#Gab is an idiot sandwich
girlfromthecrypt · 4 months
Sigh...My poor MC is legit not made for this- he's totally a bad influence. The man is all for the throwing of ones hands, against bullies.
He's going to have to start a fight club soon, if he continues low key encouraging the children to give out knuckle sandwiches every time another kid says something mean. Not only that but, dude doesn't even have a filter, he's a call it how it is, type of person. Whiiich maaay not be the best approach so certain interactions.
What I find amazing about this situation is, he doesn't even like kids, or at least I wasn't intending for him to. But very quickly I can tell, Enola and Javier are going to be his (aka my) favorites. Especially Javier. The little cricket scene was adorable, I was nervous for a second- I thought you were going to have him kill it. Then there's Enola making friends with Gab...like just ahhhh, I can't. 💕
I know in another comment I said Flo was the end goal no matter what buuuutttt umm yeaahhh....ANITA FOR LIFE!!! 🫢 I love her character so much. Her with an annoying, flirty, kind of an ass MC; have the best dynamic. He gets on her nerves, but she loves it lol.
My MC is also super neat, has a Masters in Science and dresses in a more tidy style. I feel like Anita and him just go so well together.
Oh my God thank you so much for the detailed ask, those are my favorite and it's so flattering to me that you wrote all this out.
Your MC is such a vibe. Very much the reluctant guardian vibe, which is so dear to me. Figures that he'd get along with Enola and Javier the most. They're the most straightforward chaotic of all the little gremlins. They totally appreciate feeling seen by someone who understands their inherent need for violence lmao
Yeah, Enola and Gabriel embody the law of attracting opposites. You'll get to watch their friendship deepen, and just know they will keep in touch for the rest of their lives, thanks to this connection they forged with your MC's help. Aka let's see how tooth-achingly sweet I can make this.
YESSSS Anita appreciation HELL YEAH love to see it!!
You are SO right, Anita is MADE for annoying flirty idiot MCs. Oh, she'll roll her pretty eyes and scoff and call them morons, but damn, will she fall fast. I take it you played her the bird noises? Hehe.
With that style, the tidyness and that demeanor, your MC sounds like her soulmate at this point.
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leam1983 · 1 year
We're coming back from what's now our seventh evening walk out, and I've been pairing these with time on the treadmill. I'm not at an age that allows for sweeping improvements in just a few weeks, but I have felt very minute shifts in my gait. I hug the apartment's walls just that little bit less often than before. All three of us are gabbing away, but I can tell Walt's up to something. Instead of taking my hand, he's bent his arm and had me slip a hand in the space between his arm and his chest to more or less get more support. He only ever does that when he notices that I'm getting tired - or when he wants to show me off, more or less.
He has that gait, essentially, something that crops up and that feels like a nonverbal declaration that yes, I am in fact with him and that he's not simply a friend or a relative providing me with assistance. His face almost glows when that happens - and I'll admit to having called him my "fat angel" a few times. Both occasions earned me achingly tender looks, as well as a few extra things.
So, once we're back home, I note his pep. Sarah and he more or less sandwich me in the entryway. I feel her lips on my neck, while Walt gently pries my mouth open with his lips and jaw. He's slow, slower than he's been in weeks. I feel like he's sampling me, savoring me. He pulls away once he feels my pulse start to race, and does so slowly, as well. I feel the pop of released pressure as the seal between our lips is broken, and the absence of his tongue suddenly strikes me as the most grievous of injustices.
His gaze makes up for it, however. He feels so loving, so present, that I'm almost moved to tears in the moment. His gaze is so soft I have to fight the urge to bury my head in the crook of his chest, below his chin.
"I'm so proud of you," he finally says, and these five words are as much a panacea as they serve as a killing blow. All the anxiety that's hidden underneath my efforts threatens to break through.
"I don't want to end up in a wheelchair, Walt."
I more or less lose track of time or of his own words after this. I remember my fear, my denied self-loathing - and my pride, too. I hate the state of things, but I can acknowledge that I've made some efforts. Walt makes the same promise he always does.
"I'll clean you up every morning by washcloth if I have to. I'll work your legs like we already do - and every bit of pain or humiliation this brings you, I'll smooth over with all my love."
Sometimes, we trade places in the relationship. I've seen Walt moved to tears post-climax and I've sworn to him that I wouldn't let go, ever.
Now I'm the one who needs to hear it.
So, he holds me in the entrance hall, lets Sarah take care of the dog before the evening sets in, and rocks on his heels for a few long minutes, while grunting some sort of lullaby under his breath.
My voice is small, even if there's a seed of peace, somewhere in there. I ask him not to let go. Ever.
"You're stuck with me," he gently quips, his voice warm. There's just a bit of laughter behind it. "I'm not letting you go until we'll go change for the night, and then it's back in Daddy's arms."
Sarah's back and Romeo's in tow, looking as glad as ever to pick up our scents again. "Hey," she tells me, "eight blocks is nothing to sneeze at, hon. You know in which market we work, you know exactly how there's a ton of idle idiots who won't so much as walk two blocks on their own!"
I draw in a breath. My frustration is probably audible, seeing as that earns me a kiss from Walt on the top of my head. "Shush, you. Eight blocks, and Sarah and I are proud of you. Now shut up and keep being hugged."
The weird mixture of authoritarianism and tenderness breaks through my self-doubt and I let out a laugh.
"I guess it could be my tired calf muscles talking."
I can almost feel Walt roll his eyes. "Sure, there's just no way in Hell that you could admit that you've joined a polygamy of damaged freaks who weren't complimented enough in their formative years."
I mean - I guess.
No, he's right. We're fucked up and the main thing that keeps us working is that we still are, and likely always will be.
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nacregames · 4 years
That Gordon Ramsay meme gave me an idea. How well do the ros cook? And what would they think of a caring MC who is also like a master-level chef, cooking their favourite dish for breakfast/lunch/dinner on a date?
Also that Caleb Widogast fanart is just *chef's kiss*( ˘ ³˘)♥. Didn't know you were a Critter(as in Critical role fan, not a bug🐛)
Didn't know you were a critter
I'm not, I just saw that amazing piece of art and reblogged 😂 I have absolutely no clue where it's from, but now I wanna check it out
And it's a long post, so I'll make a cut
As to your ask, I'm gonna put them on a scale from best to worst and add a lil description
Would make Gordon Ramsay proud
Mel/ Lei
You'd be lucky if only the kitchen was burning
Camus is hands down the best chef. He likes experimenting with new/foreign recipes and dude's doing this for at least a century. He's also kind of a snob when it comes to food.
Ara is very interested in other beings and their affairs, especially food. She was curious about it ever since it was created in Heaven and loves to try out all the amazing tastes. The slightly disgusting side of her curiosity is the fact that she also tries out the food of animals too...
I mentioned that Mac has a big family and back when he lived with them, he always had to take care of the household while his parents worked, so cooking was among these things. He enjoys it too, which shows in the taste of the food.
Clay learned to cook from his mother. You can literally taste the love he puts into his dishes since he would always cook for his little sister whenever she was sad and he also prepares a meal for the crew once in a while, but he did it more often in the past than now.
Mel and Lei grew up on boarding schools/ away from their parents and they both went through the struggles every college student goes. They know a few dishes of their own and are really good at following recipes so there cooking is actually good.
Chal never had much time to learn how to cook. That's actually one of the few things she has not excelled at and feels embarrassed about. She can however, prepare a meal just fine when she's exactly told what to do.
Lilith does know how to cook too, but she doesn't enjoy it. She has basic skill and it's enough not to burn the kitchen down and edible.
Arrow actually prepares very tasty dishes, but it would be beyond foolish to leave him unattended. He might not burn the kitchen down, but there are worse things. You might also like to know what exactly he puts into your food.
Falito will fuss if you ask him to cook, but he's capable of it. Would cheat and use his powers to make it tho, but as long as you can eat it...
Well if you give Gab a recipe she will be able to cook it, but you better give her the ingredients beforehand too. Otherwise she might use stuff you wouldn't even dream about putting in your food, because "It has the same attributes". Like idk, the recipe says "use the paste to make the two pieces of cake stick together" and she's like "I'm gonna use organic glue; It's sticky and won't harm the human body when ingested."
Polly practically lives off coffee and bagels. She doesn't breakfast and skips meal, constantly working. She can barely heat up water for her instant noodles.
Mercy grew up as a privileged child of a rich family, so they always had servants who cooked for them. They've been wanting to try to learn it, but Clay refuses to let them in the kitchen.
Candy never learned to cook and never cared for it either. She will it everything and everyone.
I'm going to answer your other question with MC being a good chef a little bit later, because I have a small surprise and don't want to spoil it (。◕‿◕。)
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originlist · 4 years
nexarerum ответил(a) на ваш пост:“My main appeal is that I’m very cute.”
gabs vc: i can cook.. that’s.. something!!
Tumblr media
“You fool. You are also... indescribably cute. How dare you come into my home, my very own Chaldea, and tell me to my own face (my own face!) that your cooking is your only appeal point and it is merely something.”
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by xalikattx
What is your favorite salad dressing? I’m not really familiar with most of them as I only consume one type of salad and the recipe for that usually calls for mayo and some kind of spicy sauce. I guess that’s my favorite dressing by default.
Favorite sit-down restaurant? Yabu for days. I personally don’t think that will change for me. Mama Lou’s is also nice but its crowd can be so boujee it kills the dine-in experience for me.
Favorite pizza topping? I’m easy to please; I just like my pizzas cheesy.
What food could you eat for two weeks straight and not get sick of it? Fried chicken sandwiches.
What do you put on your toast? Butter is fine with me. I don’t really eat toast.
What food do you eat the most? I have rice in every meal.
Do you like food? Yes.
Do you LOVE food? Yesssssssssir. I have my preferences and things that I don’t like but I’m not picky for the most part, and I love being adventurous with the foods I try.
Do you even eat at all? ...What kind of question is this
What do you put on your ice cream? I never customize my ice cream. I usually consume ice cream however way it’s already served. 
Do you like steak? For sure.
Or are you a vegetarian? No.
How about a vegan? No.
What food do you hate the most? I’ve never learned how to appreciate kakanin, which is a group of a variety of sweet rice cakes that we have in Philippine cuisine. This has definitely caused my Filipino card to be revoked in the past lol, but ugh the texture is just so slimy and I hate how, even though we have so many types of kakanin, they all just taste and feel like sticky, chewed-up rice doused in sugar and coconut flakes. Korean rice cakes taste so much better.
How many TVs are in your house? We have four. Two downstairs, two upstairs.
Do they all work? I think the one in my brother’s room has stopped working but we just never get around to throwing it out because of the possibility of it getting fixed someday.
Do you have Comcast digital cable? I don’t know what that is. Probably a US thing? In that case we don’t. We used to have cable TV but my dad ceased our subscription a few months ago because no one in the family has been watching the TV for cable anymore and he got sick of paying for something that we don’t even avail of; we all stream our shows and movies on Netflix now.
AT&T Uverse? Definitely no AT&T on this side of the world, so no.
Dish Network? No.
Something else? Obviously.
Nothing? Again, it was a local cable provider but we’ve since cut off our subscription.
What's your favorite show? Of all time, Breaking Bad. Currently, it’s The Crown but I’ve been such a bad viewer at the moment; I stopped watching at some point a few months ago and haven’t gone back to Netflix since, welp.
What's the worst show? I don’t objectively know what’s the worst one out there but when it comes to my personal preferences, I’ve just never seen the appeal of shows targeted to teenagers or a younger demographic in general, like Teen Wolf, 13 Reasons Why, Riverdale, the TV adaptation of Scream, etc. Of course, this is just my own taste and I certainly don’t judge people who enjoy these shows. 
What color cell phone do you have? The official name is Space Gray but that’s too fancy so let’s just call it black.
What kind? iPhone 8.
What does the first text message in your inbox say and who sent it? So I scrolled all the way down to the bottom of my text threads and the last person on the list is Ate Frances, and she was just telling me to check my Messenger because she had sent me a question regarding an event our org was holding at the time.
What was the last text you sent and who did you send it to? Gabie. I simply said “hi.”
Who was the last person to call you? My mom.
Who was the last person you called? Gab.
Are you missing someone? Yeah but let’s not get into it.
What are you listening to? I can hear rain pouring from outside my window.
Watching? It’s mostly background noise because I’m focusing on this survey, but I have on a YouTube video playing.
Worrying about? Work. I was tasked to think of PR executions for a client over the weekend and I just really really dislike it when I’m assigned to something that forces me to brainstorm, so ugh. Wish me luck because my brain juices have been feeling weak all weekend.
Where are you? I’m in my bedroom, my favorite place to be these days.
What's it like there? Lonely, but it’s quiet and comfortable. I used to avoid my bedroom all the time everyday because it makes me depressed, but now I am depressed and prefer to stay here all the time too.
How are you feeling? A little sad but I think tonight’s one of the nights I can fake it a little more easily, which is decent enough for me.
Is anyone with you? Who? Just Kimi.
Are you hungry? I haven’t had an appetite in a while. No.
What do you want to eat? I’m not craving anything.
Thirsty? I’m good, thank you.
What do you want to drink? I might end up drinking some of the plum soju that’s been in the fridge for months tonight, even though I told myself I wasn’t interested in touching it lol.
What time is it? 6:58 PM.
Thing you ate? A tuna empanada.
Thing you drank? Pretty sure it was just water.
Thing you said? “Go, pee” It was to Kimi as I set him down on the balcony.
Movie you watched? I’m Thinking of Ending Things. Ugh, I really should watch a more light-hearted movie soon because this answer is such a depressing one and I’m tired of mentioning it.
Store you went to? What did you buy? Grocery store; dog food.
Person you talked to? My sister.
Person you hugged? I think it was Gabie.
Kissed? Also her.
Yelled at? I haven’t raised my voice in a while. I don’t remember anymore.
Book you read? Midnight Sun.
Thing you touched? Other than the keyboard, I pushed up my eyeglasses.
Person you became friends with on Facebook/Myspace/whatever other site? [continued the next day] A co-intern, Justine, added me on Facebook. I honestly don’t see the point of being Facebook friends because we’re bound to part ways and never encounter each other again after our internship...but I guess it’s nice to have friendly co-workers.
Are a righty or a lefty? Righty.
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? Just a decaying tooth, but otherwise no organs or anything larger.
What is the last heavy object you lifted? Does Cooper count? Little man has been getting so big over the last few weeks. He’s finally getting the growth spurt that we’ve been waiting for :’D But I don’t really do heavy lifting around the house, so.
Have any scars? Sure.
How did you get them? Any interesting stories? Most of them are scars from childhood falls, because I was the clumsiest kid in the neighborhood and tripped and scraped my legs at least once every time I played outside. There’s a scar on my left eyebrow from an idiot cousin who had been out to make me blind, and then there’s the self-harm scars as well.
if it were possible, would you want to know the day you're going to die? Yes. It’s one of the things I’ve always wanted to know.
If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I’m happy with mine. I’m not five anymore.
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? If it was like sriracha then yeah. Not willing to do anything overly hot, though.
How about 10 bottles of ketchup? I’d be more enticed if you offered mayonnaise, but even then I think such a feat deserves a higher prize than $1000.
10 bottles of maple syrup? Thinking of how thick that is already hurts my throat. Pass.
A bottle of vinegar? HELL no.
10 jars of peanutbutter? HELL yes but again, I’m gonna be asking for more money lol
How many pairs of flip flops do you own? A couple. They’re not my favorite things to wear so I don’t feel the need to collect a lot of them.
Favorite month? April because birthday month; December because even though that’s when my depression strikes the hardest, everyone else is caught up in the holidays and that allows me to guiltlessly cut off contact with people for a few weeks.
Do you always answer your phone? If you mean calls, then no. I do not pick up if it’s an unknown number, but after rejecting I immediately text them asking who they are and what they’re calling for. I just feel like it’s proper etiquette to text before you call, especially if you’re reaching out to me for the first time.
It's four AM and you get a text message, who is it? Gabie for sure. She’s on the graveyard shift, so it wouldn’t be a surprise.
If you could change your eye color what would it be? I’m okay with mine, but if I got reincarnated as a foreigner I’d love to have hazel eyes. They look very pretty.
Do you own a digital camera? Not anymore. My phone camera can take good enough photos.
Do you take lots of pictures of yourself? Hell no.
Do you take them in front of the mirror in the bathroom? Nope.
Have you ever had a pet fish? I had several goldfish as a kid, yes.
Pet hamster? Nope. That’s mostly a Western thing too I think; I don’t think I know anyone who’s ever had a hamster.
Bird? We had lovebirds before; they were so low-maintenance and made for such sweet pets.
Rabbit? Yep. Tobi was a bit of a handful, but I loved him all the same.
Iguana? No.
Favorite Christmas movie? Love Actually and It’s A Wonderful Life.
Favorite Christmas song? Probably It’s Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas. It’s so soothing and yet makes me feel festive and excited for Christmas.
Can you do push ups? I can, doesn’t mean I’m good at holding myself up ha.
Can you do a chin up? I can but I hate those.
Does the future make you nervous or excited? Both.
Ever been in a car accident? Just minor ones.
Do you have an accent? I think everyone does. I’ve honestly never understood this question lol, if I go to a different country or continent, people are always going to have an accent in my ears. Even in my own country, I can think of a number of accents I’ve heard people speak in.
What song always makes you cry? 26 by Paramore.
Have any plans for tonight? Rest my tired head.
What were you doing at 12 AM last night? Talking to Gabie.
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Ugh, Monday.
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tatonkatanochan · 5 years
We're going on a trip in our favorite RV
Heute morgen war zum ersten Mal nix mit Ausschlafen, mein Handywecker hat mich pünktlich um halb 6 aus dem Schlaf gerissen. Selbst die Tatsache, dass wir heute unseren Roadtrip starten hat es nicht einfacher gemacht, sich aus dem Bett zu quälen. Aber ich musste noch meine restlichen Sachen wegpacken und dann musste das ganze Essen, Taschen und die Ausstattung in den Wohnwagen. Bevor wir fahren konnten mussten wir uns natürlich noch von den Hunden verabschieden und dann ging's auch schon los. Jacky und ich saßen am Tisch, vorbildlich angeschnallt, im Gegensatz zu Ryan und Tommy. Die haben keinen Sinn darin gesehen sich anzuschnallen, nicht mal darin,  sitzen zu bleiben während der Fahrt. Wir mussten konstant aufpassen, dass die Sachen die wir auf dem Tisch hatten nicht bei jeder kleinen Kurve vom Tisch rutschen. Ich hab erst einfach nur aus dem Fenster geschaut und als Jacky angefangen hat ihr Koreanisch zu wiederholen hab ich meinen faulen Arsch hochbekommen und mein Japanisch Buch rausgeholt. Die nächsten 2 Stunden hab ich mich durch die Texte und Übungen gearbeitet, während der Rest Musik gehört hat und geschlafen hat. Jacky hat auch gedöst, aber in dem Moment als wir scharf abgebogen sind und alle Sachen ins Rutschen kamen war sie wieder wach und hat alles angefangen. Reflexe 👌 In Flagstaff haben wir kurz gehalten um zu Tanken und ich hab zum ersten mal in meinem Leben Kool Aid getrunken. Pappsüß wie alle Getränke hier. Kurz hinter Flagstaff haben wir am Rand eines Waldes gehalten um was zu essen. Wir vier sind ein bisschen rumgelaufen, Ryan und Tommy haben Stöcke gesucht und sie gegen Bäume geschlagen anstatt sie für Feuerholz zu sammeln. Während wir dann Sandwiches und Nudelsalat gegessen haben sind zwei winzige Chipmunks aufgetaucht, die sich zwischen den Bäumen gejagt haben. Als wir dann weiter gefahren sind, haben wir zusammen Uno gespielt, bis Jacky schlecht geworden ist. Ich hab tatsächlich auch mal gewonnen. Die anderen haben danach wieder geschlafen, ich hab dafür gelesen. Man konnte mittlerweile bereits tiefe Rillen im Boden sehen und bald kam auch schon ein Schild: Gran Canyon, 45 Miles. Wir musstem zuerst einen Pass für die Parks kaufen, da ich Maxis ja nicht bekommen hab. Wir waren am Nordende wo normalerweise weniger Leute sind, aber der Parkplatz war trotzdem so voll, dass wir einfach am Straßenrand geparkt haben. Allein schon der Blick zwischen den Bäumen durch auf die riesige Schlucht war krass. Das Ende hier ist deutlich weniger kommerzialisiert, nur eine kleine Info, ein paar Lodges und ein Restaurant mit Aussichtsterrasse. Wir sind zuerst einen Weg runter zu einem der Aussichtspunkte, ohne Jackys Vater weil er Fußprobleme hat. Einziges Problem, Jackys Mom hat Höhenangst, obwohl sie Stewardess ist. Sie hat uns also zu viert da runter geschickt. Und da Ryan Null Überlebensinstinkt hat mussten Jacky und ich ihn alle paar Meter davon abhalten, auf Felsen zu klettern oder vom Pfad abzuweichen. Da ging es nämlich sehr steil sehr tief runter. Um ehrlich zu sein, ich wäre auch gern da rumgeklettert, aber mein Überlebensinstinkt ist nur ein bisschen vernachlässigt und noch nicht tot, also hab ich's gelassen. Die Aussicht am Ende war aber auch so der absolute Hammer. Die schiere Größe, die Felsfomationen, die Farben, überwältigend. Ich hab natürlich ne Menge Fotos gemacht, aber nicht mal ein Panoramabild kann diesen ganzen Eindruck erfassen. Nach ner Weile sind wir zurück und über einen anderen Pfad zu einer kleineren Plattform, wo ich Jacky überredet hab ein Bild von mir im Handstand vor dem Gran Canyon zu machen. Was soll schon passieren, es geht da ja nur etliche Hundert Meter in die Tiefe. Aber hey, zumindest war da ein Geländer. Wie gesagt, ganz tot ist mein Überlebenssinn noch nicht. Nur fast. Oben auf der Terrasse hat Jackys Vater auf uns gewartet und man konnte erneut die fantastische Aussicht genießen. Hab ein paar mehr Chipmunks gesehen, die auch keinen Überlebensinstinkt mehr haben und einen fast bis auf Reichweite rankommen lassen. Ich war ein bisschen enttäuscht, dass wir nicht richtig in den Canyon rein sind, aber nachdem die einzigen Erwachsenen (ich zähl nicht, ich bin zwar volljährig aber noch lange nicht erwachsen) beide schlecht mit uns wandern gehen konnten hab ich einfach das mir gebotene Bild genossen. Irgendwann sind wir zurück zum RV und sind zum Campingplatz gefahren. Auf dem Weg hatten wir das Glück, eine ganze Herde Bisons direkt neben der Straße zu sehen. Ich hab sie bisher nur im Zoo gesehen und wir konnten bis auf wenige Meter ran. Ryan hat natürlich versucht sie zu füttern wie der lebensmüde Idiot der er ist. Auf dem Campingplatz mitten im Wald haben wir dann erst mal Strom und Wasser angeschlossen, unsere Betten aufgebaut und dann würde gekocht. Beziehungsweise die weibliche Fraktion hat sich um alles gekümmert während Ryan und Tommy wieder auf Stocksuche gegangen sind. Aber sie haben einige großartige Wanderstöcke für jeden von uns gefunden und hatten die Idee, die Überflüssigen an Wanderer in anderen Parks zu verkaufen. Zum Abendessen gab es Chicken Moley, ein typisch mexikanisches Gericht. Hühnchen mit einer leckeren Soße, pürierten schwarzen Bohnen und Reis. Lecker. Mehr haben wir dann auch nicht mehr gemacht, da wir alle zu müde waren. Also sind die Jungs sich aufs Bett über der Fahrerkabine geklettert, Jacky und ich auf die umgebauten sitze und ihre Eltern in das richtige Bett hinten. Ich hatte zwar ne Decke, aber ich hab mit noch einen Schlafsack als zusätzliche Decke geholt, denn trotz der heißen Tagestemperaturen ist es echt kalt geworden. Und als die Jungs dann auch mal ihre Klappe gehalten haben, konnte ich endlich schlafen
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5 Stupid Things We Need To Stop Clicking On
We “re living” the final choke of the Information Age. Experts estimate that 62 percent of all the points we now receive is purposely mistaken, and that includes the percentage and professionals I made up at the start of this sentence. The sad fact is, the majority of members of you are able to never have the critical envisage or research abilities to know what’s real, and that will simply manufacture you more absolutely convinced the erroneous situations your stupid ass belief. The good story is that this article isn’t about that shit. The imitation information fighting is over, and stupid won. No, this article is about the dumb things we all keep falling for — even you, the genius who chose the right political area and religion. 5 Pointlessly Insane Product Are Not That At All Last year, Tiffany& Co. started selling the Sterling Silver Tin Can, an empty can that costs $1,000. You’ll notice that this is far more than you’d naturally pay for soupless garbage. To be clear, this wasn’t some tin can that once impounded Prince’s final dark-green nuts. It’s simply a can. As an imaginative word, it was 50 years stale, and as a money-making strategy, it was somewhere between a portable diarrhea carton and that same product without a eyelid. It’s the kind of sentiment that they are able to offset the other Saved By The Bell novelists tell, “Look, if you’re not ready to come back to effort, make more time off to deal with the death of your son.” The item I’m building is that it’s hard-boiled not to comment on Tiffany’s silly can, and that’s more appealing to Tiffany& Co. than where reference is comment on how the ones who quarried their concoctions all lived of slavery. “Darling, I was part of many someones transcending penetration to convert a utilitarian men’s room into an installment of signature Tiffany oeuvre.” — this Tiffany copywriter justifying to his wife why “theres” seven colourings of pubic hair in his underpants Read Next 8 Baffling Poop-Themed Toys Kids Are Lining Up To Buy And it’s is not simply tin cans and Wu-Tang recordings that are marketed in intentionally strange modes. Food advertisers have figured out that they can get more attention by being ridiculous than by being delicious. Retain when KFC employed fried chicken as sandwich food in the Double Down? Or when Chick-Fil-A announced that their fried chicken detested lesbian people with the Cajun Titty Jiggler? We all made amusing of them, but they perfectly did not care. These are people souring pigeon meat and “deported” foreign nationals into nugget figures. They’ll take any press they can get. We need to stop doing this. It’s very possible the only conversation any of us had or will ever have about Dr. Pepper started when they liberated a special copy of their soda for men exclusively . We all went on Twitter to add stuffs like, “Forbidding females from savor Dr. Pepper Ten will only retard the disclosure that it’s made from semen , not stop it completely.” We asked questions like, “Why would you make a soda for men exclusively? Are you trying to find the perfect drink to pair with losing custody of your adolescents? ” Or maybe you are only pondered, “Dr. Pepper Ten sounds like the refreshing discus you contact for when defending an alleged rapist you haven’t met.” SORRY LADIES, OUR CREATIVE DIRECTOR IS STILL DEALING WITH SOME CHILDHOOD TRAUMA INVOLVING PENISES . b> Products should conclude the customer happy , not be so intentionally foolish that the customer hears about them during a Jimmy Kimmel monologue. You shouldn’t spawn every tenth new Oreo out of cat suppository in the hopeles said he hoped that cookie influencers tweet about it. And pizza, you peculiarly need to get your shit together. In 2012, a Pizza Hut employee happened upon the relevant recommendations of a hot-dog-stuffed crust, relatively by coincidence, when his administrator caught him fucking a pizza and asked written explanations. This distinguished the last experience there would ever has become a non-insane pizza ability. Today, pizza marketing is a series of deranged inventions, like a serial killer’s pilgrimage toward becoming the Minotaur. For speciman, Pizza Hut created “smart” shoes that situate an degree for you. Aside from get the elderly to wonder what they’re going to come up with next, what the fuck good do pizza shoes do anyone? If you have a use for dictating Pizza Hut via shoe, your foot is going to fall off from diabetes long before you get to make love a second time. essay > And did you know that Domino’s devoted millions of dollars promoting something called “carryout insurance? ” It’s what it sounds like — a monetary guarantee that when your haphazard ass puts a pizza, they give you another one. Aside from getting us to mention how foolish that is, what’s the pitch? Was there a community of overweight idiots devouring pizza off the foot and involving their representatives do something? Let’s say it’s only to place your subconsciou at ease. Let’s profess you’re “ve been thinking about” prescribing Domino’s, but decide against it because you’re always stopping pizza. Will this convince you? Of track not. You’re not even here. You were taken in the night by mad scientists, and now you’re a bulge of brain material named “HISTORY’S SADDEST FUCK.” “CARRYOUT INSURANCE !? Hey, boss? Yeah, I just perceived a loophole that gives me boundless flooring pizza. So what I’m saying is you can kiss my ass . i> “ div > 4 All Things “Of The Year” Are Arbitrary Decisions Made By Small Teams Of Random Assholes We are living in the darkest of goes. Our current sexiest guy alive looks like a rectangle who acquires its living hustling milk-drinking contests. “I’m digesting four gallons of Half& Half. Hi, I’m Blake Shelton, your sexiest mortal alive.” When People store announced hoedown music standout Blake Shelton as the sexiest humankind alive while Casper Van Dien was still not dead, it stumbled like a bomb. Every Gab report and Safeway express lane had a hot take on it. It wasn’t simply controversial; it was a direct challenge to what vaginal lubrication even wanted. What will it do to society if passably handsome NASCAR dads are the brand-new standard of seductive? Do we need to stop doing sit-ups? Will there be enough denim? What will Casper Van Dien do with this boner? div > You know what we should have been doing that whole season? Not establishing a shit about how handsome Blake Shelton is. Don’t get me wrong, Blake Shelton is alright. His condoms maybe don’t expire, and if he was arrested for sodomizing a dairy moo-cow, you’d anticipate “Him? ” But let’s not play games. He’s not the sexiest male alive. At best, he’s “Oklahoma’s Hottest Mostly Ham DNA.” But we should remember that this isn’t some enormous honor decided by appraising the gonad stimulation of test subjects. “Sexiest Man Alive” is picked by four or five journalists desperately trying to hang onto print media chores, and every now and then one of them is smart enough to say, “What if we trolled everyone? ” With all respect to Blake Shelton’s fuckability, if you died trying to learn a prosthetic forearm how to give a handjob, the People organization would write your figure up on the “Sexiest Man Alive MAYBES” board. It’s important is maintaining mind how insignificant these entitlements are before we get outraged. Before Donald Trump, Time opened its 2006 “Person of the Year” title to You, as in the second-person pronoun. And in 1938 they gave it to Hitler, the Donald Trump of 1938. These are meaningless choices meant to engender awful conversations between uninteresting people. Did you think LaTonya from Fayetteville was chosen as Jet ‘s “Beauty of the Week” because of her prevailing tits and smile? Wake up. It’s because her front tattoo announces “Abortion is Bae.” Please, all of us, we have to stop get outsmarted by the Jet magazines of the world. 3 It’s Not An Contest When Fictional Characters Die In 1992, DC Comics killed Superman — an indestructible ventriloquist with laser noses, frost wheeze, and chronosphere-bending flight speed — with a rock ogre who was pretty good at punching. Despite it being the third occasion he had died, the country is entered into mourning and the tale was picked up by the actual bulletin. Which was weird, because if the media wanted to cover upsetting Superman fibs, where were they when his girlfriend get turned into a pony and fucked his mare? I think about this every day. Every day. div > Why are we so preoccupied with fictional deaths? Most of the time, they’re not even real in the make-believe macrocosm in which they happen. Captain America and Batman vanish around 20 epoches a year, each in different combinations of fake-outs, resurgences, and universe reboots. If a dead guy’s best friends own a meter machine and the Eye of Agamotto, you can probably hold back on making funeral proposals. And if your favorite person dies on The Walking Dead , perhaps don’t debris an hour watching Chris Hardwick cry until you accompany the body. It should help you relax knowing that most fictional fatalities are exclusively abusive escapades, but the “real” ones are about as meaningless. I mean, you knew there wasn’t going to be any more Firefly . This death cost us maybe two wisecracks. div > Remember when Han Solo expired? He was a 73 -year-old laser gun fighter scheduled to get his own movie in three years. His death was both long overdue and altogether inconsequential to the amount of Han Solo you will continue to see on your TV. His father-in-law, Darth Vader, was on screen for about 36 minutes before he died in 1983, and since his death, there have been more Anakin Skywalker narratives than anyone could ever require. Anakin Skywalker is the Nicolas Cage of outer space. He stopped making good movies three decades ago, more he’s still everywhere and radiating inexplicable planetary energy. If George R. R. Martin gone on TV to announce that a comet smacked Westeros between works and everyone in A Song Of Ice And Fire is lead, how is that different from “the worlds” you’re living in now? The chap have undoubtedly wanted to focus more on snacks for about four works. You know what’s sadder than identifying Ned Stark get his head chopped off? Watching some fragile-hearted slobs go across the various stages of sorrow in a YouTube video afterwards. Mothers, if your child is filming themselves weep over a make-believe death, that’s a bigger default than if your child is filming themselves pee into a tube sock for Patreon advocates. I symbolize, you can do whatever you demand, but when you cry over forgery people whom you can still hear every day for as long as you miss, you’re exclusively sending a message to the people around you that you’re a drastic piece of shit. But I know something that will ovation you up! 2 Being Special Is Free That’s right, I said it. You’re welcome. It’s pretty easy to sell someone nothing more than the notion that they’re special or important for actual money. For illustration, somewhere right now, a Todd is looking through a rack of keychains to see if they have one with his reputation on it. “I hope they have a Todd, ” he might announce as he thumbs through dusty debris. “They do! And it’s spelled right ! b> ” So Todd will buy it, a cute remember of the worst collected in the least interesting part of a town he formerly called, and it will never occur to him that an Indonesian plant gambled and won that a completely shitty Todd would one day pay money to prompt himself of his own name. This next part is way off-topic, but not even the Indonesians could have foreseen that this keychain would one day be used to frame Todd … … for Toddslaughter. div > Back to the point I was trying to utters: We are all prone to this idiocy. Coke had its first marketings increase in more than a decade when it introduced the idea of adding the customers’ stupid fucking lists to their cans and bottles. And the internet has been recurred by ego-stroking personality quizs and IQ tests since before we used it to pay girlfriends peeing into tube socks. We are so desperate to be told we’re special that we will expel all disbelief and critical consider to hear it. You should know that answering a few simple-minded personality interrogations does not determine you the coolest ninja turtle, and you shouldn’t trust the scores of an Iq test that you watched yourself cheat on which likewise advertises free Slavic women and four new pounds of dick girth. One of my favorite a few examples of this, and favorite things in general, is an online community announced Intertel — “An International Society of the Intellectually Gifted.” It’s very difficult to get in. You can only affiliate if you tally in the top one percent of any self-administered intelligence test and mail in a $10 lotion reward. You may have considered that this in fact checks to see whether you’re stupid enough to forward in a test with a 98 percent composition or less and nothing else. If you get accepted, you then compensate a $39 annual reward to be a part of a genius squad for people who are very specifically not. What do you get? I’m so glad you asked. For the annual reward, you get inexhaustible pity and the human rights of berth a photo and bio about your singularly unsophisticated soul. It has created an avalanche of unearned narcissism that looks like a late ‘9 0s Casper Van Dien supporter page whose webmaster travelled mysteriously missing. Image courtesy of the property of the Casper Van Dien Fan Page& Genius Community webmaster. div > OK , no, but seriously, this next epitome is a real screenshot from the Inertel( An International Society of the Intellectually Gifted) website. This is a real person who really thinks he’s in the 1 percent of intellectual nobilities, and this is his real profile. I didn’t doctor this. This is what an actual genius named BigJim3 69 remunerations $39 a year to expose. Fucking! This macrocosm is spell and you get to live in it! div > Another business that employs your adoration of yourself on a big, sprawling magnitude is the pop-up museum manufacture. The reputation implies that there are things to do or learn inside them, but they’re more like oversized photo booths than artistry halls. For speciman, if you take a junket to the zany, world-famous Museum of Ice Cream, you will memorize zero to one things about ice cream and feed ice cream worth $45 less than the entering ticket. What you will do is wait in line to make photos of yourself next to what you’d describe in any other situation as “nothing of interest.” So to be clear, we are so self-obsessed that it’s now an efficient business model to charge us money to make pictures of ourselves so we can promote you online. You didn’t fool ME, Museum of Ice Cream. But my family loved it. Five stars. div > 1 Stop Attaining It Seem Like There Are Nazis OK, so the world has just fairly stupid prejudiceds to elect Donald Trump chairman, but not all of those voters were full white supremacists. Some of them were simply extremely theological to know when someone is lying or too old to change their memory about politics. And yes, a troubling number of them were Nazis. But in a lot of ways, most things are fine and the world isn’t as unpleasant as you think. You’re welcome again. div > Impossibly shitty parties, like the Trump supporters who made that Garfield mug privately, looks a lot like they’re everywhere. A pile of that is our omission — the good beings making fun of them. They use us to amplify their articulates, like Han Solo( R.I.P .) reassuring a hallway of Stormtroopers that he’s acces more people than he actually is. Every few minutes, a website publishes a variant on the article “These Miserable Fucks Said Something Racist About A Thing And Got Annihilated By Twitter.” They’re fun and vaguely heroic, but if you read more than one, you’ll start to see that they all share the same content. It’s the same three or four prejudiced tweets quoted in each article, tweeted by the same three or four prejudiceds who “attacked” the Star Wars with the Asian girl and “staged boycotts” of the all-lady Ghostbusters . We need to stop treating these three or four beings like they’re a threat to anything other than skewing PornHub’s algorithm to favor mother-son incest. BREAKING NEWS: Regional high school’s least-likable puncture still manufacturing quite a sight out his irrelevant awfulness. div > Here’s a comforting information: A analyse of Reddit found that 1 percent of communities were responsible for 74 percent of all conflict. We are taking the intentionally insensitive notes of a Kia’s worth of debate club hobbyists and feigning they’re a tidal wave of detest “were supposed to” stand together against. The “alt-right” movement is 30 sons more cranky to year and too slow to hear Dungeons& Dragons . Their adherents are a lethal group of gamers who will disappear once they sour 17, and their media channel is a cable network whose entire audience will be dead in two more flu seasons. All these people want is for the other side to get upset, so if we stop writing thinkpieces about the rise of dapper grey patriotism and focus more on how liberals hate suicide religions, we can be rid of them almost immediately. BREAKING NEWS: C-word who are tweets C-wordy antisemitic concepts DOES! div > Ann Coulter is a good example. She’s the skeletal are still in relic antipathy, and she has about as much cultural affect as Corey Feldman’s band, Oral Thrush and the Yeast 2000 s. Has she ever done anything other than hiss bad acts at impatient Tv identities or suppose that clinical antisemitism is antisemitic slapstick? She only seems like she is a thing because 10,000 of us dunk on the bitch each time she condemns her oral thrush on the Jews. Without all of us excusing to one another how mistaken she is, Coulter would just be straying through Home Depot to see if there are any lily-white works she can ask about the lavatory refuge rails. And soon she would be spawning spider eggs in her lip while her parakeet watched their own bodies rot. “Rawk! The Jews are at it again! ” it would recite to her undiscovered body. “The Jews are at it again! “ We all seem to get how foolish it is when the story answers “teens” are doing a comically apeshit circumstance like human centipede gatherings or detergent eating. Why can’t we use those same beings psyches to figure out how one Nazi nerd looking for attention isn’t “the Right”? I know it’s tough to stand trolls, but Kim Kardashian owning all the world’s money should have taught you that there is virtue in shutting the fuck up about some things. We need to stay strong not in the battle against the “alt-right, ” but in the battle to ignore them. The next time you verify another tower about how maids won’t time republican people, leave it alone. Let those dickless Nazis prevent writing versions of that section into the empty vacancy until they discover evil campaigns brides to dry up. And the next time someone on your Facebook thread attacks their Second Amendment liberties after local schools shooting, don’t confirm their child assassination fandom with tending. Move your cursor to the left and click on their mother’s chart. Pose as Blake Shelton, acquire her moist rely, and calmly destroy that child-murderer’s family. Every one of us can shut up and make a difference. Seanbaby devised being funny on the Internet. You can follow him on Twitter, or frisk his hit mobile competition Calculords . b> Did you realise Casper van Dien was in a Tarzan movie in the 90 s ? i > b> Support Cracked’s journalism with a tour to our Contribution Page. Please and thank you . i > b> For more, check out 5 Deeply Embarrassing Thing The News Keeps Doing and 6 Time The News Went Totally Overboard Chasing A Story . i > b> You should click on this join and follow us on Facebook . i > b> Read more: http :// www.cracked.com/ blog/ 5-stupid-things-we-need-to-stop-clicking-on / http://dailybuzznetwork.com/index.php/2018/06/30/5-stupid-things-we-need-to-stop-clicking-on/
0 notes
5 Stupid Things We Need To Stop Clicking On
We “re living” the final choke of the Information Age. Experts estimate that 62 percent of all the points we now receive is purposely mistaken, and that includes the percentage and professionals I made up at the start of this sentence. The sad fact is, the majority of members of you are able to never have the critical envisage or research abilities to know what’s real, and that will simply manufacture you more absolutely convinced the erroneous situations your stupid ass belief. The good story is that this article isn’t about that shit. The imitation information fighting is over, and stupid won. No, this article is about the dumb things we all keep falling for — even you, the genius who chose the right political area and religion.
Pointlessly Insane Product Are Not That At All
Last year, Tiffany& Co. started selling the Sterling Silver Tin Can, an empty can that costs $1,000. You’ll notice that this is far more than you’d naturally pay for soupless garbage. To be clear, this wasn’t some tin can that once impounded Prince’s final dark-green nuts. It’s simply a can. As an imaginative word, it was 50 years stale, and as a money-making strategy, it was somewhere between a portable diarrhea carton and that same product without a eyelid. It’s the kind of sentiment that they are able to offset the other Saved By The Bell novelists tell, “Look, if you’re not ready to come back to effort, make more time off to deal with the death of your son.” The item I’m building is that it’s hard-boiled not to comment on Tiffany’s silly can, and that’s more appealing to Tiffany& Co. than where reference is comment on how the ones who quarried their concoctions all lived of slavery.
“Darling, I was part of many someones transcending penetration to convert a utilitarian men’s room into an installment of signature Tiffany oeuvre.” — this Tiffany copywriter justifying to his wife why “theres” seven colourings of pubic hair in his underpants
Read Next
8 Baffling Poop-Themed Toys Kids Are Lining Up To Buy
And it’s is not simply tin cans and Wu-Tang recordings that are marketed in intentionally strange modes. Food advertisers have figured out that they can get more attention by being ridiculous than by being delicious. Retain when KFC employed fried chicken as sandwich food in the Double Down? Or when Chick-Fil-A announced that their fried chicken detested lesbian people with the Cajun Titty Jiggler? We all made amusing of them, but they perfectly did not care. These are people souring pigeon meat and “deported” foreign nationals into nugget figures. They’ll take any press they can get.
We need to stop doing this. It’s very possible the only conversation any of us had or will ever have about Dr. Pepper started when they liberated a special copy of their soda for men exclusively . We all went on Twitter to add stuffs like, “Forbidding females from savor Dr. Pepper Ten will only retard the disclosure that it’s made from semen , not stop it completely.” We asked questions like, “Why would you make a soda for men exclusively? Are you trying to find the perfect drink to pair with losing custody of your adolescents? ” Or maybe you are only pondered, “Dr. Pepper Ten sounds like the refreshing discus you contact for when defending an alleged rapist you haven’t met.”
Products should conclude the customer happy , not be so intentionally foolish that the customer hears about them during a Jimmy Kimmel monologue. You shouldn’t spawn every tenth new Oreo out of cat suppository in the hopeles said he hoped that cookie influencers tweet about it. And pizza, you peculiarly need to get your shit together.
In 2012, a Pizza Hut employee happened upon the relevant recommendations of a hot-dog-stuffed crust, relatively by coincidence, when his administrator caught him fucking a pizza and asked written explanations. This distinguished the last experience there would ever has become a non-insane pizza ability. Today, pizza marketing is a series of deranged inventions, like a serial killer’s pilgrimage toward becoming the Minotaur. For speciman, Pizza Hut created “smart” shoes that situate an degree for you. Aside from get the elderly to wonder what they’re going to come up with next, what the fuck good do pizza shoes do anyone? If you have a use for dictating Pizza Hut via shoe, your foot is going to fall off from diabetes long before you get to make love a second time.
essay >
And did you know that Domino’s devoted millions of dollars promoting something called “carryout insurance? ” It’s what it sounds like — a monetary guarantee that when your haphazard ass puts a pizza, they give you another one. Aside from getting us to mention how foolish that is, what’s the pitch? Was there a community of overweight idiots devouring pizza off the foot and involving their representatives do something? Let’s say it’s only to place your subconsciou at ease. Let’s profess you’re “ve been thinking about” prescribing Domino’s, but decide against it because you’re always stopping pizza. Will this convince you? Of track not. You’re not even here. You were taken in the night by mad scientists, and now you’re a bulge of brain material named “HISTORY’S SADDEST FUCK.”
“CARRYOUT INSURANCE !? Hey, boss? Yeah, I just perceived a loophole that gives me boundless flooring pizza. So what I’m saying is you can kiss my ass . i> “
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All Things “Of The Year” Are Arbitrary Decisions Made By Small Teams Of Random Assholes
We are living in the darkest of goes. Our current sexiest guy alive looks like a rectangle who acquires its living hustling milk-drinking contests.
“I’m digesting four gallons of Half& Half. Hi, I’m Blake Shelton, your sexiest mortal alive.”
When People store announced hoedown music standout Blake Shelton as the sexiest humankind alive while Casper Van Dien was still not dead, it stumbled like a bomb. Every Gab report and Safeway express lane had a hot take on it. It wasn’t simply controversial; it was a direct challenge to what vaginal lubrication even wanted. What will it do to society if passably handsome NASCAR dads are the brand-new standard of seductive? Do we need to stop doing sit-ups? Will there be enough denim?
What will Casper Van Dien do with this boner?
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You know what we should have been doing that whole season? Not establishing a shit about how handsome Blake Shelton is. Don’t get me wrong, Blake Shelton is alright. His condoms maybe don’t expire, and if he was arrested for sodomizing a dairy moo-cow, you’d anticipate “Him? ” But let’s not play games. He’s not the sexiest male alive. At best, he’s “Oklahoma’s Hottest Mostly Ham DNA.” But we should remember that this isn’t some enormous honor decided by appraising the gonad stimulation of test subjects. “Sexiest Man Alive” is picked by four or five journalists desperately trying to hang onto print media chores, and every now and then one of them is smart enough to say, “What if we trolled everyone? ” With all respect to Blake Shelton’s fuckability, if you died trying to learn a prosthetic forearm how to give a handjob, the People organization would write your figure up on the “Sexiest Man Alive MAYBES” board.
It’s important is maintaining mind how insignificant these entitlements are before we get outraged. Before Donald Trump, Time opened its 2006 “Person of the Year” title to You, as in the second-person pronoun. And in 1938 they gave it to Hitler, the Donald Trump of 1938. These are meaningless choices meant to engender awful conversations between uninteresting people. Did you think LaTonya from Fayetteville was chosen as Jet ‘s “Beauty of the Week” because of her prevailing tits and smile? Wake up. It’s because her front tattoo announces “Abortion is Bae.” Please, all of us, we have to stop get outsmarted by the Jet magazines of the world.
It’s Not An Contest When Fictional Characters Die
In 1992, DC Comics killed Superman — an indestructible ventriloquist with laser noses, frost wheeze, and chronosphere-bending flight speed — with a rock ogre who was pretty good at punching. Despite it being the third occasion he had died, the country is entered into mourning and the tale was picked up by the actual bulletin. Which was weird, because if the media wanted to cover upsetting Superman fibs, where were they when his girlfriend get turned into a pony and fucked his mare?
I think about this every day. Every day.
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Why are we so preoccupied with fictional deaths? Most of the time, they’re not even real in the make-believe macrocosm in which they happen. Captain America and Batman vanish around 20 epoches a year, each in different combinations of fake-outs, resurgences, and universe reboots. If a dead guy’s best friends own a meter machine and the Eye of Agamotto, you can probably hold back on making funeral proposals. And if your favorite person dies on The Walking Dead , perhaps don’t debris an hour watching Chris Hardwick cry until you accompany the body.
It should help you relax knowing that most fictional fatalities are exclusively abusive escapades, but the “real” ones are about as meaningless.
I mean, you knew there wasn’t going to be any more Firefly . This death cost us maybe two wisecracks.
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Remember when Han Solo expired? He was a 73 -year-old laser gun fighter scheduled to get his own movie in three years. His death was both long overdue and altogether inconsequential to the amount of Han Solo you will continue to see on your TV. His father-in-law, Darth Vader, was on screen for about 36 minutes before he died in 1983, and since his death, there have been more Anakin Skywalker narratives than anyone could ever require. Anakin Skywalker is the Nicolas Cage of outer space. He stopped making good movies three decades ago, more he’s still everywhere and radiating inexplicable planetary energy.
If George R. R. Martin gone on TV to announce that a comet smacked Westeros between works and everyone in A Song Of Ice And Fire is lead, how is that different from “the worlds” you’re living in now? The chap have undoubtedly wanted to focus more on snacks for about four works. You know what’s sadder than identifying Ned Stark get his head chopped off? Watching some fragile-hearted slobs go across the various stages of sorrow in a YouTube video afterwards. Mothers, if your child is filming themselves weep over a make-believe death, that’s a bigger default than if your child is filming themselves pee into a tube sock for Patreon advocates. I symbolize, you can do whatever you demand, but when you cry over forgery people whom you can still hear every day for as long as you miss, you’re exclusively sending a message to the people around you that you’re a drastic piece of shit. But I know something that will ovation you up!
Being Special Is Free
That’s right, I said it.
You’re welcome.
It’s pretty easy to sell someone nothing more than the notion that they’re special or important for actual money. For illustration, somewhere right now, a Todd is looking through a rack of keychains to see if they have one with his reputation on it. “I hope they have a Todd, ” he might announce as he thumbs through dusty debris. “They do! And it’s spelled right ! b> ” So Todd will buy it, a cute remember of the worst collected in the least interesting part of a town he formerly called, and it will never occur to him that an Indonesian plant gambled and won that a completely shitty Todd would one day pay money to prompt himself of his own name. This next part is way off-topic, but not even the Indonesians could have foreseen that this keychain would one day be used to frame Todd …
… for Toddslaughter.
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Back to the point I was trying to utters: We are all prone to this idiocy. Coke had its first marketings increase in more than a decade when it introduced the idea of adding the customers’ stupid fucking lists to their cans and bottles. And the internet has been recurred by ego-stroking personality quizs and IQ tests since before we used it to pay girlfriends peeing into tube socks. We are so desperate to be told we’re special that we will expel all disbelief and critical consider to hear it. You should know that answering a few simple-minded personality interrogations does not determine you the coolest ninja turtle, and you shouldn’t trust the scores of an Iq test that you watched yourself cheat on which likewise advertises free Slavic women and four new pounds of dick girth.
One of my favorite a few examples of this, and favorite things in general, is an online community announced Intertel — “An International Society of the Intellectually Gifted.” It’s very difficult to get in. You can only affiliate if you tally in the top one percent of any self-administered intelligence test and mail in a $10 lotion reward. You may have considered that this in fact checks to see whether you’re stupid enough to forward in a test with a 98 percent composition or less and nothing else. If you get accepted, you then compensate a $39 annual reward to be a part of a genius squad for people who are very specifically not. What do you get? I’m so glad you asked. For the annual reward, you get inexhaustible pity and the human rights of berth a photo and bio about your singularly unsophisticated soul. It has created an avalanche of unearned narcissism that looks like a late ‘9 0s Casper Van Dien supporter page whose webmaster travelled mysteriously missing.
Image courtesy of the property of the Casper Van Dien Fan Page& Genius Community webmaster.
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OK , no, but seriously, this next epitome is a real screenshot from the Inertel( An International Society of the Intellectually Gifted) website. This is a real person who really thinks he’s in the 1 percent of intellectual nobilities, and this is his real profile.
I didn’t doctor this. This is what an actual genius named BigJim3 69 remunerations $39 a year to expose. Fucking! This macrocosm is spell and you get to live in it!
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Another business that employs your adoration of yourself on a big, sprawling magnitude is the pop-up museum manufacture. The reputation implies that there are things to do or learn inside them, but they’re more like oversized photo booths than artistry halls. For speciman, if you take a junket to the zany, world-famous Museum of Ice Cream, you will memorize zero to one things about ice cream and feed ice cream worth $45 less than the entering ticket. What you will do is wait in line to make photos of yourself next to what you’d describe in any other situation as “nothing of interest.” So to be clear, we are so self-obsessed that it’s now an efficient business model to charge us money to make pictures of ourselves so we can promote you online.
You didn’t fool ME, Museum of Ice Cream. But my family loved it. Five stars.
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Stop Attaining It Seem Like There Are Nazis
OK, so the world has just fairly stupid prejudiceds to elect Donald Trump chairman, but not all of those voters were full white supremacists. Some of them were simply extremely theological to know when someone is lying or too old to change their memory about politics. And yes, a troubling number of them were Nazis. But in a lot of ways, most things are fine and the world isn’t as unpleasant as you think.
You’re welcome again.
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Impossibly shitty parties, like the Trump supporters who made that Garfield mug privately, looks a lot like they’re everywhere. A pile of that is our omission — the good beings making fun of them. They use us to amplify their articulates, like Han Solo( R.I.P .) reassuring a hallway of Stormtroopers that he’s acces more people than he actually is. Every few minutes, a website publishes a variant on the article “These Miserable Fucks Said Something Racist About A Thing And Got Annihilated By Twitter.” They’re fun and vaguely heroic, but if you read more than one, you’ll start to see that they all share the same content. It’s the same three or four prejudiced tweets quoted in each article, tweeted by the same three or four prejudiceds who “attacked” the Star Wars with the Asian girl and “staged boycotts” of the all-lady Ghostbusters . We need to stop treating these three or four beings like they’re a threat to anything other than skewing PornHub’s algorithm to favor mother-son incest.
BREAKING NEWS: Regional high school’s least-likable puncture still manufacturing quite a sight out his irrelevant awfulness.
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Here’s a comforting information: A analyse of Reddit found that 1 percent of communities were responsible for 74 percent of all conflict. We are taking the intentionally insensitive notes of a Kia’s worth of debate club hobbyists and feigning they’re a tidal wave of detest “were supposed to” stand together against. The “alt-right” movement is 30 sons more cranky to year and too slow to hear Dungeons& Dragons . Their adherents are a lethal group of gamers who will disappear once they sour 17, and their media channel is a cable network whose entire audience will be dead in two more flu seasons. All these people want is for the other side to get upset, so if we stop writing thinkpieces about the rise of dapper grey patriotism and focus more on how liberals hate suicide religions, we can be rid of them almost immediately.
BREAKING NEWS: C-word who are tweets C-wordy antisemitic concepts DOES!
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Ann Coulter is a good example. She’s the skeletal are still in relic antipathy, and she has about as much cultural affect as Corey Feldman’s band, Oral Thrush and the Yeast 2000 s. Has she ever done anything other than hiss bad acts at impatient Tv identities or suppose that clinical antisemitism is antisemitic slapstick? She only seems like she is a thing because 10,000 of us dunk on the bitch each time she condemns her oral thrush on the Jews. Without all of us excusing to one another how mistaken she is, Coulter would just be straying through Home Depot to see if there are any lily-white works she can ask about the lavatory refuge rails. And soon she would be spawning spider eggs in her lip while her parakeet watched their own bodies rot. “Rawk! The Jews are at it again! ” it would recite to her undiscovered body. “The Jews are at it again! “
We all seem to get how foolish it is when the story answers “teens” are doing a comically apeshit circumstance like human centipede gatherings or detergent eating. Why can’t we use those same beings psyches to figure out how one Nazi nerd looking for attention isn’t “the Right”? I know it’s tough to stand trolls, but Kim Kardashian owning all the world’s money should have taught you that there is virtue in shutting the fuck up about some things. We need to stay strong not in the battle against the “alt-right, ” but in the battle to ignore them. The next time you verify another tower about how maids won’t time republican people, leave it alone. Let those dickless Nazis prevent writing versions of that section into the empty vacancy until they discover evil campaigns brides to dry up. And the next time someone on your Facebook thread attacks their Second Amendment liberties after local schools shooting, don’t confirm their child assassination fandom with tending. Move your cursor to the left and click on their mother’s chart. Pose as Blake Shelton, acquire her moist rely, and calmly destroy that child-murderer’s family. Every one of us can shut up and make a difference.
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