ouroborosreilig · 8 months
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designs by @/applestruda :J
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qblester · 2 years
-he loves shitty phone games and will spend 100′s on gacha pulls, he always gets bored of them within like, the week though. -he has several tattoos! his barcode/identifying tattoo on his back(going straight down the middle ontop of the spine, krissa has a similar one) but he also has a few stick and pokes. A blue house on his ankle, and in red on his lower stomach “this is not for you” (a quote from house of leaves)((he was very intoxicated at the time and deeply regrets this tattoo)) He has one helix cuff piercing he got with krissa. -he doesnt really decorate his belongings ever, most of his stuff is black, in black cases, and has no identifying marks. -if you run your fingers through his hair you’ll feel several odd scars on his scalp, from various fights with his sister and otherwise. the other FORTY! answers below the cut
-he loves to drive, and has a nice newer car, something very safe like a honda. Krissa has put stickers on the back window despite his protests. Despite this he usually rides with krissa in her car, which is something ridiculous, with the big wheels and lift and a different color wrap on the thing every month or two -he is a freak and doesnt care about what pens he uses. he just steals whatever pens he finds around the office or on the ground -in a non-gilhue/normal au he ends up being a medical illustrator with a service dog :) -he refuses to have a favorite animal because it feels mean -similarly he hates stupid pet names, like when people name their cats “concrete” or anything similar. -he is a serial cheater, anytime he gets into any sort of relationship he usually cheats within the week. its not out of malice he just likes attention and has problems -CANNOT RIDE A BIKE! cannot figure it out! lacks the balance for it -used to bite his nails to the point of them bleeding as a child -he pretends to hate krissa’s parties more than he actually does (for context krissa will throw huge parties for money inside of penthouses or mansions that are “currently unoccupied” she holds these for friends of hers that are looking to play music, do raves, ect ect) when he’s given time beforehand to prepare for them he does enjoy the loud bass and drugs. -i havent brought up my favorite fact of all time in a while so i will mention it here; he lost his virginity WHILE his dad was dying. he got the text and ignored it. -inside his office is a small lockbox where he puts jewelry he finds on the people he vivisects. He has no idea why he keeps it, or what he’s going to do with it, it makes him feel bad to think about though. -twice a year he has to go through a weapons test wherein he gets in the whole hunter getup and has to do some basic maneuvers with krissa. its a huge pain in the ass but quite fun honestly. like playing laser tag -he and krissa have custom lego minifigures of eachother on their keychains -he has an atleast 20 minute phone call with his mother every day -every month he has to meet with Dr.Witting to ensure he is of “Strong mental standing” which basically means they just want to make sure he is not suicidal or homicidal -he is soooooooooooo afraid of the dark. its ridiculous. he has no other real like strong fears in that same vein besides like, you know vampires and such which is a given -he doesnt shower normally, he puts the water on really hot and then takes a nap on the floor of the shower until the water gets cold enough to wake him up, wherein he then actually showers in the cold. -has never really enjoyed reading to be honest, but he loves audiobooks -FUCKING LOVES DDR SO MUCH!!!!!!ITS RIDICULOUS -ive made 40 hours of playlists for him -he gets freckles if out in the sun, but alas doesnt hang out in the sun so we all miss out on this -instead of getting new glasses every few years he just gets the lenses replaced -has the worlds strongest praise kink. it is absurd. -to add onto the above he DOES cry after or during sex every single time. -favorite fruit is apple slices with peanut butter. will not eat apples otherwise -favorite candy is those wierd flat suckers you get from the bank -used to vape using a juul but when those got banned he started vaping from this chunky rig, he has years worth of fruity ass juice for it already stockpiled -his hair is pin straight but very thick and full of cowlicks, he’ll wake up with it full on anime boy sticking up usually -if he had the time or space he would 100% be constantly fostering kittens, like the really small neonates and the ones that need to be bottlefed especially -he has alerts on for ebay to tell him when people post new calico critter hauls, he’s always looking for pieces that he’s missing and will buy a 100+ dollar haul to get one piece of furniture he’s missing -him and krissa grew up in a strange victorian home in rural michigan, as part of an effort to keep them away from “mitigating and changing factors of development” it was very shining-like. -him and krissa starting sleeping in the same bed consistently around age 7 -his favorite dessert is lemon bars :) -can do complex math in his head and has pretty much always been able to -has some small level of synesthesia -was not allowed cable until they moved to california, so he and krissa spent their childhood watching selected vhs tapes and cds -loves going to the zoo so much. will spent hours upon hours just wandering around and looking at the animals. one time inside an aviary a bird landed on his arm and its one of his favorite memories -when both him and krissa are comfortable theyre pretty much always physically touching eachother, leaning against eachother, sitting close to eachother, ect -knows a surprising amount about setting up amps and various concert stuff since he’s helped krissa and her friends with this sort of thing semi-frequently -despite the constant fighting he is on ok terms with a few members of the occultics dept, not friendly but they will talk to eachother if theyre on a smoke break at the same time -Dr.Witting used to be almost a surrogate mother figure? his relationship with her is odd because shes a mother/boss/therapist/ect. -he will get drunk and start talking to whoever he can corner about random topics, he will pull up wikipedia and start basically reading the articles to them
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rockfact · 10 months
miss playing on smps i wanna play on an smp without lore just being silly with friends.....
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squinkoblinko · 3 months
tugs out heart locket and opens it to reveal a cutout of this babe
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pawtistics · 1 year
this is going to fuck up my clean cut suicide as well bc no way is my mom going to go out of her way to ship presents within whats left of the year and its important to me that those get to their people. right now i dont have online work and i dont have any classes and it was going to be the perfect time i was going to do it when they left i hate you all i hate you
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frootertooter · 5 days
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The Arkham Sewer RAT doodles
Riddle me this Batman! How did I use neon green paint in various locations around the city without getting a single drop of green paint on me?
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newvegasceo · 5 months
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Cas'zar/the Emperor
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lemongogo · 1 month
also pls draw tomura again……. i beg
u dont even have 2 ask i saw this panel again when i went thru my tomies tag and it awakened smth
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wizzardhat · 9 months
imma be real i don't think i actually have the patience for three entire playthroughs i might just romance lae'zel on a durge run and call it a fuckin day sorry ass o'ryan
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liichkiing · 5 months
i feel like i'm going to explode.
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leviathiane · 1 year
sob i keep just making new ideas for law fics and never actually writing them helppppp
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dreampearls · 6 months
you hurt someone and nothing can be done about it!! your desire for self punishment and atonement is nothing more than an urge to satisfy & appease yourself!!! punishment does not change the initial behavior that led you to hurting to someone!! it does not do anything for the hurt party!! and yet punishment is all that you can seek.!!! because theres no other way you know how to absolve your guilt.....!!!!.....!!!........!!!!!!!..... !!
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katamarigender · 5 months
au. i just want someone to love me like i love them....
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incorrectinfinity · 1 year
*inhales colored pencil shavings*
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andiaquarium-moved · 1 year
i need someone to be insane with me
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koithebastard · 2 months
don't usually do things like this but could someone a month from today check back in and remind me to clear what I haven't worn from my closet? thanks <3
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