elainiisms · 27 days
*me at the club* so does anyone wanna discuss queer undertones in classic literature?
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blueskittlesart · 4 months
in the nicest and most non-confrontational way possible. i feel like some of you think that anything that isn't directly openly spelled out for you within a story is "missed potential" or "unexplored." like. sometimes there are implied narratives. sometimes the point is that you as the reader are supposed to think and draw your own conclusions and participate in the story. the writers not directly spelling every little detail out for you doesn't mean that the story is poorly written or missed its own plot details somehow. PLEASE.
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After all these years…
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Finally, I have them all.
Is it odd to have three copies of The Great Gatsby?
Perhaps. But in all seriousness, it's helpful to have a physical copy or two while looking for codes 🧐
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puffypoffin · 26 days
Sooooo I was making an animatic going along with the song “New Money” from the Great Gatsby musical and then it hit me. Gatsby Aventurine.
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So y’all get some silly doodles
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theygotlost · 2 years
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Disco Elysium political alignments based on historical graphic design styles!
Communist: Soviet Constructivist
Ultraliberal: Art Deco
Fascist: War Propaganda
Moralist: Swiss/International
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slozhnos · 3 months
i think that the way the great gatsby musical is portrayed is somewhat through the lens of how gatsby saw the story.
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dansemacabre · 1 month
just genuinely SHOT UP out of bed and SCREECHED because i finally connected that THE GREAT GATSBY IS THE UNRELIABLE NARRATOR BOOK. which in and of itself is a warning about how unreliable bill’s narration is. so when he’s like “boo reading” he KNOWS that an actual in depth analysis of the great gatsby would warrant a reevaluation of his own trustworthiness as a storyteller. why did this take me SO LONG TO GET
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tofangirlonly · 3 months
"Only Tea"
One song later:
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Sureeee that's "only tea" 🧐🧐🧐
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simstoyourdismay · 6 months
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you’re so art deco out on the floor shining like gun metal cold and unsure baby you’re so ghetto you’re looking to score when they all say ‘hello’ you try to ignore them cause you want more, why? you want more, why?
made a sim for @acuar-io’s decades challenge on discord!!
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vetuhoh · 2 months
joseph is like an unreliable narrator from a 19th century novel. surrounded by big personalities, missing obvious red flags, monologing to himself about what’s going on, and being super wrong every time (to the audience/readers frustration)
he said he’s the star of the show and it’s like yeah. but only in the way jonathan harker is the protagonist of dracula
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vitaminctablet · 2 months
oh. ih ymg god. oh my god. the great gatsby musical has me gagged. in a chokehold. screaming on the floor in the fetal position. its so good. its so good. its so good.
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real-odark · 2 months
gatsby designs. does this make any sense.
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besotted-with-austen · 2 months
Nick Carraway: Gatsby is someone I cannot help but have contempt for, he is literally the embodiment of everything I find deplorable in our society-
Jay Gatsby: *dies*
Nick Carraway: you know what, he might have been bad, but everyone else is ten times worse! He believed in his dream, and I admired him for it! Scratch everything I said before, I loved him and I will lament his end forever!
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transannabeth · 2 months
would you like a non spoiler list of things i liked about gatsby: an american myth since i finally got home and am processing
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keep-ur-head-low · 4 months
Song List for Gatsby: An American Myth
Yesterday was the official opening night for Florence Welch's Gatsby at the ART and I noticed it hasn't been posted here so here's the official song list! Note that this is an entirely different adaptation of The Great Gatsby than the one currently on Broadway and this list is still subject to change in the future.
ACT 1:
Welcome To The New World
Golden Girl
Valley Of Ashes
Shakin Off The Dust
New York Symphony
One Heart Beat
Deathless Song
Feels Like Hell
A Smile Like That Is Rare
Month Of Love
I've Changed My Mind
Pouring Down
Mr. Nobody From Nowhere
Act 2:
Just A Little Party
Welcome To The New World (Reprise)
Driving My Way
What Is This Worship
What Will We Do With Ourselves?
What Of Love, What Of God
The Dream Fought On
The Damage That You Do
America, She Breaks
Pouring Down (Reprise)
We Beat On
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