jeremieg21 · 4 years
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jeremieg21 · 5 years
Guadalupe River Clean Up
The ways that San Jose Commissioner Shay Franco-Clausen shows up for the community is inspiring. In partnership with Valley Water, she has been coordinating monthly volunteer clean up days for almost five years now.
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As a first time participant, it was eye-opening to see who is living on the banks of the river - mostly queer youth of color who have nowhere else to go and have pitched tents. There are resources through the Santa Clara County Office of LGBTQ+ Affairs and homeless service providers. I’m not clear on how to improve access.
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These are unacceptable conditions and we need to do a better job of taking care of one another here in the Bay Area. Additionally, there is a risk of waste on the banks of the river being carried to our waterways as the rainy season approaches.
All in all, I left the experience inspired by the students who have been showing up consistently to reduce pollution in our backyard.
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jeremieg21 · 5 years
I’m a Dancer.
In tandem with work, I’ve been maintaining my dance practice and am experimenting with new work out of the Dance Visions studio in Palo Alto. Here are a few highlights. More to come!
Photoshoot with Bay Area photographer Richard Man.
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Dancing in the work of Virginia Nacif.
Photo by Lucas Garron. 
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Planning team for the Silicon Valley Dance Festival. 
Veiled Expressions choreography project at Sarah Lawrence College.
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jeremieg21 · 5 years
This was such a fun community mobilization project that I consulted on with IDEO, Acterra, DNV-GL, and 140+ local partners. Ran a youth fellowship, led workshops, and received design thinking training to empower contributors and positively impact the city where I grew up.
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jeremieg21 · 5 years
Super excited for my Medium membership. Planning to write about the arts and culture, technology, government, and much more.
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jeremieg21 · 5 years
Officially a member of ENGAJ! Excited to explore Jewish life in my local community. 
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jeremieg21 · 5 years
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Super excited to join my local Rotary Club! Proud to have this opportunity to serve my local community and support projects across the globe. 
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jeremieg21 · 5 years
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Had such a fun time helping out at CMX Summit 2019. Learn more about the event here: https://cmxhub.com/summit/
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jeremieg21 · 5 years
Professional Statement
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My passion is delivering excellent digital experiences. Throughout my career, I've been focused on developing relationships with customers to understand their needs, analyzing data to identify pain-points offering a path towards resolution, and launching solutions to scale these efforts. For example, I've: ✅ Mapped goals, built and administered online customer engagement, support and advocacy platforms leveraging cloud-based solutions and in enterprise SaaS environments hitting key milestones and iterating based on feedback. ✅ Identified expansion opportunities and mobilized net-new contributors for leading organizations in technology, government, and nonprofits leveraging both in-person events and strategic digital campaigns while monitoring outcomes at every touchpoint. ✅ Consulted on project plans and refined product roadmaps while delivering support content and best practice materials adopted institution-wide that ensured success across multiple stakeholders to drive client satisfaction. 
Skills: Customer Success, Project Management, Product Management, Marketing, Client Relationship Management, Data & Analytics, Dashboard Development, CRM/CMS Tools, Bilingual: English/French.
Please email me at [email protected] to connect further and follow me on Twitter @jeremieg21 
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jeremieg21 · 5 years
Finally found time to write what's been on my mind! Since I moved back from China, I've been on a quest to get involved in local #government. Learn more about my journey and the #values I've uncovered along the way. 
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jeremieg21 · 5 years
The International Baccalaureate was a big part of my formative years. Check out how the values I learned informed my Peace Corps service. 
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jeremieg21 · 5 years
Arts Management Network published a series of technical case studies that I wrote while working in China.
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jeremieg21 · 6 years
For the past 10 months, I’ve been working to build an online community and grow customer advocacy programs at Accela Software a leader in designing and delivering government software. Learn more about the vision here. 
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jeremieg21 · 7 years
My Thoughts on Analysis and Leadership
My favorite number is e. Interesting to think of mathematics as anything other than concrete, rational, and objective. When did we forget that mathematical tools are a product of culture? 
We worship numbers. They drive our corporate structures and are the backbone of government policy because they allow us to define problems. 
Sound analysis is the foundation of effective leadership. Once a leader ‘knows the numbers’ they move on to inspire and empower others to accomplish goals together. Too often there is a dearth of self awareness in the use of numbers in leadership and a lack of understanding of the purpose they serve. 
We infuse numbers with our assumptions. How many meetings have you sat through where charts and percentages steal the show? You dig deeper to find correlations suggesting false causation paired with curated variables and swollen models laid out to prove a point. Even the soundest of analysis will never be designed, executed, and delivered in a vacuum.
We like numbers because they’re easy. Asking the right questions takes more work. Accounting for intangibles, externalities, experiences and equity is an annoyance. To the individual rational maximizers in the audience, remember that numbers don’t produce facts; how we interpret and package them does. 
How do we operate as leaders when facts are set against the backdrop of post-truth American politics? Numbers can still move people to action if leaders practice genuine curiosity and discernment.
There is a power dynamic in the questions we ask and the numbers we deliver to answer them. Numbers are used to disempower and alienate people. What if we used numbers as the starting point of a conversation not the defining end of the decision making process?
Let’s use numbers as a means not an end. Today, leaders embrace transparency. This means empowering whomever they work with to play with data and surface prisms of truth that too often get omitted from numerical models. Convening community around the interpretation of data to create space for multiple narratives is the way of the future. 
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jeremieg21 · 7 years
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jeremieg21 · 7 years
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I manage closed Facebook and LinkedIn groups that bring together leaders from across the globe working at the intersection of technology, impact and business. 
Great advice from Simply Measured to level up user engagement and come up with fresh content. 
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jeremieg21 · 7 years
The Tax on Being Different
‘Women need to be the ones in positions of power.’ - Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Love this: http://fortune.com/2017/09/29/ruth-bader-ginsburg-supreme-court-discrimination/
Via this article I stumbled upon a fascinating video ft.  Vivienne Ming, Cognitive Neuroscience Faculty at Singularity University outlining 2015 research on the concept of a ‘tax on being different’ impacting people (to varying degrees) who fall outside of the white, cisgender, and male categories.
Over the course of a career in tech, the cost of being named Jose is $0.5 - $1 million. Women loose $100 - $300 thousand dollars. 
 FORTUNE has a whole series of videos including this one on the black ceiling. “There are currently zero African-American women running Fortune 500 companies.” http://fortune.com/2017/09/27/black-female-ceos-fortune-500-companies/
This is prompting me to want learn more about how to measure the real cost of bias to companies and the larger economy. 
How does bias embedded in most company structures dictated by the c-suite limit the viability and profitability of a corporate entity?
How does the economy contract due to models and systems that are not designed to account for the value equity?
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