#Gakuho x y/n
writermask-0807 · 2 years
A/n: Hellooooo peoplesss. Writermask is back from the dead! Anyways, I'm finally finished with Forbidden Fruit, and once again, my sincerest of apologies for bad content, but do know that I try my best. I think I'll be lucky if I manage to get even one like to this post, cus I wrote it wayyyy too detailed and I'm pretty sure it's boring... I did try to fix it, and here we are. Hope you enjoy!
Keys: {} for his most prominent thoughts.
Warnings: Student/teacher relationship, OOC Gakuho, cringe writing, (blame my sleep-deprived ass), and most words will be reused, since my vocabulary is painfully short, and English is my second language. Also, a lot here will not make complete sense, and sorta violent Gakuho???
Anyways, enough of my crap. Enjoy!
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PERHAPS, at times, your lack of observation was truly a blessing, Gakuho thought idly, lazily twirling the accursed picture between his long, slender digits, rich pools of dark hyacinth drenched with the distant, hazy mists of memories, as he disinterestedly studied the photograph flicking between the gaps of his nimble fingers.
Because earlier that evening, he had barely managed to compose himself at the sight of you, his precious darling, with the glassy glaze of unshed tears brimming thickly in your lustrous e/c hues, as they had swirled with a kaleidoscope of vivid, vibrant colors, rich with a wealth of emotions that unknowingly displayed the inner battle you'd been torn between, the boiling turmoil that he knew was tormenting your soul, coming in the bitter form of the hot, scalding tears forming in your eyes, the glitter of the salty remnants clinging insistently to your long lashes as they fluttered slowly, trying to blink the tears away, and he'd watched, half mesmerized and helpless, brain malfunctioning for a few short seconds, as the pearlescent liquid soaked the delicate porcelain of your reddened cheeks.
You'd looked so innocent then, doe eyes enlarged with the hot, stinging swell of unshed tears, your dainty palms curled around his much broader shoulders for support as you'd collapsed against him, petite, crumpled up form trembling with quaking tremors as you'd shuddered against him, the h/c shaded tips of your hair sticking out haphazardly at odd angles, your bottom lip, pink and dewy and irresistible, wobbling with a barely restrained sob, which he knew was clamping your throat, as shudders licked vehemently at your tender, supple flesh, so vulnerable and delicate, this fragile, fragile doll of a meek, timid girl, all pretty eyes and red lips, blanching flesh and ivory, unblemished complexion, crafted by the most flawless of porcelains, as though sculpted by the hands of Gods, and bred by forgotten deities.
And yet, you'd reeked of unbridled sorrow and misery, that reflected in a sharp flash of that aching, aching hurt that flickered painfully in your glimmering orbs of e/c, as you'd stolen a frightened glance at his impassive facade, and he'd felt guilt ram into him with the wrecking force of a freight train, the sweltering tip of a white-hot rod twisting his insides with a sharp feeling that left him slightly breathless, and in silent bafflement at the sheer amount of roaring emotion he felt, an ache he felt deep in the rattle of his bones, a resounding difference that made him feel as though something inside of him crumbled at the sight of your unwarranted despair.
Guilt pulled at his heartstrings, plucking at the delicate cords of his sanity and twisting and writhing a different sort of hurt within him, one that was foreign in his psyche, but agonizing nonetheless, the painful, albeit bizarre sensation feeling as though someone were sifting a roiling, pulsating mass of what felt like shards of broken glass beneath his flesh, making knots form in the pit of his stomach, rare anxiety twisting them with twinges of nauseating unease, and the guilt ate him alive, slowly but surely, gnawing at the frayed seams of his patience. Guilt at knowing he'd smeared your purity, staining what'd once been the very essence of innocence with the strong command of darkness that followed him in its wake, colored your empty canvas with the morbid, dark shades of his own existence, had taken advantage of your naivety.
{And yet, there was that dark, dark part of him that did not regret anything, a fragment of his twisted, bitter soul that, despite the harsh consequences of dappling in the forbidden, and tasting your ripe, untouched innocence and tainting it for himself, that yearned for more, more…}
And yet, despite all superior pretences and sophisticated masquerades, in the end, he was still unfortunately human, and he was selfish, and addicted to the sugary sweetness in his bitter life that was you. And if he were an anchor for you to remain rooted, you were his salvation, the flicker of hope and the spark of light in the eternal, everlasting darkness his unfortunate existence was doused within.
So, resolve steeling with a rekindled firmness, he'd coiled his arms around your slim waist wordlessly, movements almost mechanical and stiff with abrupt shock, controlled by mere muscle memory and absent will, as his mind reeled at the sight of your beautiful, tear-stained face -{your pained expression had been so raw, so painful to behold and the odd coil of emotion inside his chest tightened, making it hard for him to breathe, and he'd felt cold fury coursing poisonously through his bloodstream, surging like molten lava and threatening to explode. No-one had the audacity harm you, his precious darling, no-one, damnit-!}-, as he'd pressed you tighter against him, steadying your quivering, small form against his larger frame, a broad palm coming to rest at the rigid column of your spine as he'd coaxed you into his firm, but gentle embrace, magenta hues glittering garnet with the heavy promise of impending doom, that he would definitely, and swiftly deliver mercilessly when he would deal with that yellow-hued menace.
{How could it have gone wrong? How could it all have gone to waste, all of his careful planning, all of his efforts rendered useless… How did it all unravel at the hands of someone as- as despicable as him? How did it still end up hurting you?!} And then, a more quiet, melancholy voice chiming in, {Despite all of his wealth and power and intellect, how did he fail to protect you…?} But he knew the answer, felt it deep within the rattle of his bones, and the ache in his thudding heart. {Because he was selfish, because of his terrible craving for your ripe, untasted innocence, and he knew it had been his fault, his fault for staining your untouched, fragile perfection, for tilting your world and painting your reality in a film of darkness. And yet, he was still unwilling to let you go, to have mercy and rid you of his dark presence. But then, it would have hurt him more than you. Indeed, he truly was selfsh, and undeserving of you, an angel in the cruel purgatory he suffered.}
"It isn't your fault. It was never your fault." He'd murmured with a firm finality, voice low and raw as he allowed a thin stream, a fraction of his raging emotions to seep into his velvety tone as he'd assured you, sultry and private and only for you to hear as he'd pressed himself closer to you, arms wound securely around your petite, frail form, breathing in the naturally sweet fragrance you secreted, alllowing the chorus of his drumming heartbeat and fluttering pulse to mingle with yours, as you'd exchanged soft, warm breaths. It wasn't your fault, because he knew it was his.
But he was selfish, and he would continue to keep you close to his aching heart.
And he'd marveled at the fact that you reciprocated his selfish desires with a burning need of your own, the thin nails of your fingers biting sharply into the bone of his shoulder blades as your arms curled tighter around his torso, face, still wet with the shimmer of tears, buried into the crook of his neck as you rested your weary head on his shoulder, mind undoubtedly clouded by a haze, and despite the occasional hitch in your stuttering breath, and sniffle catching in your throat, you'd allowed him to soothe your tears, lull your withering despair away, even after all the torture you'd soldiered through because of him, like the brave, brave girl you were. And despite everything, you'd remained happy and content nestled in his arms and swaddled in his scent, and it baffled him, baffled him just how willing you were to offer yourself up to him despite crumbling away, bit by bit, just how eager you were to please, to expose even the most intimate, personal values you held dear to your heart, show vulnerability when he could so easily twist it and turn it against you, dig blades under your flesh and watch you bleed.
But, for some incomprehensible reason, he chose to kiss instead, lips gently grazing across your soft, alabaster skin in a tender, loving reward, watching the heat bloom in a delicate dusting of crimson across your cheeks and crawling down your neck, and the shimmer of relief glistening wet and bright in your luminous eyes.
And then the air had shifted, and unspoken vows had been exchanged with your breathless gasps, and his deep, calming inhales as his mouth met yours, fervent but gentle, delicate and promising, and filled with so many emotions and words that he couldn't quite decipher. The words had streamed soundless and silent, threading unsaid in the atmosphere, hovering slight on your quivering mouth, and his sharp, silver tongue, and though Gakuho knew that neither of you were quite ready to share the words that would bind you both to a proper relationship from this awkward, abstract situation-ship you were hopelessly tangled within, he'd mouthed the shape of a soft, intimate promise against your tender flesh as he'd kissed you in silent reverence, voice inaudible even to his own ears, more of an oath to himself than you- to never let you be hurt ever again, and he intended to fulfill it.
So yes, at specific times, your lack of observation was truly a blessing, as it had been his saving grace, for he'd nearly lost his glacial composure, Gakuho thought, and his jaw clenched at the memory of your e/c orbs glimmering with the delicate coating of tears, soaking your cheeks wet, and the whirl of insecurity and fear and despair he spied within those lustrous, glittering irises.
It had elicted a reaction unexpected from both you and himself, his mouth thinning into a wan, grim line, the sharp slope of his sharp, charming features painted cold with a stinging, forced indifference, bereft of any emotions, a slight twitch marring his furrowed brow, faux calm aura melting into something more sinister, murderous in its stiflingly dark presence even, an unpleasant sensation of scorching beginning to bubble inside his chest, hands clenching into tight fists as the sharp edges of his nails sunk into the flat of his palm, threatening to draw blood, the soft hyacinth of his eyes slowly bleeding into swirls of wrathful crimson and scarlet, spinning with the deepening shade of freshly split blood.
It had stirred an emotion within the deepest core of his very being, the incomprehensible simmer of raw anger pulsing beneath his marble, collected facade, a feeling he'd long since considered futile, the familiar but forgotten surge of molten lava coursing violently through his veins, the coil of anger twisting his guts and boiling his insides with a bloodlust he could not satiate, a roaring, aching hunger scalding his throat with the bitter, bleeding taste of unadulterated fury as it gnawed restlessly at his frayed nerves, rage, an ugly beast rearing it's head, talons digging into the shuddering arch of his spine, making his shoulders quake with barely restrained tremors, though they were from burning anger rather than the despair that reflected from your face.
But despite the abstract whirl of emotions shifting a roiling, contorting storm of twisting turmoil within him, festering restlessly like a plague, and feasting on his frayed nerves, and the bitter remembrance of once cherished memories and the absence of a precious person -{Ikeda, Ikeda, Ikeda, you were still a child, only a child, a child… so why did you do it? Why did you leave, why would you hurt me like this-?!}- the sight of your tears had brought him, and in spite of the yawning rift of anger tearing the fabric of his soul apart, Gakuho lifted the deep, glimmering wine of his gaze to meet the the sight of the yellow-tinted creature before him with a faux, deadly calm that he did not feel.
"Ah, Koro-sensei, how nice of you to finally show up."
He addressed the creature coolly, unfazed by the strong gust of wind that accompanied its sudden presence, the fierce gale rattling the bare insides of his bleak, colorlessly cordial office, as it whipped the brushes of ember-hued hair with a harsh, invisible force. The scalding rage that flooded his mind tightened its grasp upon the sight of the original perpetrator whom he'd stemmed back from all the rumors and photographs, the reason for this hopelessly tangled mess, and your precious, unwarranted tears. The unadulterated fury coiling and snaking around his ribs constricted his stuttering breath at this harsh reminder, and the wild thumping of his frantic, angry heart palpitated stubbornly underneath his ribs, cold fury simmering violently underneath the flawless marble of his flesh, as he felt his boiling wrath pulsing like the undiluted, steady flow of poisonous power through his veins, itching and crawling like the scuttle of insects beneath his skin, a power begging to be released and wrought for ruination and destruction.
Once he'd realized that he'd allowed a trickle of stiflingly dark hostility to stream through the false, composed aura surrounding him, Gakuho hastened to guard his reaction, quickly smoothing out the scathing expression to a blank mask, regaining his bearings. It wouldn't do him well to lose his cool so early on.
However, it didn't mean that he couldn't control it, sharpen and harness it, aim to kill, and the odd, almost feral glint that this sudden dark thought elicited from him glittering uncloaked, and molten garnet in his eyes did not go unnoticed by his rival.
It was with this intention that he spoke, voice as smooth and deceptively unperturbed as always, a honeyed, sultry caress of dark velvet tumbling off of soft lips, sunny tones sounding warm and perhaps even touched by a tinge of invitation, but it was only a well-constructed, honey-coated lie spilling forth from his mouth like the richest of wines, a sickly sweet venom laced with stinging mockery dripping from cold, twisted lips. And though his voice gave nothing away, there was a certain frigidness to his eyes that did not meet his false smile and cheerful tones. Gakuho knew that the creature had detected the sharp, cold accusing undertone coloring his faux cheery voice, poised taut and more than ready to stab and poison, but as polite as always, it didn't let it show, the usually stupid, wide smile stretching from its yellow, bulbous head, showing the rows of pearly white teeth, a thoughtless grin smearing and stretching the yellow flesh taut, as though its head was full of candy and rainbows, utterly remorseless and shamelessly so.
{As though it held no inkling whatsoever to the hurt it caused you, the pain and the chaos it inflicted and injected within your innocent mind, the ache and the world-weariness that clung onto your withering bones, the ghost of the tears that'd pooled in your eyes, the anxiety and the pain and the despair, as though your feelings hadn't mattered at all-!}
It irked him beyond reason, and Gakuho couldn't quite snuff the annoyed twitch marring his brow despite the sickeningly sweet saccharine of the unwavering, false smile twisting his lips.
"My sincerest of apologies, Chairman. I was caught up in a new assassina - " It began with the stirrings of a new excuse, but he interjected calmly, amethyst hues bleeding with the dusty brilliance of the shifting cosmos, painfully sharp and glinting calculatively in the light of the weeping dusk, tone colored with a dark, cold undertone, as he coated the sentence in a carefully constructed rich, baritone timbre, a deliberate bitterness souring each and every word that fell effortlessly from cold, curved lips, dripping acid enough to melt and sear and burn.
"As much as I would love to hear about Class E's most recent efforts on your assassination, I'm afraid I have summoned you here for another reason entirely, Koro-sensei."
Lifting the photograph he'd been absentmindedly flicking earlier between the gaps of his fingers, Gakuho leveled the creature with a blank, scorching stare that would make hell freeze over, with a smile so sickly sweet that it felt bitter plastered on his curled mouth, unadulterated poison gleaming sharp in his piercing gaze as he looked expectantly at the creature, the violet glare of his cosmic-tinted irises glittering molten carmine with the cold, murderous glow of the plaguing rage festering deep within him, and with his head tilted precariously, allowing the light of the dying sun to illuminate one side of his sloped face, drenching the other with a velvety darkness, Gakuho knew he must've looked unhinged, because he saw it recoil a bit, flinching, embarrassment staining a rosy pink to the yellow of its flesh.
"It has come to my attention that a certain person has been spreading rumors about myself and a student, going so far as leaking false photographs… You wouldn't happen to know anyone who is the original perpetrator, yes?" He inquired quietly, voice deceptively calm and soft, but there was a certain frosty chill to his tone that rippled with a silent, compelling authority, as he pinned the creature in place with a frigid, scalding stare that was not quite hostile- not yet anyway, but neither was it very calm. In a way, Gakuho mused, he held a vague semblance dimly reminiscent to glass, because there was a certain layer of fragility to his patience, and it could could break at any given moment.
{But that's the thing with glass. You break it, and you're the one that's bleeding.}
Gakuho assessed the creature with a sharp, almost feral glint burning in the darkening muave of his blood-drenched, moon-kissed eyes, the column of his spine arched rigid, and the sturdy, broad planes of his shoulders hunched taut and tense, posture poised with a deadly elegance, as though he were a predator ready to strike at any given moment, as the yellow-skinned creature recoiled a step back, wincing as his twisted barb hit the nail on the head, and rubbing two of its tentacles together in a sheepish manner as a slight coating of delicate primrose dusted the sunny tone of its skin.
His smile sharpened and tugged taut at his mouth and clenched jaw.
"N-no! Why would you think that?! It's not like I spied on you two on that romantically forbidden evening and took photos and spread them all around the school, and saved extra copies just in case and gossiped with other students while in disguise-...!" It rambled on senselessly, stuttering and stumbling over words, so painfully obvious, apparently paired with the inability to lie, and had Gakuho been another insignificant person in another circumstance, he would've burst out laughing, except he wasn't and knew better, for he didn't find your current predicament a laughing matter, or one to be amusement inducing.
Instead, there was a barely veiled glance of skepticism, and the surge of incredulity, before the familiar upsurge of thinly jaded anger invading through his senses.
The hot simmer of pulsing rage quickened beneath his glacial facade, and Gakuho felt the hairline cracks spidering the surface of his marble mask beginning to deepen, a twisted sensation of murderous wrath worming in through the dark crevices, poisoning his senses and clouding his vision an angry red. The tendrils of poisonous, cold fury creeping through his veins stifled his senses with the sheer intensity of its fierce, white-hot power, twisting and scraping his insides like a red-hot rod, wrenching and churning his gut, squeezing his racing heart with the sharp bite of its clawed talons, each gaunt digit of explosive fury digging deeper into the wild, pounding organ, threatening to make it burst from his contricted chest.
Instead of displaying this surprising myriad of emotions, however, Gakuho simply hummed a noncommittal sound, curling his nimble digits around the photograph, studying the scene playing within it (his lips pressed against yours, an arm snaking around your waist to pull you closer, and your eyes, shining bright with the kaleidoscopic glitter of surprise) disinteredly before crumpling it into a ball.
"Is that so?" Gakuho crooned softly, sarcasm lacing every rich, ambrosia dipped word as they rolled off of his sharp tongue, venomous and ready to stab and twist the bleeding wound for good measure, sugar-coated lies spilling easily from honeyed lips, though they were strangely hollow, and flat. The thread, the delicate gossamer string quilting his fraying patience together, was beginning to waver and threatening to snap, and he turned cold. And as Gakuho raised the frigid, uncaring carmine of his gaze to meet the creature's, cosmic-lidded hues exotic and cold in their magnificent, violet glory, their gazes clashed and collided with enough intensity to produce sparks.
Steepling and threading his fingers together in a calculative gesture, he casually leaned back into the lavish fabric of the chair, though his muscles stretched taut upon his wary bones, refusing to relax in the presence of a being that he knew was intelligent (just stubborn and perhaps even smart enough not to show its sharp intellect), marble mask guarded and unrelenting, as though he were a serpent, coiled and fast and cunning, ready to spring and strike at any given moment, fangs dripping with venom.
Gakuho stared at the creature with a purely predatorial knife edge to his vermilion gaze, honed sharp by the ripple of thick tension charging the air with the violent presence of electricity, his eyes blood-drenched rubies dripping with rich, liquid sangria, as he clashed gazes with the yellow menace, whirling with lost swirls of buried, gentle hyacinth, and the faint glitter of stardust as something dark, and terribly dangerous flickered behind the frame of his lashes.
He stared vehemently, gaze blade-edged and challenging, and this time, the mellow-skinned creature stared back, perhaps even a tad defiantly as it met his gaze head on, no longer drooping and shriveling underneath the chilly frost of his blank stare like a wilting flower, and he absently noted that the pink hue of embarrassment had receded its sunny skin.
No words were exchanged in the heavy, deafening silence that ensued, and both parties refused to acknowledge the killing intent rolling off of him in crushing, nauseating waves of pure, unfiltered darkness, crackling the atmosphere frigid and stifling it with the strong command of darkness that followed him in its wakr. The clear, heavy threat of impending doom descended on the pregnant silence like a vulture to carcass, indescribably hungry and intent upon feasting.
A battle without words, though just as fierce, between two formidable rivals.
There was a heavy, stifling silence that would've knocked the breath out of a lesser mortal's lungs, laced with the poisonous, violent presence of killing intent rolling through the thickening tension, and then, a gentle knife buttering through, persuasive but bracing, - "I can't say I can tell you who is responsible for Y/N's plight, " The creature began carefully, thoughtfully, even, "but I do have a question, regarding the… rumors, if you will. "
"Oh? Do elaborate." Gakuho curtly prompted it to continue, arching a sleek, perfectly manicured brow in question, slowly urging the roiling, sifting mass of darkness to thin, a certain layer of velvet interest veiling his tone, and this time, it was genuine.
"I do not mean to imply anything of the sort, but, do you by any chance," It tilted its bulbous head curiously, and for all the chaos and hell it thought would follow next, its voice was gentle, and soft as it spoke. "Care for Y/N?"
This time, Gakuho truly couldn't mask the ripple of shock crossing his aristocratic, sharp features and widening his plum hues with a distinct surprise at the unexpectance of its genuine question, unconsciously allowing a plethora of emotions to paint the empty canvas of his marble mask, before forcefully schooling his expression into that same emotionless, blank state once more. Ignoring the turmoil wreaking havoc within his mindscape, he weighed the importance of the sudden question imposed on him, guarding and planning his next action carefully.
But despite his rigid frame, the hunched shoulders and the frown dipping the corners of his lips, he knew he hadn't mistaken the sincerity of this genuine, curious inquiry, and he wondered whether or not to answer truthfully, to forgo the anger and the pent-up frustration, to face the creature with the sting of honesty.
And then, the image of your bright smile flickered into existence within his mindscape, the relieving freshness of your bubbly, meek personality, and the simple beauty of your somehow carefree yet timid, shy smile quirking the corners of your plump lips, the chime of melodious bells that accompanied your laughter, the h/c tufts of your rich hair dancing with the cool breeze, the fragments of your innocence, untainted and tempting, and the shimmer of that incomprehensible, tender emotion that flitted in your rich pools of e/c, and the soft, gentle gaze you blessed him with… and then the memory intertwined fingers, whispered promises, a mingled heartbeat beating as one - love, and Gakuho suddenly came to a grinding halt, an unsure decision somehow firm in its sincere honesty.
The words he'd not yet said to you, always hovering on the tip of the tongue, the shape of the intimate promise he'd whispered against your flesh, the tender press of his mouth against yours, the salt of your tears somehow sweet on his lips…
The solemn, magenta gleam of his eyes softened to a warm shimmer in a raw finality, as he raised his head to meet the creature's gaze, the harsh and hollow expression he wore fading into a soft, unconsciously gentle smile tilting his lips as Gakuho finally admitted, as he said in soft, reverent utterance, "I do."
And somehow, Gakuho felt as though such simple, yet meaningful words had made all the difference, and the victory marring the mellow-skinned creature and stretching its mouth into a satisfied grin was unmistakable.
He had planned this, Gakuho's mind echoed with a dawning realization, and before he could say anything else, Koro-sensei spoke first, interjecting. "I see. If it alleviates your worries, Chairman, I shall take care to erase the photographs and such," He turned his head back to face Gakuho's bewildered, questioning gaze, before finishing his sentence with a broad smile, flashing the rows of milky white teeth. "After all, it seems we both care deeply about our students. You more than me, it seems." He added cheekily before disappearing in another strong gust of wind, once again rattling the bare insides of his domain.
He heaved an incredulous sigh, before leaning back in the chair, but despite everything, he couldn't help the small, content smile tugging persistently the corners of his mouth.
"Forbidden fruit perhaps does taste the best, after all."
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After reading the 'Karma x Gakshuu reader' I'm genuinely curious what if the roles were reversed? Amano Gakshuu x Akabane Reader?
Hm, I think I'll answer this ask in a sort of headcanony way, if you don't mind...
Reader pronouns used: they/them
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I think a lot of what was key to the original story was the whole 'opposites attract' trope as well as the 'enemies to lovers' theme, and I don't see that changing here.
However, due to Gakushuu being the focus love interest here, I would personally set the whole story in his natural habitat: the Main Campus.
Reader would be a student from E-class, and they would rise up the ranks to join A-class. I don't think most E-class students would want to leave willingly, but I doubt Reader's parents would force them to go, since they didn't seem to care when Karma dropped down.
Therefore, I would have the Principal himself pressure Reader into going to A-class... possibly because they're a great asset to the system due to their high intelligence and talent, and so he wouldn't want to let go of such an asset.
Additionally, I think it would be also a good idea if the Principal wanted to make Reader go to A-class so he can control them. Why? Because reader is stirring up a rebellion. They're talking to their D-class friends who haven't cut Reader off after their drop, and Reader is trying to convince them to drop to E-class, and rebel against the system.
And the Principal can't have that, can he?
So Principal sends Reader to A class, but Reader hasn't had their rebellious spirit quashed yet. They're in class, sure, but they're questioning the teachers, debating with their classmates, encouraging them towards new ways of thinking that don't involve the system, trying to spark a change in the top instead of the bottom, which is not very good for the Principal either.
This is where Gakushuu comes in.
Principal Asano makes it Gakushuu's task to keep Reader under tabs, and to neutralise any trouble they make. Gakushuu does this by making Reader part of the student council, and then promptly drowning in work.
Asshole move much, Gakushuu?
Reader is now hanging out with Gakushuu a lot more, and they get talking as a result. Reader is not happy with him, and there's plenty of passive-aggressiveness, but not nearly as much hostility as there was between Asano!Reader and Karma in the og fic.
Because Reader actually is a bit more compassionate here, and they see Gakushuu as a victim of the system, same as the other kids in Kunugigaoka.
They have plenty of debates and the such, and slowly but surely, Reader begins to change Gakushuu's mind. Emphasis on the slowly, btw. Gakushuu was raised on this philosophy, he's not going to change that easily.
But eventually, he eases up. And things become a lot more fun. Gakushuu gets a little lax on making sure Reader is too busy to start a rebellion, and they get some free time.
During the free time, they both go to Reader's favourite arcade, and despite Gakushuu never having played a single arcade game in his life he is somehow ridiculously good at them? Which pisses off Reader.
Which means they get into a gaming contest.
They spend longer and longer spending time with each other, going to arcades, markets, or just hanging about in general. And it's fun.
Gakushuu begins to think of you as being a little less annoying. Maybe even kind of a friend.
Maybe even something more, but even he doesn't realise that.
It's all fine and dandy and cool and hip and– wait, what do you mean the Principal wants to speak to Gakushuu?
Things are not fine. The Principal has found out about Reader and Gakushuu's trips, and he is NOT happy. And he begins reprimanding Gakushuu.
Oh, but what's this? Gakushuu's arguing back! He's arguing against this whole twisted philosophy of his father's, he's rebelling, he's–
Aaaand the Principal brainwashes Reader. Fuck.
It's fucking terrifying. Reader is not themselves at all, and Gakushuu hates it, hates it hates it. No matter how he shakes you or screams at you, you just keep repeated the Principal's propaganda, a puppet of the system.
He's on the verge of breaking, just like his father wants, but then, he thinks: what would Reader do?
He pretends to submit. For now. The Principal is satisfied, but he keeps you brainwashed. For insurance, he says.
Well, it doesn't matter, because Gakushuu will set you free.
And that he does, when he starts a revolution.
The Principal should have seen it coming; Gakushuu's an amazing orator, but somehow he didn't, and now there's hundereds upon hundreds of students protesting, ripping up exam papers, burning textbooks.
You, in your mind-haze, look upon the chaos, and something stirs in you.
And like that, you're back. Vive la révolution! you shout, before spiking the teacher's coffee machine with extra-hot chilli pepper powder + laxatives. Karma taught you well.
And when all is said and done, and you finally see Gakushuu again at the end of the day, he give you a Big Damn Kiss. Roll credits.
Gakushuu doubts his father would appreciate him coming home after all that, so you let him stay at your place.
Karma is a bit hesitant about letting Gakushuu stay, but you tell him he started the Kunugigaoka Revolution and Karma agrees pretty quickly.
"If you get up to any hanky-pankying, keep it quite, alright?" he says. "I don't want to lost my beauty sleep."
You roundhouse-kick him for that.
Ah, but even at the happy end, there is still one problem.
There's only one bed. Whatever will you and Gakushuu do?
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Why is this so long
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annoyingloverbear · 4 years
Before you ask......don't ask. Yes I like assassination classroom too.
This is a HC about Y/n and Gakushuu attending the same high school.
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Ohh boy do I tell you this boi fell hard for you.
And by 'fell' I mean literally fell.
It was one of those rare occasions his father being the disciplined father he is made Gakushuu walk home from school just because he didn't eat his roasted asparagus in dinner last night.
He didn't really mind tho. His home wasn't that far and he liked to see what's going on in the outside peasant world sometimes.
As he was passing a convenient store, he heard some commotion in the alley behind it.
He ignored it and started to walk his way, but he saw a glimpse of a grey uniform skirt and snapped his head towards you.
He saw you, clad in Kunigioka's grey uniform and surrounded by three tattooed bulk men.
"Come on little girl, just keep us company for some karaoke. You see my friends and I we all are really bad singers and would love some help."______"What makes you think I'm good at singing?"________" Oh I can tell you are naturally good at it little bird! Your angelic voice is like as sweet as honey to my ears."________"Back off."_________"What?"________"I said back off you pathetic excuse of a human being before I break your willy and shove it down your throats."________"YOU STUPID BITCH!!!"
He raised his hand, but before he could even swing you neck sliced him in the throat and kicked him down there. He clutched himself as you once again kicked him in his ribs and hope that the blow was enough to keep him down for a bit. You grabbed your heavy aluminium water bottle (those things hurt guys😭 not that I've been hit by one but I accidentally hit myself. it's a great, heavy yet non-obvious self defense tool so carry one around👍) and swung it towards one of his friends. A sickening clang could be audibly heard as you hit him in the head and Congratulations!! You eliminated one more player.
You turned around and swung it towards yet another person who skillfully twisted and yanked your aluminium bottle away from you. This person was similar to your build and was standing in a defensive position, so you kicked the only thing available to you, his shin.
You were surprised as you heard a rather boyish yelp as your victim fell to the ground and grabbed his aching leg. Only then you realized......
Shit it's the previous headmaster's son.
"Oh no!! I didn't mean to kick you are you okay?"_________"I'm fine thank you."
You moved your hand towards the part of his leg which was sprained and saw that he flinched. Clearly he was in pain and seeing that he took care of one of the guys who was hitting on you felt bad so you took him to your house to treat his injury no matter how much he refused.
That was it. That's how he fell for you.
He expected himself to fall for someone who was at the same level of genius as him, but apparently he was wrong.
Why you ask he fell for you? Because you were the only one who can kick his ass purple and speak sweet words to him at the same time.
Seeing that you were an average student, not too good not too bad, he didn't really have a problem with sharing his feelings for you with someone.
The first one to notice it was not Ren, but Karma. Or you could say that Karma found his theory to be correct as he eavesdropped on Gakushuu telling Ren about how he felt for you.
Ren, knowing his manipulating skills encouraged Gakushuu to manipulate one of the teachers to transfer you from class C to class A.
And so you did.
Gakushuu, Ren along with Karma and you. This was a particularly chaotic classroom.
You weren't really complaining, as your grades got better the day you stepped in the class. But you can't shake the feeling that ten pairs of eyes were watching your every movement.
(And lol that was so true😂)
Gakushuu only respectfully watched you and your subtle movements. The way you'd chew on your pencil or nails when you were stuck, the way your eyes turned big round and innocent every time you didn't understand a concept, the way you'd pick on your peach fuzz on your face when you were anxious. Every single habit, every little thing he loved about you, he would have it memorized. Heck when he was feeling stressed out about his future company finances (yes he's planning big) he would pick on his own peach fuzz and smile like an idiot as his heart relaxes and flutters at the same time.
Ren however, watched for your responses to guys. Every time the handsome professor walked in, (admit it, we all have one at some point in our life😏) you would sit up straight, your spine rid of any slouchiness from studying. The way you would cross your legs so your skirt rides up just a bit, and the way your gaze turned sly and your smirk naughty, yes this boy is serious about helping his best friend. Heck he would even come up to you and talk to you to get some type of reaction towards him, but figures out you didn't really like him (ouch!😢)
But Karma stared. And by stared I literally mean stared. Bore holes in the back of your head by staring at you too much. He didn't understand that a guy as corrupt as Gakushuu would fall for a disheveled angel like you. It's not that you weren't beautiful, but the combination of scary principal's son and a smol fluffy bean didn't seem very safe. At times you would even find Karma behaving as an older brother to you. And you weren't one to complain but rather happy that someone in here truly cares for you than judge you for your grades.
Add 7 other girls who were suspicious of you and that's all the people who keep staring at you during the time you're in class.
Every morning you hand in your homework, it was always Gakushuu. You would hand in your homework, he would scan it once and turn around to check others'.
But you knew better than that.
After school was over, you would make your way to the hallway but a strong grip held you back.
"We need to work on your Social Studies. You suck at it."______"But shuu!!!"_______"No buts. Get in the library and wait for me there."
He would drag you to the library and make you study your worst subject (which isn't fun at all🤢) but he would make it a LOT easier for you to understand.
Of course Ren gave him some tips to flirting. Hold her pinky, look in her eyes, compliment her and yada yada yada yada yada......
He did try one of them, but he almost had a heart attack from his heart beating so fast that he decided not to listen to his minio- I mean friend anymore and do it his way.
And honestly he loves his way!!
He loved the cute nicknames you made for him while you whined for him to release you. He loved it the way your face lightens up when he explains there was an easier way to solve an equation.
All the nervousness is his system had vanished.
He also got to the point where when you got an obviously easy question wrong, he would pinch your cheeks while grinning wide.
This made study time a lot easier for you.
You weren't aware that he was like that for and with you only. Only you made him feel that way.
But you found out soon when he got TOO comfortable one day and let it slip out.
"Y/n I think I have a crush on you."
As soon as he said it, blood rushed to your cheeks and drained from his.
Both of you were staring at each other for a hot minute before you broke the silence.
"You're kidding aren't you? I'm not even that smart or that much of a genius in anything. I- but-"
"Y/n I know that. But it's just something about you that I love. I- I can't express in words how much I adore you."
You were starstruck.
Asano Gakushuu. THE Asano Gakushuu likes you!!!!
But you still refused to believe yourself AND his words. Wondering if he was turning into a playboy like Ren.
All you could say was "Then show me."
The library was quiet and you two specifically picked up a spot away from other students, the librarian and surveillance cameras so both of you can goof off. Who knew that this was also the perfect place to kiss?
He gently took your hand as he first stared at your eyes and shifted his gaze to your lips. You acted confident as if you knew how to kiss but god knows you kicked the ass of your first boyfriend before he could even hold your hand.
His gaze stayed on your lips as he licked his and visibly gulped. You wanted to throw a snarky remark but seeing the boy was as edged as a cat you wouldn't dare.
Bringing one of his hands up to your cheek he slightly tilted his head as he came near you before stopping right where your lips weren't touching his but you could feel his minty breath. Obviously waiting for you if you were okay with this, you decided to close that painful space between the two of you.
As soon as your lips touched his, he was in charge. This wasn't a particularly deep or fast kiss. You weren't digging your tongues in each other's mouth but rather just moving your lips to each other, as if giving silent yet intimate messages to each other. His lips slightly glided over yours, and you definitely knew that the way he was kissing you, he was an expert hidden within an amateur. The kiss wasn't heated or passionate in any way, but it was sinfully sweet.
It lasted for about a minute, but felt like an eternity.
Pulling away he stared at you again softly before saying "Thank You" and intertwining your fingers with his.
You were too shocked to react to anything. You were an average student. You got into fights. Your mom always yells at you to behave. Your dad keeps telling you to improve your temper. Why the hell does this boy like you?
He noticed you were staring at him the same way you stared at the blackboard during class when the professor was teaching the quantum theory for the first time.
Now that this boy had finally kissed you, he was bold enough to reach out his thumb and running it over your lower lip before popping it in his mouth.
"Pineapple flavoured lip balm, huh? I thought strawberry was the preferred choice when it came to anything for girls. Including......" his eyes lowered to your legs which felt like they were bare naked in the tiny skirt.
"Shuu!!!! Don't stare at me!!" You shoved him away as he laughed and you covered your face with your sweater paws.
"I'm sorry dear. You are just so adorable I couldn't help myself." He said while stroking your hair.
Little did they know a certain playboy on the other side of the library was paying attention to them the whole time and a redhead was poking his head from above one of the bookshelves.
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Hellooo is it okay to request for gakuho and gakushu asano reacting to their wife/mother expecting another child hehe thanks
Of course it‘s okay, I have nothing to except watching Hunter x Hunter all day while eating Ice Cream sksnsldmen
A new child?!
-You were sitting at the dinner table, all three of you together
-It was oddly quiet, but in this household it was normal. Gakuho and Gakushu almost never talked anyways. You sighed, the silence almost being unbearable
-"Maybe this is a good time." You thought to yourself and put your Knife and Fork aside
-"Gakuho..." he raised his head to look at you and smiled slightly "What is it my dear?" Gakushu‘s slightly angry expression changed to a more confused one
-"I want a second child."
-And with that Gakushu almost choked on a potato "YOU WANT A WHAT?!"
-Gakuho remained calm, his smile vanishing "A second one? Are you sure?" It‘s not that he wouldn’t want one, but he knew very well that Gakushu would never talk to both of them ever again
-"You gotta be kidding." Gakushu said and stood up from the table "He isn’t even able to take care of me! You just want to replace me, right?!" He‘d say, his emotions controlling him
-he was angry. But if you were in his position, wouldn’t you be too? His father didn’t give a damn about him, and now you wanted a second child?! Just thinking about it made him sick
-"You know what. Whatever. Do whatever you want I don’t care." Gakushu turned around and walked away. He didn’t want his parents to see the tears slowly dripping down his cheek. It was unfair to him
-You were shocked. You knew Gakuho and Gakushu didn’t have the best relationship, but that this would hurt him so bad was something you didn’t see coming
-Gakuho sighed "My dearest Y/N... I understand you. I‘ve been thinking about it too, but it‘s not a good idea."
-"Well, we can talk about this with him! Maybe a second child will help you and Gakushu bond more!"
-"I‘m pretty sure it would be the exact opposite." He said and stood up as well "We can talk about this tomorrow. I have to think about this."
-and with that he just left you sitting on the kitchen table. The whole atmosphere completely destroyed. It wasn’t your intention and asked yourself why you thought that this was a good idea
-maybe tomorrow things would be different tho. You thought to yourself and left the Kitchen as well
Whoop Whoop~
They didn’t take it so well, poor Y/N!
Hope you liked it, stay safe and have a nice day!
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writermask-0807 · 4 months
gakuho asano x reader {“sunset kisses and picnic dates.”}
a/n: pulled this outta my ass cos i genuinely, honest to God don't know where this came from. I think I was possessed or something, lol. But anyways, hope you enjoy!!
warnings: nothing much, I don't think. crappy ass title again, and there's kissing, probably ooc gakuho, and it’s implied that reader and gakuho just started v recently dating, hence the "first kiss" theme.
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the waning sunlight kisses him in the soft colors of sunset, all molten gold and hazy pinks, and it silhouettes the sharp outline of his profile in a gentle light- soaks the russet of his hair in burnished gold, illuminates the pretty shade of his eyes and the soft curve of his mouth, and in the second you turn from the sunset back to him, your breath catches, eyes widening in reverent wonder.
but it’s not his beauty that knocks the breath out of you, not really- it’s his expression, the way it’s so disarming, so - open, unguarded and carefree for once, the normal sharp of his demeanor gone in the face of a simple sunset and picnic date.
you think, as you absently lean in closer, that he looks soft like this, all warm serene smiles, open and gentle and hazy around the edges. you think he looks kissable like this, his mouth soft and pink and parted in a gentle smile, and you wonder how he tastes like, and wow isn’t that a sudden thought considering you’ve never even had your first kiss-
“is something wrong?”
gakuho asks, mildly, and you snap back to reality, embarrassed color flooding your cheeks when you realize the distance, or lack thereof between the both of you - all thanks to your mushy, maybe more-than-slightly-in-love dumbass edging closer to him before you could even think properly.
this close, you can see the stars glittering in those cosmic eyes, lit from the inside out by the low evening light; the faint freckles that (you’d like to think nobody’s ever been close enough to notice, not like you are) are scattered on the ridge of his nose, spreading, almost imperceptibly, over his high cheekbones like their own little universe, and his cologne hangs in the shared air between the both of you, something faint and rich and musky.
it’s all almost enough to make you lean in closer, seal the space between your bodies and kiss him, hard.
abruptly, you pull away, even more flustered by the thought, and you regret the movement because now his eyes are roving your face for any signs of hurt or discomfort as he leans in closer, and you’d be damned if he doesn’t know what he’s doing. “are you sure nothing’s wrong?”
you would have been almost fooled by that convincing act, but you know him better by now, and you see the warm amusement shining in his eyes, and so you look away, face flaming as you clear your throat awkwardly.
“y-yeah. everything’s fine.”
you internally curse at the nervous break in your voice, wilting at your own timidity. damn him for flustering you like this.
looking entirely unconvinced and even more amused, gakuho pulls away, humming, gaze returning to the sunset again, “if you say so. but you know…” and there’s a definite note of mischief in his voice right now, and his next words punch the breath out of you, makes you choke on air, “if you wanted a kiss so bad, you could have just asked, darling.”
when he looks at you again, he smiles mischievously, utterly delighting in the way you become a hot, embarrassed, flailing mess.
“n-no! it’s not what you think at all!” you squeak, denying vehemently even as your cheeks grow hot and embarrassment and panic wells in your chest, and suddenly he’s far too close to you, (you hadn’t even seen him move), warm breath ghosting over your lips and his fingers are tilting your chin upwards and-
his mouth is on yours, soft and sweet, a mere brush of the lips at first but there’s a desperate pining crushing your chest that makes you ache for more, and so you can’t help but lean into the palm he cups around your cheek and kiss him back, only a little uncertain, heart thumping and butterflies swooping in your stomach, and it’s perfect and everything you’ve ever been dreaming of, and he tastes intoxicatingly warm and heady like spiced wine.
and for all of his teasing, your first kiss is blissfully slow and wonderfully tender, and when you finally part, lashes fluttering in a slow, dazed blink, his hand lingers on your jaw, warm and soothing, and he’s looking at you with an intensity that makes your cheeks burn.
you feel a bit second-hand drunk and delirious on the taste of him, a little dazed as you peer up at his smile – and this time, you note with something warm swelling in your chest – that the curve of it is much more softer, fond.
almost loving, even.
but then that insufferable smug grin returns, and he says, much to your embarrassment, “not bad for our first kiss, hm?” and when you bury your flaming face in your hands, whining, he only laughs, rich and amused as he pulls you in for another kiss, and as your lips turn into a lovesick smile against his, you think you can get used to the sound forever.
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