#priam x reader
frickingnerd · 1 year
Awakening Men Masterlist
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watching the sunset with chrom - drabble
yandere robin - headcanons
the new member of the shepherds - oneshot
virion trying to impress you - drabble
dating stahl - headcanons
vaike with a competitive s/o - headcanons
lon'qu crushing on you - headcanons
stolen glances - drabble
yandere henry - headcanons
childhood friends to lovers with henry - headcanons
henry with a sensitive s/o - headcanons
kellam with a chaotic s/o - headcanons
ricken crushing on a taken reader - headcanons
donnel with an insecure s/o - headcanons
gregor confessing to you - headcanons
keep your eyes on me - drabble
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monstercampus · 1 year
sorry for yet another werewolf centric question but I was curious: if the human were to officially be welcomed into the pack, would that mean the human is in a relationship with all the werewolves? or is all the gangbanging a fwbs type deal? SORRY if this doesn’t makes sense sksksks
hehe!!! it does make sense dw!! If it were a traditional wolf pack, having a human welcomed into it would usually mean they'd act as a breeder/sex relief for their werewolves and not much more. It'd be possible for them to develop relationships with one or more of their packmates, but unusual. Some wolf packs can be really restrictive and over-dominant!
With the werewolves on the football team, however, you're considered a total equal--you basically get the pack protection without having to follow all the traditional rules, because the guys don't follow them either for the most part! You can interact and have relationships with werewolves from other packs and other monsters in general and it's not a big deal at all. Honestly, they'd feel a little weird trying to boss you around (in a serious way and not a sexy way at least) so they mostly consider you a smaller, cuter wolf. Which also means that they're more than willing to have a shared, serious relationship with you, but if you only want to hook up or you want to experiment with other monsters they're cool with that too. It's not like they're anywhere close to having to declare a pack or anything, so they've got lots of time to figure themselves out and discover what they really want out of life.
So, in essence, being welcomed into their pack at this stage basically means you're part of their inner circle friend group--you can be intimate and hang out and tell each other you love them and have it not be weird, but you're also not bound to them even if they start missing you coming around and pouting at you to come take a nap or watch a movie together. They really love you deep down, more than how your relationships with them come off at a surface level, but what kind of friends or packmates would they be if they tried to force you into staying with them when your heart belongs somewhere else? They all hope that isn't the case and maybe you'll want to stay with them after graduation, but if it isn't, you'll still be part of their pack and will always be considered family that they'd gladly stick their necks out for.
Buuuuut, if you decide you do want something more after awhile, they would be so happy to make you their mate for life. You lock them down and you won't ever get rid of them, and you won't ever be lonely again either--you'll be the softest, prettiest little werewolf mate anybody's ever seen, covered in bonding bites and soaked in werewolf pheromones so you stink of them always. You're the pack's shared mate in that case, a precious lover to be fussed over and given all the attention they'd have nowhere else to focus it on, you'd basically be married by werewolf standards and doted on by your seven handsome, love-starved wolves for the rest of time <3
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streets-in-paradise · 7 months
By Duty and Chance - Hector x (Fem) Reader
Troy (2004) Oneshot
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Requested by Anon
" (...) Soo basically anything you write about Hector is gonna be greatt. But i was thinking maybe that hector and reader are in arranged marriage ( yk enemies to lovers) but they end up falling for each other. "
YES, YES, YES!! ( ok, I'm gonna calm myself down now).
Just because I'm a simp, the enemy vibe was reduced a bit and the core conflict happens more on them falling at different paces. She was once on the geopolitical enemy side, cause she is a greek, but the marriage happened as a first step of negociations with another greek kingdom acting as nexus before the peace mission in Sparta.
Warnings: arranged marriage, reader starts fancying Hector before he gets into her. Pre war, but it adresses the political situation going on in Greece at the start of the movie and includes mentions to some Iliad characters that weren't in it because she is from Pylos and the movie showed nothing of Nestor's kingdom.
Summary: Your concerted political marriage to Prince Hector of Troy starts as a total disaster. Ashamed of your growing interest on him while the sorrow of a lost love keeps him distant, you focus on proving him you are a fitting wife to deal with his domestical problems before the conclussion of the peace mission started with your union would signal your first political act together.
Back in Greece for a diplomatical trip to Sparta, you come across a souless marriage product of another arrangement and the impact of that meeting calls you to redefine your relationship.
Note: Inspired by the arranged marriage prompts by @creativepromptsforwriting
" My love for one person could never trump the love I have for my people."
Tags: @g-m-kaye @thorsslxve
Sailing away for marriage so nobody else would have to do it for war was a noble act, but you were given the most abnormal circunstancies for the development of the plan.
King Menelaus of Sparta had had finally convinced his brother of creating an alliance with Troy, but the sons of Atreus weren't trully well versed on the language of peace. For so, King Nestor of Pylos offered himself to start the arrangements hoping to accomplish better results. As the only of his daughters available for a political marriage, you were selected to represent the first collaborative gesture of the greeks.
Once Prince Hector of Troy would have made you his wife, he would be in optimal conditions to deal with the Atreides and pact peace as a royal with bonds to he land already established. You father and his were of similar ages, they knew and respected each other despite of standing in opposite sides of the world. It made perfect sense that you would be given to them as a good will present to start the negociations.
The journey was too long and the advice of Nestor was required by the mycenaeans for the ongoing war on Thesaly. Without him, Agamemnon wouldn't be able to persuade Achilles to do his part in the way it would be commanded for him to do. Since your father couldn't split himself in half to attend the needs of each king, the leadership on the diplomatical mission was given to one of your brothers. Antilochus, favorite of the king and your people, delivered you to Troy doing his best to provide a supportive company for you in the difficult time. However, knowing that your father wouldn't be there increased the transactive feeling of the situation.
It was all a bargain between nations, and you were an object being moved from one place to the other.
Bonded for the rest of your life to a man your parents didn't even bother in meeting face to face.
Fame spoke wonders of your future husband, so worthy of trust that your father felt relieved and genuinely happy when the news of Priam's acceptance for the proposal reached Pylos. Hector was claimed to be the sort of man that any father could want for his daughter, that all mothers would feel proud to call their new son, and any respectable lady would dream of marrying. You got sick of being congratulated for having to move to the opposite corner of the world for him. While they were celebrating, you were aware to be essentially loosing your family to live arround strangers for the future chance to share a throne you never wanted.
You hated it and you thought you hated him, untill you saw him for the first time.
Hector was the most handsome man you ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on, but he advanced towards you with the calm resignation of a man sentenced to death. He did a great job restricting himself to the formalities, but that was all. In fact, it could be said the meeting had subverted expectations. Charming him on that occasion was your task as the lady of the couple, but he managed to awake a bit of your interest without even trying. While Antilochus noticed how your complaining reduced after meeting your fiance, Paris was struggling to get a smile out of his brother by doing cassual jokes about your beauty.
Polite indiference was all you got from him, even in the day of your wedding. His kiss after sweeping off your veil felt like a handshake to seil the political deal. Logically, you weren't expecting him to hold any feelings for you, but stumbling with his coldness was frustrating. At least in a surface level, you were starting to like him, but you didn't want to humillate yourself trying to make him like you.
Nightfall brought the end of the first day of celebrations, and for the first time, you were meant to be all alone with him. Trojans had similar customs for their hymenaeus, only that the choir of girls following you with torches to light the way to the thalamus was more espectacular than what you would have pictured back in Greece.
It was a magnificent display, romantical sight that contrasted with what was about to happen in that bedchamber.
Lookwise, you were very proud of yourself once the maids finished to prepare you for him. You hair was perfect, your smooth skin impregnated with a delicious perfume, and the thin white nightgown you were wearing was the perfect balance between coverage and exposition of your body. Enough to guess what awaited underneath, but discrete enough to not present yourself naked in front of him.
The color simbolized the purity you were meant to give away for the prince's consumption in the consumation of the marriage. Many greeks would have claimed they wanted to switch places with him, it would have been a joke in the friend group of your brother if they would have seen your transformation and you chuckled to yourself thinking of that as you nervously awaited.
The arrival of your prince changed everything. Amazement of him was strong in your virginal perspective. His toned body was considerably more exposed than before, since he was then only wearing the skirt typically matching his armor, and the perfumed oil freshly applied was giving a subtle shine to his skin. You could have started to feel lucky despite your understandable nerves, if he wouldn't have appeared to be so unaffected by the sight of you in comparison.
A brief look and a smile from afar before proceeding to sit on his side of the bed was all he had for you while your eyes unwillingly feasted on his image. His feet were still touching the floor and he seemed absorbed in some contenplative thinking while staring at the opposite side of the room.
Desperate to break the awkwardness, you attempted to get his attention hoping to help him relax. As a start, you kneeled behind him to caress his neck an shoulders.
" This isn't working. " You commented in a friendly mock. " Normally, the woman is the doubtfull one and it's the man's work to talk her into it. "
Hector was perfectly able to feel the squeeze of your front against his back, how you played with him in a convincing performance of your duty as wife.
" We have to be married, but we don't have to pretend a passion for each other that is clearly not there. "
His warning didn't work to completely dissapoint you.
"I'm just trying to be nice." You excused yourself in a sweet tone. " If it works as consolation, I was the only option Pylos had to offer. I have seven brothers and two sisters: one is already married and the other one is twelve years old. Father convinced me to get here only so none of my brothers will ever have to fight you. "
That simple reference to your family life evoked something stronger than mercy. A memory of someone he loved.
Andromache was a princess and once a sister of seven brothers that had fallen in battle. The reminder that you were just trying to stop the same tragedy from falling upon yourself acted as small comfort for his crushed heart.
She would understand.
" It's not your fault, I accepted the sacrifice. " He vaguely explained. " … My love for one person could never trump the love I have for my people. "
In that simple sentence, he let you know there was someone else in his life before the arrangement and that was the cause of his distant demeanour.
You hugged him from behind with comforting gentleness.
" I was starting to wonder why the brave trojan warrior that almost all greeks fear to face seems so afraid of facing me. " You teased as reply. " Nobody would expect Hector of Troy to flee from the touch of his wife like he has never done for the strikes of the enemy. "
The provocation didn't cause the wanted effect, slnce he didn't mind to live up to his legend in the intimacy of the room.
" I think this is a space safe enough to leave my pride behind. "
He had a point, but he would have to listen yours.
" All I'm going to ask you is to accept you are stucked with me. It's not much, ladies all over the world pretend for husbands they don't like all the time. "
You gave up, collapsing on the matress to bitterly claim your side of the nuptial bed.
" … They fake ecstasy while the strangers on top of them lascerate their virgin insides with their careless thrusting. Women can hold their pain perfectly pretending it's pleasure. You, my friend? All you had to do was giving me a decent kiss for the public to cheer, and you couldn't even do that because you are just so heartbroken. Do you get the cruel irony here? "
Hector followed you, watching you closely as he meditated in your words.
" I have nothing to reproach, you were a flawless bride, but I broke a third fraction of my moral code today. This marriage confronted two of the three rules in it and I had to choose which one I could still follow: to defend my country, I had take a woman I don't love."
He approached a bit closer to kiss your forehead.
" I'll allways respect you, but ríght now I can't be the husband you expected. You have my word, I will do my best, but for a while I believe my company won't be much comforting. "
You turned arround so you could be the one avoiding him.
" I never said I wanted you, I just hoped we could resemble a marriage. "
That wasn't how things were supposed to be like. Despite you weren't a hopeless romantic, you never imagined you would end up with a man who didn't feel the most elemental attraction towards you. Lack of desire in an arranged marriage wasn't supposed to flow in that direction, but the other way arround.
A wife shouldn't be seeking the attention of an indifferent husband instead of commiting to his desires. That wasn't what you were prepared for, since you always guessed it would be expected of you to be sexually required even in a loveless marriage. Rabidly denying your discovered attraction for the heartbroken prince was all you could do to protect your pride after realizing you were useless to him on the most bassic function of your union.
During the week of partying you foud out you weren't the only greek struggling to capture the trojan sensibilities. Antilochus fancied the cousin of your husband, but the girl rejected his every attempt of flirting with frustrating disdain. Keeping the peace mission in mind, your marriage was the best possible outcome. If Briseis would have been to Pylos as your new sister in law instead, her attitude would have caused a political disaster.
The royalty of Troy habitated one strange reality in which their princess freely rejected men with amusing harshness while the youngest prince seduced the most beautifull women arround free of commitement during the celebrations for the heir prince being forced to marry you. It was as if Hector had to assume all the sacrifices so everyone else could live how they wanted. He was the warrior prince so Paris won't have to fight, he had lost the chance to marry the woman he wanted to get trapped with you in an arranged marriage so Briseis could remain a virgin as she had choosen.
The man was a sacrificial bull whose fate was never being questioned, as if he existed to save everyone else.
As his wife, at least in title, you were going to take his side. When the first voices of concern from his relatives started to raise given the obvious fact that he wasn't happy on his marriage, you were not afraid of speaking up.
" I have been going to the temple of Aphrodite every night to pray before reaching my bedchamber. " Briseis was once commenting to him, with sweet naivety. " We need a miracle, but I don't loose the hope for you. "
She meant well and you knew it, but you didn't care. Hector límited himself to thank her and smile, but you couldn't let it pass.
" How about some gratitude instead of your condescending prayers? Are you aware this could have ended up the other way arround, ríght? Under the rules of my world, you should have married my brother. Hector is stucked with me so you won't have to marry one of those warriors you look with pity. "
He couldn't believe what he had witnessed, and he felt relieved it was late enough after dinner for his father to have already retired to his bedchamber.
" You have no reason to scold her for seeking to comfort me. "
Briseis raised up from her seat.
" It's alright, cousin. I understand she is under a lot of pressure. "
If you would have to hear one more pityfull comment, anger would have made you burn on the spot.
" You wouldn't survive in Greece, girl! The life of wives there would slap you in the face and get you off your high horse. " You cutted her off. " Maybe your cousin knows it, and that's why I'm here. "
Paris almost choked in his struggle between drinking wine and stiffling chuckles, what made him an easy target.
" What's so amusing? In greek standards, you aren't even suitable for marriage. No father would give his daughter to a coward archer that only shows off his weapon for hunting. " You inmediately called him out. " I think you know that and marriage terrifies you. Charming the girls is way easier than proving their fathers that you are a man, and if the woman you sleep with is already married you don't even need to worry because the position is occupated. "
Hector slowed you down before your brutal honesty could bring chaos.
" What do you think you are doing?
" Being your wife. " You simply explained. " I couldn't help noticing that your family is a mess and I want to help you fix it. You need a rest, and some acknowledgement of your daily sacrifices ... not like any of them notice. "
The preoccupation sounded sincere and that impressed him. After all, he showed no early emotional investment in you justifying such loyalty.
" We like the mess, but thank you for trying."
For the first time since your wedding took place, Hector gave you a genuine smile expressing real complicity.
If not the wife he loved, he discovered you were at least willing to be a support in his domestic life that was different from the kind his family could provide. You were behaving exactly like your role and rank demmanded, only reproaching your surroundings because you two were the only ones submitted to such thankless pressure.
When Antilochus returned to Pylos with the crew that brought you to asian shores, Hector took the day off to be with you. The last reminiscense of your old home had left on that ship, so he conforted you by actively helping you to slowly build a new one. It was agreed that once you would be established, you would accompany him and his brother on a diplomatical tour bringing you back to Greece, but for that you had to be well adjusted to the new city and your husband.
Under that pretext he convinced himself for seeking to take you out in order to get to know you more. Excuses would pile up whenever he would decide to break the routine and show you some new wonder of his country you could experience together. The wound of his unfullfilled love story from the past remained fresh for a while, so he couldn't admit to himself that there was some interest for you already growing.
However, that didn't stop his father from trying to cassually interfere whenever he could against your mutual resistance.
Priam often approached you by himself to give you history lessons, advice, and all sort of support helping your cultural adaptation. He wanted you to autentically feel as his new daughter and, for the most, he was succeeding.
After one particularly stressfull morning Hector was returning to the section of the palace complex that belonged to both of you since the wedding and found you attending a visit of his father. The servants rushed to welcome him, but he commanded you shouldn't be disturbed.
The King of Troy was asking you news about the heroes emerging in Greece and you were storytelling for him.
" That is a complete misconception. " You were cheerfully correcting him. " Achilles isn't our strongest warrior, that's Ajax of Salamis. He is like a mountain made a man. So strong that a swing of his battle hammer can easily pierce shields."
Priam's curiosity got stronger after the correction.
" Rumours have come to my shores saying the Pelide is the greatest threat Greece has for my kingdom … What is then the cause of such notoriety? "
" He is the fastest: an hurricane bringing devastation wherever he is unleashed. " You completed the tale. " You will never see the lethal blow of Achilles coming before it's too late. King Agamemnon has conquered the majority of Greece by the edge of his sword, but they don't get along. The man holds loyalty to no country. "
The last part didn't surprise the king as much as it should.
" I guess greek heroes just can't compare to my son. "
His comment of pridefull parent purposedly encouraged you to ramble about the virtues of your spouse.
" At risk of ignoring some evidence, I think i will agree. Hector is the best warrior Troy has ever seen, but also a wise, noble, … magnificent man. Of such kind heart, and beautifull as an artwork of Apollo. "
You didn't realized of your mistake after delivering the last part of the sentence and covered your embarassement with laughter.
" … I'm so sorry! That was totally innapropiate!! "
Priam was smiling, easing you with his complicity as if you had given him exactly what he wanted to know.
" I can't blame you for rejoicing of your husband, that's how things should be. "
At that precise moment, Hector revealed himself to make you aware of his arrival.
" Most people would say Paris is the pretty one. "
Your shame was such that you would have wanted earth to swallow you.
" I was merely pointing out you perfectly fit the idea of masculine beauty preferred in Greece. "
" Are greek wives not allowed to like their husbands? " Priam teased you and glanced at his son with amusement. " I haven't visited the country in decades, but I was never aware of that. "
You tried to joke your way out of the situation.
" We are forbbiden from liking them in advance. "
Hector gave a few steps closer in your direction before replying.
" I'm not blind: I can perfectly see i'm married to a beautifull woman. "
Despite he had probably thought about that before, it was the first time he was saying it out loud.
The trip to Greece was a crucial point, not only for the mission started by your marriage, but but for your relationship on itself. It was meant to be structured in two phases. First, you were going to Sparta, where Menelaus would receive you and give you news of Nestor and Agamemnon. If the war against Thesaly was over and the rulers had returned to their kingdoms, you would continue travelling on land to visit Pylos. There, Hector would meet the rest of your family and your father would later accompany you to Mycenae for the hardest part of the tour. After Agamemnon would have accepted the terms of the concerted peace, you would return to Sparta and finish to settle the deal back where you started.
Frightening news for Troy was getting to hear Menelaus saying his brother had conquered the last corner of their country. Suddenly, Hector felt that the inconvenience of being married to a greek that was once a stranger seemed very small in the big scheme of things.
Only once he had the oportunity to dive into greek politics in person, the eldest trojan prince had fully realized what meant to be a son in law of Nestor. The eldest rulling king In the country was highly respected by everyone, and specially the Atreides. He was probably the onlyone whose opinion was completely trusted by Agamemnon, besides from his own brother, and that anecdotic detail was shared by the spartan king himself.
Relaxed on the political front, Hector found time to notice other things.
As intended welcome, Menelaus offered a great celebration that was an autentic show off his fortune. You were drinking, eating and dancing like you didn't properly do during your own wedding party. The promise you made when on the sea of keeping an eye on Paris so Hector could do the deals got sidelined by the mutual discovering going on between you and your husband. Too absorbed in each other to care, being an actual couple instead of an institutional facade.
For a brief instant that disrupted the cheer, he glanced at Helen quietly observing from her seat how everyone else had fun while her husband fooled arround careless of her. Then, Hector looked at you and realized how far you had made it together.
The woman he had in front wasn't the same he awkwardly danced with to keep the appearances on that farse of a wedding celebration. Lonely observant like the spartan queen, only daring to engage in the fun if dragged into it by her brother because she clearly felt she didn't belong there.
You have trully become his wife, his princess.
The realization came to him in the most unexpected moment, on a loud place very innapropiate to talk about feelings.
" Was that what you had in mind when you told me you wanted us to resemble a marriage?" He teased you in whispers, subtly pointing at the royal couple while purposedly leading you into taking a prudential distance from the dancing people. " I see them, and i'm so glad we didn't turn out like them."
It made you chuckle.
" It wasn't them specifically, more of an idea of how a loveless marriage works. "
Hector smirked and pulled you closer, attempting of letting you give in for a hug.
" I understand now what went wrong from the beggining. " He teased the reveal of his conclussion. " … You desired me that night, but noticed I didn't feel the same and that confused you. The uses of your home prepared you to give yourself to a man you wouldn't want, never to not be wanted. Or even less, to find yourself wanting the man rejecting you. It wasn't your fault, as it wasn't mine, but you closed yourself for self preservation after the embarassement you must have felt … And you shouldn't had to feel that way. "
You pressed one hand on his chest as a measure of distance.
" Is this some sick test, Hector?" You called him out, distrustfull. " I'm not the wife you wanted, so I should never want you. I can't do it, that's not how the world works. "
Hector grabbed your wrist softly, gesturally inciting you to accept him.
" Then our world is upside down, but that's fine." He calmed you. " I thought I was respecting the honor of my maiden bride, only to find out she was the one waiting for me. "
You groaned with exasperation, unsure of how to make him understand the real problem going way deeper than that failed episode.
" … You have no idea of how frustrating it is to love you knowing I will never match your lost love. "
The exposure of your hushed suffering made him feel a bit heartbroken for you, but you were also confessing your love for him and that was enough encouragement.
" We needed time … I was not ready to love you, but I am now. "
His metaphorical use of the phrase merged all the possible forms of love he was feeling into one. To make your amazement complete, he grabbed both of your cheeks so you won't be able to escape the passionate public kiss he once couldn't give you on the wedding.
No choir of singing girls guided your way to the bedchamber that time, but you were following Hector and your hearts were beating as one.
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
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This masterlist has got all my series in one spot. I put it together because my pinned post was getting way too long, so now it's easier for you to find and enjoy everything hassle-free. And of course all series can be find in the characters respective masterlists as well!
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ego & black powder: pero tovar x prisonguard!reader
ongoing series, loose-fit fic
A prison guard shouldn’t be infatuated with a prisoner. Simple as that. But this new prisoner who you didn’t know the name of, made this rule very difficult to follow.
million dollar man: jack daniels x reader x frankie morales
ongoing series
Two years had passed since your break up with Jack, a fellow Statesmen agent. But everything re-ignites again when Champ asks you to go to San Francisco to investigate the disappearance of multiple women across the country and, sadly enough, agent Malibu. While doing anything with Jack is chaos enough, you also run in to another ex, a man that actually showed you kindness and someone you thought you could spend the rest of your days with that is until he started asking too many questions about your job, Frankie Morales.
we fall like snow: dieter bravo x bodyguard!ofc!amina addams
After the events that took place at the Cliff Beasts set, needless to say as his bodyguard (and friend) you became overprotective of Dieter. You have all your worries under control until you accidentally flip over a young fan by grabbing her wrist, causing the media to stir with speculations as to why. Luckily Dieter's family arrives in the nick of time, scooping you both from New York to their cozy cabin; however winter wonderland can't last forever and you need to face the consequences of your actions sooner or later.
advanced politics of human sexuality: javi g x ofc!mia pradera
ongoing series
Still struggling to come to terms with his father’s recent passing, burdened by the weight of the business he left behind, Javi feels adrift. Meanwhile, years later, an unexpected twist of fate brings you back into Javi’s life again—the daughter of his favorite housekeeper. Uncertain about your future and what to do with it, you find yourself at a crossroads, while Javi wrestles with the irresistible pull he feels towards you.
i've got you darlin': moonknight x reader x din djarin
ongoing series
you find yourself in the middle of a dangerous race of who will steal priam's treasure first; a mysterious cloaked figure who calls himself moon knight or a man in clad armor who calls himself the mandalorian. amongst the chaos, you and steven try to protect the remnants of history.
watercolor eyes: sw!santiago garcia x reader
loose-fit fic, ongoing
After another day of lack of customers and loneliness, you come across a flyer that might grant you a night of relief and pleasure.
musician!joel miller masterlist
loose-fit fic, complete
One night you decide to visit a bar all by yourself. There you meet a guitarist, Joel miller, and things escalate from there. Here you'll find snippets and one-shots of the relationship.
exile: joel miller x ofc!june
Runners. Stalkers. Clickers. Shamblers. Bloaters. Domestics. All infected. One unlike the other. You expect the infection to eat you from the inside out, turning you into something horrid. But instead, you find yourself with leaf-shaped ears and antlers that belong to a deer. While you live out the rest of your days trying to adjust to your new features and survive, you meet Joel, a survivor just like you but with a more grim approach to life. Both of you adopt the forest as your home. One wants the other gone, meanwhile the other will do anything to not be left alone.
stay in bed: joel miller x reader, one sided tommy miller x reader
Ongoing series
After your grandfather’s passing, you find yourself moving into his home in Texas. You meet the Millers; Tommy, his older brother Joel and his daughter Sarah. With time, you and Tommy become close friends and Sarah visits you often. But Joel…Joel keeps his distance. The reason for this is due to one crucial fact you don’t know but he does; Tommy has a crush on you. Which means you’re off limits no matter what. But as your own feelings for Joel grow, things start to get more and more complicated.
Infections Of a Different Kind (TLOU AU): FEDRA javier p. x firefly!reader
Javier, a former member of the Federal Disaster Response Agency in Kansas City, is haunted by the guilt and violence he indirectly caused by not taking action when he should have. After fleeing Kansas City in the aftermath of Kathleen's violent overthrow of FEDRA, you and Javier seek refuge in an abandoned train in the middle of a forest. As you and Javier turn the train into a living space and learn to navigate the dangers of a post-apocalyptic world, you gradually overcome your differences and form an unlikely bond. But when your pasts catch up with you, you must confront the demons that haunt you and make a choice that could mean the difference between life and death. Will you choose to protect each other and find a way to build a new life together, or will the ghosts of your pasts tear you apart?
dark hearted people: joel miller x reader x ezra
Ongoing series
Trying to reach Tommy, you and Joel meet a charming stranger. He persuades the two of you into helping him find his stolen equipment. During your travels, none of you expect to fall for one another.
behind the velvet rope: joel miller x actress!reader x dieter bravo
loose-fit fic, Completed
a grumpy bodyguard, an eccentric actor, and you, who is thrust into the limelight. What can go wrong? The three navigate the challenges of Hollywood, tensions may arise and conflicts may occur but they’ll always have each other to lean on.
move me | the stripper saga: stripper!jack daniels x f!reader
frustrated by your everyday life, you seek solace at a male strip club. It's your first time and you're instantly mesmerized by the one that calls himself "whiskey".
ravish masterlist: joel miller x webcam model!reader
loose-fit fic, Completed
Joel, only now starting to feel the impending sense of loneliness, decides to listen to Tommy and sign up on an online streaming service called Ravish.
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loose-fit fic: A fan fiction style characterized by a series that lacks a strict, predetermined plot or timeline, often with irregularly posted chapters.
loose-fit fic, complete: A series that is complete but might produce new chapters typically driven by audience demand or interest.
loose-fit fic, ongoing: A series that lacks a strict, predetermined plot or timeline, often with irregularly posted chapters.
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Master List: Fire Emblem Awakening
Chrom: not sfw; All Tied Up, “Is it so wrong to want you to only smile at me? It feels weong but I can’t help but feel that way.”, the summoner is a single mother to a 3 yr old girl and Chrom cannot help but have huge dad energy,
Cordelia: trans Cordelia, not sfw; first time together,
Gangrel: first fic I ever posted on this blog!, sometimes Sydney can write things for herself. as a treat, Vengeance; a 10k oneshot about how much I love Gangrel,
Grima: sometimes a dragon can be soft, “You’ve got me wrapped around your finger.”, your love is enough for me, Chimerical, “Next time they touch what’s mine I’ll rip their fucking arms off.”, Teaching Traditions,
Priam: cute early mornings,
Robin: “You told me you love me you can’t take that back“,
Tharja: Stay a little while longer,
Walhart: “You think I’m watching you? Don’t flatter yourself.”
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lavender-at-heart · 2 years
✩ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔸𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕤 + 𝔹𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕖𝕚𝕤 𝕒𝕤 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤✩
Pairing: Achilles, Briseis x gn!child reader(platonic ovi 😦)
Genre: headcannons , fluff , light violence
Notes: this was requested by @helei-brain and argh I'm sorry it took so long to write this but life just keeps getting in the way truly truly sorry. Also um the Trojan war? Never heard of her 🥰 and sorry for this being so short.
Ok this would be utter chaos/pos
You'd live with your mother in Troy because most often your dad would be off hacking heads somewhere else
Your mother is very sweet and calm and of course very religious
Your dad however is violent , loud and slightly arogant
Briseis would teach you about the gods and how to respect them
Teach you philosophy and astronomy and anything you'd ever show curiosity in.
Take you or long walks , teach you to weave and how to get along with the high class pukes
But your dad would spend 3 hours a day teaching you how to remove someone's arm from their socket or how to knock some creepy Old man's lights out
He would teach you to swim and ride a horse properly
He'd always make a fool of himself in front of your family and you and your mom would be internally screaming the whole time
You would miss him terribly when he went off to fight but would always bring you back a token of apology, the finest linen , strings of jewels and jugs of rich oils for your mother.
If you ever fell in love your parents reactions would definitely be...something
Briseis would be happy but ask a million questions , she can't help but worry
I think Achilles would punch your partner even if they were one of the holiest gods
And let's not forget about your beloved relatives
Sparing with patroclus is a regular occurrence, and you often explore the shores of Troy with him.
And although Achilles might not like it , passing time and learning from Hector and Paris
Hector is much like his sister teaching you right from wrong and makes sure you are being treated justly
Paris is the fun uncle.
Teaches you to shoot and takes you on his hunting trips
Buys you gifts every time you visit
Gramp priam is nice , he also buys you expensive items but distances himself sometimes because of his distain for your father.
You have never met Achilles mother and you probably never will
You love your parents dearly and are grateful for every day you have with them.
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Bts Greek Mythology
Genre: Dionysus!Jin x Ariadne!Reader
Summary: As soon as he went down to the beach of Naxos, Jin was attracted by the convulsive cry of a woman. She saw a girl lying on the sand, crying and in despair, and the god came to her and began to console her, and saw the young woman’s face, and wiped her tears, and saw that she had never seen a woman so beautiful and  so desperate; Then he begged the girl to tell him the reason for so much pain and she between cries and sighs began to tell.
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Genre: Hades!Yoongi x Persephone!Reader
Summery: Y/n is the daughter of Demeter, goddess of agriculture and Zeus father of the gods and god of heaven. One day as Y/n  was picking flowers, the earth opened and from there came out a cart pulled by four black horses led by Yoongi, the god of hell born of Cronus and Rhea, brother of Zeus and Demeter. Yoongi fell in love so much that he kidnapped her and took her with him to the underworld
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Genre: Apollo!Hoseok x Daphne!Reader
Summery: The myth says that Hoseok, proud to have killed the snake Python with his arrows, boasted about it with Cupid, the god of love. In doing so, he mocked him, asking him what glorious feats he could boast of. Cupid, angry, swore vengeance to the god and prepared his arrows. The arrows that Cupid took with him to get his revenge on Apollo were two: one of gold, with the power to make those who received it fall in love; the other of lead, with the power to reject love.
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Genre: Paris! Namjoon x Helen!Reader
Summery: Y/n of Troy, considered by all the most beautiful woman of the time, was the daughter of Zeus and Leda, sister of the Dioscuri and Clytemnestra. He married Seokjin, king of Sparta, son of Atreus and brother of the mighty Taehyung, king of Argos and Mycenae, husband of Clytemnestra. One day he came to Sparta, Namjoon, son of Priam king of Troy. Seokjin gave him hospitality. The young Namjoon, as soon as he saw his host’s wife, was struck by her beauty. Betraying her respect for hospitality, she convinced Y/n to flee with him, with the help of a potion given to her by the goddess of beauty Aphrodite.
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Genre: Eros!Jimin x Psiche!Reader
Summery: Y/n, a beautiful girl who cannot find a husband, becomes the attraction of all the neighboring peoples who offer sacrifices and call her Venus (or Aphrodite). The deity, knowing the existence of Y/n, jealous of the usurped name, sends her son Jimin to make her fall in love with the ugliest and miserly man on Earth and be covered by the shame of this relationship, But the god makes a mistake, and the arrow of love strikes his own foot, and he falls madly in love with the girl.
The Love i always Desired Pt. 1
The Love I Always Desired Pt. 2
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Genre: Orpheus!Taehyung x Eurydice!Reader
Summery: The story tells of the love between Taehyung and Y/n, a married couple in love and happy. He was the son of the muse Calliope and the Thracian king Eagro. Y/n was a beautiful nymph amadriade. Their happiness lasted until young Aristaeus, a son of the god Apollo, fell madly in love with the woman. One day, in an attempt to escape Aristeo, she stumbled upon a poisonous serpent, which killed her by biting her. Taehyung dispersed terribly and, oblivious to fate, decided to go down to the underworld to go and take back his beloved
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Genre: Ares!Jungkook x Aphrodite!Reader
Summery: Y/n was the goddess of beauty and sensual love. Born from the sea, her beauty was superior to that of any other creature. Whoever saw her, God or mortal, was enchanted by her beauty. Zeus to ensure that the beauty of Y/n did not provoke wars to Olympus, gave her in marriage to Namjoon, god of fire, forge, blacksmiths and craftsmen, was among those who loved Y/n in secret. But he was so clumsy and with a rougue looks.  Then there was Jungkook, god of war, of violence, of virility and defender of the weakest. He was also the son of Hera and Zeus, but unlike Namjoon, he was good-looking. And he also had a penchant for goddesses and mortal women. He didn’t even bother to court them, he just made them his own. But when the god of war saw the goddess of beauty, he fell madly in love with her. Unlike what he used to do with other lovers, he began to court her. He filled her with gifts and adulations to win his love. The two spent a lot of time together and eventually Aphrodite gave in to her love.
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fe-husband-heaven · 5 years
Master List (March-May)
The x’s are links! More than one x just means another post!
N/SFW Alphabet Asks:
Takumi (x) (xx) (xxx)
Leo (x) (xx)
Henry (x)
Shiro (x) (xx)
Shigure (x)
Canas (x)
Alfonse (x) (xx)
Niles (x)
Seliph (x)
Ike (x) (xx)
Duma (x)
Zelgius (x) (xx)
Bruno (x) (xx)
Siegbert (x)
Inigo/Laslow (x) (xx) (xxx)
Ryoma (x) (xx)
Xander (x) (xx) (xxx)
Silas (x)
Valter (x)
Michalis (x)
M!Robin (x) (xx)
Gaius (x)
Hector (x)
Claude (x)
Hinata (x)
Azama (x)
Kaden (x) (xx)
Chrom (x) (xx)
Hríd (x) (xx)
Tibarn (x) (xx) (xxx)
Frederick (x)
Brady (x)
Priam (x)
Grima (x)
Naesala (x)
Sigurd (x)
Kaze (x)
Naesala’s S/O is afraid of heights and birds
Zelgius’s S/O goes missing
Shiro, Ike, Owain go to a convention!
Top 10 FE Butt’s and when you slap them nyaha
Baby Chicks are lose in the castle!
Priam meets Ike who’s dating the Summoner!
Treating Owain to a movie date
Top 10 most likely to wind up in jail
Odin’s S/O pranks him
Lesbian Reader friendship with Forrest
Surtr & Duma w/artist S/O + a little lemonish subtexts wink wonk
Who likes/hates airplanes + Mile High Club 
Owain,Ike,Shiro meet their voice actors
Vaike,Hawkeye, Owain find out their S/O has been abused
Shiro + going to the fair
Ike,Shiro,M!Corrin finding out they’re gonna be dads
Ike falling asleep on the Summoner’s chest
Summoner introduces DnD to the heroes!
Thoughts on Sigurd + Small HC’s
Ryoma and S/O that loves his hair
Opinion on Ike + Married life Hc’s
Ryoma,Chrom, Laslow/Inigo meeting voice actors
Yandere Alfonse Pt.1 
Yandere Alfonse Pt.2 (Smut)
Saizo + Lukas Smut HC’s
Marth Falling In Love HC’s
Grima General Smut HC’s
Fluffy Lovey Dovey Keaton HC's
Soft Niles HC’s
Dating Odin but summoning Owain without knowing the truth
Inigo teasing M!Summoner with his butt at the hot springs
Silas with a Summoner who likes to hear him cuss during s/ex
M!Summoner confesses to Ike while he trains (for astra-crits!)
Bruno Fluff/Smut after he’s cured of his curse
Unaware Silas teasing M!Corrin with his butt
Summoner touching Reyson’s wings not realizing its turning him on
Jakob realizing he’s in love with you
Walhart learns he’ll be a father
Shigure Smut Drabble
Hrid Smut after beating Surtr
Grima Special: Gauntlet Win
Bruno letting the Summoner see his eyes
Hotspring smut after not seeing Ryoma for a while
Walking in on Lyon without a shirtless angst
M!Summoner proposes M!Robin
First time with Saizo
Prompt: Niles + Shut up and kiss me
Prompt: Grima + Why haven’t you kissed me yet?
Mod Torture Asks:
Wrys proposing to the Summoner
R-romantic dinner with Oliver
My Husband Raven mwuah!:
A sparring session with Raven
Raven proposing to his S/O
Wolf Laguz Raven
Old man is stalking S/O + Raven shows him who you belong to
Woo wee! That’s all the posts from the start of this blog, hope this makes it easier on newcomers nyaha! I’m v proud of our blog ya’ll, thank you for the support mwuah!
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glowingbadger · 3 years
👉👈 When you have the time and feel like doing so could you please write about possible workout sex with Balthus and/or Priam?
Y'know what? Balthus is finally in FEH, so let's celebrate with some hot and steamy workout sex~
Balthus (FE3H) x GN Reader - workout sex
NSFW 18+
If there truly is a goddess, she clearly means to test you today. A veritable feast of sweat-sheened skin over powerful muscle continuously pulls your gaze toward your lover at the other end of the training grounds. Balthus' gaze is fixed firmly on the body target before him, and as he throws blow after blow with weighted training gauntlets, you can already see the odd splinter go flying skyward.
More impressive than his technique in your eyes is his physique, thoroughly exposed as he wears only trousers, boots, and the aforementioned gauntlets. From bulging arms to tight, hard abs, and even the artfully defined contours of his back- it's simply too much to keep your focus on your own practice. You'd known he'd make for an unbearable distraction the moment you arrived to find Balthus mid-workout. Unfortunately, it's quite late in the evening, and with no one else around, he immediately noticed you and greeted you with a broad smile, and turning around seemed off the table. Now, a heart-fluttering fifteen minutes later, you're not nearly as far along in your own training routine as you ought to be, and his muscled body is looking more and more tempting.
Before long, you've set aside your practice blade, and your legs are carrying you to him despite yourself. With your hands clasped behind your back as you reach him, you say,
"Hey, uhm, Balthus...?"
"Hey babe," he says with a smile, casual as can be. You pick up his subtle, masculine scent, and at this proximity, the difference in your heights and size is wonderfully apparent. Goddess, you're acting like some blushing maiden- as though you and Balthus hadn't already shared a bed a handful of times. Damnit, thinking of that is only making it worse.
"I was hoping- if you're not busy- that maybe, if you wanted, you'd help me out a bit with, er, hand-to-hand combat? Since it's not my specialty or anything and you've offered before, so," you realize you're rambling, and so you lamely finish, "yeah."
Balthus gives a good-natured chuckle and turns fully toward you while removing the weighted gauntlets,
"Of course! No need to be so dodgy about it, you know. I offered to help and I meant it."
And for some time, you make an admirable effort. Balthus watches as you demonstrate what you're familiar and comfortable with thus far- but the moment his lesson becomes more hands-on, your restraint starts to bend. One hand at your lower back and another along your arm, he demonstrates how to more effectively throw a punch with the greatest impact. Other than your pulse, you manage not to react to his hands on your body at first. But then, he kneels to examine your footing.
"You gotta widen your stance, or you'll topple right over," he comments, and at first, you simply nod. Then, the warmth of his touch trailing up your inner thigh and guiding your legs apart very nearly causes your knees to go weak.
Balthus hums for a moment, low and unusually contemplative. Then, he stands behind you, and his hands slowly run up along your sides,
"You're acting a whole lot like you want something, babe," his low voice rumbles against your ear, "maybe even like you need something."
"Balthus," you try to say as sternly as you're able. He merely chuckles and turns you by the waist to face him.
"I had a feeling you were looking my way earlier. Guess I was right. C'mon, you can admit it- you just couldn't keep your eyes off of me." he wears a devilish grin, though you pout and turn your face from him, mumbling,
"We're supposed to be training..."
You've barely gotten the words out when Balthus' powerful arms sweep you up off your feet, and he heads toward the edge of the training grounds.
"Don't you worry, babe- I've got a hell of a workout in mind for us."
He carries you around the row of pillars surrounding the perimeter of the training grounds, and sets you on your feet- though only for a moment. With a hand on the pillar at your back, he wears a charmingly slanted grin and says,
"Want me to show you what these muscles can really do?"
Surely he can see the blatant lust in the way your eyes scan his body. Your face and body burn, but you swallow, then wordlessly nod. His eyes guide yours down his torso to where his hands undo the front of his pants, freeing the veined, thick length of his manhood. Your breath catches for a moment seeing him so hard and ready for you in the open like this. Perhaps your joint training had more of an effect on him than he'd let on.
A hand gripping under your thigh and an arm around your waist, Balthus lifts you up against the stone, and your legs naturally wrap around his hips for leverage. It's nearly an unnecessary effort though- he's easily strong enough to support you on his own. With one hand, he tugs your breeches down your thighs just enough to have access to your needy little hole. Your lips part, allowing a soft, sighing whimper as the warm tip of his cock presses against your entrance- though not yet pushing inside.
"Mmm, you're really hot and ready for me, aren't you?" he groans into your ear, his breath heavy against your skin. Your arms draw around his broad shoulders, bringing your body flush to his.
"Balthus, please-" you whine softly, "I need you..."
"Didn't know a good workout could get you so riled up," he says with a chuckle, firmly rubbing the length of his cock between your thighs, "Guess I'd be lying if I said I didn't get it though."
The throbbing head of his cock begins to push into you, the incredible girth of it stretching you out around him. Balthus grits his teeth and groans as you squeeze around him. You're already panting aloud; the feeling of his hard, sweat dewed body against yours, the shifting and flexing of his muscles as he holds you in place- it's simply too much. Your fingers tangle into his wild mane of hair, clinging to him as the careful but firm thrusts of his hips push him deeper and deeper into you. He gradually works you around his cock until he's sheathed fully inside of your warm, tight body.
He pulls away, then bucks his hips towards you, stuffing you full of his length so hard and deep that you gasp and your nails rake along the back of his neck. But he doesn't let up, his new pace firm and steady, fucking into you while trapping you between his body and the pillar behind you. He moans for you, his voice low and husky, and you feel his biceps tense as he holds you in place to be filled with him over and over.
"You... looked so damn good working up a sweat before," he says amidst his relentless thrusts, "Your body drives me completely crazy- ngh... damn," he breathes out heavily, "You just squeezed around me, babe."
"You- feel suh- so good...!" you moan between panting gasps of pleasure. You feel his huge member throb and swell out against your constricting walls. Balthus' hold on you tightens, lifting you up a bit and holding you close. Your thighs tremble around his hips as he pistons into you and your insides cling and coil around him in turn. Finally, with a rush that travels up your spine, you feel your climax take you and your eyes roll back.
"Balthus-!" you whimper his name as he fucks you through your orgasm, his pace never easing for a moment.
"Don't... think you can relax just- just yet..." he groans into your ear. His breathing is heavy and uneven, his thrusts deeper and faster. He only pulls out of you just enough to give you both the friction you need so badly- as though he simply can't bear to leave your warmth even for a second. Your weight and the strength of his abdomen keep you firmly against him, wrapped around his full length. Yet eventually, you feel him shudder, his posture tightening. It takes all of your focus to help even a little to keep yourself in place for him. You still feel weak and hazy from your climax. But Balthus is close, and you desperately need to feel him cum for you.
He moans your name, then presses his lips to yours. His kiss is all passion- graceless and intense, and you can't help but match his pace. Your tongues wrestle and you moan against him as, at last, his hips falter and his cock twitches, pulses. With one last strangled moan, Balthus begins to pump you full of an incredible amount of cum. As though bolstered by the physical exertion, he cums harder than you've ever felt before, mindless thrusts coating his cock in your combined release. At last, with one final push, the rush of his orgasm gradually begins to subside. Then, with a sigh of relief, he carefully pulls out from you, but holds onto you a moment longer.
"You... you good to stand?" he pants out.
"yu-yeah, I think."
He gingerly sets you on your feet, keeping an arm at your waist to support you. With a heavy exhale, he gives a short laugh and says,
"Damn, you might be the best training partner I've ever had."
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streets-in-paradise · 3 months
I hope you are well, and have a nice day. ☀️🌻
Hello... I wanted to make a request of you, (fem) Reader X Hector. My general idea is a princess who, although she may be a good queen, and useful to Troy, is rejected by the royal family and generals... Priam, Glaucus, Sarpedon..., except perhaps Paris who is too interested in having his brother Be happy and Briseis. Hector may fall in love with the princess during the girl's visit to Troy for commercial or cultural exchange, and he is not yet engaged to Andromache (Andromache may or may not be in Troy). And you know... Hector suffering in silence, and although he wants to avoid disappointing his father and all that, he loves the (fem) Reader... As an additional (if you consider that it doesn't go with the story, you could adapt it), the princess would remind in some way of Cleopatra (whether or not she is Egyptian) and that she is/was not accepted by Rome, in this case, Troy.
I read your post about what kind of female character would go with the Troy characters and it was great.
Thanks for reading me ✨
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(Gif of Cleopatra and Mark Antony from the Rome series, because it's fun to think that all the Trojan nobles would fear that (fem) Reader would corrupt Hector, their future king.)
Sorry for this late reply, i have been procrastinating the writing for the last couple of days and I once intended to post the fict within this answer.
Since I haven't been able to finish it yet, because i'm putting tons of research into it, I will answer the ask first to let you know i received it.
The idea sounds fantastic and while starting the writing I am watching a few Cleopatra centered media for inspiration. A few days ago I started the Elizabeth Taylor film ( it's 4 hours long so I am watching it slowly) and maybe after I will check on Rome ( i remember to have watched a few episodes back in the day, but haven't rewatched it since then)
I'm also midway into a re-reading of The Aeneid, to refresh my knowledge of how romans portrayed their mythical filiation with the trojans. Considering how much of it is constantly settling bridges between past an present, the idea of a Cleopatra-like figure in the times of Hector sounds fascinating and accurate for how romans developed mythical explanations for their historical rivalries.
Because in The Aeneid, Aeneas is portrayed as this epic figure who comes to be a superative of Hector as Rome is a superative of Troy. The story repeats over and over how he is supposed to evoke the glory of Augustus at the start of the empire. This is so obvious that the Battle of Actium is represented on the shield Vulcan makes for him ( parallel for the Iliad scene when Hephaestus makes the weapons of Achilles).
I can imagine romans writing stuff like " See? Troy found doom because of this bitch woman corrupting Hector for her gain and that's why Mark Antony was doomed to loose. Rome could only be founded by Aeneas, who reflects the glory of the freshly founded empire." the same way they justified their rivalry with Carthage through the episode with Dido.
The concept works so well considering the evolution of the epic cycle.
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psychedelic-ink · 2 years
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* i do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, reposted or translated (without my knowledge)
🔮 personal favorite || ☔️ smut || 🤧 angst || 🧁 fluff || 🩸 dark content
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The Green Moon 🤧☔️
it's been a month since grogu left with the jedi and you hate to see din so heart broken. What better distraction than to explore a foreign planet? in your desperate attempt to make him feel better, everything goes wrong.
Watch 🤧☔️
You're one the brink of dying. Your stomach restless with hunger as you come back to Nevarro after months to find a job but instead finding a warm meal, you have a run in with your ex: Din. Oh joy.
Poison & Wine (feat. duke leto) ☔️
the razor crest is low on fuel and din knows the perfect pit spot.
River ☔️
din likes it when you cry for him.
No Brakes ☔️
you have a bounty on your head, din takes the job.
This is the Way ☔️
It can be hard to understand Din and his creed, but the two of you try to make it work anyway.
Flowers That Bloom in Winter 🧁
A spiteful coworker ruins the flower arrangements you had hoped to compete with. Not knowing what can be done, you entertain a young boy named Grogu who comes in at the same time wanting to buy a bouquet for his father. The next day, Din returns and offers to help you out with your work until a competition. However, he is a bit awkward and clumsy when it comes to love.
I go round and round ☔️
waking up with din is a fun experience.
the aurora borealis☔️
A friend, lover, then stranger. The last thing you expected was to be snowed in along with the bounty hunter. Tension rises as the past circles you both, trapped in the Razor Crest with no where to run or hide.
Fear Not The Abyss ☔️🩸
cult au + “do you like it when i bleed for you?”
din initiates you into the cult.
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Alien Blues 🤧☔️
You walk deeper into the Razor Crest, you can hear him following you, his steps rageful. Thank god Grogu isn’t here, you don’t think you can keep your anger to yourself tonight. You attempt to put as much of a distance your can between the two of you but before you can he grabs your wrist and tugs you to him. Your shoulder aches from the force, it fuels the anger. 
Somebody Desperate ☔️
Din needs to feel you, both emotionally and physically.
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Tattoo Artist Din
I got a tattoo today and always wanted to write a tattoo shop au but since I don't really have the time to write a full-on fic right now I decided to write a couple of headcanons
Baker Din Djarin
Din wakes up early, opens up the shop, and starts working on the dough. He feels the strain in his biceps as he works the dough, the heat from the ovens causing beads of sweat to form on his forehead. After putting them in the oven, he briefly locks up and helps grogu ready for school.
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I've Got You Darlin' - Moonknight x f!reader x Din Djarin 🔮☔️🤧
you find yourself in the middle of a dangerous race of who will steal priam's treasure first; a mysterious cloaked figure who calls himself moon knight or a man in clad armor who calls himself the mandalorian. amongst the chaos, you and steven try to protect the remnants of history.
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Pairing: Priam x reader
Prompt: “It’s weird. I never thought I could feel like this, but you showed up. Now, it’s like I don’t wanna go on knowing I might lose the feeling.”
Description: While most might take the opportunity to sleep in a chilly morning like today, you and Priam can’t help but indulge in one anothers warmth.
Content Warning: N/A
Rating: sfw
Word Count: 724
Notes: From this prompt list here! I wanted to do something cute to get me at least back into the swing of things... I hope. It’s been rough for a while guys. I thought it was getting better but who knows! I always have this blog though :D Apologies for it being short and very uhh. Not looked over.
He could only wonder how he ended up like this. So... happy. Not that he wasn’t before but back then he had yet to realize it was you he was missing in his life. He had been searching, of course. Then again, he had always thought it was more power he wanted, to be stronger, better than he was the day before. Only with you did he feel… content in the moment. Seeing your soft smiles, saved for him, the way your eyes crinkled in delight at his return. All the little things you did… he could never tire of them.
“Priam?” Your voice, soft and sweet as ever, pulls him from his wondering thoughts (of you).
“Hm?” He catches your gaze, waiting patiently for what you had to say.
“I’m glad we can stay like this.” Your gaze moves lazily from his, admiring the way the two of you stay tangled in the blankets of your shared bed together. “Just… doing nothing. Lounging in one anothers company as if there’s nothing else to do.” You hummed softly before snuggling closer to his chest, an action that sent a hitch though his heart.
“Yeah,” All he can do is quietly agree, never quite as good as expressing his feelings than you were. “Me too.” Its all he can do to kiss the crown of your head and enjoy the silence that filters comfortably between the two of you. It doesn’t last long, however, because Priam can’t help but want to hear your sweet voice again, so he speaks. “It’s weird, though” Words mumbled out before he can ponder them much longer.
“Weird?” You repeat, opening up on eye to get a good look of the silly look on his face.
“Well, yeah.” His laugh has you grinning up at him as he continues. “I never thought I was the type… I never thought I could feel like this. But then, you showed up. Proved me wrong pretty quick.”
“Priam…” Your hand reaches up to cup his face and you shift once more to look into deep dark blue eyes. You can only smile at him as he continues, his hand going to rest over yours.
“Now it’s like…” He shakes his head, closing his eyes and letting out a little laugh. “No that’s dumb…”
“Aww come on, tell me!” You coo, rubbing your thumb over his cheek. “You were doing so good, my heart is beating like crazy over here!” You tease, to which he merely rolls his eyes. Still, you can see the barest hint of color starting to dust his cheeks.
“I just…” You see him huff once, looking away from you as he finishes “I don’t want to go on knowing I might lose this feeling.” Though his words are mumbled, you heard them loud and clear. After you took a moment to process his words, you can only pull him closer, arms wrapping around his neck in a tight hug.
“Priam… That’s so sweet.” You pull back only so you can properly speak with him. You can’t see the look on his face, but with your head cuddled up you can hear how quickly his heart is beating. It makes yours pick up a little bit, too.
“You mean a lot to me and I just want to make sure you know that.” his arms tighten ever so gently around you, and you feel him rest his head against yours. “If I lost you, I--” But you cut him off.
“You won’t lose me, so don’t bother thinking about it. I’m right here and I don’t plan on leaving you anytime soon.” You assure him. “So instead of worrying about it… focus on how you feel right now.”
“Right now?” He huffs, mulling it over for a few moments. “I’m… happy. Content to be here with you.” He exhales softly. “I don’t want it to end.”
“Me too. I love you, Priam.”
“I love you too.” You smile as you snuggle into his chest.
“Maybe if we hide under the blankets, Alfonse will let us sleep in.” A cute yawn leaves your lips.
“I’m willing to try out that theory.” The both of you laugh as the covers are thrown over your heads. Maybe this morning could last forever, at least in your hearts. And this time, that’s alright.
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lavender-at-heart · 3 years
Hi! How are you? I'm here again with more Troy requests as I said i will be because i loved what you wrote 💕May i ask for Paris x female reader dating headcanons? Thank you so much in advance, I love Orlando and crave for more content about this film. Finding your blog has been awesome and I'm enjoying your work.
♡︎𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞♡︎:
Pairing: Paris of troy x fem reader
Warnings: cuts
Thanks for sending another request , I really appreciate it! I'm ok, could be better. I hope that your doing well. Your so nice and I hope you enjoy! 💗
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Let's say you moved to troy from Greece to make things easier (because we don't need another trojan war)
I think it would be sweet if you were a common girl , ya know not super wealthy or highly ranked.
Maybe Paris' dad convinced him to get married or hed cut him off
So he'd anxiously and unwillingly go through the city with his brother looking for a girl he could tolerate and that his father would approve of
That was the difficult thing, every girl that Hector and his father would approve of was stuck up, boring, or didn't want to marry him due to his reputation with women
And every girl he was into was well- would not fit in well with the pompous Royals he was used to. Or they were married.
They spent 9 hours looking for a possible bride. Nine hours. It was sunset by the time they were done
Paris decided to go into the woods to practice his archery to take his mind off the day, he knew he'd have to do that cycle again tomorrow morning.
While shooting his arows he noticed a girl picking flowers not far away, what was a a young lady doing in the woods after dark? It could be seriously dangerous.
And as if the fates heard his thoughts he noticed a wolf crawl towards you and by the time you noticed it had already jumped on top of you.
You screamed out but the wolf suddenly went limp , it had been shot with multiple arrows.
You had been so stunned that Paris had to push the wolf off you and help you up
"are you ok?"
All you could do was let out a high pitched hum
He noticed you had skratches and cuts on you and ripped his tunic to wrap around your arm
You talked and explained your mother was ill and you had been taking those flowers to offer them to Asclepius (god of healing).
He had told you of his upcoming marriage and how archery helped calming him down
You were eternally grateful to him saying that you owe the prince a lifetime of debt
Paris laughed and walked you home
The next morning after giving your mother some healing water and saying your prayers you heard loud knocks on your door.
On the other side were two trojan soldiers, prince Hector and Prince Paris
You were very very confused but also very happy to see the prince again
He had told you that to pay off your debt you only had to do him one favor, you eagerly agreed saying you would do whatever he asked
" be my wife"
Hah , what? Marry a prince you only met yesterday. You had to sit down to think about it. He seemed very sweet, he was quite handsome and you had almost no money to support you and your mother. And there had definitely been weirder engagements under a shorter amount of time. Besides every girl wanted to marry a prince
Paris could sence you were hesitant and pulled out a golden ring with the biggest shiniest pearl you had ever seen
He told you that he knew he was in love with you and that Hera herself had blessed your engagement, and he pulled out a second gift : a golden apple.
A golden apple from the garden of Hesperides AND was gifted by Hera , goddess of marriage was the greatest gift any bride could ask for.
After they left your ran into your mother's room
" who was at the door? Why do you look so happy?"
" I'm going to get married, mater"
To say you were terrified of meeting your soon to be father in law was a understatement. But both the princes told you that Priam thought it was a brilliant idea that Paris marry someone as hard working as yourself.
And a week later you were married in the small temple of Hera troy had, as thanks for the kindness she showed you.
The city was not pleased about you a common girl marrying prince Paris but seeing as the marriage was blessed by Hera and the king , no one said anything.
Now instead of working all day and worrying about your sick mother , you would spend the time in the gardens with Paris, and youd watch him with his archery
Paris loved to spoil and shower you with riches, veils, dresses, wine,jewelry,anything, you ask and he shall give it to you.
But his favorite thing was sitting in the forest listening to you read him stories, you told him of all the great Greek stories you had learned as a child. The stories of Deadalus , Heracles, Prometheus, and Jason.
But his favorite story was that of Orpheus, the man who traveled all through hades to get his love back. He told you he would do the same if you were ever lost to him, because he's a hopeless romantic and a total drama queen.
And of course you had to deal with jellous looks day and night, but you knew Paris would never give a second look to anyone but you.
Although some days you would be stuck in your room, alone when Paris had to attend meetings and conferences. The days would stretch out longer than it seemed possible but it was all forgotten when he would come home, a bouquet of daffodils.
On those days, when you were alone you would visit Briseis , Andromache, or give offerings in the temple of Hera , you would always feel less lonely with her.
Ok this guy as a father would be hilarious- mans would be too scared to touch the baby incase he hurt them and too scared to fall asleep in case hades decided to take your child.
He'd teach the baby archery boy or girl, and how to be a proper prince/princess.
You and Andromache would laugh about how funny yet amazing father's Hector and Paris are.
But all in all, your days had been a absolute blessing since you had met Paris, thank gods that wolf didn't eat you
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psychedelic-ink · 2 years
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* i do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, reposted or translated (without my knowledge)
Here you’ll find the collection of all my fics written for characters portrayed by Oscar Isaac
🔮 personal favorite || ☔️ smut || 🤧 angst || 🧁 fluff || 🩸 dark content
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Soft Dark Nothing- Steven Grant x fem!reader 🔮☔️🤧
Steven’s been suffering from nightmares for a while now, you should’ve known better than to startle him awake.
Citrus Light| Steven grant x fem!reader☔️
You love the city especially at night. 
The way the cold wind brushes the loose strands out of your face, the way it rouses goosebumps across your skin. You love the lights, they remind you of the stars but instead of the sky they decorate the very earth you walk on. You look down on the city from the rooftop, everything seems so tiny. 
let me follow| steven grant x gn!reader - oneshot | mailcarrier may server collab 🧁
deciding that dating your postman would probably be unwise, you go out with a guy your friends set you up with. After a couple of shitty dates, Steven brings you a letter. You open it only to see that the guy had written you a long break up letter and telling all the things you did wrong on the dates. Furious by this, you invite Steven inside.
make your tea and your toast- jake lockley x fem!reader🔮☔️
your first time meeting jake lockley. an alter neither steven nor marc knows about.
stupid for you | steven grant x reader ☔️
steven wants you to admit he's the best you ever had, as always you don't make it easy for him
is forever for you? | jake lockley x reader
jake is always eager to teach.
Tongue Tied- Steven Grant x fem!reader x Marc Spector 🧁
Steven is helplessly and undeniably in love with you, simple as that. 
He enjoys talking to you, going to the movies with you, sleeping with you…He worships the very soil you walk on. Some would say he’s a little bit too in love but honestly who cares? Steven had you and that was all that mattered to him. 
Don’t Start Now- Marc Spector x archeologist fem!reader 🤧
Sweat drips down your forehead as you desperately try to follow Marc. The streets of Cairo are crowded as always, people bumping into you from every direction possible. Licking your lips, you reach out and grab the back of Marc’s jacket. He grumbles, clearly annoyed by you trailing him like a puppy. 
Walking On Sunshine- Steven Grant x gn!reader 🧁
Steven nervously stared at you from the top of his glasses. He was labeling the new products, or what he liked to call them junk, and was bored out of his wits. It was a tedious job and strained his eyes, which was the reason he was wearing his thick framed glasses. But his tedious day was quickly being proved not to be tedious anymore as you walked in through the glass doors. You had caught his glance, nodding as a small smile formed against your lips– Steven almost had a heart attack at that very moment. 
Love Me More - Marc Spector x fem!reader ☔️
marc wants you to prove how much you want him.
You Appearing - Steven Grant x fem!reader 🧁
Steven finds you on his doorstep, crying and needing a place to stay.
Flatline- Marc Spector x gn!reader 🧁
when the passionate night comes to a close and it’s time to resume normal life, marc is there to pick you up.
Heavy in Your Arms - Marc Spector x f!reader ☔️
‘literally come here so I can cover you in bite marks & hear you moan uncontrollably’
I’ve Got You Darlin’ - Moonknight x f!reader x Din Djarin 🔮☔️🤧
you find yourself in the middle of a dangerous race of who will steal priam’s treasure first; a mysterious cloaked figure who calls himself moon knight or a man in clad armor who calls himself the mandalorian. amongst the chaos, you and steven try to protect the remnants of history.
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save tonight(feat. frankie morales) ☔️
frankie comes with you with a proposal that you're eager to accept.
3 AM ☔️
santi comes to your room for a visit at 3 AM.
Already Gone ☔️
Both of your glistening bodies are buried in the darkness, only the light from outside reflecting against your skin. It’s always the same. He disappears for months. Comes back. Fucks you. Holds you. Makes you breakfast in the morning. Then leaves for another series of months. This time you're set on not giving him what he wants; your voice.
Watercolor Eyes ☔️
your adventures with sex worker santiago "pope" garcia
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Poison & Wine (feat.din djarin) ☔️
the razor crest is low on fuel and din knows the perfect pit spot.
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Pumpkin Seeds ☔️
you and poe fin yourself on a pumpkin infested planet, however the flowers that surround them seem to be poisonous.
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Arise Sun ☔️
William Tell is a dangerous man. You should’ve known better than to piss him off. 
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Let Me Wrap My Teeth ☔️
after finding him wounded in an empty alleyway, against your better judgment, you decide to patch him up in your apartment. you expect that to be the end of it, never to see him again, that is, until you do.
Codeborn ☔️
artificial intelligence au + "here, you are. you tiny thing."
there are codeborns and codebreakers. In this world ruled by ai and the people who want to keep it that way, codebreakers fight for freedom while the feared codeborns (ai-enchanced humans) do everything to keep the so-called 'peace'. You are one of the codebreakers, hunted by one of the most menacing codeborn yet, miguel o'hara.
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psychedelic-ink · 2 years
I know I've been making a lot of polls lately but in my defense, it has been helping me organize what to work on and it's always interesting to see what you guys prefer 💜
as always, brief summaries of every series listed below!
I've Got You Darlin'
you find yourself in the middle of a dangerous race of who will steal priam's treasure first; a mysterious cloaked figure who calls himself moon knight or a man in clad armor who calls himself the mandalorian. amongst the chaos, you and steven try to protect the remnants of history.
Ego & Black Powder
A prison guard shouldn’t be infatuated with a prisoner. Simple as that. But this new prisoner who you didn’t know the name of, made this rule very difficult to follow.
Million Dollar Man
Two years had passed since your break up with Jack, a fellow Statesmen agent. But everything re-ignites again when Champ asks you to go San Francisco to investigate the disappearance of multiple women across the country and, sadly enough, agent Malibu. While doing anything with Jack is chaos enough, you also run in to another ex, a man that actually showed you kindness and someone you thought you could spend the rest of your days with that is until he started asking too many questions about your job, Frankie Morales.
We Fall Like Snow
After the events that took place at the Cliff Beasts set, needless to say as his bodyguard (and friend) you became overprotective of Dieter. You have all your worries under control until you accidentally flip over a young fan by grabbing her wrist, causing the media to stir with speculations as to why. Luckily Dieter's family arrives in the nick of time, scooping you both from New York to their cozy cabin; however winter wonderland can't last forever and you need to face the consequences of your actions sooner or later.
Advanced Politics Of Human Sexuality
 He only saw you only once, before you moved away with your father, far from your mother but now you’re back with no clue what to do with the rest of your life.
The first time was an accident. One day Javi sees you getting out of the shower and can’t help himself. It’s not his fault you never heard of closing the curtains before. After that he should’ve stopped. You’re the daughter of his favorite house keeper after all. But he can’t help the way your body calls out to him again and again.
Blocked By Snow
With everyone out of town for the holidays, a lonely Santiago wanders the streets. His nightly walk leads him to your coffee shop.
Bound For Carnage
Dave lost everything: His divorce has been finalized. He sees his daughters only on the weekends. He has nothing except for the horrific job he keeps on doing just so he can give his children the best life that he can in such conditions.
But then, well, he meets you.
He tells himself it's nothing serious. It's clear that you like him and he flirts a little, some harmless fun. Never once did he think of taking you back to his place, he knows that if you seep through the cracks of his armor he's as good as gone.
But what happens when the little paper he receives has your name written inside of it instead of someone else?
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psychedelic-ink · 2 years
𝐈'𝐯𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧' ║ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨
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pairing: moon knight (all alters) x f!reader (starlight) x din djarin
rating: Explicit (for eventual smut & angst)
word count: 4.1k
series summary: you find yourself in the middle of a dangerous race of who will steal priam's treasure first; a mysterious cloaked figure who calls himself moon knight or a man in clad armor who calls himself the mandalorian. amongst the chaos, you and steven try to protect the remnants of history.
chapter summary: You and Steven meet the Mandalorian. Marc chases after Priam's treasure.
chapter warnings: smut, dirty talking (like so much of it), piv, cumming on face, cum eating, pov switch, both of them being very unhinged and horny
ㅤㅤㅤAO3 | Series Masterlist | Playlist
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You’ve always found Steven’s apartment to be a little piece of heaven on earth. 
You enjoy the small home, the many books, and the faint light seeping through the one sole window. It’s inviting. You could stay there four hours studying and doing research, and you actually did, once. He also joined you that day, pulling out books he thought you would enjoy and might help. 
But now you can only think, feel, and smell him. Nothing else. Not even the oldest book he owns that smells like sweet cacao can tear you from the beauty that is Steven Grant. His lips are on your own, sucking and nipping your bottom lip as he leads you inside, slamming the door closed with his heel. His hands are everywhere all at once. It’s mind numbing. You can’t breathe, you’re drowning in the pure essence of him. He squeezes your flesh, pulls at your clothes. Steven’s leading you further inside, the darkness making it nearly impossible to know where you’re going but he does, and you trust him. 
Steven holds you as the two of you tumble down to the bed, his hands caught between you and the sheets. When he attempts to pull away, you feel the warmth of his cock pressing against your stomach, his lips latch onto your neck and don't let go. You moan at the way his tongue dances along, tasting the salt of your skin, nipping at it. The soft pain makes you keen with gritted teeth, whimper after whimper falling from your already parted lips. Taking the opportunity, Steven licks the inside of your mouth, his eyes roll back when his hips stutter forward, grinding against your clothed heat. You’re no better, a wanton moan ripping from your throat as his lips crashes into yours. It’s messy. Teeth clicking, noses smashing against one another like teens. 
Oh god. His desperation makes you want him more. Every touch, every kiss. He’s desperate for you, he’s been waiting for this. Waiting for you. And you’ve been waiting for him. His hands skims up your hips and waist, you hiss at the way his fingers sneak under your shirt, giving your tits a firm squeeze. You part away with a needy whine, hands clawing at his clothed back. 
“F-Fuck– Steven–” 
His hands still, looking down at you with the all too familiar puppy dog eyes. 
“Sorry, was that too much Starlight?” he mouths the question into the underside of your jaw, laying a gentle kiss right after. “Do you want me to slow down? Stop? I can brew us some tea–” 
“God, Steven no, not tea,” you scoff, hands soothingly going up and down his back. “I don’t want to stop, I’ve been waiting for so long,” 
“Oh, fantastic then,” he grins into your skin. “I most certainly did not want to stop for tea,” 
Until now, you always thought  Steven was a virgin. Which you didn’t mind. Not at all.
But the way he moves, the way he already knows what gets you to sing his name makes you think otherwise. You will ask him about it one day. But not today. 
Clothes are thrown to the floor one by one. Leaving the two of you bare and naked for the first time, exposing yourselves to the other’s curious filled glances. Steven examines you like a piece of art, and just like the Mona Lisa under the glass, he hesitates to touch you after you’ve been hurriedly shredded out of the constricting fabric that now lays on the floor. 
He examines you like a piece of art, you examine him like an archeologist. You want to touch him. Feel the curves, feel the wrinkles and creases brought to him with time, you want to piece him together, dart your tongue out and taste him– which you heard was something a very famous archeologist did do to the artifacts he found but that’s beside the point– you need to feel that taut skin under your fingertips. Oddly enough, for someone who’s only workout is running after a bus, Steven’s quite fit and muscular. You can almost see a ghost of a six pack, waiting to peak out with a bit of exercise. His arms are strong, which you knew already but never saw, his legs are carved like a marble statue. An ache blossoms deep inside your pussy, you need to feel him. 
Licking your lips, your hungry gaze guzzles the sight of his cock. It’s hard, leaning a bit to the right, and already beading with precum. You’re curious of how he tastes, curious of what noises he would make when you take him into your mouth and swallow him whole. 
You lay back on the bed, spreading your legs wide for his tentative gaze. His pupils are blown, fingers twitching as a gush of slick drips down to the sheets. He makes a choked out sound and you can’t help the way your lips curve into a smirk. 
“Steven, please,” you tease, fingers dipping between your folds. “I need you to ruin me,” 
“You’re even dirtier than I imagined you to be,” 
“You imagined me?” your breath hitches, fingers moving to your clit. “Fuck, Steven– You thought about me while stroking yourself?” 
The bed dips and creaks as he crawls between your legs, gently nudging them apart with his thick thighs while leaning forward, his chest flush against your own. Your nipples pebble at the feeling of his warm skin grazing against them, chest heaving under his weight, your fingers still delicately continue to rub your clit. He’d left you a bit of wiggle room to move and you’re eternally grateful for it. Steven’s breathing is strained, chest stammering as if he’s having trouble by such a natural thing. His lips brushes the shell of your ear, a needy whine escapes your lips at the touch. So soft. So warm. So Steven. 
“I did.” another languid breath, another wave of slick leaking out of your needy core. “Nearly every night, do you want to know what I thought about? What kind of obscene things I made you do in my mind, Starlight?”
His voice dips lower with every word, his tongue rolling over each of them, as if he’s tasting you. The question falls into the shell of your ear. His cock lays heavy against your stomach, throbbing and leaking precum. With every flick of your fingers against your aching clit, your wrists grazes against his length, you can feel him tremble with every fleeting touch. He presses forward, thrusting slowly into the softness of your stomach. Your back arches, involuntarily pressing your tits into his chest. You want to feel even closer. 
“Yes, Steven– Please–” 
“Alright then,” he murmurs, there’s a hint of danger lurking in his voice. A side you never seen of Steven. Darting out his tongue, he plays with the love of your ear as he continues to whisper filth into your skin. “I imagine you on your knees, lips split wide with my cock buried deep in your throat–” he sucks in a slow breath, hips stutter forward. “You take me so well, eagerly swallowing me, nails digging into the back of my thighs,” 
“What then?” 
You feel frantic, at the verge of madness. Your fingers move faster, drawing quick, short circles around the bundle of nerves. God– You think you might just come with his dirty mouth. Every aching breath he rakes, every smooth stroke of his cock against your stomach, all of it pushes you to the edge. A airy chuckle stumbles out his parched lips, he mouths the curve of your neck, tongue dancing across your burning skin. 
“Then…” he purrs. “Then you beg me with those pretty eyes of yours to cum into your mouth, and since you’re always spoiling me, I do the same for you–” 
Suddenly he tangles his fingers into your hair and pulls, snapping your head back and dipping fully into your neck. He devours you. Tongue lapping every inch and teeth digging into your flesh. Precum pools on your lower abdomen, making the glide of his hips much more smooth. A jolt of pleasure spikes up your spine and you gasp, eyes rolling back as he mouths the underside of your open jaw. 
“You swallow every bit, love. Then I lean in…” his lips graze against your own, a soft smile tugging at them. “...to kiss you,” 
And he does. Lips smoothing into yours, opening them wide as he sucks your tongue, and pushes his own into your eager mouth. It’s messy. Spit dribbling down the side of your chin, body shaking at the feeling of your own fingers still going around your clit. You’re so close– so fucking close– You just need to hear more of him. More of those filthy scenarios. 
You part away with a loud gasp followed by a moan. Before you speak, he presses his lips into your cheek, kissing softly as he rolls his hips, another bead of precum catching against your wet skin. 
“More,” you beg, eyes teary and voice trembling. “I’m so close– Tell me more, Steven,”  
“You know what I really want to do?” he asks. You squeeze your eyes shut, shaking your head furiously. “When you work, so deep in concentration, the anxiety twisting at your lips– I just want to bend you over the table and fuck you right there– Want to fuck the anxiounsness out of you, want to fuck you till every worrying thought drops out of that brilliant mind of yours. I’ll fuck your so hard that you’ll makes a mess of the floors, squirting and coming apart around my cock– You’ll make the prettiest sounds,” 
Lips parting wide, you cry out. Your body jolts, and a flash of white bursts across your eyes, you feel his lips on your neck once more. His teeth sink into your skin. Littering you with the perfect dents, the sharp pain mixes with the pleasure, a long whine rattling your chest as you cum all over your fingers, clit throbbing and twitching as you gush out. You can see it so vividly. Steven fucking you in your office for anyone passing by to see, or hear. He’ll make you fall over the edge again and again, relishing in the feeling of making you unwind. Your head spins. Body spasming and coming to a halt as he swallows your moans with another searing kiss. He licks the whimpers away, hands sliding down your body and cupping your tits, giving them a rough squeeze. 
“That’s it,” he groans, sound muffled by your sweat coated skin. “That’s my Starlight,” 
“Fuck–” you head falls back, body slowly relaxing as Steven pulls himself back up, cock still nestled against your stomach. “Steven…that was amazing– Holy shit–” 
Licking your lips, you reach forward and grab his cock, he hisses out a breath, eyes scrunching shut and back arching into your touch. You give it a slow tug, he’s burning, throbbing. You can’t wait to feel that heat inside. 
You look up with half lidded eyes, they glimmer with unshed tears of pleasure. Steven looks down at you and unsaid words of love and care pass through the meet of your gaze. A sheer coat of perspiration shimmers across his skin. You have no idea how you managed to get so lucky with him by your side. 
“I really need you to fuck me now,” you whisper. “Please,” 
That’s all it takes for Steven Grant to lose complete control of himself. 
You have no idea what does it; the tone of your voice, the emotions, the fact that he’s been basically edging himself against your stomach. It’s probably the combination of all of it. Maybe it’s not that simple. Maybe the reason he finally gives in fully is because of every moment you’d spent together. Every yearning moment of fleeting touches and hidden glances. Everything has been building up to this moment. 
He consumes you, thrusting into you with one swift roll of his hips as he once more covers your quivering body with his own. You feel so full. He pulls back and you nearly lose all consciousness, the stretch he provides is downright blissful, enough to have electricity sparkling under your eyelids again and again. His lips seek out yours, groaning into your needy mouth as he snaps his hips again and again. Every movement desperate. Every thrust needy. Steven ruts into you like an animal, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing in the darkness of his small apartment. The sound alone makes your cunt gush around him, the heat building again, pleasure licking your skin and biting into your ecstatic beating heart. 
Steven doesn’t stop as your orgasm tears through you again with a shout. You’re pretty sure it’s his constant mumbling into your ear that urged you to cum again. His cock feels too much now, it throbs, burning and searing your insides. He forces out another orgasm, cunt gushing and squeezing him tight. You’re pretty sure the sheets are soaked and some sick part of you is glad for marking his territory like a dog. He huffs above you, lips only an inch away from your face as he groans. 
“Where do you want me?” so needy, always so needy. 
The image he painted for you with nothing other than his words flashes in your mind, you mewl. 
“Face– Cum on my face Steven,” 
“Shit– Okay okay, I’m– I’m going to,” 
He pulls out and a tear escapes your eye. If you could, you would have him fuck you forever. 
Steven straddles your chest, fingers squeezing around the base of his cock as the tip nudges against your lips. You kitten-lick the tip, groaning at the way he tastes. He rasps, stroking himself nice and hard, you continue to suckle at the tip, looking up at him with lust swirling in your eyes. He looks beautiful like this. Head thrown back, the veins in his neck popped, and lips parting with your name. 
Steven’s hips stutter back, and paint you with thick ropes of cum splashing against your face. He’s on your lips, lashes, cheeks. You moan at the warmth of it, and your body aches at the idea of being marked by him. You dart your tongue out to taste him on your lips, but before you can he’s leaning down, cleaning you up. The wet muscle dances across your lips, cheeks, eyes and before you know it that same muscle slides between your lips, pushing his seed into you. Your nails bite into his back, groaning at how filthy all of this is, every last bit of it feels like it popped out of your wildest dreams. 
Before he parts, he licks the inside of your mouth once last time, then he collapses next to you. It lasts only for a moment. The feeling of floating in nothingness, the emptiness coursing through your veins and making your heart sink into your chest. But before you dwell on it, Steven wraps his arms around you, pulling you close with his lips skimming the tip of your head in loving adoration for you. 
You sigh at the touch, feeling lighter than air, you playfully take a bite of his chest and nuzzle the faint mark. 
“Bloody hell, ‘should’ve asked you out sooner,” 
“Hmm let’s not think about lost time,” you coo. You look up to him and trace your fingertips across his jawline. “Let’s just try not to lose anymore,” 
“Right as always, Starlight.” 
Another kiss to your temple, your heart swells. 
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You wake up to an empty bed. It’s still pitch black outside. Rubbing your eyes with one hand, the other searches for Steven. He’s not there. The bed completely empty. You groan as you begin to stir, slowly getting up. Your body feels sore, a pleasant ache running across from between your legs to your stomach. After the pleasurable acts of sin, both you and Steven had forgotten to put his restraint around his ankle. 
But just as you begin to worry, you hear a sound. It’s coming from the living room. 
With shaky legs you get up. You can see Steven’s silhouette within the dark, he’s looking out the window, fingers twitching against the cool glass. 
He jumps, which is typical of him, what you don’t expect is his refusal to look at you. His body is tense, muscles twitching when you take a step closer. There’s an unfamiliar tension in the air. You and Steven had your fair share of arguments before but it never felt like this. He never treated you like a complete stranger.
“Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine.” 
Now that certainly didn’t sound like Steven. 
“You sound different, are you sure you’re okay?”
Was that an accent? 
“All the better to talk to you my dear,” 
“Sorry that was a dumb joke,” he sighs and brushes the curls away from his face. “Go back to sleep,” 
For some reason you do. Uncovering the truth is a part of your job, something you enjoyed doing, but for some reason you didn’t care to do digging for your own life. 
You sleep soundlessly. When you wake up again, the sun shines, Steven sleeping right next to you. A smile blossoms on your lips, you worried over nothing. 
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You always enjoyed working after hours. It wasn’t the work itself that made you enjoy it but the silence. The darkness. To know somewhere like no one else did. You knew how the moonlight hit the surface of the artifacts, the ones that were buried in the darkness and the ones that were bathing in light. You had it all memorized. The sound, the owl’s hooting nearby that made you feel in a horror film. You cherished every moment of it. This was your time. You could work without distractions, your music humming without care into the night. 
You love that you’re able to share this with Steven. 
He leans into one of the glass showcases, his fingers only an inch away from the smooth surface. His eyes beam with interest, dark pools of caramel flickering between every bronze age spear and dagger within the box. Taking a step towards him, you follow his gaze, observing each artifact. You remember cleaning a couple of them from the rust, revealing the beauty underneath. Your shoulder brushes upon his and you feel his gaze falling back to you, his lips curl into a smile. 
“I’ve never been here at night,” he says, straightening up. You do the same. “It has quite a different air to it, doesn’t it? I see why you enjoy working at night,” 
“See, I told you,” the two of you head deeper inside the museum, fingers shyly intertwining with one another. “Sometimes I like to think about everything coming alive, you know like in that movie?”
Eyes turning to you, he raises an eyebrow, snorting, “Are you talking about the Night at the Museum? How on earth did you forget that name, you’re literally living it,” he shrugs. “Sadly though, love, there’s not much to come alive in this section. I don’t think metal is alive,” 
“Some believe that it is,” 
“Fine,” he shakes his head and chuckles. “These metals can’t be alive– What are these like hundreds and hundreds of years old?” 
“Can you imagine if they did though?” you playfully bump into him. “Then again, It would be a really boring movie,” 
He parts his lips to speak but is interrupted by a loud crash, the sound immediately reminds you of broken glass shattering. Both of your heads snap back, worry and fear written all across your expressions. 
“Do you reckon the damn bronze weapons actually came alive?” Steven swallows, his tongue feeling heavy and foreing in his mouth. 
“I don’t think so, let’s go check,” 
You don’t want to but you need to. But despite that need, your steps are slow, fingers digging into the outside of Steven’s hand. Your heart beats in your throat. Fear is a nasty thing. It’s been haunting you since yesterday, bits of it seeping through the cracks every moment of the day. It didn’t matter if you were eating, working, spending time with Steven. It was always there, circling your worried heart. 
The two of you find yourself in the Troy section, you look around, nothing seems to be misplaced– Your eyes fall ahead, the familiar sight of the gold headpiece and other artifacts gone. Priam’s Treasure. Gone. 
Panic crackling, you pull at Steven’s sleeve, heading towards the broken glass and the light that now illuminated nothing. 
“Someone stole it, It’s gone,” 
“Priam’s treasure,” Steven reads the information board outloud and blinks. “How could anyone even–” 
A gust of wind blows, it’s cold and harsh against your skin. You look up, eyes wide, there was a man covered in armor standing right infront of the large glass windows. You’ve seen that familiar glint of metal before, he’s been a regular occurrence in the news. The figure is looking down at you both, you can almost imagine him smiling despite never seeing him without his helmet on. Steven follows your gaze, his breath hitches. 
“I told you I’d see you soon,” 
The modulated voice echoes, it’s softer than you expect. Confusion riddles your brain, what did he mean by that? Did you know him? Did– Your eyes flicker back to Steven– 
Did he know him?
Suddenly Steven lunges forward, a noise of pain choked out of his lungs as he holds his chest. You lean with him, an arm protectively wrapped around his shoulders as your heart nearly leaps out of your throat. 
“Steven? Steven are you alright?” 
Then he stills. You can barely hear him breathing. He slowly stands up, eyes looking up and glaring daggers at the mandalorian. You pull your arm and take a step back, he seems…different. Dangerous. Full of rage. 
You look up to the other man, his head is tilted with curiosity. A soft chuckle reaches you both, the sound entrancing you. 
“I don’t think that’s who you think it is, sweetheart,” 
A beat passes, fear and anxiety thrumming in your ears as you turn back to Steven. He doesn’t look at you. He scoffs and clicks his jaw, your eyes widen with horror when a white suit forms around his body, hugging every muscle from head to toe. The fabric resembles mummy wraps. His face disappears last, Steven’s gone, there’s a stranger standing across from you. 
You drag your eyes back up to the other, he’s still there. Why is he still there waiting? 
The next thing you hear him say sends a chill down your spine. 
“Better run.”  
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Steven’s been staring at his door for five minutes. His heart is pounding mad in his chest, that’s all he can hear, all he can focus on. The last thing he remembers is being with you, then he finds himself dangling off of a roof top, a sharp pain in his chest, gazing at the metal buckethead running off with the treasure. 
What on earth happened? 
This isn’t new. He’s been seeing these creepy images of a beast with a bird skull for a head. But that all seemed to stop after he met you. His mind was at ease, his heart content. Now that delicate bubble of self preservation had popped, sending him tumbling right into the face of chaos. His chest heaves and he finally gathers the courage to push the key through the lock. 
He should’ve called you as soon as his consciousness came crashing back. 
When he kicks the door open, Steven hears the scratchy noise of his old radio. His shoulders tense, gaze fixated ahead. There’s someone inside his apartment. Gently closing the door, he licks his lips and focuses on the lyrics of the song. 
I need your love
I want your love
Then he notices you. 
There’s an open book on your lap but you’re not reading it. You’re just looking blankly ahead, a slight tremble to your lips, cheeks stained with dried up tear streaks. He stands in front of you and your gaze rises up to meet his. Steven holds his breath. He waits for you to talk, he’s too scared to break the silence. A passing car lights up half of your face, you look almost betrayed. 
Say you're in love
In love with this guy
This isn’t going to be good. His heart races. 
If not, I'll just die
“What the fuck happened?” 
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