#I’m voting for them
mercyillustrator · 5 months
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Drew my favorite artists OCs also other OCs Part 1/3
Seeing these OCs from Kirby OC tournament got me motivated out of nowhere and decided to draw them. I just love how your OCs look so cute and adorable they are mostly cool in someways. Hope that you like them UwU (more drawings coming soon for others :3)
Galactis belongs to @kirbytransguy
Valfrey belongs to @gethoce
Sir Uther belongs to @quanblovk
- 💠🎨Mercy🎨💠
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karouvas · 2 months
@sergeantpixie @nocakesformissedith @thechosenthree @snixx @buffyspeak @whodoesnataliehave @medievalwife @inlovewith-icecream
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goldensunset · 1 year
feel free to elaborate in tags of course on how easy or hard cosplaying them would be
bonus question: how much do you WANT to look like your icon. like are they the goal you aspire to
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squidthusiast · 1 day
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Post-Grand-Fest feels…
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popqorn · 4 months
Feel free to add your own propaganda if you disagree with mine!
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spirkbitch · 1 year
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titforatat · 2 months
listen, i too want alys to torture aemond with horrific visions of his sinful wrongs and grievous mistakes… but i also need them to fuck nasty
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youcalledmebabe · 3 months
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ROUND FOUR. All other polls here
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edenfenixblogs · 10 months
I don’t think most non-Jews understand how disappointed we are in the left right now. How completely abandoned we’ve become. How our contributions to progress for other groups have been erased or disavowed or hidden. How the actual tangible things that Jews have contributed to black rights and civil rights are being ignored. How we’re being told we contribute and have contributed nothing.
How we are being told that the world has been kind to us when it never has. As if my mom didn’t grow up getting called a Kike and getting beat up for being Jewish. How I thought I had friends until I caught them saying “xyz was beautiful until Jews showed up.” How people told me I was pretty “for a Jew.” How I grew up hearing stories about bombs being set off in Israel in buses and markets. How I couldn’t even go two weeks without hearing that and how nobody cared and somehow, every time that happened, the whole world became more hostile to me for some reason.
I just don’t understand. I don’t understand what leftists are doing. Or why. I hate that I have to say—of course, I support a free and self determined Palestine (which I truly do)—in order for you to decide I’m worthy of care and support.
We showed up for you. All of you. And the entire movement is abandoning us at best or targeting us at worst. Celebrating our deaths. Saying we deserved it. How are we supposed to trust you ever again? How are we supposed to feel safe ever again?
A very few select people who are in my life have taken the chance to actually learn about and dismantle their own unconscious antisemitism during this time. And I’m eternally grateful for them. But most people haven’t reached out at all. Most people are still sharing hateful things that could get me hurt and they don’t care. Most people Reblogging my posts are still Jews. Because we are alone. And it sucks. You need to be as loud about antisemitism as you are about Palestine or you’re an antisemite (unless you’re Arab/Muslim/Palestinian—I totally get that these groups are also doing damage control in their own communities just like Jews are).
But we are all in tremendous pain right now.
This moment will pass. And when it does, I will remember how many people let me down. I will remember that when I needed support more than I’ve ever needed it in my life, people fucking vanished. They pretended violence against my people wasn’t happening. They ignored and rewrote the history of Israel to suit their own narratives.
You don’t know what it feels like to be hated this much for opposite things. PoC hate us for being too white. White supremacists hate us for not being white enough. Europeans hate us for being middle eastern. Middle easterners hate us for being western/European. Everyone hates us for being settlers but continually kicks us out of their countries so that we have to settle somewhere else.
I saw a post going around from a Black person who said that the reason he and his fellow black activists go protest for Palestinians instead of fighting antisemitism (as if it’s a binary, which it’s not) is that Jews don’t show up. Muslims and Palestinians do. And honestly? Fuck that guy. Heather Heyer died standing shoulder to shoulder against racism in 2017. [CORRECTION: When I first wrote this post I was under the impression that Heather Heyer was Jewish. I want to correct to avoid spreading misinfo. She was just the first (and incorrect) Jewish civil rights activist I thought of. However there are plenty of other actual Jewish civil rights activists to choose from. If you have reblogged this post from me, please feel free to add a link to the permalink version of this post with my correction to your reblog.]I have devoted substantial time and effort and money that I don’t even get paid a lot of because I don’t get paid a living wage. I have continually reached out to PoC people in my life of all religions to ask how they are doing and what I could be doing to help more—both for them personally and how they would best like me to help their community. I have elevated their voices at every opportunity. And not one person I checked in with has done the same for me or for my community.
And it’s bone chilling. It’s awful. And it’s even worse knowing that when it’s over, people will want to go back to normal. They won’t apologize. They won’t self reflect. They’ll just live their lives, maybe a little more aware of how much they hate us and completely indifferent to the harm they’ve caused us. How disposable they made us feel. And the thing is…it’s not hard for you to know. You just have to ask.
Too many people are cowards. Too many people care about looking good than actually learning something or making the world better. And to those people: you should be ashamed of yourself.
I don’t have any hate in my heart. Truly. Not a drop for any group of people. But I have a tremendous lack of trust that anyone would actually lift a finger to keep me safe.
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
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royal au new blacksmith Jean Moreau being used to hiding his stature until he’s out of Evermore and told not to 🥲
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Just something I was curious about :P
but i don’t think it get many responses since the fandom isn’t too active rn
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humming-fly · 3 months
This 4th of July I’m stealing the patriotism euphoria that’s usually associated with assholes idolizing the worst attributes of this country because fuck ‘em I live here too and remembering the things this country actually got Right is an important exercise when trying to rally anyone to want to defend it in November SO putting my money where my mouth is I’ll start easy and say I really like National Parks!! It’s rad how many of them there are and how they’re actual set up to preserve some of the most beautiful wild areas in our country while still letting people visit to enjoy and experience nature!! (Less important but I love how they put national parks on the quarters I think that’s real fun)
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Feel free to add on if something speaks to ya!
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stuckinapril · 2 months
you’re highly intelligent going into medicine but you can’t understand why voting is important? you can’t take 20 min to do some research? you want things to be better in gaza; we have two options, and we know that one of them will support israel unequivocally. if you cared you would use the little power you have to vote someone in who, at the very minimum, avoid adding fuel to the fire. i’m really disappointed because i’ve followed you across at least 3 different blogs and i love your posts but not voting is inaction and anybody who refuses to do something when they can isn’t as smart or empathetic as they may seem.
Why are you assuming I’m just going to be apathetic? That’s not what not voting represents (not that I’m not committed to not voting entirely). I am not voting for either candidate. I may vote for a third party candidate. I may go uncommitted / choose to protest vote. You don’t know what I’m doing on a local level / where I’m volunteering / how often I’m donating. If I were to share any of that information people would say I’m doing it for clout, and tbh I don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Accusing me of not being smart or empathetic is crazy for not wanting to vote for fascist #1 or fascist #2 bc it goes against everything I stand for. I’m not sure what the point of sending this ask was but you can continue believing I don’t give a fuck if you wish. Like I said I don’t have anything to prove & wont list my involvement in things I care for just to justify my stance to you
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linked-maze · 11 months
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captainmaxatx · 30 days
I’m writing a poolverine fic right now and am very tempted to add a very funny looking cat, so like Wade brought home the funny looking dog and then Logan brings home the funny looking cat, I’m particularly inspired because there is an “ugly” cat on BC spca shelter website that I’m a little obsessed with, I think I can make it fit but I’m a little iffy if it would feel right, what do you think
Here is a picture of the actual cat for reference
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ace-beef · 1 year
actual image of me going to bed while listening to Cha Cha Cha, Blood and Glitter, Promise, and Who the Hell is Edgar on repeat
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