#Garaav Nioremont
eorzean-wayfinder · 2 months
New graphics, who 'dis? - Goblin edition
Last installment with all my Goblin kids, they are the nest batch in my altaholic addiction and overall the new graphics are I think going to treat them well. I've also found after talking to several friends that the 'crystal' default setting in the creator isn't kind to ANYONE.
New on the left, old on the right.
L'devah Fhey - looks the same, if only a bit older.
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Troy Maerten - I LOVE IT. He actually looks more like the half elezen that he's supposed to be.
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Duq Tribeless - All my dark skinned kids are looking SO MUCH BETTER.
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Edelweiss Journey - She looks good, the same. Won't really need any changes.
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Clematis Journey - Edel's sibling. I've never gotten him to look the way I want him to, until now. He might need some tweaking just to see what the options look like but otherwise yaaay.
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Blu Dalmasca - I think the crystal lighting just isn't nice to him here. I'll have to see if he needs any changes under different lighting.
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Garaav Nioremont - Overall I like it. some small changes might be needed but it will take getting him into the actual game to see.
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Blilly Lee Black - He's one I could never get to look right, but also the only character not a complete OC. Difficult with someone based on a character from another game, but I think he might actually finally look the way I want him to be with the new graphics. Also even as accurate as this hair is.... I think it needs to change, all I can think of when I see it is fucking Asahi...
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