#GPOYW but it's friday
superstarfighter · 2 years
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OHAI, don't mind me casually visiting the local library and handing back in the books I borrowed (and actually read!) these past three weeks. Not sure if embarrassed is the right word to describe how I feel (it most like is not and instead the opposite would be right to use), but I do like the look of myself wearing this outfit. ✨
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fuiru · 1 year
I remember that, at its peak, my carefully curated niche little corner of Tumblr used to feel like a bunch of amazing, lovely, talented weirdos sharing their triumphs and despairs with each other in between the Five Things Fridays and the GPOYWs, to a chorus of understanding and support from strangers and that one guy you played darts with that one time at the Toronto Tweetup.
I miss so much of the community that went away on here, but I feel that recently - I dunno why - some of that has come back, and I want to say that I really appreciate everyone who is still here and sharing their daily joys and frustrations, their victories and disasters, to this ragtag bunch of stragglers.
Not sure where I’m going with this, but if you’re reading this and I’ve seen you in my feed recently, I guess I’m saying thanks.
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quickwitter · 6 years
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GPOYW - Jack Jack, but it could be me, it’s been THAT kind of a week
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November 16 Blog Challenge (playing Shuffle this time!)
GPOYW (oops, guess that should be F!)
To be honest, I didn't do the GPOYW because I'd misread the list and thought the 14th was "Forgiveness" and by the time I got onlune and saw my mistake I didn't feel like taking an indoor pic of myself. Today is "Regrettable hairstyle" and as a guy I haven/t had many of those. In fact, the last one I remember was in 1971 when my barber misunderstood my request and cut my hair WAY too short. I was 15 at the time and longer hair was stylish back then (I wasn't a hippie, but it was stylish anyway).
So anyway, here is my GPOY for Friday:
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I rook this near the end of my bike ride this afternoon. The sun was setting and I think I got this when there was just enough daylight left to get a decent shot of myself.
So it was the wrong day... hey, I did it, and anyway it's been a while since I posted a selfie so here I am!
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kirstielol · 6 years
November Blog A Day
i actually did half of this yesterday, but idk, i’ve been so busy this week. i should’ve known i’d be busy the week before vacation lol but oh well, here’s way too many days in a row (sorry for the long post lol)
13. What’s your Myers Briggs personality? Do you feel it’s accurate? I have an “Advocate personality”, and got INFJ as my results. “Advocates tend to see helping others as their purpose in life” I find that very true about myself. I’ve always been one to help others, people and animals. In fact my dream “job” is to be a cat foster and take care of kittens and sick cats. It lists my strengths as creative, insightful, inspiring, decisive, determined, and altruistic. All very true. I’ve used a lot of those words to describe myself. Weaknesses are sensitive, private, perfectionist, can burn out easily. Describes me perfectly. Honestly everything they’ve written here describes me perfectly lol.
14. GPOYW had to google wtf that meant (GPOYW = Gratuitous Picture Of Yourself Wednesday) lol but ok i just spent the day cleaning my apartment so i’m lookin all blah right now, so i’m gonna post a couple selfies from a few weeks ago when i was drunk at my friends house
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15. Forgiveness this is super vague lol but i guess it’s just a prompt to get me to talk about something. i’m pretty good with forgiving people, maybe i’m a bit too forgiving. i’m not one to hold grudges, at all. i don’t wanna get too ~deep~ here but i’ve also forgiven someone who put me through a lot of emotional abuse throughout my childhood. i always swore i’d cut them out of my life as soon as i could, but now as an adult, looking back, i see things differently. yeah they did some pretty shitty stuff but i do believe their heart was in the right place most of the time, they just weren’t so good at dealing with or managing their anger, which got mostly directed towards me. so i forgive, and i try to work on our relationship instead of cutting them out like i wanted to for years.
23. Black Friday: have you ever worked a retail job? Yep, I worked as a cashier at walmart when I was 17-18. It was awful and I hated it and it made my mental health worse.
24. Favourite family member My dad. We have a lot in common. I feel like we understand each other without having to say anything. And he’s hilarious. Full of classic dad jokes. He’s been making me laugh to the point of tears since I was a kid. And he loves cats just as much as I do. I love my dad.
25. What’s your go-to pizza order? Do you have a favorite pizza place? thin crust pizza, easy on the tomato sauce, chicken, ham, pineapple, green peppers, mushrooms, and no cheese. i order from a place called dominos, because they’re the only pizza place around me that actually has a breakdown of all the nutritional info on their website, meaning i can build a pizza and know exactly how many calories are in it! so my pizza is only ~800 calories for an entire medium!! and yes, no cheese pizza is delicious.. everyone always gives me the side eye when i say i don’t order cheese on my pizza.. pizza with cheese on it is too heavy for me and usually gives me an upset stomach
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peterfeld · 7 years
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GPOYW, Party Like It’s 1939 edition. Here I am, dressed for the Stork Club as an extra in director Danny Strong’s amazing debut “Rebel In The Rye,” an unforgettable biopic starring Nicholas Hoult as J.D. Salinger, Kevin Spacey as his writing teacher/mentor, Zoe Deutsch as his lover and Sarah Paulson as his literary agent. See it this weekend in screenings at the IFC Center (with Q&As Friday and Saturday night moderated by Ira Glass) in Manhattan, BAM in Brooklyn, and Landmark Theatres in Los Angeles.
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