#GSV Project
luizdominguesfan · 2 years
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Amigos: chegamos à edição 297 do programa: “Só Brasuca” da Webradio Crazy Rock, com artistas da pesada que atuam no Rock Brasileiro da atualidade, mediante a playlist elaborada de minha parte (Luiz Domingues), mediante a produção e locução do professor, Julio Cesar Souza.
Serão sete execuções em dias e horários diferentes, entre 24 a 30 de setembro de 2022.
Ouviremos os sons dos seguintes artistas, anote: Sérgio Duarte Blues Band, Orquídea Negra, Cinema de Pedra, Quaterna Réquiem, Cadilac Dinossauros, Rainer Tankred Pappon, Sanny Mazza, Renata Peres, Terra Prima, Duck Strada, Colomy, GSV Project, Ricardo Dezotti & Os Imortais, Felipe Goulart, Rockixter e uma canção do último disco de Kim Kehl & Os Kurandeiros, a minha banda.
Sábado, dia 24 - 14 horas
Domingo, dia 25 – 20 horas
Segunda-feira, dia 26 – 10 horas
Terça-feira, dia 27 – 23 horas
Quarta-feira, dia 28 – 18 horas
Quinta-feira, dia 29 de setembro – 16 horas
Sexta-feira, dia 30 de setembro – 12 horas
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loominggaia · 5 days
Some details about Zov’s saga + Lilian + the future of Taybiya and other stuff. I may or may not go this direction, these are just early concepts. The following text contains spoilers for future Looming Gaia stories, so I'm placing it under a cut:
So, there is one detail about Zov that is pretty important. He's infected with “Goblin Sleeper Virus”, which is like the goblin equivalent of HIV. Untreated, it becomes fatal fairly quickly.
Zov’s master, Dorzlaf, used his fame as a pit fighter to charge crazy prices for his genetic material, and forced Zov to breed with thousands of goblin slave women throughout his career.
At some point Zov contracted GSV from one of these women. Dorzlaf realized this after taking Zov for a regular checkup in Zareen Empire, but obviously didn't want to tell anyone because that would hurt his profits. So, he acquired Zareenite medications to suppress the virus and mixed them in with the cocktail of other illicit drugs he gave Zov every day. Zov himself had no idea he carried this virus, as the drugs kept it dormant.
However, they didn't stop it from being contagious. Zov became a Typhoid Mary, infecting thousands of slaves with this deadly and highly infectious disease. He infected not only other slaves, but their offspring too, who often contracted it from their mothers at birth. Not to mention all the fellow pit fighters he infected by blood exposure during matches. There is a recent epidemic of GSV in Evangeline Kingdom, and little does anyone realize Zov is responsible for it…or more accurately, Dorzlaf is responsible.
Dorzlaf didn't give a damn about the epidemic because he got his money, and it would be years before those women showed symptoms, making it impossible to trace back to Zov. Evangeline Kingdom does not have the medical technology to detect or treat GSV, so Evangelite slavemasters had no choice but to watch their goblin slaves waste away from unknown causes. Meanwhile Dorzlaf had the wealth to import expensive, illicit Zareenite medicines so his goblin slave could live.
Zov actually doesn't find out he has GSV until well after he escapes Dorzlaf and ends up with the Order of Love and Light. The temple's physician is able to correctly diagnose him and acquire his medication for him, as the temple is in Taybiya, which basically has no laws. Zareenite tech and meds can be imported easily enough.
Zov is dependent on this medication for life. This means he can never live in a Nymph Pact kingdom, as industrial age medicines are forbidden. This limits him to Taybiya, Zareen, Damijana, Yerim-Mor, and Unseelie.
During his time with the Order of Love and Light, Zov discovers his hidden talent during art therapy. He channels his trauma onto canvas and paints powerful artwork. He was once famous for pit fighting, and this fame jumpstarts his new art career. Collectors are willing to pay big bucks for an original painting by Zov the Elf-Eater, legendary pit-fighter.
Zov builds a fortune this way, especially after being contacted by Queen Azura, who funds a traveling exhibition showcasing the horrors of Evangelite slaving culture. The exhibition is a global hit, and Zov’s art finds its way into the prestigious World Athenaeum museum. Best of all, Zov gets to travel the world just like he always dreamed.
Zov finds himself with more money than he knows what to do with. At this point he is in a relationship with Lily and they're considering marriage. But Lily is a devout Karenzan who rejects excess wealth, so he donates it all away to make her happy. They remain at the temple with Patience and Buddy, continuing to do humanitarian work. Zov’s art sales bring funding which the temple uses for big projects.
Meanwhile, Lily finds her calling working with children. More specifically, she works as a caretaker at a Karenzan orphanage. Buddy simply tends the Taybiyan temple of Love and Light with Patience. Zov and Lily eventually marry each other and adopt one of the children at Lily's orphanage, raising her in the temple to be a priestess. She is a goblin girl with GSV, who happens to be one of Zov’s many children. Her mother escaped Evangeline enslavement and gave birth to her daughter in Taybiya, only to die of the GSV Zov gave her, so the daughter ended up at Lily's orphanage. Unlike her mother, she receives drugs to suppress her disease and lives a normal life. Her name is Jen Fay Zov, but her parents call her Jennie.
Lily never wanted to stay in Taybiya, as it's where all her bad memories with the Dusk clan took place. But now she's forming happy memories here, and Taybiya begins seeing improvement as the Karenzans influence its culture more and more. It was once a vampire-infested, crime-plagued hellhole, but in the future, Taybiya becomes a pleasant Karenzan enclave.
As it grows, it establishes itself as a new minor kingdom like the Crescent Dominion, except much more functional and benevolent. It's called Azizaland, and the temple's high priestess becomes its first queen. That happens to be Patience, and then Lily becomes a princess just like she always dreamed. However, her idea of what a “princess” has changed since then, and she rejects a life of material wealth for a humble life of spiritual wealth.
Just an idea! Not sure how much of this I'll actually canonize yet. Opinions?
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imaginespazzi · 2 months
Soooo it was not about GSV potentially getting that no 1 pick 🤣 nah i'm sooo friggin' happy for A'ja, absolutely deserves that and more so it was great news in the end!
Bruh all the different "theories" around how Stephie came to be are absolutely killing me. As I was doing my (not so) lil review, and got to my question about whether or not we'll find out how she was conceived, I did think maybe Nivi just wants us to use our imagination for once and fill in the blanks ourselves. "Choose your own adventure" lmao.
And just on their other GSV teammates - I wanna see GM! Nivi COOK (no pressure tho babes 😘)
Dw, i will hang on to this app by a thread just for you lol. For real, I've just put your post notifications on and that's the only time I check this app nowadays 😅
Look, I may have moments of weakness ok, but I would never cheat on the ucla fic. It will always be number one in my heart, I promise.
Alrighty, enjoy the rest of your week bestie! Catch ya next chapter (good luck with all the shots you're gonna have to consume throughout the series 🥲)!
I love seeing A'ja finally getting the respect she deserves. She's been insane this year and seeing her finally get everything make me so happy!
Listen I am so tempted to just not disclose how Stephie came to be cause a) it would be easier and b) some people have such funny ideas that I lowkey do want them to just be able to choose their adventure. But I have an idea for how I wanna play this and I think it's gonna be entertaining so y'all will find out eventually.
ALRIGHT TASK FOR THE CLASS because this is in fact a group project. Please be my front office and tell me who y'all wanna see on the team especially in the Starting 5 pretty please. Just remember that it's in 2033 so a lot of the current best players would not be there likely.
You have my notifications on awwww you looooove me (tee hee that just inflated my ego but I'm glad you stick around for me)
Have a wonderful rest of your week Queen <3
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sporadiccatparadise · 2 years
Why Create an Upwork-Simulating App? | Upwork Clone App Development Services
It goes without saying that Upwork Clone app development  has excelled quickly. If we consider some statistics, they clearly demonstrate the expansion of Upwork.
In Q1 2022, Upwork had roughly 793,000 active clients (users who had made purchases on the platform within the previous year). The massive rise from Q1 2019 to Q1 2022 is 281,000. Almost 300 business clients are currently using Upwork.
For the year 2021, the Overall Gross Service Volume (GSV) was $3.5 billion. That was nearly $1 billion more than what was projected for 2020. In addition, the yearly GSV increased by roughly 150% between 2017 and 2021. Additionally, small and medium-sized firms produced around 80% of GSV.
The average gross service volume per client as of Q1 2022 was $4,742, compared to $5,850 for independent contractors.
In the first quarter of 2022, Upwork earned around $10 million in services revenue from business clients. an enormous $6.7 million rise in the previous two years.
With around 40.8 million views each month, the online freelance marketplace is among the most popular websites in the world.
The Upwork for Freelancers app received roughly 90,000 and 200,000 downloads, respectively, in the App Store. Even Upwork for clients became quite well-liked, with about 20,000 downloads each month on the Play Store and App Store combined.
By 2023, it is anticipated that the global freelance market will be worth $455 billion USD.
By 2028, the US is expected to have 90.1 million independent contractors.
These numbers should make it clear why Upwork is so popular. So creating an app like Upwork might potentially revolutionise the game.
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nickgerlich · 2 years
On The Map
Of all the apps I use on my phone, of all the sites on the internet, there is one that I use perhaps as much as all the others put together: Google Maps. I use my custom Google Maps to organize my life, my adventures, my ambitions. It gets me to where I want to be. And even when I know the way from A to B beyond a shadow of doubt, I still use it for navigational purposes if only to alert me of delays and hazards ahead, as well as my ETA.
But one of the best features of Google Maps is Google Street View, or GSV. Have you ever seen those Google cars out driving up and down every street in a city? They’re not just out having fun. They are photographing everything with a special rooftop device that has seven 20 megapixel lenses, for a total of 140 megapixels of coverage.  
The result is the ability to “streetwalk” online or in the app without even being there. Better yet, Google archives all of their return trips so we effectively have a visual record of how our streetscapes have evolved over the years. Going forward, I predict GSV to be the premier record of everything. It’s almost like we don’t need to be taking pictures of buildings and such like people did in decades past, because Google is doing it for us.

Since its launch in 2007, Google cars have now documented and mapped many millions of miles around the world. Well, except for Germany and Austria.
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How’s that?

It all boils down to privacy, and depends on nation and culture. In the US, where there is very little guarantee of privacy, especially once you venture outdoors, in Germany and Austria there are the lingering memories of the Third Reich and communist East Germany. Those memories are still too recent, and people in both nations value their privacy, even though they have few squabbles with nudist beaches. Apparently they’re OK with letting others see their nether regions and things we can’t flaunt over here, but don’t want to take the risk of anyone randomly photographing them out and about.
In clothes. Yeah. Go figure.
So GSV has only small portions of Germany and Austria documented. Apparently, Google just gave up and said, “Y’all figure this out on your own.” It makes me wonder, though, whether they would be OK with GSV if everyone were walking around naked everywhere, because, you know, they don’t fret about that.
Google has been a good citizen in the US, though, by volunteering to blur out identifying features, like license plates, faces, and sometimes business names that are captured. They will even blur your house if you ask.
At a broader level, GSV puts the thorny issue of privacy front and center. We know that our data are being collected at every turn online. We know that our smartphones are just as much a beacon to our whereabouts as they are communication devices. But we probably aren’t thinking about a little car coming along with cameras on the roof. Even with blurred license plates and faces, there can often be enough identifying information to make a match, which could be problematic if you have something to hide. I’ll just leave that there.
Still, we Americans are comfortable with our overall lack of privacy. Maybe it’s because we never endured the tragedies the Germans and Austrians did. Maybe it’s because we’re just a very trusting society. Or maybe we’ve just thrown up our hands and realized that train left the station when the iPhone came, which, incidentally, shares a birth year with Google Streetview.
Coincidence? Perhaps. But then again, maybe not.
Either way, I’m heading out shortly for a day trip through the southern part of the Texas Panhandle. I am photographing old theaters and drive-ins to illustrate a two-part article I am writing for Panhandle Magazine. And, of course, I built a custom Google Map for the project. As soon as I start rolling down the driveway, I push the first pin and tell the app to navigate me to it. Tulia Texas, I’ll see you shortly.
And if any of y’all see me out and about, I’m good with it, even Google. Because I’m just the crazy guy with a camera. Wearing clothes, of course.
Dr “Map My Day“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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gsvphotography · 5 years
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Tumblr | Instagram | Facebook Model: A. M.
Still waiting for blue skies after this rain.
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tanadrin · 2 years
I have great affection for the Enterprise-D, but the Galaxy-class design is just bad. It’s obviously a prestige design meant to flex the Federation’s shipbuilding power, but the result is a ship that’s not well-suited for any of the missions given to it.
Is it meant to be a GSV-like general-purpose support platform? If so, its size makes sense, and the civilian presence; you imagine it staying generally within core regions of the Federation, moving from planet to planet to support terraforming projects, do disaster relief, help colonies get off the ground, and help with big space-based construction projects. But then its weaponry and frontier science capabilities are largely wasted.
Is it an exploration vessel? Okay, then you’re crazy to put vulnerable civilians on it. It will regularly have to go into dangerous conditions and deal with novel threats. Its weaponry makes a bit more sense, but it’s still weirdly heavily armed. It is also insanely large, unless you’re going to devote most of its space to making it self-sufficient, like a kind of mobile starbase that can go out into unexplored space for years at a time, which it clearly isn’t. And it’s clearly not a small planetary science platform like the Oberth or Nova-class, a role in which 95% of the Galaxy’s capabilities would be wasted.
Is it a combat vessel, as it’s used in the Dominion war? The armament makes sense then, but most of its bulk is wasted. You should at least give over some of that space to carrying smaller combat craft, like fighters. You definitely don’t need all the civilian spaces, and in fact you’d be utterly insane to carry civilians into combat like that. It could form the core of a larger battlegroup, like an aircraft carrier, but again, it doesn’t really fulfill a carrier function, it’s just a big weapons platform. Smaller ships, like the Defiant-class, that are more maneuverable and punch well above their weight, are a much better investment. Presumably Galaxies only see combat because the Federation needs all hands on deck.
In short, it tries to be everything and does nothing, except show off Utopia Planitia’s shipbuilding capabilities. It’s a bit like the Space Shuttle. Later generalist ships like the Sovereign class pull away from the absurdity of the Galaxy, and for good reason. Its real function is clearly diplomatic, a way for the Federation to show off when encountering new species and getting into scrapes with old ones, which I guess makes sense as a lot of the Enterprise-D’s missions were diplomatic in nature like that. But it’s an awful mixup between a big starship and a small starbase. I’d much be on something smaller, with a more specific mission profile like frontier exploration.
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mainlyalternative · 3 years
Wlxgli, r mvvw gsv evib urihg wlxfnvmg r hvmg gl blf
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alright oc time take two.
Willhelm "Will" Vigenère Atbash-Julian Caesar
"Well, well, well! Acute still hasn't got a clue! Serves him right."
Twisted From: Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) Class: Class 2A Seat 12 Dorm: Octavinelle Birthday: June 15th (Gemini) Age: 17 Height: 170cm Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous (Mostly Right) Birthplace: Mystery Town Club: Light music club Favorite Subject: Ancient Spells Likes: Puzzles of all kinds Dislikes: Being outsmarted Favorite Food: Nachos Disliked Food: Donuts with Nuts Hobby: Dream interpretation
Will Caesar is an interesting fellow. He's a loud-talking, fast-talking smug son of a bitch. Toys with everyone, and shows up to the very few the eels don't reach and/or who have impossible wishes even for reality. In fact, he gets really riled up and competitive when it comes to the eel twins. Why could that be...?
Unique Magic: "Weirdness Abound" Allows Will to make shady deals via handshake. Manifests as a heatless blue flame on his hand(s). When initiated, the victim is unable to do anything that can break his deal. That means they can go on and live their usual school life, forgetting that they have to sabotage a different class's project, but they physically cannot help with the project, like a magical magnetic repel effect. The effects will NOT go away until they fulfill the end of their deal. The only way to slip out of his magic is to somehow outsmart him in a way that he didn't think of. Jade's magic CANNOT override this.
Relationships: Azul - Dormmate. Pretends to be subservient under Azul's orders. May or may not be secretly plotting something against him. Calls him "Octagon".
Floyd - Dormmate. Considers Floyd his rival. Constantly tries to one-up him and Jade at any given moment. Hates him the most. Calls him "Acute".
Jade - Dormmate. Also considers Jade his rival, but hates him less. Finds him a killjoy. Calls him "Obtuse".
Kalim - Classmate and clubmate. Constantly scams Kalim into giving him Madol for frivolous purposes by faking all forms of charity. Otherwise, actually pretty cool with each other. Calls him "Pentagon".
Tiny Tidbits: Will works at the Mostro Lounge as an "Entertainer". That just means he dicks around on stage as a "Comedian" with his poor, sick sense of humor. On the very rare occasion, he shows off his secret talent for singing and playing the piano.
Sometimes, Will carries around a blue journal with a four-fingered hand on the cover. What's in it is only known to him. He'll keep changing his explanations about the journal if one keeps pestering him about it.
How did Will get those "eyelashes" and eyepatch? He's had the scars from an accident since he was 12, and the eyepatch is quite recent. Another accident that happened the previous year. He refuses to elaborate on those "accidents".
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luizdominguesfan · 3 years
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É com alegria que eu anuncio a terceira edição do programa Quinta Rock Brasil a ser executado pela Webradio Orra Meu. Edição marcada para a quinta-feira, dia 14 de outubro de 2021, a partir das 19 horas. Sob a locução e produção de Abdalla Kilsam, apoio geral de Emmanuel Barreto e playlist de minha autoria, Luiz Domingues.
Ouviremos o som de GSV Project, Orquídea Negra, Cinema de Pedra, Quaterna Réquiem, Cadillac Dinossauros, Rainer Tankred Pappon, Sanny Mazza, Renata Peres, Vlakin, Hard Blues Trio, Zoppoland e uma canção da minha banda, Kim Kehl & Os Kurandeiros.
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designwallah · 4 years
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213 Ossington Avenue, Sequence 1 (Google Street View). Day 213 / 2020-07-31
Google Street View: June 2009, September 2014, and August 2017
Lissee Home Appliances > Di Nardo Kitchen Ltd. > Canna Clinic Marijuana Dispensary > Hobo Cannabis Company
(Courtesy Google Street View) Toronto Property Numbers - The Days Of The Year Project
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Showtime, Chapter 9
(Gsv yilpvm ulfmw lfg. @andiwriteunderthemoon, @raevenlywrites, @dragonscanbeplantstoo)
Liza glared at her ceiling.
Thoughts were whirling around, making it impossible to sleep. If this trend of no sleep continued, she was going to make herself sick. She brushed that aside to consider what she knew.
The gauge was definitely homemade. She had pulled it apart and back together several times to find some type of serial number or anything, but nothing had popped up. There was the possibility that it was too small to see, but she pushed that back.
Someone was rigging the equipment. Why was the question.
Liza wasn't sure, but she needed to find out.
"What are you doing?"
Liza stood on her office chair, examining one of the blast doors. The Puppet was ignoring its current project of sewing...something to watch her. Doll stood on the floor, watching her with a raised brow. "I have a theory," she said, patting down the top of the doorframe. "And I need to see if someone did something to this office."
"The blast doors got installed after the murders." Doll suggested. "Does that help?"
Liza stiffened before glancing down at her ghost. "Murders?"
"Of the five kids."
She blinked, unsure how to respond to that. "Uh...well, maybe. Anything else?" Doll thought before shrugging. "Okay. Puppet?" It simply shook its head, returning its focus to its sewing project. It looked like a stuffed version of Doll. "You need anything for that?" she asked, nodding to it.
"No, Night Guard. I am quite well with my materials."
She hopped off the chair to take a better look. It angled the doll so she could, revealing it was Doll. Instead of the green vest and skirt she wore, the doll version wore a lacy teal dress with a big bow. "Cool. Do you have everyone?" The Puppet shook its head. Before Liza could further pry, there was a knock.
The trio looked up. Kitty stood in the doorway, tapping her fingers together. "Um...do you want some chocolate cake?"
"I made a chocolate cake and I need a taste tester." Kitty then leaned against the doorframe in a clear attempt to look casual. The wall shuddered under her weight. Something bonked against Liza's head. Crying out from the surprising pain, she looked down. "Are you okay, Miss Dorado?"
"Uh...yeah. Sure. I'd like some cake." Liza picked it up. It was an audio recorder? Kitty perked up, not seeming to notice the recorder. Doll trailed after her as she followed the cat animatronic, tucking the recorder in her pocket. "You know, you don't have to call Miss Dorado," she said.
"Yeah, you can call me Liza. Miss sounds too adult-y."
There was a moment of silence. "I would like that, Liza," Kitty said softly.
There was another long moment of silence before Liza broke it. "I haven't seen Rex or Ted since last night," she said, resisting the urge to adjust her scarf. "Not that I'm complaining," she added sheepishly. "I just get the feeling that they don't like me. Although I don't know if it was something I did or Puppet's...choice."
"Well, I can't blame the boys for disliking you for the latter," Kitty said casually. Her stomach sank. "But, let's be honest. You have no idea what's going on, with your retro amnesty,"
"Retrograde amnesia."
"And it's not like you forced the Puppet to choose you." Liza couldn't help the smile. She felt better now. Kitty was much more reasonable than her whole Darla Dimple act on-stage.
"I'm not even sure what it- he? They? Do you know...?" Kitty shrugged. "What it picked me for. I mean, I was already hired to watch this place. It all seems a little pointless." She hadn't realized the animatronic had stopped before running into her. "Kitty?"
The cat animatronic turned. "Yes, you were hired to guard this place," Kitty said softly. Green eyes stared down golden eyes. "But do you really know what it means to guard a place like this?"
Liza opened her mouth. Then she closed it, thinking the question over. Sure, it was just a restaurant. But it was also her family's legacy. "...I'm hoping to figure it out." she finally said. "Quickly."
Kitty nodded. The two returned to their kitchen trip. Liza allowed her companions to enter the kitchen first.
She entered and then stared.
"Ye're doin' it all shivery!"
"Hey, at least I have both hands!"
"And what is that supposed to mean?!"
Rex and Bun were arguing over a yellow icing bag. The chocolate cake stood there and was clearly the thing they were using the icing on. Liza cleared her throat. Both stopped and stared. "Hi."
"What's going on here?"
Rex gave one last shove to Bun, winning him the icing bag. He quickly finished...whatever they were doing before pushing the cake forward. It made a perfect stop to where she had taken a seat. In yellow icing, the word SORRY had been written out. "It's an apology...for ripping your scarf." Rex said.
Liza sniffed, feeling tears prick at her eyes.
"Oh no, I think she's crying."
"Why is she crying?!"
"I'm fine, I'm fine!" she managed, quieting the worry. "This is just the nicest thing anybody's ever done for me that I can remember." Kitty handed her a knife and she cut herself a slice. Much to her surprise, it was homemade. "And it's really good."
"Thank you!"
Liza enjoyed her cake with Doll wrapped around her shoulders and the trio chatting about random things. Most of it was stuff that had happened during their free-roam days. She shifted, ready to ask, before feeling a weight in her pocket. "I have a question," she said, drawing their attention. She pulled out the recorder. "Do you guys know what this is?"
"No," Kitty said, looking it over curiously. "What is it?"
"It's an audio recorder, hidden in the office. I was looking for stuff like this because I think somebody's rigging the place." Busy examining the recorder, she didn't notice them exchange looks. "Have you guys seen anything like this?"
They shook their heads before Kitty raised her hand. "Have you found the wire?"
"Yeah. If it's recording, it's gotta be attached to something, right? Like my guitar and the speaker!"
Liza's eyes widened and she scrambled out the kitchen. "That's- Thank you!" She ran down the hallway, so dead focused on her destination that she didn't see the obstacle until she ran into it. She grunted when the air was knocked out of her and she fell back. Catching herself on the wall, she looked up in confusion.
"Miss Dorado?"
"Um...nice to see you!" She started edging her way around, stomach sick with nerves. "Sorry, busy, you know wire!" Before he could ask any questions, she was already sprinting.
The present box was closed when she got in. Liza pushed that aside to look up, trying to figure out where the recorder had fallen. She hit gold when she saw a small wire that was easy to ignore. Liza traced it to a small hole at the edge of the floor. Poking her head out, she found the wire again.
She followed it to...
Calworth's office.
"What is he doing?" she asked.
"I don't know. But I think it's locked-" Doll started. She closed her mouth when Liza easily opened the door. "What kind of manager doesn't lock their own office?!"
"I don't know. An overconfident one?"
Liza turned on the light, trying to find the wire. After getting on her knees, she was able to find it snaking up the desk...before it stopped. The end winked mockingly at her. She sighed, hopelessly confused. She got up, trying to look for any clues.
Her gaze landed on the desk.
There was a newspaper article. Liza picked it up, any thoughts of wires and clues vacating as she read it. Doll prepared to ask before the nightguard suddenly crumpled it up and stalked out of the office.
Gsv yilpvm ulfmw lfg.
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kaizenoncology1 · 2 years
Dr. Naren Bollineni
Dr. Naren Bollineni
Consultant Surgical oncology CARE Hospitals, Hyderabad
Dr. Boleneni Naren graduated from the prestigious Guntur Medical College and then went to specialise in General Surgery from Andhra Medical College, Vishakhapatnam. Dr. Naren strongly believes in providing compassionate cancer care at affordable prices.
Dr Naren Bollineni is the top surgical oncologist in hyderabad is an expert in 3-D Laparoscopy & Fluorescence imaging, Cytoreductive surgeries, HIPEC, and musculoskeletal oncological resections.
Dr. Naren received a Surgical Oncology core speciality training from the Basavatarakam Indo-American Cancer Hospital & Research Institute
He has inclined interests in management and treatment of breast, thoracic, gynaecological and gastrointestinal Malignancies. He is an expert in 3-D Laparoscopy & Fluorescence imaging, Cytoreductive surgeries, HIPEC and musculo-skeletal oncological resections.
In addition, Dr. Naren is a part of different international and national research projects like UK MRC Initiated ADD-ASPIRIN Trial, VGSC trial, Proluton trial
Phone Number: 9154143858
My Qualifications
MBBS, MBBS - Guntur medical college, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
MS General Surgery, MS General Surgery - Andhra medical college, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
Surgical Registrar, Surgical Registrar - Basavatarakam Indo-American cancer hospital and research institute, Hyderabad
Dr NB Surgical oncology, Dr NB Surgical oncology - Basavatarakam Indo-American cancer hospital and research institute, Hyderabad
Surgical oncology , Surgical oncology Registrar - Basavatarakam Indo-American cancer hospital and research institute, Hyderabad
Surgical oncology , Consultant, Surgical oncology - Basavatarakam Indo-American cancer hospital and research institute, Hyderabad till Aug 2021
Consultant, Consultant surgical oncologist, Care hospitals from Sep 2021
Consultant Surgical oncology , CARE Hospitals - 2020 to present,Hyderabad
Thammineedi SR, Saksena AR, Nusrath S, Iyer RR, Shukla S, Patnaik SC, Reddy RP, Boleneni N, Sharma RM, Smith L, Are C. Fluorescence‐guided cancer surgery—A new paradigm. Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2021 Mar 25.
Rao T S, Raju KV, Patnaik SC, Reddy P, Saksena AR, Rajappa S, Mallavarapu KM, Santa A, Gudipudi D, Boleneni N, Usofi Z. Influence of neoadjuvant therapy on outcomes in patients with resectable carcinoma of esophagus and gastro‐esophageal junction from a tertiary cancer care center in India. Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2021 Jun;123(7):1547-57.
Thammineedi SR, Iyer RR, Boleneni N. Laparoscopy-assisted excision of an ovarian fibroma in an 18-month-old toddler: a case report. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2021 Feb 1;42(1):161-4.
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Nusrath S, Saxena AR, Raju KV, Patnaik S, Rao TS, Bollineni N. The Value of Lymphadenectomy Post-Neoadjuvant Therapy in Carcinoma Esophagus: a Review. Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2020 Aug 3:1-1.
Hariharan N, Rao TS, Naidu CK, Raju KV, Rajappa S, Ayyagari S, Krishnamohan MV, Murthy S, Suryadevara A, Boleneni N. The Impact of Stage and Molecular Subtypes on Survival Outcomes in Young Women with Breast Cancer. Journal of adolescent and young adult oncology. 2019 Oct 1;8(5):628-34.
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gsv-vertica · 2 years
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If you are investing in commercial space for sale in Kharadi, check out GSV Vertica one of the best projects in Kharadi.🙌💯 Tap on the link below to read our latest blog🔗👇 https://lnkd.in/dmtm5pdt
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gsv-vertica1 · 2 years
All you need t know about GSV Vertica Mezzanine showroom for sale in Kharadi
GSV Ventures launched a premium commercial property in Kharadi. The GSV Vertica project offers office spaces, restaurant spaces, spaces for retail outlets, and showrooms. Mezzanine showroom spaces in GSV Vertica start from 1148 sq ft carpet area with maximum visibility to passers. So if you want a mezzanine showroom for sale in Kharadi for your business, explore GSV Vertica in Kharadi.
Building amenities in GSV Vertica
Everyone tries to employ and retain the best talent in all companies, whether a start-up, small business, or a big brand. For that office, amenities play an important part in maintaining the brand’s authentic vision and culture. GSV Vertica offers top-notch amenities for its office spaces, showrooms, and retail spaces to stimulate and attract your best employees. This upcoming project provides power backup, intercom facilities, and multi-layer security features. It offers conference room facilities with adjustable room sizes and separate utility areas for staff and visitors. Fast and efficient wifi gives professionals hassle-free internet access for uninterrupted business operations. Its massive parking facility, high-speed elevators with intelligence control, and automatic rescue device cater to the modern needs of the employees.
Connectivity advantage of GSV Vertica in Kharadi
GSV Vertica is well connected to other business parks like EON IT park, World Trade Center, Zensar technologies, Kharadi IT park, Magarpatta IT park, and Gera Commerce zone. The property is also connected to entertainment amenities, including Phoenix Market City, PVR Cinema, Seasons Mall, Amanora mall, The Westin, and Upscale neighborhood Koregaon park. When it comes to health facilities, GSV Vertica has access to onsite health facilities like Columbia Asia hospital, Vatsalya hospital, PMC hospital Kharadi, KK hospital, Noble hospital, and Rising Medicare hospital. In addition, the proposed metro line, Pune -Ahmednagar road, Pune railway station, Pune-Solapur road, and Hadapsar MIDC are close to GSV Vertica. 
GSV Vertica Kharadi reviews indicate immense possibilities to grow your business in Pune’s choicest location. 
GSV VERTICA Details – 
Commercial Space Options – Mezzanine Showroom, Shop, Commercial Office Space, Restaurants Space, Clinic Space, Educational Institute Space, Retail Space 
Carpet Size – 195 sq.ft to 2220 sq.ft
Possession Date – Dec 2025
No Of Floor – Basement Parking + 11 floors
Price: Rs. 45 – 4.0 Cr (All Inclusive)
MahaRERA No.- P52100034653
GSV Vertica Key Highlights –
Nearby areas
World Trade Center
Zensar Technologies
Kharadi IT Park
Gera Commerce Zone
Total Open Space – 86% Open Space
Location - Ravet
Pune Airport
Pune Railway Station
Magarpatta City
Pune-Ahmednagar Road
Pune-Solapur Road
Metroline (Proposed)
Hadapsar MIDC
Columbia Asia Hospital
Rising Medicare
MVatsalya Hospital
PMC Hospital Kharadi
K K Hospital
Phoenix Market City
PVR cinema
Seasons Mall
Grant Hyatt
JW Marriot
The Westin
Radisson Blu
Koregaon Park
Automatic standard make lifts with power back-up and intercom facility
Designer air-conditioned entrance lobby
Multi-layer security system
Dedicated stack covered parking for every Office
Common washroom/toilet at parking level for drivers/housekeeping staff
Rainwater harvesting
Fire fighting system
Power backup for lifts, common areas, and water pumps 24 x 7 CCTV Surveillance
Ample Parking Space
Washroom/toilet In every office
Provision for hi-speed Internet connectivity
Sufficient Parking Space with Traffic Orders
Automatic Escalators For Up & Down on Commercial Floors
Generator Backup For Common Areas & Wi-fi-connectivity In Passage Area.
Ground Floor Double Height Entrance Lobby with Italian Marble Flooring
Led Light In All Common Areas with Fire Resistance Wiring & CCTV in common Areas with 24 x 7 Security
Location Advantages
Location Advantages:
1. Columbia Asia Hospital, Rising Medicare and Vatsalya Hospital, Noble hospital
2. Pune Airport, Magarpatta IT Park
3. EON IT Park, Kharadi
4. World Trade Center
5. Zensar Technologies
Contact Details 
GSV Vertica Kharadi
Near Kharadi Mundhwa Bridge, Kharadi, Pune, Maharashtra 411014
Call on  917796668666
Website: https://gsvvertica.com/
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gsvvertica · 2 years
GSV Vertica Reviews: Find the answer to your doubts
GSV Vertica Reviews: Find the answer to your doubts
Near EON IT Park, GSV Vertica in Kharadi helps your business to grow. GSV Vertica offers office spaces and mezzanine showrooms, retail spaces, and restaurant spaces intelligently designed to give more footfall. Explore office spaces and showrooms from 350 sq ft to 1500 sq ft designed around the business needs. The project is well-equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for convenient business operations. Check out GSV Vertica reviews to know more about the project. 
Columbia Asia Hospital, 
Rising Medicare 
Vatsalya Hospital
 Noble hospital
Pune Airport, Magarpatta IT Park
EON IT Park, Kharadi
World Trade Center
Zensar Technologies
Top facilities 
Sufficient Parking
Automatic Escalators
Generator Backup For Common Areas & Wi-fi-connectivity In Passage Area.
Automatic standard make lifts with power back-up and intercom facility
Designer air-conditioned entrance lobby
Multi-layer security system
Dedicated stack covered parking for every Office
Common washroom /toilet at parking level for drivers/housekeeping staff
Rainwater harvesting
Fire fighting system
Power backup for lifts, common areas, and water pumps 24 x 7 CCTV Surveillance
Ample Parking Space
Washroom/toilet In every office
Provision for hi-speed Internet connectivity
Amenities at GSV Vertica
The property offers a good location advantage and gives maximum visibility to passers with the right elevation and frontage. The property provides sufficient parking spaces with traffic orders, and impressive interiors with a double-height entrance lobby make the space more welcoming while imparting positive vibes. Sophisticated interior design plans create a welcoming ambiance to attract customers and increase footfall in the store while encouraging them to spend more time browsing merchandise. Common rooms and meeting rooms come with a utility area convenient for clients and employees.
Connectivity of GSV Vertica 
GSV Vertica is located near Kharadi bridge and has good access to recreational amenities, hospitals, and convenience. This upcoming project is close to some popular entertainment spots and malls. Seasons mall, Amanora mall, and Phoenix market city are close to this upcoming commercial space in Kharadi. Hotels like Radisson Blu, the Westin, and Grand Hyatt are within easy reach. An upscale neighborhood, Koregaon park, is close to this project. GSV Vertica’s location benefits good access to hospitals like Columbia Asia Hospital, Noble Hospital, K K hospital, and other healthcare clinics and hospitals. Also, it boasts of connecting to other conveniences, including MIDC of Hadapsar, Pun railway station, and Pune airport. Due to its proximity to public transits, GSV Vertica has the advantage of good access to all other key nodes of the city. Pune - Ahmadnagar road, the proposed metro line, and Pune-Sholapur road make the location more rich and accessible. 
Searching for the best commercial spaces to invest in? Explore GSV Vertica in Kharadi. The property is an upcoming commercial project offering office spaces and showrooms ranging from 350 sq ft to 1500 sq ft. 
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