#GameChanger ✨
techlaunchreviews · 7 months
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🚀 Exciting News! Introducing Email Man - Your Ultimate Email Marketing Companion! 📧✨
Struggling with crafting compelling emails? Look no further! With Email Man, you get access to 999+ proven-to-convert email templates, created by A-List copywriters across 50 different industries. 🌐✉️
🔥 Why Email Man? ✅ Save Time: Say goodbye to hours spent on copywriting; just a few clicks, and you're good to go! ✅ Boost Conversions: Tailor-made email sequences designed to convert, whatever your niche. ✅ User-Friendly: No need to be a copywriting pro - answer a few questions, click a button, and watch the magic happen!
But wait, there's more! 🚀 Explore upsell options for unlimited capabilities, automation features, and a franchise edition. It's not just an email tool; it's your email marketing game-changer! 🌟
Ready to transform your email marketing journey? 🚀✉️ Click the link to unleash the power of Email Man and make your emails stand out! 👉 Visit: techlaunchreviews.com
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luckyfalconcomputer · 11 months
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Crucial X10 Pro
COMING SOON Elevate Your Experience! 🚀💻 Introducing the Crucial X10 Pro - The Next-Level SSD for Unparalleled Performance and Speed!
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thesimcommunity · 10 months
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Teen years are not just about High School. Unless you want them to be! ✨
Expand the Teenager Life Stage with these 20 gamechanging Mods for #TheSims4 📓 https://simscommunity.info/2023/08/31/the-sims-4-teen-mods/
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janetjacksonseo · 8 months
📢 Attention all digital marketers and SEO enthusiasts! 🚀
Have you heard about the revolutionary Money Robot Group Buy? 💰💪 If not, you're in for a treat! Let's dive into the details in this thread. 👇
Money Robot is a powerful SEO tool that can skyrocket your website's ranking on search engines. 📈💻 It automates the process of building backlinks, creating web 2.0 blogs, and submitting articles to directories. 😲✨
But here's the best part - with the Money Robot Group Buy, you can get access to this incredible tool at a fraction of the cost! 💸🔥
By pooling resources with other marketers, you can enjoy all the benefits of Money Robot without breaking the bank. 🤑💼 Imagine having the power to dominate the search engine rankings without draining your budget!
Not only will you save money, but you'll also gain access to a community of like-minded individuals. 🤝💡 Share tips, tricks, and strategies, and learn from others who are using Money Robot to achieve amazing results.
But you might be wondering, is the Money Robot Group Buy legit? 🤔 Absolutely! With our trusted providers, you can rest assured that you'll receive a genuine and fully functional account. No scams or fake accounts here!
Ready to take your SEO game to the next level? Join the Money Robot Group Buy today and unlock the potential of this game-changing tool. 💥🔓
Don't miss out on this opportunity to supercharge your website's visibility and drive organic traffic like never before. Act now and witness the incredible results for yourself! ⚡🚀
DM us for more information and secure your spot in the Money Robot Group Buy. Limited slots available, so don't wait too long! ⏳💯
#MoneyRobotGroupBuy #SEO #DigitalMarketing #RankingBoost #GameChanger
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theodore-lasso · 8 months
List 10 comfort shows and then tag 10 people ✨
Tagged by @waywardted thank you!
1. X Files
2. Ted Lasso (S1 only)
3. Gilmore Girls
4. Bluey
5. Staged
6. Broadchurch
7. Good Omens
8. Critical Role (C1 or 2)
9. Dropout - Gamechanger especially
10. Galavant
I am too lazy to see which of my mutuals has done this already 😭 if you see this and wanna do it consider yourself tagged xx editing to tag @freetobegrace ilyy
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kuwdora · 2 months
Trademark: enthusiasm that ranges from detailed, well thought-out comments to the comment equivalent of a cat bonking their head against someone they like.
Also, putting your name into other words, like "kuwdos", I find it endlessly charming.
And in your writing, really digging into a character's psyche and pulling out really fascinating aspects to examine!! 💕✨💖
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I have the AO3 Greasemonkey script "AO3 Random Nice Comments" enabled and I modified this reaction image and uploaded to my site so I could embed this as a random kuwdos-comment. At first I had "omg I LOVE THIS FIC!!!! reread squee!" on the phone. But I rewatch vids and look up art again so I made sure to just have a fanwork agnostic. ❤️ The AO3 Floating Comment Box script by Scriptmouse was really a gamechanger for commentdora. I used to just write my line reading in a textpad while i kept my browser pushed to the side. The floating comment box was exactly what I needed so I could share how much I was squeeing while reading an amazing story. ☺️
OH this is a perfect time to share. I have some sideblogs with names that will make you chortle: @wookiedora and @trekdora for some of my star wars and star trek reblogs that don't make it onto the mainblog. I thought of making a Stargate sideblog called gatedora but Stargate was my first fandom and is in my bones even if i'm not reblogging much Stargate. It would feel weird to make gatedora into a sideblog. gatedora is kuwdora.
And ahhah, my writing. I'm glad you got a kick out of the way I gnaw on some characters and manage to pull something free that catches your eye. ❤️
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball GT 58
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✨GT Stands For Gamechanging Timepiece✨
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Last time, the final Shadow Dragon, Syn Shenron, showed up and completely wrecked Goku’s shit.  Not even Super Saiyan 4 worked against this guy, and now Goku’s completely exhausted and this big chalky asshole is about to throw him down onto a pointy-looking statue. 
The big question now is: What can Goku possibly do next?
✨"Good" "Ideas", Poorly Executed✨
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The answer, unfortunately, is the exact same stupid bullshit he did the last time this happened, back when he was fighting Oozaru Baby on the Tuffle Planet.  Right before he hits the sword on the pirate statue, Goten jumps in to catch him, and he’s joined by Gohan, Trunks, and Uub.  Also, Mr. Satan, Chi-Chi, and Videl are here, although I don’t see why. I think the idea here is that the whole world is falling apart right now, so they’re no worse off here than they would be anywhere else.
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So the three of them surround Goku to lend him their Super Saiyan power, so that he can get back to full strength, but Syn isn’t interested in waiting around for that, so he starts attacking.  See, I hated this dumb idea when they did it in the Baby Saga, but the one thing it had going for it was that they had some room to maneuver, and Uub was inside Baby’s body to provide an idea distraction.   Here, Syn Shenron has already demonstrated that he’s far more powerful than Baby ever was, and he knows he can just wade into the Saiyan contingent and tee off on any of them. 
So how is they supposed to charge Goku back up when Omega Shenron is standing right there in the middle of them?  Simple: GT Logic.
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So first thing’s first?  Even though the other characters are completely outclassed by Syn Shenron, and even though Syn beats the shit out of them and has zero reason to hold back, Syn never seriously hurts any of them.  Up there you see Syn punch Gohan so hard in the stomach that blood trickles out of his mouth, but then in the next shot he’s totally fine.   Gohan and the others are now effectively immortal for the duration of this series.
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Second, remember how Goku couldn’t use Instant Transmission in his kid form?  Well, forget about that, because now Goku can teleport whenever he wants.  So if Syn gets too close, they can just move their power-up circle to someplace else.  Transformations are now meaningless.  Base Goku = SSJ4 Goku.
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Third, and this is the most important bullshit rule of all: No matter how many times Syn says he’s through screwing around with the good guys, he will always screw around instead of killing them right away. 
In theory, this is supposed to be the ultimate battle in the ultimate arc of Dragon Ball.  Syn Shenron is the strongest villain to date, and Super Saiyan 4 Goku is the strongest hero.  But GT ruins the entire mystique of this battle with these three simple rules.  Syn constantly has a huge advantage throughout this arc, but he consistently looks like a helpless, incompetent fool, because he can’t kill the heroes or stop them from doing anything.  With his lack of agency, he might as well just stand still and wait for the good guys to beat him to death.
And that says it all really.  Normally, when people talk about characters having a lack of agency, they’re discussing protagonists or major supporting characters.  But Syn Shenron is the villain.  How do you have a villain who lacks agency?  The whole point of this story is that the Shadow Dragons arose to destroy the world.  None of this would be happening if he couldn’t make a decision or control his own actions.  And yet, Syn is constantly shown just blithely allowing his enemies to take action around him.  He can’t stop them.  He can hit them, but it never hurts them in any permanent way.
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Okay, so they finally get Goku recharged, but how will this be any different from the last episode?  Terriffic question.  Here’s the stupid-ass answer: Goku told the boys to give them even more power than his full power.  Remember how they charged him to full power on the Tuffle Planet, and he kind of had this red highlight to him?  Well, this time they’re going to give him even more power than that, and it will not make him look any different at all.
What’s really bullshit about this is that when Gohan worries that Goku’s body can’t handle all that power, Goku says that he needs to “overcome his own limits”.  And that’s just... pfft!
When you have to keep borrowing power from other Super Saiyans just to function in a battle, then it isn’t a matter of “your” limits anymore.   This is what makes Super Saiyan 4 so friggin’ dumb.  It’s presented as having miraculous, invincible power, but then the show keeps making Goku look incredibly weak with it. Goku needed outside help to beat Baby, then he needed help from 18 to beat Super 17, and now he needs help again against Syn Shenron.   The only time we ever see Super Saiyan 4 Goku win a fight without any assistance from anyone else is when he kills Naturon Shenron.  Eis Shenron almost counts, except Goku would have gotten killed if Nuova hadn’t thawed him out during the fight.
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So in a flash, the tide shifts back to Goku, so Syn suddenly turns into another chickenshit cheapshot artist like every other Shadow Dragon.  He tries to hide, but Goku can sense his ki.  So he rips the clockface off a building and tries to throw it at him, thinking that an inanimate object will get around Goku’s ki senses.  And since he’s still blind from the last episode, Goku won’t see it coming, right?
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Wrong, Goku dodges it on the first pass, then catches it when it flies back around to hit him again.   This whole part of the episode is so fucking stupid.  WE JUST WENT OVER THIS WITH EIS IN THE LAST EPISODE.  Goku is blind, but it doesn’t matter, because his other senses are sharp enough to compensate.  Syn is supposed to be this next-level threat, but it’s only his second appearance and he’s already repeating ineffective tricks from past episodes.
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But it gets worse.  Goku flings the clockface back at Syn, and even though the dumb motherfucker can see just fine, he still lets the thing distract him long enough for Goku to set up a 10x Kamehameha.  Well, maybe it’s an 11x Kamehameha, since he said the 10x wouldn’t work. 
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Everyone congratulates Goku for winning, but when they start looking for the Dragon Balls, it turns out Syn survived the blast. 
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Wait a minute.  He was fine that whole time, and no one sensed his ki?  Maybe Goku’s blindness really has affected him.
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So Syn decides he’s done screwing around, and he swallows the other six Dragon Balls, this causes an epic transformation which leaves him...
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... Mostly unchanged!  He’s supposed to be much stronger this way, but Syn was already supposed to be much stronger than the other Shadow Dragons, and they managed to piss that idea down the drain during this episode.  He has all seven balls on his chest instead of just the one on his head, and that seems to be the only difference, really.
✨Positivity Page✨
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Honestly, I’m kind of at a loss.  This episode sucks really bad, and I can’t think of anything in particular that redeems it, even a little.  I guess Omega Shenron’s Dragon Ball layout is kind of sharp.  Let’s just go with that.
✨Is This Episode Worse than "The Roaming Lake"?✨
This episode is a classic demonstration of GT’s flaws. As with Baby and Super 17, Toei managed to raise the stakes and build hype to the big final battle, but they have no idea how to pay it off in a satisfying way.  This is basically Part 2 of 7 for the final battle with Syn/Omega Shenron, and despite all the powering up and bluster, nothing has changed.
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I mean, Uub took a beating and his face is on fire, but we’ll see him again soon enough, and he’ll be completely fine.  None of it matters.  You could just skip straight to Episode 63 and not miss much at all.
The Roaming Lake, on the other hand... well, Nam’s village has no water at the start, and then it does have water at the end.  And then a sandstorm covers the water, and the magic lake appears to provide additional water.  It’s dumb as hell, but at least things get done.    TRL wins, 59-0
✨The Blade Braxton Memorial Haiku*✨
Tick-tock.  Tick-Tock.  What
Time is it? It’s time to find
Better shows to watch.
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Where has this product been my whole life
Title: "Revair: Unlock the Secret to Beautiful Hair!"
Description: "Say goodbye to bad hair days and hello to luscious locks with Revair! 🌟 This game-changing hair product has revolutionized the way we dry and style our hair, and we can't wait to share our love for it with you. Here's why Revair deserves a permanent spot in your hair care routine:"
Effortless Drying: 💨✨ Revair's unique reverse-air technology dries your hair from root to tip, quickly and gently. No more spending hours with a hot blow dryer damaging your strands. Revair makes drying a breeze, leaving you with more time to enjoy your day.
Frizz-Free Tresses: 😍🌀 Tired of battling frizz? Revair's innovative design helps seal the cuticle, reducing frizz and flyaways. Get that sleek, salon-like finish right at home, no matter your hair type or texture.
Hair Health Savior: 💪💖 Revair's gentle airflow helps minimize heat damage, promoting healthier, stronger hair. Say goodbye to split ends and hello to shiny, vibrant hair that turns heads wherever you go. Revair truly cares about your hair's well-being.
Versatile Styling: ✨🎀 Whether you want straight, curly, or voluminous locks, Revair has got you covered. With adjustable settings and a variety of attachments, you can effortlessly achieve your desired style. Embrace your hair's natural beauty or get creative with new looks—Revair makes it all possible.
Time-Saving Wonder: ⏰⚡ Revair's efficient drying process means you spend less time styling your hair. It's perfect for busy mornings, allowing you to conquer the day without compromising on fabulous hair. Get ready to say hello to extra sleep or enjoy that well-deserved cup of coffee!
Don't just take our word for it—check out the countless positive reviews from hairstylists, beauty enthusiasts, and everyday users who swear by Revair. Get ready to experience the hair transformation you've always dreamed of. ✨💁‍♀️ This article contains links
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Repost from @tati.piercings More of my fave piercing and with my favorite metal color!! Yellow gold fixed bead ring from @NorVoch !!✨💛 
And my fave, @stilettopiercingsupplies used to perform the piercing!!🗡
#facepiercing #piercings #APP #jewelry #GameChanger #septumpiercing #bodyart #piercingsofinstagram #Indianaart #Indiana #14ktgold #septum #septumring https://instagr.am/p/ChhI4kGONF-/
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skyward-floored · 2 years
Yes you have gamechanging lore. Every time you write a new au.
- glitter ✨
Okay, that’s fair. I guess am pretty good at pulling out random aus
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writer-in-theory · 2 years
hello! i hope this isn’t tmi but i don’t have friends to discuss this with, but i enjoy your blog! anyways, i just purchased my first vibe and im so anxious yet excited!!! :D
hello !! that's not tmi at all congrats on the new vibe !! it's a gamechanger and absolutely legendary, i hope you love it ✨
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pyarababy · 24 hours
Who knew I'd regret the day I found PYARABABY... because it helped me in ways I never expected! 🌟
Stay tuned for more posts like this! 📲✨
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regervin · 11 days
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You won't believe what these entrepreneurs are doing to skyrocket their businesses! And no, it's not hiring a team of superhumans. It's something even better: AI marketing! Imagine having a personal marketing genius who works 24/7, never gets tired, and always knows exactly what your customers want. Well, that's what AI marketing can do for you! With AI algorithms that analyze mountains of data, you'll uncover hidden insights and discover untapped opportunities. It's like having a crystal ball that predicts trends before they even happen! From targeted ads that reach the right people at the right time, to personalized recommendations that make customers fall in love with your brand, AI marketing is revolutionizing the game for entrepreneurs. ⏰ Say goodbye to wasting hours on tedious tasks! AI can automate your marketing efforts, freeing up your precious time to focus on what really matters: growing your business and sipping margaritas on the beach. Whether you're a small-town entrepreneur or a big-city dreamer, AI marketing levels the playing field and gives you the competitive edge you need. It's like having a secret weapon that nobody else knows about! ✨ Don't miss out on the AI revolution! Embrace the power of artificial intelligence and watch your business soar to new heights. So, are you ready to join the AI marketing revolution How would you use AI to take your business to the next level Share your thoughts below! ⬇️ #AIMarketing #EntrepreneurLife #BusinessGrowth #MarketingGenius #AIRevolution #DataDriven #PersonalizedMarketing #GameChanger #CompetitiveEdge #EmbraceTheFuture
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theinstanderapp · 18 days
🚀 2024's Game-Changer: Instander iOS v18.0 APK Release 🌟
Get ready for the ultimate Instagram experience with Instander iOS v18.0 APK! This groundbreaking release for 2024 is packed with innovative features, enhanced performance, and unparalleled customization options. Whether you're a casual user or a social media enthusiast, Instander v18.0 will transform the way you interact on Instagram. Don't miss out on this game-changing update—download now and elevate your social media game to new heights! 📲✨ #Instander #iOS #Tech2024 #Instagram #GameChanger #UpgradeNow
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pointcutter · 28 days
✨ **Introducing the ALLIANCE - A Game-Changer for Professional Stylists! ✨**
Transform your daily haircuts with the ALLIANCE scissor, whether you’re cutting over a comb, thinning, or creating soft, vertical textures in longer hair. With its 30 curved teeth, each featuring 3 grooves ending in a special landing pin, the ALLIANCE directs hair perfectly between the teeth for precision cutting.
Elevate your styling game with ALLIANCE - because every detail matters. 💇‍♀️✂️
#HairTools #HaircutPerfection #AllianceShears #GameChanger #HairStylistLife #PrecisionCutting #HairCutting #Friseure #Coiffure #Pointcutter
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healthremedyhub · 1 month
⚡️Beat the Fatigue Fog! Natural Cures for Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia 🌿
Are you EXHAUSTED from battling constant fatigue, brain fog and full-body achiness? 😩 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia can make every single day feel like climbing Mount Everest...on no sleep! That hopeless feeling of barely making it through the day is the WORST.
But don't throw in the towel just yet! We've discovered 5 potent natural remedies that can help get your mojo back and energise your life again. 🔋🔥 No more lying on the couch wishing for a magic cure...it's time to FIGHT for your vitality!
1️⃣ D-Ribose 🍭💡 This special five-carbon sugar is a GAMECHANGER when it comes to boosting cellular energy production. D-Ribose provides the key building blocks for your body to make more ATP (our cells' battery packs!). More ATP = more stamina to power through your day.
2️⃣ Magnesium 💚🛀 Making sure you get enough of this vital mineral is a MUST for managing Chronic Fatigue and Fibro symptoms. Magnesium eases muscle cramps/spasms, reduces fatigue, and helps you sleep like a baby. Load up through diet or quality supplements!
3️⃣ Rhodiola 🌳☮️ This adaptogenic herbal SUPERHERO helps regulate your body's out-of-whack stress response, which can be a core driver of fatigue and pain. Rhodiola is like a chill pill for your exhausted adrenal glands. Inhale calm, exhale ENERGY!
4️⃣ Gentle Exercise 🏃‍♀️💪 We know...the E-word can sound overwhelming when you're completely drained. But stick with us! Low-impact activities like walking, swimming or gentle yoga can actually BOOST your energy levels in the long run by improving circulation, strength and feel-good endorphins. Start slow and be consistent!
5️⃣ Mind-Body Practices 🧘‍♀️✨ From meditation and deep breathing to journaling and positive mantras, taking time to nurture your mental/emotional well-being is a MUST for managing chronic fatigue. Quiet the mind, relieve stress and watch your physical symptoms improve!
No more "I'm So Tired" pity parties! Hit subscribe for a constant supply of energising tips and natural therapies to overcome Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia. We're here to help you feel FANTASTIC again !! 🙌
If you've found this video helpful and informative, we'd love for you to show your support by hitting that like button down below. 👍 Your engagement really goes a long way in helping us continue creating high-quality content just for you.
And if you haven't already, be sure to hit that subscribe button as well! 🔔 Subscribing ensures you'll never miss out on our latest offerings - we're always working hard to bring you the best natural health tips and remedies.
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So what are you waiting for? Hit those buttons, share this video with your friends, and let's keep this community growing! 🚀 Together, we can all unlock the power of nature and elevate our health to new heights. Thanks for being here, and we'll see you in the next one! 😁🦷
#ChronicFatigueRemedies #FibromyalgiaCures #FatigueFighters #DRiboseEnergy #MagnesiumHealing #RhodiolaPower #GentleExercise #MindBodyWellness #VitalityIsTheGoal #NoMoreFatigueFog
The information and content provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
The remedies and strategies discussed are based on research and traditional use, but individual results may vary. We do not claim that these natural remedies can cure or treat any specific medical condition.
The images, graphics, and video content used in this production are the intellectual property of their respective owners. We have made every effort to properly attribute and credit all sources, but if there are any inadvertent omissions or infringements, please let us know, and we will address them immediately.
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