#Gabi goat
l0n4t1csfan65 · 1 year
My own htf version doki
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maiteo · 2 years
Martinelli oooooh 🥹
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crisalidaseason · 1 year
here's my aot what if -
what if nobody died and everyone lived happily ever after😁😁
Pls I love this so much. That's me when my fav character dies.
What if nobody died?
This is a joke and completely delusional of me, but here are my AOT characters sweet and peaceful endings if death and depression weren't AOTs moto
Carla would be still alive, we would have more screen time from this absolute milf (Sorry, I am feral for her), being the best mom and Eren always by her side, taking care of her, when he is not traveling with Armin.
Mikasa is either with Carla or occasionally traveling with Armin and Eren. She's out of the military for certain and just chilling, probably became a painter or writer.
Armin, my sweet beloved Armin, just travels around the world (if the titans were taken care of) and becomes this super notorious writer and explorer. I genuinely think he would be a scientist and inventor, like his parents.
Jean probably follows the military career, even become commander when he was older. This man fights for people, and if Marco is by his side...we would see big changes in Paradis military system!
Sasha and Connie would probably remain two chaotic creatures that live in a farm. Sasha would also remain in the military, in my opinion. She likes teaching young people and helping her community. Connie just decided to live a quiet life with his family, probably in a farm close to Sasha's family estate.
Ymir and Historia are married and queens. That's it. They are icons and care for many orphans (even if Ymir is awkward with them).
Erwin, Levi and Hange are retired and on permanent vacation. Permanent vacation! Also, Levi's squad is alive and well. Levi is one of those old dudes who accidentally got adopted by children despite his very mean face.
Reiner has a family. He probably has a bunch of kids that he loves so much. He is the best father in the world because his own dad was trash. HE IS NO CONTACT WITH HIS MOM!!!
Bertholdt is honestly just living his best life, just sleeping in weird positions and resting. No I don't think he got with Annie. I can imagine him becoming a teacher.
Annie just disappeared and took Pieck with her. She is living in a cabin far away with zero human contact and a bunch of chickens and goats. That girl deserves peace. Pieck is there because it's quiet and she can nap all day.
Porco and Marcel are happy siblings, so are Colt and Falco. Falco and Gabi actually married, I don't make the rules.
Zeke is just...Zeke. I think he becomes a doctor and runs an abortion clinic. Not elaborating on that.
My man Onyankopon is a rich dude on a paradise island, just chilling and being the handsome man that he is. Probably is the one who brought Hange, Levi and Erwin to the island for their eternal vacation.
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sonofthesaiyans · 4 months
Crack poll! I'm feeling controversial again, guys...
It's time I got back to these, it's been too long since the last one. And for you anime onlys out there still on your high over season four, well here's your latest sobriety test.
If you don't know by now which one I would have dropped first, then congratulations; you are a noob. No pity for the minefield you just stepped in to.
Too often have I seen fans refer to AOT as a masterpiece, undaunted by the massive spectacle of the final season. Well guys, all I see is an overblown, bloated, self-indulgent mess that completely lost any sense of what it was before we finally saw the ocean. Everything here just comes together to hit a brick wall bigger than Wall Maria, with the story taking on too many different directions while also taking on way too many new characters.
Remember when this show was about killing Titans?
For someone who was supposedly under a lot of pressure to get to the conclusion of his story, Isayama sure had a lot of time to waste on these little side quests that simply didn't live up to the hype. Nobody likes a filler arc, Hajime Isayama!
So I want to know, if it were up to you guys......What's the plot point you'd be content altogether it it made for a stronger conclusion?
Oh and if you're one of those fans who says the ending was perfect, or GOAT, and that you wouldn't change a thing, please just look the other way and do NOT respond because trust me; you DON'T want to get me started.
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melsimps · 6 months
Another couple memes for @feyhunter78 because I love making these.
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[Image description: a picture of a kitten with a massive smile, with text above reading "Nobody: //Gabi in ATS, posing for a royal portrait" /End description]
(Ik you based the demons in ats more off of goats than cats, but this picture totally had Gabi vibes).
Also some Todd slander (because we all fucking love it in this house)
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[Image description: a picture of spongebob in his underpants with text above reading "Todd Jameson, when he can't make his girlfriend wet, can't get the girl he cheated on her with wet either, had his wife in a past life kill herself rather than stay with him, gets murdered and cuckolded by his favourite hero in another universe, is an emotionally abusive and manipulative piece of shit, gets dunked on regularly and will never be loved by anyone:" while spongebob looks angry. There is also text on spongebob reading "angy and horney" /End description]
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feyhunter78 · 9 months
I just know for sure Ava’s HORRIFIED when she first saw her own baby… with horns on her forehead 🤭
So if I go by baby goats, they don’t develop horn nubs till about 3 weeks in so the thing that freaked Ava out immediately was Gabi’s eyes and then when the horn nubs came in Gabi’s hairline that pushed her over the edge
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purpleheroine · 2 months
Happy birthday Gabi Goat
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negative-speedforce · 4 months
Your OCs are given the opportunity to keep one animal as a pet - wild or exotic animals count, but nothing extinct or fictional. What do they pick?
This is assuming that they get to keep their current pets, because let's be honest most of them would want nothing more than their current pets (under the cut to save space as usual)
Siv: Bobcat
Jay: Golden Retriever
Cassandra: Black rat snake
Hailey: Cat
Ember: Hyena
Arya: Cone Snail
Gina: Chameleon
Esme: Tiger
Cat: Cat
Max: Cassowary
Kyle: Flying Fox
Eric: Octopus
Jacob: Guppy
Khalil: Peacock
Antonio: Tiger
Reggie: Banana slug
Ameerah: Pygmy goat
Rania: Cat
Meredith: Ocelot
Kelsie: Frog
Cory: Possum
Director Hawke: Coral Snake
Torryn: Wolf-dog
Onnie: Boa constrictor
Pippa: Bat
Jessi: Horse
Hyun-Ki: Newt
Marie: Crow
Qiara: Llama
Liah: Cat
Soraya: Cougar
Thalia: Bear
Reyna: Ball python
Laila: Raven
Athena: Poodle
Pyrrha: Fox
Aldrich: Whippet
Soraya: Cat
Matt: Hamster
Sohelia: Owl
Victorie: Iguana
Dolores: Lemur
Vanessa: Raccoon
Kayla: Ferret
Dori: Tarantula
Ellis: Bees
Gabi: Frog
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docrotten · 4 days
MARK OF THE DEVIL (1970) – Episode 217 – Decades Of Horror 1970s
“She’s the one who had intercourse with the Devil on Goat’s Mountain! He took her to his den in the disguise of a little donkey and then they fornicated all night long! She’s the witch! She’s the witch!” A little donkey, eh? Join your faithful Grue Crew – Doc Rotten, Bill Mulligan, Chad Hunt, and Jeff Mohr – as they try to get their arms around another infamous film. This time it is Mark of the Devil (1970).
Decades of Horror 1970s Episode 217 – Mark of the Devil (1970)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Decades of Horror 1970s is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of the podcast and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
In 1700s Austria, a witch-hunter’s apprentice has doubts about the righteousness of witch-hunting when he witnesses the brutality, injustice, falsehood, torture, and arbitrary killing that go with the job.
Directed by: Michael Armstrong; Adrian Hoven (uncredited)
Writing Credits: Michael Armstrong (as Sergio Casstner) & Adrian Hoven (as Percy Parker) (original story and screenplay) 
Producer: Adrian Hoven
Music by: Michael Holm
Selected Cast:
Herbert Lom as Lord Cumberland
Udo Kier as Count Christian von Meruh
Olivera Katarina as Vanessa Benedikt (as Olivera Vuco)
Reggie Nalder as Albino
Herbert Fux as Jeff Wilkens – Executioner
Johannes Buzalski as Advocato
Michael Maien as Baron Daumer
Gaby Fuchs as Deidre von Bergenstein
Ingeborg Schöner as Nobleman’s Wife
Adrian Hoven as Walter – the Nobleman
Günter Clemens as Friedrich
Doris von Danwitz as Elisabeth
Dorothea Carrera as Young Lover
Percy Hoven as Christopher (uncredited)
Friedrich Schoenfelder as Narrator (uncredited)
Emile Stemmler as Monk (uncredited)
Get your barf bags ready! The Grue-Crew is reviewing the 1970 witch-hunter gore-fest Mark of the Devil (1970). The film features Herbert Lom, Udo Kier, and Reggie Nalder. While the special effects may be tame compared to modern films, their impact on early Seventies audiences is unmistakable. They’re graphic, disturbing, and often difficult to watch. Does this film still earn the reputation of requiring a barf bag to enter the theater? Perhaps not, but the film is surprisingly well made with a strong cast and, quite honestly, shouldn’t be missed by horror fans and Seventies cinema aficionados.
At the time of this writing, Mark of the Devil (1978) is available to stream from Amazon Prime and Tubi and is available on physical media as a 4K Ultra HD 3-disc Set from Vinegar Syndrome
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1970s is part of the Decades of Horror two-week rotation with The Classic Era and the 1980s. In two weeks, the next episode, chosen by Doc, will be Vengeance of the Zombies (1973), a Paul Naschy (or if you prefer, Jacinto Molina Álvarez) flick. This one is sans Waldermar Daninsky, Naschy’s frequent role, but gives you an Indian mystic and women zombies. Yay!
We want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: comment on the site or email the Decades of Horror 1970s podcast hosts at [email protected].
Check out this episode!
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takaraphoenix · 13 days
For the fandom ask thing either Shadowhunters or Fire Country.
Thank you for the ask!! ^-^
And I'ma do Fire Country since I got another one for Shadowhunters, but also, you are free to send more than one ask, if you wanna know more than one thing! ;) <3
Favourite Female: Mh, tough one, I love Eve, but I also have wlw bias I think xD And Gaby is honestly also great
Favourite Male: Also tough, because how do I choose between Bode and Manny? They are both my boys!!
3 Other Favourite Characters: THE GOAT!! Freddy literally is the Goat. I also love Sharon. And Jake. I like most characters, it's why I love this show so much
3 OTPs: three OTPs is gonna be hard. Manny/Bode, no questions asked, THE OTP full stop, I also genuinely like Jake/Gaby and I hooope we get more of Aydan/Eve though I wouldn't call them an OTP. I just... I only have three ships I like in this fandom because there aren't more? xD
Notp: It's not even that I violently hate it but I do not need/want Bode/Gaby to happen, I just want them to be friends
Funniest character: Freddyyyy
Prettiest character: oh, Bode. That man is like. Ooof. Which is funny because I knew the actor from SEAL team already but I didn't find him very interesting in that and then Fire Country makes him grow out his hair and puts him in skin tight orange shirts and I'm like oooh okay
Most Annoying Character: Can't say I find any character so far annoying
Most badass character: lol how do I even answer that, that's like asking "most wet character" in a show about merpeople, they're all wet it takes place in the ocean. Or, in this case, they're all badass, they're fire fighters
Character I’d like as my BFF: I think Eve would be fun!!
Female Character I’d Marry: Oh, Sharon. I'm a lesbian and a MILF lover and have you seen that woman?
Male Character I’d Marry: Lesbian xD
Character I hate/dislike/least like: Vince? Like, I now reached the episode where he told Bode to reclaim the Leone last name, so he's... he's coming around, doing better, improving, but... he is also still the reason Bode changed his name in the first place and left his home because his father kicked him out so I am still fostering a lot of resentment, and it's not even just for Bode, it's also for Sharon, because he took her son away from her and never told her that he was the one who sent Bode away
Fandom Ask Game
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dedud3d · 13 days
so ml canon divergence au where after reflekdoll, marinette gets sick or hurt or both and can't be ladybug for a bit because of it so she has tikki go to chat so he can, ideally, take over as ladybug while she's gone and choose who he wants to be his black cat
adrien doesn't do that and instead chooses alya to be ladybug so it becomes a scarabella and chat noir team up which makes gabriel finally gather up enough courage to use his braincells
akuma + sentimonster + hawkmoth + mayura + bad/newbie ladybug who doesn’t have the talent for it or the experience in fighting together with chat noir = the highest chance of victory he has had so far(?)
so he makes an akuma and has mayura make them a sentimonster then they wait for scarabella to use her lucky charm and for chat noir to use his cataclysm before ambushing them then blocking them from escaping until they detransform and he can take their miraculous with minimal risk
*insert evil monologue and how disappointing adrien/chat noir is* before he makes the wish
gimmi: alright then Mr "nothing left to lose", bet.
gabriel wakes up in prison (life sentence with no chance of parole) and stays there for years without anyone visiting him with all the prisoners hating him before he accidentally broken out by a fight between someone with the dragon miraculous and someone with the ox miraculous whose superpower seems like a green lantern ring knock off instead of making him immune to superpowers like nooroo told him it would.
at first he just thinks nooroo might have somehow lied to him but then the Dragon miraculous user uses fire and then he's just confused.
he doesn't get much time to think on it because the inmates all start shouting and running towards the hole the two supervillains(?) made to try and escape. he follows them and ends up managing to escape but not without some bruises and a few bullets grazing him.
after his (not so) great escape, he hides and stumbles upon the goat miraculous by accident then laughs
gabriel: yes... the world is surely on my side!
he puts on the miraculous and transforms but his weapon isn't a brush, it's a battering ram stick with a goat head, and yelling 'genesis', no matter how many times he does so even at differing volumes, does nothing.
he also finds himself detransforming moments later and almost passing out from exhaustion. while he's on his knees gasping for air, a snort draws his attention, the source being... a kwami who looked very smug
gabriel glared at the goat kwami who dared treat him with such insolence
gabriel: ziggy, I order you to stop laughing and explain to me what is going on immediately!!!
the kwami's expression immediately turned to stone much to gabriel's satisfaction, though it didn't last very long before they burst out laughing
ziggy: hahahaha!!! what do you think this is, the previous world?
they didn't wait for an answer and promptly burst out laughing again
gabriel couldn't tolerate such disrespect and made to grab the accursed kwami to shut him up but his hand passed right through them. gabriel stared at his arm for a moment before making another attempt to grab them again... and again... and again and again
eventually the accursed creature stopped laughing and gave him a very bored look which somehow made him feel worse than when they were laughing at him. it was as if they saw gabriel as joke, and that joke was used too much at once so now it was no longer funny
ziggy: you said you had nothing left to lose, right gabi?
gabriel immediately went to correct them, after all gabi grassette was weak and long dead, but the kwami continued without giving him a chance
ziggy: that's why gimmi generously only took away everything you didn't care about to revive your wife
gabriel suddenly had a sinking feeling
ziggy: your reputation, your skills and talents, your knowledge as well as your connections... all of them were either taken away and given to someone else or made no longer applicable
he hoped that his knowledge no longer being applicable only applied to the miraculous but for now he needed to know more about the first part
gabriel: g-given away!? to who!?
ziggy: hmm... who knows really? but my hope is that it's ladybug, both because that would be really funny and a well deserved break for her as well as great karma for you!
gabriel barely managed to keep himself from grinding his teeth to dust or smashing his fist into the concrete wall or ground. the thought of that... that brat getting his fortune and talents... it was unthinkable what gabriel would do to correct that.
the kwami snorted as if reading his mind
ziggy: you already committed mass genocide on a daily basis, how bigger a hole do you think you can dig yourself into?
gabriel glared at the kwami before responding
gabriel: as soon as I figure out how the miraculous work, you'll see.
ziggy: but why do you need the miraculous in the first place? your wife is alive and well now even if she never wants you to be a part of her or her son's life. I thought you didn't care about anything except her being alive? or are you finally ready to admit to yourself that your goal was always to rule the world and you wanting the miraculous to heal your wife was just the excuse you used to manipulate mayura into helping you?
gabriel: shut up!!! no one deserves to more than me!!!
ziggy shook her head as gabi walked past with thinly veiled rage
ziggy: karma is yet to collect your full debt...
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celestitedreams · 2 years
The fact that the girls can essentially tear you down at any point, on any route - Gabi with her "well Suresh liked it when I kissed his neck" and Arlo with "two boys fighting over MC again. Just how she likes it" but both complaining of you "showing off" with that ridiculous mountain goat move just proves how petty and jealous they are
This whole place is toxic
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nicktoonsfans · 6 months
My Favorite And Least Things
My Favorite Shows Are
All Grown Up! BKN (Seasons 1-2) Magi-k Casado Con Hijos (Married With Sons) Pulentos Diego & Glot 31 Minutes (Seasons 1-3) El Chavo Del 8 ( Both Live-Action And Animated Versions) Spongebob Squarepants The Powerpuff Girls (1998-2005) Foster 's Home Imaginary Friends The Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy Ben 10 (2005-2008) Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi Dexter's Laboratory Teen Titans (2003-2006) The Fairly Oddparents Danny Phantom Hey Arnold Rocket Power The Wild Thornberrys Rugrats (1991-2004) American Dragon Jake Long Kim Possible Disney s' Recess Phineas & Ferb Amango Karku (Seasons 1-2) The Adventures Of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius Papi Ricky Brujas The Simpsons Adventure Time The Amazing World Of Gumball Astro Boy (1986 Series)
My Least Shows Are
Barney Teletubbies (Both Classic And Reboot) High School USA! Jellabies Secret Millionaires Club Coconut Fred s' Fruit Salad Island Boohbah 31 Minutes (Season 4 Only) BKN (Seasons 3-11) Karkú(Season 3 Only) My Dad The Rockstar The Powerpuff Girls (2016 Reboot) Boj All Grown Up! (Season 1 Only) Warped Club 57 The Tiny Chef Show HexVets and Magic Pets Hamsters of Hamsterdale The Ast⁷ronauts Cupcakery of Doom Drama Club Kinderwood Dorg Van Dango The Fairly OddParents: Fairly Odder My Little Pony Pony Life The Brothers Flub Rainbow Fish Teen Titans Go! Peppa Pig Índigo Juegos De Poder Caillou (Both 1997 And 2023) Johnny Test (Both Classic And 2021 Reboot) Fanboy And Chum Chum Sanjay And Craig Breadwinners Rock, Paper, Scissors Pig Goat Banana Cricket Historias del ocho Walala The Series Glu Glu
My Favorite Character Are
Tommy Pickles Chuckie Finster Angelica Pickles Samantha Shane Kimi Finster Phil & Lil Deville Susie Carmichael Daniel Harold Frumpkin Harriet Nicholas Sean Butler Justin Rogers Spongebob Squarepants Patrick Star Sandy Cheeks Pearl Krabs Mr Krabs Squidward Tenclates Seba Villanueva Claudia Lopez Cata Valdavieso Jota Gaby Ferrada Pipe Zambrano Rocio Valtierra Isidora Matilde Farias Bruno Troy Bolton Gabriella Montes Ryan And Sharpey Evans Chad Danforth Taylor Mckessie Phineas Flynn Ferb Fletcher Isabella Garcia Shapiro Tulio Triviño Juan Carlos Bodoque Juanin Juan Harry Policarpo Avendaño Cindy Miraflores Patana Blossom Bubbles And Buttercup Arnold Shortman Helga Pataki Gerald Johanssen Astro Boy Uran Nea Barry Benzo Ramon Walala Diego Pla Violeta Ochoa Ismael Droguet Danilo Viviana Felipe Garcia Maida De La Fuente Robin Starfire Cyborg Beast Boy Raven Mac Foster Bloo Frankie Foster Savannah Shane Brianna Penlope Paris Seltzer Chelsea Koyano
My Least Characters Are
Rachel Alcroft Z Spine Snapper Nacho Villanueva Barney The Dinosaur Bj Baby Bop Riff The Teletubbies Plankton Karen Plankton Bubble Bass Cachirula Cossimo Gianni Fanboy & Chum Chum Robot & Monster Sanjay & Craig Max & Ruby Peppa Pig George Pig Suzy Sheep Marsh Merriweather Amber Lamber Cassandra Barrren Lamort Blackstein Brad Solvee Blackfire The HIVE FIVE Caillou Rosie Mojo Jojo Princess Morbucks Vicky
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thetamehistorian · 1 year
Merry Christmas! Have a little ficlet about the boys from U.N.C.L.E and an unfortunate incident involving a flamethrower (the idea for which came, quite literally, in a fever dream when I had the flu a few weeks ago).
Sweden, December 31st, 1966.
“Did you have to use the flamethrower?” he asked between frantic breaths as the world span around him and he tried his best to keep his dinner down.
“Was only thing to hand,” Illya replied from where he was bent over his knees. “Would not have needed it if you hadn’t dropped your gun.”
“I did not drop it,” Napoleon argued on principle, “it was flung from my grasp when somebody drove us into a tree.”
“Tree was better than frozen river.”
“Boys,” Gaby interrupted over their radios and Napoleon winced as the sound of her voice bounced around his likely concussed head. “Why am I getting reports of pissed off locals?”
“It was not entirely our fault,” Illya began, because he had precisely one weakness and it was Gaby’s disappointment. To be fair, Napoleon understood the urge. Gaby Teller was a formidable force if you ended up on her bad side. “THRUSH men were shooting at us, and driving very erratically.”
“Towards the central square,” Napoleon added helpfully, now that his headache had subsided to merely debilitating.
“Precisely,” Illya confirmed, “we had to pursue in order to prevent civilian casualties.”
“And that’s why you used the flamethrower?” Gaby asked.
“And whilst you were using the flamethrower, you happened to catch the edge of the goat?”
“To be fair,” Illya protested, “goat was made of straw. Very flammable.”
“Yes,” Gaby replied, not sounding at all impressed. “It is also apparently very important, culturally."
“Would you rather we let THRUSH run over civilians?” Illya challenged.
There was a long-suffering sigh. “I suppose not,” Gaby conceded, then, finally, “Are you both ok?”
The run through the forest had been a little frantic, considering the mob of angry residents that had been chasing them through it not that long ago.
“Cowboy is concussed,” Illya said.
“Only because of your bad driving.”
“But you are in one piece? No bullet holes?”
“No,” Napoleon confirmed. “In spite of the best efforts of the locals.”
“Good. Extraction is two miles west. Waverly will want a full report.”
Napoleon squinted out at the snow-covered tundra they now had to cross and resigned himself to a miserable hour of bitterly cold travel. If only Illya hadn't crashed their only mode of transport into a tree.
“I don’t suppose there’s any chance we can pin the goat on THURSH?” he asked after a few minutes of quiet walking.
“Is worth a try,” Illya replied with a shrug. “They would not stand a chance against locals.”
Napoleon choked on a laugh and immediately regretted it when it made the pain in his head flare. Illya paused in his trudge through the snow beside him to make sure he would stay upright. Which he did, just.
“Well, it was only made of straw,” Napoleon reasoned. “It was bound to happen eventually. Besides, they can always build another one next year.”
And together they trekked across the plains, leaving the usually sleepy town of Gävle and it’s 13 foot burning goat behind them.
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deeeshka-14 · 1 year
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GABY/GABRIELLA ------------------------------------------- -personality in short- gaby is... uh.... "mad sciencist". really smart.... but not in normal human things(and math). she can easily do really hard things like making clones but she don't even know what to do with runny nose. ------------------------------------------- -backstory or something- well.... it's hard to talk abt it. but she is dishka's cousin!!.. khem, she's also from nowhere. she is a.. half-breed. literally dog and horse hybrid. her dad is from the "nodle" part of nowhere and he's a horse, and her mom is a dog from "chaos" part(her mom is also dishka's aunt.) she was doing really good on her motherland, so she is now trying to research different things on earth in her self-made little lab with her little helpers(literally her experiments, sheep-like and goat-like fellas. one of them is her stepson). --------------------------------------------- khem... i hope someone needed it?? info about dishka and nowhere is in pinned post if someone haven't check it yet
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inkyfernv · 11 months
I decided to draw an old character from years ago. Her name is Gaby and now she has a cute redesign. So yeah, have a goat gal. c:
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