#Gangrel x reader
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Name used: Jen
Word count: 1709
Warnings: mention of injury
Fic type: nothing in particular, maybe angst
Link to masterlist
🩸Happy reading 🦷
“How would we even begin to find him?” Jen asked, slightly sliding in the wet mud of the forest, clinging on to the PVC jacket of Edge. They had received a cryptic letter from one of the mindless druids with vague directions to where Christian had been left.
To perish.
They were on a time crunch as sunrise was approaching, the sky already beginning to light up in a dull pale blue. Reading the letter, they weren’t entirely sure what they were going to find. All they knew was that it wasn’t going to be good as it had been signed in his blood. It had a distinct taste, according to Edge. He only knew that as before Christian was turned, Edge would feed off of him until they had no choice but to turn him into one of them.
“I…honestly have no idea,” sighed Gangrel, “I guess just keep your eyes out for us while Edge and I keep trying to sniff him out.”
Normally Gangrel was very knowledgeable and had control of the situation but this was the first time both Edge and Jen had seen him in such a worried state. All they could hope for was to find him in one piece. At least then they had a better chance of helping him. Hopefully before the sun began to rise. Otherwise Jen would be on her own as the other two would have to disappear out of sight.
At this point in time, Christian had been missing for four days. Originally the vampires had been working alongside this group who called themselves “The Ministry of Darkness”, a bunch of…well Jen considered them satanists really. They had been hiding this young lady and informed her boys that if they revealed where she was, there would be consequences. Dire consequences. And as time would tell, Christian turned out to be the weak link. He had been forced to give up that information to an unknown man and when the news found the Ministry…well the consequences were far worse than they could have imagined. One evening, they had awoken to find that he was missing. Initially they assumed he had gone out on a hunt until they remembered that he almost exclusively fed off of Jen. The only time he would go out was if she was too weak to give him what he needed. And it certainly wasn’t like him to go out and find food for the other two when they were perfectly capable of doing it themselves. It was only that morning that they were finally clued in and able to retrieve their boy. It seemed The Ministry were intending on making an example of him which included leaving him to die.
After at least 20 minutes of searching, they felt like they were hitting a dead end. There was no sign of him or anything that could signal that they were headed the right direction. That was until Edge stopped in his tracks, nose sniffing away in the air.
“You got him?” Gangrel asked hastily, voice laced with hopeful tones. Edge simply nodded with a relieved smile, following his nose to lead him to their beloved. Jen’s heart raced as she rushed to keep up with them, desperate to see her beautiful boy. Except when they eventually got to him, he was far from beautiful. Tied to a tree, he was sat with bare legs splayed out, hunched over in pain and exhaustion. As a matter of fact he was completely nude with his torn white shirt placed over his lower region to at least let him keep his dignity. Not that it mattered though. His body was covered with deep cuts, whipping scars that were fresh on his pale skin, red rope burn contrasting that paleness. His hair was deeply knotted with dried blood stains all over the ends, hanging over his face. It was clear he had not fed at all since disappearing as his skin was whiter than it usually was and he grunted and wheezed with each breath, something he only did when this exhausted.
Jen called out his name quietly as the other two worked on setting him free. They only had mere minutes before the sun would reach them so they had to act fast. When her voice reached his ears, it set something off within him. It all happened so fast with his head shooting up at a lightening speed, eyes a crimson red filled with desperation and trained on her. There were dark circles around his eyes, lips dry and cracked with dried blood around his chin and nose. As he was finally freed from the restraints, he was helped up, Gangrel tying his shirt around his waist to give him some chance and hiding his manhood. It seemed that Christian still had some energy reserved. Before Edge could ask if he was okay, he had left their concerned arms and ran at an alarming speed to Jen, pinning her against a nearby tree. As the shirt was not tied properly, it flew off his body and back into Gangrel’s hands. Fear ran over her body as she felt his rough hand grasp a handful of her hair to pull her head to the side, revealing her neck to him. Thankfully, though, before his sharp fangs could get anywhere close, he was dragged back by Edge and thrown over his shoulder.
He thrashed around to try and get to her, trying desperately to grab ahold. She was kept a fairly safe distance away by Gangrel who acted as a shield between the two lovers.
As they trudged quickly through the forest to get back to their home it was clear that Christian’s energy had finally started to run out. Simply whining and sighing in defeat, he made feeble attempts to raise his arms towards her. He had hoped that if she saw just how weak he was, she’d at the very least offer him her wrist. Unfortunately for him, Gangrel would push his arms back down every time. He would be fed but not until they had safely returned. Already the sun was beginning to catch up to them with barely any clouds to shade them. All they could do was rely on the shade from the hanging trees above and the bushes below.
Finally after near slips and many slides, they arrived at their destination. It had taken them twice as long as they had to keep stopping in the shade as the sun, although not directly shining on them, was starting to get to them. It wasn’t immediately fatal for the boys but it certainly sped up the process of something terrible. Their home wasn’t anything fancy or even really that creepy. It was a secluded house at the very end of an almost dead street with the entrance to the forest in its back garden. Everyone who would hike in the area just assumed the house was either abandoned or housed the world's most secluded family. Which in this case was almost entirely true. They had decided to stick together as they would be safest in a group.
“I’m going to stay nearby in case anything bad happens,” Edge stated when they were inside, carrying the exhausted young vampire to his room with Jen hot on his tail, “shout for me if he gets aggressive, okay?”
She nodded quietly, helping him place Christian in his bed under the warm covers. Edge then left the room to give the two some privacy.
Christian rolled his head towards her with his mouth hanging open. He was mostly unable to talk which was probably a good thing in all honesty. His fangs were sharp, resting rather gently on his bottom lip as he stared up at her expectantly. It was obvious what he wanted; he waited for her to bring her neck to his mouth so he could finally feed off of her. She wasn’t normally scared. They had been involved with each other in more ways than one for a good year and a half now! But she had never been fed off when he had gone this long without it. Sure, it was only a few days but he would go to her multiple times during the day for a quick snack. And it was usually just on her wrist or upper arm, he’d only go to her neck when he intended on having a larger meal. He always said that it tasted better there anyways. Well, there was one area that tasted the best but…he only got that as a treat once a month. Even thinking about that made her blush.
It seemed that she was lost in thought as he mumbled out a plea for her to come closer, hands trembling as he weakly rested them on her shoulder. His raspy voice made her heart swoon as she finally gave him what he needed. Gasping as his teeth broke the skin, she placed a hand on the back of his head as he began the deed. He quickly regained his strength and control, sitting up to get better access to her. It wasn’t long before they had switched sides with her laying down on the bed and him leaning over her. Trying to hold back as to not drink too much, he only drank just enough to allow him to regain almost his full strength back. His body could do the rest from there. Plus, he had…shall we say a treat or two in the freezer to hold him over until she was ready for him again. Finishing up, he licked at her wound to both clean her up and to get the last few droplets of her sweet, warm blood. He may have been a messy eater with smeared blood all around his mouth, but he didn’t believe in wasting precious food.
“Rest now, baby. Get some sleep. I’ll return soon, I have some…business to take care of.” He whispered in her ear, tucking her in under his warm covers and leaving a blood stained kiss upon her forehead. Dressing himself in clean clothes, he left shortly after with a meaningful walk and a bucket of revenge to give to someone.
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porcelainseashore · 2 months
Into the Ether - Series Masterlist
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Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12 ... updates on Wednesdays!
Pairing: Vampire! Toreador! Leon x Fem! Reader
Summary: At the all-night events cafe you run, you’ve become acquainted with an elusive patron, Leon, though you can never remember the last moments of your interactions together. After a harrowing encounter, a love-hate relationship develops between the two of you as you grapple with your newfound status in a world of darkness and investigate the reasons behind the untimely attacks.
Content & Warnings: 18+ Resident Evil x Vampire: The Masquerade crossover, horror, mystery, romance, slow burn, strangers to enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, eventual smut, swearing, smoking, drug references, non consensual blood drinking, blood bond, vampire turning, violence, injury, mild gore, torture, religious themes, minor character death
RE ensemble: Chris Redfield, Claire Redfield, Ada Wong, Albert Wesker, Jill Valentine, Sherry Birkin, Ingrid Hunnigan, Rebecca Chambers, Baker Family, Merchant, Patrick (Infinite Darkness), Luis Serra, Glenn Arias, Kevin Ryman, Karl Heisenberg
VtM concepts: Camarilla, Anarch, Sabbat, Second Inquisition, Toreador, Ventrue, Brujah, Gangrel, Nosferatu, Malkavian, Tremere, Ghouls
navigation 🧭 | general masterlist 🔮 | ao3 💖
Last updated 20 June 2024
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livfastdieyoung69 · 10 months
Can I pretty pls have a 90's edge x Fem reader where some people are scared of him but when he talks to the reader she says "You don't scare me" and it leads to fluffy with a kiss? Love your writing! 🥺
(The Brood!Edge x Y/N)
“Um..excuse me?” A soft voice and a gentle tap on the shoulder brought Edge out of his conversation with Christian, making him turn around to find one of the new talents, Y/N. Eyes wide and unused to people approaching him and Christian, Edge was able to stutter out a yes with wide eyes.
“Sorry, I just can’t find the merch staff, I was supposed to grab a shirt from them. Do you know where they are?” No fear was clear in the voice or face, only confusion.
“I think um, I think they should be over that way.” Stuttering through his response, he quickly pointed down the hallway.
“Oh, okay, thank you! Sorry for bothering you.” Y/N took a few steps back, thinking the conversation was over before Edge had a chance to respond.
“No problem, we’re just not really all that, all that used to people..not being scared by us, I guess.” He chuckled awkwardly while he and Christian watched as their eyebrows crinkled with confusion and were quick to ask why.
“The whole Brood gimmick makes us a lot more intimidating than what we are.” Christian was quick to explain from next to Edge, a grin growing on both of their features.
“Yeah, what he said. I promise we’re not scary.”
“Well if it makes you feel any better, I don’t think you’re intimidating at all! Actually, you’re quite nice. And pretty. Anyways, I gotta go find these guys, but thanks for all the help!” Before Edge had the chance to do anything but blush from their compliments, they were quickly leaving.
“Hey, Edge! ‘Scuse me, Edge!” Y/N yelled through the overcrowded gorilla, shoving their way over to The Brood who had just finished a match. Edge stumbled around at the sound of them but he was unable to make out their voice in the crowd, so instead, he grabbed Y/N’s hand and pulled them along. After making it to the trio's locker room, Gangrel and Christian were quick to leave the two outside the door.
“I just wanted to say that I met a lot of people today, and you were probably the nicest to me, so I just wanted to say thanks again.” Y/N’s praise put the grin and blush back onto his face.
“Oh! Nothing to thank me for, but you’re welcome. And, um, I think you’re pretty too.” Edge’s comments made Y/N equally as giddy as the big, blushing man inches away from them.
“You’re getting a lot of thanks out of me today, huh? Maybe I could..maybe I could thank you in a different way?” Y/N’s voice turned into a soft whisper as they moved in closer, heat creeping through both as they stood in the door way. Edge nodded his head, unable to find words.
Y/N moved in even closer, noses nudging and eyes meeting. Their hand moved to the back of his neck, his own coming to tangle with theirs, lips finding the soft skin of his cheek before they barely pulled away, noses still brushing.
“I got a ride with Trish, so I gotta go, but maybe we could meet up on Sunday after Heat?” They still whispered, fingers fiddling in his hold and giving his a quick squeeze, while the two grinned, ear to ear.
“Yeah. Yeah, that would be really nice.”
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short but sweet :) idk im not in luv with it but its cute!
i did make it a lil cheek kiss just cuz idk it seems weird to me for them to meet and then boom their kissing like two paragraphs later
also payback omgg that was def one of the best ppvs this year, the cage match and the tag team match were absolutely gorgeous even if i dont like who has the titles now (if you couldn’t tell i am a huge judgement day hater. like i like them seperatly and irl, but altogether, i hate judgement day. I would explain y but it would be paragraphs long and i dont want to do that to yall
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moondust-imagines · 22 days
Can I request female reader sleeping over at her neighbor Edge and Christian’s house because she’s scared to sleep alone after watching a horror movie? Lots of fluff and cuddles and protective E&C please
Thank you for your request! Hope you like it x
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That gif is sending me, you’re telling me they haven’t shagged even once????
You knew it had been a bad idea to let Trish talk you into watching a horror movie with her. She had rented the DVD and dragged you into her hotel room before you could actually think. So you had sat next to her on the floor, munching popcorn and pretending not to be scared out your mind.
Once your torment was over and you could return to your room, you thought you could forget about it. But you had been lying in bed for an hour, overthinking every little noise and shadow. Eventually you gave up and decided that wandering the hotel hallways would calm your mind. The second you opened your door, you were startled by a tall blonde man.
“Oh my god!” You gasped, hand immediately covering your heart. The man spun round, revealing himself to be none other than Adam Copeland.
Adam wasn’t quite a friend of yours, you weren’t sure what to call him. He always flirted with you, always laid it on thick too. Christian, his best friend, would to. But then they would turn around and flirt with each other too. Sure there were plenty rumours about how close they actually were, not that it was any of your business.
“Hey y/n! What’s got you so jumpy?” He asked with a slight chuckle.
“Sorry Adam. Trish made us watch this movie and…” You explained quickly
“And now you can’t sleep” He finished for you, a knowing smile on his lips.
“Uh….yeah” You sighed defeatedly
“It’s ok, Christian gets like that when we watch horror movies too. Do you wanna come in?” He said, gesturing to his own room door.
You nodded and slid past him into the room, Christian was sprawled out across almost the whole bed. He was mindlessly flicking through TV channels.
“Hey sweetheart, what brings you here?” He smiled politely. Thankfully Adam was right behind you.
“Trish made them watch a scary movie, so we’re going to scare off the monsters tonight” Adam teased gently, his hand comfortingly sitting on your lower back.
“Oh I think we can manage that sweet thing, come cuddle up!” Christian smiled, opening his arms wide. You grinned and crawled next to him on the bed.
You immediately felt better cuddled into his chest. Adam lay behind you, comfortably sandwiching you between them. You were already half asleep, an episode of friends playing quietly in the background, when Adam rolled over to spoon you. Surrounded by the warmth of the two men, you fell into a peaceful sleep.
The next morning, Gangrel knocked loudly on the hotel room door to wake the boys up. All three of you woke with a start, before quickly getting dressed. Before opening the door, you gave both of them a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you for looking after me” You smiled at them.
“Anytime doll face” Adam replied.
Christian opened the door for you and you quietly slipped past Grangel, muttering a quick ‘good morning’ at him before running off. He gave the boys a knowing look before dragging them down to the gym for a workout.
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rosieaurora · 4 months
Do you do headcanon requests for chars?
if i’m familiar with the source, then sure! 😊 i’ve actually been wanting to do more writing so if you have an idea, i’d love to hear it!
but if it’s romantic x reader headcanons for my main three f/os (gangrel from fe, bigby wolf, or beckett from f76) i might not be comfy writing it sorry :/ platonic or general hcs are totally fine tho!
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Master List: Fire Emblem Awakening
Chrom: not sfw; All Tied Up, “Is it so wrong to want you to only smile at me? It feels weong but I can’t help but feel that way.”, the summoner is a single mother to a 3 yr old girl and Chrom cannot help but have huge dad energy,
Cordelia: trans Cordelia, not sfw; first time together,
Gangrel: first fic I ever posted on this blog!, sometimes Sydney can write things for herself. as a treat, Vengeance; a 10k oneshot about how much I love Gangrel,
Grima: sometimes a dragon can be soft, “You’ve got me wrapped around your finger.”, your love is enough for me, Chimerical, “Next time they touch what’s mine I’ll rip their fucking arms off.”, Teaching Traditions,
Priam: cute early mornings,
Robin: “You told me you love me you can’t take that back“,
Tharja: Stay a little while longer,
Walhart: “You think I’m watching you? Don’t flatter yourself.”
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bestialchorus · 3 years
The Long Night - Chapter 1 (falling for your Nosferatu girlfriend)
Prologue: “Well, fuck.”
“This is such bullshit!” The large man growls, while not so subtly slamming his hand against the cheap, wooden table, the sound reverbs throughout the seedy bar.
Despite his temper, the woman sitting across from him doesn’t flinch, more focused on finishing her burger. Clearly, it been quite a rough day for the pair, and the only thing getting the woman through it, may as well be the greasy meal currently clogging her arteries. Drips of grease dribble down her chin, which she aptly wipes away with the back of her hand. She can’t help but wonder how the day’s events took such a sharp turn and so quickly at that.
“We go out of our way to get that floppy disk-“, he exclaims as his mind races, scrutinizing every decision the led them to the dingy bar. “I had to fuck up TWO Gangrel, not one, but two!” The man emphasizes his point by holding up calloused fingers just inches from his companion’s face, and an uninterested one at that. The woman continues to scarf down her food.
By now, the conversation has attracted the attention of a few wandering eyes, the unlikely duo raises a few eyebrows to say the least. The mountain of a man is bald and covered in tattoos. His jean jacket free of sleeves, instead, jagged fabric and splintered threads left over in their wake, telling onlookers it was not for the sake of fashion per say, but most likely lost in a dirty street fight. Everything about the man’s demeanors screamed brujah, while the molten intensity behind his eyes screams it louder.
His associate is gangly in shape. Standing at around 5’8, Her elongated limbs are enveloped in lean, stringy muscle, often covered up by an old leather jacket, that sits just a tad too big on her. Short, messy spikes of platinum hair crown the woman’s head. The mint tone of her flesh compliments her wild locks quite well, though she tries to ignore just how inhuman her skin looks to the average eye….or should we say, mortal eye. It would be difficult to assume that the woman was anything but, a nosferatu, especially with those razor blades, she called teeth.
The blonde finally speaks up, words slightly muffled as she speaks while chewing. Normally, she would be more conscious of her manners but right now she’s far too tired to care.
“Didn’t you have to fight those Gangrel, because you chose to ignore the very precise and very safe route, I gave you in the first place?” She asks critically, rubbing her temple as she recalls the less-than-intellect decision, her partner made that day.
“Look, there was a shortcut and I took it-“  He quickly deflects while waving a hand before his face, his companion quietly rolls her eyes while taking a few sips of her milkshake. The brujah leans in as he continues.
“What matters-“  He drawls out the word while double tapping the table with his pointer finger.
“…is we worked our asses’ off for that goddamn floppy, only for it to suddenly disappear like that.” He ends his statement with a snap of his fingers. “I don’t get how you’re not more pissed about this, Teagan!?”
“Who says I’m not?” She rebuttals, the accusation completely pulling her from her loaded thoughts.
“UM, maybe because the first thing you do after finding out our payday just walked out the door, was buy a goddamn happy meal??” He animatedly gestures down at the food, his voice carrying an incredulous tone. “Why are you even eating this crap? You’re just gonna throw it up in an hour. Do you want me to find you a rat or something? There’s gotta be a few around here.” He scans the space, very much prepared to find his friend a proper meal. Plus, he knew vermin were her favourites…at least the mean ones.
“The eating is just a comfort thing….”  Her voice trickles out as she finishes, looking away for a few seconds.
Teagan places a hand over her friend’s very large one, trying to get him to focus. “Look Bruce, right now I’m more concerned about who exactly stole the floppy, because that mean one of two things. One, either someone’s been tailing us or two-“
“We have a rat of our own.” He grits through his teeth, squeezing his meaty fist while he processes the weight of the statement.
A young college student releases a heavy sigh of relief, as she leaves her evening class for the night, happy midterm season was finally over with. “I gotta say, Alex, I don’t know how we did it..but we did.” The redhead thinks to herself as she recalls the endless weeks of essay writing and midterm prep.
The nightly cold air greets her as she makes her way towards the subway. The world around her begins to muffle as she pops on her headphones, blasting her favourite playlist. All the young woman wanted to do was head home and escape into a fantasy show for the night, allowing herself a few hours to pretend she had nothing else to worry about…at least academically. In the back of her head, she contemplates whether she should treat herself to her favourite take-out.
The city’s street lamps, and various businesses help illuminate her path but, shadows loom around her all the same. There is no mistaking that nighttime is here and there’s no escaping it.
The young woman lightly bobs her head to a song, happy to get lost in the heavy bass after weeks of stress and a few all-nighters. Unbeknownst to her, she catches the attention of a nearby stranger, a man who feels something spark, deep within him once he sees the distracted redhead. Her petite frame screams one thing, at least to those who have the foulest of souls: an opportunity.  Like a moth to a forbidden flame, he begins following her at a distant, using the veil of night to hide from her peripheral vision.
Teagan says her goodbyes to Bruce for the evening, ready to head home to her haven and distract herself from the day’s looming weight. While her partner was probably on his way to an underground fight club, to blow off some steam (at least she hoped so), she had a computer filled with encrypted files to hack with her name on it.  Normally, the kindred would hop down the nearest manhole cover and make her way through the city’s intricate sewer system. But tonight, she decided to walk, appreciating the extra time to think and process, and luckily for her, few people questioned face masks during the colder weather.
Halfway through her journey she notices an odd sight. There’s some guy following a girl down a nearby alley and considering his distance she doubts they’re together. Teagan hears how the man’s heartbeat beings to pick up, the closer he gets to the girl. Normally, the vampire wasn’t one to get involved in the affair of others but there’s something about the desperation behind the man’s eyes she doesn’t quite like or trust for that matter. She quietly tails behind the tailer, her steps almost non-existent to the human ear.
If anyone in this scenario could read minds, they’d quickly learn this isn’t the first time this man has submitted to his hunger. No, unfortunately not. Time and time again, he’ll promise himself it’ll be the last time…but it never is. He removes the dissonance between his thoughts and actions by telling himself, at his core, is in fact a good man. That he is a good man who simply has a small problem and doesn’t everyone? What do they say in church? Hate the sin, love the sinner? At least, this is what he tells himself to help absolve his guilty conscious. How strange, how that very same conscious, is often nowhere to be found whenever he lays his eyes on a pretty creature. He instead, opts to listen to what sits between his legs.
The stalker finally sees an opportunity arise as the college student steps into a very dark and presumably empty, alleyway. He plays the scenario out in his mind; he’ll simply grab the girl here, and take what he needs, just a taste he thinks, a morsel at most. The deviant feels sweat start to form on his forehead as this narrative plays before his eyes, his adrenaline rising at the thought of capturing his prey….little does he know, there is more than one prey tonight.
Teagan can’t help but shake her head at how unaware the girl seems to be, then again, kindred by nature can’t help but be paranoid to a fault.
Alex finally notices a strange shadow extending from behind her. Time seems to slow down for what plays out next. The woman’s blood instantly runs cold as she realizes the shadow is very much reaching for her and it’s much too close for comfort. The redhead tries to bolt off, but the shadow is too quick. In a manner of seconds, the man shoves her against a nearby brick wall (the force makes her wince), immediately covering her mouth with his hand. The girl struggles with all her might but to no avail, the man doubles her in size and is much stronger in comparison. Alex tastes a metallic flavor as a ringed finger presses down against her mouth.
Teagan bites back a hiss, biting down hard enough against her lips to draw blood. Whatever thoughts she originally had of simply scaring the man off, are now gone. No, she’s ready to feed, and from someone who deserves to be bled right till the brink of death. She finally feels the anger Bruce displayed earlier, but times ten. If by nature, she is a monster who deserves to die – then the man before her deserves an untimely death, at the very least.
“Now, now. No need to fret, daffodil-“ The predator notices how the student’s bright, fiery hair glistens in the moonlight and quickly adjusts his nickname accordingly.
“Or perhaps Rose would be more appropriate.” She glares at him and continues to struggle but he simply shifts more of his weight against her. His pungent cologne floods her senses, and she instinctively recoils in disgust.
“Now if you’re quiet, then there’s no reason for me to kill you.” The man quickly pulls out a blade from his jacket pocket and brandishes it with a frenzied look in his eye, almost as if the moment was giving him a high. The knife’s presence gives Alex a second boost of adrenaline. She immediately kicks her assailant between his legs, and hard. The man yelps in pain and immediately slumps over. She rushes at the chance to run away, but blind fury seems to give her stalker his second wind. Whatever semblance of humanity was present in him earlier is now gone, leaving only a beast in its wake and that very same beast lunges at her, seeking to sink his claws in her once again.
But right as the man is about to tackle Alex, he’s suddenly pulled back by an invisible force. The assaulter’s eyes widen as he’s immediately slammed down against the concrete.
A loud thud fills the air as heavy flesh hits the cold ground. The college student immediately braces herself against the wall, frantically trying the scan the area of a possible third party but sees no one. She stands there frozen, her heart still beating through her ears as she tries to process everything that just happened……that is, until she notices the man’s body suddenly being lifted in the air by an unseen force. Sounds of struggle can be heard as the man is lifted by his throat, the invisible entity holding a visceral grip around his windpipe.
The pain quickly starts to set it and the man whimpers as he tries to desperately to free himself, he is not unlike an animal caught in an unforgiving trap. Unfortunately for him, this trap’s motives seem to be personal.
If the redhead was not traumatized before, she surely is now. She stands visibly confused and even a tad curious as to the bizarre situation unfolds before her.
A low, raspy voice begins speaking, its unearthly tone is unlike anything the man has ever experienced before. Whatever dream of a scenario this was for the man before, has quickly turned into a nightmare….a nightmare he may never wake from.
“It’s funny you know. They’ll call my kind, scum… but if I’m scum, then what does that make you?
And in a blink of an eye, the mysterious addition is now very much visible. The hunter has now become the hunted, it feels as if his heart could stop then and there as he gazes upon his assaulter.
The creature holding him is human in shape but looks back at him with glowing red eyes surrounded by black voids where white should be. The pathetic human frantically claws at the blonde’s hand, tears start to run down his face, both from pain and from fear.  
The redhead stands in complete awe. She should run, scream, hide- anything that would take her out of this situation, but she doesn’t. She’s not even sure if what she’s witnessing is even possible, all she knows is that the figure before her, technically saved her…..also is that a leather jacket?
The kindred speaks again, her voice sardonic as she brings her prey closer to her face.
“What’s wrong? You were looking for a pretty girl, weren’t you? What, am I not pretty enough for ya?” The man cowers as Teagan flashes the man her needle-like fangs, inching him closer to her salivating mouth.
Alex cannot see the kindred’s face as she has her back turned to her, instead, the only clearly visible image is man’s now pale face, as if the blood has completely drained from it.
“Or, let me guess, you can dish it but can’t take it.” Tegan sneers.
The man’s sniveling demeanor finally attracts the attention of Teagan’s inner beast. Her inner beast often acts like a demonic compass she’s forced to fight against, day in and day out, as it pleads for her to feed and to never stop. The only thing that drowns it out, seems to be the little semblance of humanity she still carries in her soul, despite her vampiric nature. But right now, she can’t hear that humanity, no, instead, all she hears is her beast’s voice, flooding her mind.
“there we go. Let’s snap his neck and then feast until we can’t move!”
She feels her fangs extend, her mouth dripping in anticipation as she closes in on the man’s throat, oh how rich this meal will be, how delicious it will feel against her tongue…………………………………………………………………..until a sound brings her back to reality.
A sharp intake of air comes from behind Teagan, suddenly pulling her from her hunger-induced haze. Her beast roars within her, demanding she feed them, but somehow, she ignores it. She instead, without warning, tosses the man to the side with force, instantly knocking him out. The action surprises the student, and she lets out a breath she wasn’t aware she was holding in.  
The vampire doesn’t turn around, instead, she’s well prepared to flee and disappear into the night, happy to become a distant memory to the probably now, very much traumatized woman. Somehow, Alex senses the woman’s skittish nature and decides to immediately address the mysterious blonde, at the very least she should thank her for coming to her aid.
“T-thank you…god I don’t know what to say but thank you.” She says breathlessly, still trying to process if any of this could possibly be a nightmare…or perhaps a dream. The nosferatu’s pointed ears perk up, she’s never heard such a lovely voice, dead or alive. All the blonde wants to do is turn around and see the source of the beautiful voice but still, she doesn’t budge, as if her legs refuse to move.
“I don’t know if any of this is real…but, my name is Alex if it’s worth anything.” All of this feels to dream-like to the redhead to be real, but she goes with it. The taller woman still refuses to turn around and address the redhead. But the question now is why hasn’t she moved then?? Is it fear? Loneliness? Plain curiosity? A mix of everything? She’s not sure but she wishes it would stop clouding her judgement. She knows good and well, if the woman takes even one glance at her ghoulish face, she’ll surely run for the hills, screaming. Teagan’s racing thoughts are suddenly interrupted, as she senses the woman behind her slowly taking steps in her direction.
If the nosferatu was alive, her heart would surely start racing with every step the woman took towards her. Alex can’t help but wonder if the blonde is injured or if something is wrong, she’s addressed her twice but still no reaction, she wonders if she even heard her.
Alex raises a cautious hand to the mysterious woman, hoping to get her to turn around, but Teagan gently catches it before it can reach her shoulder. Alex notices the greenish tint to the woman’s hand; she wonders if perhaps she’s suffering from an illness of sorts. But even past the colour, the blonde’s hand is almost claw-like in nature. The image should make her skin crawl, but it doesn’t, she still views the individual before her as a kind soul, at the very least, a soul willing to risk their life for her, a boon she truly wishes to repay.
“You shouldn’t be so trusting.” The kindred softly warns. Interest and confusion paint the redhead’s face.
The blonde continues, “You shouldn’t thank me…what if the only reason I stopped that piece of shit, was just so I could kill you myself?”
The statement is blunt in nature but not in tone. Despite the question, Alex can’t bring herself to fear the woman, at least not yet. There’s also the addition of her finding the woman’s gravelly voice quite attractive but she decides to put a pin in that for now. “Priorities, Alex…priorities.” She mentally chides herself and she clears her throat.
“…well, did you?” The student asks a bit too lightly for Teagan’s taste, but she gently shakes her head all the same.
Alex senses no dishonesty, and she smiles in response, “well then, my thanks stands.” Her voice remains sweet, as if she wasn’t in peril just a few minutes earlier. It almost throws Teagan off, why hasn’t this woman run for the hills screaming yet? The kindred almost murdered a man before her but here she stands, actually thanking the nosferatu. Then again, she still hasn’t seen the face of her so called, “knight in shining amor” and the night is still young.
The woman’s sickeningly, sweet attitude continues as she addresses the blonde again, “seriously, I don’t want to think of what could have happened if you weren’t here. Is there any way I could repay you..um?”
“Teagan.” She answers despites her better judgement.
Alex’s smile grows as she repeats the kindred’s name to her, “Teagan. That’s a great name. It matches the leather jacket.”
The genuine statement makes the ends of the vampire’s mouth curl up, if only a bit. The grin is lost on the redhead, but she does hear the taller woman ever so quietly release an amused “hmmph”, in response. Teagan suddenly feels more at ease, the woman’s calm attitude seems to be rubbing off on her. The kindred straightens up a bit, while shoving her hands into her jacket’s pocket to grab something.
Alex fights back a gulp as the blonde straightens up and stands at her full height, which in comparison to her, was much taller. The student can’t help but feel ashamed of her growing attraction to this mysterious “Teagan”.  She should be more rattled about the possibility of almost dying earlier, but instead, she’s too focused on the tall blonde and her guarded attitude.
The student is pulled from her thoughts as she hears that attractive voice address her once again.
“Where do you live?” Teagan asks before thinking, but she quickly clarifies the reason behind her question, suddenly realizing how creepy it must have come off. “I mean, generally- I may know a shortcut to get you home quicker and It would put my mind at ease….. knowing you get home safe, y’know?”
“You’re such a sucker” Her inner beast mocks and she can’t even argue. But she misses how Alex’s face believes anything but that, no, instead the girl’s heart involuntarily skips a beat at the sweet confession. The redhead tries to ignore the warmth she feels in her cheeks, believing the last thing the blonde wanted to deal with was some crushing schoolgirl.
“I, live on Lincoln Street, on the west side. But I could honestly take the subway, I don’t want to trouble you any further.” She answers, honestly. Though a part of her also worries about giving herself more time to embarrass herself around the blonde, while equally wishing for nothing more than to spend more time with the blonde…..
Lincoln, that was about twenty minutes away by subway but only ten via the nosferatu path, Teagan thinks.
“Like I said, I’ll be able to sleep better if I know you got home safe- It’s no trouble.” The blonde finishes her statement by putting on her face mask, the gesture isn’t lost on the redhead.
“Alright then, sounds good! Will I actually get to look you in the eye on this journey or do you prefer if I cover my eyes?” Alex lightly teases, wondering why the woman refused to meet her gaze. She notices how the blonde stiffens at the statement, wondering if she’s taken it too far, until the taller woman actually starts to slowly turn around towards her. Once again, if Teagan’s heart was still beating, it would surely be beating through her chest right now. The blonde almost winces, the closer she gets to showing the student her face. She’s prepared to hear the redhead scream, scream profanities at her, or even just die on the spot……it wouldn’t be the first time for any of those possibilities.
Nothing could have prepared Alex for the red eyes that eventually stare back at her. If this had been any other night, she’d assume they were contacts but even then, she’s never seen contacts glow like that. Teagan’s eyes would have been terrifying if her gaze wasn’t so, afraid? At first, the woman looks at her as if she’s ready for Alex to hit her, whether it be with words or with her fist but of course, neither come. But even after the moment passes, it’s followed by Teagan’s eyes widening as they finally lock onto Alex’s. The blonde’s ghoulish skin turns a shade darker before she immediately looked away from the redhead. The student doesn’t comment on it, but she can’t help but wonder if she’s somehow scared the blonde or perhaps offended her? But for Teagan, this wasn’t the case at all…quite the opposite.
The nosferatu took one look at the smaller woman and almost died then and there. The redhead was stunning to say the least; her small face was dusted with freckles, like a night sky complimented by endless stars. Alex’s brilliant, red hair, stopped at her shoulders and beautifully contrasted against her shining emerald eyes. Lastly, the moonlight seems to reflect off the girl’s glossed lips, lips that are pouty and pink and seem to call to hers like a siren. If Teagan was self-conscious before, it’s even worse now. She could never show this woman her full face, not unless she wanted to permanently traumatize her….and well, she’s been through enough tonight, she thinks.
Alex’s voice is soft as she pulls the blonde from her insecure thoughts, she fights back reaching for the woman again. “Hey, are you okay? I’m sorry if what I said, came off harsh. I really didn’t mean anything by it. You don’t have to show me your face if you’re not comfortable.”
Teagan quickly clears her throat and stands tall, “it’s fine. Follow me.”
And follow the redhead does, but she often glances down at the blonde’s long, almost claw like hand, wishing she could hold onto it as they make their way through the darkness. The kindred feels the woman’s eyes on her and puts two and two together, assuming she must be shaken up after the night’s events.
“Would you like to hold my hand? It’s okay if you do….I understand you’ve been through a lot tonight.” Teagan offers, her face burning as she tries to steady her voice.
Alex flashes her a warm smile and takes the blonde’s hand with ease. Each of the women feel sparks fly within them as they make contact. The redhead loves how safe she feels under the blonde’s touch, ready to follow her, wherever she may take her.
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toreadorwriter · 6 years
Southland slasher x female reader: Physco love.
Bloodlust was in his eyes as he approached you.
You screamed but it was a junkyard and no one in their right frame of mind.
Would be out this late so you were definitely screwed.
The beast no vampire came closer and his claws dripped with blood and chunks of gore coated the tips of his nails.
He approached you pinning you close up against the wall and you nearly peed yourself.
You were so scared you thought your life was going to be over but to your surprise.
He just knelt down to your level and stared into your eyes you tensed up.
It felt like he was staring into your soul or something.
Then in the blink of a eye his lips were on yours you could taste the blood of his victims and cheap beer in his mouth.
And afterwards he looked at you with adoration and blood smeared your face mixing in with your tears.
''What are you? you aren't going to kill me?" You asked still scared shitless.
The red head looked at you like you were the crazy psycho killer and not him.
'' And why would i kill you you haven't wronged me." He replied.
'' but you literally chased me through the graveyard and trapped me against a wall!"
You said shaking and he laughed it was more of a dry chortle.
And if the man was still alive you were sure he would have started coughing afterwards.
He then smiled at you. ''And what about it? Sorry okay geez look i thought you were a hunter." He said wiping his bloody hands on his pants.
A hunter? You didn't want to know what he even meant by that.
You were just a common runaway well if you could count on being a runaway.
As a young adult there was no way in hell you could return back home.
Or your father will force you to marry that prick rich boss of his.
You don't care how rich the man was he had no morals and the way he treated others showed testament to that.
There was a awkward silence between you and the murderer cleared his throat catching your attention.
'' look i know this is probably a bad time but do you want to go somewhere?
I know we just met but i think your cute and it would be a shame if i had to kill you."
He said casually like everything about this whole incident was normal.
You knew this probably was a bad idea but you felt strangely attracted to those icy blue eyes.
And you were going to die anyway so you might as well go with him.
Nodding yes he helpeded you up and you ignored his bloody hands.
'' so let's go back to my place and no I'm just washing up i won't try anything funny i promise."
He said and your hard gaze on him softened this bastard better be telling the truth.
The end.
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illusionsofdreaming · 3 years
C-can I ask for a White Star x Reader?
Hoh. We've got a brave one here lads. *cracks knuckles*
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I've written for villains before *cough cough* Gangrel *cough cough* so to answer your question, yes, you can ask for White Star x Reader.
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judgementdaysunshine · 5 months
Fit in
Pairing: Gangrel x Fem reader
Description: You have never truly fit in or belonged until you shockingly join the Brood and fall for Gangrel after being left alone by the Corporation
Gif credits to @salirophiliac
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A wave of anxiety washes over you as you walk down to the ring with the rest of the corporation before all hell breaks loose. Everything in the ring turns into yelling until you are hit and taken down by everyone except Test and Chyna letting you run backstage stumbling around hiding in a random room wheezing as you fall to the floor in your torn gear feeling your heart stop hearing footsteps and voices but the first thing you see is Gangrel in front of you while Edge bandaged your cut shoulder and leg while Christian ices your hands but instead of throwing you back out to fend for yourself they keep you in their locker room all of you jumping when a yell sounds not far away outside "Quick in here!" you follow gangrel being helped into a moveable box before the door is flown open, the room is searched but instead of the box being opened it's moved away from the door behind. The next morning you secretly meet with the trio on a forest trail talking of revenge against them stopping when words slip out from gangrel "You're different but you fit in and belong with us" your stunned before smiling sharing a hug with the boys leading to now as you stand behind the curtain watching the boys make their way to the ring through the crowd smiling at the blood bath running to the ring in the dark laughing behind the group minus test and chyna covered in blood after the lights came back on making them all run while chyna and test join you in your strike against the group but everyone is surprised when the three men stand by you initiating you into the group with giving you the honor to pour more blood over the group again backstage sitting in the locker room after your match falling asleep seeing gangrel across the room before your eyes closed as you hear light footsteps feeling a hand gently caress your face. Over the next few weeks small moments happened between you and gangrel after the night in the locker room from secretly intertwining your pinkies together, hugs that last a second longer, and whispered flirting while on the apron for tag team matches until finally edge and christian texted both of you to meet on the forest trail but when gangrel arrives to see you and neither of the boys the two of you realize they duped you but the both of you walk the trail for the next few hours sitting in a tree together as the sun set falling into a more open and intimate conversation "I don't truly trust people, I knew immediately not only that I care about you but that I can and do trust you" the words made him take action pulling you into a soft kiss feeling chills before he pulled away smiling sweetly as your hands intertwined walking back to his car falling asleep with his arm slung around your waist "You fit perfectly in my life" the words make your heart swell before falling asleep tucked against him.
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The Feeding
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Brood! Christian x f/reader (filler name of Jen)
Fic type: smut
Warnings: mention of blood and periods (yes related)
Word count: 1898
Link to masterlist
🩸Happy reading 🦷
Living with three male vampires posed its challenges. Jen was certainly lucky that, for the most part, everybody got on with each other and there weren't any attempted ‘love triangles’ or any drama related to being the only girl in the house. She was sure her partner, Christian, would have something to say if that were the case.
He was somewhere in their shared home, probably downstairs talking with his fellow vampires about…whatever it was they talked about. Jen tried not to get involved in their business as it wasn’t anything for her to know about. They had their business, she had hers. And that’s all that mattered. She was thankful that there was mutual respect for that aspect.
She lay in the middle of their shared bed, clutching a hot water bottle to her lower stomach. Unfortunately, it was that time of the month for her. And it had decided to read its head at the worst possible time as she was without any sanitary products. Well, almost. There was one lonely pad she found in the depths of the bathroom cabinet. Not wanting to go downstairs and face all three men to announce she needed one of them to haul themselves to the nearby store for her, she waited upstairs for Christian to make his way back up to her. Although Christian was the only one who fed off her, there was no telling what could happen if they figured out that she was a feeding source that didn’t require access via fangs. The last time she was on her period, it was almost a nightmare as the other two were having trouble sourcing food to eat but her partner refused to share with the other two. She wouldn’t have minded helping out (provided there was a way she was able to use an item for ‘collection’ so to speak to avoid that physical contact with anyone but Christian) but…well let’s just say this was a rare treat that he refused to be generous with. Something about these types of feeding just made him so much more protective, ravenous, and desperate.
Being so distracted by the twisting cramps, she didn’t even hear Christian enter the room. And where she didn’t notice him, he initially didn’t notice the gorgeous smell emanating from her body. His focus was only on the concern he held for her upon discovering that she was visually in pain.
“Oh you poor thing,” he cooed with a gentle voice, “are you okay? Because you certainly don’t look that way.”
Even though he had been turned into a vampire years ago by Gangrel, he still hadn’t lost the slight lisp that came with trying to pronounce his ‘S’s or ‘C’s. It certainly wasn’t as prominent nowadays but if you listened to him long enough, it was obvious. Unfortunately, not a lot of people did listen to him for that long to find out this interesting little fact about him. Most people who got close to The Brood would flock to Edge, being the tallest and most conventionally attractive out of the three. Jen, although she couldn’t deny the beauty of Edge or the kindness of Gangrel, found herself preferring the company of one Christian. Naturally he became quickly attached to her, like a lost puppy in desperate need of attention and affection.
Jumping slightly at the sudden sound of his gentle voice, she turned to look at him through half lidded eyes. She didn’t even have to say anything before he gave her a sympathetic smile and sat on the edge of the bed to properly check up on her. Just as he leant in closer, the smell of her predicament hit his nose. His pupils expanded as his expression changed, mouth beginning to water. He even noticed that his fangs felt that little bit sharper at the excitement of that realisation.
“You know, it’s been a little while since I last had something to eat…” his voice trailed off back into quiet as his soft hand travelled down her aching stomach to her right thigh, gently resting on top of her leggings.
“Wait, before you go any further I need you to do something for me!” She interrupted abruptly, slipping her hand under his. Doing so almost fully broke his trance of excitement. He hummed in question, meeting her face with a soft look in his eyes and a slight smile on his face.
“Can you go out and just grab me some…uh products for me please?” She asked, still finding herself getting shy at asking him to do the thing he’d been happily doing for her since they met. Chuckling slightly, he leant over to plant a quick kiss on her cheek before mumbling “I won't be long, then” and leaving the room with haste. He was clearly hungry but was willing to put that need aside to help his beloved. And with that, she was left alone.
One thing that was interesting was that each vampire had a special gift beyond morphing into bats and inhuman speed: Gangrel had his strength, Edge had his healing, and Christian? Beyond his fantastic ability to be the world’s most annoying vampire, he had this incredible ability to be very compelling, almost borderline manipulative if the situation called for it. Though he couldn’t show this off as much because, as mentioned before, no one really paid that much attention to him beyond the people he lived with. Nonetheless, it was a power of his. Hidden, but existing. Before he had realised Jen was the one for him, he was the main ‘Hunter’ so to speak as he could attract anyone and everyone. Suffice to say, they had a lot of skeletons in their closet. Literally. As much as she loved Christian, she sometimes wondered what compelled her to fall in love with him so quickly. She was glad she did for a variety of reasons but it was still a question that she found floating around in her head years later.
Once again, she was so distracted that she hadn’t heard him re-enter their room holding a plastic bag full of goodies for her. Well, goodies with the addition of pads and tampons.
“I got you some extra bits which I figured you’d probably need!” He said, with a smile in his voice. Jen took the bag off him, returning that smile as he kneeled on the bed in front of her.
“Thank you, I appreciate that,” she groaned as another wave of cramps passed over her body, “I’m gonna put it away quick so I can lay down and-“
“Pass it here, I’ll do it!”
He wasn’t usually this eager to do a chore but she reckoned it was his way of trying to make the inevitable feeding a bit nicer. He couldn’t make the pain go away and this way of feeding was so messy that it always made Jen feel a little uncomfortable. But seeing how happy and satisfied he was afterwards helped her get through it.
He had taken the bag from her hands, practically throwing things in the hopes he could get them to their homes quicker so he could get on with his meal. Grabbing a large black towel, baby wipes, and tissue paper, he jumped back on the bed.
“Let’s get these off…” he mumbled, pulling on her trousers and underwear until he was able to just fling them off her legs. Tucking the folded towel under her bum, he opened her legs. She watched him take a deep breath in through his nose, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the smell. When his eyes flicked back open she noticed that they were darker, full of both lust and hunger. But as clearly desperate and excited he was for this, he didn’t rush into it. Instead he took his time kissing up her thighs.
For a vampire, he had very warm lips. The rest of his body was cold and pale yet his lips were light pink, plump, and warm to the touch. It still shocked her to feel the difference in temperature when she felt his chin or nose graze over her skin.
The softness of his kisses as they travelled slowly upwards sent tingles down her body to meet his lips in the middle. It felt incredible when he took his time with her, but she could tell he was becoming impatient. As much as Jen wanted him to keep planting his lips on her legs, she inched her way down to signal that she wanted him to attend to his needs. And he obliged with glee.
As he licked one long stripe between her lips, she gasped at the contact. He groaned in return as the taste of blood sunk into his taste buds. Normally he would spend a moment or two savouring the taste, enjoying the feeling of his favourite meal! But he was so hungry, he just couldn’t take it. Taking a hold of her legs to pry them further open, he delved in between her thighs. At this point in time, it felt incredible. Getting simultaneously eaten out and cleaned up felt so good! Christian did his best not to instinctively bite down as he licked and swallowed each droplet of blood that came freely from her body. It was such an intense flavour that he did gently nibble once or twice.
“Oh my god,” she whispered, “that feels so nice…”
Again he hummed in response, flicking his tongue up against her clit to give her some more pleasure. It earned him a whine to which he smirked, spending some time in that precise area. Considering his experience it was no wonder that he knew exactly where her clit was. One of the many pluses in their relationship.
As time went on, his mouth was beginning to ache and tire. Although he was still hungry for more, his jaw was certainly on its way out to exhaustion. Still, he pushed on. To give his jaw a short break, however, he dipped his long, slender fingers deep inside her to lick up the blood that way. As he lifted his head to suck on his fingers, she noticed what looked like a long string of blood attached to his bottom lip, still connected to her. Seeing that made her feel strangely aroused and she couldn’t think why. Perhaps it was the idea that he was so engrossed in what he was doing he didn’t care about it as much as he normally would? Or maybe it was the idea that he was enjoying himself so much, he made a complete mess of the two of them? Either way, it was hot.
Christian continued this for another few minutes before he finally reached over for the bag, grabbing a tampon to use on her so she didn’t have to, and using the towel and nearby wet wipes to clean her up. He’d normally clean her up with his tongue but he had been down there for so long that his tongue needed a moment to rest.
“I’ll probably be coming back for some more,” he chuckled, kissing her shoulder before laying next to her briefly, “but I’ll let you rest and get yourself in comfy clothes, and then we’ll have a cuddle. I think we both could do with a little rest after that.”
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rawiswhore · 3 years
Various WWF Wrestlers x Fem Reader- "Crass Commercialism"
By the end of the 1990's, professional wrestling would be at the height of its popularity.
It wasn't too long ago that both the WWF and WCW had low ratings and the WWF nearly almost went out of business.
But by the late 90's, the WWF and WCW had some of the highest rated shows on television, people were wearing wrestling T-shirts, wrestlers were guest starring on talk shows and TV shows, and underage kids would imitate everything from wrestling gestures to wrestling moves at school.
The WWF had some of its most popular stars since Hulk Hogan.
Professional wrestling was seemingly inescapable.
And...you were one of the many pro wrestling related things that was inescapable during the late 90's.
You were the first wrestling related person to ever be on the covers of Cosmopolitan, Maxim, FHM, Stuff, Allure, and Harper's Bazaar magazine, as well as the first wrestling related person to have a photoshoot and article written about you in Vanity Fair and Vogue.
You had also caused massive amounts of controversy during your heyday in the late 90's that would be headline news and discussions about whether if the WWF's ratings should be TV-14 or TV-MA.
Wrestlers have always done commercials for things, and you were one of the many wrestling related people that did several commercials during your heyday in the late 90's and early 2000's.
Because professional wrestling wasn't inescapable enough by the late 90's, at the beginning of 1999, you did a commercial for a body wash based on some of the things you used to do in the men's locker rooms when the cameras weren't rolling.
The commercial starts off with several male wrestlers in a locker room, either sitting down on a bench or putting their clothes in a locker, or taking their clothes out of a locker.
Some of these wrestlers were wearing nothing but towels wrapped around their waists.
You couldn't really tell if the men in this commercial were wrestlers at first, some of these men in this commercial didn't have recognizable faces like Stone Cold, Kane, the Undertaker and Mick Foley.
You, however, were standing behind the door to this locker room, peeping and spying on these wrestlers changing, and you were trying to hide yourself from these wrestlers from seeing you, as well as trying to stifle your giggles and laughter.
You were dressed in a white bathrobe and holding a bottle of body wash, your eyes looking down at that body wash and grinning from ear to ear.
You then proceeded to enter the men's locker room, and as you strolled into the locker room, you shed your bathrobe off of your body, revealing your completely nude body, not a single stitch of clothes on your body.
As you sauntered through the locker room in this commercial, some 20th century love song or a 20th century song centered more around lust than love, played.
You dropped that white bathrobe onto the floor and still held onto that bottle of body wash, and as you strutted through the locker room, the camera only filming you from above your nipples, male wrestlers in the locker room turned their heads and were peering at you.
The camera cut to various wrestlers and their reactions: the Rock raised his iconic People's Eyebrow as he stared at you (of course he'd do that!), Triple H grinned while looking at you and biting his bottom lip, Shawn Michaels' eyes grew wide seeing you naked (like he's never seen you naked before!) while he held a bottle of lotion, squeezing that tilted bottle where lotion poured out, referencing he's jizzing, Christian, Edge and Gangrel took their sunglasses off to look at you, Kane slightly tilted his head and moved his hand to his mask and raised it slightly to get a better look at you naked, only for the camera to cut to Billy Gunn smiling from ear to ear as his hands were motioning to squeeze your ass cheeks while Road Dogg smiled from ear to ear and his hands made crotch chopping gestures.
Many male wrestlers were cat calling and wolf whistling at you, at least those sound effects were made, and while you strolled through this locker room naked to the shower, your eyes were looking at these wrestlers staring at you and your mouth grinned from ear to ear.
The camera was cutting to male wrestlers looking at you, some of their eyes were big, others were rubbing their hands together excitedly and grinning from ear to ear.
Some wrestlers were pulling shower curtains and looking at you with a state of shock.
Val Venis walked past you looking like he stepped out of the shower, his body was glistening wet and he had a towel wrapped around his waist, looking like he typically looks when he enters the ring on Monday nights.
Val looked at you and smiled while he walked past you, he greeted "hellooooooooo" at you and his hand patting your ass afterwards, only for your other hand to grab onto his towel and pull it off.
Val had a state of shock on his face when you did that, his eyes growing wide and his mouth agape while he looked at you, the camera filming him from the neck up, only for the camera to cut to you grinning cheekily from ear to ear at him.
Jeff Hardy had heard the cat calls while showering, the camera filming him from the neck up, which made him turn his head and see you walking towards him, he smiled and grinned at you.
When you had entered the shower, you asked loudly "Who wants to take a shower?" while smiling from ear to ear, holding up that bottle of body wash and drumming the bottle with the tips of your nails and fingers.
Your arm holding up that bottle of body wash was covering and shielding your breast from being filmed on camera, and the camera was filming you from the waist up.
In this commercial, you were trying not to show your private parts like your breasts, ass and vagina.
There were some other wrestlers in that shower you had entered that were busy washing their hair.
Many wrestlers were walking up to you, including Billy Gunn, who was smiling from ear to ear and rubbing his hands back and forth, Triple H, Christian, Shawn Michaels, Val Venis, many of these male wrestlers were undressing their clothes off, including the ones you've mentioned but you said "no" to the ones you weren't attracted to, to which the male wrestlers that were rejected pouted and walked away.
However, you let Triple H, Christian, Billy, Shawn and Val enter the shower.
Some wrestlers in the shower like Jeff Hardy, Test and Steven Regal walked up to you.
Triple H offered to turn the water on for you, he smiled while he offered this, to which you accepted his offer, and he had his hand on one of the knobs (not his penis...or any other wrestler's dick, for that matter) and turned it, to where water began to pour out of the shower head and down to the top of your head.
Water wasn't just rinsing and soaking you, but some of these wrestlers circling around you, who were all undressed now, or at least shirtless and wearing a Speedo to make it look like they're naked.
The camera then cut to what this commercial was advertising: a new gender neutral body wash for both men and women to use in the shower, maybe even together.
This commercial demonstrated and filmed your hands caressing up and down Triple H's huge, muscular arms, lathering his arms and torso up with that wash, while his hands were caressing up and down your torso as well as your tits, lathering your body.
He wasn't the only one helping wash you, Val, Christian, Shawn, Billy, Jeff Hardy, Test and Steven Regal lent their hands out and caressed you in that body wash, foaming and lathering your body up.
Val and Billy were behind you, Billy lathering and squeezing your ass ('cuz his nickname is Mr. Ass, getit?), whereas Val's hands were taking turns caressing and soaping up your breasts, the foam from that body wash covering and censoring your breasts.
Val's as well as Triple H's hands were trying to cover your nipples from being exposed on television.
These aforementioned wrestler's were lathering your body from your arms to your ankles, slathering that body wash until it turned to foam on your legs.
This commercial demonstrated how this unisex body wash doesn't smell too masculine or feminine, it's just right for both genders, so now when you're in the shower with someone, you don't have to worry about females smelling too manly, or men smelling too effeminate.
Don't you hate it when you're in the shower with a guy and he's caressing your body with body wash, but it's feminine body wash, and he gets that feminine body wash on himself, or vice versa, you get man's body wash from your man washing masculine body wash on you.
You even mentioned that in this commercial, smiling while you mentioned it, and these wrestlers caressing your body in that foam smiled when they heard you reveal that.
The commercial then cut to that gender neutral body wash bottle just sitting by itself and had a little tagline to it at the end.
At the end of the commercial, the camera cut to Jerry Lawler entering the locker room, asking "Hey, what I'd miss?" in a shrill, high little chirp, his typical voice.
This commercial was inspired by what you did backstage when the cameras weren't rolling; how you'd walk into and enter the men's locker room naked just to get the attention of male wrestlers you thought were sexy.
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smtfaggot · 4 years
my high school friend group : 
dude who asked me if he could fuck his GF in my house  girl who read (possibly still reads) x reader fic featuring such hotties as gangrel from fea and cyrus from dppt  girl who ran a secret aot jeanmarco porn blog  girl who wanted to fuck makoto from free? and turned into a kpoppie  dude who tried to fuck the first dudes gf a week after we graduated
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Gangrel x reader
Me: I wanna write something short! and then I didn’t, like a lier. Anyways this piece is just under 1400 words and I was AAA at myself and my depression so like, is this a reader insert of a therapy piece :thinking: you decide. 
You sat up in bed, slowly, surveying your surroundings. The room was dim, lit only by the embers of a dying fire. Out the window you could see… well, nothing. Through the sliver that your curtains allowed, you saw darkness outside. So, it could be 6 am (ideally) or… 4 pm or later (the more likely case, as of late). You flipped over, not want to see the window anymore, and closed your eyes. Maybe if you closed your eyes again, the day could be over, forgotten. You wouldn’t have to think about all the missed opportunities, forgotten deadlines, and the mistake you were continuing to make. Maybe then you could wake up up the next day, feeling refreshed for once, and face the day like you were meant to-- like people expected you to.
But it never happened that way, did it?
Knocking, at your door, sooner or later, you didn’t know, interrupting your not-sleep. You didn’t care to answer, didn’t bother to see who barged into your door. More light, probably from a candelabra, lit your room, and you heard a disgruntled huff.
“Surely you haven’t gone to bed this early? No one has seen you all day, _____.” You turned slowly, deliberately, ready to sternly frown at the man who barged into your room.
“Gangrel, I’m not in the mood.” You mumbled, not even willing to sit up and talk to him. He was lucky to even get you to face him to speak.
“Tragic, because I’m not leaving without answers. You look like trash.” He plopped down on the edge of your bed, resting his hand under his chin and leaning in closer to inspect you. “Actually you look like you haven’t gotten out of bed at all today.” He frowned a touch of concern in his voice. “Are you ill.”
“In a name...” You signed and sat up a little, comforter pooling around you. You rubbed at your eyes and yawned a bit, but made no move to get out of bed.
“Do you have any idea what time it is?” Now Gangrel frowned openly at you.
“I was hoping you would have the answer to that, actually. And I don’t need to hear a lecture from you.” You added, frowning right back at you.
“It's nearly 7 pm-- and its freezing in here, how did you even survive?” Gangrel abruptly rose from your bed, moving to the fire to toss some logs on it light the tinder with the flint on your mantle. You simply shrug and sigh.
“Not like much matters anyway.” You lied back down, closed your eyes and pulling your spare pillow over your face to block out the nuisance Gangrel was beginning to become.
“Mind elaborating on that?” Gently, he pulled the pillow from your face and looked down at your face. You held a look that was sad in a way he couldn’t quite describe, but one her could certainly sympathize too; you looked so tired, despite the hours of sleeping and lying around, despite doing honestly nothing. You looked like you had given up, or perhaps that things just weren’t worth trying for any more. It was a feeling he was familiar with, no doubt, but it was one you had helped him overcome, bits and pieces at a time.
“I just….” You sighed and closed your eyes. “I don’t know, okay? I feel like utter garbage and I feel worthless.”
“Don’t know, or don’t want to admit?” Gangrel was once more sitting on your bed, closer to you now as one of his hands rested close to yours
“Shut up.” Your voice was soft, and you didn’t want to open your eyes. “I don’t want this, you know? I want to be awake during the day, be the person the Order thinks I am. I want to help the heroes, and just… I want so much more than this.” You had opened your eyes and gestured vaguely to the room around you
“Don’t we all?” Gangrel laughed a bit, but there was no malice behind it. “Do you recall when you first summoned me? When I was some poor fool who had nothing to lose?” He glanced over at you, casually resting his hand over yours. Your appreciated the comfort and didn’t move your hand away.
“Yeah, what of it?” You gazed at him through thick lashes, trying your best not to frown or sigh more.
“I felt the same-- hell, sometimes I still feel the same. What’s the point of living if you have nothing worth living for?” Gangrel laughed again, something a little more bitter this time, before catching himself, and stopping, looking back to your troubled gaze. His hand curled around your then and he stilled. “You changed that, though.”
“Me?” Gently, you sat up more to properly view him, supporting yourself on your elbows now. “Gangrel I didn’t do anything” You began, but he cut you off with a shake of his head and another squeeze of his hand.
“But you did! Even if you didn’t mean to, you showed me there are things worth living for.” He gave you another laugh now, far more jovial than before. “Sometimes simple things, like to see the next sunrise or to eat another good meal. Or, more complex things, like growing stronger to defeat those who wronged you, and protect those you’ve come to care for.” His smile was knowing and you fully sat up, resting your head in your free hand.
“Didn’t realize you cared for those around you.” Your voice was a little snarky, but you still smiled. “But what’s that got to do with me and my nihilism?” Gangrel opened laughed again, and you shook your head. This man was a bottle of emotions; one shake and you never knew what to expect.
“I had to search for my things to live for. But _____, my dear summoner, you have so many reasons all around you. So many people, beyond me, who care for you so much. Any number of heroes would be willing to lift you up, lend you a hand; I’ll admit I’m a little jealous you have that opportunity.” He shook his head. “And I know you know this, so why didn’t you take that chance?” You sighed and took your hand from his.
“How could I have anyone else shoulder this burden with me, Gangrel? I feel terrible even sharing with you, now.” You looked away from him balling the comforter in your fists.
“Silly girl, don’t you realize? Here I am now, willing to do just that and you still turn your nose to me.” Gangrel tutted softly, and you quickly turned to face him again.
“No that’s not what I meant at all! I meant...” But really, what did you mean? Shame burned your cheeks, and Gangrel rolled his eyes. “I just… should be able to handle this myself.”
“No, you shouldn’t. No battle should have to be fought alone, even I know that now. You taught that to everyone here and yet you continue to ignore it yourself?” He was smiling at your pout. “Come, let’s get you some food, and get you out and about-- some people ought to still be out, and I think seeing the other Heroes might do you some good.” He rose from your bed, and brought you to your feet as well, smiling as you finally rose from your bed. You were quiet a moment, simply staring him down before speaking.
“Gangrel I...” You weren’t quite sure what the words you wanted to say were. “Thank you, for everything but… mostly, thank you for caring.” Now, you squeezed his hand and smiled. “Your support means so much to me, and I’m happy to have it.”
“If you go inflating my ego that much you’ll regret it later.” Though he spoke crass words, he was smiling as he said them. You laughed, for the first time that evening, and Gangrel loved the sound. It was refreshing to hear after all the sighing you did that evening.
“I don’t mind. Seeing you happy makes me happy, you know.” Your words were light, pleased, and Gangrel shook his head.
“I feel the same-- why do you think I’m working so hard to see that smile of yours again?”
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judgementdaysunshine · 5 months
Two steps behind
Pairing: Gangrel x Fem reader
Description: Ever since the two of you met Gangrel has always been your rock until the truth spills out after his relationship with Luna ends
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"Hey vampires, I found these and took a few" the boys turn around to find you with a handful of god knows how much junk food as you walk in their locker room. As you wait by the curtain for your match against Luna a hand lays on your shoulder turning to see Gangrel with you intertwining your hands before your theme plays walking out to the ring together staring down luna as you climb in the ring with gangrel ringside as the match starts like a cat fight for the first few minutes before things picked up quickly stopping when you see her over the ropes with gangrel standing there almost lost in thought and trying to get away before you yank luna across the ring by her hair quickly pulling off the win after some kicks and chops smiling at gangrel until Albert ran to the ring attacking you screaming as he held a needle fixing to pierce your lip until gangrel ran into him knocking him down before the two of you ran backstage hiding in a closet in the hall managing to turn a small lamp on quietly joking as the rest of Raw goes on "Always two steps behind huh?". The two of you melt in the calm moment until he leans closer to you after taking his shades off until you were straddled on him sharing small heated kisses until yells from edge were heard peeking out to make sure albert or luna weren't in sight before going to the ring with gangrel for his match against Steve Blackman "You're staring" you turn when Christian whispers in your ear as you watched the match going on rolling in the ring when gangrel gets the win sharing a hug shrugging at him and the boys as they climb in the ring before sharing a quick kiss leaving the boys stunned before laughing as all of you share hugs before walking backstage enjoying the rest of the night partying with weed and small amounts of drinking before falling asleep with your head on gangrel's lap as he sits against the wall passed out asleep after agreeing with the passing of a joint to a dinner date tomorrow night.
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judgementdaysunshine · 6 months
Lady of the Brood
Pairing: Gangrel x Fem reader
Description: You are helped by an unexpected person leading to you becoming a part of the brood
Warning: Mentions of Sexual Harassment, groping, blood, and harassment
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As soon as DX's music starts to play you immediately grab a chair despite being exhausted after your hardcore match against Jacqueline with the guest referee being Bradshaw who was a great friend to you. "Looks like you're not as dumb or weak as we thought" you stand face to face with Steph with bradshaw on your right and jacky on your left feeling the bottled up rage within you slowly boil "But never better than me" you black out leading to you giving bradshaw the chair then quickly turning and slapping steph in the face as hard as you could leading to an all out brawl picking jacky up and throwing her into a pissy steph before tapping bradshaw and pointing to the ropes jumping up and using his shoulders for support before you jump with an elbow landing on a dazed X-Pac yelling for the two back to the ropes where shaw supports jacky before she jumps and lands in the pile of the McMahon Helmsley regime outside the ring and intertwining your arms for a double clothesline for hell knocking the rest of the regime down. Hell breaks loose leading to jacky running with Road dogg and Patterson chasing her, a bruised and unconscious bradshaw down at ringside, and you tangled in the ropes crying, screaming, and bleeding badly seeing the steps in the air until everything goes dark seeing shapes as red flashes throughout the arena opening your eyes to see the regime covered head to toe in blood realizing who was in the ring as you see Gangrel in front of you while Edge got you free from the ropes before helping bradshaw up and Christian throwing punches to triple H who had the steps before as jacky throws around a yelling steph and even fist fighting with mr ass before being taken backstage to have her arm bandaged and a few stitches in her hand "Hey it's okay you're safe" you felt an odd sense of peace and safety as gangrel carries you backstage being bandaged up staying the night with them in their friend's home knowing you weren't safe at your hotel room slowly opening up to them the next morning about the non stop harassment by them all especially the sexual harassment even being blocked in your car by all of them while comments were made and even being groped before managing to drive off hiding in your hotel room and spending the night with bradshaw and Farooq who were pissed about what happened to you. "You're different and they can't handle it but you don't have to be alone and be assaulted" you join the brood without a thought laughing as they slowly transform your look to match the brood immediately feeling at home calling gangrel vampire, you wave as you sip the wine in the glass you carry to the ring before pouring it in your mouth and spitting it in the air before you start off your four on four tag team match against steph, mr ass, triple h, and x-pac raising hell before waving and tagging gangrel in even flirting with him in between the match and tags in feeling confidence like you never had before climbing the ropes balancing a foot on gangrel's shoulder and the other on edge's jumping off and doing a moonsault getting the pin on triple h and winning sharing a group hug and having drinks in between exploring town laughing at a very drunk christian and a stoned out edge leaning outside smoking a joint noticing how gangrel would watch you grabbing your chin and kissing you sweetly laughing as you wrap your arms around each other enjoying the rest of the night together until you both fell asleep.
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