jenasprojectx · 8 years
Pride Post
Hello! Jana is here and I might be a little irrelevant to today’s topic.
I live in a small village and I got ‘national paper’ in today’s mail and it was all anti-islamic and too nationalistic (well little too extreme) and it made me SO ANGRY you can’t even imagine. This is the irrelevant part.
Now, it got me thinking. If someone that dumb can write, print and send an actual paper to thousands of people around my country, I should definitely start creating GAAAAAYYYY NEWS! Rainbows, unicorns, gay and lesbian couples making out in every corner in every page, trans* awarness, bisexual visibility and asexual praises everywhere and much much more..
So who’s supporting this idea? I am just calling it GAAAYYY NEWS hehe
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jenasprojectx · 8 years
YouTube Yourself
Oh hello there! Jana is hereeeeeee
...this is clearly a thing and my main question is.. WHY? And another is.. Dillon Francis, are you on drugs? I love this!
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jenasprojectx · 8 years
Anime Arena
and guess what I’ve FINALLY watched
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I am a HUGE HUGE HUGE fan... omg more than this I just adore Cowboy Bebop... so you’d say I’ve already seen Trigun like billion times. No I didn’t. Because Cowboy Bebop is simply too perfect and I don’t want to watch similar anime because those might be incredibly good... but not THAT good... A curse of Cowboy Bebop.
ANYWAY. I finally watched it... And it’s very very very goooood. It’s not Cowboy... :D but it didn’t mean to be which is good as well. Because it is very original and entertaining!
The main character. Vash-san. OOMMMMHHGG. Ya see there are plenty of anime out there about badass guys with bigass guns and they are killing tons of people in a very badass way. Vash doesn’t kill. And he is still incredibly cool isn’t he. I’m a fucking pacifist so there is a deep connection between me and Vash :D hahaha :D
The storyline is interesting. Nothing new, good brother and bad brother, why not, we’ve seen this before BUT they are “good” and “bad” in a very interesting way. They have more colorful character than “only good” and “only bad”... though... they are still “perfect” in fulfilling their character role BUT you can accept this because they are aliens hahaha :D
Side characters are boring. Normal. Anime. But it doesn’t ruin the story so much so whatever...
OST is a pure brilliance. I mean. Sound Life??? It sounds so so so so so good? ...plus... anything with jazz or/and blues or/and funk soundtrack is a pure brilliance :D
...I won’t bother with the animation it is an old anime I adore old anime
So to sum it up. It isn’t Cowboy... but it is still bloody brilliant.
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jenasprojectx · 8 years
We are about to go to see new X-Men ...
and Jana invented a game. Because she hadn’t seen a single x-men movie she was ...surprised :D by an originality of x-men nicknames... so she started to create her own:
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Storm is boring, so:
Strooper Dooper
Stormy Dompy
Stormy Horny
...and then Magneto started to bother Jana’s mind...
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....well and obviously
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Processor X
Pro Bro
...this was priceless covnersation...
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jenasprojectx · 8 years
Hiiiii! Jana here!
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Chickpeas, potatoes, red and yellow bell pepper and fresh salad.. Yum yum yum
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jenasprojectx · 8 years
Adolf Born died... ;(
…well I guess he’s not a world’s famous figure… but he is VERY famous in this country. He was drawing children stories and illustrations and I watched his work for like my whole childhood… It made me really really sad… so here is a little tribute
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jenasprojectx · 8 years
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fighting against “vegetarian people eat only salad” proclamation!!!
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jenasprojectx · 8 years
Pride Post
Hiii! Jana here!
I am a little bit late but you’ve probably already noticed that yesterday, it was
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yayyy. Jenny was funny yesterday she literally sent me ‘Happy international day against homophobia or whatever hell you say in a day like this’ :D
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jenasprojectx · 8 years
Pride Post
So I was thinking. :D I want to grow my hair and than sell them and then give the money to somebody who needs it more than me.
And I am a lesbian and I have pretty short hair. Like short. Like really short :D
I was about to write “obviously” I have short hair if I’m a lesbian.
It is not, is it.
It’ll still be me even with long hair. 
And this can be applied on more things, not just hair.
You don’t have to wear shirts if you’re a lesbian.
You don’t have to be a superhot undercut guy with colored hair and painted nails to be gay.
You don’t have to be a sexual monster to be bi.
You don’t have to be some kind of twisted freak with tough childhood to be trans.
You don’t have to die alone to be asexual.
...you can...
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jenasprojectx · 8 years
YouTube Yourself
Hiiiiiiii! Jana is here and I think I have never been more excited to write youtube yourself, because I’ve recently found a channel on youtube that keeps amazing me..
At first, I want to say that I really like abandoned places and all the places that are somehow controversial, creepy or magical.. I didn’t even look for it but a channel called EXPLORING WITH JOSH just was in recommended section one evening and I couldn’t resist and watched this:
.. but when I say I am amazed by abandoned places, it is not that I am like super-brave person who would just walk to Suicide Forest and just had fun.. I was watching it few minutes before midnight and I was freaking out. I was really curious so I watched it all the way through but it was soo creepy.
Anyway. I subscribed immediately and continued with Chernobyl series the other day. I am obsessed with Chernobyl and Pripyat, I have seen dozens of documentaries and videos about this and these series and the best I have seen so far!
There are soooo many of his videos I need to see NOW. Amazing, truly amazing.
Oh and btw this channel hit 1M subsribers few days ago, congrats Josh!
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jenasprojectx · 8 years
Anime Arena
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I didn’t want to watch it but the animation forced me :D 
It was worth it. Firstly, the animation is really truly incredible. Kiznaiver doesn’t have such a crazy plot as Kill la Kill so the animation is more... normal? Like you don’t watch a crazy perspective plays and brainbreaking fights. Normally I’d say it’s a shame but in this case I won’t. It is just brilliant as it is because it perfectly matches the story and even the OST.
OST. I mean. Play the opening. It’s a masterpiece.
A story. When I saw first two eps I thought it is one of those anime with a school totally lame story which is boring after first two seconds because you already know what’ll happen and I wanted to stop watching. But than I found out it isn’t about saving the world. ...not directly :D so why not. ...but it still holds the anime down. I really hope it’ll get better... in this case it’ll be a very good anime. But I think it is mostly characters’ fault...
Characters are boring. It would be very very VERY nice anime with not so stereotypical characters. Just consider the plot rolling around people with more complex personalities... not around stereotypical anime characters... there isn’t a single character which isn’t pissing me of with his/her incredible simplicity in behavioral patterns. IT’S BOOOOORIIIIIINNNNNGGGGGG and to low for this kind of anime... ;(
So if you are a Kill la Kill worshiper and you’re still hesitating because the story looks too lame and animation too colorful, don’t worry, it is bad, but really not so much as you’d expect. ...like.. look at those backgrounds... it looks like Makoto Shinkai from below.
3/5 so far
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jenasprojectx · 8 years
Hiiiii! Jana here!
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and I was at an Italian restaurant as well! What a coincidence! And I ordered pizza obviously. It looks boring but it was incredibly delicous!
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jenasprojectx · 8 years
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it’s...... SPAGHETTI
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jenasprojectx · 8 years
Pride Post
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey so I went on the Internet and I found this.
This post is probably more about hate free but whatever. I mean... Don’t you think old people don’t have enough confidence? I went shopping with my granny and she found a very nice blue sweater and she was like “Oh, I can’t have this one, it’s more for you, isn’t it...”
No it fucking isn’t. Firstly I don’t wear sweaters :D and secondly, I told her in a million ways to buy it... and she bought it and we were both very happy and OMG she looks so stylish in it...
Plus, to add an LGBTQ+ theme... don’t you think there isn’t a mainstream for old people? When you google anything about lgbt you find young people. ...I’m freaking 22 omg... and I’m still "middle aged” concerning mainstream! Yes, it is also about internet using difficulties for old people but even though... A lot of older people learns how to use internet quite well... and I’m pretty sure there are TONS of gay or trans or other lgbtq+ people who can tell us INCREDIBLE stories... but there isn’t a demand for it...?
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jenasprojectx · 8 years
Pride Post
Hi! Jana is here and I am not sure if I even should write about it because I will get angry once again..
So pointleslly gendered products.. I went tho the shop to buy my mother a present for mother’s day and the shop assistant asked me if it is a present for a man or a woman.. so I froze for a second and said it is for a woman and she took pink ribbon and decorated that present with it. WHAT IF MY MOM HATES PINK AND LOVES BLUE?!
Another annoying moment is.. There is a TV show in my country where they put five strangers together and they cook for each other and every! single! episode, they visit their houses and they go to their children’s room and they see blue walls and blue furniture and they are like IT HAS TO BE A BOY! yeah, it will probably be a boy, but doesn’t HAVE TO BE, right?
Should I even strart about unisex toilets? There is literally no unisex toilet in my country. Well maybe two or three.. But no. I’ve been to unisex toilet once in my life.. When I was in Exeter, GB. I almost took picture of that spcial moment. Ugh.
Guess what how futuristic my country is! We have got ONE UNISEX ANTIPERSPIRANT. Wow! Ridiculously expensive but hey, we have it!
Well, there you go. Tumblr completelly ruined my life, because I can’t see these things objectivelly anymore..
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jenasprojectx · 8 years
YouTube Yourself
Hiii! Jana hereee!
I know it is typical youtube video by a youtuber, but if you know these
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..then you should know that there is another one..
.. for me and Jenny, not as good as the previous ones but still funny af!
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jenasprojectx · 8 years
Anime Arena
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…….I finished Fairy Tail… :DDD
I adore this anime so much. This was the first anime series I have ever seen in my life and I LOVE IT so much but I didn’t realize how incredibly good it is back then…
But I had a break when I finished all episodes which were out back then and now I finished it… 
And this is a good thing to do. Fairy Tail is a very good anime to start with if you have absolutely no experience with anime at all… but it is too good. So if you take a break and watch like trillion zillion other anime and then return to it it’ll make a brilliant experience <3 :D
It doesn’t matter at all which anime do you like… I think Fairy Tail can please everybody… no matter your women taste or man taste or romance taste or plot taste any other taste… I think pretty everybody will enjoy it…
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