight with the person he cared about more than his own life, right after his first kiss. How much crueler could his life get at this point?
“No,” Gon whispered, horrified understanding filtering into his face. “No. No, no, no, no, no, NO! No, Killua, you- you can’t die, you just!!! You can’t!”
Killua would have snapped back at Gon for that- you can’t just decide when your life is over, idiot, it doesn’t work like that- but his head was too fuzzy to even try to form the words. His fingers were starting to go numb.
Calloused hands slapped over his tear-stained cheeks and Killua jerked violently. He suddenly found himself staring into Gon’s beautiful golden eyes.
“Killua,” Gon growled lowly. “Stop. Stop panicking, stop feeling- whatever it is you’re doing right now that’s making the flower inside of you react, you need to stop it. Okay?! You’re not going to die, so just stop thinking so much! I don’t care what you have to do to calm down but do it now before it’s too late!”
Gon’s words somehow made it through Killua’s hazy mind. How was he supposed to stop panicking?! It wasn’t like he could just flip a switch and suddenly stop thinking!
But Gon’s eyes glowed with hard determination. He believed in Killua more than Killua believed in himself. He always had. And Gon-
Gon was Killua’s light, was Killua’s sun. He was an idiot, stubborn and ridiculous and reckless to the point of fault, but he was good and honest and made miracles happen just by saying so. He inspired Killua to be more than he was.
So Killua obeyed. He forced his mind go completely blank. He stopped thinking about the flower, about his death, about everything that had transpired between him and Gon in the past few minutes. Instead, he focused on the moonlight on Gon’s cheekbones, the warmth of his hands on Killua’s skin, the quiet ticking of the clock in the background. Killua let his shoulders drop, relaxing into Gon’s touch, and he breathed.
His throat opened, his chest filled with air and he breathed.
Gon let out a sound that was half-way between a sob and a laugh. “Ki-Killua,” he said, eyes turning glossy. “You’re breathing. You’re ok-kay.”
Then, to Killua’s absolute horror, Gon’s lower lip wobbled dangerously. That was all the warming before Gon threw himself forward, flinging his arms around Killua’s shoulders. Killua inhaled sharply as Gon shoved his face into the crook of Killua’s neck. Killua could feel Gon’s entire body trembling through their embrace.
He was really scared, Killua realized distantly. No, not scared: terrified. For all his brave words and certainty, it was painfully obvious just how terrified Gon had really been of losing Killua.  
Killua swallowed thickly and blinked to hold back the water in his eyes. He croaked out, “Gon.”
“I’m s-sorry!” Gon squeezed him tighter and Killua wheezed. “I’m just! I’m so glad that, that you’re not…”
Killua wrapped his arms around Gon’s waist, heart finally starting to slow to a normal, steady pace. He whispered, “I know. I know. But I’m here, it’s okay.”
Gon nodded jerkily against Killua. His fingers dug into Killua’s shoulder blades, almost like he was afraid that Killua would disappear if he let go.
“Gon,” Killua said again, making his voice soft. “Hey. I’m fin-”
“No, you’re not!!!”
Killua’s mouth shut with a click.
Gon took in a shuddering breath; Killua could feel Gon’s broad chest expanding against his and his heart stuttered.
“You’re not fine, Killua,” Gon said quietly. “Please don’t say that. You- you almost died, just now. I could’ve lost you forever. And it would’ve been my fault.”
Ice shot down Killua’s spine. “No, Gon, that’s not true.”
“Are you saying that your Hanahaki acting up had nothing to do with our fight?”
Killua gritted his teeth. Damnit. He couldn’t say anything against that.
Gon huffed. “See. I’m right.”
“Gon-” he began, but Gon was leaning back before Killua could finish. Killua immediately released him despite the sad pang in his chest. Of course Gon wouldn’t want to hug forever, Killua didn’t know what he’d been expecting-
His best friend slid his hands up to gently cup Killua’s face and Killua’s mind went blank at the feeling of warm, sturdy fingers on his cheeks.
The smile Gon offered him was small, but genuine. He gazed at Killua unabashedly and his eyes seemed to almost glow in the dark with a quiet, burning adoration.
Killua’s stomach flipped. Why was Gon looking at him like that? Wasn’t he mad at Killua for trying to brush the whole Hanahaki-incident off?
“Killua,” Gon said, tone kind but firm. “I’m going to talk for a little while, okay? This is probably going to be uncomfortable for you, and probably a little awkward, but it will be for me too! And this…this is important. For both of us. You can say whatever you want after I’m done. This way the flower inside your chest won’t act up again. Deal?”
Killua wanted to say no. He didn’t like the way Gon had said that, or the strange tightness in his own gut. Now more than ever he wanted to bolt because the way Gon was looking at him made his heart do backflips inside his chest.
But he could see the hidden pain in the shadows of Gon’s eyes and the tightness of his face. Whatever this was, it was something Gon needed to say. And Killua didn’t want to hurt either of them by arguing any more.
He nodded slowly, acutely aware of Gon’s hands on his either side of his face, and Gon’s smile widened. “Okay, great. I’m just. I’m just going to come out and say it, then.”
He inhaled deeply. Killua’s insides squirmed at the sight of his best friend’s darkening cheeks. That had happened earlier too, right before Gon had- had done that. So Killua wasn’t sure what to make of it now.
Gon was still gazing at him with that warm, unbearably soft look. Killua held his breath as Gon said simply:
“Killua. I’m in love with you.”
Heat rushed to Killua’s face. His heart thumped erratically inside his chest, bursting into life like a firework, and his whole body tingled as if he’d been struck by lightning.
It wasn’t true. It couldn’t be. But hearing Gon say those words still made Killua’s traitorous body come alive with hope.
“I know you don’t believe me,” Gon said and Killua grimaced. “That’s okay. Well, I mean, it’s not, but it will be because I’m going to prove it to you!”
“Oh, yeah?” Killua said faintly. His voice shook embarrassingly.
Gon beamed. “Mhm! Here, watch-”
Gon’s hands slowly slid Killua’s cheek to his jaw, then his neck. Killua stayed completely still as Gon’s fingers trailed down his body, internally shrieking and trying his best not to pass out from the swirling mix of emotions raging inside of him.
Gon’s hands found his. He took one of Killua’s thin hands and brought it to his cheek.
Killua sucked in a sharp breath. He almost scrambled away in shock but Gon held his hand him firmly in place with his own.
“G-Gon!” Killua squeaked. What the hell was going on?!
“Pay attention, Killua,” Gon said, eyes dancing in the dim light. He obviously knew the effect this was having Killua and Killua wanted to hit him over the head for it. That stupid, smug little- “What do you feel?”
Killua made a face. He was feeling Gon’s cheek, obviously. He was feeling the texture of Gon’s beautiful dark skin, the shallow curve of Gon’s cheekbone under his thumb. Killua wiggled his fingers under Gon’s a little, splaying them out. Gon’s skin was softer than he ever imagined it would be. It was also very, very warm.
“It’s. Uh.” Killua bit his lip. “Hot?”
Gon bobbed his head, and with it, Killua’s entire arm. “Yeah, exactly! I’m…” Gon’s smile turned shy and Killua blinked, surprised, “-Killua, I’m blushing.”
Blushing? What did that have to do with anythi- oh.
Killua’s stomach lurched and his mouth went dry. Was Gon trying to say that he was blushing because of…because of Killua? No, it had to be something else. But Gon never got embarrassed by anything, so it wasn’t that-
“And here, look!” Gon snatched Killua’s other hand and pressed it to his chest. “Now what do you feel?”
Killua felt like he was going to shrivel up and die, that’s what. One hand still on Gon’s cheek, the other over Gon’s muscular chest as his best friend’s heart raced wildly under his fingertips. Killua frowned. It was almost weird how quick Gon’s heartbeat was, actually.
Blue eyes widened in realization. His hand on Gon’s face shifted slightly as Gon smiled at him.
“See?” Gon said. “My heart is going really, really fast. That only happens when you do exercise, or-”
“Or when you like someone,” Killua finished faintly. Gon’s grin was bright enough now to rival the sun.
“Exactly!” he chirped. “I mean, there’s more than just those two things, of course. My hands got kind of sweaty earlier too, because it was your hand I was holding. Oh, but you probably noticed that already, right? Um.”
Gon’s cheek grew even more heated under Killua’s palm. Slowly, he lowered Killua’s hands until they rested on the sheets between their crossed legs. He loosely interlocked their fingers, staring down at them with his brow furrowed.
After a few seconds, Gon murmured, “Even just looking at you, Killua…you make me feel warm and sort of tingly? I’m not sure how to describe it, but it’s a nice feeling. I like it a lot. It makes my stomach swoop and I always feel really, really happy. And I just know somehow that it’s all because of you.”
Killua didn’t say anything. He couldn’t even if he wanted to; his throat was tight and it was a struggle for him to breathe normally. It was a different than all the times before with his Hanahaki; this time, there was a swelling feeling coming to life in the center of his chest that was too big for words alone.
But he was also afraid. Afraid that if he opened his mouth, he would wake up and this moment would be gone forever.
Gon lifted his head, chocolate-brown hair falling into shinning eyes, and Killua’s breath hitched.
“Do you remember all that stuff you said when I asked how you knew you were in love, Killua?” he asked and Killua nodded unsteadily. “Well, if you need more proof, I do that stuff with you all the time! Or, have already done I guess you would say.”
Killua frowned. Gon had lost him there.
“Listen-” Gon scooted closer, until their knees were touching, “- just think about it! You said you lose your train of thought watching the person you love, right? Because they’re so amazing and beautiful? That happened to me with you on top of the cliff the other day, Killua! When you were standing there with your arms bent behind you head and the sun hit your hair at just the right angle, you looked so pretty like that…”
His voice trailed off. Blood rushed to Killua’s face as honey-brown eyes raked over his body. He could literally feel Gon’s gaze dragging across his skin, only stopping to linger on Killua’s lips.
Holy shit, Killua thought as Gon continued staring at him with unwavering fixation. His entire body was burning and his head felt dizzy. If Gon kept this up, he really was going to pass out.
Gon’s voice was rough as he said, “I’ve always wanted to know everything about you, too. I always text you as soon as I wake up because you’re the first person I think about. Even when we don’t have school that day, I text you just to see how you slept or if you want to come over for the day. And when you got hurt in school last week, I rushed to your side and messaged you later to make sure you were okay.”
Gon’s eyes were shining fiercely in the moonlight as he locked onto Killua’s blue. Killua couldn’t look away from that brilliant intensity as Gon said again, without hesitation or uncertainty:
“Killua, I love you. You- you’re my best friend. You’re the most beautiful and breathtaking person I’ve ever met, and I know no matter what that I want to spend every day with you, forever and ever. I must’ve loved you for ages but I only realized it recently. That’s why I never said anything before. And I’m-” Gon’s shoulders shook as he took in a shuddering breath, “-I’m so sorry it took me until now to figure everything out. If I’d realized my feelings sooner, you wouldn’t have Hanahaki. You wouldn’t have gone through all that suffering on your own. I’m so sorry, Killua.”
Killua’s spinning mind suddenly screeched to a halt.
“Wha- what?” Killua stammered aloud. “What did you just say?”
“I’m sorry for hurting you,” Gon repeated. “I never meant to-”
“Wait, why are you sorry? You didn’t- I mean, it’s not like it’s your fault.” The lie sat heavy on his tongue, just like the blood-smeared petals Killua so often coughed into his mouth.
Gon scrunched up his nose. “Killua…I know.”
“Know what?” he asked, pointedly ignoring the horror building up in the back of his brain.
Gon squeezed Killua’s hands. He said plainly, “I know about the marigolds.”
Killua’s body turned to ice. No. No, no, no, no, no. There was no way that Gon had figured it out, that was impossible-
“Aunt Mito brought back some flower smelling samples earlier today,” Gon explained over Killua’s inner panic. “And that’s when I recognized it, the scent of marigolds. I had smelled it on you earlier. You know, that day you had to leave early because your parents were coming back to town?”
Killua silently cursed Gon’s incredible nose. He’d gotten so used to the marigold scent coming off his breath that he didn’t even realize it was there anymore. But Gon with his bizarre super-sense abilities would have noticed it right away.
So. Gon knew the meaning behind the marigolds. That also meant that he knew that…that Killua was…
Killua swallowed thickly, blood roaring in his ears. Shit.
“Marigolds,” Gon said quietly, dragging Killua back to the moment at hand. “They match the colors of the petals you cough up, too. Orange and red and yellow. And they’re the same flowers I used to make those flower crowns the first day we met. But, Killua, there’s still one thing I don’t understand.”
Killua eyed Gon warily. “What is it?”
Gon pouted. “Killua. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Why?” Killua repeated incredulously. Was Gon being serious?! “You want to know why I didn’t tell you the truth, why I hid everything from you?”
“Yeah! You could’ve-”
“No!” Killua’s voice jumped up an octave and his nails dug into Gon’s fingers. “No, I couldn’t! Jeez, Gon, do you have no common sense?! If I ever told you that I- that I.” He could actually feel how red his face was by this point. He half wished the Hanahaki would take him now before he finished explaining to his crush why confessing was so incredibly out of the fucking question.
“If I said anything,” Killua said through gritted teeth. “Anything at all, what do you think would’ve happened to us?”
Gon tilted his head to the side. “To us?”
“Yeah. To us. We’re best friends. Friends don’t- they don’t do that sort of stuff.”
“You mean, couple-y stuff?”
God damnit. Gon was going to make him explode one day from sheer mortification. “Yes, Gon. Couple-y stuff.”
Gon hummed. “So, what you’re trying to say is…best friends can’t hold hands?”
Killua stiffened. He was suddenly hyper-aware of Gon’s sturdy fingers curled around his.
“Are you saying that best friends don’t wipe off blood from their lips,” Gon continued. “Or that best friends don’t almost kiss each other on the beach?”
Killua’s heart stuttered. The almost kiss. That’s what it had been, hadn’t it? He was so sure that he’d misunderstood the whole thing. But, now, after everything Gon had said-
“Are you saying that I can’t be your best friend because watched over you while you were in the nurse’s office? That because I realized at that moment that I was completely and totally in love with you, we can’t hang out or spend time together like we used to?”
Killua’s jaw dropped. “You. You what-”
“We’ll always be best friends, Killua,” Gon said, cutting him off. “You can’t change that, no matter what happens in the future. You’ll always be the person I turn to, the person who knows me better than anyone else. But-” and it was here he smiled at Killua, all gentle eyes and curving lips that filled Killua’s chest with a light fluttering warmth-
“Killua. Only you can decide where you want to take our relationship from here. Time’s running out, you know?”
His entire body stiffened at the reminder, ice shooting down his spine.
Right. Illumi. The surgery.
A pang resounded deep in his chest. He didn’t want to think about it, but he had to. He said as steadily as he could, “Gon. Let go.”
Gon blinked. Hurt flashed across his eyes but he did as Killua asked. He reluctantly pulled back and Killua twisted around, throwing his legs over the side of Gon’s bed, facing the moonlit window.
Killua stared unblinkingly at the beige carpet under his bare feet. Gon was right that time was running out. Today was Saturday and Gramps had scheduled the meeting with Illumi on Wednesday. If the flower was still there by his appointment, everything would go. Killua would be a shell of himself.
So. He had a decision to make.
He could either accept Gon’s words, believe everything his best friend had said and give into his own desires.
Or he could listen to the nagging voice in the back of his head that whispered how Killua was just fooling himself, that Gon was just telling him this to make Killua feel better and their kiss had meant nothing to Gon at all.
“Killua?” Gon’s voice sounded incredibly small and Killua sunk his teeth into his lower lip to keep himself from saying anything. He heard the mattress creak as Gon shifted behind him.
“Killua,” Gon said again, slightly closer this time. “I- I know this is a lot to take in, and I know this is really scary for you. I know it is for me too. But.”
Gon paused. Killua stayed silent. He could feel Gon’s eyes digging into his back. It made his neck prickle and his pulse race.
“You’re a logical person, Killua,” Gon finally said. “You analyze stuff really well, that’s why you’re so much better at school than me. So, please, think about what I said. You have the pieces, all that’s left is for you to put them together.”
Killua squeezed his eyes shut. The pieces, huh? What did Killua know that would help him figure this jumbled mess out? Killua breathed out slowly, reliving the night in his mind.
He thought about Gon’s lips, how careful but sure they had felt against his. He thought about Gon’s flushed cheek and its innocent warmth. He thought about Gon’s flying heart under his palm and Gon’s calloused fingers wrapped around his.
He thought about Gon, with his dazzling grins and the adventurous glint in his eyes.
Killua curled his trembling hands over the edge of the mattress, digging his nails into cotton sheets for something to hold onto.
Gon was Killua’s best friend. His sun. His everything. Killua knew Gon better than he knew himself, had memorized Gon’s traits and his quirks as if they were his own.
And he knew this:
Gon wasn’t a liar. Gon believed in a warped sense of justice that even Killua had a hard time fully understanding, but Gon wasn’t unnecessarily cruel and he cared about his friends more than himself. He would never do anything to hurt them. He would never do anything to hurt Killua, especially not by lying.
So that meant…when Gon said that he wanted to kiss Killua, that he felt all of those things when Killua was around…
Gon had been telling the truth.
Killua bowed his head and grounded his teeth together until his jaw ached. His vision blurred and hot tears dripped down onto his legs. They slid off his skin and onto the floor, the wet trails glimmering like silver in the moonlight.
Gon is in love with me, Killua thought and his chest swelled as an overwhelming rush of relief-joy-love swept through him, leaving him shaking.
Gon loved him, just as Killua loved him back. Gon loved him, Gon loved him, Gon loved him-
They loved each other. So, what the hell was Killua waiting for?
Gon stared at Killua’s back, heart twisting.
He had said everything. He had told Killua his feelings without holding anything back. All he could do now was wait. Wait, and hope.
Because if Killua didn’t believe him, Gon didn’t know what he would do. He couldn’t lose Killua. Just picturing his best friend empty of emotion, without a single flicker of fondness in his gaze as he looked at Gon…
It would be unbearable. Seeing Killua like that would kill Gon from the inside out, he was sure of it.
Killua was the most important person in Gon’s life. He would do anything to make Killua happy and healthy. And if that meant he had to confess first, that was fine. So, he did.
Gon swallowed thickly as he remembered their kiss. Killua hadn’t responded and Gon had sort of expected that. The kiss had come out of nowhere from Killua’s point of view but it was something Gon had been planning for a very long time. He’d dreamed about kissing Killua for the past week, had wanted to do it every time he saw Killua’s face. He just really, really hoped Killua understood that now.
Killua slowly lowered his head, shoulders curved inward. His slim, graceful body was outlined by the moonlight coming in from the window; the white light hit his hair at just the perfect angle and made the starlight locks shine in a halo.
Gon’s heart throbbed. It was beautiful and breathtaking. Killua was beautiful, and Gon couldn’t look away.
He had to say something- anything. Killua had been quiet for a while now and the silence was driving Gon crazy. Maybe, if Gon spoke up first, that would help Killua figure out how to explain what he was thinking?
Gon inhaled deeply. “Um,” he began hesitantly. “Killua? Are you-”
Killua twisted around. Gon had a split second to see the tears running down stained-pink cheeks before Killua was crashing into him, knocking the air right out of his chest.
Gon didn’t even have the time to blink. Killua grabbed Gon’s face, smashing their mouths together in a messy but passionate kiss that stole the air right out of Gon’s lungs-
And then everything melted away. Nothing mattered but Killua- Killua’s lips on his, Killua’s cool hands digging into his jaw, Killua’s soft bangs brushing his forehead.
In that moment, Killua was the only real and good thing in the world. And Gon wouldn’t have it any other way.
Killua smiled into the kiss as Gon’s strong arms wrapped around his back, crushing Killua to his chest so tightly he could barely breathe.
Breathing didn’t seem all that important though with Gon’s mouth moving enthusiastically against his own. It was so much better than the first time because now- now Killua could respond with everything he had. Gone was the fear and trepidation; it was just him and Gon and the perfect way their lips met over and over and over again. Killua had no reason to hold back anymore, so he didn’t.
He angled his head, locking his legs around Gon’s hips until he was practically sitting in Gon’s lap, and inhaled deeply through his nose. He could taste Gon’s cinnamon toothpaste and smell the soap from his shower. Gon’s hands were hot and burning where they dug into the curve of Killua’s back, but his freckled cheeks were still soft and smooth under Killua’s fingers.
Killua never wanted it to end. He wanted to lose himself in Gon’s embrace and forget everything except for the feeling of Gon’s mouth on his, and just how good it felt to be wanted by the one person he wanted in return.
It seemed like hours later when he finally pulled back with a gasp. He leaned heavily into Gon, resting their sweaty foreheads together and taking huge gulps of air. The room spun around them and Killua closed his eyes to keep himself from getting too dizzy.
Gon laughed breathlessly against him. His arms were still curled around Killua’s waist as he whispered, “Wow.”
Killua snorted. “Our first kiss, and that’s all you can say? ‘Wow’?” he said, grin so wide his face ached.
“Well, technically, it was our second kiss.”
Killua’s eyes snapped open to find Gon smiling cheekily at him.
“Don’t-” Killua pinched Gon’s cheeks between thumb and forefinger hard enough for it to hurt, “-try to be smart, Gon!”  He felt a savage rush of satisfaction as Gon cried out.
“AH! AH, Killua, ow, I’m sorry!!! I won’t say it again, I promise!”
“Good.” Killua released him. He didn’t give Gon the chance to relax before he was ducking down to recapture Gon’s lips again, and again, and again.
“Ki-Killua,” Gon stuttered out once Killua stopped to catch his breath. His eyes were hooded, skin redder than Killua could ever remember seeing before. And the way he gazed at Killua- a hungry, wanting glimmer in those gold irises- made Killua’s already erratic pulse speed up.
Killua licked his lips and Gon’s eyes darted down to stare at them. There was a sharp thrill in Killua’s stomach and he had to make a conscious effort to stop himself from kissing Gon again. If he did that, they would never get anywhere.
Well. They would get somewhere, alright, but now wasn’t the time or place.
They had time now, he reminded himself as a sense of peace settled over him. They had all the time in the world.
His voice shook slightly as he forced himself to say, “You okay?”
Gon’s arms tightened around him. “More than okay,” he sighed, his chest expanding and contracting against Killua’s. “I’m- Killua. Killua, you kissed me. You kissed me!”
His tone was awed and Killua’s heart soared.
“I did,” he said, face heating up embarrassingly at his words. God, could he get through a single sentence without blushing like a total idiot? “I, uh. I wanted to. And you seemed pretty interested in doing it before, so-”
Gon lurched forward and kissed him, hard. It was over a second later, leaving Killua dazed and mouth tingling.
“I am interested,” Gon said huskily and Killua shivered. “I’m really, really, really interested, Killua. You have no idea how interested I am.”
Killua’s heat stuttered. “Oh, yeah?”
“Good. Because, well. I-I’m interested, too. You know. In case you were wondering or, or anything.”
Gon leaned back and Killua made a tiny whining sound, mourning the loss of Gon’s forehead pressed against his. His best friend didn’t seem to notice; he just stared at Killua with large eyes and parted lips.
“Killua,” he said. “Do you really mean that?”
“Of- of course!” Killua stammered. “Why the hell would I kiss you if I didn’t want to?!”
Gon visibly swallowed. He removed his hands from Killua’s back, instead sliding them up to gently cup Killua’s jaw. Something deep in Killua’s chest twisted at the wondrous look in Gon’s face, the pure joy and elation he saw there.
Gon really did love him. It was as clear as the sun on a cloudless day and knowing that made Killua feel like he could fly.
“You believe me?” came Gon’s hushed question. “You- you really think I’m telling the truth this time? About everything?”
Killua opened his mouth but no words came out. He couldn’t speak. His throat was tight but not from marigolds trying to suffocate him. And the water welling up in his eyes wasn’t from pain, but from being so stupidly happy that he didn’t know what to do. When the water spilled over and down his cheeks, Gon was the one who rubbed them away with his thumbs.
“Shhh, Killua. It’s okay, you’re okay. I love you-”
He pressed his lips tenderly to Killua’s forehead. “I love you-”
Then to the tip of Killua’s nose. “I love you-”
And, finally, he kissed Killua on the mouth.
“I love you,” he murmured against Killua’s lips and Killua made a sound caught half-way between a huff and a sob.
“You’re so ridiculous,” Killua choked out, wrapping his arms firmly around Gon’s neck and holding on tight. He wasn’t planning to let go of Gon for a very, very long time.
“You love me anyway!”
Killua blinked. Then he threw back his head and laughed. He laughed and laughed and laughed. He laughed until he couldn’t breathe and his sides burned.
“I do!” Killua gasped out. “Gon, I-! I do love you! I love you so, so, so much. You have no clue how much I love you! You’re- you’re everything to me. That’s why I have Hanahaki, because I care about you so much that my feelings for you can’t be contained.”
He lowered his gaze to meet Gon’s stunned one. “Gon,” he said and his voice trembled with the weight of his emotion. He poured every ounce of love and adoration he could into his next words, knowing that this was the single most important thing he had ever said in his entire life-
“I love you with everything I have, Gon. For me, there’s only ever been you. There’s no one else out there for me. Only you.”
Freckled cheeks darkened. Gon made a choking sound in the back of his throat and then suddenly Killua was being crushed to his best friend’s broad, muscular chest. Gon shoved his face into the dip between Killua’s neck and shoulder and his arms were wound so tightly around Killua that he couldn’t move.
“You can’t say stuff like that, Killua,” Gon said hoarsely into Killua’s skin. “How’m I supposed to top that?”
Killua laid his head against Gon’s brown spikes, letting his eyes flutter shut. He tried to memorize the feel of Gon’s strong arms surrounding him and the rapid beating of Gon’s heart that matched his own.
“Just keep holding me like this,” he murmured. “That alone is more than enough.”
Gon nuzzled his neck. “That’s fine with me. I…I was scared, earlier. I was worried that you weren’t gonna believe me.”
Killua’s blood ran cold. What would’ve happened if he had rejected Gon entirely? Would he have left Gon’s house to walk home alone? Would he have suffocated before even leaving the room?
Killua didn’t want to think about it. What could’ve happened didn’t matter, anyway. He chose Gon, so it was pointless worrying about anything else. He was with Gon now, and that was that.
He stopped breathing, eyes flying open wide.
“Killua?” Gon lifted his head, brows pulled together anxiously. His fingers dug into Killua waist as he asked urgently, “What’s wrong? You’re not- the flower isn’t-”
“No!” he rushed to say. “God, no, the flower hasn’t done anything. It’s just…”
“Just what?”
Killua smiled gently, his entire face softening as he swept his gaze over the person he loved more than anything. “I’m just really, really glad, Gon. I’m- I’m happy. I never thought this would happen in a million years. I never thought I could be this lucky. I feel like I’m in a dream and I never want to wake up.”
Gon’s answering grin was dazzling. “It’s a good thing you’re not in a dream, then. I mean, we’re- we’re finally together, Killua. How incredible is that?!”
“The most incredible thing ever,” Killua agreed with a slight laugh.
“Hey, Killua, does that mean you’ll be my boyfriend? And I can be yours?”
Killua couldn’t help but roll his eyes at that, even as his face burned. “Obviously.”
“Wow,” Gon said again. He was slack-jawed in wonder. “You’re my boyfriend…wow…”
“Why do you have to say it like that?” Killua groaned. He ducked his head to hide his blush. It didn’t do him much good- he could tell even his ears were scarlet at this point- but he could at least try.
“Because! You’re amazing, so the fact that I get to date you is amazing!”
Killua squawked, “Sh-shut up, that’s embarrassing!”
But Gon merely giggled. He hugged Killua tightly again, apparently content to just hold Killua in his lap like they had been since Killua kissed him. Killua raised his hand to card his fingers through Gon’s hair and inhaled deeply to steady himself.
He could do this now. He had been so terrified of just touching Gon before, but now…now he could do everything he ever wanted. Now that he knew Gon returned his feelings, there was nothing that could stop Killua from loving Gon back.
He paused though at Gon’s quiet question, “What happens to your flower?”
“Uh.” Killua made a face as he thought back to the first time he researched Hanahaki. “From what I remember, it kind of just…withers away and dies on its own.”
“Well, yeah. Hanahaki feeds on unrequited love. Once that love is returned-”
“It can’t survive,” Gon finished, understanding filtering into his voice.
“Exactly. And once the flower shows signs of dying, no one can legally remove it.”
Gon stiffened. He pulled back just enough for Killua to see his expression and Killua’s heart leaped at the surge hope-happiness-excitement in Gon’s beautiful face.
“Illumi can’t perform the surgery!” Gon exclaimed. “Even if the flower’s not fully gone, there’s nothing he can do about it! Killua, you’re not going to lose your ability to love! We can stay together, forever!”
Killua laughed freely, cheeks sore from how hard he was smiling. “I know. Gon, I know.”
Gon’s eyes turned glossy. Wordlessly, he leaned forward and Killua met him halfway.
Their lips moved together in a simple but beautiful harmony. Gon’s body fit just right against Killua’s and the little sighing noises that escaped his mouth between their kisses made Killua’s heart soar.
Killua dug his fingers into Gon’s shoulder blades and arched into the other teen’s touch. He kissed Gon deeply, trying to convey all of his feelings into the simple action- all of his overwhelming happiness and infinite adoration for the boy in his arms. He nearly cried in joy when Gon responded with just as much passion and love.
The marigolds in Killua’s chest stayed dormant for the rest of the night. When he breathed, he did so without coughing up bloodstained petals or choking on his own sorrow. He breathed in Gon’s love, absorbing his affection and the way they fit each other so perfectly in every single way- in body and mind and soul.
Finally, Killua was free.
Kilig (Tagalog) - the heady-sublime rush you experience right after something good happens, particularly in love/dating. Like running into your crush, kissing someone for the first time, hearing someone you love tell you they love you too for the first time.
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