mercyillustrator · 5 months
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Drew my favorite artists OCs also other OCs Part 1/3
Seeing these OCs from Kirby OC tournament got me motivated out of nowhere and decided to draw them. I just love how your OCs look so cute and adorable they are mostly cool in someways. Hope that you like them UwU (more drawings coming soon for others :3)
Galactis belongs to @kirbytransguy
Valfrey belongs to @gethoce
Sir Uther belongs to @quanblovk
- 💠🎨Mercy🎨💠
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kirbytransguy · 5 months
my OC Galactis!
(new image of him below)
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(old and outdated image below!)
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Meet Galactis! An adventure warrior and the first carrier of the sword Galaxia!
More info under the cut!
He found the sword on one of his adventures in a cave as he sneaked past some dark matters.
He felt something unique about it, but couldn't put his finger on what.
He was kicked out of his home as soon as he turned to an adult, bc of his transphobic parents.
Since then, he traveled to different places. He has seen Earth, Planet Popstar, Patch land, Halcandra, Ripple star...
Yet, his favourite must have been when he got teleported to an unknown place, the forgotten land! The waddle Dees were really excited to hear some of his stories in Waddle Dee town and the little name pun with the Delivery Dee just gets him squealing!
He is planning to start a little blog about his adventures on Youtube!
Now that was before the event happened.
Oh? You thought that since, he got out of his home, that everything will be sunshine and rainbows?
And...what about Galaxia?
It happened: Galactis was too confident.
He fell.
Blood flowing, his little cries of help were unheard as slowly...he died.
Something happened.
His soul got sucked inside the sword, making it alive.
Waiting for his next carrier.
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pepperbenmin333 · 7 months
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Booo old men yaoi!!
(little insight on them in tags)
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chaoticcrustacean · 9 months
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man i love my characters
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melaton1nx · 2 years
How are your balls
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'' i dont think he knows what balls youre talking about. ''
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conejossays · 2 years
you post art on twitter
Anon idk if you forgot the ? there or said that like an accusation 🤣
But yeah I nuked the old account and made another one and decided to post some art there but not all of it because I still hate that place lol but I guess I was that desperate for megaman content. I just changed the "ti" for a "xy" in my usual username.
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flipthescreen · 10 months
Endgame OC meme
Galactis: Everybody stay where you are. Chill kriff out. I’m gonna ask you this one time. Where’s Rawn? (His and Lana's son)
Hunter: Yeah, I’ll do you one better. Who’s Rawn?
Theron: I’ll do you one better! Why is Rawn?
Galactis: Tell me where my son is, or I swear to you, I’m gonna fry this little freak. (That freak being Agent Flip)
Hunter: Let’s do it! You shoot my guy, I blast him. Let’s go!
Theron: Do it, Commander! I can take it.
Lana: No he can’t take it.
Preserver: She’s right. You can’t.
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realitychecck · 11 months
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grison-in-space · 3 days
... I have seen your profile pic in passing however many times and I ALWAYS THOUGHT IT WAS A TORTOISE
"why does the header read 'weasels in space' ? I mean, who doesn't like weasels, right"
I finally noticed it is a honey badger
The best thing is that this is not the first time I have gotten this ask.
It's actually not a honey badger, by the way, but a greater grison (Galactis vittata), which are native to Central and South America. They aren't closely related to honey badgers or even badgers at all; they're actually rather closer to polecats in the Ictonychinae and then to true weasels. The resemblance to ratel or honey badgers is mostly convergent evolution!
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This is a honey badger:
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versus a greater grison:
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There is also a lesser grison, which is mostly more southernly distributed but does overlap a little bit with the greater kind. Here's an image of a lesser grison (right) next to a greater grison (left).
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superwingscentral · 11 months
some 'flash' facts about c&d au
Traver used to be a newcomer on Phantom's crew, but I kinda scrapped that after seeing the new s8 announcements.
Goldengirl still stays on Blackbird though.
Ellie's ship is called Alacrity.
Lime used to be in Ellie's crew but I scrapped that too and gave her her own ship instead. It's a whole floating restaurant called 'Lime's Deck'
The twin planes in s8 are Grand Albert's students, so therefore, they currently reside in Loyalty.
Another s8 newcomers, aka 'Sheila' (thank you moot) and 'Dee', are in Goldstar and Donnie's family boat (name pending please help) respectively. (although they may or may not wanna depart to Alacrity...)
(i don't remember if i said this before but i'm gonna say it) All the ships (except Speedy) contains more than the SW characters as a crew. Think of them as extras. For example: Neptune's crew doesn't only contain Mira, Bello, Neo, Swampy and Wily but there are also other people too.
Speedy is the only ship that has only 4 people. How do they manage that? They don't even know that.
Not gonna reveal anything about Galacti...for now :]]
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skelsingartz · 11 months
OC ask!
Genuine question: do you have the ability to speak? Are you fond of the others?
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bellmo15-blog · 2 years
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Hey you know that one Sucubus character from that old Capcom game from the 90's everyone has the hots for? Yeah, aside from regularly thinking about her... a lot... I once got a pic of her dressed as Spider-Man based of a small bit of dialogue from one of the Marvel vs Capcom games and I do not regret it!
Original description:
Recently… well I say recently but really I’ve actually known about this before and it’s when I was writing this before I even commissioned this pic I remembered it’s a thing, I’ve seen some screen shots from Marvel vs Capcom involving Morigan from Darkstalkers and Spider-Man. Yup, everyone favourite succubus waifu paired with everyone’s favourite relatable nerd super hero in spandex. People often joke that these two had sex at some point to which I say “I mean, there’s nothing confirming that so did they really or are they just friends?” So of course, that would eventually lead to me commissioning this! Morigan in Spider-Man’s suit! Well, a version of his suit. For this I went with the Advanced suit from Insomniacs Spider-Man PlayStation 4 game. Why this suit specifically instead of the traditional suit that’s featured in Marvel vs Capcom? Well, I just like this suit a bit more. I know I put both in the same tier on my “Spider Suits Based on How Much I’d Want to Wear Them” but you get what I mean. Plus, considering this same suit appeared in the background of Into The Spider-Verse (go watch that movie by the way if you haven’t) it could probably still exist in the Marvel Vs Capcom universe. And also, the Insomniac games are the most relevant now anyway, especially with Spider-Man 2 being announced recently.
Of course, this is me we are talking about so of course I’m going to come up with my own lore behind this pic. You know the more I write these descriptions for these commissions the more I seem like a living version of that X Series Lore vs X Series Lore meme complete with the remix of Somebody That I Use to Know playing in my head. Anyway, Morigan and Spider-Man still know each other in this timeline, probably even helped each other fight I don’t know, Doc Ock or Venom or someone. You’ll have to forgive my created history with these two being so brief as someone who’s only Marvel vs Capcom game is Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 and even then it still hasn’t been a whole lot of time (because fuck Galactis in this game). Either way for Halloween Morigan decides to do some dressing up and who better to dress up as than the Super Hero she knows personally. So she asks Spider-Man if he has a spare suit she could wear for the holiday and he was more than willing to. It’s not like she would of kept it for herself afterwards causing him to have to create the exact same suit again right? Nah, she’s totally going to keep this. Then again if I was her I probably would as well. ;)
Artist is ChaosCroc: https://www.deviantart.com/chaoscroc
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kirbytransguy · 5 months
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Since Galactis discovered the forgotten land, he loves to visit it regularly and maybe tell some stories to the locals or just explore the world for a little while.
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krills-art-cafe · 2 years
TW: light mention of torture
Reanne Lucitor is part of the Zodiac Aries family!
She is a Zodiac demon. They part of a Galactial line of hellish beings with immense powers and capabilities
Reanne’s life was not that merciful, for she was born to inherit the title of the next leader for the Aries zodiac for the demon group. She is familiar with all methods of torture and pain inducing ways. She also works for two big baddies that I have not introduced either
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chaoticcrustacean · 1 month
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my guys, my characters!
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melaton1nx · 2 years
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LOOKIT ITS MY BOY IN COLOR!! :D —— Apollo facts - His fire color changes on his emotion, kinda like Ink!Sans or Grillby, except while Grillby’s color expressions are simple colors like orange, red, blue and purple, Apollo has many colors—which is similar to Ink’s variety of colored emotions. Neutral = Blue Happy/Joyful = Yellow Gold (like in the image above) Jealous/Envy = Emerald Green Anger/Wrath = Crimson Red Sad/Upset = Cyan Teal Curious/Guilt = Violet Purple Lust/Love = Rose Pink Surprised/Determined = Amber Orange Fear/Horror = Dark Indigo [If he is scared down to the core, the fire would get extinguished and smoke would spill out of his skull instead. It would take a few hours for him to calm down, as anxiety plays a huge role when it comes to fear.]
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[like so —^]
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